#they always hold a person who might have been in prison but for some reason always evade any legal punishment they have to face
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etheriii · 1 year ago
EEEEEEE!!! So I was writing a lore post for my Offlands and Far Off babies and then tumblr died and it all got erased đŸ€Ș
Anyway! In the spirit of not going insane, I’m instead sending my D&D character first!
This is Vesper:
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Or at least Vesper Sinclair is the name they go by most of the time. They don’t actually have a last name and their real first name is Vex, but they’re a changeling so they’ve gone by a lot of identities and their real name stays kind of close to the chest. Vesper is the name they use in the campaign with their party.
If you didn’t know, changelings are shapeshifters, and don’t often live with many other changelings (just like parents if they know them) but Vesper never met the parents! They grew up as an orphan and consequentially, being an orphan and a shapeshifter, they became, well, adept at getting away with stealing.
They essentially grew up as a tiny grifter and subsequently grew up into a charming charlatan! They met the team by scamming the hell out of the noble in the crew, Vinny, and Vinny ending up taking an affinity to them.
They are a sassy little shit, and a taaaad blasĂ© with the law, but will slip an orphan some bread if they think the crew isn’t looking. Has probably attempted to (and succeeded to) turn a couple kids into criminal masterminds.
They’re genderfluid and will change pronouns to match the presentation of the face they’re wearing. They/them when not shapeshifted!
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Also a bit of if a wine aunt was a con lady.
First of all, since I'm not too familiar with D&D, so thank you for the explanation on their species (?) :D
Now, they seem like such a cool character!!! I love characters that can shapeshift/change their appearance because 1- It's a very cool ability 2- There's usually that one quality about them that just,, makes them shine? (I'm not sure how to put it into words, but I mean to say they give off an alluring type of vibe)
I love the way you've made them!! Like their personality, backstory and appearance, it all come together well! Also their behavior with other members/characters/people, it all suits them!
Also out of curiosity, can they shapeshift into non-living objects or any other creatures? Or only into fellow humanoid buddies? And is there any criteria to be met or just anyone they see?
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bellaxgiornata · 2 months ago
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You Are My Sunshine [1]
Pairing: Jax Teller x Fem!Reader Word count: 5.3k [Series Masterlist] [Jax Teller Masterlist]
Summary: Recently released from a stint in Stockton Prison with a few of the Sons, Jax is still struggling with Tara returning to Chicago over a year after he killed Agent Kohn for her. When he returned to Charming, Jax noticed a coffee shop had sprung up across the street from Teller-Morrow Automotive and the clubhouse, oddly finding himself watching the strangely cheerful owner through the windows. One night he feels drawn to step inside, but he's left even more confused when the owner feels like the embodiment of sunshine itself. Jax quickly realizes that the more he visits her shop, the more at peace he finds himself.
Warnings/tags: 18+; sunshine!Reader/grumpy!Jax (somewhat), fluff, angst, friends to lovers, eventual smut, canon divergent, canon typical violence (more tags to possibly come)
a/n: Not everything will be true to canon in this little series, and this first part starts out in Jax's POV. I just couldn't resist the idea of Jax with someone so bright and bubbly bringing some happiness his way. As a note since I'm newer in the SoA fanfic scene, I always do my best to refrain from adding physical descriptions to Readers, but they are still some form of a character personality-wise. Feedback and reblogs are always appreciated!
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Placing the cigarette between his lips, Jax flipped open his lighter and held the flame up to the tip of it. He was itching for something right now–a smoke, a drink, a fuck, a fight. He couldn’t quite tell the difference anymore. Everything felt the same–a neverending blur. The days had all begun to bleed together ever since he and the guys had been released from Stockton the other month. 
And everything felt the goddamn same as it did before he'd gone in.
Taking a drag on the cigarette, he pocketed the lighter and leant back against the brick of the clubhouse behind him. Laughter and blaring music was pouring out of the building, the noise always far too loud to be contained by the structure. The Sons were partying again tonight, celebrating a successful closure of a deal from earlier in the day. But for some reason Jax hadn’t felt like partying. The air in the clubhouse felt suffocating, which was why he’d stepped outside into the balmy summer night for a cigarette instead.
As a trail of smoke curled its way upwards from between his lips, Jax stared vacantly across the otherwise empty lot, his eyes landing on the line of motorcycles across from him. His mind inevitably wandered back to Tara while he smoked, something it often did ever since she’d reappeared in his life over a year ago just to disappear all over again. Running away. That's what she had always done best.
He hated that he couldn’t get her out of his head even after all this time. But what he hated even more was that part of him still felt like it was holding onto the ridiculous hope that she’d come back to him. That she might wake up one day and return to Charming and somehow just accept him for who he was, who he'd always been. But that was a fucking bullshit hope and he knew it.
Jax’s jaw clenched in irritation, his fingers tightening around his cigarette as he drew it back up to his lips for another sharp inhale. It was impossible not to think that Tara had used him just to get rid of Kohn knowing that he’d be sympathetic to her situation. Knowing damn well that Jax would never have just walked away when she came to him for help. And it pissed him off that she’d played him like that–that he had let her play him like that. Especially when he’d been so fucking vulnerable after Abel had been born with all of his health complications weighing on his mind. 
He had needed her in return, but Tara hadn’t cared about what Jax was going through. She hadn’t cared about the fact that until that moment, Jax had never killed like he'd killed that night  for her. Every time before had always been for the club–for self-defense, retaliation. But that night? That night it had been out of love. It had been because he'd been protecting someone he cared about. And Tara had thrown him away a second time right afterwards, not even bothering to think about how any of it had affected Jax.
Movement across the street caught Jax’s attention, breaking through his spiraling, agitated thoughts. His head turned as he stood in the dimly lit parking lot, pulling the cigarette away from his lips and blowing out a plume of smoke as his eyes landed on you across the street through the large glass windows of your coffee shop. 
Honest Coffee. You’d opened it at some point when he and a few of the Sons had been doing a few months in Stockton, but ever since he’d gotten out, he’d found his gaze drawn across the street to that building more times than he’d ever willingly care to admit. And he wasn’t entirely sure why, either. Jax was not the kind of guy you’d find sitting inside of a coffee shop sipping on some fancy ass, overly sweetened and overpriced bullshit cup of coffee. That wasn’t his thing. So of course he’d never actually ventured inside the shop that had opened up across the street from the clubhouse and Teller-Morrow Automotive.
But for some goddamn reason he couldn’t help but look.
The entire place stood out amongst the old, worn brick buildings beside it. You’d painted the exterior brick white and hung up some bold, black sign with the shop’s name on it above the entrance. There were even a few little tables and chairs on the sidewalk out front along with writing on one of the large glass windows that read ‘Support your local caffeine dealer.’ Which, for some goddamn reason, amused Jax to no end considering your shop was located across the street from actual arms dealers. 
And there were plants. Goddamn, the amount of plants. A few large potted ones sat outside by the front doors, and there were a handful hanging over all of the large open windows. And, from what Jax had been able to see when he’d ridden past the place multiple times, you had plants on the tables inside, too. So many fucking plants it was like you were making coffee in a damn jungle. He didn’t understand why you had so many or how the hell they always looked like they were thriving. He’d often heard Gemma even compliment the goddamn plants the few times she’d stopped over to get herself coffee.
But it wasn’t entirely the plants or what you’d done to the building to make it appear so warm and inviting in downtown Charming that had him constantly staring across the street. It was you, if he was being honest with himself. You were always working there. He’d already come to assume that you were more than just a barista and that you actually owned the coffee shop with how frequently you were there. And you were attractive, that wasn’t even remotely a question. But you were nothing like the women at the clubhouse, or Redwoody, or Diosa. Where most of the women he’d encountered in his life were all rough and hard edges, you always seemed so soft and sweet. Like a warmth just radiated off of you everytime you smiled. 
And you were always fucking smiling over there. Whenever Jax watched you through the windows, whether he was outside having a smoke with the guys or by himself, you were guaranteed to be standing somewhere in that shop talking to someone with a smile on your face. Despite the fact that he didn't understand how one damn person could smile so damn much in a day, he’d sometimes found himself wondering what it would be like to see that smile up close, to have it directed at himself. There was just something about it, even from this distance across the street, that made it look different from any other smile he felt like he’d been given in his life. Like it was real and not covering a hidden agenda. 
Jax took a final drag on his cigarette before tossing it to the ground beside his feet, crushing it out beneath his shoe. His eyes were still on you through those large glass windows as he did. It looked like you were closing up the shop for the day. You were alone inside, the entire place empty as you swept the floor with a broom. But it almost looked like you were dancing as you cleaned, your hips swaying as your lips moved. The corner of Jax’s lips twisted upwards faintly at the sight. Who the hell were you? You were cleaning in an empty shop in downtown Charming, all alone just after sunset, across the street from the disliked and notorious motorcycle club, and you were dancing as you swept?
Who the fuck looked so happy to be cleaning?
Without even thinking, Jax pushed off the wall of the clubhouse and let his feet carry him away from the party raging behind him. An incredulous look was etched across his usually hard features as he began to cross the empty street and make his way towards your coffee shop. Eventually he came to a stop just outside of the front door, his hands tucked into the pockets of his jeans as he watched the back of you for a minute through the windows. Unquestionably you were inside dancing and sweeping as you listened to–what Jax assumed as he stood just outside–stupid coffee shop music. An amused huff came out of him as he shook his head at the sight.
Not even bothering to check if your shop was closed on the hours listed on the door, Jax slipped a hand out of his pocket and pulled it open. No bell chimed to alert you of his presence, meaning you continued your cleaning and soft singing to yourself with your back facing him, completely unaware you had a customer. A smug smirk tugged at his lips as he sauntered further inside the shop, making his way over to the counter near the register before resting an arm against the white countertop. He leaned his weight against it, crossing his ankles as his head cocked to the side, his blue eyes fixed on you. 
Christ, you looked adorable. Not a thought he often had about women. Usually he went for the ones at the clubhouse barely dressed in much of anything who were always very eager to spend the night with him. Even a few of the girls at Diosa and the pornstars at Redwoody that had sometimes caught his eye would never have been called anything close to ‘adorable’ by Jax. But you just looked so goddamn sweet and you hadn’t even noticed him standing behind you staring.
Clearing his throat, Jax figured he should probably alert you to his presence. He didn’t want to scare you, which he had a feeling might happen if you turned around and spotted someone that looked like him just quietly watching you.
“Don’t think I’ve ever seen someone look so damn happy sweeping a floor before,” Jax called out.
The way you startled at his voice, spinning around abruptly with a soft, surprised gasp while throwing a hand over your heart, had a pleased grin growing on Jax’s face. You looked so surprised with your wide eyes and parted lips. He almost wanted to laugh, but instead he bit his bottom lip and held the sound back. 
“Relax, darlin’. I’m not here to rob your coffee shop,” he teased.
