#jax teller
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secretlysamcro · 1 hour ago
just wondering I sent a request weeks ago and you still have not done but have put out other things and also all the new prompt things how long do I have to wait?
I have over 20 requests in my inbox, I also have a 1 year old who’s bouncing off the walls all day.
It took me less than an hour to do the prompt ones because there’s not much there. When I do actual story request it takes me days, even weeks sometimes because it’s a lot of fucking work. It takes me ages JUST to find the right gifs/photos to fit in - I’m not complaining because I love doing this but it’s not my job I’m not getting paid to do these and it’s really not the first thing I think about when I wake up (although Jax might be 🤭)
I try to do the request as they come, sometimes though some are a little harder for me to create a whole fucking scenario around so I skip to the next and will come back to the harder ones later.
I’m literally just a girl b patient with me pls I’m trying 🤣🖤
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xkittypunkerx · 6 hours ago
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Chapter 5 - What Are They Gonna Do
-April Mendez-
The remainder of the car ride stayed relatively silent, thankfully. Jax went back to his side of the van, and I stayed to myself, not like I had much of a choice otherwise. I tried gathering any signs of where we were going by looking out the window, but all I found for the most part was starless skies and trees.
After driving down a very bumpy road, until Phil hit the brakes hard, jerking me forward. Through the windshield I could see that we were officially in the middle of nowhere off of a sad excuse of a dirt road. A small one-story shack rested atop the small hill, complete with crooked shudders, missing shingles, and decrepit wood.
I can't believe something as unstable as that was still standing, let alone supporting all five of these lunatics.
"Home sweet home," Seth said with a ridiculous smile as he quickly undid the chains and pulled me out of the van.
As soon as we got inside, I felt tears fill my eyes as my nose caught wind of the horrid smell. I couldn't precisely describe the stench, but if I had to make an attempt, I'd say it was rotting flesh, stale blood, and molding food.
It was like death itself was present in the living room. Phil watched me intently before explaining, "You'll get used to it soon enough." I just gagged even more.
To distract myself from the smell, I looked around the room to see if I could form any sort of escape route. The room was connected to the kitchen via a small opening in the off-white wall. There were two large windows to my left, one of which had a bullet hole penetrating the glass. Some portions of wallpaper remained on the walls. It was brown, peeling, and entirely unattractive.
The carpet looked like a rainbow with all kinds of colorful stains from God knows what. Lastly, there was a couch and table in the middle of the room, a square TV from the 90s, an old Play Station, a recliner, and some knives scattered across the carpet; all of the knives were permanently dyed red from blood.
After surveying the room, I began to wonder what exactly they planned to do with me. Were they going to kill me? Rape me? Hurt me? Make me beg for my life? I guess I should have seen this coming. I mean I always knew there was something wrong with them...ever since I had told Phil I was moving, things just weren't the same.
Phil was never the same.
-Flashback, 2 ½ Years Ago-
"Phil...there's something I have to tell you," I mumbled into the phone receiver.
My parents had just told me that in a couple months we'd be moving to Jersey. It was for my dad's job, but even so I couldn't really bring myself to accept it. I'd spent my entire life in this house...and quite honestly, I didn't want to leave.
"What's wrong, babe?"
"You know how my dad lost his job? He got a new one."
"That's great, Ape! Why do you sound sad about it?"
"Phil, the job is in Atlantic City. We're going to be moving in a few months...and I wanted you to be the first to know. I haven't been able to tell anyone else just yet."
There was a long amount of silence on the other end before he was finally able to respond. He must be just as shaken up as I am, which I completely understand. We were just now starting to really get into our relationship. "What... What am I supposed to do without you here, Ape?"
I sighed heavily, unsure how to answer. "We'll make it work, Phil."
"Ok, I hope so. Anyway, you should get back to work on your paper. Call me when you're done."
I clicked "save" at the top of the document, admiring my work briefly before exiting. Words couldn't describe how relieved I felt to have finally finished my exam paper for English class. Excitedly, I reached for my cell phone and dialed Phil's number.
After getting nothing but an answering machine, I tossed the phone back on my bed and sighed. Maybe his phone was on silent. I guess I'll just have to go over to his house and surprise him. I'm sure he wouldn't mind. I drove over to his place and knocked on the door, but there was no response. I knew that he kept a spare key on his back porch, so I went there and got inside.
"Hello?" I called.
Once again, there was no answer. I was about to just turn around and leave, until I heard a thump on the floor above my head. I wonder what that could be? I slowly walked up the stairs, despite the chills of fear that were terrorizing my spine. Something wasn't right here...yet I found myself continuing forward to Phil's room.
"Phil, is that you?" I asked cautiously.
I heard more strange thumping noises, followed by laughter. I opened his bedroom door slowly and gasped at the sight. There was red liquid splattered all across his hardwood floor. Was that blood? I followed the liquid trail to its source.
Nadia, James's girlfriend and one of my best friends, was sprawled across the floor with a huge gash running along her body. The blood was spilling out of Nadia's body. In addition to the stretching gash, there were multiple stab wounds in her chest and random scratches all over her body. Blood pooled into the cracks of the wood, and doused their clothing.
"Nadia?!" I screamed in horror.
Phil turned around and smiled, "Oh hey there Ape, come to join the party? You're next in line, you know."
Next in line for what? Death? I could feel my lungs constrict tightly, trapping me in a choking episode. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't speak.
"Did you kill Nadia? james, that's... that's your girlfriend! She was my friend! She never did anything to you! What were you guys thinking? You're all gonna go to jail!"
Jax stepped forward with a menacing look in his eyes. "We're not going anywhere, and neither are you."
He quickly grabbed my arm, but because his fingers were coated in wet blood, he lost his grip quickly, giving me just enough time to get the fuck out of there. I immediately ran back down the stairs, slowing down halfway upon noticing that I wasn't being followed. Could it be that I just imagined I saw all that? It would make more sense than believing that my boyfriend was a crazed murderer, that's for sure!
Before I could leave his house completely, I slipped at the stairs, losing consciousness after banging my head into the banister. When I woke up, I was in my bed with nothing more than a small band-aid on my forehead and a little bruise on my leg.
All of that had to be a nightmare. There is no other explanation. None of them could really be capable of murder could they? And it's not like Nadia was the kind of girl to get herself in that kind of trouble.
