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ancestorlegacy · 9 months ago
Hello everyone,
I want to warn you that I will not be posting or reblogging anything that is not Palestine related in the next few days, in accordance with the strike for Palestine. If you send me asks or tag me, I will not be answering those until the 23rd.
The fact that the genocide in Gaza is still ongoing after more than 8 months is an outrage, and while I can't do much, I will at least do my part. Please, if you can, try to do so as well.
Free Palestine, and free Gaza.
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hiraganasakura · 8 months ago
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[ID: Three images of pairs of sibling characters across various pieces of fiction. The first image shows Miles Edgeworth and Franziska von Karma from Ace Attorney, both smiling, but Edgeworth's is softer while Franziska's is more cocky. The second shows Qrow and Raven Branwen from RWBY, scowling at each other on opposite sides of a table. The third image shows Zuko and Azula from Avatar: The Last Airbender, and whereas Zuko looks nervous, Azula looks calm and composed. End ID.]
If I had a nickel for every time I got strangely emotionally invested in a pair of fictional siblings that grew up in toxic environments; in which the brother struggles with self-esteem issues, unhealthy coping mechanisms, self-destructive trauma responses, and problems with how some unjust system or another is upheld; and the sister is very aggressive, violent, and perfectionistic, refers to her brother condescendingly to feel some degree of power over him, and hides what are likely self-esteem issues of her own behind masks of what she falsely perceives as "strength"; I'd have three nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened three times.
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selfdiagnosedeyemotif · 5 months ago
“the point is, no common thread exists between myself, gregson and dr wilson” chat does he know about his dead brother
wait who says this one again
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crabknight · 1 year ago
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I love FE Echoes, its my fav Layton game ah shit now you can see my screen setup
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yes he is now one whole apple tall...
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I kinda love the bottom screen, it has Alm look like hes listening to the person. I like this a lot
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Sounds like you've been headbutted by one.
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Hey! Its tough work! and it needs to be done!
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I see diagnosing him as a dork was correct. I love alm hes so silly
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Kliff im pretty sure hes gonna be a call to action, but you do you
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*sniff sniff* smells like... what is that, frankincense? Anyways i think we found a Christmas Cav
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I feel like Chrom should fight you for dumbass army names.
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Well. SHIT.
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That is definitely a picture. I think it would have looked better with the 3d turned on :p
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I'm pretty sure Alm is a lord, but i think we can try.
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Gray i hope you know im stealing that.
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*Coughs in Seth*
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Everyone can do That, Alm, but you need to actually get to him first. thats the hard part.
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I like the way you think, kid!
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I see, so he played Fire Emblem as well/j
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Gray continuing to uphold the pillar of "funniest guy in Ram Village"
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Sounds fun
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oooooo Gray looks like your spot is being contested!!!! :0
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My VA sensors are tingling again...
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I KNEW IT!!!!!!
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Im gonna look up something real quick...
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Ok, so a lot to unpack, I'll just do the most interesting
All my silly little fellas i love them all :3
Alm isn't a noble, he's the grandson of a knight sure, but no noble
Lukas is all but Christmas cav, he's almost there, but just falls short at the finish line (not a cav) it's not that tobin sucks, it's just that alm is pretty good, tobin does have his niches
This game is definitly one of the funniest in the series, definitly
I love kliff for his sass so much he's awesome
Cake taking line my beloved...
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da-millerrrrr · 5 months ago
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soup-for-ghosts · 1 year ago
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her name is assassin
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vinegar-on-main · 1 year ago
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beantothemax · 3 months ago
When Ryuunosuke opens his eyes, Kazuma’s is the first name on his lips. He wonders if the crew has come by yet- he’s going to ask Kazuma. He would know. 
Yet, he’s met not with the warm darkness of the wardrobe, but the cold, harsh light of the cabin. His head throbs and his wrists ache like he’s never felt before. It isn’t pleasant- where is Kazuma? He’d normally be awake by now. 
He realises with a start that there’s metal on his wrists, the coldness of it seeping through his uniform. 
Then Susato-san’s looking him in the eyes, asking him why he killed him. What does she mean? Where is Kazuma, why isn’t he coming to help? If he was here, he could stick up for Ryuunosuke. He had proven himself innocent already, hadn’t he? Susato-san herself assisted him in the trial. He hadn’t killed Dr. Wilson. 
He tells her. He didn’t kill Dr. Wilson. She shakes her head like he’s being deliberately obtuse, and balls her fists. 
“Why did you kill Kazuma-sama!?” 
And Ryuunosuke feels his world give out from under him. He slumps forward, barely able to catch himself with his cuffed hands. He’s going to throw up. He’s going to be sick. 