Almost immediately your expression shifted, the look of surprise disappearing and being replaced with a friendly smile that lit up your entire face. The sight of it did something to Jax, taking him by surprise. Because it was nighttime, you were alone in your shop, and here Jax had stood unannounced behind you, and yet your reaction was to just smile at him like he was some old friend you’d been expecting to see?
A soft laugh fell from your lips as Jax watched you turn around towards him, leaning some of your weight against the broom handle in your hands while your eyes took in the sight of him. He noticed the way you'd briefly scanned his kutte, but that kind smile remained stretched across your pretty mouth when your gaze once more met his.
“I wasn't thinking you were going to, you just startled me,” you answered. “You're extremely quiet on your feet, you know.”
Jax chuckled at the comment, his grin growing a little more amused. If only you knew the half of it.
“I may have been told that a time or two,” he replied, his eyes still taking you in without a hint of subtlety.
“Well,” you began, a playful lilt to your tone, completely unbothered by his gaze, “you know what they say about strange men showing up unannounced after closing, don’t you?”
Completely thrown by the unexpected teasing question coming from someone who looked as sweet as you, Jax couldn’t fight back the small chuckle that managed to fall out of him. “No, darlin’, I don’t. What do they say?” he asked.
Your perceptive eyes, which were still lit from the warmth of your smile, watched the way Jax continued to lean so casually against the countertop. You didn't appear even remotely fazed by his presence here and he found that so incredibly odd. 
“That they want a coffee,” you answered matter-of-factly.
Jax raised a brow curiously at your response, your smile somehow widening even further on your lips. You were not what he'd expected–and he'd already expected you to be something sweet and nice. But it was almost like you were more than even just that. It felt like the goddamn sun was shining on him when you smiled at him, and he didn't know what to make of it. No one in Charming that was an outsider to the club was this kind and friendly to its members. Most of the town had a healthy fear and a good amount of disdain at this point for the Sons.
But not you, apparently.
“Thought you were closing?” Jax asked, shaking the thoughts from his mind as he eyed you curiously. 
You laughed lightly yet again, turning and resting the broom against the shop’s counter now. “Didn't stop you from sneaking in, friend.” You glanced over your shoulder at him, completely genuine in your question as you asked, “So, would you like a coffee?”
An amused noise of disbelief rumbled out of Jax. You spoke to him as if he was any other goddamn customer coming into your shop. He'd never been treated so normal before. 
“Guess if you're offering, sweetheart, then yes,” he finally answered. Jax moved over, lowering himself into one of the chairs at the small counter as he watched you make your way around it. “Though I can't say I'd normally be caught dead ordering anything from a coffee shop.”
Coming to a stop in front of him just on the other side of the counter, your head tilted curiously to the side as you studied him closely. Jax stiffened under the weight of your gaze. It almost felt like you were seeing right through him with the way your eyes ran over his face so carefully. As if you were really taking him in. He wondered what you saw when you looked at him, but then that damn sweet smile was plastered across your lips again before you were speaking.
“Then I'm honored to be the first. And,” you continued, the sound of your voice somehow temporarily soothing that constant burning rage inside of Jax, “I'll even make it on the house. Free of charge this time.”
Jax blinked back at you, stunned into silence for a moment. But then he shook his head, waving a hand at you. “Not gonna let you do that, darlin’. I can pay for a coffee.”
“Didn't say you couldn't, I'm just trying to spread some kindness. Looks you've had a rough day,” you replied, a softness in your voice that wasn't there a moment ago. But then the bright, playfulness was back as you pointed a finger at him. “You look like a regular coffee kind of guy. No creamer, bit of sugar. Am I right?” 
yeah,” Jax answered, a little taken aback at how quickly you'd read him and how easily you spoke to him. “Yeah, I am.”
“There's sweetener on that counter behind you,” you said, gesturing at something behind Jax before you turned around.
He glanced briefly over his shoulder at what you’d pointed out before he focused back on you. Watching in silence, his eyes remained on the back of you as you started on his cup of coffee, but his brows soon furrowed as he watched you work. He'd never seen someone make coffee the way you were doing now. What in the hell were you doing?
“Don't you just...have a machine, sweetheart?” Jax asked slowly.
A soft laugh came from you as you worked, your back to him as you answered. “Pour over is better than drip. I promise.” Glancing over your shoulder, you smiled at him once more. “Just trust me.”
Still baffled and confused as to what in the hell you were doing, he couldn't help but to keep watching you in silence, completely confused as to how in the hell you were making him what should be just a simple cup of coffee. He really never had stepped foot into a coffee shop before–a big chain one or a locally owned place. He didn’t even know why he’d crossed the street and come over here in the first place, especially with the party going on at the clubhouse where he was supposed to be. 
Lost in his thoughts, Jax’s eyes inevitably dropped down to your ass, taking in the shape of it in your jeans. His head tilted appreciatively to the side as his attention focused on that instead of trying to understand the strange pull he'd felt to step inside your shop once and for all tonight. His tongue slipped out, running along the length of his bottom lip as he took in the unobstructed view before him. You filled your jeans out damn good.
“So you got a name, friend?” you asked, your voice breaking through his thoughts. “Or am I just supposed to keep calling you ‘friend’?”
Jax found himself mentally chastising himself at your interruption, his eyes moving back to yours as you turned around, leaning your back against the counter behind you. There was a sincere expression on your face, like you actually cared to know who he was, and that had him feeling guilty for the way he'd just been looking at you. You weren't like the girls he surrounded himself with, you were actually good. He shouldn't be eyeing you like that. There was no way in hell you'd ever be interested in a man like him, and you definitely didn't look like the one-and-done kind of girl.
“It's Jax,” he answered. “Jax Teller. You got a name, darlin’?”
A small smile curled the corners of his lips upwards when you gave him your name so easily. He had a feeling this was one of the rare times he wouldn't just immediately forget a woman's name after she'd given it to him. 
“You always this cheerful, darlin’?” he asked next, unable to resist the question that had been gradually growing in his mind the longer he sat here. “Or is this some professional, friendly barista persona that you throw on when you're here at work?”
Jax watched as you turned around to the back counter against the tiled wall again, picking up the strange glass container you'd just made the coffee in before pouring it into a to-go cup for him. You were quiet as you worked before turning around and crossing the space over to where Jax was sitting. Reaching a hand out, Jax accepted the coffee from yours, but when his rough fingers brushed against your soft ones, he felt the corners of his lips twitch.
“Owner,” you said softly, your hands resting on the countertop. “Not a barista. And it's not a persona I throw on for work, this is just me.”
Jax’s brows drew together at that as he got off his chair and made his way over to the counter by the entrance to add in some sweetener to the coffee. How the hell was anyone just that friendly and cheerful naturally? Without it being a front? But as he stirred his coffee, wandering back over to the counter and taking his seat again, he noticed that you looked sincere.
“How the hell are you this friendly to everyone?” he asked, sitting back down in the chair at the counter, his coffee momentarily forgotten.
“Because I like being nice,” you simply replied.
Jax made a face at that answer. Who the fuck liked being nice all of the time? That had to be bullshit. There had to be people you didn't like, people that you weren't quite so kind towards. People like him who definitely didn't deserve an ounce of kindness.
“Bullshit,” Jax argued, eyes narrowing at you in suspicion. “There's gotta be rude customers you aren't such a ray of sunshine towards, right? Bad people you don't want in here?”
He watched as your fingers lightly drummed against the countertop, your smile smaller but not gone from your lips. Almost like it was just a permanent fixture on your face.
“I believe everyone deserves some kindness,” you answered genuinely after a moment, holding Jax’s gaze. “Because you never know the weight of what someone is carrying on their shoulders. And sometimes, all someone needs is a kind word or a smile in their day.”
Jax just sat there in silence for a moment, staring at you like you'd just said the most absolutely ridiculous thing. And honestly, he felt like you had. You looked so naive and innocent standing there behind your counter full of those goddamn plants you appeared to love so much.
“You realize who I am, right?” 
The question had slipped out of Jax without much forethought, but he was curious now. Were you somehow that oblivious as to who your shop was across the street from? Was that why you were being so friendly to him?
“Yeah,” you answered with a nod, your eyes focusing behind Jax at the clubhouse through the window for a second before returning to him. “I've seen a lot of you with those
vests? Over there across the street.”
Jax couldn’t stop the chuckle that rumbled out of him. Vests. That was cute. Jesus, you really weren't part of his world at all, were you? You probably had no damn idea about the pistol in his “vest.”
“Kuttes, darlin’. They're called kuttes,” he told you as he drew his cup towards his mouth while he spoke. “They're a bit different and more important than just some vest.”
Jax took a sip of the hot coffee, entirely planning to continue his explanation about how wrong you were about the kuttes, but he was taken off guard by the drink. He hadn't expected it to taste as good as it did. He'd drank coffee before–a shitload of it most days because Jax was no stranger to sleepless nights even before Abel came into the picture–but this didn't taste like the acidic, burnt trash that he'd grown used to masking with sugar.
The sound of your delighted laugh drew his gaze back up to your face. A bright, amused smile was shining back at him. The sight momentarily had Jax forgetting about everything–the coffee, the kuttes, his anger at Tara, the clubhouse party he should be getting back to. All he could do was stare at you, taking in the sight of your smile and the way it felt like it had somehow warmed him more than that hot coffee ever could.
“Is it good?” you asked, gesturing your head towards the cup in his hand. “The coffee?”
Blinking a couple of times, Jax looked back down at the paper cup warming his hand, attempting to return to his senses. “Yeah,” he answered. Roughly clearing his throat, he snapped out of whatever it was that your smile had just done to him. “How the hell do you get your coffee to taste so damn good?”
A pleased smile spread its way across your face when Jax looked back at you. He liked the way a glimmer of something–pride, maybe–reflected back at him in your eyes.
“All about the roast and the extraction, Jax,” you replied. “Fresh, good quality beans that have just been ground make a world of difference. But I'm glad you like it. I've always said a great cup of coffee can help make a bad day better.”
Jax chuckled again, shaking off that weird sensation from a moment ago and drawing the cup up to his lips for another drink of the hot liquid. Goddamn, is this why people paid more instead of just making it their damn selves? Did it actually taste that much better from a coffee shop? 
“Maybe for some people,” Jax mused as he lowered the cup, his eyes fixed on you behind the counter. “But I don't think a cup of coffee is gonna do a damn thing to fix my problems, darlin’.”
Unfazed by his attitude, you simply shrugged a shoulder in response. “You never know, maybe you just haven't had the right cup of coffee yet.”
A smirk tugged at the corner of Jax's mouth. You were adorable. Naive, but adorable.
“I don't think coffee is the solution to anything other than how damn tired I am,” he disagreed.
Loud shouting from across the street caught both of your attention from the shop, the noise interrupting the conversation. Jax noticed the way your eyes darted to the window almost instantly before he sighed and looked over his shoulder behind him. A handful of the guys were outside drunk and having a smoke in the clubhouse lot, a few of the hangarounds clinging to them in their short shorts and crop tops. The sight of them out there was sobering. He knew he should get back to the clubhouse, especially now with how he was beginning to feel a little guilty that he'd interrupted you trying to close your shop.
