#tumblr just eats the quality rip
nicolinocolino · 3 months
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seven minutes in heaven. time's up.
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feralsteddie · 1 year
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move over, veccy, there's new boys in town
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eunxhan · 4 months
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❝ A kiss is the beginning of cannibalism. ❞
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Ꮺ Anon Requested ⨾ hii can u do a ticci toby x cannibalistic gn reader?
Ꮺ Eun Replies ⨾ Greetings! I apologize for the late response as i got more focused on working on my ocs — This is quite short compared to my other works but I do hope you'll like this one! I've searched on how cannibalism works just to make sure.
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Ꮺ Disclaimer — GORE!SUGGESTIVE! I do not condone this kind of behavior in real life situations.
Words used ⨾ 624 words 3,502 characters
Character ⨾ TOBIAS ERIN ROGERS (Ticci Toby)
Art credit ⨾ @/kousomii on tumblr
Links ⨾ My Navigation
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Toby felt a strange mix of fascination and horror when he first encountered you. You were out, eating the corpse he just sliced up. He couldn't help but wonder how you got into your current situation, what led you to become a cannibal, and how you were able to maintain the facade of being a normal, functioning member of society.
Toby sometimes feels tempted to try what you are eating, but he always stops himself from actually doing so. If you manage to have some influence on him or try to convince him, he'll do so.
So whenever he goes out to do his missions, if you were allowed to he would let you follow him to clean up his mess. If you weren't, he would come back with a bag full of the parts you prefer.
If you happen to have a biting habit, whether biting yourself or someone else. He's be fascinated by it as he also have a biting habit, he doesn't mind you biting him as he doesn't feel that much pain as long as you let him bite also. He just watch you bite him and look at the bite marks, just don't bite him when he's in a sour mood.
If you cook them, Toby is intrigued and impressed by your skills as a cook, especially if you have a talent for preparing human flesh in a way that's palatable and delicious. He enjoys the idea of sharing a meal with you that is both unique and delicious.
He may or may not say some jokes about you being a cannibal. Toby's sexual jokes about you are him comparing your appetite for human flesh to his imagined prowess in bed. He'll make crude remarks, such as "You're tearing through those organs like you'd rip through a woman's panties."
Toby's indifference towards your post-feast appearance is a direct reflection of his own descent into depravity. Once disgusted by the mere thought of cannibalism, leaving him numb to the grotesque reality surrounding him but who knows? He's also a killer.
He knows that he himself isn't much better, for he too has stained his hands with blood and consumed human flesh. His ambivalence towards your plight is a twisted acceptance of their shared fate, a grim acknowledgment that they have both become monsters in their own right.
For Toby, he just eats the people he chops for survival and if you happen to have a different reasoning Toby listens to your dissection of cannibalism with a mix of repulsion, curiosity, and a twisted sense of familiarity. The gruesome details of how your body processes the consumed flesh, the nutritional benefits, and the sensory experiences, all serve as a morbid testament to the transformation you have undergone.
As you delves into the biological aspects of cannibalism, Toby's mind can't help but conjure vivid images of digestion, the human body breaking down its victims in the most base and primal of ways.
With the knowledge of cannibalism fresh in his mind, Toby's approach to his missions takes on a new, more methodical quality. Instead of the wild, frenzied attacks that once characterized his hunts, Toby now dispatches his victims with a chilling efficiency.
With each slash of his blade, Toby is careful to target specific organs, his actions driven by the newfound knowledge of their nutritional value. He takes the time to slice off limbs, and as he does, he can't help but recall yout descriptions of the sensory experiences. A strange, twisted thrill courses through him as he works.
Once he's collected his bounty, Toby methodically collects the parts into one bag, taking care not to mix the organs with the flesh. You'll be eating with no problem in your mind.
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HEY SORRY FOR THE LATE UPLOAD. I ended up accidentally ripping some of my skin, so it hurt to move my hand a lot. If Tumblr makes the quality bad, I'm so sorry idk how to fix that. :sob: This took me 3 HOURS SO EAT UP!!
I just really wanted to do something wholesome also I think Iris, Circusic, and Cube should all be three gay dads to three wonderful heroes together jus saying
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In The Low Light- Chapter 2
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Photo credit and source unknown
Notes: tumblr is fucking testing my patience with this. This will be about the 6th time I’ve tried to make this post, so if the formatting is weird I am going to break something. Quality control by @365granitegirlx thank you Professor Wolfie, you’re a saint and a lifesaver. Anywhoozle, this one has me allllll up in my feels. Enjoy!
Masterlist (please read first)
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Tags/warnings/etc: Biker!IV x Fem!OC, disordered eating habits but you have to squint, smoking, aggressive words of affirmation, sweet sugary fluff that’ll make you diabetic
Word count: 2368
Summary: IV takes some time over the week to show Sadie that she can trust him, he drives her home from work, and he asks her on a date.
The following day I found myself replaying the interactions with Mr. Numerals. He was clearly no stranger to dangerous situations and was not to be toyed with. He was about to offer to walk me home or something. Why was he so concerned with my safety? And my biggest question: why was he being so kind to me? He was obviously wanting to get something out of this for himself, but I was lost as to what. He didn’t act like a starving animal drooling over a piece of meat. He said it himself, he may be a criminal, but he isn’t a monster. Maybe he’s just genuinely being nice for the sake of being nice… I’m pulled from my conflicted thoughts by the sound of a customer obnoxiously clearing their throat at the pharmacy counter. I spend entirely too much time explaining to the senior gentleman that he didn’t have any refills left. When he finally leaves with a dramatic huff of frustration and a few colourful metaphors, I tell the pharmacist that I’m going on a smoke break. I take my name tag off, grab my cigarettes and lighter, and head for the front doors.
As I walk along the side of the building, my gaze focuses on the sight of a familiar looking motorcycle, the rider leaning against the seat. He’s wearing the exact same thing as yesterday—helmet on, the visor pulled down. In his hands is a cheap flip phone, and his fingers move deftly across the buttons. I bring my cigarette to my mouth and light it, inhaling deeply before speaking. “I thought I told you not to follow me.” I blow the smoke from my lungs and shiver as a cold breeze blows across the parking lot.
His obstructed face turns towards me and he reaches up to pull off his helmet. Underneath is the same mask as yesterday. “I’m not following you. I swear I had no idea you worked here.” Surprise colours his voice, and his eyes reflect this. I almost believe him.
“Mmhmm…” I walk to the wall of the building and lean against it, taking another drag off my smoke. My eyes catch on his, and I hold his gaze for a few seconds. “I’d tell you I believe you, but I’d be lying.”
He chuckles slightly and breaks eye contact first. “I don’t blame you for not trusting me, however I am being honest. I’m here to make a business deal. I didn’t know you worked here.” He brings his eyes back up to mine, and I see no deception in them.
