#and also one golden sharpie and one fine tip sharpie
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cirr0stratus · 4 months ago
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“roe? that’s easy, gene was an angel”
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r0-boat · 26 days ago
Whb AU where everything's the same but the Demons are dragons
Something something Bible quote something something dragons are the devil something something whatever cool ass lizards.
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A white Wyvern with blood red markings, It's piercing red eyes, The same color that stains the ground and on the scales of his true form, burn with a fire ignited from wrath burning ever constant. Contrast to his white scales and ghostly tattered wings It's horn sit like a crown atop his head It's tips speckled with that same red color, his markings end at his tail which slithers on the ground does it approaches you.
The smallest of the seven, and hates it. Always snarling and huffing when he's angerly yelling at another king You can see his pupils go into pin pricks as you can see his throat glow a orangen yellow as smoke begins to seep out from his mouth.
Satan has fine scales and spines along his head neck all the way down to his tail which like to puff out like an angry cat when he's agitated making him look like a puffer fish with wings.
Satan prefers his human form when he's not fighting seriously, since it gives him an excuse to use his horde of fast vehicles and weapons. Hehe; He likes sharpie explody things. Despite being their king his dragon form is actually the smallest even among his subordinates.
When his scales are about to shed they turn black before falling off. His scales can be sharpened and used for many things. Including daggers and sometimes even bullets or the heads of arrows. The scales are sharp and light.
The onyx mane of this lung dragon glitters like jewels working beautifully with the gold scales and horns That decorate this beast. Black markings adorn his face and down his body like tiger stripes. He is benevolent in his in his own way. His golden eyes shine with Greed. Anything that his eyes fancies is his. His metallic scales shimmer like gold, And they are worth more than their weight in gold.
Lung dragons are usually elegant elegant yes but delicate no. His scales are smooth and as hard as stone. He loves them very much So much so He always keeps his tail or at least part of his scales showing from his human disguise.
A shame he never got a painting done of his late father He was the most beautiful bronze you've ever seen if you thought his mane was beautiful before His father was wild and flowing. He could grow it out if you like.
When his scales fall he likes to keep them His favorite thing to do is contact his jeweler fasten his scales into jewelry so he can adorn his favorite subjects and other things he likes with them. It's a good way to staking his territory He's not the only dragon who does this.
His scales are not only great for jewelry but also armor However given how much Just one scale go for and you do need a lot for a single piece that covers your body It is extremely expensive. Mammon has two bedrooms, His normal human one and his dragon lair where it's just decked with shiny gold coins and other jewels have too many imperfections for his personal treasure museum.
Wyrms, large ugly serpents found tumbling through the earth or in the deep depths of the ocean. But this one, This one is different It's pearly smooth scales reflecting vibrant pinks and purples. If you look closely you could see Platinum underbelly. It's silver eyes glow and pierced through you unreadable unmoving watching your every move as its tail holds you in place. It's Envious heart itching to coil around anything it fancies hiding it from the rest of the world that isn't itself. At the same time wanting to squeeze until the potential threat's lights go out.
He hates His true form his everything. He doesn't even shed his scales like the other kings instead His scales all come off at once like a snake shedding his skin He itches like crazy. When this happens he spends most of his time in a hot bath his human disguise half faded his torso is still human but everywhere else is serpent.
He prefers his human form for very obvious reasons... Hands; legs. When he's not in the room His subordinates fond over briefly in the early years when he took his human form as he was not used to standing on two legs. Even now if you're very lucky you can catch him stumbling over and hopefully you'll live to tell the tale.
As a dragon, he is more called blooded than his relatives. Levi craves warmth. Craves it. His entire body is constantly cold, and as much as he hates to admit, human bodies are very warm. So once winter starts, congratulations, you are now his human heat rock by force. Take everything you touch that is his and warm it up right now! Even though he looks like he belongs in the water and can swim very well, Levi's sensitive to temperature Even if water temperature in particular doesn't harm him. Leviathan prefers warmer tropical water.
Leviathan's true form is actually the biggest, But you'll never know since he's always coiled up. Despite not having limbs in his true form He's perfected his magic to use long snaking appendages to grab and hold whatever he wants.
The more food a dragon has access to, the bigger it gets. Even though these kings of lizards grow very slowly, there is only one exception. Despite Fae Dragons supposedly being miniature, the Gluttonous appetites of the inhabitants of Abyssos make these dragons grow and grow. Its insectoid velvety wings shimmer with greens, yellows, purples, and oranges with intricate patterns. It has one horn similar to a unicorn but it's head is crowned with a ribbon like antennae. Start the beast It's tale with flexible fins stir in the air like rudders on a boat as it flies in place looking at you with interest... Or perhaps hunger?
While the other kings roars shake the ground His is song like and rhythmatic sending chills down your spine as it echoes through the sky.
In his true form Beel Actually has two pairs of jaws You just can't see his other pair since it's attached giving it the illusion of his normal maw. He also has mandibles folded on both sides of his cheek. They blend into his face so well at first glance you could never notice until you look very close. This translates to his human form albeit more like lines on his face and an unhingable jaw.
He is the most insectoid of his class all other fae dragon are not only well smaller than him... They're also more butterfly like where he is more moth like. Very fluffy! And please don't freak out when in battle he loses a wing or two unlike insects that when their wing scales break they will never grow back His wings and limbs can constantly grow back forever. In fact the scales on his wings always shed like pollen. It's shimmers like glitter.
He also eats his clones a fact that he loves to tell you with a smile just to watch you squirm. You remember other facts about insects and if you ask him that if he eats his lovers he just silently stares at you his smile widening more.
You thought he was a Drake at first glance, but then you realize The feathering nubs on his back where his wings should be; he was a dragon, The Dragon. He is a perfect amalgamation of scales and feathers. Its feathers and scales were white as snow other than the bright red horns on his head, the red scar across his body, and, of course, hisbehold. It. His snout was narrow, raptor-like. Just like his White irises glowing through the black voids of What should be white and his sharp black curved claws. As he lays before you, his wings or what's left of them move to spread out like a prideful peacock. If he could still soar, what a sight it would behold.
Lucifer once was an angel turned into a beast as a punishment for his own pride. He is still used to this draconic power as he has not fully mastered transforming and staying in his human form. He occasionally preens what is left of his wings. And other feathers. Pin feathers are the bane of his existence, and he can't reach the ones on his wings. Tiny human hands are always a blessing to have around. He can't help but move his giant dragon snout, trying to preen or pick at your own. He knows humans do not have pin feathers, but it feels nice.
He could always heal himself just like any demon can but he refuses to Even when his scales grow back in places he doesn't want He purposely picks them off. When his scales are grinded into a fine powder they're curiously bitter to the taste but a very potent with magical and medicinal properties. Ingesting the powder and/or god forbid the scale is highly ill-advised without proper preparation at as it is very poisonous.
"This is my son little brother." The beast grumbles in his true form He disappears for a second only to come back with a young man dangling from the collar He is leaning lanky His clothes slightly overgrown as if the tailor had no idea how to make clothes for a human. What really got your attention was his blue hair with icy blue eyes. you can't tell if the hair has been dyed or natural You've seen crazier shit in hell So it wouldn't surprise you. Lucifer puts him down and exclaims "He is human just like you. He needs human friends, please get along." This man has A pendant around his neck radiating magic. Perhaps this is what he uses to slow the growth of his tiny kid.
His true form is the largest of the seven without his wings. Sometimes he forgets he doesn't have them It's kind of awkward when he's trying to fly before realizing he can't. An odd thing he's picked up, instead of running how you would expect a dragon to run He actually gallops like a horse. He will admitly deny no matter how wrong he is. Perhaps he picked this up from watching horses.
With its long serpentine body sprawled across its layer at first you thought the black serpent was another one of Leviathan's kind But that's when you noticed upon the snoring beast front limbs folded as its face smushed into the pillow. The Lindwurm moved suddenly spooking you the mountain of pillows and blankets fell off its face as you got a better look. It's jet black main usually slipped back messy. It turns out dragons also get bedhead. It rolled Sloth-like onto its stomach It's whole body rotating with it that's when you saw more of its fur it's serpentine body stretched out with its One pair of front limbs letting out a loud yawn It's sort of reminded you like a cat.
Leviathan hates his long serpentine body but Belphegor fucking loves it. His long body if it weren't for a size could fit anywhere. Well that won't be a problem anymore actually since one of his beloved and very smart and very hardworking subordinates is currently working on a chemical compound that could shrink dragons down to size... Just think of all the napping spots!
If it weren't for the fact he lacks hind legs he would look exactly like a lung dragon. Belphie does not care. Walking sucks ass, how could anyone humans or dragons in their human form put up with walking on two legs. It's so much easier to slither. In fact he hardly uses his front limbs for anything other than support when he wants to lay down in a different way.
If it weren't for humans being so fragile he would absolutely lay right on you. Lindworms being a weird mix of Lungs and serpents they are also more cold-blooded. Unlike Leviathan who dreadedly hates cold anything. Belphegor loves the cold It makes him feel nice and sleepy. He doesn't like having too much warmth The only warmth he wants is your body heat. Congratulations another cold reptile laying directly skin contact onto you.
His room is a lot larger with a fuck ton of pillows and blankets all in one corner That's how he likes it when he is sleeping that's when he has less control over his forms as he shifts freely in his dreams be careful when you're snuggling him. And if it wasn't for a very nice subordinate of his, he would lay his entire collection of anime manga and other otaku stuff in a pile right next to his giant nest.
This Drake moves in a way that disturbs you as it stalks and circles you. Its wild eyes roamed your body with such lust that it made you shiver. This dragon has perfected his form so well that he has many forms. But he prefers his "natural" appearance, bland, unassuming, smooth, leathery skin as black as night. The only thing with a splash of color is the thorns, chains, and flowers he decorates with. And a single blood-red eye. His hatchlings His beloved babies steam to take all sorts of draconic elements, whether feathers, scales, or fur.
"have you ever laid with a dragon?" He says with a smile...."Do you want to?"He also has a half form like Levi, But it looks less clean and more werewolf-ish more monstrous. He almost always shifts when he's trying to mate with you.
His horde is the red prison, delicious little sexual freaks that he collects in all corners of hell. And he thinks you'll be the prettiest addition of them all. He will shower you with all his treasures; all of them.
Instead of a powerful flame like all the others, he breathes a neurotoxin. His saliva is also toxic. With sharp serpentine-like fangs, he can control the right dosage. Only four dragons of the seven have venom. Leviathan's venom paralyzes, Belphegor makes your body go numb and limp, Lucifer's saliva thins your blood; Asmodeus's venom is sweet to the tongue and heavily intoxicates. Making his victim nice and suggestible.
His lack of wings does not concern him in the slightest. Even if he could magically produce wings, he couldn't fly with them; it would only be for show. Who needs flying when you can have someone big and strong? Carry him... No King will ever volunteer.
Bonus lightning round with random demons :D
Sitri & Amy:
Lindwyrm and Drake They fight a lot sometimes they'll turn into their true form Sitri trying to strangle Amy. As he tries to bite and tear into his flesh. I see Amy as a Drake that will run at full speed before tackling full force into an enemy while Sitri rather wait for an ambush strike.
Tatzelwurm It's like a snake lindworm cat, It's an Alpine folklore animal but it looks very yokai like. His venom but also have the same alcoholic properties as Asmodeus, His flame is very weak He only uses it to light his Cigarette.
Hydra in his true form his emotions split into three heads.
Cockatrice I love him, bird lizard with his little crown. *Adds Fluffed up cockatrice trying to look scary here*
Fae Dragon, in my head he has a butterfly dragon trying to mimic a moth! Insects in the animal kingdom love their mimicry!
amphiphere You can pry this headcannon out of my cold dead hands. He would just look like Leviathan but with feathers and wings, and with more Sakura pink color. His wings are very soft so he flies silently.
Salamanders are a combination of drakes and lungs with multiple limbs. They have lots of limbs, and they are said to have fire capabilities. But this one seems to never use those combustible flames, instead soaking in the sun in a field of beautiful red roses.
Wyvern Zagan never uses his true form around you because he wants you to feel more comfortable with him. When he is in his true form he just stares at you like how a big dog stares at a little kitten before picking you up like- 'This small thing is mine now.'
I'm so stuck between Lung and Kirin AAA. Lung fits him more but I have yet to use Kirin... Maybe that one horse character from the new chapter can be a Kirin.
Human because it's funny, Lucifer and his tiny human baby. Whether he is a full-grown adult or a child is up to you. I just thought It'd be cute for a scary dragon to haul a small toddler around on his back.
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phantom-curve · 4 years ago
For your prompts: 5. trepverter for Willex, please?
this one kind of got away from me, but hopefully it still mostly captures the essence of the prompt! and if not, it's at least a cute little fluffy Willex moment that I thoroughly enjoyed writing. set in an AU where the boys are alive, here is some flustered Alex ft. supportive Reggie and Luke.
trepverter - a witty response or comeback you think of only after it's too late to use (Rated T for swearing with a Trigger Warning for mentions of homophobic parents)
They say hindsight is 20/20 but Alex never really paid much attention to that until the day he found himself knocked flat on his back, elbows scratched and head pounding as if he had been hit by a freight train instead of an irresponsible skateboarder. It probably didn’t help that he had been in the middle of trying to calm himself down, all the signs of an impending anxiety attack mounting within his system until he had finally just put his feet to the pavement and started walking to get some of the overwhelming energy worked out of his system. He probably could have been more attentive, more aware of exactly where he was going and who was headed his direction, but he figured it would be fine on a random Wednesday morning in October when the tourists weren’t really around and most kids his age were in school.
Alex wasn’t in school because his parents had withdrawn tuition payments after he had finally worked up the courage to tell them he wouldn’t be bringing a nice girl home because he didn’t want to date any girls, in fact he would much prefer to date some boys, but the pressure of keeping his identity a secret hadn’t made that possible either so he was done hiding and he hoped they could accept that. Turns out they couldn’t accept that, or him, once he made it obvious he wasn’t going to go back in the closet or give any girl the chance to “change his mind”. As if that was even possible.
It hadn’t been a big blowout, more of a silent retreat, his parents completely withdrawing any and all support from his life over the course of the last few months. And apparently that included tuition, as Alex had discovered that morning when the school called to inform him they had finished completing his withdrawal forms, and they would be sad to see him go. Which had led him to the boardwalk, and then directly into the path of whatever hooligan that had crashed into him. Maybe if he had just been able to keep his mouth shut for 3 more years he wouldn’t be lying here, breathless and bruised, and still on the cusp of absolutely losing it.
Hindsight, Alex thought to himself as he stared up at the clear blue LA sky, can absolutely kiss my ass.
