#bruno madrigal smut
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daisies-daydreams · 1 year ago
Hello, I hope ur having a lovely day. ^^ (I have a fic request for Encanto, 22 yrs old btw)
May I request, Bruno Madrigalxfem!reader, in which they have a couple dynamic similar to Roger and Jessica rabbit. The reader is one of the most beautiful and sought out woman in all of the village, villagers constantly ask for her hand/show interest in her, not knowing she’s already in a relationship with Bruno. 🥰 If it were up to her, she would gladly and proudly display their relationship to the village but Bruno told her to keep it a secret for now since he feels like he’ll ruin her reputation 🥺
Maybe one day the madrigals are having a family dinner together and Bruno decides to tell his family about his gf but no one believes him, they all think he’s lying about being in a relationship 😭 even Mirabel struggles to fully believe him even though she tries to be optimistic about it lol. Until his gf actually shows up one day and the whole family is shocked 😂 not only is he in a relationship but he scored the most sought out woman in the village. 😂
The villagers to the reader: “What do u even see in that guy!?!?” 🤨
Reader: “He makes me laugh 😏”
Bcuz of this experience, reader decides it’s time to no longer hide their relationship. And proudly shows off her man to the village, lots of pda with a very flustered but happy Bruno. 😊💕✨After all that, Reader and Bruno have a picnic date together, where smut ensues~👀✨
(BONUS POINTS if reader is taller than Bruno 😭🙏🏻✨)
(Sorry for the long request. I tried to be specific as possible, no worries if u can’t write all of it ^^)
Thanks again and have a good day. ❤️
Mi Vida (Bruno Madrigal x F!Reader)
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Pairing: Bruno Madrigal x F!Reader Category: Fluff/Smut�� Warnings: PDA, Secret (not so secret) Relationship, Unwanted Flirting, Hand Jobs, Oral Sex (M! and F! Receiving), Delayed Orgasm, Sub!Bruno Madrigal, Unprotected P in V Sex (You Know to the Drill), Cowgirl Position, Semi-Public Sex, Cumming Too Quickly, Cum Eating, Swearing, Pet Names   Word Count: 6.5k+ A/N: OMG Bruno is literally my favorite Disney character! 😭🙏🏻💗 Thank you so much for your sweet request and I hope you enjoy!
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“¡Muchas gracias, Señora (L/N)!” Mirabel chirped as she took the box of fresh Aborrajados from you [Thank you very much, Ms!]. You smiled and gave the young woman a short nod, some flour still caked on your face after rushing over from your bakery.
“De nada, Mirabel,” you smiled warmly [You're welcome]. You caught a glimpse of Bruno slinking behind one of the newly reconstructed pillars of Casita, his eyes soft and lips drawn into a sheepish smile. You giggled softly and leaned down to Mirabel. “Tell your familia I said hello,” you grinned warmly [family]. She hummed before following your line of sight. Bruno tensed and quickly tried to shift back into the shadows…only to trip over a large potted plant.
You gasped and nearly rushed to his side before he stumbled back to his feet. Bruno’s eyes were as wide as saucers as his cheeks flushed with pink. The dark-haired man flashed you a toothy grin and gave you a small wave. You giggled and waved back. Mirabel looked between the two of you and gave a small smile.
“Thank you again for the treats,” the young woman beamed. You blinked.
“Hm? Oh, you’re welcome,” you said before stealing another glance of your beloved…only to find him gone from your line of sight. "Buenas noches, Mirabel," you sighed while giving her a tired smile. The young girl gave a quick nod before you saw yourself off. A soft sigh left your lips as Casita slowly closed the front doors with a light creak. You bit the inside of your cheek as you turned on your heel, the sun already starting to set over the crest of the tall mountains surrounding the Encanto.
Suddenly, a high-pitched squeak resonated through the air. You froze in place before hearing it again, this time followed by a soft rustling of leaves. You slowly took a few steps closer towards a bush nearby, your heart pounding beneath your chest as you hesitantly pushed the branches back. You gasped when a baby capybara suddenly poked its head out; it's button eyes sparkling as it titled its head curiously. You cooed and bent down, your large, colorful skirt billowing around your legs as you picked up the tiny creature.
“Aw, que linda,” you murmured [how cute]. The little, furry pup tilted its head to the other side and sniffed your hand before squeaking happily. You laughed softly as it rubbed its head against your palm and flicked its ears. You looked up when you heard Alma Madrigal and the others gathering around in the dining room, their voices filtering through the open window just above your head.
"What are those, mi vida?" Julieta asked her youngest daughter as she carried the box of treats into the room.
"Aborrajados. (Y/N) brought them from her bakery just now," the young woman piped up. You smiled as you stroked the capybara's soft fur while it cuddled up in your lap.
"(Y/N), eh?" Felix asked. Mirabel hummed in reply as she took her seat. "I remember when your Tío Bruno had the biggest crush on her when we were teenagers," he chuckled. You cover ed your mouth and giggled as you recalled the first time you caught Bruno staring at you in the marketplace; his hand picking at a loose strand of his ruana as he gave you a shy smile.
"Aha, yep," you heard Bruno chuckle nervously before he started to drum his fingers on the table. The sound of silverware clinking filled the air as the family began to feast on their meal.
"She's always been such a sweet girl. Remember when she danced with you at Julieta's wedding?" Alma piped up. You could imagine your love tugging at the collar of his brown shirt as cleared his throat.
"S-Sí, Mamá," he muttered. A giddy smile crossed your features as you recalled him constantly muttering apologies for stepping on your feet...only for you to hush him with a quicky peck on his cheek. You've never seen someone blush such a deep shade of red in your life.
"I always wondered why she never married. She's the most beautiful woman in the whole village," Félix stated nonchalantly. You felt a gust of wind explode from the room as a low rumble of thunder reverberated across the walls. "That is…the most beautiful woman after you, mi amor," the man's voice wavered nervously. You could only imagine the look of irritation on Pepa's face.
"You know, I always wondered why she never found a husband, either," Mirabel said. You tucked your bottom lip beneath your teeth as you shifted your gaze to your beloved. His face was drawn with a tense expression as he sucked in a sharp breath, his fingers almost vibrating against the table as he bounced his leg.
"Probably because we've been seeing each other this whole time," Bruno suddenly blurted out. Your jaw dropped as the whole room went dead silent.
For so long, he refused to confess your relationship to the village...let alone his own family. You understood why - even after he “returned” to the Encanto and helped rebuild his home, quite a few villagers were still weary of the prophetic Madrigal. Despite the countless times you've reassured him that you didn't care what everyone else thought, he refused to allow his reputation to "ruin you".
You were pulled back to the present when you heard the Madrigal's whisper amongst themselves.
“Really?” Bruno’s brother-in-law, Agustín, bluntly asked.
“Agustín,” Julieta chastised her husband with a loud whisper. You peeked through the window as you cradled the pup in your arms, your fluttering as you waited for Bruno to continue. The whites of his eyes nearly swallowed the two pools of hazel resting within them as he gulped. Your beloved eventually took a deep breath and puffed out his chest a little.
“S-Sí,” he answered while knocking on the wooden surface of the table. A long pause remained as your heart skipped a beat. You anxiously held your breath as you studied the faces of everyone in the room. The family members exchanged glances before a low rumble of chuckles filtered through the dining room. You furrowed your brows as amused smiles washed over their faces.
"That's a good one, bro!" Félix chortled before slapping his hand on the table.
“B-But it’s true!” Bruno stammered as he frantically looked around. Your heart burned as you clenched your jaw and narrowed your eyes. His gaze locked with his youngest nieces as he furrowed his brows. “You believe me…right, Mirabel?” your love asked with pleading eyes. His niece tensed in her seat, her lips drawn in a tight line.
“I…I don’t know, Tío,” she sighed while looking down at her lap. Bruno's shoulders slumped as he wrung his hands together. “I mean, it’s not impossible…but how come you never really mentioned it until now?” Mirabel questioned. The chatter suddenly broke when the youngest Madrigal, Antonio, gasped.
“Where did Sofia go?!” he cried. You squeaked and ducked your head as everyone began to scramble around the dining room. You looked down at the baby capybara and raised your brows while it sniffed your palm.
"I'm guessing that's you," you whispered. You flinched when someone suddenly poked their head out the window. You instantly relaxed as Bruno met your gaze.
“Hola, hermoso,” you murmured [Hello, handsome]. Bruno blinked, his cheeks still dusted with scarlet as he gave you an uneasy expression.
“Hi…” he quietly replied as his eyes trailed down to your lap. "You found Sofia," he muttered. You giggled and nodded as you handed him the pup...but not before you stole a quick kiss on his cheek. Bruno's eyes widened as you let your lips linger against his stubbly skin.
“I could come inside there right now and prove them wrong, you know,” you said as you twirled one of his thick, curly locks between your fingers. You leaned forward a little more, your warm breath falling against his lips as he nearly dropped the young pup. "I've missed the feeling of your lips against mine," you purred. Your love swallowed thickly as he stared at your mouth with his deep, hazel eyes.
“Is she out there, Bruno?!” his sister, Pepa, suddenly shouted nearby. He tensed and shifted his gaze between the dining room and you. Bruno squeezed his eyes shut and sighed heavily.
“Lo siento, mi corazón,” he murmured while giving you an apologetic look [I’m sorry, my heart]. You reached out as he dipped back inside, leaving you kneeling on the patch of grass below. You sighed while everyone rejoiced in the dining room, happy to have found Antonio’s little friend. You smoothed your hands over your skirt before slowly rising to your feet. Your heart ached for your beloved as you began to walk away from Casita, the house shutters groaning and waving at you as if beckoning you to return. You simply shook your head before turning back to the stone path ahead of you.
The sky was painted with a collage of orange and blue hues as you stepped into the village. Streetlights flickered overhead as your footsteps echoed down the pathways. You scoffed and rolled your eyes when one of your many “suitors” suddenly stepped into view.
“I was wondering where you’d run off to, Señora,” the tall, muscular man lilted as he flashed you a blinding grin. You tried to pay him no mind as you walked past him. You gasped when he suddenly rushed forward and stood in the way of your abode. He held a single red rose towards you as his eyes flickered with desire. A bitter taste washed over your tongue as you crossed your arms.
“And I wondering when you’d learn to take a hint, Sebastian,” you huffed, venom laced in every word that fell from your lips. The man placed a hand over his chest as if cradling a fresh wound.
“Oh, mi mariposa. When are you going to realize that no one else in this village is fit to be your husband except me?" he cooed [my butterfly]. You rolled your eyes again before pushing past him. You muttered to yourself as you yanked your key out of your pocket. You sighed as he slid his hand against the wall of your home while hovering over you.
"You know I'm one of the second richest men in the entire Encanto. And I could provide for you...in more ways than one," he purred while going to tuck some hair behind your ear. You scoffed in disgust as you yanked on your doorhandle. You quickly stepped inside and blocked him from entering, your fingers white-knuckling the threshold of your precious bakery.
“I’ll never realize it - you know why? It’s because of three simple words: I’m. Not. Interested,” you spat before slamming the door in his face. You huffed and quicky locked the door behind you.
"¿Dios, alguna vez me dejará en paz?" you groaned while running your hand down your face [God, will he ever leave me alone?]. A small pang echoed inside your chest as you gazed around the empty room, the last sliver of golden light fading from the walls as the sun dipped past the ridge. You sighed as you lit a candle and stepped towards the back of the bakery where you resided.
You frowned as you shuffled into your personal kitchen - a plate of arepas waiting on the slightly chipped surface of your counter. You sighed and slowly pulled the towel back before snatching one from the plate.
Your eyes suddenly lit up just as you took a small bite from the pastry. A playful smirk stretched across your face as a wicked idea crossed your mind.
You refused to allow Bruno’s family to accuse him of lying...and you knew just what to do.
Mirabel blinked when she opened the door for you the next morning.
“¿Señora (Y/N)?” she asked as she eyed the stack of boxes in your arms. You gave the young woman a bright smile.
“Buenos días, Mirabel,” you grinned ear to ear [Good morning]. She tilted her head and pursed her lips.
“I don’t remember us ordering anything else from you this week,” Mirabel said. You laughed, the boxes bouncing a little as you gave her a shrug.
“Sí. I just wanted to show my…appreciation for la familia Madrigal, so I whipped up some breakfast pastries for you all,” you chirped. She raised her dark brows.
“Well, thank you! That’s very thoughtful. I’ll just-“ you pulled the boxes away and shook your head.
“Oh, no need, my dear. I’d be more than happy to carry the boxes wherever you need them,” you said. Mirabel blinked.
“Uh…okay,” she said before pushing her green glasses up the bridge of her nose. You followed her inside as she led you towards the back. “This way: we usually eat breakfast outside,” Mirabel commented as she held the door open for you. You saw the family setting the table as you walked through the threshold.
“Thank you, Mirabel,” you beamed. The young woman nodded as she watched you walk over to the long table. Everyone except for your beloved were preparing for the first meal of the day.
“¡Ah, Señora (L/N)!” Alma called with a bright smile. You reflected her expression as you walked over, Julieta coming to your aid and helping you set the boxes down. “To what do we owe the pleasure?” the matriarch of the family asked. You maintained your bright smile as you held your hands out in front of you.
“Oh, I just wanted to stop by and show my appreciation for La Familia Madrigal,” you motioned towards the boxes. You watched as Isabella opened one of the boxes to sneak out a pastry…only for the real Isabella to clear her throat with a raised brow. Camilo sighed as he shifted back to his original form and slipped the treat back inside.
“How thoughtful,” Alma said while clapping her hands together. “Would you like to stay for breakfast? We simply have too much food now,” she offered with a chuckle. You placed a hand over your chest.
“Oh, Señora, you’re too kind,” you said. Alma grinned ear to ear.
“Please, I insist,” she replied while motioning towards an empty seat Casita was already nudging across the tiles. You pretended to think about it for a moment before shrugging.
“Mmm...okay!” you said with a large grin. Alma’s eyes lit up as she smiled.
“Excellent! I’ll have one of the boys get a plate for you,” she grinned with a nod. You smiled before making your way over to an empty chair. Antonio’s eyes lit up as you sat next to him. Sofia slept soundly in his lap as he gave you a toothy grin.
“Thank you for finding Sofia yesterday,” he whispered. You chuckled softly.
“You're welcome, Antonio,” you whispered back. You thanked Agustín as he brought you a plate while the rest of the family filed in. You turned when the little one tugged on your sleeve.
"Everyone said that Tío Bruno was lying, but Sofia told me he wasn't," he said. You smiled when Sofia perked her head up at her name.
"Muchas gracias, Sofia," you whispered gently. Bruno suddenly came stumbling out the door, his hair bunched up in a mess and clothes disheveled as he leaned on the doorframe. You pursed your lips when you saw his pupils blown wide as he panted heavily.
“Forgive my son - he’s always been a late riser,” Alma smiled. Bruno straightened his green ruana before locking eyes with you. You gave him a warm, genuine smile as he froze.
"Mi vida..." he muttered under his breath [my life]. Everyone at the table watched as you rose from your seat and sauntered over to your man. You saw the shock grow in his eyes as you approached him, your lips parted as you dusted some sand from his dark, curly hair.
“I’m so happy to see you…darling,” you said aloud. The whole family gasped when you dipped your head down and kissed his cheek, letting your soft lips rest against his face as you slid your palms onto his thin shoulders. Bruno flapped his hands as his eyes widened even more, the rest of his body as stiff as a statue. You cooed and cupped his cheek as his face flushed with red.
