#this also applies to factives
poolboyservice · 1 month
divorce selfie xxx
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me and frank were bickering and stuff (playfully) when I jokingly exclaimed "we're divorcing", and a friend went "getting divorced for the 8th time", so I jumped on MS paint and made this. if you know the fic we're based off of it makes this 10x funnier
made using the mousepad and pencil size 3 on microsoft paint *ahem*
also this is system art, and while i'm okay if you reblog with mcr tags and whatever, please don't treat this as if this is fanart of the people we're based off of. that's all i wanna say thx <3
-- 🫀
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ix-c-999 · 5 months
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A brainsourced system member is a system member who feels that they are simultaneously sourced and brainmade (i.e. not an introject). This could be due to: -being an introject but being so source-divergent that you identify with being brainmade -being an extranth of a fictional species -having a timeline and memories associated with a fictional universe without being a specific character depicted in that media -being sourced from something that doesn't have a personality per se (e.g. a song or an aesthetic) and thus the personality of the introject is unsourced The colors are derived from inverting those of the brainmade flag by dodstoldpackage.
simplified flag
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[This post has no DNI other than not to involve it in discourse, mockery, or other harassment.]
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dinosaur-recovery · 1 year
Wild that everyone romanticizes fictives but often act as if irl introjects are a stain to systems.
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year
Words You Can't Use (According to Language Police)
System: System is a medical term that only applies to DID systems and can only be used by them. Ignore Internal Family Systems therapy, or top DID specialists referring to some voices in psychotic disorders as parts of a system. Only dissociative disorders!
Multiple: This came from the multiplicity community, and the only way to be multiple is to have a dissociative disorder. (No! Don't look at the boundary with normality in the ICD-11)
Plural: This means the same thing as multiple. Still can't use it.
Alter: A medical term that only applies to DID systems.
Headmate: Means the same thing as alter, and you can't have a headmate unless you have DID. But also, DID systems can't use this because it's not a medical term. (I've seriously seen someone attacking the Plural Association for using the word headmate instead of alter. Oh, wait. That was the same system claiming endogenic is offensive. That tracks!)
Introject: This is a medical term with a specific meaning that can only apply to DID systems. It's not like introjection is a common psychological process, and any headmate created through introjection would logically be considered an introject.
Fictive and factive: Non-traumagenic systems can't use this because it means the same thing as introject and non-traumagenic systems can't have introjects. But also, traumagenic systems can't use it because it was coined by endogenic systems.
Tulpa: You can't use this because its etymology is derived from another language, and anything with a foreign origin is apparently appropriation.
Thoughtform: This is also related to the tulpa, and you can't use it either. Try something more invalidating like "imaginary friend."
Imagian plural: Psych! Actually, we decided that if you identify your headmate as imaginary friend but call yourself plural, you're comparing alters to imaginary friends which is super ableist.
Spiritual plural: We also decided that literally every culture that ever experienced nonpathological possession states is closed, and identifying any of your headmates as being spiritual is racist. We don't know who it's racist against, but it's against someone. Trust us.
Sysmed: This uses the same suffix as transmeds, and It's actually transphobic for transgender systems to compare how a hate group has harmed them through an ideology that pathologizes all transness to how another has harmed them through an ideology that pathologizes all multiplicity. It's the same way it would be homophobic for other groups to use the "phobic" suffix. Oh... wait...
Natural: By calling something natural, you're inherently calling everyone else's experiences unnatural, which sounds bad. Why do you think disabled people are unnatural? Don't think about the fact that nature in psychology generally refers to genetics and the more common opposite in this context would be more akin to "environmental."
Endogenic: Well.... umm... you see... it sounds kind of like iatrogenic... or maybe endogenous... and endogenous is a common word used to refer to something internal... and there was some debate about whether DID was endogenous or exogenous... so that's why other groups can't use the word, and using the word makes you ableist? And... umm... Freud?
It's funny how anti-endos keep insisting that literally every word is harmful, and demand we take their assertions super seriously when they claim that all they want is for us to change the language we use.
If you still think this language discourse is legitimate and in good faith, you haven't been paying attention.
If anti-endos feel we're not taking their criticisms seriously... it's because we're not.
It's because when every term is treated as contentious, it becomes obvious that you don't care about language as much you care about using attacks on language to silence speech.