“Awh, man!” A voice above him whined. “You dinged my board!”
Alex toppled off of the anxiety ledge and straight into an ocean of lost control.
“Dinged your board? Dinged your board!? Dude, you ran me over!”
He punctuated his statement by leaping to his feet, which would have probably been a lot more threatening if he didn’t immediately stagger, hand held to his head as the world spun and his stomach rolled.
“Oh shit.”
The voice cursed quietly, and then Alex felt warm hands against his biceps, steadying him until everything slowly came back into focus. There was a boy standing in front of him, black cracked helmet perched on his head, soft brown eyes staring at him with a tinge of concern and remorse. When it was clear Alex was steady once more, he released his grip and offered an easy-going smile.
“You’re right, man, I totally pancaked you. My bad, are you okay?”
There was a weird feeling in Alex’s gut. Not the kind of sickening wave of nausea he had experienced when he first stood, but more of a fluttery feeling. His brain had quieted somewhat, and he forced himself to take a deep breath.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just look where you’re going next time.”
His voice came out soft and almost breathy, not at all the warning tone he had meant to use, and Alex could feel his cheeks warming slightly in embarrassment. The other boy’s smile grew. He reached up and unclipped his helmet, lifting it off and then tossing his head back as a cascade of long brown hair tumbled out. A few stray pieces fell to rest alongside his face and Alex felt his mouth fall open slightly. His stomach swooped and then dropped completely, like he had just plummeted from a rollercoaster and his mind went blissfully blank. Everything narrowed down to the absolutely beautiful boy standing in front of him, face awash in golden morning light, cheeks flushed from his exertions, dimples and white teeth on full display as he grinned yet again. Alex wasn’t sure he had ever met someone so blindingly attractive in his entire life, and then the boy winked, winked!, and lifted a hand out towards him.
“I’m Willie.”
It was the best name Alex had ever heard of. When their palms met, a spark shot up his arm and straight to his heart.
Thank God he remembered how to talk, because he truly hadn’t known what to expect when he opened his mouth. Willie released his grip and Alex left his hand suspended for just a second before he pulled it back and shoved it into the pocket of his jean jacket.
“Nice to meet you, Alex. Listen, I really am sorry about knocking you over. Any chance I can make it up to you?”
It took Alex an uncomfortably long amount of time to process what Willie was asking. Long enough for him to panic and wonder if it was like a date or if it was like a pity thing or oh God what if Willie wasn’t even into guys and Alex was about to make this whole thing super weird and –
A chirping sound came from Willie’s pocket. His eyes flitted away from Alex’s to pull a phone out and check the screen. Alex felt a strange twist in his heart as he watched Willie’s easy smile fall only to be replaced by an annoyed grimace and eyeroll as he silenced the phone. Without skipping a beat, he thrust it back into his pocket and pulled out a sharpie instead. Alex barely had time to register how much he liked the way Willie’s hand felt on his forearm before the other boy was suddenly bent over it and there was a cool sensation sending goosebumps up his arm as the tip of the marker scratched across his skin. When Willie pulled back, that brilliant smile was back in place and his eyebrows were dancing so merrily Alex wanted nothing more than to watch them forever.
“I gotta go, but that’s my number. Text me sometime.”
And then, before Alex could work up the nerve to say anything, Willie was tossing his skateboard to the ground only to chase after it with a few bouncy steps before jumping onto the deck and quickly making his way down the boardwalk, away from Alex. He watched for longer than it was probably acceptable until Willie was nothing more than a speck in the distance. Only then did he look down to see the numbers sketched onto his forearm in orange ink.
(213) 555-3276 Willie<3
It was the heart that did him in. That heart had to mean something, right? It was intentional. Willie had written his name with a heart. Alex wasn’t making that up, it was inked onto his own arm! He studied it as he sat on the beach, mind silently replaying every single second of his short interaction with Willie over and over again while different groups of people came and went around him. There had to be a reason for the heart. Alex fiddled with the braided rainbow bracelet on his wrist, the motion familiar and soothing. Had Willie noticed it when he grabbed Alex’s arm to write his number on? Was the heart some kind of sign?
Alex let out a groan and fell back against the sand, the texture scratchy against the back of his head where a slight throbbing still persisted. Another silent reminder of his morning encounter. He wished he had thought to say something when Willie had asked him about making it up to him. Wished he hadn’t panicked or let his stupid brain go into overdrive worrying about what might happen for so long that nothing ended up happening. If he could go back, he would have told Willie, yeah, he could make it up to him. Maybe take him out to coffee or dinner and a movie or ya know, just any kind of date in general? But Alex wasn’t that smooth, and he wasn’t quite that confident yet. And now all he had was a number in orange ink and a name with a heart and absolutely no answers to the millions of questions crowding his brain.
He let out a deep sigh and sat up again, before finally climbing to his feet. It wouldn’t do to sit and worry, even if that was kind of his specialty. Luke had a girlfriend now. And Julie was incredible, and Luke was a disaster, so obviously the guy had to have some kind of game. Alex couldn’t quite believe it, but maybe he could give him an idea of what to do in this situation. Alex turned his feet towards the apartment the boys had been sharing since Luke turned 18 and left his parents’ house for good and started the long walk back to their shared home.
Luckily, both Luke and Reggie were home, which meant Alex had two sounding boards for his word vomit as he paced in front of where they were sat on the couch. Reggie was kind of like a puppy in the sense that all he had to do was exist and people flocked to him, so he also had more experience than Alex did when it came to figuring out someone’s true intentions after a first meeting. By the time he had finished giving the boys the run down, he was feeling like they might be able to put their collective braincell to use and figure out exactly what the best course of action would be here.
“Yeah, man, I got nothing.”
Alex groaned and Luke held up his hands defensively.
“Look, dude, just cause I’m dating Julie doesn’t mean I know how I pulled it off! I’m just hoping my luck holds out until I can convince her to marry me, okay?”
Reggie was nodding thoughtfully, so Alex held out hope that maybe he would have some words of wisdom.
“I mean, he sounds like he wanted to at least like...talk to you some more, right? Otherwise, he wouldn’t have given you his number. And the heart is promising!”
Alex let it soak in for a second. An idea struck him out of nowhere.
“What if I just text him and tell him he can make it up to me by going on a date?”
“Bold moves, dude. I like it”
Of course, Luke liked it. It was a very Luke-inspired move. But Alex didn’t quite have the same guts as Luke. He didn’t think he could really pull it off.
“Ugh, no. My anxiety would skyrocket the second I sent the text. I just wanna know what the heart means!”
“Why don’t you ask him that then?”
Alex didn’t like how Reggie was the voice of reason here. That was supposed to be his job.
“Because if I ask him that he’ll know I’ve been thinking about it all day.”
“You have been thinking about it all day.”
Alex finally reached his physical limit and stopped his pacing to fling his body onto the couch between Luke and Reggie, both boys catching different limbs and silently shifting to accompany his sudden presence.
“I don’t want him to know I’ve been thinking about it all day! That’s pathetic. Ugh, why didn’t I just say something in the moment!”
Reggie’s fingers were gentle against Alex’s scalp as he carded a hand through his hair reassuringly.
“It’s okay, Lex. You’ll think of something to say when the time is right. Release your worries to the wind and all that other junk, ya know? Just breathe.”
So, Alex breathed and tried to surrender his obsession into the ether. Reggie had been on a bit of a self-help kick lately, but honestly, it did help Alex more often than not, so he resolved to try and follow his best friend’s advice, even as his anxiety raged against the idea.
Turns out, the right time was exactly 11:43 pm when Alex suddenly awoke from a dead sleep where his dreams had been invaded by none other than Willie himself. He looked down at the number, the hastily scribbled name, and the accompanying heart bright against his pale skin even in the darkness of night and typed the message into his phone before he could think twice about it.
To: Willie<3 Considering you pancaked me, I think it’s only fair you make it up to me with a pancake breakfast. 9 am at Sandy’s Diner?
The responding message was almost instantaneous.
You’ve got yourself a date. Catch ya in the morning, pancake ;)
And for the second time that day, Willie wiped Alex’s mind completely blank, the word date playing on repeat until he fell asleep with his lips still curved into a smile, visions of a certain long-haired pretty boy dancing through his head.
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electrickoushi · 4 years ago
cold brews, warm hearts
a/n: hi hi! I apologize if there are any point of view inconsistencies. I wrote this for my friend and she wanted first person, but I changed it to second for tumblr. please enjoy! 
pairing: bokuto koutarou x reader tags: fluff, coffee shop au, holiday fun wc: 3.1k
It’s almost midnight on Christmas Eve, and you have quite the drive ahead of you. A large cup of coffee and quick run-in with a cute barista should be all you need before hitting the road again. Unfortunately, your car decides to stop working at the last second. Stranded in the middle of nowhere, you have no choice but to walk back into the coffee shop as you wait for help. 
You busted into the coffee shop, probably looking like a deranged maniac. Your hair was freshly uncombed and your glasses sat askew on your face. The nice aroma of coffee, tea, and baked goods hit your nose as you took a deep breath. 
The line was way too long considering that it was near midnight on Christmas Eve. If only your boss hadn’t kept you in meetings for hours on end, maybe then you wouldn’t have had to make the commute to your family’s house in the pitch dark. 
You searched the menu board for the drink with the most espresso possible. Only bitter coffee and loud music would get you through this long drive. 
The line eventually shifted, and you worked your way up to the counter. There were only two men working despite the crowd. One was responsible for the drinks and the other was responsible for taking orders. You couldn’t help but feel slightly bad for them as they worked hard on Christmas Eve. They should be home with their families or friends, enjoying their night. 
“Hi,” you said, making eye contact with the barista at the register. He had black and white hair that he had spiked up, probably by using a ridiculous amount of hair gel. His arms and chest were thick and muscular, two features that were further defined by his cute Christmas sweater. 
He offered a wide, friendly smile, golden eyes locked on yours, and asked for your order. His voice was husky, yet not a trace of bitterness or annoyance could be found. You glanced down to find that his name tag read Koutarou. 
You rattled off the name of the drink before impulsively adding another shot of espresso to it. Quickly marking it all down on the cup, he looked back up to you and asked for your name. 
“Y/n,” you replied with a soft smile. He deserved more than the small kindness, seeing as he was stuck with the late night shift on Christmas Eve. 
“That’s such a cute name! Okay, y/n. That’ll be $3.75. Cash or credit?” 
You handed him a five dollar bill, surprised that he complimented you so openly. He tapped a few things on the screen to unlock the cash drawer with a small ding. He made the change quickly and dropped it in your hand along with the receipt. 
The tip jar looked terribly empty, so you stuck the receipt in your pocket and dropped the rest of the change in the jar. It wasn’t much, but it was better than what other people had given them. 
“Thank you, and happy holidays!” Koutarou said, waving to you before turning back to take the next customer’s order. 
You waved back and joined the small crowd of people waiting for their drinks. 
Despite the amount of orders being placed, the other barista had no problem keeping up. He made multiple drinks at once, pouring the milk here, adding a mountain of whip cream there. Anyone could tell how skilled he was, which was likely why he decided to work on the drinks alone. He must have preferred it that way, to work in silence and channel all his focus into making drinks. 
You stood in line and watched Koutarou continue taking orders. Occasionally, he would warm a sandwich or hand someone a pastry, all while keeping up small talk if the other person was willing to. 
The last customer finished placing their order, leaving the barista with nothing to occupy his time. 
“Keiji, you need any help?” Koutarou asked, his voice warm and bright. 
Keiji had just finished what looked to be your drink and started preparing the drink that Koutarou had just rung up. He muttered a low “no” and continued mixing. Koutarou shrugged his shoulders, accustomed to his coworker’s behavior. 
While the last drink was mixing, Keiji slid your drink over to the counter and called out your name. You grabbed the cup and a straw, nodding your head in thanks and wishing him a “happy holidays.”  
You stabbed the straw into the drink and took a sip. The espresso was very bitter, yet the whip cream managed to balance it out. Out of reflex, you squeezed your eyes shut, opening them a few seconds later to find the cute cashier pointing at the cup that was just handed to you. 
Turning it over in your hand, you saw your name in black sharpie with a small star and snowman next to it. You looked back up at Koutarou who just smiled and winked at me. 
You smiled back and waved a goodbye, turning on your heel to leave. 
At this rate, you should be home by two a.m. at the latest. You still had three hours left in your drive, which is why this coffee was so necessary. 
You pulled out your phone and texted your mom to update her on your whereabouts. She responded almost immediately, telling you to drive safely and pull over if you ever felt too tired. You smiled at the warnings and stuffed your phone back into your coat pocket once replying with a “Will do” and a heart emoji. 
You stepped out into the cold and immediately wished you were back in the cozy warmth of the coffee shop. Running to your car, you dug your keys out of your pocket and unlocked it. You settled into your seat and closed the door after setting the cup of coffee down into the nearest cup holder. 
Sticking your keys into the engine, you expected the engine to roar and make the terrible noises it was making before. Instead, none of the lights came on, and you were stuck with an eerie silence. You repeatedly jammed the keys in and out, turning them more aggressively each time in hopes that your car would sputter to life on the next try. 
Unfortunately, no such thing happened, which meant that your car battery must have died. It died while you were alone in the middle of nowhere at midnight. Wonderful. 
You called your mom in a panicked state as you felt tears well up in your eyes. Of course, all she could do was offer support and advice. She informed you of the business card she had tucked in your glove box the first day you got your car. It had the number for car insurance and 24-hour roadside assistance on it. You thanked your mother and told her that you’d be home much later, so she didn’t have to wait for you. She insisted that she stay up, but knowing her, she would fall asleep in less than an hour. 
You hung up, turned on your phone flashlight, and rummaged through your glove box. The card must be here somewhere. The light caught the shiny coating, and you reached for it. You swiftly punched in the number and waited as it rang. 
Someone picked up on the other end, annoyed and unenthusiastic. Why couldn’t he be more like the barista? You thought to yourself as the phone operator asked you about your problem. 
He said that it would probably take about an hour since so many of their people had already been dispatched or allowed to go home. You groaned but thanked the grumpy man anyway, wishing him a safe and happy holiday. He grunted in response and hung up the phone. 
The car was getting colder by the second, so you grabbed your coffee, bag, and scarf before manually locking your car and heading back inside the shop. 
There weren’t too many people left since it was past midnight at this point. A stray customer sat at a table, but no one was in line to order anything. You could hear the sounds of equipment being washed, making you feel even more guilty for coming back in. These two men wanted to go home as well, and you didn’t want to be the cause of delay. 
The white-haired barista looked over when the small bell attached to the door rang, revealing your red nose and the sheepish look in your eyes. 