“M-Mi cielo…” he whispered while nervously glancing back and forth between you and his family [my heaven]. You smoothed your thumb across his stubble as you smiled.
“Hermoso…it’s time,” you murmured. Bruno gulped as you slipped your hands into his and squeezed them gently. He straightened his shoulders as much as he took a deep breath and nodded. You beamed before turning to the barrage of shocked faces. Bruno cleared his throat as he clenched your hands.
“Mi familia, this is mi amor...(Y/N),” he smiled sheepishly while motioning towards you [my love]. You smiled and waved at the family.
“It’s nice to be properly acquainted with you all,” you giggled before tucking a strand of loose hair behind your ear. The table quickly erupted into utter chaos.
“Are you for real?!" Félix boomed.
“Are you sure this isn’t an elaborate prank?!” Isabella gawked.
"I knew this whole time," Dolores shrugged with a quiet whisper.
You and Bruno turned to each other, his face turning red once again as he shrank and winced under their rapid-fire questions. You placed your index finger and thumb against the corners of your lips before whistling loudly. The entire family quickly came to a halt as they whipped their heads towards you.
“I'd be happy to answer all of your questions…if you’ll still have me for breakfast, that is,” you said with a twinkle in your eye. They all slowly sat back down in their chairs while Alma cleared her throat.
“Of course,” the matriarch said with a small smile before motioning towards two empty seats.
A Few Days Later…
“Are you sure about this, mi vida?” Bruno asked nervously as he kept his hood up. You gave him a gentle smile as you pulled his hood back down. The two of you stood in the dimly lit foyer of Casita, a picnic basket slung around your free arm and a quilt over his.
“Absolutely,” you replied with a firm nod. Bruno swallowed thickly as he tugged his hood over his curly locks once more. You sighed and gave him a patient smile before flipping it back over.
"Mi amor, I don't want to spend the day with Hernado, or Jorge, or any other persona of yours...I want to spend it with you," you cooed. Bruno perked his head up as he finally let his hood remain draped over his shoulders. You giggled as he suddenly nuzzled his face against your collarbone, the top of his head brushing against your chin.
“Gracias, mi amor,” he said with a hushed whisper. You smiled brightly as you pecked the crown of his head.
"You're welcome," you replied. "Now...let's go show the village who I belong to," you winked while playfully bumping his hip with yours. Bruno chuckled softly as the two of you stepped outside hand-in-hand, the mid-afternoon sun hanging high above your heads as you began to stroll through the front yard of the Madrigal estate.
You felt Bruno's grip on your hand tighten as you approached the village.
"I'm right here," you reassured while brushing your thumb over his knuckles. Bruno nodded and took a deep breath. You grinned before stopping in your tracks and kissing his temple. You giggled as his cheeks grew red as you moved your lips to his nose.
"(Y-Y/N)," he muttered before going to pull his hood over his eyes. You giggled at his bashful behavior and placed your hands over his wrists.
"What? I'm just letting the village know how much I adore my Bruno," you beamed before peppering his face with more kisses. His cheeks burned even more as he white-knuckled the hood of his ruana.
You chuckled before quietly continuing your walk alongside him. Several villagers turned their heads as you passed by. You swayed your hips side to side, flaunting your beloved as you slung your arm around his.
Bruno immediately stopped when you suddenly stooped down and pressed your lips against his. You gasped when he suddenly reached up on his tip-toes and kissed you back.
"Bruno," you said with a breathless look while he pulled away. You heard a few young girls giggle nearby before their mothers shooed them away. The two of you shared a quiet laugh before continuing through the bustling market. Bruno seemed to relax with every step he took, his tense expression softening as he sighed. The sun peeked out from the parted clouds, the golden rays beaming down on your face as you inhaled deeply.
The two of you exchanged smiles as you made your way out of the small town and towards the lush, serene forest. You sighed as the two of you hiked through the dense brush before coming upon a familiar opening. Bruno wore a goofy grin as the two of you began to unfold the quilt and set the food out. You hummed a little tune while grabbing a bottle of wine before Bruno cleared his throat.
“Here: let me get that for you, mi amor,” he grinned. You raised your brows and handed him the bottle and opener.
“By all means, hermoso,” you giggled. Your love winked before he screwed the opener on. You watched as he fought and struggled with the cork, his elbows flapping wildly as he muttered to himself. You gasped when he fell back, the bottle flying out of his hands and into the brush. He flinched when the sound of glass shattering echoed through the forest, several toucans and other birds flying out afterwards. The two of you exchanged glances before bursting into laughter.
“It’s okay: I prefer the taste of your lips anyway,” you purred before pecking his lips. Bruno chuckled as he cupped your face.
“And I yours,” he murmured and brushed some hair out of your face. The two of you enjoyed the next hour as you fed each other the delectable treats you packed.
You eventually found your head in his lap as he slipped a plump grape past your soft lips. You closed your eyes as you savored the sweetness of the fruit and slowly. A gentle breeze swept over the forest as you sighed happily.
"Do you remember what happened the first time we came here, hermoso?" you lilted while opening your eyes. Your lover's breath hitched as he nearly choked on a piece of fruit. You flipped yourself over and rubbed Bruno's back as he cleared his throat.
"I-uh-I do," he flushed while picking at a blade of grass. You smiled and bit your lip, your breasts peeking out from beneath your lacy, white blouse as you wiggled your hips.
"We were both so nervous," you said as you slid your hand over his thigh. Bruno's gasped as you rested your chin between his ankles, your eyes locked on his crotch as he gulped. "But you did so well…made me the happiest girl in the whole world that night," you purred while sliding both of your hands up his legs and beneath his ruana. Bruno swallowed thickly as he fell back on his forearms, his legs spread out as you pounced on him like a lithe jaguar. His breath quickened as you hovered above him, your barely covered breasts grazing over his chest.
"Would you like to relive that moment?" you whispered as your lips brushed over his. You swore his eyes nearly shot out of his head as his face burned a bright red.
"B-But mi amor...what if someone sees us?" he muttered with a shaky breath. You chuckled before pecking his lips while rolling up his ruana, revealing his scruffy happy trail that led to the bulge growing beneath his slacks.
“Don't worry, we're far enough in the forest," you whispered into his ear while tracing your fingertips down his lean stomach. "No one will see or hear a thing," you said as your lips curled into a seductive grin. You felt his muscles tense beneath your light touch as you hooked your fingers around the band of his pants and tugged them down his lean thighs. Bruno gasped as his semi-hard cock sprang free, his tip growing flush as his shaft twitched in the exposed air.
You smiled as you dipped your head down and captured his lips in a passionate kiss. Bruno moaned softly and gripped your hips as your lips caressed one another in a heated embrace. He gasped as you slid your hand all the way down his stomach before wrapping your fist around the base of his burning, veiny shaft. You panted against his mouth as you gently squeezed his length.
"Pobracito...you're so pent up," you cooed before swiping your warm tongue along his bottom lip [Poor thing]. Bruno's eyes rolled back as you began to slowly pump your tight fist around his dick. Quiet moans fell past his parted lips before you slipped your tongue inside his wet cavern. He squeaked and bucked his hips forward as your tongues entangled with a wet squelch. You groaned into his mouth as you continued to rub his aching cock, each noise and shift of his hips causing the damp spot in your panties to grow wetter.
“Mmmm-mi corazón,” Bruno whined when you pulled back for air - a thick string of spit connecting your swollen lips as he breathed heavily. His cock twitched as you smeared a hot bead of precum across his flush tip. You cooed and kissed along his jaw as he arched into your touch.
“Would you like to feel my warm, tight mouth wrapped around your cock, Papi? Hm?” you husked into his ear as you continued to stroke his now rock-hard shaft [Daddy]. Bruno released a guttural groan as he writhed against your body.
“S-Sí…por fa, Mami,” he panted while desperately trying to gain any friction against his dick [Yes…please, Mommy]. You grinned and nipped at his ear before trailing your lips down his jaw and neck. Bruno's eyes grew half-lidded as he watched you create a painting of hickeys and small bite marks across his skin, goosebumps rising wherever your lips landed.
“I love all the cute noises you make, Brunito,” you chuckled against his collar bone before lashing your tongue against his bare skin.
“(Y-Y/N), por favor. Te necesito,” your lover begged while rocking his hips into your tight, warm grip [I need you]. You grinned and licked over the tiny bite mark before shuffling down his body. You swiped your tongue over your lips before letting your hot breath fan over his dick. Bruno's eyes grew clouded with lust as you pecked his bulbous tip, the salty taste of his precum leaking over your tastebuds while you moaned. Your beloved groaned as you swirled your wet muscle around his tip in sloppy, wet circles.
“M-Mierda,” Bruno hissed between gritted teeth as he watched you wrap your lips around his head before shallowly bobbing your mouth up and down his throbbing shaft [Shit]. You moaned and hollowed your cheeks, a wet slurping sound reverberating through the air as you took him in deeper with every dip of your head. You relished in the way your lover trembled as you cupped his balls in your free hand, tenderly massaging his sac as you fluttered your lashes. His dick felt so heavy as it glided along your tongue, the texture making your pussy clench and ache for the familiar drag of his shaft.
“God, (Y/N),” he moaned and bucked into your slick cavern, drawing a small gag from you. You gazed into his eyes when he gasped and shifted back, leaving your lips wrapped half-way around his sex. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t-“ his jaw went slack when you grabbed one of his hands and placed it on top of your head. You tilted your head to the side and began to quicken your pace, your spit now smearing down his balls as you squeezed them in a loving grip.
“A-Ah!” Bruno yelped as he grabbed your luscious hair, his nails digging into your scalp as you eagerly sucked him off. You squealed when he gripped your hair and guided you along his length, his eyes half-lidded and lit with pure desire. “S-Sí, Mami - tan buena,” he rumbled [Yes, Mommy - so good]. You smiled and kept your cheeks hollowed as you took him deeper and deeper. You moaned as you felt his cock twitch inside your mouth, his tip now soaking the back of your tight throat with salty precum.
Bruno's grunts and cried grew more desperate before you suddenly pulled off of his length with a slick “pop”. His eyes snapped open as he looked at you with a mix of confusion and yearning.
“(Y/N),” he whined and desperately thrusted his hips up. You immediately stole his attention the second you shuffled out of your white bloomers and skirt, the fabric falling onto the blanket with a soft thud. Bruno’s face turned cherry red as you pulled your shirt above your head, revealing your supple breasts to his hungry eyes. You giggled at his dumbfounded expression as you slowly sank down onto your knees and straddled his waist.
"Lo siento, Papi...but I need to feel you inside me," you sighed as you slowly grinded your hips against his. Bruno's eyes rolled back as your wet pussy lips caressed the sides of his cock with every stroke of your hips.
"Fuck, Mami," he whined as he wrapped his hands around your waist. You sighed and smoothed your palms over his slightly hairy chest as he dug his nails into your supple flesh. You moaned as the weeping tip of his cock glided over your puffy clit - pulses of pleasure sweeping through your empty heat as you gazed into his eyes.
"You feel so good beneath me, Brunito," you murmured while cupping his cheek. Bruno's bottom lip jutted out as he gulped.
"Mi vida, please," Bruno grunted as he gave you a soft, pleading look. You grinned softly and laid your hands on his stomach while you adjusted your hips. He gasped when you wrapped one of your hands around his dick, rubbing his head against your entrance teasingly before deeply gazing into his eyes.
You released a heavy sigh as you slowly sank down on his hard cock, his length deliciously gliding against your gummy walls with a wet squelch.
"Oh bebé," you moaned as you arched your back. You shivered as you buried yourself down to the hilt, a rush of heat swelling through your core as his dark bush gently brushed against your bundle of nerves. You paused for a few seconds, relishing in the feeling of his dick stuffing you to the brim while he panted beneath you. You swallowed thickly before you raised your hips and brought them back down.
The forest was filled with your combined grunting and moaning as you bounced on his cock. The sound of wet slapping between your hips made your legs shake as Bruno sank his nails into your hips.
"You stretch me so good, hermoso," you whispered as you leaned forward, your breasts now pushed against his chest while you captured his mouth in another sloppy, heated kiss. You smiled as you felt his cock twitch inside you, his head kissing your soft cervix each time you gracefully brought your hips back down. He gasped for air when you pulled back.
“Mami, I-I’m so close,” he said through gritted teeth as he dug crescents into your perfect hips. He shivered as you kissed along his scruffy jaw, your walls sucking him in and sweetly caressing his swollen dick. You soon sat back up on your knees, your breasts bouncing as you sped up your movements.
“Go on, Bruno: claim this pussy with your cum,” you moaned. You squeaked when he shoved your hips down as he released a deep, guttural groan. You trembled above him as you felt streams of his thick, hot cum paint your gummy walls as he stiffened beneath you.
“Sí, Sí,” Bruno mewled like a broken record as he writhed with pleasure. You moaned as you felt the sticky mess between your two bodies, a few beads of his thick cum leaking from the seam of your stretched out hole.
“Mmm, Papi,” you sighed as you rubbed your hands over his chest. Bruno slowly opened his eyes - his hazel pools glossed over with pleasure as he heaved.
“Did you…” his voice trailed off as he furrowed his brows and gazed at the space where your sexes were snugly joined. You chuckled softly and shook your head.
“No, but it’s-“ your eyes widened, the world around you passing in a blur as Bruno suddenly laid on top of you. You blinked as he cradled the back of your head with his soft palm, his long fingers smoothing through your locks as he panted above you.
“Por fa, mi princessa…déjame mimarte,” he rumbled while pressing soft kisses to the junction between your jaw and neck [Please, my princess…let me spoil you]. You moaned as he peppered your sensitive pulse with kisses as his hands smoothed over your breasts. A soft sigh escaped you as he gently rubbed his thumbs over your perky nipples, his mouth suckling on your exposed skin as he slowly pulled the rest of his soaked length out of you.
You mewled at the emptiness, prompting your love to coo and lick a bold stripe over your pulse.
“Bebé,” you keened while stroking your fingers through his thick, dark hair. Bruno’s eyes sparkled as he gave you a sheepish smile.
“What I want to do is a bit…different, if that’s alright,” he said as his cheeks tinted with pink. You chuckled softly and kissed his forehead.
“You know I’ll still enjoy it,” you said while smoothing your thumb over his cheek. Bruno’s smile grew before he took a deep breath. Your body trembled with anticipation as he traced his lips between the valley of your breasts and down your soft stomach. Your jaw went slack when he slung your legs over his shoulders, his warm breath falling across your dripping sex as he licked his lips.
Bruno flicked his eyes back to you, hesitantly waiting for your response.
“It’s alright, Brunito,” you reassured him with a soft whisper. Your beloved snacked his lips again before delicately tracing the tip of his tongue around your swollen clit. Your legs shook around his head as he moaned against your sex, the vibrations of his voice sending ripples of pleasure through your core.
“God,” you moaned as Bruno swiped his tongue along your drenched slit - his wet muscle collecting your combined juices before he hungrily slurped it up. You gasped when he teased your weeping entrance, shallowing pumping his tongue inside your cunt as his nose rubbed against your sensitive bundle of nerves.
“S-Sí, Papi. Sigue adelante,” you breathed as you tugged on his dark locks [Yes, Daddy. Keep going]. Bruno grunted as he closed his eyes, savoring the flavor of your cunny while flattening his tongue over your folds. You moaned and rolled your hips against his face, his stubble lightly scraping over the inside of your thighs as he swayed his head back and forth.
