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cinnamonest · 27 days ago
Latest post reminded me of this
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How your Xiaohongshu yan looks at you after rowing across the Pacific Ocean and breaking into your home to ask why you deleted your account as soon as the tiktok ban was lifted
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cinnamonest · 27 days ago
loved ur latest post but UMMMM can we talk about your yan's gross little, rugged grunts/workers, bodyguards (for you, not him) catcalling/whistling at you 😳 Like that has got to be one of the most traumatising experiences for me irl so ahhhh it sounds perfect for making darling's life even more hell, (bonus points if the yan blames her for seducing his men). Like every time the poor girl goes out (for certain house chores) she can just FEEL them staring. She should be glad her big, brave husband is there to protect her
Oh, and he so loves weaponizing them against you at every opportunity.
He engages in the discussions about you. You can tell from their smirks and tone of voice alone that they're making crude comments, but then their tones turn into questions. And to your dismay, he answers them, with an equally mocking grin and tone, grabbing at your chin to turn your head whichever way, or grasping at your waist or chest, leaving you to wonder what he's saying about you, knowing it's likely something humiliating that you wouldn't want them to know — more or less confirmed by their amused reactions. The way you know you're being degraded and belittled, but have no idea exactly what is being said, it makes you feel like you're going crazy, it's unbearable, you'd actually prefer to know exactly what is being said just to save you the torment of your mind racing over the possibilities.
And he's always using them as a threat against you too — if you hate him so much, if you refuse to do whatever depraved things he wants, maybe you'd prefer if he just tossed you into the room with them, and left you all alone for a few hours to... get acquainted? Would you like that? They certainly would. It's not like you can verbally communicate, but they can find other ways to enjoy time with you, if he tells them they can do whatever they want.
Even when you agree to whatever he wants, he still finds ways to punish you that make you feel like you're going to die from embarrassment and humiliation — the same way he rams into your body, ensuring it's at a convenient moment when they're right outside the room, forcing your mouth open, ensuring the filthy sounds you make are fully audible, murmuring in your ear to be sure you know that they can all hear you making those noises. They'll certainly smirk and holler and make more vulgar gestures at you as soon as you come out.
Or maybe he can just keep parading you around naked, forcing you to sit through meetings on his lap, casually running his hands over your waist and thighs, ensuring your legs are spread apart so you can really feel their eyes on you. You have no right for your eyes to be all watery like that, this is only happening because you chose for it to, in spite of all the warnings you were given. And if you keep acting out, he might finally act on that threat to leave you alone with them too, so maybe you should learn to watch yourself.
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cinnamonest · 1 month ago
Thinking again about forced cultural assimilation, particularly linguistic… snatched up by some foreign visitor to your homeland, dragged far far away and thrust into an environment where you can't understand a single thing.
You don't understand anything said around you — all the others in this place you're kept in (underlings, servants, partners in crime, whatever they are) are constantly talking to each other and to your captor, saying so much, yet it's all meaningless babble to you, a frustrating barrier of confusion and unknown that makes you feel on edge, a constant state of discomfort and unease.
You know they're talking about you, given the glances your way, but you don't know exactly what. It's a very discomforting feeling.
It's actually quite endearing, the way you bite your lip and cling to him out of perpetual bewilderment and fear whenever you're brought out of your room… still, at the moment, he's forced to resort to your language to communicate with you, which he doesn't like.
But that's okay. You'll learn.
It's not like you have a choice. Even if you're stubborn and noncompliant at first, it's no big deal. He just won't respond to anything you say until you say it in the correct tongue. It's adorable, watching you get so frustrated at the silent treatment, your stubbornness slowly breaking down until you finally give in and start making a very clumsy, stuttering attempt to communicate correctly.
But it's only fair that you do try. You know, if you're going to be living in a foreign land for the rest of your life, you have a responsibility to learn… okay, sure, you didn't exactly choose to live here, but that's not really relevant.
So you'll learn. He'll help you, of course, aren't you grateful? He went out of his way to buy learning books to get you started. And even if you're too stubborn to utilize them at first, a couple of hours in isolation with nothing else to do will essentially force you into at least looking them over, even if merely out of boredom. He'll set it up as a reward system — if you study a few hours a day, you get to do something else. Any other sort of activity or stimulation is withheld from you, kept behind a barrier, forcing you into compliance.
But that's not enough, you need direct practice. So he'll integrate learning into your daily life.
If you want to get dressed and not have to walk outside naked — and you could, don't think he won’t do it, it would be so funny watching all those other men drool and crowd around you, make you the center of attention to all their hollering and jesting — you'll just have to ask for your clothes piece by piece.
P-please, give me the… the…
And he just sits there and holds your shirt so close yet just our of your grasp, patiently waiting for you to remember. You've gone over it several times now. But even if you give up, he'll tell you again — you need to repeat it several times, though, before you finally get it.
Meal time is also turned into a learning ordeal — you're made to ask for a plate, for water, to have salt or anything passed over to you, all perfectly, all of which is kept out of your reach until you do so.
You hate the smile he always gives you, the little pats on the head and praise for saying things correctly. It feels mocking, demeaning, more than anything — and you're fairly certain he intends it that way.
Because it's not like he hesitates to make fun of you either — snickering with a hand over his mouth when you say certain words, repeating what you said with a mock exaggeration of your accent as if it's peak comedy. But hey, don't pout like that. It's just cute, that's all… and a little bit of revenge, if you recall, you once teased him the same way, back when he was just some foreigner visiting your land that you happened to become acquainted with. How the tables turn, yeah?
At night, you're held firmly in place — a normally sweet gesture, arms wrapped around you, yet a grip so tight it ruins any semblance of affection.
What did you do today?
You stumble out some words. You mess up the past tense. You're made to say it over again.
How do you feel today?
He's decided ‘good’ alone is no longer an adequate answer, so you have to elaborate, be more detailed.
You'll answer questions on things like weather, recall what they said on the news and such. Moreover, you can't neglect those reading and writing skills, so you'll have to comply with him on exercises for that too. He even went out of his way to get some newspapers for you to read aloud to him for practice. You should be grateful he's so nice.
Other times, it's not so nice.
When you've done something wrong, been bad, even then, you're not exempt from it being turned into a lesson. Bent over his knee, skirt pulled up to the end of your spine, shaking and grinding your teeth. At least you have the dignity of being behind closed doors, but that's not much.
What did you do?
As it turns out, panic is not conducive to coherent sentences. Your mind goes blank, you struggle to summon any words at all, much less ones you have to mentally structure before you speak. Harsher swats — you squeal, squirm, try to pull yourself forward, just for the hand on your shoulder to jerk you back into place — indicate a mistake. You'll have to try again, and it will continue until you get it correct — and then some more, for whatever you did in the first place.
What do you say?
You're sniffling and trembling, but at least that one is easy, a phrase so often uttered it's permanently etched into your brain.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry…
There's a few such phrases that come to you very naturally, without any real effort to recall, but you're not proud of it. No, you resent, you loathe, how deeply your vocabulary is entrenched in filth, simply due to how frequently you're made to speak such words.
You still struggle to remember the words for door or apple or lamp, but you know how to say cock and cum and fuck without the slightest pause.
You had to stutter and stumble over trying to ask one of the others ‘excuse me, what time is it?’, but you can perfectly recite the words you say every single night — please let me cum, please go harder, it feels so good.
Likewise, you begin to better make out the words he mutters and growls into your ear every night — you wish you didn't, wish you couldn't understand the humiliating words about how much he enjoys violating you, loves watching you fight and squirm, loves seeing you struggle.
Unfortunately, you also begin to understand what the others around you are saying all the time. When you first came, you didn't understand a word, but still felt the burning knot in your stomach of embarrassment, knowing whatever it was was clearly derogatory and humiliating, with the way they looked at you, the gestures and cheeky grins.
You wish you still didn't understand, that you couldn't make out the crude, vulgar words. Comments about your body, your thighs and your chest, all the joking comments about how they don't blame your captor for abducting you, after all, I'd want to be inside of that too.
But unfortunately, those vulgar comments are pretty much all your grasp from them — those are, after all, spoken at moments of rest, when they're all just lounging around, each word more drawn out. When you're forced to sit there through more serious discussions (clinging to your captor’s arm like a lifeline, the way he makes you feel safe from the scary men he associates with), they just speak so damn fast that you can't catch more than the occasional single word or two that you recognize, the rest a jumbled haze of meaningless sounds.
It's all so frustrating, so humiliating, you hate the dependency, you hate the power exchange that both of you are mutually aware of, yet left unspoken — the fact that you're the one forced into his way of life. The words themselves are more than words, more than their literal meanings — each one serves as a little reminder that you're owned, each is another way of forcing submission out of you. It makes you angry, makes you bitter, makes you resentful.
One day, that resentment drives you over the edge, all of a sudden, as you're being chastised and reprimanded for whatever misbehavior you've engaged in. Your fists clench and your face contorts with fury and you break.
A slurry of heated, snarling words come pouring out of your mouth — words in your tongue, familiar words. Saying that you won't do what he said to, that he doesn't get to tell you what to do, saying that you're sick of it all, saying he doesn't scare you, saying you'll do what you want. Vulgarity and profanity spills out, calling him every nasty word you can think of.
It's so soothing to feel words pour out so naturally, not having to pause to think about them. It's cathartic, you feel your heart pounding with rage and frustration and relief—
—and then your blood runs cold when you turn your head and see him looking back at you. Silent, eyes narrowed, quietly letting you go on and on and dig the hole deeper. He only smiles when your words come to a halt.
What's wrong?
Now you're so quiet, standing there shaking. You’re pulling your clasped hands up to your chest and shrinking back, your eyes start to water… but didn't you just say you're not scared of him? Why are you stepping backwards now?
And you say those words again —
I'm sorry, I'm sorry…
It’s so satisfying that you immediately switch back, after such a heated outburst. Deep down, even if you're still too proud to accept it, you really do know your place. You're still repeating it over and over as you're dragged by the hair back to your room, as if apologies will save you from whatever he's going to do to you.
But really, he kind of hopes you never master the language in full. How scared you are all the time, surrounded by a world that you struggle to make sense of, the way you're forced to depend on him so much… admittedly, it's a very satisfying feeling. And hey, the accent is cute, too.
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cinnamonest · 1 month ago
Long-distance yan devastated to learn the tiktok egirl he's obsessed with is american
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cinnamonest · 2 months ago
ah to be a girl that was dating modern!scara for some time bc she thought he was a mysterious uwu discord mod type, only to find out he’s just an incel who acts like he hates you even tho still fucking you and everything.. he doesn’t do much aside it, though. so after some time, you break up with him. or, well, tried to! it’s not like you have a right to break up with him after willingly deciding to date him, right?
happy new year, by the way! 🎉
Oh and he’s so awful as it is, literally the peak of trashy, toxic boyfriends.
Always dumping labor off on you because he knows you'll take care of whatever task it is eventually anyway, subtly guilt-tripping you all the time, always saying little things to make you insecure about this or that (just to be sure you don't get any ideas, or think anyone else would ever want you).
The sort of boyfriend that is careful about the steps he takes — God forbid he come across as insecure or desperate — but is manipulative and wears your psyche down nonetheless.
There’s a constant, but well-pulled-off effort to always ensure you feel that you’re the one that cares more, that you’re the one that’s more invested, that he’s the one who could easily pull away from you and be just fine, that you need him more than he needs you.
But this situation is particularly bad because he's just so deluded about it.
It's one of those relationships where, one day out of the blue, you halt mid-task and suddenly find yourself asking — why am I doing this to myself?
You realize you became so accustomed to it all so easily, it was just gradual enough that you never really noticed how miserable you are, until one day you just do.
So you do it. You summon up the courage to look him in the eye and say you're done.
And what you get in return is essentially a non-reaction. Rolled eyes and a long sigh of exasperation, some muttered comment about how you're being overdramatic.
He was prepared for this kind of thing, see. Females are known to do this. They don't actually mean they're breaking up with you. It's a test. They just do that sort of thing. A test designed to scare the guy and make him apologize for some mistake and get attention and doting and stuff. Very manipulative of them (but what's new).
But he's not the sort of weak loser that falls for that stuff, he knows what you're doing. So he shrugs it off, doesn't even turn around, says something about how you've threatened to leave several times now.
Then you say you mean it.
You get a sigh and a ‘yeah, sure,’ and you bite your tongue to stop yourself from lashing out about how that uncaring attitude is part of why you’re doing this to begin with.
And you storm out the door, not bothering to even glance back.
Which is surprising — didn't think you'd actually do it, but your petulance knows no bounds, apparently. Still, this is also predictable, a common form of aforementioned testing, a humiliation ritual of sorts intended to make him suck up to you.
So he gives you a few hours, but you don't send the expected text saying you're sorry and that you overreacted and please please just forget it and move on and all the other stuff you're supposed to say.
And the sun sets, and you're not back.
Oh, so you're being spiteful. Trying to make him think you “mean it” by going silent, and thereby trying to out-wait him. You think if you keep this up, he'll be the first one to break, to give in and try to get you back. This whole thing is designed for you to feel some kind of power at his expense. Well, you're wrong.
And then another day passes.
God. Unbelievable.
You're actually doing this out of pure spite, just stubbornly waiting for him to come get you.
…And here he is, now doing exactly that, like an idiot, so he mutters to himself as he finally leaves to go get you. Not that he's giving in to what you want, it's just that this is getting ridiculous and his patience for your antics has run out.
Still, he tells himself this isn't so bad, because you were probably looking forward to some sick satisfaction from getting him to beg to know where you are. Little do you know he prepared for this sort of situation, that's why there's a tracker in your purse and on your phone and in your car and such. You're not going to get any groveling out of him.
You're so manipulative. You're really lucky he puts up with you and tolerates such toxic behavior.
