#well not that exactly but it could be a useful catalyst to explain how he ended up trapped between realities
arolesbianism · 5 months
Heartbreaking! My suspicions abt Wagstaff having some fucked up timeline shit going on were correct and now I have to scramble to come up with an excuse to not have to completely overhaul my entire swap au (it won't be hard my excuse is that it's an au so I can do what I want)
#rat rambles#starve posting#tbf the only two it super matters for is wx and wilson since theyre the maxwell and charlie of this au#but theyre also yknow. extremely important. so even trying to adapt for this would be a fools erand at this point#on the bright side this gives me a lot more to work with in terms of webber's whole deal#basically it gives me more leeway to actually make an explanation even tho its going to be a different one#I might still use the camera tho poor lil farmer boy got stuck in the camera 😔#well not that exactly but it could be a useful catalyst to explain how he ended up trapped between realities#and it being a camera makes it a Lot easier to justify how he got close enough to it for stuff to go that wrong#one thing that could be fun is if I let wagstaff keep some semblance of an actual role in this au instead of being a corpse the whole time#basically use him to make some bullshit justification for the camera still existing in some form even if its a different one#actually.... I wonder if the camera is similar to the codex in some ways#maybe it's possible for any object that directly records the existence of Them and the fuel to act as a gateway?#it would probably have more specific requirements and be pretty rare but that could be a fun idea#I could definitely work with a concept like that to give wagstaff more to do and flesh out webber's backstory a bit#so basically the newest animation both gives a lot for me to work with and also killed my grandma so its a messy situation
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Telling Hugh Dancy about trans masc Will and more...
As some of you already know by now, I went to Boston Fanexpo this past weekend for another stop on the unofficial Hannibal 2024 Reunion Tour.
I had planned to do autographs on the Friday before the Hannibal panel and had brought some gifts for Hugh which included a copy of Adapt. Evolve. Become: The Genderqueer Fandom of NBC's Hannibal, which I compiled and edited last year. I also got him to sign my own copy (above).
It all moved quite quickly, but I did have the chance to explain that it's a volume by and about trans, non-binary, and genderqueer Fannibals that includes art, fics, essays, and personal pieces. He seemed intrigued and I said I hope he'd have the chance to read it and that the art isn't explicit/sexual but some of the fics are - he laughed and said he appreciated the warning.
It was all quite the whirlwind, especially after coming all the way from the UK, so I was absolutely mortified when I remembered the next morning that I had talked with a few trans Fannibals who had specifically asked me to let him know that he/Will is a trans icon. So I went back up to see him again on the Saturday morning when it wasn't too busy (and get more stuff signed) and this is what happened:
[I wrote notes down right after so this is as close an account I can get without having filmed it!].
Me: I saw you yesterday Hugh: I remember (smiley-friendly) Me: I gave you a book Hugh: I remember (smiley-friendly) Me: well, I forgot to tell you. A few trans Fannibals reached out to me to tell you that Will is a trans icon to them and we all love you for it. Hugh was surprised (in a nice way) and I was pretty much going to walk away then - job done and feeling like time for me to stop bothering Hugh lol. But before I could walk away he sort of held out his hand to stop me and said something along the lines of - I don't mean this in a disrespectful way, don't take it the wrong way... I'm genuinely curious- I get that it can be about identity- but what is the connection to Will and being trans? Luckily - my essay in the book is exactly about how Will can be read as trans, so I sort of gave him a summary of that. I explained that (obviously) both Will and Hannibal can be read as queer, and that - especially as both characters have dominant masculine and feminine traits, it's also easy to read them both as trans or in some way genderqueer. He was nodding and agreeing, so I further explained that with Hannibal, he is fully formed - he's already whatever he is - which Hugh also agreed with. But that Will is still becoming, still transitioning and therefore can be more relatable to trans fans who see that journey in themselves. So although it's not necessarily the same journey - there is enough to it that it resonates with trans people. I said that in the show there is also the added bonus of Will being seen and accepted for who he is, just as trans people wish to be. He was nodding along and agreeing with me and then he thanked me for explaining that. It was pretty quiet previously but I'd been there a few minutes so the queue was building up a little but he was so focused on me - so genuinely intent on hearing what I had to say and learning more. SO I CARRIED ON. (lols) I explained to him that it goes further than the show, that we have found a community in the fandom and that many trans people have a catalyst in their life that sparks their journey - like Will had in his friendship with Hannibal. For us it might be a person, an event, or even a TV show. I explained how the fandom are so supportive of trans people - that we are SEEN. That I for one wouldn't have been able to afford top surgery without the kind donations of Fannibals back when I was not in a good place (mentally or financially). That we all help each other and for some of us that has been life-saving. He did the hand on heart thing and said "wow" and was clearly moved. I said to him that so much of this is in the book, that I completely understand if he doesn't want to read the fanfic, but I really hope that he will at least read each of the personal pieces - that each of the fics and art also have a little write up from their creator about what the show and/or fandom has meant to them and their gender journey - how important this has been in our lives. He repeated a couple of times that he would definitely read it. I thanked him and he held out his hand and gave me the most genuine hand shake I've had in my life.
I want to really stress here how much this was instigated by Hugh. That he really wanted to know more and understand and didn't even look at the slowly growing queue but was instead intently focused on knowing more about the trans Fannibals and about why this show and the characters mean so much to us.
I then went off and spoke with a few Fannibal friends in the queue before getting around the corner to another Fannibal friend and having a bit of an emotional moment/breakdown. I can't even explain how grateful I am that he gave me the opportunity to explain all this to him. And I was especially glad I got to tell that Will is a trans icon because I'd have felt terrible if I'd have not done that after people had asked!! Thank you for trusting me to pass that message on for you!
I know for many of you Adapt. Evolve. Become: The Genderqueer Fandom of NBC's Hannibal might have gone a little under the radar. So here is some more about that >>
It was compiled last year for Trans Hanni Day, edited by Max Turner of (and in conjunction with) A Coup of Owls Press - and published under Max's ACoO imprint.
It features essays, personal pieces, fanart and fanfic by and about trans, non-binary, genderqueer and otherwise non-cis Fannibals.
IT IS FREE TO DOWNLOAD, however we ask that if you do that, please consider donating to one of the linked trans orgs if you can afford to (or a similar organisation/charity of your choice).
It can be purchased on Amazon, however, as the proceeds go to charity, and Amazon only gives royalties, more is earned/given if bought directly via Max's shop.
Dearest trans Fannibals, please know that YOU ARE SEEN!
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galacii-gallery · 5 months
Shattered Lore caught in 4k. May contain Shattered Fates AU spoilers so...
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Disclaimer: He's not in the OG Dreamtale, I'm not the Creator of Dreamtale... Shattered belongs to the Shattered Fates AU, a Dreamtale AU; differing from the original. [ It holds some aspects from the original, but it is very different in terms of story.... worldbuilding etc. ]
May or may not contain spoilers for the Shattered Fates AU Fic! ( This was shared on discord but I'm here to share it here as well! )
Here's some general information on him...
He's a Dream who experiences 'Dreams' and in most of them it ends up with him dying, or worse. [ Similar to Resets, but on another level. ]
Having gone through several failed attempts he finally figured out another path for the betterment of his world, for their brother and himself.
with how much resentment he held, it unlocked new paths... even he was surprised by this change, being able to tap into more 'Negative' aspects of himself like Nightmare. Of course, he couldn't tap in fully to the abilities granted to him unlike Nightmare, but he most certainly could use this new version of himself to his advantage.
After becoming this, a new point was appointed to him as well... he couldn't exactly go back to the very beginning again... dying would just set him back to his first experience as this 'Shattered' version of himself.
forever starting out in a position where he'd be fighting himself emotionally. The scarlet rage within ready to pop at any moment if things didn't go his way... he had to make do with what he now had and was stuck with.
( He sometimes gets jealous of versions of himself who have a better life then himself, like Post dark cream Dream/Shattered and the Studio version of himself. )
Shattered uses his knowledge from previous 'Dreams' to sway those who he knew... for those he doesn't know he gains a great interest in them; the same goes for those who have the potential to change. With this as well, he finally took advantage of his natural strength, preferring hand to hand combat up close, rather then the bow which did little to no help to him before.
There's rumors that he takes those with that potential under his wing, and re-directs events or deaths towards others to keep a particular crowd alive... he can't exactly be everywhere at once saving those that he needs.
having been... through a lot, he lost the reason why he continued to be like this and eventually just saw himself as Shattered and not so much as Dream anymore. he's doing this for the world... for himself, and his brother right? he's the hero in his eyes, but not in others...
Shattered is very confident in himself; to the point it has become the catalyst to his 'Negative' sense of self. Charismatic, but not intentionally... it's actually hard to tell if he's flirting or not with another. Unlike Nightmare, Shattered tends to Lie more; mainly to keep himself together... to keep others in positions where he believes they need to be. sometimes he can be Sassy or more so Sly. when he's beginning to go over the edge, a scarlet hue begins to set in. the hidden and concealed part of him that he tries to keep buried is Aggressive, Argumentative, Violent and Uncontrollable. There's little moments where he ends up slipping into this 'Fully corrupted' version of himself, once in it- it's hard to escape this intrusive thought of a form.
...more will be shared and explained with the Fic! but this is primarily for those wanting to overanalyze Shattered or possibly write him more accurately!
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alice-apparently · 7 months
I think Agent / Subject / Catalyst are the three categories [CAT 1-3] in the case numbers.
Bear with me.
So aside from the dates, the case numbers are split in 3 parts, right:
CAT 1-3 (rarely combination of 2 numbers) -> category
*R (-> rank) A/B/C (sometimes combination of 2 letters from ABC)
DPHW (4 digit number)
* the case numbers for episodes #3 and #4 don't have the R for some reason
This is very much taking into account/based on the stuff from the ARG klaus.xls document btw, which has these exact 3 columns & features some of the episodes' cases where these match up exactly with the case numbers. [if you're interested, it's #2 line 80; #3 line 64; #5 line 75; #7 line 77]
Both category and rank are divided into 3 options, with some exceptions of cases having 2 applied at the same time. So now episode 9 gave us another nice group of three. And I thought, hm, maybe those ideas, Agent, Subject, and Catalyst, could match up with one these as a classification of the cases. And I think it does.
Based on the cases we had so far, I think category 1 is Agent, category 2 Subject, and category 3 Catalyst.
In my tmagp paranoia document with all my notes, I made a table sorting the cases according to the categories for a better overview and to be able to maybe spot similarities:
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Let me explain what I think the classifications mean.
1 - Agent.
That's the most self-explanatory one I think. I'm not the first to make the comparison between avatar and agent, and not the first to point out that Needles acts like a TMA avatar.
Agent then is an active purveyor of fear/terror. someone deliberatly acting in such a way to spread it, to scare people. It is the person themself directly and possibly willingly causing the 'unsettling experiences' and spreading fear. Needles is the prime example.
It doesn't work quite so well with #1A, but I'd say the "he" that she interacts with acts as an agent, with him luring her to the cemetary and the unsettling way he is described there, but more importantly, with the laughter that follows, that he seems to enjoy what's happening, her fear. Her fear that's caused by him.
2. Subject.
Subject I would describe with "being subjected to something" or that "something just happens". A subject to fear. Maybe as a victim of sorts, but that's not quite it. Anyway, I think the cases in category 2 group together easily:
What's interesting is that all of the cases feature in some way a person entering a space and being affected by it/by something in a certain space. Or at least it is centred on a certain space. they are subject(ed) to the space.
In #1B it's the TMI ruins, in #3 the garden, in #5 the cinema, in #7 the charity store, and in #8 the service station. The person in #8 himself blames it explicitly on the place, the architecture, on the space he entered.
3. Catalyst.
Catalyst, I would argue, means a moveable object that works to spread fear. That is, a person with a certain object--or artifact, if you will--working together: it's a person with the object as a catalyst, it's the object through a person spreading fear.
To put it more concisely, it's cases of a person carrying an artifact and through them, allowing the artifact to affect other people.
We have the violin and the dice in episodes #4 and #9. In both cases the people who pick them up spread harm/misfortune by using them. In both cases the person first harms themself before learning they can/how they can instead spread it to others.
In episode #1B, which was in both category 2 and 3, RedCanary takes that wooden box/old wooden thing home with them. And it's that box, taking that box, that's linked to what's happening to them. Or what they do afterwards. Because we don't actually know what happens to RedCanary or what RedCanary goes on to do afterwards. We've kinda assumed that they just die, but maybe not? Anyway, my point is, old wooden box thing = artefact/catalyst.
