#this part actually kinda drove me nuts
gracebethartacc · 2 months
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I woke up and was haunted by visions aka Mlp redesign/rewrite ideas yayyyy :3
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AITA for not wanting to be in my cousin's life? This will be long, I'm sorry
I (f19, but this started at 15) have a rough relationship with my family, I don't have a better word to describe them as besides just not the best towards me. But the real issue now is that I don't want to be involved in my cousin's (f8, but this started at 5) life. This sounds very silly, I know, but let me explain. My cousin is physical in how she expresses herself towards me (she likes to throw things at me and hit me and bite me, and I can't do anything about it because I get in trouble if I do). I have a severe nut allergy and there have been multiple times she's been caught trying to smear peanut butter on me or in my mouth while I slept. She likes to tell me she wishes I'd just eat the peanut butter so she'd never have to see me again. She just hates me, honestly (I'm not sure why, I've never hated the kid, I'm not mean to her, none of us have been able to figure out why and when asked she just says she hates me because she hates me)
The house we lived in contained just me, her, my mother, and my uncle. She is not abused by either adult, before anyone asks, she's actually quite spoiled due to the fact that they can't discipline her in any way without risking her being taken away. And I don't hate her at all, I'm bitter about how she treats me, but I know she's only a little kid. However, I just don't like being treated that way. I recently moved out and I told my mother that I didn't want to be part of my cousin's life until she stopped treating me that way. (Info: My mother thinks she treats me this way because she's a kid so she can't vent her anger out on the adults and I was the only other kid she could vent it out on.) My mother thinks I'm being cruel and punishing my cousin, she says I'll regret this choice and that my cousin will be all I have one day so I shouldn't do this. I've tried to explain that I'm not doing it to punish my cousin, it's just not good for my mental health and I can't be around this behaviour anymore. Other family members and family friends have agreed with my mother, but my friends think my decision is right. Since moving out and not going through that every day, I've started to feel better about myself, my depression isn't as bad and I don't have as much anxiety when I go to sleep. That is kinda swaying my decision to me thinking I'm right for choosing this for myself, but I still worry my mother might be right and I might be ruining my cousin's mental health by leaving.
I want to add that I know I'm way older than her, and some of you might be wondering why I don't stand up to her, but I could never do anything to stop her. I spent many years in foster care due to issues with my family (my mother, specifically), and I know that even the littlest thing where I live can get your kid taken from you. If I even raised my voice at her to tell her to stop and she told someone, she could be taken away from my family and I can't do that to her, I know the horrors of foster care. I also have spent most of my life being abused and don't know how to protect myself or defend myself in situations like these. Please keep this in mind when/if you call me pathetic or stupid, trust me I know I am.
Please, I know a lot of you may think this is silly or dumb or bait, but I need to know aita for not wanting to be in my cousin's life?
Reasons I think I might be NTA: I think my decision is good for both of us and I believe I should put mental health first in this case as it can be dangerous in the future if I don't. I don't want to stay longer and end up hating her, she's just a kid and doesn't deserve to be hated.
Reasons I think I might be TA: This could be seen as punishing her, and she might hate me more for it. She's already started being meaner to other kids now that she can't vent it out on me and I'm an adult so I can take it better than one of her classmates could. She might think her behaviour drove me away and blame herself.
What are these acronyms?
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iris-sistibly · 5 months
I look like shit right now, but hear me out: Episode 12 drove me NUTS!!!
📍For a moment, Hong Hae-in gave me a heart attack. I really thought that she wanted to spare Hyun-woo the heartache of her not being able to recognize him anymore and just went with Eun-seong. My brain cells weren't brain cell-ing, of course she had other reasons...duh. But it is really terrifying that she has moments when she can't recognize what's real and what isn't. I do however love the part when she knew that she was with the real Hyun-woo. In any scene or in any situation they've been, Hyun-woo radiates that kind of warmth that makes Hae-in feel relieved, secured, and loved. That right there is, "The heart recognizes what the mind can't."
📍I forgot to include this in my last post because I was in a hurry to finish it, but I laud Kim Soo Hyun for doing a great job during the final scene of episode 11. You can instantly recognize that something felt off with the way "Hyun-woo" called Hae-in, like I said earlier, the real Baek Hyun-woo radiates so much warmth, meanwhile the fake Hyun-woo was cold and I can say that he made me feel uncomfortable. What an amazing performance KSH!
📍Hyun-woo and Hae-in using their baby's due date as their pass codes just means that they still think about him/her. 🤧 Oh that baby could have been so loved by them had they been given the chance.
📍Eun-seong's delusion is worsening. When he was confessing all of his bullshit to Hae-in, I was like...so what? So what if he fell for her first? If he kept her necklace all these years, if he had "loved" her all this time? The point is, HAE-IN DOESN'T LOVE HIM AND DOESN'T WANT TO BE WITH HIM!
📍All the while, I thought that Eun-seong is a dangerous man. Turns out Mo Seul-hee is far more unhinged than him. You can see in Eun-seong's eyes that he was taken aback when his mother confessed to being the person behind the deaths of the people who abused him as a child. Bitch wasn't kidding when she said that she'd go as far as eliminating Hae-in for using him, and Eun-seong may be dumb but not-so-dumb to not know what Seul-hee is capable of. I still feel like he's going to betray his own mother to save Hae-in by either helping Hyun-woo or helping Hae-in in his own twisted way.
📍BAEKHONG IN THEIR MARRIED COUPLE ERA!!! I love that Hae-in can now freely say what she truly feels about Hyun-woo and the hubs gushing when she said that she'd still marry him in any lifetime.
📍The sunset proposal was the reason why I had to pause because I was bawling my eyes out, I kid you not. Hae-in wanting to be officially Mrs. Hyun-woo again so badly but stopped herself because she knew her condition was worsening and she doesn't want to burden him anymore. She wants to spend the rest of her life with him but it's far from possible, she wants to be the wife Hyun-woo deserves but the future holds no guarantee. She was torn between following what her heart wants and not wanting to rip Hyun-woo apart more than she already has (because of her illness). It was such a heartbreaking scene that's why I was crying so hard.
📍And then, the writer and the director decided to shift the scene to Aunt Beom-ja and (future) new husband, the part when they were looking for (future) new hubby's mother and they were kinda like too close to each other, I was smiling because they looked so cute together so you can imagine that I was smiling from ear to ear with tears still running down my face. Also, I did mention before that Aunt Beom-ja is a more unhinged version of Hae-in, actually...auntie and future new hubby are kinda like the older version of BaekHong, only crazier and more chaotic.
📍Da-hye finally realizing that she sided the wrong people. I'm just glad that she was able to get out safely and return to the Hongs. But I am so proud of Soo-cheol for manning up and defending Da-hye and baby Geon-u, he's really growing up 🥹.
📍But I didn't really expect that Hong Man-dae aka grandpa Hong would make such a huge sacrifice to save his family. He was an idiot for trusting Mo Seul-hee but I never wanted him dead. He didn't even get to see his family before passing (except Hae-in but it wasn't like a happy reunion) which was so fucking tragic. Though, I do hope that Papa Hong would finally have the courage to step-up as the head of the family, he's their pillar now and they need him more than ever.
📍Can we talk about the last clip for a bit? I know the show apparently loves to give us viewers cliffhangers and mind boggling shit but I'm overthinking rn. What if they found nothing in the panic room? Or Yoon Eun-seong found it first? This story is unpredictable, anything could happen, but what I do know is that Hae-in is gonna wear the ring Hyun-woo gave her in the next episode. Iykyk.
📍THE EPILOGUE!!! BaekHong has crossed paths many times already and in those times Hyun-woo has saved Hae-in. They're really meant for each other!!
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golbrocklovely · 3 days
Your respond made me question if those “fans” will ever accept Sam’s new partner that is not Katrina (or Colby lol). The way i see it even Malia was more welcomed than Katelyn (although both of them had a cold start). I think nowadays i see more people loving Malia and actually accepting her, than hating on her. Thing that I fear Kateyn would not be ale to achieve if she stayed. And my only reason for that it’s because people felt too attached to Katrina, even people who supposedly “hated her” or claimed she is “using Sam” got used to her just being there and being Sam’s gf that i fear they will never let that go (especially that if i am not wrong Katrina is still single) and every other Sam’s new gf will be compared to Katrina and hated by the fandom, because for them “Katrina and Sam are clearly MADE for each other 😣”. I mean some people still act like she is Sam’s gf or like she is meant to come back, because “it’s her place”. So in that matter i kinda pity Sam.
i mean… that's kinda how i feel tbh lol
(another ramble session from me, sorry in advance)
the sam and kat thing is very odd to me, especially when you see fans say "he'll never do better than her". first and foremost, i get being upset that they ended, sure. but saying that sounds gross to me for some reason. like i think you can lift up kat and say she's gonna have a good life without him and will eventually find love without saying that he somehow is never gonna be happy again. that type of behavior and thought process is so childish. it's not like he was abusive, he broke up with her bc he just couldn't marry her and making her wait even longer would have been worse for their relationship.
while it's clear they aren't on the best of terms anymore, i think hating him (or her, bc god knows she gets hate too) is just weird. you don't have to hate either of them. their relationship didn't end in flames or bc they hate each other. you don't have to make it a versus all the time. there is no winner in this outcome.
as for katelyn and malia… the issue is messy. personally, i think both girls got the short end of the stick. they both got a crazy amount of hate (and malia still does) and i expected part of that to happen eventually when colby got a gf, but i think bc kat wasn't with sam anymore, it became like a shit storm instantly since it wasn't just colby getting a gf.
katelyn had so many lies spread about her in relation to kat it's not even funny. ppl were claiming they were friends before and thus she took sam from her (not true at all. they did possibly follow one another before hand, but their only connection was tess, who wasn't exactly bffls with kat). ppl claimed katelyn talked badly about kat, even tho all the clips i've seen have been not even remotely noteworthy, let alone something to throw hate at her for. i kinda think the reason why katelyn got a lot of hate is bc, as i've said countless times before on here, this fandom has an inability to critique sam. they will do everything in their power to not give him hell even tho they do it all the time to colby. so i weirdly think that bc this fandom couldn't be mad at sam for moving on too quickly from kat or for seemingly """replacing""" her, they chose katelyn to take their anger out on. but even that eventually wore itself thin and for the first time, i actually saw ppl genuinely hate on sam the same way they do colby. which was both refreshing and depressing all at the same time lol
i also think katelyn is just weird enough to be annoying to a lot of ppl, and bc of that, immediately she sucks. i obviously don't feel that way about her, but i can get why some wouldn't love her. in addition, i think she tried a bit too hard to be liked in this fandom and that drove ppl nuts. and she introduced colby to malia, which means she was public enemy #1 for a lot ppl. i mean, i literally heard someone full on dox her during a space on twitter and then call her a whore just bc she's dating sam. while the fandom wasn't in love with kat the moment they met her, they never went this far.
as for malia, i've seen some truly heinous shit said about her. like i'm talking fake dms with nudes (that obviously weren't hers), cheating allegations, fans making fun of her filler and boob job, fans calling her a whore and a slut for merely wanting to show off her body, she has no personality (even tho we've never even heard her speak so…. explain how you just know that), colby chose her over shea (which is just not true at all), the list goes on and on. i think the hate for her has calmed down a lot bc i think 1, she never tries to talk to fans except the occasional reply on a TikTok comment. i honestly think her not trying to befriend the fandom has worked out for her a lot more than katelyn's attempt at being our bestie. and 2, i think that bc colby shows her off (in a way that sam never did katelyn) we can see that colby is happy with malia. unless you're a hater; then bc they pose too much in pictures or *checks notes* never smile with one another that means they are faking it.
i do feel for sam, in a way, too. the thing is, i think out of the two of them, sam is the one that will speak up against the fandom, and he needs to do that. he needs to tell fans to chill the fuck out when it comes to his future significant others. like we cannot have a repeat next time he dates someone. it's just not gonna work out. but i also feel as if snc aren't gonna do that. i love them dearly, and idk who is in their ear telling them to do this (whether it be management or themselves) but them not sticking up for themselves or their gfs rubs me the wrong way. bc that's how you get a fandom like this that thinks hating on their gfs/themselves for a year straight is somehow okay. and god knows if i was dating one of them long term and they were just telling me to ignore the hate or not use an entire social media platform bc that's were a majority the hate was on… i would be going nuclear lol
like, it's either you tell your fans to calm down or i do. and since they ain't my fans, i don't have to be nice to them. so… pick your poison.
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woodypellets · 4 months
part 2
Before BitterGiggle could even run, the sheriff used two of his stars and pinned him by the shoulders onto a wall. “Oh we screwed up…” (the frown side said) “Wait! Toadster we can taAlk about thihihis!” The jester (mostly the green smiling side) squealed as toadster quickly spidering up his sides “Nahaha Cheheheater!” He quarreled. “I have no idea what your talking about! But this ought to teach you a lesson.” Toadster said with a grin on his face (wait his always grinning-) “NohoHO” He giggled out, kicking his legs against the wall. “Ya feeling sorry yet?” The sheriff asked teasingly. “You’ll…neveher…getthebestOFMEHEHEAHA” A shriek fills the room followed by more squeals and giggles as a pair of stubby hands dancing on both of his fluffy neck and tummy. It’s like a little order for the two sides. One on the for the left side and tummy on the other! “OhhohO thihIs is teheherrihibleheahA!” The jester boy giggled out. “Just like your jokes!” Toadster replied BitterGiggle didn’t respond but continued to laugh and giggle. Twisting his head over the sheriff’s hand that was on his neck and using his left arm to push his hand away from his stomach but it only causes his ler change spot more frequently that drives him nuts. “Hey ya know what’s really funny to me?” “WhaHAt??” “That you have not once said any word related to stop, and I can see that you haven’t really tried to defend or fight back.*” The first sentence alone completely got em flustered out, covering his face. The truth is, part of him hates it so much, but another part of him loves it (not talking about his frown and smiling sides). It was only within a matter of time this jester would completely break into crumbling bits! “Buddy it’s been almost 5m minutes, you sure you can still keep up the pace?” The toad concernedly questioned. “YEhes im SuhurEHehe, I wohohont SuhurehehehndEr HahA!” The jester replied despite that he is already a giggling mess. Kicking and flailing like a squealing child (after the new chapter I have no idea if he actually is one). Hearing this, Toadster already knew that he was more enjoying than getting punished. With that, he started to get all the weakest spots he knew on the poor jester. Laugh and giggle, squeals and shrieks. Tearing up a little, he couldn’t even think right at this point but laugh! BitterGiggle would be kneeling down on the ground already if it wasn’t for the Toadsted stars. Hear this you probably already know just how insane this drove him. “HAHANOHOAHANANAHAHA- EEEHEHEP!” Well it’s not his fault his neck and feet are super sensitive.;>
"please what?"