Turning around in his chair, Jax entirely expected to see some sort of judgmental look on your face at the Sons and the croweaters across the street. It was how everyone outside of the club looked at them. But there was only a hint of genuine curiosity before your gaze shifted back to him in front of you. His brows furrowed faintly together at that, but he quickly pushed the growing questions away. It didn't matter. 
“I should get back over there,” Jax told you. “Make sure those shitheads don't cause too much trouble. And I should let you finish closing up.”
He rose from the chair at the counter, his lips straightening along his face as he got to his feet with his coffee in hand. For some reason, he found he didn't really want to go back over to the clubhouse, though. Whatever frustration he'd been feeling before he had walked over here tonight had somehow just vanished within the short time he'd spent sitting here talking to you. Something no amount of drinking, fucking, or riding his bike had even managed.
“You're right, it's well past close for me now,” you admitted, glancing at the clock on the wall behind yourself.
Another pang of guilt flooded Jax at your words. It was completely his fault that you were here so late now because he had stupidly walked in here for
he didn't even know what. Except that smile returned to your face again almost immediately, as if you weren't even upset that he had interrupted your night. 
“I'm curious about something, sweetheart,” Jax found himself saying, his eyes narrowing at you as he spoke. “Would you have kicked me out at some point tonight, or are you too nice for that, too?”
Another small, casual shrug came in response to the question. “Eventually, yes,” you answered. “I do need to eventually go home and sleep before coming back here tomorrow morning.” You paused, that look on your face like you were seeing straight through him briefly returning before you continued. “But you looked like you needed
something. Figured a coffee wouldn't hurt, at least.”
Jax stood there staring at you, just taking in what you had said and that warm, friendly smile. It didn't make sense–you didn't make sense. And he wasn't sure how he felt about the way you seemed to actually see him. It was unsettling.
“You're an odd one, sunshine,” he murmured. 
Almost instantly, a delighted laugh met Jax’s ears as he took another sip of his coffee. As he swallowed the drink down, his own lips couldn't keep from drawing themselves upwards at the sound. 
“Sunshine?” you asked, both of your brows raising back at him.
Bottom lip rolling between his teeth, Jax bit back the grin threatening to spread across his face as he nodded slowly. “Yeah. Sunshine,” he repeated. “Suits you. You're so goddamn friendly and nice.”
“Well that's a new one for me,” you told him.
There was something different about the smile on your face now, but Jax couldn't quite place what it was. He'd never had a woman smile at him like that before. Not even Tara.
The thought of Tara was like a kick to the chest, a jolt of pain shooting through Jax. His expression abruptly fell, aware that all the usual thoughts he'd had about her after she had left him a second time were going to come back and hit him hard the second he walked out of your shop. 
“Right. I should let you close,” he replied tersely. 
Giving you a nod in goodbye, Jax's mouth felt dry as he turned around towards the exit. A confusing mix of thoughts were swirling in his mind now.
“Goodnight, Jax,” you called out behind him.
The sweet, soft tone gave him pause as he rested one hand on the door handle. His blonde brows drew together, jaw clenching tight as that familiar rage and darkness inside of him felt like it was clawing its way up his chest, threatening to spill out of him in the form of some rude comment that would knock that friendly smile off your face. He didn't deserve you treating him like this. He was a terrible person. He knew he could prove it to you with just a few simple words, but before he could open his mouth, you spoke again.
“Feel free to stop in again sometime,” you told him. “You're welcome here anytime just like anyone else, Sons’ President or not.” A soft noise almost like a little laugh came next before you added on, “Preferably when I'm open, though.”
His body went rigid at that pleasant, melodic little laugh of yours. Slowly, Jax turned to look over his shoulder at you still standing behind the counter. You were indeed over there smiling, but the urge to be an asshole just to show you what kind of man he really was–that he shouldn't be treated like everyone else–disappeared almost immediately at the sight of it. How the hell did you keep doing that? Keep disarming him so easily with just a goddamn smile?
“I'll keep that in mind,” he muttered.
Without giving you a chance to say more, confused as to the weird effect you seemed to have on him, he pushed the door open and stepped back out into the summer evening. The noise from the clubhouse across the street carried its way to Jax’s ears as he began to make his way back over to where the Sons were smoking in the parking lot. He took another drink of his coffee as he went, his thoughts briefly straying to you and that entire strange encounter he'd just had.
There was just something about you that was so damn unfamiliar to Jax. You were all light and warmth, like the embodiment of sunshine itself. Nothing like anyone he'd ever met before in his life and it intrigued him as much as it bothered him. For weeks he had been watching you through your shop window wondering what it would be like to have you smile at him like he'd often seen you smile at all of your other customers, and now he knew. It felt like the summer sun finally rising to start the day after a long, dark night. And Jax found himself oddly craving more of your warmth, suddenly not giving a shit if he got burned in the process.
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pedroscowgirl · 6 months ago
Fresh out the slammer
Aaron hotchner x bau fem!reader
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Summary: You were set up and spent some time in jail, and when you finally got released, you knew who'd your first call would be to❀
A/n: a little drabble I thought of when listening to Fresh out the slammer from TSđŸ€­I also wrote this on my phone, which was such a hassle for some reason đŸ˜­đŸ™đŸŒ
The cold steel of the prison gates clanged behind you, a sound that should have echoed like freedom but didn’t. You had been inside too long, locked away for something you didn’t do. Set up, betrayed, cast aside. The day they sentenced you was a blur of confusion and disbelief. You remembered how the team—the very people you considered family—had looked at you, some with pity, others with doubt. But not Aaron Hotchner.
You stepped out into the sunlight, blinking as the brightness stung your eyes. It didn’t feel real. How could it, after the nightmare you’d lived through? The trial, the accusations, the months spent behind bars, waiting for someone to realize the truth. The only thing that had kept you going was the thought of him. Aaron. You knew he had never given up on you. He had promised he’d fix this, and he did. But it took too long.
Now, “pretty baby, I’m running back to you,” you thought to yourself, your heart pounding as you reached into your pocket for your phone. Your first call,it could only be him. There was no one else you wanted, no one else who could understand what this moment meant.
The phone rang once, twice, then his voice came through, steady and familiar, the anchor you’d needed for months. “Sweetheart?"
You could hear the tension in his voice, the concern he couldn’t hide, but also relief. He knew it was you, and in that second, it felt like the world shifted back into place.
“I’m out,” you whispered, barely able to keep your voice from shaking. “Aaron, I’m free.”
There was a pause, a beat of silence where everything hung in the balance. You imagined him standing in his office, hand gripping the phone, trying to keep it together. “Where are you?”
“I don’t know
 just outside the gates,” you admitted, looking around at the empty parking lot, feeling lost in the real world for the first time in what felt like forever. “I didn’t know who else to call.”
“I’m coming to get you,” he said, his voice firm, like there was no other option. “Stay where you are.”
You let out a shaky breath and nodded, even though he couldn’t see it. The weight of the last few months lifted just a little, knowing he was on his way. He’d always been the one person you could count on, the one person who saw through the lies and believed in you when no one else did. And now, he was the first one to pull you back into the world, the first one to remind you who you really were.
It didn’t take long for him to arrive. The black SUV pulled up, and you saw him step out, his expression unreadable at first,his usual stoic Hotchner mask firmly in place. But when his eyes met yours, something softened. Without a word, he crossed the distance between you, his arms wrapping around you in an embrace that was both grounding and overwhelming.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered against your hair, his grip tightening like he was afraid you might slip away again.
You buried your face in his chest, the familiar scent of him grounding you in a way you hadn’t felt since before everything went wrong. “I missed you,” you confessed, your voice muffled by the fabric of his suit.
He pulled back slightly, just enough to look into your eyes. “I missed you too.”
For a moment, the world fell away. It was just the two of you, standing in the middle of an empty parking lot, holding onto each other like you’d both been drowning for months. You had been waiting for this moment—dreaming of it, imagining how it would feel to be free and back in his arms. And now that it was real, it felt like you could breathe again.
But the reality of everything still lingered, just on the edge of this perfect moment.
“They set me up,” you said softly, your voice trembling with the weight of the truth you had been forced to live with. “They wanted me out of the way, and it worked.”
Hotch’s jaw clenched, a flash of anger crossing his face. “We’ll make sure they pay for it.”
You knew he meant it. If there was one thing you could trust, it was Aaron’s dedication to justice. But right now, all you cared about was being with him, feeling like yourself again after months of being stripped of your identity, your freedom.
“I don’t care about that,” you said, shaking your head. “Not right now. I just want to be with you.”
His hand came up to cup your face, his thumb brushing gently across your cheek. “You don’t have to worry about anything anymore. You’re with me now.”
You leaned into his touch, closing your eyes for a moment, letting yourself believe that maybe, just maybe, things could be okay again. Being with him, you felt like you had found your way back to the person you were before all of this, a person who was loved, believed in, and strong.
“I never doubted you,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. “Not for a second.”
You opened your eyes, meeting his gaze. There was so much you wanted to say, but words felt inadequate. Instead, you leaned up and kissed him, pouring every emotion,every moment of pain, fear, and hope into that kiss.
When you finally pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours, his breath coming in shallow bursts. “You’re safe now.”
And for the first time in what felt like forever, you believed it.
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yuesya · 24 days ago
The Charmony Festival.
An event that is both festival and ritual all wrapped up into one grand performance, in order to spread joy in the name of Xipe, the Triple-Faced Soul, Aeon of Harmony.
There are many planets on which the Family performs this ritual, but the most extravagant and prestigious of them is the one held in Penacony, the “Planet of Festivities.” The Charmony Festival only takes place in Penacony once every Amber Era, and thus there are many who are most keenly interested in it.
In this, the Interastral Peace Corporation is no different, albeit certainly not for any of the conventional reasons that a starry-eyed tourist might have.
There is history between the IPC and Penacony. A long time ago, Penacony once functioned as a prison planet under the ownership of the IPC, before a Stellaron corrosion broke out and the prisoners rebelled –directly leading to the IPC losing control over Penacony.
But Penacony, even though it later came to be ruled by the Family, was still an asset that the IPC was interested in recovering in some manner.
There has not been a single time when the IPC was formally invited as an honored guest to one of Penacony’s Charmony Festivals. And yet–
Aventurine hums lightly, tilting the small music box in his hands. The invitation.

 His first reaction is to wonder if Lyra is the one responsible for this. But, that can’t be right. Lyra doesn’t hold any position of power in the Family from an organizational standpoint, so it’s unlikely that she would’ve been allowed to influence something like this. And even then, it still wouldn’t account for the fact that, apparently, numerous galactic factions had all received invitations to the upcoming Charmony Festival in Penacony.
There’s something curious afoot here. Of that, Aventurine had no doubt.
