#theyre trying to kill ME specifically
v1neyy · 21 hours
Kiss ask box thngy
skizzpulse 18 - an “impulse”ive kiss and/or 21 - a kiss to shut them up >:3
These two have been eating away at my brain recently omfg. Sorry this isn’t my best work it was written at 2am while deliriously tired!!!
Skizz/Impulse - #18 & 21, an impulsive kiss and a kiss to shut them up.
WC: 461 || original post!
Impulse wakes up to the redstone of his door opening. He checks his communicator, blinking from the harsh light to see it’s the middle of the night. Who is coming over at this hour?
As if on cue, his bedroom door opens to reveal Skizz. The angel looks rather disheveled- his wings messy and pajamas wrinkled. He sits up and rubs his eyes, “Skizz?”
He looks to the floor guiltily, “Sorry, I- I can go I just…”
Despite being tired he smiles the best he can. Impulse waves him over sluggishly. This isn’t a common occurrence, but it’s certainly not a new one.
They’ve done this time and time again in their hardcore worlds. Sometimes one of them needs the comfort of having the other close, and that comfort will always be provided. After many years of that time having to be over a call, on Hermitcraft they share a bed more often than not. He doesn’t mind though- waking up wrapped in a mess of limbs and feathers is something he’s grown to love.
Which is why it’s concerning that Skizz has sat on the edge of the bed instead of lying down. He looks nervous and his wings are twitching - Impulse has to stop himself from reaching out to fix them.
Impulse is used to being able to read Skizz like a book, but he can’t quite tell what’s going on here. It’s worrying.
“What’s wrong?” He asks, sitting up to face the other.
Skizz takes a deep breath, “I need to tell you something. But you might hate me after,”
He blinks. “I’d never hate you, what’s got your feathers in a bunch?”
The angel looks as if he’s on the verge of tears. “I like you. Not like, in a friend way, like actually like. But you’re my buddy and I don’t want to lose you, and-“
It’s as if the world has slowed down. He likes Impulse?
The realization hits him like a truck, his face immediately heating up like it’s on fire.
The rambling comes back into focus as he snaps out of it. “…If you want me to leave, which I’m sure you do, I can head out, I-“
Impulse cuts Skizz off with a chaste kiss on the lips. He isn’t thinking, all he knows is Skizzleman likes him and he needs Skizz as close to him as possible right now or he will explode.
His senses come back to him a moment after. “Shoot, I’m sorry, I should’ve asked, you were just rambling and..” The words in his mouth die off when Skizz breaks into a smile and is looking at him as if he just raised the sun.
All the anxiety shuts up at once as he’s pulled into another kiss.
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radioactive-mouse · 3 months
martyn/grian is so wild to me because like. yeah i get that they don’t interact a whole lot but i don’t think i’ve literally ever seen it in the wild. i don’t think i’ve ever even heard a ship name for them or ANYTHING. i am alone in my little sailboat sandwiched between two aircraft carriers labeled TREEBARK and SCARIAN. like not that i’m not also insane abt those two but like NO ONE? NO ONE IS HERE WITH ME? “ohhhh theyre narrative foils 😈” yeah yeah we all know now draw them making out like a man
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good-beanswrites · 7 months
I’m thinking about the angst of the restraints headcanon again. There’s the two with the least physically violent crimes, and they rank relatively low in strength. There’s the child who was violent but had to be really crafty about it; she’s the weakest of all of them. And the most dangerous of the guilty prisoners cannot be restrained.
This makes me so emotional!!! All three are the smallest of their circles. Two of them are extremely ordinary people who have never experienced/expressed physical violence before. One hadn't even fathomed the idea of someone dying until they actually did. And yet, they're subjected to the type of restraints you'd expect to see on someone who is uncontrollably violent. The fact that prisoners who committed very gruesome murders can walk free (including Mikoto) just adds insult to injury. I still couldn't everything into words, but here's a Mahiru-centric drabble featuring the same thoughts. It takes place after T1 closes but before the attacks.
“Where are our rights?”
