#the wise men parade
thereisnoafter · 2 years
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7:46 am. Ready for the Three Kings parade. 😄
7:46 am. Listos para ver la cabalgata de los Reyes Magos
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useless-catalanfacts · 9 months
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Bona Nit de Reis! Happy Three Wise Men Night!
Tonight (January 5th), the Three Wise Men will be arriving to every town and city. Their arrival is celebrated with a parade where children go to greet them. Tonight, children must go to sleep early, after leaving some sweets and drink for the Three Wise Men and their camels. When they wake up tomorrow, they'll find the presents that the Three Wise Men left for them.
Photo: arrival of the Three Wise Men in Alcoi, central Valencian Country. Photo by Comunitat Valenciana.
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harmonysanreads · 8 months
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Thinking about being shared between Yandere!Dr Ratio and Yandere!Aventurine.
But instead of being locked up in one room, they let you roam free—or at least, as free as two of the most overbearing men will deem fit. These two have no disagreement in terms of their intentions concerning you and can communicate almost seamlessly in this regard. Be not mistaken though, neither of them are particularly fond of this arrangement, but they'd much rather shake hands on the fact that their cooperation will be mutually beneficial instead of partaking in pointless feuds.
And their theory on this is quite credible ; Aventurine is more spontaneous and inconsistent with his affections while Ratio is more grounded. Albeit, Aventurine's job contributes to this, being out on missions and tasks when the IPC demands it. As such, when he does have you all to himself, his pent up frustrations and adoration rain down all at once. He's the most susceptible to your whims, just mention the name and he'll present it to you through any means. Never forget to thank him with a kiss or something similar within the first hour though, does he not deserve it?
Consequently, you end up spending most of your time with Ratio. He prefers to keep you in his vicinity at any given moment, though hardly do you end up conversing about menial topics. If his work involves sitting down for a prolonged time, it is a rule that you must perch atop his lap and remain still. If he's heading to a bath, you must accompany him, regardless of which hour of the night it is.
You're either seen silently sitting by the side in Ratio's lectures, serving as damage control if his temper has been tested beyond limit ; or, hanging by Aventurine's arm as he flaunts you as his ‘lucky charm’ in casinos and parades you around in shopping malls.
You are not a mediator in their arguments, for you do not match their heights in intellectual factors. You do not have the final say in your cuisine or clothing if you're going out with them, though they might ask for your opinion once-in-a-blue-moon. You're constantly tossed back and forth, but you're not allowed to have a favorite, even if they may entertain the idea in playful moods. Behind one another's back, they slyly lure you to vent about how suffocatingly the other has treated you. You'd be wise to understand that it is nothing but a trap.
It's not so bad, if you have no problem being treated as a pampered pet more than a human being with autonomous thoughts, that is.
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tldr: the crack image i have of this au is reader sitting very still while ratio tries to make a sculpture of them and aventurine showering money on them to piss off ratio
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cinnamonest · 3 months
Thinking a boy with a horrid case of retroactive jealousy, especially with a slut!darling… this obsessive boy who can���t stand the thought of knowing you’ve been with other men, let alone many.
Really, most men just don't think about those things, they know it's better they don't know. But he’s neurotic about it. He can’t just push the thought away. He has to know. Know exactly how many boyfriends you’ve had, how many hookups you had, every act you’ve done. It’s horrifically embarrassing, having to recall, having to talk about it, the words you have to use.
You’ve been in this man’s captivity long enough that your instinct is to placate him, to avoid upsetting him… yet in this situation, there’s no good way out. If you’re honest… well, you don’t want to think about that. You know you’ve been around the block, so to speak. But you know you can’t lie to him — he’s been through your phone, he saw the outfits you paraded yourself around in back when he watched you from a distance (it’s what caught his attention in the first place), he knows it’s got to be a lot.
You try and placate him with avoidance, tell him it doesn’t matter right? You’re with him now, you try to sputter out, and you’ve forgotten about it all anyway and the past doesn't change—
—and then he puts his hand around your throat before you can finish.
Tell me.
He asks too many questions. You try and say as little as possible, but he presses you until you say everything, keeping your eyes to the floor the whole time. You have to recall a chronological series of events of your life, every encounter, every guy, every act you’ve done.
Did you ever sleep with a guy within twenty-four hours of knowing him? Taken it in your throat, your ass, between your tits? Let some guy cum inside you? Been choked? He’s really focused on those details. Have you ever done this, or that, or done it in this position or that, or done it this way or that. Which, for his beloved darling, the answer is usually yes.
It irritates him that he can’t be the first of anything. You just had to go be a whore when he was eventually destined to come along and love you. How could you do this to him? You had to know you’d have a real lover eventually. Didn’t you consider his feelings at all?
The only thing that can make him feel better — what you owe him, for what you’ve done — is to have him override all those memories with himself.
He has to replicate everything.
You’re not sure what the logic is exactly, but it’s cathartic for him, and you know that the wise move is to comply, not wanting to further upset this crazed man that keeps you trapped in his home. You have to prove that you love him, is what he says.
So he treats it like a checklist. Every position and every act, barring the circumstantial pieces he'd have to take you outside the home for. And you know what, you're probably still not telling him everything — dumb little slut — so he'll just have to do every single thing he can think of, over and over and over. Each and every day.
You'll get a lot of variance in your sex life, at least. Bent over every surface, in every position he can think of. Treating you like a little ragdoll to play with and contort into any position. Treating your ass and throat as interchangeable with your pussy on command (you love him don't you? Then you won't mind), squeezing your body so tightly you can't breathe. Keeping his cock inside you at every opportunity for as long as he can even after he cums.
If he can't be the first, he'll just have to be the most. Do it more than you've ever done with anyone, harder than you've ever had it, deeper, faster, more brutally, more degrading and humiliating, carving his significance into you in the only way left available — the only way you left available to him.
Yes, it's your fault. He wouldn't have to be so rough if he was the only one. He only has to make it hurt because of you. This is the only way that he can be certain that he matters more than anyone, be sure that he occupies your every thought and that you can't think of any kind of sex without thinking of him first — and if you really love him like you say you do, surely you'll understand. Maybe even apologize for not taking him into consideration. That would be nice.
But of course, those guys wronged him too. That's why, if you love him, you'll tell him their names.
What? Why, you ask? That shouldn't matter. You don't still care about him, do you…? You're not such a little whore that you’re thinking about someone else that way, are you? No? Then you won't care why, you'll answer and be happy you have someone to care about you so much.
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itsguysnightitsironic · 9 months
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Cavalcade of Magi (the magic idiots, put the seatbelts on!)
Bona Cavalgada dels Reis Mags (or Three Wise Men Parade) and I think Santa Claus? Is Santa coming tonight?
Look, there are three rich men outside who will throw candy to the people and give gifts while they follow a shiny star, I NEED THAT CANDY.
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serendipnpipity · 4 months
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The hottest couple on the dance floor... 🔥🌋
Drafts and design explanation under the cut!
Designing dnp masquerade outfits, I had some criteria going in:
Dan had to be in a ballgown.
Phil had to have a deep V-neck.
They (obviously) had to coordinate in theme.
After a brainstorming session with @bewareofthenewphannie, I settled on a play on "danisnotonfire" for Dan's dress, figuring I could do a lot design-wise with the flames aspect (think Katniss' dress in Catching Fire, for example). The shape of the dress was taken from the live action Cinderella (2015) movie, and that's what inspired the wide neck and the sleeves on the bodice that billow out over the shoulders. I shaped the sleeve ruffles to imitate tongues of fire, flickering at the top of the dress. And this is "I-only-wear-black" Dan Howell we're talking about, so I also added some darker ~charred~ elements to the skirt that blend nicely with the black corset piece on the bodice that visually funnels the fabric of the orange center up and out to the sleeves.
