#they do not feel abusive in the slightest
arceus-insanity · 1 day
The more I think about it the more I feel shortening the Pro heroes side to the heroes is misleading and disingenuous. Even if it is more intuitive
As myself and many of my mutuals have pointed out, the pros are incredibly hypocritical, corrupt and just plain bad/failing at being heroes. But they are great at the PRO part. The vast majority of them (including the students) feel like they only care about the pro part in practice
The most blatant examples are Endeavor and Bakugou, but they are far from the only ones
If Endeavor was focused on being a hero and not a pro he wouldn't have only cared about getting the number one spot, his focus would actually be on being the best hero he can be. Instead, we have the whole Todofamily shitshow of him buying his wife like livestock, making her pop out kids until he had his perfect quirk baby, neglecting his non-instant perfect quirk kids, and abusing all of them when he isn't neglecting them. He wouldn't be so eager to kill both villains and vigilantes (seen in the Vigilantes series, the nomu attack, and the high-end nomu fight) as well as being more mindful of how much property damage he causes. (I already have so many posts on this bastard, so I'll end this here)
Bakugou's goal in the whole series is to be the number one hero, not a good hero. As I have said with Endeavor many times before, it's not his behaviour that has truly changed, it's people's reactions to them (and it was already shit). He genuinely tried to kill Midoriya for getting into UA in the battle trials, and instead of being rightfully expelled, Midoriya after school, so not in the heat of the moment, tells him part of the One for All secret. He calls the Bakusquad, his supposed friends, demeaning names, same as everyone else. Everyone focuses on how he tells Midoriya to kill himself in the first episode, but later that same day he tells his 'friends' off for suggesting they go to a bar because if he gets caught he can't get into UA. So he had no problem telling someone to kill himself when there wasn't an obvious risk of it affecting him, but a bar where he could get caught suddenly cares. His first proposal for a hero name, and his full official hero name both contain the word Murder. He is violent, at best shouting, every time even the slightest thing doesn't go his way. Aizawa himself states (a guy who constantly praises him) says that the reason he won't join the villains is because he sees the heroes as the winners (chapter 86, and he reaffirms the goal of top hero for me as well)
We see Best Jeanist call outing Endeavor's abuse as airing dirty laundry, Hawks murdering Twice & calling for Toga Himiko's death as well, Gran Torino telling All Might & Deku to get rid of Shigaraki, Burnin outright saying she doesn't care if her boss is an abuser, cause he's good at his JOB. None of the pros who learn Lady Nagant was an assassin for the commission, care. Deku doesn't care when he sees two armed men attacking a woman for being visibly different, and that she had been denied entry from multiple shelters for that same reason, because oh, UA is an exception, so everything's ok, doesn't even help her get to the school, nor does All Might. Both Deku and Tentacole's arguments against villains are basically 'I suffered silently, and now I'm in the #1 Hero school! I'm going to inspire everyone to be nicer, just by being a (generic) hero (who will never rock the boat). So if you can't do that you're worse than your abusers and deserve it!'
I think Uraraka is the only one who is focusing at all at being a good hero, and not a pro, and she doesn't know how to fix any of this.
What the PRO heroes are is a combination of cops and influencers, who have all the corruption and toxicity of both
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 2 days
Happy birthday, Tails!
"Fevers Can't Ruin Birthdays"
based on this post by @niyana-the-ambiguous-mobian :)
AO3 version
Sonic didn’t have to be a genius to know that Tails had never had someone celebrate his birthday before they’d met. The kid had been the littlest outcast there ever was, for the dumbest of reasons. He’d been shunned and abused for what Sonic in all seriousness considered to be one of the coolest things about him— his extra tail that let him fly. On top of that, Tails was an absolute genius.
Too bad Sonic had to be the first one in the entire world to notice all this. Or maybe not so bad, because that meant he got to keep him. Which was quite possibly the best thing that had ever happened to him.
They’d been with each other for years now. Things were familiar between them. Familial terms flew from both their mouths in reference to each other all the time without hesitation. Tails had grown so much and now had a level of sass that rivaled Sonic’s. And now the kit was approaching his tenth birthday.
Sure, Sonic had made plenty of efforts in past years to celebrate his little brother. He’d thrown parties, bought out hardware shops in the hopes that whatever he brought would be useful to Tails, and even once made a horrendous attempt at making a birthday cake. (He hadn’t tried again since that first time, although Tails had at least appreciated the thought.)
But this year? This year was extra special somehow. Not only was Tails finally entering double-digits, it was going to be his first birthday after coming back from his extended time of solo adventuring. His “going it alone,” as he’d told Sonic he’d wanted to do back on Starfall Islands.
Sonic had missed him to no end during that time, although they’d still texted most days. Now, Tails had been back for a few weeks. He hadn’t said a word about his upcoming day, but there was no way Sonic would ever forget it.
He’d made plans, alright. Conspired with Knuckles and Amy, Vanilla and Cream, the Chaotix, even Silver and Blaze (though that had been a bit of a challenge). He’d convinced Tails to head out to one of his live-in labs that was closest to all of their friends, to make it easier for them all to come together. He’d spent an entire week shopping (with help from Amy), looking for anything that Tails would even potentially like. Mechanical stuff, computer stuff, bags of mints, lego sets the size of a dining table, video games, a collection of tiny metal airplanes he found at a thrift store, etc.
He had the entire day planned out (which was something that he usually never did). He’d hidden the giant assortment of gifts in a bunch of random secret places and connected them all with strings (although the arts and crafts store had been pretty ticked that he’d bought out their entire supply of yarn). Amy was going to make a giant, absolutely gorgeous cake. Knuckles was helping Cream decorate banners and blow up balloons. Vanilla and Vector were helping him organize everything. Sonic was going to take him to all their favorite places and they’d have races and go sightseeing and maybe dive off a cliff or two. It was going to be perfect. Sonic was absolutely determined to make sure that fox knew exactly how much he was loved.
… So if he woke up on the morning of the long-awaited day feeling a little more lethargic than usual, if he had some kind of tension in his head and felt a little congested and a little rough in the throat, well, he would keep that to himself.
Correction: he would try.
“Hey, Taaaaiiilllsss.” The voice was teasing and familiar, but surprisingly gentle for being an apparent wake-up call. Tails barely stirred from his dream, making the slightest of humming noises in acknowledgement.
A hand gently shook his shoulder. “Happy birthday…” the voice went on to sing, albeit quietly.
Still mostly asleep, Tails barely rolled over and automatically finished with a sleepy, “To yoouuu.”
The voice— Sonic, no doubt— snickered. “Nuh uh, lil dude. It’s your birthday!”
Tails smiled as he finally started waking up for real. “To meee,” he corrected, opening his eyes halfway as he began pushing himself to sit up.
“There ya go!” Sonic laughed, reaching out to ruffle Tails’s already-messy bangs. “Welcome to double digits! Just wait till you…”
Tails paused in his climbing down from bed as his brother trailed off in his sentence, instead ending with a sneeze.
“Bless you.” Tails hopped off the bed and grinned.
“Eh. Thanks.” Sonic shook his head and smiled back. “Sorry. What was I saying?”
“Just wait till…” Tails prompted.
“Aw, yeah— just wait till ya see everything I’ve got planned!” Sonic dragged him in for a tight hug, then a noogie, and Tails squealed with fake protest.
Sonic let him go, grabbed the end of the yarn lying on the floor near the bed, and shoved it in Tails’s hand. “Just follow the string!”
Tails laughed, but obliged. “Wait, what? What is this, birthday edition of the Wizard of Oz?”
Sonic shrugged. “I woulda built a yellow brick road, but I didn’t think you’d appreciate me messing up your floors like that. Didn’t think the public would be much of a fan, either.” He turned his face away and sneezed again.
“Whaddaya mean the public? Bless you.” Tails frowned a little when Sonic didn’t immediately turn back towards him, instead reaching up to rub his nose, then his eyes. “You good?”
At the concerned inquiry, Sonic quickly snapped back towards him. “Yeah, I’m good! Now come on, your day awaits!”
Tails kept an eye on him even as he smiled and started walking alongside the string, which he now noticed was stretched out across the floor and tucked in random places out of sight. “Are you getting sick?” he asked Sonic, who scoffed.
“‘Course not. You know colds are too slow to catch up with me.” Sonic gave him an exaggerated wink. Tails rolled his eyes.
“Lame joke, but you sound all stuffy.”
Sonic rolled his eyes right back and put his hands on his hips. “Maybe your ears need cleaning out again.”
“Just like your immune system needs cleaning out?”
“Stop sassing me, or there won’t be any cake.”
Tails knew Sonic was joking about the cake bit. He still wasn’t sure if Sonic was actually sick or not, but if he was, there was no way he was going to just admit it and go to bed. He was one of the most stubborn people Tails knew, and he hated to be vulnerable in front of other people.
So, deciding to hope that Sonic wasn’t lying and maybe was just sneezing excessively for no reason that morning, he went along with the plans Sonic had created, which admittedly were all pretty fantastic.
“Yooo, is this the newest game from AGES?” he squeaked as he flew up into a tree after the string and found the tenth gift tucked in the branches.
“You bet!” Sonic called from the ground, although his voice sounded extra raspy when he raised it. “Pre-ordered it ‘n everything! I dunno if you watched the trailers for it, but it looks sick. Hoped you’d like it!”
Tails hovered back to the ground, picking up the previous gifts alongside the video game case that he’d left at the base of the tree. Sonic turned his head and coughed a couple times.
“Speaking of ‘sick,’” Tails mumbled, eyeing his brother worriedly.
Sonic waved him off. “I’m fine, I said. Besides, there’s still so much left to do!”
Tails sighed. He was beginning to think that his initial intuition was right, but was Sonic going to care? Nope.
