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An easy rule for DMs to remember: If you don't want your players to adopt random NPCs and animals, don't feature any NPCs or animals. Based on a submission from @windmorrow Want me to doodle your D&D party? Commissions are open! Currently $20/character. Visit my page or send an e-mail to yourdndstories @ gmail, subject 'Doodles', for more information.
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It's always the repressed ones, isn't it?
Based on a submission from @yellowcatrain
Want me to doodle your D&D party? Commissions are open! Currently $20/character. Visit my page or send an e-mail to yourdndstories @ gmail, subject 'Doodles', for more information.
And, well, because I put too much work into it... Here.
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Sometimes, +7 deception is the only thing standing between you and death by moral compass. Based on a submission from @parkersgeorg
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Wait 'til they hear about "Skibidi toilet." Based on a submission from @somegurl8
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Slack Wyrm #1287
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Slack Wyrm #1286
Many comics ago Moog sent them on a secret mission. Now that mission begins!...
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Slack Wyrm #1285
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Weird peeve time. Calling lab grown gemstones “fake” is stupid because it’s the same shit just not formed naturally. An artificially grown diamond is the same shit as a natural diamond it is the exact same material bro it’s all fuckign carbon
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everybodys gotta get back into the practice of using pseudonyms online... i remember the time of screen names where u never ever told anyone ur real name and that was just understood as basic internet safety. plus having a screen name is fun because sometimes it sticks so well that it becomes part of ur identity that u can use in whatever facet of ur life you choose. it rocks to pick your own name
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The Ideal Adventuring Party must include:
The Tank- for fighting your way out
The Healer- for living long enough to fight
The Diplomat- for talking your way out
The Horndog- for when talking isn't enough
The Strategist- to decide when to just run
They don't necessarily have to all be different people, but each role must be represented.
The Diplomat and The Horndog, for example, are obviously usually the same person: The Bard.
Actually you could fill a party with like 3 random bards and you'd probably still get all the roles.
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I read an AITA post a few weeks back about a woman who liked having snacks in the bath when she's had a long day (a result of residual trauma iirc - the bath was her safe space). Her brand new husband of three weeks, a man twice her age who had no job, made her pay all of his bills and do all housework, and spent all day every day gaming because he wanted to make it as a Twitch streamer, had always been fine with this; but, on the day in question, had whisked her bath snacks out of her hands as she was on her way to the bathroom and tried to bin them, telling her it was time to 'break her of that filthy habit in his home'. She told him if he ever actually paid anything towards the house she owns outright he might get a say, took her snacks back, and had her lovely bath. He was since giving her the silent treatment.
(Obviously the judgement was an avalanche of 'NTA and also he's abusing you', which she agreed with, and decided to kick him out, so happy ending.)
Anyway I told my husband about this and he was outraged. "I would never do that!" he told me, furious. "I would find it adorable if you had bath snacks!"
Since then, every time I try to have a bath (which I only do as a rare treat) after about ten minutes there has been an anxious scrabbling at the bathroom door.
"Elanor!" he says. "Do you have bath snacks? Do you need anything?"
My answer is irrelevant. He brings me wine and poptarts. Now I have bath snacks. I'm a bath snacks person. Last time he was literally sleeping on the sofa when I went for the bath. Somehow this still happened. I now have an eager bathroom butler. How did this happen. I have never been so decadent yet bewildered.
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Reading a book about slavery in the middle-ages, and as the author sorts through different source materials from different eras, I am starting to understand why so many completely fantastical accounts of "faraway lands" went without as much as a shrug. The world is such a weird place that you can either refuse to believe any of it or just go "yeah that might as well happen" and carry on with your day.
There was this 10th century arab traveller who wrote into an account that the fine trade furs come from a land where the night only lasts one hour in the summer and the sun doesn't rise at all in the winter, people use dogs to travel, and where children have white hair. I don't think I'd believe something like that either if I didn't live here.
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Honestly irritated at how many people brought up Snape, and even went so far as to claim liking Snape was a 'red flag for you as a person', and one person saying they were a 'reformed snape liker'. Liking a character says nothing about your moral character. The level of immaturity at thinking that a person who likes a character you don't like is morally inferior to you. Also just irritated that this kind of thing is being encouraged in a fanfiction group. This kind of thing is 100% destructive to fandom.
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Yeah, trucks of that size have HUGE blind spots. There's only so much you can do to get rid of them.
As one who didn't drive semis but does pull big trailers with his truck frequently, I can appreciate what truck drivers go through. That's a LOT of weight they're moving around. It takes a while to get it up to speed, and it takes a while to bring it to a stop.
Give them room. Give them time. Quit being a headache for them.
A PSA about trucks from a truck driver
I and some colleagues were talking about how we wish everyone could see the safety videos that our company was showing us, because I don’t think most people understand how traffic works in a truck. So here’s some things we wish everyone on the road knew.
- we’re not kidding about tailgating. If you’re right behind us on a straight highway? Chances are we have NO IDEA you’re there, which means we can’t anticipate any of your movements. Plus slowing down takes multiple downshifts, so we might start decreasing speed way earlier than you expect.
- We’re not kidding about any of our blind spots. WE CAN’T SEE YOU, GUYS.
- That bit about slowing down taking a while? The same goes for when you’re in front of us. Don’t cut off a truck. Oh god, PLEASE don’t cut off a truck. If you cut me off, I’m not irritated, I’m terrified. For YOU. It can take 7 to 9 seconds for us to stop. DON’T CUT OFF TRUCKS.
- Before you get mad about how slow we’re going on the highway, keep in mind that many companies govern their vehicles so they literally CAN’T go over 60 or 65. This is a good thing, I promise. Because…
- Do you know what happens when a car meets a truck in an accident? The car gets totaled and the truck needs a new coat of paint. You will not win this fight. I know nobody likes getting stuck behind a big dumb truck, but it’s not worth your life.
We are trying our best to protect you from our 80,000 pound death machines. Please help us out.
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Okay but like...there is an 'outdoor' mall near me that has a blacksmith. You can go make your own stuff there too.
It is one of the few thriving malls around.
malls are dying because they don't have blacksmith, apothecary, alehouse or peddler's
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The Korean Peninsula at Night
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