#to get some parenting experience with the lil baby just to realize he is in over his head
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weepingtalecowboy · 2 days ago
Oracle of ages is my fav for this one single reason
It is the fact that the enemies are throwing time attacks at you every four attacks (the bosses that is) you deflect them back to reveal their weak spots but the cutest thing happens if you get hit
Look at this lil baby
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He is perfect
He is itty bitty
My lil guy… getting hunted down by a boss in the arena while a literal baby who can just weakly crawl away from stuff and looks like it is about to start crying
Like that has to be traumatizing for a baby to experience
So Fanfic prompt : considering that linked universe once again has time travel in it imagine what would happen if legend goes baby mode
Like not even because of dink but because wind messed around with the phantom sword and while the rest of the chain stopped in time legend being incredibly vulnerable to time displacements ends up a baby again
And even funnier if wind and legend are separated from the chain during the event and wind gets to be busy regretting everything that led to his teen parent life with a ungodly fast baby that crawls like it was born to do just that (because it would be so much more horrifying if Legend actually turned into a baby during the time blasts… because that way the trauma will be integrated into him from existence on lol)
the baby has an amount of survival instincts that no baby should reasonably have
No baby should have such a feud with adults and knights especially ( wars got bitten by a tooth less baby legend when they reunited… that baby hates him)
He dodges way to well for a mere infant (you gotta be a god because you are exclusively baby link in active combat)
He is incredibly quite and very much wants to hide all the time
He is terrified of being picked up by anyone (that was not fun for wind )
He screams with actual terror when he actually decides to voice any kind of opinions (that wasn’t fun for wind either but at least later the chain got to suffer and go deaf alongside him )
(not the baby crying of mild inconvenience but the one where they actually sound like they are hurting ,the intense one that makes one panic)
He is a minimalist to the core , literally needs nothing to be content with existing (he got strapped to wars via scarf panicked until he realized that everything isn’t ending still… then didn’t give a sound for several hours,….wars was obviously worried…that ain’t baby behavior)
Like only be given a bottle and he never complains about anything afterwards until he is in literal danger of starving or in pain(that one is messed up but meant that wind didn’t have to panic like crazy )
But that really makes one wonder if he wasn’t exaggerating when he said he had been a hero since he was in diapers
And nobody wants to consider it
That doesn’t sound acceptable everyone paled and was sick by this thought
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garthofshayeris · 1 year ago
"you're always so negative, what kind of Aquaman story would you NOT complain about?" so glad you asked. I have some thoughts, DC, on how to make things fun again. You can reboot everything at any time and I will only be a lil mad if you don't let me write it.
To begin, the info below would cover multiple arcs: I think too many Aquaman comics just start out putting him in Atlantis, but not this one. The journey to Atlantis will take some time, giving the reader the opportunity to know Arthur before he's a king and get the lay of the land (extra joke) underwater.
Let's start with Arthur. We're doing a little combo action here: Arthur is fully Atlantean, abandoned by a baby but found by a pod of dolphins. Since he's a telepath, and for Divine Plot Reasons, the animals know he is someone of great importance. However, he very quickly becomes too much for them to handle. They're just dolphins, after all. The dolphins, led by the iconic Porm, bring him to a lighthouse when he's around 5ish. There, he is discovered by Thomas Curry.
Tom Curry is no dummy. He knows this kid Is Not Human, but he also knows that revealing him as a non-human will just get the kid sent to some unknown lab to be experimented on. So he raises the kid as if he's a human and tries to keep him out of the water at all times.
Obviously, this doesn't work. Arthur is drawn to the ocean, and the dolphins who keep visiting him. There’s no hope in keeping him from the water. Tom doesn't reveal that Arthur is non-human, but he does coach him on never revealing any of his powers to people. Arthur becomes a local hero, mostly because he's often out swimming or on the fishing boat and ends up saving people.
Tom gets sick and, fearing he will die and leave Arthur unprepared for the world (he's in his 20s but just chills at home) he explains Arthur's origins and how Arthur is not his biological son, but a creature from the oceans.
Arthur always assumed he was a meta human; he knows now that he's not human at all. Arthur wants to learn about his people and Tom is like "we have no idea if they're dangerous, we have no idea why you were left here" and Arthur is like "how bad can they be?"
Arthur leaves home and tries to find Atlantis. This is no easy feat, considering he has no idea where to start. The dolphin pod is able to give him general directions to where they think they found him, but he still doesn't end up anywhere near a sunken city. Eventually, he finds the ruins of some kind of settlement, a cave...and a kid.
The kid is speaking a language that Arthur doesn't understand, but they quickly realize they are both telepaths! Slowly they learn to communicate; the kid will say something out loud and then convey the same message telepathically, and Arthur will do the same while responding in English. They slowly figure out how to speak each other's language, but the kid has a very limited vocabulary of his native tongue. However, he manages to explain some things:
The cave they are in used to be full of people, rejects from Atlantis for some reason or another; criminals, "mutants", etc. Atlanteans have a tendency to abandon their kids to die of exposure but people can be kicked out for any reason. This kid was the last baby they found, and were raising him as a group until Something Happened. They were attacked and all the adults died; he only survived by being hidden and has been alone in the years that followed the attack.
Here's the thing: the kid thinks his name is Baby, because that's what he was referred to as (aka "the baby") before everyone was killed. Arthur is convinced that the kid must have parents who are grieving him in Atlantis, and that they have a name for him. So he doesn't want to assign a name that's wrong, but he can't just call him Baby. So he starts using similar names, Baby Shark, Minnow, Tadpole, etc. as nicknames.
So! Arthur is convinced that he needs to find Atlantis and figure out who he is. The kid is like I was always told to avoid going there also they killed everyone, but I like your energy. Also you are my dad now. The kid doesn't know where Atlantis is, but he has seen some people like them nearby. So they start venturing off to find other Atlanteans.
Eventually, they discover an Atlantean man out in the wild, doing some kind of research. Arthur swims right up to him to introduce himself. The man is absolutely shocked to see Arthur (and the kid, who followed behind) and introduces himself as Vulko. Vulko works for the king as a scientist and advisor, but honestly hates that guy. The king is a real dick and only king because of marriage, not royal lineage. He believes the ocean is dying and they need to reveal themselves to the surface to save their home. Arthur is like omg no way, I'm FROM there can you introduce me to the king I can defend your case! :3 I'm somewhat of a folk hero on land, you know...
Vulko says no, and that Arthur and the kid are "throw backs" or undesirables in Atlantis. The people of Atlantis will not take kindly to someone like Arthur, but also implies that Arthur SHOULD try to win their affection because he likes his style. They decide to do that by "saving the ocean" they start taking on bigger, badder threats. Vulko provides them with some outdated Atlantean armor that he steals from the palace (orange for Arthur, red for the kid) and they begin to take on pirates, monsters, etc. They are not only gaining notoriety on land, but in the sea as well. Scouts from Atlantis are reporting back about a duo of mysterious Atlanteans taking out threats the king had been too cowardly to take on. They take on celebrity status.
Along the way they find Mera. She has fled her home dimension (unrelated to Atlantis at all, she's literally not from their world) who needs a place to crash. Arthur and Garth invite her to stay with them, in that destroyed settlement turned bachelor pad, and explain their plan to get into Atlantis. Mera, a princess, has the tact and manners that the others lack and joins the team.
Meanwhile, Vulko is stoking the rumor mill, trying to put in a good word for Aquaman and Aqualad, and he starts digging around for records of them. Vulko finds no record of Arthur's birth, and can only find ONE instance of a boy being born within the approximate age of the kid; the boy was named Garth and abandoned as an infant. There is no official record of him, or his parents (which is customary) and it appears this was done intentionally, and that information was destroyed. He only learns about this from talking to people who used to work in the palace. Vulko starts to suspect there is more to the story and also tries to dig into any of info on about Arthur…
And eventually he finds it; everyone knows the late queen had a son named Orm, but what they DON’T know is that she had a son before him with an unknown father. The people believe this child died during childbirth but Vulko finds a single woman who was around for his birth (the others involved have “mysteriously died”) who can confirm that the child was born, and born with blonde hair. While the queen rested, the king took the child out of Atlantis to leave him to die. The queen was told her child died shortly after childbirth but she never truly believed this. The queen bore a second son, Orm, and took her own life when Orm was a child.
So, why is the king so adamant about killing off the outsiders? Although he believed the baby had died, an oracle told him that the boy lives and would dethrone him (he’s VERY superstitious). He has been sending out soldiers to kill anyone harboring throwbacks and he has been training his son, Orm, to be a great fighter so he can defend his father and anyone who might claim the throne. He’s paranoid that the child he tried to dispose of will return and dethrone him.
So anyway. Arthur returns to Atlantis to try and convince the king to let him on as an advisor to the surface world. The king recognizes the blonde hair immediately but cannot react and give himself away. He tries to remove the squad by virtue of them being throwbacks but the people LOVE Aquaman and Aqualad, they are so excited about their visit that to avoid an uprising they are allowed to stay as guests.
They meet prince Orm during their stay. He's a little standoffish and not at all happy to see throw backs trying to get into the palace; his father had assured him that they were all dead, that throwbacks cannot survive into adulthood.
In an attempt to kill them off/make them leave and lose favor with Atlantis, the king starts making up increasingly dangerous tasks they must complete (like the trials of Hercules tbh) but of course Arthur is absolutely killing it! He’s having a great time and thinks this is very normal, but Mera, who is unfamiliar with Atlantis but very familiar with royal schemes, decides that something fishy (extra joke) is going on. She and Vulko investigate the events surrounding the queen’s suicide.
One of the “challenges” is for Arthur to fight Orm in a public arena. Orm gets his ass beat but Arthur, who had taken a liking to Orm, let’s him get a few punches in so he’s not embarrassed. Even after the fight he’s acting really buddy-buddy with him. Orm is confused and angry at being public ally defeated, but cannot help but think that Arthur is a really nice dude.
Once again, I’m imagining this taking a long time. It’s part monster fighting, part investigation, part hijinks in a new location, etc. They leave Atlantis occasionally to take on land-threats and visit Arthur's father. FINALLY, though, Mera figured it out; the queen didn’t kill herself. This is already long so I'm just going to say that she confronted her husband and he killed her to secure Orm's place on the throne.
The king has another very public venue in which to try to embarrass Aquaman. For example, having him fight some giant monster. But Arthur doesn’t like to kill innocent animals and he uses his telepathy to calm the beast down. Telepathy is not a common ability (and until now nobody had seen Arthur use it) but it’s also a mythical sign of the divine right of royalty in Atlantis. Only kings of yore have shown the ability, and even the late queen couldn’t manifest it. So ofc the king accuses Arthur of being some kind of freak or faking it. That’s when Mera, Garth, and Vulko come on the scene with their receipts: they’ve pieced together the king’s attempted murder of the baby, that Arthur is rightful heir to the throne, and that the king murdered the queen. The king initially claims they’re lying, but then they pull out the receipts and display them to the entire crowd. Enraged, he tries to kill Arthur and another fight ensues. Arthur manages to get the king pinned but refuses to kill him. The king takes this opportunity to break out from under the trident and flees the city. although soldiers pursue him it seems that he has completely disappeared. There is a bounty out for him, leaving the possibility of him returning as a major threat still in the air (extra joke).
Arthur is named king, as the oldest heir to the throne, to his absolute bewilderment. Orm is absolutely furious, as he thinks Arthur only came there to steal the throne from him, just like his father said he would. Arthur tries to explain that it wasn’t his intention, but Orm storms off and hides away in a wing of the castle. The squad lets him stay, but there’s animosity for sure.
Now that he is no longer in celebrity status, the people begin to poke holes in their love of the group; they did not have the full story (of them being throw backs) and now they're a bit suspicious about Garth and Mera, specifically (they don't realize she's not Atlantean, though you would think the flipper feet would give it away...) and there are some who loved the old king and want him back on the throne (conspiracy theorists essentially) Now that they aren't essentially there on vacation, they begin to notice how isolating it is in Altantis...and then we begin the more introspective plot lines, talking about feeling like an outsider and what it means to fit in!
Now Arthur has a new job, a reputation as a hero, and no idea what to do next!
Character's main traits/inspiration
Arthur: did NOT anticipate finding out he was a long lost king, he just wanted to learn about Atlantis! He's trying to balance being a hero, which he likes, being an adventurer, which he loves, and being a king which is...fine, I guess. This version will lean more into his Silver Age personality, which is my favorite, where he seems a little confused but excited about everything. Rather than try to sweep all the "uncool" things under the rug like some versions of Aquaman do, he's so genuine about his life that it's difficult to make fun of him. He is not actually that great at being a king, so luckily he has a lot of friends to help him.
Garth: he follows Arthur around like a lost puppy and is SO happy to be living in a place with real walls and a real bed. However, he still wants to know more about his parents and why records of him were destroyed... We are going back to the classic sidekick genre with him, something DC seems afraid to do. If DC also wanted to have the Titans, or the rest of the fab five be older, I could see him being significantly younger than the others but still part of the "first wave" of sidekicks so they're lumped together anyway. Like the Silver/Bronze age, he could visibly age during the run of the comic and be in his teenage years for any Titans-related plots DC wanted to run. I would be keeping his lost prince backstory, but that wouldn't come up for a very long time. I like the idea of having him age throughout the series, I think that's a very fun aspect of comics that has been lost. He would keep his post-crisis origins, but not learn about them for quite some time.