They headed into town next, and Tails finally understood what Sonic had meant earlier about the public. If they hadn’t been world-renowned, Sonic probably would’ve gotten in trouble with the local government for leaving string and random computer parts in cardboard boxes all over the parks and roofs.
The sun was high in the sky at this point. They met with a few of their friends in the streets, too many to be a coincidence, but Tails didn’t mind one bit. While all the effort was definitely heartwarming, it would’ve been easier to enjoy it all if he weren’t so worried about Sonic, who was looking more tired by the hour. Every now and then he’d catch him rubbing his head when he thought no one was looking, as if trying to ward off a headache, and every couple minutes Tails heard him sniffling.
They had lunch with the Chaotix, and Tails of course chose chilidogs. It may have initially been Sonic’s favorite, but his love for them had rubbed off on Tails over the years. The taste of them always brought warm, pleasant memories, and almost for the sake of those memories alone, they were one of his favorite meals.
And he would’ve had an easy time enjoying them now, but it was hard when Sonic was barely picking at his, in the seat next to him. He’d taken a small bite or two, but was now doing nothing more than staring at them with slightly glazed eyes.
Trying not to make a scene, Tails nudged him a little. “Not hungry?”
Sonic blinked and looked back at him, his eyes clearing. “Um. I dunno.” He picked up his chilidog, immediately set it down again, then twisted aside to cough again, as quietly as he could.
Tails caught Vector eyeing the hedgehog from across the table and winced. “You good there, Sonic?” their older friend questioned.
Sonic looked back at the crocodile, almost uncomprehending for a moment. Tails looked between them. Sonic waved a hand. “Not you, too. I’m fine,” he sighed, even though his voice cracked when he spoke.
Espio looked towards them, away from his whispered argument with Charmy that no, Tails was not obligated to share his three new lego sets with him. “You don’t sound well,” he pointed out.
Sonic glanced back at him, squirming under the sudden scrutiny of everyone else at the table. “Hey, quit staring,” he complained, then smiled way too big and nudged Tails. “This is Tails’s day. Give him all the attention!”
Tails gave him a look, deciding that it might be better to be upfront about this than to spare Sonic’s dignity. “I’m not the one who needs medical attention,” he said with a tiny shrug, smiling apologetically when his brother shot him a pleading look.
Vector sat up straight. “Wait, are you sick?”
“No,” Sonic protested, his ears flattening slightly.
Espio leaned down and started fumbling through one of their bags under the table. “I think we still have flu medicine leftover from when three of us had it a few weeks ago. You can take it if you need it.”
“Noooo, thanks.” His big brother looked like he wanted to disappear, although at this point Tails couldn’t tell if the redness on his face was from embarrassment or an oncoming fever. He looked meaningfully back at Espio and nodded, and the chameleon quietly slipped him the bottle under the table.
They managed to go the rest of the meal without bringing up the sickly elephant in the room, but Tails couldn’t brush off his worry. More and more he wanted so badly to just take his brother home, tuck him into bed, and take care of him until he was healthy again, but with the way Sonic was, such a thing would be immensely difficult.
“Ready for a hike with the gang?” Sonic asked him, with about as much energy as he could summon at the moment.
“A hike?” Tails echoed, brows rising. “Why don’t we just fly in the Tornado? Where are we hiking?”
Sonic laughed, then immediately started coughing again. It was sounding rougher every time it happened, and Tails automatically reached to put a hand on his brother’s back. “M’fine,” Sonic reassured him, trying and failing to clear his throat. “There’s this one spot out in the mountains nearby with an awesome view at the top. The hike is an hour or so, and yeah I know we could just fly, but I thought it would be nice to catch some scenery in the woods along the way. Knux and Amy are coming along, is that okay?”
“That’s— it’s fine that they’re coming.” Tails paused, trying to sort through his immediate concerns. “Um… I just think…” With a quick breath, he went on, “Sonic, this has all been awesome and the hike does sound exciting, but… I really think you need to go home and rest.”
Sonic sighed, glaring at the ground for a moment, before dragging his gaze up to meet Tails’s with a frustratingly relaxed gleam. “How many times do I gotta say it today, I’m fine! Nothing can keep me down for long. I’ve been waiting to do all this with you for months; please just let me have this?”
His brother wasn’t as good with the puppy dog eyes as Tails was himself, but it somehow worked— for now. Tails groaned, conflicted still but not knowing how to convince the stubborn hedgehog that walking around all day and hiking entire mountains and spending all energy for the sake of birthday fun was not going to let him feel better. Especially if he refused to take any medicine.
“Okay, but—”
“Awesome!” Sonic didn’t let him finish. “I told the others to meet us at the parking lot in twenty minutes or so— whaddaya say we beat them to it?” He swallowed with a grimace as he finished speaking, then sniffled.
Tails stared at him regretfully. “Okay.”
They made it to the parking lot in under five minutes. Tails decided not to say anything about how much easier than usual it was to keep up with the speedy hedgehog, who didn’t seem to be purposefully moving as slowly as he was. As they reached the sparsely populated lot, Sonic stumbled over his feet and all but fell against someone’s car, struggling to catch his breath as he started coughing again, even harder than before.
“Sonic?” His worry ramping up a decent amount, Tails hurriedly dropped down beside him. “You alright?”
Sonic gave him a tired grin, even as his chest heaved for air. “Just catching my breath,” he wheezed.
Tails stiffened, looking at his brother with blank eyes as a haunting memory surfaced in his mind.
“Just catching my breath,” Sonic tried to assure him, even though he was near entirely covered in flickering, red and black cyber energy, had just been coughing, was clearly in pain. Tails stared at his own transparent, glitching hands, realizing he had no corporeal form and could do nothing to help his brother feel better.
And then he’d spent the next few days watching Sonic get sicker and sicker, watching him limp tiredly around instead of run with his trademark smile, watching him hold his arm and his hip and his head until he could barely walk. Tails had come back to his real, solid form, only to find Sonic paralyzed, unresponsive, all but dead, because he’d cared more for their lives and their comfort than for his own health.
This wasn’t the same, he reminded himself in the present; at least, it wasn’t as dire. This was just a bug. Just the flu. And it was just a birthday.
But Sonic was still rejecting his health in favor of making sure that someone he loved was having a good time.
Tails wasn’t sure how to articulate his feelings on that to him right now. So he chose to step closer and throw his arms around Sonic instead, holding him tightly.
Sonic paused for a moment, evidently taken aback, then silently hugged him back. Pressed up against him, Tails could hear and feel the raggedness in the hedgehog’s breathing, and feel the unnatural heat radiating off of him.
“Whoa, are we interrupting something?” a deeper voice called, and immediately Sonic pulled back as if nothing had happened.
“Brother stuff, Knux,” he told the echidna, as Tails fought his internal annoyance at missing his chance of actually convincing Sonic to go home and go to bed. “You wouldn’t get it.”
Knuckles eyed the hedgehog ruefully. “I think I would, somehow.”
Beside him, Amy laughed. “You guys ready for this?”
“The view won’t compare to Angel Island. But I suppose it’ll be nice in its own way.”
“The scenery on the way is supposed to be really cool, too,” Tails put in, remembering what Sonic had said earlier.
“It is!” Sonic agreed, then pointed to a sign by the woods nearby. “That’s the start of the trail. Let’s do this thing!” Without waiting for a response, he half-ran, half-stumbled off towards the aforementioned sign.
Tails just sighed, shook his head, and ambled after him. As he did, Amy headed closer to walk beside him.
“Is Sonic… sick? Or something?” she whispered, looking concerned after their friend ahead of them. “He seems off, somehow. And he sounds all raspy.”
“…Yeah,” Tails mumbled guiltily. “He’s been coming down with something all day. I’ve tried to talk him into going home and resting, but he won’t listen.”
“Sounds about right.” Amy groaned. “I’ll help you keep an eye on him while we walk. If he still won’t go home to sleep by the time we’re done the hike, I’ll just drag him there myself.”
Tails couldn’t help a laugh at the mental image. “Thanks, Amy.”
“Of course!” The pink hedgehog beamed at him. “Now then— how’s your birthday been going, mister ten-years-old already?”
“It’s been good otherwise!” He grinned. “For the first half of the day he just dragged me around town following a string to all sorts of gifts. I had to drop them all off at the lab, or else we wouldn’t have been able to do the hike.”
“Ooh! What’d you get so far?”
“Mm, a lot of computer parts, three new lego sets, a couple new video games, a skateboard, a weighted blanket, a box of mint tea—”
“Wow,” Amy cut in with a giggle. “I helped him do some of the shopping, but he really went all out, it sounds like.” Tails nodded with a soft smile. “I’ll never get over how much he just adores you. How much you both love each other,” she added, watching the fox kit’s eyes shift to check on the hedgehog ahead of them.
Sonic had paused beside a tree, leaning heavily against it, panting with eyes glazed over again. “Sonic?” Tails called, hurrying ahead to catch up with him.
“What?” Sonic jolted upright again, eyes brightening but not clearing as they passed over Tails. “I’m fiiine,” he drawled, and staggered back onto the trail. Knuckles grabbed him by the arm to keep him from tripping down the hill on the other side of the path.
Tails glanced back to exchange a look with Amy, then sighed and tried to stick closer to his brother. Knuckles glanced back and gestured questioningly at Sonic behind the hedgehog’s back at Tails, who mimed coughing into his fist in response. Knuckles rolled his eyes, then silently exhaled and nodded.
All of them were unfortunately familiar with the way their friend would put up a front for them. As Tails had earlier recalled, it hadn’t been too long since they’d seen this kind of thing with him.
It fooled none of them.