I struggle to find something to say, and before I can, my stomach growls loudly enough for him to hear it, even from several feet away. I wrap my arms around myself as another icy breeze hits my skin.
“Have you eaten anything yet?” Before I can answer, he turns to the back of his bike, opens a large compartment, and begins searching through it. He seems to find what he’s looking for and turns, walking closer until he’s in front of me. He holds his hand out, one of those high calorie protein bars in his palm, though it’s a brand I don’t recognize.
“I’ll be fine.” I shake my head no at him. My stomach growls again in protest.
“Please, I insist.” He pushes his hand even closer. “You need to eat.”
I sigh, reaching out and taking the bar from his grasp, a small smile playing at the edges of my mouth. “Thank you.” I rip open the wrapper and take a bite. It’s chocolate and some kind of dried fruit. It’s absolutely delicious. My eyes shut of their own accord as I enjoy the taste. “Oh my god…”
I hear a deep chuckle from him and feel a flush in my cheeks. I open my eyes and find him watching me, his eyes crinkled at the edges from the unseen smile on his face. I pull my eyes away and look at my feet, the warmth in my face burning even hotter now. I take another bite.
I hear a faint buzz, and he pulls his phone out of his pocket. “Unfortunately, I need to cut this short. Enjoy the last few bites, princess.” He gives me a small nod, and turns back to his bike. He picks up his helmet, but turns to look at me before he puts it on. “I like it when you smile. Your whole face lights up. It’s a beautiful sight.” With that he pushes the helmet over his head, settles into the seat, and the engine roars to life. He backs out of the parking spot, and drives away leaving me reeling from his compliment.
The next day happens much the same. Only this time when I walk outside, his helmet is off and in his hands are a to-go cup from the coffee shop across the lot and another protein bar. He hands me both when I get close enough, our fingers brushing for a second before he pulls away.
“I didn’t know what you’d like, so I got peppermint tea with a little bit of honey. And another one of those bars.” His voice is soft, with a touch of uncertainty. His eyes avoid mine, and his fingers twitch.
He’s so charming. This thought flies through my mind, catching me off guard. “Uhm- Thank you, you didn’t have to get me anything.” My voice is hushed. “It’s too kind of you.” I step away, moving to stand against the building. A harsh cold wind blows over the parking lot, and I hold the cup close to my chest to absorb the warmth. I shiver hard and my teeth chatter together.
“Actually,” he rummages through the compartment on the back of the bike again, this time pulling out a small throw blanket. “I think I did. I wanted to make sure you had something to eat, and a hot drink.” He shakes out the blanket and walks toward me. He stops directly in front of me, and holds the blanket out with an expectant look in his eyes. “May I?” I hesitate for a second before timidly nodding and pulling away from the cold wall behind me. He drapes the blanket around my shoulders, pulling the corners across my chest and I tuck them under my arms. His fingers land on my shoulders and trace down my arms lightly, and I glance up to find his eyes on me.
A few moments pass before the words tumble out of my mouth. “Why are you being so kind to me? You don’t owe me anything. And besides, you said it yourself: you don’t need to clean up someone else’s mess.” I pause as I flick my gaze between his eyes. “What do you want from me?”
His hands drop from my arms and he lets out a small exasperated laugh; he shakes his head slightly and looks up at the gray sky. “Princess, I don’t want anything from you…it’s what I want for you. And that’s your safety. As for why? Well, I feel obligated to take care of you. Lastly,” he turns his eyes on mine, and I’m captivated by the intensity there. “You are a person deserving of kindness. You are not a mess that needs to be cleaned up. Do not take what I say to a couple of idiots for what I think about you. You would be sorely mistaken.” There’s a stern tone to his voice that makes me feel like a child in trouble. “Am I understood?”
I swallow heavily and nod, my eyes glued to his.
“Words, please, princess.” His eyes are still drilling into mine, and his voice borders on frustration.
“Yes, I understand.” My voice is quiet, and I can breathe again when he finally releases my gaze from his. I study my shoes, and I hear him heave a sigh.
“I should go. Keep the blanket, you need it more than I do. I’ll see you soon.” He puts his helmet on, and starts the engine, quickly pulling out of his spot and driving away. Once again, I’m left standing playing his words over in my mind.
For the rest of the week, the pattern repeats. He hands me a hot cup of tea and a protein bar, and I pull the blanket around my shoulders. We talk about nothing special for a few minutes. He never stays for long, five minutes at most. I don’t question his motives, and I accept his offerings without hesitation. He makes kind gestures to me, and we share a few touches here and there that linger for just long enough. He never pushes any further than that.
Until Friday that is. “If you’re comfortable with it, I’d like to drive you home today. I don’t like the thought of you walking alone in the cold on such a busy street.” He’s leaning against the wall beside me this time. Today he has his own cup, and when the breeze blows just right, I’m greeted by the aroma of decadent hot chocolate.
I’m halfway through my tea, and swallow the last bite of the bar before I answer. “Sure, on one condition.” He looks at me with an odd combination of disbelief and curiosity. I hold his gaze with my own. “Tell me your name.”
He drops his eyes to the ground and laughs softly. “For now,” He looks back at me, and reaches up to his left shoulder and taps his finger on the numerals. “You can call me four. And yours?”
A small smile washes over my face. “Sadie. It’s nice to meet you IV.”
After a few more minutes of easy banter, he finishes his drink and makes for his bike, pausing and turning back to face me. “What time are you off?”
“I finish at 5:30”
He nods, and gets on his bike. “I’ll see you then.” He puts his helmet on and pulls out of the lot.
When my shift ends, I find myself filled with a strange excitement. I put on my warmer layers, and head outside to the usual spot.
He’s there waiting, an extra helmet under his arm. When I stop in front of him, he stands and flicks his visor up. “Ok, first off, you’ll have to take your hat off. It won’t fit under the helmet.” I take the woolen hat off, and stuff it into my pocket. “Now, you’ll have to tie your hair back. Or it’ll all push into your face and you won’t be able to see anything.” I pull my hair back into a low ponytail and look at him expectantly. “Perfect. This is going to feel a little tight at first, but it’s supposed to fit a bit snug. We don’t want it to come off too easily.” He places the helmet on the top of my head and gently pushes it down. Once fully on, he leans his forehead against mine, his eyes holding mine. “How’s that feel?”
“Good. A bit snug, but good.” My eyes flick between his eyes. They’re so pretty. I could look into them for hours. They crinkle at the edges with a hidden smile.
“Good.” He drops a wink at me, and leans back. His deft hands reach for the chin strap, fastening it under my jaw. Lastly he reaches up and pulls my visor down, then his own. “And we are good to go. Ready?”
