#tmnt sydney
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heckitall · 7 months ago
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God, I Have Some Questions
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Mother is kind of a b, huh?
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emeraldtortoiseshell · 1 day ago
👋🏻 Hi! I love your writing prompts!!
If I could request one, could I please suggest the prompt, ‘it’s a trap 🪤’ for Donnie?
Thank you!! Have a great day!
Aww, thank you <3
I hope this is good enough.
Prompt taken from this list.
   It was all Don’s fault.
   He was supposed to be the smart one. His brothers looked to him to provide the tech and the knowledge they needed to not only achieve their mission goals, but to make it out the other side in one piece. His whole family was counting on him to give them the intel to get in, get the job done, and get out again.
   And he’d failed. He’d messed up, big time.
   He should have seen it was a trap from a mile away. They hadn’t heard from Sydney since they’d succeeded in curing the crystal mutation in the underground city and freed all the people. It stung a little that she hadn’t tried to get in contact with them again or even left them a message at the manhole cover where they’d brought her back into the light – the real light – for the first time in years.
   Mikey reasoned that she was probably busy. Raph suggested she could be in physical therapy, still adjusting to being human again. Leo said maybe she was making up for lost time with her family. Splinter wondered if she’d left the city and all its associated trauma altogether.
   They all made logical sense. But their arguments did little to ease the betrayal Don felt that someone he’d considered a friend had apparently walked out of his life the moment she no longer needed him.
   Maybe his brothers would have harboured a grudge. Maybe they would have been suspicious to suddenly receive a message (seemingly) from her out of the blue. Maybe they would have told someone where they were going.
   Not Don. He’d been too caught up in the joy that his friend had (again, seemingly) reached out again. Too excited to see her after all these years. Too happy that she still wanted to know a mutant freak like him.
   He should have been more cautious. And now he was trapped in a crystal cage, his head throbbing from the surprise blow he’d taken, surrounded by a splintered cell of enraged Y’Lyntians blaming him for the destruction of their underground city.
   And no rescue in sight.
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theserenebean · 3 months ago
It's been a slow evening. The baristas are chatting
"It was hard adjusting," Sydney idly wiped the counter she'd already cleaned four times. It was too early still to descale the coffee machine. "Really I think I still haven't adjusted."
"I kinda get what you mean," Mikey was doodling on a napkin. "I thought it would be way more fun to have a human job, be out in the sun and around people. But it's weird."
She nodded. "It's hard to connect with people when you can't tell them."
Keno leaned against the counter, arms crossed. "You gotta tell somebody some time, don't you? I mean, everyone finds their people."
Mikey laughed. "It's worth it sometimes, but it's a pretty big risk, you know."
"It's not just that," said Sydney. "I lost my whole world, the person I used to be. Now I can't just pretend like things are the same."
Mikey hummed, his hands slowing as his face fell.
Keno straightened up purposefully.
"What's the worst combo we could still sell?"
"Pesto espresso," Mikey answered immediately.
Sydney and Keno both gave him horrified looks.
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ayo edebiri | interview magazine (august 30, 2023)
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domi-ramon-17 · 5 months ago
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zeddpool · 5 months ago
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Day 1 of @traumas-tmntober-2024
An Old Favourite
Quarry was hands down my favourite character design from the entire 2003 series, and one of my favourite characters in TMNT canon
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ace-dodo · 25 days ago
I love college
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This is your signal to do crossover fanart ☝️☝️
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indieyuugure · 1 year ago
hi!! i have just a few questions for your future 2012 au, you don’t have to answer if you dont wanna :3
so how old is sydney anyway? cause she looks sorta kinda tiny compared to donnie in that one comic (she’s so small omg!!) but obviously that doesn’t really mean anything (should know, i’m tiny for my age too lol!!)
also, just out of curiosity, if she really is the same age as the turtles (or around it), are we going to see her and donnie in a relationship in the future or no? i’ve just seen so many ships at this point so I’m just wondering XP!!
sorry it’s so long, I just love your interpretation of her!!
love your art!!
No problem! Love answering questions(just wish I had more time…)
Sydney is around 22 and Donnie is 25. I don’t think I ever specified in my 2012 Future AU post how old they are exactly, but Donnie is an online college professor/tutor. Sydney is one of his students, so she’s a little younger than him, but only by 3 years.
It’s a little hard to gauge how tall she is since Donnie is so tall. I figured she’s probably around 5’ 2” or 3” while Donnie’s around six foot making close to a foot wide gap between them. He’s grown since he was a teenager, and same as the others.
