#₊˚⊹♡ pogue!sweetheart!reader
rafecameroninterlude · 12 hours
can i pls pls pls get some nail inspo?? something that pogue!sweetheart!reader would get? i need to EMBODY her!!!!!
she’s definitely getting short bc she has to bake a lot. before rafe, she would usually settle for just a gel mani, but now that he pays for everything he urges her to get whatever her heart desires ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹
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princessbrunette · 6 months
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… based loosely on the song crush by ethel cain ⊹˚. ♡
pairing: linecook!jj maybank + sweetheart!reader
synopsis: you’re head over heels for your bad-boy coworker, jj— the linecook for the outerbanks beachside restaurant you waitress at. a customer spilling coffee over your uniform catalysts a chain of events.
cw: a gun but no violence, shitty customers, jj being jj, smut.
You didn’t really know about restaurant employee culture until you started your job as a waitress. Stereotypes, things that fate would just simply decide to come true in every single restaurant no matter what. Waitresses were either the sweetest people you’d ever met or the bitchiest, managers had favourites and if you weren’t one of them they treat you like shit, the kid who gets stuck on dishwasher duty was always younger than everyone and fell in love with all the waitresses— uber specific and odd stuff. Oh, and that linecooks were troubled, or whores.
JJ Maybank was more troubled than the latter. Well, you’d hoped so anyways. You’d had a crush on the blonde linecook from your very first day, a quieter morning at the beginning of spring when the beachside restaurant was criminally understaffed. Your manager had appointed him to show you around before either of you had even made it inside, the tough older woman calling him out as he arrived to work, climbing off his bike, chewing on a toothpick with headphones over his ears. Your heart had fluttered when he bantered with the older woman, pointing to the music-playing-muffs over his ears, mouthing an ‘I can’t hear you, sorry’ when she’d approached him.
You’d felt embarrassed almost, like you were taking up his time. He was clearly comfortable here, had a good relationship with everybody— even the manager who seemed to hate the world tenfold. She’d yanked off his headphones and jut her thumb towards you as he stared her down with a mischievous grin.
“Maybank, I need you to show around the newbie— uh, what’s your name again sweetheart?” She spins to you, and for the first time JJ’s eyes flicker towards you, brows jumping up just a hair, a micro-expression that only you could hold onto for hope. Hope that he might be a little interested. You speak your name, and he’s swerving around the manager in his white tshirt, apron tied lazily around his waist, hung down, not even wearing it over his shirt like he’s meant to, black backwards cap over blonde messy hair.
“Well it is very nice to meet you ma’am.” He juts out a hand with a stupidly large grin that makes you feel even more shy.
You remember that day so clearly, the blonde showing you the ropes, practically training you whilst your manager chain smoked out the back. You remembered how you hadn’t had a proper school-girl style crush like this since forever, and one day into working at the restaurant you were already head over heels for the loud and hyperactive Pogue.
A few months down the line, and your bond had blossomed. Well, somewhat — it was a busy restaurant, lots of waitresses and cooks and customers. There wasn’t always time for chit-chat and flirting. Which sometimes you were grateful for, plates clanking awkwardly in your hands as you spot a more confident waitress trying her luck with him, hair twirled around a long finger. You were delusional enough to believe JJ seemed politely disinterested at the least, choosing to busy himself with ruffling the top of your head with his knuckles as you pass by him, hiding your smile at his acknowledgment.
You wouldn’t say the two of you were friends. You’d hoped not anyway, dreading being stuck in the friendzone with the guy you’d spent months pining after. You couldn’t be friends because you’d never hung out with him outside of work, not that you’d deny him but he’d never asked. You’d seen him around, don’t get it twisted — that group of friends of his; the brunette one who always seemed to be the talk of the town, the darker skinned boy who seemed too smart to be slumming it on a boat smoking weed, and a girl — who laughed at all of JJ’s jokes and threw glares to anyone she deemed too ‘Kook-y’. That was some serious intel, but you swear up and down you weren’t a stalker— just paying attention when you’d see him outside of the workplace.
JJ made it clear you were his favourite waitress. Well, he’d said it himself, holding a plate just out of your reach when you’d come to collect an order, playful smirk on his face as he stares down at you. “Can I have my order?” you pretend to hate it, hiding your smile as you huff, reaching out.
“I dunno, I could almost swear there’s a magic word that you’re missing there, girlie. Y’wanna help me out with that? Orrrr…” He tilts his head, playing dumb and you let the smile free— cheeks pushing up as you gaze at his stupid expression.
“Please, JJ.” You offer sweetly instead of sassing him, which makes his heart clench a little because you were just an absolute sweetheart by nature. He lowers the plate, hovering it above your palm and giving you a more serious look.
“Plates hot, alright? Better be careful with those delicate mittens.” You roll your eyes bashfully and he presses it into your palm. The plate was warm at best, it seeming that JJ would say anything just to keep the conversation going longer than it needed to.
“Thank you.” You smile once it was in your hand and he nods, faux solemnly as he backs off back to his work station, ignoring the knowing stare from his partner linecook.
“So polite, s’why you’re my favourite, princess.” He points with a wink and you turn away before he can see how flustered it made you. Princess, are you kidding me? It’s like he wanted to make you drop the plate. He watches the door swing as you head back out into the bustling restaurant, and jumps a little in surprise when he turns back to come face to face with another linecooks smirk.
“Playin’ favourites, huh Maybank?”
The blonde itches his cheek, bashful with a shrug— going back to chopping a carrot like he was before.
“Yeah well— doesn’t everyone do that here?” He tries to brush it off, head swivelling to glance back at the door, just incase you overheard.
“Yeah… yeah, chose a pretty one though, I’ll give you that. Lemme know when you’re done with it, I wanna play.” He speaks with a stomach-turning smile, and certainly doesn’t miss the way JJ’s jaw clenches, knife nearly going not only through the carrot but the chopping board too. Dont cause a scene now, Jayj.
JJ was troubled, like you’d said. You’d heard whispers from waitresses or friends of a friend outside of work — things about his father always being in jail, the blonde himself ending up in overnight cells a series of times. You’d heard about fights, his name always ringing close to the scene, even car chases and rumours about his run ins with big time criminals— but you wasn’t sure how verifiable any of these were.
It didn’t seem totally far fetched though, the Pogue occasionally showing up to his shift with his head down, a new bruise splattered on his cheek bone or a gnarly gash. He had one the day things changed, a cut through his lip, gone almost black from blood constantly drying after he’d assumably lick it open. From a glance, it almost looked like a lip-ring, and he sported it well with a large greenish yellow bruise beside his eye over his temple. You wish you felt close enough to ask where they came from, but knew that would be prying. You didn’t even wanna listen in when you’d see the manager nod him into her office to give him ‘the talk’ and ask about it presumably, which you’d also guessed she’d gained no information from as he’d leave her office looking casual whilst she still wore that slightly frustrated and worried look on her face.
Everyone seemed to be in a weird mood that day, even the customers. It wasn’t really his fault, the man somehow backing into you abruptly enough for you to spill an old container of coffee all down yourself. Well, to rephrase — it was an accident, which was actually the best case scenario considering you’d had drinks poured down you on purpose for making them wrong before.
You get that awful coil of embarrassment in your stomach when you walk into the kitchen, beige staining right through your usual pristine uniform and falling in droplets off the ends of your hair. JJ sees the pout before the stains, and it comes as no surprise to the other linecooks when he rushes over like prince charming.
“You good? Someone do that to you?” He’s already trying to bound past you to go and ‘handle the situation’ (AKA, kick them out) but you shake your head— not really upset just tired, and now cold thanks to the old coffee soaking through to your skin.
“It was an accident. I don’t have anything to change into so I don’t know if I should just… go home, or something.” You hold your hands out in frustration, looking down at yourself.
“Oh, nah— don’t sweat it. Got a spare shirt in my locker you can wear. S’just a white t-shirt, should do the trick.” He steps backwards.
“But it’s not uniform?” You furrow your brows and he huffs out a chuckle at you always being such a stickler for following the rules. “Our manager will have my head, surely.”
“Think she’d rather that than you walkin’ round smellin’ like cold brew.” He fishes through his pockets and tosses you a small key with a red triangle keychain on the end, the key to his locker in the staff cloakroom. “Help yourself.”
“Thanks Jayj.” You smile, excusing yourself shyly at the use of the nickname you’ve heard others use on him but always chickened out on. He noticed, because he shows all his teeth when he smiles and nods, turning back around.
The cloakroom always smells weird— like mulch and rubber, a cold and windowless room with a bench and a wall of seafoam lockers. You flip the key in your hand, spotting the number on the back and match it to the lockers. Wearing JJ’s shirt, huh — you smile to yourself, feeling giddy and stupid at the butterflies that brush their wings against the inside of your stomach. He was just doing you a favour, sure — but you got to prance around wearing him all day, and that was enough to fuel your delusion. You off your stained shirt, leaving you in just a small and flimsy tank top that you usually wear beneath it incase of accidents like this.
You open the locker, and something black immediately drops out onto the floor, echoing loudly and bouncing once a tiny bit by your feet. The weird clinical lighting of the cloakroom casts a dark shadow below where your head searches down for it, so you move slightly— brows furrowing when you see the shape of it.
Your brain clearly hasn’t processed or caught up with just quite what you’re looking at as you bend down, lips parted as you pick the item up in your hand, standing back to full height once more. In your hand, you stared directly at a gun. A pistol, to be precise. You seem to be in shock, the weapon glued to your hand despite anyone being able to walk in and get you fired and or reported to the police within a matter of seconds. You turn the weapon in your hand in fascination, whispering a “What the…” to yourself.
JJ leans against the doorway with a forearm, just now remembering what resided in that very locker other than the shirt he so generously offered. He’s distracted for a moment by your skin, the skin on the back of your arms and your back as you stand with your uniform shirt bunched in your hand, until of course he spots what’s held in your other hand and physically winces.
“Shit, uh—” JJ vocalises and your head snaps around, sighing in relief once you see that it’s just him. You’re back to marvelling in shock at the item in an instant, ogling between him and the weapon. “So, that’s — that’s not what it looks like—”
“A gun?” You whisper the second word, looking up at him with wide eyes and he points the pistol downwards with his finger when you hold it accidentally facing him.
“Well, okay I mean yes — it’s a gun, but I had no choice. Had to momentarily keep it here, alright? I took it in for a friend and —”
“What are you, some kind of hitman?” You shake your head, earrings jangling a little with your stressed little gesture which would usually warm his heart if he wasn’t focused on deescalating.
“Okay, first of all— why don’t I take this from you missy,” He eases the gun out of your hands and accidentally fumbles it inside his locker, the weapon clattering against the echoey walls making him let out a quiet ‘whoops’ before placing a black gym bag on top of it. He turns to you. “Secondly, no okay I’m not a hitman— I haven’t ever shot a person with this thing.”
“Then… why do you have it?” You furrow your brows, seeming to have calmed down a little, which was relieving despite your reaction being totally valid.
“W—you know, gotta stay strapped. Protect my people.” He shrugs, attempting nonchalance and your eye twitches, realising how different the two of you are. JJ, bad boy with a gun in his locker— and you, straight arrow waitress. “Look all m’saying is if you told me someone was messing with you… I wouldn’t hesitate.”
You stare at him dumbfounded, wondering what on Earth he was going through to lead him to owning a gun, but you daren’t ask— even now. You eye him, brows knitting cutely.
“And you’re sure you’re not some serial killer?” You ask, folding your arms. Mostly joking. Mostly.
“Yeah nah I couldn’t do the whole choppin’ up dead bodies thing, m’pretty squeamish n’I got this thing with my gag reflex where y’know, I — I just—” He gestures to his throat, head bobbing with a preemptive gag but sees the way you’re staring at him like he’d just stepped off a space ship from Mars and decides against the bit, clearing his throat and glancing into his locker. “Enough of that uh— why don’t I go ahead and grab you that shirt you were after…” He reaches inside his locker, pulling out balled up white shirt, quickly turning it back from being inside out.
“There y’go…” He murmurs as he does so to no one in particular before shoving his arms inside and pulling the head hole wider before stuffing you inside it, tugging it until your head pops out, still staring at him a little dumbfounded. “Peekaboo.” He smiles nervously before leaving you to shove your own arm holes through, pulling it down over your tank top. He awkwardly watches before you hand him back his key and he locks his locker once more, glancing around at you.
“So about the—”
“Your secrets safe with me JJ. Thanks for the shirt.”
You swan around in the white fabric like it’s a ball gown for the rest of the day. Delusional didn’t feel like the right word, no— he gave you the shirt, which in your head is flirting— handing you the opportunity to daydream about being his girlfriend and wearing his clothes all the time. Each time you moved you could smell him on you, that faint smell of cigarettes and just him — reminding you of the times you’ve caught him on a rough shift fumbling for a pack of Marlboro Red’s and heading out the back door to be angsty for a while before returning with a plastered on smile. You bite your lip, staring into space as you rub the material between your fingers, waiting for a table to flag you down, excited for the next time you could go into the kitchen and see him… have him see you, wearing his shirt only hoping it hot-wires his brain with some sort of romantic association. Oh, JJ Maybank. He just made you so… so…
“Ugh, mmph JJ!” You cry out, later that night. Guilty, you ended up in nothing but the t-shirt and two fingers stuffed into your weeping cunt. You felt kind of perverse, despite the million promises to yourself to wash the shirt immediately after to return to him— but also there was just something painfully arousing about touching yourself wearing it— every layer beneath it removed to have your hardened nipples peak beneath the thin white fabric, tousled and jostled up where your ribcage was as you grind your digits inside of you.
You were home alone, like usual — which gave you the perfect opportunity to moan his name. Too horny to care about the 0.05% chance he’s strolling in your area and walking past the window, hearing. Even the idea of that aroused you further in the moment, wondering just what he’d think if he knew the sweet and harmless waitress was defiling her cunt in his name, in his shirt. You think about best case scenario, the blonde with his rough hand around his cock— and you knew it was rough from the way it felt when he’d touch your arm or brush against your fingers when handing you a dish. Rough from working on his bike and handling hot food and other Maybank shenanigans that still lead him to fist at his dick in his room at night thinking of you, you and only you.
You cum in your palm and feel disgraced. Poor JJ. You’re a total pervert and you must wash that shirt.
