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sigmas-lover · 3 days ago
my #bedtime story continues
I could say that I love different things- like the autumn breeze, black coffee with hazelnuts, or the feeling of control. Those are just extreme expressions we throw around. Nothing else special.
Something about how she’s like. downplaying it. Idk. hands behind my back. Surely this will not resurge as a problem in the future, her habit of downplaying these things that evidently make her happy—to some degree. Girl murder is not ur entire personalityyyy.
but my hands wandered, landing on top of hers, comfortably sliding my fingers between the gaps, neither of us aware what we were doing to one another.
I could not resist it. My signals were jammed, and they were all directing me to hold her hand or her arms the entire time. … 
Julianne continued to hold my hand though even outside the theatre an hour later, humming the songs happily and swaying her arms.
“Julianne, don’t think about the Mass part, think of what we’ll do when we get back to my house–” I held my breath and thoughtfully constructed what I would say next “-- What food we’re gonna be eating or what drinks I should prepare..do you drink alcohol? No, bad question, do you have an allergy somewhere? Are you okay with salmon steak for us both..?”
I was asked- “where’s Julianne?” by at least 3 people.
I guess we go in pairs now.
uuuuuu they’re in pairs now uughhuuuuuu
I tilted my head in flustered confusion. Sure I will. At least by now the smoke has settled. She slips her glasses off and leans into me, taking the initiation to kiss me first.
I walk out of here stumbling and lost Where am I. Then I collapse on the ground dead
She Loves You (2/2)
Cathedrals are everywhere for the eyes to see.
Thank you all for being patient with how long this took! Happy 2nd month, House Guest! This crazy hyperfixation has me holding on and recovering from everything.
Read the 1st part and the Midfic to fully understand everything going on here.
In which our beloved couple present themselves happily long before they need to defend their existence to their imagined public.
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December 12, 1987
You want to look up and pretend it isn't snowing. you want to see the autumn sky again but no. It's flat. It's a pastel lavender. And the weather freezes everyone's paws as they read the morning paper. You're unwrapping this notebook that's been sitting snuggly in the wrapper for the new season. and as you transfer important notes and numbers from the old book, a pink sticky note has her name and telephone number on it. It was only yesterday when you first called but the numbers are already burnt into your mind. Then your eyes look at the clock, monitoring the hours, scratching in impatience, anticipating…
Then you realise what’s happening. You thought that you had kept her at arms-length, close enough but not comfortable. You kept most people at a distance but not her. She begins to tap dangerously close into your mind and you can only shut down to prevent any more ideas from flowing. But she’s multiplying, burrowing everywhere you can hide. How annoying.
Then you may stop to think to yourself: “Is it likely that I’m falling in love again?” Again? Since when have I loved someone? Like Lola? I’m not too sure if there’s a calibre we can weigh the intensity on. Maybe a heart attack, but I never had any of those either. In any case though, I don’t believe I do that sort of thing. The feeling is far distant from it. I could say that I love different things- like the autumn breeze, black coffee with hazelnuts, or the feeling of control. Those are just extreme expressions we throw around. Nothing else special. 
I walked out of the shop expecting a yellow sky but it was still covered in lavender. The feeling was beginning to make me go mad. Dressing up in new garb, looking directly at myself in confused rage. I’ve had this conversation before. I like women. I prefer women. I am not above killing them though. But love knows its ways around me. I’m blushing. I’m fixating on every clumsy sign of affection she shows me. Her kind gestures. Her smile. The way she scrunches her face when her glasses begin to slip. Her unusual voice. I’m beginning to feel it again. A quickened heartbeat. The blurry vision. Sweaty palms. Slurred thoughts.
Maybe I do.
Then she shakes my shoulder when she finds me sitting near the ticket booth with my arms crossed. I sit up properly taking a good look at her. Julianne finally wore her glasses outside, the red frames matching a ribboned top. It was something a little nicer than any of her usual outfits. I curiously wondered though who was inside the silver locket she was wearing.
“Hi, I’m sorry if I kept you waiting.”
“No, you aren’t late at all.” I replied “It’s not even 4 yet but let’s hurry. I have a secret to show you in here.”
Her ears popped up hearing the invitation. She nodded and followed behind me when I bought our tickets and made our way into the cinema. The theatre lights were still on, but as to be expected, there were handfuls of families crowding the theatre this Saturday. Thankfully seats 6 and 7 on Row L were empty and everyone else was courteous enough to not surround our bubble as badly as they could have. 
“Don’t tell anyone about this spot.” I whispered “This has the best view in the cinema even on a packed night.”
Her eyes instead focus on the architectural quirks and details swirling around the space, drawn immediately to the gold cat centrepiece hanging above the screen. She looks back at me and nods.
 “It is…seems just right in the middle..” Her voice tones down to a shy whisper. She rubs her hand on the plush of the velvet seat. The lights dim and the projection begins. The doors are closed for the next hour. Time was moving slower in that red box. I could barely focus on the movie. I know I’ve seen it before somewhere. Julianne on the other hand had her eyes focused on every minute and every detail. She was holding back her excitement to not be so rude. The entire time I was squinting, making out her face in the dark and she only caught me staring once just to tell me her favourite scene was coming up. I forced myself to look at the screen, avoiding suspicion but my hands wandered, landing on top of hers, comfortably sliding my fingers between the gaps, neither of us aware what we were doing to one another.
I could not resist it. My signals were jammed, and they were all directing me to hold her hand or her arms the entire time. I regained autonomy when I asked myself if I could take it a step further. Then the excitement of momentum drowned. 
Julianne continued to hold my hand though even outside the theatre an hour later, humming the songs happily and swaying her arms.
“Hey Julianne, your glasses are fogged.”
“Aw, are they? Thanks.” She let go and grabbed a napkin to clean them up.
She leaned her head on my arm, purring as we continued walking downtown to her apartment. Lively Saturday nights have returned slowly but surely. Christmas lights and displays illuminated the stores around each corner, decorated with trinkets or dioramas of religious imagery. Julianne would stop every now and then to admire a few of them. 
“Thanks for taking me to see Annie tonight. You really didn’t have to.” 
“It’s my pleasure. I don’t know what to do with myself on December nights. Everyone is either out of town or closed early.”
“Everyone is home in December where I’m from. Woodbrook would be twice as busy. Everything would be open til 11!”
I gently smile.
“Oh, I should make it up to you..uhm..do you like magic shows? Not the birthday party sort of ones, the ones that are a lil more mature.” Julianne asks almost excitedly “It’s more of a comedy thing than it is kiddie entertainment. I could take you with me..”
“I’m sorry, I don’t. It’s not my cup of tea.” I said between half-gritted teeth, feeling awful for rejecting the offer.��
“Well, is there any hobby you have that we can do together? Something we can do over the weekend?” Julianne begins insisting. 
“I don’t really have a lot. I’m getting old, so maybe woodwork but most of my hobbies are solitary”
“We can always meet at the library then. I don’t mind. Also, have you eaten dinner? Do you want to go out? I’ll pay tonight since you paid for the tickets.”
I struggled to reply to that. I really had no appetite today. Maybe a few pieces of bread would do today but the thought of the movie meet up tonight weighed upon my head even after the fact, I had lost the will to. I shook my head. 
I’ve been down this road before.
Except she was a lot more merciful in her methods. She left disappointed but she at least understood when to stop pushing my buttons.
“I’m being so pushy, am I? I don’t want to force you to do anything. You’re just so nice to me. I also wanna be nice to you.” She frowns, wrapping her tail around her waist for her to fidget with. We stop at the entrance of the red building. She looks back at me and slowly blinks.
“I’ll leave it at that for now. You really should eat dinner though. Thank you!”
I stood at the doorway for longer than I would have liked to admit.
December 15, 1987
Last night, Woodbrook experienced its first gleanings of winter. This morning, my driveway was covered in snow. I figured that I should get the front of the house and shop cleared up as early as now to avoid delaying opening. And so I was up since 5, shovelling through snow and greeting school children before it was time I drove to town to do more of the same. 
Coming into the town proper, an alarm bell began ringing in my mind- it was calling for me to look around. I did not understand what I was watching for suddenly. There were no signals in the snow this morning. From the reflection on the glass though was a bright rose parka that my eyes followed into the corner to the church. Nobody else wears that bright of a color here.
Following the butterfly into the pews, I hung my head low and pretended to have a reason to be there. She was seated rows away from me, spending 20 more minutes praying the rosary. She broke out of that solemness and looked around her, turning her back and finally acknowledging my presence. Her cheeks warmed up as she smiled then hid her blushing as she quickly got up and signalled I should follow her. 
“Did..did anyone see that?”
“See what?”
“See me…”
I playfully wrapped my arm around her shoulder. Her cheek got redder, cautiously looking around the street for any onlookers. 
“Most people can’t put up a fight about it. Cut it out.” I reassured her “Wanna get a chocolate at Betsy’s?”
“I’m fine, I’ll be making pancakes at home. Do you want to come with me?”
We looked at a clock inside the still closed stationery store. It was 7 in the morning. The storefront was already clean anyway. 
“I’ll help cook them with you. I’m glad you asked, ‘cause I haven’t eaten anything since 5.”
“Five? I’ve been in church since five. It’s the first snow too.” She was holding out her tongue to taste the snow. 
“Yeah, just clearing out my road, and you don’t have work today?”
“Woodbrook Elementary suspended classes today due to how intense the snow was last night. I also thought that, yknow, 10 days til Christmas. Isn’t there a vigil mass leading up to Christmas at the start of the day? Guess not.” She was talking her head off, eyes still looking behind us. The church had long disappeared into the horizon and she was still distracting me from actually asking what I had come there for.
“No, they don’t. But there is a mass during Christmas Eve. Do you want us to go together?”
“No, no, no, no, I don’t..want to..go to Mass..going with..I’m just saying God would know I’m coming there with impure intentions or what have you.”
Her eyes avert away from where we’re walking and she tries to let go of the grip I have on her. I just continue to hold her closer. The heat in between us was already far too comfortable to let go of. She tried again and my hand just lowered itself to where it was holding her hip.
“No, I’m not letting you go, we still have a block away to walk. Nobody is out here anyway.”
It was an unusually empty Tuesday morning. Half the stores on this avenue were shut down and the foggy air obscured whatever might just be waking up right now. Everything was washed in cream and blues that Christmas ornaments and lights would cut through later in the day. But it was 7 in the morning. To the two of us, this could have been a 3 pm on any other season. 
“It’s safe for two girls or guys to hold hands at least here. Anything other than that is a gamble. I don’t think anyone has any balls in them to punch anyone over what we’re doing right now.”
“I mean..we’re just friends though, right?” Julianne quickly corrected me.
“Of course, of course. That’s why I was thinking if we could attend mass together then we’ll have Christmas dinner. How does that sound?”
“You’re Catholic too?”
I could feel myself trying to not burst into laughter at her silly question. That’s the worst you could assume of me. 
“Sorta” I lied.
“Then we can, as..you know..friends..and you just don’t have to look at me during Mass but..”
“Julianne, don’t think about the Mass part, think of what we’ll do when we get back to my house–” I held my breath and thoughtfully constructed what I would say next “-- What food we’re gonna be eating or what drinks I should prepare..do you drink alcohol? No, bad question, do you have an allergy somewhere? Are you okay with salmon steak for us both..?”
Julianne pulled out her keys when we got to the lobby of the apartment building, eyes following us to the room at the top of the complex.
“I do love salmon, what if we bake it though with buttered vegetables and cheese?”
Her face was red and warm, a hand similarly holding on to the small of my back in front of more people than she worried about. She excitedly talked about what she could cook for the night or what we’d be doing after.
The rosary on her neck heard every intention and desire regardless.
They know. And they’re rewarding her for it.
December 25, 1987
“I told you” She whispered “Don’t look at me during the Mass.”
“Where else was I supposed to look?”
“I don’t know…the altar?” Julianne pouted again. She toyed with the silver heart on her chest since we got inside the truck. 
We were stuck in the traffic between the busiest roads in town. New cars were flowing in and out of town for vacation while most were rushing home for dinner or their reservations. Last year I spent the day in bed, watching movies alone, and hiding from the world. I was still well fed by at least three families sending me everything I wanted. I was eating a casserole and cookies under my table waiting for Spring. I did miss the formality of the night though. I used to spend it with the Albrights for over two decades. Now with them away, I was getting calls from all around town to stay over. But the message was clear this year. Julianne placed her hands back on the handles of her tupperware when the light turned green.
“It’s so nice that you made that baked salmon too. You didn’t need to.”
“You just wouldn’t tell me what else I could do for you after Annie. It’s all I can do.”
Regardless, I was fine with returning routine back into my holiday schedule. I was wandering in the dark again earlier this year, trailing off of last year’s habits. I remember I still absentmindedly bought a certain somebody’s favorite cakes on a Monday afternoon for what was our afternoon tea time. Luckily, I now had someone at awe of such simple treats like raspberry tarts. Her tail was happily straightened up admiring the gussied-up kitchen. A table for two, sharing two big casseroles of food, strawberry shortcake, raspberry tarts, and a whole bottle of wine. She straightened her white dress, looking back to me to politely gesture we take a seat.
“As friends, right?”
“To my dearest friend, Julianne.”
I know she doesn’t only think of me as her friend.
I’m a special case. An eyecatcher. And then a crush. Then a friend. Now her first suitor. 
She’s crawling inside and finding her space.
Her hand rests on top of mine as we eat.
Many, many more wordless gestures.
The lamb rests inside comfortably.
I could lock it inside now.
But when her eyes curiously glance over to mine, the pressure drops and I feel similarly airy. A fever rushes back to me. The feelings become reciprocal for a glean of a second.
It’s poisoning us both.
This Christmas I watched a girl put a whole strawberry in her mouth. Then she helped me wash the dishes and pack away the Christmas garb on my dining table. For one night I was not angry. I felt fine. I felt fuzzy around her.
She gave me a few new shirts and hid stickers at the bottom of the box because she noticed I had this notebook with me all the time.
I hid one of my old sweaters in between the folds of the dress I bought for her.
In the safety of my house, just before she left, I asked her to come closer when I began thanking her for coming over. I lost focus of what I was intending on doing then leaned over and kissed her forehead before telling her to run along now. It looked like she wanted to reciprocate back but she walked away from my porch with her hand on her head. 
If I was thinking clearly, I may have asked her to be mine instead.
But some things take time, right?
January 1st, 1988
I wondered where she was last night. I called her up in the morning of the eve, then the afternoon, and later left a message on her machine instead the minute a new year passed. My eyes were always looking for her. She had to be wearing any sort of shade of pink or red. Rose was absent from the crowd of onlookers tonight. Last night I only looked at the display with a solemn emptiness. I figured that maybe Julianne would have preferred a plain sky. When the smoke cleared, I looked up to see her windows shut. Her lights were still on but not even a hint like the sound of my keys prompted her to open them.
But I could feel myself develop a dependence on her presence in an environment ever since. I see flowers spelling her initials or colors I’ve sworn looked out of place in a town dull without eccentricity. And even before anything was finalized, I was asked- “where’s Julianne?” by at least 3 people.
I guess we go in pairs now.
I couldn’t be embarrassed about it anymore. It was my lifestyle now, knocking on their door to come inside the red bricked apartment. It’s like they were almost expecting me, telling me she’s been in her apartment since December 30th. I’ll admit, I began to worry when I got to her front door. I was imagining the poor girl depressed on the floor. But when she opened the door, she just sighed in relief and told me to get inside as soon as possible. She was feeling a bit jumpy, she described staying far, far away from the windows as possible. The sound of firecrackers and fireworks startled the poor kitten. It was not isolation but caution.
Fireworks displays were anxiety inducing to her. She voluntarily hid away from the parade to keep her peace of mind.
“And yet…” Julianne whispered to herself “...people were still looking for me.”
“You’re already such an integral part of the town. People are going to go look for you.” 
“Days ago, I was approached by Guy near his store, and he confidently called me ‘Amy’.”
“But have you heard what they’re calling you, though? Like Pinky. Pinky is a popular nickname now.” I chuckled.
“I’m sure they all understand.”
“But were you disappointed I wasn’t there?”
