#tiffany the bear
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yannaryartside · 1 year ago
an analysis in Sydney, Pete, Tiffany and Stevie
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We have met the romantic interest/partners of the Berzattos, and I think the story is telling us something on why they are good to their partners, pariculary in they way they could help them heal from the toxic family dinamics they were raised on. And again, it comes all to food, Donna's food, in particular. Let me explain:
The Burden of Donna's food:
So, when you are feeding somebody, you provide care for them. Food is a metaphor for the biological need for feeding, but Donna never served bad food to her kids, she has decided to put emotion, time, and energy into preparing these meals. With food, she will prove her intentions to care for them. In preparing meals, her family will gather, and her sons and daughter will bond. But in this activity, and eating at the table, it will be the moment for Donna to punish them, to ridicule, gaslight, and hurt them. So her food is nutritious and poisonous at the same time.
So, I have noticed that in the Berzatto family, there are two types of people, the enablers/participants in keeping the family running the way it is (in the case of Carmy and Nat, they do it even when it doesn't benefit them, while everybody else benefits someway) and the other type is the non-conforming/change maker. This last category only can be applied to the inlaws: Sydney, Pete, Tiffany, and Stevie.
The Change makers/Inlaws:
Why do I call them non-cormorning? Because they are. Neither of these individuals is looking at the family dynamics in the Berzattos and says "Yeah, this is okay" Examples follow:
Sydney calling on everybody's bullshit on those first days of her working at the beef. She managed to fight the water with fire and turned everybody around.
Pete defending Carmy.
Tiffany calls Richie out for ruining the sweater she gave him, especially because Richie minimized to please Donna. She also calls them psychos.
Stevie talking about them calling him gay
None of them have a tendency to respond in an aggressive way toward conflict, if anything, they do righteously get angry and try to defend themselves but they never lower themselves to the level the aggression was made. They try to introduce kindness into the equation. The worst part, the show at times lets people describe them as "naive," "soft" and "too demanding" (Tiffany and Sydney), or shames them in other ways.
And you know what? all is symbolized in the way each reacts to Donna's food/system.
Sydney was able to take control of the kitchen without (and despite) toxic dynamics previously established. She is also trying to create a new menu with Carmy based on his mom's recipes. And the worst part? Carmy didn't co-create the menu with Sydney, he didn't let her (as far as we can see) modify the essence of Donna's recipes in the restaurant. If they had done it, maybe this food would have acquired something else for Carmy, a chance to heal the past trauma (metaphor).
Pete trying to collaborate with Christmas Dinner (bringing something new, kindness)
Tyffany not being able to eat Donna's food due to her pregnancy (she was already fed up and relieved to being far from them) which may be also a signal for her wanting to protect her baby from all that madness.
Stevie is the only one who insists on helping Donna to cook. He also is the only one who gives Nat the confort she asked for, not the one other thought she needs (Richie and Mickey for example).
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afrofairysblog · 4 months ago
I know it's been a week but I haven't forgotten @spywhitney ( check out her blog it's great Mwah)
Here are my thoughts on all of the The Bear ships (both canon and non canon)
SYDCARMY: They honestly have a special place in my heart( one of if not the main reason I downloaded this app) and I was not ready for the chockhold it was going to have in my life but here I am 🤷🏿‍♀️. I first saw them in an out of context clip while watching a YouTube video ( ot was when Carmy asked Sydney to say yes chef in S1) and i was like oooo they intrigue me and ngl when I finally did watch the show I thought it was just gonna be platonic. However when I saw that last shoot in the S1 finale I was like OOOOO this is a slow burn and then I got to Ao3 and it was history ( as you can tell with my page I have been fighting to the nail with this ship lol).
SYDRICHIE: ngl.... I have a soft spot for this ship 👀 what can I say I love a good enemies to lovers or enemies to friends pipeline 🤷🏿‍♀️. I think it's because they have good banter and they are pretty funny together where I can see but I am so far gone with the Sydcarmy Army that I can't fully commit to this. Also the age gap, lowkey micoraggresstions Richie was throwing at her in S1( he did change so I'll give him that and me not seeing Sydney being a StepMom are so factors too. Regardless, they are my Top 3 Bro-Otps on the show cause I love their friendship and shootout to the Sydrichie girlies tho.