Regardless of whatever the reality of it all may be, I could never could get rid of the sinking feeling in my stomach. The next day, my parents told me that we'd be moving sooner than expecting, and for the first time since I initially heard the news, I couldn't be more than thrilled.
The following day I ended my relationship with Phil and refused to speak to any of the guys before moving. The chances may have been small, but truth be told, I was scared that that dream could have been real. My life could have been truly endangered. I didn't tell him any of that though. The move was enough of an excuse.
Given the recent chain of events, I think it's pretty safe to say that they really did kill Nadia that day. They intended to kill me next, but I moved away before they could get me. And now that I walked right into the lion's den, they were ready to finish the job by killing me. I felt the strained expression of fear reform on my face as I made the effort to back up as far as I possibly could to be a fair distance from them.
Phil knew all too well what I was up to. He quickly came over behind me and pulled me closer to the group. "Don't think you're going anywhere soon, April. We've got loads of fun planned for you."
I wanted so badly to free myself from his grip, but before I could begin struggling, a loud gunshot echoed throughout the house.
"What the hell is going on down there, Keenan?" Jax yelled.
The guys all sprung up to their feet and ran into the nearby hallway. James was lying on the floor, clutching his shoulder. Blood was leaking onto the carpet. A burning, circular hole appeared in the wooden door to the right. Someone shot him from behind that door.
-Celeste Bonin-
Escaping here is gonna be much easier than I originally anticipated. The floorboards above my head were endlessly creaking, and I knew that more of them had since arrived. Time to go kill. I gripped the gun tightly between my fingers as I walked toward the staircase.
I stood on the first step at the bottom and noticed that they were wooden stairs and would probably creak with each of my steps, greatly reducing the element of surprise. Nevertheless, I crept up the stairs as slowly and silently as possible, maintaining a minimum amount of creaking.
Once I reached the top, I could see a strip of light beneath the door. I waited and watched until a shadow of someone would walk by.
As I was waiting, I heard a female voice in the mix of male voices. It didn't take me long to realize that I was hearing AJ's voice. I can't believe Parking Lot Creep was serious about knowing her, but it was honestly irrelevant.
Now I'd have to save both of us, which only made the adventure even greater. A small smile formed across my lips as adrenaline rushed through my veins. Oh, how I love a good adventure.
After about ten minutes, someone finally came near the door. I jumped up to my feet and wasted no time kicking the door open slightly and firing through the wood at whoever was stupid enough to cross paths with me. After the body fell to the floor, I peaked through the bullet hole to find that it was the parking lot creep! How perfect.
I grinned evilly as I watched him writhe on the ground, groaning in pain for the second time this evening. I saw four other men run into the hallway, staring down at his body in disbelief. The Biker looking man in the center of the group turned to look at the door and saw me through the hole.
"Seth, take care of his wound. It looks like I've got a pest to exterminate," he growled.
I laughed, "Uh, pest? Please, I'm more of a pestilence!" I held the gun in position, shedding the extra bullet shell, and aiming it toward Mr. Biker.
"Ready to die?" I asked with a cocky smile.
The guy next to him with long black raven hair smirked and pulled a knife out of his back pocket. "Wow, she's pretty aggressive. This will be fun."
Mr. Biker stepped forward, his chest making contact with the barrel of the gun. I glared at him for having the nerve to show me any disrespect. "Get out of my way so that me and my friend can ditch this shitty place!" I demanded, not once feeling my aim falter.
"Oh, I don't think that will be happening anytime soon."
This guy seemed way to confident for someone who was about to get shot.
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stealfromthedevil · 13 hours ago
For you @laurfilijames 😉
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ravennaortiz · 14 hours ago
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Chapter 3:
Summary: Tara hires Clay's Daughter as a Nanny to help with the kids in an attempt to give her and Jax more time alone to repair their relationship. She does this as a punishment for Gemma who is not allowed to see the kids. Unfortunately Clay's Daughter has her own power play in mind and it doesn't stop with just getting Jax to cheat.
As always 18+.
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Jax was awake and out the door before his alarm ever had the chance to go off. He had checked in on the boys and little girl before grabbing his journals and duffle bag. He had decided to spend some time in his dorm at the clubhouse. As much as he hated to not be home with his family he just could not stomach being in that house right now. Not after what he had witnessed at Juices. The last few weeks had left him feeling unsettled. Somethings were tapping at the edge of his mind. A feeling of unease had gripped not only him but a few others as well following Clays beating of Nova. Grumblings and not exactly whispers of why was Jax not pushing for President. Why was Clay still breathing? Shouldn’t beating his own flesh and blood to near death qualify for meeting Mr. Mayhem?
Jax sighed as he closed his dorm door. Clicking the lock into place as he flipped on the lights and tossed his bag onto the couch. Glancing at his phone he saw it was almost six in the morning. As much as he wanted to go back to sleep, he knew he needed to take this moment of peace and quiet to get this thoughts down. Before the monster that was the club awoke and created chaos and headaches for all. To get all the things he had noted or had been brought to his attention over the last few weeks down. To get it all out of his head so that he could see everything more clearly like Chibs had suggested a couple of weeks ago. The same time he had warned that the mother charter had gotten too big for what Clay had done to be swept under the rug in the typical SAMCRO way.
Grabbing his journal and a pen Jax slumped onto the couch. He tapped his pen on the outside of the yellow notebook pondering if he needed to label it. Chuckling to himself lightly he shook his head before flipping t open to the first page. What was he a kid on his first day of classes he thought before staring at the first page. Where to start pondered Jax as his mind raced with everything that had happened or learned. All the questions that needed answers. A free write might be a good idea he thought but he needed a bit of structure if he was honest. Though he knew everything landed on one big question as he began to write it down. This would be the end game no matter what happened.
Does Clay deserve to Meet Mr. Mayhem?
Tapping his pen again he knew what his answer was. He knew where several other members stood. Some surprised him with how firm they were or how unsure they were. Which he figured led him to the next issue at hand. The division in the club. This had really always been an issue to a degree if he was honest. But it was much worse now and the why to that was not as simple as the beating his step sister had taken at the hands of her own father. It was not as simple as what Bobby had said when he brought up just young guns getting a taste of good pussy when not only Juice but also Half and Rat had demanded Clay pay for what he did.  While Jax could not deny the closeness they all had with his step sister he could not shake that it didn’t sit right she was sleeping around with all of them.  He knew Nova to well. Knew what she had been through watching her mom go from man to man at various clubs. How much Nova never wanted to be that type of woman. Though Opies words did echo back in his mind from their talk last night “Have you ever thought if maybe the guy Tara saw was Juice?”. He could see Nova and Juice sleeping together so he made another note.