Except you don’t, and you fall asleep— returning to work in your spare uniform the next day. Empty handed. JJ doesn’t notice, hell — he doesn’t care. He’s stacked up with so many orders you almost feel bad even though it’s not your fault. Maybe you’re still riding off the guilt of masturbating in his shirt. There’s a sick sense of pride that twists in your gut when you look at him though. Boyish, sometimes thoughtless blonde with no idea that you came so hard moaning his name just a matter of hours before facing him again. You catch him in a quieter moment, leaning over to his station with a stressed expression to tell him that you forgot to bring his shirt back, to which he just responds with a shrug and a careless wave that read as ‘It’s cool.’ That was the JJ you knew. Cool, calm, didn’t give a shit. You got butterflies at the minute gesture. God, get a grip.
The next time it comes up, it’s because he brings it up. Catching you on your break, a cheekful of pasta he’d made for you to quickly cram down before your manager gets onto you for slacking off— JJ approaches your little table outside, blonde hair feathery and light in the sun. “Howdy there, shirt thief.” He grins lightheartedly, pulling out the other chair on the small circle table you sat at and straddling it backwards, leaning his arms on the backrest.
You nearly choke on your pasta at the speed you go to explain yourself— way to not make yourself seem guilty. “It’s in the washing machine, I literally just kept forgetting I’m sorry JJ.” You look all sweet and worried in the way that makes him wanna pinch your cheeks, so he fiddles with his lighter instead, flicking it on and off in his grasp.
“Nah you’re good.” He chuckles, staring out at the water the restaurant overlooked. It was a windier day, and even from where you sat you could hear the loud roaring of distant waves. “Hey uh— you want a ride home on the old bike? I can come in and grab it if like— if that’s cool.” He suggests, almost seeming a bit hesitant, nervous even.
“Oh! Yeah, I mean I’d have to stick it in the dryer first but you’re free to hang out whilst it dries… unless you really gotta go then, you can have your shirt back damp, I guess.” You mirror the nervous energy tenfold, practically stumbling over yourself to not sound as eager as you were. JJ, in your house.
“Yeah, sweet. Cool cool cool cool.” He bops his head, drumming on the table before suddenly his name was called from inside.
“Maybank! These fish aren’t gonna fry themselves, you know that right?” The tough, unmistakable chain smoker voice of your manager rings through the air and JJ winces theatrically for your entertainment, making you giggle the same way a child might after a party clown does something stupid. It was kind of pathetic, but atleast JJ found it endearing.
You weren’t lying about the shirt, thankfully. Honest — the JJ smell was gone so you’d tossed it in the washing machine before you’d head out onto your shift, planning on finally (reluctantly) returning it the next day.
He pushes himself up to leave, before pausing and leaning over the table towards you. You freeze, and he brings his thumb to your cheek — swiping away a speck of sauce from the pasta that has splattered into your skin from how greedily you wolfed down his food. “Lemme just… get that for you.” He mutters as he does so, turning his thumb around to show you the sauce stain that had transferred to his skin and ease your confusion.
If that wasn’t bad enough, he holds your gaze as he leans back, bringing his thumb to his mouth, cleaning off the sauce. Oh, you sick bastard. He doesn’t even try and hide his smirk— and you stare dumbly at the space he stood even after he’s long gone.
The shift dragged on, tip tapping your feet whenever you stood still for too long, excited bubbles in your stomach fizzing up like shaken pop everytime you thought about the linecook. It felt like hours longer than usual, but finally — the end of your shift came. JJ’s had ended twenty minutes earlier, being replaced by another chef whose plates were always too hot and spoke too loud, making the last stretch of your working hour even tougher. You thought JJ might have forgotten about your little arrangement, just taking off to head home or to go and smoke on the rickety little boat you’d seen him on— but lo and behold, you step out the doors to that wretched place and there he is, leaning on his bike like something out of an 80s movie.
“No helmet?” You’re grinning by the time you reach him, barely containing your excitement. You don’t think you’ve even been on the back of one of these bikes before, let alone with the boy you’re crushing on. JJ scrunches his nose, wincing.
“Wasn’t countin’ on having anyone else on board today, that’s my bad.” He helps you climb on, ensuring you’re sat securely. “I’m a good driver, you’ll be alright. Just uh— hold on tight and I’ll avoid any big potholes, yeah?” He reaches back, taking your arms and wrapping them around his middle, forcing you against his warm back. He’d probably done that for plenty of people, the way it came naturally to him— but in that moment you didn’t care, just nodding as you leant more against him. You tell him your address, and he recognises it, someone he knows living near by. With that, the two of you are off.
You’re truly in bliss, closing your eyes with your cheek pressed to his back, wind whipping past your face. He is a good driver, and you dare even let yourself believe he’s being extra careful with you on board, none of the harsh turns or skids you’ve seen him do on the streets alone. Your cheeks start to ache with how much you’re smiling.
“You all good back there my lil’ backpack?” He pats your leg in a friendly manner at a stop light and you giggle, embarrassed with how fast goosebumps break out.
“Yeah, this is fun!” You yell at an unnecessary volume to be heard over the running engine, making him chuckle and glance round at you.
“Good, that’s good.”
You’re almost sad when the ride is over, his wheels coming to a slow as he parks up haphazardly beside your front lawn. You’re quick to pat your head down, knowing that journey must have you looking dishevelled at best and hop off the bike, patting the pocket of your shorts for your keys.
“My humble abode awaits.” You chirp, cringing afterwards but he smirks and follows you regardless, pulling up his pants boyishly as he stalks behind you up to your front door. Inside your head is a chant, one that consists of hoping and praying your parents wouldn’t be home so you didn’t have to do the whole awkward explanation thing, not that you didn’t have a totally valid excuse — and you were grown, so interacting with boys shouldn’t be the awkward dilemma that it was — but to them you were still their sweet girl regardless of age, and you’d like to keep it that way, which wouldn’t be possible being spotted ushering Pogue King JJ Maybank into your bedroom.
You unlock the door, calling out a ‘hello’ to be met with miraculous silence. JJ shuffles in behind you, closing the door for you and whistling quietly. “This place is pretty fancy, yeah… bet you got like, an electric toothbrush n’shit.” He comments, neck craning to look around as he follows you slowly through the house.
You huff a laugh out your nose, cheeks pressing upwards as you stroll through toward the kitchen. “An electric toothbrush?” You question.
“Yeaaah man, kook shit.” He peers nosily at the calendar, eyeing the events your family have coming up.
You spot a note pinned to the fridge and head towards it, shaking your head. “If I was a kook I wouldn’t be working at a restaurant getting coffee poured down me. Are electric toothbrushes the pinnacle of wealth in your eyes?” You laugh quietly, pulling the note off the fridge.
“Dude in eighth grade I lost my toothbrush and for a year all I had was my finger, some toothpaste and a dream.” He chats, appearing directly behind you and plucking the note from your hand. “Out ‘til late, pizza in fridge.” He reads blankly out loud and you take it back from him, tossing it aside.
“How’d you lose a toothbrush?” You chuckle, leading him out the kitchen.
“I be in situations.” He shrugs, following you to the short flight of stairs. To his core, JJ was truly just a guy— and took very little pride in watching you climb a few steps before he joined you so that he could check out your ass.
“Bet your dentist loved you.” You comment, glancing behind you at him making his eyes snap upwards guilty. He scoffs, wiping his hands on his pants like he was worried about dirtying up your house before grasping onto the bannister, skipping a few steps to hop up.
“Yeah, like I could afford one of those.”
On the landing, you point him towards the hallway, stepping back once you realised you were practically standing on top of him. He didn’t seem to notice, or mind, staring down at you for direction. “My rooms the last door on the right. I’m gonna go toss your shirt in the dryer, ‘kay?”
He nods once, strolling in the direction you pointed him. “Yes ma’am.”
You head to the laundry room and take a moment to collect yourself, sniffing his shirt to make sure it was properly clean before stuffing it into the dryer to turn it on. You lean against its circular door as it starts up, taking a breath before realising you left JJ Maybank alone in your bedroom.
You arrive at the door to your girly haven, immediately yanking a pair of panties off the ground and throwing them into a corner as you spot the blonde by the window, curiously looking around.
“So this is where the magic happens, I assume.” He glances at you, swiping his hat off his head and placing it on your dresser. Something about his gaze and the way it continually flickered to you, waiting for an answer suggested it was a genuine question. He was asking if you were seeing anyone, perhaps. You giggle.
“And if by magic you mean napping after work and reading books, yeah. It gets so magical in here, you wouldn’t believe it.” You sit on your bed, watching him semi-awkwardly pace infront of you, running hands through his hair before stuffing them into his pockets.
“Ah yeah, ha— forgot you were a real good girl. Should stay that way, I like it— and I mean like, there’s hella weirdos round here. Y’know? Better to… steer clear.” He rambles as you watch him with a smile. At work, the blonde seemed more calm, in his element— but here, in your terrain— he seemed slightly more on edge. You tried not to read into it.
Your stomach warms at the ‘good girl’ comment, lashes fluttering only a little before he’s distracted once more. You see him gazing ahead at the shelf above your vanity, opposite the bed where all your baby photos were lined up. His smile grows, and you see the cogs turn in his head.
He strides towards it in an instant, taking the framed image off the shelf. You jump up, following him to try and save yourself the embarrassment of whatever he was looking at but it was too late. He grins, turning his head to look down at you. “Oh wow, now don’t tell me this is you?” He holds the photo up beside your head, glancing theatrically between the two to compare and you bat him away.
“Anyone ever tell you that you’re nosy?”
“Oh yeah, all the time. That, that is adorable though.” He’s immediately distracted by another photo, setting the one in his hand down to pick it up. “And who’s this?” He lifts the picture of your mother holding you as a baby.
“My mother.”
“Total fox. As expected.”
“Okay, no more for you.” You hide your amusement well, reaching out for the photo and grabbing it. He puts up little fight, letting you snatch the frame from his larger hand as he reaches for another, making a total mess of your embarrassing nostalgia display. This last picture is of you, around 5 years old— adorned in a pink princess dress and a plastic tiara, grinning at the camera.
“Aw.” He smirks, turning his body to face you. “Guess some things never change. Still a pretty princess.” You’re not sure if he’s mocking you now, because he’s tonguing at the cut on his lip which makes you gain a second heartbeat in your panties and you freeze up— which in itself is more embarrassing that this whole ordeal. He was a tease by nature he’ll admit, but this — this was fun. Seeing you get flustered was his new favourite thing.
You give him the exact reaction he’s after, failing to hide your smile as you lurch for the frame. He hides it behind his back and you stumble into him, stabilising yourself with both hands on his chest. He’s all… warm, and firm.
There’s a silence, but things are never quiet for too long with JJ. Thankfully.
“Damn, if you wanted to touch me up you could’a just asked. Pro’lly would’a said yes.” The smirk is yet to fade, infact you think it’s permanently stamped onto his mouth and your eyes widen just a smidge— scrambling for a witty comeback that didn’t make you look like a perverse idiot.
“I dunno, after you made fun of my baby pictures? Think I owe you two black eyes.” You tilt your head sweetly, proud of the response and his eyes flicker over your expression, eyes softening just a tad. Or maybe you imagined it.
“‘Think that’s a little extreme. How ‘bout a kiss instead?” You freeze, because it’s then you realise how close the two of you are still. Hes practically got you caged against your vanity, can probably hear how fast he’s got your heart beating— maybe smell the pathetic dribble of arousal seeping into your underwear just from being this close to him. You can’t tell if he’s kidding, and it seems he even caught himself a little off guard, blinking a few times during your stunned silence.
But then you look at his mouth, because asking a question like that is totally giving you permission to do so, and he takes that as an answer and leans in.
You’re so hypnotised when his mouth starts moving against yours that you nearly jump out of your skin when his large hands bracket your waist, pulling your body more flush against his. JJ was a good kisser, which lead you to indeed that he was infact— a whore. Well, maybe a former whore. Whatever, in that moment it didn’t matter— nothing mattered, just JJ and his tongue that was sliding against yours as the kiss heated up.
It feels like hours that your tongues are looping round eachother, snapped out the moment by the hungry blondes hands sliding down, your waist in his grip becomes suddenly your ass cheeks through your shorts, squeezing and pulling you against him practically lifting your entire body. It’s then you realise you having a working voice box, because you let out the most pathetic mewl you’ve ever heard yourself make. Even more pathetic than the noises you made only a few nights ago from your own hand.
He groans back almost as like a response, and with that — finally, he manoeuvres you to start walking backwards towards the very bed you fell apart on at the thought of what you were currently doing, or about to do. Your lips detach when the backs of your knees hit the bed, falling to sit down at the edge of it with a few bounces. He stares down at you for a couple of seconds, disorientated and sore-mouthed like even he can’t believe what’s happening— before he jumps into action. Jittery and clumsily like he always is.
“Should probably uh— if we’re gonna get on the bed I don’t wanna— poke you with somethin’” He stuffs his hands into his pockets, unloading them. His phone, his keys, earphones, cigarettes, wallet, other random knickknacks that would otherwise make you raise an eyebrow if you weren’t already so dazed by him. He’s about to return to you, before his mouth forms an ‘o’ shape, as if he just remembered something — and he reaches into the back of his pants, pulling up the shirt that hung over his waistband to there retrieve his gun. He holds it up with a smile that said ‘How silly of me!’
You gape. “JJ, why do you have that?”
He shuffles some things around on your vanity, scrambling to make space for the piece. “Uh, had to bring it home today… lemme just… set that down there.” He places it next to your jewellery stand, the contrast in the items almost making you laugh in disbelief. “The old problem solver.” He mutters, giving it a fond pat before turning back to you, happy to carry on.
“What if my parents were to come home and see that?” You challenge with a pout, not too keen about him bringing a weapon into your house. He huffs out a smirk, leaning back down to where you’re sat, hands on your shoulders as he slowly lays you down.
“Think they’d be a little more concerned about the dirty pogue on top of their little girl, but y’know…” His words get lower and lazier as he draws in before locking his lips onto yours again, this time wasting no time with introducing his tongue.
You’re back in the zone, gun long forgotten within seconds— running your hands through his hair, over his strong arms, touching everywhere you’ve wanted to touch since you started working at the restaurant. Well, not everywhere.
He’s not holding back on being handsy either, body slotted between your legs after he lifts you further up the bed, grappling at your thighs, hips, and eventually tits. You can’t blame him, there’s desperation behind both of your actions — the fact you’d both wanted this for a while now slowly becoming clear. Your heart thumps hard at this realisation, suddenly less able to breathe and you pull back panting, breath trembling.
