#theyre all gay your honour
fave fanfic lines pt 2!
featured fics:
[kid from nowhere]
[what it means to ache]
[the gremlin zone]
[the kissing stuff]
[coming out together]
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adharastarlight · 11 months
Remus: awwww, reg you have a diary???
Reg: no no, don't read that-
Sirius snatches it: Ooooo you have a crush??? Who's JP??? Tell me tell meeee
Reg: ...no one
James Oblivious Potter: isn't that some hufflepuff?
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morally-gray101 · 1 year
i feel like we as a fandom do not take advantage of the fact that andrew did a criminal justice major and told everyone it was for the meme. i genuinely believe he was going to go out there and change the world and make it better, even if it was just a little bit. i mean can you imagine? CRIMINAL LAWYER andrew minyard. OFFICER minyard. DETECTIVE minyard. SHERIFF minyard! BODYGUARD andrew minyard!!! the possibilities!!
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Headcannons of the Inbetweeners main 4
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supportive mum,dickhead dad
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Dickhead dad
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dickhead dad
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"what are pronouns"???? (any)
doesn't have a gender indenity
doesn't have a dickhead dad,he's just a gay dad
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nintendont2502 · 1 year
Anyway t4t Junedavesprite (transfem June) (agender any pronouns davesprite) (they're birdfriend and girlfriend) (they're both struggling *HARD* after the game) (they help each other through it) (they're gay) (they're gay) (they're so fucking gay).
You agree.
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bestpigeon · 7 months
You, an angel, betrayed heaven and refused to kill demons. How will this go?
Words- 1.4k
Warnings- swearing, gore, fighting, gay
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It was extermination day. How exciting.  The truth is, i genrally despise extermination day. We get sent down to hell to kill souls. yeah, theyre evil and in the pits of hell for a reasom. however i dont believe that its the right thing to do. i mean, its still souls were killing. They dont deserve death. Were not very angelic if were killing souls? For what, so they wont revolt? They will anyways.
Adam was giving us a pep talk. I was on the front lines since im a worthy soldier. Adam was talking, shouting, about Vaggie. Vaggie betrayed us ages ago, Lutes long life plan is to kill her and rip out her other eyes or something. I sniker at the thought and i get a large death stare from Lute. Adam then shouts something that i didnt care enough to listen and everyone started charging through the portal and into hell. I fly down into the dome that some percular demon had created. It was all green and weird.
I land and look at the other angels either killing canibals, or getting killed themself. i scurry into a corner and hide near some broken rubble. I suddenly hear a chuckle. i whip my head in panic to.. shit, Lute.
"well well well. Really thought youd slack and get away with it?! this isnt the first time ive.. caught you avoiding battle." she says as she chuckles at my patheticness.
I roll my eyes and stand up. I flap my beautiful and delicate white angelic wings behind me. I turn my mask to face Lute.
"what? all to join in on killing souls? They arent innocent, yeah, but.. they dont deserve this-" i say before getting lunged at. Lute jumps ontop of me and we tumble backwards. I groan in agony and annoyance
"your so fucking pathetic. how about you join Vaggie? You and that bitch can rot down here. Worthless fu-" she says as she grits her teeth. I interup her by thrusting her off my lap and kicking her aggressivly with my legs. I stand up and point my spear at her.
"i am NOT going to join in with this shit anymore! you will not control me like the freak you are" I say as i squint my eyes under my mask. I didnt want to be controlled like a peasent, a doll, a puppet. Not anymore.
She laughs and stand up clearly pissed. She glares at me before thrusting her spear near my stomach. Like the trained angel fighter i am, i quickly dodge it easily. We fight back and back for a while. Both throwing some degrading. Some Lunges, spear attacks, grunting later, Lute has me pinned to the floor with a spear aimed at my head. I look up at her with nothing but hate and anger.
"Fucking kill me- Just like you did to Vag-" I say in anger, before getting interupted with a spear being jabbed into my leg. I scream out in pain as the angelic spear peirces the flesh on my leg.