The farther they hiked, the more it became abundantly clear that Sonic was getting worse, and the more Tails and the others worried. The hedgehog couldn’t walk in a straight line to save his life, instead stumbling in a sort of zig zag pattern back and forth across the trail, giggling here and there. He’d gone from being pretty quiet and tired out in the first half to jabbering nonstop in the second half, except it was almost pure nonsense coming out of his mouth.
“Looook, Tails,” he snickered, pointing shakily at a flicky in a tree nearby. “Toldja dragons’r real.”
“Sonic, that’s a flicky. And we’re literally friends with dragons. Remember Trip?”
“Ah, yyyyeahh!” Sonic laughed way harder than he should’ve, breaking into yet another coughing fit. “Y’know, I could probably breathe fire too, with how on fire my lungs feel right now.”
He staggered on ahead and proceeded to trip over a tree root.
Tails shot an anxious glance at Amy, then leaned closer and whispered to her, “Would you mind heading back and bringing the Tornado out here? I’d do it myself but I don’t want to leave him. Once you get it here, I’ll bring him home.” He bit his lip. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay!” Amy whispered back. “You got it. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
Amy wasn’t quite as skilled as he was with flying the Tornado, but he’d given her enough lessons that he felt confident at least trusting her to fly it out a short distance. It would be worth it, to be able to take Sonic back home with ease and make him get the care he so desperately needed, whether he wanted it or not.
“Where’d Amy gooo?” Sonic whined a few minutes after she’d hurried off.
“She’s just getting something for me,” Tails told him, patting his shoulder reassuringly, although he jumped at how hot to the touch his brother was.
“Izzit a surprise for youuu?” The hedgehog smiled deliriously. “Tha’s cool. Happy birthdaaayy!”
“Thank you, Sonic.”
“Yerrr welcome! Hey… did you dye your fur or somethin’? Ya look way more orange than usual.” He peered at Knuckles and his eyes blew open wide. “Whoaaa, you too!”
Tails facepalmed. “Dear Chaos, he’s even worse than I thought…”
Knuckles looked back and forth between them, having clearly never dealt with a person as sick as Sonic currently was. For Tails, it had been a while, but he’d definitely experienced things like this before. He’d known Sonic for most of his life, had seen him at his highs and his lows. He picked up his pace to match Sonic’s, and Knuckles dropped behind slightly.
“Sonic, you really need to rest,” he told him firmly.
Sonic giggled. “Yes, I’m a pest! Egghead agrees with that!”
Tails facepalmed. “That’s not even close to what I said.”
Abruptly, Sonic jumped and pointed excitedly at a patch of sunlight ahead in their path. Probably the end of the path, Tails figured, but instead of saying that, his brother exclaimed, “Look! A giant duckling!”
“Izzo cute.” Sonic all but dragged himself up to the patch of sunshine and fell over into the grass. “Can I keep ittt?”
“Please? Hey Knucklehead, can I keep th’duckling?”
“There’s no duckling,” Knuckles said bluntly.
Looking genuinely disappointed, Sonic shoved himself back to his feet and staggered up to the boulder with the view, the end of the trail indeed. “Taaaiiilllss, canna buy a duckling?”
“Whoaaaa, lookit th’vieeww!”
He’d been right, the view here was spectacular. There was no shield from the wind up here; they’d passed above all the trees. They could see hawks soaring below them, and in the distance, they could see the town they’d been in earlier as nothing more than a silent, tiny setup of buildings with microscopic moving specks that they knew were people and cars. For a moment, Tails paused as he surveyed the view. It was fascinating to see something like this and not be flying somehow.
Sonic was grinning in absolute delirium as he whirled sideways to see them, eyes half-closed. “See, wasn’t it worth it…” He frowned suddenly, stumbled, then started swaying. “Whoa.”
“Sonic?!” Fueled by panic and adrenaline, Tails realized what was happening, and lunged to grab the hedgehog by the wrist right before he keeled over— nearly off the edge of the cliff. Panting in suppressed fear, he pulled Sonic back up onto the boulder and sank to his knees, all but cradling his brother as he lay there, barely conscious.
“No more excuses. You’re burning up,” he said, hugging him close to calm his racing heart. “I sent Amy to bring the Tornado. I’m taking you home as soon as she gets here.”
Sonic blinked blearily up at him, then groaned and mumbled, “…Okay.”
Tails blew out a breath. “Good.”
“Jus’ one thing…”
“What’s that?”
“Can I still get a duckling.”
“…I’ll buy you one when it’s your birthday. Now stop talking and rest.”
Sonic grinned wearily, closing his eyes and resting his head down against Tails’s chest fluff. “Okay.”
Amy arrived shortly afterwards, and Tails carried his feverish brother up to the Tornado as it circled around them. He set him down in the seat behind the cockpit, then he and Amy switched out as Amy leapt back down to the boulder.
“We’ll head back on our own,” Knuckles called, waving to them. “Go on ahead.”
Tails waved back in acknowledgment, then set the course for the quick flight back to the workshop, barely a minute’s trip.
He thought he heard Sonic mumbling something behind him, but it was difficult to hear him over the wind. He hit a button to bring the overhead windshield over the seats (a feature he usually reserved for rainy days), and said, “What was that?”
“I’m sorry.” Sonic was slumped sideways in his seat, staring sullenly out the window.
Tails frowned as he returned his gaze to the path ahead. “Why are you sorry? You didn’t—”
“I wanted to give you a perfect birthday. After everything.” It was probably due to the sickness, but Sonic sounded downright miserable. “And I ruined it.”
Tails sighed. “You didn’t ruin anything. No one can control when they get sick. It was still a great birthday, Sonic.” He twisted around again and smiled, making sure Sonic saw him before he turned back towards the front. “Thank you.”
Sonic hummed a little in response, but said nothing.
They set down at the workshop, and Tails opted to leave the Tornado in the runway for a while so he could take Sonic straight inside and set to doing what he’d wanted to do all day: just taking care of him.
He settled him comfortably on the couch, brought him a couple blankets, made some soup, and brought him some orange juice and a couple slices of bread. After he’d eaten, Tails gave him some of the medicine he’d gotten from Espio earlier. Sonic still seemed kind of depressed, but he was looking a little better, at least, now that he was finally getting to rest.
As he nibbled on the bread, Tails sat down with him and handed him the orange juice glass. “You know,” he said slowly, beginning to smile, “I think I prefer this gift over the others.”
Sonic blinked at him as he accepted the glass carefully and took a tentative sip. “What… which… I haven’t gotten you anything since we got back.”
“Just…” Tails shook his head and smiled, then reached out and rubbed his head between his ears, like Sonic always did to him. “Just this. Being together. You letting me take care of you. I always like that.” Sonic stared back at him in surprise as he spoke. “You have no clue how much this means to me. How much I’ve wanted to do this, basically all day.”
The hedgehog sighed, but smiled back. “Sorry it took all this for us to properly hang out.” He shifted. “Although, as nice as this is… I’m not sure if you really wanna be this close. I might get you sick.”
In response, Tails scooted closer and hugged him tight. “I’ll take my chances.”
Sonic was still tense. “It’s on you if you do get sick,” he warned, although his tone was hardly serious and didn’t match with his affectionate grin.
“I know. Just shush it and let me hug you.”
“…Alright. You win this round, bud.”
💛-----------------the end-----------------💙
tagging, as requested, @star-stages and @yogacatdeskknit
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signanothername · 2 days
UT/UTMV Asks Masterpost (part 2)
This will include lore/ characterization as well as some extras
*tip! Those in red text will contain an explicit discussion/visual display of some sort of trigger/content warning, these could be blood, emotional or physical abuse, emotional manipulation, death, self destructive behaviors, implied or discussed suicidal ideation, suggestive content or other sensitive topics
*tip! Those in orange text will contain an implied or mentioned trigger/content warning but no explicit discussion/visual display
*tip! Asks with 💬 are without art, only text
Let me know if I missed color coding anything :)
Lore/ characterization asks
I feel like Nightmare would try to make Shatter Dream came back to normal Dream.
"You're just like them. The villagers."
do you think your Regina GeorgeTM Nightmare would ever have moments of his past self
what would Killer's reaction be if Nightmare just lost his corruption
How would your Nightmare react if Dream died
what do you think that will happen if Nightmare really achieve his goal?
what if Nightmare actually dated someone?
How would Killer interact with Passive?
can i ask how you headcanon the murder time trio? 💬
If your version of Killer had to choose which person he’d stay with forever without ever going back to anyone else. Who would he choose? Nightmare? Or Color?
who cooked the food? 💬
what is your opinion on Dream? 💬
color spectrum duo knowing ASL means a lot to me!!!!💬
do you think color and killer have nicknames for each other? 💬
you think Killer would try using Color’s soul as an experiment 💬
soul colors for color's flame 💬
do nightmare and dream know ASL? 💬
in depth look into how Dream and Nightmare experience autism
Dream finds out he’s autistic is because of either blue or ink 💬
where Nightmare kills Dream and wins? 💬
Stage 3/4 or stage 1 when there are cats 💬
more like himself 💬
how fucked up are nightmare’s legs? 💬
they’re often really touchy with each other?? 💬
Smart Killer 💬
Duality of a Dream Sans fan. 💬
shape shifting ability
what if Dream lost his memory 💬
nightmare sometimes cries himself to sleep 💬
Nightmare having a cat is adorable 💬
do you think nightmare could have a happy ending?
you think Killer repeats or keeps any habits/quirks he picked up with Nightmare 💬
Little Nightmare traveling in the multiverse? 💬
if Nightmare uncorrupted by a miracle, do you think he would find his happy ending or mend things with Dream?