His eyes flicker over your face, watching your wet mouth as you ramble. “Wanted— mmph— wanted this for a while.”
He drags his lips over your cheek, pressing his hips against yours and you can feel him hardening. It does little to help you calm down. “Yeah, same… Is it… uh, is it weird I kinda didn’t want you to wash the shirt before givin’ it back to me?” He smiles, dropping another toothy peck to your mouth as his hands continue feeling you up.
Your eyes flutter closed once more when he softly grinds his bulge against your cunt, your knees tightening against his hips as you let out a silent moan, lips parted.
“H-had to. I slept in it.” You admit before you think, brain focused on other things. He laughs quietly against your jaw, smoothing his tongue over the now bitten skin.
“Aw, you did?” He creates some space between the two of you, his hand very slowly starting to trail down your body, past your stomach. “You got it so bad for me, huh?” He teases and you whine, openly and pathetically— spoiled and childish even. JJ didn’t seem the type to talk about his feelings easily, but teasing you for yours was outright mean.
“Shutup.” Comes with the whine, your breath catching pathetically as you feel the rumble of him slowly unzipping your shorts zipper at your crotch, lips detaching from your jaw for a second to look at what he’s doing, still chuckling.
“Thats rude.” He grins, quiet and lighthearted, elated when you start helping him pull your shorts down and kicking them carelessly off. If he wasn’t so desperate to get his hands on you, he would have taken more time to appreciate your cute little cotton panties with the bow on top. They were so you, exactly the sort he pictured you wearing, moreso pictured you soaking through the way you were now.
His hand slides over the length of your covered cunt, all but cupping you and pushing his fingers over the embarrassing amount of wetness on the fabric. “What else did you do in the shirt, hm? Talk me through it babe.”
He’s teasing you, not truly expecting much of an answer as he genuinely believed a sweet girl like you wouldn’t have the gall to do anything but sleep in his shirt. His lips trail down the centre column of your neck, and it bobs with a harsh swallow. Now, his interest is piqued.
“Can’t say!” You whimper, eyes screwed up, legs spreading wider as he gently thumbs at your clit through the fabric, just enough to stimulate you. You feel him remove his mouth from you, lifting his head into your direct eyeline with an amused raise of the brow.
“Well now sweetheart, you’re just gonna have to tell me.” His fingers tuck into the leg hole of your panties, like he wants to pull it aside but won’t. You realise he’s still watching you, waiting for an answer and that he’s not gonna go further until you speak. “Don’t be shy, tell Papa J what you—”
“Touched myself. I touched myself.” You release all in one breath. Now it’s his turn to ogle you, completely off guard. If he wasn’t hard as a rock before, he certainly was now. Probably leaking in his boxers too from how things felt down there. This was poor performance from him, he thought at the back of his mind. This fucked so early on? Shit, he knew he liked you but c’mon.
He peels your panties to the side and you squeak, the boy making no effort to touch you still— just letting the cool air of your room grace your glossy folds.
“And why would you do something like that, baby?” He noses at your cheek, trying to get you to open your eyes. You squeeze them harder before fluttering them open, so hot in the face and embarrassed when you find his gaze you think you might just die.
“Because I like you.” You whisper. It’s sweet, just like he thought you’d be when the time comes. He smiles, dimple deepening as his free hand cups your cheek.
“Because you like me.” He repeats in affirmation. It’s a little smug, he’ll admit — but having his dream girl beneath him had his ego on ten, what can he say. He slides two fingers through your wetness, dragging what he collected up your clit and circling it making you arch your back. “Gotta say, the feelings definitely mutual.”
He kisses you again, and this time it feels like something else. Like a confession, a proposal of some sort. It’s passionate, overwhelming in the best way, intimate — as his fingers start to move, stroking your clit and making your legs tremble in adrenaline.
As you writhe and moan beneath him, his lips swallowing as many as he can, unable to stay away— his other hand starts to slide up your work shirt. You wished you’d been wearing something sexier the first time the two of you got it on, but clearly it sort of did something for him.
If the speed at which he located and stimulated your clit wasn’t enough to convince you that the boy definitely had experience, it would be the way his hand slides around to your back, unhooking your bra singlehandedly. You can’t help but giggle through your whimpers and you’re not sure why, but he smiles too— murmuring “Party trick.” against your mouth. The smile is wiped from your face when his digit glides around your hole, as if lapping up all the wetness and then pushing in— all the way to the knuckle.
You moan and tense up a little, it’s been a while and your own fingers were definitely smaller than his. At your reaction. he pulls back only slightly— a look of concern poorly masked on his face.
“Are you… have you uh, been with a guy before? Or is this…”
“One guy, a while back. Not good at all.” You sigh and he nods patiently, lips twitching up when he starts to move his finger and your eyes flutter involuntarily. “Think I can work with that.”
He twists his wrist a little, working you with just one finger as he paws at your free’d tit, sucking on your tongue. You moan, the sound of your own wetness having its own presence in the room and he hums, pulling back to look down at the way you’re sucking his middle finger in.
“So pretty, you’ve been holdin’ out on me baby. Should be a crime to hide this cute little pussy, damn.” He whispers and you whine in preemptive embarrassment to the way you clench around him, making him chuckle again. “Oh yeah? She liked that, huh?”
“More, please—” You nearly choke on your own swallow as you lift your head, looking down at the way he’s got you spread out. Reaching downwards you gently tug at his wrist, not quite sure of the aim. “N—‘nother one.” You pant. Jeez, already totally fucked dumb and he hasn’t even made you cum. You were going to give JJ Maybank an even bigger head.
He doesn’t say anything, just sinks two fingers into your cunt and you make a noise he’s only heard in amateur porn videos from Twitter, dick usually nestled in his fist. He presses his lips together in a quiet ‘Mhm’ and your hands are back on him, desperate once more to consume him wholly.
Your nails rake through his hair as he finds his rhythm, tonguing at the cut on his lip with wide observant eyes that flicker between your face and your cunt. “Look at you go.” He responds to a moan— but JJ being JJ knows he can do better, which is why he stops thumbing at your nipple and pushes his hand into the bed instead, using the weight on his arm to start sliding down your body.
The first kiss against your stomach catches you off guard, and if you weren’t so dizzy from pleasure you might wanna think about it more. He repositions his hand, stroking your inner thigh as he pushes them wider apart and shushes you, now face to face with your glistening pussy. His fingers slow their movements for a moment.
“She’s real pretty.” His fingers slide out so he can make messy doing of spreading your folds with his fingers, licking his already wet lips.
“Thank you.” You mewl happily, eyes watery as they gaze down at him like he hung the moon and stars for you.
“You’re so sweet.” He smiles genuinely and fairly innocently up at you as he strokes your thigh affectionately— before of course counteracting that by shooting out a thick bubbling glob of spit directly onto your clit, making your jaw drop. Lifting your thighs, he murmurs. “So sweet you get me hard. S’kinda unfair… at work.” Before he chases the spit with the flat of his tongue, bringing the muscle up to then wrap his lips around your clit and suck.
No noise can leave you for a few seconds, brows furrowed and jaw dropped in a silent moan until he forces the noise out of you by stuffing his fingers back inside your weeping hole.
“Oh— oh, JJ!” Your toes curl and in record time you feel your first orgasm approaching. It’s different from the ones you give yourself, it’s a ball of fire in your stomach and heat licking up your spine, eyes even watering at the exertion.
“Yeah say my name, c’mon.” He coaches you, moving his tongue faster like he’s competing with himself to make you cum.
“JJ, mmpph— feels— it feels—” You nearly sob.
“How’s it feel?”
“Cum, babydoll. I got you.”
White noise. Like, almost the sounds of waves crashing. It doesn’t really feel like you’re a person anymore — but one thing is for certain. You have never cum like that in your life. You must of been on autopilot, moaning and whining pathetically, slurring out nonsense and maybe a twisted version of his name— but when you come back to Earth you’re near hyperventilating.
You slap at his shoulders with shaky hands because his lips are still latched onto your pulsing nub, fingers still squelching and working the release out of you. “Ok—okay, Jayj— please!” You let out a pathetic little cry and he eases up, pushing himself off you with a satisfied hum and grinning cheekily, letting you push out his fingers. You suck in shaky breaths, letting him soak in the moment by bringing his fingers to his mouth and cleaning them off.
“Better than anything I make, can tell you that.” He jokes. “Taste that shit, s’fuckin’ delicious.” He eases his fingers into your mouth, letting you suck off the remains with a humiliated mewl before removing them, leaning over you to kiss you. God, it’s embarrassing how much you soaked his face. Really, how it ended up on his forehead— you wasn’t sure. You were too focused on your own taste he was forcing into your mouth with his tongue, purposeful and cocky, making sure to roll his own wet muscle over your tastebuds so that you never forget who made you cum that hard.
It’s then, and only then he realises you’re freaking a little and lets you off for a break, cupping your cheek as he pulls back. “Are you good?” He chuckles and you inhale deeply, still trembling. You’re not sure what he does, because everything’s all hazy but he manhandles you a little until he’s cradling you in strong biceps, brow creased. “Did I go too hard? I may— may have gotten a lil’ carried away there. My apologies.” He holds up a hand that wasn’t cradling you.
“Was just— haven’t — it’s never felt like that before. Never felt that good.” You admit, which brings back his dimple and that sickeningly soft look in his eyes.
“What can I say, you deserve the best there is when it comes to receiving orgasms, and I,” He presses his mouth back on yours, kissing you between each word. “Am the best, there, is, at, giving them.” On the last kiss you lean into it, holding him there, as you’re ambushed by an unexpected feeling.
Some kind of surge in your stomach, like butterflies but bigger, your heart pounding. If you weren’t so dazed you’d be worried the L word was coming to doom you early. The feeling made you wrap your legs around his waist and pull him back ontop of you, jean clad bulge pressed back against your sensitive heat as you moan, high pitched and happy against him.
He pulls back to make some kind of joke, maybe a comment about your recovery time but you beat him to the chase, staring up into his dilated pupils with love hearts occupying your own. “Wanna make you feel good, Jayj.”
You suckle on your bottom lip, hand bravely travelling down to cup the bulge that was calling to attention in his jeans. His breath catches in his throat, lips parting to let out a quiet and surprised groan.
“I’ve never—” Your face is hot again. “Never given a blow job before but—”
“Next time. Yeah? If you’ll let me I kinda just… wanna fuck you.” He smirks and hides it in your jawline, almost too shy in the moment to look you in the eye. Your brows furrow with a silent whimper at his words.
“Next time?” You mewl happily like you’re floating on air. At this he pulls back, a hopeful grin.
“If you’ll have me, that is. Figured I should take you out on a real date.”
You don’t have time to respond, he doesn’t let you— perhaps out of nerves. Instead, he’s working your panties that had been pushed to the side down your legs, followed by pulling your tshirt over your head. “Peekaboo, there she is.” He smiles quietly and you giggle, thinking back to the time at the locker where he pulled his shirt over your head. You toss your loose bra away from the bed, now laying bare beneath him.
He sits back on his knees, hands instinctually lifting to his head like he wanted to fix his hat, a habit you noticed of his that would occur when he’s overwhelmed or in awe. He settles on running his hands through the blonde tresses instead, big goofy smile on his face.
“Holy shit. I mean like — holy shit.” He breathes and you turn your head shyly, then reaching out to tug at his shirt.
“You too.” You gesture to his shirt and he offs it within a second, not wanting to look away from your naked body from a minute. Once his hands are free again, he’s sliding them up to your chest, greedily massaging your tits in both hands.
“Fuck, you are so fine. I mean like I think I nearly came in my pants.” He admits quietly and you tug at his belt, having to remind him of what you were actually doing.
“C’mon, Jayj— want you to fuck me!” You whine, all doe eyes and pouts, not even registering how pathetic and desperate the sentiment was — only making his cock throb harder. He buckles slightly, like it physically pains him and he nods quickly, fumbling with his belt until he could pull his jeans down just enough to release himself.
It’s long, pink and pretty like you expected — pearly precum gathering at his tip. He grasps it infront of you, eyes flickering between yours and his dick, suddenly looking hesitant. “So uh, this is what m’ working with.” He announces awkwardly, overthinking everything — but it doesn’t matter because you’re wrapping a delicate hand round it, guiding him to your entrance.
“Woah there missy, okay uh— hold your horses. This job don’t pay either of us enough for you to get knocked up.” He side rolls off the bed hobbling over to the dresser for his wallet, retrieving a condom and returning. You would have laughed, but you get all embarrassed and teary eyed about how overly eager you’d been.
“Sorry. I wasn’t thinkin’.” You pout and his eyes flutter up to yours, kneeling between your legs.
“Hey? You’re good.” He tears the packet open with his teeth and you clench around nothing. “You’re good.” He repeats, stroking your thigh as he eases the rubber onto his cock. “Still up for it, babe?”
You bite your lip with a sniffly giggle, nodding and he grins himself, laying on top of you to press a sloppy kiss to your mouth. He pulls away, and he lines himself up before slowly easing himself in.
Your legs around his waist hug him tighter and your toes curl at the stretch, wincing. “You got it.” He encourages, voice breathier like it teetered on a moan which only made you flutter around him.
“S’big, JJ.” You whimper and he huffs against your neck.
“I— thanks.”
Once he’s in, he’s in — and you can see how his fingers and tongue were only just the appetiser. He fucks like it’s the last time, like his life depends on it— rolling his hips, his hands somehow in ten places at once, his tongue — oh his tongue, it’s in your mouth, then down your neck, then looping around your nipple making you clench and whine and cry.
He starts to speed up, unable to control himself as his hands slide under your lower back to hold you, thumbing at your waist. “Shit, shit, shit.” He grits his teeth, having to contain himself there and then from cumming when he sees the way your tits bounce beneath him. “Takin’ that shit so good, huh? Jesus baby.” He wrinkles his nose in exertion, panting.
“S’just so good, JJ— mmph!”
“Yeah? Y’gonna think of this everytime I see you, shit, everytime I see you in the kitchen? Givin’ me those big sexy fuck me eyes everytime I hand you a plate? Shit baby, pretty little waitress, huh. N’ you’re all mine now. So freakin’ lucky.” Hes rambling, nonsensical— already pussy drunk.
