#captain reads the news
captaindibbzy · 8 months
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There is easy low hanging fruit here, especially about the US and salty tea. And I'm so SO tempted.
But also I'm super in to tea and I'm bored.
The perfect cup of tea is how you want to drink it, and if you do not LIKE tea then drinking it a different way, or a different kind of tea, vastly changes it.
A pinch of salt makes things less bitter, this trick also works with coffee. But other things that affect taste are tempriture, length of time it brews, where the tea was grown, the climate, the soil, and how big the leaves are. Some of the cheapest tea has little more than dust in the tea bag while more expensive teas you will notice have more structure to the leaves.
Tea brewed in colder tempeitures needs longer and creates a different taste. It may require more tea to get the specific flavour you want, and generally it is less bitter for it. Similar thing to spices where if you cook them, use them hot, toast them first, etc, you get a different set of flavours to using them cold.
Like wine, tea can have lots of flavour profiles and colours. Assam for example is very dark, malty, and strong, it can get quite bitter. Ceylon is much lighter. Darjeeling is good with lemon, but Assam is better with milk, in my humble opinion. Lapsang Sushong is very smokey. Earl Grey
Most people will drink a mix. English breakfast is usually a mix of Assam, Ceylon, and Kenyan. Earl Grey is flavoured with bergamot.
White, green, and black tea all come from the same plant, just different parts of it, treated differently. Black tea can take a higher tempriture, but boiling water on green and white tea will scorch the leaves and make it very bitter. Agitating the tea can also have this effect as it releases more tannin.
As a general rule there is a tea for everyone, and a way to drink it that you will enjoy, whether that's hot, cold, mixing it with spices, flavourings, fruit, milk, sugar, lemon, and yes, even a pinch of salt.
I would not, however, recommend tea that has been in the Boston harbour.
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rayman-raymania · 8 months
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another Raymania comic so soon??? And all about Rei! Nothing else! And some rain. (Sorry Remy I’ll get to you eventually bud)
this is mostly to answer what Rei does all afternoon if he’s not at home or with one of the guys in the beginning months. He’s out hunting for a job! Sometimes he gets one! But the date for a shoot or whatever he’s doing gets pushed back, so he ends up trying to find more work anyways. He misses his old job that’s for sure…
Full comic not chopped up under the cut!
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affixjoy · 1 month
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I saw this tweet and laughed out loud because it’s literally @strangenewwords Break in Case of Emergency fic.
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iizuumi · 3 months
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Guess Narumi isn't getting any paperwork done ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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thestarswhim · 11 months
So this tweet made a real good point and got me thinking about this scene:
As mentioned in their tweet, "you don't 'beg for mercy' for a job," and here he sounds so scared and desperate, like he's had to do this A LOT before with the directors and it's so... sad.
(more under the cut)
Before he finds out the truth about Eden, he believed they saved him from his former life and gave him new opportunities to continue his dreams, but do you think having to needlessly beg to keep your position as literally being the face of Eden out of fear you'll be replaced and thrown right back out to your old life is a so called dream come true?
Eden even made a trailer for a movie about his life to fame, showing how everyone was rejecting him as a person, which they definitely made it more simplified like I KNOW he was getting way worse treatment than what was shown.
My main point is that despite believing in Eden's motives (before knowing the truth), he still wasn't truly happy deep down. He was STILL getting rejected and slandered by society, and he knew that deep down, so it's not surprising how the possibility of him losing his job made him have a whole breakdown and do the things he did to try and cope.
He quite literally has no one to lean to and hasn't had anyone since showing up to Eden besides the directors (because he probably believed they were treating him fairly and with respect), but... yeah.
He wanted to make a difference, to give hope to hybrids, and he thought he was doing just that. Despite the way the directors and everyone thought of him, despite how alone he felt, he still thought he was achieving his dreams and sharing that onto others
and yet... he was being used this entire time. None of it was true, all the hard work and the things he went through was for nothing.
Everything that Eden has done, and he was the face of it all... it's just devastating.
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stromer · 6 months
“He’s improved his eating habits, he’s reading a book almost weekly to try to improve his brain… I know that sounds silly, but as a captain at 23, that motivates you, that motivates our group… He’s the engine for our team" — Conor Garland Quinn Hughes via the Dropping Gloves podcast
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xnightmare-eyesx · 9 months
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If you aren't Rayman, who's Ramon when it's all over?