"Yeah, us angels kill pathetic souls like you. People who dont deserve life, or the honourous position your in" She says as she lifts her spear up, prepaired to finish me off, finally. Then, out of the blue, Lute gets blasted with angelic power. I flinch and cover my face in worry. It was another angel, so i thought. Until i looked up and saw the King of hell himself. I leaned on the floor on my elbows before quickly pulling myself backwards. It was..over? All the angels were leaving, going back to heaven, including Lute.
Lucifer approaches me and knees beside me, he glares at my with symapthy. My mask was half cracked, you could see half of my face. "you alright kid?" he says as i looks down at my legs.
"um..yeah, im alright apart from the yknow, big slash in my leg-" I say before i clear my throat.
"why did you help me? Im an angelic warrior, im on the other side..?" I say confused as i cock up an eyebrow. Lucifer chuckles and smiles warmly. I thought it was a big perculiar, i mean demons being nice?
"I couldnt help but overhear your conversation while fighting Adam, by the way i absolutly destroyed Adam- anyways, your not like the other angels." He says as adjusts his beautiful white and red wings behind him. Though his wings were like mine, they still were different. More majestic i should say.
"mh..yeah well i dont agree with the extermination.. yknow? killing innocent- well not innocent, but killing souls in genral.. its, not something us angels should do." I say, as i spoke i kept eye contact the whole time. I could see the visible change in Lucifers expression. It seemed to soften, he clearly shared the same opinions as me.
"right, exactly the reason i saved you. You think like a real angel. well, now your in hell, but..better then death, right?" I coudnt help but notice he started to move his arms, one around my lefs anad the other around my back. He, bridal style, picked me up and held me in his arms. I gasp and i tense slightly. I glare up at him and he smiles at me before bringing me to the other demons.
He puts his hand on my leg and heals it, he closes his eyes as he does so. I couldnt help but realise how pretty he was. I blush at the thought before he puts my down on the floor. I smile when i realise my leg was healed finally.
"thank you" I say quietly. I see a collection of other demons looking at me weirdly, i dont blame them, im meant to be trying to kill them afterall. I smile awkwardly before Lucifer wraps his arm around my neck and pulls my to the group of demons. Some blonde demon approached me, her name was Charlie, Lucifers daughter.
"hey..? dad why is there an angel here?" she questions as she steps a step infront of me and twists her head. I look at her awkwardly and i cant help but notice vaggies peircing eyes stare aggressivly at me.
"um..im joining you? i guess? i betrayed the angels. Its just..not right to kill souls without reason." I say, i see Charlies face light up slightly. I feel Lucifers hands go onto my shoudlers.
"See Char Char! Hes on our side." He says i blush slightly when he gets really close, he leaned his head near my shoulder. Vaggies feirce appearence calmed slightly, though it was clear shes still on edge.
"oh! well hi! Its nice to meet you! Its amazing when we have other members of the Hazbin Hotel!" She says before she hugs me. I gasp when she lunges towards me and i flinch, my eyebrows lift in confusion but i hugged back soon as later. I didnt think kind souls existed in hell, maybe it isnt that bad?
I smile awkwardly. "Thank you- i appriciate it" I say as Charlie steps back and smiles at Vaggie. I notice the other demons were just doing whatever, mainly chatting and laughing together. I cant help but smile. Demons arnt that bad?
I feel the hands on my shoulders move and turn me around. I glare down at Lucifer, huh, didnt know he was that short.
"Are you all healed?" He says as he touches my waist and stomach to check if i was okay. I blush slighty and chuckle awkwardly. "yeah- yeah im fine your majesty"
"please, its Lucifer, and im glad your alright." He says as he smiles warmly at me, i return the smile.
"They might take a while, but they should warm up. Angels dont do well round here, but they will adjust." He says as he smiles. His hands were still on my shoulders.
"alright, im thankful still, thanks for helping me. Lute would have killed back there." I say smiling at him. He chuckles before walking towards his daughter.
I watch as he leaves. My thoughs are bombarded with all different things. Am i in the Hazbin hotel now? Hell can be nice? Well somewhat, i mean, i did nearly die down here.
Maybe, just maybe hell isn't too bad? My thoughts get interrupted by a huge explosion behind me, i turn to see a few demons ripping an angels wings to death. I squint in disgust, realising i should get us to that. Other than that, this couldn't be that bad.. I might even like it here.
