#tos movie uniform
holodecks-and-hennins · 5 months
TNG Original Costume Tests: McCoy
I don’t have the actual documentary, just the Trekcore caps, so forgive me if I miss anything, and feel free to add on if you have more info!
Mostly putting these here for DeForest Kelly’s grumpy expression. His appearance in the first episode was actually a surprise, and he was written only as "Admiral" in the script.
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This looks to me like a post-TMP movie uniform minus the division badge and possibly the belt (the shot isn’t full length so I can’t tell). His hair is an impressively consistent color. It looks like they sprayed him with spray paint. 
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I think that this costume choice was a good idea, both because it’s more obviously tying the old generation with the next one, and also just practicality wise because this was filmed a few months after Star Trek V wrapped, so it was already there. However, since there are also supposed to be upwards of 70 years between Star Trek V and TNG, it’s probably good that they gave him something else.
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The final look. He definitely looks a lot older, which was probably a good choice. Looks really silly in still frames though. Not sure where Theiss was going with the knitted (or purled, I guess) sparkly admiral’s cardigan with sewn-on epaulettes, elbow patches, and cuffs, though it does look nice and cozy. I think I’d prefer it without the epaulettes, implying that this was a fashion choice McCoy made for himself. It looks like he’s still got similar flared-leg pants to TOS, which is a cute little reference.
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raisins-n-space · 2 months
trying to make a star trek oc and genuinely tearing apart memory alpha for an answer rn because what uniforms do quartermasters wear. i need to know more about them why is there so little info. screaming into the void im. yeah.
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dr-reids-fidget-toy · 4 months
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Some Uhuras!!
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your-name-is-jim · 2 years
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I love this picture so much.
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chaotictomtom · 6 months
i think there's a tom in one of the startrek series but im scared he's not a cool character
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andyoullhearitagain · 6 months
Every Starfleet Uniform Ranked By How Annoying The Sleeve Is To Sew, Part 2
Part 1
6. TOS Men's Uniform:
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Here we have 1. Quite a severe curve 2. with a zipper in it 3. an invisible zipper at that 4. with pattern matching through the zipper at the collar
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5. in velour (slippery). Woof.
7. Disco:
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OK we've got two points of pattern matching, but they don't have to be too precise because they've got this round shiny striped piece between them. Of course that piecing means we're basically setting a sleeve in twice, but I will concede that the stretch will be more forgiving than a woven would be. Add in the piecing on the bicep and two different sticky rubber-y fabrics for further difficulty. 
8. TNG Version 2B and Voyager:
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All the work of a tailored sleeve with an added inverse corner in an intersection of four seams.
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PLUS two points of pattern matching, which is very tricky in an armsyce because you're trying to get the pitch right. You can see in TNG they often have trouble with it and have either a jog in the pattern matching
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or too much ease in the wrong place to force the pattern to match.
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They seem to have figured it out by Voyager though. I'm also fairly certain they have raglan shoulder pads in them instead of regular ones, which isn't really harder I guess but is a bit odd (no shade, they're incredibly flattering).
9. DS9/ TNG Movies:
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All the difficulties of the TNG armscye and now we've added trim, meaning we really have four points of pattern matching instead of two. I could be persuaded that the contrast pieces are applied over the upper sleeve piece instead of pieced, which is easier than what TNG is doing.
10. Enterprise:
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I think this is regular raglan sleeve and not some kind of half raglan/half set in sleeve like we see in TNG. Either way it's a bit easier than the TNG sleeve because the trim and yoke are applied on top and top stitched. But we've still got that mitered corner in our bias trim and our four points of pattern matching on the shoulder seam. And then we've also added like four zippers!!!
11. Picard:
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What did the stitchers do to this designer? FOUR inverse corners (I guess at least it doesn't intersect a seam this time) PLUS the piecing at the cuff, PLUS all the pattern matching at the armscye, and all in stretch (I think). The only reason it's not the most difficult sleeve is because it looks fairly flat and I bet if you do a nice tight hand baste you can get everything lined up on the first try. Also this is not strictly speaking part of the sleeve but those little corners in the yoke? Good grief.
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12. TNG Version 2A:
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Never in my life have I seen an armscye like this. What is this even called? How do you construct it? I suppose I would sew the sleeve pieces together, set them in the armscye, then sew the raglan/yoke pieces together at the shoulder seam and then stitch them all the way across the front and then all the way across the back. But good grief. The ONLY other sleeve I could find remotely like this is this 1940s Simplicity pattern (it's on ebay if you want it).