I have said for a while that the attacks on terms like "tulpa" and others aren't in good faith. That we would be attacked no matter what terms we use because anti-endos hate us for what we are, and only target our language as an excuse to spread hate against us.
I have said for a while that nothing would satisfy them.
I sincerely hope that most people watching these latest attacks play out can see the truth in this now.
The endogenic and plural community is done apologizing for our existence, and we're done apologizing for the language we use.
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nabbit-unmasked · 4 months
Blech, I feel icky from all the shaming and gatekeeping I've seen today.
Another quick reminder that this blog welcomes:
• endos and mixed-origin systems/pluralities/multiplicities
• factkin and factives
• therians/otherkin/fictionkin/etc. who chose their identity
• placekin who are societally controversial places
• fans from any fandom
• identity and pronoun hoarders
• self diagnosis
• mspec gays and lesbians
This does not mean that all of these apply to me. In fact, only 3 of them do (the first, fourth, and seventh). This also does not mean that I exclusively support the groups listed here.
Also, reminder that I also do not have a DNI. Although, I do block accounts I'm uncomfortable with!
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budgetbuildsystem · 1 month
This may be a bit long of a read, as a notice:
Introjection and "source memories" (a common term used in the community, though other common terms are pseudomemories [a more ) are a complex thing and whether or not any introjects (fictives, factives, other kinds that cannot be organized in such a way) even develop them varies greatly between systems.
Some introjects' memories "update" with whatever their source is, while others do not.
Coming from a more psychological view of why introjects' can form pseudomemories:
Psueodomemories are often there to "explain" or sort of to be a "backstory" for the alter in question. Maybe to be a better way to explain why their personality is the way it is, or why they have the fears they have. Pseudomemories though often can be there as "coverups", or ways to show what you all collectively or the body may have gone through, while still providing a kind of "safe distance" from the body trauma. A good example would be A (a system) goes through trauma as a child. C splits off at some point with pseudomemories related to things that while aren't a 1:1 to the body's trauma, still hold feelings and maybe similar experiences to what the body went through. This time though, since in the mind these memories aren't exactly the same as the body's, it may be processed a bit seperately so you may have time to process those invidually and may come to realise that processing that opened up for being able to better process and understand the body's trauma later on when you have tools. In a way, C having these memories may also serve as a way to not trigger other alters who DO have memories of the bodily trauma, but since they're a bit more "distanced" from it in a way, the chances of triggering others out or causing a chain reaction may be a bit lower thus processing this overall may be a bit easier. Though easier doesn't necessarily mean it won't be difficult, at the very least it may mean that there are less chances of triggering multiple alters or a chain reaction if you have "coverup" memories.
Though this isn't the case for every single memory, and still trying to dig could end up in triggering something so regardless if they are source memories or body memories, I suggest you treat all of this with care and take it slow.
Pseudomemories aren't always a cover up as I said before, and sometimes they can just be there to provide a backstory or even just some sort of comfort.
I think tying this into why introjects form could be beneficial, but I'll leave it at that. And again, not every introject has their memories "updated" either. "Non-canon" introjects or introjects who don't follow their source 1:1 is also very common, and I'd argue simply is what happens to anyone given the fact that people can grow. Characters can not (in a way, they only grow as far as narrated). Introjects are not their source, and naturally introjects are the system's mix of interpretation, what the system needs at the time (say A splits off C who is based off of someone, but only splits off more resilient or positive traits of them because that's what's needed at the time), and probably a few other things I'm missing.
Keep in mind that it really also depends on your all's outlook of source memories too. I'm speaking from a very medical side of things, and also more strictly about DID/OSDD, so this may not apply if it's something you all experience moreso from spirituality, etc.
So essentially, yes it could be that Astarion doesn't feel comfortable enough or wants to keep things private. It could also be that Astarion doesn't have many memories or even memories of what happened as you all continued playing. It really just depends, but at the very least I will reiterate to just take this slow. Pseudomemories can be just as personal and often very intimate part of alters' lives.
I really appreciate this break down and honestly it makes a lot of sense. Sometimes the things astarion went through in source do slightly mirror my own feelings and thoughts. But yes I do try to give him his privacy as I know he is more than just a character in my head, he's a part of me and his own person at the same time.
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fenmere · 21 days
This post is not going to go where you expect it, so we'll tell you. This is about the reality of having children in your head. Not necessarily little kids, but people of any age who are descended from you, or who you are responsible for.