Right before BitterGiggle was about to surrender to his ler… “Welp, I guess you just don’t know when to quit.” Toadster stop his wiggling hands and unpinned the panting jester who is still recovering from that torture. “And beside, continuing would only be to good for you two!” Again this made BitterGiggle more flustered who was already due to the whole situation, but let out a small chuckle. “Was it that obvious?” Admitting that it was kinda fun. “Once you get to know someone, yeah.” Giving him a small nudge on the shoulder. “Now…” “Wha-?” “GET ME A NEW PRISON, NOW” “AHH YES SIR”
part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/woodypellets/750427234899263488/a?source=share
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ezlo-x · 1 year
while the oberworld story telling is so good. i feel like the memories fell flat besides one moment that you have yet to see but still. you have so much opportunity to develop these characters more c'mon Nintendo !!! damn.
Dragon Tears story is really not good there’s so much they could’ve developed, but I still only have collected 8 of the memories. I think what makes me sad is that it demotivated me to continue to play. I was really invested with the characters first and I was so eager and excited to know more about them. But then memory five happened and that one was my make it or break it tear memory. Idk how to explain it but it was kinda bad?? and it drove me nuts that Zelda SOMEONE FROM THE FAR FUTURE warned Rauru about Ganondorf’s intentions and he disregarded it. Like I get it they want the story to proceed but oh mygod
The overworld story is great its solid from how far I’ve gotten. Purah, Robbie, and Josha are great. There’s so much personality with other npcs like Cece, a big criticism I had w Hateno Village in botw is the lack of personality that place had and now look at it. The new sages so far to me Yunobo has the best character arc, he’s has so much personality.
I think my issue was is that I was playing it with rose-colored glasses. I was very excited to play this game it looked fun and it is fun. I wanted to have fun cuz in previous trailers before we got the final one it was nothing but showcasing the same thing over and over again. And the whole part where in one trailer you hear Ganondorf’s voice and I was so disappointed in his voice that I got sick badly lol. So when finally getting that final trailer I got excited cause we got new stuff we get to vaguely know about the story. It looks exciting! I hope it’s exciting! The only thing that I will say was what made take off those rose colored glasses was Ganondorf. Cause I knew he wasn’t going to be a good villain or character I wasn’t hoping for much but boy did they fumble the bag badly with him.
I am considering now that I know what I’m at least expecting with the story can restart the game. I don’t mind losing items and start over. I’m actually eager to play the Wind and Fire temple again since their build up to enter the temple and being inside the temple were so much fun. There are things gameplay wise that I enjoy about this game. I actually like the depths more than the sky islands, it might be cause its easier to explore than the sky islands lol but also there’s a lot of zonite down there. The fuse weapon mechanic is so satisfying when you create a strong weapon.
I hope with this I can just gloss over the dragon tear memories
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suekreandtheidiots · 3 months
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There was an "Incorrect OC quotes" generator hype going on on IG a while ago and, of course, I couldn't not. 😂 I only just remembered that I wanted to take one particular quote PLUS a story reply from my friend Teo aka @teo-s-art-corner as an opportunity to ramble about some of the teenage gang a bit. The boys, to be precise. 😂
(I don't care if I'm shouting into the void here, that timeline gives me so much life, teenagers are hilarious. 😂 I also enjoy the feeling that writing them gives me, but that's for a different conversation!)
ANYHOO. Let's go!
"Fozzy is the most straightforward."
Yep. In a way, he is. Lance is very straightforward, too, as in "not afraid to speak his mind", but Fozzy has the tendency to just blurt out with whatever comes to his mind, without thinking. Lance is a liiittle more mindful about the things he says. He doesn't exactly have a filter either, he is just more "collected" in his choice of words, while Fozzy is just... BLAH, regardless of how dumb he sounds. 😂 He always appears a little "simpler" than others but that isn't at all the case: Fozzy is really intelligent. So. much. more. than he ever appears. I'm not saying he has the same academic brain that Lance has, but he's actually really clever... and calculating, of all things. That's part of why his parents were so desperate about him squandering a huge chunk of his youth and falling for sex, drugs and rock'n'roll instead. They knew that their son was a hundred percent aware what he was getting himself into there, they knew he knew he had the potential to do better. He just didn't care, he wanted to go nuts. It drove his parents mad. There's a certain darkness to Fozzy (at least to his younger version), too, that is hard to put into words... but it's definitely there. But yeah... unfiltered madness, for sure. 🤣
"Cal is oddly specific in his choice to commit violence."
Alright, this was a super fun sentiment (thanks Teo, I'm cackling again 😂) but I gotta say here that Cal really isn't one to randomly commit violence. 😂 Still, I always imagined him to have this bit of... hilarious randomness about him? Which makes this fitting. He just says weird and funny things at times, he's a delightful person, blessed with the kind of wit that makes people laugh. (Something I see in Ali, too, by the way. Both Cal and Ali have a bit of a male Lorelai Gilmore vibe to them, if I HAD to give an example.) So, when Cal blurts out with something like the above, he usually really doesn't want to punch people in the neck, it's just something randomly creative that comes to his mind and that he feels like sharing. 😂
"Mark is very polite."
He is. Mark is, indeed, very polite. A little calmer than his peers, too. I know I talked a little about him before, but I'll say it again: Despite all the weird crap, Mark was the most "progressive" of the gang in their time. Feminism, racism, ableism... pretty much anything regarding social injustice he had a better, clearer grasp of than his friends. The "male ego" wasn't really a thing for him, he knew how to properly apologise when he did or said something wrong, he was usually the one to call out sexist remarks towards the girls that most other boys usually tried to brush off as "Come on, it was a joke!". He sure had his flaws but Mark was a bit of a walking green flag. 😂 Girls felt safe around him, without actually being able to point out why. I still don't know what he does for a living nowadays but I really kinda see him working as an equal opportunities commissioner of a company or something. I don't know yet but he still has it in him, and he only got better over time. There's a reason Aimee stuck by his side. She saw all of it early on!
"Lance is seeing the bigger picture."
True. Lance's brain often goes where others don't. He is a pretty dominant person, too. I hate the term alpha-male for it's extremely negative connotation, Lance is aboslutely not that person, but he really is a bit of a natural leader; he just takes charge without thinking too much of it. He has major problems with authority, too. 😂 Sooo, seeing the bigger picture is a thing for him, mainly because he thinks that he has to, to stay in charge and protect his peers, but wanting to assert dominance for the sake of asserting/maintaining dominance also kinda is a thing for him. 🤣 It's hard to explain. He's just such a handful and I love him to pieces. 🤣
"Tim is wondering why he's still hanging out with these guys."
... yeah. 😂 I mean, Tim totally appreciates the friends he picks and the fun times he has with them, but I think what I failed to express so far is that Tim isn't actually always super cute and easygoing. He isn't exactly the Voice of Reason. He's more like the one who watches the stupidity unfold and who laughs when someone gets burned. 🤣 He's friend material in his own way, he values loyalty and he's kindhearted, too. He's blunt as fuck, though, and easily annoyed, too, which has always been a thing for him, not just because those weirdos tested his patience all the time. I know next to nothing about D&D but I always kinda saw him as this extremely annoyed healer of an adventuring party who sure does what he's there to do, but who often hasn't a whole lot of empathy to offer on top of that, especially not when the stupid outcome could have easily been prevented. 🤣 "Ah, she called you out on your shit? Good!", "Oh man, you have a hangover? Really? Those 38 shots were a bit too much, you think? Pf, lol, told you so. *carelessly tosses a pack of aspirin*" ... Tim was willing to stick around for anyone for sympathy, but he never tried to make excuses for anybody. Which made it easy for him to walk out on Cal, Fozzy (and Mark) when they planned the stupid prank on Lance. Being blunt and honest is one thing. Deliberately planning to cause harm and hurt was another. It was neither about demonising Cal nor protecting/coddling Lance, the whole thing was just something he couldn't have lived with, so he did the best he could think of and backed out.
Some additional thoughts:
I never wanted to create this little group as a mix of stereotypes, liiike... there isn't the designated "Goofball" or the "Stupid One" or the "Brainy One" or whatever else role there is that could be filled, so pleasepleaseplease always take these kinda things with a wee grain of salt! 😂 One of the parts I enjoy most about my own worldbuilding is how I want everyone to be humans in first place. Humans who don't always do what people expect them to, who are capable to surprise others, who have off days and also dull moments.
It's also why I don't really like answering questions like "Who is the most (insert adjective)?" ... like, sure, there are characters who have traits that shine brighter than their other traits, and I do enjoy a wee brush of stereotype here and there, too, of course, but I usually don't really think in certain categories and I really love keeping things and interactions as natural as possible. I just want to see people as a whole person and that is how I always treat my OCs, too!
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notallwonder · 2 years
Okay *rubs my paws together*. Criminal Minds Evolution 16x04 "Pay-Per-View".
Spoilers and nonsense under the cut:
I do miss having some kind of title card/credits. I don't miss the original series title cards because the typography drove me nuts.
So Voit has daddy issues? Or...well, some dude issues.
Oh NO they're gonna make me watch him put down the dog. (offscreen!)
Now THIS is a useful reason for Emily as Section Chief - she's a natural receiver of exposition. She's managing all kinds of people, doesn't have time to keep up with the minutiae of the investigation except by report, or in this case verbal report, even when she's acting unit chief. And so we get a recap of who this guy is that doesn't feel so goddamn forced.
GARCIA. Flashing him that sweet LLAP!
Will shaved! And cut his hair? oh no is that a soul patch. AJ back to not wearing pants - I feel like I'm watching Back Fork again. She probably has shorts on.
Saved by the suit knocking at the door!
ROSSI AND EMILY!! DREAM TEAM. I love them. The joking, the spitballing, the needling. "But will Mom?" oh god i love her.
Why we in Miami now? Oooh. This is a novel and creepy way to introduce a murder. Yikes.
Garcia! Alvez! here we go....oh no Alvez has cat allergy that requires weapons grade meds? ruh roh
Oh the bickering is good. Lmao at Emily's "guys what the hell is going on here?"
Emily feels more natural in this episode. Is it because they let her sit down? Is it because she doesn't have to use so much energy to tamp down her Noodle-induced rage?
Lol at the notion that a cognitive interview will magically give this man his memories back. Convenient as a storytelling device tho!
Okay I actually have been appreciating the extra JJ/Will stuff so far. It gives me a better sense of how they work as a couple, and their chemistry feels more natural to me than a lot of what we got in the previous seasons. But the emphasis on them this episode makes me twitchy - feels like something ominous is around the bend.
I don't know why but I LOVE when tv shows poorly photoshop family vacation photos onto a generic beach background. I swear its always the same beach with palm trees.
oh god I really feel for this guy Tyler. Excellent.
oh hey it's Emily's promo outfit. I will always notice Emily's outfits. Really liked the burgundy set from the Rossi scene earlier.
These two young men murderers don't seem like the "I'm next in line right?" guy communicating with Voit in the previous episode. They don't have $20k to throw around do they?
omg they're DELIVERING THE PROFILE (is this the first scene of this type so far? did they do this in previous eps? can't remember)
I appreciate the victim screaming "Fuck you!" in the unsub's face
Ah, so they are indeed not part of the network. Nice turn. Also shows us the BAU is kinda getting tunnel vision about Sicarius - could bite them in the ass later.
Okay but if I was Jennifer Jareau and William Lamontagne Jr I would choose to keep my front blinds closed at night.
I don't know, I don't think they're going to actually kill him. But scary cancer storyline, put JJ under stress, wring some more emotion out of this
(please please please let her have a moment of support from Emily, universe I am begging you....a brief handhold would not go amiss!!!!!)
This episode was pretty good. The pacing, the tension, the fakeout, I thought it worked well. The dialogue was way less clunky. It had a lot going on, a couple different layers, but didn't feel like a hot mess to me. Not lost on me that Voit was only barely in it. It does feel like perhaps / hopefully CME has decided that it is going to be a character-driven show with a backdrop of heinous murder. A good development imo.
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lord-pigeon · 1 month
A month late to finishing Dawntrail cause I was waiting for Certain Things to update, and honestly, it was alright? Obvious spoilers under the cut.
Nonsense rambling btw, don't expect a thesis there I'm just word vomiting
The strongest part was everything with Sphene, by and far. Zoraal Ja was a completely different character between Part 1 and Part 2 and people keep overlooking that to whine about Wuk Lamat. Ironically, I feel Wuk Lamat was the second strongest part of the expansion.
I came into the expansion as "WoL's funky summer vacation in not-Mexico" and that def helped my opinion about it, cause WoL is meant to be chilling while Wuk Lamat is having the character arc. Sooo I'll guess I'll start with the positives?
