Explore tagged Tumblr posts
shellsweet · 8 months ago
Hi!!! 😄
This is for the TMNT anniversary asks!! I wanna ask you; 1, 6, 20 and 23!
Thank you and have a lovely day! 😊
1. What was your first exposure to TMNT?
The 2003 TMNT premiere on Fox Box! I ate up Saturday morning cartoons growing up, and that show absolutely opened up everything for me!
6. Do you own any TMNT merchandise?
I own...so much...I've been collecting since I was a kid. Toys, comics, art, clothes, if it has tmnt on it, I will buy it!!
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20. Which theme song is your favorite?
I love 2003, Rise and 2012's, but I'll go with the og 87 theme all day, any day. That song is not only a classic, but it still slaps.
23. What is one of your favorite TMNT fics?
It's been a long while since I read any fics, adulting makes it hard but I do love "Weathered Strings, Tethered Wings" by deadpool1763492! It's really good!!
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emeraldtortoiseshell · 1 day ago
👋🏻 Hi! I love your writing prompts!!
If I could request one, could I please suggest the prompt, ‘it’s a trap 🪤’ for Donnie?
Thank you!! Have a great day!
Aww, thank you <3
I hope this is good enough.
Prompt taken from this list.
   It was all Don’s fault.
   He was supposed to be the smart one. His brothers looked to him to provide the tech and the knowledge they needed to not only achieve their mission goals, but to make it out the other side in one piece. His whole family was counting on him to give them the intel to get in, get the job done, and get out again.
   And he’d failed. He’d messed up, big time.
   He should have seen it was a trap from a mile away. They hadn’t heard from Sydney since they’d succeeded in curing the crystal mutation in the underground city and freed all the people. It stung a little that she hadn’t tried to get in contact with them again or even left them a message at the manhole cover where they’d brought her back into the light – the real light – for the first time in years.
   Mikey reasoned that she was probably busy. Raph suggested she could be in physical therapy, still adjusting to being human again. Leo said maybe she was making up for lost time with her family. Splinter wondered if she’d left the city and all its associated trauma altogether.
   They all made logical sense. But their arguments did little to ease the betrayal Don felt that someone he’d considered a friend had apparently walked out of his life the moment she no longer needed him.
   Maybe his brothers would have harboured a grudge. Maybe they would have been suspicious to suddenly receive a message (seemingly) from her out of the blue. Maybe they would have told someone where they were going.
   Not Don. He’d been too caught up in the joy that his friend had (again, seemingly) reached out again. Too excited to see her after all these years. Too happy that she still wanted to know a mutant freak like him.
   He should have been more cautious. And now he was trapped in a crystal cage, his head throbbing from the surprise blow he’d taken, surrounded by a splintered cell of enraged Y’Lyntians blaming him for the destruction of their underground city.
   And no rescue in sight.
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mermmarie · 1 year ago
Hi Bonnie!!
Just wanted to ask how long you’ve had a crush on Donnie! What is it about how you like so much? 😁
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Bonnie: Donatello is never going to shut up about this. Thanks...
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figuringitoutasigoalong · 7 months ago
(In reference to this post)
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@maddys-nerd-blog It's not that hard, really! It's just a matter of finding it, and that is not an easy thing! So, let me help you!
First you go to your main blog, and you click that little gear in the corner.
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Once you're there, you go to Account Settings
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From there, you find the Content You Can See option
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That will take you to a page where you can see your filtered tags, and filtered post content. Which are two different things.
(I have covered what I have filtered up, because I do not feel like dealing with people being offended over what I personally do not want to see)
Filtered tags are just that. Tags that have been filtered out. When people tag stuff, this is the filter that catches it. Just hit the +new button to add one.
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This will bring you to a box that pops up. Type the tag in--one tag at a time!--and the hit add. That tag is now filtered!
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Filtered content is similar. Only, instead of just looking at the tags, it looks at the whole post. (I believe this was added because of a lack of tagging/improper tagging). Again, press the +new button to add one.
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Again, this will bring up a box. You type the word or words in--again, one word or phrase at a time--press add, and that content is now filtered!
