#eret hc
dreamsmp-polls · 2 months
redoing this poll bc clearly i made some people MAD lmao (sorry i forgot your faves)
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desolatediver · 2 months
I wanna share this Lmanburg hc I thought of recently:
Everyday at night, one or some of the L'manbergians would be tasked to watch over L'manburg. Of course there were some cough cClingyduo and cFundy cough that would not exactly follow orders. Instead they would lay down on top of the L'manberg walls and watch the night sky; counting and naming all the stars as far as the eye can see.
(Tbh they would all get distracted and stargaze because the sky is much clearer and beautiful in the middle of nature.)
Overtime, due to the amount of fires and aftermath of events, the sky overall would become less clear and foggy / darker. Towards the end of story (and after) the sky is not only clear, but the stars shine one again and possibly a little brighter than before.
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ctwinsduo · 2 months
hey hi hey! do you perhaps have cniki/ceret/cwilbur hcs? any of them r fine and if you dont thats okay bye!!!
I don't have much c!niki knowledge I'm afraid however I will give what little hcs I have (also credit to my buddy @cinn-namon for half of these Eret HCs, if you want more feel free to mug him /hj)
- Prone to singing or humming whenever given the chance, when there's an audience he puts So Much Effort into it but he'll do it when he's alone aswell - Her first instinct in most situations is to laugh, she doesn't mean to but it just sorta slips out regardless of the circumstances - By far my wildest Wilbur hc: Wilbur is a nature spirit- my basis for this is mostly Greek mythology. In Greek mythology it's common for the children of gods and immortals to be some sort of nymph or dryad (basically a nature spirit) and the concept of nature spirits is a really vast one that can range from "pretty lady found in Trees" (Dryad) or "Unidentified mystical energy" for my HCs I tend to use more of the ladder. So Wilbur is a physical manifestation of the wilds, basically a shapeshifter but add a connection to the world itself. In theory he has no "true" form but the form he took when he was born was just a straight up fox (later learned how to shift into a more humanoid form as he grew) - More thoughts on nature spirit Wilbur ahead: how she appears and how well she can hold her form is entirely dependent on her current state, because of this she changed a lot between L'manburg and Pogtopia :3 When she first came to the SMP she looked almost entirely human, save for a few "off" traits (strange eyes, fangs, slightly pointed ears, ect.) but when Pogtopia hit she changed rather suddenly, becoming more like Fundy in appearance. Ghostbur was just a straight up spectral fox, and post revival Wilbur always has a few fox-like traits showing that she can't seem to get rid of - All of their mannerisms are slightly off- they don't quite emote "right". When they're fully human they come off as oddly animalistic, when they're more animal-like they're weirdly human. They tried to play themselves off as at least Mostly human for awhile but gave up pretty quickly - Has no fucking clue what his species is because of the samsung smart fridge nonsense- honestly he just assumes that he was Born Weird. When asked he's always weirdly cryptic about it - God awful cook, y'know those posts about people fucking up their food in unbelievable ways? That's Wilbur. Do not let her into the kitchen she will burn water - Disaster bi, seemingly most attracted to people who are either actively against her or have done shitty things to her in the past and she Cannot be normal about it (See: all of the shit said about Schlatt, Eret, Quackity, the list goes on) - Touchy but only when they're in a good mood. L'manburg era they'd always be putting an an arm around someone's shoulder or ruffling people's hair, small acts of physical affection, but any other time they've actively shied away from touch unless it's initiated by them. This is mostly because they're easily overstimulated by touch (despite being incredibly touch starved post revival)
- Wither hybrid, they can shift to hide some of their wither parts. When they were apart of L'manburg they also played themselves off as human - Loves to bake and stress bakes when especially stressed out- I like to think her and Niki would often bake together - Looking directly into his eyes activates a person's flight or fight response, which is why so many people have gotten Jumpscared by his eyes in the past - Probably has one of the best fashion senses in the entire SMP and yet only really dresses up whenever someone is coming over (90% of the time she just lounges about in comfy clothes, we love a comfy queen) - His memory is absolutely god awful so he's prone to writing things down or- more often- taking photos. A lot of the pictures from early L'manburg were taken by him - The L'manburg uniforms were made with Tommy and Eret's combined efforts (Wilbur supervised and occasionally stabbed himself trying to help <3) - Sews all of their own clothes, they'd love to sew for someone else but they haven't gotten the chance to outside of the uniforms (if they did they'd probably make an entire wardrobe though) - She's the one that taught Tommy to sew :3