He recognized you from before and smiled again, despite the fact that it was almost closing hours. “Forget something?” He asked with a teasing grin. 
You shook your head and he frowned, probably wondering why you returned. He switched off the water and dried his hands off before walking out from behind the counter. 
You started talking before he could say anything. “This is embarrassing and I’m really sorry for coming back in, but my car battery died and I have to wait an hour for someone to come help me…” You fiddled with your scarf, looking around the shop. 
“It’s no problem!” he said. “The store is going to close in a few minutes, but we stay back anyways to clean and lock up. You can stay until your car is fixed if you want.” 
The last person got up and left, door shutting behind him and leaving you alone with the two men. 
You must have looked nervous because Koutarou took a few steps back. “I was going to let Keiji go home, but if it makes you more comfortable for him to be here with us, he would be okay with staying.” 
You assured him that it would be fine; Keiji deserved to go home. Koutarou also didn’t seem like the type to pull anything. 
“Do you need something else to drink?” he asked. 
The fire was still roaring and you took a seat in a booth near it, unwinding your scarf from your neck. You tugged your knees against your chest and leaned your head against the wall. “No thanks.” 
Koutarou nodded and returned to the back of the store to finish the end-of-shift tasks. Every so often he looked back up at you, making sure that you were okay. Keiji eventually finished up and left the shop with a quiet goodnight and a small wave. 
You pulled your phone out and turned your ringer on so you wouldn’t miss your call. It was pretty warm due to the fire, so you slipped your coat off. 
You killed time by bouncing between social media apps and games. It wasn’t long before you got sucked into a particular art account on Twitter. Their art was fantastic and their content seemed to be endless, so you just kept scrolling through their page. 
You felt a slight tap on your shoulder, pulling you back into reality. You looked up and were met with golden eyes. “Here, this was left over.” Koutarou set a napkin down on the table and placed a few small chocolates on it. 
He stood back up and wiped his hands on his apron. Towering over you, he eyed your smaller figure that was curled up in a ball. You must have looked sad or lonely because he put his hand on his hips and said, “Stand up. I have a surprise for you.”
Tilting your head in confusion, you set your phone down on the table nonetheless and watched him run to the back. He picked up his phone and pressed a few buttons to connect it to the coffee shop’s speakers. The Christmas music shut off and silence fell for a few seconds while he searched for a specific playlist. 
Suddenly, loud music blared over the speakers. You instantly recognized it as the old popular “Shut Up and Dance,” and you couldn’t help but grin. He popped his head over the division to find you slightly dancing to the music. 
He ran back out and started singing along. His voice wasn’t the best and it was super shaky as he jumped up and down, but it was such a cute sight to see. The man was extremely tall, yet he danced with the vigor of a small child. You swayed back and forth, thoroughly entertained by Koutarou’s massive, bouncing tiddies. 
When the chorus kicked in, he grabbed your hand and pulled you out to the floor to dance along with him. 
The song ended after a whirlwind of uncoordinated yet enthusiastic movements, leaving both of you breathless. Koutarou’s golden eyes shined as he looked at you. The song restarted, and he rushed over to turn it off. Soft Christmas music filled the shop once again. He came back with two cups of water and handed one to you. 
You chugged it down while he did the same. The cool water soothed your dry throat as you finished the glass in one gulp. The two of you headed back to the table you were previously at and sat down. 
Cute multicolored Christmas lights were strung along the walls, adding to the entire holiday ambiance of the place. The fire still crackled in the background, popping and sparking every once in a while. You stuck a chocolate in your mouth and beamed at the sweet flavor. 
You nudged one towards Koutarou. “Here, have one! They’re really good.” 
“I know! Keiji made them this afternoon. He’s really good at making the sweets and drinks.” 
Koutarou then told you all about his friendship with Keiji. Apparently, they had known each other since high school and started working here in the summers. You were surprised to find out that Koutarou was actually a year older than Keiji, considering how mature and reserved the black-haired boy seemed. He told you about how he played volleyball in high school with Keiji at the high school nearby, Fukurodani. He struggled to not use volleyball terms that would be too confusing, but sometimes his enthusiasm got the best of him as he started using a myriad of expressions and phrases that were lost upon you. 
In return, you told him about your adventure today and how your boss kept you overtime, leading to your late night drive. Koutarou asked about where you were spending your holiday, and you told him about how you moved out of town a while ago for your job. You mentioned how you rarely got a chance to visit your family nowadays, to which Koutarou made a sympathetic sound in response. 
Time flew by as you two chatted, and your phone eventually started buzzing. A random number popped up on the screen and you answered it, holding out a hand to tell Koutarou to stop talking. 
“I’m here to look at your car,” the man on the line, asking for confirmation for your car.
 “Hi, yes. I’ll be out there in a second.” You hung up the phone and put your coat on. Koutarou looked at you with wide eyes and a slight pout. 
You had to admit that you wouldn’t have minded staying a little bit longer, but the roadside assistance guy was probably waiting in the cold. Wanting to console him in some way, you asked for his phone number. He quickly tapped it into your phone and saved himself as “Koutarou :)” before you stood up. 
Koutarou waved you goodbye and watched you leave through the window. 
The cold air hit your face as you walked outside to meet the man who would help you. Only two other cars were parked outside, probably one of them belonging to the man and the other belonging to Koutarou. 
You awkwardly greeted each other before he popped the hood and hooked up his cables to your car. 
The lights in the coffee shop went out, leaving you only with the large floodlights stationed above. You heard the door swing shut and saw a large figure heading towards where you were standing. Koutarou’s white and black hair came into view as the fluorescent light beat down on it. 
“Hey, y/n! How’s the car coming?” Koutarou asked, walking up to the two of you. He wore a big bomber jacket that didn’t look too warm and a backpack on his shoulders. Despite his friendly words, he didn’t have the jovial look on his face that he had on all night with you. 
He gave a nod to the man working on the car after planting himself next to you. In the darkness, you realized just how large Koutarou was. If he really wanted to, he could take down most people in a few swings. 
You all shivered in the cold, watching your warm breaths cloud in front of your faces. You bounced up and down to keep warm, and every time you inhaled, you felt the cold air sting your lungs. An arm wrapped around your shoulders, and you looked up to see Koutarou’s eyes shining back down at you. He pulled you into his side, warmth building between both of you. 
Eventually, his large frame engulfed you in a full-on back hug. Your head rested against his chest while your hands were stuck in his pockets. 
Fifteen minutes later, your car sputtered to life. Koutarou promptly let go of you, and you immediately missed the warmth of his body. 
The roadside assistance man left with a short goodbye, getting in his car and driving away immediately. 
Left with just the two of you in the cold parking lot, Koutarou broke the brief silence. “Have a good night, and good luck with your drive!” 
He started walking away, but as a spur of the moment decision, you ran back up to him and stood on your tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek. “Thank you for staying with me,” you murmured as you wrapped your arms around his neck. “I’ll call you tomorrow, okay? I really enjoyed meeting you tonight.” 
Koutarou stood there in shock for a second before wrapping his arms around you again. You stayed in that position and giggled for a while until you pulled away. 
You hopped into your car and he waved goodbye, temporarily blinded by the headlights. You laughed as he dramatically staggered towards his ride. Once he reached the door, he gave you a quick thumbs up and a grin before climbing into his truck. 
You cranked the heat in your car, then backed out of the parking lot and turned onto the main road. Despite the initially cool air blowing from your vents, you found that you were still warm from Koutarou’s hug. You peeked into your rear view mirror and spotted his truck heading out the opposite end of the lot. A content smile found its way onto your lips at the idea of calling him tomorrow. Refocusing your gaze on the road, you settled into your seat and set your thoughts on Christmas with your family. 
(And perhaps a certain barista’s golden eyes and adorable smile as well.)
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desertdollranch · 5 years ago
Happy Birthday, Addy!
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The 9th of April is a special day for Addy. On the day the war finally ends, she decides that it’s finally just the right time to celebrate her birthday. 
Addy doesn’t know exactly what day she was born. “I was born in the spring. My momma know that much,” she says to her new friend, M’dear. She listens closely when M’dear suggests that Addy choose a special day, a near-perfect day, to be her birthday. 
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April 9th certainly is special, but it isn’t a perfect day. M’dear says, “I’ve told you I’ve been around a long time, and I never saw such a thing as a perfect day.” If it were perfect, Addy admits to herself, then her brother Sam and sister Esther would be by her side, celebrating with her. But she knows it’s the closest thing to perfect that she’ll ever see, at least until her family is reunited.
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Addy carries this banner and lantern into the streets to celebrate the end of the war. Now that it’s over, Addy has hope of reuniting with the rest of her family. She waves her banner high for everyone to see.
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I made Addy’s banner for her, based on the one from her retired collection. I cut a piece of canvas and hemmed it, then sewed a sleeve for the dowel. I used a fine-tipped Sharpie pen to write the text, and used a paper stencil of the heart to make sure that the stars were lined up cleanly. I went on to eBay to look at auctions of the original banner and get an up-close look at it, to make sure I got all the letters, numbers, and stars exactly right.
This banner is also seen on the front of her book, and in the interior vignette illustrations.
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For her lantern. I painted a piece of paper, folded the paper in half, cut slits on the fold, and then unfolded it and glued the edges together. I placed another paper cylinder inside, then made a strap by which it could hang from the dowel.
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After everyone finishes celebrating in the streets, all the residents of the boarding house come inside to eat cherry pie and ice cream. Even Sunny comes to the table to sing hello! Mrs. Golden pulls two cherry pies from the pie cabinet, and Poppa serves vanilla ice cream to everyone. A few weeks earlier, he found an old, damaged ice cream freezer and fixed it up just in time for this celebration. 
I made Addy’s ice cream freezer with a few very simple materials; you can see how I did it here. You can read how I made Sunny and his cage here.
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(If you’re wondering why there’s one slice and a whole pie, it’s because Mrs. Golden made two pies. Addy’s slice is what’s left over from the first one!)
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I made the cherry pie by rolling out a crust made of baking soda clay, and laying it in this mini aluminum pie tin. The top crust is also clay. The filling is red seed beads mixed with red paint and some cornstarch to give it thickness and to stick together. 
The slice of pie is painted clay. The scoop of ice cream is a ball of clay that I poured white paint on and let harden. Then I flecked it with black paint and placed it onto the slice. The pie server is a piece of aluminum pie tin that I cut into the shape and glued onto a piece of wooden dowel. 
After everyone is finished eating, M’dear has a gift waiting at the table for Addy.  
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It’s a painted tin with something special inside.
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This is a small mint tin that I painted. I found a listing for the original tin on eBay for an up-close look at the design, and replicated it as best as I could. I used acrylic paints and a tiny brush, then varnished the whole thing.
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There’s a note inside. 
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Underneath the note is a whole heap of benne candy, which M’dear always shares with Addy when Addy does her homework in M’dear’s room. Benne candy is a sweet brittle, made with hardened sugar and sesame seeds. 
I made these from clay that I rolled thin with a rolling pin, let dry, and then cracked into small pieces. For the seeds, I used the tip of a pin dipped in white paint and held it at an angle to make a seed shape. 
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M’dear has one final gift for Addy: two of Sunny’s feathers tied with a white ribbon, which Addy tucks into her snood. “Let these remind you to always let your spirit sing out,” M’dear says to her. 
“I will,” Addy promises. “I will.”
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rousseure · 6 years ago
☺ from hana~~~
HANA — FIRST L.A. FANSIGN reads the huge banner sprawled over the venue’s multiple locked doors, impressive queues already formed behind them. and as soon as she spots it, think stranded girl spotting a mirage, anna draws her vip pass from her tiny purse, which starts bouncing against her hip as she starts gamboling towards the entrance check, brandishing her golden ticket for two whole minutes of hana’s undivided attention. wait for me ~ wait for me ~ she feels her heart sing, feet hitting the ground hard like a puma’s thick paws, hair flowing back like a lion’s mane. the malfunction —the fall — isn’t as majestic though. it’s a special occasion, meeting a girl, her girl, it’s only natural she wore the highest heels she owned, but just as natural she trip flat on her face and palms, only to hear the guardian standing at the door chuckle at the distinct splat sound. 
she gets up, but she gets up pissed. considering the delicacy of her position, of her status here as a fangirl, probably looking lunatic already, she simply snatches the number the asshole laughing at the door hands her. a simple, plain, and boring ‘fuck you, man’ could cost her her first meeting with hana, so she keeps it in, turns the tiny scrap of paper to reveal her seat. ‘ oh, fuck me. number one? ’
everyone knows number one is the worst. you set the pace for the whole fanmeeting, everyone is so excited, listening and staring because it’s only been five minutes, plus you don’t even get to sit in the crowd and watch hana mess around and pose for the camera afterwards. now her palms are really starting to sting but, no time - oh god, oh no, she’s here. she’s on stage! the cheers rumble all the way from the back, a good balance of girls and guys, judging from the tone and the sheer power of their reply to the ‘hi!’, and ‘everyone, how are you?’ she gleefully throws to the crowd like a bouquet. even if her voice gets drowned out, anna’s just so happy to be so close to her for once. she’s shorter than she thought, but that’s it. if anything that makes her want to jump up on there and squeeze her even more. 
sadly, physical contact isn’t allowed. that’s fine, she came prepared with cool topics and a gold chain she probably shouldn’t have saved up for but if she can see her wear it even once it’ll be worth it. she feels the burn inside her hands again as she awkwardly walks to the single chair facing hana at the table, fingers stretching in and out to help blood flow. she slides her cd towards hana but not too much that it seems too intense, the way she’s sliding it, it’s just casual, it’s all casual. she retracts her arms, which settle on her lap. ‘ hi, what’s your name? ’ hana asks lightly. she has pretty slender hands and her fingers hold the big sharpie pen so daintily, too, not that she didn’t know, it’s just hard to concentrate on other things right now. ‘ i’m also anna, ’ she confesses proudly, ‘ a - n - n - a. ’ while she’s talking, hana starts autographing the page she’d stuck with a post-it and adds a smaller ‘to anna’ underneath in one fluid motion. she’s even good at calligraphy… ‘ thanks, ’ anna says while exhaling, reaching to get back the cd and also, finally daring to make eye contact. 
people call it the hana effect, when you finally look into her eyes. she’s ready for it. hana’s expression goes from smiley to frowny as soon as she raises her chin, and anna’s eyes lower to follow the motion going out of focus as it reaches her face. ‘ oh no, anna, your chin! ’
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‘ do we have a first aid kit close? ’ hana adds, looking back at a random manager. anna wants to say she’s fine, it’s just a scratch, that she really doesn’t have to give her a band-aid or anything like that but that’s when she gets it. it’s the hana effect: her fingertips gently angling anna’s head so she can look better at the wound - if you can even call it that - she turns to stone, to mush, to ice, to anything un-moving and unresponsive. the manager comes back swiftly with a small white container, hana’s hand leaves her skin for a minute while she picks up a medical wet-nap, or whatever they’re called. hana swipes the area thoroughly, then picks a q-tip and applies some ointment, and the final touch, she does her best to stick the band-aid level. jokes on her though, anna’s face is anything but symmetrical, at least compared to her. by that time fans have already started cheering and calling her cool. ‘ all done, ’ hana chuckles. 
anna stands up, then jolts a little, remembering the gold chain she meant to give her. knowing she’s running out of time, she just slides it over the table again, a quiet offering. this is nothing compared to the experience hana just gave her. nothing. ‘ it’s not weird if i keep the band-aid, right? ’ almost on cue, a manager yells NEXT! after which, hana simply, prettily waves goodbye at her. 