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With a few added seams you can imagine what these pattern pieces must look like.
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13. TNG Version 1:
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All the malarkey of 2A except you've got to do it in spandex. I'd pick wool any day. We also have a second yoke (?!) so now we have to do that little inverse corner TWICE and also add piping. Never in my life have I done an intersection of piping correctly the first time.
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And then on top of all that it's ugly. Terrible sewing experience. Worst sleeve in Star Trek *bangs gavel*.
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myenterpriseisparked · 10 months
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spocks-husband · 1 year
Spock and Jim share clothes so often that by the time the TOS movies take place (or at least the later ones, like after Search for Spock) they genuinely cannot tell whose clothes are whose.
Well-- theoretically, anyways.
Spock says he doesn't remember, but he does.
Jim has yet to question how his husband, with his nearly perfect Vulcan memory, cannot tell whose clothes belong to who. In reality, Spock just likes seeing Jim wearing his clothes to official meetings and such without realizing it now that they have the same rank-- their uniforms are basically interchangeable at this point. Plus, Spock would never lower himself to the point of purchasing a sweatshirt of his own volition-- unlike his husband, who hasn't seen any of his hoodies since he graduated the academy since Spock has been stealing them for years.
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risingchaos · 3 months
Explanation of pips in Star Trek (TNG onward)
Explanation of the wrist cuffs in Star Trek TOS
This will mostly have pictures of Star Trek: Next Gen because of ease but this is generally applicable to any ST media chronologically after TNG. If I’m remembering correctly it doesn’t really deviate.
So, the way that Star Trek ranks work is based upon the U.S. Navy. I’m going to break this down into five classes and each rank inside it, lowest to highest.
If you just want to know the look and don’t care about any explanation, there is a guide at the end for you. :)
Cadet - Uniform distinction
These are people enrolled in Starfleet. They wear distinctive uniforms to help differentiate them from others. Left is dress uniform, right is regular. The Cadet uniform is almost always an entirely red outfit, also shown in the AOS movies. Also I believe they have lines on their uniforms usually to tell what year they’re in. Think Cadet Uhura from Strange New Worlds (technically ranking works different in this show but the uniform is the same).
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Petty Officer - No pips, CPO wears one empty [x]
Petty Officers wear no pips. This rank really isn’t talked about because almost no one is really featured. It’s comprised of people who are enlisted but didn’t attend the Academy. You see it on some engineers. Within this rank, there’s also a command structure like Chief Petty Officer who wear one empty pip, but it’s difficult to find reliable breakdowns of it. Unfortunately I couldn’t find any clear pictures of a lapel. Miles O’Brian is a Senior Chief Petty Officer.
Ensign - One gold [o]
It’s generally what people are promoted to out of the Academy. Technically they have command but not really. Under this rank is also Acting Ensigns and Ensigns who were promoted for the field. Think Wesley Crusher’s arc.
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This has three ranks within it.
Junior Grade Lieutenant - One empty, one gold [xo]
These are just above Ensigns. They wear one empty pip next to solid gold. Medical personnel are typically Junior Lieutenants out of the Academy due to their extended training. They often have actual responsibilities on the ship. We actually watch Geordi La Forge’s promotions through Lieutenant, as he starts the show as a Junior Lieutenant along with Worf.
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Lieutenant - Two gold [oo]
This is what we see most often interacting with the crew we’re following. They have genuine responsibilities. We see them taking head of teams or working at consoles. They’ve proven themselves to Starfleet. Worf and La Forge are promoted to this in season two, and Tasha Yar was a Lieutenant in season one. Spock is a Lieutenant in the first two seasons of SNW.
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Lieutenant Commander - One empty, two gold [xoo]
These are heads of departments, the one people default to about smaller issues on board, and general senior officers. They are the ones defaulted to for ship’s command, as seen throughout TNG with Data, and are often relied upon by Commanders and the Captain to keep the ship going. Data is a Lieutenant Commander throughout all of TNG, La Forge is promoted in season three. Worf is not promoted until season four of DS9. Deanna is actually a Lieutenant Commander for almost the entire duration of TNG. They are often referred to as “Commander” instead of Lieutenant by officers unless introducing themselves.
