#this is my first time drawing them together lol
f1shart · 1 day
*clawing my way out of a deep dank pit or something* erm hai guys..College gays1!! 💗
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ive been playing a little early strangetown and starting thinking up college hcs for these gyals theyre still kids in my game.. whatever. im the planner
★ rambling below ★
ok first, ages since theyre all fucked up in game: Instead of the twins being older than all of glarn's kids, they're only a year older than lazlo which Yeah would mean glarn got mpregnant and disappeared from the house for some months to hide it (idiot), dropped the twins at his lovelorn ex-wife's house, and returned home to his "normal" kids. They'd otherwise be in their mid-late 40s living with these recently graduated young women and like for what 😭 As of 2004 they are 26, erin is 24, and kristen is 23. she skipped a grade so she was a college freshman at the same time as eri ^_^
but anyway this drawing is set in 1998 HERE ARE THEIR MAJORS: Lola in poli-sci, Chloe in philosophy (she never fucking chose), Erin in psychology, and Kristen in public health but in-game it would be biology stop i wanted them all to begin with P beacuse. silly. kristen's mom, being an older and more traditional parent, wanted her to pursue a career in medicine but after her death kristen got the courage to choose the major she wanted, which was <whatever major gives you a boost in athletic LOL i havent checked>
gah i didn't mention but college is where the 4 of them met :3 I'm thinking of placing them in this university because i want it to be pretty far from strangetown hence the Actual Grass, plus kristen isnt actually from there so mission u may be closer to her hometown? maybe? Post-graduation they all get a house together because of their money situation even though chloe is a bitch to kris and erin 😭 (kris doesnt mind though eheh... my idea is that her and chloe had a fling in college but while chloe is a romance sim and does not gaf, kristen is still a bit hung on her) (i dont necessarily ship them tho im a diehard misten/lost waters/whateverthefuck fan OK. kris is a simp for pretty femmes & i cant exactly blame her...)
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I LOVE HER!!! toothy ass grin god that face is just meant to be butch i can fix you kristen loste my beloved
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First ever fan fic I have ever written, so please don't expect anything great lol but I wanted to give writing a shot after enjoying so many other wonderful creations on here.
Sinner venison is a rare delicacy in Pentagram City so being a doe guarantees you are a target of the carnivores until you meet a certain enchanting lady and strike up an interesting deal that draws the attention of a certain Radio Demon.
You Are What They Eat
Chapter 1
Although Hell was indeed a place intended for the worst of souls to be funneled together, there were still territories that required civility among its visitors. Such was Cannibal Town, where the community happily took any opportunity to remind any offending persons of their manners. It was something The Radio Demon quite admired about the sharp-toothed gaggle of cannibal demons; along with their dated fashion and mannerisms.
This understanding is why Alastor excitely stood watching two carnivore demons loudly argue with each other outside of his dear Rosie's emporium. It was bold enough for them to have shown up here in, soiled, tattered clothing, but for them to actually be disturbing the peace with their childish argument. Alastor waited, counting down the seconds until the town had enough of the pair.
"YOU COCKSUCKING PIECE OF SHIT! YOU KNOW I WAS IN FRONT OF YOU!", the tiger shouted, unaware of the crowd beginning to surround him.
The raptor demon fired back, "FUCK YOU! I WAS HERE FIRST, LYING DUMBASS!", also painfully inept towards the now large circle of annoyed townspeople.
The smile on Alastor's face was large and widening as his anticipation climbed for the incoming display of violence. His eyes followed the first strike of a sledgehammer landing against the tiger's left leg, which caused a delicious shriek to be ripped from the assaulted demon. The raptor, however, immediately began to raise his claws in defense only to be slammed to the ground by a group of grinning black-eyed men. Who began chowing down the moment he hit the pavement, which was accompanied by the painful screams of the tiger overcome by the hungry frenzy of his own assailants.
Tempted to join in the bloody revelry, Alastor sighed and made his way up the steps to an already awaiting Rosie. The screams continued to flood the air as he entered his friend's establishment, eager for whatever surprise she had phoned him about that morning.