Mera: She never told Arthur the real reason she was exiled, and to be fair he didn't ask. She's excited to be in the political world of Atlantis and make changes for the better, something she couldn't do back home... I like the idea of Mera being from another world altogether, I think it adds to the overall theme of them being outsiders. She will be a combination of her very domestic original version and the feisty modern Mera. Since Mera doesn't have much of a personality usually (sorry girl) I'm going to make her very studious and politically minded. She LOVES politics and is passionate about making changes to help the everyday Atlanteans. She’s also worried about being sent back to her home dimension, so she tries to keep everyone pleased with her.
Vulko: the only one of the group who understands Atlantean customs. He is always so, so tired of shenanigans... Vulko is going to be a bit like Merlin, an advisor and advocate for Arthur taking the throne. and yes he WILL be old and he WILL be fat.
Orm: royally (extra joke) pissed about losing the throne, but conflicted about his father being Very Evil and hiding the existence of his brother/killing his mom. He mostly sulks and keeps to himself, making it unclear if he is friend or foe... I LOVE his Silver Age jealousy, but DC wants them to be related by their mother and I don't want to fight them on that. I actually prefer when Orm is at least partially human, but I don’t think I can have my cake and eat it too with the origins here, so he’s the biggest compromise tbh. I think Orm could be a shifty character, not outright evil but clearly angry about how things are going so he causes problems on purpose. But there's still the chance that he might sway to either side...
Manta: Honestly, he's the hardest one to introduce into the fray because he only recently started getting actual reasons to have beef with Arthur. Which I respect. Since Tom is going to be alive (for now) I think having Manta slowly develop a beef with Arthur that all comes to head by killing Arthur's father could be interesting. Or maybe Tom gets to live, and Manta does something equally terrible. It's unclear in my mind tbh. So! Manta is trying to develop his empire of piracy and Arthur, trying to win over the people of land and sea, starts really going after him. He sinks every single one of Manta's subs, thwarts every single plan, and is ruining Manta's reputation. He HATES Aquaman, and unfortunately Aquaman doesn't really know who he is or realize he's made an enemy... he would show up as a big threat in later comics, after Arthur has established himself in Atlantis
The former king: this could be Orvax, who was introduced in N52, but honestly if the writer wanted to make a new OC I wouldn’t mind. Orvax doesn’t have much in ways of background of personality because he only exists in flashbacks, but I know how sucky it is to just use the same name for a totally different character (looking at you, rebirth Garth!) so I’m just going to call him King for now. It would be interesting if he was corrupted like Orm in previous volumes into making a deal with an entity in exchange for power…perhaps even serving as a patron for Orm if he shifts to the dark side.
So. That's a quick rendition of my ideal Aquaman reboot. I think it s a fun combo of all the elements I've liked over the years without simply be a rehashing of the stories. Thoughts, opinions. etc?
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monstersinthecosmos · 9 months ago
Hi, completely agree with what you said here but it makes me very sad to think about it. As someone who imprinted on Armand at 12, Marius/Armand was my first ship in VC but I find it hard to ship them post Venice era, even though Blood Communion seems to suggest some positive developments in their relationship (Marius standing behind Armand during his argument with Benedict supporting Armand being his own person iirc?). Idk I want them to work their shit out but it’s still hard to imagine them putting their differences aside sans an apocalyptic scenario like in QotD.
And sometimes idk if Marius loves Armand enough to work on it. I know that the corner of tumblr that loves Marius (And I certainly understand the appeal of a complicated and polarizing character like him. Kudos to Anne for creating Marius!) likes to push the idea that the turning of Benji and Sybelle was mostly out of love (and to a varying extent depending on the person’s pov, due to Marius’ mental health issues) but how much was that love and how much was it ‘my pet needs to have pets so that he stays alive for ME’. Not saying these 2 motivations are mutually exclusive but I’m genuinely curious about your views.
I’m rambling but guess what I’m trying to say is, how much do you think Marius’ love for Armand is unselfish, whether in Venice, at the end of TVA or after Blood Communion?
Asdghjakl yeah I have really similar feelings about them as a ship! Like the Venice era is my favorite time period in the VC but modern/present-day Marius/Armand doesn’t really hit the same way for me because it’s just such a motherfuckin mess lol.
What I do want to say, though, is that we’re kind of dancing around a topic here that involves the inhumanity and inherent monstrosity of Marius, and while I tend to think “THEY’RE VAMPIRES” is a lazy approach to analysis, there’s a deeper version of it that’s relevant here.
What I mean is that Marius can love Armand truthfully, sincerely, unselfishly and STILL cause harm, and still love him imperfectly, and still cause problems. I think when we really wanna start dissecting Marius/Armand as a ship, and the Venice era as a whole, and whatever trauma it left on Armand vs Marius’s motivations/intentions/character morals, it’s important to remember that Marius was not human. 
I think a lot about like, when we say that Armand is a “pet”, or that Denis, Daniel, Benji, and Sybelle are Armand’s pets, there’s sort of a connotation or shorthand to TLDR that it’s their cute little human. But I think about like, for example!, my fucking cats! Like, when I think about ACTUAL pets IRL, um, I would fuckin die for my cats? They’re my lil babies? I love them so fully and with my entire fucking soul but they’re dumb little animals that live in my house and I take care of them and I don’t think they have a single thought in their fucking skulls. 
So when you think about like, a 1500 year old immortal night creature adopting a little human, he can love Armand with his ENTIRE being, and I believe he really really did, and it’s still “aww the cute lil human that I feed”. And Marius is unique amongst the vampires for how hard he tries to stay connected to the human world, and it’s still never enough, he’s still never quite there, so I have always believed he had the right intentions even if he fumbled it or did things that could cause harm. It’s not like, he’s a ~MONSTER~ in a scary way, but literally, he’s so removed from humanity that he doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing. 
(Don’t let me get into a side essay here but it reminds me so much of like, imperfect boomer parenting, like looking at different generations’ parenting styles and realizing how much harm they caused, but most people aren’t intending to harm their children and just don’t know any better. Every generation will likely experience a form of this as we learn and grow and try to be better, but I find this really interesting for Marius specifically because of the age of the author!)
He was fifteen hundred years old when he met Armand. I think in a lot of ways he acted with good intentions that wound up causing a lot of harm. But it does a disservice to the story and to him as a character to only look at the outcome, without considering the universe he’s operating in. 
And idk like, where is the line between selfish and selfless love? Like, Marius is clearly a fucking mess at the beginning of TVA and didn’t take the news of Armand’s suicide very well. Is it selfish to do something drastic because he’s worried that Armand is still suicidal? Where does one end and the other begin? Especially with immortals like, is your own death a gift? Is it an act of kindness to save someone’s life instead of allowing them to check out? Idk idk! Grief is fucking messy, it can be both, but I don’t think it’s fair to characterize it as purely for himself. He even immediately fucks off to Norway in shame afterwards. I think I prefer to think he just wanted Armand to be happy and safe. By the end of the book they're still struggling to communicate with each other about religion, and in some ways I think Marius doesn't think Armand truly wanted to die, vs seeing a religious fit for what it is. So I'm not sure he sees Armand's suicide attempt as sincere, either, and maybe doesn't feel the need to respect his wish for death.  
I think a lot about the conversation Marius has with Armand after he turns Benji & Sybelle and realizes how bad he fucked up. 
"You loved them selflessly," he whispered. "For all their strange faults, and wild evil, they were not compromised for you. You loved them perhaps more respectfully than I... than I ever loved you." He seemed so amazed. I could only nod. I wasn't so sure he was right. My need for them had never been tested, but I didn't want to tell him so.
Even at 500 years old, Marius still doesn’t entirely understand Armand as a complete person. He doesn’t completely understand Armand’s needs, or the person he wants to be, or what his human companions were to him. I think it even starts when Armand is still alive, how Marius treats him like a silly little pet, like, Armand’s piety is a cute little quirk that Marius humors without ever truly respecting. It doesn’t occur to him that Benji & Sybelle aren’t just pets. And I think Marius being stuck in his trauma means he’s just perpetually trying to believe in himself and control everything around him, while Armand stuck in trauma means he’s constantly trying on different roles and figuring out who he is. 
(But FUCK ME, christ, “I wasn't so sure he was right. My need for them had never been tested, but I didn't want to tell him so.” this really fucks me up so bad, we have to keep talking about this another time because like, these two can NOT communicate with each other! They are useless with the barrier between them maybe they need to drink from each other more often and iron this out.)
Someone can do their best, and mean well, and still cause harm. Humans do this, too. I’m sure we’ve all been there. And Marius is a great example of vampires being stuck in the trauma of their turning—it doesn’t matter how wise he tries to be, he always comes back to the same trauma, over and over. Even the way he treats Armand in Venice is a direct result of Marius trying to fix his own trauma. And like, would therapy even work on a vampire, or are their brains stuck forever where they were? How much of their “changing” is just learning behavior, and learning to mask?
Because I think Marius 100% could do that for Armand. He loves Armand. Armand is his child. He was the first fledgling Marius ever made of his own will, after 1500 years! But I think canon left us off in a place where neither of them are quite there yet. Marius is in decent shape at the end of the series, I think—it feels like he’s made some huge strides in accepting himself and his nature, so I think there’s some potential! Armand also has to learn how to use his fuckin words a little bit better, which he’s never been good at, but I think the way he goes off on Lestat after keeping that inside for 200 years is a really great sign! 
I go back and forth about “does therapy even work on vampires” all the time, like, do they have neuroplasticity, are they capable of change, have we uncovered something in the PL Trilogy that could be a key to them functioning better and learning to change. I don’t really have an answer because canon doesn’t, it’s just a fun thing to think about, but it’s the best way that I can reconcile Marius’s intentions vs his actions, and how he somehow continues to make the same mistakes and never learns! 
Basically, I think it’s not helpful to ask if Marius loves him enough. He does! But loving someone doesn’t mean we magically know how to behave, and the qualities in Marius that cause him to behave selfishly are so deeply tied to his trauma, his control issues, his use of ego as a defense mechanism. And even in real life we can have boundaries and hold people accountable when they hurt us, even if it’s because of mental illness. We can have empathy and still have boundaries, and we can be hurt and still know when something wasn't personal. That feels kinda IRL and serious to frame vampire meta but like, Marius can love people and still fuck up, because he can’t help it, and I don’t think it’s a fair reading of the text to insist he’s a diabolical abuser because it just doesn’t really match his characterization otherwise. 
I hope he gets better! 
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 2 years ago
You recently did an ask about an angsty mpreg fic...I love the concept. Could ylu possibly recommend some more like that?🥺
Anon asked: any fics where stiles is pregnant and unfortunately gave birth by himself? i love mpreg angst  
Hi anon. @kevaaronday made this list!
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baby of mine by suddenlyatiger (35/35 | 78,402 | Mature | Sterek) "It's not a joke," Stiles says. He looks at Derek, brown eyes wide and worried. "I need your help."
"By marrying you?" Derek asks.
"Yes," Stiles says.
My Liberation Has A Name by SilkO (12/12 | 66,380 | Mature | Sterek) Stiles is a prince under the Argent clan, the king, Gerard Argent had killed Stiles's clan years before taking Stiles as his own due to the omega being born a spark. The Argents had used Stiles's spark against the people. Killing many while using Stiles's name for the murders.
Years after Stiles was taken and imprisoned in the Argents castle Derek's clan gets massacred. Peter, filled with anger and vengeance trained Derek to go and kill Stiles, the witch of the Argent clan and avenge their family.
Derek goes and as he meets Stiles his reasoning falls, only leaving behind Derek's emotions, something he thought had died years ago.
if it’s meant to be, it’ll be by DeancebraArt & EvanesDust (4/4 | 27,560 | Explicit | Sterek)
Following a chance encounter with an irresistible and alluring omega, Derek wakes up in bed alone, with no way to contact the man he met the night before. Over the course of the next year, Derek finds himself wondering: how can he miss someone he doesn’t even know? And, more importantly, how can he find him again?
After a one-night stand with a mysterious alpha werewolf leaves Stiles pregnant, he resigns himself to raising his child as a single parent. It’s not until the man he’s been pining over for the last year shows up at his doorstep, does he realize there might actually be something more complicated than raising a child on his own: love.
Mama Please by Parkkrys (1/1 | 20,699 | Mature | Sterek) Claudia gave up hunting to marry Noah and so far no regrets. Yes, it irks her that Noah is friends with the Hales, but she had been able to put it to the side. 
Now after having twins, she struggles with watching lil Stiles and Derek grow closer, and now at the age of eighteen Derek reveals that Stiles is his mate. Something in her snaps and she leaves to the Argents for help. She wasn't expecting her lil boy to be a spark though.
Now years later, she knows her baby boy is married to Derek and she is determined to set him free no matter the cause.
Make Your Own (Buns in the Oven) by nezstorm (1/1 | 11,250 | Teen | Steter) Stiles opens his mouth a few times, but no words come out as he feels tears welling up again. He takes a deep, shaky breath, exhales slowly to calm himself enough to do this.
Peter waits, brows furrowed in worry as he watches Stiles.
“I think I’m pregnant,” he finally says, “And I don’t know what to do.”
Or the one where Stiles is a human incubator and Peter is not the baby daddy (until he is).