You’re in ecstasy. Not only from how he felt, but from how you were making him feel. It occurred to you that no one seems to talk about the validation you receive from finally getting to fuck your crush, watching them come apart over you. You wanted more, wanted to impress him.
In a trance, you push at his stomach, shuffling upwards so he reluctantly pulls out, concern on his clammy face. You fumble, rolling onto your front, sticking your ass in the air, looking over your shoulder.
“Please.” You plead, and you’re not sure what for— but it works, the blonde puffing out his cheeks with a dramatic exhale, lining himself behind you and pushing in. “Gonna be the death of me, babydoll.”
You may have overestimated your abilities, crying pathetically when he bottoms out, his cock feeling ten times it’s size from this angle.
“Arch that back baby, there you go, just like that.” He whispers, pressing down on your lower back making you sob. You fuck back against him, pressing your cheek to your pillow, fingers curling into it for security. “Good girl, that’s right.” He drops a hand beneath you, finding your clit once more and as a surprise ambush, you cum— suddenly and embarrassingly, gushing around his cock leaving a ring of cream at his base.
He doesn’t stop this time, giving you a moment to catch your breath as you whine and mewl like a distressed kitten. No, if anything — he goes harder, his own release on the precipice. The bed is creaking now, wooden headboard smacking the wall as he leans his weight on the back of your arms, pelvis slapping against your ass. Little squeaks are punched out of you with each thrust, and when you think he’s reached a crescendo— he slows.
“Fuck, fuck turn around baby. Need to see that pretty face to cum, c’mon.” He pants in one breath, fighting you back onto your back and sliding back in with ease this time, pushing one knee up to your chest and rolling his hips, eyes squeezed shut.
He tries to keep them open, eyes everywhere— your tits, your big wet eyes, your lips. Like he can’t help himself, he sloppily cups your cheek, a thumb brushing your bottom lip. Wanting to help him along in your post orgasm brain-fog, your tongue peeks out, trying to catch the finger as he bounces you on his cock. Once you’ve got it, you wrap your lips around it, sucking with devotion and love hearts in your eyes.
“Oh my— god” He whimpers, finally dropping his cheek to your chest as he ruts into you, spilling his seed. You moan at the feeling, scratching at his back and fluttering around him. The butterflies return.
After ten minutes, you’re laying on his thick bicep— his blunt fingernails scratching your scalp at the bottom of your skull. The dryer beeps distantly, signifying that it’s completed its cycle.
Maybank is staring at you, like he’s trying to memorise your face, like it’s the last time he’ll ever see you. An amused smile breaks out onto your face, trying to hide it in his arm as you press a kiss there. At this, a grin spreads on his own face, questioning.
“You know… I do actually have an electric toothbrush.”
“I freaking knew it.”
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moremaybank · 11 months
pairing jj maybank x fem!reader
summary jj isn’t happy when he finds out you’ve been sleeping with other people on the island, so he’s sure to set the record straight. you’re his, and his only.
warnings unprotected sex, possessive!jj, slapping, choking, spitting, degrading, bondage, breeding, marking, dacryphilia, semi-public sex, anal fingering
author’s note special thanks to @blueicequeen19 for this request. you pulled this out of me and i’m eternally grateful, babe ♡︎ i hope you like ittt
jj masterlist
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The air is charged with tension as JJ’s hand closes around your wrist, his grip firm as he leads you away from the crowd of the party and into an unoccupied room. His jaw is set, and you can feel the anger simmering off his tan skin. 
“Damn it, J, let go of me,” you demand, trying to tug your wrist free from his grasp. 
JJ’s grip only tightens. He shoves you into the empty dining room and slams the door behind you, locking it shut. He turns to you, his eyes burning deep into your soul.
“What the hell is your problem?”
“Don’t play dumb. Don’t act like this is all on me,” JJ snarls. “Who the fuck do you think you are, huh? You can’t just let anyone touch you, Y/N.”
“Excuse me?” Your voice rose. “You don’t get to control who I see or what I do. We aren’t exclusive, JJ. I’m not yours.”
JJ’s jaw clenches, and his fists ball at his sides. He steps closer to you, and you back up until your back hits the large wooden table behind you. “Try again, sweetheart. You are. Don't make me knock you up to prove it to you.”
You scoff and try to shove past him so you can leave, but JJ doesn’t make it easy for you. 
“You’re not going anywhere,” he states. His hands find their grip on your hips, and his index fingers dart out to tease the hem of your skirt. Goosebumps form on your skin at the contact, and you mentally curse yourself for always reacting to his touch that way. It’s like your body knows it needs him to feel alive. His eyes find yours once again. “You're such a whore, you'll let anyone inside that pussy, won't you? Kook. Pogue. Touron. Doesn't matter does it?” 
“Fuck you,” you spit. “Who I sleep with is none of your business.”
“That’s where you’re wrong, baby.” He pulls your skirt and panties down with one harsh yank and lets them pool around your ankles on the floor. Then, he tugs your tube top down, revealing your bare tits. His fingers pinch your nipples fiercely, and you bite back a moan. “You’ll never need anyone else but me. You understand?”
You don’t respond. You can’t even look him in the eye. It’s crazy how far he can push you and still have you coming back for more each time. No one makes your heart race the way he does. No one gets you soaked and makes you scream the way he does. He’s animalistic and unforgiving with how he fucks you, and that’s just how you like him. He knows it, too, and he isn’t afraid to use that against you.
His hand curls around your throat, and your eyes unwillingly find his. “No one gets to touch you. No one but me.”
JJ lets go, and you watch as he undoes his belt and slides it out of the loops of his shorts. One hand draws your wrists in front of you, and the other works quickly as he loops the leather around them. He fastens it as tight as it can go. Then, in a swift motion, he has your back flat against the table, and your restrained wrists above your head. He mutters an order to keep them there, and he quickly moves to spread your legs. 
“‘M gonna get an apology from you whether you like it or not. You really shouldn’t be this greedy, baby.” You’re already wet, and JJ can feel it when he slaps your pussy. You mewl as the sensation tingles and stings at your core. He slaps it over and over again, relishing in the cries he’s already pulling from you while barely doing anything. You squirm, trying to move your hands to get him to hold off, but his free hand keeps them pressed to the wood. 
The more he continues, the more pitiful you become. You're crying out, and your cunt is all swollen and hot. You're pleading for more friction, more sensation, anything, but JJ's enjoying your sounds far too much to stop.
“That hurt, baby?” He asks, his tone condescending, completed with a sadistic smirk. You nod, and he lets out a taunting whine. “You sure? ‘Cause you're soaking my hand so much that it's dripping. Your pussy's giving you away, sweetheart.”
You feel insane. How could he have this much power over you? Turning you into a crying mess and making you look forward to his punishments like this? You must be brainwashed. Or maybe, JJ’s a sorcerer. Either way, his metaphorical and physical hold on you has you locked in for life. 
Once he deems that you’ve had enough, he smacks your ass harshly from the side, before using both hands to spread you open more. He ducks his head down and licks a stripe up your pussy, tasting your sweetness as it coats his tongue.
“God, I wanna ruin this pussy, baby. Ruin it for you, and for anyone that tries to compete with me. I want you to cum so much that it hurts, wanna see those pretty tears run down your cheeks. I'm gonna fuck you ‘til you pass out and then wake you back up with my cock buried inside you.” 
One hand frees his cock, and he gives you no warning as he slams inside of you. He’s so deep that you can feel his tight balls against you. He’s also stretching you so wide that you feel like he’s piercing you. His hips pick up a relentless pace, his hips snapping against yours so hard that the table shakes beneath you. 
“So fuckin’ tight, feels like you’re tryin’ to push me out, pretty girl,” he grits. His hand finds your throat again, squeezing as he fucks you into the hard surface. Your core is burning at how forcefully he’s rutting into you, but the ache is so addicting. Your legs are squirming, trying to find the strength to wrap around JJ’s midsection, but you can’t. JJ notices, and he laughs at the look on your face. “Learning your lesson, aren’t you?”
JJ’s right hand comes up as he slaps your cheek, not too hard but hard enough to make heat rise. “Tell daddy you’re sorry. Maybe I’ll take it easy on you.”
All you can manage is a whine, a strained mm leaving your lips as you screw your eyes shut. This only makes JJ worse. Your eyes shoot back open when he slaps you again. “Say it,” he commands. 
“‘M s-sorry, daddy.”
“No,” he tuts as he squeezes your throat harder and slightly cutting off your air. “Louder.”
“I’m sorry, daddy!”
He spits in your face and grins wickedly when he sees you lick up what you can. “Now beg me to let you cum.”
He pulls you up, his hand curling around the back of your neck while the other holds your leg around his waist, keeping you open. His pelvis smacks against your far-past-swollen clit. Tears well in your eyes, and your wrists begin to burn as the leather rubs them raw. You’re trying to free yourself so you can brace yourself on something. You’re unlucky and unable to do so, just as JJ planned. 
“P-please, daddy. Let me cum, it h-hurts,” you hiccup. Your doe eyes stare up at him as he fucks you with reckless abandon, unfazed by your pleas. 
“Aw, you wanna cum, sweet girl? Not yet. ‘M gonna make you wait.” The bastard becomes even more cocky if possible, and leers at you. “You wanna know why?” 
You whine, the tears starting to slip past your eyes as you try to keep your sanity intact. JJ inches closer to your face, gnawing on your bottom lip and drawing it out before releasing it with a snap. 
“‘Cause I love how pathetic and dumb you sound when you beg for me.”
JJ Maybank is evil. You’ve known it for a while, but his actions today only solidify it. You could be as good as you wanted for him, but the patronizing son of a bitch will never admit defeat. He did what he wanted, when he wanted, exactly how he wished to. 
By now, your entire body is convulsing, and you’re void of any energy. JJ knows this, of course. He loops your bound wrists around the back of his neck and scoops you up in his arms. He walks over to one of the walls surrounding you both, and he practically slams your back against it. His cock splits you in half with each hard thrust. His hands migrate to the back of your thighs, spreading you as he pounds you into the surface.
“I can’t hold it anymore, daddy. It hurts, n-need to cum so— so bad,” you plead. You can’t keep your eyes open anymore. You’re trying like hell, but it just isn’t happening.
“Too bad, baby. You aren’t cumming until I say so.”
Your head leans to one side as you begin to sob. The burn in your core is about to take you out. You can feel it. It’s fiery, and threatening to give out. It only worsens when JJ’s teeth come into contact with the sensitive skin of your neck. He sucks and nips at it harshly, pulling at it and leaving his mark anywhere he can manage. He feels you clamping down on him, smirking evilly when he pulls out of you abruptly. 
“‘M not gonna let you win that easy, baby.” 
He sets you down on the rug near the table, your knees digging into the fabric. Your arms stretch above your head once more. JJ kneels behind you, spreading your cheeks so he can spit onto your puckered hole. He pops a finger in, and pushes his cock into your pussy again. His hips move at warp speed, and you’re on the verge of being fucked brainless. He’s smacking your ass and finger-fucking your ass as he pummels into you. You’re screaming at this point, mascara tears running down your cheeks and soaking the carpet beneath you. 
“Beg me for my fucking cum. I know you want it,” he grits. 
“Oh, god! Please, daddy!”
“Again,” he demands. “Tell me how bad you want it.”
“Give me your cum. Give me your fucking cum. Pleasepleaseplease.” Your throat is sore, so so raw from the sobs and JJ’s grip on it earlier. You’re sure there’ll be some bruising when you’re done. “Need it, daddy, please.”
“Fuck. Those cries are too pretty, makin’ me so hard. Wanna keep hearin’ ‘em. Keep cryin’, princess.” 
He doesn’t really have to ask because they’ll pour out of you whether you control it or not. Your vision is going black, your entire body limp as you lie there and let him use you. 
“I’m gonna cum. Cum with me,” he says. He slams into you a few more times before his balls tighten, and before you know it, he’s spurting his seed into you with the most delicious groan you’ve ever heard. You finally cum, drunk from his cock and so far gone that you wonder if you’re even alive anymore. 
“You,” he pants, “need to piss me off more like that again.” He frees your hands, and lifts you, carrying you over to one of the chairs at the table. Your ass stings when you slump into your seat, and you hiss. JJ crouches down in front of you, wiping your tears and leaving soft kisses all over your body. The juxtaposition of his forceful demeanour to his now gentle one makes you dizzy. “You with me?”
You want to glare at him, slap his smug grin off his face even, but you can barely breathe. 
“You’re a fucking caveman.”
His dimple pops out, “And yet, you still let me fuck, didn’t you?” 
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outermaybanks · 2 months
Request for John b: John b punishes female reader for being a brat. (daddy kink, maybe bondage kink if you want)
a/n: omg my first request !!! thank u so much for requesting i hope u like it ♡ also John B just radiates someone to call his girl ‘pup’ i can’t help it. nsfw 18+
John B putting you in your place
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You couldn’t help it, not really. Sometimes John B was just so… preoccupied with whatever was going on at the moment, which right now was a Pogue hangout. 
You had come to John B’s with direct intentions, ones you thought he was well aware of, but soon after you arrived, JJ came out of the guest bedroom with the news that Pope was on his way with Kie. You looked to John B, confusion over your face.
“Bonfire,” he answered simply before pressing a too quick peck to your lips, then walking past you to follow JJ outside.
You couldn’t believe your boyfriend was so oblivious sometimes.
Fine. You thought. If he wants to play dumb, I can play dumber.
You went into your bedroom, which was really John B’s bedroom but for the past year and a half of your relationship, it had become yours too. You went straight to your dresser, to the bottom drawer, all John B’s favorites resided there; white tank top, no bra, ripped denim shorts, and your black thong. 
After you got changed, you went into the bathroom to reapply your mascara before you put your hair up in a messy bun, John B’s favorite to grab. Then you gave a spritz of your perfume before walking out of the Chateau, feigning casual as you strode straight up to John B, who was currently in a beer chugging contest with JJ.
JJ surrendered first, which meant he was the first to notice your outfit, his jaw going slack and his eyes immediately averting to his friend, just as John B finished his can.
“You lose!” John B shouted, still oblivious as he threw his can to the ground, it was then he noticed the weird look on his friend’s face, and turned to see you. His eyes nearly bulged out of his head.
“You won? Good job, baby!” You cheered, coupled with a small jump.
“Jeeeesus christ,” JJ said, fully turning around to avoid looking at you.