***One Week Earlier***
You weren't exactly new to Hell, but, being a deer demon, a doe at that, you were a prime candidate for satiating a very limited resource amongst Hell's populace. Sinner venison. Life was, well hell, and you mourned your boring old routine back on Earth as you desperately tried to outrun the shark goons through dingy alleyways and side streets. They yelled which body part they each had dibs on, however, that only made your pace pick up in your fear.
You never thought you'd actually miss your crappy job as a low-paid sanitation worker for a small motel in Georgia that seldom hosted anyone other than loud college students or sleazy men with escorts.
While you were lingering within your memories of the top side, you accidentally ran yourself into a dead-end and spoke a very unladylike curse at your bad luck. Loud footsteps behind you answered the question of whether or not your pursuers had managed to keep up with your deer speed. Fuck my afterlife!
A lone, deep voice spoke up with a dark cadence, "Just turn around nice and easy, little lady. We wouldn't want to over-tenderize you, would we?" The sinister undertone spoken in such a calm demeanor sent unpleasant shivers down your spine.
Still hopelessly staring at the brick wall blocking your escape, you tried to remember the number of times you had escaped these idiots only to be dragged back again and again. On the other hand, you didn't recognize this part of the city so this must be the farthest you've ever made it from Danny's butcher shop. What had that welcome sign you had whirled past say? Carnival Town or maybe Cardinal Town?
Finally turning around, the sharks all grinned in response to your snarl, which was contrasted by your torn clothes and withered appearance, but you did your best to take a fighting stance anyway. You knew you were going to be dragged back to endure more torture, however, you sure as hell weren't going without a fight.
Just before your gang of hunters enclosed upon you, a light and cheerful voice cut through the air, "Excuse me, gentlemen." As all of you turned your attention toward the source of the feminine voice, you couldn't help but momentarily feel a surge of hope. "Could you all please explain why Danny's men are conducting a hunt, and on a poor little thing like her of all people, in my territory?"
You caught sight of a tall woman in a formfitting, floor-length dress and wearing a large-rimmed, feathered hat carrying a red and black parasol. Despite her wide, sharp teeth she looked about as able to fight as you did in your starved and disheveled state. Your hope shriveled up just like that, replaced by fear for this brave, but stupid, stranger.
"Your territory?", the lead shark laughed, "Ha! Sure, a sweet doll like you runs a whole territory.", he scoffed, making the others chuckle. "Now why don't you run along back to wherever the fuck you came from, missy, before we decide to let you tag along to our fine establishment."
Though he was turned away from you, you knew he was dragging his gaze appraisingly over her, "Shit", you thought and knew you couldn't allow another to be caged because of your foolish attempt to escape. "Just go, lady!", you shouted and waved your arms in get away motion, "They're serious! You really don't want to get yourself involved with them!"
Your diversion worked and the men turned their attention back to you and you once again did your best to look as intimidating as possible, but your doe ears were flattened on your head and your tail was standing stiff as a board. Although your vision began to blur from fear and hunger, you continued to look into the lead hunter's eye as your last act of defiance against an inevitable fate.
Suddenly, a surprised shriek rang out into the alley, followed by a spray of something wet and warm. Before the gang could even comprehend what was the cause of the interruption, a red twister of graceful motion cut down the next four shark sinners. The only one remaining, the lead who currently had his large hand wrapped around your arm, took in the scene.
You also looked towards the noise and couldn't believe your eyes as the woman, who you thought had left, smiled manically at him and happily ran a finger over the small sword she had apparently pulled from her parasol.
The tall woman tasted the bloody mess on her finger with a pleased hum, "I just adore shark meat! Haven't had the chance to have it in some time but I guess it's just my lucky day." She smiled like she had just received a nice big plate of her favorite food at a restaurant and only now directed her attention towards the one left.
She raised her sword and pointed it in his direction, aimed at his heart, and fluttered her long eyelashes before calmly answering, "The name is Rosie, charmed to make your acquaintance. However, I'm afraid we don't tolerate that kind of language spoken to a lady here."
She lunged with a smirk.