Wuk Lamat I felt had a significantly better arc than Lyse did. Probably helped by the fact I play in JP so I don't have the "she sounds so monotone all the time" issue people in ENG had. So you could actually hear her gradually grow in maturity when she goes from yelling 90% of the time to taking a lower tone and calming down.
I dunno, she has a very strong personality and I found her engaging. She was most of the fun I had in the first half, so I guess I got lucky there.
Second, obviously, was Sphene. Kinda Walmart Emet, kinda her own thing. I saw her final boss status coming from a mile away, but like, her background was my speed for an antagonist. Sad old robot you gotta put down cause she's too far gone, path to hell paved with good intentions. That kinda thing, very melancholic.
As for bad, well, uh, I guess mostly that the expansion felt like it was split in half? With two different writers for each half? Like Zoraal Ja of part 2 wasn't even close to Zoraal Ja of part 1, even their motivations were wildly different (inflict war to people who forgot it in peacetime to remind them of what peace is vs daddy inheritance issues)
Also where the shit did baby Garool Ja come from. Who is the mother. Did he just reproduce asexually cause they're lizards? Artificial creation? Kid literally showed up so suddenly out of Nowhere I deadass thought it was like a Miquella/Saint Trina situation where baby Garool was actually a manifestation of Zoraal's innocence/peace-loving nature.
But nope he's just deadass his kid? I guess? I might've missed something but god everything with him was so jarring it drove me fuckin' nuts
Also I do agree with the repetitive nature of the first half. Like, I had fun with it, but Yoshi, Yoshi I know padding when I see it. Aetheryte starvation? Huge areas? Get five bear's asses? Always talk to 3 people randomly sparsed around the said-large map? Running back and forth?
I see the padding you can't hide it from me.
Since everyone's comparing it to Stormblood, I'll do it too. Like I had recently redone Stormblood before Dawntrail came out on an alt (that's now my main l m a o) so I can kinda compare them easily.
Call me bias (<- incredibly bias) but Yotsuyu was a much more compelling first arc villain, while Sphene was more compelling on the latter half. And this is from a Zenos simp so take that as you will.
Day 500000 of me not being over his death still, my copium up until the end of the Zero patches was intense.
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Soken didn't miss a single time tho, king of all time
Solid 7/10. If it was all about Sphene and the beginning was more cut down, and Zoraal was consistent, I'd probably have put it at an 8.5.
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enidette · 5 months
PERV carl grimes x fem!reader
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warnings — both are 18+, part two to caught, carl is a few years older than reader, reader is daryl’s adopted daughter, perv!sub!carl, carl is a peeking tom, cock slapping, oral (m and f!receiving), reader is kinda a mean!dom
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ever since that night you haven’t left carl’s mind. the way you controlled him without even touching him, it drove him crazy. you instructed his every movement, told him when to stop, told him when not to stop. safe to say he was fucked stupid even though you didn’t lay a finger on him.
and he swears you’re tempting him.
the skimpier clothes you wear, always talking about how hot it is so no one bats an eye. but he sees right through you, he sees that teasing look you give him. you want to get another reaction out of him. his pride is telling him not to satisfy you, but everything else in him is screaming to give in.
then there’s the closeness, all of a sudden you’re always near him. if you can get away with it, touching him too. not in the way carl wants, in the way it’s so sickeningly close it drives him nuts. he’s always had his eye on you, you weren’t that much younger than him, close enough in age. but it’s different now.
“hey carl.” fuck, he can just hear it in your voice. it’s teasing and it’s flirty, and no one seems to notice a thing. trust, if daryl could tell, carl would be pounded into flat stanley.
carl gulps when your arm comes over his shoulder, your face way too close to his for him to act normal. “hi,” he breathes out, hand nervously coming up to your waist. he was standing next to his dad, who was going over something with your dad, and everyone’s dad, glenn.
“now that’s a little close.” daryl grumbles, pulling you more towards him. they’ve come to notice the shift in your friendship, of course never chalking it up to you watching carl fuck himself. but did they need to know that anyway?
you look up to your dad with pleading eyes, “actually, i was here to ask if i could babysit judith today?” carl’s eye widens, babysit judith his ass. she’s at the age where she does hardly anything but sleep. of course, that’s in his favor, and he’s growing nervous at your offer.
daryl looks between you and carl with a scowl on his face, then to glenn and rick who shrug. rick’s always happy for the extra help, not yet knowing what it’s like to have to watch over a grown daughter. “fine.” you clap and grab carl’s hand, walking away with him with a small ‘thank you’, ignoring their confused looks.
“why are you taking me with you?”
you take your hand out of his and cross your arms, “do you not want me to?” he shakes his head frantically and grabs your hand again, letting you lead him. he soon realizes you’re on the path to your house, not his.
he tilts his head, “what about judith?”
“she’s with olivia. she’ll cover for me.” you’re not exactly sure about that, but you’re willing to risk it.
carl nods, walking with you and trying to keep up the same pace. despite being so lost in his head. he clears his throat, “so… uh, what are we gonna do?”
you giggle, “you’re cute carl.” you don’t miss how his ears turn red, the confusion spreading over his face. no doubt he’s never been called that before. “we could… read comics?”
he can hide the dejection on his face, that little cover up story, sneaking off together, all to read comics? “are you just trying to drive me crazy?” you turn to him with a smile and wink, walking him up your steps.
the longer he’s there the more pissed off he gets. you truly did just read comics. despite the glances you kept sending his way, like you were waiting for something, you never actually did anything. don’t get him wrong, he loves the spider-man volumes you have, but he thinks he’d love his head buried between your thighs more.
he can’t help but zone out thinking about it, adjusting his jeans when they get too tight. you watch him amusedly as his eye stays on one page for a good five minutes. “you done yet?” his gaze snaps up, looking to his side for you before looking up.
“when did you get up?”
“oh a long time ago.” you didn’t, you just stood up to go shower, but it was funny to mess with him. watch his pretty face turn red knowing you’re the only one who’s done it. “anyway, i’m gonna go take a shower.”
his face turns possibly even redder and he just nods curtly. he watches you walk around your room to grab everything you need, focus trained on your hips especially. when you turn around he scrambles to pick his comic back up, squinting his eye shut when you laugh. he waits until you go into the bathroom, he waits until the water runs to finally breathe.
he looks down and fucking hell is his boner obvious. he doesn’t know whether to be upset that you didn’t make fun of him this time or not. he sighs, unzipping his jeans and palming himself through his boxers. he has to be quick, before you can get out and catch him, again. or maybe he could let it play out… his head was a mini battle field.
no matter how hard he focused the running water brought him out of his head. he felt so gross, but it couldn’t be too bad if he stole a peek? just so things wouldn’t have to be all his imagination anymore.
he zips his pants and looks out the door, making sure daryl hasn’t come home yet. he crosses the hall to the bathroom, furrowing his brow at the ajar door. he pushes it a little and pokes his head in just enough to see. he swore he could cum then and there, and he couldn’t tear his eyes away no matter how hard he tried.
he lost track of time, practically drooling at the sight in front of him like some stupid teen boy. which he guess he had a mind of, after all that little night you two had together was the first time he did anything with anyone.
his eye widens when you step out, while body on display with water droplets cascading down. he was frozen, unaware of his hand going down his pants as you changed in front of him. he felt dirty, you had no idea did you?
oh you did, he should have known better, seriously. it’s you, he’s him, he’s a fucking perv. you knew it, you knew you had to tempt him. it’s what you had been waiting on. you needed him to finally give in and do just what you expected so you had the excuse to use and punish him just how you wanted.
he leans his head against the edge of the door frame, eye shut and mouth agape in a silent moan as he tries to get off before you notice. but you swing the door open, fist latching onto his collar to bring his face towards yours.
“what are you doing?” you ask with a knowing smirk. god, he’s so shameless. he looks embarrassed but he hasn’t faltered or slowed his movements at all. he kept eye contact and his heavy breath mixed with yours before he kissed you. it was needy and hungry and messy, full of inexperience and desperation.
you separate from his lips, attaching yours to his neck. you smirked at his moans, pushing him against the counter and motioning for him to sit on it. you place your hand over his and squeeze, a whine leaning his throat in response. you suck and nibble on the skin of his collarbone, hand traveling from his back to his hair, giving it a small tug.
he whimpers your name, “so loud, what if someone walks in, huh?” he squirms and you smirk at his reaction, picking your head up to look at him. swollen lips, dilated pupil, and that look that was begging for you.
"y/n!" carl gasps, your tug a bit harsher this time. the force led you to be in control of his head, and you lifted it so he would look into your eyes. he looked embarrassed, his pretty face painted with pink. "don't look at me like that.”
he attempts to get out of your grasp to no avail. he felt so small under your gaze, like a prey facing its predator. and he hates how turned on he was getting from it. he hates how despite everything he’s built up, the thought of finally getting taken care of is too fucking good to pass up.
he was lost in his head until he felt the cold air of his room hit his now bare cock. he whimpered at the feeling, glancing down to your eyes that were already set on his face. his cheeks once again returned to their pink hue that seemed to come around every time you did. he sucked in a sharp breath and let his head fall back when he felt your hand wrap around him, giving his cock a few strokes.
he felt bliss in that moment, eye screwed shut. but his moment was quickly ruined when a searing pain travel from his erection and up his body. he jerked forward, tears springing his eye as he looked down at the culprit. you just stared back at him with that innocent smile that kills him.
"why'd you do that?" he asked, lip trembling.
“you didn’t think i’d let you get away with being a dirty perv?” he blinks and you just start jerking him off once more at the lack of response.
he whines your name, shutting his eyes, snapping them open again when you slapped his cock for a second time. "stop!" he cries, his head falling back.
"you know, you look pitiful," you mutter, voice merely above a whisper as you slowly dragged your hand up and down his shaft. "nothing is tying you down or forcing you through this. you like it." carl rolls his eye at your accusation. he knew you were right, he just wasn't going to admit it.
you begin licking from the base of his cock to the tip. carl was a whining mess now, squirming on the countertop, trying his best to keep his eye on yours. you started to bob your head up and down, delicious noises escaping from the boy above you. you wanted to laugh at him, how desperately he wanted to close his eye, shy away from you.
you slide off him with a pop, "what's wrong, carl?" you ask innocently, the look on your face similar to your voice. he whimpered at the sight of you, your mouth so close to him while all you did was lazily jerk him off.
carl just pants, breath quickening when you went back to the task at hand. it took everything in him not to buck his hips up, because with your rules, he didn't know what would come to him if he did. your pace quickened when carl warned you of his approaching orgasm, whines, moans, and groans leaving his pretty pink lips. his stomach muscles would contract every now and then. finally he came, whimpers of your name falling from his lips as if it were the only word he knew.
you kept going until he pushed you away, "no, can't take anymore..." his voice was shaky, and he repeatedly took in breaths. he looked so pretty, shaking and panting. all because of you.
"well, what am i supposed to do then?" you fake pout, tilting your head teasingly. you stand up, taking off your shit and giggling at carl’s shameless gawking gaze. he adjusted in his seat, watching with amazement as you continued to strip in front of him. "shirt off," you instruct, the boy obeying immediately.
carl thought for a second before he opened his mouth, "sit here." his face was red as he moved, picking you up and placing you on the counter.
you quirk a brow at him, “what are you planning?” he opens his mouth to speak, but you’ve reduced him to something so small he can’t even force it out of him.
“i’ll show you.” his hands messily fiddle with your shorts, tugging them off of you. he attaches his lips to you immediately and you feel him groan into your pussy, the vibrations causing a moan to leave your lips. you couldn't help but move, slightly riding his face. he seemed to be enjoying it, his eyes closed.
you gripped at one of your breasts, then using one of carl’s hands to replace your own. you knew he was trying to jerk himself off secretly, failing miserably, but you decided not to interrupt him. after all his mouth was so good, albeit inexperienced it was him. and he was enjoying it as much as you were. if not more.
carl whimpers, mumbling the words ‘gonna cum’ into your cunt. "hold it," you command, combing your fingers through his hair, causing a moan to rip from his throat.
"can't!" carl’s eyes were screwed shut, nose scrunched up and lips forming an 'o' shape.
"you can, and you will. you're not incapable of such a simple task, carl," your voice was stern, the control you had over him driving him crazy. when you felt let yourself dangerously close, you gave carl permission. he was very loud, adorable moans of your name leaving his red and swollen lips, although muffled. his hands go to grip your thighs tightly when you cum on his tongue, afraid you were going to disappear if he hadn't kept you close.
he rests his head on your thigh, looking up at you with a small laugh. "thank you..." he trails off, his face was red, and his voice was very quiet. everything seemed awkward to him now. he stands up and you lean forward to give him another kiss, it was softer this time, a small moan from carl traveling to your mouth.
“you shouldn’t be thanking me for a punishment.”
carl shrugs, leaning his head on your shoulder. “got you to myself though now, didn’t i dixon?”
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icharchivist · 6 months
No, I get that
Sometimes you just want to be menace besties with a character
exactly. Like even when we talk GBF there's charas i'm more interested being friends with than lovers and all
and tbh it's also when some characters resonate with you on some level which also makes it different.
rambled a bit and all so i'm putting it under the cut but ahah
and like both Cloud and Aerith are in this category to me that i can feel back a bit of myself in either of them so seeing them just makes my heart full, all the pieces together again in a sense perhaps?
Like i got into ff7 when i was 12/13, (and back then i was much more obsessed over Zack and Tifa as characters) and a couple years later i lost all of my means to play the games, so i somewhat kinda shelved it in some part of my mind for years as something from the past (though i would casually often remind myself of plotpoints from the saga)
when the remake was announced, i was 20 and i saw a trailer popping around and it made me so excited i wanted to revisit the saga.
And by this point i've had changed a lot, grown and all, hell i was the age Cloud is in the main game lmao, and i've changed in ways where Cloud felt more relatable but Aerith felt more inspiring in a sense?