I nod, “ready.”
He gets on first, and I climb on behind him. He shows me where to rest my feet, and I hesitantly hold onto his sides, suddenly overtaken by shyness. He turns his head towards me. “You’ll want to hold on tight, love. Don’t worry, I don’t bite.” I can hear the smile in his voice. I slide my arms around his middle and lean further into him. I catch a little of his cologne, and the heady scent leaves me breathless. I feel one of his hands come to rest on my forearm for a moment.
He asks me my address, and I freeze for a moment. Anxious thoughts flit through my mind but I push them down before answering him. The engine roars to life and we pull out of the lot.
The ride is short, much shorter than it would be to walk. When we pull into the parking lot of my apartment building, I feel a little disappointed that it’s over so quickly. We climb off the bike, and he takes off my helmet for me. I can’t stop the wide grin that consumes my face, and my cheeks hurt. It’s been a long time since I’ve smiled this much.
He takes his own helmet off, and his eyes have those little crinkles at the edges again, and my fingers twitch with the desire to gently brush over them. He’s so beautiful. “I’d like to take you on a proper date sometime. I hope that’s not too fast.”
My cheeks flush, and my eyes drop to the ground for a second before flicking back to his. “No, that’s not too fast. And I’d love to.” My face still hurts from the smile plastered across it.
He places a hand over his heart, closes his eyes and tilts his head back, while releasing a relieved sigh. His knees bend slightly before straightening again. “You just made me the happiest man alive, princess. How does tomorrow night, 7 pm sound? I’ll pick you up here?” He looks down at me, and his eyes are sparkling.
“That sounds perfect, I’m counting down the seconds.” He nods at this, and I take it as my cue to head inside.
As I go to walk past him, he catches my hand in his. I look at him, surprised by the prolonged presence of his skin on mine. His eyes lock onto mine, and he pulls my hand up to the mouth of his mask, pressing the hard material into my knuckles. I can hear the soft kiss behind his mask. “Goodnight, Sadie.”
My breath shudders a little, and my response comes out as a whisper. “Goodnight, IV.”
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friedpicklenickle · 6 months
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"thank you, i look just like my mommy" -that one megan fox interview
(watches tumblr eat the quality rip)
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winteriron-trash · 2 months
pinned faq
hi, my name is roman. i used to be a semi-popular winteriron blog, but now this blog is mostly dead. so. rip, gone but not forgotten. but i still get some pretty common questions so here's a one-stop shop for most of them as well as links to the important things.
My Tumblr Fic Masterlist
My Ao3
My (dead) WinterIron Discord Server
Did you write the Tony Stark wifi tower fic?
yes, i wrote that fic! it is by far the most popular thing i've ever written and it will probably outlive me.
I found that fic on [insert site here], do they have your permission?
probably not, no. i have found that fic everywhere. and i mean everywhere. pinterest, wattpad, facebook, instagram, tiktok, mediachomp, and so on. honestly, it's been years and i can't control or chase down every single copy and i have no interest in doing so. i don't love that it was stolen from me (especially on for-profit sites) but it just is what it is. it's a fanfic rite of passage to have your stuff stolen, honestly.
can i do a translation/podfic/write something inspired by one of your fics/posts?
yes! there is always a blanket permission to do any sort of transformative work with my work, especially my older stuff. if it sparks joy and creativity in you, run wild with it. i prefer to be credited, but honestly, i'm just happy to see my stuff still inspiring people.
will you ever write winteriron/mcu fanfic again?
well, you should never say never. but in this case, you might want to say never. i have very little interest in winteriron or the mcu in general outside of nostalgia, and i likely will never write anything substantial for them again. it's sad, i miss it too, but i just don't have that spark for marvel these days. mostly i write dc comics fanfiction.
did you write [insert winteriron fic/post here]?
idk. maybe. probably. i wrote and posted a lot of things. you can scroll the tag on this blog to find all my old posts, some more popular than others. if you think it was me, chances are, it probably was. i got around a lot from like 2018 to 2020.
do you have a tagging system?
i used to but lord if i'm going to use it now. i don't even remember it, so your guess is as good as mine. tbh i just use tags as a place to ramble these days so navigating my blog is about as easy for you as it is for me. which is to say, it's not easy at all. because tumblr's search function is ass. i do know one of my old tags has my deadname in it. you'll probably find it if you look hard enough, but that is what it is.
are you going to revive this blog?
probably not consistently, no. if i have something i really want to say here, i'll say it, but i don't have much interest in maintaining this like i used to. i want to be able to, i miss posting here a lot, i just don't think it'll spark joy for me the way it used to, which sucks but that's just the way things go.
why did you leave this blog?
idk. life happened. i was an 18-year-old fighting chronic health conditions and mental health issues that led to me dropping out of high school so, tumblr sort of fell to the back burner, then got forgotten about entirely. eventually, i lost interest in the mcu as i felt the quality of it took a turn for the worst and i went back to dc, which i'm still into. i read some marvel comics, enjoy an occasional mcu project, but largely i just don't have the interest i used to. it sucks and i miss it, this blog probably kept me alive as a teenager. but now it's mostly just an archive of my past, and i'm okay with that.
can i talk to you/send you an ask/befriend you anyway?
sure, if you want, don't know if i'm good company though. but i'm always open to making friends and reminiscing about winteriron, marvel, and all that good stuff. i've gotta warn you though, tumblr fucking eats my DMs on this blog like no fucking business. i'm regularly fighting it. my discord is devilbonesofmetal if you wanna yell at me there, just say you're from tumblr.
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empty-movement · 2 years
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Hey. These are all five of the Utena-related mini-disc CD singles! That's right *even the movie Akio one.* It has taken me a long time to get all of these, and while I've long had their information available on Audiology, you can now check out the re-vamped page for exhaustive high-resolution scans of the packaging, and links to... :) These copies were made by me direct from the disc, and some of the B-Sides here have been very hard for Utena fans to find!! (Hint: The version of the song from the movie's end credits is this guy's single.)
FOR EXAMPLE. The copy of the first ending, Truth (titled R&D mix,) that is on the CD single is different from the version that appears on the soundtracks, or even on the other single where it's bundled with the OP. As far as I know it's just a variation on the opening, but not having direct access to these discs has meant a couple decades of just kinda...hoping you found the right file somewhere. Well. Now you have! Eat up!!! PS. The versions you download from the page are much higher quality MP3 rips---I had to downscale this to convince Tumblr to share it. Hah!
PPS. Don't forget to check out the rest of that page, it's a gold mine of awesome Utena auditory finds, many of them translated at this point!!!