Likewise, he's not about to beg for you either — he knows the game you're playing, that all your pleading and fighting back and ‘I meant it!’-s are part of the schtick. Just accept that you're not going to get the entirety of what you want. You'll get the part where he takes you back like you wanted, but he has too much self-respect to plead with you. You'll just skip to the part where you come home — you're so stubborn, not getting what you want will undoubtedly make you dig your heels in and squeal and all that, but it's really no big deal. Being so childish about it is a choice that just reflects badly on you.
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cinnamonest · 2 months ago
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Anon at literally any given moment my brain is consumed with thoughts of Goro, I have so many Goro concepts that gnaw at my mind at all times
One specific one though is a PhantomThief!Darling.
One of his classmates, perhaps, even though you don’t see him that much given his frequent absences, or someone he met through his ventures in the entertainment industry. Someone he managed to get close to, was able to talk to him enough that he opened up to you, and as much as it frustrates him to acknowledge even just to himself, he has an emotional attachment.
Regardless, his beloved darling, the one person that brings him some semblance of joy and comfort in his life, the one person he allows himself to feel genuine affection for, who doesn't get pushed back to arm's length like everyone else. And thereby, someone he's vulnerable to, someone he trusts, someone he holds dear, even if he hasn't been honest with you about the full extent of those feelings.
That’s why it makes him so angry, when he finds out.
The first time, it catches him so off-guard, the whole composed presentation he usually carefully maintains, completely slips off for a second, leaving him stunned and slack-jawed.
He was going to meet you, you know, to catch up, and you gladly accepted that. You said something about how you felt guilty for taking up his time — it’s admittedly quite comforting, being able to read between the lines, knowing you see yourself as below him in status and likely feel grateful that someone like him would give you time and attention.
So to round the corner and see you smiling and laughing and talking to someone, the way his eyes casually travel over to see exactly who you’re facing, who you’re talking with so happily — he freezes mid-step, shoulders tensing up, smile dropping in an instant, the second he lays eyes on that godforsaken pair of big glasses and frizzy hair.
He recovers before you actually spot him, but you still notice tension in his voice and posture nonetheless — you can dismiss it as simply a rough day, maybe.
I wasn’t aware the two of you even knew each other. Small world, isn’t it?
You say you just happened to run into the guy while waiting. What a coincidence.
And Joker doesn’t linger either, he seems to recognize the awkward atmosphere, makes a quick exit with a nod and a farewell of assurance that he’ll see you both later, a statement that makes Goro bite his tongue.
It takes every ounce of self-control he has not to delve into endless questions on the exact circumstances and details of your relationship with him. He tries to tell himself he’s better off not knowing the details — anything you tell him will only keep him up all night, playing out visuals in his head. Even as it is, he knows that the image of you smiling like that will linger in his head for weeks on end, every second of remembrance filling his gut with a pit of bitter irritation.
It feels pathetic. It is pathetic, and he knows it. That only makes it that much worse, the sense of shame and embarrassment weighing down like an anchor in his chest, a burning, discomforting sensation.
But he refrains. Keeps the evening as normal as possible, tries to pretend as if he saw nothing, as if the interaction didn’t happen, he fights the urge and fights the urge and in the end, it comes spilling out anyway, so awkwardly and ill-timed that he has to resist the urge to slam his head into the wall right there out of self-directed frustration.
By the way, how exactly do you two know each other…?
It was a question he was better off not asking. You first need clarification of who he’s referring to — dammit, it’s been so long it wasn’t clear, and does that make it obvious that it’s been bothering him all evening…? — and even then, your answer is dodgy, avoidant, vague.
He doesn’t like the implications of that.
Why do you not want him to know? What specifically are you avoiding telling him? There’s only really two possibilities — either you’re fucking the guy and the truth would make that fact obvious, or you know, and the real story would explain exactly how.
And if you know, that might just mean you’re involved.
He’s not sure which possibility makes his stomach churn worse.
He has enough self-control to not make his suspicions too obvious, to let the matter go and not press further. It’s not until another conversation, another day, that he brings up the matter more directly, finding a convenient avenue to bring up the matter via a trail of conversation about his work.
By the way, I’ve been meaning to ask you… what are your feelings on the Phantom Thieves?
You give an answer that’s overall disapproving. Just complex enough to lend you a sense of intellectualism, but overall well-aligned with his own public statements.
A little too well, actually.
Like you’re just telling him what you think he wants to hear.
He grinds his teeth and beneath the table his fingers curl and dig into his thigh, but his pleasant smile doesn’t falter.
The suspicion that you’re not being fully transparent with him eats away at him. It keeps him awake all night, that night.
He doesn’t tell you about the second time he sees you together. That time, it’s by coincidence that you manage to cross paths, and he manages to go unnoticed — watching as you converse with the whole group of them together. You seem awfully comfortable with them. Like you’re used to being a part of this group. Like you've interacted with the lot of them many times before.
It makes his skin crawl. It makes his mind race with questions. It makes his thoughts drift to unpleasant things.
But he’s only finally vindicated within the metaverse itself. Once he actually, finally sees it with his own eyes, stalking behind the band of thieves, and lo and behold, there you are.
It feels so damn satisfying to be right, to have that vindication, that sort of I-knew-it rush of euphoria — and at the same time, the absolute rage is practically blinding, all-consuming. He’s left standing still, watching, blood running cold through his veins.
Look at you. Jumping all around, fighting shadows, complete with a fitting little outfit and all. It’s endearing, adorable even.
It makes him feel sick.
He’s known you longer. He’s done a lot for you in the past. And the thanks he gets from you is total betrayal. Allying yourself with the people working against him, knowingly, knowing how he feels about it, knowing it’s working against him directly — and you still have the audacity to see him regularly, to lie to him, to pretend like you’re on his side of things. You're actively deceiving him, and fully content with doing so.
The bitterness and spite that wells up in his chest is petulant, and he knows that. That makes the myriad of emotions that much more frustrating — to feel such unadulterated rage, yet that anger itself is embarrassing, makes him feel humiliated just to acknowledge his own feelings — and that intensifies the rage itself because it's your fault he feels that way, a self-perpetuating cycle of negativity.
And moreover, as childish as the thought feels, he can't help but succumb to the bitterness of the notion that you essentially have chosen them over him.
Is it merely ideological? Is that it? You just truly believe in their cause? Do you just like them more? Did he do something to lose favor with you? Did you never care for him that much at all? Is it circumstantial, they helped you and now you're helping them? And if that's it, why did it have to be the Phantom Thieves that helped you? Why didn't you go to him?
But all that restraint and self-control he exercises so perfectly externally takes a lot of effort. Internally, he gives in quite easily to letting his mind wander.
It’s so easy to cave to the fury, let himself be consumed by hateful thoughts and fantasies of vengeance, even the darkest and most petulant ones.
He’s always planned on killing them. He could make you watch. He knows he couldn't bring himself to kill you, but maybe he could make you think he's going to. Or he could threaten to turn you in, make you face the possibility of prison time. It would be satisfying, to see the fear etched onto your face. To see you grovel at his feet.
And if he gave you the choice — would you choose him, or to die with them? Would you betray them for him, if it meant being spared? Would you help him achieve his own goals, if it came down to it?
Maybe you'd say you’re sorry. Maybe you'd cry. He thinks he'd like that.
In fact, the more he thinks it through, the more it comes together, the more plausible it seems.
It will be easy. Just give him some time, and he'll ensure the circumstances work out perfectly to give him the opportunity to execute his fantasies down to the exact details.
And maybe if you beg for it, he can even forgive you, too.
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cinnamonest · 2 months ago
Ik you haven't written for HSR yet but look...!! Man is BIG big
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So my old laptop I've had since freshman year of college finally broke down at a convenient time (right before black friday), and since there were BF sales I finally caved and got a gaming laptop... I haven't actually played anything yet bc of work, but now that you've reminded me that I've been meaning to play hsr I went home for lunch break and have it downloading to be ready when I get home for the day. May the gacha gods bless me 🫡
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cinnamonest · 3 months ago
hnnnnnggg omg the 'you know what """"watching movies"""" is supposed to truly mean' got me good. Just thinking of boys with their cryptic language and masking their words and invitations with them -- and attacking the shit outta any girl that makes the mistake of accepting and agreeing. Like what do u want us to do??? Ahhhh please I need more victim blaming and slutshaming
I feel like Childe/Kaeya would be SO into doing this but you can go with any yan you want <33
Yessss pushy entitled horndog boyfriends >>>>
Ever since the last post I've been considering the alternative — no drugging, just flat-out force. You just drove the poor boy insane with repeated denial and rejection and basically forced him to do this to you.
He's a very nice and sweet boyfriend (many others would be very grateful to have him, but he chose you, you ought to be grateful), who wants nothing more than to give you the world and love you and do anything for you, and all he asks for in exchange is getting to stuff himself inside you.
But you just keep refusing.
At first, it's acceptable, you just need some time. But then a few weeks pass and you still haven't let him cum inside you.
And you seem to think nothing of it either. You act like nothing is wrong, like this is acceptable to you.
Which is baffling, because it's supposed to be a universally understood exchange. He spends money on you in various ways and is nice to you and loves you, and in return you love him back and you let him get between your legs.
It's not as if he hasn't tried to collect on his end of the (mutually understood, of course) deal. But you keep putting your hands up, grabbing at his wrist, saying not right now, not yet, or whatever.
It's basically a scam at this point. He paid for DATES. He bought you STUFF. What more do you WANT.
He's even tried being noticeably upset. Petulantly sulking and sighing and ignoring you. And it still didn't work, and he relies on your attention too much to keep that up for too long.
But you tease. You're aware of it too. You know what you're doing.
So he starts to think it's unfair, that it's cruel, that he's being wronged, that you're basically abusing him via neglect of his needs (and it IS a need, you wouldn't understand because you're not a guy, you could never ever understand the psychological agony of being blue-balled or even just being horny as a guy, it's literally worse than anything you could ever go through). Not to mention, it's mean. He has feelings, you know.
He starts to feel like you're basically cheating in this whole deal. Trying to get out of your end, when you basically signed up to be a steady supply of pussy, and he's gotten literally nothing so far, not even a crumb. Only a few kisses that don't last long enough. It's ridiculous. You're not fulfilling your role here.
So if you're not going to give him what he's earned, what he's entitled to, he has every right to take it. Even if he has to hold you down by your wrists the whole time, feel you writhe. There's a certain appeal to that, honestly — the fact that it makes you suffer a bit feels cathartic to the resentment and vindictiveness that's built up over time. He loves you, but you deserve to be a little humiliated, a little scared, for how you made him feel.
But it's not really that big of a deal. You like it anyway, even if you don't admit that.
And it's also absurd to get mad at him —YOU made a choice to be alone with him. You should know that that's just how guys are, and that what you were doing by inviting him in was not only deliberately misleading (since you clearly didn't plan on going through with what you're supposed to do), but also basically enticing him on purpose, willfully being vulnerable and so easy to overpower.
Therefore, you consented to the possibility of this. He's just reacting like any man would. Why don't you have some accountability for knowingly giving him the opportunity, bringing a guy into your home, putting yourself in this situation. Trying to make him be responsible for your decisions is very unfair.
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cinnamonest · 3 months ago
Darling with expensive health issues + "if I assassinate this healthcare CEO she will notice me" yan
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cinnamonest · 3 months ago
Drugging is usually presented as total blacking out, but consider drugging in such a way that's more like... paralysis, half-conscious.
Maybe it's a matter of not having consumed enough of whatever was laced, or not enough in there to begin with — it's not like the guy has ever done this before, and hey, no one does anything perfectly the first time.
So you're still there, mentally. You start to feel a bit dizzy and you feel your head start to lean forward involuntarily and everything sounds far away, but you're conscious. You can still feel the body heat that radiates from his body onto your skin. He's much closer than he was before, closing that awkward gap that always stands between two people that know each other, but aren't close enough to be comfortable touching. The drink that was in your hand suddenly isn't, but your head is spinning too much to process where it went.
You can feel touch — hands gripping onto your arm and slowly setting you down to lay on your back on the couch, TV you were watching together still running quietly off to the side. You want to move, to put your arms out, your brain wills it, but your arms just don't move. Each limb feels like a heavy weight attached to your body, as if dragging you down.
You can feel temperature changes. The sudden cold on your skin and the goosebumps that form as your clothes slide off your body.
That realization comes with a feeling of alarm, but it's muted, faint, like a siren only barely audible in the distance. The panic phases in and out, occupying some portion of your thoughts before fizzling out as nothingness takes over, surging back again, but your head is too hazy to think any coherent, specific thought about it.
You feel warmth when his mouth latches onto your neck, your nipples, your own lips, each feeling blurring into each other, any sense of time lost. From that, you realize your sense of pleasure isn't muted either — a faint feeling, but distinguishably present, a pressured heat building up inside.
You feel that vague sense of worry, you know that that shouldn't be happening, know it's wrong, know it's violating — but these thoughts only come as vague sensations in your heart and gut, rather than complete, genuine thoughts.
Even when you feel him inside you, even when you hear the couch shift against the floors with the movements, it's all just so faint, so distant. You think you were able to feel your fingers twitch. But no matter how hard you keep trying — because even through the haze, you know you should, you're supposed to move, you want to move — that's the most you can do.
You can still hear. He's saying something. Maybe he thinks you're fully unconscious. The words only register very slowly, as if coming in through your ears and spinning around inside your head before they process.
He says your body looks so hot. He says you taste good. He says you feel good.
He says this is what you get for holding out for so long. That you should have put out before now. That he's been so nice to you, did things for you, bought stuff for you. That he really deserved it long before now, but you just had to be so unfair. That's your fault, not his. He's a very nice guy, you know, and would never do this sort of thing if you didn't insist on treating him so poorly.
And you're the one that agreed to come over to his place to "watch movies." He says you're not so stupid that you don't understand what that's supposed to mean. You knew what he'd think and expect. And yet you kept leaning away all night, whenever he tried to pull you in. You're mean, you're heartless, rejecting him like that, leading him on. He liked you, and you were mean in return. It's so unfair. Maybe you'll see soon how you should have appreciated him, rectify your mistakes.