SYDMARCUS: sign... in another life I would have been a full time sydmarcus girlie cause I've had a had a ✨️ Ooooo are they gonna start something ✨️ moment with them but then I saw Sydcarmy and that I was like yeahhhhh Sorry Marcus . I just feel like they are better off as brother and sister you know what I'm saying. Plus there are a few people that only ship them because they are the only two prominent black characters that are around the same age. Nevertheless, they are also apart of my Top 3 Bro- Otps on the show!!
SYDLUCA: They're cute 🤷🏿‍♀️. Like ngl, I can see the appeal, but not for a long-term relationship, you know what I'm saying. Like it's giving plot device ship so Sydney can get her Stella got her Grove Back moment ( not that I don't mind that cause honestly she needs it and it'll be good to get a different perspective and a jealous plotline)but Luca is a supporting guest star and not a main so even if we do get the relationship it's not gonna be fully fleshed out ( and they always do this with black female characters). Also we know what this can develop for Sydney but we don't know how this can develop for Luca( not to say that Luca has no reason to not like Syd cause who are we kidding she's a catch but still" . Sydluca girlies are cool so shootout to yall too
CLAIRMY: Yall already know how I feel about them, THEY NEED TO JUST END IT !!!! Like idk why this ship brings out the hater in me but it just does ( it's mostly field by the metas I read which give a more perspective about the relationship and how weird it is). Like at first when I watched S2, I mostly just didn't ship them cause I thought they looked related and were boring. However, rewatching I, both of them don't let themselves be authentic with each other, it's like they try to be this witty Wes Anderson ahh type of couple where the manie pixie dream girl falls for the shy wonder bread art boy who just needs to find he's way with the power of love and unnerving eye contact ( see they truly bring the hater in me)which just don't work both character wise and for the show( ot derailed the show a bit. It'll be better if they are not together before they get even more Toxic.
MICHEAL X CARMY: ......To each there own but JAIL just JAIL
CARMY X RICHIE: I don't personally ship it cause they are very cousin coded to me but they're dynamic is really fascinating to me cause it's like a I hate you , I love you but your the only person I have in my life but why does it have to be you sorta vibe.
NATALIE X PETE: They are the Absolute cutest and underrated ngl. They show a depiction of a healthy relationship on the show that pretty refreshing to see like I love them.
MARCUS X LUCA: This is a sleeper hit ,I'm telling yall like they are cute!!!! They have such an ease and calming vibe when they interactive it gives so much warmth. I just feel like they would be a lowkey type of couple, and idk if the show will commit to the ship or even hint at it, but if they do, it has an audience 🤧
RICHIE X TIFFANY: They got some cute moments but I'm glad they are just friends. I feel like both of them needed to grow separately and not be together romantically.
RICHIE X JESS: Ngl, I don't really care about them but they're moments are really wholesome and I like there banter. I ship it 🙂‍↕️💅🏿. Also can reddit not make it weird with this couple like we get Jess is a good woman ( I like her) but let's not make it weird oof.
RICHIE X MICHEAL: Tbh o see the appeal, but damn if they ever were a couple, it just makes it more tragic .
TINA X HER HUSBAND: Once again they are the Absolute cutest and I lo e how they are married in real life!!!
SYDCARMRICHIE: Unpopular opinion ig, I really like this ship like they are the big three for a reason. Plus, I feel like when I come to stories involving this ship( kinda underrated), they bring the best of both worlds ( or worse if you wanna get messy with the story with both respective ships.
Well that's it for me guts, let me know ow your thoughts. This was fun and one of my longest post lol.
Also, wow, Sydney is in a lot of these ships lol
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thoughtfulchaos773 · 9 months ago
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Women checking in on each other.
Now diving deep, Nat requests this from Carmy(you never ask me how I'm doing) and Nat wants to do it with Donna but she rejects it with such bitterness I wonder why that is..
