outerbanksjjforever · 3 years
Gonna have a fic or a blurb coming out tomorrow 💞
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outerbanksjjforever · 3 years
Sorry I haven’t been very active with writing!
I’ve had a lot going on for a while now, but I’ve finally got some free time and I’m inspired to write again, so I will be doing so this week. Not sure if anything will be posted. But I’ll post something soon. Thanks guys 💞
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outerbanksjjforever · 3 years
🖤 with Topper and going to a pumpkin patch please <3
🖤 Blurbs!
Send in some blurb prompts from below!
Thank you!
Tes’ 700 celebration || Masterlist
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It was that time of year again.
Every year, on this day, you and your boyfriend, Topper, would go out and pick pumpkins to carve.
You were really excited, you got up early and got ready.
Doing your hair and makeup and getting dressed, you rushed over to your boyfriend’s house.
You knocked on the door waiting for an answer.
After a minute, there was still nothing.
You knocked again, nothing.
You knocked harder and longer this time, then you heard someone moving around inside.
Topper opened the door, sleep still in his eyes and his hair a mess.
He just woke up.
“What are you doing?” He asked, rubbing his eyes to wake up.
“You’re not even dressed! Topper! We’re supposed to go pumpkin picking!” You said, pushing past him into his house.
“What time is it?” He walked over to the clock on the counter.
It read 9:31 am.
He groaned.
“I waited an hour before I came over.” You huffed.
“Ok fine. I’ll go get ready.” He said.
He walked over to you, pressing a kiss to your forehead, then headed upstairs to get ready.
He came back down 20 minutes later. Dressed and ready to go.
You jumped up off the chair and smiled looking at him.
He chuckled looking at your excited self.
You grabbed his hand, rushing the both of you out the door.
Topper drove you both to the usual pumpkin place you went to every year for the past 3 years.
Topper parked the car and you got out, meeting Topper at the front of the car.
Hand in hand, you two headed towards all the pumpkins with your wagon.
“What about this one?” Topper asked, pointing towards a large pumpkin.
“Too big.” You replied, looking around some more.
“Ok, how about this one?” Topper asked, pointing to a smaller one.
“That one’s too small.” You said, walking past him to another section of pumpkins.
“So picky.” Topper mumbled behind you.
“I heard that.” You called over your shoulder.
He started laughing, walking over to stand beside you.
He watched you in awe as your eyes scanned each pumpkin looking for the perfect one.
Your eyes lit up. “That one!” You said, pointing to a medium size pumpkin.
Topper walked over to it. “This one?” You nodded your head as he picked up the pumpkin.
It was the perfect shape and size. Perfect for carving.
“Oh, this is perfect.” He said, bringing it over to the wagon you guys brough along.
“Now you see why I’m so picky.” You said, looking at him smiling.
He shoved your arm playfully, causing you to giggle.
You two had already picked out two pumpkins. Just one more to go.
You walked for a little while longer, eventually spotting the last perfect pumpkin to carve.
Topper set it in the wagon and you two headed back to his car.
“Today was good baby.” Topper said, lifting your hand and pressing a soft kiss to it, as you made it to his car.
You blushed at his actions.
“Aren’t you glad I woke you up?” You giggled.
He smiled. “Yes.” He said.
You leaned up on your tiptoes, pressing a soft kiss to Topper’s cheek.
He smiled.
“Let’s get home and you can plan out what you’re going to carve on the pumpkins this year.” He said.
You nodded your head, heading to the passenger’s side and getting in.
Today was the perfect day with Topper. Just like it was every year before and every year forevermore.
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outerbanksjjforever · 3 years
Congrats bestie!!
🖤 for JJ and prompt Telling a scary story around a fire.
Thank you!
🖤 Blurbs!
Send in some blurb prompts from below!
Tes’ 700 celebration || Masterlist
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You were hanging out with your group of friends, the pogues.
You were all talking about having a bon fire. You were really excited about it.
You heard JJ talking about how he was going to tell scary stories at the bon fire.