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Commander - Three gold [ooo]
Most often called “Number One”, this is the second in command. They are competent, capable, and willing to take lead and help the ship. Commanders are trusted by the crew and the Captain, and are often a yin to the Captain’s yang. The Head Doctor is often a Commander to give them authority, like Dr. Beverly Crusher. William Riker is the iconic Commander in TNG, Spock is Commander in TOS.
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Captain - Four gold [oooo]
We’re all very familiar with Captains. They are as senior as you can get on a ship unless there’s an Admiral on board. Captains are intelligent, confident, and understand what must be done, even if it’s a bad situation. The lives of their crew is in their hands. It comes with a great deal of free will to choose their ship’s path, yet an insane amount of responsibility. Captain Picard of TNG, Captain Kirk of TOS, Captain Janeway of Voyager. We know the names.
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Admiral - Entirely different system
Admiral pips are strange. They do not wear pips on the collar, instead wearing them basically in boxes. It really was not standardized until the end of DS9, I think. The Admirals wear a different uniform to make themselves stand out. Admirals are representative of Starfleet. They make the big choices for the fleet, the life changing ones. They give direct orders if needed and expect respect from all lower officers. They’re incredibly powerful. We don’t get to see much of Admirals in any show, but we know of a few, such as Admiral Picard in Picard, Admiral McCoy in TNG, and Admiral Kirk in the movies.
Here is a complete guide to each rank in Starfleet, excluding Cadets and Petty Officers.
Ensign - [o]
Junior Lieutenant - [xo]
Lieutenant - [oo]
Lieutenant Commander - [xoo]
Commander - [ooo]
Captain - [oooo]
Commodore/Rear Admiral (lower half) - [[o]]
Rear Admiral (upper half) - [[oo]]
Vice Admiral - [[ooo]]
Admiral - [[oooo]]
Fleet Admiral - [[ooooo]]
x is an empty pip, o is a gold, and for the Admirals, the double brackets is to indicate that they’re in a box.
Hope this helps you understand ranks in Star Trek better, as it has helped me. Let me know if anything needs clarifying! I have edited this a few times to add more clarifying information.
Thank you to @vvkingofgaybisciutsvv for asking for this! I had a great time putting it together.
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cryptidcorners · 10 months
can we pls get a jealous! vanessa x reader dear author 🙏🏼
Hawk - Vanessa Shelly x F!Reader
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Description: It's one of the rare occasions your partner in crime is jealous, this time because you've got an outing with one of her rivals. While it's nothing too extreme, Vanessa still pulls out all her methods in order to get you to stay.
# requested by anon
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Media: FNaF!Movie
Character: Vanessa Shelly
Tags: Jealous!Vanessa, Established Relationship, Fluff, Overprotective!Vanessa, Cute Stuff, Shy Love, Flirting.
No Warnings.
read my TOS + Vanessa Shelly Masterlist
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Vanessa had returned from the corridors, holding several boxes filled with thin-texted contents and colorful folders. As soon as she slipped out of the elevator with her selected uniform, her brows furrowed at the sight of you talking with one of her co-workers. Normally, Vanessa didn't mind when you were drawn to her partners when you came to the station sometimes, but this felt different. You were standing next to another character decked in the same blue wear, who was leaning against the wall and holstering an infectious smile that had unfortunately breezed to you. Vanessa wasn't the type of woman to judge purely off of body language, but again, there was something in the air. She knew the situation had already been posted, so why not go for it? Vanessa inhaled harshly and approached in the middle of a conversation.
"So, then—oh, hey, Vanessa." The officer said, "You heading out?"
"Ah, yes." She nodded. Her eyes wandered towards you, "Hey, I didn't know you'd be coming to the office early."
You folded your arms and smirked, "Well, I got off my shift at noon, and I was pretty eager to see you."
The officer fixed their posture. "Oh. You two know each other?"
"Well, yes–"
Vanessa cut you off, "She's my girlfriend." and you could feel her fingers digging on your shoulder lightly. She then awkwardly added, "Yeah, about a year. Just us. Pretty sweet, right?" You decided to smile softly to blend the tension.
They laughed sheepishly. Obviously puzzled by the shift in the mood. "Well, congratulations. I didn't know Vanessa had a girlfriend. I'm happy for you."
"Why thank you." Then, Vanessa hand locked into yours, shaking it softly but noticeably. "Well, anyway. We better get going, right?"
You stammered an answer while scratching the back of your neck. "Oh, yes, right. Sorry, we got some errands."