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shortgirlfics · 2 years ago
(not so) temporary tattoos
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listen to: new romantics by taylor swift, cool (your rainbow) by nmixx, and afterglow by taylor swift
genre: oneshot, drabble, fluff, romance
author’s note: 
hey! so i’m back...i got the inspiration for this story during class today, me and my friends were ‘working’ (not really lol) outside, and they all decided to draw a full sleeve of sharpie tattoos on my arm. it was super sunny and i thought...wait i could write about this. anyways, enjoy! (also, felix was a reccomended name by my friend...not the skz member, but he might be a little bit based off him...non stays, ignore this and move on, stays, let your imagination do what it wants, loves!)
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the scent of sharpie and the soft tingle of a pen tip on her skin woke halie from her gentle slumber. 
the sun had been overwhelmingly comforting, like a warm, golden sheet of love and light, and despite several minutes trying to force herself to stay awake to talk, she had found herself gently nodding off. it didn’t help that the ridiculously cute boy with her had been drawing all up her arm. the gentle strokes of the pen on her lightly suntanned skin had been all too much for her drowsy body, and after she’d told him that he could draw whatever he wanted, she’d fallen fast asleep. 
until now.
“i got kind of carried away, sorry…” felix smiled, putting the finishing touches on his drawing. halie shook her head and mumbled a tired “it’s fine.” before rolling onto her back, brushing her hair out of her eyes. she felt him continue, the pen pressing a little harder into one of the veins on her arm, sending a shiver down her spine.
“i’m done,” felix chuckled, placing the pen on the ground beside halie and gently tapping her on the cheek.
halie removed her other arm from where it had been shielding her face from the sun and sat up, rubbing her eyes. then she gasped.
she’d known he was a good artist; she’d realised that when their teacher had asked them to work in pairs to make an art project together. that had been in the beginning. before they’d really known each other. but this…this was something else.
he’d only used the black sharpie, but the swirls of pen looked dreamlike, floating up her arm and all the way down her wrist until they paused at her ring finger. vines, roses and flowers were entwined, joined by butterflies, dragonflies and bees, hovering around the blooms that encircled her wrist.
halie realised that while she’d fallen asleep in the afternoon sun to the gentle rhythm of the felt tip pressing into her skin, he’d been creating magic.
while halie examined her arm, felix’s eyes didn’t move from her face. on his lips sat the biggest smile, and the sun danced through his dark hair, creating shadows on his lightly sunburnt cheeks.
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“halie! oh my god, it’s been ages.” felix ran up to the girl, enveloping her in the tightest of hugs that reminded her painfully of days spent in the sun and warm, half-melted brownies.
“i know, i’m sorry lix, i’ve missed you so much.”
“don’t be sorry. you should be happy you got into art school! i just sometimes wish it was a little closer. like, maybe a little less than twenty-four hours would be nice.” he chuckled, gently stroking her hair from where she remained, head buried in his soft grey hoodie, breathing in his scent of musk sticks and shoyu ramen.
halie looked up at him, and he pressed a kiss onto the small freckle that sat just under her eye. “i wish you’d have come with me too, lix. you got into forest end art school, you could have come with me.”
“sometimes i wish i had too, but I’m happy where i am. i didn’t really want to leave here.” he paused, tucking his head on top of halie’s, “there were too many incomplete memories.”
“then i’ll come back.” halie released herself from his hug. “u can’t stay there, Felix, it doesn’t make me happy, even though i know it should. and i miss you too much. i can’t just leave you here and pretend that i’m fine.”
“you can’t do something that will impact your entire life just for me, halie.”
“yes i can. i already have.” halie replied stubbornly, and with a gentle tug, she pulled up the sleeve of her sage-green cardigan, revealing a sea of entwined vines, dotted with roses, bees, butterflies and leaves, with her forever like the memory of that afternoon.
and no more words needed to be said.
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ddaengjo · 6 years ago
White chocolate or dark chocolate? Favorite season? pens or pencils? graph paper, lined paper, or blank paper? Romance or crime drama? Pasta or pizza? Top three looks for each of your biases? Favorite song from each of the SKZ albums? (pick and choose ^^ )
OOOH fun fun FUN
white chocolate or dark chocolate: dark chocolate for the win, baby!
favorite season: winter, i love snow!
pens or pencils: pens. especially flowy gel pens and fine-tipped sakura micron pens or fine point sharpies.
graph paper, lined paper, or blank paper: blank paper!
romance or crime drama: give me a balance of both, like strong woman do bong soon!
pasta or pizza: please don’t make me choose AAAAA
top three looks for each of my biases:
hyunjin . . .  LITERALLY EVERYTHING FROM I AM WHO ERA WAS SUPERIOR OH MY GOD and i miss his silver hair too and his golden hair?? ugh i love her jyp you're doing great with my boys' styles yes sweetie we STAN.
hongjoong . . .  the og and the look i want to see again and post desperately about every day on twitter and quotev is his mixnine hair bc that red wine color and the style suited him so WELL ugh i loved that look BRING HER BACK KQ BRING HER BAAAACK!!!! and i also love his hairstyle from this era (say my name era) and treasure era omg i used to hate mullets but the joongmullet >>>>>>> everything else in the world honestly
younghoon . . .  literally all his hairstyles but i think my favorite has to be his look from keeper era bc he looked so SOFT and CUDDLY my heart just imploded oh man keeper era >>> all other looks oh my gosh sjdkjjdkd
yangyang . . .  we haven’t really seen many different looks on him but i really liked the one outfit from the wayv regular mv where he was wearing a suit and this really pretty silver earring? oh my god that was the prettiest thing and i just *hyperventilates aggressively* i loved every moment of it
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existentialkendall-blog · 8 years ago
Sharpie Soulmates (Soulmate AU)
Pairing: Kickthestickz Wordcount: 2.3k Rating: bad language, but nothing to cry about
Request/Prompt: Whatever you write on yourself appears on your soulmate but disappears from your skin. Pj is always covered in horrible pick up lines and crudely drawn dicks. While Chris is covered in doodles and gets an occasional 'fuck you' or 'you're a dick' on himself from pj. Eventually they meet when Chris writes 'I have a small dick' on his forehead and sees pj.
A/N: Request a fic here, click a like down there. This isn’t youtube people, you guys aren’t stupid enough to need to be told what to do
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At first, PJ doesn't notice the harsh black lines on his skin. Usually flecks of paint adorn his skin, and consumed with work, he doesn't spend a lot of time thinking about himself. It's always the next idea, the following project, the bigger picture. When it first happens he doesn't see it until it's almost faded. On his right ankle, the small crude pen drawing of a dick, moving whenever he flexed his foot. It's repulsive, and for the first few seconds he's confused. Then he grabs the closest sharpie, and traces the image hoping it will go away. Since it's on his skin, a replica over the top might send the drawing back to it's owner. It doesn't, and now he's marred someone else with pornography. He throws the pen down in frustration and licks his finger, rubbing at the spot. It doesn't do anything. When he's in the shower, some 8 minutes later, he has an epiphany of sorts. He's just made contact with his soulmate, and the first interaction they had was matching ankle dicks. PJ groans, head falling back against the shower wall in annoyance.
It's strange, but paint doesn't transfer or leave his skin. It's only pen, ink. So when he's painting a cardboard box white, because he found a stash of the boxes yesterday, he's almost disappointed that he can't stay clean. "Is this for a new video?" Jamie asks, bent over his shoulder and watching the paint transform the conventional brown to a clinical white. Could be an office, a space station, a hospital. Most of the time he sticks with the brown, but for some reason he was in the mood for painting a calming white. PJ nods, still thinking about a video idea, "Yeah. I've got something in mind." "Cool, let me know when you've figured everything out," PJ nods again, "Also... What the hell is that?" Alert due to the shift in Jamie's voice, he turns and looks at his friend confused, then his eyes trail down and he sees it. 'Stop, drop, and roll, baby. You are on fire' Written on his arm in chicken scratch font, thick because it'd been gone over several times with the pen. "I..." He trails off, "I. I think that is my soulmate."Jamie pats him on the back in congratulations. "Well done."As soon as Jamie's retreating back leaves the room PJ scribbles on his arm 'You're a real dick' It doesn't take long for the message to receive a reply, and when it does PJ's irritated groan is possibly louder than yesterdays. 'I do have a real dick! Did you like the preview I sent you yesterday? Judging from your eager response I'd say yes' He bites his lip while writing, lower down then before so the words flow like a conversation on the other persons skin, smiling because even though the person on the other end is annoying the crap out of him, his soulmate is a boy. A man. He's never been with a guy before, and it's exciting yet nerve wracking to know he will be. 'Oh so that was a scale copy? I'm so sorry that you didn't grow during puberty like the rest of us' PJ reads the next piece of writing, grinning even more, then goes back to painting. When Sophie asks him later why he has 'YOU HAVE A BIG COCK???' taking up three quarters of his forearm, he flushes a pretty pink and laughs awkwardly.
On the second day he nervously asks 'What's your name?' The pen flips restlessly in his hand, patting against his black jeaned thigh until the name appears on his other arm, because as PJ quickly learnt, the love of his eternity is left handed. 'Chris' Huh. Chris. With the pad of his index finger, he traces each letter tentatively. When he reaches the end he repeats the motion, hovering over the capital C that seems so much more magnetic than the other letters. 'And yours' PJ's eyes soften and his mouth turns up at the corners. Yours. His. Mine. And then he understands the question and uses his green fine liner to trace 'PJ' adding several layers of ink so it's bold and bright and him.
The problem is, PJ's a doodler. One trait that's been fluid since he was a child is that he loves to doodle. Especially on his skin. In fact, some of his best drawings were conceived that way during school; too tired to care about the subjects and too unprepared to bring extra paper. Skin was there for him when paper was not. He couldn't kick the habit when he entered University, and he sure as hell can't kick it now when he's a year in. Frequently he finds himself sitting with a pack of felt tipped Crayolas, or no name fineliners, drawing small, and large, designs on his left arm. For the past week it's been no different. What's annoying is he liked seeing the efforts of his creative process on his arm, wearing it like a tattoo, a badge of honour. But it disappears quickly, and he has to start again. Chris leaves him a critique one day running across the centre of his wrist. 'You're an incredible artist' It takes PJ by surprise. He's used to waking up and finding thickly inked penises on various locations on his body, or cheesy chat up lines that have PJ rolling his eyes but smiling fondly. Several of his favourites include; 'There are a lot of fish in the sea, but you’re the only one I’d like to mount' 'Oh no, I’m choking! I need mouth to mouth, quick!' 'I’m on top of things. Would you like to be one of them?' Needless to say, every written sentence and poorly thought out line, no matter how disturbing or rude, is both irritating and endearing.
That is, until the guy buys a six pack of sharpies. Beforehand it was ballpoint pens, stuff he was able to wash off easily. Not now. When he steps into the shower one morning, eyes blearily searching for the shampoo to wash the sleep out of his frenzied hair, he thinks everything is fine. There aren't any markings, and to be honest, that's a relief because they're a bitch to wash off every morning. It's when he's out of the shower and in front of the mirror, towelling down to get rid of the individual water droplets that trail down his chest, that he catches the black in the corner of his eye. 'My hand belongs here' PJ's jaw drops and he's stuck still for a few fleeting seconds. "What the fuck." It's on his neck. Not on a small scale, but like the Joker's writing, jagged and uneven. Backwards in the mirror, but PJ has magicked up enough mirror demons to read reversed. Almost blinded by rage and incredulousness, he's about to charge out of his tiny bathroom and write something way more offensive on his own body for Chris to have scar his skin for the days it takes for Sharpie to wash off. But then he spots 'Wanna go for a test drive?' on his hipbone as he's turning to leave. And then, 'Insert finger here' complete with an arrow pointing down to his asshole. It's almost illegible, how he managed to contort his body enough to scribble it on is beyond him. Amazed at Chris's audacity and carelessness he dashes out to his desk and plucks a bright blue permanent marker up. As he's writing a long list of complaints on his leg, and then rising up to his chest, he feels the similarities to writing film reviews on IMBd or letters of complaint that his parents used to do. Except, this is to the guy he's destined to be with, and he knows the complaining won't do jack shit to change his behaviour. ___
It's relatively peaceful for a while. PJ it still littered with pick up lines daily, the 'My bedroom has an interesting ceiling, I could take you on a guided tour' and the 'When are you expected back at Heaven?', and PJ still absently doodles on the curve of his wrist and palm of his hand, forgetting that Chris will see it until it's already sent. During this time he's been uploading more to YouTube. It's still in it's early stages, but he's grateful for the site because he's getting much more experience. Due to work, and YouTube, and constant creating, he hasn't really thought about meeting Chris. Although they're talked (if you can call it that) every day, they haven't discussed personal details, or their future together. Because if they're soulmates, they have to be together, there's no way they can be with anyone else.