Your eyes nearly crossed when he suddenly puckered his lips around your engorged bud, a cry of bliss escaping from your throat as the tension in your lower belly swelled.
“B-Bruno,” you gulped for air as he spread your labia apart with his nimble fingers. Both of you shared a quiet gasp when he teased the rim of your entrance. His lips curled and suckled on your clit as he slowly pushed a digit inside, causing the thick cream stuffed inside your cunt to come pouring out.
“Mi vida,” Bruno whispered, his lips dancing over your mound before he dove back in. Stars began to spark in your vision as he curled his digit against your plush g-spot while he slowly worked another one inside. Your legs trembled as he steadily pumped his fingers in and out of your fluttering hole; every dip and curve of his digits perfectly massaging your walls.
“Sí, p-por fa,” you moaned as he sloppily made out with your clit while thrusting his fingers deeper with every stroke. Your lover groaned as you raised your hips, his grip around your thighs tightening as he rumbled lowly. You screwed your eyes shut as you felt the delicate surface of his warm tongue caress over your slit. Bruno continued to moan as he savored the sweetness of your juices while spreading your hole open with his digits.
You suddenly came with a final long drag of his tongue against your clit.
“Bruno!” you screamed his name as you snapped your hips forward, his face completely buried against your cunt as you cried and thrashed in his grip. Your melodic moans cascaded through the forest as you heard him slurp up your thick cream, his eyes rolling back as your gummy walls pulsed around his fingers. You mewled and fucked yourself on his digits as you came; completely soaking his hand with your arousal.
You whined and babbled incoherently as your body shook with pure bliss, jaw slack and eyes nearly crossed.
“God, yes,” you swallowed thickly as tears of pleasure rolled down your flush cheeks. You slowly blinked your eyes open as the overwhelming pleasure began to fade. Bruno’s nostrils flared as he exhaled through his nose, hid eyed glowing with pure admiration as he laid a soft kiss over your puffy cunt. You flinched as you felt him smile against your folds.
The two of you simply gazed into each other’s eyes for several moments before he slowly placed your hips down on his lap.
“That was…amazing,” you said breathlessly. Bruno chuckled as another sheepish smile crossed his features.
“I’m glad I made you feel so good, mi amor,” he beamed, pride glowing in his eyes as he slipped away. Your face burned when you saw how soaked his chin was as he licked his lips. Bruno cooed and patted your hip as he slowly pulled his fingers out of your tenderly fucked pussy. You smiled and kept your arms open as he crawled on top of you, his soft, soaked dick slipping against your sex as he planted a sweet kiss on your lips. You sighed and brushed your fingertips through Bruno's hair as he laid his head on your chest.
"Te amo mucho, mi vida," your lover whispered as he laid his head on your chest [I love you so much]. You smiled warmly as you placed a soft kiss on the crown of his head.
"Te amo mucho, mi corazón," you murmured.
Thank you for reading! 💚
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370 notes · View notes
Bruno Needs A Spanking
Pairing: Bruno Madrigal x GN! Reader.
Summary: Denying Bruno Madrigal an orgasm includes...
Warnings: NSFW, Quite tame, Spanking, Edging, Mention of Asshole fingering and Blowjobs.
Writing Time: 10 minutes.
Word Count: 307.
Format: Kinktober Headcannons, Day 17.
Short but it will be worth it. Enjoy! Not proofread. Here are my other Kinktober 2023 works.
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• It could of really been anything that made you feel like he deserved to be punished.
• He could of ate all the cheese, he could of left the toilet seat up, he could of left the door open...
• Didn't matter, you was always looking for a reason to punish him.
• And tbh Bruno was always trying to make you punish him.
• He loved being placed across your thighs stomach first and spanked till his cute little ass was burn and burning just as much as you did.
• It was just so cute.
• Bruno moaning and whining and crying and begging for mercy.
• Never failed to make arsoual shoot straight through you and into your underwear.
• And Bruno knew what he was doing.
• He wasn't as innocent as he looked.
• When he realised shit like leaving your door open after visiting you got him a spanking, he was doing it on purpose all the time.
• He knew if he apologised enough and stayed still for the whole punishment, he would be rewarded afterwards.
• Usually with a finger up his ass and/or a blowjob, whatever you felt like that day.
• Bruno's punishments were usually edging. You did it aiming to put him in pain as a deterrent from fucking around with you.
• But it wasn't really working.
• And good thing it wasn't, you both loved the edging so much.
• Bruno loved being your submissive little thing.
• And he loved his punishments a little too much.
276 notes · View notes
stitched-mouth · 1 year ago
Bruno Needs A Spanking
Pairing: Bruno Madrigal x GN! Reader
Summary: Bruno has been a bad boy and needs to be punished. Warnings: NSFW, Quite tame, Spanking, Edging, Mention of Asshole fingering and Blowjobs.
Writing Time: 10 minutes.
Word Count: 307.
Format: Kinktober Headcannons, Day 17.
Short but it will be worth it. Enjoy! Not proofread.
Bruno Madrigal
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• It could of really been anything that made you feel like he deserved to be punished.
• He could of ate all the cheese, he could of left the toilet seat up, he could of left the door open…
• Didn’t matter, you was always looking for a reason to punish him.
• And tbh Bruno was always trying to make you punish him.
• He loved being placed across your thighs stomach first and spanked till his cute little ass was burn and burning just as much as you did.
• It was just so cute.
• Bruno moaning and whining and crying and begging for mercy.
• Never failed to make arsoual shoot straight through you and into your underwear.
• And Bruno knew what he was doing.
• He wasn’t as innocent as he looked.
• When he realised shit like leaving your door open after visiting you got him a spanking, he was doing it on purpose all the time.
• He knew if he apologised enough and stayed still for the whole punishment, he would be rewarded afterwards.
• Usually with a finger up his ass and/or a blowjob, whatever you felt like that day.
• Bruno’s punishments were usually edging. You did it aiming to put him in pain as a deterrent from fucking around with you.
• But it wasn’t really working.
• And good thing it wasn’t, you both loved the edging so much.
• Bruno loved being your submissive little thing.
• And he loved his punishments a little too much.
114 notes · View notes
capypub · 2 years ago
Bruno Madrigal (Encanto) Masterlist
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Summer Wine (Completed)
Bruno Madrigal x OFC
Rating: T - M (chapters vary in rating)
Bruno can’t help but be drawn to beautiful little bartender who so openly flirted with him, unbothered by the rumors and stories. She’s everything he ever wanted to be, confident, comfortable around people, and able to bring out the best in those she serves. Over time, as they grow closer, she begins to bring out parts of him he never knew existed, courage, dominance, and perhaps a bit of jealousy…
Chapter 1 Chapter 6 Chapter 11 Chapter 16
Chapter 2 Chapter 7 Chapter 12 Chapter 17
Chapter 3 Chapter 8 Chapter 13
Chapter 4 Chapter 9 Chapter 14
Chapter 5 Chapter 10 Chapter 15
Dancing With the Double-Edged Sword (Completed)
Bruno Madrigal x OFC
Rating: T- M (Chapters Vary)
Summary: When Bruno introduced Hernando to the family, his sisters and mother thought he was simply playing games, but as they grew older and Hernando continued to grow with Bruno, they realized that he might be here to stay. After many failed attempts at “curing” Bruno, the family eventually grew used to Hernando’s presence, learning to recognize the signs of when they were interacting with Bruno and when they were interacting with Hernando. Although their personalities may differ, they continue to share the same body. Now they must learn to maneuver romance together as they pursue the same woman. Likewise, she learns how to love two versions of the same man, finding pieces in each of them that only draw her closer.
Chapter 1 Chapter 6 Chapter 11
Chapter 2 Chapter 7 Chapter 12
Chapter 3 Chapter 8 Chapter 13
Chapter 4 Chapter 9 Chapter 14
Chapter 5 Chapter 10 Chapter 15
36 notes · View notes
foggyfanfic · 2 years ago
Love and Fury
Chapter Preview: Hopefully, that would be enough to get Bruno’s attention. Hopefully, Bruno didn’t mean what he’d said. Hopefully, he was willing to do something as conspicuous as leaving his mother’s conversation in order to fulfill his promise to Pepa.
That was a lot of “hopefully”.
Pre-movie AU, cw: dream sex and masturbation in the beginning
Ch 1 Prev Next Master List
Chapter 11 Recasting
Sunday morning found Bruno lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, and wondering what was wrong with him.
Sometimes, Bruno had prophetic dreams. Never anything huge, never anything that resulted in a tablet, just little snatches of scenes. Glimpses of the inevitable, the pieces of his day that were already set in stone. Sometimes these dreams heralded the perfect birthday gift, sometimes they heralded a tear in the knees of his favorite trousers, but usually they told him he would hear a bird caw while he just so happened to be staring at the clock, or he’d hold a spoon at dinner.
Last night, Bruno did not have a prophetic dream.
Last night, Bruno had a dream that by all means should have been a nightmare, should have been disgusting, and terrible.
It started out normal enough. He was at a party somewhere that was simultaneously Casita’s courtyard and his favorite spot by the river. Pepa was being carried bridal style around the party by Felix while Cicero watched through gauzy white curtains. Reina emerged from the river wearing a villainous black gown and a sparkling crown. When her eyes landed on Pepa she grinned haughtily.
Bruno had swept forward to intercede, “Don’t even try it.”
“There are a lot of things I’d like to try, guapo,” her eyes had raked him up and down and her grin had turned flirty.
“You can’t try anything, not unless you behave yourself,” the scene changed around them so they were now in the cheese stall, only the stall was in Bruno’s vision cave instead of the market.
Whereas before she’d been standing right in front of him, now she was suddenly twenty feet away. She closed the distance, hips swaying with every step, “And how exactly would you like me to behave, Big Bad Bruno?”
“You need to be nice,” Bruno had said, catching her by her suddenly bare shoulders before she could reach him. She had giggled and reached out to run her hands down his chest, apparently not caring that her royal gown had just turned into a barely there silk slip. 
“What’s in it for me?” she whispered, although her mouth remained stuck in a sultry pout.
“Come with me,” he’d pulled her out of the cheese stand by her wrists, walking backwards and magically not tripping despite the fact that his eyes had never left her face. When he pushed backward out of his vision cave he found himself walking down the stairs at the entrance of his room, Reina now carried in his arms. When they got to the last step the sand curtain parted to reveal the secret cavern under the stairs and he took her into the tent he thought of as his real bedroom.
Bruno laid her down on his bed and she wasted no time pulling his face to hers, kissing him deeply with a satisfied hum. After a few minutes he pulled back and pinned her down by the shoulders.
“Do you promise to be nice?”
“If you make it worth my while,” she breathed, untying the belt holding the lace robe she was now wearing. Slowly, she opened it, revealing herself to him.
Bruno watched his own hands caress her stomach and his fingers gently squeeze her breast. She gave him soft words of encouragement and from there the dream lost its thread. It became a slideshow of unfortunately enticing images. One second he was exploring her naked body with shy touches and the next he was sucking ardently at the underside of her breasts and the instant after that he was rutting into her as she offered him gentle praise. The images repeated themselves in no particular order and the scenery changed in the erratic way dreams had.
But every glimpse of a moment had the same focus, him and Reina in his bed.
When he woke he was hard as a rock and his mind kept unhelpfully replaying the image of her opening her robe for him. The details had been fuzzy, but the very idea of it was just… 
He gulped. 
He needed to get ready for church, but he couldn’t exactly hide his current state in his Sunday best. The obvious solution was to… take care of it, but he couldn’t do that! Not if he’d be thinking about Reina while he did it. Not again! 
It seemed extra bad to do this when she was upset with him. At least the last time he had done it she’d given him every reason to believe she wouldn’t mind if she knew. This time… this time she would probably mind.
Still, he couldn’t stop thinking about her opening her robe, a sultry gleam in her eye.
Ay dios, something must be terribly, horribly, incredibly wrong with him. But what else was he supposed to do? Go to church with a raging hard on? He slapped his hands over his face and groaned.
Ok. Ok! He’d make this quick.
Bruno pushed the shorts he wore to bed down his hips until he got his hands on his dick. He didn’t bother with lubricant, he sort of felt like he didn’t deserve it, not when he was masturbating to the idea of his arch nemesis undressing for him.
Where had this even come from?! Sure, she was beautiful, charming, and mysterious, but, but, he didn’t even like her. He didn’t. He definitely didn’t want to see her naked, pin her to his bed, play with her breasts until the nipples hardened and bury himself in her. Sure, maybe she would purr compliments and praise into his ear, tell him how handsome he was, how desirable he was, how good he felt inside her, but that didn’t mean he wanted to hear those things. A-at least, not coming from her.
Joder, yes he did. Just the thought of her fingers running through his hair while he sucked on her neck and pumped himself into her, desperate and for once in his life unrestrained, had him whimpering quietly in his bed. And the idea of listening to her praise him, tell him how wonderful he made her feel, had him spurting off all over his hand.
He closed his eyes and breathed raggedly. What was wrong with him? The villagers were right, he was creepy. How was he ever going to face her again? Maybe he should just give this whole thing up.
No. he couldn’t do that. Pepa had asked him to keep her and Cicero separated. He would stick it out, for her sake. 
He’d just have to do a better job of not liking Reina, no matter what.
Mind made up, Bruno cleaned himself and got dressed for church. He stayed silent through breakfast, which his family was used to, and avoided his own gaze while he brushed his teeth in front of the bathroom mirror. As they walked through the town, one of his sisters on either side of him, Bruno kept his eyes on the ground, just in case they passed Reina.
If he had been paying more attention he would have noticed his sisters both waving cheerfully at Leandra and Rosalie as they passed the pair sitting in the back of the church.
Leandra eyed Bruno as he shuffled into his seat in the front row. He appeared deep in thought. She had spent the rest of Friday afternoon complaining to Leche about the whole situation. She had reimagined the argument with Bruno so that he had an epiphany half way through and suddenly, magically, understood that Cicero was the one who had hurt Pepa, not her. Then he’d be suitably apologetic about allowing his assumptions to override the time they’d spent getting to know one another, agree to take her out to dinner to make up for it, and vow to work with her to bring Cicero down.
Now that she saw him, she found herself worrying that he was going to make good on his accidental threat to leave her in the hands of a rapist.
She couldn’t risk it, she needed to find a better way to keep herself safe from Cicero. Or, fix the situation once and for all.
“He’s very kind,” Rosalie interrupted her thoughts.
“Hm, what?”
“Bruno, he’s a very kind man,” Rosalie was grinning at her, holding little baby Julio in her arms, “when I was staying with them he caught on to the fact that men make me uncomfortable and he went out of his way, in his own home mind you, to give me all the space I needed. You could do a lot worse.”
Leandra quickly checked over her shoulder where her father was chatting with Señora Ruiz, “Ay, say it louder why don’t you.”
“I would, but we’re in a church,” Rosalie teased.
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying I wouldn’t date Bruno,” she whispered, “but the situation’s kind of… complicated.”
“How so?”
Thankfully, Leandra was saved from answering when Padré called for everybody’s attention. She allowed herself the petty pleasure of thinking to herself it was all he was good for, even if she knew that wasn’t true.
Rosalie paid polite attention to the sermon, although her brow twitched whenever Padré remarked on the virtues of kindness and the evils of apathy. On one occasion, he accidentally made eye contact with Rosalie, and immediately stumbled over his words as his eyes flicked down to the babe in her arms and back up. Rosalie did him the favor of turning her attention from him to Julio. 
Leandra wondered if anyone else heard Rosalie mutter, “Hypocrite.”