Again my first ever attempt at writing a fan fic, but I hope you enjoyed it! Any opinions are welcome.
XD -S.S.P.R.
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nova-andromeda-kun · 1 year
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chibi otasune
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voidedjuice · 1 month
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had a dream i was in a grimdark magical girl yuri setting, so when i woke up i made it real (and bug themed)
bonus details under the cut:
So basically, a small town was secretly holding onto a box containing an evil god, that the local group of magical girls accidentally stumbled on and opened. The thing inside it wasted no time in starting to destroy the world, and for an unknown reason, one of the magical girls even joined forces with it. The rest of the girls managed to beat them, saving the world, but ended up dying from the curse it left on them soon after.
After dying, butterflies girl looped back in time before the box got opened, and decided to keep the box for herself, to make sure its evil influence (box thing yapping at you to let her out) wouldn't get to her beloved friends. Box thing constantly draws in her allies to the town to break her out & tries to convince butterflies girl to please let her out.
Also here's a really rough relationship chart for your interest:
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lowpolyshadow · 1 year
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i have art block but i also don't have art block you feel me
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sensitiveheartless · 2 years
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accirax · 1 year
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the costume design was a highlight
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thatsitso · 2 years
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Birthday gift for @nesiapaula that I finally finished coloring 🤲
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timey-fandom-stuff · 5 months
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here's a few more Deltarune Monsterswap Kris doodles, and this time I'll toss a handful of related headcanons and tidbits below the cut!
- Kris's origins are unknown prior to Asriel finding them digging around in trash cans in front of the house when they were tiny; they seemed to have been living on their own for a while, eating anything they could get their paws on and avoiding strangers. they might not remember their time on the streets, but they still have a habit of eating weird things-- even when they're not really hungry. if you offer it to them they WILL eat it, that is both a promise and a threat.
- they initially didn't like to communicate outside of a variety of dog noises, and for the first couple years the Dreemurrs weren't actually sure if they could talk at all. they still tend to prefer growls, barks, and whines though, since many sounds used in everyday speech are a bit difficult for them to make and their paws lack the dexterity(and 1 finger) for some sign language. they can still talk though with a bit of effort, and may write out responses or spell in ASL if they're struggling too much with pronunciation. they struggle worse when frustrated or upset due to trying to speak through a growl.
- more of Kris's behaviors carry over from dogs and wolves than just their sounds and appearance; seeing if Susie's head can fit in their mouth once they're pals isn't just a goofy joke (though it's definitely a goofy joke on her part). it's actually their weird attempt at nibbling like a wolf-- a sign of affection and friendliness. nobody in Hometown actually knows enough about wolves to pick up on that, though, so they don't try it with anyone other than Susie since they know she won't panic. she just thinks it's the silliest thing ever.
- Kris is actually a monster loosely based on 'el cadejo,' a mythical dog spirit from Central America. whereas dark-furred cadejos are believed to be malevolent and dangerous beings, white-furred ones are seen as benevolent protectors and guides. their color palette swap between dark and light world references this; in the light world they have dark brown and tan fur with red eyes, but in the dark world they're white and silver-furred with blue eyes. notably, the dark cadejo is also associated with the devil-- paralleling Kris's devil horns they wore as a child. and likewise, their benevolent side is associated with angels, in line with the 'angel' that may or may not be the Player.