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katsy-kitty · 4 months
ok I'm gonna be vulnerable for a moment
I'm prescribed Xanax* and while I know it can cause amnesia when taken in too large amounts, what happened yesterday is a bit different
I took one pill in the late evening because I'd only slept for less than 3 hours the night before and wanted to fall sleep earlier and also was feeling anxious. I waited for some time and decided it hadn't done that much of a difference, so I took two more. So, three pills in total - not that much.
Well... I don't really remember going to bed, but:
I woke up in my bed fully clothed - not bad; I sometimes do that even when sober
I left the computer, music, the TV, and the bathroom light on - not THAT hard to imagine; has happened before when sober
I apparently forgot to take my daily evening medication, which is a bit of shame because it improves my sleep quality and also should be taken daily
THE MILK WAS OUT OF THE FRIDGE EVEN THOUGH I DIDN'T EVEN USE IT (also it was my last one and I doubt it's still good so RIP milk...)
THE MICROWAVE DOOR WAS OPEN BUT I DON'T REMEMBER MICROWAVING ANYTHING (I WOULD have noticed because the light is on in the microwave when the door's open and I have a long corridor leading to the kitchen with the microwave at the end of it - that's how I noticed IN THE MORNING WHEN IT WAS LIGHT, so at night it would be extra visible)
I'd opened a pack of crisps, left one on the countertop and just left the rest OPEN on the countertop without eating almost any of it (I know this one doesn't seem that bad, but I'd never leave crisps wide open because they get stale)
THANKFULLY, when I checked in the morning, I DIDN'T MAKE ANY TUMBLR POSTS WHILE BEING A ZOMBIE (so all the deranged posts from yesterday are just me)
1.5 year ago, when I was doing reeeaaally badly, I took way more and then went to a birthday party of a person close to me, where I met some of his friends whom I'd only heard about before and had been excited to meet, AND I DON'T REMEMBER ANYTHING ABOUT THAT PARTY OR THE PEOPLE I MET EVEN THOUGH I ACTED AND TALKED NORMALLY AND IT WASN'T APPARENT TO ANYONE THAT I WAS FUNCTIONALLY A FUCKING ZOMBIE. And I cannot ever recover these memories afaik. Do you know how fucking scary it is to not remember what you did the night before? What if I did something reprehensible? What if I was outside and broke the law and got arrested? What if I did something extremely reckless? I DON'T KNOW WHAT KIND OF PERSON I WAS WHEN THIS WAS HAPPENING. I DON'T KNOW IF I WAS MYSELF AND HAD MY NORMAL VALUES AND OPINIONS OR IF I TURN INTO A DIFFERENT KIND OF PERSON. All I know, because someone close to me has told me, is that I am meaner and more egocentric. I DON'T WANT TO BE MEAN
btw for anyone wondering: amnesia IS a legitimate side effect of Xanax and not something specific to me. I'm not sure if all leaflets list it (I'm not in the US), but you can check Wikipedia for more info
*generic Xanax, to be exact, which is the same in effect btw
PS. I don't abuse Xanax anymore and even when I did, it didn't ever any feel-good effects for me; I only used it to numb myself / make myself go to sleep. I don't even see why people use it recreationally (apparently) because if I wasn't extremely anxious, like having a panic attack, it wasn't very helpful or pleasant to take.
All of the above doesn't mean that I am against Xanax. I think it's a great medicine for panic attacks because it (a) works, (b) acts extremely fast for something that's a pill ingested through the mouth.
But it's extremely important that people don't abuse it, and that's why doctors should be responsible when prescribing it and inform patients of the side effects and the harms of abusing it.
Xanax is also very addictive and the addiction is hard to break (not from personal experience this time). And abusing it can lead to long-lasting (I'm not saying "permanent") cognitive impairment even once you've stopped taking it.
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freak-phone · 1 year
heyyy questions for opal :) 2, 14, 30, B!
Wow did you know that if you ctrl-z in tumblr's new text editor it will delete everything you've been typing and not put it back. I HAD... SEVERAL PARAGRAPH ANSWERS THAT I HAD TO REDO. TRYING TO BE SERENE ABOUT THIS. anyways ty these were really fun especially B, i dont think i've talked this much about my oc making process before! answers below
2- How easy is it for your character to laugh?
HMM. I think surprisingly kind of hard! not that he's too serious for it, I think that opal just doesn't get jokes very easily, and has a hard time telling when people are joking. but the 'if you have to explain the joke it isn't funny' rule totally doesn't apply to him, if a joke goes over his head he WILL laugh after you explain it to him.
if i had to think of something that would for sure make them laugh... i feel like visual stuff gets him for sure, i think they'd really love those little dogs on social media with the fucked up haircuts.
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they'd laugh so hard they'd pass out at this thing
14- What animal do they fear most?
probably just any large dangerous animal. he has a sort of scared prey animal quality about him... i think he has 'being chased by a jaguar/tiger/bear/shark' dreams a lot. but it's really just anything they think could eat them and or rip them apart physically, common phobia animals that are more just 'creepy' like snakes or bugs are no problem.
30 - Who do they most regret meeting? 
HMMM. interesting to answer because the campaign opal was in has been concluded for a while and I feel like he's resolved most of his personal issues with people. also, he's not very good at holding grudges really lol
there were some characters that were making his life harder for reasons he, at the time, did not have the full scope of understanding. opal viewed his involvement with them as his own fault (impulsively went in on crazy expensive body mod surgeries, ended up in debt to a kinda-evil rich guy & regularly being harrassed by someone sent to collect) so he definitely regretted it. but, again, things turned out to be a lot more complicated!
honestly upon finding out he was involved in some huge-scale universe at stake stuff after all, rather than being upset he was mostly just like oh i don't owe that guy thousands of dollars fr? Sweet (instantly forgets about all of it)
B- What inspired you to create them?
most of the campaigns i am or have been in have a particular time period they're set in, so that's usually where my dnd character concepts start! with opal's we were prompted to choose a distinct era/universe of our choosing for our player characters, since they'd all be from different worlds. i definitely had retro futurism on the brain for opal, specifically 80s to y2k era...
he's a character that came to me in aesthetic and design first i think. more than the more shiny glam looks that come to mind in y2k futurism and modern stuff that replicates it, i really wanted that sort of... sterile, uniform-y, limited color palette look. lots of beige and white and grey, functionality-first and technical-made-fashionable. his outfit is just the company-assigned uniform he wears to his manual labor and service jobs, but it still has that cute stylish spin to it!
a specific example i referenced would be these looks from Michiko Koshino F/W 1996. graphic and fashionable while still evoking the functionality and simplicity of a uniform or other more practical wear.