It all comes out muffled and slurred, stumbling over the words interlaced with the sound of skin slapping on skin. You can only understand it at all because he's mumbling directly against your ear. You feel the warmth from his breath.
You feel the inside of your thigh brush against his sides with each movement, limp and relaxed, only moving by the force with which your whole body is pushed back and forth. You start to drift off, as if the motion itself is almost soothing enough to lull you into unconsciousness.
You don't feel the moment it stops, though. You just become aware, all of a sudden, that there's no more motion, when did that happen?
You feel your body brush against the couch, feel arms wrapped around your back, feel your body press to his. You try to reach your arms up to push him back, but nothing happens.
It feels as if you're sinking into the cushions, consciousness fading in and out. It's getting harder and harder to keep your eyes open. You can no longer make out the words he's saying. You don't know what time it is.
And most importantly — that vague sense of alarm comes creeping back, a feeling of a knot in your chest — you don't know how much of it you'll remember when you wake up.
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cinnamonest · 3 months ago
missed ur writing sm glad ur better
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Thank you!! It has honestly been miserable the past month, this has been the worst and most terrifying medical experience of my life.
In almost 26 years I've never been allergic to anything, not even pollen/seasonal allergies, and all of a sudden I'm swollen all over gagging for breath, my fingers and feet and lips turned purple, I couldn't walk, my face looked like a pufferfish... then it came back again and again so I had to keep going back to the hospital. Apparently I had a "prolonged viral reaction" (I didn't even know that was a thing), so even after the worst was over, I was covered in hives for weeks.
Whatever the allergen was, I pray to God I never encounter it again.
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cinnamonest · 3 months ago
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Thank you guys a lot. These responses are very heartwarming.
I'm glad I was able to word it in a way that was helpful, I was worried I worded it poorly or would come across the wrong way.
Honestly I was expecting way more backlash — before posting I was expecting like hundreds of un-follows (it was only like 10 total in the end), so it's actually very reassuring and makes me really happy that the vast majority of people are able to be so open-minded and empathetic for others.
The world is very negative and harsh, increasingly so these days, and global culture often encourages us to hate people who are different from us — rather than contributing to that, I would prefer to spread compassion and empathy for all people, even if I can only do so on a small scale.
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cinnamonest · 3 months ago
"Failed Escape Attempt" prompt - Akechi Goro (Persona 5)
Finally completed this amidst my myriad of hospital visits this month. Prolonged viral anaphylaxis works hard but the spirit of degeneracy works harder 🙏
warnings/notes: dark content, noncon, fem reader, implied significant age gap, captivity, electronic monitoring/shock collar, asphyxiation, abuse, vague suicide references, bro has THE mommy issues of all time, mild stockholm, somewhat detailed backstory for reader (in which reader is a bit of an enabler)
Ataraxis - a state of tranquility, calmness, or peace of mind, free from mental stress or anxiety.
You hesitated. Your pulse was running fast, trepidation freezing your hand in place, just before you could touch the door.
No. You shook your head rapidly for a moment, trying to drive away the panicked thoughts. You couldn’t afford to waste time worrying about what-ifs, fueling your hesitancy. You’d done everything that you were supposed to in order for this to work. Gotten the doors unlocked, the wires cut, everything — you had to go through with it.
You could feel your heartbeat in your throat, pounding as you took a deep breath, closed your eyes, and reached for the door handle, turning it slowly.
You wished it was an apartment that opened directly to the outdoors — that you'd feel the sun, breathe in fresh air, the moment you opened the door — but you were met with a hallway, and the number of the neighbor directly across plastered on the door. Light still poured in from the hall, into the otherwise dark apartment only dimly lit by a TV running off to the side of the room.
Regardless, undeterred, after a mere moment of hesitation, you took a step forward.
And then, your body seized up.
Your knees hit the ground, but you didn't even feel the pain of impact, every nerve overtaken by a sudden overpowering sensation, overwhelming your senses.
Gasping for air, your feet flailed, kicking outward as your hands and elbows desperately dug into the ground, all in a frantic movement to scramble away from the door. As you stumbled back, you practically threw the door itself forward, and it slammed shut.
After moving a short distance, just enough for the blast of overwhelmingly discomforting sensation to come to a sudden stop, your body turned onto your back as you collapsed onto the floor, shivering, each breath ragged and heaving.
For a moment, all you could do was lay there and tremble, grasping at your throat, the focus point of the shock, metallic prongs pressed into your skin beneath the layer of leather that clung around your throat. Your vision spun, and no coherent thought could even be formed in your head, the panic and discomfort consuming your capacity for thought.
Even as the sensation faded, there was still a twitching throughout your body, muscles in your arms and legs and extremities tensing over and over against your conscious volition. You weakly reached up, wiping away the trail of saliva that had spilled down the side of your face.
Your chest still rose and fell heavily, back arching against the ground it laid on with each inhale. Your eyes stared wide open at the ceiling — discolored, where some fixture had been ripped out and caulked over, you'd noticed before — vision fuzzy from tears, dizziness, and the trembling that overcame your body, mind spinning on the brink of consciousness.
And with that, even through the disorientation and disequilibrium that kept your consciousness spinning, you could still make out one particular thought, a realization that came as a harsh blow — failure.
A near tangible emotion that you could physically feel as its weight settled onto your chest.
And then disbelief — that can't be right that can't be right — you'd done everything you were supposed to, everything had gone perfectly as you'd planned.
Countless weeks down the drain. All that time spent in preparation for this very moment, not only nullified, but now undoubtedly turned against you for your own detriment.
And if the feeling hadn't brought you enough despair, if the frustration and dismay alone hadn't been enough to bring you to tears that began to well in your eyes, your body stiffened again as an acute sensation of discomfort ran through body once more. You glanced upward.
And then, an intense cold sprouted in your gut, rapidly seeping through your blood, a chill that ran through your bones and flesh.
Pure, unadulterated dread.
The electronic eye, the circular lenses poised directly at you from the corner of the ceiling, burned into your flesh. You could feel the sense of observation through the proxy of the device, transmitted over distance and invisible waves no differently than the image the camera would project to the phone screen on the other end.
Your trembling hands slowly reached up to your neck, fingertips grazing the leathery material secured so tightly around your neck you could barely slide your fingers beneath it, just enough to feel the metallic prongs on the inner side that dug into the flesh.
That was the whole point of it all, the effort, the risks, the time and patience, accumulating every little thing you'd need for this one moment.
Everything had been so methodical, had to be executed with perfection and painstaking effort.
And yet, all for nothing.
Your legs were still trembling too intensely to stand. You weakly propped yourself up on one elbow, weary eyes scanning your surroundings in the small apartment, until you saw the shape of the small device where you’d left it sitting on the edge of the bed. You shuffled your way over to it, dragging yourself along the floor.
Slowly, summoning your strength, you pushed your elbows to the ground and forced yourself to sit upright, before lifting yourself up on shaky legs, just to practically fall down onto the mattress, reaching out to grasp the phone in your hand.
He was busy. He had things to do. He might not have checked any notifications that popped up. Maybe.
The flip phone was inconvenient on your end — a long since outdated piece of technology, incapable of accessing the internet, and easily restricted with built-in parental controls used decades ago, impossible to circumvent despite many attempts. It was capable of receiving and sending calls to a single number, as well as receiving texts from the same number.
The cold sheets began to warm under the heat of your body as you nestled into them. With the pillow close to your face, you could hear your own shuddering breaths in greater clarity, see your own fingers gripping the sheets with such force that the flesh around your finger joints went lighter.
You glanced at the tiny screen on the front of the closed phone.
‘11:52 a.m.’
Your heart skipped a beat — it was much closer to the daily call than you had hoped. You must have been lying on the floor longer than you realized. You only had a few minutes to prepare yourself.
Yes, he wouldn’t call you the very second he saw what you’d done. He would just stick to the usual schedule. He liked routines.
You sat fully upright, leaning back against the wall one side of the bed pressed against. You drew your knees up to your chest, hugging your arms around them, eyes glued to the small screen.
‘11:53 a.m.’
You could do nothing but sit there and wait.
The helplessness and futility quickly turned to despair. The full weight of your failure began to set in.
It had taken so long to execute the plan in full. You weren't even sure exactly why it failed — your own error, a backup battery of some kind, maybe.
Not that it mattered now.
Your mind raced over each little step taken, all to culminate in futility, but any structure to your thoughts simply fell apart into bitter defeat.
You were brought out of your thoughts by shifting of numbers on the screen, several minutes having passed.
‘11:58 a.m.’
You could feel each beat of your heart, the pressure of blood circulating through your head and your throat. Your stomach churned.
‘11:59 a.m.’
You sat still, staring with wide eyes, unable to do anything against the unstoppable force of the passage of time.
'12:00 p.m.'
No sooner had the numbers shifted, that the phone screen lit up brighter, and the device began to vibrate.
Your stomach tightened, a cold, stiff feeling seized your limbs and every muscle tensed as the phone rang. A name popped up on the little front screen.
He'd been the one to put the number into the device, to assign that title to the contact. At first, you’d assumed he didn’t want to bother painstakingly typing out any more than necessary on the device’s old 12-digit typing system.
Or maybe keeping you physically separated from the world was not enough — if you couldn’t exist in the outside world, if you had to be separated from it, naturally, you couldn’t use the same name for him as everyone else, all those people on the television and the voices on the other end of the phone.
A confliction of instincts twisted in your gut — an impulse to answer it immediately, knowing not doing so could not go without repercussion, yet at the same time, you reflexively shrunk back, as if repelled by the sound, clutching your hands to your chest at the immediate revulsion to the mere thought of answering.
And it rang, twice, three times. Your mind ran blank, staring wide-eyed at the screen.
But between conflicting instincts, you knew what you had to do.
Thus, on the fourth ring, snapping out of your momentary stupor, shaking hands latching on and flipping the top upward, the word that came out in a wavering voice was—
Your voice came out rougher than you'd hoped, an obvious rasp from the strain.
If he noticed, he didn't acknowledge it. Instead—
“Good afternoon.”
The voice that came through the other end was bright and cheerful. The same voice that he used on talk shows and public addresses. Composed, amiable, fairly upbeat, without any trace of negativity.
And then, he added,
“What have you been up to today?”
It was such a light-hearted tone, you thought for a moment, with some desperate hope, that he hadn't noticed. Maybe it hadn't triggered a notification. Maybe he just didn't see it.
Or maybe it was a test. Maybe he wanted you to be transparent. You didn’t know. There was no way to know.
The lingering exhaustion from all the strain left you somewhat dazed, and you hesitated as you slowly summoned an answer.
“Oh, I just… I watched some TV earlier…” You tilted your gaze over to said television as it continued to run silently off to the side of the room, a mere distraction kept on for some semblance of stimulus. “They… they were talking about the phantom thief people on the news again.”
He sighed. You tensed for a moment, worried that perhaps it was something that would only frustrate him, knowing the matter was a bit of a sore subject.
But instead, it seemed to be merely a part of the flow of conversation — he accepted your so-very-forced and awkward shift of subject without resistance.
“It’s all anyone ever talks about, recently.” You heard a shuffling sound, presumably shifting his posture. “The average person is only invested in the matter as a form of entertainment. It's distant enough from them personally that they can afford to treat it as such.”
“O-oh, right…” Struggling to think of something else, to further steer the topic away from yourself, you continued, “…Are you at school?”
“No, I'm at the station. The police called me in to help with something new, but…” he sighed again before continuing, “it turned out to be incredibly simple, and they’re already done with it. I don’t know why they thought they needed to take up my time with this…”
His voice got a little lower as he spoke, irritation breaking through the winsome charm that characterized that public-facing voice of his. Within a moment, though, it snapped right back to the correct gentleness as he continued—
“On the bright side, I only have a few things left to do, so I can come back to you a little sooner than usual.”
Your fingers clenched at the fabric of your shirt, your shoulders going tense.
“Oh, good…”
Your mouth felt dry. Your mind scrambled to think of anything else to say, but a heavy fog drenched your thoughts away, leaving nothing but a blank slate, unable to generate anything coherent.
There was another moment of pause.
"You sound a bit out of it. You're not feeling faint from earlier, are you?"
You blinked, the very daze of brain-fog he referred to making you slower to take in the words.
"I... What?"
He didn't miss a beat, nor falter in his tone, as he clarified—
"From the shock, I mean."
Your body tensed, shrinking back as if the words had truly been the gut punch they felt like. Your jaw hung ajar, your mind scrambling for a response.
Quiet seconds ticked by. Your shoulders rose and fell with harsh, short breaths.
"I… I guess a little…” You fidgeted nervously, fingers further curling into the fabric of the shirt that covered your upper half.
The voice on the other end remained upbeat and gentle even still.
"Ah. Well, try not to walk around, okay? The lingering effects can make you uncoordinated for some time." After a pause, he added, "I wouldn't want you to fall over and hurt yourself."
Your mouth felt dry. You shifted around in place.
“Oh… okay…”
You swallowed. Your eyes darted around the apartment.
You turned your bottom lip inward, biting down on it to alleviate your nerves, only for the sharp pain to stop you as soon as the pressure touched the spot where the flesh of your lower lip was already busted. One of many sore, bruised spots that littered your body.
The discomfort at the following pause of silence was nearly tangible. Your natural instinct was to shift away from the matter as quickly as possible, shame and fear and uncertainty forming a hard knot in your stomach, but no words came to mind.
Sensing that you weren't going to continue, he spoke again.
“Well, in that case, I'll see you soon—’
“H-hey, wait…”
Your voice was undoubtedly audibly uneasy, but he still replied with the same soft tone.
“Mm? What is it?”
You opened and closed your mouth, once, twice, struggling to collect your panicked thoughts coherently. He waited, patiently, not saying a word.
“…About that.” The single phrase was all you could manage.
"Ah, right.”
At that point, his voice was too upbeat, so unfitting the turn of conversation, that the reality of it being forced was no longer deniable, a fact that made your stomach churn.