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It's not perfect, and that's because of both a lack of tagging and that sometimes a post is about a thing, even if it doesn't mention said thing. It will let you know when a post is filtered, and you do have the option of clicking on the post and looking at it anyway, but now the choice to view that content is more in your hands.
And honestly? That's good for currently events, fandoms, triggers, squicks, and so much more. Sometimes you just don't want to see something and that's okay.
But these filters rely on words, and that's one reason that I encourage tagging, even if it's just a screenshot from a show or something. It's how the filters catch things, and it's what people rely on to curate their own dash and their own experience.
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legendweaver · 1 month ago
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I wanted to post just the art from my "Pictures on the Wall" series!
I had a lot of fun making them, and Im pretty happy with how they came out!
School will be starting up soon, so posts will probably slow down. Though I'm hoping to get out the Masterpost before that, so I can express in more details what this AU is about, outside of this and this.
Masterpost coming soon, let me know if anyone wants me to tell them when it gets up, I'll tag you.
Thank you, again, @traumas-tmntober-2024 for the event. I loved being able to share a look into the timeline of my Au. I loved reading your guys comments and contemplations. Big shout out to @raphaelesbian, @traumas-tmntober-2024, @awzominator, @maddys-nerd-blog, and everyone else who liked and reblogged and commented and followed! The response has been amazing ❤️.
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astronautrobot · 2 months ago
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Here @maddys-nerd-blog . Sorry for the late posting, I hope you like it!
Here's a clear version and some sketches so you can laugh at my process XD
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imagionationstation · 2 months ago
Unforgettable People Tag Game Reblog:
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@ceciturtle @juhamato @catacamacat
Guys, stop tagging me, I'm so forgettable I promise I'm just always invading your dash so you don't know it yet 😭😭
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All of you Moots who have blessed my dash are on my mind daily! Every comment, every like, every silly Ask or happiness explosion I LOVE THEM ALL you guys have made my Tumblr year great tysm!
@ceciturtle @juhamato @catacamacat @puma-or-cougar @craacked-splatters @happydragondragon @tmntforeverinmyheart
@greenlovescats @sleepingdragon11 @ceciturtle @theintrovertedghost @truths33k3r4 @borisnightingale
@nerdy-turtle-enthusiast @daboyau @poetique823 @wasted-and-ready @donatellokinnersinner
@xxlea-nardoxx @punctuated-equilibrium
And tysm to the followers that I see everywhere:
@teks-emporium @omega-003 @millin21 @savemeafruitjuice @maddys-nerd-blog
@denerturee @apriltellorocks @canvicantsleep @its-sadorable
@fluffyslug @rosesparkles0x @orderdchaosthings2
@lunar-boo @compressedrage @zomero @llcsecret @razena8 @quinnsnake @fluffyyyfrog9000
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madphantom · 5 months ago
Intro post
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Hii I'm Maddie, 20 y.o. film student and general dingbat from Germany. I mostly reblog random aesthetic stuff I like and post random tidbits about my life and the occasional film project 🎃
Likely some flavour of mentally ill, fuck knows, I don't, former alcoholic, punk, second gen immigrant from Russia, bisexual gender creature, pronouns he/her, annoying movie nerd, ✨professional romantic✨ since March 31st, anarchist dating a communist 💕
You may know me as the guy who made the 30.000 notes Goncharov post, so here's the movie in case you were looking for it. Here's the blooper reel and here's a video of the cast reading thirst anons 🍿