I feel like little nightmare would talk to trees 💬
i love Killer knowing shit about Nightmare know one should know, but how does he find it out? 💬
And since killer is observant wouldn't he notice this??💬
Do you think killer knows that nightmare is autistic? 💬
do you think nightmare would let a human work for him or do you think he prefers only monsters to work under him? 💬
what would happen if Color dies instead of Killer? 💬
Do you think that your take on nightmare could become a better person without becoming at least fully uncorrupted? 💬
How do you see Nm's and Ccino's relationship?
Was nereid actually the cause of ccino’s alternative timelines being destroyed??? 💬
poor Dream though, wish he wouldnt care so much about someone like Nightmare 💬
May I ask if you think mtt would change their names at all if they left Nightmare? 💬
Would there be even the slightest chance Nightmare would become that if Dream died? And what would be his reaction? 💬
Nightmare having children as a concept 💬
does killer sleep with his eye sockets open. I feel like he does, does he?? 💬
Nightmare recruitment process 💬
can your nightmare have a healthy relationship with someone, like when he's uncorrupted? 💬
what do u think of horror n farm?
Does your version of Nightmare have like, a will of some sort? (Nightmare’s death part 1)
both outcomes where either of the twins die are really interesting to me (Nightmare’s death part 2)
Dream now feels a lot more alone as well (Nightmare’s death part 3)
What would happen to the rest of the Multiverse once Nightmare is gone?? (Nightmare’s death part 4)
If you need to choose only one character you are saving, you prefer Killer or Color
How do you imagine mean girl nightmare stats box’s looking and saying?
I am surprised that each Murder agreed to work with Nightmare 💬
within colors group (delta and epic) who do you think is the strongest and weakest magically/physically?
Do you have any other sans that you see as autistic??
What would've happened had it been Nightmare? When faced with this small six year old who is nothing like he remembers, would Nightmare's true self and corruption be mentally first fighting on what the hell to do?
I was mainly curious about if Nightmare might try to hurt Dream 💬
Is Nightmare the shortest of his own gang?
To Nightmare: do you want to be with Dream? Or Dream: Do you want to forgive him?
I was wondering what you mean when you talk about the fact Killer feels nostalgic still for Nightmare, even after being saved by Color
Nightmare losing his corruption
Can you draw a body from uncropped Nightmare?
it looks so wrong seeing killermare in ur style bc of what u usually do to em
do you think dream might also have some sort of chronic pain?
how do you think they experience others emotion
Mama’s boy
love that you made Nightmare a lil mamas boy 💬
What do you call the thing around Nightmare's(ur designs) outfit? Is it like a scarf or smth?
if Nightmare uncorrupted by a miracle, do you think he would find his happy ending or mend things with Dream?
Does nightmare get like kid sized clothes? Or would he like get his custom made?
do you maybe have the refs of your versions of sanses in color?
Would dust think of his scarf as his ‘hair’ in a way?
How would Killer react if he found Nightmare in a weaker state?
Soul capture
What would happen if you ate an apple in front of the Apple twins
in the timeline/future of where he leaves nightmare, do you think he’ll keep being a lap at to Color??
So much alike
you mentioned your nightmare is a semi-god, so does he still need to sleep, eat, etc...?
Ask extras
Killer playlist by @/ spookyyew59 and my Killer playlist
Human Killer by @/azronxz
Swapdream and Dreamswap
Color Spectrum name origin
have you seen underverse? if so, what were your thoughts of killer from that?
do you have such moments sometimes and what do you usually do about it?
What makes an Undertale AU like interesting and fun to get into??
artwork colored by @/ pucabearry
how do you figure out poses
I know next to nothing about Delta Sans lol... what are some of his main traits and characteristics?
Art of uncorrupted Nightmare by @/ gshaewru
do you have any fic recs bout killer or nightmare??
Art in my style by @/ hellishintent
How do you draw killer's jacket and make the fur on it look so fluffy
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Cinnamon Girl
author’s note: this was longer than I thought it was honestly, it’s been sitting in my drafts for a fat minute. It’s a piece of shit and it’s completely not proofread I was just listening to Cinnamon Girl and started thinking about Jj all of a sudden. Also I don’t know if you can tell but I was kinda high when I wrote this I lowkey fixing my mistakes but let me know if I missed any cause my migraine’s fuckin me up the ass and my head’s throbbing and I’m just noticing I vented a little bit so if that’s gonna trigger you in the slightest way possible I suggest you don’t read this.
warnings: mentions of abuse, a teeny tiny mention of ed, trauma dump (by me), objectification(?), cussing, bad writing probably, stoned author, sorry bout that.
inspo song: Cinnamon Girl by Lana Del Rey
You do accept. You’re way past the denial phase anymore. You are irrefutably in love with your best friend. And no, we’re not talking about a silly attraction or crush, you were in love with him. In love with the way he walks, in love with the way he talks, in love with how he payed attention to every single thing you do and immediately fixed whatever it is that annoys you. You were completely in love in love with him and the worst part is that you were okay with it. You stopped thinking that it was possible in any way shape or form a long time ago. But no matter what you do you couldn’t stopped loving him, loving anything that came by him. You were ready to do anything to receive some kind of validation from him. Anything.
Cinnamon in my teeth,
From your kiss, you’re touchin’ me
It’s not like you didn’t tried. Almost see through tops, those denim shorts that ends right by your ass, hugging it tightly. Okay, maybe it is actually embarrassing to show off yourself just so some guy would give you attention but he wasn’t some guy. He was never just some guy. The moment you look at him your whole self respect leaves your body and honestly, who could blame you? You didn’t even believed but it had actually worked, he had threw some “Damn girl, never knew you could dress like that.” or “Looking good.” here and there and it made you feel better than ever. You do pity yourself for it, for the fact that you decided to do something that you would find other woman who do it lame just for him and also because you liked it. You did. And you did it more. You kept doing it until he stopped. What happened? Were you ugly now? Did something change? Did someone else got his attention now? No, no one but you can have his attention, they just can’t. You’ll make sure of it.
All the pills that you take,
Violet, blue, green, red to keep me at arms length don’t work
I guess you weren’t his type anyway, he was into bimbos, girls that are head empty, no thoughts. No thoughts but sex that is. And you were ready to be that for him if he let you. You were ready to be something you despised with a burning passion only for him. He was no good for you that’s for sure, he made you cry and he made you feel insecure, he made you feel desperate and overwhelmed but there’s one thing he never made you feel before, unsafe. He never made you feel unsafe. He feels like home, I know that’s cheesy but it’s true. It feels right with him even though it can’t be more wrong. He just feels so right, you want him, no, you need him. You know he needs you too, if you really think about it he would be alone if it wasn’t for you. Who does he goes to when he has a fight with his dad? Who patches him up? Who takes care of him when he comes to the château in the middle of the night, drunk or high or both? And who plays babysitter next morning when his hangover is eating him alive? You.
You try to push me out,
But I just find my way back in
Violet, blue, green, red to keep me out
It has always been you for him. The one who was there for him. His safety school. His hiding spot. Sometimes you do feel like there’s something special and he feels it too but maybe it’s your delusions or that part of you that is aching for Jj so hard that it’s painful now. It hurts you when he gives you hope too. Which unfortunately he likes to do. Don’t know why. You’d be sitting in the backyard, smoking weed, talking about your pasts and plans for your futures and he says something like “You know what I want? I wanna see the world, surf, never see another kook for the rest of my life, do whatever the fuck I want, never let anybody tell me what to do anymore.” You understood him, you’ve been a pogue all along but you didn’t wanted freedom or money. You wanted him. He was your escape from reality. As two teenagers coming from problematic families you two got each other. You gave him a smile, “Yeah…yeah I mean, I get it. This place is pretty but it’s just…stressing” “It is. I’m done with it. Done with all of it. I just wanna leave, you comin’?” Is he serious? Are you coming? He wants you there and thinks you have a choice of not coming? You would go to the deeps ends of hell with him if he wanted you there. “Sure. If you don’t mind.” “‘Course I don’t. Just wanna spend the rest of this miserable life how I want. Doin’ whatever I want. You and me, against the world. That’s how I wanna spend it.”
I win.
You wanted to tell him. Tell him that you wanted to spend it exactly the same. That you needed no one and nothing but him. But you were a coward, that’s what you were. “I don’t think future Mrs. Wife wouldn’t like that very much.” He smiled, god his smile, those dimples… Lost. You feel lost. Without him, you’ll feel lost. “Bold of you to assume that my future wife won’t want you there instead of you being the wife herself.” Joke. All jokes. Not funny Jj. How dare does he takes my only purpose in life and shove it to my face like it’s some super funny joke? Screw him. I love him. So goddamn much. “Yeah. Real bold.” He noticed your frown, just like how he notices everything. “I’m serious. Pogue for life, yeah? If my foreign wife doesn’t want an og ‘round us, she can piss off.” Lies. You don’t believe him. He’s gonna dump his wife for you? Bullshit. “You’re ridiculous, it’s the woman you’re gonna marry we’re talking about. You’re gonna leave your wife for me?” Oh god how you wish he did. He doesn’t even have a wife and now you’re jealous of an imaginary person. Great. “Like I said I can’t leave my wife for my wife, peach.” Same joke. Still not funny. “You’re not funny Jay.” “Oh I agree, I’m not jokin’ whatsoever. I seriously doubt anyone’s gonna ever take me as a husband and well…sorry to tell you this but you’re stuck with me.” I wanna be stuck with you, talk straight, tell you that I can’t be stuck with you because I want you by my side anyway. But I can’t.