Like when i was younger i wanted to be as cheerful as Zack but i would feel myself more reserved as Tifa, but as I grew the wounds i carried made me connect with Cloud to a very intimate level, while being admirative of Aerith's cheerfulness and optimism despite the odds and it influenced more of my general behaviors with people.
Like even if Tifa and Cloud are more reserved they are so in different ways and for different reasons, and likewise Zack and Aerith are optimistic and cheerful in different way and different reasons, so i felt this shift as i grew.
And the ultimate irony is that i spent my teenagehood only ever wearing black clothes which drove my parents nuts lmao but by the time i was 20 i found myself drawn to pink and red clothes, and then when the remake was announced and i got back in the saga i realized that even before i came back to it i had a lot of my wardrobe that ends up being very Aerith-adjacent in term of styles
and i think that got to me like. The subtle ways you don't realize a story and specific characters had resonated with you so much that you felt comfort into elements that subconsciously reminded you of them even though you genuinely have no idea why.
and now i'm 28, tbh i thought i kinda outgrew the stuff that made me connect with Cloud but it's what watching the movie reminded me that actually, i'm stuck forever lmao, but it also reminds me of how those characters had me grow as a person, the stuff i took after them without realizing, the stuff that had me connect to them. Meanwhile Aerith kinda always stayed in the back of my mind because i think of her everytime i look at my dresses, and when i want to be cheerful and open to people i remember the ways Aerith is so especially.
So it's kinda a weird thing to properly express, which i think only really happen when a story has been with you for so many years at different stages of your life, shapping you as a person without even realizing it in a sense yaknow?
It feels like despite their absence in my mind they were here carrying me on my journey and i could only really see it once i bother looking back.
SO YEAH i'm very sappy about the ff7 cast, they've just been around for SO long in my life that they have meant different things to me at different time.
And all of this is why everytime i tie my hair up i make sure to put a ribbon in my hair, and that has been the case for 8 years now. Can't forget the stuff that pushes me forward, yaknow?
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tiramisiyu · 4 years
【未定事件簿】 Tears of Themis: Main Story 6-26 Translation
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Translation Masterlist | Video
Chapter 6 – Tiger’s Accomplice Ghost (Parts 1, 2): 6-1 / 6-3 / 6-5 / 6-7 / 6-9 / 6-11 / 6-13 / 6-15 ♦️ ♦️  6-16 / 6-18 / 6-20 / 6-22 / 6-24 / 6-26 / 6-27 / 6-28 / 6-29
Information on the Chapter title (helpful to know): Wikipedia | My notes
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Abandoned Archive Library
Just when I wanted to get in touch with Zuo Ran about going to the archive library to investigate, Zuo Ran called me with perfect timing.
He had also been pondering the whole time about the location of the target, and with unplanned similarity, we thought about this archive library.
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Zuo Ran: The people monitoring Fu Qiao tonight lost him. On his side of things, Leader Yan is dispatching people on search.
Zuo Ran: Leader Yan has also already dispatched people to rush towards the few suspicious art galleries nearby, and they’ll be investigating at the same time as us.
MC: If we can find Chen Hanzhang’s secret location one step ahead, then this case can be solved earlier.
Zuo Ran: Coming to a pitch-black place like this in the middle of the night – are you scared?
MC: Lawyer Zuo, you’ve forgotten – I’m not scared of ghosts to begin with.
At our law firm’s last team building exercise, Zuo Ran and I went to a haunted house together.
Hearing me say this, Zuo Ran relaxed and smiled, obviously also remembering the experience in the haunted house.
Zuo Ran: In a moment, follow me closely and walk behind me. You must be careful of what’s under your feet in particular.
MC: I understand.
I took flashlights out of my bag and handed one to Zuo Ran.
MC: I’ve brought two flashlights, so we can each have one. Let’s head out.
Zuo Ran led me to the abandoned archive library’s front courtyard. Here, the ground was piled thickly with fallen leaves, as well as all sorts of decorative garbage that nearby residents had tossed here.
I basically understood why the police ruled out this place after a simple search… Looking at the shattered glass windows on the outside and the useless door, this place really did not seem like a place to store important products.
Inside the Archive Library
The lighting in the archive library was better than we’d imagined. Light from the streets shone in from the street-facing windows, so we didn’t really need to turn on the flashlights.
MC: The first and second floors are completely deserted – they’re empty with only some abandoned furniture left.
Zuo Ran: The conditions on the third floor might not be that similar.
MC: Eh?
Following the stairs, I looked towards the third floor. At the same time, Zuo Ran turned on the flashlight and shone it towards the third-floor staircase opening.
There was an electronic password door that had been opened.
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MC: This archive building was built at the beginning of last century, and it belonged to a private collector.
MC: Though the first and second floors are abandoned, it’s evident that the remaining furniture is in last century’s style.
MC: This electronic door is clearly a product of recent years.
Zuo Ran: It indicates that this place has been changed by someone.
Zuo Ran: Most of the old buildings of the north district are private properties, and some of the property owners are even foreigners, so the houses have sat idle for many years with no one to manage them.
Zuo Ran: In the past few years, cases about the occupation of old buildings by lawbreakers have also appeared. This may also be the case here.
MC: No wonder the police didn’t notice any suspicious locations from checking through the properties under Chen Hanzhang’s name.
MC: If she occupied an old building in the north district that seems like it has no inhabitants, the police wouldn’t be able to find it at all.
Zuo Ran: Let’s go up and look – careful on the stairs.
Zuo Ran walked in front of me with the flashlight on. We arrived at the stairway opening and carefully looked over that electronic password lock.
Zuo Ran: It doesn’t look like it was opened by force. The password lock is still operating like normal.
MC: Is there someone in the building right now? It doesn’t seem like it…
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From a bird’s-eye view, this three-level building was in an “H” shape, and each level had four large rooms. If we used the staircase’s location as the centre, the locations of the four large rooms were northeast, northwest, southwest, and southeast.
Zuo Ran and I had looked in every corner of the first and second floors just now, and we didn’t notice a single person. The entire building was also completely quiet – you could even hear the sound of a pin drop. We didn’t hear movement sounds of anyone else.
Zuo Ran: The third-floor design isn’t the same as on lower floors.
Zuo Ran’s flashlight swept over the floor.
Zuo Ran: It seems like the floorboards here were given specific soundproofing treatment. The audiovisuals room at my house also has a similar setup.
MC: Which also means that, as we can’t hear sounds of movement upstairs, this door might have been ignored by someone who came before…
MC: Another possibility is that the visitor is still here and hasn’t left.
When I thought about this, I couldn’t help tensing up my back.
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Zuo Ran: Don’t be afraid. I’m right beside you.
My slightly cold fingers suddenly fell in the middle of warmth – it was Zuo Ran, holding my hand.
MC: Lawyer Zuo…
Zuo Ran: Hold onto my hand… th-this way, it’ll be a little safer.
MC: Mhmm…
Like this, as I shone my flashlight, Zuo Ran led me onwards as I walked side-by-side with him…
The moonlight tonight shone brightly, passing through the window and spilling over Zuo Ran’s body, outlining his straight and handsome profile.
I originally thought that people like Zuo Ran would probably look cold with moonlight on them. But I never would’ve thought… that there would actually be a sliver of a different kind of warmth.
I had never looked at him from this angle, under moonlight like this. Inexplicably, at this moment, I wanted to keep looking at him like this…
Zuo Ran: Why have you been looking at me the whole time? Is there something on my face?
MC: There isn’t…
MC: It might be because it’s too quiet that I haven’t quite adapted…
Zuo Ran: Then talk a bit, although you must be somewhat quiet.
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>Select: Face
Zuo Ran: If there’s time, would you like to go to the haunted house again?
MC: With you, Lawyer Zuo?
Zuo Ran: Of course.
MC: Sure then. I heard that the themed amusement park’s haunted house has changed to a new story recently, so it’s perfect timing for us to try it out.
Zuo Ran: Then let’s wait for the weekend.
 >Select: Neck
MC: Aside from cufflinks, tie clips and collar pins, it seems like I rarely see Lawyer Zuo wear jewelry.
Zuo Ran: Watches also count as jewelry, right?
MC: Oh right, they also count.
Zuo Ran: If I attend certain special occasions, I will dress up, and I’ll occasionally accessorize with jewelry.
MC: Could you give an example?
Zuo Ran: I participated in a costume party in university, and I wore earrings for it.
Zuo Ran: Mm… it felt a little uncomfortable, and I couldn’t really adapt to it.
 >Select: Hair
MC: Under the moonlight… it looks like your hair has been layered over with silver light.
Zuo Ran: Do you mean… a hair full for frost?
MC: …
Zuo Ran: Frost with moonlight is imagery that often appears in literature and movies.
Zuo Ran: What often follows this is a beautiful woman who hopes for return.
MC: Waiting? If it is a happy ending, it will be worth it no matter how long she waits.
Zuo Ran: We don’t know how many people can return before the moonlight runs out – only the moon rocks with longing, lighting the forests by the river…*
Zuo Ran: If it were me, I would not make the person waiting for me wait too long.
Zuo Ran: I would rather be the person waiting.
  TL Note: Please see the full translation of the poem that Zuo Ran recited a line from here! The translation I used also comes from this site.
 >Select: Ellipses
MC: Lawyer Zuo, it seems like there’s a room in front of us.
A door appeared in front of us.
Based on its position, this was the room in the northwest direction.
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>Open door
Artwork Display Room
MC: Seems like this place… is a place for the collection of antiques and artwork.
Zuo Ran: This password lock is not turned on. Looks like this room was originally in use, but it was later abandoned.
MC: Lawyer Zuo, look at that crystal bust. Does it look like… Chen Hanzhang?
Most of these things in this room were placed in complete disorder. The hung pictures on the wall were crooked, and there were also piles of artwork and porcelain pieces on the ground.
Only this half-bodied crystal bust was placed safely in the display case.
Zuo Ran: It’s very much alike. You could say that it’s a perfect imitation.
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MC: This expression really is… a perfect replication of Chen Hanzhang’s classic smile.
Proud, confident, and it even hid a bit of fierceness.
MC: Was this thing given to Chen Hanzhang?
Zuo Ran: It’s not very common to see half-bodied busts like this used as gifts.
Zuo Ran: Perhaps it has a special commemorative meaning.
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When we turned the bust upside down, we saw two rows of words on the bottom.
Zuo Ran: “From the beginning to the end, regardless of how you change, you are still you…”
MC: On the bottom-right angle, are those numbers?
MC: It looks like someone deliberately ground it off.
On the bottom-right corner, there probably had been a long line of numbers originally, but aside from the first digit “1” and the last digit “4”, there was no way to identify the rest.
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I touched the base of the bust, and felt that the side of the base had an uneven area.
MC: Rose?
I found that place and noticed that a four-petaled flower had been carved there, with the single English word “Rose” on the side.
MC: The rose has four petals?
Zuo Ran: Perhaps… this does not point to a rose in the general meaning.
MC: …
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>Select: Hanging drawings
I shone my flashlight at the hanging drawings on the wall. I could only see that it was an oil painting, and I couldn’t distinguish who the creator was.
Zuo Ran: These drawings may have been purchased by Gu Wei.
MC: How did you know?
Zuo Ran: Look here. There is a row of little words on the bottom-right corner.
I sidled over and carefully looked them over, and only then did I see what the little words that Zuo Ran was talking about were.
MC: “Gu Wei, year of 2010 at Qinlun Auction House…”
MC: Lawyer Zuo, your eyesight is way too good – you were even able to see this with a glance.
Zuo Ran: I typically drink liver-cleansing, eye-clearing tea. Perhaps it was fruitful.
 >Select: Piles on the ground
MC: These drawings and porcelain works have been piled here like garbage. The porcelain’s all broken.
Zuo Ran: Regardless of who their past owner was, it’s obvious their new owner was not interested in them, even feeling disgust.
MC: There’s even a fairly sharp hammer left here. Looks like it was used when smashing the porcelain.
Zuo Ran: Careful, don’t get cut by the porcelain shards.
 >Select: Bust
MC: (If it were a present, who could it be that sent it to Chen Hanzhang? Gu Wei…?)
MC: (What exactly was the relationship between them like…?)
 >Select: Ellipses
Zuo Ran: We probably have found the right place – otherwise, why would this place have Chen Hanzhang’s bust.
MC: …
[Got Crystal Bust!]
MC: There aren’t any things like blackmail crime evidence or illegal drugs in this room. Let’s go somewhere else and see.
We continued to search on this floor.
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>Select: Suit
MC: Will it be hard for you to walk around, wearing your suit here, Lawyer Zuo?
Zuo Ran: After returning home, I didn’t have time to change clothes before I came out again.
Zuo Ran: But it’s alright. If it hinders my movement later, I can take off the suit.
 >Select: Face
Zuo Ran: After getting off work and returning home earlier, did you already wash up?
MC: How did you know?
Zuo Ran: Hmm… the scent on your body should be that of shower gel.
MC: Mhmm, I can relax from taking a hot shower.
Zuo Ran: Working as my partner, you might often encounter these kinds of sudden situations, which will upset your original lifestyle.
Zuo Ran: Same for joining NXX.
MC: But it’ll also bring me different life experiences – I like that a lot.
Zuo Ran: Mhmm, I also like it a lot.
 >Select: Eyes
MC: Lawyer Zuo, you read so many books, yet you actually don’t wear glasses.
Zuo Ran: My mother works so much that she doesn’t have time for anything, yet she is able to make time to concern herself with my health, especially my eyesight.
MC: Eh?
Zuo Ran: My mother said, with an ice-cold personality like mine, there definitely wouldn’t be any girls who like me in the future.