As the pause lingered, he added in an equally calm, matter-of-fact tone, “well, if there's anything you wanted to say, now would be the time to tell me. It’s only fair to give you a moment to do so.”
You would have preferred bitterness and vitriol in his tone, accusations, promises of consequence. Anything else. The unease and uncertainty of the pretense of normality, of nothing being wrong, felt crushing.
“It…” You swallowed. “That, that was an accident, I just, I got too close and…”
It felt as if your throat closed up, unable to say anything more.
There was silence on the other end of the line. Suffocating, so heavy it was tangible, physically weighing down on your chest.
As the moments of quiet passed, you could very faintly hear sounds on the other end, people walking, distant unintelligible chatter from other people passing in the near vicinity.
Finally, a voice came through — several decibels lower than moments prior, a flat and empty tone; quiet, but spoken more closely to the receiver, ensuring that the words were directly in your ear.
“…You don't actually expect me to believe that, do you?”
You remained frozen in place, eyes wide, hand now curled into fists so tightly your knuckles paled.
He waited. There was no need to ask if something was the matter or wonder about a poor connection, the way one might normally do when met with silence on the other end of the line. There was only tension, dread, a mutual knowing.
You swallowed again before you spoke, barely above a whisper.
There was a soft, lighthearted laugh on the other end, a transition back to the same gentle voice as before, as if he’d never deviated from it.
“Ah, that’s good. Truthfully, I'd feel a little insulted if you thought I was that gullible.” You heard some background noise, a shuffling sound, perhaps standing or shuffling positions. “Well, anyway, as I was saying, I’ll be back a bit early. I’m already allowed this day off from school, so there’d be no point in going back when I don’t have to.”
Your lower jaw hung ajar, tongue dry and stiff. The television off to your side changed subject matter on the screen, the new set of colors shifting the hue that the dim light cast onto the walls.
“Oh, great! I…”
You swallowed, barely able to feign a happy tone, struggling to form any further words over the feeling of your stomach turning in on itself.
You knew that your attempt at faux cheerfulness to your voice was not convincing either of you. He knew the true emotion you felt in your chest and your gut, you knew he knew, he knew you knew he knew. Whether you kept the act up regardless out of some fear or desire to appease, or simply a lifetime of conditioning to the politeness norms of human interaction, maybe both, you weren’t certain. It was just the norm you’d settled into, the act that kept things at a peaceful equilibrium — until those inevitable moments that it fell apart, and the great pretend-act came to however long of a halt it would.
Another set of seconds ticked by. Far too long of a pause to be socially acceptable, far out of the bounds of normalcy, yet he merely waited for you to finish once more, neither acknowledging nor expressing any confusion or concern to the duration of your pause, letting you compose yourself to finally reply.
“…I’ll be right here.”
It was the only thing you could think of to say, though you felt a sharp sting in your chest of self-directed frustration at the recognition of the wavering of your own voice.
His response, unlike yours, was immediate, and the bite of the words made every muscle in your body tense.
“Well, I would certainly hope so.”
In the mere moment your breath hitched, there was a chime tone indicating the end of connection.
Even with the call ended, you merely sat frozen still, staring at the shifting colors that bounced off the wall. Slowly, your hand descended from your face, arm lowering down to your lap as your shivering fingers finally forced the phone shut with a heavy snapping sound.
You set it down on the bedside table, and you found yourself sitting still, trembling, eyes wide open as you were left with nothing to do but wait.
He was a fairy predictable person. To a significant extent, you knew how he'd react to certain actions and words and gestures, based on moods, circumstances, good days and bad days.
The issue was not a matter of not knowing what to do — but knowing there was nothing you could do. There was no deescalating, no appeasing, no way to atone for a given transgression. The one thing you'd learned very quickly was that if he was upset, there was no way to soothe it on your own, you simply had to endure whatever came your way.
And that knowledge brought despair.
You found yourself slowly letting yourself fall to your side, curling up into yourself as you came to lay on the mattress.
There was a pinching discomfort against your side. The fabric of your shirt had bunched up, digging into your skin where you lay on top of it. You shifted, lifting your back enough to pull it down and straighten it out. It was deliberately oversized, designed for wearing around the home, so that and equally soft shorts were all you’d needed — perhaps not changing was another oversight in your plan, you realized with a twinge of bitterness.
You had to admit you were well-taken care of in many ways. He’d given you quite a lot of clothes to wear, so you picked that which was comfortable to wear when all you did was lay down all day.
Although, he’d never bought anything — rather, they all came from an aged-looking box pulled out of the closet, everything perhaps a decade or so outdated. He did insist on you wearing them, refusing to retrieve anything of yours even if you asked.
Just like he insisted you needed to have your hair a certain length, to wear the specific perfume he'd hunted down just to buy for you, to follow a handful of oddly specific regulations, all of which were met with defensiveness and dismissal if you inquired as to why.
You preferred to not think about the matter.
The TV colors shifted again, this time to a drastically increased brightness. Your eyes squinted at the slight sensation of burning, long since adjusted to darkness. The windows were covered up now, and the lamp in the corner had run out of battery, seeing as it was very specifically cordless.
You pulled the covers over your head, and let your face contort with the oncoming tears that welled in your eyes. You curled up into a ball, bunching up part of the sheets and tugging them close to your chest.
Your shoulders jerked with miserable sobs, and you bit your quivering lip, this time even disregarding the pain, as the despair took hold. You wiped at your eyes, flinching as the touch sent more ripples of pain from the swollen, sore right side of your cheekbone where a bruise had formed from the events of — when was it, the day before yesterday? The day before that? You weren’t even entirely certain, the days had long since all begun to bleed into each other, lacking any distinguishable beginning or end.
You had no recollection of falling asleep, but the next thing you were aware of was your body jolting at the sudden sound from the door that woke you.
There was a metallic rustling. Normally, at that point in the routine, you would hear each in the series of locks turned with a click, one by one — only now, after the first, he seemed to realize each had already been unlocked, yet another part of your earlier attempt that, you now realized with a twinge of dread, you’d forgotten to even try to cover up.
Thus, the door merely slowly swung open, the flat door handle — implemented to replace a traditional knob — shifting to the side.
Slow, heavy footsteps on the cold tile.
"I'm back."
It wasn't cheerful, but it wasn't angry. A flat tone that sounded more exhausted than anything.
It felt as if your stomach were going to lurch up out of your throat.
You pushed yourself upward on your arms, and forced a weak, wavering smile.
"Ah... Welcome home…”
You closed your eyes, rubbing at them with the heel of your hand to ward off residual sleepiness, hoping your eyes weren't visibly puffy. You sat upright and pulled your knees up to your chest, making room for another body on the small bed.
Setting the briefcase down on the floor, he then held up a convenience store plastic bag for a second, giving it a slight shake to draw attention before setting it down on the countertop.
“I got something for us both. Whenever you want it.”
As if it weren't the case each day — you'd offered more than once to cook something out of sheer boredom, but that meant giving you knives, and the idea was swiftly rejected, and he certainly couldn't do it himself, thus you both lived off of convenience store food.
You could hear the rustling sound as he took the layers of clothing off. The thumping of shoes as they were pulled off and placed on a rack. The suit jacket went on a hook near the door, but everything else was loosely set on top of a set of drawers, until he was down to briefs and an undershirt.
It was almost a bit odd, he looked out of place — someone normally so poised and formal, who so carefully crafted every detail of both his appearance and demeanor to appear intelligent and charming, qualities to endear himself to the masses, yet executed to such a degree of perfection that he seemed nearly untouchable — and here and now, taking on such a flawed, mundane form.
His posture went more lax, his eyelids seemed to fall, and the removal of the outer shirt had messed up his hair just a bit. As if in the act of taking off layers of clothing, he was stripping himself too of the public face.
Your eyes glanced over at the drawers — the clothes were merely strewn loosely on the top, accompanied by an empty water bottle, a plastic wrapper from something he'd brought home the day prior. Little flaws, the casual messiness expected of normal young man.
You'd found it almost amusing, the first time you'd set foot in here — for someone who was such a perfectionist in every other aspect of life, so obsessed with image and impressions and maintaining a flawless presentation, so determined to put up that aura of maturity so far above what was expected or even normal for his years — it was all shed off behind that door, like a snake to its skin.
You, too, were a part of it, one of the many testaments to the imperfection only allowed in this little haven away from the ever-watching eyes of the world.
And now, slowly making his way over to the bed with weary, dragging footsteps — hair disheveled by the undressing, the absence of the stiff material of the uniform that always made his shoulders look a bit more broad, up close and in person with no camera and screen and lighting to hide the textures of the flesh of one's face or the ever so slight darkness under his eyes, and with half-lidded, glazed-over eyes of a spirit worn down by a long, busy day — was a very normal, very human teenage boy, not so different from any other after all.
You looked up at him and forced a weak smile.
His eyes, however, were shifted downward from you, glancing at the sheets. Whether it was just tiredness or unwillingness to look you in the eye, you weren't certain.
You'd somewhat expected him to confront you the moment he opened the door, be it with direct aggression or passive coldness, or perhaps to continue the feigned act of pleasantness.
But instead, you received only quiet stillness, a neutral expression — and that was somehow far more frightening.
Instead, the mattress shifted and creaked as he climbed on, quietly pulling the blanket up to move beneath it. You wriggled backwards to make more room for him.
He moved to sit beside you. Not touching, but with the close proximity only people who were close to one another would be comfortable with.
And he'd stay that way, if you did nothing. Trial and error had proven that as well. If you did nothing, he would never move, would never get closer, waiting for you to do it with increasing irritation the longer you took.
You had to initiate these things. He never told you when you were supposed to give affection, never asked for touch or comfort, leaving you to try to decipher what was desired.
Of course, if you tried to provide those things at the wrong time or for the wrong reason, you'd also be in the wrong — then, you were being manipulative, hiding something, trying to distract. You were often deemed to have acted incorrectly regardless.
This was, thankfully, a repetitive, daily routine, so you were fairly certain you knew what was correct.
Fighting back a sense of dread, you leaned forward and wrapped your arms around his frame, making a soft sound as you gently pulled him back. He went with the motion easily, coming to lay down with you, facing each other.
You shuffled your body upwards and forward, reaching a shaky arm over his back, wrapping it around his frame and pulling him in so that his head rested against your chest. Only once you had done so was the gesture reciprocated, and you felt an arm reach around your waist.
You wondered if he could feel how hard and fast your heart pounded.
You tried to break the silence, finding some stimulation to be more bearable than pure silence.
“…How was your day?”
You felt his heavy breath against your chest. He exhaled, and with it, his body went lax, tension leaving his shoulders as he slumped further into the bed and against your body.
The word came out muttered, audibly laced with exhaustion and frustration.
“…Well, it’s over now, at least. You should rest.”
Your attempts at words of comfort were not the best, distracted by your nervousness and unease. You attempted a soothing gesture, running your hands through his hair, then down his back, repeating the motion over and over. You felt even more tension leave his body, practically melting into the touch.
It had taken him a long time to get used to that. A single graze of your fingers to his shoulder used to make him stiffen and recoil.
But over time, that defensive reaction faded, then he started leaning into the touch, and then he started to lean forward when your hand pulled away as if trying to bring it back, and soon he would sit closer, lean in further, fix his gaze at your hands — all but begging, yet never actually asking nor initiating, always waiting for you to be the one to close that gap.
But even though he seemed content, you didn't get a response to your words. That only made your nervousness increase.
Was he waiting for you to acknowledge it? You weren't certain. That sort of seemed like what he'd do. You just didn't know, couldn't be certain, and it ate further away at your nerves with each passing second.
As your eyes flickered over to the television again, you raised your eyebrows with recognition when the face on the screen registered. You attempted to stir some extent of conversation again.
"Hey... you're on TV."
"Mm." He didn't bother to open his eyes, much less turn back around to see.
Deciding from that response that it was better to not push further, you closed your eyes. The changing visuals of the television took form as shifting colors behind your eyelids.
Pressed up against each other, the back and forth movements of your bodies with each breath in and out was soothingly rhythmic, lulling you into momentary tranquility and ease. The atmosphere was so quiet, so gentle, you thought for a moment that perhaps the matter could simply be forgotten, that your mutual desire for peacefulness and rest outweighed any residual negative emotion.
Then you felt his fingers start to curl.
Slowly, they arched upward, the tips of his fingers pressing into your back, fingernails digging into the flesh through the fabric.
Your eyes shot open, and your heart began to speed up once more.
He didn't answer. His arms fully locked into place against your back, pulling himself ever closer to you, your collarbones digging into his forehead. He held you so tightly, with such strain, you felt his arms begin to tremble.
You squirmed in place, dread now returned in full force. You scrambled to find words in an attempt to deescalate.
“Hey, hey— listen, I'm sorry, I just—”
“Don't say that.”
His voice was a low, but firm murmur, barely audible and muffled by your shirt. You went stiff, toes curling, every muscle taut. You could feel your heartbeat in your throat.
“Don't…” His chest rose and fell against yours as he took a heavy breath, “say you're sorry.”
You could do nothing but lay still, tense and frozen, wide-eyed as you felt his hand move, circling back to your front side.
You could hear his breaths become ragged, heavy. He slowly raised himself up, propped up on one elbow, coming to loom over your wide-eyed, trembling form.
“You have… no right…”
His hand latched onto your jaw, a painful, crushing grip, voice taking a sudden turn to a sharp, fierce hiss.
“…to say that shit to me.”
Your heart pounded. You inhaled a sharp gasp and squirmed, a natural reflex to the spike of panic surging through your veins. You grasped at his hand and pulled, to no avail.
“A-ah, no, I really—”
“Shut up.” The words were spoken through clenched teeth, a quiet, hissing voice. His hand squeezed your jaw tighter, pain rippling up through your face. “You want to placate me. Do you think I’m an idiot?”
