#there aint many of these but when There Are fuck does it hit
lordsardine · 1 year
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sea-buns · 6 months
hey to a gorgug liker what do you think about his nightmare section from sophomore year? cause I feel like the horror there is less “ah my grandparents were racist” and more “fuck am I being a stereotype? are the people who hate me right about me?” cause wrt to his having to modulate between barbarian and artificer in fhjy it’s like. idk
oh boy do I have thoughts
Tbh, I had zero recollection of the racism stuff until reading this. It was just SO MINOR. His trial in the forest felt really lackluster to me. I feel like everyone else's really dug into an issue at the core of their character and his felt more like "everyone is getting a trial, what do we do for gorgug?" And idk if that was just a bad delivery/call on Brennan's part or if it could have been helped by Zac engaging more in it but it just. Didn't feel like anything. It was a lot more about the dice than the horror of the claustrophobia and the bugs and you've never fit in anywhere you live to make yourself smaller wherever you go you're just the loser who hits hard. Like yeah I guess there was an overarching theme of Gorgug gaining confidence in himself but it was done very poorly imo.
And I think his trial in the forest was wrong for putting such an emphasis on his intelligence. I think that would have been much better suited in fy, back when he was still being heavily bullied, but beyond that it felt like a quick and easy thing for them to grab. Yes, he had insecurities about his intelligence with all the complications with Zelda. But, to me, the focus of fhsy was his HEART. It put a spotlight on how his social circle has grown, and his bully is his friend now, and he's not alone anymore. His interactions with Ayda, the friendship book, trying to help Fabian, I believe in you spring break, it's Gorgug keep going. I made a post earlier in the season (including a great addition by another user) that I think articulates that emphasis on his emotional intelligence very well.
Fhjy HOWEVER. I think it's doing everything that sy failed at. It's giving him space to have an inner conflict. It's addressing lots of little issues and conflicts he's had over the campaign and combining them into one coherent piece. Like, guy was in a relationship pretty much all of fy, and then dealt with the fallout in sy, but I don't think we've EVER seen as much quality relationship development with Gorgug as we have in jy. He and Fig spent an entire summer together trapped in a tour bus and no season has indicated that bond and friendship more than this one. He and Riz have found something to bond over, meanwhile in previous seasons there was pretty much zero one-on-one personal interaction between them. Fabian expressed sadness over Gorgug leaving the Owlbears, because it was the only thing they had that was just for them to hang out and be friends.
Just with that, we're already doing leagues more with Gorgug's character than we ever have. And I haven't even STARTED on his barbificier journey, oh dear god lmao.
Gonna preface this bit with a post I made before the season even started. It was about Zac's steady improvement in his performances with every PC, and how I was predicting that it was gonna culminate into a Gorgug that does him the justice he deserves. It was initially supposed to be a criticism, but I got a little lost in the sauce of loving my boy lol. Still very relevant to the topic of this ask!
God, where do I START?? Addressing his relationship with rage? I'll be honest, I didn't think that would ever be used as a character arc. And I'm not even sure why I've felt that way. I just didn't think... I didn't think about how he might've had a dislike for his own rage. Like, the WAY he rages isn't bad by any means, but I don't think it ever crossed my mind how actually harmful his lessons to sing to combat rage were. No, I did not like the way Porter went about teaching him (a bit too unsupportive of his capabilities and reminiscent of shitty teachers for my liking). But his point about EMBRACING anger; that rage is not bad and does not— should not— need to be stifled. THAAAAT. That opened up such an interesting dialogue for Gorgug.
I do appreciate the beginnings of Gorgug's interest in artificing in fhsy. I think the crumbs of it back then did a great job of leading into his larger commitment to multiclassing. And I think what he's been doing with it this season is exactly what was lacking in his section of the nightmare forest. His trial was a puzzle, based entirely on die rolls, where his solution after failing even when he's assisted by the enemy is to essentially give up. I understand that facing their fears was the whole point of the trials, but his section came off as incredibly anticlimactic and unfulfilling. Just the fact that it was a trial based on stat numbers more than the development of the character itself.
Where junior year succeeds in actually showcasing his intelligence and the evolution of the worth he holds in himself is with the hands-on approach it takes. Yes, the academic rolls are still dice and stats, but there's a physical manifestation that wasn't there before. Gorgug is smart when it comes to getting his hands dirty. It is in the practical applications of his skills that his brand of intelligence shines the most.
And while, once again, I did not LIKE Porter's heavy resistance to multiclassing....I have to admit that I don't think Gorgug would have had such a boost in confidence without that struggle. Even if my boy had trouble expressing it to Porter verbally, HE STOOD UP FOR HIMSELF. Instead of simply rolling over and agreeing that he wasn't built for a technical class and it was stupid to try– he was DEFIANT.
The kid who said "I'm a dumbass. Eat me you stupid bug." took on FOUR CLASSES. Three school years worth of artificer simultaneously. AND stayed with the Owlbears. AND went along on party missions to help Kristen's candidacy. AND was always on deck to help the party with the overarching plotline.
AND HE ACED IT!!! THE FIRST BARBIFICER THAT THE AGUEFORT ADVENTURING ACADEMY HAS EVER SEEN!!!!! He is paving the way for every unprecedented multiclass that follows.
Just in comparison to who he was in the previous season, the amount of drive and self-worth he's gained is astounding. In my eyes, it's done more than enough to makeup for the way his development fell flat in sophomore year.
i hope this fulfilled the ask in the way you were hoping! i told you i'd get carried away lmao. writing a bunch about any of zac's characters is always such a joy. gorgug had always been my favorite of the bad kids but i always found myself wishing he went deeper, y'know? and now it's real. my precious anxious boy has been handled so well. and watching zac's growth as a performer has been such a blast.
thanks for the ask! :D
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lubrumalis · 3 months
ghost character analysis
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tw: spoilers from ghost mw2 comics, nsfw, dead dove do not eat, mature content.
this is pretty much a part 2 to ghost headcanons except with more lore and analysis (im still not sure if reboot ghost has the same backstory as the og ghost).
ghost is not a cold, calculated, ruthless man. maybe in a separate au or something, but theres a huge difference between ghost and simon riley. in fact, we need to understand that the reason he even chose ghost as a new name for himself is because of all that's happened to him. his family got killed, he got tortured by roba, and had to eliminate many men on his own. before that he was simon, not ghost. in the comic he literally calls the child hostages he was saving ‘sweetheart’ and ‘love’. hes not that mean and cold yall
we know that PTSD does shit to it's victims, ghost lost his entire family and had no one. think of it as a coping mechanism to have a new name to be known as.
ghost is a ruthless killer. simon is just some guy.
ghost sets himself to an incredibly high standard of discipline. i think it's intuitive that military boys will need to be punctual and organized to some degree, but ghost takes this to a whole other level. considering his father's abusive behavior (explained by his disturbing statements said to simon, is a drug addict, and beats simons mom) his home life was likely chaotic as a child.
in the mw2: ghost comic (issue #3) it specifically stated the following: "discipline, precision, control. these are what riley built his whole life on. break those down and the dark stuff begins to ooze out..." again, this is probably a form of trauma response to his childhood.
so what does this lead to? well firstly, this probably means his room is incredibly tidy and organized (monotone design i know :,c).
would never in his life touch drugs. this is a promise he made to himself.
also kinda proves that ghost aint a reckless guy. he thinks things through before doing it.
ghost isn’t that hypersexual. theres no way of knowing his history with women, but i like to think ghost is not that horny 24/7 and needs a fuckbuddy. in the mw2 comic, he was on a mission and was in an area full of prostitutes (wasn’t actively on duty, but on his way) when they tried to hit on him he politely rejects one of them, and later tells them to fuck off😀 so yea contrary to popular belief i dont think he really enjoys one night stands or the idea of being entertained by random women. in fact, i hc he might actually be a virgin or just have a really low body count.
ghost is a feminist!😁 (misandrist too). ok let me reword that, ghost doesnt like men and respects women. one of the reasons why he doesn’t want to be around prostitutes and do one night stands (his father killed a hooker in front of him, very traumatic) is because he thinks the concept of quick, casual sex is not good for society and dilutes the value of meaningful relationships. but also, remember the discipline, precision, control thing? its apart of his principle. but also, in the comic, sparks (soldier he worked with) knocked out and attempted to rape a woman, ghosts literally looked disgusted and called the police (also why he’d never do that himself, i dont get the hcs that say he does). ghosts seen how his dad treated his mom and absolutely hates abusers. anyways onto misandry—i think ghost internally thinks men are violent and disgusting (ghosts would choose the bear over the man, even though hes a man) mainly because throughout his military career majority of the bad stuff hes seen was done by men, so hes much more relaxed in a room of women vs man. ghost thinks his dad is the epitome of pure evil (canon! he said this to his therapist). this doesn’t mean hes scared or hates all men tho!
ghost isn’t close with tf141… including soap. now before you attack me let me explain. sure, he trusts them to some degree, but i dont think they naturally just hangout when they’re not deployed. in the end we need to understand they are SAS soldiers, they are working a real job that mainly consists of them shooting and dismantling others. considering ghosts betrayal in the past (in the comic, a few soldiers ghost previously worked with killed his entire family 😢) he isn’t gonna just trust his teammates because theyre his teammates. im also pretty sure they all live in different cities while not deployed. tf141 probably all want to separate their job from their personal lives, which includes each other. but onto soap, i dont think him and ghost have a deep brotherly relationship. but i think they care about each other, but exchanging some dad jokes and bantering doesn’t mean they’re suddenly soulmates or brothers. think about it… you and you’re co worker joke around sometimes, never hangout outside of work, and now people are shipping you and calling the two of you besties. makes no sense.