Maybe the real reason Padré wanted to build a bigger church was to make it easier to avoid looking at people sitting in the back row. 
Idly, Leandra mused over what would happen if Padré found out that Cicero was the wolf in sheep’s clothing that walked among his flock. Would he cast Cicero out? Condemn him the same way he’d condemned Rosalie? Or lecture and pontificate about forgiveness.
Padré instructed them to open the bible and Leandra took a beat longer than the rest of the congregation to do so. She was the only one that saw the look Padré gave Rosalie.
Oh yeah. That guy definitely knew he’d messed up, bad.
The only question was, did he have the courage to do anything about it. If he did, stopping Cicero would become a whole lot easier. With both him and Señora Madrigal backing them up, Leandra, and Cicero’s victims wouldn’t need to jump through hoops to get the rest of the village to believe them. Nobody wanted to be the guy who ignored the word of the only holy man in town for a bottle of wine.
Of course, that would mean asking Rosalie, Pepa, and Señora Madrigal to trust said holy man, which wasn’t likely to happen anytime soon. Not after that stupid sermon.
It would also mean telling Rosalie about everything Cicero had done in the past year.
How would Rosalie feel if she found out he’d tried the same thing he did to her on at least one other woman, probably three, and maybe more. What would happen to little Julio if it got out that Cicero was the father? Would people try to pressure Rosalie to let Cicero into her son’s life?
It was for the best that Rosalie never came into contact with him ever again. Not that that was actually possible in such a small village, but in the past year, she had only ever spoken to him once that Leandra knew of. 
She didn’t know exactly what went down, she had been talking to Félippe and had looked up to see Cicero had cornered Rosalie. This was back when she was just beginning to show. They had rushed over and Cicero’s glare had turned into an easy going smile, he gave them a friendly nod before walking away.
There had been other times Leandra had caught him staring at Rosalie, or Julio, but he never made a move.
Leandra wished she could erect a force field around her friend, she wondered if she went to Casita and asked the candle to catapult Cicero into the sun, would anything happen. Rosalie had been through enough, the last thing she needed in her life was more Cicero.
Still, Rosalie needed to know what was happening. Honestly, Leandra probably should have told her from the very beginning. 
When the service ended and people began milling about, talking amongst themselves, Leandra quietly told Rosalie that she needed to tell her something very serious. 
“Uh-oh, now you’ve got me all nervous,” Rosalie joked in her quiet way, “are you breaking up with me? Was it something I said? I swear, I can change.”
Leandra smiled, wryly, “No, no, nothing like that. It’s just… it’s kind of a doozy. It’s something I should have told you about sooner but I didn’t want to, to upset you, I guess. I-It’s pretty upsetting.”
“Oh,” Rosalie hummed and bounced Julio in her arms as he began to babble and coo in response to the mumble of multiple conversations, “so, we should probably have this upsetting conversation in private?”
“Si,” Leandra nodded, and the two women stood as one, it went without saying that they would have this conversation near Julio’s crib in case he needed a nap. Leandra told her father she was going to spend some time with Rosalie and he wished them a fun afternoon.
“Is this conversation about why you and Bruno are ‘complicated’?”
She rolled her eyes, as they passed through the open doors of the church, into the sunlight. It was a beautiful day and people lingered in the town square to chat and enjoy the gentle breeze. Leandra caught a glimpse of Padré speaking to the town doctor, they made eye contact and she neglected to greet him. Instead, she walked a little closer to Rosalie.
“Well, yeah, si, that is a part of it. But it’s a small part,” Leandra grinned mischievously at her friend, “although, the whole Bruno thing is the best part. Turns out that under that ruana and bad posture the man has the body of a-.”
Leandra cut off when Rosalie froze, face going pale. She clutched her baby closer to her chest and squared her shoulders. Leandra gulped, knowing without turning her head what she was about to see, and sure enough, when she followed Rosalie’s gaze she found Cicero coming straight for them.
Leandra looked frantically around, her eyes landing on the Madrigal family. The triplets were standing politely still while Señora Madrigal laughed with a few members of the choir. Bruno was still staring at the ground, apparently pondering the meaning of life or something.
“Señorita Lopez,” Cicero greeted, making it as obvious as he could that he was ignoring Rosalie entirely.
Leandra stepped ever so slightly in front of Rosalie and in her loudest, most enthused sounding voice, cried, “Cicero! It’s been a while since we spoke! How did you like the service?”
Hopefully, that would be enough to get Bruno’s attention. Hopefully, Bruno didn’t mean what he’d said. Hopefully, he was willing to do something as conspicuous as leaving his mother’s conversation in order to fulfill his promise to Pepa.
That was a lot of “hopefully”. She really, really, needed to find a more permanent solution to the whole Cicero problem.
“Oh, it was wonderful, Father really is on a roll, isn’t he?” Cicero’s eyes flickered to Rosalie, “I particularly liked the one about drunks being an affront to god.”
“Really?” Rosalie responded, voice cold, “I really liked the one about lechers burning in hell.”
Leandra glanced over at Bruno, he was watching them with wide eyes. She looked pointedly at Cicero, then smirked.
“Oh? I would think a woman of your nature would find that part rather worrying,” Cicero sneered.
Come on Bruno, come on.
“God knows what happened that night,” Rosalie held her head high, “somehow I doubt my son will meet his father in heaven.”
Cicero briefly scowled, but wiped it off his face quickly and turned back to Leandra with a smile, “Honestly señorita, it is perhaps unwise to associate with somebody who has Rosalie’s… history.”
Leandra squared her shoulders, determined to defend her friend regardless of the risks to her own safety,“I-.”
And then she was cut off by the most beautiful sound she’d ever heard, “Hola Cicero.”
Cicero practically jumped out of his skin at Bruno’s sudden appearance, “Br- Señor Madrigal! Hola. Hi.”
Bruno stepped in between the women and Cicero, his voice low and dripping with irony, “You know, it’s funny, I haven’t seen you hanging out with Pepa lately. Did something happen between you two?”
Cicero gulped, clearly thinking Bruno was referencing Pepa’s being drugged, “Look, Señor Madrigal, I know things look bad, but it’s not what you think.”
Bruno made a doubtful sound, “Right, yeah, I’m sure this whole thing is a big misunderstanding.”
Cicero nodded, he opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by the crash of thunder. Everybody whipped around to see Pepa standing not ten feet away, a storm cloud building over her head. Her eyes were trained on Cicero, suddenly a bolt of lightning scorched the Earth a mere foot to his side. He yelped and stumbled away from it.
“Cicero,” she hissed, she tried to say more but seemed to be choking on her anger, the wind whipping around her, finally she growled, “Stay away from them.”
There was a pause as he looked between the two Madrigals, then Leandra, and finally, Rosalie. Something passed across his face, but she didn’t know what it was. Maybe his eyes were widening out of fear, or maybe he’d just realized something, maybe that was the look of a crazed man; maybe his jaw tensed due to the stress, maybe he was frustrated, maybe he was determined. Before Leandra could figure it out he had turned and walked away.
The storm faded as he retreated. Once it was gone, the only sound in the town square were Julio’s cries. For a few seconds, nobody moved.
Señora Madrigal walked over, calm and poised as always. The entire village was watching them, and looking to her for context, she looked first at Rosalie and Leandra, “Are you girls ok?”
There was a mumble through the assembled crowd.
“Si Señora,” they said in unison, then Rosalie excused herself to calm her son down.
Señora Madrigal turned next to her own son, “Bruno, it was very brave of you to stand up for these young women, I am very proud of you.”
Bruno blinked, stuttering over a question his mother silenced with a hand.
“Would you please make sure they get home safely?”
“Uh, si Mamá,” he agreed.
Señora Madrigal turned towards her daughter but found that Pepa had already run off, which explained how the storm had died off so quickly. With a bracing breath, Alma turned to Cicero’s father, Señor Gutierrez. She looked him up and down as if appraising him, then pursed her lips, “Perhaps you should have a conversation with your son about the proper way to court a young lady. I think it is time the young man settled down, before he runs out of skirts to chase, don’t you?”
With that she turned and walked away, beckoning Julietta to follow her. The rumor mill began churning out story after story as everybody tried to cobble together what had happened before Pepa Madrigal had called all of their attention with a thunderbolt.
It was no secret that Cicero enjoyed the company of women perhaps a bit too liberally, but surely the son of such an upstanding pillar of their community wouldn’t go too far, would he? Then again, in the past year he’d dated four girls and each of them avoided him like the plague once it was over.
And did you see the way Pepa reacted to him? She’s had a couple of bad break ups, but have you ever seen her that angry before? What did Cicero do that would warrant that sort of reaction?
Bruno watched his mother walk away, very confused. He turned to ask Reina what just happened but found her gone. After a panicked second he saw her standing in the shade, having a hushed conversation with Rosalie while she allowed Julio to play with one of her fingers to calm him down. Bruno walked over as quietly as he could, trying not to pull attention their way.
“-isn’t what I planned, but what was I supposed to do? Just let him get away with everything?!” Leandra hissed, not noticing Bruno coming up behind her.
“Si, exactly. You’re going to get yourself hurt,” Rosalie answered.
“No. No! It isn’t right, Rosalie, you’ve suffered so much while Cicero just… goes on playing his little games,” she shook her head, “I can’t stand it, it chokes me, whenever I see him I- you didn’t deserve- nobody deserves-. It isn’t fair!”
“Life isn’t fair,” Rosalie snapped, “believe me.”
“It can be though, if we fight for it. If we play this right, he-.”
“What then? What’s your plan? What are you going to do?” then Rosalie noticed Bruno standing nervously behind Leandra, she put on a polite smile, “Hola Señor Madrigal, thank you for intervening back there. Cicero was being quite unpleasant.”
“O-oh, I-, n-no problem,” he looked at Leandra, who was avoiding his gaze. Seriously, what was happening? 
When he’d abruptly left his mother’s side he’d been expecting a lecture for being rude, but Reina had thrown him that smug little smirk and well… he’d made a promise to Pepa.
Instead, his mama was proud of him and everybody seemed to be angry at Cicero. Everybody seemed to know something that Bruno didn’t.
“We should get going,” Leandra said, “Julio is cranky after all this excitement.”
“This conversation isn’t over,” Rosalie told her quietly.
Leandra sighed, “I know.”
The two women started walking and for a second, Bruno just stood there watching them go. If he hadn’t promised his mom he’d walk them home, he would go back to Casita and ask Pepa what was happening. He shook his head and sighed, then hurried to catch up with them.
Nobody said a word the entire walk to Rosalie’s house.
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aboutthatbruno · 1 year ago
Thank you all so much for reading my shrug!! You're all amazing and I love you!!
I'd like to take a sec and push some of my tumblr popularity to mine and my social media pages. I stream occasionally on twitch as a dead by daylight survivor. Please follow, like his recent post, and turn those notifications on.
Thank you all so so much!! This is one of the only times I'll ever promote my social media. Please continue to request and I'll continue to write.
Twitch: @mumblerapisded
Instagram: @mumblerapisded
Personal Instagram: @larubiajoss
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daisies-daydreams · 1 year ago
Bruno Madrigal x F!Reader Request: Sneak Peak
Hi everyone! Thank you all so much for being patient and supportive while I work on requests. I thought I'd share a sneak peak for a Bruno Madrigal x F!Reader request I'm currently working on for @duckiimo. I can't wait to publish it soon! -Daisy
"Do you remember what happened the first time we came here, hermoso?" you lilted while opening your eyes. Your lover's breath hitched as he nearly choked on some fruit. You flipped yourself over and gently rubbed Bruno's chest as he cleared his throat.
"I-uh-I do," he flushed while picking at a blade of grass. You smiled and bit your lip, your breasts peeking out from beneath your lacy, white blouse as you sighed.
"We were both so nervous," you blushed as you slid your hand over his thigh. Bruno's breath hitched as you rested your chin between his ankles, your eyes locked on his crotch as he gulped. "But you did so, so well...made me the happiest girl in the whole Encanto that night," you purred while sliding both of your hands up his legs and beneath his green ruana. Bruno swallowed thickly as he fell back on his forearms, his legs spread out as you pounced on him like a lithe jaguar. His breath quickened as you hovered above him, your barely covered breasts grazing over his chest as you smirked.
"Would you like to relive that moment now?" you whispered as your lips brushed over his.
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applesap-fics · 7 months ago
Gay Encanto Porny(ish) Discord
It's STORKIN's 2 year birthday today!!! 🥳🎉We thought we'd send out another invite link for anyone interested in joining! We're a primarily queer member curated server, and have many many conversations around sexual themes, queer identity, and more!!
It is 18+ and porny, no incest. Some discussions have also included: Osvaldo in all his glory Lesbian Isa and Plants T4T Pepa/Félix Bruno/various Male OCs About 4000 AUs, including FAB cowboys
If you are interested, click this link to join :] We’ve got a fairly painless process for application, which essentially is a vibe and hatespeech scan. Thank you!!!
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alexthebordercollie · 1 year ago
To Love at all is to Love Entirely
Chapter 1: Homecoming
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Warning contains masturbation scene
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ If you wish to skip the smut look for the rats. They appear and the start and end of sexual scenes. ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
︵‿୨ - March 10 1951 - ୧‿︵
“Félix stop!” Pepa whined playfully.
They would do this every now and again. His sisters and their husbands. They would get out the playing cards and a bottle of aguardiente and play poker into the late hours of the night. A sort of double date night. Loser takes a shot. He used to play with them sometimes. Unfortunately not having a partner always left him feeling like the odd man out.
This time he really was the odd man out.
“Escalera real mi vida.” Agustín purred.
Bruno took another swig from the bottle of rum that sat on a crate next to him. Every time his sisters lost he took a shot. A show of solidarity. Or maybe just alcoholism. He’d managed to swipe the bottle from a party and had been nursing it for close to a month. Tonight seemed like a good enough excuse to indulge a bit as he lay on a ratty twin-sized mattress on the floor. He set the bottle back down on the crate and rolled over to face the wall. Listening passively to their game night.
It sounded like they were having fun. He wasn’t missed. He wondered if they would act any differently if they knew he was there. He was happy for his sisters. They found good men who loved them dearly. Still… he couldn't help the bitterness in his throat. Lying there alone. Listening to their drunken flirting. He knew full well how their night would end. When he used to play with them they were a little more subtle. A little less shameless.
Maybe it was because he was the only bachelor in the room and they pitied him. Or maybe it was just the family treating him like a child again. Like they were under some delusion he was too fragile to process such mature information. He wasn’t a child though. He wasn’t naive. Far from it.
He heard the roars of his sisters and went to take another shot. Empty. That figures. It sounded like their game was wrapping up.
He sat up in bed clutching the empty bottle for a moment as he listened to them drunkenly shuffle up the stairs. A few of his rats stared up at him expectantly.
“Sí, sí, I know!” He hissed as soon as his sisters were out of earshot.
He tossed the bottle half-heartedly. Listlessly watching it bounce off the back of his armchair before rolling back towards the bed. The floor was slightly uneven. Of course it was. He hadn’t thrown it with enough force to break the glass but the clatter as it hit the floor was enough to scare off the rats. He had promised himself he’d make it last at least a month. He didn’t need his pets' judgmental eyes on him right now. He knew he was a failure. He didn’t need to be reminded.
He flopped back down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. His mind wandered to the couples upstairs. He could feel his body tensing against his trousers.