“I guess I was. But you should just tell me fireworks freak you out sometimes..”
She wrapped her arms around me in loving suggestion, almost immediately retracting before resting on my chest fully.
“I heard there’ll be another fireworks show over at the edge of Centerville though… if you want to watch something with me tonight..”
“I’m fine..let’s just stay where we are.”
“Stay…” She echoed back to me, crawling closer and closer.
“You’re so close now, woah, what’s going on?”
“I’m not sure either. Do you?”
She sits herself on my thigh, arms wrapped around my shoulders as she lightly imitates initiation. She couldn’t keep a straight face though.
“Stay and watch the stars with me later.”
I tilted my head in flustered confusion. Sure I will. At least by now the smoke has settled. She slips her glasses off and leans into me, taking the initiation to kiss me first. 
The jumpiness transfers, shaking from her hand to mine to everybody. The burning and the electricity. How shocking. 
She loves me.
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orteskycam · 4 months ago
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task 001.
𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐬 , 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥 . . .
camille was no stranger to luke sinclair’s shitty attempts at flirting. 
they were always standing by eliza when she fell victim to his gaze. the distasteful comments and egotistical assumptions ; camille would always be the first to jump to her best friend’s defence.
he was an inconvenience to them, at the best of times. 
everyone starting to retreat from the roaring fire was far from the best of times. milo had announced their departure with a kiss to camille’s forehead, kody seeming to join. the numbers started to dwindle – and perhaps if camille had been paying enough attention to notice how dangerously close to came to alone time with luke sinclair, maybe finding her own moment to sneak away would have been higher priority. 
it’s not like they were supervising the way he was acting around eliza. when they thought about it, they couldn’t remember when the other girl had gone to bed. at least, that’s where one would assume. 
the lack of observation only really hit when luke was moving to sit next to camille. fuck. considering she didn’t care enough about seeming polite, there was no subtlety in the way she tried to get up. 
“ c’mon cam… stay. hang out a little. ” the tone of luke’s voice should have been enough to raise a red flag of something being different. 
“ i don’t want to. ”
they both knew camille wasn’t joking, but the way luke chuckled almost brought that into question. his hand found theirs, coaxing them back down to sit. she was as stubborn as they came, yet she settled back down at his command. 
technically, they could’ve left at any moment. the only thing binding them to their spot was luke’s magnetic force. camille always considered herself to be stronger – perhaps she wasn’t trying to fight. all because of a little seed planted in her mind. 
“ milo’s been acting weird as fuck, right ? ” 
the tone casual, as if he didn’t know the spiral it would start. except it was luke, so he definitely did. it was a thread camille couldn’t help but pull on. morbid curiosity. the inability to believe things could actually be good without some kind of catch. luke seemed to be giving it to them on a silver platter. 
camille didn’t believe it. no way she could. that was their milo. they weren’t without their ups and downs, but the idea of betrayal ? something being done behind camille’s back ? that was unbelievable. milo would always show their cards. no matter how many times she repeated that sentiment to themselves, some doubt must have crossed their features. 
considering the way luke moved in closer. his hand sneaking up her thigh startled camille from any reflection she had been doing. the way his tone had flipped from accusatory to comforting had been missed. 
the way his hands raised in surrender after they had slapped him away, however, was an image burned into her memory. 
luke sinclair got nothing more than an eye roll and scoff from camille before they left him where he sat. seeking out milo, who had already fallen asleep. as they did every night, they slipped into his bedding. claiming the place of little spoon as their bodies effortlessly fit together. 
despite the fact everything was the same – luke’s word’s haunted camille’s mind. even when they pulled her closer in his sleep. or when they woke with a kiss at her temple just as they had when leaving the night before. 
hands on their body felt like going through the motions, no matter how hard camille tried to force themselves into the moment. they made their shitty attempt at breakfast with the resources available to them, and camille forced a smile whenever she caught her lover’s gaze. 
guilt crept into their bones. perhaps that was the driving force behind the arms settling around milo’s waist. the way they stiffened under the reciprocation was enough to make camille retreat. it was as if the tension was contagious, seeping in to poison his thoughts too. 
the way milo turned around to reach out for her again would betray that theory, but camille could do nothing but push him away. physically, emotionally. gaze cast to the floor as she treated, scared of seeing their own hurt reflected in milo’s eyes. 
beyond the treeline became camille’s escape. a moment of solitude away from everything. luke and his stupid words, milo and their startled deer gaze when camille had push hands away from her. 
the cigarette between her lips would’ve disappointed smokey the bear – but that didn’t stop the white lighter from casting a glow of warmth against pale skin. 
the fickle idea of peace was stolen from them when a twig snapped under the weight of an intruder. without glancing over their shoulder, it could’ve been a literal animal, rather than one of the ones she’d been sharing a campsite with. that didn’t spare it from the wrath storming around their head. 
“ can you fuck off ? ”
of course, the universe was never one to favour camille. instead of looking stupid for cussing at a deer – which was, somehow, the good outcome – they were met with the cocky chuckle of none other than luke sinclair. 
a glare was shot over her shoulder, a warning to turn back now. each step closer was a direct challenge. whether it was a surrender or a reach for dominance, cam didn’t know. but it was their voice that cut through the silence. 
“ what ? are you fucking stalking me ? ”
evidence was stacked up against him. even though camille was of the strong opinion that luke was a stupid boy, nothing seemed to be a coincidence when it came to him. “ we weren’t done with our conversation last night. ” words light, as if it hadn’t ended with camille slapping his hand and storming off. 
oh, to have the ego of a frat boy. 
“ yeah, we were done. ”
“ what’d they do last night ? ” his face didn’t even try to hide the amusement he found in the situation. “ because you were hanging out with me and then givin’ the cold shoulder all morning. ”
“ you fucking freak, you’re spying on me. ” there were not many people lurking around their camp site. anyone else bringing the concern forward could have been justified. the grudge against luke was held too close to their chest to allow for any grace. 
no matter how long they threw verbal punches, luke’s expression never faltered. a mannequin in some haunted parlour with his plastic smile. responding to the words camille said, but showed no recognition of what those words held. 
perhaps every word really was planned ahead. the confidence he gave off wasn’t an illusion – but camille, even in their defiance, played the script exactly how we wanted it. 
his words carried on, laying out everything they had observed from milo. truth be damned – luke sinclair had a story to tell. one with ulterior motives, of course. he was not a concerned friend. he did not care about sneaking behind camille’s back until it turned out to be something he could profit from. 
camille found her footing as she rose from where they had been sitting, cigarette crushed under her shoe – much like they wished could be done to the boy droning on in front of her. a moment of stillness follows, eyes studying for what she planned to do. a repeat of the night before ? leaving him alone in the woods ? 
no. they step forward, but it’s not to leave. it’s closing the small distance between them. reaching out to touch him. 
luke’s shirt bunched in her fist, drawing him in closer. the smirk on his lips proved the thought going through his head. he had won. camille’s lips inches away, a shared breath – but she had never been the type to accept defeat.
not a kiss, but a warning. 
“ i swear to god, if you don’t shut the fuck up . . . ” each word undermined by laughter. he found it funny. of course he did. though he couldn’t get his hands under camille’s shirt, it was obvious his words had burrowed themselves under her skin. 
perhaps it would have been an achievement if their skin was half as thick as they pretended. 
they were tough. they had to be considering the life they had lived, but above all, camille was sensitive. fragile like a bomb. the digital click of each second counting down was almost audible in the way they snapped. “ shut the fuck up, ” repeated, as if this would be the time it stuck. “ and leave me the fuck alone. liza, too. ” 
no matter what situation he would find himself in, luke would always find a way to be cocky. it was in his eyes, his grin. in his posture refusing to cower even in camille’s grip. “ and why would i do that ? ” it was in the smug tone of voice that taunted camille. 
you will not win. 
camille was not a winner. they would give blood, sweat, and tears ; lucky to even runner up in a competition of two. the only time camille had ever come out on top was when the ortesky’s buried their mother instead of her. once there was no one left to compete against. 
“ cause i’ll end you. ” they didn’t let his shirt go, but rather pushed him away. as if he had been the one to threaten her life. perhaps he had called out something to get the last say from where they left him on the ground, but camille couldn’t hear a thing. ears full of white noise, seeing nothing but red. 
coming back to camp, even if it was the same shit hole she had fled for some peace before, was a relief. the lack of footsteps trailing behind her seemed to remove all evidence of the blow up with luke ever happening. 
they didn’t walk back together. 
there would be no hushed conversations of speculation. no justifying things to eliza. the idea of repeating back horrible things he had said. a possibility of her agreeing with the accusations against milo ? likely, her ego would prevent that, but it wasn’t a risk they could take. 
slipping under the radar, stealing milo away for a skinny dipping rendezvous. anything to silence the noise, bridge the gap of that morning. likely no more than a temporary fix. of course, camille knew that. temporary was better than nothing. better than the invisible smoke that threatened to suffocate. 
when it was just the two of them, she could pretend things were fixed. swimming after each other, splashing around, lips against the curve of her neck. a smile mending a fracture milo might not have even been aware of. despite not being handed an instruction manual, he seemed to know every step to take. 
until the sun had settled itself behind the mountains and they could no longer pretend they were timeless. there was a campfire with their names on it. of fucking course there was. 
her clothes pulled back on, clinging to still wet skin while listening to milo rattling off excuses they could give for not showing up. laughter clear in their tone until camille finally spoke. “ i think it’s a little late to use that one. ”
but the teasing seemed to come with revelation that they didn’t actually know what the time was. beyond the setting sun. milo’s phone just happened to be the closest. as soon as their hand had closed around the device, milo’s hand mimicked on their wrist. far from tight, but shock and confusion immediately loosened their grip. the phone landing back on the ground with a thud. luckily, it wasn’t too far of a fall. 
as camille yanked their hand back, and to their surprise, milo’s attention was fixed on snatching the phone back up. held tightly in their grip. every word luke had tried to etch into her skull – every word she thought she had done so well to not absorb, seemed to be flashing before her. 
“ what the actual FUCK, milo ? ” she snapped, obviously not letting the freak moment they had before pass. salt rubbed into the fresh wound when he simply answered with the time. phone against their chest as if it would keep his heart beating. 
luke seemed to have all the details of milo’s sneaking readily available, and camille couldn’t imagine them reacting that same way towards luke. the natural conclusion would be that he was told. not a game of chinese whispers, but bro talk with milo. 
and you didn’t talk about that without talking about the why. perhaps it was trauma pushing itself to the forefront of her mind, but they seemed convinced on one ‘logical explanation’. 
“ are you – ? ” it started as a question, but the flicker of something camille assumed to be guilt in milo’s eyes quickly changed that. as if they could confess to something that hadn’t even been asked. 
“ you’re fucking cheating on me. ”
“ no, it’s not that. ” it was quick, almost readily prepared. anything could be a warning sign when they’re all you’re looking for. while many used rose tinted glasses to wave away red flags, camille created them. 
white flag raised in surrender washed in blood. 
“ it’s – don’t worry about it. ” milo’s anxiety was infectious, feeding camille’s insecurities. her mother had shown disloyalty before. it was all she knew for the longest time, but she knew she didn’t want that for herself. 
and she really thought she had ended up with different. something messy and flawed, but devoted. he had thrown it away with one stupid mistake. one? multiple? camille didn’t want to know. 
there was nothing more than a ‘go fuck yourself’ thrown in milo’s directions before leaving them there naked and alone. 
gaze still avoided when they were at the bonfire they had been trying to get out of just before everything exploded. eliza being the only reason camille showed their face at all. 
something that wasn’t ideal until reeve’s fist made contact with luke. something that camille honestly wished they had gotten to first. entertained, envious – there was no attempt to hide her reaction amidst the chaos. 
it was a temporary distraction from everything else. 
and, fuck, if camille wasn’t grateful luke had decided to lick his wounds somewhere other than the cabin she would know to find him at – because she couldn’t deny herself what could’ve happened when the boredom crept in. 
they were mad at milo, and their own wounds that needed tending to. it could be ignored when everyone had been cheering and yelling around the blazing flames. the stillness of the cabin, however, seemed to amplify. 
so they laid with their head on eliza’s lap, manicured nails running through hair as camille nodded along to whatever story or criticism of milo finally being freed with their break up. the kind of moment that would be swept under the rug when they got back together. something camille swore would never happen again. 
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my-thirteenth-reason · 8 months ago
kicking my feet and giggling (<- just got apologised to)
#guys i have worth??? im actually a human being deserving of basic respect and SHOULD be apologised to if i am not given that??? holy shit#ok but like i actually was pretty mad and i just wasn't going to talk to them when the weekend ended but to think they'd actually apologise#guys i am a friend worth apologising to omg this is so nice#(<- was fuming over how i was a “friend” not even worthy of her basic decency and respect an hour ago)#LIKE IM STILL MAD#okay i actually cant vaguepost to save my life but basically this girl whos a friend i recently got close to and formed a friendgroup with#shes really fucking whiny and ive been tolerating it for so long but on friday she was extremely whiny and rude whenever i just asked a#simple question#and it's really draining and humiliating to be spoken to like poop on the sidewalk in front of other people#but anyway other than that i was really upset because during pe i wanted to show her my hip injury cuz i thought it was funny#(it wasn't diagnosed yet i just felt my joints moving weirdly)#and like that involves her putting her hand on my hip#so i asked her to do that then she started whining about how she doesn't want to touch me and that i'm weird for asking ppl to touch me#then she started telling like the 3 other ppl around us i was weird and wanted ppl to touch me#then this other cool girl overheard and looked at us funny i guess cuz then the friend said 'haha now [cool girls name] is also laughing'#i was so fucking embarrassed and humiliated i still want to tear up thinking about it#like are you actually my friend wtf i don't even need enemies w a friend like you#i wanted to cry so bad then#ugh i hate it#like you couldve just said no thanks bro what is ur problem#this just made me realise how much i hate how she talks to me sometimes#and i know i need to stop surrounding myself with negative vibes in order to feel happy#but its still so frustrating#we were doing so well the other day and google meeting everyday#then this happened and then she got mad and started ignoring me on the way home#bro idk i hate ts i should just stop making friends#rant
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gippyworm · 1 year ago
My brother in christ at this rate I’m going to have to go for a job like, now
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lowkeyren · 2 months ago
—reject me not!
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in which : when your sudden confession catches blade off guard, his response comes across as a rejection. though he realises his mistake, and tries his best to make things right. (...it gives the whole hq a headache)
slight humor, idiots in love, mutual pining, misunderstanding, you tease him w/o realizing (n he gets back at u hehe), reader is a stellaron hunter, stellaron hunters wingwomen!!!, art by @/kkuekkue on x. reblogs are appreciated! please enjoy <3
wc: 4.2k // hm secret santa? HOHOHO @mikashisus, rayray!! u might pull ur hair out at some parts idk :joy: happy reading n merry christmas my little elf xx
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"i think i like you."
the words leave your mouth quicker than your brain can second-guess them. 
blade freezes mid-step, his back visibly stiffening. when he turns to face you, his sharp, cold eyes betray a fleeting glimmer of surprise, perhaps, or confusion —but it disappears as quickly as it came.
he stares at you, his eyes widening just slightly, the faintest crack in his carefully maintained composure.
but then, his lips part, and all he gives you is a single, flat response.
"i see."
two short, dismissive words. not a smile, not a frown —just two clipped words. you tilt your head, expecting some form of elaboration, but instead he just turns on his heel, his coat swishing behind him as he starts to walk away.
(what you don’t see is the way his hands curl into fists as he walks off, how his steps falter just around the corner, or the way he presses a hand against his chest to steady the sudden, overwhelming ache blooming there.)
…must this guy really be so blunt?!?!!
you sigh, a little laugh escaping despite your current situation. of all the possible responses you could’ve imagined, ‘i see’ definitely wasn’t one of them. you shake your head, a part of you wonders if elio is watching, silently laughing at your predicament right now.
it’s fine. really. you should’ve known better than to think he’d say anything different.
though the big problem now is, blade knows about your silly crush on him, so facing him in the future is going to be a total nightmare that you’re not ready to accept. you can already feel the embarrassment creeping up like it’s going to suffocate you.