Virgin by KiraH69 (4/4 | 10,073 | Explicit | Steter) Stiles is a virgin, unmated and pregnant omega. That doesn’t make sense. Nobody believes it and things just get harder and harder.
Newborn by Anonymous (1/1 | 4,514 | Mature | Steter) Pregnant Stiles nearly pays the ultimate price for a disastrous rideshare experience.
Aka: Stiles, pregnant with Peter's baby, gets attacked by a bad driver with a gun. Do Not Read if you don't wanna see a pregnant twink get whumped in the backseat, oh ho ho.
Spoiler note: Stiles and baby are stable and recovering. The baby registry is on the Toys 'R Us website if you want to send them love.
infinitely undefined by nezstorm (9/9 | 3,999 | Teen | Steter) Stiles misses him sometimes. In the odd moments between reality and sleep.
Or the one where Stiles and Peter make a baby, but Peter is a chicken shit.
This Wasn't Supposed to Happen by Parkkrys (1/1 | 3,996 | Gen | Sterek) Stiles didn’t hide this on purpose, there just wasn’t a good time to tell him. Doing this friends with benefits thing with an alpha werewolf maybe wasn’t the best idea but how could he ever say no to Derek? 
Sure, he had feelings for the man, and this could only end in heartbreak because hey, who would be interested in a long time thing with him of all people? He knew how annoying he could be. He wasn’t even sure how his dad had put up with him all these years. 
But this has gone on for far too long, the scent blocker and the bracelet that he has been wearing for the past month could only do so much from hiding his not so little secret.
A Way Out by OnTheGround2012 (1/1 | 1,587 | Teen | Stackson) After finding out that he's pregnant, Stiles goes to see Jackson to fix it but things don't go as smoothly as he hoped. This is how their encounter ends.
Expiration Dates by KaliopeShipsIt (22/22 | 226,825 | Mature | Sterek) When 13-year old orphaned Derek Hale tests positive as a male carrier, his newly appointed guardian and uncle Peter uses his influence to make the test result go away, aware that in their deeply carrier-phobic society his nephew’s status could prove to be the downfall of the family company.
16 years later Derek is pressured into firing eight months-pregnant Danny Mahealani, creating a publicity scandal that, as the Equal Rights for Carriers movement gains more and more ground, results in an unprecedented media outrage targeted towards Hale & Argent Publishers. 
A very reluctant Derek finds himself forced into defending his company’s prejudiced views on national television, facing off in heated debates against Stiles Stilinski, a guy he happened to have a one-night stand with months ago and has been pining over ever since. Stiles is a disgruntled former Hale & Argent employee, a staunch supporter of the ERC movement, he hates everything Derek stands for … and, courtesy of an expired condom, he’s also, unknowingly, the father of the child Derek wasn’t even aware he could carry in the first place.
Turning the Page by KaliopeShipsIt (26/26 | 128,387 | Mature | Sterek) After being widowed and left to raise three children on his own at the age of 21, Derek Hale-Krasikeva did not expect to ever find happiness again. 
He also definitely did not expect to meet the love of the second half of his life in a grad student attending the same university as his undergrad kids.
When You’re Not Expecting by KattsEyeDemon & seekeronthepath (9/9 | 49,863 | Explicit | Sterek) Derek and Stiles weren't planning on kids yet. Stiles hadn't even known biological kids were an option. But when the unexpected happens, Derek grabs onto the chance for a larger family with both hands, and everyone else is along for the ride
Derek Hale’s Baby by KaliopeShipsIt (4/4 | 38,741 | Mature | Sterek) On the last night of his vacation in Paris, Derek has a one-night stand with a handsome stranger. When he boards his plane back home twelve hours later, Derek's cute seat neighbor Stiles almost lets a backpack fall on Derek's head and Derek has no choice but fall for him. 
Ten weeks later, Derek has never been this happy, he's never been this in love - and he's never been this pregnant and with no clue who the baby daddy is. 
Also, he's secretly a werewolf. No Vacancy by KaliopeShipsIt (4/4 | 34,964 | Mature | Sterek) "29-Year Old Omega (muscular/scruffy/perpetual sourface) Seeking for Alpha-Baby-Daddy. Might or might not be named Stiles"
Derek is an unusually muscular Omega with irregular heats and dumb luck.
Stiles is an unusually polite Alpha who forgets to leave his number.
Laura is a furious Alpha who wants to wear Stiles' balls on a golden chain.
Cora is a pragmatic Alpha who composes Craigslist ads.
... aka, my first A/B/O-Fic
Edit: This work is now a trilogy
The Beginning of Our Wolfy Family by modestfuckup (6/6 | 20,699 | Teen | Sterek) “Stiles, I’m pregnant.” Derek blurted out.
Stiles jaw was open, an eyebrow arched, “No, not possible. I know I may have slept through freshman health, but I know for a fact that men cannot carry babies. Nice one Der. What did Deaton say?” 
or the one where Stiles and Derek find out they are having a baby.
A Day in June by KaliopeShipsIt (1/1 | 13,061 | Not Rated | Sterek) Derek is happily married, a proud papa of three children, and financially comfortable. 
He's also pregnant for the fourth time and doesn't want to be.
Bump in the Night by KaliopeShipsIt (1/1 | 3,600 | Mature | Sterek) The one where Derek's pregnant belly is a lot bigger in the evenings than in the mornings and Stiles mopes because he volunteered to work the nightshift for a month and thinks their unborn daughter is trying to be the next Houdini.
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nani-nonny · 4 months ago
So okay, idk and i forgot how long it's been since i read the last chapter but god this is good! It's like that one funny sound effect "God it's so good! It's so good and tasty!" This chapter is like this!!
It's so good that my cheek hurts from smiling and i can't stop smiling and i blame you for it/lh/hj
Seeing how F!Leo knock on the door and try to mimic his move is bringing me to nostalgia of the past i remember doing something like this with my parents and i end up getting laughed at (because it is!!)
Baby Lou punching the door with her baby hand made me laugh and melt immediately xD when they entered and April was nervous? God i felt so bad for her and i wasn't the one who destroyed drax.
Then she explodes - rightfully - after Leo asked her and even call out how rude it is to cut people off which i find satisfied?! Because people cut me off and see it normal and am like "Excuse me, am not done talking" and she explains how despite how cruel it was and how fucked up it was, it was still draxum from the PAST!! You can't take your anger out on him!!!
And bro took it like a G, he took it like a champ!! Eve tho Leo feel 80% guilty - am about to end that 20% off - draxum deserves an apology.
About the trip thing? When April mentioned it i was like "Why didn't f!Leo remember it if it was planned out??" And it's turned out last minute planned!! Tho part of me see it fair i have multiple questions like: Why take CJ?! Shouldn't he see his baby sister and spend peaceful time with his dad? Are they gonna leave F!Leo half injured and dip?! Will they take draxum or throw him back in his apartment or just leave him in medbey?! God!! Justice for the alchemist!!
And then Donnie finally acknowledging Leo and baby Lou's existence is making me happy and laughing like bro really didn't hear the door open or them talking or even April snapping?! Bruh.
AND HE MADE A CRIB for baby lou!! I was like, didn't future draxum knew this would happen?! And since the crib happened, will the mini fridge happen too??👀👀 imagine a smoll fridge connected to her crib!!
And then little Leo appear and demand future Leo's ass back in the bed!
Seeing how big Leo is just trying to shield baby lou as he goes to sleep.. And that realization she's his baby? God it's perfect.. So perfect
*twirls hair* I’m glad you like it, I wrote it thinking of you and hoping you’d enjoy the soft moments! :D
April is such a great character I love her so much :) I liked her portion so much
Oh! About the trip! It was in the last chapter, but Splinter explained that it’s for Leonardo to get to know the baby, especially since CJ already had some time with her while he was unconscious! And it was also explained that CJ would return to the lair after the third day on the trip! Yeah, I probably should have made a heads up to check the previous chapter for a little reminder of where we are hehe
We’ll find out about Draxum and the trip in the next chapter hehe
Donnie is just like me hehe hyper focused and unaware of his surroundings while working on something :) but isn’t it so thoughtful and so “Donnie” to be building something for the new family member? <3
Raphy almost like F!Raphael, so cautious with the baby but years of experience separates the two! While F!Raph is comfortable and confident in holding his niece, Raphy is so afraid hahaha!
Lil Leo is such a mood killer /j (he’s just very concerned about his patient hahaha!)
But the ending was my favorite part hehe baby and papa are so cute :))))
Thanks for reading and leaving your fun comment/review like always sniper! I wrote this one for you so I’m glad you like it! I made sure to make it super soft :) <3
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catchyhuh · 1 year ago
What would be the gang's favourite places to spend vacation in?
could you imagine having just landed at (DESTINATION OF CHOICE), exhausted and jetlagged as all hell, the hotel is having trouble with your booking, and then you see one of these chucklefucks go enter the premises? i'd swim back home.
being lupin, he’ll love anything outlandish or special enough to warrant being called a “vacation.” but most vacation activities are just… his normal life? so he (much to the chagrin of the others he always forces to go with him) needs something more… solidly unique.
lupin the third is banned from every major theme park in the world. however, only twelve of his disguises are.
he’s not stressing about getting the most out of his day-- he snuck the guys in through the back anyway, and he’ll come back in a few years if he feels like it. this makes him one of the few people to actually get to experience these places in a casual, actually fully enjoyable way. but also he and Fujiko (she was sick of standing) internally busted up the “skip the line” pass system so they’re fucking set to go wherever they please
probably broke into one during the night once too before he realized how eerie it is to experience this without unhappy parents at every turn
i could go on about this. it’d be funny. i could do it for all of them. but that’s NOT THE POINT LET’S GO JIGEN
“i don’t care” (he cares immensely)
jigen is a proud contrarian, and for someone who says he hates noise and racket and all that shit, he LOVES big cities. which… given their line of work, almost always perfectly works out for him!
the specific kind of dense and natural history they have is interesting to him. not in an actual historical way, of course, but in the sense of walking out of a pizza hut and seeing a building constructed 300 years ago. in perfect condition. next to the pizza hut
cliff(hanger) notes: new yawk baby (jokes aside google lupin iii cliffhanger)
it’s harder to steal a vacation than it is to steal a big ass sapphire or some shit. hence fujiko’s talent in swindling bitches and just walking around like she owns the place. nobody questions it when a woman in 6 inch heels with the sharpest sunglasses this side of homestuck shows up
fujiko LOVES people doing shit for her. real for that, honestly, and the way they wait on you hand and foot would just delight her to no end. someone comes by the pool with a lil martini and she's like hm, thank you but internally she’s like Heh… As It Should Be
i don’t have to tell you our guy is not one for the sins of this world. he says. allegedly. call it a vacation and he’s like hmph. waste of time. call it a retreat and you get a lil eyebrow raise
so what does he want? CABIN IN THE WOODS BABY
NOT THE MURDER KIND. JUST THE NICE, CHILL KIND. but don’t go too far here: it’s a retreat, not a hideout. he will be expecting one of those fancy cabins, the kind built on stilts with two floors (and balconies, maybe even a wrap-around porch on the ground floor. there will be a hot tub. he will claim the hot tub is excessive. he will be using the hot tub
after all, it’s a RETREAT, so it’s okay to splurge :) (he is just as bad about this shit as his rotten friends)
zenigata? vacation? oh, you jokester,
if you could somehow force him to pick a place and actually enjoy it, he… would have an incredibly difficult time settling on one thing. so many things would delight him but also so many things would be grating as hell. which is just how life works so. tough luck, pops.
i don’t usually double up, but i also feel like a good city vacation would be nice. there’s NO way to get understimulated and bored in an environment like that, he gets to find all these tiny undiscovered nooks and crannies, those horrible kitschy tourist knick knacks (he’s not above it) and just being in the middle of It. it does him good. plus you can lie and say “getting to know this city ahead of time will give you a leg up if lupin steals some shit here” and then he’ll be onboard entirely
also a chance to subtly flex his freakish preparedness. you run into some specific ass problems in any vacation environment, but with the hectic energy of big cities, there’s even MORE. and you better believe this motherfucker has it ALL on him. he packed sunscreen AND hand warmers, either way the weather goes, he’s got bandaids, safety pins, spare change, spare bills, he brought one of those like anti spill thermos things, which is REALLY handy-- did he pack his toothbrush? c’mon, don’t underestimate him. of course he did. toothpaste? …uh. damn...
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brandwhorestarscream · 1 year ago
Reincarnation AU.
I saw the thing about Hot Rod having TFA Roddy as a sickly child and this just popped into my mind: Hot Rod going to mama Prowl to ask how to take care of a sickly baby, since baby Prowl/Lil P was sick a few times (thanks Jazz that one time and maybe sometimes Bumblebee) and Hot Rod has zero clue how to take care of this child, especially with how ill they are.
So just... Prowl and Hot Rod friendship ig. Bonding over cute babies and having to keep an optic on them because sickly babies then watching.
Hot Rod is a mess of nerves cuz his baby's vents constantly have a horrible wheeze and a rattle to them, he's always shaking and breaks out in a fever at least 3 times a decacycle. He has to sanitize everything and anyone that wants to hold the baby has to have a thorough decontamination bath and their vents flushed. The poor sparkling has trouble recharging and always seems to have aches and pains somewhere, discomfort radiating in his little EM field and all he can do is cry. Roddy's at his wits end and has no idea what to do: honestly, he's really not ready to be a parent. He's barely even an adult himself.