Great, now Dan is done. But what about Phil?
Like I said, I wanted the two to coordinate, so I settled on ideas that seemed to go well with fire. At the top of my list were two instances: "red-hot-phil" which is a fitting, fire-themed social media name just like the inspiration for Dan's dress, as well as that one time Phil said *it would probably feel nice to touch lava. For the first second or two.* That's how the lava-inspired outfit Phil wears was born. I wasn't vibing with putting him in a ballgown for this image for some reason, although I'm sure he would look stunning, so I opted for a simpler shirt and pants pairing instead. I didn't want to just do a boring tuxedo though, so I typed "ballroom outfits for men" into Google and luckily found a flowy satin/silk (?) shirt that fit my style criteria (slutty emo V-neck!!!) rather nicely. The folds themselves reminded me of how lava ripples over itself as it flows, so it fit perfectly with the theme.
The pose they're in for the digital and sketched couples' picture is taken straight from a Cinderella still, of course substituting the Prince and Cinderella for Dan and Phil, respectively. (x)
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Ultimately, I decided against the masquerade masks in the final version because I got too attached to the way I drew their faces on digital, but they exist in the concept sketch, so it's still on theme!
- Ser 🧡
Ser's Oufits (bedsheets, phouseplant)
danisnotonfire & red-hot-phil
Phire & Ice Outfits
Paper Faces on Parade (Chapter 1)
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aj1dordinary · 11 months
y'know, im something of a roman empire myself actually
platonic!Johnny Cage x platonic!gen-z!reader; neutral!Kenshi Takahashi x platonic!reader; platonic!Raiden x platonic!reader; platonic!Kung Lao x platonic!reader; platonic!Lui Kang x platonic!reader
no beta reading we die like men. here’s another chapter even though i have like 3 papers due within 2 weeks.
after stepping out of the portal, your eyes catch first the palace setting. how its stone and marble material reached towards the sky and provided a sturdy foundation for your feet. there was clear signs of royalty with the hues of gold and purple that mingled with the color of natural scenery.
however, the view was interrupted when the armed guard replaced it. stern and well-postured, you straightened your back to replicate the menacing look. liu kang had educated you well enough before leaving so you could differentiate the two princesses among them.
johnny whistled, prepared to ruin the scenic moment immediately with that mouth of his. you elbowed him again, “not now” you mouthed.
“you should listen to your assistant more,” raiden said as Earthrealm’s chosen defender. “i’m sure she goes through a lot to keep you out of trouble.”
liu kang hummed in agreement before bowing before the princesses, addressing them as mileena and kitara. the rest of the group’s actions followed after the god.
as he went around, he introduced everyone. well, everyone except you, you stood farther back than the hand-selected fighters. but, your presence did not go unnoticed.
“and the girl?” mileena raised her eyebrow.
liu kang pursed his lips again before speaking, “a spectator, at the request of johnny cage. i assure you that she is of no threat.”
you inch back a little farther behind the pack as the attention seemed to have shifted to your meek form. thankfully, conversation was more focused on the battles that were to take place.
“i hope you are prepared raiden. our champions are determined to win.” kitana smirked.
“myself included, it’s been too long since Outworld has hailed victory.” mileena held her head high in confidence.
before you could also disgrace the group with your quick retorts, the conversation was interrupted by a guard, but clearly one of a higher ranker or importance. tanya, the future empress called her, declared that you all head to the capitol and without further hesitation, you all moving once more.
you made sure to be out of sight, realizing now just how out of place you really were in terms of stature and build. to keep your mind off things, you took out your phone and quietly did the job you were hired to do: vlog.
so as you guys paraded through the city, you whispered amongst the group and took shots of the Outworldian city. 
“so raiden give us a little pre-game interview. how do you feel as earth realm’s champion fighter? surely, everyone is gonna want a piece of you.” you shoved the lens into his face again in true paparazzi fashion. 
he flushed, you could tell the attention that he has been getting as of late was new to him, but he entertained your antics anyway.
“definitely a little nervous, but also confident. i won against three other of lui kang’s handpicked fighters so i know i have the ability.” he rubbed the back of his neck as confetti had begun raining down.
“a great insight to have raiden. i implore you to keep that same energy throughout our time here.” liu kang spoke like a proud father.
“and you kangaroo?” your low-attention span now shifted. 
the nickname always seemed to catch him off guard, so with a recollected sigh, he spoke, “pleased.”
“kung fu! ken-doll! get in on all the fun! we’re being celebrated right now.” you yelled, eager to ramp up the energy within the group.
“we are being celebrated, you just happen to be here also.” kenshi brushed past you, unwilling to give you anything else. ouch. but johnny was quick to replace him, shaking his fist like an angry old man at kenshi’s insult.
kung lao and johnny matched you energy-wise as you all declared that when raiden wins the tournament, you’d order mountains of food and create content to entertain the fans back in Earthrealm.
once a little more composed, you took notice of all the different kinds of beings there were in outworld, you also took in how it felt to be celebrated. mileena seeing the curiosity in your eyes began recanting to raiden about the history of Outworld. she even mentioned about her late father.
you cut liu kang off in the middle of him performing his diplomatic duty, “i’m sorry for your loss. must be difficult.” you provide a flat smile.
“i appreciate your gesture, but you have nothing to be sorry for. not as much as this one here…” she mutters. she stops the carriage to get off and approach a figure in the distance. in the mean time, liu kang is not ignorant to the interaction between you and mileena.
“you have lost your father too.” he spoke, his tone sympathetic. you look down, the camera no longer recording. there was no escaping the conversation with the all-knowing god.
“my mother and sister too. a home-invasion gone wrong. i wasn’t home. i never was, always afraid of missing out. so i blew them off that night when they wanted to watch a movie in favor of partying with friends.” 
silence hovered over the group despite the festival music still playing in the background. you made quick work of wiping your tears before apologizing again, scared of dampening the mood. johnny, who knew of your story when he hired you, just provided a comforting arm around your shoulder.
“so your humor is a cover-up, huh?” kenshi muttered.
“really, you want to do this right now?” johnny stood from his position in the carriage. kenshi also stood, making the carriage a little wobbly.
kung lao and raiden replaced his spot on either side, providing you with shoulders to lean on.
“now, now. we will not make a display of ignorance.” liu kang intercepted immediately, a stern tone taking over. “kenshi, now is not the time or place. johnny, not every altercation needs verbal and physical offense. i order you both to sit back down and let us carry on to Empress Sindel’s palace.” 
and so it was. mileena returned and the parade carried on as she muttered “li mei and those damned tarkatans” under her breath.
you collected yourself at the palace and stood amongst the group discussing tactics for the fights raiden would be enduring. suddenly, silence took over before johnny pushed you behind him, “red alert. stock villain incoming.”
he spoke in reference to what you would classify as demon split the crowd. his tall stature definitely struck fear deep within you. maybe now would be a good time to start praying. liu kang introduced him as general shao. his goal clear, to antagonize and belittle the group of Earthrealmers that stood before him. the others remained tall before him, but you were kept behind them out of necessary precaution.
the princesses returned and sat on their respective thrones beside Empress Sindel. there was no pause or hesitation for further introduction. she immediately began setting the stage for which raiden would take alongside his enemies.
you begin twirling your hair out of anxiety when his first opponent was introduced. the same li mei that mileena seems to distrust. you found out soon enough in empress sindel’s “motivation” speech.
then the battles commenced. each one menacing than the last. but each time raiden came out victorious. the first part of the tournament was adjourned and true to your goal, you, raiden, kung lao, and johnny made the most of the dinner that was provided. you couldn’t help but feel giddy despite the emotions you let loose earlier. maybe the relationship between Earthrealm and Outworld wasn’t as bad as kangaroo made it seem. you watch as johnny flirted with every woman at the party, as kenshi remained unbothered, and kung lao finish plate after plate. raiden and liu and seemed deep in conversation. 
that’s when the feeling returned. the one of doubt that sat deep in your stomach and extended into your throat. everyone here had a place, even in this new world. you begin picking at the remnants of food on your plate.