We just had an elaborate and vivid dream with more details that we can possibly write about.
It culminated in a situation where a supervillain gageteer was growing a killer robot in an electrical substation near a friend's house, and we, the frontrunners of the dream, were going around to friends' houses to talk to them about this art project we were all working on.
The two things were only related because when we went to visit this one friend of ours as part of our rounds, the robot ended the dream by activating and storming off in a path pf destruction and mayhem.
Before that happened, this friend of ours, Octavious, was showing us the progress on his art, reluctantly.
We'd shown up to give him a tip on how to complete his end of the group project, and he was like, "I'm already doing that." And then he showed us his working file, and he was going above and beyond, and putting meticulous expressive detail into his work that no one else was doing.
So we asked if this was what he usually did, and he said yes, and listlessly showed us his other unfinished work.
We complimented him on it and explained how good it was an expressed a wish to see the finished pieces when he was done.
But he looked away and mouthed something we couldn't hear.
So we leaned closer and asked him to repeat himself.
"I'll probably destroy it all in a fit of rage," he said. "It's what I usually do."
And then the robot activated and charged off, scaring us awake.
But we lay in bed for a while, thinking about what we wanted to tell Octavious, because he was an echo, a factive of a real friend who would routinely really do that. And we know other people who do it to. Destroy their own artwork before anyone can see it, but go back to making more, and tearing themselves up about it the whole time.
It's clearly a pattern of self harm, and also an expression of rage and distress.
At first we wanted to ask him if he even wanted to stop destroying his work. If he did, then we'd think about ways to help him break the habit.
But then, I pointed out that the true purpose of art is for the artist to make it. Anything above and beyond that is bonus, an extra purpose. I think we should tell Octavious that the destruction of his work doesn't necessarily devalue it, and that no one is entitled to see what he creates. Start with that. Just let him know that he's not a bad artist for doing what he does and it's ok if he has to keep doing it. THEN talk about whether or not he really wants to stop.
There's so much nuance to go into, too. It’s going to be a different discussion for each person. Our advice here isn't something that can apply to every situation. It's the advice that felt right for our own inner Octavious, knowing him.
We don’t even know if it’s how we'd approach his source, our outworld friend (who is also doing much better now on his own, actually - he doesn't need our help).
Here's the thing. We know that our outworld friend doesn't need our help. But we still feel like we need to help Octavious.
We care about him and want him to have a better life.
And a huge part of that is that he's a factive introject, a child of our system, whose daily life currently consists of reliving this dream over and over (because we've discovered that’s what happens to most of us if we're not frontrunners - we cycle experiences to keep memories fresh and explore the iterations). And, that's a distressing life.
So, what we're trying to do, in our system, is put together a team of people who he knows (factives of mutual friends and those of us who interacted with him regularly) to go in and network with him, invite him to participate in other functions of our system.
We do this with nearly every dream person we encounter, because, in our case, every dream person is a headmate, and most dreams are like this these days. Us visiting someone and seeing their struggles.
Sometimes we get a tour of a vibrant community and are served good food and conversation, and we wake up elated. But there’s a lot of work to do, and we usually get back to it.
And what we were realizing this morning is that that is a pretty big part of our daily life.
Like, it's not just something we experience most mornings before the day gets started, it's also why we've been so devoted and focused on writing stories. Whether it's webcomics or novels or TTRPGs, our stories have always had to come first. Over work, outworld relationships, everything.
And the reason for that is that every time we create a character and tell a story with them, a headmate gets to live vicariously through them and enrich their lives.
Novels do this for a whole cast of characters, though we seem to have a working limit of just a handful at a time.
We're a huge system. We can’t do this for everyone. But, if the community tours we get are any indication, we've got some internal processes that are helping out, too.
The point is, every headmate that isn't Jenifer, Eh, or Phage, is essentially a child of our system. Our walk-ins are adopted children. And we really do dedicate our lives to them (and each other). Their growth uplifts us and changes who we are. And we feel their pain and joy.
We are them, but we are also their parents, and they often surprise us and make us ache with sympathy and pride in equal measure.
We do now also have a couple of outworld children in our lives, so we're getting a sense of comparison. Our outworld children are unofficially adopted and we have no legal obligation to them, so it’s really still different to giving birth to an outworld child of our own.
And honestly, even with our paltry experience, we can see that inworld parenthood and outworld parenthood can't really be compared. The concerns are too different.