There’s things I wanna say to you
But I’ll just let you live
Like if you hold me without hurting me
You’ll be the first who ever did
Don’t know what he’ll do, what he’ll say. I mean it’s not like you know what’s he’s gonna do ever but this is different. If you tell him the truth would he leave you? See now, that’s the day where you’d die. Jj is not just Jj. He’s you. He’s everything that makes you, you. And maybe it’s stupid and crazy to give someone this much meaning but it doesn’t seem that crazy when it comes to him. Because with your entire existence, you love him. With every bone in your body, you adore him. Maybe it’s trauma bonding…because you get it. Dad sucked, just like his. And you know exactly how he feels every time another punch lands on his face by his own father. The man who gave him life. It’s understandable that he doesn’t believe in love. You didn’t either. Until you met him. Until you realized what a perfect fucking boy he is. He is going to be yours, he doesn’t have a choice. It’s an exaggeration or maybe not, who gives a shit? He’s the only thing in this fucked up world that’s makes you feel fulfilled. He’s like a drug. Makes you feel good. Makes him feel good. But in the end of the day you both know you’re bad for each other. So? Who gives a fuck? You’re both fucked up, perfect pairing, perfect partners. At least you have each other’s backs. His dad gets abusive? You’re there to comfort him. Your dad gets abusive? He’s there to comfort you. He’s drunk and having a panic attack? You ran to him, you’re his way out. You’re gonna binge or do the exact opposite? He’s your only way out. His mom isn’t in the picture. And yours is just barely. See? Soulmates.
There’s things I wanna talk about
But better not to give
But if you hold me without hurting me
You’ll be the first who ever did
You hated him. Hated how much you love him and how unconditionally you loved him. How much you changed for him. How you did everything he said and wanted. How you served him. How much you liked doing it. And how you’re gonna keep doing it no matter what happens.
Hold me, love me, touch me, honey
Be the first who ever did
I mean, he’s gonna leave. Everyone leaves. Until then you want him by your side. He can do what he wants, you only have one request from him and that is his love. He’s worth it. Because if he holds you without hurting you, he’ll really be the first who ever did.
take a shot every time I say love challenge les go
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gaytranszoro · 10 months
sorry okay im rewatching whole cake w a friend and got obsessed with the vinsmokes this time around okay. sorry. however i am a liker of themes and motifs and doomed characters. sorrey.
#i just looovvee the ways the different families this arc are portrayed. big moms as an empire to be expanded.#beges as a loyal bond and structured organization#and ofcourse the vinsmokes as an army bound only by blood and not by love. and a commodity to be used/force to be strengthened#like sure they're all related but like. they do not act like a family even in the slightest. they don't even seem to really like each other#LOL just even w the charlottes you get the feeling they care about each other to an extent (ie katakuri and brulee or chiffon and lola)#but we rarely see any of the vinsmokes hold a conversation with each other let alone act like siblings.#(unless you count them like. abusing sanji as sibling bonding)#which i why i OBSESSSS over when reiju gets hurt you see one of them call out in concern.#n the (admittedly anime only) scene of yonji like helping a little. bear guy get a fruit off a tree. that shit cute as hell.#you get these like. moments of humanity with them that seep through the cracks of the carefully-constructed image of the Evil Germa Army yk#the way all the siblings turned out and the ways they compliment and contrast each other makes me think ab what could have been you know.#iirc reiju wound up how she is because her mother encourgaged her emptions and instilled a sense of humanity in her. proving they are all#capable of having that sense of morality the others just...didnt get it 1) bc sora died when they were so young and#2) bc judge had a VICE GRIP on them.#so they were doomed from the start.#their father wanted a perfect unfeeling obedient army of soldiers and he was going to get it by any means necessary#even if said soldiers are supposed to be his children#i do think the vinsmokes are deeply unforgivable but i also recognize tht like...they were victims of circumstance.#smthn smthn nature vs nurture#in another life i think they would have kicked ass together#idk im fuuucked upp off the green tea rn yk how it goes.....#.txt#idk how to be coherent abt them they just make me feel like pacing around my room with my head in my hands#its been said better by ppl with better grasps on character analysis than me but. abuse victims who suck. and are also assholes.#you mean everything to meeee
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swordmaid · 16 days
durge yves is so very jaded about everything because nothing compares to the euphoria bhaal grants from killing that she latches onto anything that piques her interest. to the point that performing surgeries and experiments on her own self gets so boring that she stopped for a time. she also has very little regard over her own body, not caring what happens to it because it's merely a vessel for bhaal and he can make and remake it as he wishes. i think the moment orin betrays yves that's one of the few times she feels excitement and joy, and when she was experimented on by kressa then shoved in that pod she was ecstatic about it. it's different. it's a change. she enjoyed it so very much that the moment she awoke in the nautiloid she can't help but smile. she doesn't know why, hardly can remember anything about herself, but for some reason she feels a certain excitement; an anticipation of a hunt.
#like all her senses was drowned out by that certain euphoria else wise if she regains a semblance of her past sane mind#she'll go running back to kelemvor lol. which is what she does in act 1 except in act 2 she feels that familiar euphoria again#and it feels like home to her.. and it's something so warm and inviting that she feels herself slipping into it.....#to me yves' durges/dark urges is this kind of siren song state that lulls her in#makes her feel so warm and good and homey and cozy and all things nice#she blanks out when she's drowning in it and every drop of blood feels so good against her skin#and she doesn't register that she's killing someone. it's like an out of body state of euphoria for her#and durge yves would've indulged on that feeling over and over and over and over that nothing else compares anymore#everything is so boring..! nothing is worth doing..!! except killing for bhaal.#and she finds gortash mildly interesting bc his mind is so diabolical. does not care about ketheric at the slightest til she learns about#his immortal state now she's fantasizing about killing him then stitching him up and killing him over and over#she finds orin entertaining bc she reminds her of a roach somewhat. someone so resilient despite being beaten down quite literally#like durge yves was very much orin's abuser to me. she's her fave squeaky toy that she throws and beats and plays with over and over#and every time she breaks orin she'll heal her back up to break her again <3 so the betrayal and lobotomy was very much deserved#anyway thought was brought to u by me doodling yves in that pod knocking her head against it and laughing and cackling#she'd enjoy that sm i fear...#shut up about bg3.#bg3 spoilers
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kavehater · 4 days
God I think I’m okay now omg that was such a major episode I literally haven’t cried that much in so long like ever since that incident back in march I think
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awwwokay · 4 months
final thoughts on all of this shit cause quite frankly everyone involved in this shit pissed me off
Holo honestly needs serious fucking help too
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nanaslutt · 9 months
thinking abt choso going to gojo for sex advice and he tells him girls like dirty talk in bed, so the next time you and choso get down and dirty hes whispering the nastiest shit in your ear
just a complete 180 from how he normally is and it’s making you lose your mind. he starts off using the generic lines gojo taught him like “you feel so good” and “so fucking tight” but when he notices your reactions and how hard you squeeze around him when he whispers the filthy words into your ear, he starts getting fucked out himself, finding his own words as he babbles them mindlessly, abusing your poor cunt with his massive cock, thrusting recklessly
“you like when i fuck you hard like this?”
“feels like ‘ur tryna milk my cock- fuck”
“want me inside you? huh? want me to fill you with my cum?”
“taking it like such a good girl. so fucking good.”
after he makes good on his words and fucks you full of his cum, he’s cradling your body from behind and snuggling against you like a cat as he peppers your skin with kisses, not even phased in the slightest at the filthy shit he was just spewing. all you can do is stare at the wall in disbelief, blinking dumbly as you replay the last hour over and over in your head while he pampers you sweetly, a content expression plastered on his face :3
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tacticalprincess · 5 months
nerd! konig who gets partnered with the class bimbo, and she doesn’t want to do any of the work. she gives him a pussy job so he can do all the work for her
he ends up begging her to let him put in the tip…but nerd!konig gets carried away by the warmth of her wet cunt that he rams his fat cock in her poor tight hole:( he would get all pussy drunk and not even bother pulling out…
seriously, you shouldn’t have expected any of it to be enough for him. your plan was to make him cum by rubbing your wet pussy along his neglected cock in return for a good grade on what’s probably the most important assignment of the semester; a favor for a favor. but you felt bad for him, letting him convince you with glossy eyes that the tip would satisfy him, that he wouldn’t bother you again after that. you were flattered, even, believing him when he said his dick hurts so much, it just needs to be inside you.
the feeling of your tight, gummy entrance clinging to the tip of his cock like it doesn’t want him to leave is addicting, and his craving to have more of you is almost instant. he tries, he really does, his hands shaky and breathing heavy as he fucks the head of his meaty dick in and out of your tiny hole. the squelching sounds coming from your sloppy cunt make him lightheaded, his pre oozing inside of you until you’re all messy with both of your juices. he loses all composure, burying into you to the hilt, his heavy balls smacking against your stretched out cunt. you gasp in surprise at the sudden fullness, and he’s spewing out broken apologies and curses through whimpers and grunts. he lifts you by your ass to pull you closer, humping into your tight, warm heat.
he’s all cross-eyed and dumb, glasses fogging up. your warnings to pull out are ignored. in fact, the thought of pumping his load into abused your cervix is intoxicating, and eventually sends him over the edge. he hides his face in the crook of your neck out of embarrassment, groaning long and high-pitched into your ear. he doesn’t stop cumming for a while, fucking it deep inside of you. he’s pent up from the many nights he’s spent dreaming about this, how many times you’ve left his dick sore and aching from the slightest touches. when he finally pulls out from overstimulation, none of his cum follows, all stuffed inside you. and that’s enough to instantly make him hard all over again.
you better get a good grade after this.
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stxrmxtsu · 1 year
iiittsss venting time
context: i come home after work. ive been recently promoted. i’m happy. my siblings and my mother are the ONLY ones proud of me and ACTUALLY ask me how my day was, except my conservative, good for nothing ass father.