You just rolled your eyes and smiled.
“Oh, it’ll be scary you’ll see.” He said, as he playfully shoved your arm.
“Whatever you say JJ.” You laughed.
He walked up to you and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“You can sit beside me, I’ll protect you. Since I know you’ll be scared.” He teased.
You swatted his arm, then he walked away laughing.
He was going to help John b and Pope get all the firewood ready.
You were all sitting around the bon fire, JJ had already told several scary stories, but you just rolled your eyes.
Did he really think those stories were going to scare you?
“Ok, ok. I got one.” John b said, rubbing his hands together and sitting up.
“I heard stories before about this old lady who killed her husband with an axe, everyone was talking about it. They said that nobody has ever gotten to the front door of her house because she waits for people to come. Of course, I didn’t believe them, so I tried it.” John b started.
You started listening closely. This story was actually interesting.
“It was probably 2 am one night when I decided to do it. Pope and JJ were with me, they told me to go first. So, I made my way up to the door.”
“I got to the door and I knocked on it, I waited to hear noise before I started running but there was nothing.”
“When I turned around to look back at JJ and Pope, that’s when-“
You were so focused in John b’s story that you screamed at the top of your lungs when you felt someone grab you and yell “Ahh!!”
You, Kie, and Sarah flew off the chairs, startled.
You then looked to JJ who was practically falling over from laughing so hard.
“I scared you guys so bad!” He said in between fits of laughter.
Pope and John b were laughing really hard too.
“Shoulda saw your face!” JJ laughed.
Sarah walked over and slapped John b on the arm for laughing.
Kie said she was going to get JJ back for that.
You stood there shaking your head trying so hard not to laugh.
But when JJ made eye contact with you, you couldn’t hold it in any longer.
You started laughing, which made him laugh more, then his laughing made you laugh more.
You two were in a fit of laughter.
“That was good Maybank, that was really good.” You said, calming yourself down.
“Told ya I’d scare you.” He said, wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
“I guess you did.” You smiled, looking up at him.
You guys all went back to your spots. JJ sitting beside you, while you made sure you had a firm grip on him.
You were making sure he’d stay right here so he wouldn’t try to scare you again.
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outerbanksjjforever · 3 years
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I have officially hit 700 followers! I love every single one of you. Thank you for following me 🤍 it really means a lot.
So, since Halloween is getting closer, I’ve decided to include some fall theme blurb prompts that you guys can send in 🧡
Send as many as you’d like! I’d love to do them all 🖤
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outerbanksjjforever · 3 years
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Pairings: JJ Maybank x Good girl!reader, Rafe Cameron x Good girl!reader.
Warnings: Mentions of smut. (Doesn’t happen though, other than a kiss)
1.3k words.
Requests: Open. Masterlist
Summary: Y/N and JJ’s feelings for each other grow as they spend a day out on the HMS pogue with their friends.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Part 6 -JJ
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“I looked into your eyes and found my favorite color.”
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outerbanksjjforever · 3 years
Torn Masterlist
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Part 1 -School.
Summary: y/n lived with Rafe Cameron at the Cameron’s residence on Figure 8. You weren’t a Cameron, but Rafe had convinced you to move in with him years ago. He was always so attached to you. He was madly in love with you and he wanted to know if you were ok all the time. One day at school as you’re standing at your locker, you catch the eyes of JJ Maybank. ✶☁️
Part 2 -The Party.
Summary: You and Sarah went to the pogues party. It started off great, but then Rafe showed up. ✶☁️
Part 3 -Confused.
Summary: After the events of the party and Rafe showing Y/N the video of JJ holding a gun. It leaves Y/N confused and distant from everyone except Rafe. ✶☁️
Part 4 -Surprise.
Summary: It had been a few days since you kissed Rafe. You were confused with your feelings for him. I’m the midst of that, Sarah invited you for a sleepover at Kie’s. Only you weren’t going to Kie’s. Sarah was bringing you to JJ. ✶☁️
Part 5 -Manipulation.