But one is not more important nor more difficult than the other, either. To say you can't compare them means you can't rank them. It's wrong to do so.
Because, in the end, both kinds of parenthood involve another person. And that person, whether they live inside your head with you, or outside of it, deserves a good life.
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We've noticed a gap in language for specifically referring to animals in systems that function like/mostly like normal animals. so I'm coining this term. I have been using it for awhile now in therapy and when talking to other we know systems.
Beastie (plural Beasties)
Refers to animal alters/headmates in systems/collectives that cognitively function in a way different than that of the non-animal altars/headmates in the system/collective.
Beasties do NOT need to be known animal. They can be anything that would be clearly identified as an animal (e.g mythical beasts, fictional hybrids, speculative animals, elemental animals, and the like)
Not all animals in systems/collectives are beasties due to the fact that the term refers to a animalistic way of functioning. Whether or not the term applies to a certain alter/headmate is intentionally somewhat vague, and and is dependent upon the context of the other alters/headmates in the system/collective.
Differs from the term non-human alter/headmate in that not all non-human alters/heamates are animals, and a lot of non-human alters/headmates function cognitively similarly to their human counterparts.
I am part of a OSDD-1"B" system, and consider myself "Endo complex", I don't care what type of system/plurals use this term. As I'm coining it to fill a gap in language. HOWEVER I would like this term to be exclusive to systems/plurals, and exclusively to refer to alters/headmates that are literally animals. So it is not to be used in contexts of pet regression, animal-hearted, otherkin/therianthropes, petplay, etc. That is just not what the term is meant to be used for.
And here's a flag just for fun
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with and without symbol. symbol used here. If anyone is willing to design a unique symbol specifically for this flag I would greatly appreciate it.
Navy Blue is for aquatic beasties such as fish, sharks, aquatic mammal, aquatic invertebrate, etc.
Deep Sea Green is for amphibious and semiaquatic beasties such as frogs, salamanders, newts, caecilian, river otters, crocodilians, penguins, etc. 
Forest Green is for terrestrial and arboreal beasties such as most mammals, birds, reptiles, and many arthropods.
Olive Green is for herbivorous beasties such as horses, toucans, sloths, deer, tortoises, hummingbirds, aphids, bees, and many more.
Beige is for omnivorous beasties such crows, hogs, bears, canines, some lizards, chickens, many Testudines, and many more.
Brass is for carnivorous and  insectivorous beasties such as felids, birds of prey, snakes, crocodilians, spiders, sharks, most bats, some lizards, and many more.
Brick Red is for beasties that are animals that can exist in the outerworld, like the animals mentioned above. This stripe is also for beasties that are Introjects or factives of real animals.
Purple Red is for hybrid beasties which could be something possible in the outerworld like ligers, or something impossible like griffins. This stripe is also for beasties that are Introjects or faitives/fucktives of animals.
Deep Violet is for beasties that are mythical creatures such as dragons, unicorns, phoenixes, cryptids, and more. This stripe is also for beasties that are Introjects or fictives of fictional animals.
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problematicfactive · 28 days
i hate when “safe space for systems” say that they’re inclusive for alters with problematic sources but rlly they just mean theyre okay with dsmp fictives or whatever. like its been repeated so many times that we cant choose our sources yet we have SYSTEMS getting mad at SYSTEMS for their sources. - spens 💜
Speak your truth 👏
I'm not really sure what goes through these people's minds. I understand that there is still a population of people who treat any bad source source like shit, but I don't understand what the "fictives aren't their source" squad don't understand how that also applies to factives.
I've said it before, but it really feels like some of these people treat their system like roleplay.
Like it's okay to have content creator dsmp guy but if you roleplay as John Gacy youre a WEIRDO
And I'm not really sure how to go about that. Why do so many people think it's only okay to have Introjects that it would be "okay" to roleplay as?
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mikiruma · 1 year
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sourcecall-central · 6 months
Welcome to Sourcecall Central,
a blog made for those from other sources to find sourcemates!
Asks are currently OPEN.
This blog is run by one system that will be referred to as Mod Snow. Please be patient with your asks! We will get to them when available.
NEW RULE: Please do your best to add your source to your ask. Not just your name, but the source itself. We are unfamiliar with many names/sources, and it would save us a great deal of confusion and effort. Please also specify kin, introject, or other, so we can tag appropriately.