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the future opal is in is really the future as it exists in a dated, speculative vision from the 80s to early 2000s. not quite as fantastical as a lot of space-age futurism, because it's from an era where 'futuristic technologies' were really beginning to be made on a consumer scale and put to use in day to day life... so it's a bit more cynical and fearful and dystopian, because the practical applications & the consequences of futuristic advancements were a bit easier to consider.
opal's world has the bleak nightmarish feeling of i have no mouth and i must scream & even to more overtly comedic degrees as like, black mirror lol... but it's still kind of silly and impractical and campy. as much as he exists as a working class individual in a hyper capitalist hellworld, those 'zenon girl of the future' disney movies are a big ingredient to him as well! as miserable as his life gets he isn't meant to be a sad character. he's not mopey. he gets dressed up in silly little outfits and has a silly little laser gun.
Wow did you know 2001 a space oddysey and barbarella came out the same year? it's that sort of dichotomy of scifi vibe.
uhhh also i'd just played a confident mean boy (kalibri) and thought a spineless scared guy would be fun to try next
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cowboymantis · 3 months
My favourite manga series is one you have never heard of*
((* probably, if you speak only English))
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[Collage I quickly put together of all the manga covers, rip they've got such bad quality but I just quickly got them from a website, all the other images here will be my own photos]
So. There is this manga series that has been my absolute #1 favourite since around 2014, I think. I found out about it from a random Youtuber I used to watch, who made those monthly review/recommendation videos for manga he read.
Thinking it did sound very interesting, I just went and bought the first volume and was HOOKED. The manga in question is Vanilla Fiction by Megumi Osuga.
The premise is simple (or uh, as simple as I could water it down): Guy named Sato, who is a best-selling author, is also a huge pessimist and can only write bad endings. Now, he's pressured to write a happy ending. Right at the beginning of the first manga, he stumbled across a murder scene and then somehow ends up adopting a little girl that was there. Or uh, rather she forcefully adopts herself lmao 😭 And then he gets the task of saving the world (aka happy end for humanity?? Real??)
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(Also her little angle wings backpack 🥹🥹🥹 It's so cute 🥹 And later on in the story, Sato has a jacket on with angel wings 😭)
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As if Sato isn't confused enough, all of a sudden there's this weird guy (who names himsels Ozamu Dazai. Yeah, I know... Another manga character with that name HOW ORIGINAL, but I think this came out just some months before Bungou Stray Dogs so it's a funny coincidence that both of those happened along a similar time 😭) who gives him a lore drop and explains HOW he has to save the world and all that, also it turns out the guy is kinda invincible and is some sort of weird human ragdoll zombie (or something like that). Sato first finds out about that because he accidentally killed him (in his defence: Dazai is ANNOYING AS HELL‼️)...
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As for saving the world, Sato has to eat cookies with the little girl or else the world will end (because of chaos theory mome nte). Thing is, other people also want to do that. So some sort of weird battle royale-esque shenanigans ensue. Yippee‼️‼️
And I gotta say this manga has some of my favourite aesthetics, I absolutely ADORE the artstyle and also the characters are so great and (MOST of them...) lovable!!
Love the introduction scene in the second volume of my fav too he's very silly 😭
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He's like, "I became a police officer because I love fighting (as in arguments, but he does love beating up others too lmao) people! Doesn't matter with who, about what, I am never going to lose!!"
Just a hater fr.
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Also, I absolutely love this page sm, on the right is one of my other favs and btw HE IS SO GENDER!!! He's kinda like if Do Hanse was a manga character... Do you see the vision??? He's also the leader of the "Kanto Devils", which is a surprisingly wholesome gang :) They're like a family...
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Also two pages I love nowadays even more:
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I can't believe Vanilla Fiction predicted Yakuza Kiwami ⁉️
Also gahhh, in every volume there are two fully coloured illustrations on the first pages and I love them so so much. Due to tumblr image limit I tried to squish some of them together:
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And. ...Sigh, there's a running banana peel slip gag but I SWEAR IT'S FUNNY.
And oh my god even years later I still think about the ending. 😭🛌🛌🛌
When the manga was still coming out with new volumes, I'd always read them immediately and then lend them to my friend who I got into the series, so we could both talk about it and it was just always so nice experiencing the hype of a new volume together 😭
And then, in 2016, when the final volume was released... We were both devastated 😭😭😭 Tbf, there was a volume before that which hit just as hard goobey...
Some years later though, I realized... No one ever really talks about this manga. And when I go search for it, all people talking about it are in German. Then I slowly realized HOLY HELL THIS MANGA DIDN'T EVEN GET AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION, NOT EVEN A FAN TRANSLATION ⁉️⁉️
The name Vanilla Fiction tbh is also not making it much better, and the covers are such a huge don't judge a book by its cover moment, because you'd think it was a cute little shoujo manga 💀 But then you open it and there's just a bunch of gore happening right at the start so. Yeah.
Man... I love talking about Vanilla Fiction a lot, but I know they'll never even get to experience it now, so that's kinda sad. It has been my favourite manga series for a decade now and I can't even talk with people about it 🥲
I'm lowkey tempted to just scan in the pages and do my own translation of it just so I can show it to people lmao 😭
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sleepymarmot · 1 year
Phantom Thread (2017)
[Finally forcing myself to post the reviews of films I watched earlier this year. Saw this one on January 29th — almost exactly seven months ago! As usual, I also post the notes I took while watching, so scroll down a bit if you only want the review.]
The dress is pretty but it doesn’t sit well on her at all.
Damn that was quite a rude way to hit on a perfect stranger
Girl has no sense of self-preservation! What do you mean you get into the car of a customer you talked to for two minutes, after dark?!
Wow he put his fingers in the sauce, is that normal for rich British men or is that another creepy flirting method? That’s unhygienic, please use your own food for innuendo
Oh my god Cyril is immediately acting creepy also
“My job to give you some. (beat) If I choose to.” Dude lmao…
“You have the ideal shape. He likes a little belly.” Ok first of all, insane thing to say once again. Secondly, w h e r e
I like this dress even less. Weird skirt, looks uncomfortable.
Why did he bring his sister to their date
“How early?” “I’ll wake you.” …
The fabric conversation… Is this negging again or is he for real
I really thought Cyril would say “Maybe you’re being too fussy.” I guess Alma has not yet leveled up enough to get quoted verbatim
“But, please, don’t let her sit around waiting for you.” Ha, now Cyril is repeating Alma’s words without even knowing Does Cyril not drink from the kettle? That was kind of risky…
The wedding dress is ugly Oh, he said it himself, okay
Damn, all of these women have to work overtime because of this couple’s power plays
He went from “I want a divorce” to “We’re doing food poisoning based BDSM” awfully quickly
Wait where’s that text post about being poisoned by your wife... Was it inspired by this movie lol
Ok so we all agree Reynolds is autistic, with his routines and picky eating and misophonia
How come Tumblr has never mentioned this one to me? Feels silly to say “where have you all been hiding this” about a Best Picture nominee from five years ago, but still. This is literally a romance between “ok first of all i didnt "miss" the red flags i looked them and thought yeah thats sexy” and “love my terrible wife […] when we eat dinner ill smile and say “poison again ?” and she will shrug mischievously but we both know it is very much poison”!