You may also know me as the guy who wrote Sarah, here's a link to my epistolary novel about a trans couple in a haunted house in the 1800s. Yes I am working on the sequel, no I am not good at stopping myself from procrastinating 💀
Check out my photography on @green-woodpeckers :] 📸
My YouTube channel is @madphantom, easy to find :] 📽️
Occasionally I draw commissions but it always takes 10.000 years so be prepared for that 🙃
I don't trigger tag anything except flashing (#tw flashing) so if something I reblog makes you uncomfortable you'll prolly see it again. There's occasional boobs on here, be prepared 💘
Ok that's it mwah enjoy my blog 🌻
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ppth-staff · 7 months ago
PPTH Staff Directory
Hen Nenaginad, Dr. Cuddy’s personal assistant (@toplessoncology), ask blog @ppthparttimer
Sydney Forrest, Head of Cardiology (@wilsons-three-legged-siamese), ask blog @ask-head-of-cardio
Bruce N. Valentine (@ghostboyhood), ask blog @the-cleaning-guy
Haven Ross House (@birdyboyfly), ask blog @ultimate-diagnostician-haven
Teagan Sinclair, Gynecologist (@robbinggoodfellows), ask blog @ask-teagan-sinclair
Cosmo Anderson, House's personal assistant (@cupofmints), ask blog @underpaid-assistant
Dr. Avery Alice Beau (@audiovideodisco), ask blog @dr-avery-beau
Emergency Medical Services
Dr. Kadee Montgomery, Head of Emergency Medical Services and Infectious Disease Specialist (@privatehousesanatomy), ask blog @kadeejeanmontgomery
Anji Foxx-Knight, Ambulance Operator and Automotive Technician (@rainismdata), ask blog @technician-para-driver
Fritz Litte, ER Doctor, ask blog @erdocfritz
Dr. Rylan Hopps, ER Physician (@dndadsbara), ask blog @nervous-physician
Ev Price, Head of Endocrinology (@sillyhyperfixator), ask blog @ppth-endocrinology-head
Dr. Katherine “Kate” Rooke, Endocrinologist (@katttkhaos), ask blog @drkrooke
Dr. Arwen Callejas, Head of Epidemiology (@addicbookedout)
Emilie Martin, Epidemiologist (@picking-dandelions-and-tunes)
Stevie “Bird” Corcoran, Forensic Scientist and Teacher (@1mlostnow), ask blog @head-of-forensics
Melvin Rideau, Forensic Technician (@datas-boobs), ask blog @ppth-forensic-technician
Ivan Andrews, Hematologist (@kleinekorpus)
Andrew Hayes, Software Engineer (@tired-and-bored-nerd), ask blog @ask-ppths-it-guy
Anastasia Vîrgolici, Immunologist (@starry-scarl3tt), ask blog @tired-ppth-immunologist
Anatol Dybowski, Head Lab Scientist (@tino-i-guess), ask blog @ppth-lab-head
Dr. Rachel Wilson-Cuddy, Pathologist & Medical Researcher (@annabelle-house)
Valerie Carr, Legal Consultant (@writing-and-sillies), ask blog @ask-ppth-legal
Dr. Charlotte Eldorra (@estellemilano), ask blog @tiredicedlatte-enjoyer
Dr. Fluoxetine Pearl, Head of OB-GYN (@asclexe), ask blog @ppth-obgyn-dept-head-real
Dr. Katherine Rhodes, Head of NICU and ICU (@privatehousesanatomy), ask blog @katherineelainerhodes)
Danny Begay, Gynecologist (@hemlocksloadofbull), ask blog @ask-danny-in-gynecology
Dr. Francesca Scott, Head of Oncology (@birdyboyfly), ask blog @ask-head-of-oncology
Leo Fitsher, Nurse (@asclexe)
Mat Hulme, Ongologist (@evilchildeyeeter), ask blog @ratfather-oncologist
Dr. Gavin Maxwell, Hematologist (@worldrusher), ask blog @dr-maxwell-hemaoncol
Maddox “Maddie” N. Jagajiva, Ophthalmologist (@rainismdata), ask blog @dr-visionary-counselor
Dr. Nanette “Ninny” Amesbury, Head of Pediatrics (@desire-mona)
Eddie Sting, Head of Pediatrics (@cherrishnoodles), ask blog @ask-head-of-pediatrics
Romeo "Vinny" Vincent, ENT nurse (@wilsons-three-legged-siamese), ask blog @earsandthroatnursey
Melanie Byrd, Pediatric Orthopedist (@tired-and-bored-nerd), ask blog @ppth-baby-bone-doc
Marie, Pediatrician (@marieinpediatrics-stuff)
Dr. Sophie Baker, Pediatric Neurosurgeon (@privatehousesanatomy), ask blog @sophieeloisebaker
Skye Ann-Meadows, Pediatrician (@estellemilano), ask blog @doctorof-unknownorgin
Gabriella “Gabi” Kramer, Plastic Surgeon (@1mlostnow), ask blog @plastic-surgeon-gabi
Lena Ehris, Head of Psychiatry (@jellifishiez), ask blog @head-of-psychiatry
Dr. Venus Watanabe, Head of Psychiatry (@chocovenuss)
