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a c!quackity dsmp askblogMAILBOX: OPEN 😎 LN CENTRIC — READ PINNED.( best viewed on mobile )
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[ OOC: also. HELLO hi !!! i'm doing well, i'm still around :3 thank you for the little notes it means a hell of a lot to me, i appreciate the support
PS: my birthday is 21st june. winter solstice - for my hemisphere anyway. and yes im a gemini. rip ]
#ooc: the prophet talks#HUGS THE ANONS. U GUYS R SO FUCKVIGNGN SWEET MAN ??????#i appreciate the patience so much. sometimes my brain needs to go to other interests for a few weeks so i can douse the dsmp hyperfix#in cooking oil and let it marinate which Therefore gives more ideas . in the idea Ssoup
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[ OOC: finale time. @bee-pboop :) i'm gunna miss writing vice president q over there BUT THIS IS GUNNA BE SO WORTH IT. anyhow. keep an eye out <3 ]
#ooc: the prophet talks#their blog is kinda scuffed SO warning in advance i'll be writing thru reblogs. which isnt what i usually do bc im an ask blog#not an rp blog BUT HEY anything for cabinetduo interactions#anyway hi folks !!!!! waves
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[ OOC: also. big big thanks for 250 thats fucking Wild???? holy shit??? grateful u guys like mister stinky over here <3 ]
#ooc: the prophet talks#ive been in a funk but i'll answer any asks eventually#thank yew for ur patience :3
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i keep it tucked in 99% of the time. hands to yourself.
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what's your opinion on phantoms? btw there's one behind you
one of the extremely few downsides to dream being in prison is that he can't— OW! FUCKER!
he can't fucking regulate server management stuff. i mean, maybe XD can, but. i doubt it. i don't know. it's also REALLY annoying when they crash into the side of the fucking needle and scare the shit out of people.
#quackitychirps#ask blog#ooc: He Got Pecked <3#theyre like oversized evil birds who bully u for being sleep deprived#reminds me of my mother. sips a margarita coolly
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Q...... more like QT ❤️❤️❤️
i know right <3333 >.<

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Hello, Quackity! You know I was thinking, it's been a while, we've not been able to catch up in quite some time. What's been going on with you? It feels like I only see your face in the posters you paste over my own. -🟣👓, @magentaglasses
last time i saw you, i fractured your nose. aren't you a little too happy to see me?
listen, wilbur— i've been busy. stupid waterslides, random yet bloodied "gifts", it's been a hassle even getting to walk the casino floor on wednesdays. you'd understand the stress that falls on shoulders like mine, i'm sure.
i'm glad all you've been visibly doing is loitering.
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Maybe Karl was right to be afraid of you. When was the last time you were really, no-strings-attached kind to someone? You know you're hardened, and you think that means you must be cruel. You think you must be a hardened man because you believe only in the power of might, and I have to ask-
Are you the man he would remember swapping rings with? Why didn't he recognize you?
[ quackity is visibly exhausted. ]
i don't know.
he— i have no fucking idea why karl was so utterly terrified of me, of all people. i know he's got the— he used to zone out and get all weird and whatever, but.
it shouldn't have applied to me.
god, what the fuck am i even saying? i was never cruel to either of them, okay. i was apprehensive about, like, getting into a proper relationship with them, especially when they'd already been a thing for a while, but—
okay. okay, no, i don't wanna talk about this anymore. i don't give a shit, i don't care about any of that, it's irrelevant. they're irrelevant.
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Does Foolish call you his bitch in bed? Does he choke you up against a wall, tell you what to do, get his hands in your hair and hold you there? Does he keep you quiet? Q, does it feel nice to relive your glory days?
go stick your dick in a woodchipper. why does anything i do with foolish outside of work matter to you?
and— those weren't my glory days, jesus christ.
#quackitychirps#ask blog#18+ mention#ooc: good Lord. cold blooded murder has happened in the inbox today
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I think purpled should be GRATEFUL to be paid in monopoly money. Kids these days don't appreciate that back in my day we walked uphill both ways in yhr snow everyday to work to afford a single dog player figurine. Some of us don'y have the luck adn opportuntity toto hgave monopdolkertyytjehdbrvr,,87gh_-(_u🤩🏡🏫🛖🛖🛖🛖🛖🏖🌏🏖🏖🏖🏖🏖🏖🏖🏖🏖🏖🏖🏖🏖🏖🏖🏖🏖🏖🏖🏖🏖
sorry i just smothered u with my wings on total accident you can go now
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quack-tits, quackerty,
Have you talked to anyone else?