Episode #2 is the biggest hole in this theory I think. Without knowing I probably would've put it as category 1, agent, with Ink5oul as the agent. But instead it's rather that the tattoo acts as a catalyst, through the artist. So far it rather has seemed to affect the artist herself rather than other people through her, except for the confrontation with her roommate. But, as @amelie-isnt-french pointed out, we don't know what she moved on to do afterwards. Maybe it would go on to affect other people. Maybe she just hasn't learned how to do so yet.
Or maybe affecting other people is not even a criteria at all. Maybe it's enough that the artifact comes into contact with a person and affecting them.
I'm aware that this theory isn't without flaws; both cases in episode #1, and esp. #2 don't fit into this as well as the others. But I think it still works.
That being said, I can go even more crazy.
You know that other ARG document, the chdb.xlsx, with the list of the gifted children tested at the Magnus Institute, the one that features Sam and Gerry, the one that's possibly the one Sam mentions in episode #8 through which he found Gerry.
Now my question on looking at this document, or you know, one of my questions, was what does the chdb stand for. I figured db might probably be database. the c could be children, because that's who were tested and listed. but the h? I had the stray thought at some point that it might be host. which I found very unsettling, but also didn't really work as a whole, like "Children Host Data Base"? nah.
But what if the C is not for Children. What if it's for Catalyst. Because Catalyst Host Data Base suddenly makes a lot of sense. We know that the TMAGP Magnus Institute is interested in "supernaturally active items" as the episode 9 statement giver tells us. They have been collecting artefacts/catalysts. Cf. also that old wooden box RedCanary found in its ruins. So they might have in the children been looking for potential hosts for them.
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ashes-2-ashes57cba · 2 months
The Bad Batch: Specter
Episode 14: War Mantle
edited by: @ryleeeeeenn warnings: cliffhanger
Specter quietly sighed, having finished reassembling her pistol for the third time; with years of training she had formulated an efficient process, but it made for poor inflight entertainment. Omega continued tinkering with Gonky while Hunter twirled his knife between his fingers. 
She chuckled as the girl tried to copy him, clumsily maneuvering her tool across her fingers.
“We’re being hailed,” Wrecker called from the cockpit, grabbing their attention. 
“It’s… Rex,” Echo added, surprised. Hunter and Specter shared a glance before entering the cockpit with Omega. Tech revealed Rex’s projection.
“Hello, boys. Sorry to cut right to it, but I could use your help,” he said; he wore a hood and kept looking over his shoulder. Specter wondered what sort of trouble he had gotten himself into as she sat down.
“What do you need, Captain?” Hunter asked.
“I received a distress signal from a clone trooper, but I’m a bit tied up at the moment to retrieve him,” Rex explained.
“You want us to recover a reg?” Specter questioned, raising a brow with Hunter. 
“He’s an old friend, and he’s in trouble,” Rex sighed, clearly worried. “I need you to get him out.”
“Out of what exactly?” Omega questioned. A device on Rex’s end beeped before he could answer—Specter guessed a proximity alarm.
“Can’t talk right now. Sending you his signal. I’ll be in touch,” he said, quickly ending the hail and disappearing. 
“What was that about?” Wrecker wondered aloud. 
“The distress signal sent by CC-5576 is originating from Daro,” Tech said, reading the data from the signal, “a terrestrial planet in the Outer Rim with no known settlements or installations.” Specter perked up, the number sounded familiar but she couldn’t figure out who exactly it was. 
“What’s he doing all the way out there?” Hunter questioned.
“Well, does it matter?” Echo argued.
“We’ve gone on missions before without much intel. But this would be stretching it,” said Hunter. Specter gazed at him curiously; while he had a point, she couldn’t figure out how exactly it would be a stretch, especially given their most recent experiences. Yet at the same time, she understood Hunter’s caution because of them. 
“Rex wouldn’t ask us for help if it wasn’t urgent,” Echo urged, leaning forward in his seat. 
“Echo’s got a point,” Wrecker nodded along. 
“May I remind you that we are in the middle of a job for Cid. If we deviate, we will not be compensated. No money means no food,” Tech added, giving a pointed glance at Wrecker.
“Oh yeah. Tech’s got a point,” Wrecker nodded again.
“But Rex’s friend is in trouble. That’s more important than getting paid,” Omega said, joining the debate. 
“Well, the kid’s got a point,” Wrecker nodded once more. They all turned to Specter next, ready to hear her thoughts on what they should do. She sighed. Specter couldn’t guarantee she could voice a clearly thought-out opinion; something made her uneasy about the whole mission, whether it was simply stress, or a bigger underlying issue. 
“I don’t know. I just… I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” Specter admitted, massaging her temples and leaning back. “I feel like this is going to be a catalyst for something… but I can’t explain what.” She turned her gaze up to Hunter. “It’s up to you, Sarge.” He paused to consider their options.
“Fine. We’ll check things out. But…” he sighed, “I don’t like it.” Hunter motioned for Tech and Echo to go ahead and set a course for Daro before returning to the hold to try and find more information. Omega made her way closer to Specter, taking her hand. 
“Are you okay?” the girl whispered. “I’ve been worried about you since Bracca.”
“Yeah,” she lied, feigning a smile, “I’m fine. I promise.” Omega crossed her arms and shook her head with a scowl. 
“You’re very obvious when you lie,” she scolded. “I know I’m only a kid, but I want to help!” Specter hesitated to answer, running a hand over the girl’s hair. 
“To be honest, Meg… I’m not sure. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but I just feel like something inside me is changing,” Specter explained.
“Changing? Into what?”
“I don’t know, but I’m sure we’ll figure it out, hun,” she ruffled the girl’s hair; Omega giggled, and Specter smiled, genuinely now, watching as she ran off to join Hunter. 
“We are approaching Daro’s atmosphere. I’ll bring us in low to avoid any possible tracking scanners,” Tech said as they exited hyperspace a while later. Specter forced herself to keep her hands down to refrain from nibbling on her nails. 
“We’re banking a lot on a clone we don’t even know,” Hunter muttered.
“Rex trusts him. And I trust Rex,” Echo reassured. Tech continued flying the ship closer to the beacon, landing in a small clearing in the woods. Hunter exited the ship first, pistol raised and ready to cover Tech as he used his datapad. Specter and the others followed them out.
“The signal is coming from that direction,” Tech pointed in the distance, looking up from his device. Having Wrecker guide her, Specter walked backward and guarded the rear—her anxiety and suspicion had not withered away. There was something off about the area that she couldn’t put her finger on. 
“What’s wrong?” Wrecker whispered. 
“The birdsong is too far away,” she muttered. There was something disrupting their environment, enough so that they decided to stay away from the area.
“The beacon should be right ahead,” Tech said, stopping the group. Specter looked around more, watching as Omega hopped up to a log and pulled out the beacon.
“Found it!” She handed it to Tech.
“So, where’s this reg?” Wrecker questioned, looking around as well and messing with some branches. Specter found an obvious clue at her feet; she got Hunter’s attention and nodded toward the marks on the ground.
“We’re already too late,” he said gravely, sniffing at the dirt between his fingers. “The clone was being hunted.”
“He was dragged,” Specter finished, looking off to where the marks led. “That way,” she said, leading the group. 
Closer to the mountain, Hunter stopped them.
“Hang on,” he said, kneeling down and tilting his head—Specter could tell he was sensing something. “There’s something here, inside that mountain.”
“I believe you are right,” Tech said, stepping forward with his datapad, “My scans are being jammed.” 
Specter would agree; the whisper in her head had become a soft buzz once they had reached the base of the mountain. Something was inherently wrong with the sight before them. 
“You said there was nothing on this planet,” Wrecker argued, looking at Tech.
“That data appears to be inaccurate,” he shrugged.
“Wrecker, why don’t you and Omega wait on this ship,” Specter suggested with urgency. Omega’s face contorted into confusion.
“Wait, why can’t-”
“Coming here was up for debate. This isn’t,” Hunter interrupted. The girl deflated but ultimately joined Wrecker in the hike back to the ship. 
The remaining four of them followed Hunter closer up the mountain. Specter stared at the mountain face once more when they stopped again.
“What is it?” Echo asked.
“A shuttle landed here,” Hunter explained. 
“What exactly is in that mountain?” Specter questioned, now frustrated at the mystery.
“Only one way to find out,” Hunter sighed, standing up and turning towards her. She sighed too, sizing up their path.
“It’ll be a long hike, but it’s doable. If we want to keep our momentum, we shouldn’t stop for breaks, got it?”
“Got it,” the boys replied. 
“Alright. Keep up the pace, fellas.”
Soon enough, they reached the top of the mountain and came upon a base inside it. Specter gave a low whistle, marveling at the scale of it before turning around to watch the rear.
“This looks like some sort of military base,” Hunter observed, astonished. 
“Not one that I’ve ever heard of,” said Tech. 
“Get down,” Specter hissed, seeing a shuttle approach. They heard the whine of its engines as it crested over the treetops and made a landing approach inside. 
“Come on. Let’s get a close look,” Hunter suggested. The group made their way down to the top of the base, peering over the edge above a lift shaft. 
“I’m clocking a couple of commandos and squads of clone troopers,” Echo reported, peering through his binocs. “And they’ve upgraded their armor.”
“What? Let me see!” Specter, almost too enthusiastically, trained her sniper scope to get a glimpse. “Pfft. You call that an upgrade? It looks terrible.”
“Let me see,” Tech reached for Echo’s binocs. 
“It’s not much to look at,” Specter mumbled, moving her sights to assess the rest of the complex.
“Not just that. The mountain’s natural composition makes this mase well-fortified and nearly impenetrable,” Tech assessed. 
“This is no longer just a simple extraction. Let’s get back to the Marauder and leave word for Rex,” ordered Hunter. Specter hesitated to get up, as did Echo. 
“But what about the mission?” he asked. Hunter and Tech had already made it several feet away, while Specter was still hoisting herself up off her stomach. 
“We do not know for certain if CC-5576 is even in there… or if he is still alive,” Tech argued. 
“We’d be going in blind without any reinforcements,” Hunter added. Specter sighed as she stood up, clicking her tongue and putting a hand on Echo’s shoulder. 
“I hate to bring this up, but we did the same on Skako Minor when we rescued Echo. he’d still be trapped in that place if we hadn’t.”
“If there’s a chance that trooper’s being held against his will, we have to try to get him out,” Echo added. Specter tilted her head, knowing Hunter would only need a few seconds before changing his mind and engaging in the mission.
“Let me update Wrecker then,” he sighed, crouching down again with Echo and Specter. She smiled under her helmet and returned to her stomach, keeping track of operations through her rifle scope. “Wrecker, do you copy?” Hunter called through the comm.
“Yeah, we hear ya. Did you find the reg?” their companion came through. 
“Not yet. But we did find an Imperial base built inside this mountain. We’re going in,” Hunter reported.
“Wait for us! We’ll help,” Omega chimed in. 
“Negative. Stay on the ship. You’re our backup,” he ordered. Specter could almost see Omega’s disappointed face, but this mission was too risky and none of them were comfortable letting the girl join. “Comms will be jammed once we’re inside, so keep alert.”
“If we’re not back by nightfall, get Omega back to Cid’s,” Specter added. She hated to think of the possibility of something bad happening to them, but a contingency plan was better than no plan. 
“I’ll need to tap into the central database to pinpoint CC-5576’s location,” Tech addressed the group.
“There are entry points we can access in the lift shaft. That’s our way in,” Echo said. Without another word, the group ran to the edge of the roof and jumped on top of the lift just as it arrived at the top floor. With its passengers off-loaded, the lift descended; Specter calculated their speed and noted the sides of the shaft, observing how they would be able to hold on.
“Get ready to jump,” Hunter announced in a hushed tone. On his signal, they all jumped off the lift and clung onto the side of the shaft, waiting for the coast to clear before making their way inside. Quietly and carefully, they snuck through the corridors. 
Echo plugged into a terminal, Tech stood beside him to help process the data. Specter kept an eye out for any form of surveillance, thankfully finding none. 
“Anything? Hunter asked.
“This encryption’s new,” Echo said. “This might take a while.” 
“Think you can do recon without getting caught?” Hunter quietly asked Specter.
“Like you even have to ask,” she scoffed, ducking around the corner and disappearing. 
Guards were sparse, oddly enough, but every now and then, a squad led by a commando would pass. Specter figured they were running drills more than they were actually patrolling… but she could always be wrong. She watched as a commando pulled out an access card and inserted it into a port by the lift doors. She took note—something they will have to keep in mind.