What we will do:
Introject sourcecalls (fictives and factives)
'Kin sourcecalls
What we will not do:
Any sort of discourse (all discourse will be deleted)
DNI and extra info under cut!
Extra Info: We will do problematic sources. We will do fanfictions. We will do factives. We will do anything as long as it doesn't make us too uncomfortable. However, this does not mean we personally enjoy or endorse these sources. Don't shoot the messenger. On top of that, we reserve the right to not post your sourcecall, and we do not have to give a reason as to why.
DNI: We will not put a specific DNI on this blog, but do keep in mind that we do not care about your system's origins. It's not our business. Feel free to specify anti-, neutral-, or pro-endo on your asks if you're all that concerned. We also do not support radqueer, transid, proship, or anything of that sort. Get out of here. Basic DNI also applies. Don't be an asshole, basically. No drama.
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theecosystemdid · 7 days
Also! I wanted to cover something I don’t think we’ve covered before on our blog.
You may have noticed that we rarely, if ever, mention fictives / factives or tag for such. There’s a reason to this.
First of all, I want to say this applies to OUR system. This is more so on a personal comfort level for our system and does not apply / is not us trying to force this belief onto other systems.
Many of the alters in our system mutually agree in a dislike for the terms fictives and factives. While we know the literal meaning of the terms (Introject of a fictional source and Introject of a physical or “factual” source), it was always something that made many of our introjects feel invalidated, or simply make them feel like they were being called fictional. While I myself am not an Introject, even to me the concept feels very dehumanizing. As such, we strictly refer to our introjects, as introjects. We do the same for other systems, and we ask that anyone interacting with us only call our introjects, introjects.
Again, this isn’t us saying “The system community should stop using the words fictive / factive!!” NO! In fact, the system community SHOULDN’T stop using them! I think the terms are actually wonderful for helping identify the difference between alters. It’s simply the case that our own personal comfort level, we don’t desire to use the terms in reference to our system or other systems.
Also for the record! This is not me taking a dig at anyone. No one referred to any of our alters in a way that was uncomfortable for us, we mostly just wanted to explain why the terms are not present (especially in tags on posts) as well as start some dialogue on our blog a little more.
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urennaisms · 22 days
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Pinned, read further for more information on us.
[pt: Pinned, read further for more information on us.]
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[pt: Disclaimers]
- Got a like from this account but no reblog? Check the Alter Blogs section!
- Need my stances? The only important one is that we're anti-endo and anti-radqueer all the way.
- Came here from r/systemscringe or r/fakedisordercringe? Send an ask, or if you're just here to laugh, know that actively searching for me is insane behavior.
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Basic Information
[pt: Basic Information]
Hello, we're the South Town Angels system, and this is our collective blog :)
We're 19, POC, and intersex bodily, we consider ourselves a sapphic intersex woman collectively.
Health wise we're Autistic w/ ADHD + NPD + BPD and chronically ill with both eczema and intestinal problems.
Despite not posting about them, our interests consist of Sonic, Fatal Fury, Fire Emblem, old media, art and graphic design, reading, our music taste varies but we'd rather be asked about that.
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[pt: Alters]
Sorcha / Arran ( 💫 ) - Co-Host with hir own blog
Ike / (Ekun)dayo ( 🫐 ) - Host, has a blog but he hasn't exactly set it up yet...
Noir / Innes ( 🥃 ) - Role redacted, has his own blog
Laur ( 🎐 ) - Gatekeeper, has yet to make dolls own blog
Vera / Valerie ( 🎀 ) - Gatekeeper, has her own blog
Euphoria ( 🖤 ) - Role redacted, does not have his own blog
Siubhan / Locket ( 🕯️ ) - No role, has her own blog
Sirius ( 🍷 ) - Role redacted, has his own blog
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Alter Blogs
[pt: Alter Blogs]
💫 - @blessedsorcha , @nintendrojects (as Mod)
🫐 - @nintendrojects (as Mod)
🥃 - @onepromise
🎐 - @obscure-factives (as Mod)
🎀 - @mountkazai
🖤 - @obscure-factives (as Mod)
🕯️ - @naomhlocket
🍷 - @theprimeministersaward
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Do Not Interact
[pt: Do Not Interact]
Only criteria is endos/supporters of endos, radqueers, and chasers (race ones especially). Also due to recent events, PD abuse believers are hard no's. The basic criteria I guess applies but if we figure out you apply to it, you're getting blocked.