Zuo Ran: If I also wear glasses and end up looking like an old fogey, it’ll be even more so…
MC: I didn’t think that Professor An was such a humorous person. Though she cared about the students in my impression of her, she always looked very serious.
Zuo Ran: My mother was actually joking around. It’s just that the time she spends interacting with me is little, and she doesn’t know how to express her concern.
 >Select: Ellipses
MC: (I’m walking through a building like this in the middle of the night, yet I actually don’t feel scared.)
A door appeared in front of us.
Based on its position, this was the room in the southwest direction.
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>Open door
Drug Storage Room
This room also had not been locked, but on the door, the electronic lock’s indicator light was lit up, indicating that this place was not abandoned.
When we pushed open the door and entered, a familiar scent assaulted our senses.
MC: They’re the drugs!
Zuo Ran immediately took out his phone to take photos and sent the photo and archive library location to Yan Wei.
Zuo Ran: Be a little careful. We should do our utmost to not bump or break anything in here.
MC: Understood!
Just like if when people find a large stash of cash in a money-related case, where to avoid suspicion, every single person on the scene will avoid the stolen cash until the police arrive.
MC: Though the area here isn’t small, it seems like it hasn’t been filled with drugs.
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>Select: Further cabinet
Zuo Ran: This row of drug cabinets has things on them. The scent seems to be coming from this direction.
MC: There are no marks on the drugs – it seems like we have no way to identify that they’re Chen Hanzhang’s.
Zuo Ran: Look at the logo on this shelf – it’s Wiley Financial’s.
MC: Now we’ve caught both the person and the goods!
 >Select: Nearer cabinet
MC: Looks like this row of drug cabinets is empty.
Zuo Ran: If this room was filled with drugs, then this would be a large case that would shock the entire nation.
Zuo Ran: Although, to be able to make so much storage space specifically for the drugs, Chen Hanzhang’s ambition is not small.
 >Select: Panel
MC: This is the control panel to control the room’s internal temperature, moisture, as well as oxygen levels.
MC: I originally thought that Chen Hanzhang was using the equipment that the archive room originally had. I didn’t think she’d install a completely new one.
Zuo Ran: This equipment has requirements for ventilation and humidity piping.
Zuo Ran: Aside from new houses, if old buildings want to install them, they must have reserved space to begin with.
Zuo Ran: It’s within reason for Chen Hanzhang to choose an abandoned archive library for modifications.
 >Select: Ellipses
Zuo Ran: Don’t go in yet. Wait until Leader Yan comes.
MC: Okay.
We continued to search on this floor.
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>Select: Face
MC: Lawyer Zuo, are you a little too tired and slightly overheated recently? I see that your lips are peeling.
Zuo Ran: I…
Zuo Ran: That might be, I drink less water when going out on work.
MC: Tomorrow at work, I’ll buy you a lip balm from the downstairs convenience store. I know a really good brand.
Zuo Ran: Okay, thank you.
 >Select: Sleeve
MC: Aside from shooting and swimming, do you like other sports, Lawyer Zuo?
MC: I remember that during university, to stay fit and look good, lots of guys would learn things like mixed martial arts.
Zuo Ran: I’m not skilled at sports like these. Aside from shooting and swimming…
Zuo Ran: Does bridge count? An exercise of mental strength.
MC: Lawyer Zuo, you know how to play bridge?
Zuo Ran: When relaxing, I sometimes go to bridge clubs to play.
Zuo Ran: Playing cards actually comes second – what’s important is chatting with friends and relaxing.
MC: If there’s a chance, could you teach me? I’ve heard that bridge is very interesting.
Zuo Ran: Sure.
 >Select: Ellipses
MC: (I never would’ve thought that Lawyer Zuo knows how to play bridge.)
A door appeared in front of us.
Based on its position, this was the room in the southeast direction.
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>Open door
 Special File Room
The door to the room was opened, but the door’s password lock was still working, and the electricity normal.
MC: Look, what’s that?
Facing the door was an indomitable-looking, transparent… closet?
I didn’t know how to describe this thing. It looked a little like a water tank or standing closet used by magicians to perform escape magic.
The closet had an electronic lock on it and was currently in locked state. The dashboard on the side displayed the oxygen levels in the closet.
The entire closet was partitioned into two parts, both different from each other. Both sides had a lever, and I didn’t know what they were used for.
MC: Lawyer Zuo, can you tell what this thing is used for?
Zuo Ran: I can’t imagine it.
Zuo Ran: Although there might be what we’re looking for in the file cabinets on these two sides.
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>Select: Cabinets
Zuo Ran: Li Gang, 2 million, redeemed…
Zuo Ran: Xue Fan, 4.7 million, redeemed…
Zuo Ran: What’s placed here should be the case files of the “redeemed” people Qing Zhian talked about.
MC: There are only paper document records – there isn’t any other evidence… looks like the so-called blackmail leverage really was destroyed.
Zuo Ran: Whether it’s Gu Wei or Chen Hanzhang, once they’ve set up the rules, they must comply with them.
Zuo Ran: Otherwise, the Tiger’s Accomplice Ghosts might as well surrender to the police and go to jail, and the methods that they use to control the Ghosts would become invalid.
 >Select: Cabinets (2)
MC: Cheng Kaiyuan, August 20th, 2017, died from car crash…
I flipped through the materials on the second file cabinet. Here, all the records were of those who had already died.
Zuo Ran: There are only paper document records – looks like the related person’s physical evidence has already been destroyed.
Zuo Ran: For those who have passed, keeping their blackmail leverage is useless.
Suddenly, a muffled sound came from outside.
MC: Someone’s there?
I lowered my voice.
Zuo Ran: Don’t panic.
We silently waited for a moment. No other sound came again.
MC: Maybe the wind knocked something over?
Zuo Ran: Act carefully, don’t lower your guard.
 >Select: Glass closet
MC: (What is this closet used for?)
MC: (From a safety perspective, I shouldn’t touch it.)
 >Select: Ellipses
Zuo Ran: Fu Qiao’s crime evidence is not here, and neither is Qing Zhian’s.
MC: Let’s keep searching.
We continued to search on this floor.
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>Select: Tie
MC: Lawyer Zuo, when did you learn to tie your tie?
Zuo Ran: Why did you want to ask this? I remember it was… when I was in middle school.
MC: This early?
Zuo Ran: Mhmm, I participated in a school event, and it just so happened that the attire was dress shirt and tie.
MC: I noticed that I can tie a tie for myself, but when I tie it for others, I always get it wrong.
MC: When swapping directions, it seems like everything is different.
Zuo Ran: Perhaps you will get used to it after finding more chances to practice.
 >Select: Face
MC: Actually, Lawyer Zuo, when you smile, you really look especially handsome.
Zuo Ran: …
MC: If you typically smiled more, the colleagues at the law firm probably won’t fear you that much.
Zuo Ran: That’s also true.
 >Select: Ellipses
MC: In front, over there – that should be another room, right?
A door appeared in front of us.
Based on its position, this was the room in the northeast direction.
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>Open door
MC: This door is closed – we need the password to open it.
Zuo Ran: Password… how many digits?
I looked at the password lock’s digit prompts.
MC: 1, 2, 3… it requires 12 digits. This design at the end… it feels like I’ve seen it somewhere.
Zuo Ran: It’s the four-petaled flower design on that crystal bust.
MC: Could the riddle’s answer be on the bust?
MC: Could the text on the bust be the riddle? Are the ground-off numbers the password?
Zuo Ran: It’s very possible.
MC: If it’s guessing riddles…
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>Take a picture and send it to Xia Yan >Ask Zuo Ran
MC: Xia Yan is the most skilled when it comes to solving riddles. Let’s go to that display room and take a picture of the bust to send to Xia Yan.
Zuo Ran: No need – this riddle is very easy to solve.
 >Take a picture and send it to Xia Yan >Ask Zuo Ran
MC: Lawyer Zuo, do you have any ideas?
Zuo Ran: This riddle isn’t hard. I’ve already got the answer.
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Zuo Ran: The answer to the riddle should be 1634 8208 9474. It just so happens to be the same as with the ground-off numbers – the first digit is 1 and the last digit is 4.
MC: Lawyer Zuo, how did you figure it out this quickly?
Zuo Ran: Have you heard of the four-leaf rose number?
Zuo Ran: It refers to a four-digit number. The sum of each digit to the fourth exponent equals the number itself.
Zuo Ran: There are three numbers like this. Individually, they are 1634, 8208 and 9474.
MC: So the four petals and Rose on the bust were hinting at the four-leaf rose numbers?
Zuo Ran: Not only that, but that poem-like text also meant this, and it also hinted at the order of the numbers.
Zuo Ran: “Regardless of how you change, you are still you” refers to exponents.
Zuo Ran: “From the beginning to the end” indicates that the order goes from small to large.
MC: Lawyer Zuo, you really are too amazing. Are you really a law student? Your science grades must also have been great.
Zuo Ran: They’re just things that I got interested in and read about for middle school math. Typically, I’m not able to use them, and they’re not worth bringing up.
Zuo Ran: I’ll input the password. You stand behind me, a little far away.
I knew that Zuo Ran was afraid that the password lock had other safety mechanisms…
I heeded his arrangement and stood behind him, although it was not too far – it was a distance where I could reinforce him at any time.
Beep beep beep—
Right after Zuo Ran pressed the confirmation button, a quiet sound came from the door lock.
Zuo Ran: It’s open.
We pushed open the door and looked in. This was a file room again.
20 notes · View notes
noyaism · 4 years
Own It
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Pairing: SunaxFem!Reader
Word Count: 3.9k
Warnings: car sex, drug usage (weed), degrading, orgasm denial, creampie, choking, spit play, sir!suna, power dynamics, spanking, praising, and a touch of size kink (lmk if i missed any warnings!)
Song Inspo: Own It - Drake
Ever since your first year of high school, the very first day when you met Suna Rintarou for the first time, you found yourself hopelessly crushing. You couldn't tell if it was his stoic look, the vibe he gave off, the intelligence under it all, but whatever it may have been, Suna peaked your interest in every way possible. This caused you to almost instantly befriend him. He was a bit of a tough nut to crack at the beginning of your friendship, but he eventually let you in and let you get close, and as that happened your feelings for him only grew stronger. 
And now here you were, in your first year of college. The feelings you had for him were the same as they had been for years now, not diminished in the slightest. Your friendship with him had become so important to you, though. He was a vital part in your life, and you had to learn to cope with the fact that telling him how you truly felt might ruin the way things were. That was a possibility you couldn't even begin to fathom, and so even though it almost killed you to do, you tried your best to keep those feelings at bay.
Even with your barred feelings, you still did everything with Suna, trying your best never to make your true feelings known. One thing the two of you had recently got into, after a party you were invited to and forcibly made him accompany you to, was smoking. You knew people who did it in high school, but it was never really your scene. You knew Suna had done it a couple times before going to the party, but that night he finally convinced you to try it, and ever since then you two smoked together almost on the daily.
It was a night as normal as any other one. Suna had texted you, asking if you wanted to go smoke. That question was a no brainer, as it always was, and he picked you up fairly soon after. You drove to your usual spot, the picnic area of a park that wasn't too far away from campus. It was usually emptied out by eleven, a couple stragglers stargazing was the most you ever saw. Tonight was about the norm, Suna’s car being the only one in the parking lot, you two the only ones around.
“Let me try rolling it.” You offered as Suna pulled a rolling tray out of the glove compartment, and the weed out of his jacket pocket. 
“You sucked last time you tried to roll. Sure you're ready to try again?” You stuck your tongue out at Suna, shaking your head lightly at the dig.
“I’ll never get better if I don't practice. Hand it over.” It was a fair enough assertion, thus Suna handed you the rolling tray, with both the bag of bud, a grinder and a pack of wraps on it. Admittedly, you weren't the best at rolling. Someone else had always done it for you, either that or you were smoking off carts, so it was never a skill you had really developed. It wasn't until recently that you had started to roll yourself, and it was definitely a bit harder than it looked. 
“Now see, this one is much better.” You said as you dried the blunt off, running a lighter over it to seal it all up. Suna chuckled lightly, nodding his head as he admired your work.
“Yeah, it looks pretty good, I gotta hand it to you.” You let out a satisfied chuckle and got into the back of the car, settling comfortably in the backseat and patting the space next to you.
“Cmon, I can and will smoke this thing alone if you don't get back here.” You jokingly threatened. Suna nodded, quickly grabbing his phone and putting some music on shuffle before joining you in the back. 
A white cloud of smoke filled the car, hazing your sight just enough for Suna, who sat beside you, to be just a bit more blurry than he should be. As he took the last couple hits the blunt had left he cracked the window open a bit, discarding it onto the cement below and rolling the window back up so too much of the smoke didn’t escape. You laid your head on his shoulder, breathing in the familiar smell of cannabis and letting your breathing level out as the high started to set into your body. As per usual, the weed mellowed you out, allowing you to just relax with him. The silence from the lack of conversation was easily filled by the music that played from the speakers, F**k the World by Brent Faiyaz reverberating through the vehicle. Suna hummed lightly along to the song, and you shut your eyes and simply listened to him. 
It was times like this that you wished you had the guts to tell Suna how you felt about him, but once again you thought it best not to. Maybe it was how stoic he was; even though you were definitely the closest person in the world to him, and you probably understood his emotions the best, there was still no way for you to read if these feelings were at all reciprocated. It was the same things you found so attractive about him that also terrified you to open up. You didn’t want to read into the way he treated you, as you thought that was only setting yourself up to be disappointed, and so you simply wallowed in the feeling of a love so painfully unrequited that you were addicted to how bad it felt. 
“Are you okay, y/n?” He asked, noticing your expression was a bit off, which you hadn’t previously noticed. You nodded your head quickly, picking it up off his shoulder and looking over towards him.
“Yeah, yeah I’m chill. Mind kinda started to wander, is all.”