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supernormalblogname · 2 months
asks? alright, does 4 ever wake up to 8 trying to force themselves in 4's mouth after having a nightmare about side order or the metro?
Oh Absolutely... I've been thinking about drawing this even. 8 definitely has a lot of nightmares. she likes to retreat to small, enclosed spaces when she's scared & being in 4s stomach makes her feel super safe and protected.
4 definitely finds this a little weird and startling, but the first time it happened, he quickly realised that this was 8 trusting him incredibly & asking him for comfort in her weird little way... it breaks his hearts to see her all panicked and upset like that, but he's happy that he can provide this comfort for her... augh your honour theyre gay
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Mechs Ships Tournament: Shipping Round 5 Poll 2
that one post where its like theyre the us government but if it actually did whst it said it did. three different people of equal power keeping each other in check. also they aLMOST SAVED THE STATION WITH THE POWEROF LOVE [Pollrunner's note: post here]
I just love them a lot and blood and whiskey is so good and ”maybe just this once there could be a happy ending” makes me cry every time 
blood and whistey
the track where they decide
They're inseparable they hate each other they would die for each other they actively enjoy killing each other ect ect ect
Look they're immortal and stuck in a spaceship you don't think they've hit all possible combinations over the years and settled into a weird comfortable vibe you can only get if youve murdered, been murdered, and had sex with every one (maybe minus nastya) of your friends?
immortal space pirats.... cuddle piles, romantic... not romanticm... poly mechs <3
(Points to every album) there thats my propaganda. But in all seriousness they are a group of immortals with nothing to do but sing and love each other in their own fucked up ways <3 
Chaotic little guys on a ship for a long time, the relationship web they got going on could rival the coven web
you cant tell me you would live with people for millions of years without it getting even a little gay.
when you spend millennia doing music and violence and shenanigans with the same 8 other people on a ship (and when the ship is technically another person), there's bound to be some group canoodling
i care them
they're everything to each other!!!
i refuse to pick
it’s polymechs!! what isn’t to love
Look at them.
how could you pick individual ships when they are so good together!! with the exception of nastya + jonny cos they are siblings your honour.
a lot of people have polymechs with her and aurora being monogamous but she canonically has queer orgies. on mechs tumblr account she describes herself as "The only one seemingly capable of a committed, responsible and fair relationship" so polymechs with all of relationships besides nastyaurora being on and off and everchanging is both the best polymechs and the most canon compliant polymechs to me
The idea that they're crewmates. You ask one of them what their relationship is with another and they say, "That's my crewmate". And then, maybe one of them meets someone on another ship, and they mention they don't have strong feelings about someone because, "they're only my crewmate" And they just cannot comprehend the idea of being crewmates with someone and not having strong feelings about them. They're immortal and half of them hate life, but even if that wasn't true, they'd die for any of the others a million times over. They've murdered billions of people on a whim, but even if that wasn't true, they'd murder anyone if it made one of their crewmate's lives a bit better. Remember how Tim blew up a moon for Bertie? He had only known Bertie for about 10 years. What would he do for people he had known for about 10 millennia? What would Ashes do for the people who would never betray them? What would Nastya do for the people who would always spend time with her and never die? What would Brian do for the people who would always forgive him for following his beliefs? What would Raphaella do for the people who are always willing to help her with her experiments? What would Ivy do for the people who'd always stay and tell their stories? What would the Toy Soldier do for the people who only ordered it to do what it wants to do and always lets it be involved? What would Jonny do for the people he could never permanently hurt? What would Marius do for his family? They all love each other more than anything, even if they don't have the words for it. (via @mchasmfiend)
Other Poll This Round Here :)
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astrowaffles · 3 months
Hello, if you don't mind, can I ask, who are your top favorite romantic relationship's couples in any media, like anime/manga, tv series, books, etc (can be canon or non-canon)? Feel free if you want to write the reasons or not of why you love them....Thanks if you want to answer....
Hiiii!! I see you're doing a bit of a survey for this and I'm more than happy to provide my data 💪💪
As I have no idea who my actual favourites are (I find these things difficult to rank and it tends to depend on what I'm into at the minute) I'll just tell you about the people I can think of rn!!