PJ wakes up stupidly early, the sun hasn't fully risen yet and the sky is a dusty grey, illuminated by yellowing streetlights. He forces himself to get up, and leave the house before 6:00am. The train to London leaves at 7:00am, and he wants to get coffee from the station before the journey. He pulls on his favourite green sleeved t-shirt slowly, bones cracking at the movements, and when he slides his socks on the fading purple dick on the base of his foot makes his smirk. Fully dressed and he's in the bathroom, tiredly dragging a toothbrush and staring at the sink with half closed eyes. He's out for the whole day, all four of his 'team' are. It's both research for a short film they're making for his Uni course, and a golden opportunity to meet with some sponsors that might fund his next big personal project. Until. "FUCK!" PJ yells, toothbrush falling from his open hands and eyes wide. "No! No, no, no," He wets a flannel and starts rubbing at his forehead, shaking with anxious frustration. The pen won't come off. 'I've got a small dick' is going to be permanently tattooed on his face in all the colours of the rainbow for the entire day. He adds soap and tries again, heart pounding uncomfortably. He can't meet sponsors with that filth tainting him. "Chris, you fucking asshole, I'm going to fucking kill you," PJ mutters, giving up, leaving his skin a red mess. He shoves a beanie on, and leaves the house with a scowl firmly fixed onto his face. His travelling companions don't say a word, even though they heard his angry explosion of profanities earlier. They get to London and shoot some footage in Hyde Park, brown boots hitting grey pavement as the scenery begins to change and the crowds grow thicker. He's actually forgotten that he's mad at Chris, too busy laughing at the stupid faces his friends are pulling, and running along the grass for various nature sequences. After a few hours they stop, and decide to head to a café. It's a warm spring day, and he peels off his beanie to stop his head from overheating. From where he's stood in the queue, he can see his friends take the leather sofas at the end of the shop, claiming it for their group only. One persons order is fulfilled, one step forward, the queue gets smaller. He can feel his fringe sticking to his forehead and he wipes it aside, grimacing at the damp strands that he knows will be several shades darker then the rest of his hair. At first, he doesn't notice the guy staring at him next to the floor to ceiling windows. He's wearing a baby blue striped t-shirt, coupled with raised eyebrows and messy hair. On the high table next to him is an abandoned coffee, keeping warm under the beating sun from outside. He's still there when they leave, PJ's hat clutched between his fingers because it's too freakin hot to put it back on. His camera bag is slouched across his body, and he's grinning at something Sophie says, when a hand clamps his shoulder and he turns around. The stranger that had been watching him is gaping open mouthed at PJ's forehead. That's when he remembers what Chris wrote, and he's going to explain, he swears he is, but the guy is hot. His floppy brown hair is messy above green flecked hazel eyes, and his mouth is practically begging to be... put to use. "I can explain," He finally breathes out, making an effort to stop staring at the stranger. The guy quirks an eyebrow and crosses his arms, as if to say go ahead, I've got all day. "See, this thing, y'know-""Let me stop you right there," He smirks, interrupting PJ's garbled rambling. From his pocket he pulls out a thin marker and in sloped, disjointed text, writes something on his palm. Then he takes PJ's slender wrist in his hand, circling it with his fingers, and turns it around, his thumb drifting idly down his wrist and resting over PJ's pulse point.
you're PJ what's on your forehead is a work of art just like your face I'm fated to love you
"Do I get a hello kiss or do you not put out on the first date?" Chris smiles wide and his other hand, the one not sliding into his own palm and curling around his fingers so they entwine, is reaching around his waist. PJ blushes and manages a "Public," Before slipping out of his grasp. "Oh c'mon honey, it's gonna happen sometime," Chris whines, high pitched and strung out. PJ shakes his head, and walks away from Chris. He follows him, long legs catching up quickly. He throws an arm around PJ's shoulders casually and leans down, pressing a wet open mouthed kiss on the side of his cheek. "You and me Peej, we're gonna fuck away the world." PJ rolls his eyes, brain automatically lending the words dick, and you're a. But he rejects his instinct and goes for a muttered "You should feel so lucky." "Oh I will. Later." It's natural, seamless, right. Chris is his. He is Chris's.
Part 2 
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dr-whoopsie-daisy · 5 years ago
October Study Challenge
Sup guys, I just found this while scrolling through. So I'll hit the first 12 super light to catch up!
1. Me: I'm a 3rd year Optometry student, so in 1.5 years I'll be a doctor! OD specifically. In the USA Optometry is a doctoral program, I know it's not in most other countries so I figured I'd clear that up. Currently studying: Ocular Pathology III (retina), Pediatrics II (strabismis), Peds Lab II, Geriatrics, Contact Lens II, Glaucoma, and Essientials of Leadership (elective), while in clinic 12 hours a week. Goals? Catch up on studying for boards, get my 4th year rotations confirmed, continue to pass my classes.
2. TEA! Nearly every morning. Rough/long days need coffee at midday, but it makes me jittery so I try to avoid it.
3. Today's set up.
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Kinda boring but it gets the work done.
4. Doodles? In class when I'm bored and have my pro pen out. Otherwise, I type notes to future me who i studying for the exam like "you didn't pay attention here, rip!"
5. Favorite stationary: I'm left handed, so anything that doesn't major smear is GOLDEN to me. Foray Callisto 20 pc colored pens has worked well. So do Sharpie pens (no bleed through), but I write too hard and the tips bend. Composition books = no spirals or rings to work around. Graph paper is also very good. Or just plain computer paper for complete freedom™
6. Outside. I totes already have my photos of studying outside on here 👌
7. Morning routine. Alarm goes off at 6a.m., I'm out of bed between 6:05 and 6:15 depending on how rough studies went the night before. Water, daily vitamin, bathroom, make bed, change to school/clinic clothes, brush teeth/do hair, breakfast (Cheerios), TEA, feed dog, pack lunch, in my car and to school by 6:40 max. Ideal wake up is like 7:30 pls
8. Plan. I use google calendar to keep all my tests, assignment, clinic rotations organized. I use tumblr for weekend to-do lists. Sticky notes for long term things on my window.
9. Uhhhh I live for autumn and we JUST got our first cold snap #bless
10. Study music. I'm cheap and use YouTube mix playlists. George Ezra has gotten me through summer and till now. I switch up with classical and movie soundtracks. If I need soft: study jazz. If I need to stay awake: dad rock, electro-swing, and ragtime. (I've accepted who I am and my horrible taste, it's fine.)
11. Cold weather food: mom's chili. ANY potato soup, that's sooo good, yes.
12. Handwriting. I have only one type and it just deteriorates over the day and semester. If I need to write recommendations for a patient or communication to a pcp, I'll write slower and neater. Otherwise, I just interpret my scrawl later.
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payment-providers · 5 years ago
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The Sharpie's Indelible Mark On Commerce
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September is always a big month for the Sharpie. With back-to-school in full swing, Sharpies are popular favorites on supply lists nationwide. That means for the last several weeks, they’ve sat proudly on store shelves waiting for parents to put them into a shopping cart during the frantic shopping sprints that are the hallmark of the season.
At this point in September, though, with most kids back in school, the Sharpie’s annual time in the sun could be drawing to a close.
But as it turned out, 2019 is not a normal year.
“SharpieGate” has given the pen-slash-marker a whole new reason to shine.
The movement started last week when the president tweeted a warning about Hurricane Dorian and said that in addition to Florida, “South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia and Alabama will most likely be hit …”
As it turned out, Alabama was not on the list – so the NWS quickly tweeted a correction.
But on Wednesday (Sept. 4), weather reporters and Twitter users noticed that during a video of the president talking in front of an NWS map, it appeared as though someone had added a circle on the path of the storm track that included Alabama.
The tool of art? A Sharpie marker, of course – since its ink is indelible.
Who was holding that indelible tool became the question, and #SharpieGate was born.
Our goal, though, is not to get in the middle of the “SharpieGate whodunit,” but to explain the story of Sharpie and its interesting, if not more checkered, commerce history.
Everything You Ever Needed to Know About the Sharpie
The Sharpie has been around since 1964, when it was introduced to the world as a brand name for the permanent marker brought to market by Sanford Ink Company. And, as five generations of parents can attest, the Sharpie has always lived up to its promise. If your child colors a wall with one of them, you’re going to have to repaint it, because it is never, ever washing off.
But it was also a unique product, as the first pen-style permanent marker ever on the market. Even in its earlier days, it attracted celebrity endorsement: Johnny Carson was an early fan. Incidentally, he wasn’t paid – he just really liked Sharpies.
And though Sharpie rolled out various improvements in the 1970s and 1980s – the fine-tipped Sharpie, the extra-fine-tip Sharpie – but it wasn’t until its parent firm was acquired by the Newell Companies (later Newell Brands) in the 1990s that the product’s golden era began in earnest.
Pushed indirectly, by the internet. Sites like eBay (and eventually a host of imitators) pushed the sale of memorabilia to a whole new level. Collectors like to have their goods signed whenever possible, which left them in the market for something with a pen tip that could write on just about everything with virtually indelible ink. Sharpie also began to drastically scale up its marketing efforts, particularly by sponsoring athletes in the NFL and PGA – and athletes began boosting Sharpie because it was so easy to sign things with.
By the year 2002, there were over 200 million Sharpies on the loose in the United States – enough for approximately every American household to have two. President Trump is not even the first occupant of the Oval Office to be a major fan: former President George W. Bush would sign top government documents with them, and also had markers specially made with his name printed on them for both the White House and Camp David.
“Sharpies are good for the president of the United States or the president of the PTA,” Howard Heckes, president of Sanford Brands of North America, reportedly once commented.
Sharpies, in fact, are so popular and beloved among consumers that they have even caught the eye of scammers.
Two years ago, rumors of a Sharpie giveaway celebrating the “12th anniversary” of the product made the rounds on Facebook. The scam required users to share the link with their friends and user groups and to like a Sharpie Facebook page. In return, Facebookers were promised a set of Sharpies in 24 colors.
As of 2016, Sharpie was far older than 12 years and was not in any way connected to the scheme – it was just another spammy Facebook campaign designed to harvest user data from innocent marker enthusiasts. Of which, notably, there are many – over 100,000 people had shared the post when Sharpie officially announced on their website and social media streams that they had nothing to do with it.
An Unexpected Retail Boost 
With back-to-school season behind us, one might reasonably expect that Sharpie is about to take a step back out of the spotlight. But instead, it seems an entirely new commerce life is opening up for the popular markers – or at least an analog of them.
As the week ended, President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign announced it has added Trump-branded permanent markers to its web store.
“Buy the official Trump marker, which is different than every other marker on the market, because this one has the special ability to drive @CNN and the rest of the fake news crazy!” Campaign Manager Brad Parscale tweeted.
Will it be a runaway commerce hit? Stranger things have happened in the world of election schwag – after all, we never would have predicted that red trucker hats would become the go-to standard for politically inspired fashion, so we can’t pretend to have special insight.
But the Sharpie is a beloved American institution. Customers have had fistfights in the aisles of Office Depot over it. Winning the presidency is one thing, but offering a retail competitor to the Sharpie is quite another.
Latest Insights: 
The August 2019 Next-Gen Sales Tax Tracker examines the complicated and evolving eCommerce sales tax landscape, the impact of the laws placed upon online marketplaces and sellers and the latest solutions designed to smooth out compliance frictions.
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ecotone99 · 5 years ago
[SF] A Cup of Coffee at the End of the World
The bandit with the crowbar charged at me. I cocked my shotgun and blew him to bits. His crowbar fell to the floor with a loud metal clatter.
“Poor bastard. Just wanted to rob me,” I remarked, grabbing the crowbar from the blood-stained tiles. I shoved it into my bag and walked through the checkout area. The checkout counters were mostly scrapped, with only useless junk left.
“Now, which aisle has the instant coffee?” I asked myself. I looked up at the signs hanging from the ceiling. Some had fallen, but most had been stolen for scrap metal. “Let’s hope it's aisle 4.” I cautiously strode over to the aisle.
I turned the corner and saw no more bandits. “Must have just been him,” I mumbled. I scanned the shelves for instant coffee. I spotted the bright red canister and snatched it off the shelf. “Now, toilet paper and rubber hoses.” I heard gunshots as I turned the corner. I dove down to the ground and looked for cover. I saw a car somebody had driven through the wall of the Target. I cowered behind it. The gunshots got louder. A gruff, deep voice yelled. I heard a gun clip clatter on the ground. I decided to take my chance. I stood up and saw a metal sign hanging from the ceiling above a large man holding an assault rifle. I blasted my shotgun at the chains holding the sign above him.
The chains snapped, crushing him under the sign. He screamed in pain as I booked it out of the store. I sprinted around the building and made a break for the parking lot. I saw my RV right in front of me and ran as fast as I could. I just barely made it into the RV. I locked the metal door. I dropped my gun and bag, then I flopped onto my bed. “Computer, how much water is left in the main tank?” I asked.
“Estimated amount: ten gallons. Activate the rain collector?” the voice of the computer said. “Sure,” I answered. I heard the rooftop motors whir as they extended the rain collector.
“Warning. Heavily armed entity approaching rear,” the computer said. “Oh, shit,” I said. I scrambled to get to the cabin. I sat down and pounded my foot into the gas pedal. My tires screeched as I shot out of the parking lot.
“Just gotta lose ‘em on the highway,” I said. I weaved in and out of cars and debris of ruined buildings. Suddenly, a black van pulled out in front of me with a turret fixed on top. I rammed into it with my RV, violently shaking my entire car. I heard things falling from my cabinets. “Great. More things to pick up,” I grumbled.
The turret blasted the side of my RV as I swerved onto the highway exit. I felt it tip to the other side. “Warning. Extreme damage to right side. Wall is in critical condition,” the computer said. The turret almost tore through the wall as I pulled my steering wheel as hard as I could to the left. I broke through a metal fence and landed hard on the highway.
“Warning. Suspension is in critical condition. Repair immediately!” the computer shouted. I didn’t hear any turret fire and continued for a while before my RV sputtered, then abruptly stopped. “Piece of shit!” I slammed my fists onto the wheel, causing it to honk loudly. I stood up and looked behind me. The wall was smoking, and pieces of it were strewn across the RV.
“I hope I have enough scrap metal to fix that.” I unlocked my door and assessed the damage from the outside. “Looks like autocannon damage. How did they get an autocannon on top of their fucking van?” I crouched down and pulled open the cargo hold.
I grabbed my toolkit and pieces of sheet metal and started working. After a couple hours, I had patched the hole. “Looks serviceable.” I went inside and put on a pot of hot water and started cleaning up the kitchen. The kettle hissed when it finished and I poured myself a cup of instant coffee. I took a sip of the bitter brown liquid and sighed. “Fucking apocalypse just had to go and ruin everything.” The sunset cast orange light over the ruined cars and corpses lying on the highway. I shut my blinds and locked my door. “Good night, Computer,” I said, lying under my blankets.
“Good night, Eric,” it responded. I turned off the lights, and drifted off to sleep.
The sun shone its golden rays on my face, with the unfortunate side effect of waking me up. I stretched my arms out and yawned.
“What time is it?” I asked my computer. “6:15 am, central time,” it answered. “Fine. I’ll wake up.” I stood up from my bed and shambled into my bathroom. I turned on the cold water faucet and stared into the mirror. I saw the dirt on my cheeks, my filthy brown hair falling over my face. “God, I need to take a shower,,” I whispered to myself.