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“where's [name]?” 
blade steps into the base. silver wolf, tucked in the corner, engrossed in her console, raises a hand in greeting without looking up. blade nods in acknowledgment, before replying to kafka, "i went ahead of them," his voice sounds a little more strained than usual, before quickly turning to make a beeline for his room.
but kafka, ever perceptive, senses something’s off. she tilts her head with a smirk, "bladie, did something happen?"
he denies it with a quick shake of his head before slipping past her. having no other option, she resorts to… unconventional methods. 
with a flick of her wrist and a soft, almost melodic whisper, she purrs, "listen to me.”
the moment those familiar words hit his ears, a wave of calm washes over him, and against his will, he halts mid-step. "now tell me what happened, will you?"
he sighs and he rubs the back of his neck. “take your time, bladie.” after a long pause he speaks again, "[name] said they... they liked me."
kafka watches him closely, a grin slowly spreading across her face. "and then what happened, hmm?" she teases.
out of the corner of his eyes, he sees silver wolf perk up at his words, but he pays her no mind as his thoughts are too tangled in what he’s about to say next, the words barely scraping past his throat.
the next hour consists of him being ‘lectured’ by his fellow coworkers.
he tries to tune out the barrage of teasing, but something about  “bladie, that's not how you reciprocate,” to “ain’t no way bro fumbled that badly,” managed to stick with him, unfortunately. (he looks over to firefly standing to the side, but she only giggles and shakes her head at him.)
but really, how was he supposed to tell them that he panicked? that he was so stunned by your confession, so overwhelmed, that he could barely form a coherent sentence? that his awkward, dismissive reply wasn’t rejection, but a pathetic attempt to mask his own vulnerability?
the thought of you avoiding him, of thinking he doesn’t care, makes his chest ache with a pain he hadn't experienced for the past few centuries. 
blade makes a mental note to find you as soon as possible. he doesn’t know how to explain himself, not entirely; words have never been his strong suit, but somehow, some way, he’ll make it up to you.
later, you return to the base, your steps hesitant as you walk in. the moment you enter, the group falls silent, all eyes snapping to you. there’s an awkward stillness in the air, like they were caught in the middle of something. your gaze sweeps over the room, and it lands on blade. when you lock eyes with him, a flush creeps up your neck, and you quickly avert your gaze.
"excuse me!" you blurt out and almost sprint to your room.
...do they all know?! this has to be the most embarrassing day of your life.
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you agreed to meet kafka at a bar near your current mission to discuss your next task. the magenta haired woman had mentioned it casually when you’d asked, cryptic as usual, only revealing that the task was important but leaving out certain key details —such as conveniently leaving out the part about blade being there too, of course.
(“bladie,” kafka’s voice took on a singsong lilt, her playful smile unmistakable as she glanced at him. “you’re going to use this chance to make it up to them, ‘kay?” 
blade only kept his eyes trained on the entrance, silently waiting for you to arrive.)
running late, your prior mission having dragged on longer than expected, you found yourself hurrying to the bar, weaving through the sparse but lingering foot traffic of the evening.
after what feels like hours, you finally make it to the bar. stepping in, your eyes scan the room for kafka, when suddenly, a man steps right into your path.
the man smiles warmly, though you could tell he’s had a few to drink tonight. his tone is friendly, with just a hint of flirtation as he strikes up a conversation, casually asking if you’d be interested in grabbing a drink sometime.
he’s polite, respectful even, and there’s nothing about him that feels overly forward or aggressive —just a man who’s trying his luck, that’s all. still, you can't help but feel a slight annoyance at the timing.
as you try to figure out a way to decline his invitation, you remain oblivious to blade’s gaze —specifically, how it's fixed on you, or rather, more pointedly on the back of the man’s neck.
“you’re going to snap his neck if you keep looking at him like that.” kafka’s voice cuts through the tension, her tone teasing as she watches the exchange from the side.
“i don’t like what he’s doing,” blade mutters, his voice low and filled with an edge that suggests far more than just mild annoyance.
kafka chuckles softly to herself, already knowing where this is headed. it’s not an outright confession of jealousy, of course —he would never admit to something as petty as that, and she knows better than to push him on this one. 
nevertheless, she still catches it, her lips curling into a knowing smile. even if blade would never call it jealousy, it’s enough to push him into doing something completely out of character —something he’ll never, ever do (until now).
kafka notices immediately. her eyes widen just a fraction before she sets down her wine glass with a graceful motion, amusement dancing in her eyes. and perhaps to make sure he doesn’t look too foolish, she decides to play along and help him act the part.
a sharp clang of glass hitting the table catches your attention. your brows knit in confusion; you glance over instinctively, your eyes meeting kafka's for a brief moment. her expression is unreadable, but the faint curve of her lips makes you wonder what’s really going on.
curiosity pulls your gaze lower, to the drunk figure slumped over at her table, seemingly drunk, his head resting heavily on his arm. the spilled drink pools on the floor beside him, glinting under the dim light. 
at first, you only catch a glimpse of dark, tousled hair, streaked faintly with deep crimson at the ends —so strikingly familiar it makes you pause. then, as your eyes trace over the sharp line of his jaw and the stiff set of his shoulders, realisation dawns on you. 
wait a second.
your jaw nearly drops as you piece it together. the man lying there, seemingly drunk out of his mind, is none other than the last person you would want to see right now.
your gaze darts between him and the polite man still standing awkwardly in front of you. blade, on the other hand, never lets his guard down, so this... state of his? unprecedented. 
apologetically, you offer a small smile to the man before rushing to blade’s side, urgency in every step as you push past the tables, heart hammering in your chest.
blade’s eyes subtly flicker over to you as you approach, and you can almost sense the slightest shift in his demeanor, the thought of you giving your time to someone else, especially someone so... ineffectual —grates at him.
he swallows the ugly feeling down his throat. perhaps he’s let this irked him more than it should. but it’s too late to back out now that you’re standing right beside him, the weight of your presence making the tension in his chest only more pronounced.
as if on cue, kafka’s voice breaks the silence, “as you can see, [name], our dear bladie here has gotten himself a bit... roughed up,” she says, casually catching the wine glass that had been teetering on the edge of the table.
her lips curl into a playful smile as she glances at blade, whose jaw tightens almost imperceptibly. “drinking doesn’t seem to suit him, wouldn’t you agree?” kafka continues, her tone light but unmistakably amused. her eyes flicker between the two of you, as if she’s thoroughly enjoying the situation unraveling before her far more than she should.
you blink, momentarily thrown off by the unexpected scene. your worry only deepens as you shift your attention back to blade, who remains uncharacteristically silent, his head now resting on his arm as though he really had overindulged. 
“blade,” you say softly, your voice carrying just the slightest edge of concern. “what happened?” 
before he can answer —or before he’s forced to lie —kafka chuckles, waving a hand as if to dismiss your worry. 
“oh, nothing serious. he just got a little too carried away with his drink.” she leans back in her chair, a sly glint in her eye that you’re too preoccupied to notice. your gaze falls back to blade, his hair slightly tousled.
without thinking, you reach out, gently brushing a strand strand from his forehead. his eyes flutter open at the contact —those striking, sharp eyes you’ve always found yourself drawn to, dark yet you can’t bring yourself to look away from. 
you notice the faint redness creeping across his cheeks and the line of his jaw, down to his neck. his skin hot to the touch under your fingers. “you’re warm,” you murmur softly, assuming the alcohol is to blame.
if only you knew the warmth searing through him has nothing to do with alcohol and everything to do with you. 
“ah,” kafka hums, pulling you out of your thoughts. “it seems something urgent has come up that needs my attention.” there’s an unmistakable glint of mischief in her eyes. “i’ll leave you two to it.”
you glance at her, startled. “wait, what about—?”
“don’t worry about it,” she interjects, already getting up from her seat. “the bill is already on my tab.” 
well, that wasn’t what you were about to ask anyway! 
a sly smile curls her lips, and she tilts her head ever so slightly. “hmm, it’s rare to see him like this. [name], you’ll take good care of him, won’t you?” her tone is light, but the underlying implication is clear, leaving you flustered as she turns on her heel, striding off, leaving the two of you alone.
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blade leans heavily against you, his tall frame making it an awkward challenge to keep him upright as you guide him out of the bar. one arm is slung over your shoulder, while his other hangs haphazardly against his side.
his head is tilted forward, strands of his dark, crimson-tipped hair brushing against your cheek, and you can feel the warmth radiating from him —whether from his predicament or his proximity, you’re not sure.
you shift your grip, looping an arm around his waist for better support, and his body tenses slightly under your touch. for someone playing the part of drunk so convincingly, he’s strangely aware of your every movement, his hand tightening just faintly on your shoulder when you stumble over a crack in the pavement.
“blade,” you murmur under your breath, trying to shift his weight more evenly as you inch forward. “you’re not making this very easy, you know.”
casting a glance his way, you’re met with a low, almost lazy hum in response. his expression is nothing short of a hazy indifference, though you swear you catch a flicker of clarity in his eyes —a brief, focused intensity that seems out of place, before he looks away.
you can feel the heat of his breath against your temple as he wavers with every step. the night air is cool, but the warmth radiating from his body is undeniable, pressing against your side in a way that sends an unexpected shiver down your spine. the closeness between you feels almost intimate in a way that will surely have you screaming into your pillow later that night. 
as you continue down the empty street, blade’s mind races; this is his chance. he knows it. he should say something now, anything, to make it clear —to tell you how he feels. (and how it’s been eating at him for longer than he cares to admit.)
this is it, the moment he’s been waiting for, but all he can do is breathe in the scent of your skin and the warmth of your touch. the sensation is all too familiar, like the pounding in his chest —but this time, it’s not from the heat of battle.
just how much longer he has to deal with this utterly insufferable feeling?
it’s worse now, because as you navigate through the halls of the base, he’s beginning to wonder if this is what it means to care for someone —to be vulnerable. 
“here,” you say softly as you stop in front of the door to his room.
he doesn’t want this moment to end. 
you glance at him then, finally meeting his eyes, and the look in them knocks the breath from your lungs. they’re hazy, yes, but there's a sharpness beneath the mask of drunkenness, a quiet intensity that makes your heart beat a little faster.
you clear your throat, breaking the silence. "do you need anything else?"
"no," he answers, almost reluctantly. "i’ll be alright."
a twinge of disappointment surges through you. right… it was foolish to expect anything different. he’s already rejected you, and you can’t help but feel a bit ridiculous for thinking it would be any other way.
you stand there for a moment, the silence between you growing thicker with each passing second, before you force yourself to nod, your voice soft as you try to mask the heaviness in your chest.
“goodnight then."
just as you turn to leave, you feel a sudden pull on your hand, your wrist tugged back with surprising gentleness.
"wait," blade suddenly says, and this time, there's no mistaking the sincerity in it. "thank you.”
his bandaged hand rests over yours, and a soft breath escapes you; flustered, you open your mouth to respond, ready to brush it off.
"oh! It's no pro—"
but you’re cut off before you can finish. he raises your hand, pressing his lips to the back of your palm in a soft, lingering kiss.
your voice falters slightly as a rush of warmth spreads through you. every nerve in your body seems to spark awake all at once, making you hyper-aware of the spot from where his lips brushed against your skin. you freeze, your breath caught in your throat, unable to do anything but stand there, your hand still resting in his.
then, as if nothing happened, he steps back into his room and shuts the door behind him, leaving you standing there, still processing the unexpected moment.
safe to say you got little to no sleep that night. you roll over, staring at the ceiling, a soft smile tugging at the corners of your lips. it feels ridiculous, embarrassing even, how many times you've replayed that scene in your head every time you close your eyes.
you couldn’t help but smile to yourself like a fool. 
(“so bladie, how’d it go?” / “...”) 
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you hadn’t even planned on leaving the base today, let alone stepping foot into the brightly lit chaos of an arcade, but silver wolf had insisted —no, nagged, until you caved. and somehow she’d managed to drag blade (of all people) along, her smug grin all too telling as she pushed the two of you together and skipped off to “go play some gachas”
now, you stand awkwardly by blade’s side, the flashing lights casting a colorful glow over his impassive face. it’s hard to ignore how out of place he looks, his dark coat, sunglasses, and the mask covering his lower face a stark contrast to the lively atmosphere. 
yet, somehow, he doesn’t seem to mind the sharp sounds of arcade machines beeping nor the kids screaming in excitement. he just stands there, hands in his pockets, watching you fumble with a stack of game tokens.
“you look thrilled,” you mutter, a sarcastic tone in your voice as you glance at him.  it’s strange, though —there’s something oddly endearing about the way he’s standing there, the dark lenses of his sunglasses reflecting a faint outline of your own face. you catch yourself staring for just a moment too long, wishing you could see beyond the lens, wishing you could read his eyes—
you shake the thought off, it’s all just wishful thinking.
behind the shield of his sunglasses, blade’s eyes tracked your every subtle movement, almost unconsciously. he caught the way your expression softened as you turned toward the claw machine, how your lips curved ever so slightly when your gaze settled on that… thing.
it was maddening, how effortlessly you held his focus, how even a trivial moment like this could stir something deep in him. he told himself it was nothing, but the tightening in his chest said otherwise. 
he wasn’t one to indulge in sentiment, yet something about the way you stared at that silly plush made him restless, made him want to do something about it, if only to keep that smile on your face a little longer.
would your smile grow brighter if that plush were in your hands? 
“let’s go.”
“to where…?” you asked, glancing back at him, the curiosity evident in your voice.
he didn’t answer immediately, but you felt the familiar tug at your hand once again, gentle and insistent, as his gaze slips toward the claw machine where you had been staring earlier.
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it’s not hard to imagine the scene as a sweet little moment, with him focused on the claw machine, trying to win you a plush like a doting partner would. 
with a soft click, the claw tightens around the plush, and before you can react, it’s being lifted out of the pile, swinging toward the prize chute. you can't help but stare as he pulls the soft toy from the machine with a sense of quiet satisfaction.
(you pocket the rest of the tokens. guess he won’t be needing those…  for a first-timer, he sure got lucky —must be beginners' luck, huh?)
you blink, slightly impressed. “wow, you’re good at this,” you remark, unable to hide the surprise in your voice. 
without a word, he hands the plushie to you. 
you tilt your head slightly, a bit unsure. “for me...?”
“it's yours. take it." he looks to the side; suddenly thankful for the mask —if it weren't for that, you'd surely see the crimson tint creeping up his cheeks right now.
you hesitate for a second longer before reaching out to take it, your fingers brushing against his, a tingle of heat pulses through you, leaving your hand feeling strangely warm.
“th-thank you," you manage to spit out, and your eyes dart away, suddenly very aware of how close he is. surely, this isn’t good for your heart!
the twilight sky stretches wide, the clouds are heavy, and you’re looking oh so earnestly at him. his heart beats a little faster, louder now, as if his body knows exactly what he wants but refuses to let him act on it.
but then, he blinks —once, twice; snapping himself back to reality. he can feel the space between you growing smaller, your presence growing closer.
his eyelids flutter shut instinctively.
and then, the soft press of your lips against his cheek.
a soft sigh escapes him, and his eyes crack open. if you could see his expression right now, you'd catch the vulnerability that flashes in his gaze. he swears he can feel the warmth of your kiss in his very bones.
though not quite the kiss he imagined… it was something. (re: you got his hopes up)
the shock of your own actions hits you like a wave. you swallow thickly, “sorry —i'll go find silver wolf.” avoiding his gaze as you fumble with the tokens in your hand. "i… i’ll pass the extra tokens to her."
without waiting for a response, you turn and hurry off, your pulse pounding in your ears, praying that the ground would swallow you whole.
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that night, you lay in bed, the plushie clutched tightly in your arms. the softness of it contrasts sharply with the rush of confusion filling your chest. 
why was he being so kind to you? after everything, after the way he rejected you just a few days ago, it made no sense. his actions felt contradictory.
you try to push the memory of the kiss out of your mind; impulsive decisions… often lead to mortifying outcomes. though when you glanced at him afterward, you could’ve sworn his ears were tinged with red, just peeking out from beneath his hair. nevermind, it’s probably your mind playing tricks on you.