The young man glances down at his phone. His phone that’s still dark and silent, with no signs of any incoming response from Lyra. True, the girl isn’t always the best at giving timely responses –but she’s never outright ignored Aventurine before, either. It’s been almost a full day since he’d messaged her, asking about the Charmony Festival invite that the IPC received, and yet

Aventurine sighs, forcibly tamping down on the small thread of worry that rears its head in his chest. Lyra is strong enough that there are few things that pose a direct threat to her, so at least he probably has nothing to worry about on that front.
(And yet
“I suppose I’ll just have to ask my questions in person, then,” he murmurs.
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yuellii · 1 year ago
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female reader . fluff, talks of the future, of having children
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There was not much shame to hold in mundane Monday mornings of Meropide, especially not as Wriothesley’s gaze was caught by the loud clacking of your shoes against the metal floors of the fortress.
Who would’ve thought to wear such loud shoes in a place like this except for you, and you’ve—rather intriguingly—caught his attention. While it certainly wasn’t uncommon for you to make your way up his office staircase, he could not help but click his tongue at the sound of your steps. Private time was brewing, perhaps much like the steaming tea at his parted lips.
“You might wanna get a heel-check,” he sourly remarked with a lazy gruff in his chords. His gaze flickered to you not a moment too soon as your sly little grin appeared from the bottom floor.
“How else am I supposed to announce my presence, Duke?”
If not for the cup against his mouth, he would’ve almost scowled at that haughty diction of yours.
“Your presence might not need announcing,” he spoke as you made your way to lean down over his desk. “Not when you should be rounding up some people at this time.”
You scoffed. “There’s not many working the Production Zone today.” Leaning your hip against the front of the table, you teasingly smiled down at him on his chair. A heavy contrast to his serious face, but you could always decipher it otherwise. He was one to stay quiet here, an underside of played cards to silently allow you to move on your own; And you did—perhaps it was the stillness that naturally gravitated you to the side of his office chair. “Which means I’m all yours for now, Duke.”
Calm face, barely moved a muscle, yet his hand came and pulled your hip until you were falling atop his lap, back flush against his chest. He was warm, possibly due to the lingering heat of the tea even so far below the ocean. And his arm was a firm type of secure around your waist, yet you couldn’t help but like the feel of being trapped against him like this. Perhaps he did, too; that wasn’t doubted when he always took advantage of any private time you had.
Now, this was the time you typically took to ramble on and on to him. Here, when he stayed quiet over his work to bask simultaneously in your presence. Here, where you could talk as much as you wanted without being a guard to those prisoners. Here, where you could feel his heartbeat right on your back. It’s tough to restrict the words that begin spilling out.
“I was thinking of having children.”
Your first sentence, no matter how quietly said, is one to immediately stun silence. He doesn’t move, and it leads one to wonder if he’s just focusing on the papers in front of him. Yet, he didn’t tense, either. There wasn’t much you could be afraid of here.
“There’s an adoption center I’ve been eyeing on the surface.”
When he speaks so calmly, you can’t help but exhale in relief withheld. So he’s thought about it, too. That’s a good start.
“You want to adopt?” A reasonable question from your end, and there’s a comforting sort of feel in the air that lulls your head to fall back against his shoulder. He gladly accepts your affection, moving himself to lean his cheek down atop your head. “I haven’t thought of that.”
You felt his body shrug right under yours. “It’s been a dream of mine,” he says so nonchalantly, as if he didn’t just confess to something he’s thought about for much of his life.
“And I’ve always wanted my own kids,” you said. Less than a contrary, truthfully, no tone of argument set between you two. It was in moments like these he felt stripped and bare the most—greatly and almost completely vulnerable in your wake. Where he can admit the simpler, less complicated things to a person that wouldn’t judge his forthcomings, as hopeful as they could be.
Because no one would expect the Duke of foredoomed Meropide to have a future hope.
And yet, he laughs. A small chuckle erupts from his chest, and you can feel the simplicity of it all. “Maybe we should have two kids,” he suggests. His arm wraps tighter around your stomach, and you think you might like that idea. “One child of our own, one we adopt.” You couldn’t see him, but you could tell he was smiling against the hair of your head when he kissed you ever so lightly.
“That’s certainly a start,” you settle. And then he pulls you in, all work disregarded to wrap both his arms snuggly around you and pulling you into his body. It’s still and warm on his lap; you could only smile as he breaths in the atmosphere you radiate.
“A good start. I like it.”
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🔖 - list : @vivinens ( winky face )
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saintsenara · 11 months ago
I mean I feel like every person on the planet would still be obsessing over schoolboy experiences and unable to hold a civil tongue as an adult if one of those experiences was some thug setting them up to get murdered by a werewolf and getting away with it scot-free! Sometimes I kinda feel like JKR went a tiny bit too hard in Snape’s Worst Memory.
an eminently reasonable point, anon - in response to this, on whether sirius and snape could work as a couple if james was still alive.
the werewolf incident and the bullying we see in snape's worst memory are pretty bonkers - and, while they're great for character work [snape seeing himself as a victim targeted for his obvious poverty by the posh and beloved, who the rest of the school will always side with, is a really key aspect of his radicalisation], and while the fact that the marauders basically get away with everything is crucial for the plot [since both james and sirius need that swaggering conviction that they're invincible for the idiotic secret keeper plan to work], they aren't helping dumbledore beat the "hogwarts is a safeguarding nightmare" allegations...
[the older i get, the more sympathy i have with the opposition to dumbledore as headmaster. i'm team lucius malfoy, i fear. cut that hippogriff's head off...]
but one thing i think is really interesting is that - despite the intensity of the bullying and the weakness of the school's response - snape's beef with sirius in adulthood is a petty obsession over schoolboy drama, rather than a visceral response to trauma that he can be forgiven for being unable to control.
snape and sirius interact by behaving like children. they squabble constantly, go out of their way to make little digs about each other both to each other's faces and behind each other's backs, act like shaking hands is going to kill them, remember everything the other has ever said and done, and so on...
their aim is evidently to "win" their interactions in the eyes of others, by forcing those others to side unequivocally with them - even the "sirius black showed he was capable of murder at the age of sixteen" point in prisoner of azkaban is fundamentally snape trying to get dumbledore to acknowledge that he's the best little boy in the room. unsuccessfully.
but they also both clearly enjoy this way of interacting - and i think it's always worth emphasising that, while i think snape does sincerely believe that sirius intended to kill him by sending him to the shack, he is never shown in canon to be afraid of him.
[even when sirius is threatening him with his wand during the occlumency discussion, snape is too busy reading him to care.]
and the very fact that they spend so much time being childish towards each other proves this. because it's very striking - especially in prisoner of azkaban - that snape is afraid of lupin.
and this fear manifests itself not in confrontation, but in avoidance. snape goes out of his way to never be alone with lupin, he makes his efforts to undermine him [setting the essay which outs him as a werewolf, reminding dumbledore that he thinks he's helping sirius enter the castle] when he is guaranteed to be indisposed, and - after lupin leaves his teaching job - we literally never see the two interact.
i think you can make, then, a pretty plausible case for the idea that snape focuses his trauma over nearly being eaten by a werewolf onto... the werewolf himself. snape certainly thinks lupin was in on the plan to lure him to the shack - and he evidently regards the adult lupin as someone who approaches the management of his lycanthropy recklessly, which massively endangers others.
[remember, we only have lupin's word for the claim that snape forces him to leave his job because of his rage over his lost order of merlin... and not because lupin's failure to take his wolfsbane might have killed any number of the children who live in the school he appears to have been hired at to teach without any safeguarding measures being put in place.]
[although - before i make snape sound like an ofsted hero - obviously the main reason he forces lupin out is because he thinks he conspired with dumbledore and harry to free the man who murdered his beloved lily, and lupin is the only one of those people who he can feasibly get revenge on.]
lupin also functions - i think - as the living person on whom snape can focus his fury over james. and, in particular, over the hagiographical way james is remembered - which harry draws attention to in order of the phoenix by pointing out that nobody but snape has ever told him that his father was anything less than wonderful. snape's loathing of james' postmortem reputation - which connects to a belief he has while at school that james is two-faced, obsessed with his public image, and nowhere near as charming in private as he likes to make himself seem before a crowd [which is, of course, the only reason he thinks james intervened before lupin could kill him] - seems to me to be the clearest way in which his trauma over being bullied and never receiving any acknowledgement of that fact manifests itself.
[after all, the fact that everyone is agreed that james was perfect and noble and clever and loyal and funny and brave and benignly cheeky must make him feel... pretty gaslit...]
lupin is the character who expresses this hagiographical view of james most explicitly - he is literally incapable of ever criticising him [i.e. him telling harry that snape thinks james was a bully because he was jealous that james was so talented and popular... instead of because he was a bully...], hence him becoming the focus of snape's lingering trauma over what the "perfect" james did to him.
in contrast, snape clearly regards sirius as more honest - by which i don't mean that he regards him as more admirable, but that he believes with sirius that what you see is what you get. as bizarre as it sounds, i think he actually rates sirius for his role in the werewolf trick, because the callous disregard for his life sirius displays is something which confirms snape's belief that he's a cruel, crude, murderous cunt who doesn't deserve an ounce of the praise he gets, and he's clearly pleased that sirius appears to agree with this assessment. james and lupin - both of whom he clearly thinks whitewash their roles in the scheme in order to seem heroic [james] and a poor innocent [lupin] - upset him much more because he knows they're awful, violent liars but nobody else can see it.
this is an extremely perverse way of respecting someone, but it is respecting someone nonetheless... and i do think, as i said in the ask which inspired this one, that this would set up a way for snape and sirius to grow beyond the schoolboy sniping in time, in a world where james and lily lived and snape and sirius weren't forced by their grief into a state of arrested development - perpetually twenty-one, each using his teenage relationship with the other as a way of self-soothing his agony by regressing to a dynamic they had when their lost loves were still alive...
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fashion-foxy · 9 months ago
You know something that's odd to me? How weirdly the child of the Beauty and the Beast get handled in media. (Obviously, my only examples are EAH and Descendants, but walk with me on this.)
The Beauty is someone who will, for better or for worse, always see the best in everyone. They are kind and good-natured but is usually someone who still holds people accountable for their actions and intentions, not what the Beauty thinks their intentions are.
The Beast is someone who typically does not look past the surface level of a person out of stupidity or willful ignorance. The Beast is also very selfish ,closed-minded , and stubborn. Unfortunately , that means in retellings, the Beast is the only one to go a character arc, and the Beauty comes off as judgmental or too forgiving.
Both characters being foils means that it could be a bit challenging to portray a character that is a result of both of those personalities, but if done right, it creates a very interesting character!
So, what did EAH and Descendants do with what they were given?!