Her comm quietly beeped: Hunter’s recall signal. She rejoined the group at the terminal. 
“Found him,” said Echo. “Cellblock 25, four levels down.”
“How does the security look?” Tech asked, turning toward Specter.
“Scarce. I’d say it’s suspicious, but it’s the best we got,” she shrugged, leading the group back to the outer lift shaft. 
After a quick climb down, they found the cellblock they were looking for and needed only to find their clone prisoner. A single guard paced up and down the hall, making some remarks toward an occupied cell. Hunter snuck up and punched him hard, knocking him out.
“Are you CC-5576?” Echo asked.
“That depends. Who’s askin’?” the clone inside asked. Specter ran forward, recognizing the tone of voice.
“No way, Gregor?” she exclaimed, lifting up her helmet. “I thought it was you!” Echo plugged into the terminal to open the cell.
“Hey, Specter!” Gregor greeted with a smile, recognizing her. “Now there’s a face I can’t forget.”
“Wow, you really did hit your head,” she teased, laughing and hugging her friend once he stepped out.
“You two know each other?” Hunter questioned apprehensively. 
“Oh, yeah. Spec and I are training room buddies,” Gregor explained. “What are you doing here?”
“Rex sent us to rescue you. Now, come on, let’s move out before anyone else misses you,” Specter said, nodding for him to lead. Tech, Echo, and Hunter gave each other confused looks but followed behind Gregor and Specter. 
The pair led the group down numerous corridors, minding any passing patrol squads. Eventually, they came to a junction with loads of troopers at the other end of the hall.
“They’re gathered for inspection. There’s no way past ‘em,” Gregor said.
“If we can’t reach the lifts, we can’t get out of here,” Echo added. 
“I can redirect them,” Tech chimed in, leading the group to a control panel further away. Gregor took the time to observe their armor.
“That armor… You didn’t mention your group were CCs, Spec,” he said. Specter giggled.
“Come on, Gregor, you know we’re too defective. You’re looking at CT-99s,” she gave a small bow. Hunter bit his tongue, not liking the way he kept calling her by the nickname he thought was exclusive to him. He also knew it was not the time to be jealous.
“Defective clones?” Gregor chuckled. “If you ask me, it’s the ones who want to stay here who are really defective.”
“What was your assignment?” asked Echo.
“I was an instructor-” an alarm cut Gregor off. Specter raised her rifle on instinct.
“What’s going on, Tech?” Hunter questioned.
“I keyed a Code 16 to redirect their forces. I don’t know what happened,” Tech explained, frantically looking for his mistake.
“Clone codes don’t work here,” Gregor hissed, “you just triggered a security alert!” 
Blaster fire broke out a second later, and the group dove for cover. Specter swore to herself, switching her rifle for her pistol as Tech threw smoke cover. The team shot to stun, hitting a few troopers. When she saw an opening, Specter dashed out into the line of fire through the smoke cover, using the wall to jump and pound into a trooper’s head, knocking him out, and using the continued momentum to drag the commando leader down to the floor, locking him in a tight chokehold with her legs until he stopped moving. Gregor and Hunter had followed her in as well, each taking down the last of the troopers. While the moment was still quiet, Specter swiped the key card off the commando’s belt.
“Is there another way off this base?” Hunter asked, coming around to pull Specter up.
“Only one way out. Up,” Gregor answered. 
“Look at this,” Tech spoke up, pulling the helmet off of a fallen trooper. “These are not clone troopers.” The man under the armor had a thin face and blond hair—definitely not a clone.
“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you,” Gregor scoffed. “These are our replacements. If you can believe that.”
“Pfft, I don’t. I’m irreplaceable,” Specter shook her head before running off with the group. 
They ran through the maze of corridors, following Gregor’s lead while stunning any troopers in their path. Specter made sure to slow her pace to match the boys’; Tech ran up beside Gregor.
“Are you sure you know where you’re going?” he questioned.
“Hey, I’m the one who escaped here before!” Gregor sounded almost offended.
“And you were captured,” Tech reminded.
“After I made it out,” added Gregor. Specter rolled her eyes but smiled anyway—he was always an interesting and entertaining character. But also interestingly, the Imperial troopers were stunned too easily. Specter imagined she could simply walk down the hall and casually shoot them down. Gregor stopped them at the end of the hall.
“I thought you said you trained these guys,” Hunter commented.
“Yeah, it’s kind of pathetic. Are you a bad teacher?” Specter tilted her head, kicking at the limp hand of a fallen soldier.
“No, I just didn’t teach them everything. That wouldn’t be very smart, would it?” Gregor winked before leading them to the lift.
The soldiers inside were easily surprised and stunned; Hunter and Gregor dragged them out while the rest entered. Tech went to the control panel.
“We need an authorization code,” he said.
“I got it,” Specter fished for the stolen key card and tossed it to Tech.
“Where did you get a hold of that?” Hunter asked.
“Oh, I swiped it earlier,” she shrugged as the lift started rising to the top. Gregor chuckled before Echo spoke up and asked-
“These new troopers, what do you mean they’re our replacements?”
“Well, we clones are soldiers of a Republic that doesn’t exist,” Gregor started to explain. “These recruits come from all over the galaxy. They swear loyalty to the Empire. They’re not as skilled, but there’s an endless supply of ‘em.”
“Numbers aren’t everything,” said Hunter. 
“Maybe not, but they certainly count,” Specter mumbled, nudging him with her elbow. 
“They aren’t,” he insisted, nudging her back. The door to the lift opened, revealing a whole team of troopers. They ducked out of the way of the barrage of blaster fire before they closed the door again and started quickly descending.
“You were saying?” Tech asked sarcastically, giving a pointed look at Hunter.
“Thank you,” Specter appreciated his support of her point. 
“We’ll, uh, take a detour,” said Gregor, winded from the exertion.
Omega clutched onto Lula, pacing back and forth in the cockpit of the Marauder. It was nowhere near nightfall, but she felt it had been too long since they last checked in. Wrecker, lounging back in the co-pilot’s seat, was of no comfort. 
“How can you be so relaxed?” she asked him.
“Oh, I’m preparing,” he said, clearly not as worried as she was. “I’m chagrin’ up before I charge in.”
“We should’ve heard back from them by now. What if something went wrong?” Omega wondered, and given the team’s track record, it was not outside the realm of possibility. 
“I’m sure they got everything under control. Besides, Specter’s with them!”
“I feel like this is worse than before!” Specter shouted over the cacophony of blasters. Little by little, the group retreated down a hall, defending against the Imperial troopers hot on their tail. Her arms ached from using her pistol, but using her rifle wouldn’t make any difference in the battle they were in. 
“Hunter!” Tech shouted, tossing him a smoke bomb. Hunter caught it and threw it, allowing for them to stun the closest troopers and move out.
Rounding the corner, an orange armored commando jumped in and caught them off guard, shooting Gregor twice in the chest plate. The boys fired multiple stun rounds to no avail; Specter took the opportunity to drop her pistol and reach for her rifle. 
The world around her slowed as she aimed for his blaster, disarming him and his thigh, debilitating him. The commando finally went down as the world around her returned to normal. 
She looked at the rifle in her hands, finding nothing different or peculiar. The odd sensation came and went quickly enough. Blaster fire from down the hall interrupted her thoughts. She holstered her pistol and ran towards cover.
Oddly enough, the control room they found sanctuary in was empty, but they took the chance to stop and recoup.
“Alright, let me see,” Specter said, taking off her helmet and lifting Gregor’s arm to assess his wounds.
“How bad?” Hunter asked.
“Ha! Don’t worry about me. This is nothing. I got blown up once and survived,” Gregor waved it off. Specter smirked.
“Yeah, you’ll be fine. You’ll hardly notice it tomorrow,” she patted his shoulder, even though he winced in pain.
“They have all access points to the central ring blocked off,” Echo reported. Tech came around with his datapad, analyzing the schematics of the complex.
“There,” he pointed up to a vent shaft. “Those pipes are reactor conduits.”
“And?” Hunter tilted his head for him to continue. 
“Well, they should lead to the main reactor’s external exhaust port. That is our path to the outside,” Tech explained. 
“The exhaust vent’s halfway up the mountain. We can’t survive that jump,” said Gregor as Specter helped him stand upright. 
“Well, we should be able to signal our ship from there,” she said. 
Tech threw a small grenade at the grate to the vent. The explosion popped it off, allowing for Tech to hoist up Hunter and Specter so they could help the others up. 
Hunter kicked another vent grate off, leading to the final passageway to the exhaust port. It was still daylight outside; Specter breathed a sigh of relief. 
“Hey,” Hunter muttered, grabbing her attention. “Nice shot back there, with the blaster and the leg. How did you do it?”
“Oh, I don’t really know. It just… felt right,” Specter shrugged. “You want to try calling Omega and Wrecker?” Hunter nodded.
“Wrecker, Omega, come in,” he said into the comm, motioning for the group to keep going.
“We read you, Hunter,” Omega’s voice came through; Specter felt herself relax.
“We have the target, but we ran into some trouble. We need a pickup,” Hunter reported.
“On our way,” the girl reassured. The team made it to the edge of the exhaust port, noting the very distant ground below. Specter’s stomach flipped, perhaps in sympathy for Wrecker’s absence. 
“Ooh,” Gregor chuckled, “glad we’re not going that way.”
“You and me both,” Specter mumbled, shuffling an inch back away from the ledge. 
“We are on approach!” Omega said through the comm. Indeed, the Marauder had risen up out of the trees and made its way toward them.
“We see you,” Tech replied. 
But unfortunately, so did the troopers that followed them through the passageway. Blasters were fired from behind, the group ducked out of the way to the surrounding rocky ledge. Specter continued firing, carefully aiming around the rocks of the cliff. Tech signaled at her; she nodded at his plan.
Together they jumped out into the open, Tech went high while Specter crouched low and stunned the troopers in their way, covering the Marauder’s approach. The pair ducked out of the way as Wrecker appeared behind them on the gangplank of the ship, firing into the tunnel. 
“Little closer!” he shouted into the ship. 
“Is Omega flying?” Specter wondered aloud. 
“Come on!” Wrecker urged as the ship drifted closer to the ledge. Hunter and Echo covered Tech as he jumped on first and dashed inside to take over. Specter helped Gregor jump, Wrecker helped him on board. As Specter was about to jump, the Marauder pulled away to dodge incoming fire from Imperial air support. She yelped, almost losing her balance before Hunter pulled her back to safety. 
Without a second thought, she pulled out her rifle and shot down a fighter in retaliation, growling. Echo and Hunter continued firing into the tunnel, slowly but surely taking down the troopers. 
“We’re coming back around. Be ready!” Tech said from the comms.
“Copy!” Specter replied, shooting down another soldier. The ship came around again with Omega at the door. 
“Jump!” she cried, reaching out. 
“Echo, you first!” Hunter ordered. He nodded and joined Omega, reaching for whoever was next. “Spec!”
“Not without you!” she protested. 
“Go!” Hunter shouted. Specter groaned and did as she was told just before more air support arrived with a barrage of fire. Tech began to pull away. Hunter jumped… but slipped and fell off the gangplank. Omega gasped.
“Hunter!” Specter screamed, reaching out for him with only Echo and Omega holding her back. He seemed to fall in slow motion, reaching out for her. Her heart pounded in her head; she thought of every possible way to save him, but to no avail. Hunter already twisted around to try and break his fall in the treeline and someone yanked her back inside the ship. Tech flew away as fast as he could until the blaster fire ceased.
“Multiple system failures!” Tech cried from the cockpit. “We cannot take many more hits!” 
“Hunter?” Specter tried through the comm, hoping he was still okay. 
“Get the ship out of here,” he said, “I’ll find another way back.”
“Absolutely not!” she argued.
“The odds of escape are not in your favor,” Tech added.
“Go, Tech! That’s an order!” Specter flinched as Hunter yelled, feeling tears crawl down her face under her helmet. 
“No! Turn around! We have to go back for him!” Omega cried, rushing into the tail gun. “Hunter, tell them to come back! Order them to come back!”
“Hunter, don’t do this,” Specter whimpered. They heard him sigh.
“Sorry, girls. I can’t do that.” 
Hey guys, thank you for reading this chapter! Don't forget to vote in the poll if you want me to continue this series!
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katyspersonal · 3 months
I ended up playing more SoTE after a break of several days, actually some interesting progress but also two-parter!