Fuuta’s shout caused Mahiru to wince. She perched on her bedding, watching the two prisoners she’d invited to her cell. It hadn’t been the fun kind of invitation, though. Back in school, she always wanted to have parties and dates back at her place. Moving to the city, she imagined what it would be like to make university friends and take them back home with her to talk, eat, and have fun. 
Sitting in her dim gray cell with Fuuta and Amane, all of them held fast by complex sets of restraints, was not what she’d had in mind.
Amane knelt in the corner. Her arms were crossed, as if pouting, though the opposite was true. A moment ago her eyes had lowered in prayer, but it was difficult to find any peace of mind now. Fuuta snapped and shouted as he paced the length of the cell bars. They were unlocked, but like the others, he didn’t feel like being out in front of everyone. He’d give his uniform a violent jerk every now and then, but it didn’t do any good. Between his strides and growls, he made Mahiru think of those poor wild animals they keep at the circus.
“Take it easy, Fuuta.” She mustered up a smile. “Come rest with us.”
“I can’t believe you two. You’re just gonna sit here and take it? I didn’t do a fucking thing! They’re acting like I’m some big danger to society,” he yanked his arms again, to no avail. “All I did was type some things onto a screen. I’m not gonna go around stabbing anyone or anything. And you, you didn’t hurt anyone either!”
He nodded his head to Mahiru. If her arms weren’t already folded over her chest, she would have hugged herself anyway. 
“Well… I did hurt him in the end… I broke his heart badly enough that… I mean, he…”
Fuuta made a disgusted sound. “That’s all stupid romance stuff. I’m saying, you never stabbed him. Never strangled him. Never poisoned his food, or –”
“Oh god, no! How horrible…”
“Exactly! From what we’ve heard, it sounds like Haruka killed someone with his bare hands. I think Muu had a knife or something. Shidou had a whole arsenal of grisly doctor tools. Kotoko has openly talked about how she beat that guy to death. Why are they allowed to walk free while we’re tied down like wild animals?”
Mahiru was glad she hadn’t mentioned the circus.
“And Amane! It’s not like she did anything violent, and here she is!”
“That is not true.”
Both paused as Amane spoke up for the first time. 
“While I disagree with my verdict, the restraints make sense.” The others still stared blankly. As matter-of-fact as always, she continued. “I killed with my own hands. I used the amount of force I was instructed to. Just as the sinner fears the wrath of heaven, I can understand how the godless warden would fear my justice.”
Fuuta’s passion wavered, but Mahiru could feel her heart ache for the girl. “Oh Amane… I had no idea. To be pushed to the point of violence at your age…”
“I am not to be pitied. As I said, I am dangerous, and proud to be. I am doing god’s work. All heroes must be dangerous.”
Fuuta grunted, but said nothing. Mahiru gave her a gentle smile. “It’s not pity. Even if you were dangerous, it’s horrible to restrain someone like you. You’ve already had to brave so much, as the smallest of the bunch.”
She looked between the two. A sad laugh escaped her. “Now that I think of it, I guess we’re all the smallest here, hm? Aside from maybe Muu, we don’t have much height or strength on the others…”
“That’s what I’ve been saying!” Fuuta cried. “The fuck do they think we’re going to do?” Mahiru was just glad he’d focused on that rather than the fact she’d just called him weak. 
Voices raised in conversation down the hallway. Mikoto’s laugh echoed faintly into the cell.  
It warmed Mahiru to hear. Things had been so hard on him here. Though it had been frightening to hear him shouting at the restraints til his voice was raw – well, it wasn’t him shouting – it had been a relief when he appeared free and relaxed the following day. He seemed sheepish that he wasn’t able to help the others, having no memory of his escape. Mahiru just kept telling him how happy she was for him.
Fuuta didn’t share in the sentiment. “Meanwhile, Mikoto gets to stroll around free, and he beat the shit out of Es! He could snap and kill any one of us here, and they don’t even give a damn. But ooohhh, god forbid the guy who’s never been violent a day in his life is allowed to use his own two hands!”