Ramon has another identity crisis the comic
If by giving up Rayman as his name, Ramon let go of the facade he'd been living as a golden star for a dystopia, then when the war's over and there's no one else to fight or blame, will Ramon still want to be Ramon? What becomes of a person who wants revenge when there's no one else to take it from?
Also fake rayman is forever going to be snarky little bastard in my eyes Adi Shankar can never take that headcanon from me :3
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coffiicorgii · 1 year
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Olimar and his funny doggie :]
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leona-florianova · 1 year
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captain Abacat Naphi
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captaindibbzy · 1 year
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This was used to authenticate indulgences. An indulgence was a written pardon for sins written by a religious institution in exchange for a financial donation.
A camel through the eye of a needle and all that. Rich people never change.
Edit: I will leave this over night but if my notes are still full of vagina jokes tomorrow morning this post is getting iced.
Edit 2: iced because the allosexuals can only think about one thing and as an ace I'm just really fucking bored of reading the words "pussy indulgence" in my notes. Feel free to go to the article and make your own post about it though. I just can't be arsed to read through 2000 people going "hehehe sex".
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heycarrots · 4 months
Great news, Black Sails Nation!
Reading Between the Lines Podcast is now available on YouTube with closed captioning!
All episodes are uploaded and live now! I’ve had quite a few people who are interested in the podcast, but are dealing with auditory processing issues or hearing impairment and still wanted to enjoy the discussions (the stories themselves are, of course, all readily available on AO3). It’s not a plain text transcription format, it’s still captions running at the speed of the episodes, but it’s a start!
I’ve been struggling with lack of available closed captioning with both Spotify and Apple Podcasts. YouTube has finally both solved that problem and opened up the podcast to a much wider audience.
Join us for stunning fan fiction, deep analytical and personal analysis and commentary on the series and fascinating and touching insights into each author’s personal journey with the show and their approach to the craft of writing.
For those of you who have been listening along with us since Episode One last year, thank you so much! I can never fully express how much your support means to me and how important this podcast is to me, personally.
Let’s dive right in!
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umbrellacam · 4 months
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New Teen Titans (Vol. 2) #10 - "He's like something out of a bad romance novel. Man, talk about your cornballs. Who writes his dialogue? Hallmark cards?"
Vic speaking my thoughts on Mr. Wing Man >_> and wow, they're sure having him pull overtime on the lampshading meta snark in this issue:
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New Teen Titans (Vol. 2) #10 - "Why will the next Teen Titan hate her parents? Will we have to turn Titans Tower into Titans Hotel? These questions will be answered...in the next sickening segment of--"Daze Of Our Lives!" Same Bat time! Same Bat channel!"
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staying-elive · 11 months
Shout out to the Sam Wilson fans and Sambuckies out there. You guys have been putting out amazing stories and art for years and have been sustaining me in this contentless void since 2021, and I'll be no doubt relying on your talents in the extra whole year we now have before Cap 4 comes out. 😭
For real, you all are the best. Love youuuu 😘
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acourtofquestions · 3 months
“Rowan knew most underestimated the sharp intelligence under that disarming smile. Knew that Dorian's value wasn't his godlike magic, but his mind.”
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eustassslut · 1 year
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What type of yandere are they? (polyamorous! AU), | Kid Pirates x gender neutral reader
TW: mentions of kidnapping, drugging, implied stockholm syndrome, brief mention of being hit, threats and so much gaslighting
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Heat is the completely delusional and clingy type
He never wants to leave your side and is often spotted trailing behind you like a little puppy
He's always stood right next to you and depending on his mood, is incredibly silent or talks and talks and talks
Your personal space doesn't exist when Heat is around you
Literally could care less about how uncomfortable it makes you when he's so close to you; if you take a step away he'll take a step forward and then an extra one
Always sneaks you extra food and brings you gifts of things he thinks you'll like
Originally was the only one who didn't want to guilt-trip and gaslight you onto the ship, he wanted to continue to glorify you from a distance before he made a move to talk to you
But unfortunately for you, Kid and Wire can be incredibly convincing
Heat will always listen to what Kid says to him, even if he has to put aside his own morals
If Kid says you have to be punished or do a particular thing, you're doing it
Secretly likes when the others are cruel to you because then you're more willing to accept and initiate physical affection with him
If Wire screaming at you and Kid threatening you with locking you alone in your room for a month makes you beg him to hold you whilst crying, then so be it