1) Went to Scorpion River catacoms on accident while trying to explore that interesting area with RED Kindred of Rot, and was lowkey disappointed.. because it is a repetitive one. :/ I believed the previous catacomb featuring Godwyn lore was unique! But this one's purpose is to give you another Knight of Death weapon and another variant of talisman by Godwyn @ his Knights! 🙄
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^....and also another Messmer's Knight Spirit Ash variant, when Andreas is the hammer-wielder variant! Though the bit about personal attachment by Messmer is a cool one! Same unique ash energy as Ogha or Finlay I suppose
2) Okay MAYBE this catacomb wasn't THAT repetitive since it featured unique mechanics of goddamn Basylisk statues shooting THESE GODDAMN STUPID EYES
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3) Also if a second person in this world exists who has weird fixation of collecting everything even if they will never use it.. do not grind the Lion-mask Imps for the helmet. They do drop their swords, but not their helmets. Their head piece is FOUND in this catacomb!
Basically it is exactly what you think - it is on one of the platforms accessed by jumping on the spikey plate as soon as it got down and then getting down fast enough when it moves! Just boost your death resistance here since it is in the room with the rocky bridge!
4) Okay so after that I finally decided to go to the Finger Ruins now that I've learned it was accessible by normal means!!! That was so cool! Really large place with many nooks though;;
5) At first I thought these were snakes with arms and legs, but no! They're lampreys!
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(Really liked how I could get this angle gfjyhf)
6) Whereas most of these enemies sorcerer (?) variants used the spell I wasn't familiar with, one of them was using exactly the same purple spell as ringed Fingercreepers use! I took screenshots of it and usually when I have to screenshot something too fast for the phone I just then take a picture of THE screenshot on my phone gfghvv This time I forgot, but yes I still got it on PS! This is really interesting though? I wonder whether lamprey people adopted it from Fingercreepers, or, since only ringed Fingercreepers can use that spell it were lampreys that taught them and gave them a catalyst!
7) I was running around the area for a while instead of getting straight to the point, staring at these formations wondering whether they are cracked eggs (of lamprey?) or the fingers:
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I assume that they are the latter by now! They in many places look like they are digging out of the earth, they vary in sizes and often look multilayered more than cracked! Also since these giant fingers are also rocky and are shown broken sometimes!
8) This is actually really funny how there are canonically characters that were obsessed with researching Fingercreepers to the point of insanity, considering how I kept breaking my mind trying to figure them out at least four times gfhbbbgfb
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And there is a ghost near which you pick it that does state these ruins are their place of origin! Damn my pre-DLC thoughts on Fingercreepers aged like MILK, granted today I finally nuked the post. XD
I am definitely writing it in the list of the times ER's lore transcended the narrative and effected the reality x) *looks at people who were brainwashed to think Shabriri's solution was good* look who is talking
9) Who wish to become fucking WHAT??
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Just another normal day in the Elden Ring universe I suppose hfhtgghjh
10) Got this talisman after ringing that big bell:
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I thought it was an odd choice of the reward, but I guess not really? Okay so, I returned to Ymir about it and,
11) Well I saw this 🌛
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So he gave me a map and the talisman, and then had new dialogue about Marika and Miquella, further explaining how Erdtree thing was corrupt / doomed to rot from the start to explain why Miquella had to remove all of it from himself to actually get anywhere! That makes drop of that talisman from the rock less random.. They've connected the dots, they've connected them.
12) I start to understand why the girls like him so much from what I've seen, this guy really thinks on some other plane x)
13) The talisman that he gave also reminded me of Sellen's monologue about primeval current and how everyone were children of the stars after all and needed to return to them!
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Honestly that stuff was one of my favourite niches to think about, and what I did not expect from the DLC was returning to these themes! Feels very comfy! Like, I got something I did not even ask for only because I didn't even hope for elaboration :')
14) He also could teach two new spells after this, that are basically just variants of one another:
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I haven't tested them yet, but sorcerer lamprey in the Finger Ruins were using these sorceries I believe! They were also pale blue and ricochetting!
15) After that I of course wanted to get to the next Finger Ruins already, so I asked @val-of-the-north how do I get to that spot on the map without passing the Shadow's Keep.. Turned out that I don't. 🤡 That is pretty much the area I've been avoiding, but yeah, I had to make my way to it now! That's on the next post though I am out of screenshot spots 🌛
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clovermarigold · 4 months
Smoke & Ice Chap.7
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Hey everyone! I am sooooo sorry for how long it took to get this chapter out (like half a year). I had a technical issue that ended up making me need to retake all my tests. A family pet died, and then I had a last minute surgery. So, things didn’t exactly go as planned lol. I’m looking to get back into writing more and thankfully this story gave me a pretty good urge to write as well as lasted the longest before I got writer's block at some point. Thank you all for your support and kind words. I absolutely love and read every single one of your comments. Even the ones not related to my health. Your comments are so hilarious, fun and inspiring. As a reward I made an extra long chapter. Thank you all for reading <3
Bold + Italicized = greek
Gods above, men were easy. The second the Lin Kuei bastard had entered Greece his pompous dick swinging had alerted her to his weakness. Pride.
Calla had her reservations on being able to make the rabble leave, but now she was confident. After all, Bi han had looked ready to kill when she followed him into the gardens. Not that she blamed him, she had half a mind to throw him across the mangrove. Just a little more prodding and he’ll either lash out or leave. Either way he would be gone shortly. She would make sure of it. 
The fire god had unknowingly given her a hand in removing them from her presence by putting him in charge. She knew well enough that Liu Kang was blind and foolish, but she didn’t think it to this extent. Having someone so prideful and arrogant with so much unkempt power was a catalyst for undoubted disaster. 
Beyond that, there were obvious flaws in his other choices of representatives. The American was obviously taking nothing seriously, and his Japanese counterpart seemed to only be concerned with something of his the American had. The Shaolin with the hat was oblivious and thought with his stomach. And as for Raiden and Tomas….. She would hand it to Liu Kang, they would be obstacles for her. Well, had they not been made to babysit their fellow champions.
If one of them was set to represent Earth realm in the tournament, she would hope it to be Raiden. She knew nothing of his combat skills, but she would certainly not trust any of the others given their…. Intellectual struggles. 
“Matron?” Calla was dragged from her thoughts as Raiden had seemed to come to her side along with his companions. “Ah, I assume you’re ready to join us as Hamadryad?”. The group bowed, “we will work hard to prove our good intentions”. She had to hand it to Liu Kang, he had good taste in followers… for the most part.
This was a day that Calla would never forget. Looking back on it she wished she had done things differently. Maybe she could have assigned different tasks to her unwanted guests, maybe she could have approached the situation differently. But one thing stood as a fact. She should never have let Tomas near those kids. Everything had been going according to her plan. So why did Tomas have to ruin everything!
“This is Alycia, she leads our agriculture and harvests. Since you say that you were farmers I’m sure you will have no difficulty with assisting her”. The hand off went well enough, the two men not protesting as Alycia dragged them off, no doubt ready to take out all of her frustrations on them for invading her home. It was similarly easy with Johnny and Kenshi. Coriander not giving you so much as a second to explain what they would be doing before dragging them off to begin construction of the children’s home.
So why, WHY, did everything have to go upside down once Tomas was involved. It wasn’t even because of Bi han’s involvement. In fact, Bi han was absent from training. And the worst part, it wasn’t even because he messed up.
The Mangrove was the ideal location for the Hamadryad in many ways, one of the major reasons being space. The Mangrove’s training area was simplistic in design. Split into three sections; a wide open area for sparing, an area with target dummies, and an untouched overgrown area with trees and tall grass. 
To say Miche was excited would be an understatement. The blonde haired boy was practically bouncing off the walls since breakfast when he heard that Tomas would be training him. Calla couldn’t help but smile as she watched Miche ramble to the Lin kuei as the three approached the grounds, every other word switching out of english in lack of knowing the translation. 
A part of Calla felt a little bad for Miche. It was obvious that after the fire he had grown attached to Tomas, which was going to make his inevitable departure painful for him. Miche was the youngest of the Hamadryad. And the only one who had no concept of a life before the megáli fotiá. The last thing Calla wanted was for him to be at all like a paternal role to him. 
Which is why looking back on this day she would always wonder what the hell she had been thinking when she told Tomas to train him.
“Widen your stance” Tomas instructed, tapping Miche’s foot with his own. “Like this?” Tomas smiled, “exactly”.
It was almost unnerving how calm Tomas was. At this point a few others had begun to watch the lesson between him and Miche. That paired with Calla watching and openly judging him should have at least made him wary. But instead he seemed entirely focused on Miche. For a moment Calla had wondered if her plan had backfired.
Around half an hour had passed of Tomas teaching Miche to throw an opponent before he told the boy to take a break “Sister, what do you think?!”. “You’re learning fast. Well done” Calla gave a curt smile as the boy drank water. Looking over, Tomas seemed to be speaking to the small group of onlookers. Most of which were the children only slightly older than Miche…. Oh no.
Calla’s eyes widened as she watched a number of the smaller boys start to show off to Tomas, sparring with the air and laughing. She had accounted for everything. Their little groups arrogance, pride, ignorance, and folly. But she had never thought to take into account them actually being likable. Calla had half a mind to yell at the children to go away. But that would do little good in the end. No, she would have to pivot from this miscalculation. 
In a matter of minutes Tomas’ task of training a singular pupil had expanded into three. The two extra little boys being around two years older than Miche. “Elm! Misha! Leave our guest alone. He has enough to do”. Tomas could understand the gist of Calla’s meaning based on the way the two slinked backwards looking between him and her, “With respect, I would very much enjoy the opportunity to guide more students”.
Calla looked at Tomas from the corner of her eye, holding back the urge to narrow them in irritation. Turning back to the boys in question would prove to be another mistake, the now three of them huddled together looking pathetic and no doubt attempting to guilt her into caving.
“...Of course. If you insist” Calla smiled, before turning to leave. She took back what she said. Men weren’t easy. Boy’s were. And unfortunately for her there was at least one man in Liu kang’s little horde. 
Johnny groaned, stretching his neck to the side as he approached the long low sitting tables sat underneath shaded ivy. Sitting next to Raiden he was quick to dive into the tray of cold fruits laid out. 
“You know when the matron said we would be helping rebuild an entire building, she could have mentioned by WE she meant us and two people”. Normally Kenshi would be quick to chastise Johnny for complaining, but he had to admit he was right. Coriander had them working non stop through lunch. Apparently, Dryads had different work and eating cultures than humans. Having two communal meals a day and not believing in breaks. 
“You think that’s bad?” Kung lao huffed, visibly stained in dirt. “Dryads harvest fields daily. Wait, let me rephrase that. The same fields, daily. Every time I thought we were done they just regrew everything”. 
“It was more than I anticipated, I will admit,” Raiden said, massaging his hands. “And that lady, Alycia, does not like us,” Kung lao shook his head before biting into an apple. “I think that’s true for everyone here, Kung lao” Kenshi said. The four watched as both Tomas and Bi han approached and joined across from them, “Are things going better on your end?”.
“The boys are making progress if that is what you’re asking” Tomas said, earning a glare from Bi han, “You were tasked with training one. We do not need you wasting our time on frivolous children”.
“I would hardly call this frivolous, Bi han” Bi han’s nose scrunched. “Divulging Lin Kuei secrets to Dryad brats is not our prerogative. Finish the mission, so we may leave” Harshly he stood to walk away. “What's up his ass?” from both sides Johnny was met by sharp elbows knocking into his ribs. 
Johnny sighed, “I’m starting to really miss meat” he looked at  the long tables flooded with Dryads eating together, searching for anything hearty. “Eat the vegetables Johnny, they’re filling enough on their own” Tomas said exhausted. As if on cue, the second he reached for his own plate a small swarm of young teens came buzzing over to surround him, overlapping Greek and laughter making it impossible to know what they wanted. 
What was understandable was the three hands pulling him from his seat towards another table. “And the chaperones are gone” Johnny sat up, “I’m gonna see if this place has anything to drink”.
Calla sat with her arms crossed, “You’re pouting” Cypress took a sip of tea. Calla glared, “I don’t pout”. “You do”, Calla glared at Tomas. “He’s becoming a problem” Cypress looked over at the man currently covered in children before looking back to Calla with a brow raised. “Whatever shall we do? He is viciously teaching our children table manners” Calla’s eyes narrowed at the obvious sarcasm, “The last thing we need are people getting attached. The entire point of letting them in was to make them lose hope”.