Talk to Juice more about his relationship with Nova. Platonic? More? Was it him?
If not him. Then who was the mystery guy?
What happened that day? What did Tara truly see? Why was she out there in the first place? Did she gain anything from telling Clay?
Jax paused and frowned as he realized he was getting a little ahead of himself. He needed to note where the guys stood. Because that was just as important as any questions.
Ride or die for Nova- Juice,Half,Rat
Justice needs to be served- Chibs, Opie, Me, Padaric
Ride or die for Clay- Bobby, Piney, Otto
Unsure- Tig, Miles, Phil, Kozik, Happy,Quinn,Montez, V-Lin, West,Frankie, Greg
Jax sighed as he looked over the list. This was not going to be easy and he had not even gotten to where the old Ladies stood. While some of them had taken a hit or two from their own old men none had ever gotten the violence that Nova did. None of them had ended up in an ER at the hands of any of the men in the club. Which to be honest kinda made Jax feel this should be a cut or dry situation. Especially cause Nova was not an Old Lady. She was a daughter. Maybe if she was still under eighteen then this would be easier he thought. Or if Clay had ever claimed her as his own flesh and blood. He had always treated her as a burden and on more than one occasion had told visiting clubs and guests they could have at her.
Need to know more about Novas mom. Have Juice look into her.
Old Ladies should line up with their guys…..weak links? Why does my mom hate Nova so much? Suspect this leads back to above question…..Clay cheated would be nothing new. But first time product of cheating had been brought to light?
Possibility shes not Clays kid?
Before Jax could get any more ideas out he heard a knock at his door followed by the familiar Scottish accent of Chibs.
“Just a sec” he called as he closed his book and stood up on the couch moving a secret latch on the ceiling and storing it away. He would come back to this later. The chaos of the day was upon him it seemed as he opened the door and could hear yelling spewing from the main area.
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stilinski-ortiz-dolan · 1 day ago
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readingnerd9999 · 1 day ago
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Jax Teller 🖤🖤🖤
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bellaxgiornata · 2 days ago
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What's Left to Lose [1/2]
Pairing: Jax Teller x fem!Reader Word Count: 3.7k [Part two] [Jax Fic Masterlist]
Warnings/tags: 18+; nurse!Reader, angst with an eventual happy ending, pining, emotional hurt/delayed comfort, Tara is an ass, Reader has a brother (nameless/description-less to be inclusive as possible)
Summary: Ever since your brother patched into SAMCRO's charter and you moved to Charming three years ago, you and Jax grew close. Despite having quietly fallen in love with him, you'd accepted your position as just his best friend–until Tara unexpectedly returns to Charming and rips him straight from you. Now you're left feeling like nothing at all to him.
a/n: I've been craving something angsty with Jax, so I wrote this little thing that's been in my head all week. There's no comfort in this first part, but I'm intending to give it at least a part two. Feedback and reblogs are always appreciated!
Jax Teller One Shot Tag List: @kmc1989
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Everything had changed in a matter of just a few weeks–and you absolutely hated it.
Over the past three years since you’d moved to Charming shortly after your brother had patched over to SAMCRO’s charter, you’d gotten used to Jax calling you a few times a week. He’d often be checking in to see if you were working a shift at the hospital that night or if you had plans with your other friends, because if you were free, he'd be inviting you to hang out so he could get a break from the guys’ bullshit. Other times you’d finish a shift to find a text or a voicemail from him telling you to get your sweet ass over to the clubhouse for a party before the chaos of it had even begun. 
But your phone history showed that it had been almost a month since he last called you. The previous few texts you’d received from him had been just over a week ago, and they'd been short responses to the texts you had sent him asking if he wanted to have a few drinks with you–something that you’d both done frequently if he wasn’t wrapped up in club business–which he'd declined. Jax’s name barely ever appeared on the screen of your phone anymore.
Lately he kept telling you that he was busy. Because he was always busy now–too busy for you. Ever since Tara reappeared in Charming unannounced, stepping back into Jax’s life just over a month ago like she still belonged there, he had distanced himself from you. She'd been here barely more than a month and had already ripped your best friend away from you.
And Jax and you had always been incredibly close. While he and Opie had been best friends since childhood, the relationship between you and Jax had somehow become infinitely closer. The two of you talked about everything and anything, including some things you figured that he had accidentally drunkenly spilled to you on the nights he’d had a few too many to drink. There was just something about your relationship with each other that always felt easy and right, and you’d never had nearly as much fun with anyone else before you met Jax.
But now there were no more late nights drinking beers on the roof of the clubhouse while sharing cigarettes under the cover of a few stars while Jax vented about the direction the club was going in. No more getting high the day after a night of drinking, riding on the back of his bike to the gas station on the corner of Main Street and sharing a box of candy, a bag of chips, and a giant blue raspberry slushie as you both walked through downtown together. He didn’t seek you out at clubhouse parties anymore, didn’t step outside to smoke with you, and he certainly hadn’t incurred the look of warning from your brother that he usually received whenever you climbed off the back of his bike after one of your usual adventures. 
As you walked through the brightly lit halls of St. Thomas Hospital, making your way back towards the nurse’s station so you could finish the last couple of hours of your shift after the break you'd just finished, you’d become painfully aware of his lack of visits while you worked, too. When things were running smoothly with the club, you could count on at least one surprise visit a week from Jax during your break times. He always brought you better coffee than the shit served here in one of his tumblers from home, a satisfied grin on his face every time you thanked him profusely for it like he’d just somehow saved your life. The pair of you would usually sit outside in the outdoor cafeteria of the hospital while Jax listened to you vent about your day. You always loved when he added his own amusing thoughts just to get you to laugh. 
But those coffee breaks together had stopped the moment Tara had returned. Instead, you’d catch him in the halls every once in a while making his way towards her office, greeting you with a nod and a couple of words and nothing more. Or you might see him in the parking lot leaning against his bike, his attention fixed on his phone as he clearly waited for her to finish her shift.