And yes, they both fall in love with each other and form a loving relationship together! Sydney doesn’t care that he’s a turtles, partly because she’s absolutely fascinated by him but also cause she thinks he’s hot in a way. Donnie definitely thinks she beautiful as well, inside and out. She showed him that love doesn’t have to be dramatic and he really loves her for that. They spend a lot of time inventing crap and solving problems together and they also both love a lot of the same shows, namely Super Robo Mecha Force Five.
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(Some scrapped content from the comic I posted about when they meet, though it’s still canon in a way.)
Not sure how family dinners at Sydney’s are gonna go…
Sydney’s Mom: “OMG that’s great sweetie!! You wanna bring him over for dinner on Saturday?”
Sydney: *Read at 5:46pm*
lol good questions! :]
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extrashortshorts · 1 year ago
she was kinda cool imo
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ambeauty · 1 year ago
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Happy Birthday to our relatable talented and beautiful Queen Ayo Edebiri!
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lonleist · 6 months ago
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This thing but first one for the characther's that are "so me" and second for favorites(I have a taste of 10 year old boy😔)
Honorable mention: Lucky Luke
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heckitall · 7 months ago
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God, I Have Some Questions
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just a day in the life of a working gal turtle
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whalesharkgummer · 5 months ago
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starlvciess · 6 months ago
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I just wanted to show my favorite characther's 😭
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wutdeedido · 10 months ago
TMayNT 06 : Fav mutant
Giving Quarry all the ungiven love they deserve
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(Reference by Mellon_soup)
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frogonamelon · 1 year ago
Practically All of the Non Hamato and Non Villian characters
(also known as I have brainrot about my turtles’ world and wanted to share the human (or ‘human’) squad with you!)
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The closest manhole to the turtles’ lair is in the center of the courtyard of Arcadia Apartments, a small 2 story building with three apartments on each story, the owner’s apartment (although it's functionally abandoned), and a communal laundry/ other uses space. The residents of these apartments are the characters I want to share with you today!
April [Top Left]: A human woman in her early 20s just getting on her feet  while going for her degree in Anthropology at the local community college. She is an amateur journalist who runs a blog about local cryptids and legends that people think are fun but no one really believes. April finds out the truth about these cryptids on one fateful rainy night on her way home from a late night class.
Casey [Bottom Left]: A 20 something year old mechanic by day and vigilante by night under the name The Penalizer. Due to issues with his mom and his dad out of the picture, he lives with and has not so legally recognized custody of his younger sister (although he has a hard time being there for her with everything going on.) He has played every sport known to man but his true love is ice hockey. Despite all logic, he is a morning person. 
Angel [Not Depicted]: Casey’s 15 year old sister who has been mixed up with the Purple Dragons for some time. Due to Casey not being around to check her, she is able to go out with them without intervention.
Frankie and Sydney [Top Right]: A couple in their early 30s who live in the human world with their two young children: Sunita (age 5) and Timothy (age 2) [Not Depicted]. Frankie is an entertainer for rent at various establishments and events while Sydney works as a bartender at Run of the Mill. Sydney is a cool mom type with Frankie being a goofy doting husband. That one couple who give really good advice and are destined to be a cute old couple one day. 
Irma [Middle Left]: A type A very structured and successful hardass (affectionate) woman in her late 20s maybe early 30s. Irma works at Stockman Enterprises in one of their engineering labs. At least… as a cover. She is a robotic human suit being piloted by a smaller yokai being that resembles a gray alien.
Keno [Small in the Center]: A mid to late 20s man who's just living life and working as a delivery man. He games in his free time and is honestly living the most chill life of all of them. Can and absolutely will cook for everyone, as long as they pitch in financially of course. Is the first and only person April told about the turtles after that fateful night. When he inevitably joins forces with the turtles, he is backup tech support, hacking, manning drones, machines, and cameras from their lair (or his own apartment setup) whenever Donnie’s unable to in the field. 
Mei [Center Leftish]: I’m going to keep this brief as I’ve explained her backstory and role here. This is her in her younger days, back when she was more aggressive and inexperienced in the ways of the world outside the arena but after her defeat at the hands of Splinter/ Shen. Despite being a source of wisdom for her neighbors, I could see her becoming an antagonist with the right motivation.
This character doesn’t live with the others but I drew him here:
Yukichi [Bottom Right]: The cousin and mentee of Miyamoto Usagi. After an event in his past, he was shot through the multiverse, unable to find his way back. He travels around the multiverse as a ronin helping/ protecting people and exploring the various universes. He has a sword with the mystic power to control the wind (a la the mythology around Grasscutter and Yuichi having a mystic weapon). 
It's likely I’ll do a separate post about him someday and why I made this decision in depth, but it felt too strange to change Miyamoto this much, but this version of Leo doesn’t match Yuichi’s personality. I thought the premise of taking a naiver and more optimistic character and having him become more like his mentor through experience would be interesting.
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