He goes to Prowl because he's always taking Lil Pea to the medics, surely he'll have some tips for managing the more stressful at-home parts of having such a sick kid, right?
They both kinda get hit with a surprising realization at the same time--Lil Pea isn’t actually all that sickly. Prowl's overprotective and was rightfully worried cuz bitty's so thin, but in reality? He's pretty healthy. He's nowhere near as frail as Roddy's sparkling, and the much younger mech breaks out in tears when he realizes. He's just so stressed, he's sleep deprived and exhausted and terrified and he has no idea what he's doing. He had so much hope riding on this, that Prowl would be able to help him, but seeing him with his happy healthy baby just... feels like the end of the world. In response to his carrier's distress, baby Rod starts crying too and then they're both crying and it's a whole mess.
Hot Rod's apologizing, desperately trying to wipe his tears and stop blubbering and bounce the baby in one arm but he's so strung out and exhausted and he needs help. Prowl's a first time parent too, but he's considerably older: he doesn't hesitate to scoop the little one out of Hot Rod's arms and tell him to sit. Breathe, try to calm down, it's gonna be ok. His office doesn't have a couch but there's an extra chair: Hot Rod kinda just collapses in it and buries his face in his servos, trying to get ahold of himself. Prowl steps out into the hall, pulling out a bottle and starts carefully bouncing the poor baby and rubbing his back, shushing him. It takes awhile, but eventually they both stop. Hot Rod is still shaking and he looks miserable, but still reaches to take his sparkling back.
"I..." his voice is shattered. Defeated. Broken. "I don't know what to do."
They talk for a really, really long time. Realistically, he's already doing everything he can for his son. He's following all the instructions from the medics, he's off work for the foreseeable future because the baby needs round the clock care and monitoring. Prowl... doesn't really have any experience with having such a frail child. No one does. Hot Rod whispers, tearful and exhausted, that... he's even considered giving him up for adoption. He loves him endlessly, but he doesn't feel like he's taking good enough care of him. Doesn't think he can take good enough care of him. He doesn't want to give him up, but... he'd rather his baby be happy and healthy but away from him than be sickly and unhappy but with him. He hangs his helm lower than Prowl has ever seen, forlornly apologizing and coldly calling himself a failure.
This is honestly outside of Prowl's scope of expertise--says he won't try to talk Hot Rod out of it if that's really what he wants, but will try to help however he can. Resources are extremely limited with the war, but he pulls as many strings as he possibly can and gets the poor mech a series of meetings set up, in person and virtual alike, to explore more options and to help him find his footing. Parenting is hard, especially if your child has subpar health. He thinks Hot Rod just needs some guidance and support: the stress has made him want to give up but it's not the only possible path forward. Some old parenting books and advice columns are really all they have right now, but it's better than nothing. They can get his work stuff figured out, set up a schedule so he can actually rest while someone qualified minds the bitty, they can look into treatments and therapies to help strengthen his little body, if only a little bit.
"It's going to be alright, Hot Rod... you're both going to he alright."
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hisbutler-problematic · 2 years ago
On the topic of Sebastian being completely enthralled about everything Ciel is, I personally love it so much more knowing manga context, because O!Ciel was the 'spare'. He was not supposed to carry the family nane and, frankly, people didn't think he'd be capable of it due to his poor health anyway (Remember Frances and Vincent's conversation in the flashback chapters? It's obvious O!Ciel was quite saddened by what he heard).
By all means, in a twisted way, Sebastian might just be the first person to regard O!Ciel as someone deeply capable, a shiny singularity that doesn't live in anyone's shadow. The adults around him were - tho not unrightfully - seeing his fragility first and foremost while his brother, despite seeing him as worthy, didn't wish for him to leave and forge his own path. R!Ciel's reaction came from childishness sure, but that isn't to say that it didn't feed into the idea that O!Ciel was 'his backup'.
Going off from this, Sebastian is also the one thing in his life and is irrevocably his. Again, twisted, but all O!Ciel built has been under another's name. The manor, the company, the engagement etc. None of them truly his, but his brother's. And the other servants? They are loyal, however ultimately their own people. Sebastian? In an entirely different spot. He'll be there until the end after all.
This is an aspect of their relationship that tugs at my heartstrings so much. It's so toxic and depressing yet strangely soft and tender somewhat at least to me.
Sorry, I just really wanted to pour my thoughts and I appreciate your posts. So here I am!
anon, i’m in love with you
i literally think about this all the time like. that conversation frances and vincent had? imo vincent just flippantly saying "i guess ill just have to give the estate back to the queen lmao" could be taken 2 ways which is: at face value OR (what i think is more likely) vincent just saying what he knows will piss frances off to get her to stop talking. tbh vincent seems like a good dad imo and like he doesnt super underestimate o!ciel (he seemed absolutely fine with the idea of o!ciel going off to london by himself and opening a toy store in the future), but he DOES know that o!ciel is frail and sickly, and it makes me wonder how seriously he considered the idea that o!ciel might inherent the title of the queen's watchdog.
honestly, i feel in some respects, r!ciel treats o!ciel more carefully than their parents. he very much has an attitude of "my baby brother NEEDS me, he cannot survive without me!!" (gasps and shock, to learn it is actually the other way around /s)
all this to say, whether you lean more towards my interpretation or yours, or a fun mix, or whatever, it is undeniable that all of o!ciel's relationships were 'tainted' (for lack of a better term) by his illness and the way it made others view him and treat him.
sebastian, who takes one look at o!ciel, and goes "lmao what a fucked up lil dude. time for little a snacky". sebastian, who then sits down to forge a contract with said little dude only to realize Oh Okay So This Child Is Clever. And o!ciel being sickly does kind of come up when they're making the contract, but sebastian focuses more on the actual logistics of that and o!ciel says 'nvm we'll deal w it when it comes up' (which is hilarious imo. he really said a sudden chill can put me on my deathbed but thats a problem for future me).
and then it turns out o!ciel is hella sheltered. but also a huge bitch.
and at this point, all i can assume is sebastian is so bewildered by this experience that the fact that o!ciel is frail and sickly and fragile is like. just another thing about this kid. o!ciel has never made sebastian's life easy and it would be stupid to think he would start now, sebastian thinks as his young master suffers from yet another cold just bc it rained yesterday. "i never knew you had asthma" says sebastian, who has read every medical journal to date on chest colds. "you never asked," says the bane of sebastian's existence.
and the thing is you can say "sebastian is only worried about o!ciel bc if o!ciel dies, he loses his meal" which is true and accurate and tbh if i was sebastian and i had put up w that much, i wouldn't want to lose my meal to a mere cough.
then you see the way sebastian is so fascinated and intrigued and bewitched by o!ciel. i think to sebastian the fact that o!ciel is frail and sickly is just another contradiction in the sea of contradictions that makes o!ciel so fascinating. and i think sebastian is the only one who really sees all those contradictions, he's the only one who sees everything that makes up o!ciel. and he loves what he finds.
(not to mention the fact that sebastian is the only person o!ciel allows to see his every aspect. or, well, some he tries to hide, but only because he thinks sebastian will try to use something against him. either way, sebastian is still the only person who he lets see the most of him. because sebastian is the only person who knows who he really is, who he doesnt have to put up a front for. he doesn't have to pretend to be his brother, he doesn't have to worry about being the spare.)
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b.katsuki / f.reader
genre: domestic, husband!bakugou, wife!y/n
warning(s): mizusu is babie, she throws a lil tantrum- but nothing daddy can't fix
w.count: 3k
synopsis: katsuki comes home early to relieve the babysitter hired to take care of mizusu. you come back home to your daughter sitting on her father's hip and listening to kiddy music with dinner on the stove. katsuki realizes just how warm his two girls make him.
a/n: ive been stressed and i think bringing mizusu, the beloved baku-child, back will make me feel better. bc she's precious. she's still a lil bab in this one :D
It was just after noon when Katsuki's mobile started to violently ring in his pocket. It was a special ringtone he set to be horrendously obnoxious so it'd gain his attention every time it went off. He knew who was calling before he could even dig the device out of his pocket because of it. He only briefly looked at the caller ID every time out of pure habit.
-Zusu's Sitter-
He only barely clicked his tongue, half expecting this phone call at some point today. He swipes his thumb across the screen then presses the phone to his ear.
"Tapping out, kid?" He holds no teasing or malicious tone, it was more like a statement he was finalizing before the person on the other end spoke.
Katsuki and yourself had hired a babysitter for the days you and he both had to work and couldn't easily get out of it or swap out between morning and afternoon shifts. You had hired some teenager who was looking for experience in childcare as well as make a quick buck during breaks between terms. However, this morning when they showed up after you had already left for you, they didn't look the best.
They had reassured Katsuki that they could work and that they were just experiencing a small head cold, maybe even something as unremarkable as allergies. Though, the parent in him kicked in and made the teen promise to call him if their fever spikes up. Both for the teenagers sake and for the fact he didn't want his little one-year-old daughter catching a fever either.
On top of that, he gave them specific instructions to call him instead of you.
Compared to him, you've been practically pulling your hair out trying to adjust back into your work life. Even though your maternity had been up for a while, you had been doing exclusively desk and paper work for your agency- still a bit too paranoid about going back into the field now that you were out of practice. You had only recently put that hero suit of yours back on and started back on daily patrols in different city limits and sectors.
He didn't want you rushing home in a frenzy because your daughters babysitter was sick. Katsuki could just walk out of his agency, saying his daughter's sitter was out of commission and he wouldn't even be slapped on the wrist the next day.
"I'm very sorry, sir!" The teen practically cries into the line. "I really thought I could go all day, but my fever jumped out of no where and I don't want Mizusu getting sick because of me."
Katsuki breathes out of his nose as he raises from his desk. He looks at the clock hanging on the wall that read 12:04, although if memory serves that clock was a bit slow.
"It's fine," he huffs, but still not really annoyed. He grabs a sticky-note pad from the corner of his desk and starts scribbling on it as he speaks separately into the phone. "Go ahead and put Zusu in her play pen for now, but wash your damn hands before you touch her. Keep her there until I get home," he rips the top sticky-note off and flips it over to the hero who sat in front of him in their own little desk space. "Even if she starts fussing, don't take her out; she'll be fine."
"Of course. I'll keep my contact with her to an absolute minimum!"
"Good," the hero who read his note gave him a cheeky thumbs up and he rolls his eyes in return before he's kicking his gauntlets, that had already been discarded since their too bulky to wear at a desk, under his desk. They're hidden further under the wood when he pushes his chair forward to join them under the desktop with his foot. "I'll be there in 15."
He ends the call and is already in the changing room of the agency as as he starts peeling his hero suit off. Normally, cutting work short would annoy him. But whenever it's about you or Mizusu, he can't bring himself to grimace at the early self-dismissal.
The outside sounds of cars and general white, background noise all fades into nothing as the front door of Katsuki's home he shares with you and his little girl shut behind him. The jangling of his keys was the loudest noise he registered until he hear the small, whiney sounds of Mizusu's fussing further inside.
Katsuki chuckles to himself as he hangs the keys up on the keyring holder beside the door as he heels off his beat up, aged loafers and trots inside. The duffle on his shoulder is filled with his suit and belt, bouncing off his hip as he walked with his hand stuff in his joggers; a habit he's had since middle school he's never been able to break.
Rounding into the living room, he sees his blonde headed daughter in the middle of her playpen, a wall of semi-stable plastic walls to keep her out of trouble, but still a large enough play space for her overwhelming number of toys. On the couch- a decent distance from her- is the sitter, sitting on the cushions and trying to ease his child's tantrum from there.
A fruitless effort, but he gave an A for effort.
"Alright, Girlie," Katsuki speaks towards the fussing toddler while simultaneously announcing his arrival since the sitter obviously hadn't heard him come home at all. "That's enough." And like magic, the fussing died down to a rather pathetic sounding whine. "You ain't fooling anyone with that fake fit," he pulls the duffle strap over his head and off his shoulder to flop onto the living room floor by the couch. The teen sitter stands as he approaches, although a bit unstable on their feet; from the fever he assumes. "You're free to go," he tells them, "need me to call a cab?"
"No sir," they decline politely. "I can make it home just fine." They quickly leave the house, not wanting to raise the possibility of anyone else getting sick- no matter how slim the chance. Katsuki stood at the edge of Mizusu's playpen as she had rocked herself up from her bum to her feet, waddling towards her father before plopping herself back down.
He's quickly disassembling the plastic wall and creating an opening so if she gets back up again, she could waddle closer and reach his legs. Though, she does neither. He stands above her still as she stares up at him. It was like some silent, blonde stare off between father and daughter, but there was no winner or loser.
After what he assumed was approximately 15 seconds, she grew bored and lightly kicked her legs before raising her little arms, that still had their baby chub on them, up towards his towering form.
"Papa, uppies!" Her speech was still somewhere limited, but she knew how to demand being picked up. She was still just a little thing, barely able to understand that she can stomp and wave her arms around at the same time. So of course, her manners- or lack thereof- weren't the best. Although, she was a total sweetheart most of the time.
Katsuki almost rols his eyes at the thought of his mother telling him over and over again how lucky he was that Mizusu was an easy baby. Must've taken after you, rather than him in that department. He smirks at the thought of him always being a little terror back in his young youth.