General notes
Set design, cinematography and lighting were beautiful. In our age of murky shots, it’s remarkable to see a film that’s never underlit — sometimes even the opposite. Wasn’t a fan of the grain, though; the flickering is hard on the eyes, and in the copy I watched it looked like a low quality rip instead of a warm nostalgic analogue look that I assume was intended. The sound side was as good as the visuals: this might be the first time I actually noticed the sound design, and the score was nothing less than what I expected of Jonny Greenwood.
I have mixed feelings about the costuming. Some of the dresses are beautiful… but the two most important ones, the very first dress we see and the very first dress made for Alma, didn’t fit the wearers’ silhouettes, and looked stiff and uncomfortable.
Some of the dialogue, mostly at the beginning, felt unnatural; not sure if that’s just me not being a native speaker, since nobody else had the same complaint.
I didn’t get “never cursed”. Was that a statement Reynolds secretly made about himself, or a lucky charm referring to the princess’ marriage? Why did Alma rip the label out? Why did she join the seamstresses in the first place — did she feel guilty that they got caught in the crossfire and had to work overtime because of her, or did she just want to inspect the dress? I also don’t understand why people seem to adore the New Year’s Eve scene.
Do you think Alma told the doctor the whole story, or just talked about their relationship but left out the poisonings? I think it would be unwise to tell that to anyone lest they call the police…
In the sections below, I am going to talk negatively about Reynolds a lot. So I want to clarify first: I do sympathize with Reynolds in many ways; I wouldn’t want a new person to get in the way of my habits, and I would be unhappy with the surprise dinner too. And that’s also exactly why I don’t invite strangers to live with me and interrupt my routines then get mad at them for that, you know…
Filing this one as “Movies I wouldn’t want to watch or discuss with my mother even though there’s zero sex and nudity on screen”. I don’t know which part would be more awkward, the Freudian subtext or everything else…
The omelette
I’ve recently acquired a bad habit of reading too much about movies before watching. In this case it was probably a good thing, though: without the spoilers, I doubt I would have seen this any time soon, or managed to sit through the first hour. Luckily, I didn’t know the key element of the omelette scene, and still managed to have a proper first time viewing experience as it slowly dawned on me that Reynolds was aware of everything and the poisoning was going to be consensual this time.
That scene, and the follow-up interactions between Alma and Reynolds in the cottage (excluding the daydreaming flash-forwards, which I have mixed feelings about), were, unsurprisingly, my favorite part of the film. Many reviews quote Alma’s monologue (which, as I realize now, I might have originally encountered in a joke screenshot with zero context) or the line Reynolds says in response, so I’ll highlight some other things. The contrast between how simple and ordinary their actions are on the surface (cooking, serving food, eating, talking at the table) and how wild the meaning of these actions is; the mix between a duel, a dance and a negotiation that mostly consists of extremely mundane movements. The intense eye contact, the “I know that you know that I know”. How Alma put too much butter in his food and poured water too loudly for too long, and he accepted it without complaint but with the same calm and clarity as the poison. How they look genuinely happy, in love, and on the same page for the first time in the entire film. How easily he says “I love you”.
The omelette discourse
…And now that I’ve documented my immediate positive emotional response, it’s time for some overthinking and complaining. Perhaps everything I say below can be dismissed by saying “they’re both awful and deserve each other, that’s the point haha”, but that’s not a mode my brain can stay in for long. So please bear with me, or just skip this section.
Because no matter how exciting and cathartic that ending is, I can’t help but ask: what next? Is this experience going to let Reynolds finally grow out of his cycle of childlike helplessness and patriarchal despotism, instead of solidifying it? What are we supposed to infer — that the poisonings are going to be a regular occurrence from now on, or that they will become unneeded as Reynolds gradually mellows out? (The former would, realistically, have diminishing returns and practical complications like “people are going to start asking questions”, and the latter kind of goes against the celebratory kink-positive tone of the film’s grand finale.) Are we to believe that Alma’s poison is an antidote to Reynolds’s toxic masculinity, and that the more he submits to Alma the more he can tolerate her when things go back to normal, until the two of them grow to exist harmoniously?
I guess there is some evidence of that process already beginning. When Reynolds bounces back after the first poisoning, he’s slightly less mean to Alma than before the marriage. Alma’s poisoning is also less destructive the second time: consent, no collateral damage, not on the eve of an important deadline, she agrees to call the doctor.
I think the film wants the viewer to think that by the end, Reynolds and Alma’s mutual toxicity cancels itself out, and they manage to reach a harmonious equilibrium. That might be true of the first poisoning, where Alma retaliates against Reynolds’s abuse with some of her own. At the mid-point of the film, their vileness is pretty evenly matched. After that first poisoning, there’s a brief honeymoon period. Then Reynolds goes back to berating Alma, disregarding her feelings, and being dissatisfied with her presence in his life… And in response to Reynolds making her feel unloved, Alma does something that makes Reynolds feel loved. In the end, the score is still in Reynolds’s favor instead of being even. Even in Alma’s daydreams of their happily ever after, the closing monologue of the film, there is no mention of Reynolds changing to accommodate her, only of Alma changing to accommodate him: “I am older and I see things differently, and I finally understand you.”
Perhaps here the story structure and the balance of power between the characters are in conflict; it makes sense to end the film on the strong scene that changes the relationship in a major way — but that means the viewer doesn’t get to know if that change leads to improvement. We never learn if Reynolds eventually becomes a better partner; we only know that Alma is committed to him either way.
No matter how satisfying the couple’s new arrangement is to watch, I don’t see how it would help with the actual problems in their relationship. They are at different stages of life, and that exacerbates the natural differences between their temperaments. Reynolds doesn’t respect Alma as an equal; he insults her and allows others to insult her to his face. He has immense power and privilege over her socially and materially. He has a career that he loves and a devoted sister, but she has no life outside of him — no friends, family, interests, hobbies, income, etc. — and it’s hard to tell if it’s sexist writing, intended characterization, or both.
How is any of that going to be helped by them growing closer emotionally? You two found a love language you have in common and unlocked a new level of intimacy and mutual understanding, congratulations! Is it going to broaden Alma’s horizons and opportunities? Is it going to give Reynolds more progressive views and social awareness, enough to at least defend the honor of his lower class wife? Is he going to stop being emotionally abusive because he is emotionally fulfilled?