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sysig · 1 year
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Bucket Bucket Bucket ♥ (Patreon)
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I literally gasped, my original Bucket <3 <3 It was all worth it
#Doodles#The Stanley Parable#TSP#Technically a spoiler under the cut but it's a drawing of an optional route so lol#I assume double optional! Gosh this game's beautiful event-flag system <3 <3 <3#Me when the Stanley Parable: ❤️💖💕💗💞❤️#Anyway! To the Very Important New Character! Lol#It's very funny to me since I knew there Was a Bucket in Ultra Deluxe but I really didn't know anything else about them#And now here I am anthropomorphizing them so much! I was just like ''Ah. Bucket'' and now it's like ''BUCKET!! YES!!'' lol#I understand the hype now#Although now that I've found the 3 Button ending I'm sad! Then again Stanley's relationship with the Bucket is very full of strife haha#The Bucket embodies all archetypes and character relationships <3 Bucket GOAT lol#The first two were mostly my reaction to the Narrator being against Stanley keeping the Bucket haha - he gets so jealous ♪#The second was from the Apartment ending - that new Apartment is so nice! Nice layout very spacious#The image of Stanley sitting with the Bucket on his lap enjoying TV together <3 Innocent!#I wasn't specifically thinking of where Stanley would end up if he followed the Adventure Line™ while holding the Bucket but uhhh#Just don't worry about it lol it'll be fine maybe probably#But gosh the amount of time and effort put into the new locations and objects hhhh stop I'll cry if I think about it too hard#More silly Bucket spacefillers haha ♪ Don't trust them they've got a knife!#Look at all those characters that love Stanley haha ♫ New and old faces alike! He's just very lovable#Employee 416v2 cameo for funsies >:3c#Oh yeah and I didn't mention it in the other ones but I think it's more noticeable in this one :0 -#I was a little lighter on editing for this page haha#My attention hasn't been great lately >:P I /want/ to edit things so they're nice and pretty but it takes too long and I end up frustrated#There's a lot of things I can see here that I'd change if I had more patience but I just want things OUT already hgg#And I'm not really sure how noticeable it is to not-my-eyes haha#If I hear dissent maybe that'll be a good motivator ♪ No way to know!
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theoldworldsrunnerup · 2 months
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Soichello sketches be upon ye
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camellcat · 5 months
clara oswin oswald I love u I love u foreva !!!!
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keeps-ache · 4 months
porch time porch time woowoo !! :D
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supermarine-silvally · 6 months
sorry if I’m adding too much to your to-draw list 😔😔
🎅 + Yara!! -🍂
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OC outfit ask meme: 🎅 ~ Festive/Holiday gathering (Christmas on the Moby Dick!) (and don't worry, I've had so much fun with these prompts!!)
ok so the story here is that I was looking for a silly Christmas sweater to force upon Yara for this prompt but then I came upon this and it gave me the STRONGEST Ace/Yara vibes EVER so I had to draw 'em both! (Rescuing Ace from his impending execution? No problem; Yara's on it as soon as she notices something's slightly off with his vivre card. Matching Christmas sweaters, however? Now that's going a little too far lmao it took him nearly a week to get her to agree to it)
Yara-enablers tag: @auxiliarydetective
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arolesbianism · 3 months
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I hand you a doodle and then go back to dying of the plague
#keese draws#oc art#oc#ocs#furry#furry art#furry oc#Im sick 😔#I can tell because all my joints are hurting instead of just my knees lol#which actually is strange since usually when Im sick the first sign is my nose being super duper runny#but I can actually breath just fine if not better than usual rn wow#but yeah say hi to antinio theyre a design I got a couple months ago I think#theyre a part of a new ish story I made around the same time that surrounds the other escaped patients of the facility pent escaped from#pent didnt actually go with them tho partially because none of them like her and she doesnt like any of them but mostly because shes more#physically unstable than the others and needs regular goop recharges that kept her camping near the facility until bud and daisy dropped in#but yeah everyone else left together and spent some time wandering before getting lured into the origin place of the goop#this guy is actually quite the unique case among the bunch because they were originally an ocean dweller before they were revived#this basically means they only half understand what everyone else is saying and can't actually talk themself#and also that despite not needing to breath they constantly feel like theyre suffocating and they are generally pretty bitter abt all this#they cant rly go home partially because theyve been dead for too long and mostly because theyd kind of just fall apart in the ocean#even just washing their hands causes their fur and skin to get all slimy#hey they at least have a new bestie even if said bestie is also part of the only half understands everyone party meaning they even less#know how to communicate with eachother since they both speak different languages from eachother#but hey now they can be confused abt whatever the hell applebounce is yelling abt together
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caracello · 1 year
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i'm not finishing this but here are my thoughts. the thought bubble in the top left was going to be something along the lines of 'i'm tired of all these fucking worms getting in my way. i should just wipe them all out. etc. etc.'
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