“If you wish to take a shower, I suggest not wasting so much water,” the computer said. It shut the faucet off. “You snarky piece of shit. Should’ve never gotten the advanced personality package,” I responded.
“Noted,” the computer said calmly.
I changed my clothes and wrangled my hair into an acceptable form. I went outside and opened the storage bay. I pulled out a poker table and some folding chairs. I also grabbed a Sharpie and some cardboard. I put down the table and the chairs and went back inside the RV. “Computer, open the sun tarp.” I asked. “Opening sun tarp,” it replied. The motor buzzed as it extended the sun tarp over the table and chairs. I opened my window overlooking my setup and attached my sign to the side of the RV.
“There we go. Eric’s Cafe. I wanted to set it up further down the road, but if my suspension is fried, I guess I’m stuck here.” I put on a pot of coffee and heated up some donuts. After a couple minutes, I saw a man wearing a tan coat walking down the road with a red wagon behind him.
I walked outside with a sun visor on, holding a mug of coffee. He walked up to me and set his cart against my RV. It seemed to have something covered with a blanket in the back.
“Hello, and welcome to Eric’s Cafe!” I said to him. He stared at me. He was wearing a plaid shirt and dirty pants. He appeared to be incredibly tired and his eyes were red.
“Um..hello?” he asked.
“Hi! I’m Eric. Can I interest you in a cup of coffee?” I asked him.
“I..guess,” he responded sadly. He sat down and I handed him a cup. He started drinking and I grabbed a donut. He finished his cup, and wiped his mouth with his arm. He looked blankly at the table. He pulled his head back up.
“So, how much are you going to charge me?” he asked.
“Nothing. It’s free.”
“Bullshit. Everything’s got a price.” He looked angry.
“It doesn’t cost anything,” I repeated, putting my hands up. “It’s free.” He calmed down and put his head in his hands.
“I-I’m sorry. I’m not doing so well right now,” he said. I walked over to the wagon and pulled back the blanket a bit. It was a corpse.
“Oh my god. What happened?” I turned to ask him.
“I was the only one that made it. My wife got killed by raiders. My daughter...just didn’t make it,” he said. He put his head down on the table and started crying. I put my arm around him.
“Hey now, it’s ok. You’re here now. You’re safe.” I tried to comfort him.
“I’m safe for now. They aren’t. And they’ll never be. They’ll never be…” he kept repeating.
He sat silent for what felt like forever. I didn’t know what to say. After a while, he stood up and grabbed his wagon. “Come with me,” he said. We walked to a patch of dirt next to the road. He grabbed a shovel from the wagon and began digging. He dug a shallow hole and pulled the blanket off the wagon. A young girl’s body was in the wagon. He picked her up, and slowly put it in the hole. He stood up and wiped tears from his eyes.
“Do..you have anything to say?” I asked him. He looked at her body.
“You weren’t ready. Nobody was,” he said. “God rest her soul.” He shoveled dirt into the hole, slowly covering her body. He pulled two pieces of wood from his wagon and stuck one in the ground and attached the other to form a cross. He silently prayed. I’ve never been much for religion, but I prayed with him.
We walked back to the RV and sat down on the table outside. We sat without words for several minutes. “Do you need a shower?” I asked him. “Yes. I..would like that,” he said.
I brought him in and sat his wagon down in my workshop. I heard him turn the shower on and shut the bathroom door. I began attaching a storage box to his wagon. By the time he finished his shower, I was done adding the box. He walked into the workshop.
“After all you’ve been through, you’re gonna need something for the road,” I said, wiping the sweat from my brow. He hugged me and grabbed the wagon. “Thanks, Eric,” he said. I followed him as he left the RV and watched him walk into the horizon. I heard a motorcycle behind me. A woman with two small children was weaving through the cars slowly. I approached her.
“I’m Eric. Welcome to my cafe."
submitted by /u/Lord_of_Stars [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/3d1g7rq
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fitnessexpert00-blog · 6 years ago
29 Easter Egg Decorating Ideas Anyone Can Make | DIY Projects
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29 Easter Egg Decorating Ideas Anyone Can Make | DIY Projects
Looking for Easter egg decorating notions? You’ll be excited to work on these wonderful egg crafts ready for the hunt.
RELATED: Cool DIY Easter Crafts Ideas
In this article :P TAGENDEaster Egg Design ArtShaving Cream Easter EggsEaster Egg PinataPaper Napkin Decorated Easter EggsSparkling Easter EggsMelted Crayon Easter EggsPapier Mache Book Page EggsSharpie Tie-Dyed Easter EggTattoo EggsHow to Blow Out EggsDisney EggsDIY Speckled EggsSharpie Bunny EggsDIY Washi Tape Easter EggsWatercolor Butterfly Easter EggsChalk Paint Easter EggsGlittered Easter EggsSprinkle Easter EggsMinion EggsMarbleized Easter EggsSequined Easter EggsEgg Dyeing TipsEaster Egg Animal ParadePolymer Clay Easter EggsPressed Flower Easter EggsPolka Dot Easter EggsGolden Marbled EggsPhoto Print Easter EggGlowing EggsBaker’s Twine Easter EggsEgg Decorating Ideas to Welcome Easter! Easter Egg Design Art
Easter is almost here! I merely love the pastel colours and Easter crafts and decorations all around.
I remember how we used to celebrate Easter when we were little. We’d go to egg hunts and even get to decorate eggs any style we want!
Now that I have kids myself, I want to share with them the joy of going on an Easter egg hunt and decorating Easter eggs. So, I’ve compiled new and fresh Easter egg decorating ideas anyone can build!
1. Shaving Cream Easter Eggs
| Have fun mixing colors while building these Easter eggs with shaving cream. It’s as simple as blending different liquid food colors in a bowl filled with shaving cream.
Try not to make a mess!
2. Easter Egg Pinata
| This egg decorating notion is explosive! Quite literally.
We’re so used to the idea of cracking eggs, so why not just take it to a whole new level and make an Easter egg pinata? All you need are some Kraft paper, flour, water, a string, and of course, for mischievous fun — a balloon!
3. Paper Napkin Decorated Easter Eggs
| If you can’t paint, fake it. Paper napkin decorated eggs are one of the coolest Easter egg designs on paper I’ve ever encountered.
There’s apparently a way to publish the design of your handkerchief onto your eggs.
The secret? Egg white! It was right there all along!
4. Sparkling Easter Eggs
| Going for a sparkly looking this Easter? Get some glue, a bunch of glitters, and bedazzle your Easter eggs!
Who says pastel has to be dull and simple?
5. Melted Crayon Easter Eggs
| Easter egg decorating ideas can induce your eggs look like an entire box of crayons! It’s as easy as it sounds.
All you need to do is use crayons to draw on your egg. The trick is in the way you simmer your eggs.
Make sure they’re still a little bit hot as you draw on them so the crayons melt as you doodle away.
6. Papier Mache Book Page Eggs
| If you don’t want to use real eggs, make them yourself ! Although we’re is speaking to egg decorating notions, there’s always room for running a little bit further and making the egg itself.
Basic knowledge of decoupage is all you need.
7. Sharpie Tie-Dyed Easter Egg
| More fun egg decorating notions with Sharpies! Use every Sharpie color you could possibly use and draw on your eggs.
Once you’re done, use a medicine dropper to drizzle the eggs with rubbing alcohol. The results are these eye-catching Sharpie tie-dyed Easter eggs!
8. Tattoo Eggs
| This egg decorating notion is only ingenious. Instead of putting temporary tattoos on your arm, put them on your Easter eggs.
No new complicated steps required! It’s as easy as 1-2-3.
9. How to Blow Out Eggs
| If you want hollow eggs, then this should be a part of your hunt for egg decorating ideas.
Blowing out an egg is pretty easy. Just use a hand drill to punch a pit in the egg and a newborn aspirator to blow out its contents.
Now you’re free to decorate them any style you want!
1 0. Disney Eggs
| Of course, there are egg decorating notions where our favorite Disney characters are included. Look for temporary Disney tattoos and a damp sponge.
Voila! You’ve got not just regular Easter eggs, but Disney Easter eggs!
1 1. DIY Speckled Eggs
| Who knew coating plastic eggs with some paint would yield fantastic results? These DIY speckled eggs are truly only that easy to make.
If you want to try something simple this Easter, this is the egg decorating idea for you!
1 2. Sharpie Bunny Eggs
| You can do almost anything with Sharpies. Construct a bunny pattern, describe some dots around it, and voila!
Your very own Sharpie bunny egg! This must be the Easter bunny’s favorite egg decorating idea.
1 3. DIY Washi Tape Easter Eggs
| Another great craft project you are able to attain with washi tape is washi tape Easter eggs! Simply get your favorite washi videotape patterns and cut them into different sizes.
Get creative with your design combining. That’s all there is to it, really.
1 4. Watercolor Butterfly Easter Eggs
| If you love butterflies, then you’re in for a treat. Make these adorable watercolor butterfly Easter eggs this Easter!
It’s one of those egg decorating notions which need a lot of patience and focus. Watercolor is a tricky medium, but it’s worth it.
1 5. Chalk Paint Easter Eggs |
If you still have some leftover chalk paint from other craft projects, you can use them for egg decorating ideas. Simply paint the eggs black and let them dry.
Now use a chalk to draw on your chalk paint Easter eggs. Be as imaginative as you can be!
RELATED: 15 DIY Easter Basket Ideas That Will Have You Hoppin’
1 6. Glittered Easter Eggs
| Making glittered eggs will make Easter egg hunting a bit easier, but a lot more fun. Stumbling upon glittered eggs is like detecting a trove of gleaming real treasures.
It’s as easy as submerging your eggs in glue and then in glitter.
1 7. Sprinkle Easter Eggs
| With this egg decorating idea, you’ll realise there’s a fine line between pastries and egg decorating. Who says sprinkles merely go on doughnuts and ice cream?
Your sprinkle Easter eggs will also devote Easter egg hunters a sweet pleasure!
1 8. Minion Eggs
| Easter won’t be complete without these cute amber creatures. For Minion eggs, you’ll need blue and yellow plastic eggs, electric videotape, and a sharpie.
Recreating these loved characters is very simple.
1 9. Marbleized Easter Eggs
| Remember that post we did on how to marbleize a bowl? Did you know you can use the same technique to generate your marbleized Easter eggs?
It’s as easy as making marbleized patterns by swirling nail polish around a bowl of cold water!
2 0. Sequined Easter Eggs
| Among these eggs decorating ideas, these sequined Easter eggs are probably the most fashionable. If you like your sequins to follow a pattern, all you need to do is re-create this idea with a straight pin.
2 1. Egg Dyeing Tips
| Since a majority of our egg decorating notions relies on dyeing abilities, this infographic is a must-read. It will give you all the basic knowledge you need to know to become the master of Easter egg decorating.
2 2. Easter Egg Animal Parade
| Rabbits aren’t the only superstars of Easter. Make an animal procession and entertain the kids with one of the most innovative egg decorating ideas.
Blow out the egg, paint on them, and stuff them with animal capsules. Easy as 1-2-3!
2 3. Polymer Clay Easter Eggs
| If you don’t want to use real eggs this Easter, try making these polymer clay Easter eggs. Molding your clay is a bit tricky but this guide shows you how to get onto right.
2 4. Pressed Flower Easter Eggs
| Pressed flower art is really great for a lot of craft projects, and particularly for egg decorating notions. Before trying this idea out, you might want to check out our guide on pressing flowers.
If you’re confident about your abilities, then go right ahead and induce these pressed flowers Easter eggs!
2 5. Polka Dot Easter Eggs
| First time to decorate eggs for Easter? You can’t go wrong with the classic polka dot Easter eggs.
All you need are your favorite pastel tints of paint and the traditional white paint. They appear so soft and ethereal!
2 6. Golden Marbled Eggs
| This might just be the most opulent egg decorating idea out there. Paint your Easter eggs the traditional route, but this time: use sheets of gold foliage afterward.
Just be careful because they’re very fragile. Golden marbled eggs may look luxurious but they’re really easy to stimulate!
2 7. Photo Print Easter Egg
| Wouldn’t “its been” fun if the egg hunt was about looking for a family member’s face? Take photos of their own families or friends and turn them into these photo print easter egg.
Tape tissue onto some photo paper and print your paintings on it. Use Modge Podge to put the printouts on the eggs!
2 8. Glowing Eggs
| I just want to verify these glowing eggs are not from outer space activities. But your hunting will be out of this world with this great egg decorating idea!
The secret? fluorescent paint, of course!
2 9. Baker’s Twine Easter Eggs
| Egg decorating notions are possible with some wood too. If you manage to find some wooden eggs, find some baker’s twine and construct these one-of-a-kind Easter eggs.
Be creative with your colouring combinations.
Watch this video from Brooklyn and Bailey for more egg decorating notions :P TAGEND
Celebrating Easter is about celebrating life, and this is what your egg decorating notions should reflect. The more lively, colorful, and creative your Easter eggs are, the more spirited and exciting the hunt is.
I’m sure with these eggs decorating ideas, some adults will also be seduced to join the fun. Why not?
Celebrating life and rebirth are for all ages! No matter whom you or where you come from, the meaning of Easter resonates clearly and beautifully.
Which of these egg decorating ideas is perfect for your garden? Let us know in the comments segment below!
UP NEXT :P TAGEND12 Inventive Easter Egg Hunt Ideas Kids Will Love26 Easter Desserts Recipes to Make this Year | DIY Project26 Cool DIY Project For Teens Bedroom
Stay connected with us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram!
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in March 2016 and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
The post 29 Easter Egg Decorating Ideas Anyone Can Make | DIY Projects appeared first on DIY Projects Craft Ideas& How To’s for Home Decor with Videos.
Read more: diyprojects.com
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healthyeating43-blog · 6 years ago
29 Easter Egg Decorating Ideas Anyone Can Make | DIY Projects
New Post has been published on https://dietguideto.com/awesome/29-easter-egg-decorating-ideas-anyone-can-make-diy-projects/
29 Easter Egg Decorating Ideas Anyone Can Make | DIY Projects
Looking for Easter egg decorating notions? You’ll be excited to work on these wonderful egg crafts ready for the hunt.