“i never got your name warrior.” 
you look up and notice that it was princess kitana. as instructed by lui kang, you bow before her.
“no need,” she paused. “i just want to know who you are in relation to everyone.” she sat down in the empty chair next to you.
“firstly, i am no warrior, but my name is y/n. this is more of a business trip to me than one of diplomatic relations.”
“hm. a little disappointing. but, lui kang doesn’t bring just anyone to Outworld.” she swirled a glass of exotic wine before sipping.
you chuckle, once again fully aware of how out of place you were. you don’t respond though.
“have you ever fought before?” she raised an eyebrow.
“maybe when i was younger. i took ballet, gymnastics and karate, but i lost all passion for those beginning crafts when my family… i’m sorry.” you used the napkins provided to blot at your eyes.
kitana shared a look of understanding. she even placed a hand on top of yours.
“i think you should get back into it. not only is it an excellent outlet, but,” she extended the ‘u’ for emphasis and dramatization. “i’m surrounded by brutes on a daily bases and would love some feminine company. maybe i can show you something?” she leaned in, eyeing the space around you guys for anyone lurking in your conversation. 
and how stupid would you be to deny the princess’ request. with stifled giggles and rushed footsteps, kitana grabbed your hand and rushed off to the palace quarters. sindel watched in amusement, she had the same harmless suspicion as a mother watching her daughter and a friend do some secret activity at a sleepover. 
“i won’t go too hard on you, just show you moves you can do when someone invades your space in a manner that is distasteful.” 
it only took a couple minutes for liu kang and the rest of the quartet to notice your usual cheerful and sometimes invasive presence was missing. and how lucky, you did not have to witness mileena’s moment of weakness or when general shao insulted your boys or the plans he had that had yet to be unravelled.
when you finally returned to them later that night, you were a little bruised and definitely sore, but you wouldn’t rest until you could show what you learned on a real person, someone like… a drunk johnny cage.
“how did you manage to sneak off with princess kitana?” kenshi quipped, a little dismayed that it was you of all people.
“i didn’t do anything, in fact, it was her who rizzed me up. don’t be jealous ken-doll.” you wiggled your eyebrows to piss him off further.
“well don’t leave anything to the imagination. what happened?” johnny slurred. this time, he was cosigned by a similarly drunk kung lao, leaving a blushing raiden behind.
“yeah? you wanna know?” you egged them on, leading them to their impending doom.
they nodded eagerly. “well come closer, i can’t exactly say this with so many ears leading back to the empress.” you tease.
when they approach and lean down for you to whisper into their ear, you unleashed your attack. you provide a swift uppercut to kung lao’s chin sending him flying back before he composed himself. you then quickly drop down before swinging your leg around to knock johnny off his. kung lao, the ever so competitive, charged back. this time, you used your refreshed gymnastic skills from kitana to avoid his rapid punches.
round off after round off you avoided him until you could feel your exhaustion setting in, while on your hands, you bent your knees and elbows, trying to gain enough energy to push off and drive your legs up. your heels made contact with kung lao’s chin and sent him flying back. he did not get back up, succumbing to the contact and his drunken haze.
after you sent johnny to the ground, he made no attempt to get up, his drunken state rendering him incapacitated. 
you gracefully finish the round off and put both your hands in the air as if you as if you had finished an award winning gymnastics routine.
raiden clapped, clearly amused at the current state of his friends. kenshi rolled his eyes, but had a little smirk on his face. “since johnny was so adamant about you capturing everything, you should take a photo of them now.”
“omg ken-doll, that’s the best idea you have had yet!” you squeal and proceed to whip the device out to do so.
“i see that your confidence is back on the mend. i’m happy for you. i am also glad that you are no longer running from conflict.” liu kang chuckled and pat you on the back.
raiden picked up the unconscious kung lao while kenshi attended to johnny. you all then proceeded to walk to the quarters provided to you to settle in and prepare for the next day.
“i knew i had chosen right after all.” liu kang said.
“me? chosen? you flatter me kangaroo.” you smile.
(The Next Day)
raiden stood before empress sindel, though her daughters were missing from their standard positions. she commemorated him of his past victories and how he only had two opponents who stood before him.
you were back on the sidelines with johnny, phone already recording. you were trying so hard not to yell out “Out-Worldstar”. the jokes just write themselves really.
so imagine your surprise when she announced that kitana was to be his next opponent. slyly, you and johnny slid your phones back into your pockets and just started whistling. all of a sudden interested in the plants and decorations rather than raiders impending doom.
“come on guys, you don’t have any faith in raiden?” kung lao nudged.
“it’s not that,” johnny began. “it’s that he’s definitely going to feel it after,” you finished.
“and i will win.” kitana interjected. she looked over at you, you could tell by the crinkle in her eye, she was smiling, ready to show you what it meant to really be femme fatale.
their quarrel began and liu kang had to even stop himself from giggling as you stared at kitana with a wide mouth and a hint of fear in your eyes. she could definitely hold her own in kombat. she performed aerial flips and even put her magic skills to the test against his lightening. it was miraculous even that their fight looked as if they were floating, feet only touching the ground for a moment before attacking or blocking.
despite her flare and her fans, raiden defeated her in a split second moment of weakness. but it didn’t damper how you felt about the strength she exhibited, if anything, it only fueled the fire in you to get back into your hobbies that you discussed last night. you were determined to actually earn your position within liu kang’s entourage.
she congratulated his victory and with no moment of rest, raiders next opponent was introduced: general shao.
you, johnny, kenshi, and kung lao visibly and audibly gulped. kenshi even tugged at his collar a bit to relieve pressure. it seemed as if the ground shook as he approached the ring. you heard how he made a commotion last night by insulting Earthrealmers and their inherent weakness, so you knew he would show no mercy towards raiden.
you look around at your companions, while lui kang focused intensely on the oncoming battle, everyone else was face deep in a newspaper. this caused you to tilt your head while wearing a monotonous look upon your face.
“ok, i know we are all concerned right now, but maybe the least we can do is cheer him on during his final fight.” neurons began firing as you thought of ways to encourage raiden. then it hit you.
“ken-doll come onnnnn. you have to join in or else it won’t be authentic.” you begged, hugging his leg and refusing to get off despite his attempts to kick and remove you.
“i am not doing a pom-pom cheer for a fight.” he grit his teeth.
“come on man, its his last one. we either celebrate now or he dies without ever knowing we were there for him.” johnny wrapped his arm around kung lao and kenshi.
“we can be like the Jackson 5! raiden being michael, obviously” he continued.
“i can hear you guys.” raiden turned, almost embarrassed. 
“one time?” kenshi looked down at you, who was still holding on to his leg, returning his stare with puppy dog eyes, your lips wobbling.
you nodded feverishly. he sighed knowing that you have managed to knock his ego down twice now.
you hopped back up excitedly and immediately got your camera ready and positions set.
the kombat was long and brutal, general shao taking every attack raiden gave him and raiden doing the same. though, you do think your plan to increase raiden’s mood distracted the general at some points, allowing raiden to get some solid hits in. you could not lie, raiden’s usual shy demeanor did not match the one before you: a calm, composed, yet deadly storm. his movements also memorized you as his flash of lightning put on a show similar to that of fireworks.
and as general shao fell to the ground, it fell silent even as the ground trembled. you cheered and even entered the ring to give him a hug with the strength of a anaconda, lifting him off the ground some.