“Sweetheart, your outfit…” John B chuckled to try and seem light hearted.
Your eyebrows screwed together, a small pout on your lip, “What? I thought you liked this outfit?” You looked down at your outfit. 
“I like the outfit,” JJ spoke up, his back still turned to you. His comment earned him a smack on the arm from John B.
“Baby girl,” John B said slowly, trying to get the hint across. “I do like that outfit, I just think… it’s too cold for it. I want my girl to be warm.”
“It’s July, Jombee, I think I’ll be fine.”
John B got a serious look in his eye. “Y/N…”
“John Booker,” You mimicked his tone. “I don’t understand what’s wrong. JJ likes the outfit," you argued.
“Let her wear what she wants, man, you’re not her dad,” Kie spoke up from the hammock.
“Yeah, John B, you’re not my dad,” You repeated slowly, looking at him with a smile before walking over to the cooler, bending down to reach inside for a drink.
You barely got the lid off before John B raced over to you, pulling you aside. “Okay, point taken. I’m sorry you’ve been feeling neglected, okay? Just go inside and change and I’ll make it up to you later.”
“Why would I feel neglected, Jombee?” You tilted your head to the side, batting your eyelashes, still feigning innocence.
“You’re pushing it, pup. Be a good girl, go change.”
Now you were annoyed. This was his fault, he was the one who wasn’t paying attention to you when you clearly needed it, and now he was threatening to punish you? 
“I don’t want to change. I like this outfit.” You crossed your arms, huffing a bit.
John B took a deep inhale, his eyes devouring you as they scanned your body. Then he walked away, leaving you confused and following after him.
“Hey, guys, we’re out of logs, can you guys make a run?” John B asked. You furrowed your eyebrows, you had just seen a stack of logs behind the shed he pulled you to.
“Keys?” Pope asked, and John B reached into his pocket, tossing the keys to him. JJ immediately took the keys from Pope and the two boys raced to the van, while Kie took her time getting out of the hammock.
“Don’t have too much fun without us,” Kie mumbled as she walked past.
“What the hell was that?”
But John B didn’t answer you, he grabbed you by your wrist, leading you inside with very little fight from you. Once you reached your shared bedroom, John B practically threw you inside, slamming the door behind you.
“Dude! What the hell a-”
“What did you just call me, pup?” John B asked, towering over you. His eyes were huge and hungry, filled with lust. The air around you changed, and suddenly, you didn’t feel so vindicated.
“Fine! I’ll change my outfit!”
“Nuh uh, too late for that. On the bed, now. Face down.”
Your bottom lip quivered a bit, but you obeyed, laying on your stomach on the bed. 
John B’s hands slid up the back of your thighs, the cupped the plump of your ass as he let out a took a deep inhale. “You think you’re so clever, huh?” His hands moved up, fingers sliding under the strap of your thong. “Didn’t know my girlfriend was such a slut, prancing around in practically nothing in front of my friends.” He pulled back the strap and let the string snap you, causing you to hiss.
“Noooo,” your whine was muffled by the mattress. “Wasn’t for them, just you… wanted to show you what you were missing…”
“Yeah? Well you got my attention, baby girl.” His hands reached around to unbutton your shorts before he pull them down your legs. You let out small yelp when his hand came down on your right cheek.
“Thought this was what you wanted, pup? My undivided attention.” You don’t know when John B got his pants off, but you could feel his hard dick pressed against your ass. 
“Mmmm, want you Jombee…”
“How does a good girl beg?” His hands were now pawing at the flesh of your ass.
“Please daddy, please fuck me?”
His hand came down again, making you wince.
“Thought I wasn’t your dad?”
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry I was bad, I’ll be good,” you pleaded.
“Go lay by the headboard.”
You crawled to the top of the bed, then looked at him as you turned to lay on your back, hesitantly; you didn’t want to make the wrong move. But he nodded approvingly, so you committed, laying with your back against the pillows.
John B reached around his neck, untying his bandana, and immediately your face scrunched with confusion, then morphed into upset when he brought your hands up to the headboard.
“Daddy…” you whined, leaning forward a bit. “I’ll be good, I promise. Just wanted you.”
“You have me, baby girl. You’re gonna have all of me,” John B said softly as he tied the knot connecting your wrists to the headboard. 
John B kneeled in front of you, his dick perfectly at eye level. You bit your bottom lip as your mouth filled with saliva at the sight of precum leaking from his perfect pink tip. “Open.”
You looked up at him through your lashes as you slowly opened your mouth, but John B shoved his thumb into your mouth, forcing your mouth open wider before replacing his thumb with the tip of his dick, slowly sliding in.
“You said you wanted to be a good girl, right?” John B asked, and you carefully nodded with your lips wrapped around him. “Be a good girl and suck daddy’s dick.”
You kept your eyes on him as you began moving your head back and forth, opening your throat as wide as you could to fit the thickness of his cock. Despite your throat being used to his size, tears began springing to the corners of your eyes.
John B took a deep breath, a small moan slipping out. “There’s my good girl.” His hands found their way to your bun, his fingers digging into it. You wanted to be his good girl more than you wanted anything else, with each movement you tried to hollow your cheeks more and more. You ached to touch him, feel close to him, so you gave your all to sucking him off, hoping if you did a good enough job, he’d allow you to touch him.
“So fucking good at this, baby, fuck- you want my cum, sweet girl?” John B said softly between labored breaths, you nodded your head the best you could without disrupting your goal at hand. “Look at me, pup.” Your eyes immediately raised back to his eyes, but John B held your head up to look at him anyway, as his hips started snapped fucking himself with your mouth. You clenched your legs together underneath him as you felt your wetness pooling just from pleasuring him. 
“Here it comes, be a good girl, okay baby? Yeah? You’re so fucking good for me, just for me. Feels so fucking good- ah- fuck!” John B just before you felt his warm cum spill into your mouth. You swallowed it all before licking his tip a few more times for good measure as the man above you caught his breath. 
“Such a fucking good girl.”
“Yeah? I was good?”
“You sure were pup,” John B said before his head dipped down to press a soft kiss to your lips, he could still taste himself on your tongue. You pulled at your restraints, desperate to touch him, which made John B laugh.
“My poor baby…” He taunted, making you whine. “Ah ah, good girls don’t whine.” You settled for pouting instead. He gave you a devious smile.
“I want you to remember this the next time you feel like giving me a boner in front of my friends.”
John B lowered himself between your legs, rubbing the tip of his still hard dick through your folds. You bit your lip as you watched him; this had been what you were waiting for all day, but nothing could have prepared you for the delicious stretch when John B suddenly slid all the way in to the hilt, a loud gasp turned moan escaped you. John B chuckled as he lifted your legs higher before he started his movements.
“This what you wanted? Speak up babygirl.”
“Yes daddy, this is what I wanted,” you breathed out as John B started with a slow pace. 
“Yeah? Poor girl just needed my cock?”
“Needed it so bad, Jombee, craving you all day.”
His pace picked up, spurred on by your words; John B was always a sucker for dirty talk. You let out a pathetic moan as you tried to move your hips to match his movements. 
But John B didn’t want to share control, so he pulled out, a disappointed gasp falling from you. With his hands on your waist, John B turned you to lie on your stomach, forcing your hands tighter together. His hands once more palmed at your ass before his fingers slid down to open you up for him to slide back in, his cock reaching deeper inside you and pulling sinful noises from you against your will. 
“Fuck- mm- Jombee- oh my god-” You panted out between his thrusts as your face was pushed into the pillow from the position of your bottom, and the movements of John B’s hips. Small uh’s fell from your lips as your brain turned hazy from the bliss of pleasure. 
“Baby girl just needed to be fucked dumb, isn’t that right, pup?” All you could muster was a eager nod of the head, John B chuckled before slapping his hand against your right cheek, pulling you closer to him by your waist as he moved faster.
“Close- close daddy, so close,” words fell from you without thought. “You feel so fucking good, daddy, you fuck me so good.” 
“Already? Poor baby, so pent up. You gonna cum on my cock babygirl?” “Please let me, daddy, I want to be good. Want to show you how good you fuck me, please.”
“You gonna let me cum inside you like a good girl?”
“Yes!” You practically begged, on the edge of your orgasm. “Please, daddy, cum inside me, wanna feel it.”
John B knew just how to send you over the edge as his hand snaked around your bodies, inbetween your legs to slowly rub circles on your clit. You face fell back into the pillow as you let out a scream in pleasure, before your boyfriend’s name fell from your lips.
“Shhh, I’m right behind you baby, so close, just be good, let me use you a little longer.”
You bit your lip to try and suppress the moans caused by the overstimulation, but when his pace faltered a bit, you heard him let out a grunt before you felt familiar warmth of his cum inside you. You hummed with pleasure, proud of yourself for pleasuring him.
“You did such a good job, pup,” John B said softly, in between breaths as we reached up to untie the bandana from around your wrists. When your arms fell back down, you mustered up your strength to wrap them around him. John B held you close, laying on his back so you were laying on his chest. 
You two laid there for a few minutes, catching your breath as John B caressed your head and whispered praises to you. “So proud of you. You’re such a good girl for me, Y/N. I love you, so so much.” He pressed a kiss to your head, and you let your eyes close, still buzzing from your orgasm and happy with your choices for the day.
©outermaybanks 2024
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chimindity · 7 days
Your brother's fault
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Summary | reader goes get his drug's dad not knowing her brother's ennemy would be on her way.
Pairing | older brother!jj x little sister reader
Warning | getting drugs, Sexual assault, violence
A/N | inspired by this fic♡ please don't read it if you get easily triggered, no proofread
︶ ֢ ⏝ ֢ ︶ ୨୧ ︶ ֢ ⏝ ֢ ︶
-"i'm not gonna be here this evening so I need you to get me a refill at Barry's, a'right?" Luke says, you knew this is not even a question, you didn't have the choice, you have to.
Walking near your bed he throw you the cash on it, enough for you to get him his drug, you quickly close your book and take his money.
-"y-yes i'll get it" you say stuttering knowing that if you ever say no, he would get angry and start hitting you.
Getting up from you bed, you kneel down to tie your shoes as he walks out of the door, you decide to not wear a jacket thinking he would be too hot outside, and it could ruin your outfit since you are wearing a little white dress with a pink bow on the back.
jj always told you to try staying away from your dad while he was not at home.
You walk your way to the front door, opening it and immediately closing behind you, you know like the path like back of your hand.
As soon as you sight his trailer, you start getting anxious fidgeting with the hem of your dress as you feel your heart beating faster the more you walk closer to the door.
You raise your hand up ready to knock on that door, you sigh, close your eyes and knock on it, and step back.
As you open your eyes, Barry shows up at the door a smirk forms on his face while looking you up and down, noticing you play with the hem of your dress and your face blushing bright red.
-"What is a pretty girl like you doing here?" He says leading you inside the trailer, Taking advantage of it to check you out.
As you enter in it, it smells drugs and the room is filled with old empty liquor bottles, you notice a brown haired boy sitting on the green couch, who seem to be the same age as your brother jj, it must be Rafe? Your brother never really talked to you about his life or even his friends, other than the pogues obviously.
He takes a look at you, smirking as well while you hear Barry locking the door behind him, -"what's your name cutie?" Barry says walking past you sitting beside Rafe on the couch as they both look at you.
Feeling like a sheep surrounded by a pack of wolves, you look at Barry, trying to ignore the way Rafe stares at you.
-"uhm I'm Y/n, Y/n maybank and I'm here to get the drugs for uh my dad" you try your best to not get intimidated, the second he heard you saying Maybank, his fists are clenching while rolling his eyes.
Barry chuckles not even looking you in the eyes but right on your thighs, the way you rub them together out of shyness makes him want to ruin you.
-"so we've got jj's little baby sister right here uh? That troublemaker still owes us a lot of money" Rafe speaks sending you a death stare, you look at him confusedly, why your brother owes them? You have no idea.
Suddenly Barry gets up and towers over you, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear as you look up at him, giving him the cash.
-"i'll give the drugs later, now why don't you uh come sit with us? I gotta show you something" barry smirks, taking the money and throwing it on the glass table, making your way to the couch beside Rafe.
-"here, sit down on my laps pretty girl" Rafe says as he grabs a hold of the back of your thighs, pulling you on his laps.
While he looks at you, getting touchy on you, you don't notice Barry walking behind you holding your hair up, Rafe smirks at him starting to bounce his laps, making you fall against his chest.
-"there, there sweetheart" Rafe massages your thighs as you feel Barry's hands tightening the grip on your hair making you wince.
-"shh hey why don't you give Rafe a kiss? I think he deserves some kindness after what your brother have done to us, don't you think so?" Rafe nodds at him, slowly groping your ass making you whine.
Barry pulls your face closer to rafe's, forcing you to kiss him, -"yeah jus' like that there we go" he chuckles behind you, as Rafe groans between the kiss and start touching your body in a perverse way, maybe they were just being nice after all? Not being close to your dad, made you grow up without knowing any dangers of life, but especially of men.
You place your hands on Rafe's chest to keep you still, when you feel his hands tracing the outline of your dress, Barry releases on of his hand from your makeshift ponytail and start unzipping your dress.
You immediately pull away from the kiss and start getting scared, -"no! Please no" you sob as they keep ignoring you, Barry slides your dress over your shoulders leaving you in your underwear, feeling used you start sobbing even more as you try covering your body.
-"ain't that cute? The bastard's little sister is a real slut, look at her Rafe" barry smirks from behind making your tits bounce with his hands.
Your sobs become louder, closing your eyes and just wanting all of it to be over, until you feel a sharp pain on your cheek causing you to open your eyes, watching Rafe smiles taking pleasure of slapping you.
You start rubbing your right cheek with the back of your hand, when Barry yanks you hair up tugging on it.
-"tell your brother to gives us the money or we'll ruin his pretty sister, got it?" Your body tenses and shivers, feeling Rafe peeking a look at your pink panties.
-"bet no one has ever cummed in it, how lucky we are, Barry" he chuckles starting to put pressure on your clit through your panties with his thumb, making you buck your hips up.
"i get her the drugs, then we'll release her" Barry speaks and grabs the drugs from the kitchen, meanwhile Rafe keep using you, trying your best to pull his hands away from you.
-"remember that i'm way bigger than you" he huffs, his hand finds his way around your neck, taking a firm grip making you whine.
-"p-please y-you're hurting me" you sob, but at this point your vulnerable state drives him crazy, wanting to ruin you.