OH MY GOD THESE GUYS. I love machi ofcofc and her & Yuki are sooo sweet but there is something so special about the first person you can truly be honest with. Kakeru takes Yuki's serious, standoffish, closed-off self, cracks a joke, cracks the door open, and lets Yuki crawl to him at his own pace. Kakeru represents a lot of Yuki's change and is the catalyst for most of it. Meanwhile, Yuki helps Kakeru with cool stuff like being a brother. Also, don't forget the shoujo bubbles 💀💀
(respect to Machi btw. I'm a multshipper here)
Childhood friends! Childhood friends! Childhood friends! Also theyre so funny together. They literally have the kids snapping their necks like they're watching a tennis match trying to keep up with their bickering😭😭
They embody such a sense of nostalgia, to have loved and lost, to never be able to go back but always fighting to move forward. To be all each other has, but to extend yourself to help others too.
Also they have adopted kids so..canon?
They're telepathic, gay, and they hate each other. #iconic
(seriously I have such a soft spot for "dream team" ships!! Obviously skk have more to them but to me it's always gonna come down to "only a diamond can polish a diamond").
I never stop thinking about them, genuinely. They know everything about each other and have never stopped. At no point do their struggles stem from their separation, because there Is no separating iwaoi. Opposite ends of the world? Ok. Still a duo. A twosome. Will require surgery to separate.
Bokuaka & Ushiten
Freak4freak. Enough said.
Honourable mentions: fengqing, hakyona, kagehina
Thanks for the ask!!
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day 15
chap’s 46,47,48,49
i’m feeling a little unwell today and i’m all cosy in bed so i know i’ll enjoy reading but apologies if my notes are a little lackluster
“to please people she didn’t like” i feel like we do that so much in this generation and if you get one thing from rwch i think it’s that you should give up on being anyone but yourself
“golden streamers” am i thinking too hard or was this a hint
ugh not this twat again
thanks jamie
“‘As you wish,’” don’t make me cry jamie
“‘I want to help you if you’ll let me.’” one of the hardest lessons to ever learn is that you can’t help someone that doesn’t want help
they’re gay, your honour
they’re very gay, your honour
poor ani, she’s cursed with the burden of knowledge
ugh stop thinking about dancing with edmund ew
“‘Lottie, the only thing I’ve ever been with a boy is annoyed.’” she is an icon she is a legend and she is the moment
also, ellie has only met 20 people before rosewood, and the only boy we know of is jamie which definitely not- he’s definitely the “annoyed”, and lottie would have known if ellie was “with a boy” at rosewood. also she’s clearly very very gay. so like, why would you ask that lottie
“‘I will be there for you to break his pompous nose.’” good- you will
no lottie you don’t need to dance with that prince, you’ve got your own
noooo lottie don’t go with him
“her tiara flew off her head” im sorry but as someone with a tiara and certified lottie curly hair, there is no way the tiara would fly off her head- fall off, sure, but i guarantee at least one bit of the tiara would get caught in her hair on the way off making it much slower
fuck you edmund
thank fuck for ellie and jamie
jamie being a boss bitch
what was saskias plan if the incident hadn’t occurred?
if i were lottie id want ellie to come with me, but then maybe that’s just my knowledge of what happens
well shit
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majorbaby · 6 months
I don't mean to be rude or offensive, I'm really just curious, are there any m/f ships you really like in mash or other fandoms?
oh that's not offensive in the least. i think what can get grating is when people are rude about "everything being about gay ships all the time" when i've made it pretty clear that there's a lot of gay stuff on my blog and if someone doesn't like it they can avoid me pretty easily.
so, a few things: 1) i'm relatively new to shipping and it doesn't rank high for me amongst things that draw me into a narrative or fandom - i am not dedicated to many ships in general.
2) even if i can logically 'see' a ship, i like to write smut so if i'm not turned on by the idea of these people fucking then i won't have more than a passing interest in them as a ship. i can be into a fic that uses sex to explore a dynamic without being into the sex itself, but it's not where the majority of my time is spent. that said, i've been in this MASH box so long I've produced fic i would've never dreamed of writing when i first started the show. see: infinite monkey theorum for why that might be lol.
in general, i wouldn’t say gender affects what appeals to me in a ship or a character. i like traphawk because of the nature of their relationship, not specifically because theyre both men, although in their case, the two of them being each other’s non trad partners is relevant to the anti-establishmentarian themes of the show. I dont think it would be half as effective, and therefore as impactful on me, if they were a het ship. their joint commitment to being little shits is why i love them so much together.