…Will you ever?
You said to: “Give him the sort of experience I’d want for my younger self” and I really think you should know by now why keeping him inside fulfills this better than any highland cow would’ve.
There are bad people on this server and he doesn’t deserve to find that out and have to live with it for the rest of his life.
I’m not hard on him. I’m just making the choice you would’ve made if you knew someone was going to get me before it happened.
The picket fence thing is funny! I like our fence. I built it, did you know? Ranboo found me dead-fucking asleep in the snow one afternoon while I was doing it apparently. I’m doing better, you’re right, but old habits die hard. But they do die!!! Right? That’s part of it.
I don’t really do whiskey anymore, but I’ve started making mead!! Which is really fun! Maybe I could make us some chai mead, I think you’d like that. Maybe. Didn’t you like the fruity stuff more so? I can’t remember
We should do it our way this time, I reckon.
— @bee-pbop
i can't do shit about what happened to me when i was younger. but— michael's gunna learn about the violence and horrors of this server at some point anyway, tubbo. what matters is how you introduce it to him. you can't save him from it unless you adequately prepare hi
actually. hha. y'know what? you should have that conversation with ranboo, probably. i'm not— this isn't my business. figure it out.
. . anyway, um. fruity shit is my jam! m'not really one for earthy tastes or stuff like, i dunno, beer. i've always hated beer. and i've also never had mead, coincidentally. maybe i'll try it. see if it works enough to incorporate it into the bar menu. i could— what, find a few suppliers, maybe local. you could have a— a fuckin' mead-mixing business on the side so we can import from snowchester! ha. don't, though.
– big q, president of las nevadas.
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Is Sam late to meetings often? Who tends to slack off?
if i'm gunna be honest, foolish is probably the slowest when showing up to meetings. which isn't really all that ideal. he justㅡ gets distracted, forgets to check the time, whatever.
sam's on time as much as laverna is. and purpled. i think we function fairly well despite everything.
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Pointing at you
👁 👁
🫵 🫁
🦵 🦶

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Who’s louder when they’re mad — Sapnap or Tommy?
okay— listen, tommy's the sort of person to get offended at the mere concept of being wrong, and gets all, like, revved up like a living chainsaw: "GHHRFHJFJFJK!!!BUT. BUT NO HE SAID THAT WAIT HGGRHHRJKK STOP CUZ HE DIDNT EVEN LIKE DO ANYTHING!!!HHGGRHRHRHKK!!!" and then like a, sort of, "pfffhhh wait whot thu fuhck???" at some point.
y'know. so. i'd say tommy. sapnap's got the ability to be loud but nobody can top that kid's shouting level.
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I think you're going to be the third president on this server who becomes their country, and the third who dies with it.
jesus, what a pessimistic way to look at such an opportunity. look— i'm investing in the longevity of las nevadas, alright? i'm sticking it out. i'm building myself something that's worth it, and i'll use that to redefine what legacy means.
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quackity, quackity, quackity. our delightfully astute president. do you enjoy hypotheticals? a deep-rooted scenario to struggle over, stress over, give your best shot at answering correctly? i think you do! let's give this one a go:
1. i kill your ex-fiance sapnap.
2. i kill your ex-fiance karl jacobs.
pick one! it won't have any effect aside from twisting your stomach into knots. i know, i know, you're going to panic and try to find a loophole. such predictable behaviour. it's gotten quite boring for everyone.
if you find a loophole, i will turn this hypothetical into a reality.
[ quackity does not stand a chance when the stage spotlight turns into furious car headlights roaring down a highway, and he's the split sick frozen deer stuck with the inability to run. ]
i— you wouldn't, i'm not— i won't let you, but—
#quackitychirps#ask blog#ooc: IM SO SICK. ANON YOU GOT HIM TTTRAPPED!!!!!!!!!! HOLYYY SHIT HOLYSHIT HOLY SHIT#cuz like no matter how betrayed he is and no matter the amount of rage#he still. fuckiggnng cares. q cares about so many people but its just repressed and replaced#with his inability to a) hold himself accountable and b) let himself be able to love#yk. so he says karl because he Doesnt want either to get hurt#you caught him by the bootstraps with the loophole bc if that werent brought into the question#he wouldve! but here he Cant and he gives into that bc he really does give a shit about em
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o good! accessibility!
now i can do wheelchair wheelies in your casinos muahaha >:D
i mean, you already can— just don't, like, run people over. unless they're being pricks to you. then do whatever the fuck you want, really.
but, yeah. accessibility!
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