Dr. Annabelle House-Cuddy, Head of Psychiatry (@annabelle-house)
Dr. Madlock, Head of Psychology (@sushivisa)
Domingo Estrada, Social Worker (@robertseanleonardthinker), ask blog @ppth-socialworker
Dr. Kieran F. Campbell, Psychiatrist and Geneticist (@kim-the-kryptid), ask blog @consult-the-geneticist
Caitlin, Psychologist (@littlelqtte), ask blog @caitlin-interrupted
Dr. Callum Stone, Psychiatrist, ask blog @themanthemyththepsychologist
Reina Linh Rivera, Head of Pulmonology (@prettypinkbubbless)
Dr. Milana Walker (@evilchildeyeeter), ask blog @dr-redbull-addict
Dr. Eneko Ruiz-Arroyo, Head of Radiology (@katttkhaos), ask blog @headoradiology
Beth Klein, Radiology Tech (@emptylakes)
Steven Sandoval, Radiologist (@endofradio)
Dr. Nadzieja Kruczewska, Toxicologist and Clinical Research Coordinator, ask blog @indigo-toxicologist
Ilja "Illusha" Vancura, Head Archivist at Rutgers Med (@scarriestmarlowe), blog @vancurarchivist
Francesco Cage, Best girldad patient (@dndadsbara), ask blog @francesco-cage
Joey Abrams, Forensics Student - kind of (@1mlostnow), ask blog @joey-is-fine
OOC: Hi, I'm Bird, and I run this PPTH blog! I'm 19, agender, aroace, and use they/them pronouns.
If you have an OC or a post that you would like for me to add to the blog, please feel free to send me an ask/message! If I follow you back, it'll be at my main blog, @birdyboyfly.
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mrsmandalorian · 10 months ago
mrsmandalorian's main masterlist
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howdy, everyone! i'm so happy to see you!
i'm maddie! i'm 22, she/her! i am the most serious and unserious person you will ever meet. I'm obsessed with pedro pascal, marvel, star wars, and so on. i'm just a shy goofy nerd, honestly! always looking for to make new friends! don’t be shy to leave a comment, message, or ask box!
if you enjoy my work, please leave a like, comment, or reblog to show your love for it! also, if you are reading this, please comment on your favorite characters in any movie or tv show, not just pedro's work, but any! requests are always open!
my blog is 18+ — mdni. warnings & tags can be found on each work of mine. do not copy, translate, repost, or put my writing into AI in any capacity.
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pedro pascal
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lyrical genius mini-series --pedro x singer!f!reader
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joel miller
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country nights, city lights - part 4 coming soon -- cowboy!joel x techie!f!reader series burning love= angst one shot jackson! joel miller x f!reader
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din djarin, mandalorian
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javier pena
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more stories and characters to come! appreciate you all very much!
-🤍- maddie
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tending-the-hearth · 2 months ago
happy 10 year anniversary to this blog!!!
i'm about a month late on this post but i still wanted to make it bc i feel like this is an accomplishment to me!!! i've had this blog for officially a decade, and the past ten years have been so wild.
i was a freshman in high school when i started this blog, and honestly, i don't even know if anyone from all the way back then still follows me today, but this blog was my escape. it was the only social media my parents didn't know about, so i was fully able to be myself on here!
it honestly took a little while for me to find my footing, but i'm so very, very happy that i made the choice to create this blog and start posting.
i'm going to get a little bit sappy now.
ten years ago, i was in a very rough place mentally. i've mentioned it a few times here, but i was a victim of really severe bullying the entirety of elementary and middle school, for about seven years. it left me with some really bad anxiety, and i had a really hard time trusting people and letting them get close to me.