ghost is extremely patriotic. in the comic (i reference this way too much but theres SOOO MUCH LORE i recommend reading it) ghost tells his teammates the reason for joining the military: queen and country, right after 9/11. he also said “the world has changed”. interestingly enough army enlistment did actually skyrocketed after 9/11 attacks, ghost was among them. he probably thought ww3 was about to happen, or that ‘theres no more peace’ or whatever. i hc being obsessed with soccer too lmao and getting mad if english teams dont win. also his playful banter with johnny “get us a tea?”. probably very proud of his british heritage.
ghost doesn’t have much friends. hes a really, reallyyyyy lonely guy. i hc him as an introvert in the first place, but trust issues make this worse. in the comic, he was literally in the newspaper for killing his family and then killing himself (he didnt, he was framed that way tho) so its likely most of his formers friends probably think hes dead. ghost likely got some sort of amnesty or exemption from the military after knowing he didn’t actually kill his family, but whats in the news stays true to the public. even if he does have friends he probably doesn’t share feelings with them or form a long term bond.
ghost is extremely cynical. this is obvious tbh, but i think ghost believes hes going to die in the middle of a battlefield, shot or stabbed, a painful death, body left to rot for weeks, and no one to remember him. just like that. and he accepts that fact too.
ghost isn’t a picky eater. growing up in an abusive household where his parents couldn’t hold a stable job, he had to eat what there was. some days he settles for cheap beans and toast and when people call him out for it, he tells em to fuck off😀
ghost is emotionally fucked up, probably kind of depressed. i mean this guys been through hell: got sa’d, buried alive, had to dig through underground dirt and worms with a jawbone, tortured in horrible ways, had his entire family killed, abusive dad, and the weight of his grey morales because he killed lots of people as a soldier. wow! would you look at that list, itd be more strange if he wasn’t emotionally fucked up after was has happened😅. even when tortured, seeing his family dead, ghost was never shown to have cried in the comic. i hc hes emotionally numb. however, i do think hes emotionally MATURE and able to communicate his emotions, but hes still emotionally fucked. for example a scene where he was talking about his experience with roba (guy who tortured ghost) and ghosts father to a therapist. i think ghosts may be traumatized, but this doesn’t stop him from attempting to get help and communicating how he feels and thinks about this world.
ghost wears a mask... not because hes insecure and traumatized it's to separate ghost from simon riley. first of all he learned the consequences of revealing your identity during deployment, in the comic, he reveals his face in missions before his family got killed. i think he wears a mask because 1) its practical, no one knows who he is, 2) an analogy for himself to remind him simon riley, his original identity, was dead the moment his family was murdered, this SAS soldier with a skull mask is GHOST (yes this is canon, ghost references in the comic!).
in issue #1 while some kids were being held hostage, he starts telling his life story to them to calm them down/distract them from the bad situation. this is his explanation to why he wears a skull mask, word by word: "I bet you're wondering why I wear these bones on my face. It's a tribute to an old friend of mine. He's dead now, but man if he wasn't the baddest motherfucker on the planet."
in issue #6, when ghost was trekking through a jungle in the middle of nowhere attempting to kill roba (a drug lord that started this all, brainwashed soldiers to kill ghosts family), he was never caught. ghost himself, the narrator, says that "even for a single man to get through the jungle, the patrols, the wall, the security... well that man would have to be a ghost."
however, im still a little confused whether or not reboot ghost and 2009 have the same backstories. reboot ghosts mask is more realistic and his look is much more intimidating, his reason for wearing that kind of mask is probably psychological warfare (getting milena the financier to speak up about makarov). i think 2009 ghosts reason to wearing a mask is more personal compared to reboot.
i think ghost is the guy to not have one in the first place. obviously. but i lowkey think if he had one and really liked them, he would commit. in fact i find it hard to imagine hes a player or isn’t serious about relationships. when his brother tommy got addicted to drugs and fucked up his life, simon quit the military until tommy got 100% better and married. yup. he stayed to help him recover, for years. thats how loving and committed this man is🥹🥹.
ghost would not cheat on his s/o. i can't stress how important this hc is, because it's so out of character for him to do so. sure, guys in the military statistically have higher divorce rates, incidences of infidelity, and much more red flag stuff, but knowing what happened to him, he would never do that. doesn't matter how stressed, lonely, sexually frustrated this man is; he would not cheat on his partner. this guy has been through far more stressful situations and got through it, you think hes gonna cheat because hes stressed because of work?
its not sunshine and rainbows or absolute toxicity being with him. it's not really a mix of both either. ghost isn't that princess treatment, super squishy and cuddly, sweet guy who likes fluffy stuff. he definitely isn't the toxic guy who leaves you with mixed signals either.
hes quite the gentleman when it comes to approaching relationships, hes seen how his dad treated his mom, and ghost wants to do the exact opposite. i believe ghost likes to use the traditional courting methods when dating someone: gifting flowers, paying for dates, holding the door open (ladies first typa guy!!), the old fashioned stuff. idk if i should point it out again but this guy DOES NOT FW modern dating practices, he wouldn't download dating apps, or start 'talking stages'. i dont think he would write love letters just because hes not very good at writing poetry or expressing his feelings in the first place.
theres still downsides to being with him. the long distance, the time being apart (months and months). but i dont think he'd go as far as being emotionally avoidant.
also something really random ive noticed is that 2009 and reboot ghost are very different, personality wise. i like to think that 2009 ghost represents simon riley much better, but the reboot ghost actually gives the essence and character of what a 'ghost' in the military is.
more random headcanons:
simon prefers dogs over cats because dogs are loyal and stay with you until the end (stereotypically)
hates snakes and spiders
probably wouldn’t do 50/50 on dates, he pays!
avoids saying manchester slang when deployed
drinks and smokes. not always. he’s disciplined but he still does that stuff.. hes a british guy in his 30s whos kinda depressed, grew up with adults around him smoking 24/7, whatd you think😀😀 (its canon that most of tf141 smoke anyway)
listens to 80’s rock music. its canon that his mom enjoys the band siouxsie and the banshees :)), he probs does too
shaves his beard
is actually confident hes not bad looking. dude, hes 6’2, in shape with a jawline🙄
i don't enjoy hcs of ghost being the scariest out of tf141 (appearance wise yes). but soap seems much more scary imo, he was the youngest guy to pass SAS selections in the history of the UK military, and was nicknamed soap because of fast and good he is at cleaning up 'messes' (basically killing people).
id arguably say ghost is the most compassionate out of 141, if we're talking about the OG 2009 one.
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sinimake · 8 months
How to write smut scenes
Some personal tips i use for writers who want to set fires to the loins of their readers: (nsfw content)
For starters, define your end goal and drive of your smut.
Every writing must have a drive. Every character has an intention. No, I'm not talking about only the plot, and yes, even PWP needs it. Your scene can start in the midst of the action but must still contain the purpose.
Ask yourself why are the characters fucking? Does one character want to show their love to the other? Or are they seeking their own pleasure? Your characters' dynamic can be the drive. If you have kinky undertones, that can be your drive too.
What this does is that make the scene spicy, stake up the tension and give gratification to readers when the goal is reached.
Point of view
I said it before and i will say it again: No head hopping! Smut is a very intimate scene in which we dive deep into the character's feelings, emotions and entirely focused on their sensations.
You make readers feel the sensation of your first character then show outward reactions of your other character(s). So carefully choose whose pov you wanna write. If you need to change the pov, take a scene break, then switch.
How to absorb your readers into the action?
There's a simple technique called "being in your prime character's head" and this is how you do it.
Instead of writing this:
The air in the room was cold but the florescent light overhead was warm.
You write:
Goosebumps broke out on A's arms against the brisk air of the room while the warmth of the florescent light overhead heated his flushed skin furthermore.
An active tone example:
A shivered against the streep contrast of the cold night air and their flushed skin under the warm florescent light.
The beauty of pacing
If your foreplay is nicely detailed but the main course lasts for like two paragraphs, the satisfaction aint gonna be it, bestie. (Or you intentionally want it short, then oke you do you boo)
One of my favorite pacing techniques is carrying out the actions through dialogues. It keeps the characters dynamic and adds variables to the sentences while pushing the motion.
How to lengthen your smut scene:
The writing feels bland? Add sultry words.
Don't know many variations of sex movements? Use implications! You don't need to describe every thrust. Write about the noise, the rhythm, the bed moving, heart fastening, thighs quivering, breath getting haggard etc.
The scene feels too action oriented? Let your characters talk! Break it up with dialogues! Dirty talking is your condiment.
You don't wanna write long scene but want it to feel like it is long and properly paced? Change positions.
Don't know how to get in the mood? Watch porn (not only to enjoy it) and try to narrate what's happening in your head. It is a useful exercise, if you're comfortable.
Literally don't know what to add? Read smuts and take examples.
Well, that's it, folks! If you have any questions, feel free to hit up my ask, and i will walk you through it, bestie.
Happy writing!
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riotlain · 2 years
You still take requests???