Instead, he wails. Tears burn his eyes, panic rising in his chest. Kazuma can’t be dead. He can’t be. Susato-san has to be lying to him. It’s some sick joke, made to punish him for stowing away. Any second now, Kazuma is going to pop out from the wardrobe behind him, or the travelling case propped up on the writing desk, key to the cuffs in hand, and laugh at his reaction. 
You really do care about me, partner, he’ll say. He’ll slap Ryuunosuke’s shoulder, a smile on his face, and Susato-san will join in, apologising for scaring him like this. 
...It never comes. Kazuma never appears, Susato-san continues to glare at him like he’s a monster, and the realisation hits him with the weight of a horse. 
Kazuma is dead. Kazuma Asougi, his best friend and mentor through that horrible trial, has been killed. And everyone on this ship thinks he did it. 
The prospect turns his stomach. He feels bile rising in his throat as he dares to even entertain the idea. The thought of sinking a knife into the soft flesh of Kazuma’s back, or twisting his head until it cracks, makes him feel as though he’s going to throw up all over Susato-san’s feet. 
He shakes his head to dispel the thoughts. He didn’t kill Kazuma. He would, quite honestly, rather die himself. If it was a choice between his life or Kazuma’s, Ryuunosuke would gladly throw his own away. 
But no one else knows this. No one else can understand how horrible the thought it. No one else can understand how fiercely he feels. 
His shoulders shake with the effort of keeping the rising scream from leaving his mouth. He makes no attempt to stop the tears from falling, though. They drip down his face and land in a puddle on the floor and he watches it, trying to keep thoughts of Kazuma’s blood pooling the same way out of his mind. 
Kazuma is dead. Kazuma is dead. Kazuma is dead. 
“...Naruhodo-san, please. Answer my question. Why did you kill him?” Susato-san’s voice sounds as broken as he feels. Kazuma is dead. 
“I didn’t kill him. Susato-san, please... You have to believe me. I didn’t kill him. I would never kill him. Never,” he whispers, unable to bring himself to face her. He can barely bring himself up to sitting- he’s still curled in on himself, gasping for air in between sobs that wrench themselves from his throat, little glimpses of the sheer panic and despair that grips his insides. Kazuma is dead. 
“You did kill him! There’s no one else it could have been, the cabin was locked from the inside!” She shouts, and Ryuunosuke shakes his head. 
“You don’t understand. I would rather die than kill him. I never left that wardrobe all night- I couldn’t have killed him if I wanted to.” 
He would never want to. Not even if Kazuma had plunged his own blade into Ryuunosuke’s back, he doesn’t think he could ever bring himself to kill Kazuma. 
Kazuma is dead. Kazuma is dead. 
The words repeat in his head like a horrible mantra, reminding himself of his failure. He hadn’t woken up, he hadn’t noticed anything. He hadn’t been there to save Kazuma. 
And now Kazuma is dead. 
Kazuma is dead. 
And he’s never coming back. 
And Ryuunosuke feels as though he is the one who died. 
man kazuma really is the #1 guy who died ever. he gets better but still. looking out to the sunset solemnly
love it when my guys go through the agony!! swagtastic fic, walking into the ocean
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vinegar-on-main · 1 year ago
You have no idea how excited I am that I will "soon" be able to show you the echoes section of the powerpoint
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ancestorlegacy · 9 months ago
Dear Friends,
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share an urgent plea for help. Due to the ongoing conflict in Gaza, my family and I have been forced to flee our home and seek refuge in Khan Younis. My mother, who is pregnant, is in critical need of assistance to ensure her safety and the safety of her unborn child.
We are facing severe hardships and are struggling to provide her with the necessary medical care and basic necessities. I have launched a campaign to raise funds for my mother's survival during this perilous time.
Your support in sharing our campaign on social media could make a life-saving difference. Please help us spread the word and gather the support we desperately need.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Please help us by sharing the post on your page so that we can collect donations and get out of the war. You are our hope. I will be very grateful to you . ❤️🙏🏼 
"this fundraiser is vetted by nabulsi, fallahifag, el-shab-hussein, ibtisams, sayruq"
Please try and donate to them! You can find a link to their post here.
Free Palestine.
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hiraganasakura · 8 months ago
Has anyone else ever considered queerplatonic Jailbirds (Qrow/Robyn) or is that just me??
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selfdiagnosedeyemotif · 5 months ago
wrapping up tgaa for the night at our new prison pals’s testimony but I am QUITE excited to tear into these goobers tommorow
The Prison Pals is the name of a mediocre british alt-rock band that debuted in 2004 before breaking up in an incredibly messy and hyperviolent way in the early 2010's, in which either the lead singer or the drummer was revealed to like. eat puppies or something.
i think.
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crabknight · 1 year ago
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Gray.... (Read: Angry mother)
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You know, i feel like Gray and Tobin were supposed to be the Christmas Cavs here... Idk just a guess.
