#jason grace angst
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mmavverickk · 1 year ago
anyway have any of you ever thought about how Jason was raised by wolves and then an army and told he had to be the best so he became the best, made himself the best using his experiences and power, who has to prove himself time and time again to the people who made him, and then he meets Percy Jackson who, with almost none of Jason’s training, without having been raised and molded into a leader, is better than him
Percy Jackson, who had a childhood, who had a mom, who seems all the better for it. Jason can finish his quests and missions and get a pat on the back and congratulations for bringing honor to the Legion and nothing else because that’s what’s expected of him, while Percy gets hugs and cookies and tears of relief and so much love because people had been hoping he’d succeed, not because it meant victory, but because it meant he'd live.
all of the things Jason’s gone through to make him that perfect leader and soldier feel like they were all for nothing because he looks at Percy Jackson and sees that perfect leader and soldier and none of the things that made Jason good are what made him great
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poppitron360 · 5 months ago
100% not thinking about how Jason spent months looking for Leo after the explosion and never stopped believing he was out there while knowing full well that NOBODY looked for him when he went missing from Camp Jupiter.
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demigods-posts · 1 year ago
currently thinking about how percy attempted to end his life by suffocating himself underwater near the argo ii. but jason disrupted it and saved his life. then months later. jason was killed on a boat surrounded by water. and it just so happened to be on a quest that percy turned down.
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storywriter007 · 8 months ago
can you do a “fighting for the first time” preference/headcannons with the HoO boys ? i love ur work!!
Fighting for the First Time - HoO Boys x Fem!Reader
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author's note: thank you for the request!! and i'm so glad you like my work, this literally made my day. this is what i feel like first fights (non-quest related) would go but add your ideas in the comments!!
genre: angst ending in fluff
word count: 1.5k but it's all in bullet points
-> heroes of olympus masterlist
send me requests here! (these are my guidelines)
percy jackson
the first time you guys seriously fight, it goes one of two ways
either a.) he doesn't care about who's right and just wants things to go back to normal or b.) he thinks he's right
option a is the preferred option
he tries to talk to you, finding you whenever and wherever
he refuses to leave until the problem is sorted out
and he is upset the entire duration of the fight
he apologizes for anything
"i'm sorry if i did anything at all to hurt you" kind of apology
option a fights would be over things like unintentionally hurting each-other
like accidentally saying something mean or sparring too roughly with each-other
or it would be over his reckless behavior
in which he understands why it worries you
this first fight wouldn't last long
maybe a day before you guys are all good again
option b is the worst
when he's convinced he's right, he tunes you out
not intentionally, it's just that he's too caught up in what he's feeling to properly listen to you
you guys go back and forth in circles
practically yelling at each-other
his eyes get dark and he becomes angry quickly
refuses to listen to you until things reach a tipping point
either you or him storm out and leave the other one alone for a few days and talk it out once they've cooled down
or one of you starts crying, and the anger is overshadowed by guilt and heartbreak bc of their ignorance
this fight would probably be over his loved ones
if you had pointed out a flaw about them or something they did which you didn't appreciate
or maybe just a passing comment you unintentionally made
i mean the loyalty on that man is crazy
lots of hurt feelings during this fight
and it would last a while - the most being a week
however, both fights would have a mutual apology
where both of you apologize for the things you've said and done
and you guys agree to do better in the future
you probs end up falling asleep in cabin 3 that night
jason grace
to get in a serious fight with him, it's gotta be something big
jason is calm and level-headed
he takes a walk the first time things get heated and comes back to you with a clear mind
he talks to you calmly, treating the fight more like a debate
don't get it wrong though: internally he's freaking out
he's lost a lot, and he doesn't want to lose you
honestly your first serious fight with him would be over reckless behavior (on your end) or him being walked over
your first serious fight spawns from how deeply you two care for each-other
either he's mad you don't care about yourself and doesn't know how to tell you calmly bc you don't listen
or you're mad that he's ready to die for gods and kids who don't care about him in the least
you guys only fight about these things because light-hearted conversations don't send the message
jason, especially, stays stern during the fight
you wonder if he even cares tbh
but then you notice how he pauses and searches for words, how his lip twitches when you say something snappy, and the look in his eyes
he barely raises his voice, and only does it when you interrupt him constantly