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blade, who’s as cold as the frost-kissed dusk, walks beside you through the lively festival, his dark coat a striking contrast to the vibrant reds and greens around you.
the faint scent of roasted chestnuts and spiced cider fills the air, mingling with the sound of distant carolers. he doesn’t say much, but there’s something about the way his gloved hand brushes yours, intentionally or not —that makes the chill in the air feel less biting.
you swallow, focusing on the festive stalls ahead, the decorations glittering in the night. “you don't have to stick around, you know. i can manage by myself.”
his steps slow just slightly, and he turns his head toward you, finally speaking. “you think i’d just leave you here?”
the words catch you off guard, and you fumble for a response. “i-i just meant—”
“relax.” he interrupts, a faint, almost imperceptible smile tugging at the corner of his lips; his hand grazing yours again. this time, his fingers linger for a moment longer, almost as if testing the waters, before retreating back into the safety of his pocket.
your cheeks flush, and you pretend to be deeply interested in a nearby stall selling hand-knit scarves. just then, his voice cuts through the festive hum. “last week… when you said you liked me,” he starts, and your breath catches.
you whirl back to face him, your heart pounding. “don’t worry about it! really, i—”
“i wasn’t rejecting you,” he says, with an unexpected gentleness in his gaze. “i like you too, [name].”
blade removes his coat, the fabric warm against the cold air as he drapes it around your shoulders, pulling you closer. you stumble, your hand instinctively pressing against his chest to catch your balance.
you look up at him, your breath quickening, as his face draws closer, his eyes locked on yours with that familiar intensity. you let your eyelids flutter shut, lips trembling, heart pounding in your chest as the space between you narrows.
but instead of the kiss you were anticipating, you feel the gentle warmth of his lips brush against your forehead.
your eyes snap open in confusion, only to meet his smirking face. oh... this asshole!
“what?" he teases, his tone deceptively casual. “you seem pretty eager,” his voice drops an octave, hand gently tilting your chin as he leans in just close enough for you to feel his breath against your skin.
you glare up at him, your cheeks flushed with embarrassment. the way your lips quiver, unable to hold his gaze for long; the fact that he actually adores that flustered expression on your face... well, that’s when he realises. he’s too far gone.
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what a dumbass lmfaoo
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nerdlvr · 2 months ago
not so little is it?
younger jaemin x older reader , small age gap , jaemin is brothers best friend , ur brother is mark lee , big dick jaem , jaem is bigger than reader , size kink if you squint , kinda public sex (ur both in the kitchen & living room and mark is in his room) , harsh blowjob , cowgirl yeehaw , couch missionary , jaemin is cocky and mean , pet names like a lot , light mocking , degradation kinda , jaemin refers to himself and y/n in third person sometimes idk , jaemin knows how to use his dick damn... , requested here !
it  had been the fifth time that night that you had called jaemin baby. and not baby in a i wanna fuck you type of way, baby in a little boy type of way. If only you could go into his brain and see all the things jaemin would do to shut you up. maybe he’d stuff your mouth with his big, hard-
“babyy, are you listening? The popcorns ready!”
jaemin felt his eye twitch, a small fake smile directed at your pretty face. he shook his head softly, turning his head back to focus on the movie.
“dude you need to stop calling him that, we’re not even that much younger than you.”
jaemin could not agree more with your brother.
he was never one to hold grudges, it was childish, unlike him. but for some reason you had been more annoying than usual tonight, the high pitched ‘baby’ and the sweet toned ‘minnie’ only itching him in all the wrong places.
he turned to the clock in mark’s room, 2:00 AM, well shit. had he really laid here for 3 hours straight thinking about your annoying mouth? his eyes drifted down to his now tented boxers, well double shit. maybe thinking about your mouth right next to your sleeping brother wasn’t the best idea. he needed a walk.
the cool air from the fridge numbed his senses, his nipples perking up at the soft breeze.
ice cream, butter, cheese, ew. did mark have anything without milk? wait isn’t mark lactose intoler- “his fridge looks like something out of a horror film right?”jaemin felt the hair on his body rise as he jumped, the fridge shutting loudly behind him, a hand coming up to his chest, “jesus you scared me.”
you giggled as you poked his bare chest, "sorry didn't mean to scare you baby. was just coming out for a snack."
baby, did you like to test his patience? he pushed your hand away as he let out a loud huff, "don't call me that."
your soft giggle continued to ring in his ears, your hands now moving to pinch the fabric of his boxers, "call you what, bunny boy?"
his eyes drifted down to his boxers, small bunnies adorning the fabric. he grabbed your wandering hand, smirking as you let out a pained whine. "does your mouth do anything good besides spout nonsense?"
you ripped your hand away from his tightening grasp, your free hand coming up to massage the sensitive skin,"what's your problem jaemin? i'm being nice to you and you're acting like a brat!"
your eyes widened slightlyy as a scoff left his mouth, lips quirking up into a smirk, "nice? you're treating me like a fucking child y/n. i stopped being little years ago. maybe you've been too busy bitching to even notice!"
your heads turned quickly as you heard shuffling from mark's room, his sleepy groans muffled by the thick walls.
"whatever tough guy, i'm leaving, your attitude ruined my appetite."
his arms were quick to stop you, trapping you against the kitchen counter, "where do you think you're going? where's my apology?"
it was your turn to scoff, eyes rolling at his questions. "apology? grow up na jaemin, you're not getting an apology if i did nothing wrong." you pushed at his chest, muscles firm against your hands. when did he get so strong? you mumbled out a low move embarrassed by your lack of strength against him.
he chuckled, breath fanning against your face, "give it one more go baby, maybe this time you might get it."
you bit your lip, head turning to look anywhere besides his bare chest, "this isn't funny, move or i'll-"
"you'll do what y/n?" he licked his lips, smirking down at you.
damn you na jaemin, damn you and those strong muscles, damn you and those plump lips, damn you and this new attitude that is so so hot. you gulped loudly, looking away as you tried to sneakily squeeze your thighs together, heat building between you legs.
"something wrong?"he leaned in closer to you, lips just one breath away. you turned your head further away from him, edge of the counter pressing deep into your back.
"you think being immature is cute jaemin? get off of me!"
he pressed his forehead against the side of your head, breath fanning against your ear. "no-"
he lifted his leg slightly, using his his knee to gently press against your core. you bit your lip to stifle a moan, head lowering just enough to watch his knuckles turn white against the counter. "but you clearly do. been squeezing these pretty thighs together since i started raising my voice at you."
you kept quiet, eyes squeezing shut as his knee pressed further against your heat, "who's the baby now hm?" you ignored him, brain zoning into to light pressure being applied to your clit, only a light hum being your response.
"answer me when i'm talking to you." your eyes fluttered open as he gripped your chin, moving your face so you'd look at him, "m-me jaem."
he tilted his head, smirk growing wider, "what was that?"
you swallowed your pride. there's no way you're gonna miss this opportunity. "i-i'm the baby jaem." he could help but chuckle, leaning in to plant a wet kiss on your cheek, "good girl, you learn quick. now lets put that bratty little mouth to good use."
you sunk onto your knees like your body was possessed, hands coming up to tug at his boxers. his cock sprung free, slapping his toned stomach. he was big, tip flushed and leaking.
his hand was quicker than yours, grabbing onto the base of his length to slap it against your cheek."not so little huh? call me baby again little brat."
"b-bab-" he chuckled as your words came out gargled, his cock being shoved into your mouth to silence you, "you look better with your mouth full." your eyes squeezed shut as you focused on your breathing, jaw relaxing slightly.
he was heavy on your tongue, smooth skin rubbing against the sides of your mouth. you hollowed your cheeks, sucking him in further. "shit angel, mouth so good, keep doing that."
you bobbed your head against him, spit threatening to spill past your lips. the sight above you was heavenly, pink hair held up with his hands as his mouth hung open. he let out soft pants as he tried his best not to thrust into your mouth. "let me- fuck- let me do it."
his hands moved into your hair to hold your head steady, hips starting to pick up a rhythm. you batted your lashes up at him, soft moans spilling from your mouth as he pressed deeper into your mouth, "look so pretty like this- just wanna-"
you gagged loudly as he pushed the rest of his length into your mouth, tip hitting the back of your throat. he held you there, your nose pressed against his pubic hair as you swallowed around him.
his groans went straight to your core, thighs squeezing impossibly tighter. he pulled you off in one swift motion, laughing as you gasped for air, eyes watery and lips swollen.
"look at you-" he slapped your face lightly, "acting so grown and can't even take my cock- get up and turn around."
but you remained on your knees, whimpering as you wiped at your mouth. you hadn't noticed you were crying until jaemin leaned down, warms hands rubbing your cheeks, "awe you crybaby, minnie's cock got you all worked up hm?"
you pushed his hands away struggling to get up, legs sore from the kitchen tiles. his arms wrapped around your waist pulling you against his chest, "still so stubborn, baby just needs some good dick fucked into her so she'll learn hm?"
he laughed at your weak yelp, his arms lifting you up as he walked towards to living room, "now you're gonna show me how much you need this dick."
he sat on the couch, placing you right on his lap, face to face with you. "go on put it in." your cute pouts did nothing to him as he moved his arms to rest them on the back of the couch, head nodding to urge you to continue.
you whined softly as you hovered your hips over him, hand coming down to push your panties and sleep shorts aside. your cheeks burned as you both looked towards your heat, wetness dripping onto his length. he threw his head back as he let out a soft groan, "fuck baby, what would mark think about me having his big sis dripping all over me hm? like the idea of getting fucked by me that much?"
you nodded quickly shame evaporating from your body as you began to rub his tip along your soaking cunt. he hissed under you, his hands gripping the couch cushions, "don't tease baby, wanna feel you."
you sunk down slightly, hollowly fucking yourself on his tip. your bottom lip was trapped between you teeth, body leaned back as you gripped onto jaemin's thighs. he couldn't help but groan at the sight of you, body covered up by your pjs but your pussy on full display.
he moved his hand to your tummy, fingers slipping under your shirt to pull the fabric over your tits, "fuck, you little minx, look at you dripping on my cock- shit, keep going."
you whined loudly, soft pants leaving your desperate lips as you sunk down on him, the stretch hot against your walls."c-can't jaem, too-"
his hand gripped you breast, rolling your sensitive nipples against his fingers. he pouted up at you, a slight tilt to his head, "can't what baby, hm? minnie's dick to big for my little princess?"
you huffed in embarrassment, cheeks burning red as you threw your head back to hide.
"that's okay angel-" his hands traveled down to your hips, a light chuckle leaving his lips as he lifted his hips to meet yours. the loud slap of your hips vibrated against the living room walls, a soft cry leaving your lips as you leaned forward, stuffing your face into jaemin's neck.
"it's okay-" his hips began to move, your slick making it easy for him to slide against your walls, "you can take it baby see? you're so good for me- fuck"
you whined against his neck, walls tightening around his length as he slapped his hips up. "jaem, jaem, please, oh my- feels so good baby, so deep."
he laughed at your small squeak as he suddenly picked you up, placing you in the corner of the couch, your back pressed against the soft cushion,
"i'm gonna need you to be quiet now okay princess? don't want mark to know how good i'm fucking his big sis hm?"
you nodded quickly, mouth hanging open as he slid back into you without warning, a small moan leaving his lips. "fuck jaem i can't- just please, want it so bad jaem, plea-" your hand flew to your mouth to muffle your loud moans, his hips moving to repeatedly slam into you, his length angled in just the right position.
"fuckkk yes bunny, look at you. pretty pussy sucking me in so good." his pace was relentless, one of your hands having to muffle your moans and the other gripping his arm for stability. you sunk into the couch, cushions bouncing under you from each thrust.
he leaned down close to you, body radiating heat against your chest, "want you to cum baby, i'm so close, so clo- fuck yeah baby just like that, so fucking tight shit."
you squeezed around him your stomach tightening as his words filled your ears. all you could think about was jaemin. his strong arms surrounding you, his warm body enveloping you, his soft moans urging you to cream on him and- oh. he hand flew down to your core, finger pressing gently on your clit, "come on angel, cum for me, wanna feel it, need it baby, please."
you squeezed your eyes shut, teeth clamping around your hand as you arched your hips up. the tight feeling in your stomach radiating throughout you, body shaking as you let go.
he stilled inside you, head pressed into your neck to muffle his own moans as he came inside you, whimpers of your name leaving his lips as he panted against you, "fuck, fuck, fuck, so good, so good for me bunny, you did so good."
he kissed around your neck, lips trailing up onto your lips. the kiss was sweet, soft touch of his lips making your body tingle. his grip was warm against you as he held your trembling body.
"shhh, it's okay, you're okay-" he kissed your cheeks, hands rubbing your sides, "minnie's here baby, i got you, everythings-"
you sunk deeper into the couch as you heard the fridge door slam shut, watching as jaemin's eyes landed on the kitchen entrance, "jaem?" mark's sleepy voice broke the silence, "what are you doing out here?"
jaemin stuttered slightly, pink cheeks still evident against the dim lighting,"i- i was just-" you heard mark take a loud sip of something, clearing his throat after, "if this is about my sister- she's, she's just annoying, all that baby stuff is just her being annoying. you know- sometimes i even kinda feel like she might like you or something."
jaemin bit his lip, only a loud mhm being his response as his now soft length slid out of you, "yeah so, don't let it get to you jaem, get to bed alright?"
jaemin nodded, saying a quick goodnight as mark left his sight. he looked down towards you, a scared look on your face, "so you're into younger guys, huh bunny?"
your giggles filled the small space as you rolled your eyes, hand gently slapping his chest. he leaned down to plant a soft kiss on your lips, a wide grin on his face, "don't worry, i like bratty older women too."
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rafesangelita · 7 months ago
hi victoria!!! i love ur pogue!sweetheart!reader and i was wondering if u could do a lil hurt/comfort thing where one of rafes friends tells reader she talks too much/is too loud and she gets super upset? i’m a super big crybaby and i talk a LOT and i’d love to see how you write how rafey defends n comforts her :,)
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warnings: protective!rafe, topper and kelce are pretty mean in this one >:(, rafe defends you <3, sight angst, fluff, rafe being the king of reassurance
a/n: i have personal beef with anyone who tells ppl to quiet down when they’re excited for something, or just naturally outgoing. also idk how to play poker so excuse the way i explained it if it’s incorrect lol
before you, friday nights were always reserved for rafe and his friends, the group of them either going out for a beer or staying in and betting money on card games. but now? rafe spent his friday nights buried inside of you, both of you laughing and kissing each other in the dark until one of you fell asleep first. and rafe wouldn’t have it any other way. his friends however, weren’t very fond of your boyfriend choosing you over them.
which would explain their impromptu visit while you two were mid-makeout session. “so this is why she has you locked away, huh?” you jumped, rafe covering you with a throw blanket as he slipped his shirt on. “what the fuck, guys?!” rafe glared at kelce and topper, your skin hot with embarrassment. “you left the door unlocked, playboy.” topper pushed a twelve pack of beers into rafe’s chest, the pair of friends walking to the kitchen.
“are you okay, baby?” rafe leaned down, wanting nothing more than to sucker punch his idiot friends for making you feel mortified. “i’m in my bra and panties!” you whispered, scrambling up from the couch and running up the stairs to rafe’s bedroom. rafe pinched the bridge of his nose, cursing under his breath before meeting topper and kelce in the kitchen. “y’all should’ve called me or something.” his tone was harsh, kelce holding his hands up defensively.
“she has you so pussy whipped bro, would you have even answered?” no, the answer was no. “it doesn’t matter, you two shouldn’t have walked in like that.” topper scoffed, popping open a can of beer. “chill, man, we just came to see our boy,” kelce slapped rafe’s shoulder, “and beat your ass at poker.” he added. rafe laughed, muttering a ‘not a chance.’ before going upstairs to check on you. “y/n?” you were fixing your disheveled hair, your lips still swollen from your previous activities.