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Blinkies and More!
[pt: Blinkies and More!]
Currently empty...
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gl1tched-g0th · 1 year
@moth-yknowtheartist Thank you so much for showing interest in this specifically I've wanted to talk about it for so long /vpos
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What you probably already know (or not) is that introjects form primarily because the brain finds comfort in the source when everything else is shitty. If the source is a safe space for the victim to shelter themselves with, the brain splits an introject of it to be that safe space all the time instead of just when the individual consumes media relating to it!
For example, in the case of fictives, if someone indulges in a show/movie/book during a stressful/traumatic time and finds comfort in it, the chances of a fictive splitting increases because the brain sees their source as a safe space for the individual, and also something can help the system! As for factives, it's the same principle, but instead with a person! If the individual finds comfort in one of their IRLs, a content creator, or even a celebrity, the chances of an introject forming from that source rise because the brain finds it useful/helpful!!
Now, what happens when an introject splits is the brain will take aspects of their source, and create an alter around it that will correspond with their part of the brain! For example, the brain took the control freak nature of my source and my logical thinking, and made Me the frontal lobe; because that's the part of the brain responsible for logic, rationality, organization, etc. All of which apply to yours truly :3.
Another example is how Mira in our source was very emotional and sensitive, but she's also very rational with her emotions, so when she split the brain took those parts of her and ultimately made her the prefrontal cortex; the part of the brain responsible for regulating emotions!
Also some fun facts/myths, people say introjects are rare which Isnt True! Introjects are just as common as brainmade alters. I feel like that mentality stems from thinking that DID/OSDD are caused by extreme trauma, when it's actually caused by inescapable repeated trauma; and honestly thinking it stems from "extreme" trauma might be why some systems have intense imposter syndrome, bc they think that their trauma isn't "severe enough"! Also, a split doesn't need to be triggered by a life-altering event. The source can really be any negative emotion, like stress, fear or anger. Some systems - like polyfrag or HC systems - split very easily because of that, which is completely valid!
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sophieinwonderland · 2 years
Something About The Simply Plural Gatekeeping I Need To Get Of My Chest...
Okay, this is a vent post.
The people gatekeeping Simply Plural are doing so under the pretense that this is a "disability aid." And to an extent, that's true. Simply Plural is an app that helps systems, and some of those features are especially geared towards helping DID/OSDD systems. But there's an underlying tone to this that only DID/OSDD systems should be allowed to use this. It presents a view where anyone who uses this resource with DID/OSDD is taking away from DID/OSDD systems.
Before I go further, I just want to point out how stupid this is, again. I saw one person compare using Simply Plural to stealing a wheechair from a disabled person. Even if we agreed with the false premise that it's specifically made for DID/OSDD systems, it's still nothing like that, because unlike wheelchair, anyone can use an app without taking it away from others. Rather, Simply Plural would be more analogous to a ramp. It's built with disabled people in mind, but can be used by anyone, and you look pretty dumb if you're going to call someone ableist for walking up a ramp because walking up a ramp is "stealing resources from disabled people." 🙄
But Simply Plural is a resource made with all systems in mind. Not just DID/OSDD systems. The same is true of Pluralkit. These resource were never meant exclusively for disordered systems, so the argument of them being disability aids doesn't make sense.
Moreover, many of these systems who gatekeep Simply Plural and Pluralkit are anti-endos. They claim something that was made by the inclusive plural community, and then try to gatekeep it and act like they can decide who has a right to use it.
While they focus on singlets, the underlying implication to the "disability aid" argument is that anyone who doesn't have a disorder who uses the app is taking something away from disabled people.
All of this brings me to a point I've been thinking about for a long time... the anti-endo community doesn't make anything. They don't contribute resources. They just take things other people have made and then claim those things for themselves.
For all the claims of endogenic systems stealing resources from DID/OSDD systems, a lot of the resources in these communities were created by the inclusive plural community.
Simply Plural is heavily tied to the Plural Association, and likely wouldn't exist without the inclusive plural community supporting it. A relationship made apparent through this thread.
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And let me just say how ungrateful the person comes off here. They use Simply Plural for free with no ads, and are almost definitely not supporting Apparyllis in any way. Yet they have the nerve to challenge their support of endogenic systems and one of their largest donors who pays for them to be able to have such free and convenient access to the app.