The harshness of his voice wasn’t doing his argument many favors. Still, his words were beginning to get through to Mahiru. 
She’d worked so hard to be a model citizen. She was supposed to have a perfect life. She could cook, clean, sew, and take care of children. She did herself up every day; she was never a slob or a slut. She was generous to everyone she met. She showered the world around her in love. Wasn’t it unfair that her hands were tied like some common criminal? What was all that effort for – being patient when people upset her, being kind even when she disagreed with someone, all of that – if she was going to end up in the same place as someone who had stabbed another out of sheer malice?
Amane didn’t seem to be whirling with the same doubts. She closed her eyes once more. “It is simply a trial from heaven. We may be small, but all of us have an internal strength that will carry us through the ordeal.”
“I don’t think it’s any sort of religious thing, but you’re right,” Fuuta puffed his chest out. “Trials like this only make people stronger!” 
“Do you think so?” Mahiru wasn’t sure if she was asking either of them or just musing to herself. It was a nice thought. This was all part of destiny, something meant to be that would make her stronger in the end. 
But she wasn’t so sure she believed in destiny anymore. It hadn’t quite worked out the first time. 
“Hell yeah!” Fuuta must have assumed she was in fact asking him. He gave a wide, toothy grin. “It’s not like we can get any weaker, right? The warden better watch out next trial – they’ve got a big storm coming!”
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elftwink · 1 year
one major difference i have found between service industry work (in my case food service but this is widely applicable to similar jobs) and other public-facing positions is that the job itself is often very similar because people is the same, it's just in service everyone approaches you already thinking they're right and you're a fucking idiot and its their god given right to disrespect you, where in other positions even if they are not nice to you they usually acknowledge that you know more than them on issues pertaining to your job. like the difference in behaviour from people who see you as serving them vs helping them is unreal. i am doing literally the exact same things. customer is always right mentality did irreparable damage to the fabric of society
#good idea generator#i loveee the library front desk everyone is polite and people will just ask you anything#they assume so much knowledge and access to data#ill be like 'just one moment let me look that up in the system' [googles name of school + upcoming events]#also not in a mean way but i never realized until i worked here how little anybody is googling anything#i think its funny and i also love to google things for people so i am perfectly suited to this#and some questions even though they are googleable the issue is more that the person isnt totally sure what theyre asking#but like. the library hours are visible on the home page. and outside the building that you just walked into on a sign#PPL DO NOT READ SIGNS. i knew that from other jobs but good lord people do NOT even GLANCE at signs#ppl would fully walk past like 4 signs about a specific thing and proceed to ask me a q about the thing. after waiting in a line#constantly CONSTANTLY ppl are trying to enter or exit through locked doors. clambering over closed signs to do so#its someones job when the library closes specifically to point out the signs and direct ppl to an open exit#and still often people will get up to the automatic doors and be baffled and confused as to why they dont open#but like even this i dealt w/this at my food service job and it was so frustrating#bc when you had to confront these people they would get MAD AT YOU. furious that they didnt read a sign telling them where to line up#but at the library people are polite and apologetic so you know it's not malice or entitlement ppl are just kind of inattentive#monumental difference tbh i actually love front counter so much people are so fun#and i like it when nobody is actively trying to kill me with their mind while we speak
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thegreatestheaver · 4 months
I hate when people ask you something about an interest you have and when you answer they’re like “how do you know?” I’m going to murder you
