#the sacrifical lamb
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“And He took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me.”
“Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you.”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭22‬:‭19-20‬ ‭KJV‬‬
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sharpmouth · 2 years
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The Sheep Child by James L. Dickey
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mewniemoon · 3 months
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What if instead of being resurrected and staying their age in the afterlife, the twins instead went back to the age they were when they were last alive (aka, lil babees)?
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Nari was not emotionally prepared for this get him some soft blankets to build a nest with stat!!
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clownowo · 1 year
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sadlittlecountess · 3 months
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all that pain, and humiliation was for nothing. trying to find emotional relief through her faith, and yet she is still hurting. Losing herself through her “harsh” actions (as a mother would!) for the sake of the safety of her children �� will be and always was for nothing. The bubble of dissociation and denial popped by the one person she wanted for herself from the beginning. Doomed by the narrative, no matter how hard she tried to change it. :(
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theonewhowails · 10 months
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nari goes on field trips :]
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amimuu · 6 months
“Dream logic.”
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Guilt can sometimes find some very interesting ways to manifest itself in.
Listen. So if you were to ask me what in the scallop is even going on in this comic…I don’t know either—I passed out and four hours later this was on my screen with a blurry effect to make emphasis on the “dreamy” vibes.
STILLLL THATS a lie because I do know what’s happening. I present to you: pre-story VTA!Narinder being bullied by a dream version of the Lamb….it must be quite the experience to see the face of your devoted vessel whom you killed in cold blood every time you try to get some shut eye because sleeping is kind of the only thing you can do when you got no one to spend time with, huh.
If you wonder what’s up with the Lamb’s extravagant outfit, that’s simply the clothing they put on the day they died. And so the form that their dream self chooses to manifest itself in.
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Y’know when it’s the day of your death but also the day your god whom you love more than anything will be liberated and you’ll finally be able to rest…in some way it could count as the “happiest day of your life” which is also another way to call your wedding day…ykyk
Anyways I am sorta falling asleep so I’ll be leaving this here and going to bed— Until next time!
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hystericwaif · 3 months
voted God's little lamb most likely to be slaughtered
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payasita · 1 year
I have a request: The Lamb with a double barrel shotgun and a cheerful demeanor saying that they have had enough.
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had to crowdsource the second half of this joke but hey
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maimoncat · 2 months
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Wait. Is that…
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Oh no.
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Let me give you a quick summary of what reading fanfic for The Terror is like
+ bonus actual show event
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angeliccharizard · 6 months
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Found out Cult of the Lamb added babies and that I could marry Leshy so I finally won it for the first time
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leclercskiesahead · 17 days
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Excerpts: [First stints] The opening stint saw graining and high degradation for all runners and lap times rose sharply from around Lap 10 onwards. On Lap 14 [Norris] was called to box for new hard tyres. He then emerged behind Ocon – and Ferrari saw a small opportunity to cover him, and so boxed Leclerc the next lap. Unfortunately for Leclerc, it didn’t work out for him and he was undercut by Norris. Leclerc’s complaints on the radio at stopping to emerge behind the McLaren were met with reassurance that the race was most likely a two-stop, and it was the correct point to box. Piastri then covered both one lap later. In [Sainz’s] opening stint, he was too far behind Norris to attempt an undercut and Ferrari were still considering the one-stop possibility. Therefore Sainz pushed to extend as he thought it was too early to stop. Later, he reported that the graining was improving and lap times may recover. This was important information for Ferrari. Sainz was then called to pit before being undercut by Hamilton so the lap time improvement was crucially not seen by the other teams. [Second stints] As graining emerged on the hard tyre for all three leaders, [they had to decide] when to stop for the final set of hards. Piastri was asked if he thought a one-stop might be possible, but said no. [On Lap 32,] Leclerc is given the ‘box to overtake’ call on Norris as Ferrari looked to attempt an undercut. But Norris then pitted, prompting Leclerc to stay out. He was then told they will extend the stint to build a tyre delta. In the second stint running in largely free air, Sainz pushed Ferrari discussion on the one-stop strategy possibility. The pit wall and Sainz discussed whether they should cover Hamilton’s second pit stop or remain on the one-stop option – with Sainz favouring the latter after reporting that his tyres were still good. At this point the information is given to Leclerc that Sainz is targeting a one-stop strategy. Leclerc agrees that it is the best opportunity to win and immediately begins work on the tyre saving required to pull it off. [McLaren third stints vs Ferrari staying out] [Having boxed with 15 laps remaining,] Piastri needed to average 1.5 seconds per lap quicker [than his pre-stop pace] to make the pit stop beneficial. His first lap after the pit stop was indeed 1.5 seconds faster than before. However, he had five back-markers to overtake as well as Sainz. The back-markers cost variable amounts of lap time and Sainz then cost Piastri around two seconds of race time – which is crucial when considering Piastri only finished 2.6 seconds behind Leclerc at the flag. So although Leclerc then took the plaudits and the glory on the Monza podium, he couldn’t have pulled off such a famous victory without the help of his Ferrari team mate.
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dexylloyd · 1 month
The sacrificial lamb
"The sacrificial lamb is the symbol of sacrifice for the common good...but at what cost?
A martyr who will die hundreds of times for the greater good"
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"He will be the one who will save us from eternal darkness"
Yo yo how are you y'all, new piece from your favourite number one Lloyd defender
Bonus: The original painting from which I took inspiration
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venic-of-paper · 8 months
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Ignore the cheesy text i have actual thoughts for this but brain mush. They're very normal <33
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robynnnn311 · 2 months
yellow lightsaber users should never be put in situations like this
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