“Meirda.” He groaned as he rubbed his eyes violently with his palms. He propped himself up on one arm and reached down to adjust himself so as to get some relief from his waistband. He was already so hard he winced at his own touch. He’d not been paying attention to his growing condition till now. Now he couldn’t ignore it. He tried to get his mind on something else, but the intrusive thoughts wouldn’t leave him. Floating circles in his brain no matter how much he protested.
He knew he shouldn’t think about his sisters like this. Imagining what it was like to be them. To be loved, touched, consumed…
He was already touching himself. Any semblance of self-control was out the window tonight. What was the point? It’s not like anyone would know. Dolores went to bed ages ago. Just him, god, the devil, and the rats.
He muttered faint profanities to himself as he ran his palm along his flesh. So engorged it hurt. He sat up a moment and pulled the crucifix he wore from his neck. If he was going to sin tonight it might be best to put it away. He’d hate to feel it burning into his collarbone all night.
He placed his necklace in the top drawer of his dresser for safekeeping. Leaving his pants and poncho on the floor before returning to bed and curling up under the covers. He gripped the covers over his shoulder with one hand as he lubricated the other with precum. Again he winced before letting out a deep sigh.
He’d been jealous of his sisters for years. He was sure no one really knew just how much. He’d been in denial himself at first. This repressed teenage boy staring longingly at the boys his hermanas courted. No woman had ever made him feel the way a man did. Not for lack of trying. He knew what other teenage boys could be like. The things they would say when one of the Madrigal women walked by. He’d tried to admire women's bodies the way they did. Even got caught once by a girl in town who slapped him hard enough to leave a mark. He’d rather he could have been a garden variety pervert over a degenerate sinner.
He put a hand over his mouth to muffle himself as he shuttered. He thought of the gruff working hands, the smell of cologne, sweat, and cigars. He bit down on his fingers. The thought of all the things a man could do to him. He was gripping himself tighter now. His movements were frantic and desperate as he shivered and jerked about under the covers.
He pulled his fingers into his mouth. Gnawing and sucking on them. He barely paid any mind to the wet rabid sounds that escaped his lips. He suckled frantically on his hand till his fingers began to swell from the abuse. He was growing increasingly tender and frustrated as he kept edging close to some kind of relief but never quite reaching it. He was growing lightheaded. He wanted more.
Curling in on himself he reached down with his abused fingers and began to probe himself. This wasn’t the first time he’d done this. So desperate to cum it stopped mattering how. He would slide his fingers in with little effort though his breath still caught in his chest for a moment. He stopped stroking his dick as he curled his fingers inside himself. He was seeking out that sweet spot that would let him cum.
He let out a startled gasp as he felt the sharp jab of his fingernails against his favorite pressure point. He was gasping for air now, panting as he returned to stroking himself while his fingers went to work massaging his warm velvety insides. He wondered what it would be like to be penetrated by a real man. Someone unlike himself, the scrawny, cowardly, midget that he was. He felt his face go numb. He grew dizzy as he struggled to breathe. That pressure kept building but to no relief and his dick was getting tender and raw.
“Carajo!” He shouted in bitter frustration as he released himself. He collapsed onto his back and gasped out for air. “Por favor, Dios, Satán.” Whatever ethereal creature it was who saw fit to torture his every waking moment. “Just let me have this.” He whined as tears streamed down his hot, flushed, face.
He calmed himself enough to reach up and wipe the offending tears from his cheeks.
“Santo Dios, why am I like this?” He whimpered between fluttering breaths.
He just wanted some relief tonight. Anything to ease this pain. He didn’t care if it was sin. He didn’t care about hell. In this moment he just wanted to feel some pleasure. To feel something besides empty soul-crushing pain.
He looked over to the empty liquor bottle on the floor and a wicked thought struck him. A devious, rebellious thought. The neck of the bottle was a bit shy of an inch across two maybe three inches long. He wasn’t seriously considering this was he? He thought of his precious hermanas enjoying their night upstairs and that bitter resentment bubbled up in his gut. He’d already committed to being a degenerate tonight. What did it matter? He’d worry about his immortal soul tomorrow when he wasn’t drunk, horny, and angry.
He reached out for the bottle without leaving the somewhat comfortable confines of his bed.
“I can’t believe I’m doing this.” He muttered as he turned the glass bottle over in his hands. He spat into his palm and stroked the neck of the bottle. It wasn’t close to the real thing but it was closer than his fingers ever could be. He kicked off the covers and felt his face flush with a humiliating heat as he reached down to line the neck of the bottle up with his entrance. Still puckered and tender from the abuse he’d done to himself earlier.
He took a shaky nervous breath and pressed down. This was a new low for him. He’d never done anything like this before. He wasn’t even sure he could take it, but he wanted it so badly… To be filled up by something, anything. The glass was cold and made him shiver. His body put up some resistance but he persisted.
“AY!” He let out a pained cry as the lip of the bottle made its way in and shot ripples of pain through his flesh. He clasped his free end over his mouth in a panic. He startled himself with his own girlish shriek. For a moment he lay there silently listening for any sound of human life. All he could hear was his own heartbeat pounding in his ears.
He kept his mouth covered for fear of the sounds that might escape him. Slowly he began to press deeper in. He ground his fingertips against the stubble on his cheeks as he muffled a moan. Eyes closed. His head rolled back into the mattress as he made it all the way down the neck of the bottle. The glass was cold but silky smooth and it warmed gradually to his skin.
His hand started to slip loose from his mouth as he moaned from the sheer satisfaction. It felt so good. He’d speculated for years, but this was better than he’d imagined, and it wasn’t even the real thing. Imagine how that would feel. He started slowly, gently pulling back and pushing back in. Before long however that frantic hunger began to build again as he picked up speed.
He let go of his face and gripped the covers so tight his knuckles went white. He found himself bucking forward with each thrust. His legs trembled and his whole body rocked. He arched his back. Panting like a dog in heat. His movements were clumsy. His hand kept slipping on the smooth glass. The angle was difficult. It felt so good though, clumsy and rough though it was. That fullness, that feeling of being properly violated. The thought of strong hands on his body as he grew dizzy again.
As much as he loved this feeling it became apparent he wasn’t going to cum like this. He pulled the bottle out and rolled over onto all fours for a moment to catch his breath and collect his thoughts. He was sweating now, heaving. His arms were shaking as he struggled to support his own weight. He needed a new strategy. He needed some way to maintain a consistent angle and rhythm. He thought for a moment before bringing the bottle to his face and slipping the neck into his mouth. The glass was warm and tasted sweet and metallic. With a fresh coat of lubrication, he sat upright on his knees and placed it between his ankles.
He leaned back till his palms hit the mattress. Supporting his weight on his arms as he lowered himself down onto the bottle. This time there was no pain, no resistance, it slid in effortlessly. He let out a grateful sigh.
“Joder eso es bueno.”
For a moment he just rested back on his hands enjoying the feeling. This was it, one last try, and if he couldn’t manage it this time he’d just have to cut his losses for the night. He was slower this time as he started practicing rocking his hips up and down. His feet crossed each other. Toes curling. Calves flexing as he pulled his legs as tight around the bottle as he could manage. This was much smoother, more controlled. He moaned softly and his head rolled back.
He considered stroking his cock one more time but decided against it. It was still tender and the pressure inside him sent a pleasure that radiated through his cock. This was enough, for now, this was all he wanted. Just this slow even pace. Just enjoying the feeling. Listening to his body.
Eventually, that pressure began to rise again causing him to pick up the pace. This time his movements were precise and deliberate. It got harder to maintain that smooth fluid motion the faster he got but with some focus he could manage it. He just had to keep that stable rhythm going. Just a little longer. His cock ached and trembled. He grew light-headed again. Worried that sweet release would illude him he brought one of his hands up to his dick and stroked himself gently. Just the slightest touch was all it took to finally send him over the edge.
For a moment he couldn’t breathe. His whole body tensed as he felt the hot sticky substance dribble down his fingers. He came in deep shuttering waves. The throbbing satisfying stretch of thick cum pulsing through his cock. When it finally stopped he waited to catch his breath for a moment. His eyes fluttered open. He looked down at himself…
He was disgusted with what he saw. His hideous filthy body. Why would anyone love someone so repulsive? Much less another man? He awkwardly dislodged himself before collapsing on the bed. Avoiding the puddle he’d left on the mattress.
What had he just done?
It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered. He was sweaty and winded and tired. So tired. He knew it was wrong. For a man to want the things he did. There were a lot of things wrong about him. This was just another defect to add to the pile. Why should this matter more than any of the other humiliating mistakes he’d made in his life? At least no one knew about this. This was a defect he could keep all to himself.
There was something oddly comforting in that.
︵‿୨ - October 17 1950 - ୧‿︵
Bruno lay on his mattress for a while, muscles sore, eyes still glued shut from sleep. He’d been awake for some time just listening to the sound of falling sand, the little paw steps of his rats. A few of the little creatures were still snuggled up along the length of his body for warmth. It had been a five months since he moved back into his old room.
The rest of the family had wanted to refurnish the room for him after they saw its sorry state but, to their dismay, he’d chosen instead to cram all his tattered belongings into a little cave in the wall of his tower. It wasn’t always so bad. One would think it would have been good as new after the house had been rebuilt, but no, that was just his luck. It was all the same to him in any case. He wasn’t quite yet ready to part completely with the little home he’d made for himself in the walls.
It wasn’t much, but just moving back to his old room alone was stressful and surreal. To Casita's credit, he’d forgotten how soothing the curtain of sand was at night, all the nights it helped him fall asleep as a child.
Juanita began to nuzzle at his scruffy cheek and when that proved fruitless started lapping at his skin, her little teeth grazing his face.
“Alright, alright, I get it, I’m up.” he groaned though he couldn't help the grin that her persistence brought to his face.
No doubt she was pestering him for her breakfast. He’d been keeping rats for years, ever since he was a child. It started with a single mated pair. He took them in after Pepa kicked one of them across the kitchen and broke its leg. It was just going to be temporary, just until they were well enough to be released. He couldn’t help but get attached. It took a lot of cajoling when Mamá found out to get her to let him keep them. No doubt she never expected the population to explode like it did.
It took a bit of limp, half-hearted, flailing to get the feeling back in his limbs and shake off the sleep. A good yawn and a stretch to get fresh oxygen to his brain. As he craned backward he heard a loud crack that echoed off the walls of the tower and sent a brief shiver down his spine. That got his eyes open. He rubbed a palm along the sore spot in his lower back and cleaned the sleep from his eyes before cracking his neck, then his knuckles. He stared down at the old mattress on the floor. Maybe it was time to get a new bed at least.
Climbing up to his feet he watched as the rats started poking their heads out of every nook and cranny, eyeing him expectantly. A few sleeping rats tumbled off his poncho onto the bed. He chuckled as he watched Carlos wriggle on his back only to sink deeper into one of the mattress's many dents.
“Easy mijo I got you.” he reassured and reached down to scoop up his pet. Carlos lay contentedly in his arms like a baby and Bruno gave his belly a tickle. The rat squealed playfully and scurried up his arm to his shoulder and made a nest in Bruno’s mat of curly black hair. Their little claws still tickled after all these years, their shiny eyes and twitching noses filled him with a comforting warmth. As he turned to leave others poured from their cubbies and started to pool about his ankles. Walking down the stone steps and carefully avoiding tiny, eager tails he started to wonder if he may have become somewhat of a crazy cat lady. He dismissed the thought, surely not, these are rats, it’s completely different. Rats actually love you back.
As he made it to the bottom of the steps he looked around the cavernous room. Every morning it seemed to look a little different than the night before. It had grown very empty and deteriorated over the years. It was starting to look a bit better. The sand curtain now fell into a working grate in the floor, you could actually see the floor. A decorative tile floor was slowly creeping out from the center of the room, consuming the dull wood planks, and a few more of the steps had grown back. He couldn’t spot anything too noticeable today, but this house was always full of surprises and he was sure he’d spot something by the end of the day.
Poking his head out into the hall he could hear a commotion in the courtyard. The house was usually pretty noisy but this was something else. He padded down the steps to the catwalk. Careful to avoid his many sobrinos as they scurried past. He still walked softly out of habit so as not to make any sound that might disturb the peace.
A sudden roar shook him. Reverberating through his blood and jolting a very primal fear into action. Whiping around to spot the source of the danger.
There was Antonio with one of the worlds most dangerous predators. His heart was beating a million miles a minute. His brain failing to keep up with his instincts as he bolted forward. No thoughts on what he'd do only afraid for his littlest sobrino. His racing heart stopped dead as he watched the boy dive over the balcony to the floor below on the back of a jaguar.
Seconds passed that felt like years.
Then laughter.
“Vez! Vez!” Antonio cheered to his terrifying pet.
Bruno gasped with relief. Freeing the breath he'd been holding. He never much liked cats. Didn’t trust them. Esspecially a cat like that. Antonio looked alright though. Maybe he was worrying to much. Antonio could talk to animals, the animals all seemed to like him well enough. So what if Parce was a nearly four-hundred-pound killing machine. Everyone else seemed to be rolling with it.
“Me asusta terriblemente también.”
Bruno yelped as he jumped back from the railing.
He turned to see Pepa leaning over the guardrail next to him. She sighed as she watched her son playing with his jaguar in the courtyard. Parce bolted back up the steps and rushed past them in a flurry of spots.
“I don’t know how you manage.” Bruno breathed. Rubbing at the aching dent in his chest.
“Lo juro el niño is going to give me a heart attack” She agreed before shifting the weight of a basket she carried on her hip.
“To think. You used to be scared of rats.” Bruno teased.
“You’re never going to let me live that down are you.” Pepa grumbled a gray cloud forming over her adorable scrunched face.
“Eh, lo justo es justo hermana.” He grinned and shot her finger guns. His sister groaned and rolled her eyes.
“Between you and Tonito I’ll be lucky if I make it to forty.”
“But you’re fifty.” Bruno replied awkwardly. Admittedly it felt a little weird to say it out loud himself. Sometimes he forgot just how old he was, it was truly uncanny to him how fast time flew.
“Fifty-one as of today.” Mirabel chimed as she skipped up the stairs to plant a kiss on her uncle’s cheek.
Bruno froze up at first from the gesture. He'd grown so unaccustomed to human touch over the years. He only took a second to recompose himself before ruffling his sobrina's hair. She smiled brightly back at him. She really was a miracle. This bright beautiful girl who brought him out of his cave. She reminded him how it felt to be loved. So many years he’d watched her grow through the cracks in the walls. Now he could finally feel the warmth of her skin and gaze lovingly into those beautiful brown eyes.
“No, not yet!” Pepa curtly corrected, accented by a low rumble of thunder. “Until nine forty PM, I’m still fifty” She huffed. Her husband Félix crept up behind her and tickled the back of her neck with kisses that made her giggle like a schoolgirl. Wrapping his strong arms around her petite waist he reassured his wife.
“Fifty or five hundred mi vida you’re still as beautiful as the day we met.”
“Eres un gran coqueto.” She chided playfully as she ran her free hand along his jawline.
Bruno pretended to vomit over the railing, loud enough for his sister to hear. Pepa shot daggers at him as Félix and Mirabel laughed. It felt good, making his family laugh. It was one of the few things he was good at growing up. Even if Mamá didn’t always appreciate it.
“Did you find the decorations Tía Pepa?” Mirabel chimed.
“They were in Mamá's closet, I had to clean them up a bit but they’re in pretty good shape all things considered.”
