#transgender stupidity
solitairemeb-blog · 1 year
I'm all for someone having an opinion [I'll certainly let you know when I disagree with it]. But this modern system of cyber bullying BY ADULTS, who should know better, is DISGUSTING. Fight your own damn battles, Jeffrey Marsh, you loser. Too much of a nothing to manage on your own, eh? So you have to call up your army of THINGS to harass someone who objects to you grooming children. What a spineless whiner.
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doomdoomofdoom · 14 days
Kamala Harris does want "transgender surgery on illegal aliens that are in prison", btw.
So since Trumpists are getting mad enough about the jokes to actually cite their sources, I thought I'd put the source out into my left extremist commie faggot echo chamber, too.
The claim originates from an ACLU questionnaire she filled out for her 2020 presidential candidacy, specifically this section:
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She wasn't given a new questionnaire for 2024, and has stated that while her policy on some things may have changed, her values had not. (This most likely means she moved more to the center to appease larger demographics and cut corners to reach compromises. The basic politician stuff.)
It boils down to this: If you're in prison, whether for "illegal" immigration or other crimes, you rely on the state to provide you with necessary amenities, like food and health care. Her argument isn't "hell yeah everyone in prison should get sex changes for free". It's "gender affirming surgery is a necessary medical procedure. If you are in the states care while this becomes necessary, the state should provide it." If you're outraged by your tax money being used on this, consider the massive amount of people being incarcerated in for-profit prisons, on your dime. Then ask yourself if maybe a prison reform might be in order.
Worth noting: In 2015, while Attorney General, Kamala Harris actually argued against providing gender-affirming surgery to an incarcerated trans woman, claiming that HRT and psychotherapy were sufficiently covering her medical needs. She has since obviously changed her stance and assumed responsibility. (I would like to take this moment to remind my fellow left extremist commie faggots that "willingness to learn and rethink your views" is infinitely more valuable than "perfect from the start and unwilling to listen to anyone")
Also found in the source: This image of Kamala Harris participating in the 2019 San Francisco Pride Parade, wearing what I believe to be a sequin rainbow embroidered denim jacket.
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I encourage you to read the provided CNN article and the answers to the ACLU questionnaire, as they give great insight into her values.
TLDR: Based.
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animentality · 1 year
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keo-k · 9 months
trans men are allowed to paint their nails.
trans men are allowed to wear dresses or skirts, or any generally "feminine" clothing.
trans men are allowed to wear makeup.
trans men are allowed to embrace their more "feminine" side.
it does not make us any less of a man.
EDIT! : ALL MEN are allowed to do these things, but this post is more centred around the idea that "oh, people who 'claim' to be men and wear dresses and shit are not trans!" yes, we are. skirt go spinny. painted nails are nice. its not that hard to understand.
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dejectedlozer524 · 7 months
Ok it turns out I ain't fucking finished here because it seems like everyone has stopped fucking talking about how @predstrogen @predesterone literally faced targeted harassment from terfs, nazis and the lolcow forms for YEARS to the point of her having to remake multiple times because she kept getting deleted due to mass report spamming and no matter how much she reached out to staff to ask them to help her they NEVER FUCKING LISTENED, then to further rub salt in the wound the ceo decided to personally delete @predesterone and ban her from tumblr for life just because Rita made a joke post wishing that the ceo would die in a car hammer explosion, then despite Avery not being on tumblr anymore the ceo took it upon himself to personally stalk her to twitter and breach data protection laws by revealing a bunch of blank blogs Avery had for shits and giggles just so he could keep personally harassing her, all this just for people to turn Avery's multiple year long harassment into "Ha ha another social media ceo had a meltdown!!! XDDDD" "CAR HAMMER EXPLOSION!!! XDDD", none of you actually care about the suffering of trans women and it fucking shows, you all make me feel sick!!!
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So, I have a big advice post to write, but until I have the spoons, I want to warn everyone now who has legally changed their first name:
Your credit score may be fucked up and you need to:
check *now* that all your financial institutions (credit cards, loans, etc) have your current legal name and update where necessary
check that all 3 credit bureaus, on their respective sites, not via a feed like Credit Karma (so, Trans Union, Equifax, Experian) are collecting that info correctly and generating the right score - you might need to monitor them for a few months if you made any changes in #1
I am about to apply for a mortgage and learned that as of 2 weeks ago:
Experian suddenly thinks I am 2 different people - Legal Name and Dead Name (none of whom have a score)
Equifax has reported my active 25 year old mortgage as closed and deleted one of my older credit cards, hurting my score by 30+ points
Credit scores influence everything from big home/car loans to insurance rates to job and housing applications.
And for whatever reason, the 3 bureaus that have the power to destroy your life are shockingly fragile when it comes to legally changing one's first name.