"Papa!" Mizusu cries again, her little hands opening and closing in urgency. "Uppies!" Katsuki bends his knees, squatting down to get closer to the floor-planted toddler. HIs arms were outstretched, elbows resting on his bent knees.
"What do we say when we want something?"
The little girl dropped her hands before she teetered herself up onto her chubby feet again and waddled between his legs and pushing her hands against his tee clade chest.
"Uppies, please," she whines softly, like she was on the verge of tears. Crocodile tears to be certain. Mizusu was also at the age where she would fake cry to get what she wanted. Although, it never got her far. Both he and you could tell the difference between an attention-seeking cry and a real one.
Though, when his little girl was right in front of him like this, he couldn't help but see your qualities in her. He smiles as he brings his arms down from his knees and lowered his head down to kiss her little forehead. He swoops his arms around to her sides before she was ensnaring her fingers in his tee in preparation to be hoisted up.
He gently stands before he was slotting his arm under his rear, her legs on either side of his chest as she looks up at him. She giggles, finally happy she got what she wanted.
"Good girl," he told her. "Always say 'please' and 'thank you'. That's what mommy tells you to do."
"Thank you, papa!" She speaks far too loudly for being right in front of his face, regardless he smiles at her. She wraps her arms around his neck, resting her face against his shoulder and swinging her little legs behind him. Her heels bounce weakly off his hips, but it almost feels nice since he's always so sore or pensive due to work.
"You're welcome." He pats her back a few times before he's spinning on his heel. "Want a snack?"
"Yes, please!"
When you came home from work, it was just past five in the afternoon. Seeing Katsuki's car in the drive way, shoes in the entrance, and keys on the holder bewildered you. He was supposed to be home after you today, but he somehow managed to beat you. Maybe he just had nothing left to do at his agency and left early because he was bored, he's done that before.
The faint sounds of music become clearer the further inside you march and before long, you follow the noise into the kitchen. You peek around the corner to see Katsuki supporting Mizusu on one of his jutted out hips. His other hand was stirring something boiling with plums of steam rolling out of a pot on the stove. You couldn't help noticing how far he held Mizusu away from the stove, even turning his chest away so she was as far as possible.
Her hands were above her, one lost within Katsuki's hair the other in the waving towards the fan above the stove you could hear whirring just under the sounds of the music playing from Katsuki's phone.
It was Mizusu's favorite song as of the moment that was playing through the phone speakers. Her small legs bounce in Katsuki's hold and her little heels kicked into his back and stomach, but he acted as if they didn't effect him- and they probably didn't.
When the song ends, she's cheering almost immediately.
"Papa, play again!"
"It'll play again in a second, be patient."
"Am patent!"
When the song picks up again, you suppress a laugh of your at the excited wiggling your daughter kicks up in her father's arm. You would never tell him that you saw him start to lightly bounce on his heels to the familiar rhythm of the children song that probably haunts his dreams.
Your brought out of your little dreamscape by a shrill "Mama!". Your daughter giving you away. Katsuki turns and sends a small glare at you; he would never admit that there was a flush on his cheeks even if you pointed it out to him. You approach the duo and Mizusu was adamant in her new goal of getting out of her father's hold and into yours.
You easily take her, letting Katsuki's arm fall to his side as he set the pot he was stirring down to a simmer and placed a lid over it. He turned around fully to see you nuzzling against against Mizusu's cheeks, making her laugh and weakly push against you to cease your ticklish actions.
His chest felt warm watching you both. Once she 'escapes' your nuzzling rampage, she throws her head down and buries her face into your neck where you then turn your attention to your husband while rubbing her back.
"How'd you manage to get home before me?" You ask and only receive an eyeroll back.
"Wow, welcome home. I missed you today too, babe." You send his eyeroll back to him.
"Hello, Katsuki," you greet before he's kissing your cheek.
"To answer your question, I came home around noon." You gape at him. "Sitter got sick, so I left the agency early." You bounce Mizusu on your chest while he explains.
"Why didn't they tell me? I would've stayed home today."
"They thought they could handle it, but I told them to call me if they couldn't. To their credit, they lasted longer than I thought."
"Katsuki," your tone slightly on the stern side made his shoulder slack.
"I can handle, Zusu. You've been busy gettin' back into the swing of things. You don't need to worry every second of everyday," he tells you while his hands comes up to the small of your back, using his thumbs to rub lightly along your spine. You know he's right, but it's not like you can just turn your brain off. He pushing his lips against your temple before his hand slides down to lightly tap your ass. "Go put, Girlie in her highchair. Our food's done and I'll grab something for her to eat too."
You nod at him, a bit frustrated with yourself, but you knew he was coming from a good place. You take a breath before stretching that smile back on your lips and bringing your daughter away from your neck to look at you.
"You ready for dinner, Zusu?" Her eyes light up. "It's papa's food tonight!" You spin around, as Katsuki shuts the music playing from his phone off, inwardly thanking every god above because the sound of his daughters favorite kiddy song was grating on his very soul.
"Papa's food!" She cheers in repetition. Katsuki watched as Mizusu easily let you settle her into her chair and latch her in before sliding the plastic tray in front of her.
He continues to watch as you walk to the fridge to grab her something to drink- finding the premade bottle of deluded juice Katsuki had set in there earlier to chill- and set it within her grasp. She almost downs all of it before you tell her to not gulp it all because after that juice is empty she's getting water- which she dislikes because it's 'icky'.
And still he watches as you all eat together at the table and talk, even Mizusu as she chimes in with random sounds. Words she can barely say yet, and indecipherable babbles you always nod and agree with that keep her entertained.
"Katsuki?" You call as you reenter the kitchen after setting Mizusu in the playpen where she stares focused on the late night show she always gets to watch before a bath and bed. He hums as he continues to wash the dishes. You come up beside him and he smiles at the small action of your hand coming to rest on his back. "You alright? You've been sorta quiet. I can take Mizusu's next day so you can rest if your tired."
"That's not it, I ain't tired," he tells you as he sets a dish in the opposite side of the sink as it waits to be rinsed of soap suds with the rest of them. "Am I not allowed to be quiet sometimes?" He chides and you scoff at him, pinching against his spine that he just chuckles at.
"I'm just checking on you, hard-head."
"I ain't no hard-head."
"Yeah, tell it to the judge."
"And who's that?"
"Me and Mizusu."
"That would be 'judges', babe; plural."
"Oh shut up," you snort as you start taking the still sud-covered dishes before rinsing them and putting them in the dish strainer. The rest of the chore is finished in a blanket of quiet, ears open for any sound of Mizusu possibly causing mischief just beyond the kitchen.
As you wipe your hands of any remaining water that tries to travel down your arm and off your elbow, Katsuki comes up behind you. Settling his arms on your hips, he rests his forehead on your shoulder and you lean back into him.
"You alright?" You ask him again, much more softly this time and he just lightly hums. It's a lighthearted sound, the sound he makes when he's still too embarrassed to say aloud that he's happy. And he is. He's so happy it hurts and he just wants to soak in it all. In you, in his little Mizusu, in this house.
"I love you... like a god damn lot." You bring your hand up to push his head against the side of yours, cheek pushing against his skull. You take in the lingering scent of last nights shampoo and briefly wonder how his shampoo stays fragrant for so long- or maybe it's just his natural scent. Regardless, it's nice.
"I love you too. Like way more." He scoffs against you.
"Papa!" Mizusu calls from the living room. He actually laughs lightly against your shoulder, hot air micro-dampening your shirt sleeve and warming the skin beneath before he's kissing it lightly and detaching himself from you.
"Duty calls 'papa'," you tease. He grabs you by sticking his index finger between the fabric of your bottoms and your skin. Yanking you lightly against him, he was urging you to follow him back to the living room with his lips quirked up. His smile was mischievous enough to show his gums, yet he couldn't hide the tenderness in it either.
"You're not free of duty either, 'mama'."
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lonely-vault-boy · 2 years ago
Dottore/Pantalone (ft. 15 yo Childe) HCs!
Bc what’s more fun than evil old men being domestic and wholesome? (For @lycheethesimp in case the pics of my dogs weren’t enough)
- Pantalone is super petty. Dottore will accidentally on-purpose piss him off and Pantalone will respond by buying dinner for him and Childe and not Dottore. He plans out cute lil spa days and shit too. Which is nice way of saying he gets face masks and stuff for him and Childe and bitches about his husband /affectionately
- Childe lacks the ability to sit still and absolutely despises the spa sessions (it means he doesn’t have to do paperwork tho)
- They bring Childe in order to get a family discount at restaurants and events. Childe usually ends up going with them (and then complaining abt it) so he doesn’t have to be babied by Pulcinella or have awkward bonding time with Pierro
- This entire arrangement started bc Childe accidentally stumbled in on them making out and they tried to buy his silence (they thought they were being subtle (they were wrong))
- Pantalone realized while he was being extorted by a kid that being a parent was fun when you don’t have to do any of the work and have leverage over your criminally overworking husband
Ok ‘nuff of demon kid they adopted, moving on:
- They bicker a lot in front of the other harbingers and they enjoy egging each other on, but they actually really care about each orher
- Pantalone will find Dottore asleep in his lab and cover him with his jacket. Dottore (without knowing it) snuggles up into it bc he finds the scent comforting
- They have a lot of late nights where Dottore will be working at the desk and Pantalone is reading in bed. And it’s just very soft and domestic. Dottore will eventually put down whatever reports he’s writing and curl up beside his husband
- They listen to each others heretical rants that no one else understands. Dottore will be talking about how one of his experiments is going alone and Pantalone will listen despite not knowing wtf he’s talking abt and vice-versa
- Pantalone gives Dottore lavish gifts sometimes to show his affection. And Dottore doesn’t quite understand the value or nature of normal human customs, so he’ll show up with random abominations as gifts (one of which was Childe before they learned he was Pulcinella’s pet project)
- Pantalone has a garden for all of his weird creatures. His staff frequently end up dead while cleaning and caring for them. But it’s a lovely place for him and Dottore to go on strolls, so he doesn’t mind
- Pantalone is aware of his own mortality but has accepted it. He copes by controlling what he can (money) and trying to prepare for Dottore for when he’ll be gone. Dottore refuses to lose him and has (well, had) a few segments dedicated to finding some way to stop time for his lover
- And sometimes they torture people together for fun and then gossip about it :)
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sunlightmurdock · 2 years ago
is it just me or do others view baby seresin as the true instigator in mfiy. like bradleys immature and he owns it but ms girl is not behaving any better and she’s acting like some sort of martyr??? brads still a dumbass tho
okay lets talk about lil ms seresin.
I think that from chapter 1, she has been super mixed up in what she wants and needs. She followed Jake to university, she picked a career because it was going to make her daddy proud, she got good grades bc that’s what she was supposed to do. Then, enter this huge blip — she’s pregnant. The first thing in her life that she has to figure out on her own, and you can see that internal panic right from the beginning with her leaning on Jake and wanting Bradley to be involved.
Up until this point in her life, she has leapt every hurdle with great success and completed every kind of challenge that life has thrown her way. She gets it in her head that she can do this. And I think that Bradley’s initial freak out was fuelled by him feeling completely the opposite way: life has thrown him so many hardships and he really just didn’t want to put himself through another. I think both of them kind of have a ‘this isn’t fair’ complex about their lives that they work through in ways that can often put them at opposing sides.
I think she rushed into the decision to keep the baby because she was sure that she could do it, and in the beginning she was angry towards bc like ‘if I can grow up and be ready for this, then why can’t you?’. Then, she experiences all of this extra kind of struggle. With her parents, with her complicated relationship with Bradley and her kind of forced attraction to Ryan just bc she needed someone. And I think that leads us to chapter 20, where she has taken a step back and is really looking at the decisions she has made.
Like Bradley, a lot of her decisions have been somewhat immature and the way that she has treated those around her during her pregnancy hasn’t been the best. So now, she’s feeling all of this guilt. Wondering if she forced Bradley into a life he doesn’t want. If she has trapped herself into a life that she isn’t ready for.
She’s still super young (like 20/21 years old) and her life is about to change in this huge way. I think she’s finally kind of starting to mature enough to realize what she has gotten herself into and try to fix the things that she did wrong over the last seven months. I think that although there will be blips here and there, her and Bradley are both starting to look at this with a little more perspective — which is always going to lead to confusion and doubt. They both will have things that they regret / wish they did differently bc that’s life, but I think they’re moving in the right direction now.