RELATED: Cool DIY Easter Crafts Ideas
In this article :P TAGENDEaster Egg Design ArtShaving Cream Easter EggsEaster Egg PinataPaper Napkin Decorated Easter EggsSparkling Easter EggsMelted Crayon Easter EggsPapier Mache Book Page EggsSharpie Tie-Dyed Easter EggTattoo EggsHow to Blow Out EggsDisney EggsDIY Speckled EggsSharpie Bunny EggsDIY Washi Tape Easter EggsWatercolor Butterfly Easter EggsChalk Paint Easter EggsGlittered Easter EggsSprinkle Easter EggsMinion EggsMarbleized Easter EggsSequined Easter EggsEgg Dyeing TipsEaster Egg Animal ParadePolymer Clay Easter EggsPressed Flower Easter EggsPolka Dot Easter EggsGolden Marbled EggsPhoto Print Easter EggGlowing EggsBaker’s Twine Easter EggsEgg Decorating Ideas to Welcome Easter! Easter Egg Design Art
Easter is almost here! I only love the pastel colourings and Easter crafts and adornments all around.
I remember how we used to celebrate Easter when we were little. We’d go to egg huntings and even get to decorate eggs any way we want!
Now that I have kids myself, I want to share with them the elation of going on an Easter egg hunting and decorating Easter eggs. So, I’ve compiled new and fresh Easter egg decorating notions everyone can attain!
1. Shaving Cream Easter Eggs
| Have fun mixing colorings while building these Easter eggs with shaving cream. It’s as easy as combining different liquid food colors in a bowl filled with shaving cream.
Try not to make a mess!
2. Easter Egg Pinata
| This egg decorating idea is explosive! Quite literally.
We’re so used to the idea of cracking eggs, so why not just take it to a whole new level and make an Easter egg pinata? All you need are some Kraft paper, flour, water, a string, and of course, for mischievous fun — a balloon!
3. Paper Napkin Decorated Easter Eggs
| If you can’t paint, fake it. Paper napkin decorated eggs are one of the coolest Easter egg designs on paper I’ve ever encountered.
There’s apparently a route to print the design of your handkerchief onto your eggs.
The secret? Egg white! It was right there all along!
4. Sparkling Easter Eggs
| Going for a sparkly seem this Easter? Get some glue, a bunch of glistens, and bedazzle your Easter eggs!
Who says pastel has to be dull and simple?
5. Melted Crayon Easter Eggs
| Easter egg decorating notions can stimulate your eggs look like an entire box of crayons! It’s as easy as it sounds.
All you need to do is use crayons to draw on your egg. The trick is in the way you boil your eggs.
Make sure they’re still a little bit hot as you draw on them so the crayons melt as you doodle away.
6. Papier Mache Book Page Eggs
| If you don’t want to use real eggs, make them yourself ! Although we’re is speaking to egg decorating notions, there’s always room for going a little bit further and building the egg itself.
Basic knowledge of decoupage is all you need.
7. Sharpie Tie-Dyed Easter Egg
| More fun egg decorating ideas with Sharpies! Use every Sharpie color you could possibly use and draw on your eggs.
Once you’re done, use a medication dropper to drizzle the eggs with rubbing alcohol. The results are these eye-catching Sharpie tie-dyed Easter eggs!
8. Tattoo Eggs
| This egg decorating idea is merely ingenious. Instead of putting temporary tattoos on your arm, put them on your Easter eggs.
No new complicated steps necessitated! It’s as easy as 1-2-3.
9. How to Blow Out Eggs
| If you want hollow eggs, then this should be a part of your hunt for egg decorating ideas.
Blowing out an egg is pretty easy. Just use a hand drill to punch a pit in the egg and a baby aspirator to blow out its contents.
Now you’re free to decorate them any route you want!
1 0. Disney Eggs
| Of course, there are egg decorating notions where our favorite Disney characters are included. Seem for temporary Disney tattoos and a damp sponge.
Voila! You’ve got not just regular Easter eggs, but Disney Easter eggs!
1 1. DIY Speckled Eggs
| Who knew coating plastic eggs with some paint would yield fantastic outcomes? These DIY speckled eggs are genuinely only that easy to make.
If you want to try something simple this Easter, this is the egg decorating idea for you!
1 2. Sharpie Bunny Eggs
| You can do almost anything with Sharpies. Attain a bunny pattern, depict some dots around it, and voila!
Your very own Sharpie bunny egg! This must be the Easter bunny’s favorite egg decorating idea.
1 3. DIY Washi Tape Easter Eggs
| Another great craft project you are able to build with washi videotape is washi tape Easter eggs! Simply get your favourite washi tape patterns and cut them into different sizes.
Get creative with your design combination. That’s all there is to it, really.
1 4. Watercolor Butterfly Easter Eggs
| If you love butterflies, then you’re in for a treat. Make these adorable watercolor butterfly Easter eggs this Easter!
It’s one of those egg decorating ideas which need a lot of patience and focus. Watercolor is a tricky medium, but it’s worth it.
1 5. Chalk Paint Easter Eggs |
If you still have some leftover chalk paint from other craft projects, you can use them for egg decorating notions. Simply paint the eggs black and let them dry.
Now use a chalk to draw on your chalk paint Easter eggs. Be as imaginative as you can be!
RELATED: 15 DIY Easter Basket Ideas That Will Have You Hoppin’
1 6. Glittered Easter Eggs
| Making glittered eggs will attain Easter egg hunting a bit easier, but a lot more fun. Stumbling upon glittered eggs is like observing a trove of gleaming real treasures.
It’s as easy as submerging your eggs in glue and then in glitter.
1 7. Sprinkle Easter Eggs
| With this egg decorating notion, you’ll realise there’s a fine line between pastries and egg decorating. Who says sprinkles only go on doughnuts and ice cream?
Your sprinkle Easter eggs will also dedicate Easter egg hunters a sweet pleasure!
1 8. Minion Eggs
| Easter won’t be complete without these cute yellow beings. For Minion eggs, you’ll need blue and yellow plastic eggs, electric videotape, and a sharpie.
Recreating these loved characters is very simple.
1 9. Marbleized Easter Eggs
| Remember that post we did on how to marbleize a bowl? Did you know you can use the same technique to generate your marbleized Easter eggs?
It’s as easy as making marbleized patterns by swirling nail polish around a bowl of cold water!
2 0. Sequined Easter Eggs
| Among these eggs decorating notions, these sequined Easter eggs are probably the most fashionable. If you like your sequins to follow a pattern, all you need to do is re-create this idea with a straight pin.
2 1. Egg Dyeing Tips
| Since a majority of our egg decorating notions relies on dyeing abilities, this infographic is a must-read. It will give you all the basic knowledge you need to know to become the master of Easter egg decorating.
2 2. Easter Egg Animal Parade
| Rabbits aren’t the only stars of Easter. Make an animal procession and entertain the kids with one of the most innovative egg decorating ideas.
Blow out the egg, paint on them, and stuff them with animal capsules. Easy as 1-2-3!
2 3. Polymer Clay Easter Eggs
| If you don’t want to use real eggs this Easter, try making these polymer clay Easter eggs. Molding your clay is a bit tricky but this guide shows you how to get it right.
2 4. Pressed Flower Easter Eggs
| Pressed flower art is really great for a lot of craft projects, and especially for egg decorating notions. Before trying this idea out, you might want to check out our guide on pressing flowers.
If you’re confident about your skills, then go right ahead and induce these pressed blooms Easter eggs!
2 5. Polka Dot Easter Eggs
| First time to decorate eggs for Easter? You can’t go wrong with the classic polka dot Easter eggs.
All you need are your favorite pastel shades of paint and the traditional white paint. They appear so soft and ethereal!
2 6. Golden Marbled Eggs
| This might just be the most opulent egg decorating idea out there. Paint your Easter eggs the traditional route, but this time: employ sheets of gold foliage afterward.
Just be careful because they’re very fragile. Golden marbled eggs may appear luxurious but they’re really easy to attain!
2 7. Photo Print Easter Egg
| Wouldn’t “its been” fun if the egg hunt was about looking for a family member’s face? Take photos of your family or friends and turn them into these photo publish easter egg.
Tape tissue onto some photo paper and print your images on it. Use Modge Podge to set the printouts on the eggs!
2 8. Glowing Eggs
| I just want to verify these glowing eggs are not from outer space activities. But your hunting will be out of this world with this great egg decorating notion!
The secret? fluorescent paint, of course!
2 9. Baker’s Twine Easter Eggs
| Egg decorating notions are possible with some timber too. If you manage to find some wooden eggs, procure some baker’s twine and make these one-of-a-kind Easter eggs.
Be creative with your coloring combinations.
Watch this video from Brooklyn and Bailey for more egg decorating ideas :P TAGEND
Celebrating Easter is about celebrating life, and this is what your egg decorating ideas should reflect. The more lively, colorful, and creative your Easter eggs are, the more spirited and exciting the hunt is.
I’m sure with these egg decorating notions, some adults will also be tempted to join the fun. Why not?
Celebrating life and rebirth are for all ages! No matter who you are or where you come from, the meaning of Easter resonates clearly and beautifully.
Which of these egg decorating ideas is perfect for your garden? Let us know in the comments section below!
UP NEXT :P TAGEND12 Inventive Easter Egg Hunt Ideas Kids Will Love26 Easter Desserts Recipes to Induce this Year | DIY Project26 Cool DIY Projects For Teens Bedroom
Stay connected with us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram!
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in March 2016 and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
The post 29 Easter Egg Decorating Ideas Anyone Can Make | DIY Project appeared first on DIY Project Craft Ideas& How To’s for Home Decor with Videos.
Read more: diyprojects.com
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myfinancialguideme-blog · 6 years ago
29 Easter Egg Decorating Ideas Anyone Can Make | DIY Projects
New Post has been published on https://financeguideto.com/awesome/29-easter-egg-decorating-ideas-anyone-can-make-diy-projects/
29 Easter Egg Decorating Ideas Anyone Can Make | DIY Projects
Looking for Easter egg decorating ideas? You’ll be excited to work on these wonderful egg crafts ready for the hunt.
RELATED: Cool DIY Easter Crafts Ideas
In this article :P TAGENDEaster Egg Design ArtShaving Cream Easter EggsEaster Egg PinataPaper Napkin Decorated Easter EggsSparkling Easter EggsMelted Crayon Easter EggsPapier Mache Book Page EggsSharpie Tie-Dyed Easter EggTattoo EggsHow to Blow Out EggsDisney EggsDIY Speckled EggsSharpie Bunny EggsDIY Washi Tape Easter EggsWatercolor Butterfly Easter EggsChalk Paint Easter EggsGlittered Easter EggsSprinkle Easter EggsMinion EggsMarbleized Easter EggsSequined Easter EggsEgg Dyeing TipsEaster Egg Animal ParadePolymer Clay Easter EggsPressed Flower Easter EggsPolka Dot Easter EggsGolden Marbled EggsPhoto Print Easter EggGlowing EggsBaker’s Twine Easter EggsEgg Decorating Ideas to Welcome Easter! Easter Egg Design Art
Easter is almost here! I simply love the pastel colours and Easter crafts and adornments all around.
I recollect how we used to celebrate Easter when we were little. We’d go to egg huntings and even get to decorate eggs any route we want!
Now that I have kids myself, I want to share with them the joy of going on an Easter egg hunting and decorating Easter eggs. So, I’ve compiled new and fresh Easter egg decorating notions anyone can stimulate!
1. Shaving Cream Easter Eggs
| Have fun mixing colourings while stimulating these Easter eggs with shaving cream. It’s as easy as blending different liquid food colors in a bowl filled with shaving cream.
Try not to make a mess!
2. Easter Egg Pinata
| This egg decorating idea is explosive! Quite literally.
We’re so used to the idea of cracking eggs, so why not just take it to a whole new level and make an Easter egg pinata? All you need are some Kraft paper, flour, water, a string, and of course, for mischievous fun — a balloon!
3. Paper Napkin Decorated Easter Eggs
| If you can’t paint, fake it. Paper napkin decorated eggs are one of the coolest Easter egg designs on paper I’ve ever encountered.
There’s apparently a style to publish the design of your handkerchief onto your eggs.
The secret? Egg white! It was right there all along!
4. Sparkling Easter Eggs
| Going for a sparkly look this Easter? Get some glue, a bunch of glistens, and bedazzle your Easter eggs!
Who says pastel has to be dull and simple?
5. Melted Crayon Easter Eggs
| Easter egg decorating notions can induce your eggs look like an entire box of crayons! It’s as easy as it sounds.
All you need to do is use crayons to draw on your egg. The trick is in the way you boil your eggs.
Make sure they’re still a little bit hot as you draw on them so the crayons melt as you doodle away.
6. Papier Mache Book Page Eggs
| If you don’t want to use real eggs, make them yourself ! Although we’re is speaking to egg decorating ideas, there’s always room for going a little bit further and attaining the egg itself.
Basic knowledge of decoupage is all you need.
7. Sharpie Tie-Dyed Easter Egg
| More fun egg decorating ideas with Sharpies! Use every Sharpie color you could possibly use and draw on your eggs.
Once you’re done, use a medication dropper to drizzle the eggs with scratching alcohol. The results are these eye-catching Sharpie tie-dyed Easter eggs!
8. Tattoo Eggs
| This egg decorating idea is only ingenious. Instead of putting temporary tattoos on your arm, put them on your Easter eggs.
No new complicated steps involved! It’s as easy as 1-2-3.
9. How to Blow Out Eggs
| If you want hollow eggs, then this should be a part of your hunt for egg decorating ideas.
Blowing out an egg is pretty easy. Just use a hand drill to punch a hole in the egg and a newborn aspirator to blow out its contents.
Now you’re free to decorate them any way you want!
1 0. Disney Eggs
| Of course, there are egg decorating ideas where our favorite Disney characters are included. Appear for temporary Disney tattoos and a damp sponge.
Voila! You’ve got not just regular Easter eggs, but Disney Easter eggs!
1 1. DIY Speckled Eggs
| Who knew coating plastic eggs with some paint would yield fantastic results? These DIY speckled eggs are actually simply that easy to make.
If you want to try something simple this Easter, this is the egg decorating notion for you!
1 2. Sharpie Bunny Eggs
| You can do almost anything with Sharpies. Stimulate a bunny pattern, describe some dots around it, and voila!
Your very own Sharpie bunny egg! This must be the Easter bunny’s favorite egg decorating idea.
1 3. DIY Washi Tape Easter Eggs
| Another great craft project you can stimulate with washi videotape is washi tape Easter eggs! Simply get your favourite washi videotape patterns and cut them into different sizes.
Get creative with your design combination. That’s all there is to it, really.
1 4. Watercolor Butterfly Easter Eggs
| If you love butterflies, then you’re in for a treat. Make these adorable watercolor butterfly Easter eggs this Easter!
It’s one of those egg decorating ideas which need a lot of patience and focus. Watercolor is a tricky medium, but it’s worth it.
1 5. Chalk Paint Easter Eggs |
If you still have some leftover chalk paint from other craft projects, you can use them for egg decorating notions. Simply paint the eggs black and let them dry.