- Catgirl c!niki supremacy - She likes churus (the cat treat) and will eat them like gogurt - Being as close to Wilbur as she was she's absolutely heard way too much about all of Wilbur's awful crushes on their enemies (she can never look at Eret the same way again) - She has autistic girl swagger idk what it is but she just does. Has the most unsettling stare known to man (by complete accident) - Despite being a cat hybrid she enjoys playing around in local bodies of water, big fan of stomping around in rivers
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lmanburgseulogy · 2 months
lmanberg era hc: cniki actually lived in lmanberg during the revolution, but she wasnt in the army. she was, at most, a field medic during some major battles, during which she became friends with eret. after the betrayal/end of the war, she joined the army officially. working with eret on the field was the driving factor behind her continuing to trust him after the betrayal - she saw that he Cared a lot about lmanberg, and thats why he thought it had to die -resHes
OOOOOOOOO I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!!!!!! this is a great hc thanks for sharing it!!!!! ^__^
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apollos-boyfriend · 5 months
i don’t think purpled ever told people he died after the fact. why would he? only quackity and slime were really around to witness it. had a body even been left, i doubt either dream or punz would’ve gone out of their way to retrieve it. no, purpled merely spawned back in, jolting awake in his bed with dogchamp by his side, and moved on with his life as if nothing happened. admitting his death showed weakness. showed vulnerability. people could exploit him if they knew he no longer had a perfect three lives, could hold it over his head like he’d seen time and time again. that’s not to mention the embarrassment of failure, of dying to slime of all things, so he doesn’t tell them. doesn’t admit to anyone what happened to him that day, what he failed to accomplish. and to his defense, nearly all the server doesn’t do as much as bat an eye, as he expected. no one cares, after all. but he’s wrong.
jack knows. jack crawled out of hell, after all, carving footholds into burning brimstone with his own two hands. he can recognize death when he sees it, a soul taking one step closer to the unforgiving void.
tubbo knows. tubbo’s been surrounded by death since he arrived on these lands, both of others and his own. he’s seen how it changes and warps people, even when they swear they won’t let it. it’s an inevitability, he thinks.
ponk, hannah, and boomer know. the three of them have known purpled for long enough to know when something is wrong. and even if they didn’t, they’re too well-acquainted with magic and life to not notice a that a third of person’s life force has been ripped away from them.
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ctntduoarchive · 2 years
i don't know what is more interesting. whatever ctntduo got going on OR what the cc's got going on with ctntduo
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spacenintendogs · 1 year
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ur not gonna believe what's been sitting in my google docs drafts for the past 7 months @jackshiccup
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dragonnnfly · 2 years
Headcanon that Eret is deeply traumatized and sometimes gets a sharp pain in his scar whenever he thinks back on his time under Drago’s command, as if he’s getting the scar for the first time all over again.
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tiredchaoss · 2 years
Meet the newest hermit everyone /j
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dreamsmp-polls · 13 days
propaganda encouraged!!
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dsmp-lainey · 2 months
also if anyone wants to share their dsmp religion hc’s/thoughts i would love to hear :D
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mcytblrconfessions · 2 months
maybe i just need therapy but a community without stupid discourse once a month is boring. can someone argue with me over my hc that eret has five silly straws which all spell out different fruits
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lmanburgseulogy · 2 months
any specific HCS for pre betrayal c!eret and cWill?
oh m gee…. no way you just asked me this im so crazy about them; okay!!!!!
• they immediately became friends as soon as eret joined l’manburg. they did everything together. clingyduo joked about them being their dads
• eret engraved his name into wilbur’s guitar and wilbur did the same to eret’s sunglasses
• they cut each other’s hair that’s why they have very similar hairstyles. eret also taught wilbur how to like properly deal with his curls instead of just shoving them under various hats. during the war wilbur’s hair grew out and eret would braid it as a way to calm down.
• they would play cards and chess in the van together ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!
• the van would shut down a lot and they would both struggle to fix it together. they have no idea what they’re doing and wilbur just keeps banging on it in hopes it’ll magically fix itself
• eret had never watched hamilton so he never understood the references wilbur made. Pretty confusing
• when the walls were finished they went up and danced together to this old crappy radio. the song was american pie. if you even care
• eret really liked to play make-shift percussion instruments when they did little campfire sing-alongs. like spoons against cans and stuff like that!!