ANYWAY to actually answer your question: yes
within MASH i'm really into: margaret/trapper, ginger/trapper, almost any threesome with hawk/trap + a lady friend, hawkeye/kyungsoon
passing interest in: trapper/louise, hawkeye/margaret, hawkeye/bigelowe, hawkeye/carlye, klinger/soon lee, frank/margaret, ginger/oliver
highly situational crackships: trapper/carlye, BJ/aggie, hawkeye/kellye, trapper/kellye, hawkeye/peg hunnicutt
other het ships i'm into to varying degrees from very popular fandoms: katara/zuko (atla), rose/nine (dw), ten/martha (dw), ten/rose (dw), roy/riza (fma), batman/wonder woman (dc comics), nightwing/batgirl (dc comics), ollie/dinah (dc comics), rogue/gambit (marvel comics), han/leia (star wars)
... altho now that i think of it, the caveat with most of these is that with the exception of roy/riza, i don't think i endgame ship any of these. i won't not read a fic that implies they're endgame, i just don't think i really "OTP" any of these, I just enjoy them for various reasons.
honourable mention: mulder/scully - have not seen the x-files but i believe in them.
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rocketturtle4 · 1 year
Eclipse Episode 10
@thegalwhorants @wen-kexing-apologist @plantsarepeopletoo @grapejuicegay thanks for holding my hand
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Of episode 11? Yes I fecking am.
Thoughts in brief (lol) I started taking these while I went fyi so they may feel a bit different from the previous lots idk
The way Akk changes his WHOLE POSTURE when Not!Max says the school motto is telling me everything I need to know here
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with bonus award mention! Scholarship goals yada yada
GUYS THUA WAS SHAKING (I've done him dirty)
"What happened today has shaken me, whatever I used to uphold or believe in...has changed" - Thua
Okay so I still think he stole the diary and instigated the protestors but I am less convinced he's behind the other stuff but then WHO IS? also the message after the fire made me think it wasn't him too
Chadok thinks its Akk, is it actually Namo???
Everything about Akk and Ayan on the beach
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"Mes managed" "Your time and his are different"
Then the fricken bedroom scene????????
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and Akk agrees, and he's SO HAPPY but it's not been dealt with yet right he hasn't grappled with his identity
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See this is what I mean, he hasn't let go of anything yet he's trying to carry it all and he's going to break I can FEEL IT (I am ALSO PROJECTING WAY TO HARD ONTO AKK IF YOU WEREN'T AWARE - This show basically opened up my DO NOT READ journal from feckin highschool and put it on my screen AH)
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for the record I also thoroughly enjoy all the Khan Thua stuff that is going on, it's SO GOOD. It's just that because EVERYTHING IS GOOD (AND I AM PERSONALLY DYING FROM AKKS EVERYTHING) I keep forgetting to mention them
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And now they're both at the protest
WAIT DID THUA NOT KNOW ABOUT KHAN being bruce wayne???
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Can I please go back to my regularly scheduled unrelateable highschool characters because this:
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Good on Thua for clarifying about the kiss
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at least Ayan is hearing this
reference to the armband and upholding the honour AHHHHH
oh god Aye came in
He's So scared
oh he's gone after Chadok, I get the urge but it's NOT GOING TO WORK
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That ship has sailed teacher chick
The breath Ayan takes to try and regulate yelling at the female teacher
Ayan: "I'm worried about you Akk" YOU AND ME BOTH
is he finally going to tell him about his uncle????
OH GOD NO, He did but AKKs Crying HeLP
the neCKLACE
"right now you need it more than I do" CAN I HAVE AN AYAN PLEASE
OKAY real quick
if they use Akks attachment to Ayans uncle to break the schools hold on him without causing him to have a total breakdown I will be okay with this
Next episode doesnt LOOK scary but I AM STILL SCARED
Still confused whether the necklace WAS the uncles or if it was GIVEN by the uncle
Is everyone on the same side now?