“Careful, Sister, you’ll sour your dinner” Calla gave up staring at the Lin Kuei in favor of turning to Cypress. “I don’t want them worming themselves into their minds”. Cypress laughed, “hmm, by the looks of it the girls are particularly interested in his… worm” Calla’s eyes shot wide and darted back to Tomas who was surrounded by a number of the younger girls, a couple older ones too. 
“Absolutely not! Get away from him!” the group flinched, dissipating back to their tables. Calla rubbed her temple, trying to act as though she didn’t create a scene. Thankfully no one wanted to comment on it, or at least were too scared to. 
“Children” she huffed, “Chasing after the first thing with legs they see”. “It’s their first time seeing people from the outside world, you can hardly blame them for being curious” Cypress argued, “Honestly, I expected you to react the same”.
“I’ve dealt with the outside world more than enough” Calla rolls her eyes. “I’d hardly call threatening lost hikers a conversation” Cypress paused, “Sister… I am aware of your lack of interest when it comes to… physical pursuits” Calla was on edge. “And I know it is because you see yourself as a parent to the mangrove and everyone in it. Perhaps, being able to release any pent up urges with someone who will not remain for long would be-” Calla slammed the table, shooting up, cheeks red in embarrassment. This had certainly created a spectacle, both the Mangrove and Liu Kang’s brats staring at her. “You will never speak to me of this again”. 
“What was that about?” Johnny asked, watching as the matron stormed off. “Oh, suddenly I’m fluent in Greek, let me tell you all about it!” Johnny frowned at Kenshi’s tone. 
Calla huffed as she stormed towards her home. The gall on Cypress! To try to give advice on her sex life. Cypress was well aware why she chose not to couple with any of the Hamadryad. She had practically raised all of them, with a few exceptions. And even then, after everything with Atticus… she couldn’t do that again.
She had half a mind to march to the temple and call upon the fire god himself and make him remove his pawns from her home. But that would do nothing but invite more trouble.
Calla sighed, perhaps going to the temple would be the better choice of action. Not summoning Liu Kang, certainly not. But tempering herself and seeking guidance in Lady Cetrion would be wiser than stewing rage in an empty home.
The temple was quiet as per usual at this time, the only sound emanating being the quiet flow of gentle rushing water. Calla never quite understood spirituality, even as matron. She just chalked it up to being too young. By the elder gods she hated that. Too young. It was the source of her every problem and insecurity. Lack of experience, continuous questioning, and now a plethora of intruders she allowed to stay in her home.
Even now, sitting in the wood and marble building, kneeling beneath her Lady’s statue she didn’t feel any divine guidance. Just… cold….Cold?
“In the time it took for you to notice me I could have killed you” the grating gravel voice of Bi han sounded behind her. “Have you come purely to interrupt my content or do you have an actual purpose here” her jaw ticked. 
“Content?” he laughed, “Your fists say otherwise”. Calla stood from her cushioned altar to face him. “You can fool everyone else with your charade but I know better” Calla puffed out her chest at the accusation. “I don’t know what is more insulting. That you are ill kempt to be the Hamadryads Matron, or that you’re the best the Hamadryad have to offer”. 
“Continue to spew vile in my Lady’s temple and I will show you how kempt I am” She popped the t, words dripping with malice. Calla looked up and down his figure. She had done nothing more than be in his presence and he looked ready to murder. Oh, now she understood, “Is it painful?”. “What-” Calla cut him off, “Having someone ‘beneath you’, have more power than you”. 
Cold vapor began to fume off of his shoulders and hands, mask failing to cover any of his rage. “Unkempt. No leash. No job other than the wellbeing of my own people. Must sound nice after years under Liu Kang’s thumb” his hand shot out to wrap around her neck, cold fingers frosting over her skin. 
“How sad” Calla said straight faced, concealing all fear she had in the moment in favor of the most pitying look she could give him. 
Now Bi han really was going to kill this bitch
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intercoursefluids · 5 months
WDIB Chapter 17
Marinette sat back against the headboard, pillow pulled to her chest as she listened to Damian explain what had happened, along with a few interjections by Jon, who she now knew as he long lost brother.
Long lost twin brother.
Apparently, they both had their dad’s (Her biological father’s) eyes. Which explained why they were so painfully familiar; she saw them every time she looked in the mirror.
“We were operating under the assumption that you were aware of the situation and wanted to come with us. It wasn’t until we met face to face that we realized we were wrong in that assumption.” Damian said, running a hand through his hair. “For what happened after, I’m sure Alya will want to be the one to tell you, or you can find the video online.”
“Video?” Marinette asked looking up with wide eyes.
“Yeah, what video?” Jon asked, a confused frown covering his face.
Damian glanced between them before sighing.
“Right, neither of you were awake for that. Long story short, someone filmed your akumatization, Marinette. Me and Alya tried to get it taken down, but it’s been an uphill battle. It’s being reposted faster than we can get them taken down.” Damian explained.
“Oh.” Marinette replied.
She should have expected this, akumatizations were never a private affair. It sucked, but she couldn’t exactly oppose to it.
It’s not like she was the only person who was thrust into the public eye because of an akumatization.
“How bad was it?” She asked, remembering how catastrophic some of the battles had been.
Damian pressed his lips together, pulling out his phone.
“Do you want to watch the video?” He asked, slowly unlocking his phone.
Marinette hesitated for a moment, she’d never been comfortable watching akuma videos, it had felt invasive but, this was her video…
In the end, she said yes.
Marinette accepted the phone from Damian, ignoring how desperately Jon was trying to pretend he didn’t also want to watch and opting to just tilt the phone so they could both watch.
It wasn’t violent, which she had been expecting, but it was still… Haunting. In its own right.
It looked like she was drowning, trapped underwater and not even caring.
Watching herself turn Alya into a completely lifeless doll made Marinette feel nauseous.
It wasn’t until the video ended that Marinette turned her attention back to Damian, one question burning in her mind.
“Did I… Is Hawkmoth?”
“From what I could understand, yes. The heroes haven’t announced anything publicly, but it seems likely.”
Marinette slumped, disbelief coating her entirely.
Hawkmoth was gone.
Hawkmoth was gone and she had been the catalyst for it.
She didn’t know what to do with that information.
“What is everyone calling her? My akuma?” Marinette asked, arms hanging limply by her sides.
“Princess Serenity.” Damian answered.
She’d certainly heard worse.
In her disbelief, Marinette almost missed Jon’s question.
“Who is that?” He asked, pointing to the lump on the chair.
Damian looked over curiously.
“Oh, that’s Adrien. Adrien Agreste.”
Marinette was going to puke.
Come Find Me In The Maribat Discord!<3
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seth-shitposts · 9 months
Oooohhhh, I wanna know about Force User Zeb and The Eyes of the Ashla 👀👀
Absolutely friend 🫂💙💙💙
Force User Zeb
For FUZ, it's from when we participated in Bahryn Festival 2023. We're taking a break from it, but I'll share some things about it.
We want to explore how cultures who are separated from the main region/mainstream cultivated their relationships with the force. In this AU, Zeb is force sensitive, but having grown up on his home planet, his parents chose to have him follow tradition of nurturing his connection to the ashla by learning from the Revered Masters.
[In the fic, somewhere we're going to explain that with Jaro Tapal, that was an attempt/mutual reaching out. Lasan being isolated by how far out they are, decided to exchange their love and respect to The Force/Ashla. Things were going well with them building a connection until it was severed by order 66. To protect themselves and after losing one of their own and an entire community that they trusted, they returned to their isolation. They were friendly to those in neighboring systems, but that was it.]
In this, Kanan and Zeb had been so crucial to bringing each other back into recommiting faith to the Force&Ashla. It's another thing that brought them close. And it had been catalysted by Hera.
We're going to incorporate the new concept Sebastián and I thought of, the sentient bo-rifles. Force User Zeb would be the perfect place for us to utilize it. Especially with how in this AU, Zeb has the psychometry ability!
Hondo is going to make several appearances. Because we want to build more upon the lasat prophecy and Hondo was such a key element to that. I want to keep to that theme through the story.
Which brings us to:
At one point, something that we've had in mind for the au since starting it, Hondo steals an artifact off an imperial black market smuggler. He has not a clue what it is. Whatever it is has something to do with Lasan [& The Ashla]. He tells kallus about how he can't get anyone to buy it. Kallus offers to make him food in exchange for it (so he can safely return it to Zeb. Kallus wants it out of imperial circulation entirely. So he wants it to return to the person who has the most right to it).
But the moment kallus touches it, it binds to him. Both through the ashla and physically. At first he thinks it's just stuck on him. It's not until later that he realizes that it has more to it than that. Ashla shenanigans ensue and Kallus routinely gets sent to a pocket of space/time where he meets with both a form of The Grand Inquisitor & The previous bearer of his bo-rifle.
We might revamp what we have so far, but it's still in debate between Sebastián and I. What might happen is that we could turn what we have up atm into a concept dump and proceed similarly as we have been doing with Defectors AU. Quilting it. It's been how we've gotten the most worn done and are still highly committed to it. Trying to work on a fic by only doing it a chapter at a time/in story chronological order is the main reason why it went into hiatus. Its very difficult for us to write a longer story in that way. (Which is why I'm so relieved we've learned more about quilting and have been able to do it intentionally.)
The Eyes Of The Ashla
We had been hoping to have this done for Halloween. As a Halloween special type thing.
@lost-in-derry gave us the prompt/concept and we started molding it. I'm still looking forward to it.
The concept we're doing is that Kallus has had the ability to see wisps, purple wisps, for as long as he could remember. He was never sure what they were. He found out early in life that only he could see or interact with them.
On Lasan, he realizes *exactly* what they are. Because he had never seen so many in one place. And they kept multiplying.
A big part of the concept and this fic is that the wisps are Bogan spirits, unrested or trapped. Kallus is tasked with guiding the wisps back to the light- to the Ashla, bringing them peace. Once he helps the first one, he just keeps going. Slowly but surely becoming much more intentionally about it. He doesn't fully understand it all, but the wisp of the guardsman he fought is a bit of a guide for him. The Bogan [in this au] contains the fury and wrath of injustices and Kallus slowly realizes this at some point after Lasan.
It's force sensitive kallus with a twist. There's much more to it, our notes are just scattered on it atm. Here's a snippet though.
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I'm going to have to rewatch the series to see if this all makes sense. However, I have a theory that would cover up a good few plot holes in S5 of Miraculous:
I've seen a lot of people saying that it doesn't make sense that Nathalie has never made any effort to stop Gabriel before, and has in fact been a willing participant in many of his plans, if she promised Emilie that she'd stop him. But she wasn't always involved.
It's established that Emilie disappeared a while prior to "Origins" meaning that Gabriel clearly hadn't gone straight to the butterfly Miraculous as his immediate solution. However, notably, that day is Adrien's first day of school - he runs away and Nathalie is busy trying to track him down. My theory is that she'd been keeping an eye on Gabriel - making sure he couldn't use the Miraculous - and that day, because she was distracted with trying to find Adrien, Gabriel saw his chance and ran with it. Edit: this also explains why she forgot to get Adrien a birthday present, because generally she's very organised - we can safely assume that she was busy trying to keep on top of all the akumatisations and it slipped her mind.
Obviously Nathalie would then know that Gabriel was Hawkmoth - but she never turns him in. Why? The simple answer is "oh she was in love with him" but a) it's always felt a little bit on the Stockholm-syndrome side to me and b) I'm not buying that so early in the series - I'm fairly sure she isn't interested in him for quite a while, until around mid-S2. So why is it? There's actually a very easy answer here - Gabriel's her friend. Putting aside the fact that she's entirely dependent on the Agreste family (which I partially explained in another theory here) - she never goes home or seems to have any other family, and from the photos we see in Revelation, plus things she says in Passion and various other episodes, she, Gabriel and Emilie were very good friends. In S1 I don't think we ever see her do anything obvious, but at certain points of S2 she looks exhausted after talking to Gabriel about the Miraculous, implying that she's partially against him on this - notably at the end of Queen Wasp, where she confronts him - "I thought you'd given up".
So by the end of S2 she's angry, but not just with Gabriel - from Nathalie's point of view, Gabriel is still her friend and possibly the closest thing she has to family, and Ladybug and Cat Noir are prolonging his madness - in S2, she and Adrien, as well as Gabriel in some cases, are frequently targeted by akumas. Therefore, she starts to help him - leading to the line in Catalyst "They've been keeping you from achieving your dream for way too long. I will go to any length to end the reign of Ladybug and Cat Noir". Add to that the name of her akumatized form, Catalyst, meaning something that speeds up a reaction - she's not exactly aiding him, she just wants it over as quickly as possible. By the end of the episode, of course, she's become Mayura - as a desperate last resort, because no matter how obstinate he's being, Gabriel is still her friend and she doesn't want him to get into trouble, for both his and Adrien's sakes.