Summary: After JJ explained what was going on in the video of him shooting a gun, you two were on good terms once again. You went back with him to the Chateau, hanging out with the pogues. Sarah made you realize that Rafe had been manipulating you for years. ✶☁️
Part 6 -JJ
Summary: Y/N and JJ’s feelings for each other grow as they spend a day out on the HMS pogue with their friends. ☁️ ❀
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outerbanksjjforever · 3 years
🏷 Taglist: @hozswift @inkandpen22 @sksliz @thatfuturecriminologist @lindzaylove @savannah-elliott @kiwi5335 @easily-flustered @ohsorandomlyme @where-am-i-who-am-i @mercurypsd @kexrtiz @plutooryectors @maryelizabeth13
Lemme know if you want to be added!
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Pairings: JJ Maybank x Good girl!reader, Rafe Cameron x Good girl!reader.
Warnings: Mentions of smut. (Doesn’t happen though, other than a kiss)
1.3k words.
Requests: Open. Masterlist
Summary: Y/N and JJ’s feelings for each other grow as they spend a day out on the HMS pogue with their friends.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Part 6 -JJ
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“I looked into your eyes and found my favorite color.”
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outerbanksjjforever · 3 years
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Pairings: JJ Maybank x Good girl!reader, Rafe Cameron x Good girl!reader.
Warnings: Mentions of smut. (Doesn’t happen though, other than a kiss)
1.3k words.
Requests: Open. Masterlist
Summary: Y/N and JJ’s feelings for each other grow as they spend a day out on the HMS pogue with their friends.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Part 6 -JJ
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“I looked into your eyes and found my favorite color.”
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You woke the next morning to your head on JJ’s chest with his arm wrapped around your back.
He was still sleeping peacefully.
You looked up at him with tired eyes and smiled.
You admired the way the sunlight illuminated his face.
It was like he was glowing.
A golden aurora surrounding him.
“Don’t you know it’s creepy to watch someone sleep.” You heard JJ say.
You snapped out of your daydream to see JJ’s eyes still closed, but a big smiled was plastered on his face.
“Sorry.” You mumbled, looking away as your face heated up.
He opened his eyes, chuckling at the way you got embarrassed for being caught staring at him.
“It’s ok, I like this stalker.” He teased, as he brought his other hand to your face, turning you to look at him.
“Stalker is a little exaggerated, don’t you think?” You teased back. Giggling at the way he tried not to laugh.
“C’mere” he said, as he grabbed you into a tight hold and started tickling you.
You laughed loudly.
“JJ!- JJ stop it!” You said in between fits of laugher.
“Not until you claim that you’re my stalker!” JJ teased, as he tickled you more.
“Ok! Ok! I’m your stalker!” You laughed.
He stopped tickling you but didn’t let you out of his grip.
You laughed. “Stop it!” You said, as you pushed at his chest as he laid there smiling at you.
“Did you just try to push me? Didn’t feel a thing.” He teased.
You huffed as you swatted at his arm.
“You’re gonna have a hard time trying to get out of my iron grip. I’m. Not. Letting. Go.” JJ said, pulling you in even closer.
You giggled at his actions.
“Are you two awake?” You heard a voice at the door. John B.
“No. Dead asleep.” JJ called back.
You tired not laughing at his sarcasm.
“Very funny. Get up, we’re going out on the boat for the day.” John B said, as you heard him walk away.
JJ was silently scowling John B. He didn’t want to get out of bed and let you go.
He could stay there for eternity and never get enough of you.
“Are we gonna get up Maybank?” You asked, rubbing his arm as JJ had his head buried into your neck.
He smiled.
“No. I’m gonna hold us here forever.” JJ mumbled.
“Come on.” You said, laughing, as you shoved him harder.
He budged, letting you go.
You got up and walked over to your bag, grabbing some clothes and a bathing suit.
JJ stayed in bed, watching you.
He was lost in a daydream when he felt something hit him in the head.
You threw his hat at him as you had called his name 3 times and he didn’t answer.