“you did it! you singlehandedly saved Earthrealm” you bounced with misplaced excitement.
“and she calls me kangaroo.” liu kang enters as well to also congratulate his champion.
sindel arose to also congratulate him before swiftly disappearing to someplace that would remain unknown to you.
“come. let us bid our hosts farewell and return to Earthrealm.” liu kang looked pleased at the state of his entourage before leading the way. 
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In The Dark (BuckTommy Whump)
In The Dark (14,612 words) by NeverlandPoet Chapters: 9/9 Fandom: 9-1-1 (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Tommy Kinard Characters: Evan "Buck" Buckley, Tommy Kinard, Vincent Gerrard, Howie "Chimney" Han, Henrietta "Hen" Wilson, Ravi Panikkar, Maddie Buckley Additional Tags: Whump, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Evan "Buck" Buckley, Hurt Tommy Kinard, Internalized Homophobia, Racism, Canon-Typical Violence, Firefighter Evan "Buck" Buckley, Firefighters, set after season 7, Character Study, POV Evan "Buck" Buckley, Major Character Injury, Fire, Slurs, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Good Sibling Maddie Buckley
Summary: Working under Captain Gerrard again is a shock for the 118, especially as they are supposed to be present at this year's Pride Parade. Tommy is the only bright spot for Buck that day, but when they suddenly receive an assignment, he realizes that Tommy, of all people, is in the middle of it…
Finished! Chapter 1 is under the cut, full fic on AO3. Come say hi if you liked it ❤️
We will burn in the fire We will be branded in flames We will have to rise from the ashes From the fires of our own mistakes
Getting ready for shift, day 2 under Gerrard, who’s counting? You can do this.
Buck watches Ravi roll up the hoses. His fingers are itching to ever so slightly adjust the other’s angle of work, but with his distracted mind, the moment passes. Bobby will get his clearance soon. He will, he must.
“This is my first Pride,” says Ravi, “I mean, the parade. What to expect?”
Buck checks the equipment for the third time, but even the third time, everything is where it should be.
“Well, it's my first time too,” he replies with a shrug.
“Huh, were you off last year?”
“What? Oh, no.”
Buck slams the flap shut with a jerk. Sheepishly scratching his ear, he adds, “I mean, this year I’m... uh, this will be my first time as a... Anyway, Tommy and I have different shifts, we can't go, but there are still a lot of parties in the evening, maybe we can make it to one of those.”
“Keep the details about your fag lover where they belong – your underpants.”
Gerrard steps around the fire engine, smug grin on his face, provocatively running a finger through his moustache.
“Done checking? We can't wait forever for you guys.”
He looks at the two of them challengingly, but actually, Buck feels, Gerrard’s only looking at him. Ravi straightens up, he doesn't know the man, he’s just the current captain to him. Buck can't blame him, Ravi has learned that it pays to prove yourself, that it pays to make an effort. He’s learned that, like all of the 118, under Bobby. But Bobby’s not here.
“H... hold on, you can't say that.”
Even if the words dance on the tip of his tongue, Buck's gaze is firm. Gerrard stares at him, a gaze like a laser beam; but Buck is equipped with an invisible shield, and he returns the look.
“I can't tell you to do your job, Buckley? Really?”
“No,” Buck replies stubbornly, “I mean the other thing. The slur. You can’t say that, Gerrard.”
“Captain Gerrard,” the man corrects him in a deceptively soft voice. “You want to start with political correct language, do it in every respect. Pajeet here will agree with me, won't he?”
Gerrard shots a gaze at Ravi. Ravi's cheek muscles twitch, Buck knows he’s stifling a reply. He never thought about it, but how many times has Ravi heard things like these? How many times did he have to listen to bigoted, white men hurling insults at him? Buck clenches his fists. Anger is rising in him like an inextinguishable fire, and it's not wise, he knows this. He knows it, but there's Gerrard with his stupid grin, head slightly tilted as if to say, yeah, hit me boy, I'm waiting for it.
Hen appears at the truck, “There's plenty of bandages, Captain,” she says, as if she's read Gerrard's mind.
Gerrard wrinkles his nose as if Hen's appearance is some kind of stench that you just can't get rid of. But for now, he drops it. He slaps the fire engine; to Buck, this looks like he's slapping a woman's butt, and somehow, the analogy suits Gerrard. He's old school, as these guys like to say. They’re calling the vehicle baby, they’re joking about the hoses and involuntarily grab their crotches when a hydrant spurts out before the connection is made. None of this is unusual. A bit on the verge of extinction, and Buck can't exactly boast that he's never done anything like this. It's not great, but also not unusual. Gerrard, however… he’s a special sort of player.
They occupy the truck, and Buck just hopes his last glance at the interims captain is ice cold. Gerrard is sitting in front, now he can only pierce him with his eyes from behind. Hen looks kind of worried, so Buck nudges her.
“Hey, it'll be fine.”
She adjusts her glasses, even though they’re absolutely straight. Following Buck’s gaze to Gerrard, she shakes her head.
“I don't know, just having a feeling,” she says.
Gerrard continues to stare ahead, but his ears are good for an old geezer, Buck thinks, as he interjects, “Feelings have no place in a fire truck.”
Hen ignores him, only giving Buck a warning glance as he frowns, clearly pondering about some fierce retort.
“Because of today’s job?” Ravi interjects.
“Oh, right,” says Buck, “Ravi was asking what to expect from the parade.”
He emphasizes Ravi and parade while carefully watching the back of Gerrard's head. This time, however, the man stays silent, and Hen turns to Ravi.
“It's not that wild,” she replies warmly, “people are generally rather peaceful. Sure, there’s the usual drunks falling into the shards of their own bottles. The odd brawl on the sidelines...”
“One year, a fire-eater accidentally set himself on fire,” Buck interjects, gesturing broadly. “Singed the eyebrows of three people who were standing a little too close.”
“Dumpster fires,” Chimney offers. He was the last to enter the truck, missing their earlier conversation with Gerrard, but he, too, seems kind of tense. They all are, actually. And it’s neither because of the parade nor because they’re missing Eddie, who has called in sick at short notice. Eddie isn't absent because of Gerrard, of course, but Buck wouldn't blame him if that were the reason. He himself had been feeling unwell this morning simply thinking about the captain, and thinking about what he’d done to Tommy. How he made him act. That guilt is still apparent on Tommy’s face, whenever Gerrard manages to creep into their topics.
“Hm,” Ravi replies with a frown, “nothing we couldn't be called in for, should it happen. Still not getting why we're ordered directly at the place, practically like a fire station for the day.”
“It's a madhouse, that's why.” Gerrard, of course.
“Statistics show that the presence of fire departments at the start of major events has a preventative effect,” says Hen, ignoring the captain. “Significant reduction of accidents, actually.”
“27 percent,” Buck throws in, and the other’s astonished looks bore into him. “What?”
“Less fire starters,” Hen nods. “One theory says people are more attentive because the presence of firefighters boosts their sense of community.”
For a moment, a discussion breaks out among Buck, Hen, Ravi and Chimney as everyone seems to have an opinion on this, but Gerrard's sharp voice interrupts them.
“Shut up, chicken coop. We're here for a job, not for your private bullshit.”
His gaze rests on Buck, and he feels his own fingernails clawing into his thigh. Bobby wouldn't want you to do anything rash. It’s his mantra for the rest of the ride.