As of season 3, she becomes Mayura more and more often, even though it's hurting her, because she wants to help him - this is where she falls in love with him (*indistinct growling that sounds a lot like "utter bullshit"*) and wants to help him because of that - also, as Mayura she looks very different to her civilian form. This is where things get interesting and I'll do a separate post on it at some point, but Nathalie's design is very similar to her civilian form as Catalyst - where ultimately she had some degree of control over her appearance - but as Mayura, it's very different. This is possibly because it's a more subconscious matter - Plagg tells this to Adrien at some point - and we could potentially see this as a very similar matter between Adrien and Nathalie, that using the Miraculous gives them not only superpowers but the ability to be who they really want to be, deep down. Of course, as Nathalie was weakened by the curse, using the Miraculous probably also became an incentive due to the fact that it will have given her back some strength and some sort of control over her life again - this sort of addiction that is now being alluded to with Gabriel, particularly in Evolution.
Then, after the finale, everything changes, and in S4, while she's still actively aiding Gabriel, she can't directly assist him anymore as Mayura. Perhaps she was keeping him in check a little before, or perhaps it's simply both of their characters changing, but throughout series 4 Nathalie appears to become more and more uncomfortable with Gabriel's actions, finally coming up with a solution in Evolution which would put everything to "rights" without hurting anyone - we can assume that she's had these plans for quite a while and has been waiting until they could get ahold of the Rabbit Miraculous. We could even perceive this as a test - she's trying to see whether he really does still care about Emilie (and, by extension, her) or whether he's just after Ladybug and Cat Noir now (as her plan did not involve either of them). When he fails, she cuts him off. She still can't turn him in, because that would implicate her (and undoubtedly Gabriel would immediately turn her in). But she does keep on working against him - in Passion, where she tries to take the Miraculous so she can grant her own wish, for example. Again, Passion is interesting because Safari's design is nothing like Nathalie's usual attire - bright, bold colours and dramatic clothes, like Mayura, implying that Nathalie is in control this time - she holds the cards here, and Gabriel has no choice but to let her try and carry out her plan, which very nearly works. Also, it implies that she's dropped all pretence and is refusing to conform to the "assistant" role anymore. In this episode the videos are revealed - videos that clearly hold a lot of sentimental value for Nathalie, as do the photos - did she perhaps take them without anyone knowing? The photos are burned at the edges, implying that somebody (probably Gabriel) tried to do away with them - but Nathalie, who thus far has been one of the least sentimental characters in the show, held onto them, and kept them safely locked away where no one would find them. The same with the videos - Gabriel says that the videos were destroyed, but we know they weren't.
I've gone way off track with this, but in my defense a) Nathalie is an absolutely fascinating character and b) I'm a media student. But you see my point - those videos didn't come out of nowhere, and neither did Nathalie's villain arc - they all built up very slowly and gradually over time.
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gospelofme · 1 year
Okay so I finally watched the last episode of The Bad Batch. This can go one of two ways.
Tech is dead or Tech is alive (but obviously injured)
Tech is dead
This could’ve been a legit self sacrifice by Tech in keeping with the significance of Plan 99. Clone 99 sacrificed himself to give his brothers a chance. Clone Force 99 is an homage to him.
This could be an important lesson for Omega. That someone would sacrifice himself for someone or people that he cared about, in an effort to protect them. Tech had the strength to make that decision. He loved her and his brothers enough to cut his connection to the railcar, thereby giving them a chance to live.
She can be sad, she can mourn his loss, but she can also honor it. She can use that chance he gave her to carry on the fight. She can remember that choice he made. It would’ve been the hardest choice, and the easiest. Hard because self-preservation is human nature, instinct would’ve told him NOT to shoot the connection. Easy because his brothers would have an opportunity to escape vs certain death for all of them. He calculated the odds and made the best decision. He embodied 99.
Tech is alive (but injured)
It is possible that Tech is alive. We’ve seen Echo survive being blown up in a ship. Hell, Gregor got blown up by a shit ton of Rhydonium and he’s okay (mostly). It’s possible that Tech was able to get into the railcar as it came closer to him while falling. Perhaps he was able to get inside and it protected him. This is valid since it protected the rest of the group when it jumped the track and busted through the stone wall. It was going at a very high speed and still provided some protection. Granted they were all injured but alive. Also, we have a ton of what could be cloud cover or mist (this is an alien planet after all), so we don’t know exactly how far of a fall he sustained.
Another point I use to justify Tech being alive is Hemlock’s own words. He gave Hunter back Tech’s goggles saying that was all he could salvage. Hemlock is all about experimentation and clones. I don’t see him just finding the goggles and giving up. I see that as being all he could find because there was nothing else. No armor, no body. Again, Echo’s helmet survived an explosion. Tech’s would’ve survived a fall. If he was indeed dead and gone, I can see Hemlock presenting Hunter with Tech’s helmet instead. That would drive the point home to both Hunter and the audience. Tech’s goggles are broken, they’re likely useless to him now, so why bother keeping them. It’s very likely he just discarded them.
We don’t know what all Plan 99 entails. It could be legit self-sacrifice. But it also could be something else completely. With the other plans, they either explain what they are or we can see what they are when they execute them. We don’t get that here. We just get “Plan 99”. The way Wrecker reacts when Tech says this does seem very impactful. And he is upset when they’re at Cid’s. Hunter and Echo are upset as well, Echo even isolating himself in the ship (he had said he didn’t like being secluded). So it’s possible that self-sacrifice was indeed Tech’s goal BUT he ends up living anyways.
Last thoughts
I honestly don’t know how I feel about either option. I like the character, he’s great! But I also feel like his sacrifice was important. It was like when Fives died. It sucked. It hurt. BUT it ended up being the catalyst for Kix to investigate independently. Rex filed his report which confirmed he wasn’t sure that Fives was crazy. He told Ahsoka to “Find Fives” before the chip took over which ultimately led to her to that report he had filed, thus saving his life and uncovering the reason for the chips. That discovery enabled the chips to be removed in other clones as well. None of that would’ve happened if Fives hadn’t died. So his death was impactful.
If they go the route of “he sacrificed himself with the understanding he wouldn’t survive, but he was okay with this because his team would escape…but we ended up not actually killing him off”, then I feel like it cheapens his intentions. But they did that with Gregor, so perhaps they’ll do that with Tech as well. I’d be okay with it as long as it makes sense and it was all part of a larger end goal.
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4nt1chri5t · 1 year
Whispers of Betrayal - fem!readerxDracoFF
Originally published on Wattpad - Whispers of Betrayal by Alaskas_ice (me)
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5 - 'The Enigmatic Dance of Potions and Stardust'
The common room was filled with the sound of giggling girls, whispers between friends and questions as to what was going on. Malfoy, however, knew exactly what was going on - the Yule Ball was just around the corner. After all, he had grown up in a wealthy family, so he knew about almost every event that was of some importance to the wizarding world, even if it was just a ball that students attended.
But wait, it was the Yule Ball. Another brilliant way to make an impression on (Y/L/N)'s mind,' Malfoy thought. With that, he could build up even more trust, until eventually she wouldn't even think about not trusting him for whatever reason, and would be completely convinced that all of his ideas and opinions were the right ones. But how was he going to do that? His thought process was interrupted by a second year who bumped into him in all his nervousness. He pushed him aside with a look of disgust that could have been his signature look.
(Y/L/N) didn't really know what the Yule Ball was, so she had to ask someone. Since it was a ball and she at least knew what that meant, she decided to ask Luna. Even if she was strange, she would most likely be helpful with this question. And she didn't want to get on Malfoy's nerves. So (Y/L/N) got dressed up and made her way to the Great Hall early, hoping to meet Luna either on her way or in the Great Hall.
On her way to the Great Hall, (Y/L/N) hoped to find Luna and ask her all the important questions she had in mind. Luna's unique perspective and gentle demeanour made her the ideal person to provide insight into the upcoming event, (Y/L/N) thought to herself. As (Y/L/N) entered the Great Hall, she spotted Luna sitting at a table, seemingly lost in her own thoughts. Approaching her with a smile, (Y/L/N) took a seat next to Luna.
"Hi, Luna! Do you have a moment? I might have a few questions about the Yule Ball, as I've been hearing a lot of giggling and whispering about it all morning. I've been trying to remember what it was, but I just can't figure it out. I was hoping it would just come back to me like my orientation - but no luck this time it seems," (Y/L/N) said as if she had to explain herself. Luna listened carefully and smiled softly as soon as (Y/L/N) sat down next to her.
"Oh, hello there, (Y/N). Of course I have a moment. What would you like to know about the Yule Ball?" she asked in her dreamy manner.
"Well, I know what a ball is, but could you enlighten me as to what makes this one so special and different from others?"
Luna's ethereal gaze turned towards (Y/L/N) as she pondered the question. Her voice was soft and comforting, as if she was talking to a friend in need. "Losing memories can be like chasing shadows in a moonlit forest, but fear not, (Y/N). The Yule Ball is a bewitching celebration that dances with enchantment and twirls with elegance. It's an extraordinary event woven into the fabric of the Triwizard Tournament, where students gather to revel in the magic of the night."(Y/L/N) listened intently, captivated by Luna's whimsical words.
"Unlike other balls, the Yule Ball has a unique charm. It brings together not only the students of our beloved Hogwarts, but also the competitors and guests of the Triwizard Tournament. It's a grand tapestry of unity, where friendships are forged and secrets of the heart are whispered to the melodies of swirling waltzes".
(Y/L/N)'s eyes widened, the concept of the Yule Ball painting vivid images in her mind. "But why is it so special?" she wondered, her curiosity growing.
Luna's voice carried a hint of mystery as she continued, her words laced with gentle understanding. "The Yule Ball serves as a catalyst for enchantment and transformation. It's an opportunity for us to transcend our everyday selves, dressed in exquisite attire that mirrors the stars in the night sky. It's a night where dreams are woven into reality and memories are etched into the heart. Each step on the dance floor holds the potential for magic, as hearts find solace in the embrace of a dance partner".
(Y/L/N) absorbed Luna's words, feeling a sense of wonder and excitement grow within her. "That sounds incredible," she whispered, a slight smile on her lips.
"It really is, (Y/N). The Yule Ball is a radiant tapestry of moments waiting to be discovered, a chance for you to make new memories and perhaps even reclaim some that have been lost. Embrace the magic and let it take you on a journey of self-discovery and connection".
"Stop me if this is inappropriate, but would you mind telling me if you have someone in mind to go with?" (Y/L/N) asked, chuckling. She had the feeling that she could talk to Luna about anything and everything, so why shouldn't it be girly stuff? A few giggles couldn't hurt.
"I would have loved to traverse the dance floor under the glowing moonlight, but alas, I am but a humble third-year wanderer, destined to wait for my turn to dance under the stars. The Yule Ball beckons to those of higher years, whisking them away into a realm of elegance and grace, while I will watch with wide-eyed wonder, weaving stories in my mind". Luna replied, giggling despite her dreamy way of explaining things. "But I may return your question. Have you found a dance partner, someone with whom you can waltz through the starry night?"
"I haven't found one yet, I'm not even sure I'll find one. After all, there seemed to be a lot of trouble before my incident. So who knows..." (Y/L/N) replied, wondering if there was anyone who would ask her. One thing she knew, she wouldn't have the courage to ask anyone right now, after everything that had happened.
"Oh, don't worry, (Y/N). The universe has a way of aligning the stars and bringing unexpected connections."
(Y/L/N) smiled at her answer, still interpreting what it might exactly mean. Luna truly had a special and unique way of expressing her feelings and talking to friends.
However, the Great Hall was starting to become filled with students and as soon as he saw Malfoy sitting down at the Slytherin table - although she didn't see him enter the Great Hall - she knew it was time to leave and eat something before the breakfast ended. She said goodbye to Luna and walked towards the group of boys, which today was only Nott, Zabini and Malfoy. If she was honest to herself, she liked those three the most. Crabbe and Goyle just weren't her piece of cake.
She sat down and greeted them, as if she'd done it a thousand times before. It almost felt like routine she thought, but how could it be different since this situation must've been normal before her memory loss. After all, she was grateful to even have someone to sit with after such a strange time. She wouldn't know what she'd do without them.