He's the easiest to guilt trip and manipulate into giving you more freedom and buying you the things you want
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Kid is the completely delusional, possessive and aggressive type
Demands you sit with him in his workshop whilst he works and won't let you leave until he's done, even if he's in there all day
Is torn between wanting you to accept that you're his now and wanting you to continue to rebel
Will tell you to do something but means the opposite and then punishes you for not automatically knowing what he wants
Likes to parade you around on islands with the others, boasting to other crews about how perfect you are
Will whisper in your ear about how he'd kill everyone who you even glance at and will go into specifics about every grotesque little detail
The one who spotted you first and made the initial move to talk to you, blinding you so well with tales of his adventures that you would never notice Kid's other motives
Brings you gifts of jewellery that you're convinced come from people he's murdered because sometimes they have blood stains on them
Also buys/steals clothes that he insists you wear for him immediately and refuses to leave whilst you try on each item
Obsessed with you wearing his clothes, especially his coats
Had someone remove all of your warmer clothes so you have to either ask Kid to borrow his coat or cuddle up to him to keep warm
If you ever escaped, he'd insist on tracking you down himself and dealing out whatever punishment he sees fit
Demands you call him Captain or Sir only, but he'd let you get away with calling him Kid during a soft moment or when you're being well-behaved
Kid either will be in your personal space all week or leave you alone for a week
If you tried to kill him or a crew member, Kid would insist on you trying to finish the job and laugh at you whilst you struggle to win against him
Refuses to hit you himself but has no concerns about making a crew member or Wire do it for him
Completely obsessed and in love with you, but will not hold back if you successfully harmed part of his crew
If you were to scratch Killer during a tantrum, you can say goodbye to the sunlight and food for the next few weeks
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Killer is the incredibly manipulative and cunning type
He knows exactly what to say to get you doing what he wanted you, all while you think you've outsmarted him
Kid and Wire may agreed on kidnapping you, but Killer is the whole reason you're on the ship in the first place
Every time you're allowed out of your cabin, he's nearby just standing and staring at you
Whilst it seems like Kid and Wire are the ones to watch out for, it's really Killer
Doesn't really like when the others drug your food since he's put so much effort into making
Likes when you eat his food and demands that he feed you himself because you're to weak to do it yourself
Praises you when you've been well behaved and rewards you with your favourite foods, books and art supplies
Let's you get away with arguing and fighting back, but you had better pray Kid doesn't spot you throwing plates at his best friend because then you're screwed
He's incredibly observant and notices every little thing you do, how you treat him is the only thing stopping the others knowing about everything you do when they don't notice
Regularly threatens to expose you because he enjoys the look of pure panic and the way you immediately obey his demands
Gets very upset when you don't stick to the schedule he's made for you
Wants you to fit his hallucinated version of you but never outwardly says what that is
Is incredibly touch starved so if you were to ask to brush his hair or hug him, Killer would give in to whatever demands you have immediately
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Wire is the mean and sadistic type
Whenever Heat is following you around, he's usually right behind him and waiting for the perfect moment to harass you when Heat's not looking
Will not hold back when you've broken a rule; he doesn't care how much you beg, scream and cry for him to forgive you
In fact he enjoys when you clutch at his knees and cry about how you'll do anything in exchange for not being locked in a cell alone for the next two weeks
Will just talk at you about how he knows what's best for you and you need to listen to him
Regularly drugs your food and uses the time whilst you're unconscious to watch you sleep and touch you
You'll wake up later to find that you're wearing his clothes, your hair has been brushed and the other side of your bed is warm from where Wire was sat
Demands you thank him and Kid every day for allowing you the right to be on the ship and saving you from your sad attempt at a life
Treats you like a toy who's only there for his entertainment and ignores Heat's requests to be nicer to you
Wire and Killer decide what you wear, what you eat, who you speak to, how much air you're allowed to get and who is allowed to your enter your cabin
Usually the one who's in charge of your punishments and never makes them nice or easy
Embarrasses you in public but if anyone outside of the 4 of them were to laugh at you, he'd see they were executed immediately
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Two For The Price Of One
(Linked Universe/BOTW Wild/Link AU)
BOTW Link Has Two Braincells Souls
1. The Hero That Died 100 Years Ago (Link)
2. The Artificial Sheikah Soul From The Shrine Of Resurrection/The Player (Tech)
Upon Finding Out From The Old Man That Having Another Person In Your Head Isn't The Norm They Decided That Link Gets To Keep His Name And The Artificial Sheikah Soul Will Now Be Dubbed Tech (Once Joining The Chain Link Picks Up The Nickname Unity And Tech Picks Up The Nickname Wild).