Waiting for her. Not you.
You didn't understand what was happening between them, either. During one of the many drunken nights you’d spent with your head resting on Jax’s shoulder, the pair of you leaning against the wall behind his dorm room bed at the clubhouse, you’d learned that she had tried to drag him from the club eleven years ago. She had given him some sort of ultimatum, stating that he would leave Charming with her if he truly loved her. 
The way he'd spoken about that last conversation they’d had–with an agonizing calmness and a vacant look in his eyes–told you everything you needed to know that you knew he'd never say. When she left him all those years ago, she had completely destroyed him. You knew Jax well enough to know the real reason he never got serious with anyone, the reason he never let anyone get too close to him, and the reason he’d never gone on a single date as long as you'd known him. It was because of her. Because of the hurt that still lingered inside of him when it came to Tara, the hurt that had never completely healed. Because she had absolutely done a number on his heart and his trust.
That was why you’d never pushed for anything more than friendship with him, never tried to see if he felt any of the things you did those times you two were more affectionate than friends should ever be. You’d come to understand that he’d never gotten over her from the very little he ever opened up about her. It was also why you’d reluctantly forced yourself to look the other way whenever he took some croweater to his dorm room when he was wasted. You knew those girls meant nothing to him, that they weren't anything but something more satisfying than his own hand. So you let it go because you always held onto the hope that someday he might realize there was something more than friendship between the two of you. You had hope that someday he'd see it. Stupid, foolish, steadfast hope.
Until Tara came back and set all your hopes on fire.
Turning the corner of the hallway as you navigated the hospital, you felt your heart sink to your feet at the sight of the white doctor's coat making its way towards you at the opposite end of the hall. Because of course you’d have to run into her today. St. Thomas wasn’t that large of a hospital after all, it was often impossible to avoid running into her here.
The second Tara spotted you, a bitter smile twisted her lips upwards. It was the same look she’d been giving you for the past two weeks now, ever since one of the other nurses mentioned that Jax used to come here and visit you all the time before he'd been stopping by to see her. And she’d very quickly decided that she didn’t like you after that, always shooting you dirty looks or making passive aggressive comments about how haggard you looked, or hinting at you being some sort of club pussy on your nights off. Always talking down to you with that petulant smile on her face.
“Don’t you have a bedpan to be cleaning up or something?” she commented as she neared.
Fighting the urge to roll your eyes at one of her many attempts to demean your position as a nurse, you set your jaw and kept on walking down the hall. Giving in to the urge to break her nose–to prove to her that she wasn’t nearly as tough as she thought she was–was always so strong whenever she opened her mouth. But you’d most likely end up fired, with an assault charge, and a guarantee that Jax would only continue to keep you out of his life. So you refrained from ever acting on the impulse.
“Oh, you're trying to ignore me now?” Tara asked, her words clearly meant to taunt. Her footsteps down the otherwise empty hall came to a stop behind you before you heard her voice again. “Still pissed at me for being the one he wants, are you?”
Arms crossing over your chest, you could feel your hands balling into fists as she goaded your retreating form. Just one hit. One right hook straight to her nose like your brother had taught you all those years ago. That would shut her goddamn mouth up. But instead you grit your teeth and kept on walking.
“You will never be what he wants, you know,” Tara called down the hall after you.
Stopping mid-step, you halted in the middle of the empty corridor. Those same words had echoed in your mind for years now, usually in your own internal voice. It was a fear you’d had for a while as Jax continued to keep you at arm’s length, burning through girls in his bed like it was nothing while still only playfully flirting with you. Until he’d gone back to following Tara’s shadow like an angry, lost puppy the first chance he got. 
“But you know that, right?” she continued, clearly pleased that she’d caused you to stop. “You’re nothing but a small town nurse who gets wasted and high in her free time at that clubhouse. No better than the croweaters sucking whatever cock swings their way.”
Head whipping over your shoulder, your eyes narrowed back at Tara. “I’m not a fucking club whore,” you snapped. 
“Right,” she said with a nod, stalking towards you with far too much confidence. “Because your brother is a Son. So you think that somehow makes you better than the other girls trying to catch their attention, right?”
She came to a stop just in front of you, the toes of her shoes practically touching yours. As she leaned her face towards you in an attempt to intimidate, invading your personal space, you found yourself struggling to keep your composure. Everything inside of you just wanted to take a swing at her, just one.
“But you’re not,” she continued, voice dropping into a low hiss. “You’re just as useless and forgettable as the rest of the stupid fucking girls that hang around the club with their tits and their asses out. You mean absolutely nothing to Jax. Just as little as all the other croweaters. You always have.”
A sick, roiling sensation hit you in the gut at her words. You wanted to spit something back in her face, to tell her that she was wrong and far too fucking full of herself. But you hesitated, the month long absence of Jax from your life making you question your ability to even argue otherwise before she was speaking again.
“He’s mine,” she warned you. “He’ll always be mine. And you will never, ever have a place in his life. Not just because you don’t matter to him like I do,” she continued sharply, “but because I’ll never let you near him.”
“You don’t even know him.”
The words that you’d been wanting to scream at her for weeks every time she’d looked at you wrong or said something cruel finally fell right from your lips. You couldn’t hold them back as you unflinchingly held her glare with your own despite the way it felt like a fist was squeezing your heart in your chest as the words ‘you don’t matter to him’ repeated in your mind. 
Tara laughed bitterly before she straightened, no longer directly in your face. “I know him better than anyone,” she disagreed. “Including you.”
“You know a teenager from eleven years ago,” you shot back, hands still balled into fists as your arms hugged your chest tighter. “You don’t know the man he is now–what’s in his heart and his head. You don’t know a damn thing about him anymore.”
Tara’s lips twitched briefly at the corners, her eyes still narrowed at you as they ran up and down the length of you in silent appraisal. “I know damn well you’re not what he wants,” she spat. “You’re forgettable. Not someone worth a second look. I can promise you, he will never want you like you so clearly and pathetically want him. So I suggest you let it go and stop trying to text him asking to spend time with you before I make sure he never wants to look in your direction again.” That ruthless little grin was back on her lips. “And believe me, I could do that. Make him hate you. Make him revulsed at the sight of you.”