MY MOM told me to do a thing. i go to do it. he comes home and asks me where she is and ‘why isn’t she doing it’ and i say ‘i don’t know, dad. ask her’ and ALL OF A SUDDEN, its an attitude problem. and “oh sorry you’re tired from your 9-5 and get work tomorrow” (he said it in our pidgin accent btw so, this kinda won’t make sense grammar wise)
mind you, i have work in the morning. while HE goes camping and praise his son all he wants.
sorry im not successful like your son.
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snekdood · 1 year
i never get satisfaction out of winning. i dont like making other people feel lesser than. the short lived pride i have in myself for being so good at whatever doesnt matter to me when i look over at someone whos bummed about not winning. its such an unnecessary way to stroke my own ego.
I especially hate it when my lifes on the line, that its either win or die, and even the people who want me dead I dont like feeling "better than". none of it had to come to this. but what am i supposed to do when its someone else starting shit and I have no choice? am I just supposed to let myself die bc letting someone else feel like shit, someone i hate even, still doesnt feel good? It's a choice I dont want to make, but theres nothing else I can do.
#i dont even like seeing it this way but this is the way they've set it up and how they see it.#its not like im gonna be happy exactly when ppl find out im right. ill be happy that ppl finally realize im telling the truth#but im not gonna be happy about what happens to my abuser after.#they're just gonna go through the same shit I did and probably end up homeless or some shit#and they'll never be given the ability or chance to change and grow bc ppl online dont allow that grace 1#but 2 bc our countries system doesnt give a fuck about poor ppl let alone homeless ppl.#and if everyone who likes them decided they hate them now bc they finally see who they are-#theyre basically just gonna be left to die. and I hate that. I hate the type of people who let that shit happen bc they hate whoever.#its sadistic and evil honestly. and I think a lot of ppl on here are just that. I hate to feel that way but dawg how tf else am I supposed#to feel when its clear plenty of yall get off on ppls suffering#my abuser knows all this which is why they fight so hard to maintain their image.#the problem is theyre just surrounding themselves with the wrong ppl who would drop them even at the slightest disagreement or whatever#i dont even think they've realized how shaky of ground they've built themselves up on#like. do you want ppl to love you for who you are or who you pretend to be?#bc I promise there will still be ppl who love you in spite of everything. even if most ppl dropped you.#human cruelty knows no bounds but so does human empathy.
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mirroringshards · 9 months
cute bpd things!!
*small inconvenience* BREAK UP BREAK UP BREAK UP BREAK UP
yeah im fine lol look at this meme :D
mood depending on them
every text hurts or feels way too good
intrusive thought yeouch okay ouch thats another one yeOOUCH
the 50000+ articles on how youre abusive
fp is bad for me but its ok i love them<3
"if i hurt someone its gonna be myself"
becoming completely obsessed with someone the moment they give you the slightest attention
never being able to cut anyone off ever. immediately go running back
cry because theyre talking to someone that IS NOT ME
oh my fp isnt here. okay. oh im dissociating okay i dont have any purpose to continue living without them okay my life literally revolves around them i want to die where are they are they safe i dont know what to do with myself
"just leave. everyone does anyways"
5 minutes later theyre the worst person ever
*looking for an identity* hmmm, where could it be?
dependent on fp like theyre a parental figure you never had
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nouvxllev · 5 months
Could you possibly do a story where Tara and Y/N get caught in the middle of fucking by Sam??
(Can be Tara x Fem!Reader, Gp!Tara x Fem!Reader, or Tara x Gp!Reader.)
my sister!?
Pairing: Tara Carpenter x GP!Reader
Summary: request!! ^^
Words: 4k
Warnings/tags: immediate smut, pretend the carpenters have a house and not a shared apartment in new york, protective sam carpenter!!!!!, no ghostface au
a/n: writers block is KILLING me, feelin like i cant write shit
Tumblr media
An innocent study night with Tara was impossible.
"Tara—Tara, oh f-fuck, you're taking me so well..."
The sight of Tara beneath you should be a sin of its own; tears stinging her eyes locked on yours with mascara running down her cheeks, her soft, abused lipstick-stained lips parting for pathetic notes of moans and whimpers. Strands of hair lay in a mess on her mattress you relentlessly ruined her on every night she asked of you to.
Every sound she made drove you to closer to insanity, knowing you could worship her everyday for every sin you committed since meeting her. The way her body responded to the slightest thrust was intoxicating, addicting—so fucking addicting. Her fingers clutched on her sheets as if they could help her, knuckles turning white.
Tara's eyes fluttered open after rolling back in pure ecstasy, letting out soft moans with your cock fitting so right and full inside of her. She was barely holding out on her own, you were just so fucking hot and sexy like this, who could blame her?
"More," she cried, voice trembling while she wrapped her arms around your neck to bring you closer, "Please—Fuck! Y/n, y/n, please I—"
She moaned your name as if it was a prayer, her voice alone making your knees weak. Her body arched into yours, seeking more—always for more. Even with your hands steady on her hips, she moved with a mind of her own in her cock-drunk state.
Your grip on her waist tightened, fingers almost bruising her perfect, soft skin as you buried yourself deeper inside her. Her name fell shamelessly from your lips as you felt an aching knot forming in your stomach.
"Tara—I'm so... fuck, m' so close..." you breathed, pupils blown out as you locked eyes with her. Her eyes, everything about her was desperate, fuck, you both were.
Tara—breathless and spent from being so stretched—nodded frantically, her lips pathetically opening and closing almost immediately as if she could say anything other than your name and soft moans.
"Close.. close, too." She gulped, breath hitching, eyes rolling to the back of her head, feeling every inch of you so deliciously deep inside of her. "Fuck, don't stop!"
You were so close, so close to feeling Tara's walls clenching against you that could make every sense in your body go dumb fucking weak and numb, your name dangerously on the tip of her tongue while she goes onto levels higher than cloud 9 as you help her ride out her orgasm.
Close, Tara's so close, so close, fuck, fuck fuck—
When you came, Tara came down hard. Her figure perfectly arched as you rocked your hips back and forth inside of her, the both of you falling into silent moans and hot breaths.
"Tara... are you alright? Shit, Tara, you feel so goo..."
A door opened.
"What the fuck."
Sam. Carpenter. Standing.
You. Tara. On. Bed.
Sam Carpenter, Tara Carpenter. Carpenters.
You. Not Carpenter. Definitely not after today.
Sisters. Right-
How batshit, totally and flat out embarrassing it would be to be caught having rough sex with your girlfriend in the middle of the night at her house when you're supposed to be studying?
No, it would be fine, very fine actually if it was one of the gang. Hell, you'd take Mindy or Chad any day opening the door to see you and Tara fucking around. You'd live with it and wear it like a fucking badge of honor.
If it wasn't her damn sister.
Sam already despised you for being Tara's girlfriend! You couldn't even hold her close for more than thirty seconds without Sam threatening to grab a hammer and bash your skull in.
What's even worse than that is how she led you both down stairs after awkwardly cleaning up and she's now pacing back and forth in front of the couch Sam pushed you on.
"Sam, you're being overdramatic, we're not those sex-obsessed teens that need counseling." Tara, arms crossed with an adorable pout (you'd defend that pout to your last breath), tackled before her sister could even say anything. "I'm 21 for fucks sake!"
"Oh, Tara, don't even get me started—You literally just turned into the legal drinking age two fucking weeks ago!" Sam stopped in her tracks, pointing at Tara with probably the most killer eyes a killer would kill.
Sam cut her off before Tara could even say anything, her gaze now directed towards you. "And you," oh shit, you were in for it, "My sister!? That's very low of you, Y/n—"
"Oh, y/n was definitely going low on—"
"Yup, okay, no, stop—Tara." You quickly covered Tara's mouth with your hand before she could further damage your already very rocky relationship with Sam. Come on, you still wanted to be invited to Thanksgiving and Christmas!
"Sam." You took a deep breath, "I am truly sorry for… uhm… doing that. I know that you're being protective and I too would hang myself if I ever hurt Tara in anyway—"
"Mostly sexually." Tara chimed in the background, a shit-eating smirk on her face.
Sam tilted her head like some kind of horror movie scare, "Do you wanna explain what the fuck I just heard from my younger sister, y/n?"
"No, no! I haven't hurt Tara in that way, I swear—!"
"Probably because it felt so good."
You turned to Tara, face twisted for dear life, "Tara do you want my ass kicked or not!?"
Sadly for your long-lived lifespan, Sam was already towering over you.
"It was an accident, I promise, and I—!"
"So you just accidentally slipped and magically ended up being inside my sister for hours?"
Okay, maybe suicide really is the better option. How the fuck do you even respond to that!?
"I—" Fuck, shit, fuck, dick, how do you breathe!? "Well, I... I wouldn't phrase it like that—"
"You know the walls are thin?"
"Y..yes, I'm very sure and—"
"The whole damn house was barely holding up, I thought a fucking 9.8 magnitude earthquake started when I opened the door!"
"We... We are so sorry—"
"And you're also sure that I'd eventually slit your throat in half?"
"Sam, please, I really am s—"
"You know I have a fucking taser in my pocket? The only reason that's restraining me from using it because Tara's sees you as someone alright."
"...Uhm, sweet, but Sam—"
You would thank the heavens for such an assertive and a somehow kind of rebellious to her sisters wishes girlfriend by how Tara stood up so abruptly that a very poor and sad excuse of an excuse in your mind went away.
"You want an apology, Sam?" She tilted her head as she stepped forward, "I'll give you a fucking apology." You know, for a 5 foot nothing girl, she can definitely throw hands. Or words.
"We... are sorry. Actually, Y/n's—"
"Oh my god." You whined in the background.
"Y/n's very sorry for fucking—"
"Okay, no, stop." You interrupted immediately. Why the term!? Infront of her sister!?
"Having sex—!"
"Having... Having coitus—!"
"No, why the hell would you use that!?"
"Making love!"