As Barry comes back, he releases his grips making you gasp for air, quickly wipping off the tears sliding on your face.
-"there we go, come back whenever you want princess" Barry says sarcastly as slides your dress back on your body.
As you get up from Rafe's legs, he gives you a light spank on your chest, -"see you later pretty doll" he laughs as he looks at you running to the door trying to unlock it.
Realising that the door is still locked, you glance at both of them, Barry smirks and realises -"shit uh i'll unlock it" he says and unlock it, as soon as he opens the door you run away from the trailer crying and sobbing.
You don't even realise jj's bike infront of you on the path, causing you to fall, you sit down and start crying louder putting your hands over your face.
When a hand touches your shoulder, -"hey hey why's the crying for sweetie?" You hear your brother's voice, you lift your head up, eyes all teary from the crying, he notices the bruises on your neck and your cheek.
-"what's happened?" He says getting worried helping you to stand up, as you stand up the little white bag fall from your hand, jj sights it.
-"Y/n..? Did dad tell you to get his drugs?" He knew it, he could tell by the way you cry and sob, that something awful happened to you.
You nodd snuggling against the crook of his neck allowing you to cry harder.
-"shh shh i've got you cupcake" he rubs your back as he feels your body shaking in his arms.
-"for now, i'll never leave the house without you, so in that way dad will never ask you to get his drugs by yourself" he speaks slowly trying to comfort you.
-"i-it was horrible" you sob harder, jj grabs the little bag and help you walk to the house.
-"i'll clean those bruises and put some ice on them, then we could watch tv in my room s'that good?" Jj says patting your hair with his hand.
You nodd snuggling against him as you hold his hand, walking through the house he gives the white bag to your dad and walk with you upstair in his room.
-"lay on the bed, i'll go grab the first aid kit" he says smiling at you as you lay against the headboard of his bed.
You could never hate your brother even if he was the reason of what happened to you.
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babeydollx · 2 years
Can I requests Pope smut? Theirs a serious lack of pope content on this app 😭
Please and thank you
So Gentle
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Warnings: cursing, smut, sex, soft sex, soft!Pope, probs more lmao.
Pairings: Pope Heyward x Female Pogue Reader
Summary: pretty much just soft sex with Pope.
a/n: there really isn't enough Pope fics, he's an underrated bb <3
© Maybanks-Luver, please do not steal or translate my work
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You gasped and moaned out softly as Pope slowly pushed into you, stretching you out. You wrapped your arms around his neck and shoulder as he began to fuck you. He was always so gentle with you and honestly, you loved every second of it every time.
He would always stop to make sure you were okay if you made any noise that sounded like you were in pain or uncomfortable. He was so considerate. You moaned out softly as Pope slowly picked up the pace. He would never be too rough or fast unless you wanted him to go faster. You had never met a guy who was this gentle with you. Most of the guys you had been with loved rough, crazy sex.
Which you did think rough, wild sex was hot too. You did like having wild sex with Pope sometimes but, it was also nice just to make love instead of fucking. He never degraded you, even during wild sex. He always said he felt too bad to do it because he loved you so much which you thought was sweet of him.
Pope leaned down and kissed you as he fucked you slowly. You smiled into the kiss and pulled him impossibly closer. You began to roll your hips to meet his thrusts as he fucked you. You moaned out a little louder and threw your head back. You never wanted him to stop but, you could tell that he was close and so were you.
"Fuck, baby I'm close!" You moaned out. "Please, please go faster." You said. Pope obeyed your wishes and began to fuck you faster. You wrapped your legs around his waist and dug your heels into his back gently, trying to make him fuck you faster. He could tell and he picked up the pace even more.
You gasped and cried out as he now fucked you at a rougher pace. You could feel that familiar knot bubbling in the bottom of your stomach and you knew that you were going to cum any second now. You could tell that Pope was about ready to cum too since his thrusts were getting sloppy.
"Fuck! I'm gonna cum Pope!" You cried out. "Come on, baby, cum for me sweetheart." He moaned out. With that your eyes rolled and your legs shook as you gushed on his cock. He groaned out and came right after you. You both laid there for a few minutes to catch your breath. Once Pope caught his breath, he pulled out of you and took the now filled condom off his dick and tossed it in the trash.
Pope then laid down beside you. You smiled and rolled over to him and he grinned, wrapping his arms around you and holding you close to him. You rested your head on his chest and your eyes began to flutter shut. Pope smiled and kissed your head as you slept in his arms.
a/n: I hope y'all enjoyed this fic! I felt like I ended this one weirdly, idk lmao.
Taglist ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗
@drewbooooo @gillybear17 @bethoconnor @my-baexht-ls @ceceswriting @masteroperator @vashappeningkevin @n-kkpoly @luversgirl
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i feel like rafe and sweetheart!readers first kiss comes from reader but rafe deepens it. like she’s teaching him how to make frosting and he’s got some on the corner of his mouth and sweetheart!reader is like “uhm rafe… you have- nvm” and just stand on her tiptoes to kiss it off and he goes nuts sitting her on the counter to finally kiss her the way hes wanted to the whole time.
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warnings: fluff, heated kissing, rafe hating his job lol
“make sure you leave the mixer in there long enough.” you were currently teaching rafe how to make your infamous buttercream frosting, and even though he was doing good, he couldn’t stop himself from dipping his finger inside the bowl every five seconds.
“it’s gonna be gone before we could finish!” you laughed, playfully swatting his hand away. “alright, alright.” he backed away, watching as you took over mixing for him. “i really appreciate you, you know..” you had spoken up, meeting his eyes.
“for what?” you stopped what you were doing, leaning against the counter to face him. “for everything. i don’t even have to ask you to do anything for me, you just do it.” you shrugged. rafe nodded, smiling softly. the action drew your attention to his lips, a smudge of frosting smeared on the corner.
you giggled, shaking your head as you pointed at his mouth. “what?” he started wiping his face, your giggles turning into full on laughter as he continued to miss the spot. “where is it?!” just as you were about to reach up, you noticed the frosting on your own fingers.
“just- um, okay..” you tippy toed, bringing your lips to barely brush over his before pulling away. rafe just about died when he saw you lick away the sweet mixture, your eyes sparkling as you looked up at him. “did i overstep?” it was silent for a few moments before you found yourself being manhandled.
his lips were on yours in an instant, both of you melting into each other’s touch. you’d wanted this from him since the day he bought your entire basket of cookies at the country club. you moaned into the kiss as he picked you up, placing you on the counter.
nothing, not even the bowl of frosting next to you two, was sweeter than hearing those pretty sounds leave your lips. rafe wasted no time, slotting himself between your thighs as his hands dug into the skin of your waist. he had never wanted someone this bad.
you weren’t used to being kissed like this, your fingers trailing across his chest as he deepened it, his tongue finding yours. butterflies fluttered in your tummy when you heard rafe groan. “y/n..” he pulled away breathlessly, swallowing thickly at the sight of your already swollen lips.
“don’t stop.” you tugged on his shirt, a smug look forming on his face. as much as he wanted to keep going and flip up that skirt of yours, he pulled away, hard as a rock in his jeans. you noticed immediately, wanting nothing more than to please him in that very moment.
“i don’t want you to think i’m here just to have my way with you.” he cleared his throat, your shoulders falling in defeat when you heard the jingle of his truck keys. “i know that..” you trailed off, stepping closer to him. he took your lips again, this time placing his hand on the small of your back.
your eyes fluttered closed, your dainty palm resting in the curve of his neck. “please don’t leave.” you whispered, his erection pressing against your stomach. rafe pecked you one more time before his phone rang.
“hello? yeah, i-, i’m on the the way already.. yes, i know we have work early. alright. i’ll see you.”
“that was my dad. we have a job in the morning.” he pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing. “when we take that step, i don’t want to be in a rush to get home or leave you before you wake up.” rafe held your face in his hands, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.
you didn’t want that either. nodding at his words, you hugged him, relishing in the feeling of his arms wrapped around you. “okay.” you hated every second of watching him walk to his truck. “we’ll pick up where we left off, ‘promise sweetheart.” you smiled, giving him a small wave as he drove away.
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pogue!sweetheart!reader meeting rafe for the first time? 🍰
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warnings: jealous rafe, topper calls you ‘doll’, a lil bit of flirting, slight fluff
“girl scout, two o’clock.” kelce cleared his throat, topper and rafe following his gaze. you stood at the receptionist desk, chatting with the director about your plans for the week. “is she really a girl scout?” rafe’s eyes trailed down the soft curls of your hair, stopping just above the neckline of your top.
“nah, we just call her that because she sells cookies and shit. ‘really good by the way, highly recommend.” kelce leaned back in his seat, forgetting all about the cards in his hands as you started making your way towards the three of them. rafe would be lying if he said the way his friends ogled you didn’t bother him.
“hey! what game are you guys playing?” you sat your basket down on the hardwood table, eyes flickering over to rafe. “just some solitaire.” topper shrugged, removing the cloth that covered your treats. “what do you got for us this week, doll?” if rafe was bothered earlier, he was even more so now.
you smiled, tilting the basket so they can all steal a peek. “shortbread and chocolate chip.” rafe didn’t care to look at anything else other than your face, his gaze sweeping over your features. “i’ve never seen you before.” he finally spoke up, his voice immediately drawing your attention.
“uhm, i don’t think i’ve seen you either..” you extended a hand, “what’s your name?” rafe didn’t hesitate to return your gesture, taking your hand in his. “rafe, and yours?” your heart skipped a beat when you felt his thumb stroke your skin. “y/-” kelce chimed in before you could answer his question.
“i’ll take two of each. and one of you.” rafe’s head shot in his friends direction, his grip on your wrist tightening. laughing nervously, you brushed off kelce’s remark. “actually, he’s not taking anything. i, however, would like the whole basket.” shaking your head, you waited for rafe to say he was kidding.
“oh! you’re serious-” rafe got up, taking the basket in his free hand as he led you two outside and away from his obnoxious buddies. “what the hell!” topper shouted. without protesting, you allowed rafe to take you to a more secluded space, your dainty heels clicking against the pavement.
“is everything okay? i-” rafe stopped in front of the country club’s garden. “do you have a boyfriend?” he blurted, making you stumble over your next few words. “uhm, well! no, but..” taking his wallet out of his pocket, rafe took a couple hundred dollar bills before cutting you off.. again.
“not that it matters if you do, cause i’ll just take his place.” the certainty in his voice made your face flush with a new profound sense of shyness. he placed the folded bills in your palm, a smile forming on his lips at your smitten expression. “how are you so sure that you’ll be my boyfriend?” you asked.
“because i always get what i want.”
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poguesweethearts first time with rafe and he is just so so so so mushy with her 🥺
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warnings: soft!dom!rafe, fluff, use of the nickname ‘sweetheart’, oral (f. receiving), unprotected sex, soft sex, multiple orgasms, soft aftercare
a/n: if anyone is interested in the visual, this was how i imagined reader’s dress before rafe took it off <3
rafe had it bad. every touch, every glance, every laugh, he was fighting off things he never thought he’d have to. like right now for instance. “okay how do you like this? is it too pink?” you did a little spin for rafe, oblivious to the way his eyes danced down your figure.
you were currently trying on different outfits to meet his family in, your overthinking machine of a brain not resting until rafe decided for you. rafe leaned back in his seat, meeting your gaze. “you could wear a garbage bag, and i’ll still think you look perfect.”
you shook your head, a pout forming on your lips as you stepped closer to him. “rafe i’m serious! i want them to like me.” rafe pulled you down to sit on his lap, his hands bringing your legs up to rest over his thighs. “sweetheart, they are. my folks are already in love with you, they’re constantly telling me to bring you home already.”
rafe watched the worry etched in your brow melt away, his fingers cupping your chin. “please don’t stress yourself out about it. we still have a whole week before then.” you nodded, pecking rafe’s cheek. he shut his eyes the second he felt your lips against his skin. something so small like a kiss on the cheek was starting to become too much to handle.
“hey, do you uh- have any plans for the next few days?” he hoped you couldn’t feel the hard on in his jeans. leaning your head against his shoulder, you fiddled with a loose thread on his shirt as you hummed. “nope. my manager went on vacation with her husband so the icecream shop is closed, and i already baked what i needed to sell this week, so i’m all yours.” all yours, that was like music to his ears.
“good, that’s good.” you noticed the way he rubbed your knee as if to soothe himself, your eyebrows knitting in concern. “rafe?” you adjusted yourself in his lap, freezing when you felt something poke your thigh. both of you looked at each other, your eyes falling to his lips.
“are you busy the next few days?” you asked him, your chest rising and falling as your fingertips burned to touch him. “no..” without hesitation, both of you kissed each other desperately, your hands flying out to pull him closer as if he wasn’t already flushed to your side.
this kiss was everything you wanted it to be, and everything rafe needed. you wrapped an arm around his neck, letting him pick you up bridal style where he then lead you two to your bed. you swore your sheets have never felt this soft before, but then again, with the way rafe’s hands roamed your body, everything seemed, well, just sweeter.
you welcomed him between your thighs, your dress pooling around your waist as he pulled away to admire you underneath him. “god, you’re fucking gorgeous.” rafe traced the sweetheart neckline of your dress, your breasts peeking out just enough to drive him crazy.
you smiled softly, taking his hand in yours as you dragged it across your chest. “please take it off.” you didn’t have to tell him twice. in seconds, he had you in nothing but your white matching set, kissing your skin as if you’d disappear if he didn’t devour you right then and there.
everything about you was so perfect to him, for him. you slipped off his shirt, running your hands down the ridges of his abs. “i’ve wanted to do this since i first saw you walk into the country club.” you gasped softly when he cupped you through the lacey material of your bra. your hands worked to undo rafe’s belt, his cock straining painfully in his pants.
rafe cursed under his breath, taking his jeans and boxers off in one swift movement. you’ve imagined what rafe would look like; naked and ready to take you, but it didn’t come close to the sight of him right now. he stood glorious, the look in his eyes making you rub your thighs together.
“rafe?” you sat up, watching as he reached for your ankle. you don’t know what you were expecting, but rafe yanking you towards the edge of your bed definitely wasn’t it. “keep talking, sweetheart, ‘wanna hear your voice.” you swallowed thickly, your heart skipping a beat when he kneeled in front of you.
