#this doesn’t represent me!!!
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charmac · 5 months ago
What do you think Rob can do to get back in the good graces of sunny fans?
Macdennis sex scene, and there is a twist: He shows it. He shows all of it. Because what’s the one major thing missing from all television sitcoms these days Rob? …Full penetration. Rob, you gotta show full penetration and you've gotta show a lot of it! I mean, we’re talking, you know, graphic scenes of Macdennis really going at it in Paddy's Pub. From behind, 69, anal, vaginal, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, all the hits, all the big ones, all the good ones. Then they get into a scheme again. And they're out destroying people's lives. Then they’re back to Paddy's Pub for some more full penetration. Remembers the scheme, back to the bar, full penetration. Scheme, penetration, scheme, full penetration, scheme, penetration. And this needs to just go on and on, and back and forth, for 22 or so minutes until the episode just, sort of, ends.
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lilislegacy · 3 months ago
i’m just gonna come out and say it
if luke comes back in a future book, i hope percy is taller than him now.
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formulanni · 5 months ago
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Franco Colapinto as the Page of Swords:
The page of swords represents someone embarking on a new idea and a mental adventure. Full of enthusiasm and good cheer, this person is eager to share and discuss their thoughts and plans for what can be.
The Page of Swords is someone who never seems to run out of ideas. They are curious, always asking questions, and gifted with a sharp tongue and quick wit to match. Their aptitude for language also makes them an incredible communicator, and with their love of ideas, you may find them always engaged in some passionate debate.
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Tag list: @st-leclerc @rubywingsracing @saviour-of-lord @three-days-time @the-wall-is-my-goal @albonoooo @ch3rubd0lls @brawngp2009
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aqlstar · 19 days ago
I’m sure there are other reasons why people might feel uncomfortable with using/“reclaiming” the pink triangle to represent all queer people, but I wonder if anyone else feels like it’s unclear whether or not the people that use it mean to exclude Jewish/Romani gay people?
The pink triangle was the symbol assigned to Aryan queer people assigned male at birth sent to death camps (usually but not always following repeated arrests under paragraph 175). Historians estimate that between 5,000-10,000 people were sent to concentration camps under 175, and very few survived.
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resident-rats · 1 month ago
On repeat
rules: shuffle your 'on repeat' playlist and post the 10 first tracks, then tag 10 friends to do the same
Thank you @tommybuckleys for tagging me!!! <33
Too Close - Sir Chloe
Washing Machine Heart - Mitski
Sister - She Wants Revenge
Margaret Thatcher Blood Snatcher - THWACK
Don’t Dream It’s Over - Crowded House
Panic - The Smiths
I Bet on Losing Dogs - Mitski
Teenage Girl - Cherry Glazerr
Heads Will Roll - Yeah Yeah Yeah
The Important of Being Idle - Oasis
Tagging: @birdycage @ghostdice @colesabi @vizishereig @mchug @sleeplesstories @b0n3d0g @sir-walton-goggins @silvercap @blighted-beak
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dawgdayze · 3 months ago
Wait let me cook
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Is to
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Is to
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wasteland-wrecker · 7 months ago
Get to know Toby a lil better:
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odetojupiter · 6 months ago
jean kevin and neil all being 19 when they officially leave the nest feels significant somehow
(kevin being 19 when he runs, jean being 19 when renee takes him, neil’s fake age being 19 when he leaves after christmas and his real age being 19 when he leaves after riko is shot and he’s officially pardoned by ichirou)
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cracked-jade · 4 months ago
Do y'all rock with a Soul Eater x World Trigger AU?
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Version without filter under
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zeb-z · 10 months ago
See, I think Arthur was doomed to fail when he decided to kill Vanya. I think that was the point his quest for vengeance and answers started to matter more than his humanity, just enough to have him kill her. That was yet another moment he continued on that cycle of violence despite his intentions, where he talked of peace as he burned her alive. He can never break free because all his actions just serve to perpetuate this violence.
It’s always about cycles with him. Cycles of power, of violence, that vampire society has been stuck in for years. Always answering to the call of the beast, as they say, their fangs in the world, sucking out the life of it. And the Grimslayers also only work to perpetuate this cycle, keeping this war endless. And Arthur was never going to break out, not in the way he wanted to. Not with how deep he was, not with how bloody his hands were. It didn’t matter he threw away his little black book of people he’d killed, it didn’t matter he had a whole rebirth in flames in the Lunarchive, because in the end he still sacrificed his humanity for answers, in yet another twist of irony.
And in the finale, when he’s stood staring at the earrings Magnus gave him, full of human memories, he still feels that anger, that drive for vengeance circle back - because it’s a cycle. He clings to the humanity he himself sacrificed - and it’s always guilt over what he’s done as ‘the monster’ that rules him. Guilt over killing his family, over killing others, now about committing the most corrupting sin you can as a vampire, and seeing it reflected in his own aura.
And it’s so fitting that he lost his looks as he lost his humanity, because now he looks how he acts - monstrous, ugly. And he can cover it up but it’s only temporary, it always melts away to reveal what’s underneath, because he’s no longer trying to fight that monster. He’s no longer trying to find that balance that keeps him and the monster alive, and doesn’t hurt or kill others. And because he’s not seeking this balance, and is instead seeking to feed the beast, so to speak, all it does is grow, all it does is feed.
Inside of you there is a monster (hunger, anger, pride, desperation, despair, hatred, grief). You cannot escape it.