"Best you could do."
"Y/n's very sorry for being so damn good making love to me in bed, making my mattress squeak louder than a fucking banshee with her cock ramming and giving me multiple orgasms that Danny can't even—!"
"Alllright, I'm stopping you before you get legally disowned at the age of 21" You grabbed Tara by her arms and lifted her up before your entire sex life with her comes tumbling down on your girlfriends sister.
The room was silent. Almost too silent, you swear you could go deaf if more than a second even passes by. Not even a rolling surge of tumbleweed could make it seem less awkward than it is. Even your dignity left.
That was until you heard Sam taking a deep breath.
Before you knew it, you were kicked out of the house with Tara's voice behind you literally defending by describing, in horrific detail, how good you were in bed until Sam shut her up.
The walk home was and felt downright shameful, even the traffic lights refused to turn green for you. It's like you have a bindle attached to your palms to forever ingrain the memory of Sam's face while you were literally inches deep in Tara.
You crash into your apartment a minute later after fiddling with your keys, not even bothering to take off your coat. You just collapse onto the atleast comfortable carpet floor and let the mites decompose your entire body.
But not even god himself can let you mellow in your own embarrassment, sadness, awkwardness—literally all of the above—without your phone ringing at one of the worst times in your life. Soon you'll hope it'll be seven trumpets.
You blinked from your spot on the floor. It was too good and too much effort to even sit up properly and take the call.
With a soft groan, you roll over like a ragdoll, fumbling for your phone deep in your pockets. You were ready to decline right there and there, or maybe be a dick and answer just to hang up a second later after swearing at them.
Until you saw the name Tara Carpenter with a heart emoji beside it.
Of course, against your better judgment, you answer. How could you not?
"Can you come over?"
Tara's soft voice whispers over the phone, you can almost picture her twisting and turning on her bed, fiddling with the hem of her shirt.
You sigh heavily, managing to croak out a response, "Tara... you know I can't—"
You swallow hard, heart pounding in your chest. She's using that voice that you're so sure could lead to you prison. You're just so glad you're not there in person to see her beautiful brown doe eyes.
You stand up abruptly, clearing your throat. "It's only been 30 minutes since Sam caught us and practically banished me from your home. How am I supposed to—"
"It’s like you’ve never snuck out before!"
"This time it’s serious, Tara! Pretty sure Sam literally hates my guts by now."
There's a pause that interrupts your thoughts, the line going completely silent, wondering if Tara got so irritated she actually hung up on you.
"I have windows." She responds, as if she's snapping her two fingers together, "You can sneak in through one."
You smiled. Of course she'd think of this now when all the times you've "snuck" in was through their door (surprisingly, it always worked in the middle of the night.)
"Thought Sam nailed them shut after hearing about a loose serial killer?"
"Found out it’s bullshit, just some teenagers having the trip to scare people for fun. Just—Please."
You roll your eyes, "Okay, well, I'm not going to risk my life—"
"You already are, I can hear you over the phone packing your shit."
Oh, how this girl knows you so well.
You zip up your bag while having your phone pinched between your ear and shoulder, "Yeah, see you in a bit."
The brunette chuckles over your words, you could already see her standing up and opening her window from the sounds you hear. Heavenly.
"Damn, you love me."
"Horribly. Say it back?"
"I will when you get here. Hurry, please."
It took a long while to reach the Carpenters' house and even longer to actually go up to Tara's window. Climbing a nearby tree and swinging over like Tarzan was a real pain in the ass.
When you finally reach her window, you see Tara lying on her bed, headphones blaring so loudly you can hear the music from outside, plus she's wearing an oversized graphic tee that you're pretty sure is yours.
"Tara!" you call out, knocking on the side of the wall, your shoes gripping the bricks as you wait for her to notice your figure clinging onto a roof for dear life just outside.
Tara doesn't hear you at first, courtesy of the headphones you bought her for her 18th birthday. You knocked a bit louder, but not too loud Sam suspects something.
You have half a mind to just go in unannounced when Tara finally looks up and immediately rushes over your side.
"You know, it's actually harsh to keep a girl wai—"
You were wrapped between her arms before you could even finish.
Tara's lips met yours in a way you melt instantly beneath her breathless, parting her lips and tilting her head to give herself better access inside of you.
She's soft in your arms, yet so eager by how she's gripping the collar of your shirt and pulling you as if you could be any more entwined.
"You kept me waiting." She breaks only to whisper, words coming in a rasp with her breath hot on your lips as she draws you in for more of her.
You're dizzy, hazed, intoxicated, completely fucked by how her tongue presses on yours so painfully heavenly and her teeth nibbling on your bottom lip. You could stumble around your words if she let you to speak. Your hands could go nowhere but on their perfect place on her waist.
Her fingers trail against your skin, tangling within the strands of hair only to pull you more closer to her, forcing your head to tilt at an angle that could make her invade all the right places inside of you.
You sigh in her mouth before regrettably pushing her away, "You wanted to see me?"
Tara's lips curve as she she presses herself against you, her hands traveling from your chest to your face, brushing her fingers gently against your cheek. The mere motion sending cold shivers down your spine that reminds you of your cock slowly growing beneath layers of fabric.
"Fuck that, I needed you." She murmurs, your heart running faster than the way her breathing goes after making out with you. Her hands seemingly wanting nothing more than to roam over your body, tracing all the way down to palm your growing erection underneath your shorts.
A low groan escaped your lips, yours hands finding their way down to softly cup the curve of her ass. "Tara please, don't..."
"Hm," she hums softly, brown eyes filled with nothing but lost gazing directly at your own, "You know I can't resist you, especially when I have you like this," Her voice is teasing. Tantalizing, even, marked with an innocent smile on her face as if she's not an inch away of giving you a handjob.
A chaste peck on your lips was enough for you to spiral and your dick to throb from its clothed prison, her fingers tracing lazy circles around your cock until she stopped at the dip of the waistbands of your shorts.
"You wanna fuck me first, or should I take the lead?"
Your mind raced, cock twitching from her voice alone, words spent while your breathing was anything but calm, pupils blown out and dilated as you looked at the brunette. But there's only one answer that she needed from you.
Without a word, your hands slid under her thighs, effortlessly lifting her up from the floor and straddling her figure down to her ass at your arms, earning a startled hum from the girl.
Her arms went around your neck, one hand trailing from your nape to the strands of your hair, pulling your head closer to her, meeting your lips in an immediate kiss that had Tara moaning and desperately bucking her hips.
You carried her to bed with her legs wrapped tightly around your waist while her hands lingered on your neck, fingers delicately tracing your jawline while she ravished your mouth alone.
Tara was sloppy with you, kisses so wet and desperate, her tongue exploring every inch of your mouth. She was filthy by how she gazed at you with eyes as if she was innocent, how she let her fingers roam your body in all the right places that had your dick leaking.
With a soft groan, you laid her down on the bed, your hands moving to grip her hips as she continued to explore your mouth, not once did she pull away. Not even to spare a breath.
But, you surrendered to her, pulling her away with a string of saliva connecting your lips together.
Fuck, she looked divine.
A sight you always saw in the middle of the night, yet not even the light could take you away from her. Lips stained with mixed saliva from the both of you. Even with your own inches away, her lips stay parted as she pants for air.
It took you a while before you even noticed Tara and you were completely naked, the small girl revealing to be wearing nothing the whole time you were there.
"Shit, Tara. You were wearing nothing but my shirt?" You rasped, breathing heavily while you placed your arms in between her head to push yourself up.
She smiled, chuckled even as she looked at you, hands traveling from your neck down to your chest, "You know I love putting on a show for you, baby." She winked as her fingers ghosted over your nipples, touch so warm and delicate before sliding lower, tracing the lines of your abs. "Fuck, you're so hot like this."
You shivered underneath her touch, even forgetting you were the one who brought her to such a state, yet you were the one who looked pathetic. Whining and completely whimpering on top of her.
You swallow hard, trying to maintain even the slightest bit of dignity and control. "Tara," you whisper, "You're driving me crazy."
She giggles softly, "Good," she murmurs before grasping your wrist and guiding your hand to the waistband of your shorts. "That's exactly what I want to do. Just fuck me, please."
You couldn't hold back any longer as you pulled down your shorts, boxers sliding down your waist as your aching cock springing out, slapping against your chest while it stood tall and hard for seven inches.
Your hand slipped between your bodies to grasp the throbbing length, tip dripping with pre-cum as your thumb grazed over the slit. "Wanna see how good you take me, Tara." You wrapped your fingers around your cock, stroking it up and down as you guided it along her slick folds. "Fuck, you're soaked."
"Stop… Stop teasing, please, oH GOD!"
Tara's hands frantically had a tight grip on your shoulders as you shoved every inch of you inside of her, breath erratic as she tried to suppress every moan down in her throat, her back arching off the bed as you penetrated her so deep
The intense stretch made her eyes flutter open, rolling into the back of head, letting out tears from the pain as her toes curled in pleasure.
You weren't holding up either, she took you so well, her red velvety and slick walls tightening around your cock drove you into a haze. Her nails leaving red marks in their wake on your back, the atmosphere filled with the sounds of skin against skin, gasps and moans of pleasure from Tara increasingly getting louder.
"F-fuck… Oh, fuck!" She gasped, moving her hips to the rhythm of her trusts as you grabbed both of her legs and pulled her closer to you, "Yeah.. Yeah, right there baby!"
All you could think about were her soft moans, face crying from a mixture of pain and pleasure from being stuffed to the brim, keeping a steady pace that had her a moaning mess on your hands.
You know, Sam always had weird dreams. Weirder than the next, gory than anything from the amount of horror movies she watched along with her younger sister, Tara.
