#trump kisses putin's ass
tomorrowusa · 7 months
« The former president has sent a dangerous, and shockingly, frankly, un-American signal to the world. Just a few days ago, Trump gave an invitation to Putin to invade some of our NATO allies.
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No other president in history has ever bowed down to a Russian dictator. Let me say this as clearly as I can: I never will. »
— President Joe Biden on Trump's submissiveness to Russian dictator Vladimir Putin. Quoted at NBC News.
I would add that Trump bowing down to Putin would be a little less servile than the way Donny usually worships the kleptocratic former colonel in the Soviet secret police...
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Don't neglect to frequently call out Trump as un-American. Anti-democracy and pro-Russia MAGA Republicans have forfeited the right to define what is American and what isn't.
If Trump Republicans love Russia so much then they should just move there.
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Another way of putting it: The choice this year is between Democracy and pro-Russia Fascism.
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qqueenofhades · 5 months
This may be a stupid question but do you really believe MTG is funded by Putin? In my head she's too fucking stupid to be calculating enough to actually enrich herself.
I don't know if she is actually getting money from the Kremlin or she's just a moron who loves to believe whatever conspiracy theorist nonsense she's told, but I think it's pretty clear she is either being handled fairly directly by Russian intelligence or is closely plugged into sophisticated Russian propaganda systems. Example A, Marge submitting an amendment to the Ukrainian aid bill insisting that aid not be disbursed until the Ukrainian government allegedly stopped "oppressing Hungarians in Transcarpathia." This is a key part of the Orban regime's anti-Ukraine talking points that has in turn been directly amplified by Russia, but it is so specific and so obscure (not to mention, there's literally zero chance Marge knows what any of those words or issues mean, or could find Transcarpathia on a map) that there's no way she organically came up with it on her own. She's also been otherwise echoing word-for-word Russian propaganda about them being "the defenders of Christianity" by invading Ukraine, which is one of Putin's preferred/favorite narratives and plays into the function of the Russian Orthodox Church as a Kremlin booster. Hence, if Marge is directly repeating Putin's personal justifications, I'd say it is more likely than not that she's getting something out of it.
As I have said before, it is pretty clear that Putin is ordering Trump to get the House GOP to stall Ukraine aid in exchange for help in the election, and there is a significant chunk of the House GOP that is eager to suckle at the Russian propaganda teat in all circumstances. (See: Hunter Biden's laptop being a Russian disinformation operation from the start that got exposed when the House GOP impeachment effort went up in flames.) We have also consistently had networks of Russian agents and Russian money be exposed in Europe, where they are offering financial incentives to EU politicians to serve as Kremlin shills. Russian dirty money has beyond doubt entered the Republican Party at many, many levels; we had that whole investigation about how Trump and the Russians have been working in concert for a long time. Now, because getting Trump in power again is so important for the Russians, and the Russians' help is so important for Trump in trying to stay out of jail, the corruption is pretty systemic.
In short, I figure it is only a matter of time if/when we find out that the most stridently pro-Russian members of the Treason Caucus are actually being paid by or otherwise benefiting from Russian lobbyists, because they are fascist traitors who love money, will kiss Trump's ass in any circumstances, and are willing to do anything in the name of undermining America, Ukraine, Biden, and Western democracy in general. We know it is the way Russian destabilization, disinformation, and influence operations customarily work, and that they have previously and consistently worked in cahoots with MAGA, so yeah. If Marge and Co. aren't active Russian assets, financially or otherwise, I would be very surprised.
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The USA would be a much different place had we elected Hillary Clinton President. Before the 2016 Election I asked others here in Pennsyltucky why they were voting for Trump.
And almost right away they turned the conversation to Hillary this and Hillary that and recited all the garbage the Russians used to smear her in the run up to the election. Right wing nuts and Trump repeated the bullshit and so did the media.
Putin hated Hillary Clinton because as Secretary of State she had him by the balls and made him toe the line. A woman never does that and gets away with it. Putin and his cronies began a smear campaign against Hillary in Russia when she was Secretary of State and used the same lies and tactics to turn Americans against her.
LyinKing Trump kissed Putin's ass so do the Republicans and why? Because Putin most likely has dirt on Trump and others associated with the Republican party.
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odinsblog · 7 months
seeing people I used to like reblog from a fucking twitter tankie freak (all tankies are antisemitic btw idgaf) just cuz of their pro-palestine posts is making me wanna hallucinate. I am begging chronically online losers not to boost tankies just cuz theyre pro-palestine, also being pro-palestine and pro-russia is oxymoron. I wanna fucking die
Yeah, I agree.
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Netanyahu and Putin are authoritarians who have both remained in power far longer than any true democracy would have allowed, and they are both using their militaries to colonize peoples and take land.
And tankies?
