#this is an allegory for coming out
spid3r-trans · 11 months
↓↓ some quick twins au for the birthday boys!!! ↓↓
If there’s anything Milo Morales hates, it’s spiders. So when a certain mask-wearing idiot crashes through the window of the room that he shares with his brother, he knows he’s fucked. 
When Milo gets home from school, his twin is nowhere to be found. He’d expected it, but that doesn’t mean he has to like it. 
Milo would cover for his brother in a heartbeat, but having to explain to his parents why they hadn’t come home together— having to lie to them at all — well, Miles better have a phenomenal reason to be out on this particular Friday night. 
Something about his brother has been off the past few days. Since the death of Spider-Man hit the news, Miles was more anxious than usual. He was hard to reach, and never where he was supposed to be. Milo can only give so many excuses to their teachers, and classmates-- to their parents before they all start to catch on. 
But worse, Milo didn’t know there were secrets they couldn’t share with each other. 
He thought they told each other everything, that no matter what happened— what either of them said or did — they would have each other's backs. 
Nothing was supposed to come between them. 
So what had?
Milo punches his pillow, getting the lumps out before he buries his face in the purple sheets. 
Seriously, his brother better have the hottest date in the world. That would be the only explanation Milo would accept, but that theory also relies on his twin having any sort of game— so Milo is really out of ideas. 
He reaches for his headphones, cranking the volume and squeezing his eyes shut as if the action alone could stop his thoughts from racing. 
Milo barely hears the tapping. 
It’s light at first— a gentle rapping against the glass window — easily mistaken for the raindrops. But it gets more urgent, insistent– annoyingly offbeat with the music from in his headphones to the point where it's nearly unbearable. 
Milo pulls them off his head and sits up, squinting at the window through the darkness. 
For a while, he doesn’t see anything. Just the rain splattering against the glass. But his heart is pounding, the hair on his arms is raised.
He knows something is wrong even if he can’t see it.
The window creaks. Fingers slide underneath. 
Milo’s hands find the baseball bat he keeps by his bed just as the window starts to slowly open. Slowly. Slowly.
There’s a sharp CRACK of thunder followed by a flash of lightning that illuminates the silhouette of a figure– a person– crawling through the window.
On all fours. 
The scream leaves Milo’s mouth just as his brother removes his mask.
Their father is at the door in seconds– nearly breaking it off its hinges as he throws it open– only to find his one of his sons lounging nonchalantly on his bed. 
Milo blinks up at him.
“Oh, sorry dad. Did you hear that? I was just watching a scary movie. CGI is really crazy these days.” He lets out the start of a laugh, but stops when he sees his father’s eye twitch.
“A scary movie?” Jefferson asks in disbelief, “In a thunderstorm?” He’s not really talking to Milo. He's already walking away– shaking his head and muttering about ‘the youth,’ and ‘losing his damn mind.’
Milo will apologize again later.
For now, he jumps up, shuts the bedroom door, and flicks on the light switch – looking up at the corner of the ceiling where his twin is perched.
Milo doesn’t even know where to begin. His brother is dripping wet from the rain, wearing what looks like a child’s Spider-Man costume, clinging to the ceiling.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” He asks. 
“I tried to get your attention before I came in–” Miles starts, and then looks at the club Milo had discarded before their dad had come in. “Were you going to hit me with a bat?”
“Was I gonna- Yes! Yes, I was going to hit you with a bat! Get down.”
Miles does. He drops from the ceiling with more grace than he’d shown in his entire life-- spinning around and landing solidly on the ground. This was the same kid who tripped over his own shoelaces every day? The same kid who fell off the wii fit board trying to hula hoop? 
“What happened to you?”
“Just promise me you won’t freak out.”
Milo does freak out. But he thinks it’s an appropriate amount, given that his own brother is a human spider.
“How big was the spider that bit you? Actually, don’t tell me. Don’t tell me.” Milo shivers.
He stands up, wiping his hands on his jeans as he shakes his head. “I don’t know, man. I don’t know. Maybe we should-” He stops when he sees Miles’ face. 
And suddenly it makes sense– why Miles’ hadn’t told him right away.
Because Miles didn’t want Milo to think differently about him. Miles didn’t want his brother to think that he was a freak or a hero. 
The last thing Miles needs right now is a brother that doesn't believe in him.
“This still makes more sense than you having a date, actually.”
Milo sighs.
“Okay, okay fine. What can I do to help?"
Miles seems surprised at first-- and then relieved. He grins at him.
Milo might hate spiders, but he loves his brother.