"No problem." They said, "Hope to see you again? Oh, bye–" but Vanessa was already gently pulling you outside. You huffed, "What was that about? I was talking."
Vanessa opened the trunk of your car, slipping the boxes inside. "I didn't do anything."
"Yes, you did. What are you? Jealous? Nothing was going on with them, you know it." You protested as you set yourself into the driver's seat. Vanessa clicked on her seatbelt, "Jealous? Me? Never. I think you're taking this the wrong way,"
You couldn't help but giggle though. "Whatever, just don't do that again, okay?"
"No promises." Vanessa cooed with a smile.
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forecast0ctopus · 5 months
Question: which starfleet uniform design is your favorite? (Mine is next gen’s)
im probably the very last person who should say anything about fashion but i always have very strong Opinions on costumes in movies/tv so. putting a read more here lmao
the tos uniforms Specifically the s1+2 velour ones – imo the light and shadow looks more interesting on that texture than the s3 ones. + big fan of the idea with them being not super structured and Not military, with exception for the rank braids and starfleet emblem. also the black collar is sewn on but i like the implication of layers im a big layers fan
also love the wrath of khan uniforms because while i do love the idea of a less structured uniform to be less militaristic i also uh. love structure. but its good at being its own unique thing rather than looking straight up militant like the aos red and grey ones
im a little over halfway through tng rn and i really like the uniforms in it!! except the red and yellow switch up. also i was struggling with seasons 1+2 because before they changed the material and added the collar they were horrendous lmao the material was so so so bad
havent watched anything besides those yet though so its not a super reliable opinion rn lmao
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stra-tek · 10 months
The Animated Series' weird takes on Trek history deep dive!
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Check out S.S. Bonaventure 10281NCC from "The Time Trap", according to Scotty "the first ship to have warp drive installed"
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Among the council we see a woman in a white Starfleet TOS-ish uniform with blue collar and a science insignia, presumably a surviving crewmember.
TAS is weird because it was out of continuity during the 90's, due to Filmation's bankruptcy and subsequent rights issues and Gene Roddenberry's supposed dislike of it. As a result, episodes and novels were forbidden from referencing it even if a few were snuck in regardless and subsequent Treks took things in different directions.
Now in 1993 the Star Trek Chronology was released, largely ignoring TAS. It featured this same named ship, which subsequently made it into a Deep Space Nine episode via this graphic:
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And this Bonaventure design would be inspiration for the Phoenix in the movie First Contact
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So how does TAS' Bonaventure fit now? Ummmm not so well. Fans speculated she was the first ship to have a Dilithium powered warp drive... until Star Trek: Enterprise nuked that. And then TAS nuked itself on those details a little later...
April's Enterprise
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"The Counter-Clock Incident" is the first time we meet Robert April and his wife Sarah. Robert April was an early name, eventually changed to Christopher Pike for the 1st pilot episode of live action Star Trek and eventually James Kirk for the original series proper. Then retroactively made into different characters who commanded the Enterprise prior to Kirk.
Sarah comes out with "As the first medical officer aboard a ship with warp drive..." which is problematic to say the least.
TAS seems to imagine a universe where Bonaventure 10281NCC was launched shortly before the Enterprise, and warp drive and everything are all very new. The Star Trek Chronology and then the Enterprise series would move things back considerably, giving us the warp-powered Enterprise NX-01 with Dr. Phlox a century before Kirk's time.
Spock and the Enterprise's age
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In "Counter-Clock Incident", weird stuff happens and the crew are in a bizarre reverse universe where they age backwards. April begins as a 75 year old man heading to mandatory retirement, but as everyone de-ages he ends up a young man looking much like Jim Kirk. At that time, everyone else is a toddler. Spock lasts longer though, and is still functional on the bridge as a teenager until the last few moments. This implies Spock is the oldest by far of the TOS crew, which makes sense due to the long lifespans of Vulcans. However, beginning with that 1993 Chronology book and made official in Star Trek Beyond, Spock is only 3 years older than Jim, born 2230 and 2233 respectively.