So, yeah. Once I get this mess cleaned up for myself, I have a big guide in the works if you find yourself in the same predicament. But with the mass trans migration out of oppressive states, odds are there are a lot of newly renamed people who are about to have a nasty shock when applying for new housing.
Take care, folks.
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nyancrimew · 1 year
moving soon and i really don't think i should have to pack as a trans girl
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viorhysealberia · 7 months
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redditreceipts · 1 year
"we like young women because biologically, that means they're fertile"
then why do you find periods disgusting? those are the single most indicative sign of fertility. by that logic, you must be incredibly attracted to a women who speaks openly about her period, right?
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offline-nobody · 6 months
how magical mountain would react to you coming out as trans:
gem: awww, im so proud of you!! im also trans
scar: heck yeah!! i’m also trans, wanna see? (takes off shirt)
grian: glad you finally figured it out, i’m also trans- scar, put your shirt back on
impulse: congrats on figuring yourself out!! i’m also trans
skizz: love that for you!! i’m also trans
mumbo: oh gosh, um congratulations? are you meant to congratulate someone on coming out? i don’t know, but congrats anyway? im also trans by the way
joel: i’m transer
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solitairemeb-blog · 1 year
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Note to gender benders, sussex squad, STRIKE fandom. I do have the right to think for myself.
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bizarreaizen · 1 year
cringe culture is dead, you have xenogenders? me too! you're a therian? same! you're a furry? same here! do you identify as non-human and or alterhuman? cool me as well! do you use neopronouns and or xenopronouns? we're the same! do you have a typing quirk and use "cringy" words? that's cool and same! do you have a unique style(scene, emo, harajuku, goth, gyaru, etc)? that's really cool! do you still watch cartoons, play with toys and still play the same games that you grew up with? because me too! you make "cringy" self-insert fanfics? that's fine! as long as what you're doing doesn't hurt you or anyone it's perfectly fine! be yourself, screw assholes <3 /gen
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youregay · 2 months
I think people get mad at trans people for pointing out aspects of cis society that are invisible to cis people. this is where much of the 'trans people reinforce crazy outdated gender stereotypes' comes from I believe. when a transfem talks about having to buy makeup, wear dresses, take up less space, etc to be seen as a woman, she's pointing out the misogyny she's experiencing and how she's dealing with it. she's not creating these standards and it's cis people who are ultimately enforcing them; sometimes violently.
transmascs are accused of 'mutilating' their 'female' bodies and reinforcing the idea that women can't be masculine or strong or have 'male' interests but if men could have visible breasts without constant mockery, harassment, and misgendering than way fewer transmascs would get top surgery in all likelihood. even cis men get shit for having breast tissue; cis men with gynecomastia get told kys, and cis male celebrities are plastered on tabloids for having 'moobs'.
truly being cis can't save you, look at what's happening in women's sports rn. being Black or brown means you're not enough of a woman and that any and all of your actions are acts of male violence. gender is performative and pointing that out doesn't magically make it true, it was already true. jkr didn't gender that woman boxer based on biology, it's literally a lie she created, she gendered her based on white supremacist patriarchal ideas of gender which say that brown women can never be as much of a woman as a white woman and that 'real' women cry and are nonviolent; only men are boxers.
this extends to nonbinary denialism as well. if cis people really believed in exclusively two 'biological' genders/sexes they wouldn't treat ostensibly binary trans people the way they do. they don't want a trans man years into medical transition to start using the women's bathroom, they want him to stop existing. his existence is an inconvenient truth to them; gender really is a performance, you just shouldn't say that.
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myfriendgoo94 · 1 year
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OF outtake of me trying to figure out how to work the tripod lol
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spearheadrampancy · 2 months
i need help getting on hormones.
for five years i thought i was on the NHS gender clinic waiting list and i found out at the start of this year that i wasnt. i got referred again but i am back to waiting 5 (or more) years. my mental health is failing and this is making it significantly worse.
i need to access a private diagnosis and referral. soon.
GFM link: https://gofund.me/14fe333d
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thorne1435 · 1 year
Listen, time for wisdom:
There will never be a trans-inclusive "All-Girl" space.
Fundamentally, to define a space as "All-Female" or even "All-Women" is to define the term female or woman. Both of those things are nebulous at best, and that means they will, usually, resort to the usual take: "Woman means adult human female." And "Female means a fertile, vagina-having, motherly, She/Her cisfem." TERF shit.
The only people who would make a rule with such a premise are TERFs themselves or traumatized cis women who really do believe that the mere presence of a man is a threat to their safety. Neither of which--as you're probably already aware--are going to be very trans-inclusive.
We can talk about why people think this way another time. For now the important part is, if you want to feel safer or more socially integrated, seek out all-queer or all-trans spaces, not all-woman spaces. Queer people will understand you more than cis people ever could.
(And yes theoretically this applies to trans men as well if you replace every feminine thing with a masculine one. Gender restrictions are antithetical to trans people as a whole.)
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