“No,” you shook your head rapidly, eyes squeezing shut as fearful tears began to accumulate. “I don’t… I don’t know what else I can—”
“I have done,” his words of interruption were interspersed a heavy breath, “everything I could possibly do, to help you adjust to this.”
You could feel his nails dig into your flesh. Every part of you wanted to flail, to kick and struggle out of pure defensive instinct, to ramble on with apologies, but what little rationality and willpower remained kept you still, knowing from past experience that that would only make things worse. Instead, you lay still and tense, trying to control your own rapid breaths.
“I got you things you like to do,” he continued. “I got you things you asked for.”
Your toes curled, your hand gripped at his own locked onto your jaw. Your body felt cold.
“But that's not good enough, is it?”
You managed to swallow, feeling the upper part of your throat shift under the pressure where the heel of his hand made contact.
“No, no, it's—”
“Shut up, shut up, shut up. I told you to stop trying to placate me.”
His grip was crushing.
You couldn’t even finish a single sentence.
It was a futile effort. You knew full well that once he was upset, there was nothing you could do about it, no compromising, no appeasing.
Any attempts at such were helpless, pointless. The only way forward was to accept and take whatever would come.
Yet, it was only natural instinct to still try, to rush to attempt to fix what was wrong was only the logical, immediate impulse; you didn’t know what else you could do, and that only made the futility of it that much more crushing.
Thus, all you could do was tremble, whimper, lip quivering as you waited in trepidation.
“Then what… what do you want me to…?”
His eyes were dark, hair casting a shadow over them from the rapidly shifting colors of light that projected from the screen onto the rest of his face. A huff of offense at the question caused a segment of his hair to shift. His grip relented.
He sat upright, one hand up to grip at the side of his face in a gesture of frustration, eye glaring at you from the gap between his fingers.
“What do I want?” His voice was at least lower, a touch calmer from the momentary outburst, even if still frustrated. “I want you to follow the simplest of instructions, and you continuously prove incapable of that.”
“I…” You swallowed, pushing yourself upward with your forearms presses to the mattress. “I really just—”
“All you have to do,” he continued, fingers held to his face rigidly curling, “is stay in here, and do whatever I tell you to do — which is not much, mind you.”
“I, I know, I know!”
He scoffed.
“You certainly aren’t acting like it.”
You kept quiet, wanting to respond, wanting to placate him to any extent you could, but unable to think of anything to say coherently, overwhelmed and panicked. At your silence, he gave a heavy sigh and fixed his gaze to the wall, turned away from you despite his words being directed at you.
“You don't have to worry about anything. You don’t have to do anything.” He huffed again, eyes closing and grasping at the bridge of his nose in a gesture of irritation. “I have done nothing but make life easier for you, and you refuse to even attempt to understand that. Is it truly so hard to simply stay put?”
“N-no, no, I just—”
At your denial, his head snapped back to face you, voice turning to a nasty snarl.
“Then why the—”
And he cut off as he turned his gaze back to you.
Your huddled form was shrunken back away from him, curling in further on yourself, as you always did in reflex to such harshness. Eyes wide in fear and, as you could tell from your blurring vision, tears were visibly welling up in your eyes.
His momentary narrow-eyed, wrinkled-nose expression of disdain fell as quickly as it had appeared. He turned his head back away from you, hanging down to face the floor.
Everything went quiet. For a few moments, only silence hung in the air.
And then, he sank back down onto the side of the bed, slowly, softly, shifting so that he sat with his feet over the side to rest on the floor. He leaned forward, elbows resting on his thighs. He tilted his head to rest his forehead on his hands, clasped together.
You sat fully upright as well, weakly reaching up to rub at your jaw, now throbbing in the absence of constriction.
You waited in the quiet, curling up into yourself, knees brought up to your chest, a reflexive defensive position. The uncertainty of the consequences of anything you might do kept you still. The awareness that trying to move away was a bad idea kept you firmly in place.
Likewise, there were no words that came to mind that you were certain would not earn a negative reaction, and thus, you waited in stillness and silence, mind drifting as you glanced over at the screen once again. Taking in the face displayed in the light, mouth moving silently, smiling and gentle and calm, barely recognizable, as if that of a stranger — but it was not.
Nor was it as if the one on screen was entirely a mask or a mere act, but a part of him just as much as the “other” part was. You often imagined such what-ifs in your head — if the adoring public could see this, see you, to know what things were like behind the door.
You wondered if anyone else knew the person beside you now. You now saw that side more often than the other one — a dependency that formed over time, you assumed, like an addiction, you were only viable thing to expel stress and frustration into, and thereby the only source of catharsis available.
And while there were still good days, days that almost felt like nothing had happened at all, like you just so happened to be here and everything was still normal — there were so many bad days. One unpleasant possibility had long since begun to seep into your mind, one that you found yourself mulling over with increasing frequency and dread.
And something about the moment of vulnerability brought that matter out of you, defeat and despair pulling the words out of your mouth.
“Do you still like me?”
The question felt so childish to ask, it made your face feel warm.
Quiet seconds passed.
His face turned to a mild scowl, you could see the corners of his mouth pull taut, though he didn't pull his head out from his hands.
“…Why would you even ask that?” His voice was still defensive, but far quieter than the outburst moments prior. “Why do you think you're here?”
You winced, sheepishly wringing your hands in nervousness, but managed to swallow and continue nonetheless.
“I thought maybe, you'd decided you didn't now, but just… didn't know what to do with me.”
He scoffed.
“Don’t be absurd.”
Despite the words technically being positive, his tone was laced with frustration, irritation, rather than any actual reassurance towards you.
There was a discontentment in his voice and what you could see of his face — perhaps to some degree, he wanted to say something else, but for whatever reason remained silent.
You were afraid, so very afraid, and yet the words came out anyway. Your spirit was worn down, your exhaustion even seeping past your fear.
“You don’t… act like it much.”
His hands shifted, clasping tighter, muscles tensing.
His voice was increasingly calmer, but still laden with a blatant tone of pretentious irritation.
“Maybe if you stopped being difficult, things could be different.”
More silence. You fidgeted in place.
“…Is that… what you want?”
“Clearly it isn’t what you want,” he muttered, “even though this was your fault to begin with.”
You closed your eyes at the harsh words, knowing all too well exactly what he meant. Knowing it was inevitable that this would lead down the same trail of dialogue that it always did, a conversation that had been had at every opportunity. That even if you said nothing, it would go that way anyway. Every time the matter came up even tangentially, he had to be sure to remind you. You waited a few seconds in silence, and sure enough—
“Don't forget that, either. You chose this.”
His voice was quiet. Cold and somber, placing so much weight on so few words.
A familiar line. In the beginning, he'd said it constantly. A reminder drilled into your head, over and over, so much that you often found yourself close to believing it.
“You just had to go out of your way and do everything you did,” he continued, in spite of a lack of response from you. Even with his face partially obscured by his hands and hair, you could see his nose wrinkle with an expression of disdain, his voice laden with bitter anger, as if describing some immense transgression.
Had you not been in this position, desperate to calm him and dispel any negative emotion within him, you might have argued against such a notion. But instead, you merely swallowed, before forcing out a reply.
“…I’m sorry… I wanted to help…”
“I was perfectly fine.” His fingers arched as he tightened his grip where they interlaced. “I didn't need help.” He gave a frustrated huff, hair shifting with the exhale. “You deliberately went out of your way to be—”
He cut off, mouth slightly ajar, struggling to verbalize the feeling itself, and thus, after a moment, he finished in a low mutter, perhaps self-aware of what a weak choice of words he had nothing better than to settle on, or even of how ridiculous it sounded that he was framing it as a wrongdoing.
“…to be nice.”
Such a simple, plain word, it sounded nearly unfitting from a individual normally so very articulate. The softer mumble of the words themselves was almost as if spoken in defeat, reluctant.
He leaned his head further down against his hands, spreading the palms apart so that they came to cover his eyes completely as his forehead rested against them.
You couldn’t formulate a response — in part from the intensity of emotion and exhaustion, but in even larger part due to the sheer absurdity of the matter, the way your kindness was framed as a wrongdoing, as something from which the outcome you now found yourself in should have been expected.
You sat still and slack-jawed, eyes scanning the sheets as you tried to process your thoughts, think of anything to say, try to appease him, but he spoke again before you could.
“You talked to me first,” he added, as if that fact proved some sort of important point.
Yes, if only you had known, in that moment, the chain of events you would set off, the consequences of a single act of considerateness.
Being a desk worker at the police station, it was inherently a responsibility to greet and help anyone who came walking by, but you found it particularly endearing when you saw some poor high schooler wandering around, now what felt like ages ago, brows furrowed in confusion and eyes scanning each of the directories and room numbers, blatantly lost.
Are you looking for somewhere in particular? I can help you.
You’d watched him stiffen and fidget, even if he managed to maintain that smooth, confident aura to his voice, smiling sheepishly, but accepting your offer for directions.
You'd thought it was cute.
“And you went out of your way to talk to me every single day,” he muttered. “You chose to do that.”
Yes, you’d begun a regular routine, one you thought little of. You greeted him when he came in, wished him a good day when he left.
Truthfully, that was something you did for every regular face that came through the building each day. In hindsight, you often wondered if he had believed it was uniquely reserved for him.
That had turned into conversations, when he started to linger — though you doubt you could get him to admit he had done so, even if he was self-aware that he had. Conversations that were first brief, but gradually grew longer.
A mature and capable sort of character, almost unbefitting of someone his age, yet there was a distinct sort of neediness that seeped through the cracks, whether or not he was aware that it was increasingly evident. The distinct desperation for positive attention so characteristic of a teen, that no amount of effort could conceal completely.
Only exacerbated by his life situation, you assumed — though, you'd only learned about that as a jarring startle, dumped onto you one afternoon as casually as if talking about the weather, and already having moved on to another matter before you could sputter out some kind of sympathetic response, and you'd never had the gall to mention it thereafter.
Regardless, you were certain that, be it conscious or subconscious, that information had played a role in your efforts to show him kindness.
Now, the same boy sat just an arm’s length away, scowling as he recalled those moments like some transgression against him.
He lowered his head into his hands, palms covering his eyes and most of his face, elbows pressed to his thighs.
“You didn’t just stop at that either,” he continued, a passive-aggressive note to his voice. Not as blatantly vicious as it had been a few minutes ago, but the malevolence was clear nonetheless.
That much struck you with uncertainty, confusion. He’d told you plenty of times how this was your fault, but normally left it at some notion that you’d essentially forced his hand by showing any semblance of kindness, not going into much more detail. You looked up at him, weakly forcing out an inquiry.
“…What… what do you mean?”
He huffed in frustration, as if your ignorance to your own wrongdoing was so glaring it was offensive.
“You just had to keep doing things for me,” he replied. “You bought me lunch when I forgot mine.”
You felt like you were doing something good, at the time. He was ever so grateful, and kept apologizing for the inconvenience.
You blinked, dumbfounded, processing the words, the treatment of the act as a wrongdoing, left in a stupor as he continued even still.
“You let me eat with you. Every day.”
He had asked once. There was no reason for you to say no. He was the one that then began showing up each day.
“You bought things for me, do you not remember that?”
You’d noticed it was well into the winter, and he kept walking in with nothing but a uniform. How you'd fretted and fussed — ah, I don't ever really buy clothes for myself, he'd said — and thus you soon ended up getting him a nice coat and a scarf for the cold. He lacked the figure in his life that would normally do so for a boy his age, after all, so you'd told yourself.
That incident itself was the first time you'd ever felt something strange about him. The way he'd stared with some unreadable, but unpleasant expression as you handed the intended gifts over. Something like confusion and pain. It had only lasted for a split second, before he smiled and thanked you, but you noticed it all the same.
One of his hands reached up to his head, pulling at his hair in frustration.
“You went out of your way to ask me how I was doing. Every day.”
His tone gradually rose in audible bitterness as he continued, fingers curling further into his hair.
“You kept asking me about my life. You kept saying all those things.”
You told him you'd seen him on the talk shows. Tried to complement it, said he was such a good speaker, told him how smart he was.
At the time, your words seemed to make his eyes lighten — just ever so slightly, any hint of reaction carefully restrained by conscious effort to maintain composure, but visible even still. You’d found he would subtly slip small mentions of achievements into conversation, like a quiet plead for praise, one more noticeable than you believed he realized.
Now, his head finally rose and turned towards you, eyes narrowing as he finished, practically in a snarl—
“I never asked for any of that.”
You winced at the harshness, shuffling your legs closer to your chest, leaning away from him.
The words themselves might have hurt in isolation from the context they were inherent to, were it simply a matter of your kindness being met with such negative reaction.
But the anger hurled your way did not erase your memories of how it all went over at the time.
You remembered the way he’d started to look in your direction as soon as he entered the building. You remembered the time you found him standing around your desk at the end of the day, when you’d left to print something off, apparently not wanting to leave without seeing you — though he must not have realized you were able to see him waiting there the whole time, since he passed it off as a coincidence you’d run into each other at the right time when you came back.
You remembered the time you told him—
I saw you on TV last night! You did a really good job out there!
The slight widening of his eyes and soft smile and so very humble reply, visibly happy nonetheless.
When he mentioned exam scores, successful cases, any sort of accomplishment — always in an off-handed, casual way, a clause wrapped within a larger sentence, as if to disguise the words themselves as inconsequential — you were more than happy to play along.
Aw, good for you, I'm proud of you.
You really are so bright.
That’s quite impressive.
One by one, every little word of praise and encouragement, every time you bit the hook of sentences that seemed to be prodding you to inquire further, the ever-so-slight effect it seemed to have — you’d thought it all so endearing.
Once again, you'd told yourself, if he didn't have the usual figure most boys his age had to tell them things like that, there was no harm in you doing what you could to substitute that, however slightly you could.
Thus, even now, whatever mess of emotions made him react so negatively, the words didn’t sting like they might have otherwise.
But the vitriol and harshness still stung. Your head hung downward. You stumbled over your words.