#not in the curious way I mean the condescending way.#this is specifically about tarantula mating. no my tarantulas cannot mate. no they cant make a hybrid.#do i need to sit you down and tell you about mechanical isolation. they are two different genus'. yes theyre closely related.#no they cannot mate. tehy dont have compatable reproductive organs. do i need to sit you down and explain that or can you shut up when i sa#no they cant breed#like. again i love when ppl ask me stuff about bugs i love to infodump but like.#ok eyah this post is abt someone who keeps asking me this (nbh) and like. hes like why dont you breed your spiders#and im like oh well first of all theyre not mature seconf of all they cant even breed#and hes like oh just have them make a hybrid and im like no they cant breed they cant make a hybrid#AND HES LIKE. oh why dont you try tho like how do you know like what if they make a new species.#im going to kill youand hang you on a fucking meat hook ok ?#like. lIKE. HE DOENST LISTNEN TO ME WHEN I TELL HIM THINGS.'#do ineed to sit you down and tell you that the brachypelma genus' copulatory organs are too small compared to the tliltocatl's#do i need to tell you that the brachypelma genus' spermathica baseplate is much stronger and harder than the tliltocatl's. and therefore-#-the male tliltocatyl could not penetrate it. do i need to explain bug sex to you or are you gonna trust me bro#IKNOW WTA IM TALKIGN ABOUT PELALSSEE#not a big deal just. a major pet peeve of mine\#hollowspeak
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bucephaly · 1 year
BTW if you haven't already please take a minute to look up what venomous snakes are local to you and familiarize yourself with them
#i joined a local snake ID group recently#before that i knew roughly how to spot a pit viper and hownto tell a coral from a scarlet snake#but i didnt really know how to identify specific species other than copperheads#and now im very confident in my ability to tell water snakes from cottonmouths etc#and it gives really nice peace of mind#like. ive seen so many people here in the us south that will freak out of Any snake#my mom once was yelling and crying trying to get help over a kingsnake on the sidewalk cuz she didnt know if it could kill the dogs#and people will kill snakes if they dont know [and often will anyway but knowing helps foster appreciation]#and now i can see a snake and say thats a coachwhip. isnt it pretty. and will gently grab the back end to look at it for just a second more#before letting it go hide#idk. i saw a rattlesnake in the woods today#and its the first time seeing one in the wild like that. and yea it was scary tbh#and i got a pic but booked it out once it noticed me and reacted#but i wish i had stopped and watched it longer cuz it was super pretty#and i know it wouldnt have bothered me at all#im just glad that we've seen two big full sized diamondbacks here in the past few months. and i know theyre two individuals#because eastern diamondbacks are declining and its good to know theres a population here#idk. im getting sentimental over snakes i just love them#but my main point is its so easy to indentify snakes at least where im at#and learning to id them comes with learning to respect them
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sludgeguzzler · 8 months
therapy is going to be a struggle bc i just know that as soon as i mention The Divorce the therapist will try to trace all my problems back to The Divorce and to be completely honest with you, i dont think ive ever had a specific problem with my parents not being together anymore (i kinda knew itd happen eventually) and i feel like my issues come more from the aftermath than from the event itself
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silverislander · 7 days
working here is making me a little bit nuts abt antibullying again <3
#i mean ive always been a little nuts abt it. but its worse rn :)#i have been saying For Years that the reason antibullying campaigns have been so toothless is bc theyve ignored root causes#you cannot fight bullying while ignoring discrimination in our larger society#its not a fucking 80s movie people dont (frequently) get bullied Just for being nerds irl. the go to examples are so outdated#i could get into specifics but i think i dont need to! its ableism its racism its classism etc etc etc#we need to be actively teaching kids from a young age that at the bare minimum? acting on discriminatory beliefs is wrong#there needs to be actual consequences and understanding of why its wrong#we need to talk abt these issues WITH specifics. talk abt exactly whats wrong and why#call out specific common jokes explain slurs talk abt current events related to these issues#and fucking get rid of the 0 tolerance bullshit ive never heard of it doing anything but punishing the victim for fighting back#and i know some people will still be missed by this programming bc of their home life or influences. you really cant win them all#but you at least need to fucking try and attack this problem from the root instead of snipping vaguely at leaves#levi.txt#and i dont want to hear SHIT abt how your precious baby is too young to learn abt discrimination bc itll make them sad#as long as there are kids their age facing it? theyre not too young to try and understand#i just. aughhhh#like. ive been there dude i got bullied for a long ass time#didnt know why at the time but looking back it was absolutely bc i was nd#and that was so long ago and its still not better. it fuckin kills me man we should be getting over this#delete later#im very tired and this is a Big Rant but idfk man!! im mad#this shit ends lives youd think wed take it more seriously
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orbdotexe · 24 days