The day started with Potions, which they apparently had with the Gryffindor students. But that meant she had to see them, who Malfoy now called Blood Traitors when talking about them in (Y/L/N)'s presence. Although she didn't know exactly what had happened before the incident, she had built up enough trust with Malfoy that she felt strange whenever any of the three of them crossed her path. She couldn't bear the thought of what they had done to her - or what they would do if she gave them the chance to catch her alone. The whole situation made her stomach turn and she felt sick, so she forced herself to think of something else - which wasn't hard considering Snape marched in and shouted at the class to be quiet.
Malfoy was a little late, but as soon as he arrived, he silently made his way to the empty seat next to (Y/L/N), which once again earned her some strange looks from the Gryffindor students, especially from the three who never seemed to look away anyway.
She thought Snape would yell at Malfoy, or at least say something about him being almost five minutes late, but nothing happened, which made her wonder.
"We will continue our study of antidotes, students. I expect you all to know where we left off and come prepared." Snape said in his deep voice and gave no further instructions on what to do. Great, (Y/L/N) thought. How could he expect her to know everything after everything that had just happened? But it seemed as if Malfoy had come prepared for the two of them, as he shoved his book in the middle of the table and laid each ingredient on the table twice, handing her the second set of ingredients, including Wiggentree twigs, castor oil and extract of Gurdyroot.
(Y/L/N) started reading the instructions, which stated:
1. Add four Wiggentree twigs, or until the potion turns green. 2. Stir until the potion turns orange. 3. Add Castor oil  until the potion turns blue. 4. Stir until the potion turns purple. 5. Add Extract of  Gurdyroot until the potion turns red. 6. Add Wiggentree twigs. 7. Add Extract of Gurdyroot until the potion turns purple. 8. Leave the potion to simmer till it turns red. 9. Add more gurdyroot extract till it turns green. 10. Stir till it turns orange.Add seven Wiggentree twigs. 11. Allow to simmer till it turns pink.
It sounded easy, but it soon turned out to be harder than expected. (Y/L/N) could have sworn she was doing everything the way it was supposed to be done. But still, the potion wouldn't turn purple after the second time she added the Gurdyroot extract. She looked confused, which Malfoy soon noticed, as he'd already finished his perfect looking pink potion.
"You didn't stir long enough." Malfoy said.
"You didn't stir long enough, in step 4. That's what happens. But move over, it's an easy fix," he said confidently, concentrating. He seemed to know what he was doing, which made him sound almost like a professional.
(Y/L/N) moved a little so he could get closer to her and her cauldron. He began to add ingredients, stirring now and then in a concentrated manner. "So have I always been bad at potions?"
"I'd love to tell you otherwise, but my mother taught me not to lie when it wasn't to my own advantage, so I have to tell you - you weren't the worst, but you certainly weren't the best, (Y/N)," he answered honestly - which might have been the first truth he'd told in a long time - and gave her a smug grin.
"Disappointing, but still, I must say that I am grateful to have you," she replied, giving him a sincere smile, while still closely watching what he was doing and how he was doing it. Every move he made seemed so simple and yet so precise, it clearly impressed her as it was her 'first time' seeing him like this.
He suddenly stopped moving and looked at her. "Now just add the seven Wiggentree twigs and wait," he instructed her.
She carefully took the twigs and added them to the orange potion. Even though this step was probably the easiest, she was still afraid of doing something wrong. But after a while, the potion turned the same shade of pink as Malfoy's.
This might have been a small success for others, but she clapped silently for herself and turned to Malfoy with a bright smile on her face, which made him smile genuinely. However, his thoughts soon took over and he corrected himself, thinking how ridiculous it was to be happy about something as simple as following clear instructions from a book, which was far below his standards.
The lesson was soon over and everyone was getting ready to leave when Snape said loudly, "Gryffindor students may leave, but Slytherin students will be staying a little longer. We'll have two more lessons in the next two hours, for which I'll have to explain something.
This announcement was followed by a few students whining. Malfoy and (Y/L/N) both had the same thought, as they could both think of better ways to spend their free time.
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zalrb · 2 years
okay i finally read pt. 4, and it was obviously deliciously amazing!! i think what i enjoyed the most is sometime that you do often in your stelena fics where you force elena to feel the full weight of her decision to choose damon. like i know that canonically, elena has always been jealous of the idea of stefan with other women, but i loved how in the fic it’s clear that the promises that they made to each other are still binding in her mind. and i LOVE how even stefan’s initial reaction to elena’s reaction is to feel guilt and there’s almost this delay between that still recognizing their soulmate connection that’s never going anywhere and realizing the facts of their situation. it’s such a tough place to be in, and it’s angsty in the best way. also, i always find damon’s willingness to keep up with this farce of a relationship almost impressively pathetic. i know that some folks say that you make them feel sympathetic towards damon but that’s not true for me lmaooo. it just makes him out to be the sad little man he truly is instead of covering him in plot armor. my thoughts are all over the place, but i found the blood sharing scene so mesmerizing??? like i could not stop visualizing the pure carnality of it and that recurring theme of possession between them—especially with him later explaining his fixation with her as an addiction to elena. like katherine and blood are two things that he enjoys so primally and wholly in the moment and feels a deep since of shame and loathing immediately after indulging in. both of these things are symbols of his vampirism (katherine as his creator, blood as his sustenance) and how he hated a fundamental part of himself for song. but like, elena is also the catalyst who gave him the strength and faith to reclaim these symbols. and i feel like it’s so apt that you ended the chapter off with elena having a sex dream about blood sharing with stefan that’s imbued with so much love, devotion, and adoration that explicitly contests the power hungry, violent, and resentful overtones of the steferine blood sharing scene in the beginning. beautifully done as always!! i’m currently in the process of moving so i apologize for how scatterbrained i am right lmao
thank you!! and i hope everything is going well with your move!
you do often in your stelena fics where you force elena to feel the full weight of her decision to choose damon. like i know that canonically, elena has always been jealous of the idea of stefan with other women, but i loved how in the fic it’s clear that the promises that they made to each other are still binding in her mind. and i LOVE how even stefan’s initial reaction to elena’s reaction is to feel guilt and there’s almost this delay between that still recognizing their soulmate connection that’s never going anywhere and realizing the facts of their situation. it’s such a tough place to be in, and it’s angsty in the best way.
yes! exactly, i've always been like, the show never made due on this sentiment
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and in fics i'm like, i want to tease that concept out. i want to stay in the moments that the show gives us and actually explore the emotions of it. if elena is like this
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whenever she thinks she's lost stefan
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and there are still moments and feelings after the breakup like this:
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with nowhere to go because she made a choice to be with a man who isn't even the kind of a man who can figure out that she isn't herself
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who has to direct her to lean on her connection with her ex-boyfriend who she has a cosmic bond with
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and such a rich history
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and is cut off from the natural progression of that relationship for whatever reason
“The bottom line is that Elena as a human made a very, very, very clear choice that she would love Stefan always and forever,” she says. “But then her entire life turned upside down, and any feelings she originally had for Damon were still there, and of course magnified. There was always going to be a little bit of a confusion there for her — but not enough confusion for her to be over Stefan. It would take a lot to rip Elena away from loving Stefan. It would take years and seasons. We’d be eighty, if we followed the natural progression of that relationship.”
what is that actually going to look like? it's going to be fucking difficult.
and in previous fics, i've either had stefan single and his main conflict is how not to hurt damon,
or i've had him with caroline and her with damon in unfulfilling relationships and they both can't help but feed into their bond,
so this time i was like it would be interesting if stefan is actively engaged with someone else and elena has to watch it and sit with the feelings stefan felt watching her with damon
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and then making it katherine, like I said in another response when I did the first part of the fic, it really has nothing to do with the damage she's caused to the friend group, that's kind of just a bonus, it's more to do with seeing the effect Katherine has on him.
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Like, I got an ask a while ago about whether or not I thought Elena was insecure about her sexual prowess considering that Stefan was over a hundred years old and slept with women like Katherine and Rebekah and I was like I never thought that she'd be insecure sexually but with this fic, the jealousy and the heartbreak stems from how far gone he is because of this sex, the power that him and Katherine together have, which is very different from what the power of their sex so she just can't handle it especially considering that when they were together he constantly blew katherine off as nonimportant
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i always find damon’s willingness to keep up with this farce of a relationship almost impressively pathetic. i know that some folks say that you make them feel sympathetic towards damon but that’s not true for me lmaooo. it just makes him out to be the sad little man he truly is instead of covering him in plot armor.
It's always interesting and funny to me when readers say they feel sorry for pathetic Damon because I think it may come across like Hoyt when Jessica breaks up with him to explore her vampirism and he's so lost in love with her that he's like do whatever you want just do it with me
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and I write him more from a place of him guilting her into staying because he just wants her to stay.
but i found the blood sharing scene so mesmerizing??? like i could not stop visualizing the pure carnality of it and that recurring theme of possession between them—especially with him later explaining his fixation with her as an addiction to elena. like katherine and blood are two things that he enjoys so primally and wholly in the moment and feels a deep since of shame and loathing immediately after indulging in. both of these things are symbols of his vampirism (katherine as his creator, blood as his sustenance) and how he hated a fundamental part of himself for song.
i'm so glad you found it mesmerizing! i definitely wanted to portray a scene that was so loaded and so hot and so charged that they had to do something right then, right there and i wanted stefan to initiate it where instead of it being jealousy that erupts when she mentions continuing on with matt, it's more like laying a claim not because he's threatened by matt and he absolutely knows what she's doing but this idea of 'mine' without being in love is really interesting and then of course, katherine being katherine, is going to push him further by not simply doing a blood share but doing a blood share like that with no real privacy and getting off on the idea of him losing control over her, which stefan relishes and hates.
but like, elena is also the catalyst who gave him the strength and faith to reclaim these symbols. and i feel like it’s so apt that you ended the chapter off with elena having a sex dream about blood sharing with stefan that’s imbued with so much love, devotion, and adoration that explicitly contests the power hungry, violent, and resentful overtones of the steferine blood sharing scene in the beginning. beautifully done as always!!
and yeah, like i definitely didn't want to fall into the trappings of like gentle sex = love and rough or more carnal sex/blood-sharing = purely lust, i think i've given stelena some pretty carnal scenes, but it was definitely the idea of symbiosis and both of them just wanting to give pleasure to each other and just wanting so badly to be connected through something so fundamental to their lives vs as you say, resentment and being power hungry and the idea of conquering and possessing and making the other succumb like with steferine.
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justmenoworries · 2 years
New HB teasers mean new theories from me!
So I’m theorizing that the next episode is gonna be a Moxxie-backstory. Possibly revolving around how he met both Blitzo and Millie.
Analyzing the teaser gifs one by one also gives us a pretty good idea what to expect.
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First things first: I think this is Moxxie’s dad. We don’t see the guy’s face, but he has the same clothing style and is smoking a cigar in a pretty stereotypical absent dad fashion. Everybody in Hell having shitty parents is a running theme in the show, so Moxxie Sr. keeping up the trend doesn’t seem too far-fetched.
Then again, in the pilot Moxxie refers to a dream he had of his parents being murdered (”parents”, plural, meaning both of his guardians) as a nightmare, so maybe their relationship is more strained than outright bad.
Still, the way he’s framed in this shot as turned away, dismissive and preoccupied makes me believe he wasn’t exactly Parent of the Year.
Another interesting thing: In “The Harvest Moon Festival”, Blitzo mentions that Moxxie was born in the Wrath Ring, but if this is a shot of Moxxie’s parents’ home, it doesn’t look like Wrath at all. For one, the color scheme is all different: Green and black instead of red and orange. Plus. Wrath is more of a country area, more rural. This looks like it takes place inside a manor.
Was Moxxie’s family some kind of landed gentry? Not gonna lie, Moxxie being a sheltered rich kid would explain a lot. He seems a lot more cultured and well-read than the other Wrath-imps. (Plus, it would explain why he falls so hard for people who are wild and unhinged. Probably an exciting change from having stuffy uptight rich people all around you.)
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And here we have the guy from the season 2 teaser! Fully animated and in color. By this point it’s pretty much confirmed that he’s Moxxie’s ex. We also got a name: Chaz.
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So, seeing as Chaz is telling Moxxie to pretend like it’s a salesman at the door, it’s probably safe to say that Moxxie’s dad didn’t approve of the relationship. It could just be classism (Chaz doesn’t seem like he’s part of Hell’s upper class, his clothing and appearance are pretty shabby) but to be fair, it only takes one look at Chaz to gather he’s bad news. Just about everything in his design screams “shady af, do not trust”.
