#tip taping
verdantdaises · 4 days
Finished your fanfic. Fucking crying and screaming. Ofc it left me with an existential crisis. So I gotta ask (if you don’t mind) what’s your next step? Are you planning on writing more?
OMG!! 👉👈 you’re honestly the sweetest I love seeing ur name pop up in ao3 and tumblr 💖
I have an epilogue planned for heaven help me, but I also have other things planned don’t worry >:) it might be a bit slower bc I’ve had a big life change recently but I’m still going at it don’t worry ✨💕
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pennymaykittensworld · 2 months
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Legs open and ready and waiting ❤️❤️
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deerspherestudios · 2 months
Hi Cheea! Just played Mushroom Oasis demo recently and loved it! I love Mychael the silly lil goober and I can't wait to spend more time with him! I apologize if this is too direct, but I'm hoping you'll consider clarifying the trigger warnings on the itch page into "pet death" rather than just "animal death" ;; I thought it was gonna be a random animal... My pardon for such a forward request but I think it'll be more helpful for folks in the future. Thank you for reading, keep up the good work!
Oh, thank you for the clarification!! The game page has been updated.
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That reminds me I also wanna implement a trigger warning list into the main menu of Mushroom Oasis; if anyone has tips on how to code that into Ren'Py please let me know!!
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honeytonedhottie · 2 months
me saturating my mind with affirmation tapes and subliminals and feeling excited cuz i manifest instantly🍭🍪🍬
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transguytruthscomic · 2 months
i cannot stress this enough but if you are taping with a large chest, the most helpful thing you can do is to work with the mass of your chest rather than against it.
don’t tape upwards; breast mass naturally falls downwards. taping upwards is making it more difficult for yourself. start your first anchor strip above your nipple and stretch the tape/shift your breast DOWN and to the side, towards the bottom of your rib cage.
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daftpatience · 4 months
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my fingers are usually a little chewed up from my chewing them up... and then handling packing materials and tape and stuff all day makes them all dry and raw, so I got these little fingie protectors for packing orders! they feel kinda cool and they make grabbing stuff so fun. I feel like a robot
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esprei · 1 year
I saw your asks are open again and I just wanted to say that I love your art!
You are one of my favorite submas artists and even if I'm not much into Volo myself I like how you draw him a lot! He always looks very expressive in your style.
Are you doing illustrations or concept art professional by any chance? Do you have tips on how to draw Emmet/ and or / Ingo?
oh goodness, thank you!! that really means a lot and is very kind of you to say, so I can't thank you enough! actually I'm not, I'm just do this as a hobby ^^ but that also means a lot that you ask that, it's very flattering!
as far as tips on how to draw them - I suppose there are a few things I think about when I draw them that hopefully help! like for one, I tend to think more in terms of their pokemas models. so for example I keep that in mind for things like their face (the chin really) and their neck (like... their necks seem on the thinner side so I kinda go with that lol) I think to describe some of the other things is a bit hard to do with just words so I drew up a visual for it (hopefully it makes sense):
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just kinda how I think of and approach things really (or in some cases things I like to add as personal preference) - like I said, hopefully there are some helpful tips in here :D I think submas are fun to try various approaches with, so don't be afraid to try some different things with how you draw them!
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queerlyraging · 9 months
i have recently been able to start using trans tape as a substitute to binders for binding (my ribs are CHEERING) and i've realized that as many tips and guides i've seen about using binders, i haven't seen nearly as much when it comes to using tape. as a newbie to the whole trans tape thing, i want to ask people who have been doing it longer.... what are your best tips and tricks or general advice when it comes to using trans tape?
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crippledwithrage · 1 year
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I'm somewhere between a B and A cup, so I'm on the smaller side of chests. I've tried different methods of taping and all it did was make them not jiggle when I walked- like a tape bra.
This method, however focuses on the pec shape rather than flattening perfectly.
I came up with it after wasting half a roll of trans tape on other methods, but this one really helped me!
All bodies are different so don't be afraid to experiment with different styles!
Make sure ur musty ass is clean when you put the tape on or you'll be taping over dirt and sweat which is going to give yourself an infection.
Here's a tutorial I found on larger chests and bodies!>>> https://youtu.be/USNvHelRBoU
When making the anchor (the part that sticks to your skin before you pull the rest of it) make sure it's flat and attached well using heat and friction.
(Round the fucking corners of the tape! It gives more traction! )
The first strip is 3 segments and starts near the bottom of the breast where the skin folds over, and pulls up towards the armpit diagonally.
Be sure to pull up first. If you pull down, it may damage the tissue and make top surgery impossible.
The second piece pulls downwards diagonally from the top towards the bottom of the ribs at the back (near your floating ribs). Make sure it doesn't wrap all the way to your shoulder blades.