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alexturner2005 · 9 months ago
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i wanna be yours has officially surpassed do i wanna know, making it arctic monkeys’ most streamed song 😵‍💫
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your-unfriendlyghost · 2 months ago
it feels so…… weird… seeing a cishet dude be so chill with queer themes lmao your soda-in-drag moment, the stevepop of it all, even guys with queers in their friend circles can’t bring themselves to partake sometimes lmao 😭 but it’s cool !! refreshing even sjksksndks this is a /pos statement I promise
Thanks lol! I think it’s cos I’m fairly secure. Sorta. (I’m still prone to compensating for things and being a stupid teen boy, but like, I’m aware of it, at least when I stop to think. Yk I’ll still join in on dick measuring contests, but deep down I’ll know it’s dumb and performative.)
I guess I feel a kinship to queerness. I go to art school where I’m sometimes the only guy in a class of girls, and I’ve been the token straight guy in every friend group I’ve been in since freshman year of high school. Beyond that, growing up I was frequently mistook for a girl- I had long-ish hair (post bowl-cut era 😭) and I’m part Asian, I was pretty androgynous lol. People irl have thought I’m gay, or a trans man on testosterone (I mean fine, I guess I am pretty short and hang with a lot of trans guys.) Hell, I did drag on a dare once, back when I was even more secure. (And I was hot asf in drag lemme tell ya. It felt lousy and it’s definitely not my thing, but man if I had a clone who was a girl-) All this to say, I say I’m straight, but honestly I don’t really know. I like girls a lot, but I have seen a buddy of mine in drag, and lemme tell ya I felt something but I’m not gonna examine that rn lol. Straight just feels comfortable, safe, and it’s good for interacting with folks who ain’t so progressive, so it’s what I’m sticking with…but I’ll admit there’s a gray area.
I relate a lot to the guys in the Outsiders, and irl I like to present myself as a tough, cool, Very Masculine guy. Hell, sometimes I play dumb about stuff because it’s “feminine” and a guy like me shouldn’t know about it. I act a lot like how I write Steve Randle, he’s my guy I like to project on lol. Honestly, I’ve got a fair amount of internalized toxic masculinity. But I think because I know how silly it all is deep down, I can interact with queer themes in art without feeling like I’m not “man enough”. Idk, I suppose it’s an outlet in some ways. Who knows maybe in 2027 I’ll come out as bi or something, but don’t wait up.
idk, I guess what I’m trying to say is that I like exploring queer themes, not because they’re queer necessarily, but because they’re human and I relate to them. And that’s hard not to partake in, y’know?
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cuntlijah · 2 months ago
personally I’ve never liked the headcanon that hobbit society as commonly practicing (or at least openly accepting of) polyamory when discussing rosie/sam/frodo. hobbit society is modeled after late 1800’s England. im no expert but I can’t imagine it was totally conventional and accepted then when it isn’t even now.
Like, why does it have to be a common and accepted practice, why can’t Rosie herself be unusual and willing to live an unconventional life in an unconventional relationship? fully support Sam being a bicon and setting up home with two gorgeous babes but I just feel it adds so much more complexity to Rosie’s character to start out as as a normal hobbit with a normal hobbit society’s mindset.
She marries sam who started out as normal as she did but is now changed irrevocably, she understands that Sam and Frodo are going to be linked forever by shared experiences she can’t relate to and that a huge part Sam’s heart will always belong to him. but she does love Sam more than the social conventions she’s seen all her life
and maybe she might have some complicated feelings about things at first, but she eventually grows to love them both deeply and they form a unique bond and yeah she never can understand the scars they brought back from Mordor but she brings her own qualities to the relationship that are loving and supportive and valuable, and this becomes really important to Sam for the rest of their lives because he doesn’t have to be alone in missing and mourning Frodo after he leaves for the undying lands
Yeah it’s not as nice and easy as the “society is totally accepting and has the progressive moral standards and values that we have now” but imho it gives an underdeveloped female character so much more richness and dimension than “rosie was totally down to share Sam with Frodo because it was totally fine and normal”
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evermoredeluxe · 10 months ago
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tangents-within-tangents · 5 months ago
Me: *complaining about how it's hard for me to relate to typical girl characters bc media makes it seem like all girls are boy crazy and the universal teenager experience revolves around romance and crushes and that just wasn’t true for me*
My mom: Well that’s because you’re not normal. You know, for everyone else that is what it's like
Me: *looks at the camera*
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novelconcepts · 10 months ago
Staunch hater of men but travis is just my skrunkly little guy. Love how sad he is. Love how tragic he is. He’s just one of the girls and he loves it.
Travis is so good, largely because, if this show had been made in the 90s, he WOULD have been a girl. He and Javi both would have been the lone girls in a sea of boy soccer players. Travis is the love interest; Javi would have been the archetypical annoying little sister. And because YJ likes to play with gender dynamics and flip the scripts, they both still play out as you’d expect the Sole Girls in a male-dominated story to do. Travis’ whole arc is about learning to navigate outside of what society tells him to be—and, other than that, he’s there to be Nat’s love interest. Even as an adult, in Natalie’s memory sequences, he gets the Dead Wife lighting and soft framing in bed. He even gets, as a friend pointed out, fridged to further her story. When the girls get progressively more violent, Travis is the victim, or he’s told to take Javi out of the room. He starts off as a shitty boy, as is befitting of 1996 culture, and he gets to unlearn that which does not serve the hive. He is tragic. He is doomed from the start. He is learning to be soft in a situation where softness gets you killed. He is the representative of sibling dynamics in the wild, and now he’s the answer to the question: are you still a big brother when your younger brother is gone? He’s fucking devastating.
I just really love that the only three men in the wilderness are the gay coach, the complicated love interest, and the sacrificial lamb. Those are all positions usually reserved for women, and I love YJ for flipping it around.
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