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sneakerdoodle · 3 years ago
anyway i am thinking about Hunter really really leaning into his role as the oldest kid in his baby sister*'s weird little gang and being sort of pathetic about it
(*Luz tries to bite him every time he calls her that but he is secretly very sappy about the sound of it)
at first he's soooo awkward and nervous and comparatively gangly and does not know how to Behave but he's doing his best sort of muddling through it all. the gang can't figure out if their hang outs stress him out more than give him a positive social experience, but just have to trust him that he does enjoy their company
he braves into vulnerability ones and asks "so, uhm... would Ed and Em be good people to ask about, uh- sibling things??", and Luz and Amity reply "no" in unison, so he talks to Viney instead. she's like, "okay dude, this feels sort of too utilitarian for a friendly chat, but sure, if that's what you need". they get boba tea and lean on fences awkwardly as Viney tells about keeping her sister safe like making sure she doesn't fall down acid puddles, and Hunter's like, "do you need to watch them for stuff like that??" and Viney says "uh, duh, she's like, five", and Hunter has to realize the sibling experience is not unviersal. they still get more boba sometimes tho
he does end up asking the twins for advice out of desperation, and their verison is, "your sacred duty as an older sibling is keeping your lil sis and her dork friends out of trouble when you can, but making sure parents never know what they get up to, or you'll be getting them into trouble instead". Hunter's a fucked up little boy so he does not have a good enough understanding of what "trouble" would look like (Ed and Em's perspective is quite skewed too tbf), so the next time the gang like, sneak some knock-off snacks that make you puke fire onto their sleepovers when explicitly told to "not burn the house down" (a truly unfortunate use of the hyperbolic sentiment), Hunter spends the entire time incredibly stressed. at the end what gives them all away is his own fearful fretting, and Eda patiently explains to him in private that the way he was treated was not fair to him, that she would never subject him or anyone else to anything of the sort, and that the main form of reprecussion in the Bad Girl Coven is not getting to choose what ice cream flavours get included into the monthly treat haul shopping list. how kids make stupid choices, and a good chunk of them are the kind of stupid she enables, and anything else should mostly be handled via a calm and transparent conversation about personal safety. he has a lot of feelings about that
if they ever go to the human realm for an extended stay Hunter does his best to get a driver's license to drive everyone to the mall and stuff. i don't think it necessarily goes well but he tries his darnest. he ends up being the older friend others send off the get tickets to a gorey horror movie and he is incredibly confused about why HE is the one who has to do that, until it all clicks while he's already at the counter. so then he gets so so nervous the cashier actually asks for his id to make sure he himself is sixteen already. he doesn't really, have one??? he tries to identify himself as "the golden guard" and the person is like "yeaah, idk what that means. whatever tho here you go"
he basically volunteers as a near-constant chaperone and Camila is skeptical at first but accepts. she seems pretty serious about it so Hunter becomes slightly more aware of the dangers the Demon realm actually presents, and gets nervous about disappointing her. there is about a week or two where he seems pretty on edge but things remain their normal type of weird and everyone is still pretty good at taking care of each other, and he is very happy to be a part of that, but also very ready to be the one taking responsibility if anything serious does go down
i think he's very fascinated with and confused by this new form of responsibility: it coming from his heart, rather than something imposed on him. it's concerning the well-being and safety of people he actually cares about, who do their best to uplift and protect each other and himself, whom he is so ready to protect with all he has. if anything genuinely bad happened to them while Hunter was around he would probably feel extremely guilty (and they would all be there to comfort that). but at the end of the day it's that, no one is forcing a responsibility that he is not ready for onto him. he feels responsible because he cares, and because he believes he has the knowledge and skills to help keep his younger (and less, child soldier-trained,) friends safe. and no authority figure would actually punish him if he ever felt like he "failed" to do so; they'd be just as equally concerned with his well-being and safety
all that said, if something explodes during glyph experiments and the room is fully covered with a thick layer of green goo, it's a race between him and Luz to who can pin the blame on the other first
i really like the idea of Hunter watching these younger kids quietly, in more and more awe. he genuinely thinks they're amazing. there is so much to them, so much vibrancy and talent and vision, and there is so much honesty in their friendship with each other. he feels like he's learning a lot from being around them, about his friends, about friendships, about himself
once he mellows out a little bit from being a jittery wrangle of nerves, he is snarkier and snappier, trying desperately to get that cool older brother vibe going; but when it really comes down to it, he is their BIGGEST hype man around. he notices Gus getting quiet and prompts him to share in confidence, and it's tricky because for Gus, it's the very isolation from his peer group that makes him feel inadequate sometimes. talking about it to yet another older kid is a challenge because some part of him feels desperate to not acknowledge their age difference, to "fit in". but Hunter is so so understanding, because - hey, it's so lonely to be a severly traumatized teen. you don't necessarily have the same experience as any other of your peers - you've had to deal with shit they never even had to imagine going through. but searching for understanding from people older than him is not necessarily helpful, either. it's like he's living out an entirely different version of teenhood that only a person with a similar experience would be able to connect to
and Gus gets that so much. they can't give each other intimate understanding of what their respective experiences feel like - but they find solidarity in their weird isolation, and encourage each other to still enjoy other people's company, even if they can't quite understand them, cause, hey - they care about each other a lot. would be a bummer if they let their different histories keep them from nerding out at the library or mauling each other at flyer derby training (everything is fair game on the field and sometimes violence is a bonding experience)
Willow's been putting so much work into building a social life she is happy with, becoming more and more confident, feeling more and more celebrated; she's so much more involved with other students' lives and hobbies now! but it's hard to not get down on herself when things don't seem to work out, and her bullies are much less prominent now, but they're still around, and she spent so much time so deeply lonely that the feeling just, comes back sometimes. and Hunter is dumbfounded because she is genuinely one of the coolest people he's ever met. he sees how far she's come since she was lonely, isolated, rejected on the grounds of her perceived inadequacy, and he is bewildered by the fact that the rejection ever happened at all. Willow is a freaking star! that, of course, makes him have Feelings about whether he ever deserved his rejection in turn. they're a lot to process and he takes his time doing that. but he doesn't hesitate even for a second before showering Willow in all the validation in the world and acting out all of her greatest flyer derby feats in great detail with dramatic explosion sounds (Willow snorts as she reminds him nothing actually blew up but he ignores her). he gives her impromptu piggy back rides to shake her up while shouting Emerald Entrails cheers and it is incredibly embarrassing
there is obviously a lot of room for relatability for him and Amity, and it's more her inviting him in on the solidairty she and the twins already share. Hunter's been alone in this for so long, they want to give him space to express it all without necessarily unloading to much onto him. sometimes, though, Amity still needs someone outside of her family to be traumatized around. Ed and Em always had each other, and their relationship with their parents is different from Amity's in many ways; and even if things have been better lately, there were still many times their shared abuse made them and Amity act toward each other in ways that were hurtful
Hunter understands that; understands how a toxic environment makes it so much more difficult to be better to each other. he's seen it way too many times. he wants Amity to know she is safe to express and share that here, that she can hurt, that she can be horrified at the implications of tattling on the twins to their parents - without knowing for sure how severe of a punishment their mother would come up with. to feel awful about the way she treated Willow for years, and Luz for months. (weeks???? however long it was.) and he also wants to learn from her, because she's so grown from that so, so much. he wants to support her, to watch her grow into healthier and healthier bonds, a more and more secure image of herself - and he wants to understand what makes her current relationships so good, so solid, so mature and communicative
it's so easy to imagine him and Luz bonding over their shared passions, and... so difficult to imagine them relating emotinally fgdhjs, to me personally at least. it's the siblinghood of it all. their form of emotional support is elbowing each other and calling the other person "egghead" whenever one of them gets bummed out before showing them a funny pensta post. Hunter does worry about not being able to be there for Luz in all the way she might need him to be, and it's not like many people can understand what she's going through. she is learning to be more and more open with her friends, though, and Eda is in on most of her life events either way, and he feels pretty safe leaving his sister in the hands of a more experienced and very freaking cool adult. he's still on the lookout for low moods and always ready to cheer her up however he can. on a rare occassion, he'd offer her emotional honesty, too, but Luz is like, "respectfully, you have no emotional intelligence whatsoever, and also, ew, gross /aff"
anyway!!! i just!!! am so invested into him caring deeply for all these other younger kids and wanting desperately to be a good presence and influence in their lives; but he does not quite know what sort of Guidance he can give them, and that's sort of embarrassing at times; but also, his unrelenting care and adoration towards all of them and his readiness to relate to them and encourage them, showing them how amazing they are at working with their circumstance, how much he sees in them from his place in life and personal experience, is so so meaningful and good for all of them. also: stupid shenanigans
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makeste · 4 years ago
BnHA Chapter 299: No Chains Left
Previously on BnHA: Horikoshi was all “and then AFO broke out all of the inmates from six other prisons and took a nap. well anyways, here’s the hospital angst.” Kacchan woke up two days later and was all, “WAIT BUT HOW ARE DEKU AND TODOROKI AND ALL OF THE OTHER CHARACTERS EXCEPT IIDA DOING” and then we cut to Shouto’s room where the other U.A. kids were sitting around being Mutually Traumatized and giving each other moral support and such. Everyone was alll, “...”, and then the rest of the Todofam showed up, INCLUDING POSSIBLY REI?! which, omg. The chapter ended with Kacchan STOMPING THROUGH THE HALLS all “WHADDYA MEAN DEKU HASN’T WOKEN UP YET”, dragging along Satou and Mineta behind him, fueled by the power of ALL OF THE FUCKS HE NOW GIVES. He gives so many fucks now you guys. This boy cares so much he can probably deduct it on his taxes.
Today on BnHA: SPEAKING OF PEOPLE WHO GIVE A LOT OF FUCKS, the story cuts abruptly to Hawks, freshly recovering from his near-death experience, and pondering the threads that have weaved the tapestry of his life and led him to this moment. Basically he grew up in poverty with his Jerk Dad and Jerk Mom until his dad got arrested one day and his mom sent him off to go Find Money Or Something, and so he rescued a busload of people and found himself a new career. Back in the present day, Hawks and Jeanist ride around town in Jeanist’s Jamborghini having awkward encounters with civilians in a country on the brink of social collapse, and visiting Hawks’s mother’s home. Hawks is all “I know from an outsider’s perspective it must look like my life currently sucks, but now that the HPSC is gone, my public image is shot, and my parents are finally out of my life, I’m actually feeling SURPRISINGLY GOOD.” Anyway so he’s gonna go meet up with Endeavor now, and p.s. this chapter was fucking fantastic though, damn.
oh my god?? is this Hawks narration?? something about him growing up watching the heroes on TV and thinking of them as fictional characters
okay I scrolled down a little bit more to see the rest of that “Keigo” panel, and wow
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this is basically a shed. poor boy definitely grew up rough. let me tell you guys, I came in here ready for some BakuDeku shenanigans; I was not prepared for Hawks Flashback Angst. I AM HERE FOR IT, but also wow I gotta brace myself now lol
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BnHA sure does have an array of Jerk Dads, doesn’t it. makes me appreciate characters like Masaru and JirouDad all the more for bucking the trend
anyway. so Horikoshi, you really thought that one itty bitty chapter of hospital catharsis would be enough to calm us all before you went right back to showing us child abuse huh. my god man can we rest
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swear to god this kid can’t be more than five or six, and yet he has this completely blank look on his face even with his dad looming over him being all threatening and shit. like he’s shut down his emotions to protect himself. imagine what has to happen to a child for him to have learned this at such a young age. fuck
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don’t mingle with humans?? not “other” humans, just humans?? what is this implying here?? and also holy shit Hawks definitely didn’t inherit his looks from his dad orz
then again he doesn’t really bear much of a resemblance to his strung-out mom here either
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omg omg omg. and this child is basically trapped here in this environment with these two people. this explains a SHITLOAD about Hawks’s personality though you guys. his ability to completely separate his real thoughts from the face he presents to the outside world. his pragmatic approach to analyzing and solving problems. his layers of emotional walls. turns out almost none of that came from the HPSC training -- that was all learned hands-on in his own personal do-or-die survival nightmare childhood!! oh, boy
and small wonder then that he latched on to Endeavor so strongly if he really is the one who brought down his dad and inadvertently saved him from this. also, just putting this out there, I know people are always talking about him and Dabi being foils, and I think it’s very interesting how Touya grew up in a household where he saw firsthand the dark side of hero society, and so ended up becoming a villain in order to bring it down. whereas young Keigo had almost the exact opposite experience, growing up experiencing the dark side of villain society and becoming a hero in order to bring about a world where no one else has to experience that. just. both of them are so determined not to become their fathers. some interesting parallels there
so Hawks was sort of an accident after his parents had “thanks for helping me not get caught after I killed that guy” sex, and now this little boy is growing up in squalor and being beaten by his father for things like Sitting In The Wrong Out-Of-The-Way Corner Trying Not To Be A Bother To Anybody. holy fuck. this is so rough to read through you guys
wait so does Jerk Dad have a an eyeball manipulation quirk?? because he doesn’t have the wings like his son, but wth are these things??
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this presumably also means that Keigo has never been to school or anything either. he basically doesn’t exist. he thinks heroes are fictional characters, he doesn’t realize that they’re real people. these are people who could help him if he could escape and find them, but he doesn’t know, and they don’t know about him
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how could this child possibly have an anti-fandom when he’s done NOTHING WRONG HIS ENTIRE LIFE. huh. just explain that to me. lol I mean I’m not looking to pick a fight with anyone, but also, MAYBE I AM, idk?? this kid has gotten me all riled up lmao
anyways, Protect Keigo 2021, and thank you Horikoshi for these three very terrible pages. I am pleased to inform you that you’ve effectively gotten your point across and you may now commence saving this kid already
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oh no, Keigo’s dumbass jerk dad tried to steal a car and the popo nabbed his ass and now his mom can’t just sit around neglecting her VERY YOUNG SON all day long, oh horrors. sorry lady my tiny violin is on backorder. just imagine that I’m playing a very sarcastic song on it for you
anyway so what are you gonna do now, abandon him? I can hardly imagine he’d be worse off, if anything it might be a near-instant improvement
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lol what a randomly pivotal moment in his young life. TIME TO GO MAKE THESE MEMES INTO DREAMS YOUNG ONE
anyway so his mom freaked out and grabbed him and they wound up at a train station with her TELLING HIM TO GO GET HER SOME MONEY, oh my god. SURE MOM LEMME JUST WALTZ RIGHT ON DOWN TO THE “JOBS FOR FIVE-YEAR-OLDS” STORE AND TELL THEM I NEED SOME CASH. ffff manifesting someone to come help him in 3... 2...