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themoonofblueside · 8 months ago
Until now i was fine with all the claire talk but why the fuck did they have to mention her in tiffany and richie's conversation??? Their dynamic is quite literally one of the most bittersweet and interesting dynamics and tiffany was literally talking about how richie, despite everything, was family and she wanted him at the wedding?? whom the fuck decided oh yeah i'm sure this convo needs claire. even if the point was to change the subject, change it to carmy or sth the fuck
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spywhitney · 10 months ago
Perfection is not transformative
part 1/? (maybe I'll make a part 2?)
This is a phrase I thought of when considering Claire's relationship with Carmy. I can't see a cohesive (as well as engaging) relationship between the two with how Claire was presented in Season 2.
The scene in "Fishes" of Michael, Richie and Stevie giving him shite about Claire gave me some serious ick vibes and like I'm sure someone has mentioned is probably one of the things (or thee thing) Carmen was talking about in Al-Anon in s2 ep3 about anything that provided amusement or enjoyment always got kinda fked up, I don't think they (his family) meant to but sometimes they try too hard... (The moment Richie shared with Tiff they're trying to set him up with Claire and she says why would you do that she's so nice made me reel back a little, especially knowing how things turn out in their relationship and the fact she's with Richie lol. But I do feel for them as it's implied neither had good families, the judgement behind that comment just took me by surprise).
Writing this at past 2am so wrapping this up, but I can only see Claire and Carmy staying together if 1) they develop Claire's character and 2) Carmy heals from his family trauma (thus disassociating Claire from his past, which I don't think will happen in the show tbh).
Like I think about their relationship and I can't imagine anything, like what direction would it go? How would Carmy (or either of them) become better if Claire is perfect? Even if Sydney and Carmy don't become a thing (I flip flop on how I feel about them rn), I just can't conjure how a Claire and Carmy relationship would work.
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scenedenial · 2 years ago
thinking about richie and tiff makes me sick to my stomach because they were So in Love .. what happened :-((((
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ahsokatanoe · 1 year ago
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THE BEAR 2.06 Fishes 2.10 The Bear
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kamalahq · 2 years ago
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emmanelson · 2 years ago
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#like father like daughter or #like mother like daughter
THE BEAR (2022-)
❥ — › 2.03 | 2.06
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thoughtfulchaos773 · 5 months ago
Always connecting Tiffany and Claire
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Every time, Claire is brought into the picture - they connect Tiffany.
Richie and Carmy are foils to each other. As we watch Richie overcome his past and try to find purpose, we're watching Carmy go through the same thing. So, as Tiffany is to Richie, Claire is to Carmy.
Carmy and Richie give the audience the summary of their journeys. Richie is going to find purpose after Mikey's death. While Carmy is going to find enjoyment.
But they have to overcome the past to get to their end goals.
It starts with 2x01 when Carmy is looking at the photos that Richie has spread out. There's Tiffany and Claire in the photos.
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in 2x03, When Richie tells his daughter he needs a break from the past. Carmy is, in the next scene, connecting with Claire.
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In 2x05 Richie reunites with Claire and instantly asks about Tiffany.
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And the very next episode Richie telling Tiffany about Claire and carmy
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Of course, there's more in season 3. Richie and Carmy have flashbacks of them. While Carmy avoids Claire, Richie avoids Tiffany.
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Until 3x09, Carmy was still stuck calling and ending things with Claire, while Richie was on the steps of officially ending it with Tiffany by accepting the invitation to the wedding.
In season 4, that leaked argument will happen after Tiffany's wedding—because that will be Richie's end of the cycle, and it will be a test for Carmy to end his past with Claire.
Jessie and Sydney, meanwhile, show signs of being part of Richie and Carmy's future.
Jessie shows Richie that she has a purpose in what she does at Ever, and Sydney shows Carmy that their passion can also be enjoyable.
Jessi and Sydney also have similar reasons to staying inspired:
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Lastly- I love Carmy and Richie watching Sydney and Jessie Work:
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unladyboss · 2 months ago
This is Frank's house.
People in formal attire by the door
What looks like Tyler The Creator leaving the house
Oh we got it like that???
Is that Tyler the creator? (Looks like he has a mask dangling that makes it look like a beard)
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I think so...