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thereisnoafter · 9 months
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5 de enero de 2024.
Al otro lado de la farola.
Esperando por la cabalgata de los Reyes Magos.
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cilil · 2 months
Hi, I come to seek your wisdom: how does one start writing smut without instantly combusting from embarrassment? I have a few Ideas (Uinen/Ossë anyone?) I tried to write and, while the scenario works very well in my head, I forget what words are the moment I try to write it down and start feeling so awkward even if I’m alone. (Also I’m ace and never had sex in my life so… that’s not helpful)
Thank you for any advice you’d have, o wise one 🫶
Hi anon! Ossë and Uinen, huh? Sounds lovely!😁 Anyway I gave this some thought and hopefully came up with something helpful.
Get in the zone. Now this may sound a bit redundant since you already said you still have trouble if you're alone, but something worth figuring out in general for all sorts of writing is "how is writing comfortable for me", "how can I stay focused" and "how can I set myself up physically to give myself the best mental space". This is different for everyone. Most people will prefer to be alone, for starters. Then there are other "environmental factors" you could consider, to name a few examples:
Does sitting at a desk or a table maybe feel too "formal"? Would sitting on a couch or your bed be better? Or lounging/lying down/standing/walking?
Does the writing program and device you use vibe with you? Maybe writing on phone is too strenuous or writing on a laptop leads to this big empty sheet that makes it hard to start, especially with "trickier" things like smut?
Does having a drink or a snack distract you or would the chewing/drinking actually help you keep your thoughts in motion?
These are going to vary wildly between individuals and also between genres you write, but heightening your general comfort with writing and/or looking to make changes to adapt to smut writing in particular can help with your ability to do so.
Take notes. I know, this sounds very... unsexy, but hear me out. Writing a scene from beginning to end, even if you have the scenario in your head already, can be daunting and at least for me personally it helps a lot when I let the scene play out first, take some fairly basic notes and then use them alongside the scene I'm picturing to write it all out. It will also help if you prefer to write non-chronologically because then there's less of a mess to put together later.
Watch & read smut. While this is something you'd normally think is mainly for inspiration (which, as I understand, is not the problem here) it can also help with getting you into the mindset, the mood and overall more used to the material. Maybe there are a few fics you read that you liked and didn't make you feel awkward about engaging with smut? Maybe there's a hot piece of art that makes your fingers itch to write?
Since I'm already at it, a few words about porn: It can help a lot with visualizing scenes and thus also make them easier to write, but I want to acknowledge that a lot of porn is made for and catering specifically to allosexual straight cis men which can make it not as palpable or enjoyable for everyone who is, well, not that (women, non-binary, ace, lesbian, gay, etc etc). It would be nice if there was more for us and I'm certain some awesome creators and sex workers out there are working on it, but... you know. Just wanted to say it's not for everyone and that is very okay and understandable.
No experience? No problem. To briefly get this out of the way: Is having real life sexual experience helpful for writing smut? It can be. You can absolutely draw from your experience to describe certain acts or sensations or emotions. But will it make or break your smut fic? Absolutely not and no worries! Not to rain on anyone's parade, but a lot of real life sex can be bad, boring or just... super casual so it's not very useful as smut material.
If you feel like this is an issue, treat it like every other aspect of writing where you lack personal experience and do some research and/or talk to someone you trust and feel comfortable discussing the topic with to get their input. Let things you enjoyed elsewhere inspire you (see above) and especially in this case feel free to just trust your imagination because:
About Ainur sex. Conveniently, we're talking about two Ainur having sex here which essentially eliminates any sort of necessity to stay true to the standard human sexual experience. Whatever you imagine, it pretty much can't be wrong because who knows how two married angelic spirit beings have sex. Go with your imagination and don't worry about accuracy or describing every single detail; in general you are free to adapt your smut writing to your level of comfort (the spectrum goes from fade to black to every single gross and nasty detail being put on display). Don't let audience expectations pressure you into anything either - there will be someone out there who will enjoy your take and your style.
Words not wording. Another big pitfall of smut writing is the, let's say, naughty vocabulary. It can feel awkward, cringe or generally uncomfortable to use certain words (for example for genitalia) and then there's also the matter of choosing which one feels right and hopefully doesn't make readers cringe. While there's never one right and perfect answer to this question, I offer you this survey as a resource. In it, preferred vocabulary choices for various body parts and actions are shown. I hope it helps with the writing process!
Lastly: Let it cook. I don't know what the scene you had in mind entails so this bit may be redundant, but if you don't feel comfortable jumping right into the smutty part you can have a sort of "prelude" to it and yes, it can be as long as you want it to be. Maybe writing a bit of talking and cuddling or whatever else you have in mind first will ease you into the writing itself and make it easier to write the smut because you're already in flow state; but that too depends on what kind of writer you are in general.
Sorry for talking so much, I just wanted to cover as many bases as I thought of over the last few days and add as many points as I can so hopefully this helps you and maybe other people as well. Wishing you all the best and lots of fun with your writing!💙
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fullstcp · 24 days
Legally Blonde: The Musical Sentence Starters
"I'm, like, gonna cry."
"I got tears coming out of my nose."
"You're a perfect match."
"You both have such great taste in clothes."
"Of course they will propose!"
"Bring that ring back and show it to me."
"Are you psyched or what?"
"If there ever was a perfect couple, this one qualifies."
"Oh my god you guys!"
"Oh my god this is happening."
"Now fall in line."
"We'll start the engagement parade."
"Don't forget to smile."
"Lose the gum."
"You look like the maid."
"Now prepare to serenade."
"They're just like that couple from Titanic! Only no one dies."
"Your life begins today."
"Don't take the freeway!"
"Hey, wait for me!"
"No one should be alone to dress and accessorize."
"Can't look like I'm desperate or like I'm waiting for it."
"All this week I've had butterflies."
"Every time they look at me, it's totally proposal eyes."
"Help me dress for my fairytale."
"I can't wear something I bought on sale."
"I'm not about to buy last year's dress at this year's price."
"I may be in love, but I'm not stupid."
"Sorry, our mistake."
"Take your break."
"See, dreams really do come true, you never have to compromise."
"Let's go home before someone cries."
"We both know why we're here."
"I guess it calms my fear to know it's not a surprise."
"Now we're wide awake."
"We've got some plans to make."
"I've got some dreams to make true."
"I've got the future all planned."
"It's time to get serious with you."
"Here's where our lives begin."
"But just where do you fit in?"
"I'll break it down now."
"I know you'll understand."
"You want the moon and sky."
"That's why you and I should break up."
"You're breaking up with me?"
"I thought you were proposing."
"Okay, that came out wrong."
"I'm not serious, but I am seriously in love with you."
"I have a completely brilliant plan!"
"What you want is me."
"What you want is right in front of you."
"Now, can we think this through?"
"What makes you think you can do this?"
"Love! I'm doing this for love."
"Love will see me through."
"With love on my side, I can't lose."
"Don't lawyers feel love too?"
"What you want is no easy thing."
"You've got a lot of work in front of you."
"What you want's absurd."
"Tell me, what's out there that you can't get right here?"
"I can live without sun or valet."
"I can't just walk away. Betray what might have been."
"Right here is where I'll stay."
"Let's go around and share a bit about yourselves."
"That's a challenge I've outgrown."
"Somehow I don't lose much sleep."
"Why bother with false modesty?"
"I totally forgot you go here."
"A lawyer is a shark."
"Ignore that, it's simplistic and dumb."
"Oh dear, I fear my comment has offended."
"Hard to argue, though, when you're too mad to speak."
"Whatcha crying at?"
"Wipe your tears, it's no big thing."
"It's time to bring a happy attitude."