“I… I was just… trying to be nice, because—”
“Because you felt bad for me. Don't think I don't know that.” His gaze jerked back downwards, angled at the floor. “I didn't ask for your pity.”
You shook your head.
“I wanted you to be happy.” Your voice nearly cracked with the desperation that poured out of your chest. “I wanted to make you happy.”
Those themselves were words that would make most people pleased, you imagined — but he bristled, eyes darting downward to the ground, giving a tsk of irritation before he replied, a hissing voice filled with bitterness.
“I never asked you to do that either.”
With another huff of frustration, he propped his elbow onto his thigh again, this time resting his chin on his hand, keeping his gaze to the television. Not really watching or absorbing it, of course, but it was something to look at that wasn’t you, something that kept him from having to meet your eyes. You watched the colors bounce off his skin, illuminating his scowl.
“…But you just had to go and do it anyway, didn't you.”
As if that kindness were a crime, a transgression. Some wrongdoing you'd committed, for which penance was due.
His head tilted forward further, his fingers curled against his face, nails digging into the flesh.
“Then one day you just casually say you’re switching jobs and moving away like you’re talking about the goddamn weather.”
His expression contorted with vitriol. He spoke through clenched teeth, a voice so quiet you could hear the breath within it more than the words themselves.
“What makes you think you can just walk away after all of that?"
And then, his eyes closed. He let out a quiet, heavy sigh — this time not a short one of frustration, but a slow exhale, his body shuddering with the release of whatever tension it relieved.
"...I'm sorry..."
They were the only words you could summon. There were no other words that could properly address the blame being cast upon you, and anything else would be futile anyway.
Thankfully, that time your apology wasn't met with snapping anger, instead a callous sigh.
“...I suppose it was unreasonable to expect you to consider anyone but yourself.” There was an unmistakable passive-aggression to his tone. “Even now, you had every intention to get me locked away for the rest of my life, when I've done everything in my power to improve your quality of life here."
“No, no, I wasn't.” You shook your head, panic resurging at such an accusation, however accurate it may be.
“Obviously you—”
“I wasn’t going to do that.”
You forced the words out, forcing as firm of a tone as you could manage, fighting against your nerves.
It wasn’t often that you interrupted him. Which clearly came as a shock to him as well — you saw him slowly lift his head, eyebrows raised as his gaze turned towards you, so taken off-guard that he didn’t even respond with immediate offense as you might have expected.
Your gaze met his. The still-running glow of the silent television screen cast an overlay of shifting color onto the whites of his eyes.
The foreboding look that formed over his face made you look down, unable to keep eye contact, but you squeezed your eyes shut as you forced the words out regardless. You had already dug whatever grave you were going to lie in, there was no point in backing down.
But it was merely a passing second — by the time the colors reflected on the sides of his eyes had shifted with the change of screen, his eyes darkened, his expression grew solemn.
“I just wanted fresh air,” you continued, “to walk around.”
You hoped it wasn’t as obvious of a lie as it felt.
“I— I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you,” you continued. “I wasn’t going to. It’s, it’s just…”
You shook your head, eyes watering. Your hands curled up into fists against your thighs.
“People weren’t made to live like this.”
A long silence followed. Seconds ticked by. You stared down at the sheets, vision blurred by tears. There was a lump in your throat, you swallowed and fought the urge to break down. That would accomplish nothing.
At least a minute had passed before he finally responded.
“You think I don't know that?”
The words were cold and blunt. As if you’d said the stupidest thing he’d ever heard. There was some degree of sadness within how quietly they were spoken, perhaps even remorse, but it was clear and unyielding.
And within that response was an unspoken statement in and of itself — that no amount of appealing to any inhumanity of your situation was going to change it.
Your jaw clenched. You swallowed before you continued.
“Then… then you have to realize this can’t last forever.”
The silence made your gut twist on itself, but desperation pushed you further.
“It, it doesn’t have to be by myself, o-or for forever, I mean, you can come with me, we can go walk outside…”
“I thought I told you to stop asking.”
You winced, but the words only made fury race through your heart. Against your better judgement, pure emotion overcame you, and your voice began to raise.
“I-I know! But you just said—”
“It doesn't matter.”
He spoke that time through clenched teeth. A warning tone.
“At some point you have to—”
“Shut up.”
Something in you broke. Your trepidation of your words, the fear of upsetting him — none of it mattered. You had nothing to lose.
“At some point you have to let me GO!”
No sooner had the word left your throat, than his hand slammed down on it.
Your vision blurred with rapid motion as his body lunged for yours, as your back hit the mattress. You instinctively put your forearms to the surface in an attempt to push yourself up, but within a mere moment, he was on top of you, weight slamming you back down.
There was a sharp sting of soreness — his hands fit perfectly against the ring of bruise you perpetually sported around your neck, a testament to the frequency of these very moments, the nature of the way things were within the small space cut off from the outside.
“I said shut up.”
His hand squeezed down hard. Reflexively, your body jerked forward, but he easily shoved you back down again, far superior strength making any struggle futile.
The grip on your throat and the fear pounding in your chest made your eyes blur with tears. Reflexively, perhaps against better judgement, your hands shot up to grab onto his, fingernails digging into his flesh.
His face loomed over you, shadows cast all around. You could still see his narrowed eyes, illuminated by the screen’s light, staring down at you, cold and angered.
His breaths were ragged, labored. He spoke through clenched teeth.
“And you know what?”
His shoulders heaved with the depth of his breaths as he paused.
“I know you knew.”
His nose scrunched with the expression of disdain.
“You’re not stupid. You knew what you were doing to me.”
The words made a knot form in your stomach.
You heard him swallow, felt his hand tremble against you, be it in fury or pain, you weren't certain.
“You made me act like an idiot every time I saw you. You couldn’t have not known.”
That much was true.
It was never as obvious at it would have been with any other boy his age — most were not as guarded as him, would not have put in the effort to always seems so nonchalant as he did, would not have held themselves back from their own enthusiasm and eagerness in the way you sensed he did.
But it was obvious nonetheless, over time. The double-texts, the lingering by your desk, the split-seconds facial expressions of joy and disappointment he’d make before correcting them to the pleasant neutrality of the perpetual mask forced on him by the public eye — but every now and then, it slipped nonetheless.
But that was normal. A common thing in a young man that age.
It was fleeting, you'd thought. It was innocent. It was harmless. It wasn't anything to take seriously. You weren't encouraging it, just being kind. It wasn't as if you didn't appreciate him.
Nothing bad could come of it.
The tightening grip pulled you out of your reflection on your actions. His breaths came out heavy, labored.
“And you didn’t stop me from coming to you. You could have told me not to.”
His eyes bore into yours, a sharp and intense stare, locked together. To look into his eyes and all the fury and contempt they contained made your chest feel tight, made your skin feel cold, sent a chill running through your blood and you wanted so so so badly to look away, yet found your own eyes fixed on his, unable to look away even if you tried, as if his eyes held onto yours in the way his hand held onto your neck.
The corner of his mouth twitched. His grip grew tighter, cutting off your airways entirely. You stiffened, and began to struggle. Your eyes squeezed nearly shut. You squirmed against his hold, but his hands did not relent.
His words were cold, bitter.
“You never said ‘stop.’”
His grip grew tighter.
“You never said ‘no.’”
It felt like it would crush your throat.
“You could have. I would have listened.”
His voice turned low and dark.
“But you didn't.”
Your heart pounded against your chest as your panic turned to desperation, as you realized his grip wouldn’t relent.
“You made it worse. You made me keep coming back.”
His shoulders shifted forward with the force of his grip.
“You chose this—”
His eye twitched.
“—every goddamn step of the way.”
The fear that ran through your blood pushed aside your concern that a reaction would just make it worse, instinct taking over the forefront of your processing.
Your voice came out as a choked gargle. You clawed at his hand. He huffed in frustration.
“Stop moving, you—”
He cut off as his eyes settled over your form. Your spine turned with your squirming attempts to free yourself. Tears leaked out of your eyes and streamed down your face. Your struggles pulled your thin clothing tight against your form, your body writhing, back arching.
His expression shifted, his mouth pulled taut.
You saw his chest rise and fall with heaving breaths. His head tilted downward towards his body.
His hand released your throat. You gasped in cold air, body heaving with deep breaths and sputtering coughs, slumping down as relief washed over your body, reaching up to rest your fingers on your throat, wincing at the sting of each breath.
You could hear his heavy, panting breaths.
And then, he leaned forward again, hands grasping at your waist, pulling you closer.
It wasn't difficult to remove what was left between you — only a single layer of clothing each. You didn't have anything beneath the outer layers of clothing — it made things easier, you supposed, that way.
Nonetheless, you felt his fingers hook under the waistband around your hips, jerking downward. In one swift motion, your shirt was pulled upward too, breasts spilling out from underneath.
You laid still, tensing, shifting, but not outright fighting, largely because such resistance would only make things far worse.
And in part because — even now, in spite of everything — the thought of hurting him brought an ache of guilt to your chest.
Still, out of reflex, you found yourself shuffling backwards, elbows pressing to the mattress to pull you back, overwhelmed by the sudden shift of atmosphere and rapid pace of action.
“Ah, wait—”
Without even the slightest semblance of gentleness, his hand shoved you back down, flat onto your back.
“Hold still.” His voice was blunt, but not as strongly laced with emotion as it had been moments prior, too distracted by his current task.
The rumpled mound of blankets and sheets cast more shadow over the lower half of his body, but you could make out his other hand moving, hear the faint sound of fabric shifting against skin. You heard a string of repetitive curses come out of his mouth, faint whispers hissed out in a tone of irritation, as if angered by the urges themselves.
With another harsh jerk to pull you closer, he leaned his body downward, burying his face against the crook of your neck. That, too, was routine, expected, something he always did. He never let you see his face, could never look you in the eye throughout. Maybe it was a craving for physical closeness, maybe it was a loathing of vulnerability that the connection of your gazes would bring, maybe both.
You closed your eyes.
It burned. You were too tense, it was too sudden. The friction on such sensitive skin made you inhale a sharp gasp.
You felt him shudder against you, heard it in the way he exhaled, breath hot on your skin.
His hands grasped at your waist, pulling your body forward and, consequently, further impaling you on himself.
The positioning of his head brought his mouth close to your ear, letting you hear each ragged, labored breath, a brief soft muttering so slurred you couldn’t make it out, despite the proximity.
Your hand reached up, resting on the back of his neck. Even now, in spite of everything, the bruises scattered across your skin and the sore sting on your throat and the greyness of the walls that tormented you day in and day out as you struggled to recall how many days had passed since you’d been anywhere else —
— you couldn’t bring yourself to be anything but gentle.
He, on the other hand, was anything but.
Rather than a rolling motion, his hips merely slammed into your body back and forth, the movement intense, quick and harsh, driven by emotion and frustration.
Still, with each movement, he rubbed against your insides in such a way that made pleasure jolt through your body.
And it grew faster, faster, more forceful. The creaking of the bed grew harsher, an aggressive motion that lurched your body back with each movement, only for his hands to jerk your body back close to his, fingernails digging into your flesh.
You could melt into it — at this point, it was a mastered skill, letting go of any fear or despair and succumbing only to the feeling within you flesh, primal and simple, a sensation that existed outside of circumstance and emotion.
A warm pressure that built and built higher and higher, made you clench down on him, made you arch your back, made noises spill from your mouth that in turn made him move even harsher still.
You found your arms wrapping themselves around his back, clinging to him tightly. The only thing you had left, the only person that existed in a world that was otherwise dull and dark and filled with nothingness.
You supposed that was the point, what he wanted to be. The only thing of substance allowed to exist in your world, everything else pushed back and out behind that door, locked away just beyond your reach.
He brought his head up just enough to speak more directly to your face, but his hair still obscured any sight of his face you might have otherwise had, a harsh whisper through labored breaths.
“You thought you could just get away with it all?”
He jerked his hips forward again, so harshly you gasped, your back arched.
You gasped at the sensation, sputtering out whatever words came to your mind in the haze of sensation and intensity.
“No, I didn't — I, I never meant to— I wasn't trying to—”
“Shut up.” He snapped back at you through clenched teeth. “You knew from the beginning you'd leave eventually. You didn't care how it affected me.”
His fingernails sank into your waist.
“It never meant anything to you.”
Your bottom lip trembled, a sore lump in your throat threatening to break you apart even as fluttering sensation shot through your nerves, the physical sensation and emotion each heightening each other.
“I didn't think— I didn't think you'd—”
You didn’t think it meant that much. You only talked to him for a few minutes every day. To you, he was just one of many people you interacted with, and held a matching degree of significance. Something you had never explicitly told him, but you knew he’d come to understand all the same.
Tears leaked out of the corners of your eyes.
“I… I'm sorry… I never wanted to— ah!”
You gasped, your back arched as your bodies moved in such a perfect way as to make your mind go blank.
His voice became erratic, frantic, spoken between gasping breaths — just as his hips began to move faster, harsher.
“You were going to just disappear and leave.”
In the moment of pause, his ragged breaths were hot against your ear, before he finished in a snarl, snapping his hips forward so brutally the bedframe slammed into the wall—
“You don't get to do that to me.”
You tensed at the intense motion, insides spasming at the sensation, clamping down, and crying out — a filthy, wanton noise that made the heat of shame rush to your face just processing it.
In turn, no sooner had he spoken than you felt him shudder again, muttering out a quiet string of curses before lowering himself down again, body pressed tightly to yours, abandoning any efforts he might have intended to put into further words or maintaining some semblance of composure, instead giving in to the sensation and urges in full.
His hips moved against you in erratic frenzy, mercilessly harsh. His fingernails stabbed into the flesh around your hips, holding you firmly in place so that the sheer force of the movements didn't push your body off of his.
You, too, let go of any restraint ��� what was even the point of holding onto some semblance of dignity? — and let your mind lose itself in the sensation. Letting your mind run blank was far preferable to letting yourself be tormented by emotion any further. A freeing feeling from the cage of worry — always aware of how many days it had been, the burden of keeping track, the weight of endless wrestling with what-ifs and fantasies of possibility in both retroactive and prospective senses alike.