this blog changed all of that.
specifically, the blog i created five years after making this one.
i found content about cats the musical through this blog, and in 2019, decided to make a sideblog instead of clogging up this blog with all the posting i was doing for the musical.
because of that sideblog, i got to meet people that i now consider some of the best and closest friends i've ever had. i would not have those people in my life today if it hadn't been for this blog.
last year i experienced a really, really bad friendship breakup with someone who had been my best friend for nine years. it was absolutely awful, and my mental health was terrible, and one of the only things that would make me happy would be coming on here, scrolling through fandom tags, and chatting with my friends.
this blog has become something so special to me, this website has become something so special to me, and i'm so very happy i decided to make this blog all those years ago. little high school freshman me would be so happy to know how much of a positive impact that decision would make on my life.
happy ten years on this website to me <3
@queen-with-the-quill @storyweaverofgondor @maddys-nerd-blog
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donovankinard · 6 months ago
join the best buddies discord server ! ✮ a safe space for multishippers who want to chat about buddie! - link.
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✮ i'm nova ✮ he/they ✮ queer ✮ sagittarius ✮ aus ✮ wannabe loser boyfriend ✮ puddle of anxiety ✮ minor ✮ infp-t ✮ chronic oversharer ✮ inattentive adhder ✮ born a stargazer ✮ writer, poet, dreamer ✮ unpaid comedian ✮ on the fast track to burnout ✮ dog person ✮ cd collector ✮ multishipper ✮ ao3 addict ✮ socialist ✮ theatre nerd ✮ i like weird science podcasts and procedural dramas ✮ i don't keep my mouth shut for anybody ✮ blogs without pfps, headers, intros may be blocked ✮ 
✮ my fandoms ✮ lou ferrigno jr ✮ 911verse ✮ twenty one pilots ✮ ruel ✮ rwrb ✮ one direction+solo ✮ dear evan hansen ✮ maisie peters ✮ conan gray ✮ doctor who ✮ swat ✮ noah kahan ✮ nicholas galitzine ✮ anthony ramos ✮ osemanverse ✮ zach bryan ✮ gracie abrams ✮ joshua bassett ✮ nevermoor ✮ song of achilles ✮ maddie zahm ✮ olivia rodrigo ✮ taylor swift ✮ megan moroney ✮ finneas ✮ rafael silva ✮ billie eilish ✮ xana ✮ ed sheeran ✮ five seconds of summer+solo ✮ hamilton ✮ come from away ✮ little women (all media) ✮ miley cyrus ✮ adele ✮ in the heights✮ the beatles ✮ julie and the phantoms ✮ dyl dion ✮
✮ at the moment ✮ currently listening to: my monthly playlist + megan moroney + the hamilton mixtape ✮ currently watching: grey's anatomy + swat ✮ currently reading: tarlos fics ✮ fic requests are closed
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intro || tags || poetry || free palestine || fic recs || my fics
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✮ this blog does not answer donation asks ! ✮
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book-girl4evaaa · 1 year ago
❝ Sheeesh, even I'm not that crazy.❞
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𝗡𝗼𝘄 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴:
"Dynasties and Dystopia"
00:47 ━━●─────── 02:39ㅤ ㅤ
◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ↻ ♡
First of all rp blogs so you know who I am 😭 @ask-the-great-heather-chandler @goodness-knows-glinda @juni-riversss @westerbergs-therapist (the last 2 are ocs)
"You know kid, ever since you walked into my life it's like I've put on glasses."