This would imply that Reynolds behaves the way he does simply because he is too high-strung and he just needs to take a chill pill. That the problems in their relationship can be reduced to him being a control freak, and once he gets accustomed to giving up control and learns to enjoy it, and then he’ll be a good partner. Sorry, but it’s hard for me to believe that one can tame, let alone fix someone by domming them.
The film seems to attempt a subversion of the patriarchal, hierarchical “artist/muse” “upper class/working class” “man/woman” power dynamics. But the characters do not dismantle that existing power imbalance: instead, they build something new and mutually satisfying on top of it. The film intentionally avoids the feminist wish fulfillment route: Alma doesn’t liberate herself, and she doesn’t even want to. It’s a fairy tale where the Beast doesn’t really become a better person, so the Beauty becomes a worse one to “match” him… but she’s still locked inside his castle. Alma doesn’t abandon the role of a muse, only adds another traditionally feminine role to it: mother. As Feminist Frequency’s review puts it, “Traditional, restrictive gender roles are not escaped; one set is just briefly swapped out for another.” Related: it might be just a consequence of Reynolds’s chosen trade, but the people Alma walks over in her bids for his attention are always women (Barbara Rose, the seamstresses).
Speaking of motherhood… What happens when the woman who likes to treat her husband like a baby gets a real baby? How does she split her time between them? Does she end up neglecting one of them, does that make Reynolds jealous or more abusive? Or will he by that time have gone through enough personal growth to be actually fit for fatherhood? An interview with an expert on Alma’s specific brand of abuse asks an even more worrying question: “I also wondered about the baby at the end, because those who engage in the behavior are likely to do it [again] when similar situations arise. So as the baby gains skills of emancipation, would Alma be equally threatened by that? I saw the baby and thought: Oh no, it may be at risk.”
Perhaps I am being overly cynical and uncharitable here because of who made the film. When an artist with a history of being cruel to his girlfriend writes a story about an artist being cruel to his girlfriend, and makes the fictional girlfriend abusive too, how can I not question it? This film was already very awkward to approach and enjoy as a fan of Fiona Apple, even regardless of its content.
The relationship development
Another thing that didn’t work very well for me in the final sequence is something that also applies to the other parts of the film: the internal logic of the couple’s relationship development. Reynolds goes from “This was a mistake, I can’t live like this, I want a divorce” to “Intoxicate me now 😏 With your lovin’ now 😍 I think I’m ready now 😳” in the space of one cut. These scenes are directly adjacent with no development between them. It makes sense from Alma’s perspective (“what an asshole he’s being, he needs to be poisoned ASAP”), but not from Reynolds’s.
On Alma’s side, though, there’s also a bit of weirdness: Alma to Reynolds: Don’t worry babe you’re not gonna die, I’ll take care of you <3 Alma to the doctor: If he died that’d be fine by me, we’d just meet in the afterlife ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I really can’t tell how I am supposed to take this, and which of the men she was lying to!
But let’s go back to the beginning of the film. Throughout the initial phase of the relationship, I was sure that Reynolds chose playful bullying as his flirting tactic consciously, but later in the film he showed so little self-awareness that I started to suspect he thought that was a normal way to show interest in a girl you just met. Either way, I was surprised that the way he condescended to her changed considerably when the seduction was over, though in retrospect it makes sense. On Alma’s side, there was a similar shift: she was far more welcoming of his insulting methods of flirting than I would expect from a self-respecting adult with a strong personality, and started rebelling when they settled into domesticity. Perhaps the domineering attitude of a handsome stranger showering her with attention was exciting at first, but when their relationship became routine, she quickly grew sick of being treated like a second class citizen in what has become her own home. (I wasn’t joking with the quote at the top of the review: it was my genuine and immediate impression that Alma goes along with the 342561 red flags exhibited during the very first day not because she’s a doormat but because she’s a freak.)
The love at first sight didn’t work for me, as well as the couple’s determination to stay together despite their incompatibility. I’m just not convinced that they actually love each other as entire human beings. They do love certain sides of each other. Reynolds loves the muse with the perfect measurements; the assistant totally devoted to him; the new woman (future) finally displacing his older sister (present) and mother (past) while, unlike them, also being his sexual partner. Alma loves the genius who makes her feel beautiful and important. They both love the persona the other assumes in a caretaking scenario. But is there a deeper connection? Do they actually love each other unconditionally, not just the aspects of each other that fulfill their needs? I’ve seen quotes in confirmation of that from PTA and Vicky Krieps — but the text itself provides no satisfactory evidence of that.
Obligatory comparisons with other films
I like to chain movies together because of themes or character dynamics they share. A couple of reviews for Crimes of the Future mentioned this film, and I decided to watch it next assuming that the similarities start and end with the relationship between an aging artist and a strong-willed younger woman. Turns out, these two films also make an interesting double feature because in some ways they’re an inverse of each other. Crimes of the Future and its main couple wear abnormality on their sleeve, but the central relationship is healthy and stable; Phantom Tread appears classy and family-friendly, hiding the more shocking aspects of the relationship beneath the luxurious surface. Both films are very sensual without the conventional sex scenes, but the approach is diametrically opposite: Crimes of the Future circumvents the content rating system, managing to put explicit scenes on screen just because they don’t contain specific banned body parts; Phantom Thread purposefully and conspicuously avoids showing any sex or nudity to preserve the aesthetic and make other scenes feel more charged. The protagonist’s old age is important in both: for Saul, it’s deteriorating health and conservatism towards newer ideologies and ways of interacting with and modifying one’s body; for Reynolds, it is the decades of habit and privilege making him internalize the belief that his own authority, taste, routines are something absolute and unquestionable.
A bigger surprise was the two films also shared the theme of food and eating. Crimes of the Future: eating as a fundamental bodily function, food as means of sustenance, and the politics of food; Phantom Thread: eating as pleasure, food as means of human connection, and the power dynamics of feeding and being fed. Both films go deeper than the surface: food is not just something that is served and tasted, but chewed, swallowed, and digested, which is not necessarily a smooth and uncomplicated process. Phantom Thread’s exploration of the food theme is probably the best one I’ve seen so far not just in film but in any media, and the only one I can think of where “food as love and sex” made sense for me.
Choosing The Favourite as the next film to watch after this one was a good choice too: they also had some things in common. There’s a young woman winning an older and more powerful person’s affection by taking care of them while they’re sick, there are toxic relationship, there’s even literal poison... The older parties are similarly spoiled and eccentric but very different in certain important ways, and the protagonists are even more alike.
People have mentioned this film’s similarities to Rebecca, which I haven’t read or watched; my own first thought was about Misery, which I also haven’t read or watched. Out of the films I’ve seen before, there’s Crimson Peak — someone made an entire Venn diagram for their similarities. I’ve also seen comparisons with a number of other films, mostly ones I haven’t seen. Is Phantom Thread more intertextual than the usual or is that just me?