• the whole crew had friendship bracelets and maybe like a week before the fcr eret’s broke. Wilbur tried to get him a new one but he kept procrastinating putting it on. It didn’t feel right
• They shared a tent together during the l’manburg war and they would do little shadow puppets together. Neither of them ever went to sleep until their lantern completely burnt out
• They probably argued the most out of the crew. They were both the oldest people there and had a lot of stress to take out on each other. It was tense but the love was there
I’m gonna stop now this post is really long already lol
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ryemackerel · 1 year
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im all for adoptive mama-papa taking care of lil fox guy 🤭🤭 eret being the coolest parent figure fo little fundy!
theres just something about these two (at least hc wise hahah) that makes me feel happy. i love thinking that no matter what the hell fundy gets into, eret is the type of parent that’s so chill with everything. that even includes when fundy goes into his self-discovery arc mwhaha 🫶
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fernlessbastard · 5 months
Quackity's a workaholic.
He would spend nights working instead of sleeping, but eventually, when Las Nevadas was developed enough to mostly run itself, that it isn't just work. He could never truly sleep, never wanted to fall asleep, scared of his own mind when not focused on something, only sometimes pushing himself to rest through alcohol or pure exhaustion.
Wilbur on the other hand never had issues falling asleep. It came to him naturally, or maybe it was the constant exhaustion (especially after revival). He could never really sleep though. He would fall asleep, but not rest, half conscious most of the time, or experiencing terrible nightmares and waking up in the middle of the night.
Inspired by your recent art, Quackity would sometimes just stare at sleeping Wilbur. But, Wilbur would often stare at sleeping Quackity in the morning, admiring his lover when he's all soft and calm, and thinking of ways to surprise him with something nice when he wakes up. Maybe he should make him breakfast.
Ok so I love this cause I absolutely adore the "opposites attract" HCs with Q but it'd always be like "well they both definitely have sleep issues" but this is a way to have both and like that's a major slay
Three little hcs regarding their sleeping habits: 1. they both have a tendency to wake up when the other does, just automatically - they're just synchronised (most of the time at least one of them falls right back asleep tho); 2. Wilbur's weak sleep is significantly worse when Quackity's still working - like, he will finally come to bed and Wil's asleep but then Q sits down on the bed (quietly as fuck) and Wilbur's like "hey"; 3. they switch around their sleeping positions, but Wilbur absolutely loves being the small spoon - partly cause he's always cold, but mainly cause he wasn't held enough as a kid/hj
Aaaand in the spirit of the ask, a little headcanon that's tied up with this (plus more at the end):
Common one, but I'll elaborate - Quackity's warm, Wilbur's cold. So, of course Wilbur's cold after revival cause his body's kinda fucked up and all that. Quackity - for a normal human (or a normal animal hybrid I guess idk works with duck too) consistently has a pretty high body temperature. He prefers sleeping mostly undressed (maybe with shorts on but that's not a guarantee/lh), he usually has to unbutton his shirt a bit lower than standard (I mean he's also a whore but it's a 2 in 1 y'know), etc etc.
Now, with Schlatt that resulted in limited cuddling even in the honeymoon phase cause the other also had a higher body temperature, and they'd just end up sweaty and uncomfortable.
With Eret the relationship started with a generic, platonic, positive message ("you matter ♡ -Eret" which they gave out to people in general just as a nice gesture, but nothing romantic) and ended with Q alone at the altar, so it's probably safe to say that didn't really come up.
With Karl and Sapnap though his body temperature was both too much, and not enough - Sapnap, as a demon hybrid, was much warmer, so with him cuddling wasn't really the most comfortable long-term, and while Karl was slightly on the colder side, Quackity wasn't as warm as Sapnap, so Karl would mostly cling to the latter. They'd try to make it all "even", but the emotional and physical distance was still noticeable.
And then there's Wilbur.