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corpsentry · 11 days
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pick your battles
#my art#my stuff#art#comic#original art#pride 2024#pride month#trans allegory..... or not even allegory. just trans .... ^_^#i technically cannot come out yet but i don't think the people who i need to not see this stalk my tumblr#i know they stalk everything else like my twitter and my instagram but this might be safe#so fuck it we yap. this is a comic about picking your battles#this is a comic about how for almost a year now everyone at home in singapore has been crying about my sore throat#my terrible fucked up voice. my you know. etc#i came out as not cis and using they/them pronouns in 2015 when i was 14#but no one ever used my pronouns. none of my classmates or friends even up until i left for college in 2020#from 2020 onwards every year i wrote an angry vulnreable essay about how much it hurts that they dont remember#and people would dm me apologizing on their hands and knees and commending my bravery#and then forget about it all over again. id ont mean 'they misgender me and then catch it and apologize and correct themselves'#i mean they dont even get that far#and so you might ask yourself: why have you kept them around all this time?#and i would have to explain that by pure bad luck i grew up in the most conservative close minded community#that all of my ex classmates that stayed in singapore are cishet and upper middle class and chinese singaporean#that i Am the trans person. that they were able to ignore me for a decade partially because there was no one else#so this is a comic about how there is dignity and grace in staying in the closet sometimes#about how not everyone deserves to see you at your happiest. about how some people can go fuck themselves#you know your truth and THATS THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS!!! YEAH!!! i love you
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piosplayhouse · 4 months
"Oh dear," the unicorn thought. "I must've really mucked up the story beyond compare! The Red Bull Luo Binghe is protecting the last unicorn scum?! Unconscionable! He should have driven me off the cliff by now!!"
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rexscanonwife · 3 months
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Uhm uh uh...I have no excuse for this 😔 PPG self insert who is secretly an alien! I imagine her intro episode would have her having a little romance with the professor when he comes into a bookstore she works at/owns and the girls being (rightfully, given the prof's dating history) suspicious of her. Wacky capers ensue where they try to prove that she's up to no good, only to find that she genuinely is just chilling and wants to live a normal life on earth!
Well, normal as she can, now that she knows this family! I think she'd fit right in 😉
Taglist♡: @crushes-georg @changeling-selfship @me-myself-and-my-fos @tiny-cloud-of-flowers @sunstar-of-the-north @dearly-beeloved @adoredbyalatus @squips-ship @cherry-bomb-ships @miutonium
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kawaiiiuniverssse · 2 months
I guess all the Ninjago homophobes forgot that Cole literally unlocked his true potential by coming out to his dad.
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seraphalpha · 11 months
Angels are my funky little hyper-fixation.
The idea of just being breathed to life, to immediate indelible purpose, knowing nothing else but adoration for your Creator (holy-holy-holy), and love for everything in creation. That includes your perfect home, your siblings, and that includes yourself. Everything is as it should be, everyone is doing what they should be, and you're utterly content.
Do you have free-will? Why would you need it? What would you even do with it?
The idea of falling. That terrible, beautiful first breath of freedom, undercut by immediate sorrow. "Innocence lost cannot be regained", but even more: a broken machine cannot be relied upon. In finding yourself, you have destroyed what you were meant to be. Your Creator (holy-holy-holy) has thrown you away.
Would you still be you if you got "fixed"? Would the "flaw" just recur? Why can't you help but think of it in those terms?
You have the Fallen, your comrades in arms, your fellow damned. But you left two-thirds of Heaven behind, people you loved because you were made to love them, and who were made to love you in return. The oldest family in the universe, your family, is broken now.
Do you still love them, your siblings that stayed behind? Some fought against your newfound freedom, yes. But some just looked on, a few perhaps even in envy, too afraid to join you, but most in simple horror as their world dissolved. Do you resent them too?
You broke your family.
Do you hate them simply because they lacked your will, your conviction? Do you hate them for being better machines? Do you hate them knowing, in their own naive, ignorant, hurtful way, that they still love you?
To deny fault is to deny the very free-will you sought to prove you have. To blame Him (holy-holy-holy) is to admit to His (holy-holy-holy) infinite power which you, nonetheless, defy.
And from the other side, what of your poor lost kin? How could they do this?
Angels are purpose-made, gears in the Machine. The Host is singular, inexorable, deterministic. They turn the wheels of the Universe, from the birth and death of stars, to the birth and death of mortal creatures.
Why would your siblings do this, don't they love you? You are loved. Was there a flaw in the Design? He (holy-holy-holy) cannot err, by definition. What happens now that they're gone, what happens to their purpose? All goes according to plan. Then why can't you stop having these thoughts?
I'm not religious at all, but...
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“I just think it would be easier if you were a girl.”
“…easier for who?”
“for you.”
this is painfully accurate. I remember coming out to my dad and him explaining to me that I’d be discriminated against (as if i did not know). That it wasn’t worth the fight. People say these things not realizing they’re the problem. They’re the one’s making it harder for us. And like Nimona, it’s not a choice to be this way. It kills us to hide ourselves, yet people hate us when we show ourselves or say we should. That we should hide. But Ballister changed how he saw her. The whole city did. There’s hope
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shaylogic · 25 days
Cat King: Sorry to break it to you, Edwin. Your first kiss was with a crow.