You let the noises pour out of your mouth, let yourself tense and spasm and wrap your legs around his waist, let yourself claw at his back. It felt as if your mind was melting.
Yes, giving in was easier. Separating yourself from the context of where you were and why and for how so very long, indulging in the relief cast by the shadow of defeat and acceptance. Regardless of the circumstances that led you here, and throwing aside the soul-crushing question of your hopes of a future that haunted your every waking moment, this moment was here and now and real, something you could feel and savor.
You let the sensation turn to pleasure and pain that blurred together, eyes closed, listening to the sync of the sound of the mattress shifting with the sparks of sensation running up your spine. You let that feeling bring you up, up, higher and higher, peaking as you pulled him as close to you as you could manage, sounds from your throat coming out high-pitched and needy.
Only mere moments later, before you could even come down from the dissociative feeling of fog over your mind, you vaguely felt him come to a halt, heard him suck in a sharp breath between clenched teeth.
There was a heavy silence that hung over the air, broken only by each other’s heavy, panting breaths.
Slowly, almost hesitantly, he lowered himself down, moving to your side, hair still veiling his face from your view, before eventually letting his weight fall the rest of the way in a sudden collapse, causing the mattress to shift. Without any conscious thought to do so, you found yourself turning onto your side to accommodate it, so that you faced each other.
And once again, you lay in quiet, broken by your labored breaths, each exhale tangible on the other’s skin.
Your sweat made the sheets cling to your body.
He was so close, but even still, waited, hesitant, depending on your initiation.
Thus, instinctively, you wrapped your arm around him, slowly, cautiously. Your arm wrapped around his back, pulling his body forward into place against yours.
Slowly, you felt his hand reach up to your arm, just below your shoulder, fingers wrapping around it with only the faintest of touches.
His head came to rest at your chest once again, forehead settling on the spot between your breasts. His hand’s grip on your arm grew tight.
And you felt him shiver against you. A continuous, soft shaking, like someone freezing in the cold. There was something about the feeling that spread into you, something that poured from his body into yours.
He felt so much bigger and stronger when he was on top of you, those times where he held your wrists above your head, the times he’d grabbed you and drug you around like a ragdoll across the little apartment — and now, he felt almost small, in your arms. Fragile, as if he would shatter apart like glass, should you hold him too tightly.
Some time passed. Your eyes closed at some point, but you could still see the shifting colors behind your eyelids, light shining through. Your body slowly relaxed from all the tension.
You could feel his heart beating against your hand resting on his back, perfectly in sync with your own, which you felt in the form of the throbbing around your neck.
And in that stillness, you felt some sense of peace. As if everything were inconsequential, all your anguish melting. As if you were merely normal lovers in a state of post-coital exhaustion after a long day.
Part of you wanted to lean into it, to let yourself slip into that illusion. It was comforting and warm, and the burden of awareness of the reality of your situation was so, so heavy. You were tired of its weight.
But something else weighed on your mind, holding you back from the brink of exhaustion. And without conscious intent, that something slipped out from your lips.
“Do you wish I hadn't?”
Your throat stung to speak, the words came out in a scratchy voice, but nonetheless so quiet that he would not have even heard you had he not been pressed against you.
There was a long pause. He turned his head upward, slowly, exhaustion visible in such a small movement. Not even enough to look you in the eye, just enough to acknowledge your words.
You swallowed.
“Do you wish… I had never talked to you? That I hadn’t… done all of those things?”
The quiet that followed felt like a weight pressed to your chest. You felt the vulnerable softness of comfort leave his body, replaced by a tenseness that wasn’t there moments prior.
His head lowered back to its former position, and the room fell to silence again, seconds ticking by. When he finally replied, it was a cold, blunt tone, as if you’d asked a simple, obvious question.
“I never said that.”
You didn't have the energy to feel frustrated. You had long since accepted that there was no way to win. The absurdity of his response in light of it all barely fazed you. If anything, it felt like the response you'd anticipate, perfectly in line with how you knew him to be.
You wrapped your arms around him tighter.
Your bodies pressed together, tender and intimate and comforting, and in spite of everything, you let yourself savor the goodness of the feeling of it. You felt the tension slowly leave his body as well, it felt as if he melted against your touch.
You began to drift off, mind lulled by the colors behind your eyelids. Some time passed.
And then he moved.
Your eyes opened, groggily returning to awareness and clarity — and some degree of concern, never certain what he would do at any given moment — and you watched as he pulled himself out of your grasp, quickly pivoting to the side of the bed to stand.
You slowly sat upright, shirt falling back down to at least cover your upper half, tilting your head in curiosity as you waited to see what he'd gotten up for.
Without a word, he moved back towards the counter at the front of the small apartment, reaching out for the plastic bag he'd set down when he came in. His footsteps were heavy, lazily dragging against the floor as he brought it back, one plastic container in each hand. He extended one out to you.
“It’s past our normal eating time.”
His voice had returned to a perfectly normal tone, not tired nor bitter nor angry, the tone he used when everything was fine, a tone that set you at ease. As off-putting and surprising as it was, you didn't question the pleasant change, merely taking it from his hands, opening the box and little paper-wrapped utensils, only pausing to sheepishly, hurriedly put your clothes back on.
Your hand still shivered as you forced food into your mouth.
You'd had this before plenty of times. You assumed it was conveniently on his route home. He always got one particular order for you. You didn't hate it, but it wasn't your preference, not that you ever stated so, wanting to avoid any risk of negativity.
It wasn't the same thing he got for himself, either. That, too, had become part of your routine. He made very specific assumptions of what you wanted when it came to flavors, colors, and so on.
You became acutely aware of the sensation of the shirt that still clung to your body, how your hair brushed against your skin where it fell at the exact length he’d insisted on keeping it.
Much like those things, you preferred not thinking about where the assumptions came from.
You brought a few bites to your mouth, each of you eating in silence. In the absence of other stimulus, your eyes trailed back over to the screen.
Enough time had passed that he was no longer one of the figures on the television screen — but the subject matter appeared to still be the same as it always was, for the past few months. Yet another accident, the same circumstances as usual.
You saw him lift his head up, following your line of vision, then scowling at the screen — but as the only source of light, he didn't turn it off.
“You should be careful.”
Your words turned his head back towards you, eyebrows raising in an expression prompting you to continue. You looked down.
“All those people they show lately... going crazy and getting tons of people hurt. You're known to the public, so… just be sure to be cautious, you know.”
You couldn't articulate the look on his features. He paused, blinking a few times at you, eyebrows ever so slightly furrowed, before turning his gaze back down.
“I'll be fine.”
You turned your gaze back to your food as well — but not before your eyes briefly drifted over to the door once more. You felt a chill run down your spine as the far-too-recent memory of electrocution flashed through your mind, and with it, the humiliation of it all settled heavy on your chest.
You closed your eyes and swallowed, trying to rid yourself of the lump in your throat as the urge to break down threatened to take over you again, and dulled your mind, letting it fall to blank nothingness but the task of finishing your food.
You turned your head and looked at the soft-featured young man. His face — the mask of the public persona still off, now in a different way than mere anger, but a sort of quiet, barely-noticeable sheepishness that followed such outbursts, distinguishable by a faint frown, ever-so-slightly furrowed brows, an avoidance of looking upward — felt so innocent, almost endearing.
You didn't realize you were staring until he finally looked up, having sensed the feeling of your gaze. He blinked.
“Is something wrong?”
Asked in such a gentle, pleasant tone. Nonchalant, ignoring the bruises on your body, ignoring the band still latched around your neck. It was so easy to believe nothing had happened.
Your eyes shifted away from him, briefly trailing around the room — to the cordless lamps and flat door handles and locks on all the drawers and the spot on the ceiling where the fan had been gouged out and caulked over.
And likewise, you shook your head and resumed picking at your food, deciding for your own sake that that none of it was of any consequence. That was a far less painful way to think about it all anyway.
“No, nothing.”
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cinnamonest · 4 months ago
Don’t worry about replying to this in any capacity. Just wanted to say that I read your most recent post and it was extremely helpful and informative for me. I was just talking to my dad earlier about really struggling to understand how anyone could support Trump when he is just a complete bumbling fool of a man at best and a piece of shit bigot and sexist at worst. (Not to say that Harris is some beacon in the darkness, not a fan of her either.) But the perspective you offered was really enlightening so thank you for it. and I hope you are doing well enough, all things considered, and that regardless of what happens in the coming days that things get better for you and your community.
Thank you, that's very kind. I'm very glad it was helpful, I was worried I was coming across the wrong way or didn't word it very well or could be misinterpreted.
If it helps, I had some more thoughts I think would expand upon that, specifically for women — since I see a lot of posts essentially asking how women can possibly vote for the guy, and I think I can explain that too, as I've been thinking and talking a lot about that with women who I know intend to do so.
1) I think for the upper class, they tend to focus more on social issues, because economic issues don't affect them as strongly.
But for some of these people, especially moms, the increased cost of living is literally a matter of "how am I going to feed my children, how am I going to pay electric AND water," etc. So it becomes a priority, especially as many families have lots of kids, and some are single moms. They don't really think as much about social issues, whereas when I went to college, most of the kids cared only about social issues. The more financially secure someone is, the less preoccupied they are with economy.
But for a mom, the safety of and provision for their kids is paramount above all else, so economy and crime will take priority.
But since we only have 2 major parties, people often assume that whichever you vote for, you must agree with ALL of the party's official stances, which is often not the case. That's part of why our bipartisan system is so divisive and breeds hostility, because it creates an "us vs them" mentality.
2) women in the area I talked about don't really even think about abortion/reproductive rights. They're not militantly anti-choice (like some of the more suburban moms of kids I went to school with), it's more that no one ever really thinks about it at all. Many of them have kids very young and lots of them, it's just normal. They also don't have careers to focus on in the way higher-class women do, and many have no chance of ever going to college, so there's less reason to hold off on it.
People do what's normal per their class/local culture — so here, if a girl gets unexpectedly pregnant (which is... not uncommon), they don't freak out or think about how it will affect their future, how they'll afford it etc, they usually just... shrug, drop out of high school, marry the guy, have the kid.
When we were 16, one of my good friends got pregnant, and she too did exactly that. She was unironically overjoyed to find out too, rather than panicked or dismayed. Like, when she took the pregnancy test, I was there with her, sitting on the tile floor of the church bathroom at 9 pm with the test we scraped cash together to buy from the gas station-pharmacy hybrid shop down the road, and she, as a 16 year old high school junior, was actively hoping, fingers crossed and smiling and everything, that it would be positive. She's now 24 and is about to have baby #5.
And part of the reason she was fine with it was... because her mom had her at 15. It's a very cyclic thing. The possibility of abortion would not occur to them unless someone else brought it up.
3) Moreover, when women vote, they focus on what affects them specifically as a woman — and prioritize what's most "real" to us as an individual woman, the hypotheticals one can most realistically see happening to them. But what that most realistic thing is, varies a lot from woman to woman.
For a woman living in, say, Maine or northeast California or even a safer rural place like Idaho, I can see how abortion is probably the most "real" thing to them, that they can see themselves being in a position to affect them.
Whereas for me, having experienced harassment and aggression, reading about these statistics and headlines, violence is something I am much more afraid of happening to me. I'm very careful to avoid an area where I was harassed before.
But for someone in a low-crime place, that isn't something that's going to be a priority.
I personally now realize that a lot of the misunderstanding and clashing is a matter of the fact that women in many blue areas simply don't think about this, because they've never had a reason to, and that's perfectly understandable.
But a lot of women in areas like my home do not realize that. Many women at home strongly believe that "them uppity rich white women out in California or wherever the hell" (quoth my 90-something year old neighbor), are aware of, but simply don't care about, the consequences women here/poor women face. I used to think so too, when I was younger, because that's what I was told.
As a result, they view their blue vote as a very "let them eat cake" heartless-rich-person sort of thing, as selfish and/or classism, in the same way that women in blue areas likely view their red votes as female-class betrayal, religious brainwashing, believe their husbands must be controlling them, etc.
Now, with greater life experience, I not only understand that it isn't like that at all on either side, but I can also see why many blue-area women dismiss our experiences as "not really happening" or "right-wing propaganda," simply due to the fact that it's very difficult for them to fathom it, because it's so different from the reality they live in, it feels like it can't be real.
4) it *is* true that these women are often demonized and gaslit for talking about the rapes, job loss etc, so that has shifted even more moderate women very rightwards over the last few years, because they feel silenced/censored.
Donald is a sort of savior figure — he acknowledges the issue they otherwise feel censored on, and moreover, has essentially promised to take away the men that hurt them, their daughters, sisters etc. They want to feel safe again, they want their husbands to get their jobs back, feel like they have a secure future, etc, and his platform is literally "make America safe again, make America rich again, make America great again."
That line you may have seen all over the internet a few days ago, where Donald said something along the lines of "I'm going to protect the women if they like it or not"? And you know how it earned disgust from the mainstream population of women?
That line was received extremely positively by women at home. I've already seen them sharing it around with my mom/aunts/grandma on facebook, in a positive light, ecstatic. It makes them feel seen and heard in a culture that otherwise puts a hand over their mouth, and they cling to those words in hope of a better future.
Tldr: it's women who are vulnerable and afraid and desperate, going for the only option that has promised to address their needs. Much conflict comes from the limited human ability to grasp things outside of ourselves, our tendency for solipsism — an unfortunate part of the human condition that has plagued our species from the dawn of time.
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cinnamonest · 4 months ago
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I assume this is because I criticized Kamala Harris in my last post.
I want to address this because it's important to me and frustrations currently consuming my life, and I'm very emotionally unwell right now. I want to share my experiences and make a point I feel is important at this time.
Once again, this is very unfitting of the smut fanfiction blog and will be deleted later, even though I'm sure this is a huge follower-losing post, but whatever.