Maybe he was also in the season 3 premier because he filmed a scene or two as well as supporting his bff Lionel/Marcus
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nicolethered · 7 months ago
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Ebon Moss-Bachrach in The Bear 3x09 Apologies
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bearsinpotatosacks · 2 months ago
After reading @deadandgonefics Failure to Thrive I have been filled with the inspiration to ponder how much things would've changed if one thing went differently. In their fic, they have Donna driving through the wall happen when Carmen's 11. It's got me wondering what would've happened if Richie 'chose' Tiff instead of Mikey.
I feel like it's implied that Richie had to deal with Mikey's drug addiction the most, at the cost of his marriage. And it made me wonder what would've happened if Richie maybe stopped picking Mikey up when he called him high and not knowing where he was. He stopped trusting Mikey alone with Eva, despite him being her godfather, because he doesn't know what he might be on or might do, and it breaks his heart don't worry.
Tiff sees how Richie's not getting any sleep from waiting for Mikey to call, or having to drive around for an hour as he tries to find where Mikey is. She's had enough when Richie brings him home to sleep on their couch, even though she's told him she doesn't feel comfortable with Mikey sleeping there when Eva's in the house, and overhears Richie trying to get Mikey to calm down and go to bed when he's having none of it.
We know Mikey's a loud guy, when he gets angry, he snaps and that's it. Richie's become an expert on reading what mood Mikey's in based on what he's taken, and he knows he's pissed. Mikey doesn't know what he's doing when he lashes out at Richie. Tiff watches on in horror as Richie takes it and manages to get Mikey to go to bed. He turns around, expecting a fight, only for Tiff to point out that he has a nosebleed. She sees to the nosebleed and firmly tells him that he's not doing this anymore. Mikey will have to deal with the consequences, if he wants to get so high he doesn't know where he is, he'll have to find his own way home. She think of her mother, a less charismatic version of Donna.
Tiff kicks Mikey out and tells Richie to set some boundaries. How is Mikey ever going to know he needs help if everyone's constantly making up for his shortfalls? He needs to actually face how he's messing up the Beef, how he's pushing everyone away, how he's messing himself up. Richie can't fix Mikey's life and live his own. Tiff barely feels married to him anymore.
Mikey jokingly asks what Tiff's problem is when he and Richie are at the Beef, Richie doesn't have the heart to tell him how he gets when he's high, and how Richie's had to get used to hiding bruises like he's a teen all over again.
Something happens, and Mikey overdoses, Richie gets mad when he tries to call Natalie and Carm and they don't respond. He takes Mikey to the hospital but leaves them both voicemails, a very angry one to Carmen about how it's all well and good that he's off being the best chef in the world, but he can't return one call, he can't send a text message. Richie ends up letting everything out to Carmen and basically threatens him to come home and see his brother.
Richie doesn't expect him to actually answer. But Carmen, in New York, is just finding out that Mikey's using drugs, and dangerous ones too. He throws up after booking a flight home and goes to the hospital with Natalie, Mikey's in a coma. Richie tells him what happened before admitting that he didn't event think he'd listen to the voicemail, he's never listened to them before. Richie then walks out
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summerfoggydew · 3 months ago
I'm writing a fic in English for the first time in my life (several years ago I had fucking panic attacks when people tried to force me to talk because it's my third language, and I was struggling like A LOT...)
And my brain chose an amazing idea, yeah my brain works separately. I'm writing Tiffany pov (god bless Gillian Jacobs for inspiration, Britta was and is my fav btw) because I want to dive into their life before 22/2/2022 (I'm sorry but your date system is a mess) and slightly after. I think that Tiffany has an interesting perspective because we see Richie through her eyes in a way that nobody does. And I want to write something about complicated relationships, as they are in real life. Without a love triangle (angle actually) trope and typical bashing between predisposed (?) roles of "girlfriend/wife" and a "best friend". It would be a canon-compliant story, so Tiffany would eventually leave, and Mikey would die.
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cejav13 · 6 days ago
Jeremy Allen White attends the 31st Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards wearing Tiffany & Co. design.
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scenedenial · 8 months ago
hurts my heart so much that richie won’t let tiffany eat at the restaurant until it’s “perfect” …. because he was so imperfect with her …. because he wants her to know he’s a better man now … that he has his shit together …. fuck!
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