Call me Bea or Eva (not my real name(s), and I like Bea better tho) ⸙ minor ⸙ libra ⸙ geeky ⸙ Athena Cabin ⸙ book lover ⸙ bilingual ⸙ aspec most likely ⸙ free Palestine 🍉 ⸙ British, unfortunately (🥄) ⸙ major Gracie Abrams fan ⸙ Infp-t personality ⸙ ambivert ⸙ African pride ⸙ theatre kid ⸙pepper soup enthusiast ⸙ writer ⸙ artist ⸙ Jinx is my wife ⸙ singer (sort of) ⸙nerd ⸙dancer ⸙ fangirl ⸙sport-lover ⸙ daydreamer ⸙ hopeless romantic ⸙ future designer ⸙ glasses gang ⸙ arsonists ⸙ tag me in poetry! ⸙ green, blue and purple>>> ⸙ chaotic good ⸙ in a world of heathers be a Veronica ⸙ either a lesbian or bi (Im still on the fence tbh) ⸙ Maeddie shipper ⸙
I'm always ready to make new friends (no creeps, please) so please talk to me! (Also I'd like to add, no donation asks please as I'm a minor and cannot help you, it just stresses me out)
Currently in my: Arcane, Heathers, and Matilda phase!
Dislikes/Dni: basic dni, and then just anyone unkind. Also I'd prefer if 25+ and hate anons stay away
Fandoms I'm active in: Pjo, Tpq, Kotlc, Gilded, Hamilton, MCU, agggtm, Matilda the musical, Amari and the night brothers, the hunger games, six of crows, the folk of the air, Wicked, This Book kills, heathersssssssssssssssss, wicked, arcane and many more!
If you need someone to blurt random facts, rant about life, or just yap then I'm your girl! Feel free to give me nicknames and chat about random stuff :)
Also, send me asks, please :)
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Other relations : @kiya-cannibal-bug (mum) @sleep-can-wait (wife) @manically-depressedd-psychopath (baby daddy (?!??!!?!)) @shrxe (child)
Nicknames: Beatrice (by Turtle I miss her :() Beanie (by Shree) Belle (by Tina) Bee (by Myna and Fishy) Bea Bee (by Loife) Bumble Bee (by Ife mi <3333 (archivist)) Bear (by Kitcat) Beezus (by Riyana) (Bea)utiful (by Leta) Beanana (by Abby) Bea Bea Girl (by Maddie)
I can speak English, yr 9 level Spanish, tiny bits of Hindi (don't ask) and a few insults in yuroba
DNI if you are: a Zionist, a creep, a misogynist, sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, or just mean/disrespectful.
personal tags: #bea updates - any random og post • #[Bea reblogs] - reblogging a post • #[Bea's on the line] - answering an ask • #bea's wip - self explanatory
"Always with you, Sis."
Side blogs:
@step-into-my-candystore (my heathers/musical blog)
@she-used-to-bea-mine (my vent blog)
So have a good day, be kind, and love yourself<333
This blog supports Palestine
If you don't, please leave me alone :)
Don't forget your daily clicks!
Byeee! <333
All images from Pinterest, dividers by me :)
I hope you enjoyed my ✨ extremely aesthetic ✨ intro post!
(pfp is Jinx from Acane :])
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mintytheautismhorse · 3 months ago
Hiiii! This is basically my big waffly intro post! I’m a dogboy called maddie/mikeal/minty and I use all of these names interchangeably! My pronouns are he/him and they/them (my pronouns page is here https://en.pronouns.page/@lasanga69)! I have a lot of different interests that I post about on this blog and I love talking to people! Feel free to AMA :3
My interests:
-My Little Pony- I love ponies. My favourite is G3 however I love all gens of ponies and EQG! My fav ponies are Minty, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Sundance and a lot more! I collect all gens of pony toys
-Care Bears- I also love Care Bears! I collect all gens and love all the media but UTM! I kin Bedtime Bear and Lotsa Heart!
-Pokemon- I am the biggest Pokemon nerd! I’ve played every game several times and love the anime! My fav gen is gen 2 and my favourite pokemon is slowpoke!
-Danganronpa- I love my stupid murder game franchise <3, my favourite is SDR2 and I love a lot of the characters, but Chiaki is my favourite!