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SIGH, JUST GO RESCUE THE PEOPLE FROM THE BUS, KEIGO. is this the outfit he was wearing when that happened?? it must be, right?? I can’t imagine them surviving more than a couple days out here unless this starts getting REALLY dark in a way I know that even Horikoshi won’t explore, so yeah. cut to the HPSC now please. never thought we’d be glad to see them. I mean sure, it may be an “out of the frying pan...” case, but good god
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and I guess it was his mom’s eyeball quirk then. anyway, whatever, see you again never, hopefully. lol oh man. thaaaat, was upsetting. need to center myself here for a sec. NAMASTE
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so we cut from Baby Hawks Angst straight to Present Day Hawks Angst, huh. not that this exhausted and traumatized lil lad isn’t still a baby to me too, I’ll have you know
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“WHEW, THOUGHT YOU DIED ON ME FOR A SEC THERE KID.” lmao. Caleb will no doubt ruin this by making his word choice all stiffly formal as usual, so I’m just going to treasure this “WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT, I’M FRESH OUT OF FUCKS” version of Jeanist while I can
look at him, driving his Jeanistmobile
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again, is it any wonder Kacchan was bitching about Endeavor’s dinky little car when he was used to riding around town in style like this. anyone else staring at this panel trying to figure out how this car is somehow secretly made of jeans
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anyway so Jeanist is all “GOOD THING IT’S THE FUTURE AND WE’RE SO GOOD AT MEDICAL SCIENCE” to handwave how Hawks went from one step shy of being a very handsome corpse, to sitting around texting Jeanist in a car all of two days later
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wait a minute. I’m so confused lmfao. soooo, was Hawks all “anyway, here’s Jeanist’s dead body, you can examine it but please don’t look at him too closely and also I’m gonna need that back unharmed.” how tf did you pull that off lmao
(ETA: also isn’t this technically confirmation of the ol’ Noumu Jeanist theory lol. I’m gonna go ahead and say it is.)
NO BUT PLEASE, CONTINUE. I unironically love reading Horikoshi’s overly convoluted “SEE IT’S NOT A PLOT HOLE” explanations
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lkldslfk so wait, you’re telling me Hawks convinced Dabi and the League to put Jeanist’s body in storage, and basically just hoped they wouldn’t use him for any experiments until he could put his plan into action and have the HPSC’s people break in and find and revive him?? WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG. A FOOLPROOF PLAN IF I’VE EVER HEARD ONE
fff this man really asked Jeanist to risk it all to prop up his little cover story, and Jeanist was all “sure why not” omfg. anyways, thanks for recapping all of this out loud for no particular reason in your car conversation you two
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okay no it’s just some random thugs strolling around terrorizing the downtown. fuck ‘em. so Jeanist is making short work of them now
uh oh
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won’t come? not can’t, but won’t?? what???
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well I guess that makes the local heroes A BUNCH OF SHITHEADS now doesn’t it?? jesus
and okay, serious question, if the cops are spread too thin and the heroes have literally walked out on the job, what exactly is stopping everyone from deciding to use their quirks to defend themselves, legal or not? nothing, as far as I can tell. society just got a hell of a lot more chaotic
anyway so this is an interesting panel here
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man, Dabi really did pull it off, didn’t he. well anyway so here’s that better world all of the villains were wanting, you guys! isn’t it so great?? everyone’s terrified and angry and losing hope and society is inches away from collapsing into total anarchy! but hey, at least we exposed the number one hero as a hypocrite
anyway so what are these guys up to
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fucking hell, he’s visiting his mom. I really wasn’t prepared to commit this much emotional energy towards reading this chapter today. BUT VERY WELL, WE PRESS ON
?? wait she’s not there?
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is this supposed to explain how Dabi knew who Hawks really was? except that there’s the little matter of how he even know where to find his mother in the first place. feels like we’re still missing something there, but oh well
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and in all seriousness, I love that identity he chooses -- chooses, because it actually is him making a choice now, possibly for the very first time in his life -- is “guy who helps people”, though. it really is nothing short of miraculous that he held on to that kind of optimism and desire to do good even with everything he’s been through. there were so many times he could have chosen to turn his back on the world in retaliation for the way it treated him. but he didn’t!! and here he is now, finally free, and what he wants to do with the rest of his life now is simply to help others. anyway please excuse me for a moment, I need to go find some sort of basket or a big vase to put all of my fresh new Hawks Feels in, pardonne-moi
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“FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS, MISTER JEANIST, WHERE DID YOU FIND YOUSELF THAT SWEETASS CAR.” hey, all I’m saying is if this boy’s wings really aren’t growing back, he’s gonna need to find himself a new means of transportation y’know?
oh my god you guys it’s a flashback to his mom buying him the Endeavor plushie when he was like two because, and I quote, ALL MIGHT WAS TOO EXPENSIVE
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oh my god oh my god. my boy out here with a new lease on life finding hope in the darkest of times
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wasn’t your throat supposed to be all fucked up lmao. Horikoshi was suddenly all “oh shit the VAs are gonna be pissed at me if I keep this up huh”
“that’s why Bubaigawara was such a great guy” motherfucker IT IS A TERRIBLE DAY FOR RAIN. FORECAST SAID NOTHING ABOUT THIS
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yes ma’am. yes indeed. confirmed, I really will straight up fight some motherfuckers for this child. well not really, but YOU KEEP YOUR DISCOURSE OFF MY LAWN AND OUT OF MY BLOG YOU HEAR. THIS IS A HAWKS-FRIENDLY SPACE. WE RESPECT TAKAMI KEIGO IN THESE STREETS
and he’s saying (or is he thinking?? what a weirdly shaped speech bubble this is) that even if what Dabi said about the Todoroki household is true, “I’m not sure it’s the same now.” which happens to be ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. man this whole chapter really is all about saying “fuck the past” and moving forward and I am living for it
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“the first step is at my beginning” fklkjlk. what an iconic fucking line??
you guys. I came here ready for some BAKUDEKU HOSPITAL ANGST, and I got DIDDLY SHIT of that, and none of my other kids were even in this chapter, but!!! ASK ME IF I CARE LMAO omg. because bird son is hanging with his new best friend, and he’s out here Finding Himself and picking up the pieces and putting them back together stronger than ever because RESILIENCE HAS A NAME, AND IT’S SPELLED H-A-W-K-S, and you guys. profound, my love for this child. holy shit. hey google, play Silence by Marshmello
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zozophoenixxx · 4 years ago
Serotonin Booster :D🐉
How to train your dragon edition
Here are some things I had forgotten or little details I just noticed on my rewatch, maybe even Unpopular Opinions 🤭👀
✨Defenders of Berk✨
Not Astrid being pissed bc Fishlegs called her mean lmaooo
OMGGG "I would never call my father ridiculous. I'm calling my chief ridiculous" THE POWER OF THIS SCENE
The way Toothless just sat to look at the sunset.. Me too bby me too 🥺
Toothless and Thornado's shots combined was amazing!
"The first rule about the dragon flight club is that there is no dragon flight club"
Istg Meatlug and Fishlegs are made for each other
Baby whispering deaths!
I love seeing the origin of things ☺️
Wowww I just realized that Gobber has a unibrow
Sandstone makes glass
That shiny black rock makes another shiny black Rock, it also has Meatlug boiling
WOW a combination of multiple rock makes Meatlug a magnet
The way Hookfang pays more attention to Fishlegs than Snotlout is funny
Fishlegs on Toothless!!!!
Awwww love how Fishlegs feels happy abt being needed
I never understood why Dagur called Hiccup his brother but it's kinda funny
Young hiccup actually fighting is pretty badass and that shield 🥴
The way they were all trying to get Gobber to shower lmaooo
Gobber saved Gustav's life and Fishleg saved Astrid's
Am I the only one that finds the whispering deaths kinda funny, like yes they're scary but these mfs have tiny wings, a big ass head, are covered in spines and can't see like-
Newly hatched whispering deaths can be more deadly that adults bc they can't control their jaws or spines
Wow but the pain in Snotlout's eyes 🥺
Monstrous nightmares are stoker-class dragons
Fireworms get brighter the closer they get to each other
Ohhhhh now I get the history behind Hookfang and the fireworms queen's connection
"You're not just another sword, Hookfang"
Awww the fireworm queen saved Hookfang, I ship them now JSHDHSHS
Flightmare - follows the glowing algae caused by Aurvandil's fire, sprays a paralyzing mist to those who it considers a threat to its survival
Aurvandil's fire = Aurora Borealis
Hiccup: Well, you know, Astrid, uh, training dragons isn't the only thing I think about.
Astrid: Are you actually saying that to me with a straight face?
JAHSHAHAJAJ I SWEAR I LOVE THESE TWO the way both of them said these lines I can't ✋🏼😂
The way she said the exact same thing as her uncle and even took on the name I-
I have this headcanon that bc I'm pretty sure Astrid's parents were barely mentioned in the shows or movies that her uncle was the person that was there for her the most which is another reason why it upset her to see people making fun of him
Why does whenever Astrid gets shot by a dragon she always tries to hit it off like her axe is a baseball bat? 😂
Hiccup saving Astrid in the flightmare ep🥺🥺🥺🥺
Awww I love how Hiccup makes sure to mention the fact that "Fearless Fin Hofferson was indeed fearless, just like all the Hoffersons" 🥺🥺🥺 STOP AND THEN SHE SMILES AND HE PROCEEDS TO PUT HIS HAND ON HER SHOULDER I-🥴🥴🥴
I love how they're always interrupted whenever they're about to say a bad word
Lil terrible terrors are adorable 🥺
The fact that what they were trained for was actually useful it's crazy
Astrid: "no one is kissing me on the lips ever!!" HHSHAHAH ASTRID WHY U LYING
I feel like we don't appreciate how smart Hiccup actually is, and I don't mean that dragon-wise or building stuff-wise I mean in general. I'm in ep9 and they're finding old dragon traps to get rid of them and there was a lil breeze and he was like "there's a dry hot wind coming in from the north. It hasn't rained in 2 months. This is definitely fire weather." like how- am I the only one that would've been like okok a nice warm breeze 😩
Dude the typhoomerangs are so scary and huge wtf
Torch actually built a lil relationship with Tuff just for that but of time I love it
WE'RE FINALLY GONNA SEE THE SKRILL!! I love it it's one of my favorite dragons :D
I never understood why fishlegs says his name when he's excited
Skrills - The skrill was first found frozen, it's the symbol of the Berserkers, it can stay safely frozen for decades because of their internal body temperature, can't redirect any lightning if it's in the water 😳
Y'all the skrill and the nightfury have gotta be related somehow, they're probably like cousins or sum. I mean the night fury is the "unholy offspring of lighting and death" and the skrill can control lightning AND TECHNICALLY TOOTHLESS CAN TOO REMEMBER HTTYD 3 + they also have similar physical characteristics at least Imo.
Dude this dragon is so badass 😌🤩🥰😩🥴❣️🤍🤝 I'm literally so obsessed
Wow one of the first times I see the twins actually doing sum useful
The way the shots combine🥴
Dagur has misophonia - condition where people experience intense negative emotions for sounds such as eating, chewing, loud breathing or even repeated pen-clicking [ep11]
Oh wow so they originally trapped the skrill in this show i didn't know
Wait but baby Gustav is actually adorable wtf and the fact that he and Snotlout have matching Viking hats
Ruff puts fish oil on her hair to get "a greasy unwashed look"
Really hate when Snotlout doesn't accept no for an answer
THE HAND THING AHHHH I LOVE IT this time is Ruff and a scauldron
Ok guys so I did this with mi friend's puppy who I accidentally scared enough to make him piss himself and I'm pretty sure I traumatized him and now when I'm around the poor dog tries to get as far away from me as possible but one day we were kinda bonding although he still wouldn't let me pet it AND I DID THE HAND THING BECAUSE WHY NOT AND THIS LIL MF ACTUALLY PUTS HIS FACE IN MY HAND- I screamed and he left again🥺😂 BUT IT DID WORK
Ok but ruffnut with short hair 🤩
Also the way Astrid ran up to Hiccup in the ep14
Wait but the scene whenever they're fighting the Speedstingers and Fishlegs says they're too fast but Hiccup's like "not for a nightfury" and then they show Toothless dodging the Speedstinger's attack AND THEN THEY SHOW HICCUP PROTECTING HIMSELF WITH HIS SHIELD WHICH GETS THROWN AWAY BUT RIGHT THERE TOOTHLESS CATCHES IT AND THROWS IT BACK TO HICCUP who's like "Thanks bud" 🤩🤩🤩 literally so badass go watch it!! It's ep14 frozen min 17:40
I really liked the relationship Snotlout and Astrid created with each other's dragon 🥺
DUDE JAHDHSJAJJJSA ppl really underestimate Ruff's cleverness, this bish really gets Tuff to do the dumbest things just to enjoy looking at him hurting himself JAHDHSJAH😂
Baby toothless is high🥺
"Uh, okay. That one was a little close to the one good leg" JAHDHAHSHA ISTG I LOVE THIS DUDE
Johan hates Snotlout for breaking his stuff
Tuff got Macey the Mace from Trader Johan
Astrid looks hot without her shoulder pads
Ok but Dagur looks so weird without his viking hat in this show
The baby thunderdrums are adorable - BING BAM AND BOOM
OHHH SO ALVIN WAS ACTUALLY FROM BERK and he was Stoick's best friend
Snotlout and Hiccup are parallels of Alvin and Stoick
Ok but that trick Snotlout did was amazing, he really had Hookfang do a lil typhoomerangs move and then the wingblast🤩
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gnocchighoul · 5 years ago
the undateables get turned into cats
(a continuation of this post!)
