v1neyy · 21 hours
Kiss ask box thngy
skizzpulse 18 - an “impulse”ive kiss and/or 21 - a kiss to shut them up >:3
These two have been eating away at my brain recently omfg. Sorry this isn’t my best work it was written at 2am while deliriously tired!!!
Skizz/Impulse - #18 & 21, an impulsive kiss and a kiss to shut them up.
WC: 461 || original post!
Impulse wakes up to the redstone of his door opening. He checks his communicator, blinking from the harsh light to see it’s the middle of the night. Who is coming over at this hour?
As if on cue, his bedroom door opens to reveal Skizz. The angel looks rather disheveled- his wings messy and pajamas wrinkled. He sits up and rubs his eyes, “Skizz?”
He looks to the floor guiltily, “Sorry, I- I can go I just…”
Despite being tired he smiles the best he can. Impulse waves him over sluggishly. This isn’t a common occurrence, but it’s certainly not a new one.
They’ve done this time and time again in their hardcore worlds. Sometimes one of them needs the comfort of having the other close, and that comfort will always be provided. After many years of that time having to be over a call, on Hermitcraft they share a bed more often than not. He doesn’t mind though- waking up wrapped in a mess of limbs and feathers is something he’s grown to love.
Which is why it’s concerning that Skizz has sat on the edge of the bed instead of lying down. He looks nervous and his wings are twitching - Impulse has to stop himself from reaching out to fix them.
Impulse is used to being able to read Skizz like a book, but he can’t quite tell what’s going on here. It’s worrying.
“What’s wrong?” He asks, sitting up to face the other.
Skizz takes a deep breath, “I need to tell you something. But you might hate me after,”
He blinks. “I’d never hate you, what’s got your feathers in a bunch?”
The angel looks as if he’s on the verge of tears. “I like you. Not like, in a friend way, like actually like. But you’re my buddy and I don’t want to lose you, and-“
It’s as if the world has slowed down. He likes Impulse?
The realization hits him like a truck, his face immediately heating up like it’s on fire.
The rambling comes back into focus as he snaps out of it. “…If you want me to leave, which I’m sure you do, I can head out, I-“
Impulse cuts Skizz off with a chaste kiss on the lips. He isn’t thinking, all he knows is Skizzleman likes him and he needs Skizz as close to him as possible right now or he will explode.
His senses come back to him a moment after. “Shoot, I’m sorry, I should’ve asked, you were just rambling and..” The words in his mouth die off when Skizz breaks into a smile and is looking at him as if he just raised the sun.
All the anxiety shuts up at once as he’s pulled into another kiss.
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v1neyy · 2 days
10 and Gem and pearl for the kiss ask game thingy pls :3
Wooo gempearl!!!! I will admit I dont consume much shiny duo content so I hope I wrote them well, I love me some bloodthirsty women
Gem/Pearl - #10, a bloody kiss.
WC: 405 || original post!
Scar’s lifeless body lies on the grassy floor below her. She says her silent apologies as he fades away, leaving nothing but wilted sunflowers in his wake.
Gem looks up to see Pearl staring at her. There is fear and longing and bloodlust in her eyes, swirling around with the angry red that matches her hoodie. The grip on her sword tightens.
“I don’t want to do this, Pearl!”
Her chest heaves, breathless from the exhaustion of surviving this long. Watching friend after friend lose their last life, watching the humanity leave their eyes as they’re consumed by the need to harm and steal and fight. She doesn’t know where they go when they’re gone but she can only hope it’s somewhere nice.
Somewhere they don’t have secrets to keep if they want to live, where there aren’t eyes around each corner that watch their every move. Where they don’t have to comply with every rule and whisper- where there are no voices in your head telling you to kill, kill, kill.
Pearl takes a step towards her, and another. Gem watches her sword fall to the ground behind her, staining the grass red with blood that’s still warm.
A sticky hand cups her cheek. The metallic smell that’s haunted her fills her senses, but she ignores it in favor of meeting the brunette’s eyes, even if she can feel the way it seeps through her down to her bones.
Gem leans on her tiptoes to connect their lips. She tastes metal and skin but pays it no mind, trying to communicate every apology and sorrow without words. Pearl gives everything back and more, even when tears fall from their eyes and mix salt in with the kiss.
She would kiss Pearl until they both ran out of breath, suffocating together so this world would claim no victor.
But it can only last for so long. The sound of flesh ripping open fills her ears as fresh blood leaks onto her hand. Pearl stills in her arms and their lips break away from one another’s as the life leaves her, flooding out at the sword stabbing through her gut.
More tears drip freely from Gem’s eyes as the body in front of her vanishes, leaving her arms empty and bare. Five seconds and a million years all pass at once as she drops the heavy weapon and looks up towards the secret keeper.
Secret completed.
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v1neyy · 3 days
Hi! Ethubs 13?