Now use a chalk to draw on your chalk paint Easter eggs. Be as imaginative as you can be!
RELATED: 15 DIY Easter Basket Ideas That Will Have You Hoppin’
1 6. Glittered Easter Eggs
| Making glittered eggs will stimulate Easter egg hunting a bit easier, but a lot more fun. Stumbling upon glittered eggs is like finding a trove of gleaming real treasures.
It’s as easy as submerging your eggs in glue and then in glitter.
1 7. Sprinkle Easter Eggs
| With this egg decorating idea, you’ll realize there’s a fine line between tarts and egg decorating. Who says sprinkles merely go on doughnuts and ice cream?
Your sprinkle Easter eggs will also dedicate Easter egg hunters a sweet pleasure!
1 8. Minion Eggs
| Easter won’t be complete without these cute amber animals. For Minion eggs, you’ll need blue and yellow plastic eggs, electric tape, and a sharpie.
Recreating these loved characters is very simple.
1 9. Marbleized Easter Eggs
| Remember that post we did on how to marbleize a bowl? Did you know you can use the same technique to make your marbleized Easter eggs?
It’s as easy as generating marbleized patterns by swirling nail polish around a bowl of cold water!
2 0. Sequined Easter Eggs
| Among these eggs decorating ideas, these sequined Easter eggs are probably the most fashionable. If you like your sequins to follow a pattern, all you need to do is re-create this idea with a straight pin.
2 1. Egg Dyeing Tips
| Since a majority of our egg decorating notions relies on dyeing skills, this infographic is a must-read. It will give you all the basic knowledge you need to know to become the master of Easter egg decorating.
2 2. Easter Egg Animal Parade
| Rabbits aren’t the only stars of Easter. Make an animal procession and entertain the kids with one of the most innovative egg decorating ideas.
Blow out the egg, paint on them, and stuff them with animal capsules. Easy as 1-2-3!
2 3. Polymer Clay Easter Eggs
| If you don’t want to use real eggs this Easter, try stimulating these polymer clay Easter eggs. Molding your clay is a bit tricky but this guide displays how to get onto right.
2 4. Pressed Flower Easter Eggs
| Pressed flower art is really great for a lot of craft projects, and especially for egg decorating ideas. Before trying this idea out, you might want to check out our guide on pressing flowers.
If you’re confident about your skills, then go right ahead and build these pressed blooms Easter eggs!
2 5. Polka Dot Easter Eggs
| First time to decorate eggs for Easter? You can’t go wrong with the classic polka dot Easter eggs.
All you need are your favorite pastel tints of paint and the traditional white paint. They look so soft and ethereal!
2 6. Golden Marbled Eggs
| This might just be the most opulent egg decorating idea out there. Paint your Easter eggs the traditional way, but this time: utilize sheets of gold foliage afterward.
Just be careful because they’re very fragile. Golden marbled eggs may appear luxurious but they’re really easy to make!
2 7. Photo Print Easter Egg
| Wouldn’t it be fun if the egg hunt was about looking for a family member’s face? Take photos of their own families or friends and turn them into these photo print easter egg.
Tape tissue onto some photo paper and print your paintings on it. Use Modge Podge to set the printouts on the eggs!
2 8. Glowing Eggs
| I simply want to verify these glowing eggs are not from outer space. But your hunting is likely to be out of this world with this great egg decorating notion!
The secret? fluorescent paint, of course!
2 9. Baker’s Twine Easter Eggs
| Egg decorating ideas are possible with some wood too. If you manage to find some wooden eggs, procure some baker’s twine and stimulate these one-of-a-kind Easter eggs.
Be creative with your colouring combinations.
Watch this video from Brooklyn and Bailey for more egg decorating notions :P TAGEND
Celebrating Easter is about celebrating life, and this is what your egg decorating ideas should reflect. The more lively, colorful, and creative your Easter eggs are, the more spirited and exciting the hunt is.
I’m sure with these egg decorating ideas, some adults will also be tempted to join the fun. Why not?
Celebrating life and rebirth are for all ages! No matter whom you or where you come from, the meaning of Easter resonates clearly and beautifully.
Which of these egg decorating ideas is perfect for your garden? Let us know in the comments section below!
UP NEXT :P TAGEND12 Inventive Easter Egg Hunt Ideas Kids Will Love26 Easter Desserts Recipes to Make this Year | DIY Projects26 Cool DIY Projects For Teens Bedroom
Stay connected with us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram!
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in March 2016 and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
The post 29 Easter Egg Decorating Ideas Anyone Can Make | DIY Projects seemed first on DIY Project Craft Ideas& How To’s for Home Decor with Videos.
Read more: diyprojects.com
0 notes
financingideas-blog · 6 years ago
29 Easter Egg Decorating Ideas Anyone Can Make | DIY Projects
New Post has been published on https://financeqia.com/awesome/29-easter-egg-decorating-ideas-anyone-can-make-diy-projects/
29 Easter Egg Decorating Ideas Anyone Can Make | DIY Projects
Looking for Easter egg decorating ideas? You’ll be excited to work on these wonderful egg crafts ready for the hunt.
RELATED: Cool DIY Easter Crafts Ideas
In this article :P TAGENDEaster Egg Design ArtShaving Cream Easter EggsEaster Egg PinataPaper Napkin Decorated Easter EggsSparkling Easter EggsMelted Crayon Easter EggsPapier Mache Book Page EggsSharpie Tie-Dyed Easter EggTattoo EggsHow to Blow Out EggsDisney EggsDIY Speckled EggsSharpie Bunny EggsDIY Washi Tape Easter EggsWatercolor Butterfly Easter EggsChalk Paint Easter EggsGlittered Easter EggsSprinkle Easter EggsMinion EggsMarbleized Easter EggsSequined Easter EggsEgg Dyeing TipsEaster Egg Animal ParadePolymer Clay Easter EggsPressed Flower Easter EggsPolka Dot Easter EggsGolden Marbled EggsPhoto Print Easter EggGlowing EggsBaker’s Twine Easter EggsEgg Decorating Ideas to Welcome Easter! Easter Egg Design Art
Easter is almost here! I simply love the pastel colours and Easter crafts and adornments all around.
I recollect how we used to celebrate Easter when we were little. We’d go to egg huntings and even get to decorate eggs any route we want!
Now that I have kids myself, I want to share with them the joy of going on an Easter egg hunting and decorating Easter eggs. So, I’ve compiled new and fresh Easter egg decorating notions anyone can stimulate!
1. Shaving Cream Easter Eggs
| Have fun mixing colourings while stimulating these Easter eggs with shaving cream. It’s as easy as blending different liquid food colors in a bowl filled with shaving cream.
Try not to make a mess!
2. Easter Egg Pinata
| This egg decorating idea is explosive! Quite literally.
We’re so used to the idea of cracking eggs, so why not just take it to a whole new level and make an Easter egg pinata? All you need are some Kraft paper, flour, water, a string, and of course, for mischievous fun — a balloon!
3. Paper Napkin Decorated Easter Eggs
| If you can’t paint, fake it. Paper napkin decorated eggs are one of the coolest Easter egg designs on paper I’ve ever encountered.
There’s apparently a style to publish the design of your handkerchief onto your eggs.
The secret? Egg white! It was right there all along!
4. Sparkling Easter Eggs
| Going for a sparkly look this Easter? Get some glue, a bunch of glistens, and bedazzle your Easter eggs!
Who says pastel has to be dull and simple?
5. Melted Crayon Easter Eggs
| Easter egg decorating notions can induce your eggs look like an entire box of crayons! It’s as easy as it sounds.
All you need to do is use crayons to draw on your egg. The trick is in the way you boil your eggs.
Make sure they’re still a little bit hot as you draw on them so the crayons melt as you doodle away.
6. Papier Mache Book Page Eggs
| If you don’t want to use real eggs, make them yourself ! Although we’re is speaking to egg decorating ideas, there’s always room for going a little bit further and attaining the egg itself.
Basic knowledge of decoupage is all you need.
7. Sharpie Tie-Dyed Easter Egg
| More fun egg decorating ideas with Sharpies! Use every Sharpie color you could possibly use and draw on your eggs.
Once you’re done, use a medication dropper to drizzle the eggs with scratching alcohol. The results are these eye-catching Sharpie tie-dyed Easter eggs!
8. Tattoo Eggs
| This egg decorating idea is only ingenious. Instead of putting temporary tattoos on your arm, put them on your Easter eggs.
No new complicated steps involved! It’s as easy as 1-2-3.
9. How to Blow Out Eggs
| If you want hollow eggs, then this should be a part of your hunt for egg decorating ideas.
Blowing out an egg is pretty easy. Just use a hand drill to punch a hole in the egg and a newborn aspirator to blow out its contents.
Now you’re free to decorate them any way you want!
1 0. Disney Eggs
| Of course, there are egg decorating ideas where our favorite Disney characters are included. Appear for temporary Disney tattoos and a damp sponge.
Voila! You’ve got not just regular Easter eggs, but Disney Easter eggs!
1 1. DIY Speckled Eggs
| Who knew coating plastic eggs with some paint would yield fantastic results? These DIY speckled eggs are actually simply that easy to make.
If you want to try something simple this Easter, this is the egg decorating notion for you!
1 2. Sharpie Bunny Eggs
| You can do almost anything with Sharpies. Stimulate a bunny pattern, describe some dots around it, and voila!
Your very own Sharpie bunny egg! This must be the Easter bunny’s favorite egg decorating idea.
1 3. DIY Washi Tape Easter Eggs
| Another great craft project you can stimulate with washi videotape is washi tape Easter eggs! Simply get your favourite washi videotape patterns and cut them into different sizes.
Get creative with your design combination. That’s all there is to it, really.
1 4. Watercolor Butterfly Easter Eggs
| If you love butterflies, then you’re in for a treat. Make these adorable watercolor butterfly Easter eggs this Easter!
It’s one of those egg decorating ideas which need a lot of patience and focus. Watercolor is a tricky medium, but it’s worth it.
1 5. Chalk Paint Easter Eggs |
If you still have some leftover chalk paint from other craft projects, you can use them for egg decorating notions. Simply paint the eggs black and let them dry.
Now use a chalk to draw on your chalk paint Easter eggs. Be as imaginative as you can be!
RELATED: 15 DIY Easter Basket Ideas That Will Have You Hoppin’
1 6. Glittered Easter Eggs
| Making glittered eggs will stimulate Easter egg hunting a bit easier, but a lot more fun. Stumbling upon glittered eggs is like finding a trove of gleaming real treasures.
It’s as easy as submerging your eggs in glue and then in glitter.
1 7. Sprinkle Easter Eggs
| With this egg decorating idea, you’ll realize there’s a fine line between tarts and egg decorating. Who says sprinkles merely go on doughnuts and ice cream?
Your sprinkle Easter eggs will also dedicate Easter egg hunters a sweet pleasure!
1 8. Minion Eggs
| Easter won’t be complete without these cute amber animals. For Minion eggs, you’ll need blue and yellow plastic eggs, electric tape, and a sharpie.
Recreating these loved characters is very simple.
1 9. Marbleized Easter Eggs
| Remember that post we did on how to marbleize a bowl? Did you know you can use the same technique to make your marbleized Easter eggs?
It’s as easy as generating marbleized patterns by swirling nail polish around a bowl of cold water!
2 0. Sequined Easter Eggs
| Among these eggs decorating ideas, these sequined Easter eggs are probably the most fashionable. If you like your sequins to follow a pattern, all you need to do is re-create this idea with a straight pin.
2 1. Egg Dyeing Tips
| Since a majority of our egg decorating notions relies on dyeing skills, this infographic is a must-read. It will give you all the basic knowledge you need to know to become the master of Easter egg decorating.
2 2. Easter Egg Animal Parade
| Rabbits aren’t the only stars of Easter. Make an animal procession and entertain the kids with one of the most innovative egg decorating ideas.
Blow out the egg, paint on them, and stuff them with animal capsules. Easy as 1-2-3!
2 3. Polymer Clay Easter Eggs
| If you don’t want to use real eggs this Easter, try stimulating these polymer clay Easter eggs. Molding your clay is a bit tricky but this guide displays how to get onto right.
2 4. Pressed Flower Easter Eggs
| Pressed flower art is really great for a lot of craft projects, and especially for egg decorating ideas. Before trying this idea out, you might want to check out our guide on pressing flowers.
If you’re confident about your skills, then go right ahead and build these pressed blooms Easter eggs!
2 5. Polka Dot Easter Eggs
| First time to decorate eggs for Easter? You can’t go wrong with the classic polka dot Easter eggs.
All you need are your favorite pastel tints of paint and the traditional white paint. They look so soft and ethereal!
2 6. Golden Marbled Eggs
| This might just be the most opulent egg decorating idea out there. Paint your Easter eggs the traditional way, but this time: utilize sheets of gold foliage afterward.
Just be careful because they’re very fragile. Golden marbled eggs may appear luxurious but they’re really easy to make!
2 7. Photo Print Easter Egg
| Wouldn’t it be fun if the egg hunt was about looking for a family member’s face? Take photos of their own families or friends and turn them into these photo print easter egg.
Tape tissue onto some photo paper and print your paintings on it. Use Modge Podge to set the printouts on the eggs!
2 8. Glowing Eggs
| I simply want to verify these glowing eggs are not from outer space. But your hunting is likely to be out of this world with this great egg decorating notion!
The secret? fluorescent paint, of course!
2 9. Baker’s Twine Easter Eggs
| Egg decorating ideas are possible with some wood too. If you manage to find some wooden eggs, procure some baker’s twine and stimulate these one-of-a-kind Easter eggs.
Be creative with your colouring combinations.
Watch this video from Brooklyn and Bailey for more egg decorating notions :P TAGEND
Celebrating Easter is about celebrating life, and this is what your egg decorating ideas should reflect. The more lively, colorful, and creative your Easter eggs are, the more spirited and exciting the hunt is.
I’m sure with these egg decorating ideas, some adults will also be tempted to join the fun. Why not?
Celebrating life and rebirth are for all ages! No matter whom you or where you come from, the meaning of Easter resonates clearly and beautifully.
Which of these egg decorating ideas is perfect for your garden? Let us know in the comments section below!
UP NEXT :P TAGEND12 Inventive Easter Egg Hunt Ideas Kids Will Love26 Easter Desserts Recipes to Make this Year | DIY Projects26 Cool DIY Projects For Teens Bedroom
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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in March 2016 and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
The post 29 Easter Egg Decorating Ideas Anyone Can Make | DIY Projects seemed first on DIY Project Craft Ideas& How To’s for Home Decor with Videos.
Read more: diyprojects.com
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