#they are both autism
apollolovescheesecak · 10 months
just watched the extremely goofy movie and lydia and goofy are so betty and simon coded
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emilnikos · 9 months
I need non autistic people to realise meltdowns are a real debilitating thing that has a serious effect on your mental and physical health NOWWWWW!!! The way its been trivialized and lessened pisses me the fuck off. It's not a tantrum and it doesn't come from "being too weak-willed" it's painful and it's embarrassing AND MOST OF ALL IT'S INVOLUNTARY!! Don't claim to be an ally to autistic or disabled people and then make fun of people who have meltdowns. Literally get the hell out of my sight
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heartfairy · 7 months
retiring to your chambers >>>>>>
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calicorobin · 21 days
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beanbag chair psychology
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Annabeth running the Athena cabin is actually one of the most realistic things about CHB to me because autistic 12 year old girls are another fucking breed. At 12 years old I would wake myself up at 5:50 before making myself a healthy smoothie and scrambled eggs and then leaving for school at 6:50 to be over an hour early and go straight to the library. Can you imagine if I’d had another six kids under my command? No wonder they’re winning Capture the Flag so much.
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softpastelqueer · 1 year
Having autism is like
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Having ADHD is like
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Having both Autism and ADHD is like
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gg-selvish · 2 years
being asked follow up questions while infodumping is what i imagine sex would feel like if it was real
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cookie-nom-nom · 1 year
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Their entire relationship
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athanmis · 5 months
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dungeon meshi screen caps but hermitcraft🥲
i shit you not the reason this happened was because i saw gem fanart of her as an elf and i just got caught up with dungeon meshi (anime) and i was like holy shit it's marcille!!! and also etho is certified autism monster freak!!!!!! AND i saw chilchuck with "the most big beautiful brown eyes you've ever seen" and thought bdubs
dwarf impulse is too good and bdubs would be half foot buttttttt character wise chilchuck is not bdubs but shut up🙅🙅🙅
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There's so much wrong with "everyone is a little bit autistic"
Yes, allistic people might know a lot of facts about the things they like. Yes, allistic people might get a bit overwhelmed or underwhelmed sometimes. Yes, allistic people might not get an expression sometimes, mostly if it's the first time they hear it.
That doesn't make them autistic.
Those traits only make someone autistic when they become disabling. Because, big shock, autism is a disability. Yeah, even if someone is low support needs, because that doesn't mean they don't need any support at all.
Saying "everyone is a little bit autistic" is like saying "everyone struggles with this, so suck it up, you have no right to need help". Which is just pure ableist bullshit. It denies the fact that autistic people have higher support needs than NTs, no matter where in the autistic spectrum they are. We're not "neurospicy", we're disabled, and denying this fact is denying us the right to get the help we need, we deserve, to have a good life.
(yes, this rant is just because I made the awful decision of listening to "neurospicy (interlude)" by Jax. honestly I'd rather be called a slur than listen to that shit again.)
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camenxi · 4 months
love the batman ships where, batman autistic ass always never notices the other liking him one way or another like (like the other flirting with him, etc) . it just flys over his head i think we should do it more perchance.
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time-woods · 1 year
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d'yall think hes ever been properly hugged before
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creechurunderurbed · 1 month
I foudn him in the dumpster outside, if you flip him around he makes the aoowww owwweh noise that groan tubes do did you know that
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andresmounts2 · 6 months
Transphobes hate us whether or not we go by neopronouns. You are not quirky or cool because you hate neopronouns & the people who use them.
We will never meet their expectations, so accusing certain trans people as being the problem makes you just as bad as transphobic people.
You don't have to understand it to be respectful. Calling someone "xe/xem" or "bun/bunself" isn't going to make you combust into a million pieces. As long as they aren't hurting anyone, let them live.
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 month
One of the most important things to know with Nico’s character is he is, in this order:
1.) An extrovert who cares SO MUCH about EVERYTHING, ALL OF THE TIME and thinks so highly of his friends and gets sad and lonely when he’s not around people and doesn’t want anyone else to feel sad and lonely. When he’s not around people he talks to the dead to fill in that gap. He’s surprisingly self-assured but is sensitive to what other people think about him (ex: has no qualms against murder and doesn’t regret it at all but is concerned he scared Reyna and Coach/made them uncomfortable by killing somebody in front of them).
2.) The world’s most awkward nerd. He loves card games and struggles to not infodump about his special interests at inopportune times and wanted to be a greek hero/pirate/possibly an aviator growing up, but also that was like Two Years Ago and he doesn’t wanna talk about it.
3.) Thinks of himself as judge, jury, and executioner on both a metaphorical sense but also he is literally that. Like, that’s literally his job position as Ghost King/son of Hades and he takes it very seriously and he will straight up murder somebody if they are breaking the laws of the Underworld (unless he's giving somebody a pass because they’re his friend/family because see: bullet point 1 <3). And it directly ties into his powers (seemingly being able to judge people’s souls while they’re still alive and then also like. just. rip people’s souls out or turn them into skeletons).
So do with that information what you will.
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scissorcraft · 4 months
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post-canon siffrin design!!!! might change it up more of course but!!!! yeah!!!!
he does HAVE something to represent odile and bonnie too,,, it's not just his partners (romantic & queerplatonic), he's got his family too, i just don't know where to put them yet :) so for now assume he is carrying them in his multitude of pockets!!
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