And how old does this make the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701? This goes all the way back to The Making of Star Trek, which supposed the vessel is 40 years old at the time of TOS - something modern Trek would cut roughly in half. Strange New Worlds makes official her launch year as 2245, when Jim Kirk was 12 and Spock 15 (and in the Kelvin Universe, the Enterprise is launched much later in 2258 under Pike, but that's explicitly an AU where everything post 2233 is different)
The Man-Kzin Wars
I wrote a whole thing about the Kzinti in Trek here:
In Larry Niven's Known Space novel universe, the Kzinti were defeated when humans invented faster-than-light travel. In the 1970's, long before Star Trek First Contact, Star Trek Enterprise or the official Chronology book, I'd guess the 4 Man-Kzin Wars took place much as in Known Space, warp drive made the difference. But what does Sulu say?
"The Kzinti fought four wars with humankind and lost all of them. The last one was two hundred years ago..."
So despite "The Counter-Clock Incident" implying 40 years ago for warp drive and "The Time Trap" giving us a first ship with warp drive looking much like the TAS Enterprise implying it's not that old, now it's 200 years ago. Which in modern Trek would be around the time of Star Trek First Contact. I have a headache.
So in summery, TAS is amazing and it's continuity is utterly flawless and it's everything else made since that's wrong even when TAS clearly wasn't paying attention to what it itself had established.
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Random things I want in SNW Se3
Diplomatic Function with shenanigans
Una and Pike centered episode. Potentially being kidnapped à la T'Pol and Archer in Shadows of P'Jem. Maybe even throw in some flashbacks to Una and Pikes' early career/first meeting etc. Or just go with that and have the entire episode just be baby Ensigns Chin-Riley and Pike on an adventure...shenanigans ensured.
An actual conversation between Una and Chris recognizing the hardship of her having had to hide her true self for so long but not having to do so anymore
Una facing discrimination from others in SF/Federation...some recognition at least that her plight didn't end just by her being granted asylum. Chris going bezerk over this.
An Una and Illyrians centered episode. Maybe even her finally getting to contact her parents again, maybe an episode where she gets to actually see them/go back home. Maybe just an episode akin to The Illyrian Enigma (comic) where the Enterprise meets other Illyrians in space.
Una out of uniform!!! Anything will do, but please let the woman relax without the SF dress code! Preferably tie this in with the diplomatic function and have her in a fancy ball gown (please!)
Reconciliation/At least addressing the tension now between Admiral April and Una/Chris, given April's less than kind words at her trial!
Captain dinner!
Post-dinner Pike and Una discussing the crew/missions maybe even having a drink or two
Crew night off, some karaoke, a movie or something, maybe some dancing on or off the Enterprise
Spock & Una friendship episode...maybe they get stuck on a planet and have to figure things out together. Anything that really centers their friendship/mentoring relationship with one another. Maybe Spock can confide in Una his relationship issues etc. Maybe Una can admit she has little experience with relationships because she's always pushed people away for fear they'll get too close. Spock notes that she's never pushed Chris away. They'll be heavy implications, she'll go to respond and maybe Chris interrupts over comms and bam they're rescued...implications still heavy in the air.
Girls night!!!! La'an, Uhura, Erica, Christine, Una....give me the girl love here!!
Things I'd rather not have
Captain Batel/Chris' romantic entanglements generally
Kirk...please this is not a TOS prequel...get you're own reboot
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gaykarstaagforever · 20 days
This is a cool video by a costuming person, who goes into the history of the uniform changes between the TOS Cast Star Trek movie uniforms (the notorious "maroon monsters") and the TNG jumpsuits.
"History," as the canon lore history of the change in Star Trek, and how and why that happened across 10+ years of production history, between three / four different costume designers.
What we learn is that the attention to minute detail wasn't perfect, but was way more amazing than you'd expect, or than it probably needed to be. Especially notable is the work of Robert Blackman, who took over as costume designer in TNG Season 3 and worked into the TNG movies, and who carefully designed intermediate uniforms, when the plot called for them, that marked the gradual change from the maroon monster to the TNG style. This covers the in-universe 80+ year period between the TOS movies and TNG, and he basically had to figure out how two very different costuming concepts from two very different artists interconnected on a gap-ridden sliding scale.
This is brilliant and took place over like a decade of movies and TV shows, and you and I both absolutely did not notice it until just now. But it is certainly the kind of work we subconsciously noticed, and it is no doubt stuff like this that makes us love "Old Trek" for the complicated masterpiece that it all was.