Ethubs…. save me ethubs…. I yearn for snowy winter time ethubs…….
Etho/Bdubs - #13, a kiss in the snow.
WC: 449 || original post!
Snowflakes drifted from the sky, collecting in his hair. Etho sneezes as he finishes tying his ice skates. He looks up to see Bdubs already stepping out onto the frozen pond, each step filled with confidence.
Standing up, he trudges through the small snowbanks with a huff and a puff and stops right at the edge.
Bdubs gives him a toothy grin and extends a hand towards him, “C’mon baby!”
They interlock hands (admittedly not well considering the gloves in the way) and Etho cautiously takes a few steps onto the ice. He glides a little and nearly falls on his face but is stopped by a hand gripping his hip, holding him steady. He holds on tightly as Bdubs skates backwards, bringing the two closer to the middle.
He holds Etho close to him tightly, slowly spinning them around. Snow catches in his eyelashes and continues to fall all around them, blanketing them in a cold chill that creeps through his jacket.
The numbness of his fingers doesn’t even register in his mind, not when Bdubs is looking at him like that. The white atmosphere makes him look almost ethereal. It steals his breath, his lungs, his heart, his soul. The warmth provided by Bdubs’ smile is enough to keep him cozy for the rest of his life.
His mask is pulled down, revealing his face. The parts of him only a few are allowed to see, all of his secrets and insecurities on display.
This is nothing new to Bdubs, having seen this face time and time again. Etho watches the man’s pupils trace his eyebrows, his eyes, the scar running through one, his nose, his lips. There was a time he was filled with fear- the fear of scaring Bdubs away, of the scars and the emotions being all too much for him to handle, but he stayed. He stayed through ups and downs and thick and thin, always by his side.
Etho leans down and cups his cheek. They both know this dance well, all the twists and turns.
He kisses Bdubs, putting all the thoughts and words he cannot say into it. He puts the love in his heart, the gratitude, the sheer need he feels for Bdubs, trying to communicate it all with the movement of his lips.
Bdubs pulls him closer, still keeping them spinning. The two go around and around in each other’s orbit, neither wanting to let go.
The snow continues to fall around them, creating an atmosphere of love and trust and promises, of a connection that goes far deeper than any cave or ocean. The unwavering loyalty between them, as imminent as snow on a cold winter day.
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v1neyy · 4 days
Mwarch ask!
Please please please #29 with Scott and Jimmy during 3rd life. Literally on my knees begging you :3
finally starting on the kiss prompt asks! i will probably knock out a lot of them tonight, then post one a day :)
Flower husbands - #29, a kiss because they’re running out of time.
WC: 300 || original post!
An unusual calm settled over the flower valley. Scott and Jimmy had sat down next to each other by the small lake, close enough to dip their feet in if they wanted. Silence hung between the two like a heavy cloud.
They don’t have much time left. Jimmy is on his last life, eyes red and skin dull. The tension of war drifts through the air from the desert as an unwanted guest, no matter how hard they try to block it out with burnt walls and peaceful thoughts.
Jimmy turns his head and gently picks up Scott’s hand, threading their fingers together. It’s not as warm as it had once been, when they were building hobbit holes and exchanging flowers with one another. Before Dogwarts had gone mad and chopped off their king’s head, before winter started to seep through the cracks in the world, tearing it all apart.
“I’m scared, Scott.”
He turns his head to meet Jimmy’s eyes. Scott misses the brown they once were, and the green, and the yellow, but there is still beauty to be found in the vastness of swirling red.
“I know,” Scott replies quietly, “So am I.”
He cups the blond’s cheek with his free hand, leaning in. Scott places a soft kiss on his lips, a promise. A promise to stay until the end, a promise to protect him with all he has. A promise to love him through this life and the next.
They part and rest their foreheads against each other’s. Off in the distance there’s the sound of bows firing and swords clashing together, and he knows time is running thin. For now, Scott will stay here with the flowers and bumblebees and savor this moment as long as he can, because he cannot stop the inevitable.
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v1neyy · 8 days
Tumblr media
yall give me hermitcraft/life series characters and a number in my asks :) i wanna practice writing kiss scenes ! these will all prolly be short drabbles but if it goes over 1k words i’ll put it on ao3 <3
i did steal this from oomf @chipperchemical love ya!!!
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v1neyy · 10 days
Prince Impulse who was well loved until the people found out he’s a demon hybrid
Baker Skizz who lives in the woods, having no idea who the guy that just showed up at his door is, letting Impulse stay because he’s just that kind of guy
A mob of angry civilians show up demanding he tell them where ex-prince is and he’s just like, I dunno who that is, and when Impulse thanks Skizz for covering for him he’s just like ??!??!? You’ve been a prince this WHOLE TIME??!!?!