“i want to make you feel good..” you trailed off, letting him lay you down as he took your panties off. one look at your soaked cunt, and rafe couldn’t believe he had survived this long without it. “you already are.” your mouth fell open when you felt his breath tickle your skin.
“is it okay if i do this?” you looked down, the sight of rafe gazing up at you from between your thighs was something you didn’t know you needed. you whimpered, muttering a ‘yes.’ before you felt his tongue run between your folds.
rafe was quick to pin your thighs down on top of his shoulders, ensuring you couldn’t move away from him while he lapped at your clit. “feels s-so good, rafe..” you shuddered, your body jolting when his tongue prodded at your entrance.
rafe had finally gotten a taste of you, and now he was addicted. from your little whines, to the way your thighs threatened to close around his head, rafe couldn’t help but fist his cock at the idea of making you cum on his tongue. he groaned against your slick cunt, the vibrations shooting straight to your clit.
“oh!” your hands fisted the sheets underneath you, your back arching up from your bed at the sensation. rafe watched you fight to take a breath, his chest blooming with pride at your obvious display of struggle. “you look so pretty like this.” he pulled your bra down, your tits spilling out of the white lace.
it wasn’t long before your hips starting moving away from his face, your first orgasm of the night threatening to rip through you. “don’t make me chase you.” you shivered at rafe’s words, complying immediately as you let him pull you even closer. rafe knew you were close to making a mess for him, and he was going to watch you unravel if it was the last thing he did.
“rafe-” your hands scrambled to find his, the band in your stomach snapping as you borderline screamed at the white hot pleasure coursing through you. “i got you, baby,” rafe let you dig your nails into his skin, your cries making his cock twitch with need.
you couldn’t form a single thought, let alone a sentence, so when rafe kissed his way up to your lips and asked if you were okay, you settled for a broken moan. “shhh,” he moved you two further up your bed, making sure your head was resting on a pillow before pecking the tip of your nose.
if you felt fucked out with rafe’s mouth alone, you couldn’t even begin to think what you’d feel like after he was done fucking you with the same cock that currently rested on your tummy. you were still going through the aftershocks of your orgasm when rafe caged you between his arms.
“you’re so perfect, you know that?” your breathing slowed to the sound of his voice in your ear. no one had ever made you feel like this. orgasm aside, you realized as you gazed up into rafe’s eyes, that he wasn’t rushing to have his way with you; instead, he was comforting you and smiling down at you as if you were the most precious thing to ever grace the earth.
he was selfless, even in this very moment when he had every right to be greedy, and that fact turned you on more than anything ever did. “rafe? please give it to me.” he blinked slowly, his jaw clenching at your words. looking down where he lined himself up with your entrance, you watched as his face contorted into full on bliss, a gasp leaving your lips as he filled you up inch by inch.
“holy fuck.” you ran your nails across the back of his head as he cursed against your skin. wrapping your legs around his waist, rafe interlocked his fingers with yours, both of you moaning in unison as he started thrusting into you. he stroked the side of your face, your eyes fluttering shut as you stretched deliciously around his length.
your heart felt like it could explode in your chest. the hand holding, the way rafe touched you as if you were made of glass, it was all making you melt into a puddle of sweet nothingness. “shit-” he hissed through gritted teeth, “you can’t be real.” he half laughed, kissing you ever so gently.
you couldn’t help but squeeze around his length, the head of his cock brushing that sensitive spot that sent you whimpering against his chest. rafe admired the way your eyes sparkled everytime you looked up at him. he fucked you hard and slow, every stroke bringing him closer to the edge of euphoria.
with his forehead resting on yours, your hand suddenly felt cold as he reached down for your clit, your hips stuttering when he circled your sensitive bundle of nerves. “oh my god!” you squealed, your eyes screwing shut as your high hit you in intense waves of ecstasy. alas, rafe was next to float on cloud nine, his jaw going slack as his thrusts came to a stop.
the feeling of rafe spilling his load inside of you was now etched into your mind, incapable of ever leaving. rafe unintentionally had a death grip on one of your tits, your whine of protest snapping him back to reality. “oh, i’m so sorry baby. did i hurt you?” he was panting when he popped his digits into his mouth to taste you one last time for the night. you shook your head, snuggling into his side as he rolled over.
“just a little, s’okay.” you reassured him, rubbing a palm over his chest. rafe looked over at you, moving away any stray hairs you might’ve had in your face. there was nothing you loved more than a man that turned all soft and mushy for you, and rafe certainly didn’t fall short. “it’s a good thing you’re going to meet my folks soon..” he traced the cupid’s bow of your lips. “cause i’m not going anywhere.” just when you thought things couldn’t get anymore sweeter than this, he spooned you.
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Rafe visiting sweetheart pogue reader after knowing her better at her little bake shop she works at and they get to talking and she confesses its her absolute dream to open and run her own bake shop and he buys her a little cute shack to start her business off !!! 💕💕
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warnings: super sweet fluff, sexual tension that rafe has to force himself not to act on
a/n: this came out longer than i wanted it to, but i loveeee writing for pogue!sweetheart!reader so much, pls send reqs for her if you’d like <3
it was a rather slow day at the icecream shop, so when you heard that little ding! indicating that someone had walked in, you were more than happy to see none other than rafe. “hey!” you chirped, adjusting the pink apron that currently hugged your waist.
“are you the only one working?” he walked up to the counter, your bright smile making his heart beat wildly in his chest. “yeah..” you trailed off, looking over to your manager’s office, “maybe i could ask for a quick break so we could talk?” rafe nodded. “i’d like that.”
he waited until you disappeared before he flipped the ‘open’ sign to ‘closed’ and turned the small lock on the door, so you two could converse without any interruptions. “okay!” you walked back up front. “favorite flavor?” rafe’s mind went blank as you reached for something, your skirt riding up your thighs as you did so.
“uhm- uh, rocky road is good.” you finally grasped the cups you were looking for, beaming at rafe’s response. “i love that one, too! but strawberry cheesecake has been my go to for a while now.” rafe didn’t want to make it obvious that he was staring hard, but he found that it was rather difficult when you were around him.
he couldn’t wrap his head around how someone so sweet and bubbly and charming as you are, could also be so unintentionally sexy at the same time. “rafe?” you snapped him out of his trance, a soft laugh leaving your lips. “here we are.” you walked around the counter, placing the cups of icecream down on a nearby table.
you reached behind you as rafe took a seat, your nails not allowing you to untie the knot you made in the strings of your apron. “what’s wrong?” he looked up at you in confusion. “my apron is a little stuck..” you turned, backing up until you stood been his legs. “can you untie this for me please? i just got my nails done and i did it a bit too tight.”
rafe was going insane. here you were in a mini skirt, potentially giving him a full view of everything that was underneath as you coyly waited for him to ‘help you out’. “sure, yeah-” he cleared his throat, hands coming up to fiddle with the strings that stopped just above the curves of your ass.
once he had it off, you sighed, taking the seat across from him. “where are you coming from?” rafe was still flustered when you took your spoon in your mouth, his eyes following the way your lips wrapped around the damned thing. “work, actually.” he blinked away, zeroing in all his focus elsewhere.
“really? what do you do?” now it was your turn to watch him, the veins on his arms making you lick your lips. “construction. it’s my dad’s business.” you nodded, trying to push the image of rafe all hot and sweaty from working outside, out of your head. “so you’re a handy man?” you teased, unintentionally tapping your foot against his leg.
“i know my way around.” you caught rafe looking at your lips, a shy smile taking over your feautures. “i wish i had those skills, it’d make things so much easier for me.” you raised your eyebrows. “how so?” he leaned forward. “well.. it might sound dumb, but it’s my dream to open my own little bakery. the problem is; i don’t know where to start, i don’t know who i have to get in contact with for licensing and permit stuff, and i definitely don’t know how to install any kind of kitchen appliances.”
rafe thought for a moment.
“do you have a certain location in mind?” he asked. you hummed, shaking your head. “no, i don’t care where it is. i’d just like a bigger space.” rafe nodded. “that doesn’t sound dumb by the way,” you looked up, “i think it’s neat that you want to open up your own business. the entire island will be over the moon once they find out they can get those chocolate chip cookies whenever they want.”
you had never shared that information with anyone, but by the way rafe responded, you were glad it was him that you spilled it to. rafe saw the small flash of sadness pass through your eyes before you shook it off. “one day..” just as you were about to check the time, your manager walk out of her office. “closing shop early today, do you mind helping me out real quick?” without hesitation, you got up from your seat.
“wait for me?” you gave rafe your icecream and apron to go outside with.
“of course.”
over the next two weeks, you found yourself by rafe’s side, whether he was following you around while you made sales, or helping you bake, you two seemed to be attached at the hip. “are you working tomorrow?” rafe currently sat on the floor of your camper, leaning against the lace-trimmed cushions of your pull out couch. “nope!” you offered him a spoon of buttercream to taste test, watching as he took his digit in his mouth.
“goddamn, that’s amazing,” rafe gave you a thumbs up, “but anyways— i was asking because i have a surprise for you.” placing the bowl of frosting on the counter, you turned. “oh?” you sat down, his head resting against the side of your knee. “i think you’ll really like it.” rafe kept his eyes down in his lap. “can i guess what it is?” he shook his head, “i won’t tell you if you’re right or wrong.”
sighing in defeat, you and rafe spent the rest of the night decorating cookies and taking turns shuffling songs until he was ready to head back home. “i’ll be here to pick you up in the morning, ‘that sound okay?” he was leaning against your doorframe, your fingertips itching to reach out for him. “mhmm, thank you for all your help today..” you stepped closer, swallowing thickly as he rested a hand in the curve of your neck.
even though rafe wanted to kiss you and feel your lips on his, he settled for a peck on your temple, which you were more than happy to receive. “goodnight, y/n.” he waved before getting in his truck and driving away. locking the door shut, you couldn’t help the pout that graced your lips at your now empty, quiet, camper.
eager to know what rafe wanted to surprise you with, you were quick to get ready for bed, forcing yourself to go to sleep before having to wake up and get ready.
“promise you’re not peeking?” you giggled, your hands resting on top of rafe’s as he guided you to some unknown location. “i promise!” finally, rafe came to a stop, a shiver running down your spine at the feeling of his body pressing against your backside.
“okay, go ahead and open.” you were buzzing with excitement, your mouth falling agape once your vision cleared. there, in front of you sat a perfect little shack, the word ‘sold’ on a red banner adorning the front. you blinked, slightly confused. “this is so cute! did you buy it or something?” rafe nodded, his mouth falling to your ear.
“it’s yours.”
you took a minute to process his words, letting go of a breath that you didn’t know you were holding. “rafe..” he placed his hands on your shoulders, turning you around. “a couple weeks ago you said it was your dream to have your own bakery but you didn’t know where to start, this is your starting point.” your eyes were watering now as you looked up at the man in front of you.
“i don’t think i can accept this.” you laughed, butterflies swarming your tummy when rafe wiped your tears. “you can, and you will.” you couldn’t hold back anymore, throwing your arms around him. rafe wasn’t used to this feeling in his chest, but he knew it felt right.
“it still needs to be renovated, but i talked to my dad and he agreed cameron development will cover everything.” you pulled away, dumbfounded. “i- why?” rafe’s eyebrows knitted in confusion. “why not? you deserve it.” sniffling, you looked back at the shack, already envisioning the place up and running. “i can’t thank you enough, rafe.” you couldn’t believe this was happening, couldn’t believe that rafe, let alone anyone, would do something like this for you.
“we’ll get to that later,” he winked, making you laugh, “should we go pick out a paint color?”
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mean!rafe who gets in a fight with someone who was disrespecting sweetheart!reader and she ends up taking him to her camper and tends to his wounds ✨
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warnings: rafe is mean to everyone except reader, friends to lovers, groping, descriptions of physical violence, blood, flirting, suggestive ending
taglist: @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @xcinnamonmalfoyx
“wow, who woulda’ thought..” you smiled, taking a seat next to rafe on one of the logs in front of the bonfire. “i figured if you were here, then going out wouldn’t be such a bad idea.” you glanced up at him, meeting his eyes. “yeah?” rafe took a swig from his beer, making you catch sight of his adam’s apple.
marveling at the sight, you blinked away before he could catch you. “you want a drink?” he scooted closer, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. you nearly blushed at the action, your body relaxing as you leaned into him. truthfully, you weren’t a drinker, but the idea of sharing something with rafe made your heartbeat speed up a little.
“..sure.” you accepted the bottle he offered, immediately grimacing at the bitter taste. he laughed, getting up from his spot. “i’ll be back. ‘gonna go get you something that’s more your taste.” nodding, you crossed your arms over your chest as he walked away.
looking around at other partygoers, you smiled at whoever looked your way. “y/n?” you turned at the sound of your name, whispering an ‘uh oh..’ as you were met with a very drunk connor. the only reason why you knew his name was because he’s notorious for hitting on you and making you uncomfortable.
“i’ve never seen you out at any parties,” he walked over, “you look amazing.” connor sat down, shamelessly eyeing your cleavage. “thank you.” you cleared your throat, trying your best to subtly move away him. “are you shy or something?” he placed a hand on your thigh, a smug grin on his face.
“no, you’re just not making me feel that great right now-”
“i could.” he leaned in, a gasp leaving your lips when you felt his hand travel underneath your dress. “connor-” before you could protest, he was dragged away by none other than rafe himself, your eyes widening when you saw rafe’s fist connect to connor’s mouth.
“think you’re tough shit for putting your hands on her like that?” rafe smiled before landing a punch square in connor’s face. you scrambled to your feet, making your way over to where rafe had connor pinned down in the sand. “rafe!” you stared helplessly as blood covered his knuckles, topper and kelce rushing to pull him off.
“rafe, please stop!” you held your face in your hands, your chest rising and falling as connor’s eyes rolled to the back of his head. “he’s out, man! come on!” kelce groaned when rafe shoved him away, topper backing off once rafe shot him a glare. as if things couldn’t get any worse, a gunshot pierced through the air, a yelp leaving your lips.
like a switch flipping in rafe’s brain, he got up, wiping the blood off of his face before he guided you away through the crowd. you tried your best to keep up with his speed, both of you running over to his truck. “are you okay?!” he was breathless when he met your gaze, a smile forming on his lips.