If so could you write hcs about batboys realizing they're in love 🥰 (with male reader if you could) (if you did before could you share link 🙏) Love you...
Dick Grayson
When he realizes hes in love with you
ok he's like probably really bad at hiding his feelings so he ends up like flirting like prolly more often
Bottom of the barrel shit sometimes too
Bro would straight up say "Nice cock" if he had balls
Batfam teases him for how obvious he is
Depending on whether or not youre a superhero he's gonna be protective
Like yea as a civilian hes protective enough. Gotham is very dangerous!!
If you're a superhero too than he'll probably be a bit less protective... or atleast try to be
"Y/n can handle dealing with Poison Ivy himself it'll be fine... I'll go show up just in case."
If you're a villain though he's always the one to arrest you (he lets you go)
He aint the elaborate plan type of guy when it comes to this
So he one night jusy thinks "Yea im def gonna fess to him"
So no matter if youre civilian, hero, or villain he'll confess with a bouquet of flowers under the moonlight with some shit pick up line
Jason Todd
Used to have internalized homophobia but now hes over it... mostly
If youre a villain he'll straight deny his feelings for the longest time
Civilian or hero though? He'll definitely flirt
As in he just shows that he wants to protect you I guess
It honestly took him a while to realize he had feelings for you
Like yeeaaa hes gotten with alot of women and all but like with you? Something is hitting different and he doesn't know what
Roy finds out for him
He found out and teased Jason and Jason is just like "Wait what🧍‍♂️"
So with this new found crush how will Jason approach it?
Hes either really blunt or will completely avoid it all together 💀💀
Like i'm ngl you gon have to make the first move
Tim Drake
He found out he was bisexual and really went "Oh🤨??...OH😲"
Like if you just go to school with him he'll like try to hang out with you more
If you're a hero he's going on patrol more often just to hang around
And if youre a villain💀💀 He definitely tries to keep up the hero facade but like
Fucks it up with getting nervous
"I dont wanna hurt him too bad so he hates me. Wait he's trying to kill me though. I think he is???"
Has definitely lost a few fights with you bc of that 😭😭
Damian found out first (analytical lil shit) and made fun of him
Not in the homophobic way but in the way where his brother has a crush and looks like an idiot
"Drake you look like an utter idiot."
He tries to be smooth (Advice from Dick ofc) and fails
He does the thing where he tries to lean against a wall and fell the other way😭😭
Man just ask him out so he can quit embarrassing himself please
Damian Wayne
Def has internalized homophobia sorry
You know he isnt the best at his feelings so when he's around you he goes a bit crazy-
'I think of Y/n as a friend. Why would I think more of him as more?? Is it normal for me to like boys???? Dear god.'
Asks Alfred about it (One of the batbros prolly heard him though and barge in I'm ngl)
He isn't sure how to go about uh... "Courting you" as he calls it
Like yea he gets the kinda stuff to do for girls he's read many novels on that
But boys??? Hes stumped
He ends up stalking all the couples in his school for an answer
And probably ends up avoiding you :((
Whenever you try to confront him he just says "Its nothing." and leaves
Buuttt one day he ends up spilling everything on accident
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pumpkinsy0 · 2 months
I personally believe The Shepards live in a trailer just because in the 60's that's when trailer living (sadly) systematically became "the new slums" of America when they were glamorized to all hell in the 50s. And for me it makes sense that the Shepards live in one. However, since you believe they live in a house, could you describe it? Like is it 2 stories? Big kitchen? Probably not because they're in greaser territory but I don't think they have a craftsmen style home like The Curtis do.
im loving the shepards living in a trailer so ill shift mines a bit and say at some point they did live in one but that was before their mom got w their stepdad :P
ik i described their rooms before but that was me being generous, but if i was to be SO fr heres how it is
ill start off my saying that YES, it IS two stories HOWEVER thats not to say that their house is like as wide or put together as the curtis’ is, their house is cramped, and pretty run down, they have a porch but its a lil fucked and one of the steps is just broken and hasnt been fixed in a bit, their house is kinda tall however!!!
in the home theres holes from all the objects hitting the wall in fights, its not even rlly furnished either, a few pics here n there but not many and some fucked up couches w plastic over em, maybe u can find some shards on the floor as well
kitchen is cramped, rlly only 3 ppl could b in there, but it has what u need, and the bathrooms mirror is broken, having hot water is like a blessing sent from god only some can have, in the shepard house the early bird gets the worm is unironically true here
as for bedrooms, theres only two bedrooms, curly and which is on the top floor and their parents/tims room, the thing w that room is TECHNICALLY its the parents room, however, their mom is too inebriated to rlly even get TO the bed and their stepdad aint rlly home a lot, so tim just uses it, which works for him bc he doesnt even decorate it nor does he even SLEEP in there, hes more of a napper if yknow what i mean, if his mom or stepdad IS using it tho, he just sleeps on the couch
hope this answers ur question!!!<333
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aaasdgnklm · 3 months
hey hye wanna hear my epic rant too bad ur gonna anyways
spoiler warning for epic: the musical, the thunder saga
Ok so the thunder saga. genuinely I’ve been shaking so much every time I’ve heard it. I’m gonna go song by song and this is a rant so theres gonna be a shitton of tangents sorry
1. suffering
this title scared me SO MUCH when I heard it cause like oh fuck my poor little guy(hes a king and has fought multiple wars and killed thousands of people) doesnt need more shit happening to him like leave him alone and then the melody was so upbeat and I was like huh?? and then ‘penelope’ starts talking and I’m like. pardon. what. sorry?? I was confused as shit, mostly at how nonchalant ODYSSEUS was. my first assumption was its gotta be one of the gods fucking w/ him but then why is he so casual? so I thought it was a dream. but then there were little things, penelope’s asking him to get in the water(which. reminds me of. someone HAHSBHADBH), and then he says hes scared of the water and I’m like. my guy I hope youre not afraid of the water youre a captain on a ship. but then I realized theres no way odys afraid of the water unless its bcuz of posideon, and penelope WOULDNT KNOW ABOUT THAT so he wouldnt say “you know I’m afraid of the water”. and then ofc shes like “daughter” and I’m like nope. this aint penelope and its not a dream cause then it would be odysseus’ mind making her up and hed never think daughter. And then odysseus asks how to get home and at this point I’m like hm. ok. so this is some kind of water based monster trying to pretend to be penelope to lure him in, right? (ALSO the fact that the only time in the song odysseus drops the act is when he says “but scylla has a cost” is so mmmmmm)and then. and then.
2. different beast
HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT THIS IS WHERE THINGS GOT GOOD. like I love suffering but different beast scratches my brain SO GOOD and the rest of the saga was uphill from there I ahhhhhhhh. initial reaction: odysseus’ explanation that he knew what had been happening the whole time was SO GOOD and had my mouth hanging open the whole time. and then when he says “cut their tails off, we’re ending this now. throw their bodies back in the water. let them drown.” ohhhhhhhhhh my god holy fuck this was when it kinda hit for me- odysseus was not fucking around in monster hes actually BRUTAL in the thunder saga and I honestly hope it continues cause fuck yeah character development. also there were SO MANY lines in this that are just SO GOOD. “youve been tryna take my life this whole time” “I know exactly what you are, youre a siren.” “my real wife knows I’m not scared of the water, and my real wife knows I dont have a daughter.” “we found a ship with no crew” “sirens know about every route and horizon now I know how to get back to my island!” “so you can kill the next group of sailors in this part of the sea? nah, you wouldnt have spared me. I made a mistake like this once it almost cost my life, I cant take more risks of not seeing my wife. cut off their tails!” “kill them all!” and then the “odysseus” at the end I’m like why does that sound familiar? MFER ITS CAUSE ITS IN THE “You dont think I know my own palace? I built it.” SOUND CLIP IM
3. scylla
silly little sounds. silly little men. silly little deaths. ok so I watched the livestream so I saw the anamatic and holy SHIT the moment that eurylochus realized why odysseus had him light six torches was BRUTAL. also eurylochus’ confession that he opened the wind bag? ohhhhhhh ok MOTHER FUCKING SON OF A BITCH also when odysseus said “not much to say” god he sounds so tortured I cant with this. and scyllas voice in general is so ahhhhhh ESPECIALLY the “Hello.” and DROWN IN YOUR SORROW AND FEARS. CHOKE ON YOUR BLOOD AND YOUR TEARS. BLEED TILL YOU RUN OUT OF YEARS. WE MUST DO WHAT IT TAKES TO SURVIVE. GIVE UP YOUR HONOR AND FAITH. LIVE UP YOUR LIFE AS A WRAITH. DIE IN THE BLOOD WHERE YOU BATHE. WE MUST DO WHAT IT TAKES TO SURVIVE. with the fucking crunching and screaming in the background lik e ok. I needed this in my life.