Then of the two major system bots on Discord, Pluralkit's creators are very explicit in supporting any systems using it (and allow its use for singlet RP'ers), and Tupperbox was originally made for tulpa systems.
As I've discussed before, many of the terms in circulation in the community today originated with the inclusive community. "Plural" and "headmate" came from this community. Terms like fictive and factive were taken from Soulbonders.
And those that weren't taken from the inclusive community were taken from medical terms. And I say taken, because they're often redefined in ways that weren't intended when they were coined.
For example, while medical professionals refer to alters as parts of a system, they've also used the same terms to describe subpersonalities in the IFS model. Someone who undergoes IFS therapy and feels plural afterwards has a legitimate claim to call themselves systems based on this psychiatric definition. Recently, the term has been applied by psychiatrists to intelligent voices in psychotic disorders. And current studies into endogenic systems have largely been using system terminology. And so when someone says you can't call yourself a system because it's medical terminology, they're ignoring how the term is actually used by medical professionals.
You could also apply this to "introjects" as well, where introjection is a psychological term that refers to any instance of acquiring traits from another individual. Introjection was never meant to refer exclusively to a DID/OSDD phenomenon. And terms like "host," while used to refer to the primary fronter, have just as much history in spiritual multiplicity if not more.
It's a pattern of claiming exclusive ownership over resources and language they didn't create and don't have the right to define, then gatekeep others from using those resources.
And to be clear, they're obviously welcome to use any of the terms coined by the inclusive community, as well as the resources the inclusive plural community has built. I would even encourage it.
Simply Plural, in particular, is an incredibly important resource to the mental health of many systems.
But the anti-endo community didn't build it. You don't get to decide who does and doesn't use it. You don't get to gatekeep a resource that was made by a community that you hate and don't want to exist.
If you don't like it, you can always make your own resources. But that would require anti-endos to actually build something to contribute to the community for once instead of just taking from others.
And this is what I find frustrating about this whole controversy.
Anti-endos constantly project.
The inclusive plural community built Simply Plural. They built Pluralkit and Tupperbox. They contributed a good half of the most common system terms in circulation today, with most of the rest being psychological terms or just normal words, most of which weren't even meant to be applied exclusively to multiplicity.
The anti-endos hate our community, yet they rely on the resources our community built. They go so far as to gatekeep these resources we built, because not only do they rely on them, they feel like they should own them. They feel entitled to the resources we created as if those resources are their property.
And then they claim that we're stealing their resources.
In the end, the pro-endo community is one that builds things up, creating resources for everyone to use
The anti-endo community just tears people down.
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diaunthric · 1 year
Noun. "di-" (prefix) meaning: "double" or copy/replica. "auth" meaning: "authentic" or real. "-thro" (suffix) meaning: "anthro" or human.
Diaunthros are, "those who identify as or with a copy of another real human being, whether past or presently existing."
A diaunthro person is diaunthric. a diaunthro may have a diaunth who is the american actress, marilyn monroe.
Terminology was created as a self-identifier and is synonymous with factkin and many other fact-identifiers. diaunthro removes the misidentification of human fact-identities experiencing otherkinity (nonhumanity) and provides a more accurate terminology in congruence with the alterhuman community as a whole.
Tumblr media
The diaunthric symbol is the traditional factkin symbol. the imagery depicts a human with multiple diaunth's (shown as circles) being expressed.
Pride flag colors:
The diaunthric colors also follow the traditional factkin colors. the stripes are each different shades of grey. the stripes getting darker in shade moving away from the center.
Q: Who can use this label?A: Diaunthro is a term that pertains to all fact-related human-specific alterhumans. Feel free to use it if it applies to you!
Q: What is the difference between a Diaunthro and a Factkin? A: Diaunthro are human-specific fact-identities. Factkin falls under the umbrella term of Otherkin which includes nonhuman fact-identities.
Q: Can sublabels be created? A: Absolutely! Sub terminology can be freely created so long as it stays consistent with the standard diaunthro definition.
Q: Is Diaunthro apart of Endelity? A: It definitely can be! Endelity is frequently apart of the diaunthro experience but not required.
Q: Can Factives use this terminology? A: For sure! So long as there is a distinction made between being a factive and fact-related alterhuman identity.
All the information in this post was directly copy-pasted and minority edited for eligibility from this carrd
I am NOT the corner of this term
The tumblr within the carrd is no longer up
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