As much as you wanted to call her bluff, there was a part of you that truthfully was afraid that she could manage to do exactly that. Pit Jax against you, make him hate you. With the way he’d been acting the past few weeks, he hadn’t seemed like the Jax you’d gotten to know over the last three years at all. And the last thing you wanted was to lose your best friend even if it felt like you already had.
A self-satisfied smirk pulled at Tara’s lips when she saw how quickly that threat had silenced you. She knew she’d gotten under your skin finally. But before either of you could say another word, a figure appeared at the other end of the hallway. The movement caused both of you to turn your heads before you caught sight of Jax just as he realized he’d stumbled into something happening between the two of you. His expression shifted between a mixture of things so quickly that you only managed to catch a couple of emotions–surprise, guilt, frustration–before he’d thrown that usual stoic calm over his features which often made him impossible to read.
“Everything good here?” Jax asked as he sauntered towards the pair of you.
You’d been about to answer, but Tara beat you to it as she gestured a hand in your direction.
“You really need to get a handle on the croweaters “ She sent you a sidelong glare before adding on, “They clearly don't know when their mouths are wanted.”
“She’s not a croweater, Tara,” Jax replied, sounding tired. 
He glanced over towards you, taking in your posture as you noticed how exhausted and worn down he looked. He looked as if he hadn’t been sleeping well for a few days. His blonde, shaggy hair was messier and more disheveled than usual, and even the way he carried himself seemed a little off–sluggish and weary. You wondered if it was his thoughts or something else keeping him up late at night before you quickly shut those thoughts down. You probably didn’t want to know the answer.
“I’ll meet you in your office, alright?” he said, focusing back on Tara. “Just gimme a minute.”
Tara stood there eyeing you, that smugness still radiating off of her before she finally continued down the hall in the direction she'd been going in initially. Your attention remained on Jax, studying his face as his eyes followed Tara’s retreating form until it was gone. Then he ran a hand across his mouth in agitation as his gaze drifted back to you.
“What're you doing?” he asked.
Your brows immediately drew together at the accusation in his tone. “What are you talking about?” 
Jax’s head gestured towards where Tara had just disappeared. “Talking to Tara,” he clarified. “Whatever that was clearly wasn't friendly. What're you doing?”
Lips parting in surprise, you couldn't believe he was blaming you for that tense situation he had just stumbled on. Jax had always known you to be fairly level-headed even if you were blunt and spoke your mind. You didn't start shit at the clubhouse despite the few times you'd shut a girl up when you'd truly needed to and he knew that.
“Oh, so I'm the one starting shit?” you shot back incredulously. “Is that the bullshit she's poisoning you with?”
Jax made a face immediately, his expression twisting into one of distaste. “Poisoning me? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” 
The look on his face gave you pause before you could blurt out everything that'd been on your mind about him and Tara since she returned. But you could see the way his brows had drawn together as his eyes narrowed back at you, his mouth a tight line. He was getting pissed. At you. Something that had never happened before. You knew Tara was a topic that had often been off-limits with him in the past, so calling out her bullshit seemed like it'd get you nowhere with him, even if he desperately needed someone to yank his head out of his own ass.
“She stopped me,” you said instead. “Trust me, I have no desire to have hallway chats with her. That was all on her.”
“Just stay outta shit with Tara,” he told you, moving to step past you like he was already done talking to you. “It’s none of your business.”
Your eyes finally fell to what he was holding in his hand as he took a step forward in the direction of Tara’s office. It was a tumbler. Probably a tumbler filled with coffee. Just like he used to always bring you. The sight of it left you breathless, feeling as if someone had just slammed their fist right into your chest and knocked the wind straight out of you.
“You're bringing her coffee now?” the question slipped softly out before you could stop it.
For the briefest moment, Jax looked guilty at your question and the tone of your voice as his eyes fell to the cup in his hand. But almost as quickly, his jaw tensed and he focused back on you.
“It's none of your business, like I already said,” he snapped.
“So that's it then?” you asked, your mouth suddenly having a mind of its own. “You only have time for Tara now?”
Jax turned back towards you, that frustration from a moment ago returning and setting him off like a lit match. He tensed as he stepped towards you, his eyes narrowed into a sharp glare.
“Maybe I've been fucking busy,” he snapped at you. “You think of that? Maybe I don't have time to sit and drink with you because I've got other shit going on.”
“For a month, Jax?” you asked in disbelief. “Too busy to call or text? Too busy to talk when I'm at the clubhouse? You've been like that ever since Tara came back–you're avoiding me.”
“What?” he snapped, shaking his head at you. “You think I'm avoiding you, is that what this is? You're mad cause you're not getting all my attention? Are you fucking serious right now?”
“I'm mad because you haven't been acting like yourself lately!” you shot back, waving a hand at him. “You never get mad at me like this!”
“Cause you're actually pissing me off right now!” he yelled back.
Those words quieted you, your mouth closing before another thing could come out of it. You'd clearly gone too far and now he was probably just going to push you further away. And dammit, that hurt. All of this hurt.
He pointed a finger in your face as he leaned in towards you, his voice growing dangerously calm as he continued. “Leave the shit with Tara alone, I'm not gonna say it again,” he warned you. “It ain’t your goddamn business. Stay the hell outta it.”
He didn't stand there another second longer before he turned and headed off in the direction Tara had left a few minutes ago, abruptly ending the conversation with you. You stood there watching the back of him, your eyes fixed on the reaper of his kutte until he disappeared towards her office and left you standing alone in the hallway.
A strangled, choked noise fought its way up your chest and out of your mouth before you threw a hand over it. Everything felt like it was suddenly crumbling around you, a burning ache exploding in your chest at the way Jax had just gone off on you.
Ducking into the empty room nearby, you could feel the sting of tears as you slipped inside. You abruptly shut the door after yourself before sinking to the floor, your back to the door as both of your hands flew over your mouth to muffle the sounds of the sobs beginning to fall out of you. 
That hadn't been like Jax at all. Not with you. He'd never gotten pissed like that at you before, never gotten in your face. Even when he was in a bad mood, he'd always been careful with you. Always immediately apologized the handful of times he'd accidentally snapped at you. 
But not this time. 
Warm, wet tears spilled down your cheeks as you shook with sobs against the closed hospital room door. The memory of the way Jax had looked at you just now had Tara’s earlier threat running through your mind again. How she could make him hate you, never want to look in your direction again. Was that what she was already doing?