Something I adore when it happens is someone finding someo NPC without anything really standing out... and then writing a fic about it/ deciding "oh just a littol guy". It gives me so much life
#im not sure if initial introduction Misraaks counts here#but there were fics about him and the author's Guardian before we knew him as the Kell#he was just that One Captain that got in the way that you had the choice to spare or kill#There are a lot of examples of this in Warframe's Ao3 though... love it#Someone wrote an entire story for this guy that spawns as a part of a specific tile on the infested corpus set#that is just stuck there... he just flails and tries to drag himself out#You can’t actually do anything with him except put him out of his misery in game#There are multiple fics!! about the Invasions where you work alongside people you'd usually me mass murdering#honestly kind of want to write something about that crewman that sometimes spawns#in the Vapos City where theyre dangling from a broken bridge... again you cant actually do anything but watch him fall in game#and i cant actually come up with anything#And also im already writing too many things (Arsenal Check and Stormjoys are screaming at me) but. augh#i accidently cornered One Singular crewman one time and he kept backing up until he couldnt anymore and the AI broke a bit#just stopped firing at me and i was like. Well. This Feels Slightly Bad. and just left him there#orb rambles#orb has brainrot about just. normal people in these batshit settings#Rancher is far from normal but hes much closer to it than anyone else in TFE so he goes in the Box#also someone yell at me to get on Destiny. ive been trying to argue my brain into it but its not going very well
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piplupod · 1 month
trans girl complimented me on my mask and automata necklace at grocery store, 12 reincarnated 50 healed
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oogaboogaghosttt · 2 months
ok wrestling is dirt pits by ethel cain is sooooo raph and leo coded. to me.
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arolesbianism · 5 months
Heartbreaking! My suspicions abt Wagstaff having some fucked up timeline shit going on were correct and now I have to scramble to come up with an excuse to not have to completely overhaul my entire swap au (it won't be hard my excuse is that it's an au so I can do what I want)
#rat rambles#starve posting#tbf the only two it super matters for is wx and wilson since theyre the maxwell and charlie of this au#but theyre also yknow. extremely important. so even trying to adapt for this would be a fools erand at this point#on the bright side this gives me a lot more to work with in terms of webber's whole deal#basically it gives me more leeway to actually make an explanation even tho its going to be a different one#I might still use the camera tho poor lil farmer boy got stuck in the camera 😔#well not that exactly but it could be a useful catalyst to explain how he ended up trapped between realities#and it being a camera makes it a Lot easier to justify how he got close enough to it for stuff to go that wrong#one thing that could be fun is if I let wagstaff keep some semblance of an actual role in this au instead of being a corpse the whole time#basically use him to make some bullshit justification for the camera still existing in some form even if its a different one#actually.... I wonder if the camera is similar to the codex in some ways#maybe it's possible for any object that directly records the existence of Them and the fuel to act as a gateway?#it would probably have more specific requirements and be pretty rare but that could be a fun idea#I could definitely work with a concept like that to give wagstaff more to do and flesh out webber's backstory a bit#so basically the newest animation both gives a lot for me to work with and also killed my grandma so its a messy situation
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sonknuxadow · 2 years
sorry if this comes off as mean but whenever people make horror inspired sonic content where the characters who arent particularly evil or scary in canon are the source of the horror i struggle to take it seriously and i just dont get the appeal at all. "what if sonic was a murderer" "what if tails was an evil scientist who tortured people" "what if amy was a yandere" what if they were all just fuzzy little animals who are best friends huh. ever considered that