the first fight would end within a day
it would end with revealing why you are reckless or why he is so selfless
it would be a calm, vulnerable conversation
would probs end in a make-out session bc he was so afraid he was gonna lose you
leo valdez
i'm going to be so real rn: the fight starts because he's feeling inferior
he loves you sm and he considers himself lucky to have you
but bc of that - his feeling of inferiority would be on the back of his mind
he's not really jealous, but more-so afraid you're going to leave him at the drop of a hat like how everyone else has
so he gets upset if you're spending too much time around any other guy
the book series repeatedly talks about leo's insecurities and how he feels like he's not good enough and how he feels everything is his fault
insecurity runs deep and it would most definitely be a reason for a fight
you guys do raise your voices bc at first you're not understanding each-other
you think he's jealous and he thinks you don't want to be with him anymore
after you guys are done with your screaming match, leo would coop up wherever his machines are
he would stay there for a long time and think
he 100% is over analyzing every single thing you said to him
he's convinced you guys are going to break up and you're going to leave him
and he deserves it because it's his fault for starting the argument
even though he isn't jealous or thinks you're a cheater, he just let his insecurities get the best of him
and he feels like it's over for you two
he doubts himself; wondering if he should even try to talk to you or just let what he believes is the inevitable happen
so he doesn't even try to apologize
he is convinced it is all his fault
overworks himself in an attempt to distract himself from all of his terrible thoughts
you, on the other hand, have your time alone and want to talk to him
it's nighttime and he's nowhere to be found
you go to his little lab and voila, there he is
his eyes are red and sunken and his hands are shaky and dirty
you don't say anything, you just hug him
he breaks down and tells you why he was actually mad
he profusely apologizes and doesn't blame you if you want to break up
you explain to him that you are with him because you love him and that one little fight would never make you leave him
you reassure him that he is more than enough
this fight doesn't last more than a day or maybe two
the fight would end with a really intense kiss
and you would probably spend the rest of the night with him in his little work area
you'd watch movies, make jokes, laugh a lot, and company him while he manically works on something
that something is metal flowers as an apology for acting the way he did
it's his way of saying "we're stuck together and i love you :)"
frank zhang
it's difficult to get into a serious fight with frank
but if you do, it would be over reckless behavior (on your end, c'mon y/n) or his own insecurity
your reckless behavior specifically with fire
frank and fire do not get along - it's well known
he literally can't stand you doing something dangerous in general
but with fire, it's even worse
he's convinced something terrible is going to happen and he lashes out at you bc of his previous experiences with fire
this fight would be short-lived though, bc you would understand why he feels that way
you'd apologize to him and he would apologize for lashing out
you'd agree to stop joking around with fire, but you'd convince him to start getting over his fear
this first fight actually ends up more helpful in the long run as frank slowly overcomes his fear of fire with you by his side
however, if it's his own insecurities, this would go another way
as mentioned, frank has been bullied
and he repeatedly feels like an outcast because he doesn't have dyslexia/adhd, he's an archer but he's a mars kid, and his life depends on a piece of firewood
your fight would start bc he felt left out with you
but it's just him overthinking
(if you use a sword) it's you sparring with jason or percy for practice
and it kinda makes him feel like "i want to help my gf but she needs someone who's actually good"
if you hang out with another mars kid for too long
makes him think "what i should be"
if you made a jab at him that he took a little too seriously
frank is a gentle giant, so he wouldn't yell in the least
you guys would argue and he'd be lost for words, kind of stuttering and repeating himself a lot
he'd just kinda walk off during an argument
this would make you mad bc he started the thing and doesn't want to listen to you
but really, he just wants to talk to you when it's not so heated
you'd go hide in your cabin/room
frank would be walking around and comes to the realization that walking out on your argument was a douchebag move
he shapeshifts into like a rat or a bug or something to go see you in your cabin and make sure you're not hurt
you'd see some random animal in your cabin and you get freaked out
he turn back into himself and apologizes for being rash
he'd be honest and tell you that he was just overthinking things and that he just got in his own head
you accept his apology and tell him to communicate better
to tell you if he feels left out or if he doesn't think something is funny, and to tell you that's he's leaving the argument bc he wants to think abt it
this fight is over by sundown
and you spend the rest of the evening practicing archery with him
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myfanficideas · 2 months ago
We all know Jason was jealous of Percy, and in some way Percy was jealous of Jason. Jason finds out one day and is just utterly confused.