Pepa passed the basket over to Mirabel. Bruno pressed himself against the railing to make space for them and noticed as it passed by him, a familiar lime green fabric he hadn’t seen in ages. When they were young his mother had sat him and his sisters down to stitch birthday banners the three of them had used for years. As they got older the banners were used less and less. But there was his. The poorly stitched character smiling back at him.
“Honestly I don’t know why she wanted to use these, they’re embarrassing.”
“Come now Pepa, today is special. I wanted to do something special.” Their madre insisted as she stepped out into the hall. She reached up instinctively to wave away the small cloud above her daughter's head before stopping herself and patting her cheek instead. Bruno felt a dozen tiny paws clamber up his pant legs and cling to his shirt to hide beneath his poncho.
Pepa sighed and her brother had to agree. “S-she’s right Mamá these are a bit silly don’t you think?”
Bruno’s voice cracked awkwardly and made him feel like a child.
“Well I think they’re adorable” Mirabel grinned as she pulled the banner out to inspect her uncle’s childish doodles. Bruno reached out to stuff it back into the basket. “Ay, don’t look too closely at that!” He sheepishly insisted.
“Ma if I’d remembered it was our birthday I would have gotten up early to help everyone set up.”
“Nonsense Brunito, it’s your first year back. We wanted you to relax and enjoy your special day.” His mother cooed as she brushed a lock of unruly hair out of his face.
It was strange seeing her so soft and doting. He heard his sister grumble though their mother didn’t seem to notice. It had been like this since he properly returned to family life. His mother had been doting on him more than she ever had when they were kids and he was sure everyone was starting to notice.
“A big party like this? I dunno, I think I should just sit this one out.” He stammered out, wringing his hands close to his chest, small.
“I get it,” Mirabel piped up. “You’ve not got the best reputation.” She drastically downplayed.
“We were gonna do a small little family thing but somebody had to go and blab to the whole town.”
She chastised her cousin who poked her head out one of the many doors to call back indignantly. “You shouldn’t have sent me to pick up the groceries. You know how Señora Florez is with the chisme tax. What was I supposed to do?”
Mirabel shook her head as Mamá put a hand on Bruno’s shoulder. His mother lifted his chin to face her with a gentle touch.
“Go get something to eat then talk to Isabela, see if she can’t do something with your hair.”
“Uh, sure thing Ma.” He replied awkwardly before slipping back out of her orbit and nearly tumbling backwards down the stairs. Mirabel caught him and propped him up with the basket before nodding down to the kitchen.
The kitchen smelled like heaven. His sister's cooking always did. He used to joke that God gave him a big nose so he could better appreciate her food.
“There you are.” Julieta chimed as she turned from rolling out dough to greet him.
Bruno smiled and gave her a little wave. “Sí, mis niños were hungry.” he chuckled shyly.
Juanita poked their snoot out of his sleeve to sniff around hungrily.
“Alright guys you can come out now la señora atemorizante’s gone.” He shook his poncho to agitate the rats who flooded out into a pool on the floor around him. Mirabel stepped back sucking in her lips awkwardly as she admired the hoard. Julieta jumped a little as she turned around to clean her hands on her apron and saw the battalion of furry creatures on her clean kitchen floor.
Bruno wasn’t oblivious. “I can keep them in my room if they’re in the way.” He scratched his face. “I guess I didn’t think too much about it before. They like to follow me around but usually, it was just us in here at night.”
A flash of sadness crossed his sister's face. Bruno could only imagine how that must how sounded. The images it conquered up. He'd largely avoided thinking too much about what he looked like from an outsider's perspective. He couldn't bring himself to self-reflect… it took his mind to dark places. Thinking on it now though as he saw the look in his hermana's eyes? The image of him scowering the kitchen in the dead of night with the rats.
Julieta quickly collected herself as if the thought hadn’t occurred to her.
“Oh, it’s fine, as long as you keep them off the counter.”
Bruno reached back with his foot to subtly pull Rossa down from the knob of a cabinet with his toes.
“Oh sí, no problema.” He smiled nervously.
“I always wondered where all my food was going. Felt like I was feeding an army, turns out I really was.” She laughed and her warm voice soothed the growing tension in his chest.
Julieta reached into a warmer on the counter to pull out a couple of arepas to toss to her brother. Bruno fumbled the catch slightly and thanked her. As he went to take a bite Juanita climbed up on his shoulder and reached out to give it a sniff. She looked up at him with big round eyes and he caved immediately.
“Alright, I’ll let you have the first bite. Only cause you’ve been good lately.”
Leaning back against the table he started to pull a piece off for her only to jump at the sound of Julieta’s scolding.
“Oh no you don’t!” She stopped him and scooped Jaunita off his shoulder. She held the rat awkwardly far from her body. Doing her best to be gentle. “That’s your breakfast you eat.” She said, holding Juanita as if she were a loaded gun. “I’ll find something for… tus niños.” She put Juanita down on the floor and went to wash her hands before leading the rats to the pantry.
Mirabel watched the tiny parade in mild astonishment. “That’s a lot of rats.”
“You think that’s a lot.” Bruno muffled through a mouthful of food. “These are just the more social ones. A lot of them are still too shy to leave my room.”
“How many do you have?” She queried as she set the basket down on a free patch of countertop. Casita carried off the embarrassing banners to god knows where.
“Fifty three… no fifty eight since Beatrice had her litter. Speakings of, I should check on them later, see if she needs new bedding. Bring her something to eat.”
Mirabel was stunned silent for a moment and Bruno could feel her eyes on him as he stuffed the last bite of arepa into his mouth. After a few agonizing seconds of owl eyes staring Bruno couldn't take it anymore. He wiped the crumbs from his mouth and hurried to defend himself. Stammering as he looked for the right words to say.
“Look I-I know not everyone gets it, b-but rats are great, they’re smart and affectionate, and…” he realized he’d been leaning in a little too close and was slightly hovering over Mirabel in his enthusiasm. Instinctively he shrunk back down.
“I mean, I get why people, you know, just…”
Mirabel put a hand on his to steady him as he started dissolving in front of her.
“They love su familia, you know.” He explained, looking back into her eyes. He’d never stop being amazed by the understanding he found in them.
Mirabel gave him a knowing smile. “Don’t worry about it. You're not the only one with weird pets. Antonio has a whole jungle in his room, I’m sure he’d love to get to hear all about them.” She patted his hand before pushing off the kitchen table and lacing her fingers behind her back.
“You should go clean up. The guests should start showing up soon.”
“Ah caray, is it that late?”
“Tío it’s six in the afternoon” She laughed. Bruno blushed as he realized just how late he'd slept in. He was laegly nocturnal for the last decade and adapting to a normal schedule had been difficult. He really didn't intent to sleep the day away. Why couldn't his mother have woken him up?
Bruno hurried off to look for Isabela.
“Finally,” Isabela tutted as she led him to the washroom. “I wanted to wake you up earlier but Abuela said to let you sleep in. We’re running out of time and I’m not letting nuestro cumpleañero look like un indigente.”
“Little harsh mija” he whined as she shoved him into a chair propped up against the bathroom sink.
He remembered how sweet and spunky she was when she was little. The world around him may have been fast and loud but he couldn’t help but reminisce. He remembered helping his hermana clean paint from Isabela's hair when she was four. The frantic rush to contain the mess before their mother got home. She was so small then. This little ray of sunshine and mischief trying to spread beauty wherever she went. Nowadays she had developed a much sharper tongue and a spiteful temper that could be a bit scary up close.
“I’ll see if I can’t work my magic.” She cracked her knuckles and circled around him inspecting his hair.
“EEEK!” She squealed as she uncovered Carlos still nesting under his curls.
Carlos leaped out in fear and scurried off. Bruno tried to reach for him but he was off and around the corner before he could say anything.
Isabela took a deep breath and rubbed at her temples. “Tu y Antonio… está bien, perdón, no pasa nada.” She paced for floor before retreating to the edge of the tub. She had a few different bowls of sweet-smelling goo he couldn’t quite identify. He could see the gears turning in her head as she formulated a plan of attack.
“This seems like a lot don’t you think?”
“Oh this is just the start, I’ve got a lot of work ahead of me to recover that duty rats next you call hair. At least for tonight, I think I can get it presentable.” She warned ominously as she brought a bowl over to set by the sink and called out to her father.
“Eh Papi! Poca ayuda por aquí.”
Agustín, who was chatting with his wife in the kitchen, stopped to call back. “Oh, we’re doing this now?”
“Sí ahora!” His daughter snapped back.
“Doing what? Excuse me, what exactly did I agree to?”
Isabela shoved her tío back in the chair and pushed his head back into the sink to rinse his hair.
“Don’t worry about it. Just relax and let me handle things okay?”
Bruno tried hard not to recoil at his sobrina's touch as she raked her fingers along his scalp. Someone else might have found it soothing but he could help but feel anxious getting this much attention. His cuñado came in with a shaving kit and started setting up.
“Ey, gracias, p-pero no. I can do that myself, you know.”
“No time Tío Bruno. This is faster, just let Papi help you.” Isabelle chided as she shifted her weight to the side to make more space for her father and smeared something under his eyes before scrubbing his scalp. Whatever it was it smelled of aloe.
Agustín inspected the razor, seemingly oblivious to Bruno’s discomfort as he squeaked out a “Cómo no?” through grit teeth.
︵‿୨ -❇- ୧‿︵
The following half-hour felt like centuries as his nails bored grooves in the arms of the wooden dining chair. He tried his best to make idle small talk and avoid making Agustín laugh with a razor pressed against his throat.
Once all was said and done Isabela tied his hair back into a short ponytail and he got a good look at himself in the mirror. Despite his misgivings, considering Agustín’s usual clumsiness, he’d never managed such a clean shave himself. Perhaps it was a byproduct of growing up in a house full of women. His hair looked a lot cleaner and softer, shiny even, and he could swear Isabela must have done something to cover up some of the gray streaks while she was at it. He wasn’t sure how he felt about that. Whatever gunk she had smeared on his face earlier had brought a bit of life back to his skin and the dark circles under his eyes were less intense now.
It almost felt as if he'd been robbed of something, though he couldn't quite articulate what had been lost.
He almost couldn’t recognize himself in the mirror as he prodded gently at his face. Isabela smirked confidently behind him as her father scurried off to put the supplies away.
“Sometimes I amaze even myself.”
“You did a great job.” he muttered softly.
Isabela’s face softened as she seemed to notice how small he shrunk the more he looked at his reflection. She wrapped her arms around his scrawny neck.
“Happy birthday Tío Bruno.” She smiled meekly. Isabela was anything but meek. “Between you and me, this was my idea.” She admitted. “I just wanted you to feel good on your birthday. I thought it would help.”
Bruno could feel a knot form in his stomach as he heard guests start to funnel in. Isabela had been hoping to boost his confidence using her most familiar means. He turned to hug his oldest sobrina. She smelled of succulents and even after all these years she still felt small in his arms.
“Me hiciste falta.” she whispered softly.
“Me hiciste falta también, cariña.”
“Come on, the party’s starting.” Agustín ushered them out into the courtyard.
Already the Casita was filled with life and music. Antonio was impressing the neighbor kids with his many exotic pets as they darted outside to play in the yard. He could see Luisa and her mother resting with some cold lemonade and having a laugh. Camillo had filled the corner with kids his own age who all seemed enthralled with whatever tales he was spinning. He watched as his sobrino briefly shifted into an intimidating caricature of him only to change back the second they made eye contact. Pepa was dancing with her husband and Mirabel supervised the folks cued up to grab food from the table set up along the side of the courtyard.
Bruno had seen a great deal of Madrigal parties but this one felt different. Usually, the Madrigals would all be on their feet entertaining, but most of the family seemed to be taking it a bit easier this time around. The decorations were less intensely curated, more chaotic, and casual. The music was… He turned to see Dolores and her new novio on the piano. Ah, that explained it. She looked utterly enthralled with him though as she sat next to him drinking in his baritone voice and questionable lyrics.
Isabela recognized a young man in the crowd and flagged him down while Agustín went to help Mirabel in the kitchen leaving Bruno alone on the sidelines. He knocked anxiously along the wall behind him, took a deep breath, and crossed his fingers. Everything seemed to be going alright so far but he couldn't be too careful. As he released his breath he was grateful for the space he’d now been afforded. It was nice to just sit back and watch without being the center of anyone's attention. He hoped it would stay that way and he wouldn’t have to make idle chit-chat with his neighbors. More than anything he hoped he wouldn’t find some way to make a scene of himself.
He felt little paws skitter up his pant leg.
“There you are Carlos.” he scooped up the gray white-bellied rat and looked him over to be sure he wasn’t too shaken up. “Lo siento por Isabela. Va a dejarse convencer, tal vez…” He stroked the top of Carlos’s head with his finger and sighed. “Oh, a quién engaño?” He didn’t know what would possess him to lie like that. Carlos was a rat, people hate rats, there was no changing that.
“Bruno!” Boomed a cheery voice.
“Dios me dé fuerza.” he muttered under his breath as he tucked Carlos under his collar. Portly Osvaldo waddled up to give him a friendly slap on the back that nearly knocked him over.
“It’s good to see you. Looking good mi amigo you clean up nice.”
“Hola Osvaldo.” He forced out with an exasperated sigh. “How’s that diet working out for you?” Bruno asked dryly as observed a belt fastened two sizes too small. Not that he cared but he felt obligated to try and make conversation. He didn't mind a man's weight. He could care less if he was fat, but this man's insecurities had added to Bruno's bad reputation in the past. He had very little sympathy for him.
“Am I meeting my goal this year?” he asked excitedly.
“It wasn’t a vision, just a guess…” Not that Osvaldo was even listening.
“No never mind, don’t tell me. Yo no quiero mala suerte.” Osvaldo put his hands in his pockets and beamed proudly. “I’ve managed to commit to it all month.”
“Well good luck with that.” Bruno replied as he tried to scoot away. Only to have Osvald put a hand on his shoulder and keep chattering with total abandon.
“Did you do something with your hair? You look ten years younger.”
“Yeah, you can thank mi sobrina for that. Isabela she uh…” He trailed off as he noticed Mirabel had returned to her post and caught her eye from across the room with a pleading look.
Much to his relief she recognized his discomfort and hurried over to distract Osvaldo with some sweets.
“Hey Senor Ortiz. I know how much you love my mom’s desserts. She’s been trying out some new recipes. You’ve just got to try them,”
Mirabel winked back at Bruno as Osvald blabbed on about his diet, giving Bruno the green light to flee. Bruno hated relying on Mirabel like this but he wasn't ready to deal with these people just yet and he knew she wouldn't mind, being the social butterfly she was.
︵‿୨ -❇- ୧‿︵
Most of the night carried on in a similar fashion as various neighbors made awkward attempts to chat with him. Some stumbled out awkward half-hearted apologies for past mistreatment. Others would try to be friendly and supportive out of a sense of obligation and chew his ears with idle chatter. Petty small things that didn’t interest him. One woman nearly choked on her drink when she spotted one of his rats chewing at his hair tie. Still, others largely avoided him and cast him occasional unsure glances between whispers. Unsurprising. He wasn’t expecting the town to change overnight. He knew most of the people who tried to make a show of being friendly only did so to appease his mother. Not that he could blame them. In the end, he probably would have spent the night in his room if it weren’t for her.
There were a few times in the night he found himself suppressing the urge to try and ward off any possible hiccups in the night but knew that would draw attention to him. The best he could do was silently hope and pray, much as it killed him worrying over the consequences of denying his rituals. That uncontrollable gnawing urge to knock and throw salt. Fortunately, as the night wore on he did relax a bit. It seemed everyone else was a bit less wound up than usual and as he managed to survive more and more awkward encounters he slowly became more convinced that the night might actually go off without a hitch.