We know from the season 2 teaser trailer  (timestamp: 0:24 - 0:26) that he convinced Moxxie to do at least one robbery, which Moxxie was deepy uncomfortable with, but went along with anyway, presumably because he didn’t want to disappoint Chaz. And to no one’s surprise, it appears to have gone horribly wrong.
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Which brings us to the next gif.
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I think this is the first time Moxxie and Blitzo met.
Seeing the stroyboards, it’s easy to tell that the robbery didn’t go well and Moxxie was most likely arrested and thrown in jail.
The tail disappearing into the lower bunk is very likely Moxxie’s. My guess is that Blitzo started the conversation here, probably asking something like “So, what are you in for?”
And the rest is history.
I also think that Chaz threw Moxxie under the bus to get away. He’s nowhere to be seen in this gif. Of course he could just be out of frame or in another cell, but with all we’ve seens so far it’s way more likely that he dumped Moxxie to save his own skin. That would also leave Moxxie in an emotionally raw and vulnerable state. Perfect for Blitzo to cut in and invite him to his new assassination business, presumably after hearing that Moxxie is pretty good with guns and firearms.
It would also serve as a foundation for Moxxie’s more cynical personaility in the present. Your (mabye even first) boyfriend stabbing you in the back and leaving you to face the heat all by yourself is a pretty hefty cynicism catalyst, I’d say.
And last but not least:
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It’s Millie and she’s pissed.
Now what could have gotten her so riled up, I wonder. Well, what’s the one thing guaranteed to make Millie go apeshit?
Hurting Moxxie or putting Moxxie in danger.
It’s no wonder she wouldn’t like Chaz, Moxxie probably told her about the whole robbery-thing.
Interesting thing to note here: The person Millie is yelling at in this scene is Chaz. Pay attention to the frame before the zoom-in on Millie’s face: That’s Chaz’ suit. It has the same bone-pattern and the heights match.
So my speculation here is: This episode won’t just be purely flashback, it’s gonna be interspersed with a present-day plot.
I think what’s gonna go down is: Chaz reappears in Moxxie’s life and asks him for help with something that’s probably, most likely, definitely illegal and dangerous.
Moxxie, who is way too kind-hearted for his own good agrees, despite knowing deep down that Chaz shouldn’t be trusted.
Predictably, things go wrong again.
And surprisingly, Chaz doesn’t leave Moxxie to fend for himself like last time, but seeks out Moxxie’s friends and wife for help.
And Millie is of course none too thrilled that Chaz pulled her husband into his bullshit. Again.
I’m not sure what’d happen afterwards, but that’s what I got so far.
Can’t wait for 2023 relase to make this age like milk, lol.
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Pesadilla navidad (part 2)
(Part 1)
Rex and Nota were in the summoning room, Nota had dragged Rex there with a plan to help become Santa. "So what exactly are you planning?" Rex had asked his cousin.
"We're gonna summon some new servants to help us become Santa!" Nota answered.
Rex made a confused face at that. "Really? Any particular reason why we can't ask a few of the servants we have already?" He asked her.
"Fresh faces are probably the best tbh, people that still don't fully understand Christmas. Plus as a bonus, we get to bolster our army for the Lostbelts!" Nota explained to Rex.
Rex seemed to understand better. "Alright then. You sound like you have some in mind already too." Rex noticed.
"Actually I do! Remember some of the attendees to you and your wife's wedding?" Nota asked him, trying to get him to piece it together quickly.
Rex was then confused again. "Why summon them?! Is that even remotely a good idea?" He asked, remembering how unruly they were at the wedding.
"Well we already have an inherent connection to them, it seems. Already summoned a decent amount and remember what happened when your wife became Santa?" Nota was explaining to him.
"You mean when she was split into two?" He asked.
"Right! Something about her very nature didn't match up with the grail! Now, if that's the same with the rest of the pantheon, which it should be, then this can prevent them from wanting to steal the Santa thing away from us." Nota elaborated.
"Ok, tho that doesn't tell me why they'd want to help." Rex said. "Sure some would cooperate maybe, but others are unruly and straight up rude."
"We'll just offer them something in return!" She said. "They'll cooperate with the right motivation." She said.
"Kay, but how do we even control who comes out? This stupid things is fickle as hell with stuff like that, always needed a decent catalyst to summon anyone." Rex questioned.
"Well actually, I'm going to use this opportunity to try something I've considered for a while but have never been sure of. Remember how most of these guys really like sacrifices? Well maybe if we offered a small blood sacrifice to them in the summoning room it could drag them here!" Nota explained to Rex.
When Rex heard that he was a bit hesitant. "Would that even work? Feels a bit too easy tbh." Rex questioned.
"There's no guarantee it'd work, but it's something." She said to him.
The two were hesitant but it was better then nothing. They both stood in front of the summoning altar, took out small special sacrificial flint knives and cut their palms to let out some blood. The blood hit the base of the altar and they immediately started up the machine to summon someone.
It seemed to work well actually, a small group of Aztec and Maya gods had been summoned. They along with at least a few that were summoned prior were gathered into a small room for the cousins to explain their plan.
Among some of the gods in the room was: Tlazolteotl goddess of lust and sin, Coyolxauhqui goddess of the moon, Itzpapalotl goddess of sacrifice and obsidian, Xochiquetzal goddess of fertility and love, Zipacna Caiman god, Cabrakan earthquake god, Tlaloc storm god, Chalchiuhtlicue goddess of waters, Mayahuel goddess of Alcohol.
You could hear the gods chattering and talking in the crowd before Nota and Rex came up before them to finally explain what was going on. "Hello everyone! Happy to see you all here!" Nota yelled out towards the crowd.
The crowd quieted down a bit after she yelled out. "What exactly do you want with all of us, human?!" Yelled out Tlaloc, seeming especially annoyed.
"Oh no need to be so grumpy weather man!" Nota retorted back. "We've called you all here because we'd like your assistance in an important matter." She explained.
"Why should we help you two?" Zipacna bellowed.
"Well first of all, your our servants now, and secondly we promise you won't go unrewarded!" Rex told the impatient Caiman god.
"Now first of all! Do any of you know about, CHRISTMAS?!" Nota questioned the audience.
Mayahuel spoke up "I know it's a holiday where you exchange gifts?" She tried to answer.
"Good start!" Nota exclaimed to her. "There is a gift exchange between people, but also there's a very important figure who delivers presents to everyone, Santa!"
Then Rex pulled down a picture of Quetzalcoatl in her Samba Santa outfit. "My wife, Quetzalcoatl, has been Santa before and we've had other Santas too. But this year, we'd like to pursue the role and we'd like your help with it!"
Then Cabrakan yelled out "why should we help you be Santa when we're probably more qualified?!" He said, somewhat brashly and arrogant.
"Oh that's cause when Quetzalcoatl became Santa, the opposing nature of her own godliness clashed with the power of Santa and caused her to split into two Quetzes!" Rex explained as he pulled out the pictures of Tecnica Quetz and Ruda Quetz.
The gods were all of a sudden making worried faces and concerned chatter. "And she was a very powerful deity, if some of you, let's be honest, 'lesser' deities were to come into contact with it things might end way messier." Nota said.
Cabrakan was a lot less arrogant suddenly "Alright then. Point taken." It may not have been clear but these gods had at least a strong respect for Quetzalcoatl, and if that happened to her they didn't want to know what'd happen to them!
"But since we're just normal humans, there shouldn't be that much of a risk for us! But don't worry, you all will get the absolute best presents from us!" Nota told the crowd.
At least some of the gods seemed to be on board with the idea, or at least were less argumentative about it. "What do you need us to do, anyways?" Askes Itzpapalotl.
"We'll need some of you to be making some presents, another few to help us get in costume, someone to provide our transportation, and someone to take the Santa grail away from the previous Santa." Nota explained to everyone.
"Is it normal for you to need to take the grail away?" Tlazolteotl asked the cousins.
"No. But we're determined to be Santa, and that's why we brought you all here I'm the first place." Nota told her.
A/N: and here's part 2! Hopefully you guys liked it! I'm having fun writing it for sure!
@hasbbdoneanythingwrong @hasspartacusdoneanythingwrong @haskamadoneanythingwrong @littleminxthings @syracusemoon @madillhethen @chaldeamage-neo @exmeowstic @violette-dreams @hasarjunadoneanythingwrong
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annimator-ocblog · 28 days
OC Story: History
(Batch 2! Batch 2! Finally a non-backstory story about them >:D)
(TW: Mentions of Death)
All eleven of them were sitting together at their shared dorm floor, still in their Academy uniforms.
Parker’s upset, Orion seems like their pondering something, Brio’s pondering with them, Lilith & Clover aren’t really paying attention to anything besides each other, Dylan & Kai are playing around with water pictures, Nova’s shuffling her tarot cards, Ro’s tinkering on her laptop, Skadi’s meditating, and Edan’s trying to calm Parker down.
“I swear from the bottom of my heart, the Cardinal boy started it.”
Clover came to Edan’s defence, “I mean, Lilith and I would probably do that too if someone dissed one of us.”
Parker stared daggers at Clover as she said that. As that’s happening, Orion finishes pondering, and starts talking, “Edan, you said that the Avian boy you fought with was named Marcus, right?”
Edan was confused, but he still answered them, “Ummmm, yeah? Why? You recognize him?”
Orion continued speaking, “No, but there’s something about his spear and the way he easily casted all those different elements seemed unusual. He’s extremely talented, especially with the more ‘classic’ elements.”
Parker stopped glaring at Clover after hearing what Orion said, and replied to what they said, “Well, C told me that he and the rest of his Academy group were helping out Marcus and his boyfriend Liam with their elements outside of Academy classes so that might explain why Marcus’ pretty skilled.”
Orion resumed their suspicions, “I guess that explains his elemental skills, but the spear he used against you looked exactly like the same spear an old Arcana Academy student used before they died in their first year. Apparently he and the dead student share a first name.”
Nova, Ro, Dylan, and Kai immediately stopped what they were doing to express their confusion over what Brio said, “WHAT?”
Orion was taken aback from their reactions, so Brio continued to explain for them, “Yeah, their surnames are different tho, and their species were technically different; the boy Edan fought was Marcus Ailes, and he was a Cardinal Hybrid. The deceased Academy student was named Marcus Pájaro and was a Canary Hybrid.”
Lilith was intrigued over what Brio said, but she still had some questions, “Sounds like a coincidence to me, those surnames are from entirely different origins anyways. But you think they might be connected in a way?”
Orion replied to Lilith’s question, “Well he could probably be the reincarnation of the dead student even if it sounds crazy. But the crazier part is that the deceased Academy student also apparently had a boyfriend, that died alongside him, and said boyfriend also shares a name with Marcus’ present boyfriend. The one Marcus’ dating right now is named Liam Ouranós, and’s a Sky Mage, but the other one that died alongside Pájaro was named Liam Vettä and was a Water Mage.”
Nova joked whilst looking at Ro, “Yeah, cause two people sharing the same names as dead Academy students from god knows how many decades ago and also wield the same weapons those dead students had is crazier than the fact that me and my human girlfriend are sitting together with a Crystal Elemental, Half-Elf, Tiefling, Vampire, Nature Mage, Selkie, and a Dolphin Hybrid in the dorm of an Academy where we all learn to cast magic and fight with deadly weapons.”
Everyone looks at Nova as if she offended all of them. Ro tries to lighten the mood, “It’s a joke, no offence guys. But aren’t the two dead students you mentioned also the catalyst for the Academy becoming a safe-space for LGBTQ+ students?”
Brio quickly answered, “Yeah! Academy faculty at the time were upset and regretful over the fact that they let students like them be left behind to die, apparently they were only together for around a month before their deaths. Arcana City, alongside the rest of Ontario ended up legalizing same-sex relationships and marriage around a decade after their deaths. It’s like a bittersweet ending.”
Kai was surprised over Brio & Orion’s knowledge over all of this, “Wow! You two really know a lot about this!”
Dylan chuckled, “Well history’s their specialties after all. But what now? I don’t think they’ll like us asking about all of… this.”
Parker sighed, “If Marcus and Liam are the actual reincarnation of the dead students we just talked about, there’s definitely a reason as to why they don’t want to mention it. Everything that’s happened to them back then still might be something they don’t want to bring up, and I can’t really blame them. Most of us have pasts we don’t feel like bringing up to others anyways. But either way, this was not the conversation I was expecting to have when I was lecturing Edan about picking a fight with an underclassman.”
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