"Keep it positive."
"You know we're right."
"Violence is never wise."
"Who's got a plan B?"
"Yeah! Let out your inner freak."
"I'm positive that we've taken this too far."
"Do you know the number one reason behind all bad hair decisions? Love!"
"You're lost without your love."
"I can help you, I've been there before."
"They know how to love you."
"You look like that poster for Ireland."
"Screw it! I'll never see either place."
"You go, and you fight for them!"
"I'm not sure where this metaphor's going."
"I just felt like it had to be said."
"I never would have guessed it."
"Sometimes, I miss those old days."
"I thought we ruled the world."
"I held your head when you hurled."
"We were like gods back then, walking among common men."
"Tell me, why can't it be that way again?"
"Dreams don't just disappear."
"I put my faith in love. I followed where it led."
"Love led you here?"
"It has not worked out well."
"I'm flunking out of school. A total laughing stock."
"Go on, here's my head, just hit it with a rock."
"What rich, romantic planet are you from?"
"I got through law school by busting my ass."
"Forgive me for not weeping at your tale."
"There's a chip on my shoulder and it's big as a boulder."
"With the chance I've been given I'm gonna be driven as hell."
"I'm so close I can taste it, so I'm not gonna waste it."
"You might wanna get one as well."
"I don't go to parties a lot."
"Though I can't take the day off, I just think of the payoff."
"You need a chip on your shoulder."
"I just need to prove to everyone that I'm serious."
"What you need is to get to work."
"Can you live without this? Can you live without that?"
"Spend some time improving what's inside your head."
"With the chance you've been given, why are you not driven as hell?"
"If you're going for mediocre, you've done great."
"They laughed at me like they're laughing at you."
"We can't win if we don't follow through."
"Might I venture your vacation plans can wait?"
"Why do you always have to be right?"
"You are so adorable to think of me."
"Great, we're gonna miss our flight."
"No more whining or blaming. I am reclaiming my pride."
"I'm just happy I could be there."
"All of this time I planned I'd be patient and you would love me again."
"I have turned my whole world upside down trying not to let you go."
"Watching you walk away is like a fatal blow."
"Does someone know that I exist?"
"Is this a mistake?"
"Am I even awake? Pinch me now to make sure."
"Maybe I'm doing something right!"
"I feel so much better than before!"
"You thought I was dumb."
"I think that somebody's judgement was poor."
"I've gone on to better things."
"I have not begun to fight."
"Do you want an easy miracle?"
"When I say jump, say 'how high?'."
"I hate you, and I love you for it."
"We have a lot to cover."
"What does not kill us makes us hotter!"
"What is this place?"
"It's called...a department store."
"Feel all those halogens warming your skin."
"I know you're scared."
"Think of the people you want to impress."
"Swallow your pride for me."
"Here you'll become what you're supposed to be."
"You think you can't, but you can."
"Why can't we leave things the way that they were?"
"Why can I never say 'no' to you?"
"I've come this far, I can't retreat in my shell."
"Is this the price?!"
"Don't worry, this is my treat."
"There's someone I'd like you to meet."
"Now it reflects what's already in you. Couldn't change that if I wanted to, and I do not."
"This is no gift, it's payment in kind."
"Oh, you have to buy it."
"You look hot!"
"Why do they follow me around all day?"
"Watch me while I walk away."
"That's easy for you to say."
"If you wanna make the team, fake some self-esteem."
"Sorry, that ain't how I play."
"That wouldn't work if I tried all day."
"I gotta go get my asthma spray."
"It's not the time to overthink."
"There! Right there!"
"Oh, please, he's gay."
"I'm not about to celebrate."
"That is the elephant in the room."
"It's hard to guarantee."
"Well, hey, don't look at me!"
"Look at that condescending smirk."
"I'll leave with what's left of my dignity."
"They said I'd fail but I disagreed."
"Who could say then where my path would lead? Well now I know."
"Thanks for your help and for all you've done."
"Thank you for treating me decently."
"What's wrong?"
"Maybe someday you could visit me. Give me a call, say 'hello'."
"Wait, where are you going?"
"Sorry I'm letting down everyone."
"What brought on this?"
"You did your best with a hopeless case."
"You are the best thing about this place."
"There's no reason for me to stay."
"What about love?"
"I never mentioned love."
"The timing's bad, I know."
"Perhaps if I'd made it more clear that you belong right here, you wouldn't have to go."
"You'd know that I'm so much in love."
"Please will you open the door?"
"Dream within reach. Don't stray beyond."
"We both know you're worth so much more."
"Some girls were just meant to smile."
"If you can hear, can I just say how much I want you to stay?"
"It's not up to me."
"I need you to stay."
"I used to pray for the day you'd leave."
"I swore up and down you did not belong."
"But when I'm wrong, then I say I'm wrong. And I was wrong about you."
"I see no end to what you'll achieve."
"That's only if you don't turn and run."
"Now show everyone what you can do."
"Take a good look at my face."
"I'm not a fool and as a rule I do not bond."
"I see a star."
"You're my new muse."
"You've got the best freaking shoes."
"I'm never wearing that again."
"You're in the supply closet."
"When you're attacked you've got to respond."
"Back the hell out of my way."
"You're fired."
"Guess who I hired."
"I dreamed of this day long ago."
"My answer is thank you, but no."
"Look, I've barely begun, I'm hardly through."
"I was living in ignorant bliss 'til I learned I could be more than this."
"You know, in a way I owe it all to you."
"I thought losing your love was a blow I could never withstand."
"Look how far I have come without anyone holding my hand."
"The day you broke my heart you handed me the chance to make a brand new start."
"You helped me find my way."
"There's still so much to learn."
"I think I'm here to stay."
"I'm standing here today 'cause you helped me find my way."
"If you could give me one second before we all go."
"Now I've found my love."
"I've found my way to love."
"I've finally found my prize!"
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magnoliacharmed · 7 months
A Lot to Learn
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(GIF credit - jasvvy)
18+, Drew McIntyre x Logan Paul, one-shot
[Also available on Archive of Our Own!]
Tags: Slight age difference, face fucking, anal sex, bruises, come eating
Word count: 2110
Author's Note:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Logan pranced. He pranced and paraded and trounced around backstage like the little boy he was. There was only a ten year age difference between him and Drew, but it felt more like fifteen. He was just so immature— he had no idea what it was like to work his way up to the top. Drew had to claw to the main event, just to have the floor fall out from under him when it was his moment to shine. Logan skipped his way in with his silly social media clout and got the US title bestowed on him like a crown. A crown for a prince that would never truly be a king, a holdover belt to tide his ego over. At least Drew could say there was some prestige to the World Heavyweight Championship. With him earning it, because there was no other option but for him to win, it would gain even more honor. He was a Top Guy, an important figure, something Logan Paul could never be.
“You’re pushing my buttons, kid. I suggest you go find someone else to mess with.”
“No man, I’m doing just fine right here. Am I bothering you?”
“You bother me the same way a gnat does. Mild irritation, nothing I can’t handle.”
Drew shut his eyes and let his hands rest behind his head. Once Elimination Chamber was over, he and Logan would not be anywhere near each other event-wise. He could focus on more important, worthy opponents, men with years of experience that showed in their sore muscles and scratched up bodies. Logan’s chest was disgustingly unblemished. No scars or bruising, no ring burn discoloring his skin. It was soft, it was pretty… it was fresh. It’d been a while since Drew had seen anyone with so much newness about themselves. Apparently no one had gotten to him yet, not even Roman from what the locker room gossip whispered through the grapevine. So Logan was a bit of a princess, wasn’t just letting any knight in the castle. Interesting images began to form in Drew’s mind.