Man… if you thought Beel was a big cat… 
Diavolo is a big cat.
Literally. Like, you’re pretty sure he’s a lion or something. He’s fucking HUGE. 
His paws are the size of your head, and when he flops down on you it literally knocks the breath out of your lungs. He probably broke one of your ribs, but you’re only 80% sure. 
If you’re walking side by side and he leans into you, there’s like a 70% chance that you’re gonna get knocked on your ass. For your sake, I hope you have decent balance.
He definitely only lets you, Lucifer, and Barbatos around him while he’s stuck in this form. 
He also really is not aware of his own strength in this form. 
Everyone realized that when you and Lucifer showed up to the palace and Dia went to love-tackle Lucifer, expecting the demon to catch him like he normally does, but instead ended up tackling his ass to the floor.
Diavolo was way too excited about it.
Lucifer was miffed.
(You got it all on video.)
Without his goofy smile or laugh, Dia’s eyes are like. Really fucking intense.
Lowkey… he’s a little bit terrifying.
But.... he’s also baby. 
Give him snuggles. Smush his face. Kiss his big dumb nose. Squish his big toe beans. Literally just throw yourself on top of him and snuggle him like a body pillow.
Lucifer is horrified. Probably considers ending your life right then and there.
Barb thinks it’s fucking hilarious.
(It’s not that Dia necessarily Enjoys the experience of being turned into a cat -- he’s just Very sure that Lucifer is going to literally devote his life to fixing this, so he figures he might as well try to have a good time while it lasts.)
...He’s very chill but is also experiencing the BIGGEST existential crisis because he doesn’t fucking have hands to do anything. 
Listen, he’s not opposed to taking breaks. He enjoys relaxing too. But there’s so much shit that needs to be done and he can’t do any of it and it’s driving him up the wall.
Not that you would ever know, though. He’s very calm, even if he’s screeching on the inside.
So it’s basically canon that Barbatos helps Diavolo manage his time and keeps him from slacking off on his princely duties he’s literally a babysitter 
But like.
Come on. 
Diavolo is not gonna listen to a cat.
Diavolo gets up to so much mischief during the time that Barb is a cat, and since the prince is so busy being The Worst™, cat-Barb ends up spending most of his time with you.
Lowkey it’s weird as shit having a cat supervise you.
He’s sitting deathly still on the counter, spine ramrod straight, tail wrapped around his legs, eyes wide and all-seeing -- just Staring at you while you cook. 
You’re pretty sure he’s judging you. 
He’s actually reliving the trauma of Asmo finding him in all of his feline-glory and abducting him to play dress up.
(Cat-Barb is the least likely to bite or hiss at anyone, and he probably won’t throw a tantrum over being turned into a cat. Definitely wouldn’t mind sitting in your lap for some snuggles.)
(Is Very relieved when he’s finally turned back into a demon, though. Never wants to experience that again and is Not opposed to punishing whoever cursed him.)
(With Diavolo’s permission.)
Don’t tell Asmo, because he’ll probably cry kick your ass, but Simeon is the prettiest as a cat. 
He doesn’t Totally mind being turned into one, either. If anything, this will make for interesting writing-experience. 
He’s way too nice as a cat. You don’t see his claws at all, ever. If he gets stuck in an unfavorable situation (cough cough, Satan trying to mother him) he’s more likely to run off than he is to put up a fight
He’s very graceful and quiet. 
Purrs when you pick him up, because he once heard that cat purrs are healing to humans. He doesn’t know if that’s actually true or not, but he does it anyways. 
He feels the safest with you, and definitely doesn’t mind when you scratch him behind the ears or hug him like a stuffed animal.
He won't just flop into your lap like some of the others -- most likely he’ll just kinda like. Weirdly lean against you. It’s cute though!
Honestly he’s gonna be content to just sit with you while you do your own thing. Maybe watch a movie or listen to some music with him, and he’ll be a-okay with it.
If you give him catnip. 
he will literally just lay on his back on his floor for HOURS and knock the fuck out.
(Why do you even have catnip? I dunno, you tell me)
You assume that he’s dreaming about the celestial realm. Or TSL. or like. The secrets of the universe.
You can literally move his body however you want -- stretch his leggies, open his mouth, flip him over, pick him up --literally Anything-- and he just Will Not wake up.
Lowkey you think you might have killed him
When he Does finally return to the land of the living, he’s just gonna wanna snuggle u. 
But also turn him back into an angel Now, this has been a (mostly) relaxing experience but he’s ready to go back to normal now, thank u sdfghj
(Well at least he’s a cat and not a dog)
He is,,, the littlest baby kitten ever. Save him, dear god, before any of the brothers find him
Seriously, he’s so small
You can hold him in just one hand :(( he’s just a little boy :((
Don’t put him in your pockets or anything tho, he’ll be Very upset if you do. He just wants to sit on your shoulder and scream at the world with unbridled fury.
He’s a bumper car kitten. His lil tail sticks straight up and he has a lil round tumby :((
You know how all kittens are basically born feral?
Apparently, ferality also applies to those who are turned into kittens.
Basically, he still has the attitude of a chihuahua. 
Hissing, spitting, swatting--his instincts to just smack the shit out of everything and anything are Always operating at 100%. he’s a little firecracker. 
Does that thing where cats will hold something and kick the shit out of it with their back paws.
He’s very feisty. 
It isn’t a big deal, at least until Mammon makes fun of him and kitten-Luke LAUNCHES off your shoulder at him, like a little furball-missile of claws and teeth.
(Mammon just kinda catches him by the scruff and hands him back to you--but he does leave him alone after that lol)
His ears are basically always flat on his head, because he’s constantly Very upset with this whole situation and doesn’t want ANYBODY coming near him that isn’t you, Simeon, or maybe Solomon. He prefers you and Simeon, though.
He Might let Beel near him. Maybe. 
(If he promises not to eat him.)
kitten-Luke is the most likely to knead blankets and pillows (and also probably your leg). He has no fucking clue why he’s doing it, but he can’t stop.
I hope you’re prepared for joint parental custody with Simeon, because that’s what’s going to happen sdfghjklkg
He’s very calm. It’s kind of unsettling. 
Will just sit on tables, watching everyone and everything in the room while his fluffy tail occasionally flicks around.
You can practically see the gears churning away in his mind while he observes. 
Will occasionally lift a single paw in the air, like he’s going to move or wants to say something, but then he will just sloooowly lower it again. Then just keeps staring.
He is the most likely to just wander off on his own. He just randomly vanishes, which is a Wee bit worrying, cause, y’know. He’s still shady.
You really don’t see much of him during his time as a cat. You have no idea where he’s going or what he’s up to, but he does occasionally bring you presents from his travels.
Even as a cat, he has the good sense to not bring you dead things. But you are a little concerned when he brings you a spell jar with glowing blue liquid in it. 
Like, what the fuck? Did he make it himself with his little cat paws?
Even after turning back into a human, he refuses to tell you how he got it. 
You keep it anyways.
Probably figures out how to talk with his normal voice, and scares the absolute shit out of you the first time he says something.
After he’s had his fun, he figures out himself how to turn back into a human and has you assist him with the process.
(Partially because he wants to study you, partially just because he likes you.)
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aquarii-writes · 4 years ago
Dsmp Headcanons
So ngl I've been really into the dream smp recently and I've been doing a bit of art for it so why not give my headcanons? Also all of these are for the characters not the content creators
Notes: the song referenced in Karl's headcanons is seasonal feathers music box version. This is all I have for now. I’ve lurked around the fandom since about early February and beware this is fucking long
WARNINGS: In some of these I do mention dead parents(various), death in general and as an entity(Philza), alcoholism(Schlatt), and traumatic experiences. None are in detail but just beware. Oh and a slight suicide warning for Dream
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Dream got his mask from his father and Drista got hers from their mother
His mask is specifically a gift from his mother after his father died
Dreams mask is infused with dreamons. His parents made a deal with a few dreamons and the dreamons now live in the masks
He will never say what his eye color is because he doesnt care, but if you can catch him without the mask you'll see his eyes are an amber color
He watched his mother commit when he was about 12~ and when Drista was 6. At the time he didnt want to understand why
WILBUR SOOT(plus Ghostbur)
Wilbur's mother is a fox hybrid(cause ya know I live by the saying that canon is my sandbox and a fuckin fridge doesnt make sense)(Momza anyone?)
His beanie is from his mother along with his love of singing
He has records of his parents singing
He has wings it's just that he never learned to fly
Ghostbur can see various other ghosts he just doesnt realize that no one else can see them
Ghostbur has selective amnesia. He genuinely cant remember parts of his life but some moments are too vivid to forget
He can partially shapeshift to make himself bigger or smaller(23 fuckin feet tall without changing height)
His son, Foolish jr, is biologically his and Jr is a demigod
Jr is too small to see the world yet so Foolish keeps him in an enderchest
Foolish is fully a god
He really likes turtles no damn reason
Aside from keeping his son in a chest, Foolish is a relatively good dad
He's a very good builder and rarely takes time to sleep when hes working on a commission for someone
He is most certainly strong enough to break the egg though he doesnt want to get involved for his sons sake
He is a hybrid blaze born
BBH found Sap in the middle of the Nether playing with a few baby piglins
He met Quacky before Karl but Karl is the reason the three got together
Dispite how loud the voices can be sometimes l they can be rather peaceful. They really only get violent during fights
(Based off my techno design) the skull techno uses as a mask is a hoglin skull
Personally I dont think Philza adopted Techno as a son but Techno kinda became friends with Philza when he was just a kid
Techno was a very small child: especially in comparison to the village he came from in the Nether
Piglin hybrid piglin hybrid
Does not know who his parents are all he knows is that his glasses are from his mother
He has a baby sister(the two are half siblings; they have the same dad)
He literally doesnt need the glasses he just keeps them for the aesthetic and because its the only thing he has from his mom
He has a soft spot for Michael and Michelle since all three of them are forms of piglins
He has very vague memories of his mother
Looks stupidly similar to is grandmother; momza
He has a picture of Philza and Momza on their wedding day
One day when he was just a kid,like 14ish, he found an old sword that used to be Philzas and just never told Phil that he took it
He's time traveled less after getting engaged to Quackity and Sapnap
Most of the books he writes never see the light of day again
Some of his books were actually found by one of Ranboo's descendants(not Ranbob)
One of his more scary experiences is when he accidentally met Dream when he was little. Momma Dream almost killed Karl
He's slightly immune to the effects of dreamon possession
He once found an old music box within the inbetween and he hasnt found a name for the song on the music box
He's known as the Angel of Death, or Deaths Angel for a reason(go look at @resonating-kitty s headcanon post about this. Ngl I love it and think it needs more attention)
After the 'death' of Momza, Philza swore to never love till he met Death once more
He remembers a time where hybrids used to be a lot more common: humans will fuck anything remotely humanoid
He doesnt remember if he has parents. By the time Wilbur was old enough to ask about them Philza made up the story that his parents went on to greet death when Wilbur was a baby
He's the reason for Momza's 'death'
I really like the idea of Schlatt being Tubbo's dad even though it probably wont be canon
When Schlatt was little he watched his father but heads with other ram/sheep hybrids(he found it very funny)
He has a horrid tendency to headbutt people he has strong emotions towards
How hard he headbutts you really depends on what emotions he feels in that moment. The more loving/kind the emotion is the softer he'll be
When in a good mood Schlatt would let Quackity touch his horns
Glatt is a dick head and he knows this. He plays it up to piss people off even more
He comes from a rather large community of ram/sheep hybrids though his family in particular was a little violent
Schlatts first name is Jamison
He has a small ram plush from when he was little: his mother gave it to him before she died
His mother was an alcoholic before him though she was a very sad drunk
Herobrine is their cousin
He is very willing to do next to anything to succeed at something
He doesnt remember his family name
As a kid Eret's mother used to tell them stories of kings and queens. She told them that they could be a ruler one day if they worked hard enough
Their mums name was Elenora
(Based off of @/sctbrr on Twitter. I adore the au they made off this) George is a reincarnation of DreamXD's past lover.
Heterochromia heterochromia
His eyes are brown(left) and blue(right)
His clout glasses allow him to see color
Because he can’t remember his other half he doesn’t know what all he can/can’t do
Though one thing he’s noticed is that he can see much better in the dark than actual people; doesn’t know if he’s half enderman or his other half
As a kid he would pretend to be a dragon with someone. He has a feeling that the person was his father
He has two crowns. One from Techno and one from his mother; it’s one of the few things he genuinely remembers from when he was little
He sees a lot of Tubbo in Michael
Speaking of Michael, the lil one is only about three
He doesn’t know who his parents are and really only saw Philza as a father figure
He’s a ram hybrid like Schlatt
For the longest time he thought bees could understand him
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