4. mutiny
THIS IS MY FAVORITE. eurolychus’ confrontation with begging odysseus to tell him hes misinterpreted the situation, comparing odysseus’ past actions and fights to how he dealt with scylla, finally ending with him yelling at odysseus to “SAY SOMETHING!”, odysseus’ “I CANT.” and the looong pause before the boss battle starts. odysseus and eurolychus’ fight, both of them clearly not wanting to but knowing they have to. the chanting their name in the background. and then when odysseus says “I am not letting you get in my way!” and the sound of a stab- I was so scared hed actually killed eurolychus(yes I knew he dies I watched the overly sarcastic productions video on the odyssey too) and then ODYSSEYUS’ labored breathing and asking “why?” like I’m sorry jorge DID THEY STAB YOU TO GET THIS LYRIC WHY DOES HIS PHYSICAL PAIN SOUND SO GENUINE and then the. the fucking. the fucking luck runs out reprise. the MOMENT I realized it was the melody from luck runs out this is when I started crying.(dw past me it gets worse) the way that the crew is basically like “yeah remember when we asked what would happen if you fucked up? well you fucked up. and now youre finding out.” plus the fact that they are so clearly driving home we dont trust you. you failed to keep us safe. basically telling him ‘youre a bad leader’. that must have HURT. and then the fact that eurolychus bandaged him up and was waiting for him to wake up ough my heart. but also the fact that hes tied to helios’ statue? like. um. buddy. looking an awful lot like a sacrafice there. hahahahahah I’m loosing it. anyways, the luck runs out reprise hitting hard once again. like HARD. holy shit, odysseus’ “please don’t tell me you’re about to do what i think you’ll do” when that was what eurylochus said to him and then EURYLOCHUS CALLED HIM “ODY” I CANT and the eurylochus clearly being fed up(but not fed) while odysseus is actually begging him to please please think about this you can HEAR the desperation the need to get home and knowing if eurylochus kills the cow they probably wont? and then odysseus’ scream of “euRYLOCHUS NO!” cut short by the sound of eurylochus killing the cattle. and then the instant ‘oh no.’ like just INSTANTLY knowing they’re fucked and eurylochus STILL LOOKING TOWARD ODYSSEUS FOR GUIDENCE EVEN THO HE LITERALLY MUTINIED AGAINST HIM LIKE A DAY AGO AND HAS ODYSSEUS TIED UP AND AT HIS MIRCY AND HE STILL DEFAULTS TOWARDS ODYSSEUS FOR LEADERSHIP CAUSE HE STILL TRUSTS HIM and odysseus IMMEDIATELY taking charge and trying to get them out. the rushed full speed ahead melody, the boom of thunder and odysseus’ dread-filled “we’re too late.”
5. thunder bringer
IT LIVED UP TO THE HYPE GUYS!! sure enough the teasers we’ve seen are FUCKING AMAZING in the context of the song, zeus having an inflated as shit ego and taking up SO MUCH space, just like constantly talking about himself even tho IT AINT ABT HIM its so in character for what a massive dick he usually is in the greek mythos. and zeus deadass saying “if i were to make you choose, the lives of your men and crew or your own why do I think theyd loose?” right before MAKING ODYSSEUS CHOOSE. I’m. also odysseus sounds so.. small in this song. I dont know if its the fact hes literally having a mental breakdown or that zeus needs to be the biggest cock in any room he walks into but odysseus’ little “choose?” and him asking “please dont make me do this” JUST LIKE WHEN HIM AND ZEUS FIRST MET, the when does a man become a monster melody playing as odysseus tries to decide with penelopes voice asking him to come home pushing him over the edge wow. just wow. and the the conversation between odysseus and eurylochus? “captain?” “I have to see her.” “…but we’ll die.” “i know” I’m SORRY I CANT FUCKING DO THIS WHY DOES HE SOUND SO BROKEN AND REGRETFUL AND SAD AND OH MY GOD. AND THEN THE FUCKING ANIMATIC SHOWN IN THE TRAILER THE WAY HE JUST POINTS TOWARDS HIS CREW AND THEY ALL LOOK SO BETRAYED AND LOST BEFORE THEY START ATTACKING HIM AND THE LAST SHOT OF HIM CLOSING HIS EYES AS THEY PIN HIM TO THE MAST BY THE NECK WITH THEIR SWORDS AND THEN LIGHTNING STRIKES THE SHIP HOLY. also if you think about it this choice was kind of the final stress test for odysseus, because this is the ultimate decision: should he be a good king, captain, and friend or should he take the small chance to see his wife again? cause its not just about who lives and dies, its about who gets to keep going, who gets to see home, who gets a chance and who looses right now. and how could he choose the people who just stabbed him in the back and have doomed them multiple times over seeing his wife whom he loves and would do anything for? honestly, with what I know about how odysseus is, I wouldnt be very surprised if he was weighing the choice both from the emotional (seeing his wife or saving his crew) and factual (hes probably the strongest and most fit leader among them, they might not do too well on their own, ithaca needs a king and he doesnt know if telemachus can be that, one person has a higher chance of surviving than a large group in a journey(ingreekmythologyanyway), and they did just make a really dumb mistake that odysseus wouldnt have made himself and yeah ok maybe hes a little salty but still.)
genuinly the whole saga is so amazing and I’m so looking forward to the wisdom, vengence, and ESPECIALLY ithaca saga. by the way I could actually do this for every song in the musical/every saga tbh
thanks for coming to my tedtalk, I fucking love epic: the musical
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bonnvivre · 8 months
a funny thing- ch 24/25 word dump
i’ve been cookin low and slow with this one and i mean real slow like. too slow . as in 2 weeks later whoops
this one’s a real doozy so grab a snack
ch 24
thinking abt yuuji flying down the sidewalk and megumi becoming the equivalent of a flag whipping behind him pls yuuji not everyone can keep up 😭
fred says fuck
mmmmmm crunchy cookies i love me some egg shell
yeah with cooking, you can play around with the measurements and adjust along the way, but baking is whole different beast :[ i made creme brulee for our new year dinner, my first time baking actually, and i was terrified the entire process cus one wrong step and its over (they turned out good in the end, though i wanted to leave it in the fridge longer) 
sukuna and uraume on the same wavelength love that
daww megumi just be a kid its okay 
gojo’s nicknames for toji PLS father-fushi and fraidy-guro
hehehe he technically called sukuna pretty ,, i agree
i feel like toji would actually do well in getting sales (if he had the proper cookies) considering he’s “a pro at freeloading off women” which leads me to believe he’s got hella charisma . 
“Fushiguro stops just before the table, one hand balled into a fist so tight, the muscles of his arm are easy to see, flexing dangerously beneath his skin.” uwwheheheerhfbud sorry
OH SHT THE GIRLIES ARE FIGHTING YOOOOOOOO AND SUKUNA JUMPING IN FOR GOJO ???? in front of the kids in a school fundraiser is crazy lmao
gojo taking bets on who’s gonna win reminded me of mei mei betting on the gojo-sukuna fight
i had a crazy amount of secondhand embarrassment going thru that hhhhhh yknow that feeling when you just wanna curl up and cover ur eyes and you’re fighting to even look back ? yeaaaaa
“Hurting people is bad. And you’re not bad!” ohh yuuji ughhh he has no idea of what sukuna was before, that he’s done more than hurt people .. children really only see the side of their parents that they’ve allowed to show them. it’s why kids usually think the highest of them, so yuuji saying that sukuna’s not bad gets me cus he’s known and seen only the best of him. but it makes me feel gooey inside cus, while everyone else sees the former king of curses, yuuji sees his dad and when he does eventually find out, he’ll still always be his dad before anything else (does this make sense i hope it makes sense im trying to make my thoughts coherent)
oh hey they’re talking abt it !
im being tortured i thinj you’re trying to kill me here this is the worst case of edging ive ever had in my life (no not like that) 
post-chapter notes:
id read real housewives of jujutsu sorcery
ch 25
when you said small time-skip, i thought you meant a few months later . i was wrong
aight time to update the time board: yuuji’s in first grade so he’s 6 yrs old, we’re in 2013 now (i think), gojo is 24 yrs old  23 yrs old (chap takes place during summer, bday not passed yet)
it’s 2013, he can get a 3ds now :D im gonna get him on smash bros . OR KID ICARUS UPRISING IT SHOULD BE OUT ALREADY
they should totally name the potential pet after me (jk)
oh yeah yeah definitely not together whatever helps you sleep at night man
im gonna need the bad bitches birthday bash one-shot someday with the way shoko’s bringing it up
the fact gojo’s heard the threat so many times before that he can finish it and brush it off
AWWWWWW THATS ADORABLE ;____; sukuna wanting to do something to surprise gojo’s first day as a teacher and yuuji suggesting to make a cake cus he knows his daddy loves sweets AND they spent the whole day prepping awawawawaw so cutee
they called on uraume for help too LOL poor them 
yuuji being a snitch HA i can’t help but think of my siblings
you can’t be serious gojo, not after that? people also don’t usually sleep and cuddle the homies cmon man
mother is mothering and mother is leading the herd (no but i love how he adapted to the role very easily, likely to prior experience)
whuh the fundraiser was last year ? am i overthinking the timeframe … ok im back after going thru the calendar that makes sense 👍 carry on wait hold on first semester of first grade ended so they’re on break ... summer break ?? unless this is going off of a different schooling system (oh yeah duh japan lol)
ohhh please let them meet mama-guro i can imagine the absolute shock on their faces trying to comprehend how someone like toji managed to marry someone like her 😭 bonus points if toji is much more softer around her too and the sheer whiplash of seeing him having ANY sort of loving side is enough to send gosuku into a spiral
“It’s exactly the type of thing Sukuna would never be caught dead wearing, which means Satoru must do all in his near-infinite power to make him wear it.” real
THESE THREE ARE RIDICULOUS LMAOOOOOO sorry kids your fathers are busy trying to one-up each other
“But, then again, these are just go-karts; how much damage could he really do?” famous last words before disaster
oh no
hey sukuna’s living life at least he’s having fun and that’s all that matters 🥰
not the pyramid projectiles
CONICAL AMMO !?$&7)-)26 MARIO KART IRL GONE WRONG oh my god its too late for this i need to sleep
OH MY GOD ?????? 