“Off to where?” 
“It’s nothing.” You quickly objected, shaking your head a bit frantically.
“It’s obviously something, just tell me.” You sighed lightly, knowing very well Suna wasn’t going to drop the topic until he knew what was bothering you. He cared way too much about how you felt to just let something like that go. You knew you had to just swallow your pride and tell him, but you couldn’t get the words out. The pure thought of saying you liked him made your throat feel like it was closing up. So, logically, there was only one way for you to get your point across.
Thus, you kissed him.
It wasn’t a long kiss, frankly because your cheeks got so hot you thought your head might just explode, but it was enough for Suna to understand what exactly it was you were trying to say. As you pulled away the gravity of what it was you actually did hit you, and you hid your face in your hands, shaking your head a bit.
“I’m so sorry, Suna. I didn’t mean to...well I did, but I just don’t want the fact that I like you to make things different between us.” Before he responded Suna took hold of your chin between his fingers, pulling your face up and out of hiding so you were now looking directly at him. 
“You’re an idiot. A pretty one, but an idiot nonetheless.”
Before you could ask what he meant his lips were on yours once again, but this kiss felt so much different than the first one. This one had passion behind it, passion that you didn’t know Suna even had for you. Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him in closer so you could kiss him deeper. He pulled you onto his lap, hands firmly gripping your ass. 
As the music changed you began to move your hips to the rhythm, I Don’t Think You’re Ready by Tank bumping through the speakers. It was a pretty fitting song for the current situation, as you were simultaneously so ready for what might happen with Suna, and yet you hadn't a single clue if you were ready to take it all. 
Your hands snaked up into his hair, tugging softly on the brown strands as the kiss began to get even more heated. It didn't help that it was already pretty hot in the car, but this offered you the perfect opportunity to not only undress yourself, but Suna as well. You pulled your shirt up and off of you, letting it fall to the floor without much regard for where it was going. His jacket and shirt joined the growing pile, and in an instant your lips were reconnected. Kissing him was addicting, even better than what you had imagined it might've been like. 
You whined a bit as he pulled away, a pout coming over your lips.
“I’m guessing by that look you're okay with going further with this.” You nodded your head, leaning forward and kissing him softly.
“I’m all yours, Suna.”
“That's what I like to hear.”
Now that he had permission to continue, Suna was more than ready to get into it. Just as much as you fantasized what it would be like to be intimate with him, he thought the very same about you, and wanted to make some of his fantasies a reality. He reached behind you and swiftly unclasped your bra, lips latching onto your nipple as you discarded it. He rolled the opposite bud between his fingers, and your hips continued to grind into his. He kissed all over the skin of your breasts, a sweet gesture in comparison to his next moves. 
With one fluid motion your back was now clad to the backseat, and Suna hovered above you. The silver chain he wore around his neck dangled down into your face, enhancing the pure sight of him. Not even Michaelangelo himself could’ve carved a face and physique as near perfection as Suna’s, and the fact only your eyes got to feast upon the sight made it all the more attractive. He pulled your leggings off of you, your panties going with them. The feeling of being so bare in front of him was an interesting one. You would’ve expected that you were going to be more shy, more nervous about it, but it felt so right that you couldn’t have possibly felt that way. Suna bit his bottom lip as he looked down on you, admiring the sight of your nude body in front of him for what would be the first of many times.
“You’re fucking gorgeous, you know that?” He questioned before going down on you. While he wasn’t the biggest fan of his car, insisting it was a soccer mom car with way too much space than he would ever need, it seemed that the space was finally going to actually come in handy. You quite comfortably were laid out while he still had plenty of space to be between your legs. He placed soft, slow kisses on your inner thigh, each kiss heightening your need for him. By how wet you were it was obvious you were ready for him, and he wasted no time giving you what you wanted.
His lips latched onto your clit, sucking softly before he began licking long stripes between your folds. Chills ran down your spine, and moans started to slip from your mouth aimlessly. Suna’s tongue flicked over your clit, making you feel pleasure previously unbeknownst to you. Sure, guys had given you head before, and sure, it felt okay, but nobody had ever come close to being this good. It felt absolutely unreal, and the extent of your pleasure was potent in the way you said his name. Over and over again; Suna, Suna, Suna. Like a prayer desperate to be heard. And he loved hearing it, too. It was all he needed to know how good he was making you feel.
Your hips bucked toward his mouth as you began to chase your orgasm, the heat pooling in your core becoming hotter and hotter. You needed to cum and you needed it bad, and you needed him to give it to you. Suna slipped a finger into you, the second coming in quick succession. His mouth parted with you and his thumb began circling your most sensitive bud, so he could come up and loom over you.
“Feels good, doesn't it?” He asked, with a shit-eating grin on his face. He couldn't shake just how pretty he thought you looked like this, all desperate for him to please you. You nodded your head frantically, looking up at him with pure lust in your eyes.
“Ple-please make me cum, Suna.” You begged, much to his liking. He leaned down and kissed you gently, that same grin on his face as he pulled away. 
“Of course, baby. I’ll make you cum,” He prefaced before quickly removing his fingers from you, leaving you empty and with a ruined orgasm. You whined in frustration, confused as to why this was his course of action.
“But you’re gonna cum on my cock. Got it?” You nodded your head as Suna moved to take off his pants, finally letting his hardened erection spring free. You weren't sure what you had expected him to be packing, but the mere girth of him surpassed whatever you would've thought you were getting from him.
“Yes, sir.” You replied, causing Suna to chuckle lightly. He guided the tip of his member between your folds, lubing up with all the wetness that was already present. It was such a sight for him, one he had been wanting to entreat upon for a long, long time now. 
“That’s my good girl.” He praised before slowly starting to push into you. He took his time, not wanting to hurt you, but he had to admit the way you were clenching around him already was enough to drive him mad. He bottomed out soon enough, and you took him to the hilt. It felt so unbelievably good, and you gave him the okay to start moving. Suna kept his hands on your hips, keeping you steady as he began thrusting. Your eyes rolled back and your back arched, your body overwhelmed with pleasure. 
Your brain was kind of scrambled, hazy from how sensitive you were due to your previously denied orgasm, in conjunction with the high you were still on, but you could make out the song that had started to play. Own It by Drake, again, a pretty fitting song for the moment.
You’re still the one that I adore, ain’t much out there to have feelings for…
Both you and Suna had your passions, the things and people you cared about, but those lists were incredibly limited. There just wasn’t a lot that truly excited you. However, there had always been something that made you gravitate towards each other, something that made you need to be around each other, that caused you to be instrumental in each other's lives. Even if you wouldn't outwardly admit it, you adored each other.
Next time we fuck, I don’t wanna fuck, I wanna make love… 
But this time, you two were simply fucking. There was nothing more to it. It was raunchy, it was dirty, and little did you know, the fun was only just beginning for the both of you.
Suna kept his thrusts a bit on the slower side, much more concerned with how deep he was hitting than how fast he was going. It drove you absolutely wild, feeling every inch of him each time he moved. It was almost too much for you, your walls tightening around him more and more with even the slightest of moves he made.
“God damn, this slutty little cunt just can’t get enough of me, huh?” These words caught you completely off guard, you just wouldn’t expect Suna to say something so utterly vulgar, but admittedly, it turned you on way more than it probably should’ve. You shook your head lightly, looking him in the eyes, your gaze spilling over with desperation.
“N-need more.” You begged, much to Suna’s satisfaction. He smirked down at you, letting his right hand snake up your body and wrap around your throat while the left kept you firmly in place, with the entirety of his cock filling you up. 
“Cmon baby, you got better manners than that, don't you?” His tone was so divinely condescending, not really asking if you knew better, but insinuating you needed to. You were in no position to be anything but obedient, nor did your intentions differ. You wanted everything he had and were willing to do whatever it took to get it.
“Please, sir. I need more, I need it so bad.” You repeated, sounding even more desperate than you did before. By the look in his eyes you knew this was enough for Suna, who slowly pulled out of you. 
“Open your mouth.” He instructed, to which you immediately obeyed. He spat into your mouth, which you more than willingly accepted, a small smirk curling the corner of your lips as you swallowed. You were letting Suna know that he was in charge, and that you were there for him to use, his toy. He easily got the message, letting out a chuckle as he released his grip on your throat.
“Nasty little bitch.” 
Suna quickly turned you over onto your stomach, your face now pushed against the cold leather of the seats. His re-entry was quick, a soft squelch being heard as your walls greedily pulled his length right back in, giving you that oh-so euphoric feeling of being full once again. You moaned out loudly, a small yelp following at the unexpected spank he rained down on your ass. It was the first of many, while Suna simply enjoyed how you squirmed on him with each hit. 
After a fairly decent amount of spanking, enough to leave a deliciously painful sting on your skin, he started to fuck into you again. Suna’s slow strokes certainly weren't gentle, each seeming to hit deeper than the last, but this quickened pace turned that feeling up to a ten. Your mouth hung open as you took it all, moans and whines spilling out carelessly. Suna kept one hand firmly pressed onto the window for leverage, the other gripped hard on your waist, certainly enough to leave a light bruise. The sound of skin slapping with each of his thrusts rang through your head, and his grunts added atop that easily drowned out whatever music was playing. You much preferred this song, anyway.
“C’mere, ride me like the good little slut you are.” You didn't need to be told twice, as Suna pulled out and sat himself down you got yourself up and straddled him. You lined his tip up with your entrance, not lowering down onto him just yet, egging him on just to see how he would react. Fitting to what you expected, he grabbed onto your hips and forced you down, a surprised moan coming from you as your head fell onto his shoulder. 
“No no no, you don't get to tease me, whore. When I tell you to do something, you do it. Got it?” You nodded your head, letting out a small ‘yes sir’ in reply, too breathless to speak above a whisper. Suna’s hands gripped onto your ass as you started to ride him, bouncing on his length, circling your hips a bit every time you came down. 
Holding your orgasm back for this long was way more taxing than you would've thought it would be, your legs were shaking and your walls spasmed sporadically, desperate to finally get some relief. A pit of heat once again started to billow in your core, and you prayed you would finally get to cum.
“S-sir please, I need to cum...fuck, please let me cum.” The utter anguish in your voice did so much for Suna, knowing how much control he had over you and your pleasure turned him on more than anything else. He owned you, and he owned your orgasm, and you were both well aware of it. He was incredibly close himself, evident by how he started to pound up into you, matching the pace you had set. 
“Cum for me.” 
And you did. Almost instantly your high washed over you. You let out a moan that bordered on a scream as your juices spilled all over Suna’s dick. The spasms of your walls around his length made Suna cum as well, depositing a load out into you. For a while you two were fairly quiet, both catching your breath from what was undoubtedly the best orgasm either of you had had up until that point. 
You slowly got up and off of him, soreness almost immediately setting in now that you were empty. Suna ran a hand through his hair, fixing it up a bit before looking over at you. He motioned to his cock, a bit of a smirk still present on his lips. 
“Clean up your mess, baby.” You nodded at your instructions before leaning down, taking Suna’s length into your mouth. You licked up every last drop of both you and him, leaving nothing to waste. Once finished you popped your head up, wiping the corner of your mouth. Suna pulled you up and kissed you, placing a peck on your forehead as he pulled away. 
“So, you like me too?” You asked with a small smile. The answer to the question was more than blatantly obvious, but you still wanted to actually hear him say it.
“Of course I do, y/n. Everyone seemed to know but you, anyway.”
“And who is ‘everyone’, exactly?”
“Kita, Aran, the twins, you name it. Atsumu still won’t stop teasing me about not asking you out. Texts me every single day asking if we’re together yet.” 
With that in mind you picked up the shirt Suna had taken off, pulling it over your head before reaching up into the front cupholders to get your phone. He redressed himself fairly quickly, leaving a bit of his jacket unzipped at the top. You unlocked the device and started a Facetime with Atsumu, drumming your fingers on your thigh as you waited for an answer, making sure only you were in the frame.
“Hey! What’s up y/n, long time no see.” Atsumu greeted, giving you a smile and a wave. He was sat on his couch, a plate of sushi and a can of beer visible on the table where he had set his phone up.
“Yeah, it’s been a while. I was just calling to tell you he finally did it.” Atsumu looked at you a bit confused at first, but as you moved to get Suna in the frame as well it immediately clicked.
“Holy shit, thank god. I was getting tired of waiting, I was going to do it for him soon.” You let out a small chuckle, happy to see Atsumu was as bright as ever in his humor.
“Wait, hold on. Are you wearing his shirt? Did you guys fu-” Before he could finish the question Suna ended the call, shaking his head lightly.
“Yeah, I’m never gonna hear the end of that one.”
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ashintheairlikesnow · 3 years
Misread Details: Robert
CW: Dehumanizing language, BBU blanket warning, serial killer/death talk, descriptions of death/abduction/murder, blood, whumper death, some real vague implied noncon references, creepy whumper, sadistic whumper
Part One: Nanda | Part Two: Brute | Part Three: Robert
The Dark Discovery in Robert Weber’s Basement: Box Boy Killer, Part 3
•Posted by u/oshaycanyousee
3 days ago
After Part One, where we learned about the mysterious, but possibly entirely natural, death of Nathaniel “Nanda” Benson, and Part Two, where we saw Henry “Brute” Hanlon’s double life lead to his untimely gruesome murder, you see the single thread that connects these two men who otherwise never met, interacted, or even shared a single person in common… a nameless Box Boy, present at the death of Nanda even if he isn’t responsible for it, and the proven killer of Brute.
It’s my theory that this Box Boy may have accidentally killed his legal owner, Nanda, and then picked up a taste for the act and moved on to taking shelter with those he turns into his victims.
With Brute, he simply didn’t know the man had a wife and children and entire other life, and may have assumed no one would come looking for him or recognize his death. With our third individual, Robert Weber, it seems like our Box Boy Serial Killer got in over his head.