“hey..” you turned, rafe pulling you in for a hug. “why don’t you come downstairs? be my lucky charm for the game we’re gonna play.” you shook your head, recalling topper’s words from earlier; ‘so this is why she has you locked away, huh?’ locked away? really? “i better not, you should go have your ‘bro’ time, i know it’s been awhile..” you smiled, hoping he didn’t catch the way your gaze faltered. he did. “i want you with me.” he pecked the tip of your nose, your eyes shutting momentarily.
“what if they don’t, though?” rafe was already dressing you, waving off your words. “well then they can leave.” he shrugged. you sighed, letting him walk you downstairs where topper and kelce had the game set up on the table. “the girl scout is joining us?” you didn’t miss the way topper exchanged looks with the boy on his right. “yes, she is. is there a problem?” kelce mumbled a ‘no.’, followed by an awkward clearing of his throat.
rafe pulled you onto his lap, the guys starting the game as you rested your head against his chest. you didn’t know a thing about poker, your lips quirking every time your boyfriend shouted excitedly. “there’s no way!” topper slammed his losing cards on the table, “i have nothing!” kelce was getting frustrated, the chances of him winning decreasing with each turn. “if i flip this card and it’s right, i take all of this.” the guys had already put in well over four hundred dollars, the tension in the room incredibly thick.
“with this money we’ll get you that mixer you been wanting, how does that sound?” you nodded, both you and rafe leaning forward in anticipation. as soon as rafe turned his last card over, you screamed, jumping up as topper and kelce heads fell down in defeat. it was the first time you had even opened your mouth tonight, and kelce wasted no time in shutting you down. “calm down, do you really have to be so loud?” your smile dropped, along with rafe’s. “forreal.” topper glared at you before pushing the money in your direction.
“what’s up y’all’s asses? she’s just cheering,” rafe pulled you to his side, “just a reminder that you two came here on your own accord and interrupted us, not the other way around.” in that moment you felt like a little girl again, always having someone to tell you to quiet down and suppress your excitement. you couldn’t help the tears from welling in your eyes, their judgmental looks making you want to disappear. prior to you and rafe being together, topper and kelce had always been nice to you, but all of that seemed to go out the door when your boyfriend stopped participating in their little get togethers.
“we hardly see you anymore, bro, we just don’t understand why she can’t lay off sometimes.” topper looked over at you, his jaw ticking as rafe laughed bitterly. you couldn’t believe your ears. if only they knew how much you encouraged rafe to hang out with them. “has it ever occurred to you that maybe i rather spend my time with my girlfriend than hanging out with you two? get the fuck out of my house.” topper and kelce looked like they were at a loss for words, both of them apologizing to you under their breath.
“and not that it matters anymore, ‘cause you two are so convinced that she has me trapped in her evil lair somewhere, but she encouraged me to come down here by myself before i dragged her along with me. you don’t even know what you’re talking about.” rafe basically pushed them out before shouting, “and i’m keeping the beers assholes!”
rafe shut the front door, making sure to lock it this time before he scooped you up in his arms. “don’t cry, sweetheart, they’re both idiots.” you sniffled, laughing softly. rafe smiled at the fact that he knew how to make you feel better. “talk my ear off while i order that mixer, i love hearing your voice.”
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hannieehaee · 10 months ago
idk if anyone has requested or mentioned this yet, but have u ever thought of sub hoshi??? also i love ur work, it’s absolutely incredible🤧 i love it sm😖💐
18+ / mdi
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content: sub!hoshi, softdom!reader, afab reader, smut, edging, handjob, oral (m receiving), penetrative sex, mentions of crying, etc.
wc: 1139
a/n: amazing concept, anon. not proofread btw sorry for any mistakes</3
"w-why are you being so mean to me?", cried the boy as he hissed in sensitivity.
his complaints did not prevent your fingers from slowly running up and down his chest, gracing the nipples you'd just spent twenty minutes sucking and biting into.
"just let me go, i'll be good, i promise!", he whined as he pulled at the restraints you'd used to tie each of his built arms to the bed frame.
"i can't do that, soonie. you asked for this, remember?", you pouted mockingly at the desperate boy.
you knew soonyoung to be quite experimental in bed. he was really down to do anything at least once, which was something that kept your sex life quite interesting throughout the duration of your relationship. for instance, a few weeks ago he had insisted on testing out bondage, choosing to try it on you as he tortured you for hours on end. after the fact, he had insisted on your own usage of it, begging you tie him up and have your way with him.
and so you did it. again and again, and he kept coming back for more, insisting you play with him time after time as he begged for your touch, trapped and unable to touch you back.
it quickly became a staple in your sex life, with the strong boy becoming a weak mess under you any time the mood struck for him to lay back and allow you to do with him as you wished. you'd still switch roles every so often, but soonyoung had grown addicted to you having your way with him as of late.
even now as he begged for you to let go, you knew that no part of him actually wanted the torture to stop. that furrow of his brows and the heavy puffs of air he was letting out were all you needed to know he was deep into the torturous pleasure you were giving him.
"want more ... want you to touch me ..." he pleaded despite one of your hands already being on his chest and the other wrapped around his cock.
but that was the crux of soonyoung's problem. the feather-like touches you kept giving him kept making him grow dizzier by the second. you'd get him there in the slowest way possible, only to take your hands off him and play with yourself as he watched.
he'd beg and plead at you to let him go, to stop being so mean to him, but deep down you knew his cries demanded for you to continue, to take him to a point where his sobs would become pathetic and uncontrollable, forcing you to finally let him have his finish.
you'd only edged him three times thus far, playing with his cock and rubbing at his sensitive nipples while you fed off his pretty whines. you'd also edged yourself along with him, not allowing yourself to cum even once as you forced him to watch you without a single lick of gratification.
"touch you? but i am touching you, baby. see?", you squeezed his cock a little harder, "is this not enough?"
"need more, just ... want you, please."
"want me? what do you want, soonie? want me to touch myself again?-"
"no! no, please. need to touch you. just ... it's been long enough, just take off th- fuck ...," he groaned when your mouth suddenly went down to lick at the tip of his cock, interrupting his pleas.
"but soonie ... want your cock so bad," you breathed as you kitten licked at his tip, occasionally slipping it into your mouth as your hands continued to jerk at it.
the slamming of the headboard could be heard from the way soonyoung pulled at his restraints in attempt to free himself. groans of desperation accompanied the sounds of the headboard, with soonyoung clearly growing more frustrated than usual.
"baby, just ... let me have you, i- i'll be good, i promise. i've been so good for you, just n-need to feel you," he cried.
you only tortured him for a few more moments before finally pulling away, granting him with a sweet kiss before beginning to undo his restraints. not wanting to run the risk of him accidentally injuring himself (knowing that the promise of some pussy would likely have him taking such risk), you decided to finally give into him.
the sight of the boy under you was absolutely pathetic. tears stained his cheeks and his eyebrows remained furrowed, a permanent pout attached to his lips. his hands were delicate as they dug into your hips, silently begging for you to please sit on his cock. his hiccuped pleas for your cunt made you coo at him, finally giving in to him and sinking down on his blushing cock.
"a-ah, fuck, thank you thank you thank you thank you," he chanted breathily, "feel so fucking good ... finally," he sighed, eyes rolling back.
"been so good, soonie. deserve to feel so so good," you whined back, immediately speeding up and bouncing up and down his cock, not caring about how sensitive the two of you were after over an hour of edging.
"i-it's so good, so fucking good ...", he cried as tears began pouring down his face. his hips attempted to weakly hump against your own despite the immense sensitivity he was feeling, "'m gonna cum, fuck. can i cum? please, i need- i need to cum."
"cum, soonie, just wanna make you feel good," you nodded frantically, "been so good for me ... cum with me, baby. i'll cum too, i- i'll cum," you moaned.
the tightrope inside you snapped, leading soonyoung to wail out your name surrounded by pathetic cries of 'sorry' and 'thank you' as his stomach caved in and brought him to his orgasm.
"so g-good. always make me feel so fucking good," he kept repeating while his hips lost control, filling you up without a care in the world.
once your orgasm subsided, you let yourself fall against his chest, kissing at his chest and neck as his own orgasm simmered down. his hands were still digging into your hips and ass, groaning endlessly at every bit of physical contact you gave him. his pretty gasps hiccuped between his groans, creating a choir of noises as his load filled you up in a seemingly endless manner.
when he finally made it to the other side, balls empty and out of energy, he caught his breath by breathing into your neck, holding you against him without minding your weight atop his own.
more thank you's were shared in whispers, kisses being exchanged as you took care of each other in the most intimate of ways, his cock still buried deep inside you. you fell asleep like this, entirely too relaxed and content as you held each other to sleep.
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kyupidu · 5 months ago
hello1! 1! 1 id like to ask for a yandere glisten x reader if ur comfy w it :3 u can also add headcanons if u like! (Can u also make reader a magical girl toon? Its just that my dw oc is one and I just like to mention my oc x canons here haha) (つω`*)
● Perfect.
Yandere!Glisten x fem!reader
Warnings: yandere, kidnapping, forced affection(?), tied up reader, maybe ooc glisten(?) maybe spelling mistakes, idk.
Notes: hai! Sorry it took me a bit to make your request i barely have any inspiration which is also why its so short and crappy. On that same note I wasn't sure how to put reader being a magical girl into this so I just made reader female, sorry I hope you still enjoy tho!
Oh you were so perfect for him weren't you?
Like two puzzles pieces, you and him were made for each other. He needed you, and you needed him. Or well so he thought. But it didn't matter what you thought, after all your the one who's tied up.
Glisten thought as he studied you in your bound state. "You understand why I had to do this right?" He said as he fiddled with the light pink ribbon he had tied you with. It was the same he wore, you looked perfect with it. You looked perfect with.. him.
Your muffled cries were ignored as he caressed your face with a loving look on his face. "You just kept giving others your attention, it's was so annoying. Your eyes belong to me, why would you wanna stare at anyone else??" He said looking at you with an annoyed look on his face.
"Atleast that wont be a problem anymore, now you will only look at me." He said caressing your face only to be interrupted by you turning your head away from him and squirming trying to get away. Letting out a heavy sigh and forcing you to look at him "Stop being such a brat! Or that pretty face will be adorned with bruises." He said looking at you angrily.
You quickly stopped not wanting to be hurt more than you already were, after all you thought that glisten was your friend, someone you could trust. You wished you could've known, maybe that would've saved you from this fate. "Good girl. You can't run from me... literally." He said laughing at his own joke "Because no matter how far you go, I'll always find you." He said holding your face with both of his hands.
Oh he loved you so much, he would do anything for you. He yearned for you. He could never get enough of you. He wished you loved him as much as he loved you, hopefully eventually you'll get used to being with him. Because you would never leave. You were made for him, you were where you belong. So you will stay perfectly with him, forever.
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hexedwritings · 6 months ago
hiii!! i saw u wanted requests so here it goes. idk what ur rules are for writing but i was wondering if u could maybe write a jinx x fem reader oneshot where they have sex while high!! maybe they even shotgun the smoke too cus thats so hot 👀👀 anyway please and thank u 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Jinx x reader
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- I didn't really include a sex in this but there are suggestive stuff.
- Set after events of act 3 season 1. But before the season 2 if yk what I mean.
- ⚠️ : mention of drugs, cuss words (?), suggestive stuff.
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Jinx loved taking risks. This was one of the reasons you fell in love with her. This was one of the reasons she was known.
It's not that she never had thought of the outcomes. She always knew she's way too smart for bad outcomes to happen.
After death of Silco, she fell into some bad habits. Unhealthy coping mechanisms and you definitely tried to be for her and to help her.
Sometimes you would just give in and smoke a blunt with her. This was one of those times. So yeah, you were currently on her bed or maybe you were levitating in the air, you weren't really sure.
"Hey toots are you even listening?" Her even raspier voice from smoking brings you back a little to your senses. The truth is you weren't listening. You were watching. You were watching how she would move her fingernails against your right forearm up and down while rambling about random stuff. They didn't even make sense. You were watching how her chest would slightly move everytime she moved too fast on the bed.
"Oh — sorry I wasn't listening." You said slightly flustrated. She squinted her eyes slightly before moving her body on top of your body. Her hips resting on your hip bones. You subconsciously held her hips.
"Is there something wrong?" She asked as she slouched, brought her body closer to your body, Chest to chest, head near your neck and Her tired bloodshot eyes staring your tired bloodshot eyes. "What- no nothing is wrong why are you asking?"
"You look a little red." You don't know how she can focus on the fact that you're a little red when she is this high. Well, you did focus on her body while she was talking so maybe that's possible.
"I don't."
"You do."
"What's the point of this?" You asked in a silent voice. She brought her lips close to yours and it didn't take one second for her to close the gap. You gasped. Not expecting a kiss happen. But you immediately kissed back.
She moved her mouth aggressively against yours. It made you confuse a little but you gave in of course. She entered her tounge into your mouth and tasted every bit of your mouth. It made you whimper a little. She was so aggressive that you felt like you were going to get a nose bleed.
"Wha- jinx what's up?" You asked as you moved her head a little away from yours.
"Am I not allowed to kiss my girlfriend?"
"That was not my question!"
"Why? do you have a problem with it?" You definitely did not. You wanted to continue. You wanted every inch of her.
"Uh no I don-"
"Then shut up and take it."
Not waiting for another moment she kissed you again. You also moved your lips against hers aggressively, basically fighting for dominance.
She stopped kissing you and moved to your neck. Sucking gently on the skin and then getting harsh. Teeth nibbing at it and making you bleed.
You didn't care. You did a few seconds before on why she was being so aggressive but the Lord only knows how much turned on you are right now. So you let it all happen.
She took your shirt off and moved to suck your nipples. Biting the flesh and making you whimper in pain. sucking your left breast while playing with the right one.
A few moments ago you would zone out and get lost in your mind but that moment, your five senses were exteremely enhanced. You didn't know why. It's like everytime jinx moved on your body and did something, you would feel it 10 times more.
But then she did something. Something she had never done before. She brought the blunt to her mouth. Smoked and got even more high, but the thing is.. she didn't release the smoke from her mouth until she kissed you. Yep. She released the smoke into your mouth.
You were dumbfounded. This was probably the most turning on action someone would ever do.
She was staring into yours eyes. The gap between your head and hers was probably not more than two centimeteres. You released the smoke back and it hit her face. You were starting to become dizzy. Dizzy from the blunt. Dizzy from your love for jinx. Dizzy from her literally doing that. Dizzy from everything.
You kissed her and she kissed back. That was a long night of making out and becoming high from each other.
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candiid-caniine · 1 year ago
slutpuppy tip of the day ✨
look ppl I've never been good at humping. idk if it's my anatomy or my lack of hip mobility or what, but humping the way I see in porn gifs has never worked for me, and it's always made me rly sad bc humping is just soooo puppy 😭
until now!!
if ur like me, and humping is difficult for you, and you want a way to make yourself look even more pathetic while edging, read on ✨
you will need:
(probably) a cunt - may work with a penis but I don't have one so idk!
pillows for support
a wand vibrator (others will prob work as long as they're sturdy/securable)
some way to keep it upright
here's what you're gonna do:
find a comfy position in some combination of chest down, ass up. get creative w pillows :)
secure your vibe upright below your spread legs ;) I did this by literally moving my arm under me and holding it in position, but I got a crick in my shoulder for it, so won't be doing that again ✌️ lol
you want it to be somewhere you can easily rub your clit/cock against it by moving ur hips up and down.
once it's there...get humping :3 think rly hard about how pathetically needy you must look, with your legs spread humping like a lil puppy dog 💕
this is a great (read: terrible!! mean!!!) exercise in self control. u have to either physically drop the vibe when ur at the edge, or move your hips away if it's secured some other way.
the problem ofc is that being in humpy drooly puppy mode makes this rlly hard >:c can't think.. can't rebmemer 😭
so I ruined before I was planning to. and let me fucking tell u. something about being in that position, both being so spread open and also being hella humiliated, made my ruin so. fucking. meannnn. I whined into my pillow and humped the air like a dumb slut 💕
given that this had me such a drooly puppy mess, I'll probably be made to edge like this for the foreseeable future 😭
possible variations:
if ur a dom and u make ur sub do this while ur passively ignoring them n throwing out little mean comments once in awhile as they put their ass into it just to get ur attention?? ur so mean 😭 ur so hot I'm begging u to DM me lol
securing the vibe independently and putting the sub in bondage that only juuuust allows them to hump properly is. hh.. (obviously do this safely af, esp if doing it solo)
u could experiment with the position of the vibe, then put constraints on your bodily positioning, to essentially make it doubly hard to get enough stimulation to hit the edge 🥺 juust add to the frustration and the desperation 💕
would be great in combo with other toys...puppy tail plug? labia spreader? dildo gag??
or even...some kind of spiky thing, also secured in the area, that would mean every time u rut against the vibrator, somethin painful is digging into ur ass or labia or w/e 💕💕
combine it w hypno. combine it w a humiliating mantra. combine it w figging. this could work with so many types of scenes :3
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sanjisboyfie · 1 year ago
one piece smau: married to doflamingo edition
- it's all just male reader humbling doffy sorry guys (the man needs to b humbled anyway so i dont rlly see a problem)
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liked by micorazon, trembletrebol, and 10k others
puppeteerdoffy: he doesn't like when i manspread for some reason i thought people thought it was hot 😕
tagged: notapuppet.[name]
notapuppet.[name]: there's nothing hot about being an inconvenience grow up
-> puppeteerdoffy: but i thought you loved everything i did :3
-> notapuppet.[name]: pls don't ever use that emoticon again. that doesn't suit you at all
[liked by baby555, tremboltrebl, and 90 others]
micorazon: it's a shame no one taught u manners in knowing that this is just flat out gross
-> notapuppet.[name]: i obviously chose to marry the wrong donquixote, i have many regrets in my life
-> micorazon: it's alright, affairs are always possible
-> puppeteerdoffy: rosinate, i'm gonna skewer you alive.