“Hey!” He said, as he grabbed his red hat, running a hand through his messy hair before putting it on.
You laughed as you walked over to the bathroom to get changed.
JJ got up, grabbing a shirt, and throwing it on as he headed out of the room.
John B and Pope were there.
Pope raised his eyebrow as he looked at JJ, John B was trying not to laugh.
JJ rolled his eyes as he walked past them.
“Soooo,” Pope said, making sure to drag out the ‘o’
“Soooo,” JJ mocked.
“How was last night?” Pope teased.
JJ looked over at him, he wanted to act annoyed, but a smile spread across his face.
“No way!” John B exclaimed.
“He’s falling in love with her!” Pope exclaimed.
“This can’t be! JJ Maybank finally settling down!” John B teased.
“Shut up! She might hear!” JJ said, quickly moving closer to his friends.
“He didn’t deny it!” Pope gasped.
“Ooooo!” John B said.
John B and Pope laughed while JJ rolled his eyes at his friends. That’s when he heard the door open
The three boys froze, looking to you.
“I’m ready” You walked out. All three pairs of eyes landing on you.
“What were you guys talking about?” You asked, as they were all looking at you with wide eyes.
“Math.” Pope said,
“Fishing.” John B said,
“The boat.” JJ said.
All three of them said three different things at the same time.
“Right.” You nodded your head confused as you looked at them.
“Yeah. We’re really switching between topics.” JJ laughed, a hand reaching to the back of his neck as he scratched it.
You nodded, not giving it much thought as you thought it was just some stupid guy talk.
You walked out the door and made your way down to the boat.
You sat on the boat with JJ, watching your friends laughing and splashing each other in the water.
You smiled looking at them having fun, it made you happy seeing them be happy.
JJ was staring at you.
He smiled while admiring you. He loved the way the sun made your skin look like it glowed.
Just like you were sun-kissed.
He admired the way you smiled and laughed lightly watching your friends have fun.
It was giving him butterflies with how beautiful you looked.
He couldn’t believe it, but JJ Maybank knew he was falling in love with you.
You turned to look at him.
“What?” You asked, playfully shoving his arm as you caught him looking at you.
He laughed at your gesture.
“Nothing.” He said, looking down and smiling at his hands.
“Oh, come on! Tell me!” You complained, moving closer to him.
He turned to look you dead in the eyes.
“You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.” He said.
You blushed at his words.
JJ moved his hand to your face to brush a piece of loose hair behind your ear.
Your eyes locked on his lips, and he noticed.
He leaned in slowly, waiting to see if you’d do the same.
And you did.
Just inches apart, if you spoke your lips would have touched.
You could feel his breath on you and it so desperately made you want to close the gap between the two of you.
That’s when JJ filled the space between you two and pressed his lips into yours.
Your lips moved together as one, as desire filled through you.
If it weren’t for your friends in the water shouting “Oooo! They’re kissing! Guys! Look!” JJ wouldn’t have been able to control himself.
You pulled back from him, heat flooded your cheeks from both the kiss and your friends.
You peered over at them, and they were all clapping.
You blushed and turned back to JJ, who couldn’t take his eyes off of you.
You smiled at him, feeling warm inside. Butterflies exploding in your stomach.
JJ leaned in closer to you, whispering in your ear. “If they weren’t here right now, I wouldn’t have stopped.” He said in a low raspy voice.
It caught you completely off guard. Your cheeks heated up so much and you swear the butterflies in your stomach were doing cartwheels.
You looked at him with wide eyes, so shocked by his comment.
He laughed watching your expression.
You had to get away from him, your friends were still laughing, and JJ was making you all flustered.
You walked to the side of the boat and jumped into the water.
The water was slightly cold, making the heat in your cheeks go away.
JJ was quick to follow in after you, scoffed at him as he splashed you with water.
Your friends all laughed and talked, climbing back on the boat, and heading home.
You couldn’t stay focused on any of their conversations.
The only thing you could think of was JJ’s comment.