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[Skipped through the dialoge and read it at my normal speed and @beantothemax commented so i had to]
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Ending the session with a lovley pic of clair!!! she looks so cute here :3
Clair is actually so cute you're so right
There's so many pretty people in this game it's great
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da-millerrrrr · 1 year ago
Everyday God tests me, and everyday I grow closer to failing.
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soup-for-ghosts · 1 year ago
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‘lawyering’ CANNOT be a real word. I refuse to believe that
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unfortunately for you
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beantothemax · 3 months ago
“Winter fast approaches.” 
Barok looked up from the novel he was reading. Klint was gazing out the window, his eyes fixed upon the ever-greying skies outside. At his feet, Balmung whimpered as though in agreement. 
“Do you intend to go hunting soon, then?” Barok asked, dogearing the page he was on and closing the book. Klint glanced back at him. 
“I do. Would you care to join me? It seems as of late you’ve been shut in more and more,” he said, letting the curtain fall shut. “Even Genshin has noted your absence.” 
“Hm. I must be missed dearly if even our good friend Mister Asogi has made note of my leave,” Barok said, unable to fight the smile that formed on his lips. Klint laughed, a barking sound that wasn’t unlike that of his faithful hunting dog. 
“Indeed. Well, we- Genshin and I- plan to set out about noon. If you make up your mind, do let me know. We’d love to see your presence again.” 
Barok hummed contemplatively, a cold feeling settling into his gut. Something struck him as a touch odd about the whole conversation- the way Klint spoke was stilted and hesitant, beyond the warmth of the lounge seemed almost too hazy to make out, despite the fact that there ought not to have been any fog at this time of year, and the book he had been reading was all but indecipherable gibberish. 
“You ought to let loose once in a while. Might do you some good, you know,” Klint said in that jittery voice- almost like trying to stitch together the way someone sounded from hazy memories that hovered on the edge of fading. 
Barok strained his eyes to look at his brother. There was a smile on his face, but it looked... Odd. Forced, as though it had been drawn on by a child trying to correct their error. 
Panic gripped Barok’s throat like the jaws of some great beast, and he became distinctly aware of the sound of Balmung growling. The hound rose to its feet, circling Barok’s chair hungrily. Klint frowned, meeting his brother’s eyes- it was his own staring back at him. 
“You really ought to let go. Balmung is growing restless. He will be hunting soon, and I pray that you won’t become his quarry,” he said, a deep regret in the eyes he shared with Barok. The more Barok looked, the closer in resemblance to himself Klint grew. 
There was a loud bang outside the manor, and Balmung began to bay. It sounded mournful, rather than hungry- but Barok wasted no time in departing regardless. 
Outside, a vast expanse of heather met his gaze. To his left was a lake- though the water was still clear and fresh, the pier had grown dilapidated and rotten. It sagged beneath its own weight, wood dipping into the water like some sad old husk. 
To his right, a barren orchard. Once, it had been grandiose- trees bursting with fruits of all kinds, its boughs dipping beneath the weight of its own bounty like something out of a fairy tale. Now, it more closely resembled a graveyard, each tree in their row like a tombstone for lingering spirits. Genshin, Klint, countless others. The wind whistled like a baying hound, and Barok hurried towards the trees. 
Within the remains of the orchard, he found a sight he had prayed he would never lay eyes upon again- a mangled corpse, a victim of the Professor. Their throat was torn out, leaving streams of blood in the dirt and grass. The blue suit upon the corpse’s body was emblazoned with an emblem Barok had grown only too accustomed to- little golden four-leafed flowers. 
There was only one person that suit could belong to. Barok felt bile creep into his throat as he knelt to turn the body around. 
And there, to his horror and dismay, was one Ryunosuke Naruhodo, the only man who had dared step forward to save him, the only man who seemed completely immune to any curses that lingered in the Old Bailey. 
Barok had supposed wrong, though- for here he was, a corpse among others on the van Zieks estate, another ghost to claim a tree as his grave marker. 
For a moment, Naruhodo’s body resembled that of Genshin’s- but only for a brief, horrible moment. Disgust and horror ate at Barok’s gut as he pulled away- or tried to. 
Once again, Naruhodo resembled the likeness of Asogi, desperately reaching out to grasp at the last living thing around. His hands were clammy and cold, and scarlet ink dripped from his fingertips and stained Barok’s skin- leaving bloody fingerprints burnt into his wrist as he frantically tried to free himself. 
There was a sound almost like weeping, accompanied by the howling of a hungry wolf- finally, there was a searing pain in his throat, and he screamed, but no sound came out other than the harsh gurgling of a dying man. Genshin clawed at his hand, clothed in Naruhodo’s suit, while Klint wept in despair and Balmung ripped and tore at his body. 
The last thing he saw was scarlet upon his own hands- and he opened his eyes to a white ceiling and afternoon sun pouring in through an open window. 
man. don’t you hate it when you’re haunted by the visions of a fucked up dog. I know I do.
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