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liked by notapuppet.[name], dancingviolet, pikapica, and 11k others
baby555: calling all sigma males !!! the key to being a business tycoon, according to donquixote doflamingo himself, is being a gay man completely in love with your husband
tagged: notapuppet.[name] and puppeteerdoffy
puppeteerdoffy: he could walk me like a dog and i'd thank him
-> baby555: he already does.
pikapica: this post could singlehandedly stop the sigma male epidemic from spreading further
-> vergolikessteak: that...or make it worse
-> diadiamonte: it's definietly gonna make it worse
notapuppet[name]: the so called business tycoon's actual secret to being successful is that i'm the one managing all the business guys pls don't b fooled
-> baby555: this is also true. thank u for keeping our business afloat and away from the hands of the creep doffy <3
[liked by notapuppet.[name], pikapica, and 100 others]
-> puppeteerdoffy: now there's no need to lie and take all of the credit that isn't even yours
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liked by notapuppet.[name], vergolikesteak, and 13k others
puppeteerdoffy: appreciation post for him - even though he's a fucking liar <3
tagged: notapuppet.[name]
baby555: lover's quarrel for all the public to see
notapuppet.[name]: idk what that caption even means, but edit it before i die your hair black in your sleep babe
-> puppeteerdoffy: no.
-> vergolikessteak: i know his ass was shaking in fear when he typed that reply
[liked by notapuppet.[name], pikapica, and 100 others]
-> notapuppet.[name]: hold on no fucking way ur talking abt my comment on that post from yesterday??? ur done mf.
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liked by micorazon, puppeteerdoffy, diadiadiamonte, and 15k others
notapuppet.[name]: the back of your head is at the front of my mind, maybe i'll crack it open just to see what's inside
tagged: puppeteerdoffy
diadiadiamonte: doffy is so fucked LMFAOOAO
trembletrebol: this sounds exactly like doffy is abt to say goodbye to his blonde hair tn
-> notapuppet.[name]: he most definitely is <3 appreciating his blonde hair one last time for u all to see
-> pikapica: it's okay he needed a change of appearane anyway
senorpinkloveshiswife: such romance!! praying for u tn doffy <3
puppeteerdoffy: thanks for the worry guys, but nothing is gonna happen to me tn.
-> notapuppet.[name]: the world will be watching my next post tmrw morning
-> puppeteerdoffy: i love you, too, my entire world. so lucky to have such a loving husband as you to keep me in check and hold me accountable
-> baby555: LMFAOOAOAO
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liked by pupeteer doffy, dr.law, and 20k others
notapuppet.[name]: guys what do u thinkkkkk he loves itttt
tagged: puppeteerdoffy
pikapica: he looks quite pissed
dr.law: LMFAOAOAOOA BOZO GOT OWNED IN HIS FUCKING SLEEP, WHAT A FUCKING LOSERRRRRRRR!!!! thank u [name], from the bottom of my heart for humiliating this fool
-> notapuppet.[name]: no problem law <3
baby555: at least he looks less like a creep w black hair
-> notapuppet.[name]: that's what i told him, but he refused to listen to reason
puppeteerdoffy: i will repent for my sins for the rest of my life, my love
-> trembletrebol: this is definitely a dynamic you two have.
notapuppet.[name]: he looks sexier with black hair anyway idk
-> puppeteerdoffy: suddenly, i love my black hair, i should have been born with black hair, i wish i could have black hair forever.
[liked by notapuppet.[name], micorazon, and 90 others]
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liked by puppeteerdoffy, baby555, and 19k others
notapuppet.[name]: i love doffy so much guys pls don't get it twisted he just needs a humbling every now and then
tagged: puppeteerdoffy
puppeteerdoffy: you're gonna make it up to me later.
pikapica: thank u for being the one to humble him, but either way, i hope u two have fun on ur resort trip!
baby555: lord knows how badly [name] needed this trip after how much doflamingo torments him. every. single. day.
-> notapuppet[name]: you always understand my struggles, i appreciate this
micorazon: have fun don't have too much sex
-> puppeteerdoffy: who do you think you're talking to ???
diadiadiamonte: enjoy your getaway trip bosses!
[liked by notapuppet[name], puppeteerdoffy, and 70 others]
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liked by notapuppet.[name], micorazon, and 14k others
puppeteerdoffy: can't wait to make him a dad
tagged: notapuppet[name]
notapuppet.[name]: aww this is so cute ( i don't trust your ability to take care of children yet, but we can start with getting a dog or something babe)
-> puppeteerdoffy: u say this as if me babysitting law for a majority of my life didn't make him turn out fine
-> dr.law: i literally hate u and wish we never met???
[liked by notapuppet.[name], micorazon, and 100 others]
micorazon: awww these are such cute photos
-> puppeteerdoffy: fuck off my instagram u freak
baby555: a shame that a man as attractive as [name] is stuck with u for life
-> dancingviolet: a man that's good with kids>>>
-> puppeteerdoffy: do i have to block everyone off of my page what is up with you guys
notapuppet.[name]'s story:
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smacked his ass after taking this photo
puppeteerdoffy replied to your story: i have a reputation to uphold yk?? ur so lucky i love u more than anything.
448 notes · View notes
supernova41st · 9 months ago
Darnell/Pico x Latina!Reader
A/n: uhh I’m Latina soo. Also I rlly like this one, it was fun to write. Idk what to say here so ya
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Bro this man CANNOT get enough of ur food
Every time you bring him some or you invite him to one of your parties he’s always fucking that shit UP
Literally just
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“Do you two need a room?”
“Hmf?” (Huh?)
“You and the tamale.”
“Mm.. mof” (oh.. no)
He has good spice tolerance, so he loves all the food
He’s also does.. okay in Spanish. He took a few spanish classes in highschool so talking to ur family isn’t much of a problem
But some things are too complicated for him, like when you invited him to one of your gatherings your tia came up to him and gave him a headache
“Hola! Mira como guapo es su novio!! Si hablas español?”
“..uh huh”
Save him pls
Sometimes when getting into arguments you use Spanglish against him and he tries too but fails
“Donde estabas? I was so worried!”
“Relax baby eso no es my fault!!”
He failed that Spanish class take it easy on him
When you two were in highschool, he loved doodling on your hand (cuz he’s an graffitist) because of your tan skin (if you have it)
He always used warm toned colors while spelling something like ‘y/n’ on your hand in graffiti letters
But sometimes he loves the doodle way too much to give up on it, so he would use it as a reference for another project at an alleyway
“How long do I have to hold my hand up like this?”
“Just ten more minutes babe, gotta catch that aspect”
“sigh que pendejo..”
He would actually die for you
Pico is into the whole ‘I <3 Latinas’ thing so when he asked you out and you said yes he died
Pico STRONGLY believes ur the most beautiful creature on the planet
Now since pico is.. ✋🏻 spicy food isn’t his strong suit
He’ll try his best but all he’s gonna do is hurt himself
“Amor, you good?”
“Cough cough yeah it’s just a little cough hot!”
“Pico, it’s a taki..”
He’s mostly a fan of the candy your culture has to offer, he gets so excited when you bring him a pelon pelo
Now pico doesn’t know jack SHIT about Spanish
So when you invited him to one of your family gatherings he was so confused
“Mira, es la novio de y/n! Tienes hambre, mijo?”
He def tries, he’ll point to something and ask you abt it
“This is doo-si, right?” 😊(He’s trying to say dulce)
He also likes you give you Spanish nicknames, ‘mamas’ is already his default but he also likes to throw ‘mi amor’s and ‘mi vida’s in there too
Pico (even without you) is really into Spanish rock, idk I just think it fits his vibe
Your younger cousins really like nagging him about you
“How’d you meet her? Is she nice to you? Will you be my boyfriend?”
“Y/n I think you have some competition..”
“She better not tf”
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205 notes · View notes
nvrsaidiwasinurcloset · 1 year ago
Hii so idk if u are planning on doing a part 2 for the stepcest or angst for a part 2 but I was wondering if you could write an angst about how they sneak around and eventually get caught?? It’s ok if ur not planning on a pt 2 😭 love ur writing style btwwww
Yasss I hope you like it! I wanted to post this last night but my sleep meds kicked in before I got to finish this part. There will be a part 3, as long as people want to read it:)
Pleaser - Stepbrother!Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader - Part 2
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This contains SMUT - Minors DNI
Part 1, Part 3
Summary: Your mom and Ethan's dad come home early, catching you in the act.
*there are mentions of a panic attack and some violence-related things, nothing too graphic...except the sex stuff:)*
A/N: I didn't think a lot of people would like the first part of this, and I kinda left this part on a cliffhanger because I love to be dramatic lol. If y'all want a part 3, let me know:)
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You frowned when you looked at your phone and saw that your mom and Ethan’s dad would be home in a few hours. It was like everything changed after that first night. You were both loving the time you got to spend together, not just the sex. It really bummed you out that he could’ve potentially been a good boyfriend, but thanks to your mom getting swept off her feet by his dad, there’s no way it could work now.
You could tell that Ethan hated it, too. If it was up to him, they’d never come back, and he’d have you all to himself. He knew it wasn’t right, but he was catching feelings. The only thing that was going to get him through the rest of the summer was knowing that you were going to the same school in the fall. No parents, and no one would know that you were his stepsister.
“Hey cutie, what are you doing?” he asked, as he walked into the kitchen to see you in front of the counter, your back turned to him. He wrapped his arms around your waist and laid his head on your shoulder.
He got concerned when he heard you sniffle, so he turned you around to face him. “What’s wrong?”
You wiped tears off your cheeks as you looked at him.
“Everything’s wrong. THIS is wrong,” you said, your hand gesturing between the two of you.
“I thought you liked the last couple days,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck as he stared at the linoleum tiles on the kitchen floor. He’d be lying if he said his heart wasn’t breaking.
“I did, Ethan! That’s the problem. I don’t want this to end,” you cried, as he pulled you into his arms.
“It doesn’t have to,” he said, kissing the top of your head. “We can make everything work. It’ll be okay.”
“How? There’s no way,” you mumbled into his chest as he soothingly rubbed your back.
“We just have to keep it a secret.”
You hated that idea but knew it was the only option. He stepped back to wipe the stray tears off your cheeks, before leaning down to kiss you.
He started to pull away, but you pulled him back in. Your lips moved so well with his, desperate to go at it again before your mom and Wayne returned home.
“If we’re going to do this, we need to be quick,” he said, pulling his phone out of the pocket of his sweatpants and checking the time. “Dad said they left a little early, so they’ll be here in an hour.”
“Your bed or mine?” you asked, lacing your fingers in his.
“I like yours. It’s more comfortable,” he said, “I should really complain about that.”
“Yeah, then we’d have to explain why you know how nice my bed is,” you laughed, leading him to your room.
He helped you out of your clothes, not wanting to waste a single second of the time you had left. He started to strip, his clothes joining yours in the pile on the floor.
“What do you want, babe?” he asked, his hands running up your sides as you stood in front of him.
“I want to ride you,” you said, his eyes darkening at the thought.
“Since I don’t know how long I’ll have to wait to do it again, can I please eat your pussy first?”
“Please,” you whispered, as he pushed you back on the bed.
His head was between your thighs within seconds, his mouth working its magic. His tongue darted in and out of your dripping core, trying to get every last drop of you.
“Fuck, that feels so good,” you whimpered, your hands running through his hair.
He gripped your thighs as he ate you out, pulling you as close to his face as possible.
His tongue started to focus on your clit, circling it with his tongue before he sucked it into his mouth.
“Oh shit,” you cried out, your grip tightening on his hair. He groaned, the feeling making you arch your back.
You started to move your hips against his tongue as your orgasm began to build, craving that sweet ecstasy. Your brain got foggy as you started to hit your peak. The only thing you could think about was how amazing he was making you feel as you tried to form words.
“I’m gonna-“ was all you got out, before your body started to shake. He slid his tongue back inside your pussy, massaging your fluttering entrance with it.
Ethan loved seeing you like this. The pleasure coursing through your veins and knowing he’s the one that caused it, made his cock throb.
He laid down beside you after he got you through your orgasm. “Come on, baby. Get on top of me.”
You sat up, the tingling feeling in your body fading as you straddled him. Your lips went to his as your pussy rubbed against him. He was gasping at the friction against his erection, but he needed to be inside of you.
“Condom,” he mumbled against your lips.
You sighed as you reached over to the bedside table and grabbed one, making a mental note to put them back under your bed when the two of you were done.
You started to stroke him, a low groan slipping past his lips, before you rolled the condom on him.
You both moaned out when you sank down onto him, before he muttered “So fucking tight.”
His hands went to your hips as you started to move, your pace building up quickly. The palms of your hands were pressed against his chest as you rolled your hips against his. You knew you didn’t have a lot of time left, and you didn’t want to risk getting caught. He watched the way your tits bounced as you rode him, pulling you forward to take one of your nipples in his mouth.
“Fuck,” you whimpered, the position of your hips making it easier for him do drill into your g-spot as his thrusts started to meet yours.
Both of your movements completely stopped though, as you heard heavy footsteps walking past your door.
Ethan’s wide eyes connected with your terrified ones, as Wayne yelled “Ethan, where are you?” from his bedroom a few doors down from yours.
You were frozen in fear as you were still on top of him. “Baby, you gotta get up,” he whispered. You tried to, but it was too late once the doorknob to your room turned, your mom walking in. The smile on her face dropped as she saw you, a look of disgust on her face.
“Get dressed, now,” she said through gritted teeth, your heart pounding in your chest as tears started to form in your eyes.
She walked out, slamming the door behind her. You looked down to see Ethan’s tomato-red face, “Oh my god.”
He wiped your tears away as they slid down your cheeks, “We need to get dressed, baby. You need to get off me.”
You raised your hips as he slid out of you, your body now shaking in your fear. He slid the condom off, throwing it in the wastebasket and quickly putting his clothes on. You heard arguing from the living room as you tried to get dressed, your hands shaking as Ethan came over to help you.
“It’s okay, baby,” he said, pulling your shirt down over your head.
“How the fuck is this okay?” you whispered, as he helped you put your jeans back on.
“Look, I’ll say this was all my fault,” he said, before kissing you for what you felt would be the last time.
“It’s not, though.” Tears flowed down your cheeks as you felt your chest getting tighter.
“Hey, breathe, baby,” he said, pulling you into his chest so he could rub his hands across your back.
You heard footsteps outside of the door again, Wayne yelling, “Ethan, get out here now!”