In pogtopia they didn't really cuddle much, but whenever they touched shoulders or leaned against each other Quackity noticed that Wilbur would frequently lean in for just a second longer than normal. This came back 10x stronger after revival. With a lot of Wilbur's nerves and blood vessels fucked up, he's pretty cold most of the time. The first time they cuddle he absolutely sinks into the embrace, making a comment about how nicely warm the other is. Quackity doesn't expect it to hit him as hard as it does. He giggles, slightly flustered, and dismisses it as Wilbur just being colder. From then on it repeats, and soon enough Quackity returns the favour by unintentionally hitting Wilbur with something along the lines of "you're like, the perfect temperature". See, Wilbur's always been on the colder side. He'd hear comments about how cold his hands were - not to even mention post revival - and he never really thought much of it, until Quackity's comment just hit him like a ton of bricks, and he just felt so perfectly in place in Q's arms. They just form the perfect temperature equilibrium; not too warm, not too cold - just perfect.
Little bonus: Quackity starts occasionally taking a jacket or sth with him even though he doesn't need it but he knows Wilbur will probably get cold (and need a second jacket).
Another little bonus that connects this HC to a different one about Quackity having sensory issues. VERY tldr is that sometimes he just gets this intense physical discomfort in his limbs (AuADHD moment), and only way to lessen it is intense stretching, OOOORR using Wilbur as his personal ice bag. There'll be nights where Wilbur will try to move his foot cause "it's probably too cold and bothering Q" just for Quackity to "scold" him for moving it cause it was pressing perfectly into his calf and keeping him from losing his mind cause of sensory issues.
Also they both have food sensitivities, but Q's are more broad, and sometimes they'll spend hours arguing(/lovingly) over what to get on pizza, or when they go to a new food place sometimes Wilbur will just look at Quackity who's staring at the idk olives he accidentally ordered in his food (cause he didn't know the dish contained them) and he will just silently slide over his plate so that his boyfriend can peacefully pick all of them out and give them to Wilbur. When Wilbur encounters food sensitivities - say, in a restaurant - Quackity will go full Karen mode and make sure his boyfriend gets only the food he wants.
Continuing the topic of mental health, sometimes Wilbur will struggle with hygiene during depressive episodes, to which Quackity will either motivate him with showering together(/nsx), a shared bath, if he's doing worse, or in the worst case scenario he'll help him clean himself up with a damp cloth (no judgement, no comments even, just love and support)
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l'manburg language headcanons
okay so i havent sat down and actually created a language for lmanburg but I hc that they have their own language & here are hcs for that language. its a mashup of all the languages that the members speak. i know that a language couldn't really develop in the timeframe so I'm speeding up the development because i want to.
Slang / Phrases
first, it exists withing minecraft, so internet/minecraft lingo and phrases are commonplace (ie: pots, spawn, etc)
l'manburg was born out of conflict, so many phrases and slang are often violent.
because many prolific figures (c!tommy with prime, c!wilbur with being phil's son, c!eret with the herobrine stuff, c!dream with the XD stuff) are heavily religous / associated with religion, religious phrases are also very common.
there are different words for non-canon death, a canon death, and the last canonical death (the one that kills kills you)
Actual Language
l'manburg's language is a mix of british english, french, dutch, spanish, german, latin, and ancient greek. because it is such a new language, some words are the exact same as the English (given that english is the common language) words.
all military/war words have absolutely no english ties (as to provide secrecy). most are a mix of french, latin, and ancient greek (latin and ancient greek comes from c!tommy & c!wilbur, because they were taught by c!techno)
words pertaining nationality, home, or base are a mix of french (l'-), german (-manburg), and dutch (man). Most are french.
words pertaining to money or commerce are dutch & english inspired.
words pertaining to farming are inspired by ancient greek (c!techno again)
words pertaining to government/high authority are often a mix of latin, french, and english (c!wilbur is fucking obsessed with french & latin)
anything related to food is inspired by german and ancient greek.
Context / Timeline
quackity's arrival made spanish inspired words/phrases more abundant.
schlatt made american phrases and spellings very common.
the manburg administration attempted to phase out the language, but was unsuccessful.
new lmanburg caused many more phrases based on death, nature, rot, and renewal.
new lmanburg put a lot of emphasis on philosophical, poetic, descriptive, and physiological words.
words regarding cops, police, and laws are closely tied with negative words such as evil, thief, and traitor.
manburg replaced many religious words and phrases with more neutral alternatives.
the first words created in the new language were military moves and tools.
new lmanburg's descriptive words were often enderian words translated into the latin alphabet (as c!ranboo, the minute man, was the one who used and created them)
lmanburg was often underdeveloped in governmental words pertaining to the running of a country.
okay thats all i have for rn but i might add on to this when i think of it. also if u have any questions/requests please ask i love answering questions /gen
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