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spirkme915 · 1 year
more spirk fics i've read recently and loved
The Promised Land by gunstreet @gunstreet (TOS) - buckle in and get ready for chapters and chapters of p-a-i-n. it's divorce era spirk (pre-TMP) and it hurts oh so good. have a desperate need to find out what spock was thinking when he chose kolinahr? you will wonder no more. also, there's sex. a lot of it and beautifully done. all around perfection
The Accidental Matchmaker by notboldly (AOS) - it's valentine's day on the enterprise and spock receives an unexpected note. this had me muttering "oh spock" (affectionate) under my breath as i read
emotionally compromised by thesorrowoflizards (AOS) - an extremely thoughtful and poignant rewrite of the bridge scene in the 2009 movie. gen not slash, but who needs sex when you get the vulnerability of tos spock in aos spock?
Between Me and You by Solid_Medical_Advice (TOS) - ONE BED! need i say more? well, i will anyway. this fic has a touch of angst but it's mostly fluff and feelings and is terribly soothing
home by Sir_Bedevere (TOS) - am i sucker for everything OMS? yes, yes i am. have another entry into the old married space husbands being adorably old and married (with a cat!)
Injury by iyokou (AOS) - F1 AND STAR TREK??? i love it when my fandoms collide. AND IT'S EXPLICIT HURT COMFORT??? *eternal sigh of happiness*
The Other Uniform by Bibarian (AOS) - jim wears an alternate uniform, spock loses his shit. spock & uhura bffs. then sex. how can you go wrong?
The way that we love at night (gave me life) by phlebotinxm (AOS) - obligatory PWP entry for this list and this one is established relationship so it's a completely different kind of good
(This and Every) Morning After by Solid_Medical_Advice (TOS/AOS) - are they friends with benefits? is it unrequited love? you probably already know those answers but this fic is still fun as hell to read. also, CONFIDENT SPOCK. i am here for all confident spock
Sweet dreams (of course I love you) by decidedlynotheterosexual @decidedly-not-heterosexual (TOS) - fluff, ALL fluff. need a happy read? this is it
and, for once, i don't have any non-spirk fics to rec, but there are two entries in the "aliens made them do it" trope for this list:
Lead Us to Our Own Bliss by gunstreet (TOS) - i'm hesitant to read this trope because it often involves non-con, but @gunstreet handled it perfectly. this fic definitely has voyeurism, but it's more about their awakening of their feelings for each other
Red Matter: Scents, Starfleet, and Kurage Sushi by CampySpaceSlime (TOS) - this was so. damn. creative. omg. unlike anything i could've expected and just as weird and alien as space should be
(you can find previous recs under fic rec and/or spirk fic recs)
reminder - please do send me recs and feel free to self-promo!
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candybatwings · 6 months
Different styles of Triumvirate <3
Read below for me being super autistic about Star Trek (and still shots)
Did that work? Idk we’ll see. Anyway different styles of Triumvirate V V V V V
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TOS Triumvirate, my bbgirls <3 I don’t do likeness very much so this looks kind of awful lmao but I had fun doing it bc I got to stare at pics of Them. I hate the way I did the line art and I want to burn it but I don’t hate it enough to redo it lol I’m sorry
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AOS Triumvirate, I am a TOS girly 4ever but I actually did like the AOS movies even if I had some criticisms (if I don’t “um ackshually ☝️🤓” every little Star Trek thing I see my internal organs will shutdown) I thought all the actors were fun but I kept getting distracted by how BLUE Chris Pine’s eyes are good heavens. I was also a bit…disappointed that Chris Pine is a lot slimmer than TOS Kirk bc TOS Kirk has a more similar body type to me and it made me feel good but that’s more of a personal thing. I really did like these movies and I thought all the actors did a pretty good job playing young versions of the characters. I actually haven’t seen the third one yet but wow did I love Into Darkness (as y’all know if you saw that animation I made immediately after watching it)
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I call this Fanon Triumvirate because it represents the way I see Triumvirate represented in fan art often. I attempted to make it a sort of combo of AOS and TOS with a couple more Fanon aspects like scruffy Spock (+ Spock’s blue eyeshadow).
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My Triumvirate! I might finish this with lighting, background, etc bc omg look at them!! My guys!! I have a lot of my own preference here. Spock has longer hair (no microbangs, sorry lesbians 😭), I like Jim to have lovely styled hair and nice lips, Bones looks especially exhausted, etc I like to change up their designs often but I’ve taken a lot of inspiration from fan works and TOS but recently mixed more AOS in since watching the movies 🫶 I also like for Jim’s uniform to be a lil baggy bc I see that in Fanon sometimes and I think it’s cute.
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