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Unfortunately tankies are so easily manipulated that all you have to do is say America supports something and they’re immediately against it on that alone, with no critical thought whatsoever.
Finally, while I absolutely positively do agree that the Venn diagram of antisemites and tankies is almost a perfect circle, I need to stress, especially now, that not every criticism of Israel is antisemitism. But unfortunately, many criticisms of Israel’s war crimes in Palestine dO come from antisemitic people who have been waiting for the right moment to unleash their inner racist. So yeah, always gotta be on the lookout there.
That all said, I think that the main thing with tankies is, they’re authoritarians at heart. They’re perfectly okay with colonialism and imperialism and even ethnic cleansing and war crimes -as long as their side is the one doing it. Perhaps THAT is the main difference here, iMho. ( x )
If you look at any of the main pro-putin tankie accounts here on tumblrdotcom, the two things that you should immediately notice are 1. Despite some of their URLs, they’re almost all self-proclaimed “radical” 🙄 white dudes (sorry, but I’m Black and my personal belief is that ANY revolution for positive change ain’t gonna be led by a white guy, especially not the cringy ones who are stuck on Lenin), and, 2. Their hot takes on Russia and Putin are practically indistinguishable from Republican talking points.
Practically everything Tucker Carlson said, tankies wholeheartedly agree with. I’m surprised tankies haven’t made Tucker Carlson their pfp. But I guess that would be a bit too on the nose, wouldn’t it? To be clear, this isn’t me saying that anyone who disagrees with me is a Republican or a Russian bot, but have you ever read through a tankie skreed? Really read through it? I hear many of their exact same bullshit talking points on Fox News and from conservative news outlets. It’s just revarnished bullshit, wrapped up in ☭ for tumblr.
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Republikkkans are racist trash. Trump had two years to free Whelan and couldn’t do it despite kissing Putin’s ass so the Republikkkan trolls can go straight to hell.
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hi are you like not paying attention? is the mickey mouse dick making you stupid???? biden is actively aiding the genocide in gaza and eagerly so for months now!!!! don't get mad at people for not voting for a genocidal maniac because a different genocidal maniac might win! Palestinians are not disposable because of our elections what the fuck is wrong with you! even with biden as president his people are letting everything go with a wave of their hand and cracking down on anyone who says otherwise and you think it's really going to be any different under trump??? no it's gonna be the same shit for the vast majority of us who aren't kiss asses to flimsy colonizing liberals and their bible humping cousins!!!!! there's literally no fucking point!!!!!
Please stop. First, you're throwing insults at someone who has been called worse, so name-calling isn't going to get you anywhere with me.
I don't like what's going on in Gaza either, okay? I don't support it. And frankly - Biden hasn't been really gung-ho about it either. He has been pressuring Israel to stop attacking civilian targets, to be sure of their targets before attacking, and to let aid get in to people who need it. Israel has been...less than willing to listen.
I never said Palestinians are disposable - it is a tragedy what's going on over there, and anywhere else it happens. Where is your anger for the various places this happens on the African continent? Where is your anger for Afghanistan?
But the simple fact remains that if you DON'T vote for Biden come November, we're going to end up with a Trump presidency. If you think both sides are the same, maybe sit back and look at the facts of it. The GOP and Trump want to get rid of a LOT of rights in this country that people have fought for for over a century. Trump cozies up to dictators like Putin and North Korea - do you really think he's going to do anything to stop Israel in Gaza? He will allow Ukraine to fall. He has gone on camera and said 'Putin should do whatever the hell he wants to Europe.'
Do I like the current state of affairs? No. Would I rather take this status quo, where we can still fight for our rights (including the right to protest what is going on in Gaza) over sliding backwards 60 years? Absolutely. Do I want another 4 years of Biden? Eh, not particularly but given my choices he's a MUCH better choice. I'd prefer someone 20-30 years younger but right now I'll take what I can get.
You, though, need to do yourself a favor and get off the internet for a bit. Take a break, calm yourself down, and come back when you can be civil.
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captaindibbzy · 7 months
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Imagine kissing ass as hard as Donald Trump only for Putin of all people to say "no, I like the other guy."
Edit: like I get Putin is saying this cause it will cause something. It'll destabilise American politics more. People who are against Russia will look at Biden with suspicion as to why Putin likes him more, while people who are pro-Trump will see it as proof of election interference. Like, there's a reason he said this.
But Trump is such a wanker that won't register. His imaginary best buddy just said he wants to sit at the other table.