Well, for starters, a bad job, but you already knew that. Let's take a look at Rosabella Beauty and Benjamin Florian No Last Name Given. (Idk most Descendants characters don't have last names)
Rosabella is judgemental, which could definitely actually be a super cool thing that she got from her dad, but based off the fact that she didn't go on an arc and it didn't get presented as a character flaw, I suspect this was accidental. Which is real shame. It would've been a really cool concept to explore Rosabella actually being the Beast.
She is also, by not getting any meaningful character development, giving off major 'I could fix him' vibes with Daring. Except, she's ignoring what's actually wrong in his life and looking at surface level interpretations of what she thinks he's like. Then, deciding he's a self-centered narcissist who she needs to fix so he meets her standards. Hey, wait a spell. She kind of seems to embody more of the Beast characteristics than the Beauty's. I wonder if the writers might have had other plans but were forced to change her into something else or perhaps Mattel wanted to sell a doll of her and Daring so they had to awkwardly force a relationship and not use their original plans?
Ben is way too forgiving. When we first see him, he says that he wants to give the Isle kids (kids who were born to villians who've been trapped in a magic prison all their life) a chance at a normal life, which is great! It's probably one of the best things a 16 year old king could do. So when's the next time he forgives someone? When he tells Mal that he knows she drugged him. So, it's at this point where you kinda realize that he isn't being too forgiving he's trapped in an abusive relationship. Once he sees that Mal realizes the implications of that, he goes back on it, and he tells her that it's not that big of a deal that it's ok that he still loves her.
When's the next time something like this happens? When Mal tries to erase some of his memories after catching her lying about using magic. He obviously yells at her because that's a fucked up thing to do. She downplays the situation and makes excuses. Shortly after, she runs back to the Isle. Ben, assuming that she had the best intentions, blames himself and ultimately gets kidnapped and then drugged again. All of these interactions are all portrayed as 'his fault' and that he'd deserved everything that happened to him because he was holding Mal responsible for her actions. In the third movie, he even stops doing it. Hades asks him why an Auradon kid gets to be excused and why everyone on the Isle doesn't, and he looks at Mal but ignores the question. Mal doesn't answer because she's the reason this Auradon person (Audrey) is hurt because she ruined her life and is currently being excused by everyone, including the writers, but Audrey won't. Ben definitely won't.
So, aren't these the best portrayals of the Beauty and the Beast characteristics? Because mixing the traits incorrectly. If Ben was given more Beast characteristics than just roaring sometimes. Mal wouldn't be abusive if their were actually moments where Ben was being unreasonable and too quick to draw surface level conclusions.
Rosabella wouldn't come off as rude and judgemental if she was given more Beauty characteristics. If Daring was actually self-centered and Rosabella considered others and thought about others instead of drawing conclusions.
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theweightofyesterday-if · 2 years ago
The Weight of Yesterday [DEMO TBA] [CW LIST]
TWOY is an upcoming IF intended for 18+ players and older.
[...] and so, let the weight of yesterday be a reminder to cherish every moment and to hold onto the beauty of today, for tomorrow is but a fleeting dream that may never come to pass. And so, attempt to hold onto the beauty of the memories you've lost, cherish them like precious gems in the recesses of your heart.
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You are confined to a cell, and you've been there for centuries. The walls of this prison are the only constant you know, a steady reminder of everything you don't. What you do know is that you were -are-considered a monster, a terror of unimaginable power, and the world trembled in fear at your very name: Belva. But why? What heinous deeds did you commit to warrant such a punishment? And why can't you remember them?
No one will tell you, and most of your memories are lost to the mists of time. But amidst the complexity and confusion of your past, glimpses of fond memories flicker in your mind, filling you with hope and yearning for what might have been. Some nights you're haunted, or blessed, by vague recollections that you can't trust, wondering if they're memories or nothing more than fever dreams.
The past is a shadow that never fades, a constant companion on the journey of life. It clings to you like a heavy cloak, reminding you of the choices you've made and the things you've lost.
As you strive to shape your future, the burden of your past will always be present, weighing you down like an anchor, even as you try to chart a new course for your future. Can you find the strength to confront the ghosts of yesterday and set yourself free?
Customise your appearance in all your forms: demon, human, and demi; and customise your gender
Choose your opinion and attitude towards your past, do you stand by it? Miss it? Or perhaps regret it?
Pick what goddess your mother was, changing your appearance, the nature of your powers and abilities, and the reason people might request your assistance. 
Form an opinion on humanity and have it impact the story: do you feel hate, love, indifference, maybe even envy?
Romance one of five gender-customisable ROs, and have your genders impact your romance.
Choose what kind of (maybe romantic?) past you might’ve had with 2 ROs. 
Play as a character who’s had a great impact on the world, see yourself and your actions from other’s perspectives and in folk tales.
How will you cope with your amnesia?
Embrace the power of choice - whether to change or remain the same
In TWOY, you take on the role of Belva, a powerful demon god who has been trapped for centuries, with no memory of why. As you'll get released from prison and confined in exile to the celestial city of Divumia, you'll meet a wide cast of characters -including potential love interests and acquaintances from your past- and make decisions that will determine your future and your journey within the city. Will you be driven by the desire for redemption, the longing to return to what once was, or even the thirst for truth and the memories that come with it? Regardless, it won't be easy, not when the Celestial Council is determined to hinder you. Do you think you can overcome the odds and reach your goals? Find out in The Weight of Yesterday !!!
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Belva, you: As Belva, you are a mystery even to yourself. Your past is shrouded in secrecy, locked away in a part of your mind that refuses to yield its secrets. You have glimpses of memories that flicker in and out of your consciousness like fireflies in the night, but they are disjointed, incomplete.
[RO] The Loyal Hand, Nita (M/F): Nita has been with you since you were little. You’ve seen each other in your worst and most embarrassing moments, but you’re still only acquaintances. 
[RO] The Stranger From Your Past, Dorian/Delilah (M/F): Some of your memories/dreams include them. You know you have some kind of past together, but you’ve no idea who this person really is. 
[RO] The Human, Kiello/Keta (M/F): A human who lives in the city of Divumia and surprisingly controls a big part of the city. You may need their help, but can you really trust them? Could your past actions, or your current attitude towards humanity hinder your relationship, or will one of you manage to change the other?
[RO] The Watcher, Samu/Selena (M/F): You’ve heard whispers from fellow prisoners about watchers. You don't know this yet, but you'll have your own after your release from prison and consequent exile in Divumia. Will you be able to get behind their stoic barrier and discover the warm and caring person within? Or will their enigmatic nature keep you at bay, forever wondering what lies beneath their watchful gaze? [intro post here]
[RO] ?
The Bessa (M): Your father, and the current Lord of your home domain. He was the one who sent you on Earth in the first place, why? Did he ask you to commit those awful acts? Or is that just what you hope?
[More info and char descriptions to be added, everything here could change]
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thelovetheystole · 6 months ago
Thought I would list some of the things (clues) the show has revealed about John so far, as he is supposed to have plenty of secrets...
Quotes are not verbatim.
‱ He was born in 1988, making him two years younger than Robert and Andy and six years older than Victoria. (The actor however was born in 1982.)
‱ He likes the saying 'Never forgive, never forget' as revealed in his very first episode
‱ 'Barbara and I go way back' (quote from Eric about John's mum with a bit of innuendo?)
‱ He grew up locally, and is a capable farmhand
‱ He always assumed he had siblings 'out there', but just didn't care (again, he grew up locally and was right between Robert/Andy and Vic in age, his mum used to be a teacher in Hotten)
‱ He did mention that he thinks he might have heard of Robert, specifically
‱ He claims to not be interested in the Sugden family, and was seemingly especially un-interested in Sarah, as her dad was adopted, even though he did say sorry to her later
‱ But he did look intently (when Vic wasn't there) at the Sugden family photo, which had Jack, Sarah and all three kids in it
‱ He had a stepdad growing up, who apparently did care about him, so no reason to 'feel sorry for him'
‱ Barbara Ann's (his mum) married name looks like it started with a C or a G, like Conne(o)r, Chase, Cro(a)ft, Grant or Gray?
‱ He said his mum wrote Jack a letter about him once when he was young, but Jack never replied
‱ Called Robert some random/stranger 'that I happen to share dna with'
‱ Kept army tags that say 'Aidan Moore' in a box he doesn't want people to see
‱ 'I know more than you think' (to Aaron when he denied John knowing anything about him or something to that effect)
‱ Wears a St. Christopher necklace
‱ According to an interview with Oliver, John has spent 12 years in the army, It's unclear which 12 years
‱ Having been in the village for six month, he has asked zero questions about anything Sugden related
‱ He was a medic in the army
‱ He was the last person to see Nate before he supposedly left the village
‱ He looked like he might have had something in his van after the fire that he didn't want anyone to see
‱ Refused to be checked at the hospital, even though he was coughing his lungs up after the fire
‱ Has two medals, which appear to be the Operational Service Medal For Afghanistan and the Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal (2022), but there is apparently supposed to be a third one in this set?
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‱ Aidan Moore was not only his best friend, as he lied to Victoria, but a man he loved and was secretly involved with. John apparently couldn't save him in Afghanistan...
‱ In an interview Mike P (Ross) did around the time they filmed the aftermath of Christmas, he said John has a 'sinister military background', whatever that means...
‱ He's not the brightest, as he apparently failed to realize that Aaron and the man he married twice shared a deep connection and, you know, a life đŸ€·â€â™€ïž
‱ Seemed very hateful about Robert, saying he had only himself to blame for 'losing his temper' and now can't be in Vic or Aaron's life - but John can
‱ Was however happy to 'hold Aaron's jacket' if he felt like beating up Tom King
‱ He very much did not like being called an 'informant' by the PC, even though he did call the police and tell them about the illegal fight in Moira's barn
‱ He likes telling other people to be honest and thruthful, but has yet to tell Aaron he was the one who called the police that day
‱ Said four walls and a roof are like a 'prison' to him, and said about Aidan in Afghanistan; 'he only wanted to serve his time'
‱ He always goes camping in December on Aidan's birthday
‱ Seemed rather desperate for Aaron to say 'I love you' in the woods after making a show of throwing his dead ex's army tags in the woods... (Army tags that in reality would go to next of kin I believe?)
‱ Knows how to clean up a murder scene and dispose of a body, and claims that's what love looks like...
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dutifullylazybread · 9 months ago
Hi Darcy!! Love your writing so much!
Since you're opening up Headcanon requests, I was curious: What do you think Rolan's nightmares contain? Same for Cal and Lia maybe?? I love how you alluded to Rolan's nightmares with how he wakes up "choking on his own panic" I always think Rolan's nightmares are either about his mother, Lorroakan, or both! I can't wait to hear your thoughts!
Thank you so much! đŸ„č I had a blast reading through your fics the other day—so thank you for sharing such lovely writing with all of us.
So this was a really interesting thought exercise for me. I was a little nervous to start this headcanon list, because I wanted to do these three characters justice.
I have done my best to pull from nightmares I have had, and I have also conducted research to make sure I am not working solely from one point of view.