Is anyone going to clue Wat in about the fact that his two besties are now in gay relationships? (Like he'll be chill but he should be told)
How much pressure is teacher chick under?
I'm just planning to react again fyi probably with less screenshots
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go-to-the-mirror · 1 year
i think it's absolutely rigged that this episode falls on april fools day actually. APRIL FOOLS! everything is still awful actually
Hi howdy this episode is so sad :( I'm so sad constantly about this episode. this episode. :( can't wait until the FUN season 5 bits where it's like they're GAY and there are so many ANALOGIES! instead we just have to wallow in sadness for a bit. so upset!! aa!!
Anyway yeah, lets go. I think when I listened to it at first I was really upset that I was at the end, like I was thinking "oh no I'm nearly at the end" back with 151. I still haven't listened to goodbye for now because it just makes me really sad that my favourite podded cast is over. I mean, good thing it's not now, but I still don't think I can make myself listen to it. I did put off MAG 200 for a while, and then when I actually did listen to it I immediately read Citrus' (CirrusGrey) fics about it.
Which, speaking of, it's season 5 time!!! Fuck dude it sure is! Not only a relisten, but a reread of all Citrus' fantastic fics!! YEAH!!! Ok, ok, ok, getting on with it now.
MARTIN You had- rum and raisin, and taught us all about emulsifiers.
He has the ice cream taste of a grandmother. Oh, also, funny story. So, we were getting ice cream, right, and I saw rum and raisin, and I got really upset, because Jon Sims had rum and raisin ice cream, and also the world ended. I don't- everything is a TMA reference with me, once someone asked me to open the door and I started laughing, because Jon Sims opened a door.
It's... very... odd.
Killing and maiming. I hate him so much. Die. Fucking die.
JONAH He didn’t have to. Nothing escapes my notice, and I like to keep an eye out for this sort of thing.
This guy is COMICALLY evil. like, not only does he end the world, but he ruins a cake surprise? why is he such a bastard?
ARCHIVIST Uh- thirty-eight.
TIM, SASHA, MARTIN (Crosstalk) -Jon. JONAH (Crosstalk) -Archivist.
WHY??? Literally, like, why, why, why is he like this, why, why??? Why did he do that? Why is he such an asshole? Why.
ARCHIVIST If I wish for you all to go away, do you think it’ll work?
WHY ARE WE GETTING HIT WITH THE DRAMATIC IRONY BUS? WHY? "If I wish for you all to go away, do you think it'll work" STOP NO, WHY, WHYYYY...
it just makes me really sad.
ARCHIVIST I can’t tell you.
Your honour I am holding him gently.
JONAH He wished for a little bit of peace and quiet.
It's one thing to manipulate someone into ending the world, it's quite another to SHARE THEIR WISH? Dude. Why is he like this? This does nothing for him? He has taken one of Jon's only happy memories from working at the hell that's called an archive and twisted it into "oh boy, look at all that pain." For no fucking reason except to be evil. Killing and murder.
MARTIN Oh! Uh, (slight laugh) I mean- I don’t- normally- drink wine, you know- t-tannins are a proven headache trigger, and so-
Ooh! Fun fact! Rooibos tea has low tannin compared to other tea, therefore, Martin drinks rooibos tea, I make the rules.
TIM Oh! Yeah! I- just thought it might be nice, you know, something to look back on when we’re all old and sick of each other.
ARCHIVIST (Crosstalk) (Under his breath) Oh, hypocrite.
I hate that it sounds friendly, like they're getting annoyed at each other in a friendly way, that Jon is friends with Tim and Sasha. Hate it. So much. Headinhands.
TIM (Crosstalk) Alright, alright, fine, look. I’m turning it off. Any last words for your future selves? ARCHIVIST Yes. Fire Tim!
[Pause with clothing rustles]
ARCHIVIST It’s not- (struggling) you’re not the one who ended the world. (Archivist breath shows he’s close to tears)
Oh my god leave me alone. Stop it! Stop it!! It's just. Like. Christ. Oh my god. Oh my god. I can't even word properly, I just want to give him a hug, I just want him to be okay. Fuck, dude.