-Gaming- I love gaming, Nintendo specifically but I am fascinated with all facets of gaming history! My fav consoles are the og ds/3ds and I collect massively for these systems. My fav franchises are, Ace Attorney, Animal Crossing, Nintendogs, Tomodachi Life/Miitopia, Mario, Zelda and Red Dead Redemption! Also my shitty Otome games specifically obey me and diabolik lovers have my heart so note I will be luciferposting
-Evangelion- I love Evangelion so much, my favourite character is Asuka and I am enamoured with the whole franchise
-Anime/Animation- I am also fascinated with animation in general! I have watched a wide variety of shows and movies and collect DVDs, I specifically love Cartoon Network however feel free to ask me about anything as I’ve seen a lot! I also love anime, my favs being: Sailor Moon, Tokyo Mew Mew, Elfen Lied, Death Note, Watamote and Serial Experiments Lain! I also love studio ghibli
-Puppetry- I love puppetry, the Jim Henson company supplies most of my favourites, these being: Fraggle Rock, Labyrinth, Bear In The Big Blue House, Sooty and Sweep and Barney the Dinosaur (ik the last 2 are not by Jim Henson and yes I’m being /gen /srs)
-British comedy- I love British comedy shows <3, my fav films of this genre are the cornetto trilogy, Bill and Ted and Monty Python (+ tv shows)! My fav tv shows are This Country, The Inbetweeners, and Friday Night Dinner!
-Build a Bears- I collect and love both generic build a bears and the branded ones from my favourite franchises! I currently have 43!
-Music! I have a lot of different favourite artists from a lot of genres, my favourites include Alex G, Radiohead, Lana Del Rey, My Chemical Romance and so much more. Here’s my last.fm for anyone curious https://www.last.fm/user/FluffySlowpoke
My tag for general talking is #minty waffling on but tbh I don’t post many long waffly rants on here so😭
My tag for my plushies (Nagito, Kokichi, Rei and Asuka) is #mintys super highschool level emotional support plushies
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DNI list
-obvs truscums/transmedicalists and terfs, ew
-any homophobes/transphobes/anyone discriminatory and gross
-anyone who’s an asshole!
Other things to note
-I do occasionally rb nsfw/suggestive things, if your uncomfortable w this pls dni. It’s not the main theme of this acct but I just wanted to note it here
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thepaladinstrait · 6 months ago
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✮  ALEX  /  FINN  ━━━ they/he/xe/it ⋆ non binary ⋆ demisexual ⋆ pansexual ⋆ minor ⋆ infp-t ⋆ type 2w1 ⋆ south aus ⋆ dog person ⋆ black cat ⋆ depressed but sometimes i'm funny ⋆ fanfiction reader and writer ⋆ purple is my favourite colour ever ⋆ permanently dehydrated ⋆ sleep deprived ⋆ hot chocolate addict ⋆ music is everything to me ⋆ angst writer ⋆ headphones on 24/7 ⋆ i live here ⋆ spotify loml ⋆ clikkie ⋆ theatre nerd ⋆ amethysts are my favourite ⋆ crystal queer ⋆ grammar nerd but i type in only lowercase ⋆ green belt in karate ⋆ slytherin ⋆ pinterest whore ⋆ i leave unhinged tags on your posts ⋆ i can rap the entirety of hamilton ⋆ fnaf obsessed ⋆ mentally ill ⋆ #1 leave the city fan ⋆ rpf writer ⋆ autistic ⋆ i infodump way too much ⋆ professional oversharer ⋆ otter lover ⋆ reputation and ttpd stan ⋆ winning at the game of dyscalculia ⋆ poet (in theory) ⋆ perpetually curious ⋆ dreamer ⋆ stargazer ⋆ high schooler ⋆ i vent a bit too often ⋆ choker and necklace wearer ⋆ procrastinator ⋆ an absolute loser ⋆ horror movie lover ⋆ true crime podcast listener ⋆ asmr defender ⋆ victim of the spelling curse ⋆ black jewellery is superior ⋆ dark chocolate defender ⋆ uno bully ⋆ i overuse exclamation marks ⋆ scaled and icy defender ⋆ i hyperfixate way too easily ⋆ sleeps with stuffed animals ⋆ drummer of ultraviolet angels ⋆ free palestine