post chap notes:
what just happened
no really what jusr happened
the amount of times i’ve said oh my god throughout the entire go-kart scene i was clutching my pearls
he recreates his reign in the silliest ways, all while wearing nice little red bow :3
nah i get it the entire first arc was dedicated to how messed up he was abt suguru so i understand the doubts but they’ve also near kissed multiple times .. unless they were super down with kissing the homies 
“I sure hope nothing bad has happened to them...” STOP
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messydiabolical · 6 months
Just saw a poll about what in fanfics you dislike the most and it reminded me about a specific plot line I see in Thane fics a fair bit and, well I have a lot to say. I've thought about writing this before but I chickened out tbh, I hate getting into discourse generally. I feel the need to preface that this is personal opinion and feelings, no fic authors owe readers a damn thing, and you can write what you damn well want to! Just to make that abundantly clear. This is also not written with any one fic/author in mind, this aint some vague posting attack on any person in particular. It is a trope I have seen occur on multiple occasions with Thane in particular, and one that gives me a lot of feelings. I bloody LOVE a Thane lives AU. That's my jam, no doubt. It's a cathartic, soothing balm for me. And how you choose to get there can vary massively and I love that too. I would say that I prefer when his motivation to persue treatment is based in wanting to live for Kolyat and especially for himself, and not just because his love of Shepard. And while they break my heart, I also think stories that follow canon, or divert from canon but still have him die, are also super important and I applaud the writers who go there, because ouch. Disability and terminal illness are difficult, real subjects and having that representation is so important. I completely understand why there are people who dislike Thane lives. So to the thing I really dislike: nothing makes my stomach drop faster than the disregarding or removal of Thane's bodily autonomy/consent on his own health. They tend to go like this: Thane has decided not to persue any potential treatments, collapses/is rendered otherwise unable to have his say on the matter past his already stated wants, and while unconscious Shepard overrides his DNR wishes and has him given life saving or extending treatments. He wakes up and is upset at Shepard, but ultimately forgives or even thanks them for making that decision for him (basically saying that he was 'wrong' and Shepard was 'right'.) I do think this can be written in an interesting, character study way. There's also those grey area tangents: For example, what if the treatment suddenly becomes available after he's already unable to give consent, one that he was not aware of. Or what if the source of the treatment changes; before he was against a transplant because it would mean taking from another drell, but suddenly cloning or something else becomes available? etc. Perhaps such plot lines have been explored and I've missed them, because unfortunately after reading a handful of the type where he is just wholesale disregarded by Shepard if I get even a whiff of this kind of plotline I abandon the reading. As for why this does not sit well with me at all? It creates a situation where you have to basically make out that Thane was somehow in the wrong for ever feeling that way, that his acceptance of his terminal illness is bad, his motivations wrong. Again, something that can be explored- but not by just wholesale disregarding and overriding him then later teaching him why he was 'wrong'. We are getting into the very murky area of "if a person is depressed/mentally compromised by trauma/their past enough, they are no longer able to make decisions on their own health, this is for their own good'. And- yikes. Red alert. Because that is a story that needs to be handled with so much care, and it absolutely should not be used as a temporary source of angst to further a fucking romance plot. I think this hits hard for me especially as a disabled person who has had to deal with my fair share of medical fuckery. I'm also neurodivergent and have mental health issues. Advocating for myself is something I have had to battle many a time. Anyway hoo I had that one pent up hey? Again, I hope no one feels personally attacked by this. It's my own ick, one that might resonate with some, one that others might completely disagree with.
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carmenized-onions · 2 months
Just Dropped | Missing Invoice
Here we go sweets
I was so stunned with Carmy's "Respect him" Cause babe wtf we were vibing earlier????? But yea- the last chapter he can ruin it for himself go get it Carmy-
"You were expecting comradery. The guy is a dick, why won’t Carmen admit that? Why’s he suddenly got stock in his captor?"
“N’ what the fuck are you?”
I wanted to punch CARMEN
"Oh. Stray bullet, for you. You wince— Not that you weren’t already, but that was definitely a personal hit. Richie’s still harboring resentment over that for Carmen, which means he still holds it somewhere for you, too. And at least Carmen came back after, to take care of The Beef. Where the fuck were you for the better half of a year? Vanished. You completely vanished, on him."
That hurt THANKS RICHIE (I know you didn't mean it towards me honey)
"You catch it from Carmen, too. Does Carmen see you as a leech? A parasite, tethering to his family? To his work? Is that why he’s mad, right now? You’ve inserted yourself without asking— You’re so pushy— No, no, he likes that your pushy, you’re good. He doesn’t think that about you, he doesn’t actually think Richie is a leech either, he’s just saying shit to start shit. It’s working. He’s really stirring up shit."
I love how Tony tries rationalizing it like no no he doesn't think it he's just starting shit
I love how Richie says I love you so unabashedly like yes he loves this guy he considers family and it's awfully upsetting that he is pretending he isn't family
"You're fucking nothing"
Like that obviously hurts cause Uncle Lee to Mikey and it's so rage worthy
And I hate that too personally been told I'm useless or that I essentially amount to nothing which even when true is exceedingly hurtful
But with Carmy, Mikey and Richie's personal history it's practically a time bomb
I love the way you write so much so that Carmy is a real person and I have beef with him
I actually did cry this chapter
Now that I am on a re read because I didn't give you my thoughts earlier so
junkie loser
"“Don’t tell me I’m fucking confused. I’m not fucking confused— I— This is my fucking kitchen, alright?” Entirely nonsensical. Too many thoughts are stirring in his head."
“That’s me— That’s who the fuck I am. And I’m good like that, so—So if he’s a fuckin’ creep so am I. N’ I don’t need you comin’ in my fuckin’ kitchen, comin’ in my fuckin’ life, actin’ like you know better than me!”
(I haven't finished it yet but I read stuff in comments lol)
Failed Mickey hurt
I remember putting down my phone and taking in a deep breath
I was in public transport and did not want to cry-
Damn right Carmy
I love that his regret is so well written you know
I love the way you write
Cause like even I say stuff suddenly that I do not mean
But never this mean
"You get to be the first person he’s ever made cry, in his kitchen. When his brain comes back to his body, and he repeats back to himself the exchange that just happened. Yeah, he’d cry, too."
I did cry so thank you CARMEN I'M SO MAD
I absolutely love how Sydney and Richie rush behiind Tony
It's so fuckiign sweet
"“No.” You shoot Carmen down quickly. “Richie’s got it. You’ve gotta keep your kitchen in order.”"
The shock that Mickey gave her money and not vice-versa so well done almost surpassing the next chapters (sponser spoiler alert)
“I—” How can you word this in a way that isn’t just as cruel? “I didn’t think we were friends.”
Like honestly I really don't think people consider me a friend and I'm always so surprised because I just don't think that people think I'm their friend?
“I… I feel like… I’m just like… So insecure, about my place in relationships, that like— Like I’m not worth people’s time. Like we were only friends because we were friends with Mikey and we were handling him and I was like— Like I was helpful. So, like, when he died, it was like… We— There was no reason, for you to be friends with me, anymore. No us.”
I love the taylor swift conversation so much man
Me too
Like I don't hate her but concert would be a bit much haha
But for Richie and Eva I'm here hundred percent
Richie and Syd speak in unison, a rarity, for them to be on the same page. “No the fuck it’s not.”
My favourite bit from it all lol
“Fucks Inky mean anyways? Stupid ass nickname—” “Oh, like Chip is so original—” “Actually, a dead guy coined it, so betchu feel real dumb now—” “I’m not capable of feeling dumb—” You interrupt, “Girls, girls, you’re both beautiful.”
You explain to Rich, “I called Syd ‘Squid’ in high-school— Literally just ‘cause it sounds funny, and uh, she felt jealous that she didn’t have one for me—”
“I know you said I’d be a perfect match for your little brother, but at this point, I’m taking that as a read.”
omg no way
felt so seen and loved
thank you
Got an hour of answering asks until I return to banging my head against the wall trying to write the last two scenes of chapter 14 (it’s a fucking nightmare) (we’re at 8k right now) (we’re going to end up over 10k BUT NOT BY MUCH PLEASE GOD PLEASE) Anyways. LETS GO LET’S GET INTO YOUR THOUGHTS FROM JUST DROPPED CHAPTER 11!!!
Carmen’s vibe switch really was so fun to write for me, like he SUCKED the energy right out of the room— In what I feel was 100% the way he would do that. He gives such a fuck about titles, it’s ANNOYING!!!
Richie has been such a joy to dig into for the last few chapters— Two Steps Back specifically was so fun, but with Just Dropped it was fun because I do think somewhere Richie is mad at Chip— Like how could he not be, y’know? He thought he just lost one friend and then he lost TWO!!!?? He gets it, but I do think like Chip said, somewhere deep, it’s still kinda there.