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doylewesleywalls · 1 year
You Could Vote for an Honest, Mature, Intellectual Adult with Gravitas Who, on Philosophical Grounds, Actually Happens to Be a Conservative, If It Weren’t for the Fact that for Some Reason You Desperately Need a Shitstorm by Doyle Wesley Walls Via Flickr:
accepts & invigorates hate groups if they like him
doesn’t understand freedom of the press 
demands loyalty to himself instead of the U.S. Constitution 
admires authoritarian leaders, wants to be one 
driven by spite 
makes classless, rude remarks about the physical appearance of the wife of one of his political opponents; goes on to compare her to his own wife 
obstruction of justice 
takes a red carpet with him on his airplane 
Said “Two Corinthians” instead of “Second Corinthians” 
poor vocabulary; poor communicator 
abusive toward women 
poor businessman 
cheater (on wives & business associates) 
refuses to return classified documents that belong to the American people; keeps these documents in locations that are not secure; shows them to people who are not authorized to see them in order to make himself look important and innocent of wrongdoing; someone with a knowledge of history should explain the saying "loose lips sink ships" to him 
born on third base, thinks he hit a triple 
tells an anxious nation to drink bleach to fight COVID 
profits by dividing Americans against each other 
needy brags repeatedly about acing a simple test used to detect mental impairment; “Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV,” Trump kept saying for us as if he were a Rhodes Scholar 
considered a jackass on an international stage 
placed his name on a joke of a university 
has a toady for a doctor and directs the toady to release a health report that makes him sound like the best physical specimen ever to serve as President 
called for violence instead of the peaceful transfer of power 
attacks a female journalist from the Fox "News" Network (of all places) for asking an appropriate, legitimate question at a presidential debate; Trump suggests she might have asked him that tough question because she was probably menstruating; he routinely insulted journalists publicly for asking tough questions 
makes arrogant claims about himself 
withheld $391 million in military aid to Ukraine over “favor” 
kisses Putin’s ass 
disrespected the scholarly process we call “science” 
disrespected Evangelicals behind their backs 
disrespected American soldiers who died fighting Nazis 
con man milking the poor for their money and votes
stochastic terrorist
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ernestbruce · 3 months
perfectly compatible with Putin's asshole
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ass kissing is GOP (Trump cult) mantra
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Honestly, I won't be surprised that despite all this Fuckery from Russia yet again trying desperately to ruin shit and cause more disorder. Is that you'll still have idiots and tankies fools either on this hellsite or other parts of social media in general that are still willing to make excuses for Russia bullshit and continue to kiss Putin ass for some brain-dead unknown reasons. Or those other morons who still think Trump shitting on NATO allies and encouraging Russia to have its way with the rest of Europe is still "No BiG DeAl. "
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davidpwilson2564 · 7 months
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
Still getting over a cold.
The Republicans say they have found the man who will give important evidence for impeaching Biden. The plan fizzles and Jim Jordon, cornered, tries to salvage part of the story and starts chattering like a monkey.
Trump considering vice presidential candidates. DeSantis appears on the short list. Even after being insulted he would be made to grovel, to bow down before the cult leader.
But...a bit later...DeSantis says no. He's more interested in the Big Prize and is willing to wait four years to give it a shot.
Thursday, February 22, 2024
Note: When I told Dan Block I played "Sinfonia India" last Sunday he came up with a great story about Bernstein conducting it at Juilliard. The student orchestra...Bernstein wearing a dashiki (!)...chain smoking (of course)...and probably a bit drunk. That was Lennie. Bigger than life.
Elaborate dream about a difficult piece I am to play. The music (very hard to decipher) comes with a CD and a blooklet, explaining what the work is about. All of this quite odd and unsettling.
Note: The dream brought to mind Tom Wolfe's "The Painted Word." Content in inverse proportion to explanation.
Friday, February 23, 2024
Other possible Republican vice presidential candidates (now that DeSantis said no): Tucker Carlson, Kari Lake, Vance, Elise... Trump is enjoying this. The ass-kissing especially.
OMG. Alabama Supreme Court has ruled that embryos are children.
Saturday, February 24, 2024
Trump wins over Haley (by a lot) in South Carolina. But Haley has not yet quit the race. Super Tuesday is coming.
So hoping to get rid of this persistent cough.
Interesting piece in the N Y Times. It is estimated that 44 per cent of the population doesn't bother to vote. (Do all of the Trumpers vote or are some of them just in for the show?)
Trump makeing speech to Blacks. Says he, like them, is discriminated against. He brings up the mug shot ("Never Surrender") and the indictments. Another appearance shows him kissing the flag. This is beyond bad taste.
Putin's invasion of Ukraine reaches two year mark. Estimated loss of Ukrainian soliders (so says Zalensky): 31,000.