What could Percy be jealous about? He has a mother who loves him, his godly parent actually cares for him. He is a celebrated hero, with even the gods fearing him. He was offered immortality and on his own terms REFUSED. His siblings who share the same godly parent actually LIKE him. When he went missing, people actually cared enough to look for him.
So what in Jason's life would make Percy jealous?
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littlestarbeam · 2 months ago
Jason Grace, my child, Son of Jupiter, Champion of Juno, you died as soon as you lived, in a grave scorned by your father, without his wind in your hair or a storm to to carry you.
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irlpowderfromarcane · 2 months ago
the worst part of valgrace is that that one of them always had to die. the second that Leo was revived Jasons fate was sealed. the only way that Jason could have lived was if Leo had died first
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demigod-shenanigans · 3 months ago
I’ve seen a couple posts about Thalia being a natural blonde and dyeing her hair, and I wanna talk about that concept specifically in the context of Jason dying because that’s devastating to me
Thalia started dyeing her hair at least in parts because she hated looking like her mom. She wanted that connection cut.
It’s not until she sees Jason again all those years later that she realizes in a way she rejected Jason with that decision, too.
It’s not until after she loses him the second time that she really considers what this means and that while she doesn’t care to honor their mother’s memory, she can’t stand the fact that she doesn’t look like her brother.
The next time her roots grow in, she doesn’t re-dye them.
But she’s been dyeing her hair for so long that it doesn’t quite look the way it did when she was a kid. It’s off a shade.
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gaygirldoodles · 8 months ago
No matter what you do, don't think about Leo Valdez
Don't think about the trauma of having his mother die like that at such a young age
Don't think about how his Tia Rosa treated him horribly despite how he was just a kid
Don't think about the amount of abuse he faced in all of those foster homes he was sent to
Don't think about how he had to run away from them, fending for himself on the streets over and over again
Don't think about him being sent to wilderness school, a thing notorious for being horrible towards the kids and downright traumatizing
Don't think about the people he knew even a little who were harmed by that system or even killed
Don't think about how the history of a friendship he held so dearly turned out to be fabricated by Juno. That it was all a lie
Don't think about him still being best friend with Jason - the real Jason - only for their to be a prophecy that one of them must die
Don't think about how he decided that it must be him
He couldn't let Jason die
Don't think about how he tells Hazel and Frank about his plan because Romans understant self-sacrifice, but Jason wouldn't. Jason, who's done nothing but sacrifice things for the people he cares about.
Don't think about how Leo and Jason never reunited after that.
Don't think about him finding out that his best friend, and someone he maybe even liked more than that, died.
"Where's Jason?"
But we all know that he knew
And he still asked
Don't think about how he would blame himself for that.
You can't avoid prophecies after all
They always have to be fulfilled somehow
Don't think about his mother, Esperanza
Don't think about how he spent weeks months in Bunker 9 building the Argo II barely interacting with anybody
Don't think about how he barely even celebrated Christmas if at all because the whole world depended on hin building this huge warship
Don't think about Leo using humor to hide how bad he truly feels just so that Gaea wouldn't win
He could not let her destroy him
Because as long as he didn't lose that part of himself, he was still winning, even if what she had done had left him broken
But you do want to think about how he was finally able to find a home.
A place that would accept him how he was
A place that would be safe for him
A place where he wouldn't have to run from abusive family members and fosters homes anymore
He once again had a family that loved him.
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helpallthenamesaretaken · 10 months ago
Percy's eyes burned like the shroud behind them. Annabeth was stroking his arm to calm him down. "Just keep it cool. Just until the funeral is over" But he wouldn't stop.
"You abandoned us, Leo," his lip trembled as he yelled. "For Calypso. We were devastated for months searching for you. Piper cried every night. Hazel and Frank didn't talk to us for months. Jason had to mourn you till his death. How could you do that to your friends?"
Leo felt redness rising in his face. Anger emanated from him like heat. "Take Calypso's name out of your mouth!" he bellowed. "You broke her heart and left her alone with false hopes, you selfish--"
"What did you say about him?" In a fit of sudden anger, Annabeth let go of Percy's arm, and hell broke loose.