Content warnings: Nightmares as a result of living through some pretty terrifying experiences, parental death/finding deceased parent (mentioned at the end of all three sections) and discussions of past abuse (found in Rolan's section).
Nightmares - Cal, Lia, and Rolan
Cal dreams of falling.
To be specific, he dreams of when Elturel descended.
The reason I say this is because I came across this MtG card illustration of the Descent into Avernus, and it has stuck with me:
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So when Elturel descended, would it really be too surprising if some people lost their footing and fell off the edge?
As Elturel is dragged into Avernus by these chains, cityfolk are being ripped off of the ground. If they can’t grab onto something stable enough to hold fast while the city descends, or if they aren’t flush to the side of a building, then they are likely flying off of the edge.
Cal had been running errands for the general store that he worked at when Elturel descended. Were it not for the sturdy building he found himself pressed up against, he might not have survived the Descent.
Now, he frequently dreams of falling into the River Styx. He doesn’t usually wake up when he hits the water, but he will dream of staring up at the city, and he can’t move. He can’t swim to the surface.
Cal also dreams of Moonrise Tower’s dungeons. He remembers the smell of rot and death, and he remembers the sounds of things moving around in the shadows.
When these nightmares take a turn for the worse, he manages to get out of the prison cell, and he starts searching for Lia. He knows something bad has happened, but he can’t find her.
He, like Rolan, dreams about finding their mother's body.
Lia dreams of Zariel. My personal headcanon is that, when Elturel was pulled into Avernus, Lia was likely in the city’s square (Shiarra’s market). This would be a place where there would be a lot of people, especially when the Descent occurred. So after the city was pulled into Avernus and chained above the River Styx, Zariel landed in the city square.
Zariel would have made this appearance to 1) scare everyone shitless, 2) to show off the forces under her control, and 3) to make it clear why she chose to drag Elturel into Avernus. She would make it known then and there who was at fault, because she would want to sow dissent amongst the people of Elturel.
And Lia, who had been in the midst of training, was right there. Perhaps paces away from Zariel. And she brought a detachment of her devil army with her. 
Lia dreams about fleeing the marketplace. She never looks behind her, because she fears either Zariel or her devils will be there, at her heels.
While she runs, she searches for Rolan and Cal, calling out for them but receiving no answer.
She tries to find her way home, but as she flees, the city’s streets become almost maze-like. 
And, at a certain point, she feels like she is running in place. The street stretches out in front of her, her legs are moving under her, but she simply can’t gain enough traction to push herself forward.
She will usually wake up just as she feels something grapple her from behind.
If her nightmares turn into sleep paralysis, she might dream that Zariel is in the room with her, watching from the shadows cast by her wardrobe.
When Lia dreams about their mother, she dreams about trying to run towards her but never reaching her. When having these dreams, she feels like, if she can't reach her, something very, very bad will happen.
So I agree with you that Rolan dreams about Lorroakan. There are indeed instances where he just relives Lorroakan's abuse as a flashback.
He also dreams about getting lost in the Shadow-Cursed lands. He wanders through the forest, calling for his siblings.
If he dreams of Elturel, then he dreams of running through the house, calling out for Cal and Lia and their mother. No one answers. 
It’s like he is moving through a strange haze. He is looking everywhere, but he knows that no one is there. He can hear chaos outside of the household, and it makes him panic.
Something is banging on the front door. He cannot find his family, but he knows he needs to before whatever is outside gets in.
I do headcanon that their mother died before Elturel was returned to the material plane, but she was alive prior to the Descent. 
Rolan and Cal found her body.
In his nightmares, Rolan rushes out into the garden, thinking that he might find Cal or their mother there.
The garden wrapped around the house. And when he immediately steps outside, he is struck by this deep, sickening dread. He knows something is wrong. He wants to go back inside, but he is compelled to keep walking forward. He remembers looking for his mother out here before and finding something horrible.
He wants to go back inside, but he can’t.
Before he rounds the corner to where the flowerbeds are, he wakes up.
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radfemnotfemme · 5 months ago
been learning about radical feminism in the past year and i have completely reevaluated my beliefs about gender ideology. now im just so stuck on the idea of, how can identifying as another gender not be fundamentally regressive, sexist, and upholding gender norms? how can men just identify out of oppression? but now idk what to do holding these beliefs because truly all my friends would have serious issues with me if i were ever to voice this. in fact, i have close friends who are trans, and there are many trans people in my wider social circle (one of whom specifically made me so uncomfortable in a "female" space that it contributed to me unlearning my previous beliefs abt gender ideology). i attend a super liberal university where in a recent english class my professor even made a comment about jk rowling being an evil terf now.
i feel like i'm walking around with a dirty secret. i feel like i can't discuss these ideas with anyone irl, not even my girlfriend. it would fundamentally change her view of me as she as an incredibly vocal trans ally. i could see her breaking up with me for these beliefs; i could see many friends distancing themselves from me. i'm just wondering how you navigate a social world like this with radfem beliefs ahhhh
i feel you on the “dirty secret” aspect! i can try to give some advice since i’m in a very similar situation (minus the fact i live in a conservative area.)
due to my appearance (i’m visibly gay) i usually only attract TRA & ‘queer’ types to me. my friends are all TRA or some variant of “genderqueer.” i only have one friend ive been able to confide my beliefs to, and she’s more a closet conservative type so we really only agree on trans issues. I will say, if you can find even one person that you can speak freely with it’ll be a huge weight off your chest. Whenever I see this one friend we both just ramble because we can finally talk about shit that we can’t comfortably talk about with anyone else.
the way i’ve gone about managing my friendships with TRAs is to simply never bring up trans (or controversial radfem) topics. i avoid it like the plague, will change topic, and if directly questioned on something i will play the dumb and innocent role, aka just pretending to not understand but intend as coming from a good place. you should evaluate which of your friendships putting up this facade will be worth it, because it gets exhausting fast. i have some trans friends, but they’re all the “genderfluid/nonbinary AFAB who goes by any pronouns” type who present extremely feminine at all times, never even push the boundaries of gender expression honestly which is funny. (literally theyfabs lol) They dont care that i always use she/her and they honestly never bring up gender stuff with me. these type of girls aren’t too bad to be around as i feel they’re not as far gone as some TIPs are who actually take the steps to transition, etc. Being around a hardcore TIF or TIM might be a more difficult friendship to maintain.
Regarding your significant other, you should consider if this is a breaking point in your relationship. For me it’s not since my gf was generally uninformed about trans issues like the dangers of males in womens prisons, unfairness in sports, why oppressed is sex based and not gender based, etc. We’ve had discussions about this, where i explained my reasoning for being against these issues & she actually ended up agreeing after I showed her the facts. She’s still ‘pro-trans’ but is much more reasonable about it & thinks majority trans people just wanna live their life (which who can argue with that!) If this type of open conversation isn’t something you think could be achievable with your gf, you guys might just not be compatible.
It sounds like you live in a very liberal area & so my advice to you would be to see if there’s any radical feminist organizations near you. I think finding other people who think the same as you will help you feel less guilty. It’ll probably be hard since most radfems are secretive about their beliefs (for obvious reasons lol) but i’m sure you’ll find someone eventually.
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scoonsalicious · 11 months ago
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Unwanted: Chapter 27, Unhinged - Pt. 2
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Fem!Reader
Summary: When your FWB relationship with your best friend Bucky Barnes turns into something more, you couldn’t be happier. That is, however, until a new Avenger sets her sights on your super soldier and he inadvertently breaks your heart. You take on a mission you might not be prepared for to put some distance between the two of you and open yourself up to past traumas. Too bad the only one who can help you heal is the one person you can no longer trust.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, gratuitous Hamlet 2 reference, mention of masturbation, descriptions of violence, death, full on crazy.
Word Count: 1.4k
Previously On...: Nat sent you and Bucky some Hydra security footage she was able to get from her old KGB contacts. You're in for a wild ride.
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Banner By: The absolutely amazing @mrsbuckybarnes1917!
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
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There was no real rhyme or reason to the footage, no overarching narrative that tied the clips together. They were just short, interspersed segments, with no sound, from different camera angles within the Hydra base. The base was probably operating underground; the harsh fluorescent lights acting as the only source of illumination, which made it impossible to determine time of day. 
Most of the clips were mundane– shots of a younger version of Jade Carthage training in weapons and combat, eating with the base’s other operatives, sitting in some sort of school room and seemingly being made to recite information. One thing was clear– the girl was not the tortured prisoner she’d led Nick Fury to believe. 
You and Bucky watched clips as Jade got older, her training more intense. The scientists at the base put her through extensive endurance testing but, upon completing them, she always looked happy, as though glad to have pleased her keepers with her results. Periodically, an older man in a suit would be seen in the footage. He appeared to be a higher up in Hydra’s hierarchy– the other occupants of the base deferred to him as though he was someone of importance.
“I know that guy,” Bucky said the first time the footage showed a clear image of the man’s face. “Not his name or anything like that, but I remember seeing him with Alexander Pierce.”
You reached up to hold the hand that Bucky still kept on your shoulder, squeezing it in support. “You okay to go on with this?” you asked, knowing that Pierce, as the man who had commanded him to kill Tony’s parents, among others, was a shadow that still loomed large over Bucky’s psyche.
He swallowed. “Yeah. I’m good.” 
The two of you kept watching as Suit Man came to observe Carthage, bringing her gifts and acting almost
 parental toward the girl. It was disconcerting to watch him gently stroke her hair or offer her a hug, knowing the kind of man he must be, if he was working so high up within Hydra.
“What’s that?” you asked, rewinding the clip and enlarging it over a folder that Suit Man had handed to Carthage. “Holy shit,” you said, once you’d made out the face on the photo attached to the front of the file. “Buck, that’s you.”
Bucky leaned forward, squinting at your screen. “How can you tell, doll?” he asked. “It just looks like a bunch of pixels.”
You rolled your eyes at him. “I’ve stared at your face long and hard enough to recognize it anywhere, Barnes,” you told him. “Whatever’s in that file, it’s about you.” 
Bucky gave you a look you couldn’t quite unpack. “Keep playing it,” he said after a moment. 
You zoomed out and resumed the footage. Over time, Suit Man would bring Carthage more files. She would continue her training, follow her same routine. You were nearly nodding off with the monotony of it when something changed. A new camera angle appeared in the footage, this one seeming to be of Carthage’s quarters within the base, and you were surprised by just how
 normal they were. She had a four poster bed, a vanity, bookshelves– it was a typical room for a young woman. The only thing that looked remotely out of place were the photos on the walls. Once again, you paused the video so you could enlarge the image.
The walls were covered in seemingly hundreds of photos of Bucky.
“Holy shit,” you whispered.
“Are those
 are those all me?” Bucky asked as you dragged the image around your screen, wanting to see every available corner of her space.
“Yes,” you said. “They
 these all look like surveillance shots. Why do you look like Jesus in this picture?” you asked him, squinting as you pointed to one where he was wearing robes and standing by a river, his long hair tied half-up in the back of his head.