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mysticryder · 2 years
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Amerikkka... Don't let the Republicans change the narrative, this Marine was locked since the scumbag trump administration, when scumbag trump was kissing Vladimir Putins ass like a Bitch. https://www.instagram.com/p/CmAbn5KrDrA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pennsyltuckyheathen · 2 years
[The Washington Post] Trump Defends Putin as Biden Visits War-Torn Ukraine – Rolling Stone
Trump Defends Putin as Biden Visits War-Torn Ukraine – Rolling Stone
Of course the LyinKing in his delusional world kisses Putin's ass for all the world to see. And the Dregs of the 21st Century at FoxFakeNews argue against the United States and side with the war criminal the Republicans support.
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Ἐγὼ μέντοι γε πολὺ τῶν κολακευομένων ἐξωλεστέρους τοὺς κόλακας ὑπείληφα, καὶ σχεδὸν αὐτοὺς ἐκείνοις καθίστασθαι τῆς ὑπερηφανίας αἰτίους·
- Lucian, The Wisdom of Nigrinus 23
I believe that ass-kissers are much worse than those they flatter and that they are nearly totally to blame for the arrogance they create in others.
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odinsblog · 1 year
Something I need to get off my chest, for old followers and new:
I do not give a single solitary fuck about communism
If communism blew up and died tomorrow, I would not give one shit about it 🥱
If “communism” is your end all be all about what’s right and what’s wrong in the world, then do us both a favor and block me right now. No hard feelings, okay?
And for anyone wondering: no, I don’t give a shit about capitalism, and definitely not neoliberalism either
Look, sooner or later you have GOT to understand something: some people (neoliberals) get all bent out shape if you aren’t constantly falling over yourself to kiss the ass of whoever the current Democratic president is. That ain’t me. When Biden or Clinton or whoever is wrong, I will hold their feet to the fire and at least try to them accountable (see: Biden Title 42)
And when capitalism fucks up (lol, that’s any day of the week that ends in the letter Y), then I will call that shit out too
Sooner or later, ALL of that shit fucks up. All of it. All of it
None of it is beyond critique
If you think your special little rhubarb (communism, capitalism, religion, libertarianism, etc etc etc) is magically the only one that is perfect and good and right all the time, then you’re just like a little baby who still believes that Santa lives on the North Pole. Please grow tf up
But I am very specifically calling out communism today because several long time mutuals lose their shit whenever I don’t kiss Putin’s ass, or when I don’t blame NATO for Putin invading a sovereign nation that wasn’t attacking Russia, wasn’t in NATO, and wasn’t even applying for membership into NATO when Putin decided to attack them
Is America wrong for all the dirt its done all around the planet? Fuck. yes. Does America bad = Russia good? FUCK NO
Look, everyone has their own personal coda; their guiding principles; their “religion,” their rhubarb. For some, it’s a blind, sycophantic inability to understand or acknowledge that simply being marginally better than Trump doesn’t automatically make centrist Democrats above being held accountable (it’s our job as citizens to always demand better from whoever our elected representatives are—they work for us goddammit)
For other sycophants, it’s a rabid inability to call out capitalism and/or Christianity
And for others still, it’s communism
I guess my problem is, EYE don’t measure how “good” something is by how “communist” it is—I measure it by how much good it does without burying poor people, without harming Black & Brown people, without hurting women (trans or otherwise), without vilifying foreigners, and without burning LGBTQ people (the way Russia and America do)
If you can’t understand that, then your particular brand of blind fanaticism (your rhubarb) is communism, and you are no different from the VBNMW, Blue MAGA sycophants who go completely ape shit whenever you say something even slightly unflattering about politicians who happen to wear the letter “D” behind their name—see where that got us??
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You’re no different. You just have a slightly different rhubarb
Communism is NOT my fucking measuring stick. I don’t have communism on the brain, and I sure as fuck don’t have capitalism on the brain either
I love Black people, Brown people , poor people, immigrants, asylum seekers, women, the LGBTQ community, democracy, equality, justice and freedom
And dassit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I’m on the side of the little guy and the underdog
So anyway, fuck communism, fuck capitalism, fuck “Christianity” and fuck all the other little bullshit unimportant distinctions you far too rigidly use to decide if someone is “good” instead of just looking to see if they’re actually doing good or not
Some of you good little “communists” couldn’t even be bothered to speak up about Brittney Griner because you didn’t want to look bad or say anything bad about Vladimir Putin’s raggedy ass. Lol. You guys suck!
And no, this isn’t me taking a right wing turn like Cenk and TYT (or like Jimmy Dore, or Glenn Greenwald, or any number of the other “previously” progressive media types who are re-aligning themselves with conservatives)
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In 2016 I had to break ties with people and bloggers who turned out to be dogged Blue MAGA sycophants, and today I’m fed up with people who can’t go more than two minutes without signaling how “communist” they are 🙄
Sorry, but that shit don’t get my dick hard
(And for added clarity: Republicans and Libertarians, go fuck yourselves with a rusty chainsaw)
If this post makes you mad, then here ya go
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</end rant>
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