Why's jonny such a good voice actorrrr :(
MARTIN Are we still safe? ARCHIVIST Y-Yes. It- It doesn’t want to harm me. MARTIN And me? ARCHIVIST I won’t let it.
I like the way Jon's voice is in the "it doesn't want to harm me." Like it's sort of vaguely hysterical.
ARCHIVIST I’m just- I’m mourning a world I killed- MARTIN (Placating) I know- ARCHIVIST (Increasingly fervent) and we’re all trapped in its rotting corpse!-
I like this bit a lot. I think it's neat. I'm gay and I like rot. I need to read... what was it, thirteen stories I think? That's got the rot. I like the rot. 10/10 on the rot. Like hnmmn what Jane Prentiss says about the dead god, a world that was alive, was sentient, now dead, rotting with maggots and flies all over it, flesh squishy and yielding but also firm at the same time like a bruised apple, trapped on an actually dead corpse of a world.
That would be neat!!
ARCHIVIST Can you imagine? If we’d had this? MARTIN But we didn’t though, did we. ARCHIVIST No— MARTIN So there’s no point in dwelling.
ooOOOoooh title drop
but also... </3 like he could have kept them. he could have not done that. he could have not put the fucking solution to everything right after it becomes moot.
ARCHIVIST Healthy? I am an Avatar of voyeuristic terror, who unquestioned craving for knowledge has condemned the entire world to an eternity of torment; healthy i-isn’t- i,it’s not
I've written this so much on like every test, it lives in my mind rent free, it's hhnrnhrnnh holding it gently <3 like i don't even know what to say, this is a far cry from the whole mag 160 thing where it lived in my head rent free and so does a lot of words about it, here it's just... a lot of reaction images.
ARCHIVIST Why not? It- It’s quiet, here, and I have you.
ARCHIVIST No, it’s- I love you, I just— I need more time.
headinhands (good)
read it. it's so good.
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daenystheedreamer · 1 year
1, 2, 7, 8? 👀
the character everyone gets wrong
ive rewritten my answer so many times.... ned marge loras plus sansa arya dany... but i think overall i'd say stannis. the refusal to see him as anything other than absolutely right and just has DESTROYED discussion on him. the donal noye quote that everyone takes at face value... RAHHH!! to pathologise the reasoning i would say its because people latched onto ned stark when they first watched/read the series. i really think a lot of people weren't actually prepared for grey characters and ned is the honourable just man that is almost an audience surrogate for a certain type of person? then he dies and you latch onto the nearest stoic chad alpha guy who is sooo right all the time and this time he's not politically dumb which is how they view ned. so stannis :3
a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
sigh. wipe the sweat from my brow. prays to the ancestors. ok i cant make absolute roles vis a vis topping and bottoming because thats porn rules not actual real gay people rules. But. if i have to care about whos on top i think theon tops SORRY it's a combination of ironborn masculinity + shame + trust issues + theon is prissy and lube doesnt exist yet. in a throbb context also there's no way theon isn't being a weird gross asshole he's like um but im literally older than you so that makes me the top? do you even know what youre doing turbo virgin lmao? so gun to my head that is my answer.
what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
hm. most historical targs. they're whatever to me i dont care about most of them cos theyre just flavour text but then i had to hear everyone suck them off and it made me hate them. Example jaehaerys. never had any strong feelings on jae until everyone was sucking him silly now im #1 jae hater.
common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
margaery is a bitchy manipulative mean girl she is not kind sweet cottagecore nicegirl. she kicked sansa to the CURB when sansiebaby became a hot potato. and i love her for that!
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goodmorningdove · 2 years
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I binged all of s3. Your honour theyre gay as fuck.
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pan-fried-autism · 10 months
nikolai gets fired 3: fucka da government!!!
@bowlerhatwearer if you arent on the edge of your seat while reading this im flying out to austria city or whatever to throw pebbles at your house. ok :3
nikolai and grem were sat in the court of silverport city.
"all rise for the honourable judge pratt" said some guy.
everyone stood up as chris pratt in a judge wig sat up at the fuckin. judge stand thing. idk what its called.
"alright, losers, whats the problem" he said in that classic whte guy voice
nikolye stood up, looking like a smug dickhead in his southern lawyer getup.
"Catboy and Lame-o over there are being divorced by me, and yet theyre still being married." he boomed, pointing at the duo.