I give you… the Accidental Vigilante death of Robert Weber.
You decide if our unknown killer is simply the unluckiest guy in the world or a killer who even now may be somewhere living with - and earning the trust of - his next victim.
One bright and sunny day in the quaint, old-fashioned California town of Rancher’s Rest, Robert Weber was late for work.
Weber worked in a vehicle repair business owned by lifelong “RR” resident Randy Niles, who had known Weber since his childhood and had been his boss since Weber was eighteen years old and fresh out of high school.
Niles, who is now nearly seventy-five and still spends his days in the shop with an Australian Shepherd named Cody and a blind pit bull named Sue keeping him company everywhere he goes, stated that Weber had no living family he knew of beyond his sister in Vermont, and he was just about the closest thing Weber had to a relative just from having known him so long.
“He didn’t have too much to do with his sister,” Randy said in an interview with Unsolved Mysteries. (You can see the interview on the new Netflix reboot of the show! It’s a really good episode, definitely recommend. It’s how I got into this case in the first place.) “Or nobody, really. Just us at work, the guys at the bar, that kinda thing. He was quiet, kept to himself really. You’d never just strike up a chat around town or anything. But he got on just fine with the boys here in the shop. He was a bit of an egghead, too, always going on about this thing or that he’d seen on the news. Little… odd. Little bit off, you might say. But really, who isn’t? In any case, you know, I’d known him since he was a little boy, so he was just Bobby Weber to me.”
Then, of course, one day Robert Weber didn’t show up to work. Randy Niles immediately felt that something was very wrong.
“When nine, nine-thirty came and went and he wasn’t there,” Niles said, “I knew someone needed to go check on him. Bobby showed up for work right on time or ten minutes early, rain or shine, for twenty years. My first thought was maybe he’d had an accident at home, or some kind of, you know, health thing. Almost never called in sick, took one vacation a year, that kinda thing. So I drove right on over there. This would’ve been, oh, probably ten or ten-fifteen when I got to the house. Had my dogs with me, and they never did like Bobby much, but as soon as I opened my door and got out of my truck they just lost their damn minds. Barking, growling, Cody’s hackles were up like you wouldn’t believe. I know it sounds damn crazy, but I’m sure those dogs could smell that evil had been done in that house.”
On camera, Niles goes quiet, here, his gaze slipping away from the interviewer as he scratches at the side of his nose. When he looks back, the hint of good humor that seems to be an eternal part of his expression is gone.
“I didn’t know what Bobby had been up to all this time. None of us knew. I’ve known Bobby Weber his whole life, and I… I had no idea.”
Randy Niles was unable to convince his two dogs to exit the truck, and eventually rolled down the windows to give them some air and a way out if they chose (he is insistent on this point in the Unsolved Mysteries episode - “don’t you dare say I left my dogs locked up in a truck on a sunny day, I sure didn’t - Cody even knows how to pull a door handle if it’s the right kind”) and got out to knock on Robert Weber’s front door.
No one answered.
Niles knocked again. Still no response.
The front door was locked, but Niles was able to locate an unlocked back door into the garage, where he found Weber’s car neatly parked and nothing out of place. However, once he used an interior door in the garage to enter Weber’s home, what he found was so shocking he still struggles to describe it today.
“The, uh. The first thing I saw,” Niles says in the Unsolved Mysteries episode, wiping at his mouth with a handkerchief, “was a cage. Big old cage in the living room. Like a kennel for a big dog, Great Dane or something, except… except, you know, kennels’re usually mostly wire, not that heavy. You can fold ‘em up, put ‘em away. This was… geez. This was pure metal. Bunch of blankets all piled at the bottom, too. Here’s the-... you know, my mind just didn’t want to even make the thought, but I just, I looked at it and-”
In the episode, Niles has to take another moment, here. His eyes grow wet, and his voice is hoarse when he speaks again. “People cage. Bobby had a damn man-sized cage in his living room. That’s when my stomach just fell out. Even then, though, I couldn’t-... I just thought, oh, well, what people get up to in their own homes is their business. But still, I just. I just decided, find Bobby, figure the rest out later. So I kept walking around looking for him.”
Randy Niles continued to call out, hoping to hear Weber’s response, but received none… at first. The radio in the kitchen was playing a local public radio station (“Bobby always hated the country western and classic rock we played at work, he was a big news man, big into classical, jazz, you know.”)
Niles noticed, he says, that the cage next to the couch had a wooden top, as though it were meant to act as a side table, and on that table was a small woven basket. Inside the basket appeared to be several State IDs and Driver’s licenses. Niles took note of this but his first assumption was maybe that Robert Weber had stolen some IDs or something.
Which was technically true, just… not quite the way he thought.
The kitchen, hallway, and all three bedrooms were equally empty of life. Every room was clean, everything neatly in place. Empty bottles of Jameson whiskey, Weber’s favorite brand, were lined up like décor along the mantel, and one half-full bottle was next to two clean, empty glasses on the kitchen table.
Even the beds were perfectly made.
The only thing missing was any sign of Robert Weber himself.
The question of Weber’s whereabouts was answered when Randy Niles heard a sound coming from the open door to Weber’s unfinished dirt basement.
“Like a ghost,” Niles said in his interview. “Just this low moaning sound. Hardly even thought of it as human, you know. But I just-... I called out, ‘Bobby? That you?’ and the moaning got a little louder, like whoever it was was tryin’ to answer. I could still hear my girls in the truck just going nuts, probably worried about me knowing what they maybe could smell even out there. I figured… I figured I’d best call the cops and get them out here. Seemed like a plan. So I picked up my phone and dialed, and then I headed down those basement steps.”
What Randy Niles discovered in Robert Weber’s basement was a dying man, battered and stabbed eight times, lying in a half-dug grave.
Robert Weber had been beaten with the very shovel that had done the digging. The shovel lay off to the side, caked in dirt and blood. Police would find some of Robert Weber’s hair on it, too. Then, the individual who had beaten him had gone back upstairs - blood smears were found on the railing to the stairs - and taken a kitchen knife out of the knife block on the countertop. A bloody fingerprint was found on the side of the knife block. They had then returned to the basement where Weber was stabbed, almost entirely through the stomach and chest, twenty-six times, until the cheap knife simply broke from the force.
Randy Niles admitted in his interview that he became very ill at this time. “From the shock,” He elaborated. “I haven’t been able to smell much since I was in a car wreck when I was young, so I didn’t smell what-... what my girls prob’ly smelled from outside, and what the cops smelled. To me, it was just… just a little off, is all. It was the sight of it that got to me, not the smell. The sight of the-... the hand.”
Behind Robert Weber’s body, the hand of another person was sticking up out of the loose dirt, as though someone was trying to dig their way out.
“I remember… I remember her nail polish was pink. That’s when I got sick, actually, was when I saw that hand with the painted nails. That’s when it just hit me all at once what Bobby had done.”
Randy Niles went back up the stairs and waited for the cops to arrive. Rancher’s Rest is a small town where everybody knows just about everybody else, and Niles was on a first-name basis with every single police officer he spoke to that day and in the days after. He would learn alongside the investigation that Robert Weber was not simply the quiet, intellectual car mechanic he had always seemed.
Instead, Robert Weber was a serial killer whose potential final victim had managed a miraculous, deadly escape.
Robert Weber never answered a single question about his own murder - he never fully regained consciousness and died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. His injuries were simply too severe. His autopsy showed that the cause of death was a stab wound that went deep into his chest and that he was first stabbed only after the beating with the shovel had taken place. Like Brute, most of his stab wounds were applied post-mortem in a rage rather than as part of the killing itself.
Medical examiners also found scratches on Weber’s face and arms, indicating that he had attempted to defend himself - or someone else had attempted to defend themself from him.
So why was Robert Weber killed, and why was there already a body in his basement? Investigators would piece together the story over the following days and weeks from a crime scene that only seemed to become darker and more baffling as time went on.
Excavating the basement was originally thought to be something that would be brief, but after the first body was removed, another one was found beneath it. Then another off to the side of that. And another, although this was simply bones.
Every time the forensics team thought they’d found the last human bone, they dug a little deeper or in a new spot and found more.
Eventually, the remains of twenty-two individuals would be removed from the basement of Robert Weber’s home, not including Weber himself. The oldest located victim was identified as Melinda Traxson, an Iowa woman reported missing by her family after she ran away in March of 1996… more than two decades before Robert Weber didn’t come to work one day.
Investigators are still working to match up every body with a missing persons’ case. For nearly all of them, the cause of death could not be easily ascertained due to the deterioration of the remains, but some showed signs of skull fractures. Identified individuals so far include:
Melinda Traxson, 19, from Iowa, ran away from home in 1996.
Billie Mortimer, 21, disappeared from a day out with friends at Lake Tahoe one year later in the summer of 1997. Her friends went to get lunch from the car after a swim and when they returned, she was gone.
Matthew Ranger, 22, went missing during a road trip to Yellowstone National Park in 1997 (only five months after Billie). His car was found abandoned by the side of the road with a flat tire.
Karl Janssen, 24, a tourist from the Netherlands who was also visiting Yellowstone, disappeared a month after Matthew. Last seen by an employee of the park who witnessed him speaking with another young man and getting into the man’s car. The employee said that the two seemed to be friendly with one another and did not seem like strangers.
Hannah Pointer, 26. She was reported missing in 1999 by her mother after failing to return home from work in Reno, Nevada. This disappearance occurred more than a year after Karl Janssen’s. Investigators would later discover that during this time period, Robert Weber dated a young woman from his hometown and he may not have wanted to risk her finding out what he was doing.
Isaac Jackson, 26, a Rancher’s Rest resident who disappeared after going out to a local bar to see his friend’s band play in 2000. His car was found submerged in a small pond two years later. This is the first time Weber apparently killed anyone close to home. He was actually briefly suspected in Jackson’s death, as he was the last person noted to see Jackson alive, but was cleared of suspicion at the time.
Dustin Swill, 21, who was driving from Colorado to California to visit his sister who had moved to Berras to work for WRU in 2001. He was last seen in a gas station near Yellowstone, where employees noted he spoke to a man who was smoking outside, who gave him a cigarette. When Swill left, employees saw the man put out his cigarette and leave shortly after. They did not find this unusual or noteworthy at the time.
Maria Vargas, 25, a Rancher’s Rest resident who was reported missing in 2002. Her family is intensely private and have shared few details about her, but it is known that her boyfriend at the time suspected Weber, who had attempted to convince her to leave the boyfriend for him and had apparently threatened her. He remained a suspect but there was never enough evidence to charge him.
Jennifer Striker, 28, from who never arrived for an appointment with a realtor in 2011. The long pause between Maria Vargas’s murder and Jennifer’s appeared to be due to Weber keeping a man named Finn Schneider within his home for more than a year after abducting him, as well as Weber serving five years in prison for a violent assault on a man he believed had sold him a defective vehicle. (Schneider was no longer in the home before the assault and prison time.)
Riley Nievelt, 25, was staying at the Big Meadow Campground with six friends during a weeklong vacation in 2012. She vanished while on a trip to purchase supplies. Her cell phone was found on the ground in the parking lot of the Food Lion in Rancher’s Rest, a short and easy drive away. At this time, with multiple individuals vanishing after being seen in Rancher’s Rest or being residents of the town, police begin to suspect and start hunting for a possible serial killer.
Alexander Peterson, 29, was a long-haul driver who vanished while working. He was last seen at a rest stop in 2014 on the California/Nevada state line, and would likely have passed right through Rancher’s Rest on his journey. He was reported missing by his ex-wife in South Dakota when he did not return as scheduled for a custodial visit.
The most recent victim, and owner of the hand that Randy Niles saw sticking up out of the dirt, was Yolanda Pierce, 26. She was a Rancher’s Rest resident with a troubled relationship with her husband, who had stormed out after an argument and was never seen again. She is believed to have died the same day as Robert Weber.
More remains exist but have not yet been identified. If you or anyone you know has a friend or family member who went missing during this time period in or near Rancher’s Rest, Yellowstone National Park, or Death Valley, it may be worth looking into, as those appear to be Robert Weber’s “hunting grounds”.
Disappearances in Yellowstone and Death Valley almost always matched up with Robert taking one of his rare weeklong vacations from work.
When investigators located three large diaries hidden inside a locked box in Weber’s closet, the first two fully filled up and the third nearly two-thirds finished, they found an exhaustively detailed record of Robert Weber’s crimes.
In these records, they discovered Weber’s first three victims were killed within 24 hours of abduction, with the rest being kept alive for longer and longer time periods. It is believed all of them met their end in Robert Weber’s basement.
Diary entries included records of two victims who were not a part of the bodies buried in Weber’s basement, both of whom may still be alive:
Finn Schneider, 19, a German tourist who disappeared in 2003 during a visit to Death Valley. Until Weber’s journals were found, it was believed he had perished in the park and had simply never been found. Robert Weber also visited Death Valley during this time. No one linked the two together. Evidence found in Weber’s home after his death, including the aforementioned diary entries and photographs, shows that Schneider was alive in Weber’s home for nearly sixteen months. It is believed Weber purchased the “human cage” that Randy Niles noticed around this time. The last diary entry that mentions Schneider states that he was “traded” on June 16th, 2005, to an individual only referred to as “Mouse.” What Weber received in exchange is unclear, but he was seen driving a new, custom-painted truck around this time, which he said he bought “from a personal ad” when asked by Niles about it. Schneider has never been found. However, his mother did receive a phone call in 2013 from an individual she believes to be her son, telling her that “Finn” was okay and to stop looking for him.