And then they fall in love and live happily ever after, ofc
Skizz still wouldn't have done anything differently. Everything he's heard about the prince has been wonderful! Kind, attentive, dedicated... To throw him out of power because of something he can't control, jeez! People are stupid.
If Impulse keeps insisting on working then it's a good thing Skizz has been looking for an extra pair of hands at the bakery. Impulse has, uh... A lot to learn. But now Skizz gets to see if all those nice things are correct!
(Spoiler: they are.)
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v1neyy · 12 days
you've only been posting for about a month and yet every single post is a banger. i'm going to go read all of your fanfic now thank you very much
(also sorry for going insane in your reblogs i'm nice i promise :])
tysm dude!!! knowing ppl enjoy my writing makes me so happy<3
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v1neyy · 15 days
This post is a continuation of these two posts!
Angel Skizzleman who asks for so little because… he’s an angel.
He who deserves the entire world for his kindness but cannot see it himself. Who can’t bear the thought of asking for more than he is given, because angels are helpers and not receivers.
He is fine, he tells Impulse when he notices his buddy seems down. Everything is okay, he tells Tango and Zed and everyone who can see he is anything but.
Buried in his pyramid, the weight of it all crushing down on him. The wings on his back seem to weigh him down more each day.
But he denies and denies and denies any kind of support because he does not need it and can handle himself, thank you very much.
The hermits try to get through to him to no avail. It isn’t until Impulse sits him down, determined to knock some sense into his silly head, that Skizz breaks. The facade cracks and tears slip out of his eyes as he finally confides in his best buddy. The constant need to help, the feeling of failure when he’s not there to support, all of it comes tumbling down to be caught by Impulse, who magically turns it all into comforting words.
Skizz clings to him tight and never wants to let go. There’s still a voice in his head telling him this is wrong and he’s not supposed to cry but the feeling of warmth provided by Impulse quiets it all.
Maybe sometimes an angel does need an angel.
(even if the angel is your demon best friend.)
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v1neyy · 22 days
This post is a continuation of this drabble!
Angel Skizzleman who always helps his friends because… he’s an angel.
It’s his job. He was made to care for others. To be their guardian angel when he’s needed, to help them through their tough times.
He enjoys being the server angel, he truly does, but sometimes it’s hard when the dark thoughts creep in. Sometimes, when he feels stuck and unable to do anything, he doesn’t want to go help. He doesn’t always want to comfort Impulse, or calm Tango, or care for Zed.
But he’s an angel. It’s his job. Those thoughts will never see the light of day, pushed far out of sight.
Skizz does not need help. An angel does not need an angel.
The feeling always passes, he tells himself, when the ache to visit Impulse won’t stop bothering him. He goes to help his buddy through whatever it is, always wearing the angel facade.
He might feel numb, or hopeless, or dreary but those feelings get tucked away into a little box in the back of his mind because his friends need him.
If he breaks down when he’s alone in the darkness of his pyramid, because he is just so done with the wings on his back, it’s nobodies business but his own.
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v1neyy · 26 days
Angel Skizzleman who knows when his friends need support because… he’s an angel.
Something in his gut telling him he needs to check on Impulse right now, so he goes and is met with a teary imp who just had a nightmare. He spends the night with his buddy wrapped up in his arms and wings after cradling him through his sobs and vows to always show up when he is needed.
The need to go see Tango nagging at him relentlessly, when he finally gives in and flies to Tango’s base he finds the blaze in the midst of a panic attack. He chugs a fire resistance potion that he didn’t even realize he brought and steps into the fire consuming his friend, helping Tango calm his breathing and talking through what happened.
He needs to visit Zedaph like an itch that needs to be scratched, so he does and finds Zed working himself silly, so hyperfocused he’d been neglecting self care. He forces the lamb to stop and take a break, shoving him into the shower and cooking a meal to share.
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v1neyy · 1 month
impulse and skizzleman are soulmates in every way except for sharing pain. they know what the other is thinking, how theyre feeling, always in sync with each other. they don’t know they’re soulbound but they do know there’s something special about their bond.
then double life happens, the watchers taking impulse and severing their string, the link between their hearts. he spends the game with bdubs and enjoys it, but something tells him that that’s the wrong person, that’s not his soulmate.
he comes back and the two are reunited, but somethings changed. they’re still so incredibly close but now skizz doesn’t show up at his door when he’s upset, and impulse can no longer know what skizz is thinking just by looking at his expressions.
nothing has virtually changed, but where their hearts used to beat in matching rhythms are now two hearts that yearn for the other, unable to connect how they once did.
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v1neyy · 1 month
im viney and i like to write fanfiction on ao3 :3
i write mainly for hermitcraft, life series, and empires smp! i usually write about mental illness, mostly fluff and hurt/comfort along with shipping content! i am planning to start writing horror as well c:
my ao3 acc!
my asks are always open for fic prompts or ideas you’d like me to write about <3
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