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whimsisadie · 2 years
how do u transfer images from yr switch to tumblr?
I just go into System Settings>Data Management>Manage Screenshots and Videos>Copy to a Computer via USB Connection and then post everything manually
technically u can also post to social media and rip it from there but this doesn't work particularly well for video clips. Twitter would be the best option if u wanna do that although you'll have to remove tags if u just want em for urself, Facebook tends to eat the quality of the videos. but it's more time consuming, the USB is a lot less painful
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cappydoodle · 5 years
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Dad Reigen Week 2019 Day 1: Holiday | Traveling
Headcount to ensure proper number of unruly teens
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twili · 6 years
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Happy birthday Fire Emblem thanks for all the best girls!!! 💖👌
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for the don’t stand so close to me series: the reader and bruno haven’t had the chance to do anything for a couple of weeks, and after seeing bruno with his hair tied back and shirt undone one button more than usual, she snaps and drags bruno into a supply closet and gives bruno a blowjob (maybe a sprinkle of dom!reader if you’re comfy with it)
Don’t Stand So Close To Me (18+) (Part 12)
Teacher!Bruno Madrigal x Student!Fem!Reader
Modern Day!Imagine
Non-Magic AU
Summary: Reader giving Bruno head, lol, just the request
Warnings: Swearing, Agegap, inappropriate thoughts, teacher/student (STUDENT IS OF AGE)
Word Count: 983
Italics will mostly be his direct thoughts, his imagination
Author Note: Hello everyone, I've been away for so long and I do apologise for that. I've just been super stressed out this year with just life and everything that comes with it so I've been very absent from Tumblr and writing so I'm sorry for that but I will try to write more, probably not as frequently but here and there when I can, thank you for everyone for checking in on me and being patient, I really appreciate it :))
Don't Stand So Close To Me (Masterlist) (Part 11) >(Part 12)< (Part 13)
(I do not own this gif)
Bruno POV
Today was a rather hot day. The sun was beaming through the windows, heating up the entire room. There were no air conditioners in my class so I tried opening windows and doors to create ventilation. It was bearable but not preferable. My last class of the day was just before lunch and had my darling lover in it. I smiled at her as she walked in and made her way to her seat closer to the back. 
30 minutes in, the class began to heat up again, more than I could handle. I pushed my chair out a bit to get better access to my draw on the side of my table. I open the top drawer and pull out a hair tie I knew I had when Y/N last left one here. Pulling back the majority of my hair, I tied it up in a small ponytail to keep it out of the way of my face. Unbuttoning the cuffs of my sleeves, I folded them up, exposing my forearms to the air. 
After another 10 minutes, not even that was enough. I looked up from my desk to see everyone hard at work. Well, almost everyone. She, as usual, was staring at me, lost in thought. I chuckled to myself. 
No wonder you always need help catching up.
I looked back down at the work in front of me and unbuttoned the first two of my shirt buttons, enough not to be classified as inappropriate.
I couldn’t help but think about the last time I spent time with my darling Amor. 
At least a couple of weeks since we had some quality time together. 
I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about the sounds she made when I eat her out. Every little twitch her body made at the small touches I gave her. The moments when she’d wrap her legs around my head as she would orgasm and release sweet sweet juices into my mouth. 
I didn’t even have to look down to know how hard I was at that moment. 
In class too. 
It was as if someone from the heavens above heard my woes because people had already started packing up for the end of class. 
Well, time to go home and sort out my problem.
As I was halfway down the hall to leave, my name was called out. 
“Mr. Madrigal!” 
She was jogging down the hall to me. 
“Could you come with me, quickly?” she asked, slightly out of breath. 
“Of course.”
We didn’t go that far before she pushed me through a door, into a supply closet filled with things like stationary and books.
I had no time to think about what was going on before her lips were on mine. Obviously enjoying the situation, I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her against my body. 
“What are you doing, don’t you have another class?” I asked as she made her way down to kiss my throat. 
“Not for another hour.”
She wasted no time ripping open my shirt, pressing hot kisses to my chest and down. 
“You looked so good in class today, I can’t stop myself,” she said, breathlessly, unbuttoning my pants.
“Your hair, your arms, your chest,” she released my cock from my underwear, “you are so perfect.” 
She licked the tip slowly, coating it in her salvia and the view alone made me almost collapse if it wasn’t for the shelf behind me for support. She moved her hand slowly along the side of my shaft, swirling her tongue around the red head of my cock. 
“Fuck!” I dropped my head back, closing my eyes. 
I felt it as she slowly pushed the rest of my cock into her mouth, coating the entire thing in her saliva. I grabbed the back of her head, not necessarily pushing it further in, just giving me something to hold onto. 
She finally released herself from my cock, pumping her hands up and down my dick while looking up at me, proud. 
“Does it feel good, sir?” she asked, already knowing the answer. 
“It feels amazing,” I whimpered.
A smirk rose up her face and she proceeded to put my cock back in her mouth. I had trouble keeping my eye open, so I let them fall close and rested my head against the wall behind me. 
I don’t know how much longer I can last.
She had obviously known I was close too because of the way I tensed up under her. I could feel the cockiness radiating off her as she bobbed her head faster. I had to bite down on my hand just so I wouldn’t scream out.
“F-fuck,” I groaned into my hand. 
I couldn’t hold back any longer. I spilt my hot cum down her throat, trying not to collapse from my weak legs. She stroked her tongue along my cock a couple more times before pulling it out. I hadn’t even noticed she had swallowed it. As she stood up, I pulled her in by the back of her head, giving her a passionate kiss. I felt her smile as she reciprocated the kiss. 
She pulled back, “well! Better get to my next class!” 
She grabbed her bag off the ground, hoisting it onto her back.
“Wait- what? B-but what about you? I can’t just leave you without!” I said pushing myself off the wall. 
She turned to smile back at me.
“You don’t need to worry about me, sir. I better get to class though, bye!” she waved before leaving the closet.
“Wai-” the door shut.
Knowing I had no other classes for the rest of the day, I just slouched against the wall, sliding to sit on the floor. Still quite tired and out of breath, I closed my eyes and sat there for a while.  That girl is a wonder.
Author Note: Thank you so much for reading, again sorry for the absence, I hope you enjoyed it. If you'd like to join the taglist, feel free to just leave a comment. :)
Taglist: elfwoodfae diannaey rennaisancebaby fapqueen scarletambitions nik-barinova little-spooky-ghost-girl dylansoldhair r0ck3n1buk11 hoeboat101 nervoussubjectappreciator kuilty biafbunny sad0ni0n alinafaustina elitalover jessicarosequinzelfleck alianacali 
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