“Don’t you have to go get ready.” Drew hoped the finality in his voice came across to Logan. It seemed to register in his head, only to be immediately tossed out into his mental wastebin. Logan looked down at his silly yellow vest and smiled the smile of someone who knew how annoying he was being. 
“I am ready.”
Drew laughed. Ready, sure. Oh, the boy thought he was. 
Elimination Chamber was a hard fought match. Once again though, Drew did what he did best. He brawled and won as it was meant to be. Even with Randy stalking around, Bobby giving it a fair shake, and LA Knight showing impressive drive to be the best, the other men didn’t stand a chance against Drew. His prophecy was inching closer to being fulfilled, with no help from Logan buzzing around the ring. He spent a good majority of the match taunting him, which Drew thought was quite bold. It was cute, he was like a puppy nipping at his heels for attention. Drew had noticed that was just the way he was, always poking and prodding at bigger men for scraps of acknowledgement. Maybe it was time to give him what he needed so he’d stop being such a fucking nuisance. 
“Great job out there Drew. Hope my dick drawing didn’t distract you too much.” Logan stood at Drew’s door a sweaty, disheveled, slightly pink mess. That worn out, used up look fit him a lot better. 
“Not at all. Nothing was going to get in my way of going to Wrestlemania… not you or your dick, sweetheart.”
A separate, deeper flush than the one that painted his chest colored Logan’s face as he smiled again. It didn’t quite reach his eyes this time due to some sort of anticipation and fear that flashed in his irises. 
“Thinking about my dick, are you Drew? I’m not surprised, I tend to have that effect on people.”
“You’re quite smug for someone who's had everything handed to him.”
Drew was up and approaching Logan before he could run out of the door and back into his hidey-hole of a dressing room. Probably nothing but bottles of Prime and yes men in there waiting to praise Logan for the bare minimum of selling like he was supposed to and not injuring anyone. It made Drew sick. Logan looked down at the knob and felt the cold surface of the door against his back while Drew’s heavy breathing made his chest rise and touch his. Drew had a lot of dark chest hair that Logan suddenly had to urge to rub his face in.
“You’re right, I have been given a lot. I can admit that I always get what I want, as long as I ask for it.” Logan stared up into Drew’s eyes with a pout that immediately made Drew’s cock stiffen up. 
“So you just asked for big matches? For the US Championship?”
“I asked. Triple H and the executives felt like I deserved it. It was a mutual thing.”
Drew’s expression hardened. What a little jerk, throwing his weight around like that. Of course they would let him get high profile events, he had millions of followers. That meant he deserved shots that the other guys who’d started out wrestling in high school gyms for free food would have never bothered to dream of. 
“What are you going to ask for now?”
The skin around Logan’s eyes creased when he laughed. It sounded undone and nervous, no usual unearned confidence making it too loud of a noise.
“You gonna show me more of what’s under that kilt? I think you tried flashing me as a distraction so you could win.”
“I would’ve won whether I did or didn’t flash you.”
Drew removed his kilt and pulled down his trunks in quick succession, exposing himself to Logan without ever looking away from his face. The sides of Logan’s mouth twitched when he saw how perfectly thick Drew’s cock was. It was crazy he wore trunks knowing he was that was big.
“Hm. You know what you’re gonna do for me, Logan? You’re going to earn what you want tonight. For the first time in your life, you’re going to have to work for your reward. Got it?”
Logan shrugged and decided to throw caution to the wind. He always got what he wanted in the end. It might take a few false starts and pit stops, but it worked out in one way or the other. He rubbed his face into Drew’s chest and inhaled deeply. His post-match sweat was intoxicatingly strong and only served to make Logan rush to get on his knees. Drew rolled his eyes at the way he exaggeratingly crossed his eyes at the length of his dick. Everything was a joke to this kid. 
Logan pulled out his own cock as he took Drew into his warm mouth. The scent of his sweat was amplified twice over that close to his balls and his mass of equally dark pubic hair. Wrapping his hand around himself, he felt precome drip out onto his fingers. Drew was already groaning from the way Logan hollowed out his cheeks around his dick. 
“You’re a pro at this, huh? Been getting your practice in on the other boys?”
“Not yet,” Logan squeezed himself and stroked with a fervor, then continued to suck. 
Drew couldn’t help but to feel like he was going to come thinking about Logan with his mouth open and waiting for Roman or LA Knight or Santos, any one of the guys he’d provoked over the last year or so, to paint his tongue back to back. His hands reached to grab into the weirdly cut strands of Logan’s hair so he could push his dick past his tongue and down into his throat. Surprisingly he took it well with no tears spilling out or teeth scraping the sensitive skin. Drew closed his eyes and shoved Logan’s head completely against himself, letting the boy gag around him until he slapped a hand against his thigh to let him breathe. Although he felt like he’d die from the loss of sensation and wet, pretty noises, Drew slowly removed himself from Logan’s mouth. 
“I was just about to come too, fuck.” Logan poked his bottom lip out petulantly. 
“You’ll be happy you didn’t.”
Logan was pulled up off of his knees only to be dragged over to the nearest couch. Drew took his time and got comfortable when sat down on it, spreading his legs wide open and letting his cock bob in the air. 
“Come on, take those off and come sit in my lap,” Drew patted at his upper thighs, also covered in hair, and winked at Logan. He wasn’t done with him yet, not by a long shot. From the speed in which Logan stripped down, he knew he wasn't done either. 
Drew picked up a bottle of lube from the side table and squeezed a generous amount into his hand to smooth across his dick. All of Logan’s thoughts, what few he had in the first place, left the building when he sank down onto Drew in one swift movement. Drew’s eyes widened in surprise; he didn’t know Logan was that capable. 
“Aren’t you a good boy?” 
Drew began to fuck up into Logan before he could respond. His face slackened up in ecstasy with every thrust inside of him. Logan attempted to ride back against him, but his aching legs betrayed him by shaking. Not only was he being fucked harder than he’d ever been, the chamber match had done a number on him too. Maybe Drew and the others thought he was just there to bring fresh eyes to the program, but he really was trying his hardest in the ring. Just as soon as he was ready to give up and let himself enjoy it all, Drew pressed his fingers harshly into the flesh of his hips. The sudden pain gave him a jolt that motivated him to grind deep and huff out shallowly. 
“There you go. I knew you’d like that, baby,” Drew smoothed over the marks he’d left deep in Logan’s skin. It was a good thing he wore tights instead of trunks, or else the top brass would have his head for leaving their golden boy all ruined. Logan responded with a steadying breath that turned into a destroyed moan when Drew grabbed at his twitching cock. Gasps fell from Logan’s mouth every time Drew stroked him with his rough palm while he plunged himself as far as he could go inside of him. 
“Please Drew, please—“
Drew watched as Logan’s body shuddered hard while he came. It leaked out messily onto his hand, Logan bucking up into his fist involuntarily from the orgasm. His vision cleared up enough to see Drew holding up said hand to his lips for him to clean up. With the first couple of licks, Drew once again sank his fingers back into the bruises on Logan’s hip to lift him up off of his dick. Seconds later, he felt the warmth of Drew’s come splash across his ass and the very bottom of his lower back. 
“Really got me good here,” Logan ran the pads of his fingers against his reddish-purple bruises and bit back a moan. 
“Wanted to leave a little something behind. Now you’ve got some scars, something that proves you can take a little pain. It looks like you like having them, too, which is an even better sign. It means you’re finally on your way to becoming a worthy competitor. Maybe one day you’ll face me for the title.”
Drew’s smile was patronizingly sweet as he ruffled up Logan's stupid haircut further. Logan was still a young man. It’d take a lot of hard work and practice, not necessarily with Drew alone, to really turn him into the best he could be. 