Carmen however, was 100% being a shitstarter in this fight that was all a FUCK load of projecting. I mean c’mon, that nothing talk— This mffff…. No one’s useless!!! He’s just bullshit!! Writing fights is really one of my favourite types of dialogue to write, it kinda reminds me of this one fuckin’ quote somewhere about how the way you react to fearing for your life shows a lot about you. I think the way you fight shows SO much about a character. We could dig in for literally hours about each line from the freezer fight, I love that shit man. THANK YOU AND SORRY FOR MAKING YOU CRY ABOUT IT.
“That’s me— That’s who the fuck I am. And I’m good like that, so—So if he’s a fuckin’ creep so am I. N’ I don’t need you comin’ in my fuckin’ kitchen, comin’ in my fuckin’ life, actin’ like you know better than me!” WELL S3 PREDICTION HAHAHAHAHAHAH
Yeah, I did seem to have called that fuckin shot— I was not surprised to see David. I am an oracle,,, Or rather, the writers just set up a very clear through line— well, this one through line, at least— I’m being catty about s3 I need to relax.
NOT PUBLIC TRANSPORT— Man this chapter and two steps back were the chapters I was like, everyone needs to lock in to read these ones— Maybe I should put a lock in warning up top LMAO.
Rereading Carm’s regret after Two Steps Back is so interesting, in retrospect— Thank you for enjoying it— Regret is hand in hand with why fights are my favourite thing to write. I LOVE WHEN MOTHERFUCKERS FEEL GUILT YEEAGGHHHH YEAAH!!!!!!! Don’t know why it just does it for me but it DOES.
Red-Herring everyone with the joint bank account did put a smile on my face,,, hehehehe
Syd/Rich/Tony, I’ve said it ad nauseam but they’re really my fuckin, fuckin what’s the bridgerton thing? Rose of the season? Idk I capped out of shows I can give my brain to. The scene in the parking lot with Richie was one I’d really been waiting for, and I’m very happy it connected with all the other people pleasing readers in the way that it did. I am also not a big TSwift fan, but for Richie, ,,, I will fold. 
Omg YES way dude, but you’ve read Two Steps Back now so you know what that Phantom was yapping about. AND GOOD I’M GLAD— I’m very bad at DMing people both in life and on Tumblr so when I do it know it’s all my willpower and strength and love in one message <3
P.S I did get your replies from your notes on the last chapter!!! They were also lovely to read thank youuu love you on to the NEXT FUCK I HAVE HALF AN HOUR, alright we’re just gonna go for however long it takes.
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"Blink- oh thank fuck yous found him. You hurt buddy?" Race asked his voice stressed.
"...eh. my back hurts from my last lesson. But it aint bleedin or nothin. I think it healin?"
"Specs talking a look at you when wes get back. "
"Bumlets," Jacks voice cracked slightly.
"Is okay....if if the governor came does thst mean wes won?"
"Yeah kid. Fuck we was scared you was.. we figured it best not to bring everyone."
"Can cAn i have a hug?"
"You can have as many hugs as yous want bumlets....im sorry i got yous all hurt."
"Dont be stupid. Wed follow you to the ends of the earth Jack....is you okay race? They hit yous real hard before."
"Dont worry none bout me....someone from Brooklyn checks me out blink too. Were okay."
"Okay. Yous say so just.. i dont know snyder kept saying this stuff. I got worried."
"Aww well shoot. Thanks for caring about little old us."
"Spot." Jack said warily.
"You was talking a long time jackie boy. I was worried something be up."
They all just care so deeply about each other, everyone is worried for someone and im... So good
@emmedoesntdomath I hope you don't mind me tagging you for these, I know how much you love bumlets
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borathae · 4 months
Chapter 8
You had the silliest stories for every kind of bird and its melodies. I WOULD LOVE TO TALK WITH HER
oh yeah waking up to chickens sounds is really great and nostalgic, my grandma and aunt has soo many chickens and roosters, its always buq buc qkoo (im sorry lol u get what i mean)
again she is really disoriented about her location again whats going on in the mansion
she shouldn't leave the wing??? hmm thats sus, will jimin or joon do something??? like last time???
“No, don’t be stupid”, you say, giving your own cheek a little slap. theory time, you hit yourself for stuff like these when your self-esteem is really low ALSO NO U AINT STUPID
see he is sus very sus How very nice of him, you really weren’t in the mood for such conversation. ok i take that back u are (not) stupid
You have an entire library all to yourself. YEEHAW LETS GO BABY A majority of his books seemed to carry the weight of many years with them. I wonder why, 👀 THE SMELL OF BOOKS AAA YUM
A photographer named Vante. oh ho ho HOO very mysterious indeed It is a pity really, you would have loved to know the face to those pictures who's gonna tell her
reading and learning with kissing will definitely escalate to something else haha
this house is very distracting and not at all helping with her concentration. whats going on yall, where the hell is tae
They are most definitely busy with something else, maybe riding their horses or doing whatever one does in such a big estate. haha
oh no, now she is hungry and has to go downstairs shit im so nervous and worried
blood red curtains?? 👀 also im loving this creepy mansion yay she found the kitchen THANK GOD THERE IS NO ONE THERE
did she find the garbage bin
no dishes, dusty kettle, empty cupboard, no sauces and SWITCHED OFF FRIDGE???? thats very weird, dont they eat or what 👀im running out bye, whats a taehyung????
oooh we have been scented i see
taetae uwuw who said i wanted to leave haha
Taehyung is the time traveller and Jimin is the witcher, equipped with powers of seduction. PERIOD BOO AND YES SHE ASKED ABOUT HIS ACTIONS
would you mind handing me that knife over there?” NO HE IS GOING TO IDK KILL U le gasp he sucked our blood
TAEHYUNG OMG THANKS, little human??? 👀👀 back to the room i guess WITH NO BREAKFAST * side eyes jimin
Tumblr media
ok so the besties fought each other physically, great WOW CHILL she got hungry unlike some of yall 👀
STOP MANIPULATING ME GOD DAMN IT AAAH ok the questions are coming yes goo go go YES HE ADMITTED IT
idk if i want her to go home or ask more questions GO HOME AND SLEEP AND DONT GIVE 2 FLYING FUCKS but that wont write the plot so stay
anyways this chapter was short, but felt lengthy from all the emotional roller coaster haha it was fun and i loved the library a lot
bye im gonna sleep, hope u have a great day/night with pillow cold on both sides
You had the silliest stories for every kind of bird and its melodies. I WOULD LOVE TO TALK WITH HER
oh yeah waking up to chickens sounds is really great and nostalgic, my grandma and aunt has soo many chickens and roosters, its always buq buc qkoo (im sorry lol u get what i mean)
I know what you mean heheh my grandma and her neighbour both have chickens (actually I'm lying, every second household where I live has chickens hfasdhfh they always run around the roads as if they're invincible)
I also love seeing the confusion rise more and more 👀
“No, don’t be stupid”, you say, giving your own cheek a little slap. theory time, you hit yourself for stuff like these when your self-esteem is really low ALSO NO U AINT STUPID
100% YES I can see her using self-punishment because of trauma tbfh
reading and learning with kissing will definitely escalate to something else haha
lmaoaooa for real JFJADJSFJ lowkey goals tbfh
this house is very distracting and not at all helping with her concentration. whats going on yall, where the hell is tae
the danger is rising tbfh
HAHAH the fear of him tbfh so valid
oooh we have been scented i see
lowkey so hot JFJADSJF
me fr
ok so the besties fought each other physically, great WOW CHILL she got hungry unlike some of yall 👀
no but they really punched each other over her I NEED angry Tae tbfh
anyways this chapter was short, but felt lengthy from all the emotional roller coaster haha it was fun and i loved the library a lot
gaah I'm happy you loved the lil journey heheh <3
bye im gonna sleep, hope u have a great day/night with pillow cold on both sides
I hope your pillow is cold too my love <3
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sasoxichomoshi · 6 months
there's something so charming about hunter, but in a soothing way
it doesnt mean she cant be silly ofc, but her eyes reflect so much of her moods and personality
when she's with the eagle she looks calm and gentle and much of the expressions she makes are towards the eagle; when nimue gets the bird, when the godslayer stuns the eagle and got one of the flaps and at the end of the game when he corrupts the eagle completely there were always a close at her face to show us how worried hunter was towards her friend
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it's as if the eagle highlights hunter in some way, cause if you think about it hunter is not really an important person; she's an outsider and a stranger, and eagle mother is there not only to push her forwards, but she also works like this excuse to develop what lies inside hunter - her feelings
the more i think about, like no human(oid) character in the pathless have a mouth, which is an interesting decision - may it be because the animator said "nuh uh i aint doing this" or because they had other intentions - having no mouth makes it harder to humanize a character cause to do so you work around facial expression mostly
for characters like the diver or the little guy from journey it works cause humanizing them is not the focus - they are vessels for the player to experience the message of the game, much like a blank page, but hunter is a more defined type of character, she's not only for the player to control; there are instance where she speaks for herself (literally), she reacts towards her environment (like when she groans when she hits the ground), it's a bit of "i exist in relation to others" kind of thing i dont even know if this explanations make sense
the thing is, if you gonna hide the mouth (and it's funny cause they got rid of the mouths but not of the speech), to deliver something believable you have to put extra attention in other places, like eyes (which is probably the reason why they made her eyes big, for emphasis) and corporal expression (i love all of hunter animations like ALL of them, the idles are so cool and my favorite has to be the climbing one HAVE YOU SEEN THAT CREATURE)
another aspect that locks my eyes on hunter is her color palette; she feels a bit like 60% red and 40% black which an almost dangerous distribution cause it gets near the boring looking too evenly palette, but i feel like this problem is partially solved by the color choice cause black and red is very iconic (but i see that this can be subjective, so take it with a grain of salt)
to give some examples: im typing from an nitro acer (black red palette), you can see cars with that bright red (+black of the tires), and i can name a few characters with red+black combination, like matoi ryuko from kill la kill, kaguya, that masochist from that cassino games school (she's iconic i will recognize but i wont lose my time googling it i dont wanna know details about that anime)
(also if i had to point a match for hunter from another media....... kikyo my beloved i fucking love you my gay awakening i kept watching inuyasha cause i wanted to see you on my screen omg)
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but at the same time her color scheme puzzles me: what does it mean? usually color is used for storytelling or readability purposes
hunter red black contrasts very well against the greens/whites/oranges of the landscape, mostly bc it's highly saturated; but then you get to the boss fight and......