"so what are we doing today?"
"what we are doing," said chris hemsworth, grem and niks lawyer, "is deciding whether they should remain gay married, get gay divorced...
... or go to JAIL."
dun dun dun!
chris pratt shrugged, saying "okay lol. now will the plaintiff come to the stand."
nikolye swaggered up to the stand.
"do you swear to tell the truth, the truth, and the truth?" asked chris(topher) walken, who had become a pig.
"no." replied nikolye.
"thats fair"
nikolye began.
"well after i fired the lame defendant from his self employed job, i remembered that hes married to the cute i mean idiot dumb catboy defendant, which reminded me of... the past."
a single tear ran down his face, but nikolye took out his custom painted Desert Eagle and pistol whipped it away. he continued.
"anyway i didnt like it, so i collaborated with the VERY HONOURABLE missoury court system to divorce them, and sent them a polite letter telling them so. however, these BUTTHEADS wouldnt listen :("
everyone went "aww :(" at evil nikolai/nikolye's sad story. except grem and nik who were flipping him off.
"now, will the catboy come to the stand?" asked chris pratt.
"i have a name ya know" grem hissed as he went up to the stand. he also pushed over christopher walken.
"your honour", grem stated, "i'd like to make it clear to the court that me and my Nik-Nik can't get gay divorced because we are not in a gay marriage. case closed."
chris pratt blinked at them. "arent you both guys?"
"uh, yeah? but just because we're men who married each other, doesnt mean it's gay."
"could you explained to the court what that means?" asked chris evans, nikolye's lawyer.
"yeah. its not gay because neither me nor nikolai is gay."
pratt just stared down at the cat, deadpanning, "... mr akdow-mewton, i dont see how all that is relevant."
"i dont see how you got cast as mario."
pratt gasped in shock! "you take that back!!!!"
Nikolai had to hold himself back from facepalming as grem argued with judge pratt.
chris hemsworth was unable to hold himself back. as he facepalmed, he whispered to nikolai, "we're fucked, bro."
eventually chris pratt started throwing a tantrum and hit grem on the head with a gavel.
"get the hell back in your seat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he yelled.
grem jumped back to his seat, where he made the rizz face @ nikolai.
chris pratt cleared his throat and dried his wet eyes before he start talking normally again.
"well, after mr akdow-mewton hurt my feewings like that, i must admit im INCREDIBLY skewed towards mr nikolye bad-dow in this case..."
grem and nik hugged each other in fear.
"... but, perhaps, the lame defendant could help?"
nik stood up and took a deep breath. he had to try,
he got up to the stand and cleared his throat and spoke,
"you're honoure.... i know this man is technically me, but that give him no right to split me and my beloved strawberry up. in fact, NOBODY but us has the right to do that. the government hates the little people trying to live their lives, and you're interfering in my relationship! me and grem have a bond that goes beyond love... beyond marriage, probably! if one goes down, THE OTHER GOES WITH HIM!!!!!"
the courtroom was silent.
then the courtroom erupted in applause.
chris pratt slammed the gavel and happily announced, "i pronouncs you two NOT GUILTY of anything!!!"
confetti rained down from the ceiling as nikolai breathed a sigh of relief. christopher walken came up to him.
"young man, for that awesome speech, i want to give you something."
in christopher walkens hands were some SICK ASS SHOES. they were red with a white band down the middle and white cuffs on top and yellow buckles onn the side. nikolai immediately put on the shoes because they were sick as hell.
evil nikolai sheepishly walked up to grem, who glared at him.
"so uh... congrats on winning the court case" he said awkwardly. "want to get a drink? ill pay of course"
before grem could gut him, nikolai punched nikolye in the face before beating the shit out of him on the courtroom floor. the courtroom sat there and clapped like that one funny scene in evan gay lion.
afterwards, nikolai picked up grem bridal style and carried him out of the court room.
the next day, nik woke up feeling weird.
"hey grem, does your hair feel weird and bristly or is it just me?" he asked his husband.
.... who wasnt there.
but there was a slip of paper.
nikolai read it, and IMMEDIATELY ran out of the house, still in his boring pajamas.
the note was a ransom note... signed E.N!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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