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#listen. sometimes. when i get emails pertaining to a specific project i worked on that nearly broke my brain. i just stop what im doing#and start playing Losing My Religion by REM. and i wish the person emailing me could see me face down at a table listening to thay song#mostly its fine. its just when someones trying to manage the data files so i kno im gonna have to go back thru and update my code#for a bunch of tiny stuff and its like: does this sound ok? and i just dont care so much that i want to start screaming#and then at the end of the day i hike up a fucking mountain going over what im gonna tell a therapist when my insurance switches#and im gonna say it in a way thats v calm and agreeable but i want to scream and tear my hair out. or maybe i wont b agreeable. i wasnt#last time i was in a therapist office but that guy deserved it and i wasn't being that bad#ugh. im just mad bc working on my stuff makes me so miserable that when i stop its like wow im no longer in agony. cool#coool. fun times. becoming increasingly apprehensive abt how im gonna try to b more healthy abt working while taking on triple#the responsibility with a phd project and being a student and being a TA. i mean. ill try but its gonna b fucking interesting#ugh. had to bust out the burnout playlist. which like. when u try to look at other ppls burnout playlists they all suck#theyre all like former gifted kid burnout Playlists and im like fuckkk offfff. why do u not have the incredibly specific vibes that im#looking for? i just demand the perfect burnout playlist and somehow nobody puts No Surprises on there#like what??? y not? its a song abt being so totally saturated that youve had enough. a heart thats full up like a landfill. a job that#slowly kills u. bruises that wont heal. how is it not THE burnout song? but whatever. i listen to too much radi0head.#ugh. but now my burnout playlist is becoming too much like my My Brain Doesnt Feel Too Good playlist#listen. i just need to curate playlist so that they can express the feelings for me#unrelated
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driftwooddestiel · 7 months
truly there is nothing scarier than a groupchat consisting of you, your close irl friend, and a friend of your irl friend who you dont know very well
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floralovebot · 1 year
I talk a lot about how different fanon!Helia is from canon!Helia but not enough but how bad it is for all the characters.
Like you have Riven going from this insecure teenage boy who lashes out at anyone who challenges him to this suave bad boy who could kill the winx. People seeing Stella as a stuck up brat, thinking that she loves Bloom more than the other winx, or that she would ever choose to be selfish in ways that hurt the other characters. Or Flora going from this fairly confident young girl who loves to meet new people and hangout with others to an introverted shy mess who never speaks up and would never say something sarcastic. Not to sound like a bitch but I really do think it's time the fandom stops pretending we're better than other fandoms and don't have Fanon Versions because we do and it's messing with y'alls perception of canon so fucking bad
#theres a time and place for fanon and its not pretending that fanon IS canon#and like listen#there's a big difference between having headcanons and fanonizing a character so badly that theyre basically a different character#im not saying its Bad to have headcanons or to disagree with canon#everyone does that its normal and healthy for fandoms#that sounded SO online good god#but also recognizing that your headcanons are Just headcanons is also necessary?#and recognizing that sometimes headcanons have been disproven by canon or aren't backed up at all#and not acting like your fanon version Is canon or is better than canon?#like genuinely think some of you dont even like canon winx and you just like the fanon versions of them in your head#like no sorry but flora isnt the fumbling shy mess who can't even speak to the others#stella isnt the dumb selfish princess who can't fight and wouldn't protect her friends#aisha isn't the Super Independent Woman who hates all men (also a very racist trope)#musa isnt that I Hate Everyone bitch who would dropkick the winx and physically abuse riven#i could go on and on like im sorry but the fanon versions of them are So Bad rn its so weird to me#like... fanon has always existed but i dont think its ever been this bad? usually Extreme Fanon only happened when someone hated a characte#like people usually only mischaracterize them when they Hate them but now im seeing people who Love them do it#i dont understand what happened why has fanon gotten so bad recently??#also Im Sorry if any of this sounds targeted or extra bitchy i promise im not talking about anyone specific and im not Trying to be mean#i just really hate going into a character tag and seeing post after post of people going 'riven would kill sky if he got the chance'#and i dont mean the clearly joke posts i mean the Very Genuine Headcanon posts like what the FUCK are you people talking about#i genuinely think some of you got your degrees from the fanon university instead of the canon uni#please rewatch the entire first three seasons at your earliest convenience or your degree will be revoked#ajhdglagd#like not to sound mean but i think there was an influx of people who only vaguely remembered the show and got the rest of their info#from random tumblr posts instead of yknow. the actual show#oh i am very complainy today time to do something more productive and less chronically online
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