Forgive me for rambling so much, but I encourage you and people who think like this to read in entirety.
I realize things are tense right now in the US.
Part of the reason for my inactivity the past while (besides multiple hospitalizations) is that I'm glued to my screen every night now because I'm very scared. I've been spending all my time researching, watching videos from economists, etc.
(Preemptively, sources for everything I'm about to say: the FEMA Privacy Act Statement itself, the official CPB database, Helene People Finder, United States Council of Foreign Relations, Samaritan's Purse,, Starlink, Politico, ABC, CNBC,,,, my own life)
The US is an extremely high-tension, polarized political climate, largely due to the bipartisan system.
However, no one should be immune from criticism.
All politicians should be criticized when they do harm. I am allowed to criticize her, and I will.
Criticizing one candidate is not the same thing as endorsing/supporting their opposition.
3,000+ Appalachians are missing. The current death toll makes this the deadliest single event in the US since 1862. A higher death toll than Hurricane Katrina, a higher death toll than the events of 9/11/2001, a higher death toll than any mass shooting.
However, it is largely going completely ignored, and mainstream news media has barely acknowledged it, in part due to elections, but largely because the people who live in Appalachia are poor, rural people. And the harsh reality is that poor people's lives are not treated with the same value as people of higher classes.
FEMA continues to do nothing, and the feds are now threatening to take children away from homeless parents... yet they blocked donations of trailers and campers from nearby areas that would help those people to, you know, not be homeless. A kind group of Amish have come down from Pennsylvania to build shelters, and FEMA may tear them down too since they don't have "permits."
Harris had the opportunity to do something, and has the authority to order FEMA agents to act differently, but she chose to exploit the situation for publicity, then leave and otherwise ignore them. She then went on to pay Beyonce $10,000,000 to speak for 5 minutes.
That deserves to be criticized.
Her campaign continues to claim a good economy and job market, when inflation and cost of living has peaked, and just this month, their policies actually have officially led to one of the worst employment outcomes the United States has seen since the Great Depression, disproportionately affecting low-income workers.
That deserves to be criticized.
She has a bad track record during her time in the judicial system for the way her actions harshly affected underprivileged people, especially Jamal Trulove, who was terribly wronged.
That deserves to be criticized.
Furthermore, the reason FEMA/the government does not have money for Appalachia is for a few reasons, all of which were ordered, facilitated or allowed by the current administration:
1) we've sent over $100 BILLION to the IDF so they can keep blowing up hospitals and kindergartens,
2) we sent $175 BILLION to Zelensky so he can keep sending young men into violent deaths even if its against their will,
3) we just sent $100+ million to Lebanon even after the hurricane crisis, meaning the federal government explicitly chose to prioritize foreign aid over its own people,
4) money was taken directly from FEMA reserves for crises like ours, and used as part of a whopping $150,000,000,000 spent on mass migration — including free flights, a $20 million welcome center with a free-use "game room" with dozens of Xboxes plus free food/lodging, and in NY, an average of $1400 prepaid debit card per individual each month.
Meanwhile, Appalachians get a one-time $750 per family, and if you have insurance to cover anything, it's a LOAN you have to pay back (many "fact-checkers" are claiming this is false when its literally in the FEMA eligibility statement). Many of the independent line workers FEMA hired for repairs are reporting they have not been paid AT ALL since starting.
In other words, the money that was specifically reserved for saving lives in times of crisis was spent on video games and free money handouts.
That, holy hell, deserves to be criticized.
Secondly, I want to address the message itself.
I realize that a lot of the american tumblr userbase is 1) people young enough that they're still partially financially dependent on parents and/or 2) are, like most of the US statistically, earning middle-class incomes, and live in fairly population-dense environments.
Most people outside the US, on the other hand, are getting their perceptions of life, politics, etc in the US from the posts/narratives of people within the aforementioned groups, popular culture, and their own local media, so their perspective is often quite limited, to no fault of their own. I'm sure my perspective of life in other countries is also very limited.
Most of you live in places other than where I live, and live very different lives from mine. As humans, we are naturally prone to subconsciously assuming the lives of others are not too different from our own, and do not naturally stop to consider how various factors might affect people's lives and decisions.
We are social beings, prone to adopting the beliefs of others who have the same experiences and thereby the same limited perspectives as us, especially in ideologically homogenous environments.
However, I have just as much of a voice as anyone else.
My hope is that I can use my words and experience to foster empathy for one another between different people in a very polarized climate at a very tense time.
I'm originally from a fairly rural community of about 8,000 people, largely low-income, low-education, evangelical blue-collar workers and farmers, in the Bible Belt.
It is well-known that this demographic overwhelmingly voted for Trump. I don't deny that. I visit home a lot, I see the yard signs everywhere, flags hanging from pickup trucks and farm fenceposts, lots of red hats.
There is a reason for that.
The administration of the past four years has utterly destroyed many rural, low-income communities.
It caused a huge spike in job layoffs, leading to homelessness, drug abuse, hunger and poverty for many already low-income people, and for select communities, violent crime.
I'm fortunate enough to have had parents better off than most of the community, but I'm self-sufficient now, and I am in the bottom 20% of incomes in the US, even with a degree. I could write endless paragraphs on how hard it is to get by, but to summarize for the sake of shortening — it's very, very rough.
Everything has become drastically more expensive, very rapidly over the course of a few years. Groceries are 3x their 2021 prices. I had to get a guarantor for a one-bedroom apartment.
Many rural families resort to drastic measures to get by. Small farmers are being financially strangled out of their way of life.
The actions of the Biden-Harris administration is the reason a huge portion of my extended family was laid off and now face total destitution, as there are simply no jobs left available.
The Biden-Harris border and crime policies are responsible for the brutal rape of a significant number of women and girls in this geographic region. Statistically, these rapes have quadrupled compared to the previous administration.
A woman was raped and stabbed to death about a mile from where I live.
Our nearby neighbor, a cow farmer back home, was attacked on his own property.
I have personally faced multiple instances of sexual harassment and aggression, some of which were very frightening. I know other girls nearby experienced the same or worse.
Alcoholism and hard drugs due to the spike in unemployment and poverty has ruined many lives, and help is often hard to access in rural regions.
A woman my mom was acquainted with ended her own life in 2023 because her children were taken from her due to her drug addiction and poverty. People I played with on the church playground as kids are now unemployed heroin addicts.
I've watched my mom driven to tears after realizing how drastically her income tax increased, and how little she has left after them despite working around the clock.
All of these can be traced back to the policies and actions of the current administration, and the current Harris-Walz platform's proposals will drastically increase it all — largely voted for by people who live in economic situations and locations as such that they are fairly unaffected by these consequences, so they may not understand how it affects these people.
I could write endless paragraphs of all the people I know who have been at best negatively affected, at worst utterly ruined, by the current administration.
Since I have the unique background of understanding these people whilst having more liberal values as an individual, with a broad range of people I interact with now, I have tried to have discussions on this over the last year or so, in real life and virtually. I believed that raising awareness would make people on the left-leaning side empathize with them, and inspire dialogue to work to implement ways to account for the concerns and needs of the rural poor, and incorporate that into their existing proposals.
I was incorrect. I've been very polite and respectful in how I address others in these discussions. In the vast majority of interactions, I was not given the same in return.
A few were receptive, which I appreciate, but in most of my experiences, the same group that is known for encouraging empathy, apparently doesn't apply that philosophy to people they dislike — no matter how I presented it, they immediately rushed to demonize, censor, humiliate, shame and gaslight me, and expressed callous apathy at best, if not active contempt, for my people.
They say "that doesn't happen," and I think they genuinely believe that due to limited perspective — but the reality is that they're simply in a position of privilege as such that it isn't happening to them.
Similarly, what you have to understand is that from the perspective of many rural people in red areas, their experience is that more privileged people inflicted this suffering on them by voting for it, then silence and shame them for speaking out about it.
Likewise, they also have a limited perspective — for them, the issue I see is that they adamantly believe the "other side" is already well-aware of the effects their choices have on others. I don't think this is true, I think many on the other end are unaware of these issues.
This dual lack of understanding creates mutual resentment and bitterness, which fuels tension.
I will say that trying to explain how girls in my community were assaulted or my own harassment, only to have it spammed with replies along the lines of "don't care" or "deserved" or calling me a liar, seeing posts mocking or wishing harm on people like my family accumulate tens of thousands of likes, having people I care about referred to as "trailer trash," passive-aggressive statements implying I'm too unattractive for a man to harass — this, along with other distasteful actions I've seen, has pushed me away from the left as a community, and I don't think that's unreasonable.
Similarly, labeling people you know nothing about as bad people, without making any effort to understand their circumstances or what they actually believe and why, will drive people away and make them resentful.
My community is multiracial, women are highly valued in southern culture for various reasons, and they themselves are marginalized and underprivileged. They're kind people who have been good to me.
I haven't really met any people who are hateful, nor is hate the reason for their votes — they're all voting as they do because they are scared, exhausted, grieving and desperate. A lot of people in the area never voted before, but are now registering to vote in droves because they feel their backs are against the wall, so to speak.
Moreover, Orange Man himself redirected $14 million dollars to Appalachia, continues to raise awareness for them in speeches, and Musk, who is associated with him, has a team working to help Appalachians. He's also the only noteworthy figure that has acknowledged certain issues affecting them.
They realize that the situation in Appalachia could just as easily be them in the future, that they'd be given the same treatment.
This has resulted in a lot of rural poor people feeling that he cares more for their lives, compared to Biden/Harris who more or less neglected them. Which, considering that, is a fairly reasonable conclusion on their end.
Finally, it is true that blue voters tend to be in favor of abolishing or ruining crucial aspects of our way of life that, I say this politely, they do not fully understand, while the people here want to preserve their way of life.
So, while I have more liberal values that differ from most people back home, I don't believe they are bad people. They are reacting very reasonably to the circumstances they're in.
All I ask of others is to consider, no matter where you are or what beliefs you align with, and no matter what happens tomorrow, that the "other side" to your own may not be the evil people you have been led to believe they are, but are humans whose lives are simply different from yours, and they are acting in accordance to their experiences, circumstances, and fears.
The growing trend of demonizing political opposition with no attempt at empathy, only creates more pain in the world. I hope this has helped to foster better understanding, and that people can be kind to one another.
That is all I wanted to say.
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cinnamonest · 4 months ago
hope u and your loved ones are okay :( wishing you and everyone affected the best ❤️
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Sorry for the delay in responses and posting, I was in the hospital (again) (and unrelated to the flood, just an issue that hadn't subsided from the last visit last week).
If you have money to give I would very much prefer it go to the people who need it much more than I ever could, there's donation links here.
To be honest I am not okay on a psychological level. The whole thing has me so angry.
Now that I'm back to normal and out and about, I've heard so many horror stories from the grapevine. So many people are missing, and at this point families are having to accept that missing people aren't coming back if they haven't already.
The financial aid is a disgrace, and as aforementioned, the FEMA people are impeding help and otherwise just loafing around. We just want them gone.
Then as for the two people whose literal job is caring for this country — POTUS said like a day after the incident, on camera, "they're happy, they've gotten everything they need" while we still had people dying of dehydration on their rooftops and countless families left homeless.
Harris showed up, took a publicity photoshoot holding some donation items, then left to go drink beer on an uppity talk show like she's channelling the spirit of Nero himself.
This has been one of the most grotesque acts of US presidential negligence and dishonesty in some time, and once more of these people start getting internet access again I have no doubt a lot more will be exposed.
Now the people are just left to pick up the pieces by themselves and start over. The media has largely moved on already, and every major news outlet has drastically downplayed just how bad the destruction is. Some people on social media are celebrating it. I had to unsubscribe from an environment conservation group I followed because they published a newsletter literally lying about FEMA. It all feels so deliberate.
Bush was dragged through the mud for the rest of his career for his response to Katrina in 2005, yet he did far more and responded far more quickly. Our current leaders can wait 48 hours to acknowledge the situation, do essentially nothing, and no one seems to care, no one is holding them accountable.
I'm just very angry and having trouble moving on with life. Those two have already brought so much suffering to my community the past few years, then this happens and they can't even do a good job of pretending to care.
And I can't really do anything about any of it, which makes it worse, it festers. This bitterness is a feeling I would not wish on anyone.
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cinnamonest · 5 months ago
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I know the smut fanfiction blog is probably not the best place for awareness posting, but this is my only real outlet and I'd like to share what's happening regarding the storm.
My area was affected by Helene — I woke up a little over a week ago at 4 am from the storm, to no power and standing water within my apartment.
The area where I live now was not hit too badly, so everything is back to normal for me now, and obviously I have power and internet again.
But the same is not true for many people near where I'm originally from. This storm has completely devastated Appalachia.
A village that was like a second home to me is gone. Every single building in the village is either underwater or decimated, and some of its residents are missing.
People in the surrounding area are desperately trying to reach family and friends — whole areas have essentially gone radio silence with no cellular data, even now almost two weeks after.
Many Appalachians have lost literally everything, including family, pets, and homes. The region is heavily reliant on orchards, livestock and tourism, so many livelihoods have been swept away. This area also already had a major poverty issue to begin with, so many had very little, and now literally have nothing but the clothes on their back.
Moreover, the handling of this situation by federal administration has been disgraceful and negligent, if not outright malicious.
Any acknowledgement at all was absurdly delayed, and the financial aid being given is the disaster response equivalent of a band-aid on a severed artery.
The FEMA people are present (sometimes), but they don't do anything, they just stand there and occasionally harass people for taking photos or loitering in parking lots. If anything, they are dedicating most of their time to delaying incoming resources and actively impeding independent rescue efforts. All while we have corpses strewn up in trees and people still trapped in their homes.
But for those looking to help, or if you are affected by Helene and need help, Appvoices has a page full of resources for those who need them and verified donation organizations that can reach those in need.
It is going to be a long road to recovery. This is a beautiful region filled with wonderful, strong people, please keep them in your hearts ❤️
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