✮  MUSIC ━━━ twenty one pilots ⋆ my chemical romance ⋆ sleep token ⋆ billie eilish ⋆ lyn lapid ⋆ ed sheeran ⋆ bmike ⋆ alec benjamin ⋆ maddie zahm ⋆ taylor swift ⋆ sabrina carpenter ⋆ we three ⋆ olivia rodrigo ⋆ xana ⋆ kelsea ballerini ⋆ conan gray ⋆ finneas ⋆ lewis capaldi ⋆ boygenius ⋆ harry styles ⋆ cavetown ⋆ gracie abrams ⋆ waterparks ⋆ dove cameron ⋆ semler ⋆ paramore ⋆ chappell roan ⋆ birdy ⋆ anson seabra ⋆ korn ⋆ ethel cain
✮  MY SONGS ━━━ achilles come down (gang of youths) ⋆ leave the city (twenty one pilots) ⋆ oldies station (twenty one pilots) ⋆ matilda (harry styles) ⋆ family line (conan gray) ⋆ illicit affairs (taylor swift) ⋆ the anonymous ones (dear evan hansen) ⋆ hurricane (hamilton) ⋆ slipping through my fingers (abba) ⋆ hope ur ok (olivia rodrigo) ⋆ another love (tom odell) ⋆ photograph (ed sheeran) ⋆ that's on me (ed sheeran) ⋆ the light behind your eyes (my chemical romance) ⋆ astronomy (conan gray) ⋆ love in the dark (adele)
✮  BOOKS ━━━ the song of achilles ⋆ nevermoor ⋆ keeper of the lost cities ⋆ the dictionary of lost words ⋆ if he had been with me ⋆ the help ⋆ girl in pieces ⋆ a good girls guide to murder ⋆ hunger games ⋆ divergent ⋆ the dead poets society
✮  MUSICALS ━━━ hamilton ⋆ dear evan hansen ⋆ six ⋆ mean girls ⋆ wicked ⋆ the addams family ⋆ in the heights ⋆ the greatest showman ⋆ jesus christ superstar ⋆ legally blonde ⋆ mamma mia ⋆ mary poppins ⋆ newsies ⋆ matilda
✮  MY CHARACTERS ━━━ charlie spring ⋆ patroclus ⋆ alexander hamilton ⋆ katniss everdeen ⋆ pippa fitz amobi ⋆ tao xu ⋆ remus lupin
@emailsicantfuckingsend - poetry blog
discord - conjectureandgloom
dm for personal instagram if we are close
me :) - random posts about me and my life
personal - personal vents. will be tagged appropriately with triggers if necessary. format for triggers will be '#tw ___'. common tw's will be self harm (tagged as sh), discussion of suicide (tagged as both sui and suicide), eating disorders (tagged as ed), and panic attacks (tagged as panic attacks)
finncore - posts that are mecore
alex /pos - daily positivity posts (currently not being done)
arch 🐾 - my dog and loml and baby, archie
five nights at finn's - fnaf posting
tag games - self explanatory
asks - self explanatory. tagged with url of asker or anon dearest
little guy clancy - my beloved little guy, catboy clancy <33
crop top ty - tyler joseph in the tulip crop top
the chronicles of crop top ty - visit this post for explanation
finn irl - photos of me :)
alex on the drooms - drums!!!!!!!
✮  NOTE ━━━ dms and discord are always open!! i love talking to new people, and i love getting new mutuals!!!! my ask box is always open to random vents or for advice, or if anyone just wants to pop in to say hey, by inbox is here!!!!! i might come off as slightly awkward though, and this is my formal apology for that. i also tend to forget that i have things in my inbox? so i'm so sorry for that too
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credit to @svnflowermoon for the intro post format
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mandm-supernatural · 4 months ago
hello world, my name is miley, i started watching supernatrual way back when i was a sophomore in high school. Now im 20 years old and a jr in college, and still watching it. me and maddie decided to make this blog to heal our teenage selfs, and also geek about our rewatch. we had this idea during our rewatch, because madison has the DVDs for most of the seasons! (thank god because netflix loosing copyright to the songs ruined the show) we will hopefully be posting and chatting our way through the show! stay tuned for our thoughts on the rewatch, character development, playlists inspired by the soundtrack, and more just nerding out.
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