(That way you can reach It to take it off properly)
It's important not to do this backwards because you shouldn't pull down! It should look like pecs, but remember, cutting board flat is unrealistic and dangerous!
The skin will itch in the middle so feel free to use anti itch cream to alleviate.
Remember > the tissue may be more dense like mine which makes this using transtape frustrating.
Again, feel free to alter it if it doesn't work.
If you have sensory issues, be aware of your boundaries! You can feel the tape on you but don't be afraid to say that it doesn't feel right.
Adjust it or try a different binder. Fytist is the best for sensory friendly binding.
With tape, you'll be able to feel your shirt on your chest and back when using transtape too, so that's something to get used to.
Wear a heavy jacket or sit against something to make that odd sensation go away.
I'm disabled, and I have issues with my oxygen levels so breathing properly is a must. Binders can make it hard to breathe and cause joint pain which is a bitch of a time for me. In the summer, especially, since they get hot.
Binders work for me, luckily, but this method of tape allows for clear breathing.
No squeezing sensation and free range of movement.
It minimizes pain, and allows me to breathe freely as I would with nothing on. If you have breathing problems and can use tape, I highly suggest this.
You can sleep in this stuff and use it for 4 ish days. If it hurts or pulls, or even blisters, take it off! It's better to have a bad day than to live with a mistake forever. Bind safely!
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This is for those of you who feel like they're not "flat enough ". Markipier is a cis man and I personally love that he never hides that his chest is somewhat fuller. He has pecs and wears tighter shirts, and this is literally the norm for men. This is the shape you should be going for, not cutting board flat. Most men aren't flat anyways.
When in dysphoria, remember markipier!
Lastly, if you can get cutting board flat, be sure to check if your method is safe and that you're not pulling down. If it's safe, congrats! But I will find you and I will delete your minecraft worlds if you bully others about their chest.
Stay safe out there, queers!
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tigness · 2 months
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a quick doodle of nicky helping tape up aaron's joints because my elbows are hurting so bad today and i feel the need to inflict this upon my favs
i've never drawn either of these characters before so bare with as i figure them out LMAO
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atticollateral · 3 months
does anyone have transtape tips for people with really big chests? i'm talking really big,,, I am like, an f? maybe even a g? and my chest is very droopy, they're barely attached to me at all- I can squish them like waffles in a waffle press. Anyway. I really struggle to even use trans tape, and the only time I "successfully" used it I needed a lot of help. I just can't get it to work, and it's making me really upset, because I want to be able to bind, but I can't figure it out... I've tried all the different methods I could find, and wasted a lot of trans tape.
More info: When I try to use transtape to bind, I end up making my tissue look awkward and square, or end up with the same feminine shape I started with, or just putting the tape over the tissue without changing the shape- which, by the way, looks horrendous. And I tried to use it the way I watched tuts on- ripping off a piece of the back and then using it like a handle, but I need so much tape at a time and my body is bigger + my chest is larger, it's impossible to do without it wrinkling and getting it stuck. I literally can't do anything to remedy it.
i've tried 3 times alone just tonight trying to bind, and I just can't... if anyone could help that'd be lovely, because I can't find posts or any tutorials or visuals- literally nothing for people my size :< getting pretty hopeless over here :')
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miiiwu · 3 months
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transmasc vyvyan is something that can be so personal (to me 💕)
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dougielombax · 1 year
Analog Horror be like.
1. Don’t make any loud noises.
2. Find somewhere safe to hide.
3. Try using any household objects you have for self-defence if necessary.
4. Do Hold Your Wife in your Arms Every day While You Still Can!
6. Lock and barricade all windows and doors.
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interview with the vampire: 1.02 / 1.03 / 1.06
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bacchuschucklefuck · 1 month
Hi! I just need to ask after seeing your recent Bad Kids Class Swap piece - do you have an online store/do you think you might ever consider printing the piece as a poster? I’m in love with it and I know I’d absolutely buy it right away XD
huh you know what let's get a poll goin! lemme know if folks want to like buy prints from this blog and such. there are literally Two (2) pieces eligible for prints here anyway lol
more information: I'll probs use inprnt if I put up a storefront and I'll only put up standalone illustrations for prints. fully leaving the future open for this one I'm truly not pressed either way abt this
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theninjazebra · 20 days
Because of The Stresses and Horrors I've the very specific brain thing where there is only one (or two) things I want to listen to, on repeat, every moment I'm conscious.
Unfortunately that thing is 2000s nu metal and/or club bangers (2000s defined roughly mid 90s to mid 2010s. It's a vibe not a strict definition of time).
Anyway. Humbling to be "oh this song! The new song from - nope, minimum 12 yr old song." Fml.
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