“Yeah, maybe so.”
“Until then, you come find me or any of the other guys and we’ll try to help you, okay?”
Logan nodded as he put his gear back on in a daze, not even bothering to clean himself up. 
“We won’t break you— not too badly anyways.”
Logan let a weird smile spread across his face when he reached the doorway. It was huge, all teeth and kind of crazy with the corresponding way his pupils blew out and let the blue that surrounded them turn into little slivers..
“What if I wanna be broken?” 
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divinum-pacis · 9 months
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January 7, 2024: Miahuatlán, Mexico Children take part in the traditional Three Wise Men parade Photograph: Hector AD Quintanar/Getty Images
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theflintwarlock · 4 months
My experience working with King Asmodeus as a trans man:
When I first started working with Asmodeus, a while ago now, I was nervous about the gender of it all. I was still figuring things out gender wise, and I wasn't sure how he would take working with someone afab like me, considering his reputation as drawing men into lust. Fortunately, he is very polite and respectful, part of the reason I was so drawn to him was undoubtedly the masculine energy.
I'm not one, typically, to ascribe gender to energies, but masculine energy is not just found in male or even masculine bodies. Its a vague concept based on social boundaries and constructions, but so is all witchcraft and religion. Working with him has made me much more comfortable and confident in my masculinity and sexuality, learning to accept my attraction to men and embrace it as a part of me. I've found him to be very queer-positive, you can certainly find him at pride parades at times. But he is also excellent at helping with self-reflection and inner workings beyond sexuality, learning to understand the psyche. Since working with him more recently I've come to realise some childhood traumas are a lot deeper seated in my psyche than I originally thought, and I do think that's part of why I was drawn to him.
So yeah, King Asmodeus says trans rights.
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writingsofwesteros · 2 months
The victory at Rook's Rest was the victory they needed, and Nora flew on Cannibal to see Aemond after the battle. "Princess," Ser Criston bowed his head, surprised to see her. "My brother," Nora said, her silver curls windblown, in her dark red riding leathers. "Where is he?" She asked, as above head Vhagar and Cannibal flew. "He's-" "Dearest niece," Gwayne interrupted, as he came up to them. "Uncle," Nora smiled, embracing him. "Mother sends her love to you, and her prayers- she spent hours in the Sept praying for your victory, and safe return." She did not see Cole shift as his expression hardened. Gwayne smiled, pressing a kiss to her hand. "The battle went swimmingly- though it is unnerving, to see dragons dance above." Nora nodded solemnly. "Princess Rhaenys may have sided with the pretender, but she was a Targaryen, and Meleys was a dragon of House Targaryen- she was once my grandmother's dragon." Nora watched Meleys's body in the distance, as Criston and Gwayne exchanged a look- Cole exasperation and Gwayne a smirk.
"Sister," Aemond approached, coming out of his tent. Aemond took both hands in his own and kissed them, even though his eye told her that he longed for more, still high from the adrenaline of the battle's victory. "Our brother the King sends his gratitude for your service to the crown," She told him, stepping closer. "I only ever fight to serve my house, and my family," Aemond murmured, still holding her hands. Their moment was cut short when she heard Cole shouting orders. "What are you doing?" Nora turned and saw the men heading towards Meleys. "We shall parade the head of Meleys through the streets, show them the traitor's dragon and what we have done for them-" Nora was filled with rage, and she pushed in front of Cole and shouted at the men, "Stop! I order you to stop!" The men halted at the voice of their Princess, and Cannibal screeched from the sky above them. "I will not have you desecrate the body of a dragon like this," Nora said angrily to Cole and her Uncle Gwayne, Aemond standing behind her- even he was wise enough to know to stay quiet when she got angry. "It is the traitor's dragon-" Cole tried to defend himself, and Nora scoffed. "You forget yourself," Nora snapped. "Princess Rhaenys died a dragonrider's death, even if it was for the wrong side. Meleys died with her rider, their bond taken from this life to the next. The battle is won." "But it will show the smallfolk-"
"That dragons are not infallible," Nora said harshly. "That they can be killed. It does no good to our cause to abuse such a noble beast. I do not expect either of you to understand such a thing, but as a Princess of House Targaryen I forbid you to do such a thing." Cole hung his head and said lowly, "Yes, My Princess. Forgive me." He walked off to give the men new orders. "Twas' his idea," Gwayne chined in, before walking back to his own tent. Aemond took Nora's hand and guided her to his tent, murmuring, "Before we return in victory for our brother the King, I wish to taste the reward for my service before we return to the Red Keep." She pushed him back onto the cot in his tent before straddling him. "Before we return it seems one dragon shall be ridden by another," She said huskily before she kissed him messily.
Aemond high on adrenaline would have been something to see thats for sure as his greedy hands palm at her arse; pushing against his hardening cock.
Her hands move over his muscled chest as Aemond moaned her name so nicely before his head fell down on the makeshift bed
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tigerlyla-of-metinna · 2 months
Fic Update: The Roles We Play (Ch 9) Borrowed Time
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Sarah struggles with an unexpected complication while time is running out. Meanwhile at the palace, Geralt comes face to face with the emperor of Nilfgaard and learns the true nature of his contract.
“You had your men parade me on the streets on my way here” he growled. There was a silent “why” added to that statement.
Emhyr did not smile, but was nevertheless pleased. The witcher did not waste time pondering why the emperor went back on his desire not to see him, ever again. He’d hate repeating what he instructed Voorhis to say to him.
“I see the wines in Toussaint has not dulled your perception” Emhyr leaned back on his seat, familiar imperial frown on his powerful feature. “The appearance of this basilisk, this descendant of the Great White Terror, has taken residence in one of the lesser traveled but safe trade routes, rending it no longer safe, and attacked a well-known merchant along with his retinue of guards. Past experience in White Orchard taught my men that even the strongest armor is no match for draconids. Better hire a professional. A witcher. Not just any witcher, but the famous White Wolf who is, fortunately, given residence in Toussaint.”
A corner of the emperor’s lips spasmed.
Geralt crossed his arms. His reputation, fame and infamy, as always gets ahead of him. The entire time he had to listen to the crowd whisper his name, in Common and Nilfgaardian, as the soldiers flanking him on all sides cleared the way. Roach, normally skittish and wary, enjoyed the adoration and was enthusiastically prancing every now and then.
“Oooohh vatt’ghern!”
“Nein! A vedymin est Butcher aep Blaviken!”
“Geralt aep Rivia! Gwynbleidd!”
“Hael vatt’ghern Geralt!”
Geralt felt more like an exotic Zerrikanian animal displayed for the masses to gawk and admire in equal measure.
Geralt twisted his lips. “Wise. Hiring a known witcher makes for excellent PR to please the Guild of Merchants, prioritizing the safety of your subject especially those that pays the most taxes.”
Emhyr scoffed. “You surmised correctly, but not all.”
“Hiring me to kill the monster rendering the route safe for passage on the surface, but you really wanted something more that its head hanging on my saddle.”
“Excellent deduction.” Emhyr replied with a thinly veiled sarcasm. “The caravan is on a covert mission, if successful, will bring about economic changes that will blunt the influence of the Guild on the empire, which in turn, benefits all down to the least fortunate of my subjects and vassals. No one knows this except Vattier, Mererid, myself and the recently slain merchant Franz of Gemmera and his entourage.”
“Sound like the basilisk did the work for you. With them dead, they take their secret dealings to their graves and you can deny any involvement given the lack of proof.”
Emhyr’s grip on his chair tightened and Geralt realized he unexpectedly struck a sensitive nerve.
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