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i know that the boss fights dont take as many screen time as exploration but considering that they are the action moment hmm idk the math aint mathing here
well what's about storytelling? a bit of the same problem shown on the above image; hunter shares the color scheme with the corrupted tall ones and godslayer which makes things even more confusing
(seriously am i stupid and didnt see the obvious hint everyone else saw and im just here staring at the walls idk)
that said i have come up with my own worms to explain this and it comes down to: it's not from the land/natural
godslayer and the corrupted tall ones shouldnt exist, they are not natural to this world and actually an evil twist of the reality; hunter not necessarily is corrupted, but is also not natural (from the island), she's an outsider, it's about this feeling of not-belonging
however in the end of the day the color choice is also about readability and keeping things cohesive; stretching the color palette of the entire game just to give hunter a different look would do more damage than helping, imagine changing to something not that far like a pink or yellow, things still would change drastically
in the end i still love hunter very much ma babegurl <3 sillly stupid<333 my dear blorbo<333 hope she finds a lot of hobbies <33333
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selfdiagnosedeyemotif · 10 months
hi hello heres the some guy beating up some robot you ordered
(to be clear im basing most my fnaf game knowledge on ucn and my punchout knowledge on wii, cause like those are the only ones ive played)
so like in total the fight would involve freddy, foxy, marionnete, all the balloon children (including the lil uh oh how un fortunate bitch >:3 ),
the fight itself you would be boxing good ol normal freddy however he would have a bunch of paraphernalia on him, specifically: a thingy on the left side of his hat with a music box, his hat which if punched enough can come off and reveal some small child, and a vent on his right "abdomen" from which many things can pop out of.
fnaf in general is like about "resource" management in the sense that the resources are how pissed the various robots are so that would be translated over to this by way of punching different spots depending on whats necessary at the time.
now in punchout, hitting the head during stun is generally simply better as it does more damage. however, there exists the hat of many small fellows, and like every 5 head taps theres a "chance" (probably a preset order) of either bb, jj, or the uh oh how unfortunate one. bb does a real quick slap that cuts your stamina (the heart meter) in half. like does Current-(Total*.5), so like if the total was 8 it takes 4 no matter how much u have. this in fact could just fuck you over at a bad time, as bb is want to do. jj apparently does precisely nothing in fnaf 2 after some quick research, so she also does nothing but pop out and idk be silly. and little miss unfortunate circumstances could maybe sing her lil song and like randomly lower one of the other "timers" a chunk.
ok so punchout is one of those probably few wii games that avoided mandatory pointer/motion stuff but i cannot think of a better way to implement this one idea so: there would be a decent bit of downtime between attacks where you're not able to hit fred but he aint attacking you and this would be when you're supposed to flick the wiimote into pointing at the background, specifically a wheres waldo ass thing about "staring" at foxy for a brief moment to keep them at bay (relatively simple as its a large fox robot in a sea of faceless grey silhouettes), and if you dont for long enough they do the funny skedaddle into a big ol uppercut or whatever, which would just instatly ko you. altho it would have a big ol tell of fred stepping aside for a second and the loud stomping naturally, so you could just skip this and play as normal, simply dodging or perhaps punching back, which would do damage to fred cause you earned that if so. (im thinking you'd just be knocking foxy back into him)
the music box side is relatively simple, over the course of the match it visibly unwinds and you have to hit it to keep it wound up or suddenly marionette headbutt. probably 3 punches would keep it fully wound. the box's music would be like wound into the fight song but then slowly quiet down as its winding off, and eventually the lil jack in the box "last seconds!!!" thing would play too, and that would "force" him to do some attack if hes in neutral. you better get that stun real quick tho lmao.
power: thats a very core emchanic in fnaf, and i have 2 ideas for how it could be mixed in here, a: it be tied to that heart energy number of mac's that makes you tired when it hits zero and cant punch no more, however this feels kinda bs and like just not balanced, like punch out is not the type of game to have a kick u while ur down mechanic u feel me b, a much better idea in my book: the stage/ring has power. for this to make sense it would be taking place in more of like a garage or smth, crowd could still be there but like its less of an official thing. this would actually incentivise ending the fight quickly more than just for cool points. it would nt like charge back between rounds, and for actual numbers, lets say like 5 minutes 30 "seconds "of total power. thats a bit over half of the total possible roundtime and feels decently accurate to the like "win before this or you Perish" angle. running out of power would, first of all, turn off the lights ofc. at this point its dark and shit, you can only see glowy eyes and the power bar, rest is just a shadowy figure. punches of all sorts are faster, foxy is agitated quicker, music box timer is shorter, and just all around not very good to be here.
idk fully abt this idea but also maybe a star punch could just wind back all timers regardless of where they are including foxy (except the power ofc), and the t3 just fully resets em. if you hit it, of course
thats abt all i can think of that would fit without it being too overwhelming.
also fun fact your actual blog "website" has an ask box text limit that is barely over one paragraph
im so sorry for taking so long to respond to this but OUGH this is so clever. first off the inclusion of the wiimote pointer mechanics into the wheres-waldo foxy quicktime event is SO clever. i love that. also the power. thats so tense. i'd love to see all of the youtubers doing challenges specifically based on beating ol' fred only during the power outage as well
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taliskermortem · 1 year
i have lots to say about this episode appartently so we're gonna stick it in one post under the cut
okay five minutes into episode 8 and i already want to cry; 'you might even be happier' like you both know thats a lie right, look at their faces; 'let me go already' sand why do you have to hurt me
no no no jennie must be happy at all times what is this take it back i dont want it
straight up not the first time mew has tried a cigarette i dont care what he wants everyone else to believe; its quite nice my ass
is this fucker really trying to get sand to do his community service; wow really you're gonna pull out the orphan card what is wrong with you; sand for the love of all that is holy please grow a backbone if ray says naaaa one more time im gonna flip a table
cheum my girl, firstly fascinated by the fact that at the beginning she was only worried about mew, like does anyone actually like anyone else in that friend group, because if i knew one of my friends had been in love with another one for years and then they got together because the other one was very obviously having a bit of a spiral i would sure as hell be worried about both of them - like it's so obvious that ray is being used and is going to have his heart crushed and just straight up no one seems to care
okay now she's shitting on her other supposed friend; i love her girlfriend but she was definitely lying when she said people were lucky to have cheum as their friend i see very little evidence of that
wow we're really talking about licking ass
but glad to see nick hasn't totally fallen apart and is going after opportunities yadda yadda even if the trailer shows us that this will probably also get messy, at least my boy's trying
boston what the fuck dont make me cry my poor lonley boy why is no one, literally no one in his corner i know he's a shit but being that alone breaks my heart, everyone else is a shit too and they all at least got someone
quite frankly mew, i am also bored of you
im sorry but why would you invite boston and top? okay maybe boston i get because he's part of the hostel they're hosting it at maybe but top? that's just asking for trouble. unless it's like an open invite? but then why did they get notifications? (edit: so apparently cheum invited him but still, what the hell)
i feel like this was a missed opportunity to put mew in some sluttier clothing tbh
alrighty we're doing coke off the table lads
he didn't pick you ray, you idiot, you are literally the definition of a rebound; someone i should love wow what a dick
i love you mew... awkward silence
there are too many lights on at this party
the drink in the face i did not see that coming im cackling, top if i were you i would run from this train wreck
oh wow you really rejected his attempt at a kiss in private but you're literally straight up using him in front of top boy i dont care how broken your heart is dont use other people that way; ray you're an idiot if you dont pick up on this
cheum there is a time and a place and this probably aint it; my mother is dead - jerk, wow what a lovely friendship they have
oh dear i hope this isn't going to turn into a controlling situation for nick but i wont hold my breath, just give the kid nice things for once
didnt we agree to moving on together why is this a conversation i didnt witness, i need this you dont understand
moving on in a circle why is he so funny
boston my guy you have some serious balls turning up to this party but i kinda love you for it
who are you to judge me you know what this is a very valid point, boston being the voice of reason on this show they've all done shitty things to each other and i really cant blame him for being cold to nick, that shit was pretty fucked up
freddie's bi, you're bi, i'm bi, let's make out - honestly most iconic part of the whole episode i think
why didnt you come to me ray im gonna hit you, he's not your property, he's not accountable to you
ray threesome agenda continues i see
fake freddie the only one with any brains what so ever
thank you sand. finally.