Where the hell had the Jax you knew for the past three years gone? The one who'd held you close when you'd had a really bad week at the hospital and never minded if you'd cried on his shoulder? The one who used to make you smile with his smartass mouth, and who sent you voicemails to tell you about some ridiculous thing that happened when you'd been working a late shift at the hospital and couldn't be there to witness it? Where was the Jax who'd pick you up sloppy drunk from girls night outs with your friends and called you adorable as he made sure you got home safe?
What the hell had she done to him?
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kuttesandknives · 2 days ago
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persephone411 · 2 days ago
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Jax Teller manspreading bc FUCK this is doing things to me
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secretlysamcro · 22 hours ago
Omg 10 & 20 from that smut list😳🫣
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Jax looks up from his presidential throne, legs spread wide underneath the oak table. Cigarette burning between his fingers when the door creaks open just enough to let in a sliver of light. It’s not his VP, not his Sgt at Arms, not any member of his club.
It’s you.
Heavy eyes, lips parted and the flush of alcohol still warm on your cheeks. You know damn well you’re not supposed to be here. No one walks into this room without a patch or being specifically asked. But the way you've both been looking at each other all night, yeah you were done waiting.
His eyes track you like prey as you move towards him, slow and unbothered. Your fingertips grazing each chair as you pass. His smirk deepens the closer you get to him. “What are you doin’ in here darlin?” He asks, his voice low and thick. His head tilted back and his eyebrow arched in that cocky way. He knows that you know you’re not supposed to be in here. But the fact that you don’t give a shit, that has him half hard already.
“You” the words slip from your mouth like honey. You climb up onto the table without hesitation, sitting directly in front of him legs crossed as you settle them beside his chair, your skirt riding up just enough to show him what’s on offer. He lets out a low chuckle, dragging on his cigarette one last time before stubbing it out and sliding the ashtray down the table like he’s making some room.
“You’re not even allowed to sit at this table…let alone get fucked on it” His eyes narrow, that devilish smirk growing wider, leaning back into his throne.
You lean back, palms planted securely behind you as you slowly lift one leg, so you’re now parted either side of the President, giving him the most perfect view. You see the flicker in his eyes. His tongue flicks out across his lower lip as he’s eyes drag over you, straight to where your skirt is spread, and your pussy bare. “You were saying?” You whisper, giving him an even better view as you lean back just a little more. Challenging him to make his next move.
It takes seconds before your laid out on the reaper, your skirt bunched up as your back scrapes against the carved wood. Jax pounding into you, deep and ruthless. His grip is bruising your thighs, keeping you wide with every thrust. You’re barely keeping quiet, biting your moans as his kutte swings above you, his face showing pure hunger. And then, as you arch up into him,
He stops instantly, one hand clamping over your mouth, the other still gripping at you. If anyone walked in, saw you both disrespecting the reaper like this? Yeah there’d be hell to pay. So, he pulls out, his chest heaving and his cock still rock hard. “Get on your knees”
And you do, without hesitation.
He yanks you forward by your hair, guiding your mouth to his cock and pushing in with no patience at all. You’re gagging on it immediately, spit seeping at the corners of your lips, Jax growing even harder at the sight. He doesn’t give you time to adjust before he starts fucking your mouth. Both hands buried deep in your hair as he uses your throat like it’s his to ruin. You struggle to keep up, saliva dripping down your chin, your eyes watering as he sinks deeper, again and again.
“Yeah, that’s right, Cry a little. Make it messy for me” and that’s exactly what you do. Tears stream down your face. Your throat stretching around him as you choke and gasp on his cock, barely able to breathe, but still, loving every second of it. You moan around him, eyes rolling back, nails gripping his thighs as he fucks your mouth, deeper and sloppier. His hands are holding you still by the neck, his length thick and twitching on your tongue, spit everywhere, your jaw aching and tears flowing freely.
But you don’t stop.
And then he breaks, with a loud guttural sound he thrusts one last time, burying himself deep as he cums down your throat, his hips trembling and breath ragged. You feel the heat sliding down as he still holds you in place. You swallow, slowly pulling back, lips slightly swollen and glistening and your chin fucking soaked. He stares down at you with his chest heaving
He crouches in front of you, gently swiping away your tears with the pad of his thumb. “Knew you could take it” he murmurs, then helps you to your feet, using the sleeve of his shirt to wipe the spit he forced out of you. Then he leans in, pressing a quick but rough kiss to your lips. “Proud of you”.
xoxo secretly samcro
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xkittypunkerx · 2 days ago
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Chapter 4 - Worse Than I Thought
-Celeste Bonin-
After searching for approximately forever and a half, I finally scored a job at the local grocery store...I know, exciting right? But hey, it'll pay the bills and allow extra spending money, so I think it will be worth it. I've had my fair share of shitty jobs, and this doesn't even compare.
As I was walking out to the parking lot, I noticed that there weren't too many other cars parked around here. Normally, I love being out a night at times when people don't even think of going out, but something seemed different this time
Since I've removed the feeling of fear from my emotional dictionary, I quickly shook the feeling and continued walking along the asphalt to my baby, the only black Dodge Ram in the lot.
As I rummaged through my messenger bag in search of my keys, I heard heavy footsteps behind me - like someone was running. "Hey, miss, I think you dropped this."
I turned around to face a fairly hot guy with dirty long blond hair and lip ring running towards me with a $20 bill in hand. I looked through my bag again and shrugged, assuming I must have dropped it earlier without noticing. I smiled once he got close enough and accepted the bill. "Oh wow, thanks a lot... I... I didn't even notice."
He returned the smile, trying to keep the topic seeming innocent. "Don't mention it. Hey, do you wanna go get a drink or something?"
I absolutely love going drinking and sneaking into bars even though I'm only 18. But just like that strange feeling I received earlier, I'm thinking that I'm gonna have to pass this one up, even if he looked like the usual harmless, random hot strangers I party with. I smiled nervously and pretended to be embarrassed. "Ah, sorry, but I'm not 21 so I can't go to a bar..."
He laughed loudly, "Please, you can pull it off. I find it hard to believe that a girl like you has never had a drink before!"