Anything you could do to Sam, she would barely give one or two fucks. Scary movie? More of a boring sit-com that tries to give characters motive and plot some development. Jumpscare her? Reality or movies, either way, you're getting a jumpscare yourself by a hospital bill after she's done with you.
She fears nothing. Except when she woke up just now, hearing her younger sisters voice down the hallway from her room.
Oh my fucking, GOD.
She hopes it'll be a dream, she'd take anything but this. Ever since Tara got a girlfriend, you were nothing but a pain in the ass for her. I mean, she trusts you, sure, but not that enough.
The older Carpenter gets up almost immediately, eyebrows furrowed while her heart heaved with anger. And most probably wrath, and an apology to Tara if she ever found out that her girlfriend was bashed on the skull by her sister.
Every walk she made, the noises got louder yet softer. By the time she was at her door, the noises dropped. Was it all a dream? A nightmare maybe? She'd take that any day.
"Tara!" She yelled out as she took notice of the light illuminating on the creaks of her room., softly knocking on her door. Even if you were there, it's still a 50/50 chance that Tara's actually sleeping. Or sleepwalking even.
She waits for a second.
Then two.
Four—Okay, no, she's opening the damn door.
She turns the doorknob and immediately bursts into the room. Her eyes scanning the space for any signs of you.
There doesn't seem to be anything.
Her eyes immediately spotted Tara. Or maybe half of her peeking out of the soft blanket with a pillow in between her legs. The only thing that seemed out of place was her window open.
She was about to move a lazy strand of hair away from her face, her hand was already hovering over her body. That was until Tara moved on her own. Murmuring something about some TV show. Or a cinema date, whatever it is that involved your godforsaken name.
"Thank God, that scared me." Sam whispered to herself before going over to Tara's bed, eyes still wandering over Tara's sleeping (?) face before standing up and leaving the room.
You popped out of the blanket that was covering both you and Tara after giving her one of the best orgasms she's ever had. But the heart attack you both experienced when you heard Sam's footsteps was not fucking it!
A tense breath escapes your lips, relief flooding through you as you look at Tara, post-orgasm. Her eyes are dazed, a silly smile adorning her face.
"Tara, seriously, do you never lock your doors?" you whisper to her, arms sliding on her back to flip the both of you over. Your hands cupping her cheeks, trailing her jawline while you tucked a strand of hair behind her ears.
Tara's laughter rings out softly in the quiet, her cheeks flushed with her chest heaving. There was always something you loved about her smile, her laugh. Sure it was because it was like a taste of heaven as some pathetic human, but… Dimples. Dim-fucking-ples.
She rolls her eyes, letting her head fall on your collarbone. "I have Sam Carpenter in my bloodline, it's pointless."
"Don't be so hard on her." You stroke her hair gently, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "She's just looking out for you," you remind her, tone soft with understanding.
She sighs against your skin. "She's overdoing it. Like, I can throw a punch. Did you not see the fight I pulled with that dick from a party in the middle of nowhere may I remind you? I could've sworn Mindy sent the video to you!"
"Yeah Tara, but you're also an A24 chick who could memorize the full script of The Babadook, I love you for it baby." You laughed. "But Sam is just looking out for you. Especially me, I literally just fucked her sister in her house."
Tara looks up at you. Batting her eyelashes and smirking while she tilted her head, planting a chaste kiss near your lips, but not near enough you could taste her. "And you fucked her so well."
"We are not having another round, Tara."
"You know me so well it's fucking irritating. Can you just not?" She scoffs, but only playfully.
"But you actually should lock them, it's a safety hazard."
"Mhm, and you should let me ride you." She turns to the side, falling over your body, her hands tracing the soft dips and your toned abs.
"After that heart attack? No, Tara."
"Yeah?" She cocked her head, "Then why not give me more reasons why you're still hard."
"Oh..." You looked down. Fuck, you are. "Oh, fuck you."
"I'm hoping you will."
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head before turning to her side, "By the way, you never said the thing."
She wrapped her arms around your body as you faced her. "Oh, what thing this time, baby?"
You sigh.
"I love you."
Tara laughs. She knew what you wanted.
"I love you too."
a/n: im back!
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sqtorux · 7 months
saying somethin' stupid like 'i love you'
fwb!gojo saying the forbidden L word during the deed ????
slightly nsfw, minors please don't interact. also fluff bc i miss gojo :(
not proof read !
thankyou so much for all the support on my recent ♡
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satoru thinks you're so cruel. one minute you're holding onto him, nails digging into his back as if you needed him to live.
chanting his name so so beautifully as he trapped you between his bare body and the bed, relentlessly thrusting into you.
and then the next you were back to acting like even his mere existence irritated you. in a way it does but not in the way he thinks.
not once had you been there the morning after. only the crumpled sheets and your nail marks served as reminders that you were here, with him.
“gojo can you not-”
“that wasn't what you called me last night. what happened to toru?”
you glare daggers at him as one of his hand held your notebook high up. he was ridiculously tall and he liked abusing that privilege. especially against you.
“shut up” you walk past him without bothering to take your book.
“hey you mad baby?” he chuckled, getting in front of you, stopping you again.
“come on, answer me. why'd you leave? i thought we agreed to go to class together hmm?”
you roll your eyes at him and crossed your arms.
“that's what you said. i didn't agree.”
“aw you're too mean” he pouted as you scowl and try passing him again only to be stopped by his hand on your arm.
“i wanted you to stay.” his words were heavy, his face not showing even the slightest bit of his shit eating grin he always has on.
he turns to you, his round sunglasses were low on his nose and you could see his oh so beautiful eyes.
you look away because if you don't, you were pretty sure you'd be hypnotised and you'd do whatever he wanted.
“if you keep doing this i won't stay over anymore.” your words shot a painful jab at your own abdomen. his grip around you loosened slowly until he lets go completely.
“alright then.” he hands you your notebook, more like placed them into your arms as he walked away, eyes never meeting yours.
the next ‘sleepover’ took place three days after the banter with satoru. he hadn't called or texted the whole time but when you asked if he was up for it, he replied almost immediately.
so here you were again, him ramming into you as you cling onto his bare body for dear life. you could feel your climax coming as your grip grew tighter and tighter.
satoru was the same, chasing his high. he had missed you a lot the past three days but tried distancing himself just so his feelings for you would simmer down.
it only resulted him thinking about you all day and even more during the night. he finds himself wishing you were here with him, either giving you the pleasure you both agreed upon or just you laying down next to him. he didn't care.
he just wanted you to be there. with him.
and now that you are, his heart clenches the way you clench around him as the both of you cummed simultaneously.
he holds your body tight as you both work your way through the orgasm, euphoria rushing through both your veins.
“fuck y/n…” he groaned as he felt your grip loosen. he can't let you go just yet.
“i love you”
he hadn't meant to say it really. not like this at least.
“satoru we've been through this-” you push him weakly but he stays grounded, eyes boring into yours.
“i mean it.” he says, one of his hands found themselves caressing your cheeks as the other supported him while he hovered above you.
“you don't have to say it back or… feel it back…” satoru's voice was full of emotion.
“but just give me a chance to show you how much i love you. then we can work things out from there.”
you find yourself falling into the charms of gojo satoru. it's not everyday he offers his heart to someone. he doesn't offer it at all but now here he is, handing it to you on a silver platter.
you could see satoru's face visibly light up and his blue eyes gleammed. he leaned down to place a soft kiss on your lips.
“thankyou” he traced his fingers on your jaw, his touch so soft, so addicting.
“you better treat me like a princess” you chuckle as he physically melted at the sound.
“oh i plan to do exactly that, and more, lovely.” he leaned down to place another kiss on your lips.
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kavehater · 6 months
I honestly wish people cared more about depression and other issues rather than saying they care but scrutinise a person so horribly when they show symptoms associated with said condition 🧎‍♀️
#everyone’s so horrible about it#if you don’t know what something means you research#I research when my friend says they have an illness or a particular sexuality I may not know about#or just to understand and help out because that’s what friends do right ?#so research if someone tells you they have a condition and learn the symptoms#don’t like it ? leave.#but don’t stick around if you’re not in the slightest tolerant to any speck of symptom they may exhibit#whoever does this is a horrible person#because you signed up for this so you deal with it. it’s so mean to punish someone for something they can’t control#because ppl aren’t nearly as kind to people who are normal as they are to mentally ill people#aren’t nearly as mean to normal ppl*#yeah sure they still have to control themselves etc but you never say this to normal people#you’re never so harsh to normal people if anything those with mental illness need more kindness and understanding and everyone blows it#how are you gonna sit there with full conviction saying I have depression and anxiety ( I have way more than that but okay )#yet blame me when I can’t commit to my work or blame me for being “lazy” I think as a perfectionist and star student I beat myself up over#that already so why would you hurt me more#alternatively this applies to ppl who get mad at others asking reassurance#im gonna rip my hair out for that why literally why would you have a problem#it’s always communicate this communicate that but in fact everyone’s allergic to communication and they’re not traumatised by it#ZERO EXCUSES BUT SOMEHOW all the excuses for normal people but none for mentally ill ppl#everyone’s sick. this is what I mean when. I say it’s so aggravating seeing people because they’re so hopelessly stupid#in the sense they don’t have an ounce of compassion and are disgustingly selfish thinking of themselves 24/7 and their feelings when not to#compare but ppl have it worse than your dumb ass paper cut - esque issues 😇#oh but all the sympathy to you and none to the “crazy people” who actually need more compassion than you be so Fr#and if you cope well with your own issues then good 4 u ! but you’re not the standard of the DSM 🤗 you also aren’t any better#everyone copes differently and expresses things differently dependent on their unique exposures circumstances and view of the world#let’s stop pretending that one view is the right view#this doesn’t mean let yourself get abused btw it means using that thing in your head to be reasonable#dora daily
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