ray that was fucked up. like manipulative, controlling, red flag fucked up.
oh shit its cheum's little brother so my god boston you absolutely wrecking ball of a human being
top buddy why dont you just go home, you are clearly not having a good time
honestly boston, walking away is most definitely the right option
how is it that top has pouty eyebrows
oh shit police
top going for the bribery route i see, this will either make him look like a right idiot or make him look like the hero
cheum what the fuck is wrong with you; you're right they dont care about you but quite frankly do you actually care about them? mew yes but the other two you have always treated a bit like shit tbh
this groups needs to fall apart
okay the taking care of the passed out guy is nice but the stroking of the pass out guy is getting a little weird top
so the bribe worked? alright top there to save the day that's going to make things nice and awkward isnt it, at least ray can pay him back so he doesn't have a financial hold over him i guess
sand going through all that shit and he's still the one doing the comforting for nick, their friendship is so good, even after what sand did they're still there for each other
boston my boy, my lonely boy
too much drama he says so i'll sleep with my friends little brother he thinks, god i love this absolute disaster of a human, he tried for a split second there, he really did
slutty boston is back im so glad he didn't get any dick in this episode and that just seemed wrong tbh
mew flirting with randomer in a bar? what about ray? for real - yeah he's taken top, but not currently by you
ooh involving the family (or at least i assume those are mew's mums), personally not a fan, leave families alone dont use them for manipulation
again ray, he's not your property fuck off
i've never been so yielding to anyone in my life well at least you're self aware i guess
yaaa that shot of boston at the end there? lonley and leaning on the bar? breaking my heart right now
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tfw-no-tennis · 1 year
beest warbs s2
andddddd ruth and i finished s2!!
new opening! which is mostly just clips from the s1 finale
ok i guessed that optimus would come back bc like, duh. but i was surprised that he didnt come back like, Instantly 
the new transmetal forms............................ugliy
sorry bhjsdkrhfjkasfk i dont like them....i cant believe im saying it but i prefer the cgi animals from s1 😩 it made sense! it tied into the premise of the show! now theyre just these weird shiny robo-animals...who also can fly and drive around and stuff...nah fam that aint it
cheetor doesnt even have freckles anymore 😭
also as the season went on the whole ‘energon shorts out robot forms, which necessitates beast forms’ thing was kinda quietly dropped, which doesnt make 100% sense since not that many characters got the transmetal forms
the funniest fucking thing is that the s2ep1 summary was literally just ‘terrorsaur and scorponok fucking die’ and THAT WAS IT hjdfksjkfjadfhjlad ruth and i saw that and were like HUH???
and honestly their deaths were so abrupt and unceremonious that i seriously would not have even known they had Legit Died if it hadnt been for that summary. i literally wouldve thought that theyd just end up going in a CR chamber and it wouldve been confusing as hell when they didnt come back lmaooooo
so yeah rip beta cuck and diet diet starscream lite i guess
ok and ep 2 was wild, with dinobot going on ANOTHER Shakespeare soliloquy spree, and then all that western stuff at the end??????
that was so fucking weird and hilarious. wtf 
also have i mentioned...i love dinobot. dramatic gay bitch 
also....new characters! silverbolt and quickstrike are here to quickly replace terrorsaur and scorponok lmaoooo
why does quickstrike have a southern accent when the south doesnt even exist yet as a cultural region
i love how immediately obvious it was that silverbolt was not gonna stay a predacon for long lmao
and then optimus primal returns!! looking wack as FUCK 
hvhakjdfnbskjdf sorry but i dont like his new look at all lmao. he looks weird as hell in both robot mode and “beast” mode, and im not into the whole flying snowboard thing...whats that abt
when dinobot rode around on rattrap vjhsdlfjkashdbhfjk that was so fucking funnyyyy
i cant get over megatrons new form w/the Evil Rollerskates™ thats just. so much lmaooooo but also mood bc if i could i would totally have built-in rollerskates 
did yall know i love tarantulas....that gay mad scientist bitch is hilarious
also i knew ahead of time that silverbolt and blackarachnia have a Thing but it was still soooo Much when they fought and then silverbolt refused to hit her bc shes a girl bsvdkjnfasndf
ok and the ep where dinobot goes back to the predacons...bro...and everything w/the golden disk too?? that was wild 
are they like. coming back? ever????? that was just It for them this season uhhhh so i guess we’ll have to hope they return in s3? omg
also quick shoutout to the infamous japanese dub of beast wars which accidentally made some canon gays by making airazor a dude. great job guys 
ohhhh my god when theres that alien ship thing and megatron is in it and then a big version of his face appears on the side of the ship? horrible
also i feel like beast wars megatron spends half his screentime sitting in various chairs...even when he went into that alien ship he ended up finding a big fancy chair to sit in
so yeah all that alien stuff was WILD. we still know so little abt them so im rlly interested to see if more will come up in s3 (im assuming at least a little since airazor and tigatron have to come back). like, are we gonna learn what theyre trying to do on earth? what they look like? etc?
ok silverbolt is always talking abt how blackarachnia is a good maximal on the inside and she just needs to embrace it etcetc, to me it feels like he’s a religious guy whos trying to get the girl he likes to accept jesus into her heart so they can be together hbvhajkdhbfhjksd sorry 
also silverbolt is hilarious. he’s like, a hammy simp. the way he talks is rlly entertaining lol
also theyve been namedropped a couple times so far, but what the heck is up w/the maximal council or whatever? they seem to be the ones in charge of the maximals (and presumably cybertron?), but we know literally nothing abt them...im curious
ooomg and rampage...everything w/rampage was sooo fucked like him being basically immortal is wild, and then he showed up and was tearing shit up all over the place, and then megatron fucking...removed his spark and was like You Work For Me Now. daymmmm that was so fucked up 
and he seemed to calm down after the first ep so i was like mannn i wish they would address the whole thing where megatrons controlling him - tho the maximals dont even seem to know abt it, they probably just think rampage joined them on his own. oof
and lbr even if they did know, they probably wouldnt be super motivated to free him since rampage attacked them previously, and likely wouldnt join the maximals even if given the choice
oh my god okay hold up i cant forget that DINOBOT FUCKING DIED i cant fucking believe it mate. GOD
i miss that gay moron 😔
also aside but the pre-human monkey people look soooo fucking janky hbvajkdhfjkhsdf god. so bad im sorry
oh my god and the whole thing w/the golden disc saying ‘sounds of earth...’ ruth and i saw that inscription earlier in s2 and ruth was like ‘oh isnt that a real thing, they sent out the Voyager probe into space w/a disc that has different sounds from nature and music and stuff on it called ‘sounds of earth” AND THEN THAT WAS EXACTLY WHAT THIS WAS...
i thought that was so cool, the fact that the golden disc could basically be used to look into the future...and then alter the future accordingly
its also super cool that the writers used something from REAL LIFE in the story in such a way. like, thats cool as hell, and idk much media that does so
especially bc beast wars is one of very few transformers series to not include any human characters (discounting the monkey pre-humans), so this is a really cool way to involve humanity without having any recurring human cast members
when dinobot nearly committed seppuku...uhm jesus bro
and then when he fought off all the predacons ALONE, and then FUCKING DIED...that was legit sad as hell...like he kept almost going into stasis lock but kept overriding it which was gonna kill him and AUGH
and then when the maximals show up as he’s dying...mannnn
and his last words - “and the rest is silence.” poetic and quoting Shakespeare until the literal end I see
basically that episode was fucking brutal but also really good. phew
AND THEN ITS FOLLOWED UP BY THE TRANSMUTATE EPISODE...ruth and i watched these two eps back to back in one night and afterwards we were basically braindead. that was A Lot 
the transmutate ep HHHHH where to even start
ok so transmutate...the whole story was just fucking tragic but also. TERRIFYING...
like this ep gave me the same vibes that i got when i watched the movie ET in like 4th grade and got scared as hell 
like, i am a Full Grown Adult and NOT ONLY THAT i had a job in a cadaver lab for like 5 YEARS so i generally am not easily scared but holy SHIT this episode legit unsettled me liiiike
the design and animation (and voice acting) on transmutate were like....terrifying oh my god. like, the way she(?) moved was so scary, with the slow movements and just, everything w/the neck/head....AUGH
and that like, pained screech she did ???? that was just horrible oh my god
anyways literally ruth and i spent this entire ep just like, cowering and yelling out of fear lmao. i went outside in the dark later and i swear i saw transmutate in the shadows. terrifying
in terms of the plot of the ep, that shit was fucked up. it basically amounted to silverbolt and rampage fighting over transmutate w/little regard for transmutate as a person, and ending w/her dying. which was fucked btw
and the fact that everyone was like ‘oh yea transmutate basically doesnt count as an alive sentient being’ was messed up bc they came to that conclusion very quickly and with only a small amount of data....messed up. also messed up is how the maximals suggested putting transmutate in like, a medically induced coma basically, bc she was a freak of nature. which may be true but STILL, that probably violates some ethical laws. arent yall supposed to be the good guys?!
also rampage trying to befriend and save transmutate was sad...especially knowing his circumstances w/megatron and stuff. just Ls all around
ok this cuts off abruptly but thats all folks ig vbajdkfbjksdf
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