“Shit, that’s from when I was in Wakanda,” Bucky exhaled. “How the fuck would Hydra get shots of me there?”
You leaned back. “Well. Rock me, rock me, rock me, sexy Jesus,” you said under your breath. 
“We just discovered that Hydra somehow found a way to spy on me in the most technologically secretive nation on the planet, and that’s your takeaway?” Bucky asked.
“I’m neither blind, nor a nun, Barnes,” you replied before zooming out and starting the footage once again. “Though, with a Savior that looked like that, I’d gladly devote the rest of my life to serving the Faith.”
“Pretty sure that’s blasphemy,” he said, though you could hear the shy smile in his voice, and you just knew he was blushing at the compliment. “I don’t understand, though. If I’m her target, why’s she hanging my pictures on her wall?”
You squinted your eyes as the Carthage in the footage drew a heart around one of Bucky’s headshots with what appeared to be lipstick. “I think
” you began, an idea coming to you, “I think they’re manufacturing infatuation.” You bit your lip in consideration. “If there’s one thing on this planet with more obsessive, singular focus on a target than a Hydra-trained assassin, it’s a teenage girl with a crush. They’re making sure she’s got the concentration of both.” You watched with sick fascination as Carthage took the photo she’d drawn the heart on, and bringing it over to her bed, appeared to be talking to it as she crawled under the covers.
“Oh, shit,” you said with realization. “We should skip over this part.”
“Why?” Bucky asked, clueless to what you knew was coming. “What’s going on?”
“If I am not mistaken,” you said, as Carthage held the photo to her chest before slipping a hand under her blanket, “she’s about to start masturbating to that photo of you.”
“Jesus fuck!” Bucky exclaimed. “Fast forward, Pocket! Fast forward!”
You skipped the video to the next time stamp, trying and failing to control your laughter. It wasn’t that you were laughing at Carthage– this was a gross violation of a private moment, and no one, not even her, deserved that; no, you were laughing at how horrifically uncomfortable it seemed to make Bucky.
“Come on, Barnes,” you said, getting yourself together, “you’ve already fucked the girl twice. Now you’re suddenly shy about watching her cum?”
You felt Bucky stiffen behind you, and you felt bad
 momentarily, but he didn’t acknowledge your comment, so you kept watching the footage, until there were only a few minutes left. Suit Man returned and after a few moments, said something to Carthage that had her jumping for what appeared to be joy and throwing her arms around the man. 
“Something’s about to happen,” you muttered, eyes glued to the screen. And then
 shit hit the fan.
You and Bucky watched in horror as Suit Man handed Carthage a pair of guns, and the two moved systematically through the base, with Carthage slaughtering every operative in their path. 
“What the hell?” Bucky whispered. 
“No other survivors,” you said, recalling the words from her bio sheet all those months ago. “They’re selling her story. Making it look like she escaped. Jesus Christ. She lived with these people for years. She’s fucking insane.” 
Carthage was pumping so many bullets into the agents at the base that she quickly ran out. From there, it was like she just snapped– beating the others to death with anything she could get her hands on. And if there was nothing readily available, she used her bare hands. “Fuck,” you muttered, feeling the urge to vomit. You turned your head, burying it into Bucky’s stomach as he stood behind you. “I can’t watch anymore. Tell me when it’s done,” you begged.
Bucky’s hand came up and rubbed comforting circles on your back. “Yeah, sweets,” he said, voice hollow, “I’ll let you know.”
After what seemed like absolutely far too long, you heard Bucky swallow, and he tapped you on your shoulder, indicating it was safe for you to look again. Turning back to the screen, you were disgusted to see Carthage absolutely covered in blood. The only thing you could think of was Carrie at the prom, but Carthage looked delighted with herself, the whites of her eyes and her blazing smile sitting in stark contrast to the dark lifeblood that coated her face. Together, she and Suit Man walked casually out of the last camera frame, as though she hadn’t just committed mass murder.
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yuri-is-online · 1 year ago
Masquerade request with number 5 for Jamil (tho not sure he'd be shy, more like reticent, potentially) aand since I can ask for two others I guess I might as well go for Azul and Deuce who kinda seem like suitable sorts for this prompt.
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5. You know it's him and he knows it's you, but you're both a bit too shy to admit you would like to keep holding onto each other when the masks come off, so you'll just stay here together a little longer.
Completely agree that Jamil wouldn't be shy in this scenario, more like a prisoner of his own self destructive tendencies. Also hello! I'm always really happy to see you in my notifications Whisper <(˶ᔔᔕᔔ˶)> Your comments are always very much appreciated.
notes: they/them used for Yuu, this is mildly angsty and I am uncertain if I have provided any comfort here. Uhh unrequited requited love, everyone here is a pining idiot, Deuce is bro zoning himself. The other event requests can be found on my masterlist.
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He is unprepared for what it feels like to hold you.
It's one thing to look at someone, another to think of them, but both keep a level of imagination to the interaction. Jamil doesn't have the risk of failure in his imagination; he can comfort himself in his perceived superiority and not actually make the effort. There is no warmth in those thoughts, no weight, no you, nothing resembling the delicate weight in his arms that he finds himself wanting to-
"Are you alright?" You ask softly, bringing some focus back to Jamil's eyes, he smiles at you and you wish you could be certain that he really means it.
"I'm just... unused to this." Jamil chooses his words carefully. He does not expect you to know it's him, but there's always the chance someone else does. It makes him feel sick to think the small sigh of relief you give could be meant for someone else, his mind has a ready supply of suspects, but tonight is supposed to be for strangers to play act at romance. He is... allowed... to want this. "I am not that interesting of a guy, you know?"
"I'm sure you're plenty interesting." You say and Jamil swallows to steady himself, trying to remind the spiraling fractions of his mind that you are saying this to a stranger. You would, you have very likely, said this to anyone who needed the encouragement. "If you let yourself go I am sure you will find there's a person underneath the act." But would it be one you approve of? And why is he worrying over that when everyone should approve of him anyway, especially considering what middling results his classmates are barely capable of?
"Your compliments aren't necessary." His smile says otherwise but you cannot bring yourself to push it least you push Jamil away. "But if you wish to keep them coming I will not stop you." You wind your arms around him to pull Jamil just a bit closer. If only he could read your mind as well as command it, if only he wanted you as much as you wanted him.
"Are you sure you can withstand it?" No he's not. "Because I could go on for quite some time." You are clearly teasing him. Jamil's heart should be used to stress, it's been working overtime since he was first sworn over to Kalim, but he's not. There's something new about this stress, or maybe it isn't stress at all and that's just what he's labeling it because that's what he is used to feeling.
"I can take anything." Jamil certainly projects something like confidence, but even as the other guests begin removing their masks his stays firmly put. In both senses you suppose, unable to keep a bitter sigh from escaping you.
But you say nothing, choosing to simply squeeze his hand and hope that he will somehow inhale the meaning of your movements with the sharp breath he takes.
You can want this, please say you want this, please say you want me and give me a reason to stay.
But he can't in good conscious. He is bound by a duty he wishes upon no one, he refuses to ask properly. Just what it is Jamil wants of you needs to be asked for in freedom. So once again you slip away into the night alone with his hand reaching out towards you just out of sight.
"You have a strong grip." Your voice is muffled as the gentle, but strong hand at the back of your head keeps you firmly resting on this handsome "stranger's" shoulder.
Azul appears to be under the impression this will be easier on him if he cannot see you, but he seems to have forgotten he still can look down the expanse of your back when he holds you this close. What you're doing can barely be described as dancing, swaying is what people might call it but Azul barely registers that he is moving.
"Of course I do." His voice lacks the usual musical performance you associate with it, he sounds almost... tired. Overwhelmed, you decide is the more accurate term as you exhale into his neck and try not to savor the way he shudders. "To keep precious things close is what any pirate would do, hm?" You smile.
"Fancy yourself a heart thief? I would think that's a more Heartslabyul gig." He stiffens, you know he was just trying to make a jest at the appearance of his costume but you appear to have touched some sort of nerve. Azul pulls you closer, arm wrapping properly around your waist instead of simply sitting on it.
"Is it?" Azul wants to vomit all his feelings up, eject them like a sea cucumber and walk off the embarrassment from showing his guts. Anything has to be less painful than thinking of his-
No you are not his. That's why he is being a coward and not looking you in the eye like any proper gentleman would. Why he had asked for a dance, kissed your hand, and not let go of you all under the flimsy pretense of a mask. Azul dislikes taking solace in your kindness, but he knows he can rely on you to not make him pay for this. Even if you really should.
"Has your heart already been carried off to a maze?" Azul is trying to make a joke, but you are so close to his heart you can hear the nerves hammering away at his typical sense of self.
"I think my heart is drowning." You whisper it, low into his pulse point before your eyes squeeze close in embarrassment. Azul's pulse does not slow, and he cannot squeeze you any closer, a sure sign as if you needed it that he isn't Floyd nor could he ever pretend to be. But he can guide you into a sway that's a little more like a dance.
This is enough for tonight. It will not be enough tomorrow, but it is enough for tonight.
This is how friends look at each other. Deuce would know because he has never looked at you any other way. There's a respectful distance between you both, an almost boring decorum to the proper ballroom dance he is happily guiding you in. If it weren't for his continued refusal to call you by your name or meaningless title, it would be like you were talking normally.
"Do they have dances like this where you're from?" Deuce is genuine in his interest, always eager to find a new way to ensure you feel like you belong.
"In books and movies maybe." Your laughter makes him soar, spinning you into the air for a brief second that adds a shriek to it that brings a grin to his face that has you feeling lightheaded. "Honestly I never thought I would get a chance to go to something like this!"
"Why not?" It's a stupid question, even if you have repeatedly reassured him there is no such thing.
"Well a Masquerade is kind of a rich people thing, and I'm not rich." Technically you shouldn't be here either, but you let that thought go unsaid. It never even crosses Deuce's mind, there is something so natural about having you in his arms that the idea of a world without you in it-
A world without you in it. It crystalizes as someone taps on the mic to announce the band will play just one as nice slow song that if everything in Twisted Wonderland had been normal he would be rolling his eyes at as he escapes to the sidelines. But that's not what's happening, he is pulling you closer to him and placing his arm around your waist without so much as a second thought.
"I'm not rich either." Deuce says, no where near as stiff in tone or posture as you would have expected him to be when trying to slow dance. If anything he holds you as if it is the most natural thing in the world to him, lapsing into uncharacteristic silence as he really looks you in the eyes with some strange hidden emotion in them.
It's always been there of course, this is always the way Deuce looks at you, but the mask ironically forces you to really see it.
"I'm lucky to be in this world with you." He means it, and though you hold tightly to his hand he doesn't think you know just how much.
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neopentane5 · 10 months ago
Would love to hear more headcannons about yuris personality. Read some of the ones you posted on twitter and they were so good i need more lol
Thank you for your interest! I will write a bit more about Yuri's personality analysis.