Our Box Boy, 334235, purchased by Nathaniel Benson years prior, whose whereabouts had been unknown since he murdered Brute Hanlon. Weber believed the Box Boy to be in his early twenties, according to his diary entries, and mentioned that he had picked the Boxie up hitchhiking and had intended to kill him before seeing the barcode on the inside of his left wrist and changing his mind. His diary suggests the Box Boy remained in his possession for roughly a fourteen months prior to Weber’s murder. Police have not released the details of what the Boxie was subjected to during this time, stating only that it is not the public’s interest for this information to be known, and they would like to locate the missing Boxie and interview him about certain details.
Four murders occurred during the time the Boxie was kept by Robert Weber. Weber noted that “the dog helped” with either murder or burial, suggesting that he may have worked as Weber’s accomplice in his terrible crimes.
Is it possible that they bonded over a shared urge to kill? Did the Boxie start a captive and become a companion?
Weber’s diary contained other disturbing facts, as well:
Weber also noted three failed abduction attempts in detail, in 1998, 2004, and 2017. In each he described with incredible precision of memory the appearances and descriptions of each person he failed to capture. He also appeared to do intensive research using their license plates and other information to find out where they lived and who they were. The names of these individuals have been kept quiet for privacy reasons.
Other failed abductions were noted, about one per year, without much detail. Or at least not enough for police officers to know who they were. Nearly all these failures were in one of three locations: Yellowstone National Park, Stanislaus National Forest and nearby campgrounds, and in or near Death Valley.
The last entry in Robert Weber’s diary was penned the day of his death.
NOTE: Weber referred to the Boxie as “the dog” in nearly all his journal entries. His last entry went:
May 6th, 20XX: The dog is pissed about something again. He’s always pissed about something. I think the thing in the basement probably kept him up all night with her caterwauling. He never gets used to the noises they make. God knows I can’t sleep either, at least not well. I’ll handle her tonight, have a drink with the dog after, see if that shuts up his nonsense for a while. Note: missed NPR interview with Senator Carlotta Grant on new leg. about the bb prohibition act. Find that on website later.
Found in Weber’s home, in boxes under his bed, were a series of restraints made of leather, high-quality items that appear to be custom-ordered to specific measurements. These included “gloves” intended to keep someone from being able to claw or scratch in their own defense, five sets of cuffs, a body harness, a leather half-face-mask that police referred to as a “muzzle”, several gags, some of which were deemed to be “designed to cause injury to the inside of the mouth”, and “other assorted items for use in torture and torment”.
You can find some leaked police docs online that go into more detail, but suffice to say they pretty much match the kinds of “toys” found in Nathaniel Benson and Brute Hanlon’s homes, too. And apparently, if you really know where to look, you can find some blurry low-quality photos Weber took, too.
While the items are a bit salacious, they aren’t entirely uncommon in consensual relationships, too, so it’s really not clear if they’re evidence of the Boxie being held against his will or not.
The investigation of the crime scene suggests that at some point after writing his final diary entry, Robert Weber made himself a pizza, which he ate half of and put the rest away in the fridge. His shaving cream and razor were found out on his sink, and Weber’s body was clean-shaven, suggesting he shaved shortly before his death.
He then watched three episodes of Law & Order: SVU. We know this because he texted during this time with his only living relative, the sister in Vermont. Little is known about Weber’s family and childhood, beyond his sister’s recounting of a quiet, strained home life with an overbearing mother and her mention that Robert endured several head injuries as a child and adolescent, including one that hospitalized him for days.
After he finished watching TV, Weber entered the basement and murdered Yolanda Pierce. It is believed he took the Box Boy downstairs with him, either as accomplice or witness. At some point while he was disposing of Yolanda Pierce’s remains, the Boxie became enraged for one reason or another, beat him with a shovel, got the kitchen knife from upstairs and stabbed him to death, and then left the house.
A neighbor remembers hearing odd noises around 3:30 AM and looking out their window to see a shadowy figure walking quickly down the road, but they weren’t able to see well enough to say whether or not the individual matches the description and WRU-provided photos of the Boxie. It does seem reasonable, though, to assume that the neighbor witnessed the Boxie fleeing the scene of the crime.
The Box Boy has never been seen again.
Police are pretty mum about the active investigation into the Box Boy’s whereabouts. I was able to get ahold of one source closely related to a member of the investigative team who said that there’s just not a lot of urgency. “Weber killed nearly two dozen people, just that we know of,” The source said. “The cops are a little bit ‘good riddance to bad rubbish’ about the situation. Unless the Boxie comes back to RR, they’re just inclined to let sleeping dogs lie.”
The sense of “let it be someone else’s problem” would be understandable… if this Box Boy weren’t responsible for one other direct murder, possibly two.
Police believe the Boxie has not left California, and is likely to be continuing to survive by engaging in prostitution or perhaps panhandling or some other hidden way of making money. Unconfirmed sightings have been located in three cities in central California, but all of these are unverified and should be taken with a grain of salt.
It’s also possible he hooked up with a pet liberation movement group, in which case he may be hiding out in a safehouse, protected from the consequences of his actions by the pet lib movement’s understandable insistence on total secrecy and anonymity for the Boxies they take in.
If he’s an innocent victim of circumstance, that’s fair.
If he’s a burgeoning serial killer with three victims under his belt and a taste for inflicting terrible violence on those who take him in… well… anyone who gives him shelter may be next.
Is our Boxie a purposeful killer or just supremely, almost incomprehensibly unlucky? Will he kill again? Was he Robert Weber’s accomplice or his victim?
Will he strike again?
Should there be an audit of WRU’s psychological testing on potential sign-ups to see if, perhaps, a Box Boy-wannabe with an urge to kill slipped through the cracks?
What do you think?
@astrobly @finder-of-rings @burtlederp @whump-tr0pes @raigash @eatyourdamnpears @orchidscript @doveotions @pretty-face-breaker @boxboysandotherwhump @outofangband @whumptywhumpdump @whumpfigure @thehopelessopus @downriver914 @justabitofwhump @butwhatifyouwrite @newandfiguringitout @yet-another-heathen @nonsensical-whump @oops-its-whump @endless-whump @cubeswhump @gonna-feel-that-tomorrow @whumpiary
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭 IV
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐨 𝐢𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬. 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧𝐭 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐡𝐲. 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮. 𝐃𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐨 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝 𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮
Genre: angst
Warning: jealousy, argument, kinda a love triangle
Pairing: damiano David x reader, Victoria de angelis x reader, bisexual reader
Please don't post any of my content anywhere else without my permission!
Comment and reblogs welcome
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A few weeks had past since you shared a kiss with Victoria. You both have grown closer and closer throughout that time.
Damiano soon Became a blur in your mind something you never thought was possible. Damiano wasn't happy right now unlike you. Nicole was driving him nuts and you blocking his number drove him crazy too. He asked Victoria how you were and she always said yes but that wasn't enough for him. Damiano suspected you had moved on to another person, but he had no idea it who it was with. Damiano wanted to do a little investigating.
Around 4 pm he left his house to go to the studio with the band. Even though he was there it was quite obvious his mind was elsewhere.
After 3 hours they decided to end the night and go separate ways. Damiano noticed how Victoria was excited to leave and see you. Even though that was normal because you always was like that today it felt a little different.
He got into his car and drove over to your place after Victoria left a few minutes earlier.
He Parked a few car spaces down expecting to see another guy coming out of the house. Instead it was you coming out. You looked beautiful damiano thought to himself.
You walked over to Victorias car with a smile, you let her get out before you leaned in and kissed her.
The action made damiano gasp; he sat up in his seat, mouth wide open as he you pull away. You looked at Victoria happily, in a way you used to with damiano.
As you two walked inside the apartment damiano ran his hands over his face. He didn't know what to think or what to feel. He just saw his two friends kissing, something he never expected.
In the inside his heart ached, but he wasn't going to deny it. All of this was his fault. If he would've never chose Nicole over you than this would have been like this.
The next day damiano woke up. It was around 6am way before Nicole woke up. He decided to slip out of the house before she awoken, he didn't have time for her long talks in the morning. At least not now.
He got up slip on some pants, a clean shirt and some shoes before he made his way outside.
Damiano began walking down the street getting some much needed fresh air. His mind was still filled of the image of you kissing Victoria. It seemed like no matter how hard he tried he could never erase it from his mind and that sucked.
He reached the end of the street and stopped to let the car pass before he went. He didn't notice but you and Victoria were walking up the streets at the same time.
You were the first to lay eyes on him. You stopped talking to Victoria, your smile falling. Victoria followed your eyes to see damiano Crossing the street. He had soon notice the both of you causing him to stop.
"Vic.. y/n."
He looked between you both with a Forced smile. "Hi Damiano." Victoria started. "How are you?"
"I'm fine." Damiano tone came out cold making you and Victoria look at him confused. "I'm sorry is there something wrong Damiano?" You said no longer deciding to be silent.
"yeah actually their is. You and Victoria decided to hid from me that you two were sleeping together or whatever you two are doing when you could've told me so yeah I'm pissed off that's what was wrong."
Damiano stood there anger in his eyes. Even though he was angry it was nothing compared to you.
"damiano, you lost the opportunity to know what was going on in my life when you decided to end our friendship. Victoria has been there for me through these past month making sure I'm ok while you were with your skank. Me or Victoria Don't have to tell you anything so don't count on it. We kissed, yes. Maybe we're an item but that's none of your business. Now."
you turned to Victoria and took her hand. "If you excuse us, we have a walk to finish. Have a good day damiano."
You walked away with Victoria leaving damiano standing there. he wasn't expecting that out of you, but you needed to say it. Damiano lost his right to know what was going on in your life a while ago and he needed to know it. The truth hurts
I kinda rushed with this so sorry if it doesn't make sense. Next part coming soon
@anxioustransboi @tiaamberxx @jinxy175
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pagesdiary · 2 years
Diary Entry #36
Date: 04/22/2011
Location: Back at home
 So as promised, here’s part of the interview I gave to Mr. Ember Skyes.
 Me: What is your name and profession?
 Ember: Well...any newspaper can tell ya that miss Page...buuuuut since it's on record...
 Ember Skyes, my Friends call me  Charcoal, on the team I'm better known as: 'Bombshell Skyes'.  I'm in a word, Lead coordinator for the Pegasus Sky Fighting competitions that happen all across Equestria!!
 (I’ve heard of that sport before. A fairly new sport that has quickly been gaining notoriety)
 Me: What drove you to choose that profession?
 Ember: Hm...well...BESIDES being super popular and being a cool athlete...flying runs in my family!! My mom was a famous uh...what she call it? ...fearless flying? And my brother does stunt shows too...I almost did as well but...I learned I was a natural flank kicker long as my hooves weren't touching the ground...so I began thinking up this like...way to coordinate that with flying...after a while I made a sport outta it.
 Me: What is Flash Wind's relation to you?
 Ember: He's my brother!! Or uh...well adopted brother I guess is the right term. We met when I was kinda young, I helped em out with some country guys who were giving him a hard time then let him stay with me and my mom and dad, and he became a member of the family after that!!
 (Well then, more context to what Mrs. Skyes had shared with me)
 Me: Any fun memories you have with your brother?
 Ember: OH a bunch actually!! Me and Flash did all sorts of stuff together, more often tho it peeved off mom cause the trouble was my fault heh
  Their was this one time I taught him one of my moves, the Free-fall Corkscrew, and he was just so eager to learn it!! One day while I was training him he accidently bumped me and threw off my concentration and I broke some farmers barn...mom uh...she wasn't too happy bout that... probably cause she had to pay the damages...
 But it was a blast!!
 (Hehe! Sounds like something teenage colts would do)
 Me: Did you help train Flash in his flying, and any signature moves you invented that Flash Wind uses?
 Ember: Oh yeh DEFINITELY!! He's a great flyer on his own but he has a tendency to bank too hard and his weaving is a little shaky, he always taps training poles, I taught em a few tips and tricks to help em out.
As for signatures...well...I came up with this move right? You fly super super high in the air, so high breathing gets a bit hard, then...you just PLUMMET to the ground, put the audience on edge. Then, just as you near the ground, you put a spin and launch with the momentum, puts a lotta speed on ya...I add a spin to it...I call it...the Corkscrew nosedive!! Fillies always go nuts over it, took Flash some time to get it but he got a handle on it real well...like he's made for that sort of stuff!!
 (That must be what Flash did for the closing act in his air show I watched. Very daring!)
 Me: Any sort of trouble you and your brother gotten into in your time of youth?
 Ember: Uh...well me and Flash have gotten into a lotta things...mostly my fault since uh ..mom says I'm the Daring one between the both of us...but uh their um...was one moment
 We visited some place a bit outta the ways of town and we ran into a winged lion den, the alpha attacked us... specifically me and Flash took the hit for me...ahem...nothing I couldn't handle though...it was strong but I was fast, a few well placed jabs sent the little kitty cat flying but uh...Flash nose dived into the ocean and um...I...couldn't save em...
 (He must be referring to that winged lion that Mrs. Skyes mentioned to me. I assume Flash was rescued if he’s still alive. I wonder who saved him. I’m also noticing a bit of discomfort in Mr. Skyes expression. Maybe I should avoid asking further questions about that)
 Me: What do you think is an interesting fact about Flash?
 Ember: ...an... interesting fact? Hmm...
 ... interesting...fact...OH I got one!!
 He's probably the bravest pegasus I've ever met!! I mean I'm no coward when it comes to facing something dangerous but...hey even I've got my limits...but Flash? He goes above and beyond for just about anypony who asks!! And don't get me started on some of the moves he's done during his shows.
 (Wow! He keeps on reminding me of his father so much! This is exciting!)
 After a while longer, I was able to gather all I needed. He was very curious as to why I had such an interest in Flash.
 I wish I could tell him, but I don’t want to accept the risk of my Napfény finding out. I had to stay silent.
 As for now, I must end here.
 I made it home, and I have many things to write.
 With Love,
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