Eventually his mother announced cake and gifts from the top of the stairs and everyone started shuffling outside. He wasn’t thinking about gifts. He hadn’t had a birthday gift in a long time. Of course, he dreaded being the center of attention but at least he was sharing the spotlight with his hermanas so that did help a bit.
Mirable dragged him outside by his sleeve to catch up with the rest. He groaned inwardly when he saw the old birthday banners had been hung on the wall outside. Nested proudly above the table where the cake and gifts had been set up. Three chairs all in a row with those silly banners above each one.
Pepa was already seated and seemed as embarrassed by her crude childhood monstrosity as he was. Clouds of fog obscuring her face in shame. The whole thing was covered with crooked rainbows and smiley faces, and many of the stitches had long come undone leaving small holes in the embroidery.
Julieta seemed to be taking it with grace though. That was no surprise, at least her banner had been made with some competence. Little smiling dough balls and cooking tools danced along the baby blue banner around her name.
They were turning six and it had been their mother’s idea to make banners together to bond and teach them a new skill. She was so charmed by the stupid things that they used them every year for the next eight years. The smiling cartoon rat on Bruno’s banner stared back at him tauntingly. He’d been pretty fond of the illustrations in his children's books so tried to recreate his favorite character holding an hourglass. It was a testament to his handiwork how few people could actually recognize the character.
The cheery banners were pretty bittersweet. They certainly didn’t portray what it was really like growing up alone with Alma. Behind closed doors? Strict routines, high standards, harsh punishments. He still vividly remembered the sting of his mother’s chancla.
Bruno took his seat between his sisters and the town and family all gathered around as candles were lit to sing cumpleaños. He may have been anxious about the crowd but being surrounded by his familia like this, seeing all his sobrinos gathered around the table, he thought back to so many birthdays alone in the walls. Singing along, wishing his sisters well. He kept shifting his weight about, tapping his foot. He smiled wide and hung his head laughing as he tried hard not to let it show. He wasn't going to cry. He couldn't. Not in front of so many people.
“Time to blow out the candles.” His mother chimed as the few stragglers in the back finally stopped singing. Bruno looked side to side at his sisters who seemed to be wearing the same melancholy smiles as him. He could see that sad shine in their eyes that reassured him he wasn’t alone.
Mamá held up a hand and the crowd chanted all along.
“Tres, dos, uno.”
Bruno leaned in with his sisters to blow the candles out together and for the first time, it felt real to him. He was home.
He felt a hand jerk his head forward into the cake as soon as the candles were out. Stunned for a brief moment he lifted his head slowly as his hermana's laughter filled his ears and he tried to blink the frosting from his eyes.
Now he was home.
He let out a chuckle and stuck his tongue out to lick the cake from his face. It tasted… different.
“Hey Julieta, did you do something different with the recipe?” He started to ask tentatively.
“I made that one.” Mirable who was leaning on the table next to her mother chirped.
“Oh, well I mean it’s still good,” he reassured, stuffing more cake into his mouth “It’s just different.” He muffled through a mouthful of cake.
“I made another one so there’d be enough to go around.” Julieta explained as she got up to take a much larger cake from Lusia and find a good spot for it at the table. Only to turn and see her brother shoveling another bite of mutilated birthday cake into his mouth with his fingers.
The rest of the night was full of laughter. His unease finally lifted. He properly enjoyed opening gifts with his hermanas. Secretly grateful the cake had helped him save face in front of the crowd. Each of the kids had gotten a gift for him this year.
Some homemade shampoo from Isabela who playfully threatened him if she didn’t see him using it. Luisa had made little wooden sculptures for the three of them, a new hobby she’d taken up. She wasn’t very good at it yet though the gesture was sweet. Dolores had wrapped one of Julieta's empanadas as an inside joke which made him beam though his sisters were clueless as to why. Camillo got him a pair of stilts as a gag gift and all he could do was stare sarcastically as his nephew nearly fell over laughing. Little Antonio made some crude climbing toys for his rats to play with.
His cuñados even brought something over much to his surprise. “Félix and I picked this out for you together.” Agustín explained as he passed Bruno a large flat box that hadn’t been wrapped.
“Oh you guys didn’t have to.”
“Trust me you need this.” Félix assured as he gestured to the box.
Opening the box revealed a simple three-piece suit, it was mauve and a bit plain yet still felt like a bit too much. It even came with a decent pair of loafers. Do doubt his cuñados caught the bewilderment on his face.
“Hey I wanted to get you something more casual but Agustín over here just had to make a big deal out of it.”
“There’s nothing wrong with a good suit, you want to go more casual, you just wear the shirt and trousers. This is more versatile than what you wanted to get him.”
Bruno just stared down at the baffling gift.
“We had to guess a bit on the measurements but Julieta and I can make adjustments if you need.”
Finally roused from his daze he stumbled out. “Oh, uh, no this is… it’s… I’ll try this on later.” He smiled back.
“Nonsense.” His mother insisted. “You should go get changed, show everyone how handsome you look.”
Some folks in the crowd got a good laugh at that. A few tried to cheer him on. Cheering or jeering. He couldn’t always tell the difference.
“Oh no Ma, I mean I don’t wanna hold everyone up waiting on me.”
“Difícilmente es una imposición mijo.”
Mirabel came to his rescue yet again as she whispered something to her Abuela. Bruno could see the disappointment in Mamá's face but she quickly plastered on a smile. He felt a pit form in his stomach. He hated to disappoint her, hated that Mirabel had to come to his rescue like he was an anxious child.
“You know, you’re right. You can show it off tomorrow after we’ve had a chance to take it in a bit.” assured him.
A chubby hand pushed a brightly decorated gift onto the table in front of him as he tucked the suit away on the floor. The gift was soft with colorful scribbles all over the wrapping paper and a big bow on top. He looked up to see Mirable had saved her gift for last. Her eyes glittered from the twinkling lights.
“That just leaves mine, Tío Bruno.”
Bruno unwrapped it slowly, doing his best to preserve her lovely drawings. Neatly folded inside was a green ruana not unlike the poncho he’d worn for years. The pattern was similar but the fabric was new. Mirabel's signature scribbles danced along the hourglasses, they were small but the little pops of color gave the old pattern some new life. She was really trying her best to break him tonight wasn’t she?
He took off his old poncho exposing the rags he wore underneath and put it on. He didn’t care about the other guests. It was so warm and soft.
“How do you like it?” Mirable asked.
He pulled her in for a hug and held her close for a moment. “It's perfect mi vida.” he breathed.
“I thought you’d like it.” She held his hands in hers as they separated. Stretching out that moment of contact just a few heartbeats longer. Pouring so much love into her touch.
︵‿୨ -❇- ୧‿︵
After the gifts were all done the party slowly died down. In the late hours of the night as folks were starting to clean up Dolores came to tap him on the shoulder as he helped sweep crumbs and confetti from the patio. Mamá wanted to speak with him in her room. Unsure what this was about he shrugged and passed the broom off to her before heading upstairs to see what she wanted.
Her door was open and he could see her sitting on the foot of the bed as he peered inside. He tapped the frame of the door with his knuckles to get her attention. She looked up like she had been lost in thought. Without thinking he knocked on the doorframe compulsively. Worried about what her distant expression could mean. Worried about all the things that could go wrong when he spoke. Knocking kept the thoughts at bay. If only barely.
“You wanted to talk?”
“Sí, sí, come sit.” She patted the bed next to her, pulling her shawl tight over her chest.
Bruno closed the door behind him and sat down by his mother. He slumped forward with his hands clasped between his knees and waited to see what she had to say. Mamá wrapped an arm around him and stared at the floor but said nothing. She opened her mouth once or twice like she wanted to say something but couldn’t find the words. Eventually Bruno worked up the courage to break the silence.
“Soo, nice party. I managed to make it all day sin arruinar nada. That’s something, right?”
Mamá wrapped her arms around him and pulled him in close. The gesture was sudden and while small managed to knock the wind out of him. She rested his head on her shoulder and stroked his hair. Gripping him tight. Slowly he lifted his hands to hug her, patting her back gently. The silent candlelight of her dim room was deafening. A mix of tension and warmth and grief and comfort…
“Eh, Ma did you need something?” He asked softly. He froze and fought back the heat in his eyes as he was met with a sharp intake of breath.
“Just let me hold you, Brunito.” Her voice quivered. Bruno looked up to see the tears spilling over. Streaming down her cheeks and leaving dark tracks on her flushed skin.
Hurriedly he pulled himself up to her face. “Oh no, don’t cry, Mamá don’t cry. If you start crying then I’m gonna… Whatever it is I didn’t mean to…” He couldn't breathe. Please stop. He prayed she would stop. It hurt. He could feel the twisting pain in his chest. He tried to form words but grief ripped a hole in his throat. All his pained loving words bleeding out onto the floor. Never to be heard.
“P-perdóname.” She choked out. Bruno starred. Quietly awestruck by words he never thought he’d hear. Words that burned his ears. Drilled into his skull. “I never meant to push you away.” she sobbed.
He hugged her and held her tight. Her fingers boring into his back as she held on like she feared he’d evaporate in her arms. He could feel his eyes threatening to betray him as her body shuddered with near-silent sobs. He couldn't do this. He couldn't accept her apology. Not after he hurt her so. This was his fault. He was a bad son. All she ever did was love him. She worked so hard to give him a home, a life, to build a safe place for him and his hermanas. It was all he could do to fight back the tears. He had to be strong for her. At least this once he could hold her and be a good man.
“Está bien Mama.” He rubbed small circles on her back like she used to do when he was very small. “Está bien Mamá, I never left.”
He didn't know how long they stayed together like that. He held her as she sobbed and clung to her long lost hijo. So many thoughts spiraled through his mind. So many memories. Good and bad. Pain and joy. Love… Love that hurt so much to remember. Despite the pain he kept it inside. He refused to overwhelm her with his grief. For all her faults. For all the days they'd fought. He still loved her. He still missed her every day. Missed her touch. He missed the way she would hold him when he was a boy. He was a man now. He needed to be there for her. To take care of her like his father never could.
︵‿୨ -❇- ୧‿︵
Bruno only returned to his room in the early hours of the morning. Long after everyone else had gone to bed. Fatigue seeped into his bones as he hobbled up the steps to his bed. He moved like a ghost through the quiet desert. He stopped at the entrance to his cubby and leaned over to open Beatrice's nesting box. An old jewelry box which sat on a small table by his “comfy” chair. He'd emptied it out and filled it with scraps of tissue paper and old rags. A small blue doe gazed lovingly back up at him. Wide shining eyes as her pups nursed from her chubby belly.
“Sorry I didn’t get around to it sooner.” He muttered as he dropped a small piece of cheese into her box and watched as the grateful young mother nibbled greedily while her five pink little beans suckled.
He turned to his bed only to stop in his tracks.
The old floor mattress that had plagued his aching back for years was gone. In its place, a full-sized bed sat waiting. Simple dark wooden frame, green sheets with patterned trim. He stood by it a moment brushing the covers with his fingertips. He didn't know why his room changed when it did. Casita didn't seem to have answers to give him. He didn't think these changes were Castia's doing. This room was his and it seemed to have a life of its own. Right now though? He didn't care where the bed came from or why. He couldn't care less. He was too empty to care.
His legs gave out from under him and he flopped face-first onto the bed. His eyes burned as he soaked the fresh new sheets. Too tired to fight it. Too tired to move. Eventually, he fell asleep. The best sleep he’d had in a long time.
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diahsthings · 2 years ago
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I really like you all!!! So much talent!! It's wonderful you share your talents with us. Thank you!!!
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aeoneri · 1 year ago
[Tacones Rojos] Chapter 16: A Little Hot Mess
ACT II: GABRIELA – Feeling conflicted and guilty, Gabriela decides to pay a visit to someone who (probably) has all the answers.
The room was still dark when Gabriela finally opened her eyes. Every part of her felt sore, and she strangely felt the chill in the air. For a moment, she forgot where she was, wondering why the room seemed so different.
It was only the soft snoring next to her that made Gabriela realize how her night had ended up.
Oh. Oh no. 
Panic, then guilt, swept her up, and she instinctively clutched the blanket closer to her. “What have I done?” She whispered to no one in particular, her eyes glancing next to the person sleeping soundly across the bed. “What did we do?”
The man shifted a little in his sleep, his mess of curls framing his peaceful face. His hand was outstretched towards her, and it made Gabriela’s stomach drop. She buried her face in between her knees, contemplating on what to do.
She wanted fun, and she got it. Their encounter led itself into a one night stand that was filled with passion that burned her insides. He built her up and watched her fall apart in his arms multiple times throughout the night, and if given the choice, she would gladly let him do it all over again.
But there was something that Gabriela couldn’t quite piece together. Somehow, the way it felt was the same, yet so different. The sex with him was intense, and she loved it, but the way he worshiped her, cared for her needs, and even went as far as wrapping her in his arms while they drifted off to sleep — worried her.
Gabriela quietly repositioned herself off the bed, and froze when he suddenly murmured. 
Tears suddenly sprung to her eyes. They barely knew each other, and she hadn’t thought to ask his name, but she was certain he had irrevocably fallen head over heels for her. “I can’t.” She choked, resisting the urge to caress his cheek. It felt all too personal too soon. 
She had to get out of there, away from this unfamiliar room. Gabriela knew that she would break his heart by leaving, effectively cementing their night together as nothing more than a memory, but she needed to pull herself out before she even got too deep.
The sky was starting to color with streaks of beautiful oranges, reds and yellows, peeking behind the mountains of Monserrate when she exited the building, pulling the thin coat she thankfully thought to bring with her last night for warmth.
She had fallen for his charms, even just for a little bit, and she feared she’d make the same mistake again if she stayed.
There was a heavy pit sitting at the pool of her stomach, threatening to churn the waves of emotions she battled over. Gabriela sat quietly on the bus going to the other side of the city. She didn’t have a reason to feel guilty, though part of her wanted to mourn for what could have been.
She had initially contemplated going home, but dismissed it, dreading the possible questions her friends would throw at her. She was grateful that the streets were thankfully still empty, save for a few night owls and graveyard shift workers making their way home. 
Without a second thought, her fingers hovered slightly over her phone screen, carefully typing out the words to a message.
>Can we talk?<
She didn’t even bother to check if it would be well received when she managed to find her ride. As she looked out the windows, watching the outline of the mountains recede and replace itself with towering buildings, she tried to keep herself together. There was still a long way to go, but it was more than enough time to get her thoughts in order.
“I didn’t expect you to drop by suddenly. I hope you weren’t waiting too long.”
Gabriela cautiously entered her brother’s apartment even as he motioned for her to come in. She felt glad that her brother didn’t take her sudden intrusion into his space as a nuisance, though she could not avoid the awkwardness that made her so guarded. She had only been in his apartment a handful of times since they reconnected, and while they were on good terms, most of the time they met outside at a restaurant or café to catch up.
Not today, though. 
“No, not at all. I just arrived myself.” Gabriela murmured, shaking her head when Julián reached out a hand to take her coat. “Sorry, I know it’s such short notice and I’m not sure if today is a bad time, but I really needed someone to talk to, and…”
Julián didn’t hesitate while calmly leading his sister to his couch and prompted her to sit. “Woah there, manita. There’s never a bad time for my baby sister. Wait right here while I get you something to drink.”