He pulled away from you, his own anxiety creeping up as he made his way towards the door. The footsteps headed back to the living room as the arguing continued.
You followed Ethan, not wanting him to take the fall for this, even though his eyes pleaded with yours for you to let him.
“Your perverted son took advantage of my daughter!” your mom yelled, anger dripping off her words.
“You said she was on top of him! How do you know it wasn’t the other way around?!” Wayne snapped.
Your mom was about to say something, when she noticed Ethan standing in the doorway, and you right behind him.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, you little creep?” she asked, walking towards Ethan.
“Stop!” you screamed at her. She stopped in her tracks, looking you over. You’d never raised your voice at her. “I’m the reason this happened.”
Wayne scoffed in the background as your mother’s face dropped.
“No, you’re not. Stop talking,” Ethan said, as your mom got closer to Ethan, her hand connecting with his face. The sharp slap made your ears ring as Wayne started to yell. “Don’t touch my son!”
“Your son had no problem touching my daughter!” she screamed. “Get out. Both of you.” She said coldly, looking between Ethan and Wayne.
“Mom, please calm down. I know this is bad, but-“ she cut you off before you could finish speaking.
“I don’t even know who you are.”
A sob slipped past your lips as you felt your chest getting tighter again, your panic attack rushing over your body as you struggled to breathe. Ethan turned to look at you. “Hey, it’s okay. Breathe.”
“Don’t you fucking speak to her,” your mom snapped, pulling Ethan away from you. “I never should’ve trusted you alone with her.”
“Stop blaming this all on Ethan! We don’t even know what the story is!” Wayne yelled, as Ethan started to get mad.
“You want to know what the fucking story is? You two got married before you even asked us how we felt about it! I didn’t plan for any of this to happen, she didn’t either,” Ethan yelled, “I wish you two would’ve thought about asking us how we felt about it, because I would’ve told you I hated the idea of living down the hall from the girl I caught feelings for. Having to refer to her as my stepsister makes me feel so fucking sick to my stomach. I hate this!”
Your mom walked over to you, trying to calm you down when she noticed your breathing wasn’t normal. Your vision got hazy as you struggled to take more than shallow breaths. “Hey, Ethan! Help me!” your mom yelled, as you dropped to your knees.
He bolted towards you, lifting you back up to hold you against him as he swayed with you in his arms, trying to calm you down. His arms around you were soothing, as you started to inhale deeper than you were able to seconds before.
Your mom stood there, watching the two of you. She was still mad, but there were other things she and Wayne needed to talk to you about.
“We’re separating,” your mom said, as you pulled your head away from Ethan’s chest. “We did rush into this.”
Wayne’s head nodded as he stared at the floor.
“Why did you go on that trip then?” you asked, your words still shaky as you calmed down.
“We went on the trip to see if there was any way we could make this work. We ended up heading home early because we knew we couldn’t,” Wayne said, as Ethan looked over to him.
“You seemed so happy,” Ethan said, as Wayne chuckled.
“We didn’t want you two to worry. We were going to make things seem normal until you guys went off to school.”
“We were going to tell you when you came home for Thanksgiving,” your mom said, a hint of sadness in her voice. “At this point, I think we should start to think about Wayne and Ethan moving out, as soon as possible.”
“Yeah, I’ll reach out to my friend that’s a realtor in the morning,” Wayne said, still not looking up from the floor.
You stood there next to Ethan, not sure how to feel. Your mom and Ethan’s dad weren’t showing a lot of emotion.
“I think we need to have a conversation,” your mom said to you, gesturing for you to come with her. Your scared eyes met with Ethans before you followed her through the house and out the side door. You both took a seat on the patio chairs, as she took a deep breath. “How long has that been going on?”
“You mean, how long have I had a crush on him? Or what you walked in on?” you asked, your gaze not meeting hers.
“Were you interested in him before you knew I was seeing Wayne?” she asked, smoothing a wrinkle out of her shirt as she spoke.
“Yeah, I’ve liked him for the last couple years,” you admitted, “I’m sorry if I disappointed you.”
“I wish you would’ve told me,” she sighed, “Maybe it would’ve stopped me from making my mistake.”
She let out a small laugh, as you started to feel sad for her. “Mom, why did you get married without talking to me about it?”
“I don’t know, I think I just didn’t want to be alone. Wayne felt the same way. We both had a child going off to college, and our houses were going to be empty. I knew you’d think we were moving too fast.”
You both sat in silence for a few minutes, deep in thought.
“This thing between you and Ethan can’t happen. At least not while he’s in the same house as you,” she finally spoke. “I’m not sure what people will think, but the marriage did only last a few months.”
“Seriously?” you asked, a smile forming on your lips.
“I need to know though, were you being safe with him?” her heart was pounding as she asked the question, hoping your answer would be what she wanted it to be.
“Yes,” you said, as she let out a sigh of relief.
“I know you’re going to be here with him alone while Wayne and I are both working, at least until they get another house. I’m going to ask Wayne if he’d help me put up cameras in the house. Just so I know you aren’t doing things you shouldn’t be,” she said, as you felt the small glint of happiness fade to anger.
“That’s a serious invasion of my privacy,” you said, before she put her hand up.
“I’m not going to put them in the bedrooms or the bathroom. I just want one in the main hallway, one in the living room, and one in the kitchen. I meant what I said earlier when I said I didn’t know who you are,” you heard the disappointment in her voice again.
“This is stupid,” you said, getting up and walking back through the side door.
Ethan was sitting on the couch talking to his dad as you made your way through the house. His eyes were on you, observing the pissed look on your face. When you walked into your room and slammed the door, he had this awful feeling in the pit of his stomach.
That night, Ethan and his dad went to the store to get the cameras. You soon heard the sound of the drill outside of your door as they mounted a camera to the wall in the hallway. You rolled your eyes, irritated at the sound and the privacy you no longer had.
“Hey, I picked up some food,” Wayne said against your door. As pissed as you were, you were still hungry. You opened the door and took the bag from him but noticed Ethan behind him on a ladder with the drill. His shirt raised up a little, showing his toned stomach as he installed the camera. He winked at you when his eyes connected to yours.
“Goodnight,” Wayne said, moving away from the door. You closed it behind him and pulled out your phone to text Ethan.
You: I can’t believe you’re helping with this
A few minutes after the drilling stopped, you got a response from Ethan.
Ethan: Did you forget that I’m good with technology? I have a plan
You smiled as you read it, curious to know what his secret plan was.
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itsjustrosee · 10 months ago
hiiii idk really what to call you bc yeah anyways i have a request fir u but feel free to take ur time with it idm at all seeing as ur blog is relatively new and u probably have a bunch of asks and stuff because ur first two fics were absolute masterpieces like literally anyways im rambling im so sorry uh
(u can skip that part) So my request is basically where minho and fem!reader are really good friends and shes like a track-hoe and basically has a really flirty personality so she flirts with all her friends and minho always gets flustered uh or something like that and one time he sees her flirting with idk one of the gladers and he gets jealous thinking that shes dating (said glader) and then she confronts him about it and they kiss and live happily ever after :D
sorry this is super long and confusing dont rush to do it take ur time !!
Ok I'm honestly getting so impressed with these requests, they are so thought out and unique and I'm literally living for it. Btw my name is Rosalyn so feel free to call me that or sometimes I go by rose but address me however you'd like <3 Anyways thank you so much for the request and all of the praise, I appreciate it sm!!
Anyways, this was a super cute prompt idea I absolutely love it, so I hope you enjoy!
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JEALOUS (Minho x fem!reader)
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Context: pre Thomas, read above for summary ^
Warnings: spice
Word count: 4K
! I proof read but there might still be spelling mistakes !
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When you arrived in the glade being a girl, it was quite a surprise for everyone.
Most of the boys tried to be pretty accepting, and after a while, you managed to get along really well with everyone. But if you're being honest, it was all due to your rather, flirty, personality.
That, however, you can't really be blamed for. I mean, you couldn't help it, it was just the way that you were!
It did, however, prove to be a slight problem during your first few months in the glade. You can't blame the rest of the boys for taking your subtle flirty gestures the wrong way, if you were them, you'd probably take the things that you said the wrong way too. So by no means was it their fault for thinking you liked them. But unfortunately, you never reciprocated their feelings, which only confused them more.
Anyways, the first person to understand this was Newt. He was always okay with your overly friendly personality and never actually got the wrong idea from you. That's probably why he became your first friend in the glade, and why when he said you should become a track hoe, you accepted his offer immediately. He, along with the rest of the track hoes' were rather chill and you enjoyed spending time with all of them.
You would consider yourself the closest with them out of all the other people in the glade, so you often hung out with them during the bonfires and dinner. However, you were relatively close with just about every boy in the glade, given your personality, but regardless, you naturally gravitated towards everyone.
It took a couple months for everyone to come to terms with your behavior and rather flirtatious personality, so after about five months, everything was going pretty smoothly. Under the given circumstances and all. Being trapped in a maze was by no means easy, but you were making the most of it. You had developed a good daily routine, and you can only imagine without the structure you and the other gladers had built for themselves, you all would've gone mad by now.
Part of your routine was waking up early. Alby had made Gally and the other builders build you a hut for obvious reasons, and Gally was happy to do it if it meant getting on your good side. You enjoyed the privacy from the rest of the boys but since you had a hut, you had a bed. A bed that was impossible for you to force yourself out of in the morning. After a couple weeks though, you got into the right mindset and started waking up right when the sun started peaking over the maze walls.
You woke up early so you could get a head start with some of the work in the garden. This meant you just spent a bit of extra time plucking out weeds and getting extra fertilizer from the deadheads. You did this to lightly the load that you and the rest of the track hoes' had to do, and you also did it because you just enjoyed being productive.
But one of the secret advantages of waking up early to tend to the garden was seeing the runners leave right when the maze doors opened. You took the brief amount of time they had before leaving to talk to them because they were all very busy people, and getting any opportunity to have a quick chat with them mattered to you. Especially because it meant you got to talk to Minho.
You never admitted it to anyone, but Minho was one of the only boys in the glade that you actually felt attracted to. You couldn't quite understand why, but you always felt drawn to him.
Maybe it was because he was held so high by all the gladers, even though none of them were ever able to talk to him because of how busy his schedule was. He was in the maze all day and when he finally returned from a long day of working to find a way out of the maze for himself and everyone else in the glade, he would be in the maze room. He was working, constantly. Which is why you felt special whenever you had the chance to talk to him. Even if it was just for a couple seconds.
Or maybe you liked him because he still got flustered whenever you talked to him. You would always try to be as respectful towards him as possible, but your flirtatiousness always found a way to shine through. And he seemed to be the only boy who hadn't gotten over how flirty you were, even though every other boy knew that that was just the way you were.
Needless to say, you had a pretty big crush on him, one that you tried your hardest to deny. But you really couldn't help it, which is why you chose to become friends with him. You decided to settle with that because you were sure he wasn't interested in being anything more. Even though Newt often tended to think otherwise.
But you still couldn't help but think that it was just so cute how whenever you talked to him he would fumble over his words, or get as red as the tomatoes you were tending to whenever you even touched him.
However, whenever Minho acted all flustered like this, he would curse at himself relentlessly, wondering why he was as awkward as he was whenever he was near you.
The truth is, he had been down horrendously for you the second Alby pulled you out of the box. At first, he chalked it up to you just being the only girl and well, he couldn't exactly remember the last time he had seen one of those. But as the weeks went on, his feelings for you only deepened. He never saw a point in telling you because every boy who confessed his 'love' to you got rejected. Part of that made him feel glad though because he knew that just about none of the boys in the glade were good enough for you, and he felt happy knowing you would never like any of them. But the downside to that was Minho thinking that he would never have a chance with you.
That never stopped him from wanting to talk to you though. He would purposely make sure to stop by the garden to talk to you before he headed into the maze. Whenever you weren't in the garden, he would check the deadheads to see if you were there. Once he found you, he would make some excuse by saying he was just taking a walk in the woods to clear his head before going into the maze.
He really didn't know why talking to you mattered to him so much, but it just did. And today was no different.
You were nealing down next to garden beds that Gally and some of the others had just built. It was a relatively new addition to the garden and you had just finished filling them with soil and fertilizer yesterday. So you were eager to begin planting some of the last remaining seeds that were sent up from the box into the beds.
You could always tell when a month would pass by when you ran out. The box always sent up a certain amount of seedlings and by the time you ran out, a month would pass and the box would come back up, providing you with another month's worth. So as you planted the last seed in the pouch, you knew that in a few hours, a new greenie would appear from the box, symbolizing the start/ end of yet another month in the glade.
You stood up, dusting off your knees as you congratulated yourself on your wonderful planting skills. But your eyes wandered away from the garden and onto Minho, who was now walking your way. Your heartbeat quickened as you saw him. He arrived slightly earlier than normal because you noticed that you hadn't seen any of the other runners with him, but you also knew it would only be a few minutes until they came to join him.
Minho mentally prepared himself while he walked up to you, telling himself that he was going to be normal today, and he wasn't going to start stuttering like an idiot.
At least that's what he tried telling himself as he approached you, clearing his throat, "Hey (Y/N)," Minho said while resting his hands on that runner's vest he always wore on top of his signature blue shirt which complimented each of the defined muscles on his chest.
"Hi, Minho." You said with a smile on your face that couldn't help but make Minho blush. "What brings you out so early? The maze doors don't open for another five minutes don't they?" You questioned. You had gotten pretty good at telling time around the glade, even without a watch like Minho.
"Oh yeah, I just thought that maybe I'd get over here a little earlier," Minho said with an awkward chuckle as he tried to smile back at you.
"Ah, I see," you said before continuing, "Is it cause you wanted to spend a little extra time talking to me?" You said with a giggle, trying to make a little light-hearted joke as you stared up at Minho with puppy dog eyes.
Minho however, did not take this as a joke. He began blushing, hard. "Oh no that's not why- wait no that's not what I meant. Like I love talking to you but that's not why-" Before Minho could continue to embarrass himself further, you cut him off.
"Minho I was just joking." You said with a laugh, trying your best to reassure him because clearly, he was mentally freaking out. You couldn't get over how cute he was when he was like this. You were always so used to seeing him act serious and stoic in every other situation, but whenever it came to you, he was a mess.
"Yeah- right. Of course." Minho said awkwardly, trying his hardest to laugh off the situation. He felt his cheeks heat up as you continued to look at him for a moment while taking off your gardening gloves. He couldn't help but take the time to admire you and the features on your face while you did so.
You had your hair tied into a loose braid that was slung over your shoulder and onto your chest. His eyes glanced up and down your body to see that you were wearing a pair of low-rise jean shorts paired with a V-neck shirt that clung to your curves and exposed your chest slightly.
You noticed his eyes drift to your chest and laughed silently to yourself but didn't say anything else to him. You normally didn't mind having the boys in the glade stare at you because, at this point, it was to be expected. But you couldn't help but feel butterflies in your stomach as Minho looked at you, and you couldn't help but feel happy that you decided to wear this shirt today.
"If it makes you feel any better, I love talking to you too Minho." You joked, even though you definitely meant it. Your voice broke the slightly awkward silence that had filled the air while you put your hand on his bicep. No matter how many times you've made this gesture toward Minho, it never fails to surprise you with how firm his muscles are. It also never failed to make Minho physically stiffen and make his mind go completely blank.
You absentmindedly began softly rubbing Minho's bicep with your thumb. You were genuinely curious about how he had gotten this strong. Was it all the running he did? Did they have weights in the glade that you just didn't know about? You weren't quite too sure what it was but you were loving it.
You snapped out of your thoughts though as you saw the other runners approaching the garden. You looked back up at Minho with a soft smile as you took your hand off of him, "Well I hope you have a good run today Minho." You said while trying to snap him out of whatever trance you'd unknowingly put him in.
"Thanks," Minho said. At least he didn't stutter while getting that out, but then again, he only said one word. But it was a new record nonetheless.
You greeted the other runners with a smile and a wave while Minho's feet stayed planted in front of you, unable to move.
"We'll meet you at the doors Minho." Ben said as he and the others jogged past you and him, snickering at the whole situation.