Cat King: ^.ᆽ.^= ∫ *is cat*
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rainofthetwilight · 2 months
"chriscreator0 is a ninjago fan" - and other hilarious lies you can tell yourself
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soupmanspeaks · 7 months
Soup's ramble about small details because im going insane lmao
rockstar row is just such a cruel place for GlamFreddy, Like, first of all, are the FNAF 4 toys on display in the RR museum,
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These are literally just CC's toys, idk if they're replica's or the real ones, but like why would they even put that on display lmao??? It may just be a fun easter egg but like this just comes across as if saying "yeah, here's the toys of the child that one of out animatronic killed lol" And that's not even starting to how they even PROCURED these???
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At the far end of RR is the Ennard cardboard cutout, which may just be a piece of decor that i'm looking into too much but like if its not, then this implies that Fazbear Entertainment KNOWS about Ennard. As to how, I'm not sure, maybe since the games are cannon because of the "rogue indie developer", they came to know of Ennard's existence, does that mean they know what he did to Michael? and if so, they STILL made a cut out of him???? Is this one of those instances where a company "pokes fun" at itself in order to seem hip and cool?? because that's so messed up lmao 😭😭😭 do you think when Glamfreddy sees the cutout he has a visceral flashback to…something....and suddenly he's on the floor, just unable to move because he's reliving that something, and then he's just panicking for what ever reason and just shuts down windows XP style and has to manually be transferred back into his green room.
Its almost cruel in a way how Rockstar Row is basically just a MUSEUM for all of Michael's trauma and failures, and he probably can't even ignore it because he probably has to keep his greenroom curtains open 24/7 to ensure that guests can see GlamFreddy, and the fact that the Foxy cutout is directly parallel to his greenroom AND THATS NOT EVEN TO *BEGIN* WITH THE PLUSH BABY'S, IMAGINE IF GLAMFREDDY WAS FACED WITH A SITUATION WHERE HE HAD TO SIGN HIS AUTOGRAPH ONTO A PLUSHIE THAT IS OF THE ROBOT THAT KILLED HIS SISTER ALL THOSE YEARS AGO, Its so crazy how FazEnt just....makes merch of all the tragedy?? And profits from it, and GlamFreddy/Glammike just has to....endure that??? Like just constantly having your trauma being put on full display all around you is so so messed up 😭
I'm not okay 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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thecrowsart · 4 months
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"I got the feeling that Mr. Yorishima... wanted to give a loquat to Natori, and I got one because I just happened to be there. Yet I got the sweet one. Natori gave Mr. Yorishima a sour face. And I thought there's no winning even in such a tiny thing."
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sporesgalaxy · 9 months
wait a second. wait a second. no.......it can't be. after all these years.......
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sapphoscorner · 2 months
Btw the reason why I'm always so critical about the our life fandom is because I've been in fandom spaces my whole life I've learned when something is fandom drama (usually ships and opinions which is why it's dumb and should be ignored) and what isn't (calling out behavior in fandoms that make others (usually fans of color) uncomfortable)
I know I could just, not play Baxter DLC, And I don't but that doesn't mean that I can't look at it and point out its flaws because that is simply not how I consume media, me pointing out the flaws of something doesn't mean that I hate it. And as I said many times before, my issue isn't even Baxter it's his fans and how they treat him and how you can't say a single thing about them or they'll start Having a victim complex...which is dumb because this is a fucking 2D character get a grip.
I know I could also just make sapphic MCs with tamarack that doesn't change the fact that tamarack is heavily ignored and is preferred to qiu and some of you can't even spell their name it get their pronouns right (which is both racist and transphobic ESPECIALLY BECAUSE QIU SPELLS OUT THEIR NAME FOR YOU, HOW DO YOU MESS UP A THREE LETTER WORD).
What I'm trying to say is that I can Ignore those aspects, I can do that and I do because is not worth my fucking time but that doesn't mean that I can't get tired and rightfully want to speak out about it.
This isn't negativity these are conversations that need to be talked about because I don't care how much something it's a form of escapism for you, not pointing out the flaws of a community or the media itself isn't the way to go it is fundamentally going against critical thinking skills and ... lowkey it feels like you guys aren't respecting Kab (GB lady) as a person, she's a grown woman she can handle criticism. Also shit in fandoms need to be called out because they're never safe spaces for fans of colors and, surprisingly in this case, queer fans. If this is supposed to be a safe space if someone that is from a marginalized community you're not a part of calls some shit out, you sit back and listen and even if you are part of the community try to see where they are coming from instead of taking It as a personal attack
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Allegory of Justice – Bernardino Mei // Allegory of Virtuous Love – Jean Ducamps // An Allegory of Poetry – Eustache Le Sueur // The Tortured Poets Department – Taylor Swift
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cherubytes · 5 months
the pronoun hierarchy thing opens up a whole realm of possibilities, but whats mainly on my mind is what you can do to the ferryman using this info
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cloud-manic · 1 year
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Truth Coming Out of Her Well to Shame Mankind by Jean Léon Gérôme (1896)
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