While Julián was busy in the kitchen, Gabriela tried to take in her surroundings, realizing she had not taken in much of the details of her older brother’s living space. The living room did not have the typical layout of a bachelor living on his own — unlike the usual neutrals and leather, Julián’s was warm and inviting. Sure, he had a few musical instruments laying about, and a huge TV in the center of the room, but there were plenty of knick knacks on the shelves and color in the room that reminded Gabriela so much of their childhood. His couch was a nice, deep blue, and the accent walls popped out at her. While Julián was a few years older, it never stopped them from essentially gaining the same interests and tastes, especially since they came from a creative family. Gabriela couldn’t help but eye his records piled neatly in the corner next to his model figures.
It felt familiar to her, like she was seventeen again and all was right in the world. They haven’t been living at their family home for a number of years now, but it reminded her of it.
“What are you looking at?” Julián asked his sister when he returned with a mug of chocolate santafereño, handing the hot drink to Gabriela who took it gratefully. “Careful. It’s hot.”
“Nothing in particular.” Gabriela blew away the steam before taking a small sip. “I was just thinking how I never realized your place felt so much like…”
“Our house? That’s because it kind of is.” Julián shrugged, taking a seat opposite his sister. “Mamá usually changes some of the decorations when she visits to match the seasons.”
An uneasy silence fell and Gabriela had to fight the urge to jiggle her knee.
“They asked about you, you know. If you’re doing okay.”
Julián gave her a meaningful look. “They’ve never stopped asking, every time they visit here it’s the first thing they want to know. Even yesterday…”
“Did…did you just come from Chía?” Gabriela’s eyes turned wide like saucers. “Is that why you asked me to wait for you because you’re driving?”
Julián didn’t say anything else, making the emotions and her carefully crafted questions thrown out the window as the world blurred around her. “You were visiting them! I can’t believe I made you cut it short because of me…”
Gabriela didn’t realize she had started crying until Julián gently took the shaking mug out of her hands. “Hey. Hey.” Julián quickly wrapped a comforting arm around his sister. “No, no. It’s fine. The moment I received your text, I was already preparing to head back here. I guess it was timely enough, but I should’ve gotten home sooner.”
“I’m pretty sure Mamá and Papá hate me even more now.” 
“What makes you say that?”
“They’ve been asking you about me, and…Marco…my ex…has been over the news lately. They told me…I was a fool when they first kicked me out…”
“Papá has told me multiple times how he regrets that night you left home. It’s the one thing he’d like to do if he could turn back time. He was angry that you fell for someone who…you know, attracted trouble, but he hoped that you were happy, at least. After the scandal broke and spread over there…if anything, the tabloids are fueling his anger towards your ex. Not you.”
“Then why haven’t they reached out to me all these years if they regret so much…? It was easy for you to do so.”
Minutes passed. Or maybe an eternity had before Julián managed to get the words out. “They don’t know how to start a conversation with you, manita. You weren’t on such good terms with the family when you had left.”
Much had been said, and Gabriela pondered over it all as the last of her tears ran empty, shivering up her spine in noiseless sobs. “I don’t think I can face them still, Julián.”
“Why?” Julián took a good look at her, confusion scrunching up his brow. “Did something else happen?” Her brother’s face grew dark which made her flinch. “Did he do something to you, Ella?”
“No, it’s not him, Julián.” Gabriela trembled. She contemplated telling her brother what had happened the night before and decided it was in her best conscience to confess. “It’s me. I did something…that I shouldn’t have done at all. And what’s worse…I think it’ll haunt me for the rest of my life.”
Ávila was close to ripping their door open and tackling Gabriela to the floor when the latter came home hours later. “Where the hell have you been?!” Ávila half-screamed, arms flailing around while chewing Gabriela out. “I thought something terrible had happened to you!”
“I was at my brother’s house and my phone went dead.” Gabriela winced under Ávila’s glare. “We hadn’t seen each other in a while and I lost track of time. Sorry, Ávi.”
“Can you imagine the panic when José told me this morning that he lost track of you last night? I had half a mind to call the policía and report you as missing.” 
“But I’m here now, though.” Gabriela padded herself to the kitchen where José was trying to keep himself distracted by obsessively cleaning the stove, with Ávila following close behind her. “And why would you even call the police?”
José stiffened when Ávila cleared their throat. “Because someone thought it would be a good idea to place a bet.”
“It was in good faith, amor!” He protested before a look from his beloved cut him short.
“And as I was saying,” Ávila continued. “What kind of person wouldn’t be worried if they found out their best friend had been having drinks with a complete and total stranger? Like, I know everyone at the bar is well-equipped to handle any problem customers that might try to take advantage of those vulnerable, but you disappeared for hours without telling any of us where you were going. What if your ex suddenly showed up and kidnapped you by force? What if the secret admirer you were drinking with turned out to be a serial killer and my BOYFRIEND had inevitably led you to your doom?”
“He’s not like that though…” Gabriela started to say before she could stop herself, and the room immediately fell deathly silent. “Ay Dios mío, forget I said anything.”
“Oh no, no, no. Sit. Down.” Ávila hissed when the initial shock passed, pulling a chair for themselves and Gabriela. “Spill.”
Gabriela crossed her arms across her chest, as she attempted to avoid meeting Ávila and José’s eyes. “It’s nothing.”
“You’re avoiding my eyes. It’s definitely something.”
“You’re just imagining things.”
“I’ve known you for years, chica. And I know how you can’t even lie to save your life. So spill.”
The tips of Gabriela’s ears felt hot and she wished the earth could swallow her whole. At that moment of vulnerability, her brother’s advice came ringing in her ears.
You have nothing to be ashamed of. Life changes at any moment, so what will you do?
What will she do?
For a moment, she caught a glimpse of the future in that room, spending another night tucked in his sheets, smiling up at the man whose eyes held the deep mysteries of the universe. But she would never have the chance again.
Not all of your questions will have the answers.
But what if it does?
So stay.
“I slept with the man at the bar.” Gabriela quickly confessed, clenching her fists so tightly that her nails dug into her palms. She ignored Ávila and José’s shocked expressions and Gabriela pushed on with what she wanted…NEEDED to say. There was no other way but forward, and while there was a chance for her to connect with him in some way, she needed to figure herself out. “It’s complicated, and if it wasn’t for the bet…I’ll tell you both all you need to know, but first, I need you, José, to swear not to tell him the truth.”
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eternalslover · 2 years ago
I love Bruno
camilo x reader ; bruno x reader : they have a crush.
a/n : i do this for literally every fandom i join
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sometimes when he’s around you, he changes randomly out of nerves.
he laughs it off though.
makes tons of flirty jokes and messes with you a lot.
he either has all his attention on you or none.
sometimes he just can’t handle the pressure of talking to you!
romanticizes literally every interaction with you, its almost sad.
pepa knows, which means dolores knows, which means the entire family knows now.
he sighs longingly a lot when he’s around you or just sees you from afar.
he does get flustered a lot if you reciprocate any flirty comments.
smiley boy when you are around.
he can get jealous from time to time when he sees you chatting with someone else your twos age.
doesn’t dare show it though.
"well, well, well look at what la casita dragged in~"
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flustered a ton, like as red as a tomato if you will.
daydreams about you a lot.
watches you from afar, like staring and just watching you interact with others.
doesn’t mean for it to be creepy.
everyone in the family knows about his crush on you and make an effort to bring you around la casita so he can be around you more.
hernando isn’t afraid of anything and that includes talking to you.
gets awkward talking to you and makes jokes that don’t make sense.
likes showing you all his telenovelas with his rats. if you like them, he is overjoyed.
tells you really dramatic stories with dramatic expressions and just everything dramatic.
is a little afraid of how people will treat you if you two ever got into a relationship.
refuses to have visions about you. doesn’t wanna see something that could shatter his heart.
"have you met jorge?"
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rockstarstate32 · 1 year ago
Thank you all so much for reading my shrug!! You're all amazing and I love you!!
I'd like to take a sec and push some of my tumblr popularity to mine and my social media pages. I stream occasionally on twitch as a dead by daylight survivor. Please follow, like his recent post, and turn those notifications on.
Thank you all so so much!! This is one of the only times I'll ever promote my social media. Please continue to request and I'll continue to write.
Twitch: @mumblerapisded
Instagram: @mumblerapisded
Personal Instagram: @larubiajoss
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multi-fandom-imagine · 1 year ago
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Day 34: Kiss me under the Mistletoe
Fandom: Encanto
Character: Bruno Madrigal
Naughty or Nice
Warnings: Nothing to graphic, I'm to tired to write graphic smut
A/n: Should have been posted yesterday.
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Bruno has become more affectionate ever since he came back to you and you weren't about to complain because you finally had the man you loved back in your arms.
Now sitting in your small home you gave Bruno a teasing smile. You two were both alone, you were happy Mirabel opted to watch your son. Letting your fingers run through the man's hair, he gave you a nervous smile.
"I...what's with that look?"
Laughing softly, your fingers ran down his cheek as you hummed softly. "Kiss me under the Mistletoe?"your voice dipped, eyes darkened for a moment as your nails then slipped down his back, gripping him tightly to your body.
Blinking a few times, Bruno ran his tongue over his lips as he nodded his head quickly. "I...I can do that!"
Bruno groans softly as he feels your nails digging into his back, a mixture of pleasure and pain coursing through his veins. He relishes in the sensation, his desire for you growing with each passing second.
His hands, strong and possessive, roam over your body, exploring every curve and dip. His touch is both gentle and firm, eliciting shivers of pleasure as he trails his fingers along your skin.
Biting your lip you then let your fingers slowly moved back to his curls giving it a soft tug.
Feeling your tugging on his hair, Bruno's desire intensifies. He leans into your touch, allowing you to guide him, to show him exactly what you desire. His lips leave a trail of hot, open-mouthed kisses along your neck, his teeth gently grazing your skin, leaving behind a tantalizing mark.
With a low, husky voice, he whispers against your ear, "Tell me. Tell me what you want. I'm here to give you everything."
His words send a shiver down your spine as you feel his desire for you burning brightly. Your pleasure becomes his priority as he continues to explore and worship your body, his movements becoming more fervent and purposeful.
Together, you and Bruno lose yourselves in the depths of passion, a dance of desire and pleasure that ignites a fire within both of you. In this moment, there is only you, him, and the overwhelming connection that binds you together.
Under the mistletoe, you and Bruno share a moment of passion and love, a moment that will forever be etched in your memories.
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eternalslover · 2 years ago
I had the biggest crush on him when Encanto came out
Hello! Could you write some fluff about braiding Bruno’s hair? Thanks!:)
꒰ ➼ ❝ curly romance ❞ ꒱
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warnings: nothing!
bruno x reader
a/n :: i loved writing this and the request!! i’m really happy i finally got to write a story for encanto - and bruno’s hair <3 omg 🙏 IM SO SORRY IF THIS IS TOO SHORT
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‘i promise you will look good bruno. please?’ you begged, and in response he slumped, shifting his way in-front of your lap. although he had his back turned to you, it as was if your grin was that large he could just sense that it was there. getting comfortable, you gently raked two fingers through his curly hair. in response, he seemed to relax under your touch, letting your fingers soothe his scalp.
you began to part his hair into three strands, but not before raking the hair that rested beside his face, giggling as he squirmed beneath your touch.
‘do you want to look good for not? if so, i need to get some of that hair out of your face.’ you were both in the rainforest that surrounded encanto, a private spot that you both agreed to accompany each other at. the splashing of a waterfall beside you drowned out most noise, however that didn’t mean it was unsatisfying. bruno’s eyes fluttered closed as you started to fold strand over strand, beginning to make a fine line — after struggling to tame his curls, you let them be. rats gathering in his lap, he took a moment to try and lean down and pet them — and with a sharp tugging of his hair, he was back in place and rubbing the back of his head.
‘mi rey,’ you tilted his head and left a gentle peck on his lips, ‘i’m almost done.’
‘you didn’t have to be so harsh though, geez.’ he almost thanked you for not mentioning his rosy cheeks. after a few moments, he almost fell into your lap as your hands pulled away from his head.
‘all done!’ you exclaimed happily, clasping your hands together. bruno brought a hand to the short braid you hand formed, before getting up and approaching the waters current. he admired the hairstyle, grasping the delicate strand.
‘it looks beautiful, mi amor.’ he offered a smile, embracing you for a kiss. pulling away, you grinned.
‘great! so you won’t mind keeping it when we go into town, then?’
‘… what?’
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usedtobethelegendcreator · 6 months ago
Okay, let’s try that again.
Hey, I’m TheLegendCreator. ’Sup, how’s it going. I’m 17, from Louisiana, and I really, really want people to talk to me. I write a lot, I draw even more, and I like writing analyses on Hazbin Hotel. Minor DNIs will not stop me, because frankly, I’ve seen worse. I’m autistic and have an anxiety disorder. High-functioning or low-functioning? Both. I’m the token cishet in this wild wonderland. I’m occasionally funny.
I’m in (and have been in) a lot of fandoms, so here’s a list:
Beyblade Burst
Gravity Falls (pre-Book of Bill)
The Silmarillion
Soul Eater
Hazbin Hotel
If you’re ever doubting which one is currently my hyperfixation, just look at the banner. I update that.
I was only in the Soul Eater fandom for a couple weeks, so I never got around to writing anything for it.
I’m always open for requests and asks. Always. I like to joke that it’s my Wattpad training, but if you give me a prompt, I can usually whip something up in a week. I’ve been trying to sound more approachable about it, because I miss doing that. I love doing requests, whether it’s art or writing. But be warned—my writing is much better than my art. I’m getting better at it, but I’ve been told my art looks horrible.
My AO3 account is TheLegendCreator. That’s my username literally everywhere. I’m on Reddit, too. (Not anymore. Got perma-banned for posting pictures of myself having…fun. Because god forbid women do anything.)
My other account is @thelegendcreator. I no longer have access to it. (Now I do!) That’s where all of my Encanto stuff is. Go take a look if you want.
If you’ve been here a while, you might have heard of NOT-TLC. That’s Leah, my friend from school. She got me into Hazbin Hotel by showing me “Hell’s Greatest Dad”.
If you think you remember someone with my username on Wattpad—congratulations, you’ve found me! I had to delete my account there, but if you dig deep into the Beyblade Burst fandom, you’ll see me eventually.
I have quite a few favorite characters, so here’s a list. Yeah, another list. I swear I’m not usually this boring.
Alastor the Radio Demon
Bruno Madrigal
Ford Pines
Shu Kurenai
Soul “Eater” Evans
The genre of fanfiction I write wildly varies, depending on the fandom. I don’t write smut often, but when I do, I make it filthy. I’m still trying to figure out what my ‘type’ is when it comes to favorite characters…so far the only consistent thing is that they’re guys.
I’m not a big fan of AUs, outside of Canon Divergence. Unless it’s Modern With Bending. Then I’ll French-kiss that fic, please and thank you.
And down below are some of my favorite people!
(EDIT, because apparently people need it:
I’m not excusing Alastor’s abusive behavior towards Husk. I’m just giving Alastor the overall “not as much of a jerk as you could have been” award. Let Husk be responsible for his actions, let Alastor be responsible for his, and leave me the fuck alone about it. I don’t have the time to slowly walk you all through how Husk’s actions as an Overlord were horrendous. Instead, take a moment to imagine what it would be like to have your soul gambled to an Overlord in the Hellaverse, then get back to me on how you still think Husk was the nicest sweetest kindest Overlord ever.)
Now opening, @thelegendcreator-version3!)
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