Who the hell does he think he is, telling me what I look like I have and haven't done?! I smirked, trying my best to conceal my anger. "That may very well be true, but still I don't get drunk with people I don't know. So thanks again for giving me my money, but I have to go!"
I quickly spun around and got into my truck before he could protest any further. I kept my eyes locked on him through the rearview mirror as I backed out of the parking spot and headed for the main road. He stood in the same place with a look of anger and rejection mixed into one ugly ass expression. I rolled my eyes as I sped up, cranking the volume on the radio. What a loser.
As I was driving down the empty highway, I found myself staring out at the deserted beach along the side of the road. From here, the waves that crashed along the shore looked black...like death.
A shiver briefly crawled along my spine like a worm slithering across the pavement. I quickly dismissed the strangely dismal thought and grinned to myself as I watched the speedometer break 100 mph - another reason why I loved the nightlife.
Unfortunately, once I got a little closer to campus, more cars began to litter the roads. Stubbornly, I rolled down to a slower speed, completely peeved. Things seemed to get worse as an incredibly annoying bright light shone into my eyes from behind me.
"Turn your brights off asshole!" I growled as I shielded my eyes with a free hand.
Eventually, I began to swerve to the right a little due to the distraction and when I looked up again, he was driving right on the edge of my car. I honked my horn telling him to back up and when that didn't work, I sped forward...but it was as if I hadn't moved at all because he was still right behind me! Persistent bastard.
I continued speeding forward trying my best to ignore him. Apparently he didn't care for that. He zoomed forward and began ramming the back end of my baby. I growled as I gripped the steering wheel tightly with one hand and shoved my other hand out the window to flip him off - which probably wouldn't make him stop, but would at the very least channel my anger.
No one hurts my baby and gets away with it. Damn... now would be the perfect time to have a big ole shotgun like in all those predictable action movies.
Suddenly, the douche bag decided to lower the intensity of his lights, giving me a good look at the face I was about ready to beat in. It... it was that guy from the parking lot! What a psychopath... clearly, he doesn't handle rejection so well.
I angrily pushed down hard on the gas pedal, which in turn caused me to miss my exit. "Damn it!" I yelled, slamming my fist into the wheel. And to make matters worse, the loser wasn't letting up.
There was a rest stop up ahead, which looks to be the only turn around point for miles. So, I sharply turned the wheel to the right, sending the truck flying down the bank of grass and skidding onto the pavement nestled below. I bet he didn't see that one coming.
But before I could start celebrating, I heard screeching tires. I turned around to see that he had pulled over last minute as well and was speeding down the hill. Ok... well this was rather unexpected. What the fuck am I supposed to do now?
Well, I didn't have much time to decide because as soon as he approached, he rammed the front end of his piece of shit car right through the back of my baby, totally peeling off the bed of my truck! The car swooshed and span uncontrollably until it finally flipped over into an intertwined metal heap at the edge of the lot.
I coughed as some smoke leaked out of my engine. It pained me to do so, but I knew I had to evacuate. I rolled out of the front seat and slid on my knees across the concrete. A loud explosion filled the still night air and flames ate away at my baby.
It hardly waited a whole minute before exploding, no joke. And for the first time in a very long time, I felt tears sting my eyes as I watched the beautiful paint job melt into shit.
Rest in Peace, June 2007-August 2009.
he tears soon dissolved, like the paint on my truck, into something much more venomous. Anger boiled up inside of me as I watched the freak crawl out of his tangled car and walk stealthily over toward me. I was going to run over to the truck's remains to grab something sharp and deadly, but ended up tripping over some debris.
He finally stopped walking once he reached my body. He stared down at me with a sick smile on his face. He was glad, proud of what he did. "I bet you wish you would have taken that drink now, don't you?" he laughed, staring into the fire.
I felt my lips curl into a smirk that very much so resembled his own. "For what you did to my truck, I have a feeling you're the one who's gonna wish he took the drink," I replied, lifting my leg upward and slamming the heel of my sandal as hard as I possibly could into his dick.
He doubled over in pain, cradling himself in the puddles of leaking oil and gasoline. It's a shame he couldn't just spontaneously combust right about now. His groans of pain faded in the distance as I found myself walking toward the highway, for what reason...I was unsure.
It's not like I had a car to drive on it anymore. I clenched my fists tightly at my sides as I attempted to channel my anger.
Knowing there was nothing else to do but call for help, I turned around intending to head for the bathroom. I gasped in surprise when I turned around to face a short man with a black short emo like hair and a nose ring.
“Hey, I'm sorry about what happened to your truck," he murmured, speaking in possible sincerity. I gave him a suspicious look, not having much else to offer him.
"Why was your buddy over there riding my ass like that?"
"Isn't it obvious? He just wanted to have a drink with you."
"Ha, right. I've seen this all before, short stuff, but I don't have time for whatever it is you truly have planned. My roommate is probably freaking right about now."
"Would that roommate of yours happen to be named AJ Lee?"
My eyes narrowed into tiny slits as I glared at him. "Spill the beans. How do you know AJ?"
"The details don't really matter, Kaitlyn. Just know that if we don't get you into that car, then she's gonna be in a lot of pain."
I had had enough of his pompous vagueness by now. The anger couldn't be controlled any longer - both for what they did to the truck and for what they apparently plan on doing to AJ. I lunged forward with my fists balled so tightly that my nails began digging into my palms, but it didn't bother me.
"You're the only one that's gonna be in pain!" I shouted, slamming my fist hard across his face, knocking him off balance. Before I could finish him off completely, I felt an arm wrap tightly around my neck, tugging me backwards.
"Bout time we got ourselves a fighter!" Parking Lot Creep cheered in my ear.
"Glad I didn't disappoint. I should warn you now...I'm not like all the other innocent girls you've probably pulled this trick on," I grinned, trying to pry his arm off me.
“worries, we'll have twice as much fun with you now. But it's really time we get moving...and hope that the little guy over there will regain his consciousness soon.
I laughed, "I completely agree. You get moving and take your unconscious friend with you and leave me alone."
"That's cute, sweetheart, but you'll be coming with us." I'm not really sure whether it was the stupidly high amount of confidence in his voice or something else, but I didn't notice the other man get up off the ground. He was silent...like a ghost.
The Parking Lot Creep let me go suddenly as my forehead fell into contact with the backside of a small shovel.