“you’re asking me that?” he leaned in, the crazy look in his eyes making a shiver run down your spine. “you’re bleeding..” taking his hand in yours, you examined the split skin of his knuckles. “that blood isn’t mine.” rafe watched you take your bottom lip between your teeth. “take me home? i’ll clean you up.”
just as he was going to tell you yes, red and blue lights started flashing in the distance. “shit.” he cursed under his breath, quickly opening the passenger door and placing you in. “cops are gonna be looking for me tonight.” he sighed, driving off in the opposite direction.
after you told him where to go, it didn’t take rafe long to get you both to your secluded little camper. “this place is everything i expected it to be.” he followed you to the front door, refraining from looking down at your ass as you stepped up onto the little platform that was your floor.
“sorry, i know it’s really small in here.” you welcomed him inside, ushering him to sit down while you pulled out the little first aid kit from your cabinet. rafe swore you were trying to kill him when you bent down, reaching for the small pillow on his side. “i like it.” he looked around at your pink decor, letting you rest his hands on your lap.
“i don’t think you should’ve done that, rafe.” your voice was barely above a whisper, the man in question holding back a hiss once you rubbed his cuts with alcohol. “what, knock his teeth down his throat? assholes like connor deserve to get the shit beaten out of them.” you swallowed thickly.
“..yeah, you’re right,” you agreed, “but what about the cops? he’s definitely going to tell on you.” rafe tsked, his head now resting on your couch. “no, he won’t. ward is his father’s top investor, if he cares about his dad’s business then he’ll know to keep his fuckin’ mouth shut.” the harshness in rafe’s tone was doing something to you, and you were sure it was showing in the color of your cheeks.
“i appreciate you. no one’s ever done that for me.” rafe sat in silence, wondering how he let that motherfucker live to begin with. knowing you weren’t the type to defend yourself, rafe had no problem in doing it for you. “don’t even mention it, ‘pretty.” you finished bandaging his knuckles, still rubbing over the spots with a gentle hand.
“is there any way i can thank you? i feel like just saying it isn’t enough for all the trouble you went through.” you adjusted the neckline of your dress, drawing rafe’s attention to the lace bralette he felt so lucky to catch a glimpse of.
“i can think of a couple ways..”
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pogue!sweetheart!reader is unfortunately too nice for her own good. she feels everything to her core, and is very empathetic. even though she doesn’t have much, she is overjoyed by what she does. makes a living by selling her own baked goods around the island and working at the small icecream shop on the cut. lives in her own little camper, far, far away from everyone.
pogue!sweetheart!reader who loves all things girly and cutesy. kitten heels, knitted tops, pink lingerie, sparkly nail polish, and her favorite strawberry shortcake lipgloss. her signature scent is somewhere between vanilla buttercream frosting and a freshly baked cupcake. everything about her is sweet. her smile, her laugh, her heart, even her taste (rafe knows all about it). hopeless romantic.
pogue!sweetheart!reader who has the lyrics ‘i’m the sweetest girl in town, so why are you so mean? ૮ ྀི◞ ⸝⸝ ◟ ྀིა’ in her instagram bio. she hopes to open her own bakery one day. everyone who meets her falls in love with her, whether it be for how kind and caring she is, or how magnetic and included she makes everyone feel. the kind of girl who stays stuck inside your head.
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a/n: i can’t wait to make fics with this !reader, i was also thinking of making a kook version but idk yet <3 let me know if this !reader resembles you!!
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princessbrunette · 2 months
in order to not spam you i’m spit firing all my obx thoughts while i have the chance
-jj calling reader pooch (i love it so bad)
-john b x reader x jj.
- threesome w pope and jj
-rafe fingering bunny!reader
-popular reader who’s in love with pope
- needy sex w john b after he’s been away
thank you and until i’m allowed to send asks again
-sweetheart anon
lemme give my quick thoughts on all of these 😭
• jj calling reader ‘pooch’
it’s my fav jj nickname for puppy, i love writing about it <3 pooch just sounds more like a princess pup who gets spoiled, and he probably calls puppy!reader pooch when she’s being pampered or acting a little spoilt. i just think it’s sweet n comedic like jj <3
• john b x reader x jj
i miss writing it so much !! i feel like that au used to be like, the main thing on my blog for a while !! we need to start talking about it again bc it was such a favourite !! the dynamic between the three is just so great — i think the last we spoke of it was the roadtrip au!
• threesome with pope and jj
the difference in personalities is alot to play with here. my first thoughts on this dynamic is always pope with his actual girlfriend who is always getting teased by jj, to the point where it definitely borders on flirting. pope feels like he should feel threatened and perhaps at first he does — but he’s so physically comfortable with jj that he starts to consider exploring things sexually. jj would definitely be on board with zero convincing needed !! he loves pope and wants to be respectful, but he’d be lying if he said he hadn’t jacked one out thinking about popes pretty shy gf on her back looking all guilty whilst she takes his dick :(
• rafe fingering bunny!reader
i always see this as a quick fix for bunny when she’s being needy in public. he can’t give her his dick all the time, sometimes he just needs to find a quicker solution. things would get out of hand at the country club when she’s clinging onto his arm telling his friends alarming facts about their sex life because she’s in that mood — until rafe has to press a hand over her mouth and march her to a toilet cubicle where he quickly makes her cream on his fingers whilst scolding her and telling her she better start behaving after she cums :(
• popular reader who’s in love with pope
this trope is always funny because it’s like everyone can see it but pope. she’d be all over him, clinging to his arm, finding him at every party practically throwing herself at him and pope is just trying so hard to be respectful and when asked about it he’s always like “nah, she’s just friendly. she gets like that.” and jj is literally on the verge of exploding like “dude. you’re supposed to be the smart one okay how can you not see that this chick is begging — no, dying for it. she wants you to give her that heyward special bro. please swoop on that. you’re killing me!” and popes like oh. what? no. she’s not— no—
• needy sex with john b after he was away
this is very puppy!reader coded <3 she’d pounce on him as soon as he’s through the door to the chateau and doesn’t care if the other pogues are in tow behind him, jumping into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist and humping up and down as she kisses him all drooly and desperate, teeth clashing. he’d literally be like “woah, okay— hi. hi baby.” smiling so hard as he pulls back but she hasn’t got time for introductions!!!!! get that dick out!!!!!!!
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princessbrunette · 5 months
reader who sometimes likes to point out really obvious stuff, but she’s always so proud of herself that the boys just don’t have the heart to bring it up. Like her & rafe could be sitting on the couch watching discovery channel, & something that is obviously a baby cheetah will come into the screen & she’ll be like “oh! that’s a cheetah, it’s only a baby though, it still needs to grow into a big cheetah.” or she could be with johnbee & there’s clearly something wrong with the boat, & she’ll go “The boats not starting up.” with all seriousness, & he’ll just smile & kiss her head. “You’re right, good job.” or jj could show up in front of her literally dripping in sweat, & she’ll say; “you’re sweating.” & jjs all like “really? shit i didn’t even notice, thanks sweetheart.” - 🍄
this kills me bc unironically this is so me, i do this all the time ! 😭
🌺⋆୨୧⋆⋆˚👙˖° 𐙚 ₊ ⊹ ♡🐚
john b n jj as a duo would get such a kick out of it, jj always coming back with something sarcastic to point out how obvious it is whilst john b simply absentmindedly strokes your head and says “yeah.” all quiet and calm, occasionally smacking jj to get him to behave.
john b especially is so used to it that he doesn’t even bat an eyelid. he’s laying back on the couch at the chateau with his eyes shut, listening to you repeatedly press the on button on one of the lamps, only for no light to come out.
“the lamp is not turning on.” you observe simply, and without opening his eyes, john b knows the resolution.
“why do you think that is, pup?” he asks gently in that low raspy voice he gets when he’s tired.
“because it’s not plugged in.” he can hear you turned to look at him to answer so he cracks an eye open, giving you a small smile and a nod as he rests a hand behind his head.
jj often meets your obvious remarks with lighthearted teasing as mentioned before, the blonde leading you into an abandoned church with the pogues as you follow a lead.
“the lights are off because the church is very old.” you inform jj quietly, sticking to his side as you blink uncomfortably at a cluster of cobwebs in the doorway. he licks his lips, glancing as you as he’s halfway through working a torch out of his cluttered backpack.
“nothin’ gets past you, huh babydoll?” he sarks, gently moving you aside by the waist to walk infront of you for protection purposes.
with rafe he honestly pays it no mind even if he does think it’s kind of cute lowkey. you’ll have your cheek smushed tiredly to his chest as he steers his boat out on the open water and he’ll feel you wriggle an arm free to point tiredly at another boat nearby.
“theres another boat here.” the comment made sense to say in your head, rafe’s sunglass- shielded eyes flickering in its direction carelessly before returning his gaze to the open water, expression not changing.
“yeah, no shit baby.” he mutters, but a few minutes later he presses a kiss to the warm crown of your head.
🌺⋆୨୧⋆⋆˚👙˖° 𐙚 ₊ ⊹ ♡🐚
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princessbrunette · 4 months
deer!reader gets the zoomies and pope's trying to calm her down? ♡
˙✧˖° 🐬🛼🎀 ⋆。♡
“oh my god, please get into bed.” pope chuckles, watching you from where he lays, a hand resting behind his head. you were wired up, pacing the room at the foot of his bed in your pyjamas. he’d taken you on one of the infamous pogue missions today, getting into all kinds of drama. pope had been stressed, hating that you could get into any kind of trouble. he did the best he could to keep you safe, as did the other pogues — in mutual understanding that you were a sweetheart who was not to be corrupted.
you’d been quiet throughout everything, all wide eyed and curious even through the dangerous parts. pope couldn’t gage you, half expecting you to burst into tears from all the commotion of the day as soon as he got you back through the door — but to his total surprise you were off like a rocket, rambling excitedly and grinning ear to ear.
“it was like— it was like this one scene from my book! i’ve never felt adrenaline like that before pope it was just— wow! and — and the way jj punched that guy in the face! he’s insane! and the way kie told that guy to shutup, like woah!” you squeal, twirling about excitedly as your boyfriend shakes his head calmly, used to the pogues shenanigans.
“yep, they’re all crazy. what’s gonna get you over here, huh?” he smiles lazily and you pause breathlessly in your tracks.
“not sure. i just feel so excited right now, popey.” you smile honestly and he sits up at the edge of the bed, patting the space next to him. reluctantly, you skip over— sitting right up by his side, looking at him expectedly with those wide curious eyes.
“look, i’m gonna be honest— i was stressed today. the most important thing to me, is keeping you safe, aaaand — that? that was far from safe. i’m glad you had fun, but i can’t in good conscience let you tag along to anymore pogue missions. okay?” his forehead crinkles as he knits his brows, watching your face fall a little, pensive.
unsurprisingly, you do as your told with little resistance. “mm, okay. but can you tell me more about your adventures? i wanna know.”
“mhm.” he loops a strong arm round the back of your neck to draw you in for quick kiss, a silent testament to how adorable he thought you were in the moment. “but tomorrow. not while i’m trying to get you to calm down.” he smiles, to let you know he’s not scolding you.
“fair.” you smile and he tilts his head, staring at you whilst he thinks.
“at the risk of sounding gross and vulgar, i do know one thing that usually gets you to calm down pretty quickly.”
your back straightens a little, perking up the same way a deer would after hearing a leaf crunch in the distance. “what’s that?” you question energetically, and instead of answering you — pope brings you in for another slow kiss, gently laying you back on the bed.
“well, it involves me being knuckles deep inside you. can’t give you any more clues though, i’m afraid.”
just like that, your brains mush. if pope had his methods to calm you down, who were you to intervene with such brilliance?
˙✧˖° 🐬🛼🎀 ⋆。♡
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babeydollx · 2 years
could i have a threesome with Rafe Cameron and John B Routledge?
Two Of A Kind
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Warnings: cursing, smut, hook up, threesome, unprotected sex, degrading kink, dom!Rafe, dom!John B, sub!reader, probs more lmao.
Pairings: Rafe Cameron x Female Reader x John B Routledge
Summary: In which Y/N hooks up with her favorite pogue and her favorite kook.
a/n: I had never thought of doing a threesome with Rafe and John B but, lowkey like the idea of it lmao.
© Maybanks-Luver, please do not steal or translate my work.
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You gasped and moaned out when you sunk down on John B's cock. You had always thought about what it would be like to fuck the brunette pogue but, it had never actually happened before. You could hear Rafe unbuckling his belt behind you. You looked back and bit your lip when you saw his cock come out of his boxers and slap against his stomach.
"You gonna be a good little slut for us?" Rafe asked with a smirk as he pulled your hair back so you were looking at him. You just nodded desperately and Rafe chuckled darkly. "You know we use our words." Rafe said. "Yes, I'm going to be a good little slut for both of you! I promise!" You whimpered. "Good girl." Rafe said with a smirk as he let go of your hair causing you to collapse onto John B.
Rafe positioned himself behind you and then you sucked in a breath as Rafe slowly pushed into your ass. You gasped and moaned out, loving the feeling of being stretched out by both boys. Your eyes rolled when both of them started to thrust into you. Every time Rafe thrusted into you, John B would pull out. The feeling was euphoric. You had never felt so stuffed before.
You moaned out loudly as the two boys worked you towards your orgasm. One of your hands held onto John B's shoulder tightly while the other hand went up to Rafe's hair. "Oh fuck!" You moaned out as they fucked you harder and faster. They both kept picking up the pace until they were fucking you at a merciless pace. "Fuck, you feel so fucking good." John B groaned. "Such a good little slut for us." Rafe cooed as he fucked you from behind.
You felt that familiar knot forming in your stomach and you knew that you were going to cum any second now. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum!" You screamed. "Come on, cum for us, sweetheart." John B said with a smirk before he groaned out. With that your eyes rolled back and your legs began to tremble as you came hard. John B and Rafe thrusted into you for a few more minutes before they came themselves, shooting their loads deep inside of you.
You collapsed onto John B and you were all sweaty and out of breath. John B gently caressed your back and Rafe leaned down to kiss your head as you tried to catch your breath. You were sweaty and sore but you didn't really give a shit since you were just fucked by two super hot guys, what more did you need or want?
a/n: I hope y'all enjoyed this fic!
Taglist ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗
@pankowforlife @lovedetlost @gillybear17 @onmykneesforrafe @drewbooooo @vintageobx @luversgirl @my-baexht-ls @rafecameronswhore @dudenhaaa27 @kaelibaby @ceceswriting @milkiane @vashappeningkevin @n-kkpoly (let me know if I missed anyone!)
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