You stared at him again for another moment, expecting him to move but something in him couldn't. "You should probably catch up with them right?" You ask him, hoping that you didn't just cause the glades best runner to short-circuit just because you touched his bicep.
"Right, yeah- yeah you're right," Minho said while letting out a soft chuckle.
"Be careful alright? I'll talk to you later." You told Minho as you patted him on the back while he began to walk past you.
"Okay yeah. Talk to you later." Minho said, still very flustered about what had just happened. He was still trying to process it all because even though you had been touchy with him before, it was never like this. There was something very different about it this time. He thought about it for the rest of the day while he was running in the maze, and even when he came back and ate dinner.
While Minho was showering before heading to the bonfire, he couldn't help but wonder if you also felt it, if you also felt the same energy in the air that he felt. Or if he was just overthinking an exchange between the both of you that hadn't even lasted more than five minutes.
The truth was that he wasn't the only one whose mind kept racing back to that moment.
You couldn't stop thinking about it either and it was distracting you this entire day. You didn't know what was so different about it this time, but you could feel something shift between you and Minho during that simple exchange. You brushed it off as much as you could and decided to turn your focus on showing the new greenie around.
He seemed to have taken quite a liking to you and was practically following you around 24/7, which you didn't mind too much. He seemed like a sweet kid who was around your age, behaving toward you the same way every other boy had toward you in the glade at one point or another.
As the day continued, the bonfire began and you found a seat with a group of about ten people, the greenie being one of them. He chose the seat right next to you and after a couple drinks, he had his arm around you. In your eyes, it really wasn't that big a deal. You thought it was sweet that he was opening up so soon, and you had to admit he was pretty funny. You couldn't help but laugh at a lot of his jokes.
But Minho wasn't too big a fan of how the new guy clung to you. While everyone gathered at the bonfire he couldn't help but notice how the very obviously drunk boy, had his arm around your shoulder and it was driving him crazy. He had been hearing whispers from the other gladers about how you were going to start dating him and the mere thought of it made Minho's blood boil. Even though all the comments that had been made about you and the greenie were jokes because everyone knew you well enough to know you were just being friendly, Minho didn't know that.
You were in the middle of a conversation with the new guy and the rest of the group when you spotted Minho walking in your direction. At first, you got excited, you had been waiting to talk to Minho this whole day. But then you looked at him and noticed the stern, almost angry expression he had on his face. Your confusion only grew as he stopped right in front of you, his build towering over you as you stared back up at him.
"Hey, can we talk for a second?" Minho said through gritted teeth. The amount of anger in his voice was prominent, and you couldn't lie, it was kind of hot. Minho was not a hot-headed person, so seeing him be anything other than stoic or flustered was new for you.
"Uh sure, is everything alright?" You ask with genuine concern. You didn't know what could've gotten Minho this angry so you were relatively worried.
"Yeah, it's fine. Just- can you come with me?" Minho said quickly, and it was obvious to you that it, whatever 'it' even was, was not fine. You took Minho's hand anyway as he helped you up from your seat.
Everyone in the group was staring at you, just as confused as you were while you told them you'd be back soon. You shot the greenie a wave and you could've sworn you saw Minho roll his eyes and scoff as you did so.
Minho led you to the edge of the deadheads and stopped by a nearby tree. There was silence between the both of you and you were waiting for Minho to say something. When he didn't, you spoke instead, "So what is this all about?"
Minho crossed his arms as he began to reply, you couldn't help but notice fury in his eyes as he spoke, "I should be asking you that."
"What?" You questioned, slightly dumbfounded and slightly confused by Minho's harsh tone. He'd never spoken to you in such a way, so now you were really racking your brain trying to figure out what you could've done to piss him off so much.
"Oh don't pull that oblivious klunk with me (Y/N)." Minho sneered.
"I'm not acting oblivious, I don't know what you're talking about, seriously." You said while putting your hands up in surrender, and it was the truth, you really didn't know what he was talking about.
"I'm talking about you and the greenie. How you guys were all over each other. Are you dating him or something?" Minho spits out, venom and jealousy lacing his words.
You couldn't help but laugh as he said this but you quickly realized he was being serious. "Wait you're kidding, right? Me and the greenie? No Minho he's just a friend." You said in an attempt to reassure him.
"Well, it didn't look like you were just friends. Not by the way he had his arm around you." Minho blurted out.
"Are you getting jealous Minho?" You asked with a grin on your face. Minho stayed silent for a moment after you asked, so you spoke again, "Why would you care anyway? It's not like you like me like that or anything." Annoyance in your voice this time. Who was he to act so pissed off about it if he didn't even like you?
"Who said I didn't?" Minho questioned while staring dead at you.
Now it was your turn to be silent.
"You like me?" You said as you just stared at Minho for a moment longer, wondering if you had really heard him correctly. A sliver of hope surged through you as you thought of the possibility.
Minho quickly realized what he had just said and just stared at you. Did he really just say that? Why did he just say that? His words got stuck in his throat and he stayed quiet.
"Minho answer my question."
"Yes, okay? Yes, I like you. So what if I do? Are you going to reject me the same way you reject every other boy?" Minho asked with genuine curiosity.
Before you or he could say anything else, you kissed him.
You hadn't even realized how long you had been waiting to kiss Minho ever since you laid your eyes on him. But as your lips merged into his perfectly, it all just felt right.
Minho melted into your touch as you wrapped both of your arms around his neck and he pulled you in as he placed both of his arms around your waist. The kiss you both shared was gentle yet passionate as you fell deeper and deeper into his warm embrace.
You pulled away for a moment to look Minho in the eyes, "I like you too Minho." You said with a warm smile that almost made him pass out. Minho's heart melted as he heard those words come out of your mouth. They were what he'd dreamed you you eventually say to him, and he couldn't think of anything else to do at that moment than to kiss you again.
The kiss between the both of you deepened and only became more sloppy and desperate as if the both of you couldn't get enough of each other. You allowed his tongue to enter your mouth and taste every bit of you. You could tell that he must've had some muscle memory from his life before the maze because he definitely knew what he was doing as his tongue wrestled against yours.
Minho pushed you onto a nearby tree and moved one of his hands from your waist and to your ass. You moaned softly into his mouth as he did so and you pushed yourself into him further, which only caused Minho to harden against you.
"Oh, there you guys are. I assumed you guys got everything settled?" Newt asked as he interrupted you and Minho. You both pulled away for the second time, breathlessly, and stared at him for a moment.
"Oh yeah- everythings um, settled. I guess." Minho said while turning around to face Newt. Newt gave you a look and you just gave a thumbs up and an awkward smile back to him.
"Alright well, I just wanted to let you know (Y/N) that the greenie was wondering where you were," Newt said with a smirk while scratching the back of his head.
"Oh, well- just tell him I'm busy or something." You replied hastily. You had waited long enough to let Minho know how you felt and you wanted nothing more than to turn all of your attention back to him now. Minho looked at you and grinned, obviously very pleased with your response.
"Will do," Newt said as he began to walk away and back up to the bonfire to join everyone else. You blushed as you put your hands up to your face and buried your head into Minho's chest.
"God that was so embarrassing." You said, your words muffled in the fabric of Minho's t-shirt.
"Oh come on there's nothing to be embarrassed about. If anything it's good that that shuckin' greenie'll get the message." Minho cooed as he wrapped one arm around your back and used his other hand to stroke your hair. He planted a kiss on your forehead as you took your hands away from your face and wrapped them around Minho's waist. You looked up at him again with a goofy grin on your face, which only made Minho grin at you back, "What, what is it?" He chuckled.
"You never struck me as the jealous type." You stated while tilting your head slightly before continuing, "Not like there's anything wrong with that though."
Minho only smiled back at you and brought his lips to yours once more, holding you in his arms as if he found the one thing that he wanted to hold onto for the rest of his life.
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alright yall here is yet another Minho fic
I hope you guys liked it and tysm @minhoshotharness for the request!! It was so fun to write and I hope that you liked what I did with the concept.
plzplzplzplz keep sending me these requests guys, I literally LOVE writing them
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luizd3ad · 5 months ago
Heyyyyyy :D :D
May I pleaseeeee request ploy!bartylus (that's probably spelt wrong) x reader? (Gn if that's okay!!!!) Like maybe reader it's supper into true crime or something similar but is a little over confident and a little stupid and keeps like kinda-ish-maybe accidently or not accidently seeking out active murders and not telling the boys before they go and like almost die now and then. or something. like anything is fine, I love ur writing so much ur so cool and amazing and thank you for existing please go drink water and have a lil snack that makes u happy and like don't eat a butterfly and idk ur very cool I hope you've had a great week and a good hair day and okay bye bye now um
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I Was Just Curious... | Bartylus X Reader
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ࣪˖⤷ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ࣪ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ˖ ⤷
Pairing: Barty Crouch Jr x Regulus Black x GN! Reader WC: 1,623 CW: Talks of injury, being stabbed, blood loss, serial killers, murders, crime, police, swearing, polyamorous relationships. Author's Note: Omg, I'm so sorry it took me so long to get this out I've just been so busy lately thank you so much for the request and I hope you like it <3
Summary: You cant help that you're curious...
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You were always so surprised that it took muggle police so long to figure out the identities and the patterns of the killers they were investigating. 
Honestly it didn't even feel like they were actually trying half the time.
It normally only took you about two days to figure out the identities of the people who were committing these crimes.
Admittedly you did have your magic and what not so that probably did give you what some might consider an ‘unfair’ advantage to the muggle police but that's besides the point.
The point was you liked finding out who these people were, you liked reading what crimes they had committed, obviously not to idolize them but because you were just simply curious. 
You were curious as to the why’s and what’s.
Why did they do it? Why those specific people? What drove them to this point? Ect. Ect.
So when you figured out that you could use your magic to find these people, that you could find out who they were. You perhaps got a little too excited. 
But who could blame you?
You finally had the chance to have answers to the questions that would flood your mind when you read about the heinous and disgusting acts that they would commit. 
So you would find them, confront them. Ask them the questions that would practically drive you mad and then turn them in. 
Was it the smartest thing in the world to confront murders and serial killers?
Absolutely not. Not in the slightest.
And your friends and boyfriends would tell how absolutely idiotic it was as often as they could. How they absolutely hated the fact that you were now putting yourself in danger in the name of curiosity.
The thing that bothered your boyfriends the most was that you would never tell anyone when you were going on your little ‘suicide missions’ as Barty called them. You would just leave, disappear without a word.
Now most of the time you would come home completely fine once in a while you came home with cuts and bruises, that would absolutely stress Regulus and Barty out to no end, but you never came hurt genuinely injured.
That was until today.
You had confronted a particularly nasty man. He was the worst of the worst at this point. 
He didn't appreciate being found out and he had no problem expressing that when he made the choice to come at you with a knife.
Now here you were stumbling into your dark and empty flat that you share with Barty and Regulus clutching to your side as the crimson sticky liquid seeped through your shirt coating your hand.
You had lost a decent amount of blood so you started to feel quite weak and dizzy already, apparating home probably was not the best choice in keeping your strength, but I digress.
You stumbled through the door clutching at your side bumping into the wall knocking over a picture frame glass shattering on the floor. You felt dizzy, weak and Merlin did it hurt like hell.
You were leaning against the wall for support, looking paler by the second slowly losing consciousness as you slowly sunk to the floor as the world around you started to fade into black. 
Eventually you had woken up to the sun spilling through the windows your eyes opening to see a white ceiling, the sun only making the white seem brighter. You couldn't help but close your eyes once again or the small wince that fell from your lips at the sudden brightens.
“Oh thank Salazar you're awake.”
You didn't have to look to know it was Regulus as he whispered; he sounded so relieved, so worried and so so exhausted.
You turned your head and opened your eyes meeting the sight of your normally stoic and well put together lover. 
Next to him was a sleeping Barty, he was curled up on a chair, his position looking beyond uncomfortable.
They both looked like hell.
They looked exhausted.
“Reg… Where…?”
You tried to speak but your throat hurt feeling so dry.
“Here, drink first.” Regulus helped you sit up slowly. 
You had felt a slight dull pain in your side where you had been stabbed. You watched as Regulus poured you a glass of water now realizing just how thirsty you were.
You gladly accepted the glass taking a long drink trying to help soothe your aching throat.
“We’re in St Mungo's, you've been passed out for over a day. Barty and I came home to find you bleeding on the floor… Y/N what in Merlin's name happened?” You had never heard Regulus sound so worried and concerned.
“I- I went to look for the man who's been killing people in London… he got upset that I knew it was him. He came after me…”
Your voice trailed off. You knew Regulus would be upset. He and Barty had told you countless times that you needed to stop but of course you never listened.
The sigh that left Regulus’ lips could only be described as disappointed and frustrated. 
“Why? Why do you constantly do this?! We could have lost you Y/N!”
It was rare that Regulus yelled or shouted but he had never yelled at you up until this point.
His yelling had woken Barty up to the sight of a very pissed Regulus and you looking down like a scolded child.
“Oh thank Merlin you're awake, angel.” 
Barty took no time to be at your side, completely ignoring Regulus and his scolding look. 
Barty tilled your chin up with his fingers kissing the tip of your nose and then your lips softly, he then looked into your eyes with so much love and relief that you almost forgot how mad Regulus was.
“Are you okay? How are you feeling? How's your pain? Do you need anything?”
“I’m fine Barty, just a little pain. I’m fine I promise.”
Yours and Bartys attention was pulled away from each other when you heard a small scoff come from Regulus.
“Alright, Black. What's crawled up your ass? Our angel is awake and fine. You should be grateful that they're okay.” 
Barty turned and looked at Regulus with a glare. He was clearly getting upset with what he considered Regulus’s ‘unnecessary and bitchy’ attitude. 
“Why don't you ask them how they got hurt in the first place?” Regulus’ jaw was clenched a little, not bothering to hide his irritation. 
Barty looked back at you a little hesitant and confused (something that was very unBarty-like) he then looked at you with raised eyebrows waiting for you to say something.
You were visibly hesitant and nervous.
“Go on. Tell him Y/N.” Regulus countied not trying to hide that he was still very pissed.
“I went to confront the man who has been murdering people in London. He attacked me.”
“Oh for fucks sake…” Barty mumbled running a hand through his hair. “We told you to stop doing that, Y/N.”
“I know, I know and I'm sorry I- I couldn't help it. I'm just so curious…”
“We understand that but your curiosity isn't worth your life… we can't lose you.” 
When you looked up at Regulus as he spoke the last thing you expected to see was the tears brimming in his eyes. 
That only made you feel worse. 
To see one of the loves of your life with tears in his eyes killed a part of you.
“You can't do this anymore, angel. I had never been so bloody scared in my life. Walking in our home and seeing your lifeless body… I can't ever go through that again. We can't ever go through that again.”
Barty’s words pulled your attention away from Regulus for a moment, your actions finally dawning on you.
You had been stupid. So fucking stupid. You felt terrible.
“I’m sorry. Truly. I won't do it anymore. I'll find another way to cure my curiosity. I- I didn't mean for it all to go this far… to worry you both so much. I feel terrible.”
“I'm not going to say that it's fine because it's not, but we understand. We just can't stand the idea of something happening to you. You mean everything to us. It would ruin us if something happened to you. It's supposed to be the three of us. Forever.”
Barty sat on the hospital bed next to you, his hand resting on yours as he looked at you with love and concern swimming in his eyes. “Regs right, angel. You have to stop these little suicide missions. If me and Reg were only a few more minutes late, who knows what would have happened.”
“You're both right. I'm done. Honest.”
“That's all we ask, amour. We love you too much to see something happen to you.” Regulus sat on the other side of you putting your hand in his and kissing your hand softly, his anger and frustration from before forgotten.
“I love you both so much…”
You whispered as the exhaustion from your body healing and the high amount of emotions caught up to you, slowly you started to fall asleep. 
The last thing you felt and heard before sleep consumed you was Barty crawling up next to you wrapping you in his arms and then the soft sound of Regulus chuckling.
You always knew you were lucky. That you were lucky beyond belief.
You had amazing friends and two amazing partners that meant the world to you.
In that moment you had realized that your questions would just have to remain unanswered. That being here with them was so much more important than any answer to any question you could ever have.
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