As consciousness eventually returned to me, I found that seeing was kind of difficult. I blinked my eyes countless times, but it was so pitch black wherever I was...I couldn't see a thing. I tried to move around a little since my limbs were numb, but just like my vision...it was pointless.
I assumed they used ropes to keep my arms and legs tied together because I could feel something annoyingly scratching moving along my skin with each attempt. Ropes may be annoying as hell...but they were more than easy for me to break free from.
I wiggled around for a couple of minutes, staying in one place to focus on breaking the loosely tied knots. And then just like that, viola, my arms were free. I reached down and quickly untied my legs, anxious to stretch and walk around.
After making a few simple observations, I came to realize that I was locked up in the basement of some house. There were no windows down here, and I'm assuming if I tried hard enough I could crawl around until I reached the stairs. I ignored the slightly burning pain I felt in my kneecaps as I got down on all fours and crawled across the rough floor.
As I was crawling in what I assume would be forward, my fingers brushed against something cold and metallic. Could it be...a gun? Why the hell would there be a gun resting in the middle of the floor out in the open like that? I rolled my eyes as I lifted it up, feeling for the safety, and slid it behind the waistline of my jeans.
Questions were pointless now. All that mattered was getting out alive.
-April Mendez-
My fingertips had to be below zero by now...I knew for a fact that no blood was able to reach them thanks to these stupid cuffs. I couldn't move even if I wanted to, and Teller was well aware of that. He crept over until he was almost completely toppling over me - way too close for comfort.
"Do you have any idea how hard it was to be nice to you earlier today Darlin'?" he asked through gritted teeth.
Earlier today? When did I see him earlier today? I'm pretty sure that if I'd seen him I probably would've started screaming and running. Shit, all I have done today was go to the convention and sit around at home. But as soon as his lips curled into a creepy ass smile, a horribly uncomfortable sinking feeling erupted in my stomach.
Earlier today...he was the plumber. I let him into my house without even noticing the terrible mistake I was making.
A large lump had developed in the back of my throat, causing me to cough when I tried to breathe. My skin turned cold just staring at him... and thinking that I had called him hot earlier today. "You... you were the plumber?!" I asked in a shaky voice, wanting to know whether or not my nightmares were growing worse.
He grinned evilly and mocked, "yes.. yes that was me. Took you long enough!"
He scooted closer, killing almost all space between us. I tried to back away, but cringed when my back dug into the metal wall of the van. Obviously, I wouldn't be able to push through that no matter how hard I tried.
He whispered, "Do you know how hard it was to resist doing this...?" Teller slowly wrapped one of his bulky hands around my neck and began to squeeze, cutting off any chance that I had left of sucking in some oxygen. There was no way for me to struggle - no way to make him stop.
"Aw, c'mon, Teller, we can't have any fun with her if she isn't breathing."
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tearsmustfall · 3 days ago
snippet from chapter 14
The younger version of Jackson reached for little Allison's hand. His innocent eyes were so vibrant and blue, and all the world's colors seemed to regain their saturation. In their childlike world, playtime was never-ending, and joy was unlimited. Allie took his small hand and asked herself, what will today bring?
Allison brushed back Jax's long hair and asked herself the question, will he make it back? 
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etclouie · 3 days ago
"what did they just tell you?" with protective jax when the whole ima thing happens
˚୨୧⋆。 — title; protective (jax teller x fem!reader)
˚୨୧⋆。 — prompt/s; “what did they just tell you?” — from ”shh, i have a secret” dialogue prompts
˚୨୧⋆。 — warnings; established relationship, protective!jax, readers in tara’s position with the ima thing, loosely based off that one scene from s2e3, possible ooc jax, kinda shitty ending but that’s it i think (349 words)
˚୨୧⋆。 — a/n; back to back jax, mb
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— celebrate 1k with me?
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Jax knew you disliked that the club voted in porn, he tried to comfort you at every chance he could. 
but, he wasn’t always around to stop Ima before she said something. 
like today. 
you were waiting for Jax outside of the clubhouse, Ima’s car pulling into the lot before she made her way towards the clubhouse. 
sitting on Jax’s bike as she walked by, her voice steady as she called out to you. 
“shouldn’t you be polishing that, sweetie? Jax likes it nice and shiny”
it wasn’t until the clubhouse doors opened and the boys came wondering out, Jax catching only half of Ima’s words and the faux smile she threw your way. 
you watched as she tried to stop Jax, running a hand down his chest—but his attention was fixed on you. 
his hands cradled your face, his eyes searching yours as he spoke. 
“what did they just tell you?”
you shook your head, trying to brush off the situation but he wouldn’t let you. 
“that i should be polishing your bike and that you like it ‘nice and shiny’,”
Jax scoffed, glancing over his shoulder to Ima who was watching both of you. he shook his head, nodding towards Chibs and Tig to get rid of her, before his eyes met yours again. 
they were softer now, his love for you palpable in his gaze. 
“she’s just trying to rile you, everyone knows i’ve only got eyes for you”
you nodded, eyes staying on his as he continued to hold your face in his hands, his thumbs stroking across your cheeks softly. 
“i’m sorry”
you apologised, but he shook his head, speaking up before you could say anything else. 
“nothing for you to be sorry about, she’s just jealous darlin’,”
you nodded, keeping your eyes on his as they softened once more. Jax held you against his chest as your arms went around his neck, your fingers playing with his hair. 
Jax pressed a kiss below your ear before he whispered softly. 
“i’ll make sure she leaves you alone, promise—wanna take you home first”
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reblogs are highly appreciated !
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tidalrace · 4 days ago
“Great lay, sound familiar?”
What a totally normal thing to say to your son.
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puffins-muffins · 5 days ago
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My small (but growing) masterlist! I write reader-insert fics for Charlie Hunnam Babes! All story warnings are listed in the links. Enjoy lovers!! ♡
Jax Teller
Control (series - in progress // Jax Teller AU x F!Lawyer Reader)
The Beginning The Reunion The Attraction The Tug-of-War
Bartender (Jax Teller x F!Reader)
What Lovers Do (Jax Teller x F!Plus Size Reader) 🥵 Night & Morning (Jax Teller x F!Plus Size Reader) 🥵
Will ‘Ironhead’ Miller
In Love on Christmas (Will Miller x F!Reader)
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