You couldn’t stop thinking about how much you wished your friends weren’t there in that moment.
You really wanted more to happen with JJ.
The only thing you heard was about a party they were going to throw tomorrow, maybe that’d be your chance to see where that moment from earlier with JJ would lead to.
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outerbanksjjforever · 3 years
Thank you so much for letting me know! And no I do NOT give permission for my work to be posted anywhere! And again thank you for letting me know 🤍
Unfortunately, it’s that time again, folks. Wattpad plagiarism Alert!
Wattpad is an infuriating cesspool of plagiarism and fic theft. Some of them even proudly flaunt it. “None of these are mine, I got them from Tumblr, credit to the authors!” and other such nonsense.
Sometimes, I type in “from Tumblr” into the search bar (because apparently I like making my blood pressure rise), and here are the most recent results!
*Please keep in mind that there are many fandoms here that I am not personally apart of, so I am not familiar with many of these writers. If you have been tagged only because your url is one that used to belong to a fic writer, I apologize in advance. Additionally, I believe that the plagiarist may have incorrectly typed many of the urls, so I apologize if I am unable to tag everyone whose work was reposted.
EDIT: User seems to have deleted the entire account. This may be a case of repeat offender (delete when called out, only to start another), but we won for now! And rest assured, I’ll be keeping an eye out for any more reposters.
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outerbanksjjforever · 3 years
Omg this is so cute! I love it!!
what is perfect
request: from my 1k celebration that turned into a full fic
warnings: i think a single cuss word lol, but its cute
word count: 1.5k
a/n: this is my first actual fic in a while and i wrote it longer by accident. so hope you guys enjoy!
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Today had been such a great morning. You were woken up to breakfast made and your favorite smoothie, nothing out of the ordinary. The designer bag you ordered had just arrived. Your outfit was flawless and flowed down your body effortlessly. Plus, your best friends asked to do lunch and shopping this afternoon. Everything was perfect.
Hoping into your Mercedes, you sling your shiny new purse into the passenger seat. You slide your sunglasses onto your freshly done face and check your lipgloss in the mirror. You connect your phone to play your favorite song. Perfect. Easing out of your enormous garage, you get about halfway before you slam on your breaks.
A face you didn’t really recognize comes barreling into your car. Before you can think to lock the doors, they swing it open. Of course, you never lock your door living in a gated community. The stranger slams his body into your passenger seat. Gasping for air he yells, “Keep driving!” Your eyes bolt wide as your mind tries to wrap around what’s happening. He motions and shouts “Please go!” For some reason you comply and quickly whip your car out of the driveway and down your neighborhood street. In the rear-view mirror, you see your neighbor running towards you with a shotgun in hand.
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outerbanksjjforever · 3 years
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hichasestokes: Another trip around the sun. Very thankful for everybody who has sent me messages, tagged me in things, and showed so much love. Thank you. yes, I know. I’m old. Get over it. ❤️
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outerbanksjjforever · 3 years
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Cambank Sibling Supremacy™
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outerbanksjjforever · 3 years
My last 3 brain cells bopping to the 1975 at 3am be like:
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outerbanksjjforever · 3 years
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Glad you could join us, Mr. Routledge. It’s good to be back.
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outerbanksjjforever · 3 years
Right!? I want a JJ! 🤍
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Pairing: JJ Maybank x shy!reader.
Warnings: None.
A/N: I want someone like this!
1.6k words.
Requests: Open. Masterlist
Summary: JJ has always taken a liking to the shy girl, but she never spoke to anyone and he was nervous to talk to her. Until one day he sees her at a flower store and finally works up the courage to talk to her.
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outerbanksjjforever · 3 years
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Pairing: JJ Maybank x shy!reader.
Warnings: None.
A/N: I want someone like this!
1.6k words.
Requests: Open. Masterlist
Summary: JJ has always taken a liking to the shy girl, but she never spoke to anyone and he was nervous to talk to her. Until one day he sees her at a flower store and finally works up the courage to talk to her.
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