1. Yuri in Physical Aspects
Yuri's Great Strength and Lack of Control
Yuri's immense strength and lack of control stem from his past environment. Both he, Makarov, and other Russian soldiers considered such strength normal, though it actually exceeded normal limits (like when he gave Soap an injection). He likely used the same methods when dealing with Makarov for injections or bandaging.
Yuri's Exceptional Physical Fitness
Yuri's physical fitness is extraordinary, making him believe that everyone's physical fitness is on par with his. Despite falling from a waterfall, being bitten by a dog, or being impaled by a steel rod, he could still perform basic actions. You can imagine if his intestines were spilling out from a wound, Soap would be frantically alerting him, while he would calmly nod and say, "I know, just put them back in." This explains why, after falling from a building with Soap, he initially didn’t grasp the severity of the situation, not realizing Soap could die from it.
Yuri's Combat Skills and Mastery of Various Weapons and Drones
Both Yuri and Makarov were former Spetsnaz members, and joining Spetsnaz requires a minimum of being an officer. One of Yuri’s tattoos signifies "can be hired to kill," indicating his dangerous nature. He has been to prison for unknown reasons, but it can be speculated that he was either undercover or sent there by Makarov, who could easily get him out if needed. His tattoos also indicate a high status in prison, with his mere glance being enough to intimidate others.
In a hand-to-hand combat without weapons, Makarov wouldn’t stand a chance against Yuri.
Yuri's Preference for Cleanliness
When possible, Yuri shaves and washes his clothes regularly, even washing Makarov's clothes, as he believes maintaining cleanliness is crucial for health. However, he is not picky when conditions don’t allow it. He won’t complain about eating dirty food with Makarov or Makarov not bathing for days.
2. Yuri's Personality and Psychological Aspects
Yuri's Reserved Nature
Yuri speaks only when necessary, contributing to his intimidating presence in prison. If he doesn't want to answer, he remains silent, as seen when Soap mentioned his familiarity with Makarov, to which Yuri did not respond. Even in communication with Makarov, he often remains silent, especially when he disagrees. Instead of arguing, he expresses his discontent through silence and unhappy glances. This also applies when he doesn’t want intimacy with Makarov; he might say he’s tired or not in the mood, but more often, he remains silent.
Yuri Expresses Himself Through Actions
Though Yuri doesn’t argue with Makarov, he directly called the FSB to report him. This behavior extends to both his professional and personal life. While he struggles with verbal affection (he would, if pressured, awkwardly stammer through it with a blush), he proves his feelings through actions. He would shield Makarov from bullets and hold his hand in moments of despair, nodding to reassure him, “You still have me.”
Yuri's Loyalty and Realization of Love
Yuri is slow to recognize his own feelings, but once he does, he is unwavering in his devotion. He treats all deserving individuals well. On the battlefield, he would save every teammate, and his sincerity towards friends explains why he still has allies in the FSB and gains Nikolai’s approval. Makarov appreciates this trait deeply. Yuri’s approach to love is akin to his patriotism—loyal and steadfast, always wanting the best for his beloved.
Yuri's Gentleness and Attention to Detail
As Makarov’s right-hand man, Yuri must stay close, handling tasks like recording meetings, acting as a bodyguard, and listening to Makarov’s ambitions. Makarov values Yuri for his infrequent mistakes, attentiveness, and understanding of Makarov’s moods. Having endured the Soviet Union's collapse together, their bond is strong. When Makarov drinks heavily, Yuri changes his clothes, cleans him up, and puts him to bed.
Yuri's Clear Sense of Love and Hate
Yuri can take a bullet for Makarov without hesitation but can also shoot him if necessary, without a second thought.
Yuri's Shyness with Affection
Yuri is easily embarrassed, especially when faced with direct expressions of love, as he doesn’t know how to handle them.
That’s all for now! Feel free to add more!
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iforgotwhaticalledthis · 6 months ago
Rae Morningstar and Loneliness: An Analysis
SO something that occurred to me recently is how much being alone effects. well. everyone in Fable(not like everyone everyone but like,a not insignificant amount of people.) Their society is shown to be one of few(if not the only) thriving communities, and lots of people deal with being alone either before they join the cast, or during. Take Ulysses. when he shows up in Fable, he has to grapple with the fact that he is the last of his race. Same with Ari- being one of the last of the Aether. And for characters like Icarus, Caspian, and many many others, they have to deal with being alone before they find a community of people they can be around and trust. One such case is Rae Morningstar.
At the start of the story, Rae is alone. Almost everyone has some form of connection. Icarus, Centross, and Easton have ominous bane. Momboo, Jamie, and Easton are family. Haley already knows Momboo. The only people without any connection are Athena, Will, and Rae. Will's not really around much, and well, Athena had a retconned family so it doesn't really affect his character. (Though i totally do have thoughts about this post retconned Athena and stuff but this is a Rae post). However, by the end of the series, Rae is deeply embedded in the community. He was alone once. and he tries his hardest never to be again.
Rae's lowest moments are when he's alone. In season 1, when Enderian makes him that offer, he probably wouldve taken it in a heartbeat, if not for the fact that if he did, he would be Alone. (and also that he might be used against his friends) In s2 when he finds out he and Icarus are brothers, he is so desperate to hold on to that relationship. I think its why he's so desperate to keep that connection. He doesnt want to lose his brother again. Also the beginning of S2 IS SO bad for him. All of his friends, his family all gone. he's alone yet surrounded by the people he knows. He mentions how bad it wouldve been if not for Ocie- the one person who can relate to him. Someone that stops him from being completely alone. Then theres the sculk arc, which, do I even have to explain? In s3 , Rae gets mad at Centross. A big reason is because Centross left him alone. And when Icarus starts to isolate, later on, what does Rae say, in concern "I just don't want them to be alone." Rae was alone before. so now he tries to make sure that no one else in the community is. For example, he reaches out to everyone. He's always the one people go to for help, so that when they need it they won't be alone. See where Im going with this?
Another thing. Each and every time Rae met one of his partners? Bot him and the partner have been alone. Take Caspian- I mean Cas was alone in the prison, he was isolated. And Rae had been banned from seeing Jamie and Athena was being kept away. The two people he was closest too at the time had left him- even if it wasn't their own choice. When he met Aax, everyone he knew and loved had forgotten him. And Aax had been sitting alone in a cave. Waiting for Theo to return. Even when they first met, Aax was alone, being the only one to escape from the Telchins, and Rae was trapped in a home where he had no one to turn to. When he met Fenris, ,he was alone, having run from his home to keep people safe. And Fenris was alone after being turned into a wolf who couldnt even talk to other animals. for possibly centuries.
Even in smaller things, he doesn't want to be alone, like when he learns Centross and Fenris forgave Ven. He doesn't know how to deal with that anger, now that he's alone in it. He gets tatoos so that he wont forget these people, so he'll never be alone. And at the end of hist story? He and his family turn into gods. He'll never be alone, not even in death.
Anyway i just had some thoughts. if you noticed any inaccuries/have any points to add/ disagree with any of my points please reblog! i want to see waht other people think. Also i might make a follow up on how loneliness affects other characters, this really got me thinking
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farmerbebop · 7 months ago
Tumblr media
The sun was shining too bright for me to be worrying about my deadline so I guess I'll use this rare occasion to make a pinned post.
When I started blorbo posting it was simply because "If even I, who knows next to nothing about British and American TV series, can see that Patrick McGoohan was criminally underrated, then maybe this blog has a reason to exist."
The only thing I ever learned about blorbo posting is from the Columbo fandom. They have fun, and they love their blorbo. As the kids say: Love and peace on planet earth.
But McGoohan is a challenge and will never stop being one. His public image, both in front and behind of the camera, isn't that of someone who would be pleased with blorbo posting. I don't know how other blorbo bloggers feel, but I just wish I can hold a conversation with my blorbo that doesn't bore him to death or anger him to the point of throwing me out of the room.
Judging someone who talked about his nervous breakdown like it was just a cold isn't something I like to do, especially online. So if I have to talk about McGoohan, I always get quite nervous. I can only say that I regret we didn't get to know him as much as we would like to and I really wish he was still here with us.
I know many of the decisions he made, he made it for future generations. It's my privilege to say that my blorbo's gift to the three-year-old running this blog has been her greatest pride as a blorbo blogger. And her hardest and most honourable task is not to mess it up.
I actually didn't create this blog to please McGoohan (the ladies can testify to that, lol). And I think I make fun of him more than I should. But I hope he knows that life as a blorbo blogger isn't easy when your blorbo is Patrick McGoohan and maybe, just maybe, he wouldn't be too hard on me.
And just in case anyone is wondering what the hell I'm doing on here, here's a short guide to my blog.
my stupid vid My McGoohan fancams are what I personally consider the funniest part of my blog. But they can be somewhat serious too, I think.
my lousy photoshopping This can mean just about anything. McGoohan as The Little Prince. McGoohan in Ingmar Bergman's films. Anything that I made with photoshop. So I have some more tags to categorize it.
mcgoohan at the museum What I love to do the most in photoshop is putting McGoohan into paintings. I don't know why. Maybe because it easily hides my lousy photoshopping skills. Or maybe because my blorbo is as beautiful as a painting.
mcgoohan album covers What can I say? “But you don't really care for music, do you?”
mcgoohan fashion Let's be honest, don't you love a beautiful blorbo?
mcgoohan posters I sometimes try not to misinterpret McGoohan's works, I don't know if I succeed though.
no context mcgoohan Mostly just McGoohan sitting or standing somewhere. But I love it nonetheless.
mcgoohan for kids and mcgoohan anime Well, it's exactly what you would expect it to be.
mcgoohan arthouse One day I'll retire from blorbo posting and go back to watching arthouse films.
mcgoohan stickers They are not as cute as cat or bunny stickers, but they stick all right.
the prisoner redux or anything redux means my lousy photoshopping for that particular series/movie. But when there are so many McGoohans in one post I get tired of tagging and I just give up.
I think that's enough of my lousy photoshopping.
wild mcgoohan in his natural habitat McGoohan as God intended him. Trying to not give away too much information in interviews.
mcgoohan lore McGoohan in someone else's words, including his daughter's. Needless to say, my words should not be trusted. You'll know them when you see them.
my gif McGoohan gifs, mostly for losing tumblr polls. Also for making this blog popular with the ladies on here.
village poetry If there's one thing that McGoohan might like about this blog, this is probably it.
village soundcloud Blorbos and song lyrics go hand in hand - Tumblr proverb.
mcgoogoo and me Just me rambling about my McGoohan dreams and my hard life as a blorbo blogger.
my lousy shitposting It has something to do with McGoohan I'm afraid. But it's fun.
I know this blog has become quite predictable and it's filled with half of my life's story. But if McGoohan was really who I think he was, that would be the least of his problems with my blog.
And finally, my hiatus is a running joke that I'm getting worse at, I hope.
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