Unity/Link Still Has Amnesia But Ends Up Gaining A Lot Of Their Memories Back Pretty Quickly After Finding All The Picture Locations And Wild/Tech Literally Just Got Here When They Woke Up In The Shrine So It Was A Learning Process For Both Of Em.
Unity/Link Is Good With Swords, Shields And Most Weapons Whereas Wild/Tech Is Good With Archery, The Sheikah Slate(Mental Connection Go Brr) And Stealth. Unity/Link Has The Heros Spirit And Wild/Tech Is Just Here For The Vibes And To Be A Chaos Enabler. (Unity/Link Was A Domesticated Chaos Gremlin By The Time He Died And Wild/Tech Is Going To Un-Domesticate Him If It's The Last Thing He Does)
They Are Unfortunately Both Idiots/Chaos Gremlins And Socially Awkward And Will 100% Play Mental Rock Paper Scissors The Loser Has To Deal With Socializing.
Wild Ultimately Looks The Same But Also Has Some "Something Supernatural Is Going On There" Vibes Like Sharper Teeth, The Fact That Their Eyes Glow/Eyeshine, Scary Good Night Vision, Always Cold, Movements/Vibe Just Off Enough To Trigger Some Primal Fear In Strangers, Their Blood Has A Faint Glow To It And When Wild/Tech Is In Control The Blue Glow In Their Eyes Is Brighter And More Noticeable.
Mentally However, Unity/Link Looks Like He Did Back When He Was A Knight Before The Calamity Hit And Wild/Tech Looks Like A Sheikah Recolor Of Unity/Link But They Have Ancient Technology Markings Near Their Eyes And Where Any Visible Veins World Be As Well As Blue Fire Eyes That Glow In The Dark Similar To Guardians/Ancient Tech.
At This Rate Unity/Link & Wild/Tech Are On "Do Not Separate" Levels Of Chaotic Head Roommates. They Can Actively Switch Out Who's Driving The Body At Will And With Enough Focus Can Copilot The Body.
They Are Actively Keeping Score Of Who Is Closest To Figuring Out That There Are Two People Behind The Mental Wheel Of The Champion Link (Four And Zelda/Flora Have The Highest Scores).
{I Offer Incorrect Quotes For The General Dynamic/Vibe Of These Two}
Wild/Tech: If you See Me Talking To Myself, Go Away! I’m Self-Employed And We’re Having A Staff Meeting!
Unity/Link & Wild/Tech: Am I a Boy? Am I A Girl? It Doesn't Matter. I'm Going To Burn Your House Down.
Unity/Link: Name A More Iconic Duo Than My Crippling Fear Of Not Being Worthy Of Being The Hero And My Anxiety. I'll Wait.
Wild/Tech: You And Me!!!
Unity/Link, Tearing Up: Okay.
Unity/Link, Trying To Put His Knight Training To Use: Ok We Need A Plan...
Wild/Tech, Currently In Control Of The Body Pulling Out A Bomb Arrow: We Have A Plan. The Plan Is Burn Everything Until We Are All That's Left Standing!
Unity/Link, Fighting And Losing To His Pyromania Demons: That'll Work =)
Unity/Link: Wild/Tech...
Wild/Tech, Bloody And Bruised From A Recent Tumble Down A Mountain Due To Ignoring Shield Durability While Shield Surfing: Oh No, 'Wild/Tech' In B-Flat.
Wild/Tech: You're Disappointed.
Wild/Tech: So That’s My Plan.
Unity/Link, A Trained High Ranking Knight: Are You Alright With Constructive Criticism? I Don’t Want To Sound Mean.
Wild/Tech: No, Go Ahead, I Want To Hear It.
Unity/Link: It Fucking Sucks We Are Going To Die.
Wild/Tech: That’s Not Very Constructive Of Your Criticism.
Unity/Link: I Prevented A Murder Today.
Wild/Tech, Who Watched The Whole Exercise Of Self Restraint Go Down: Really? How’d You Do That?
Unity/Link: Self Control.
Unity/Link, Laughing: I CAN'T EITHER!
Wild/Tech: . . .
Wild/Tech: I Appreciate It,
Unity/Link: Wild/Tech-
Unity/Link: Wild/Tech We Gotta-
Wild/Tech: YOU GOTTA LOOK INSIDE YOURSELF AND SAY 'What Am I Willing To Put Up With Today?'
Wild/Tech, Motioning To Calamity Ganon: NOT FUCKING THIS!
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