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aria-upside-down · 4 months ago
I am begging for an angsty valgrace fic rec
Please someone give me one
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mmavverickk · 11 months ago
how do you think Jason felt knowing he looked like Luke Kronos? how do you think this kid, this child who’d been raised to be a soldier, who is so fundamentally good and tries so hard, felt when he realized why the greek campers were uneasy around him.
not because he was roman. the greeks didn’t care about that. but because he was tall. lean. blond hair, blue eyes. facial scar. brotherly disposition.
someone who’d looked just like Jason had been a leader at this Camp. someone who’d looked just like Jason had been a brother here. someone who’d looked just like Jason had taken their trust and shredded it, had turned their siblings against them, had sabotaged their home, had caused so many deaths in his war to destroy Olympus, to be noticed by his father. (something Jason also desperately wants.)
Hera had sent Jason to replace Percy—the leader, the hero. but how was he meant to do that when all any of them could think when they looked at him was traitor?
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poppitron360 · 6 months ago
The reason physics class was Jason’s favourite at school was because it reminded him of all the long, excited rants Leo would have about mechanical engineering and it helped to fill the void of Leo being missing just a little…
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demigods-posts · 2 months ago
what are your thoughts on Jason's death? because I feel like the path Rick paved for his death is not the best, like i mean, we don't know or love him enough to make his death truly devastating. like of course there is his plan to make the cabins and stuff for the gods and his influence on lester, but I feel like in hoo even though he's basically the main character (especially in tlh), he's not made out as a very distinctive character, so when he dies, I feel like it doesn't hit as hard
Jason's indistinctive nature is exactly why his death is so impactful. I do agree that it would've been nice to gain a deeper understanding of Jason in the same way we did with Percy in the first series, considering we were introduced to him as an amnesiac. However, I encourage you to consider that while it is true we don't know who Jason is outside of the soldier he's molded as, neither does he. We can spectulate all we want about his relationships, adventures, and what his desires were, or would have been, had he'd gotten the chance to see it through—but the fact of the matter is we'll never really know. Jason's legacy forever resides in between the lines of story cut short, a life not lived but survived.
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storywriter007 · 11 months ago
You Came Back - Jason Grace x Fem!Reader
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summary: in which y/n tells jason grace something she thought she'd never ever say
warnings: cursing, emotional turmoil, heartbreak, mention of sex
genre: heartbreak/angst
word count: 826
-> heroes of olympus masterlist
y/n heard someone shuffle through the door of the principia. they tried sneaking in, quietly, but it was a failed attempt.
"you missed it." she said, not even turning around, and continuing to organize papers. "it's over."
"y/n," he sighed. "i'm sorry, i'm so, so, sorry. i was at camp half-blood, and i lost track of time-"
"don't apologize to me." she said calmly. "apologize to the kids. they were upset when you didn't show up."
fifteen little kids, all between the ages of six and ten, wondering why their hero hadn't shown up to spend the day with them. fifteen little kids asking y/n, "where's jason?" with disappointment in their eyes.
"maybe, i can talk to them tomorrow? or maybe, thursday?" he suggested.
"tomorrow, we have a senate meeting. thursday, we've got paperwork due. the next date you can take the kids around new rome is in around two months." she said. "when did i become the organized one, grace?"
"i know, i know. i fucked up. i was with piper, and i completely forgot i had to be here. i came here as fast as i could."
of course he'd been at the other camp, with his other friends, with his other girl.
"they were so hurt, jason." she said, feeling upset on behalf of all the younger children. "they were so excited to finally have a one-on-one with their hero. just for me to tell them that you got caught up in some last-minute, saving-the-world shit. and still, they left with their feet dragging and their heads down." she said, finally turning to meet his blue eyes.
he looked ashamed. he should be.
"thank you, for protecting my reputation." he said. "but you didn't have to lie for me."
"what was i going to say? i knew where you were, you're always there. 'sorry kids, jason's at his other camp right now, he probably forgot.' or should i have gone with 'don't worry kids, he probably lost track of time because he's with another girl right now. he'll be back when he's done.'" she said, sarcastically. "c'mon."
she was extra pissy with him today. usually, it would just be, "it's alright, don't do it again" even though it always happened again. but today was different.
the principia door opened, and a group of young children stood at the door frame. there were four of them, two boys and two girls. y/n knew them, since she'd taught all of them.
"what're you kids doing out of bed?" y/n smiled, her voice softening.
"hey, jason's back!" one of the kids pointed out.
"yes, yes he is. but why are you bunch out of bed?" she laughed.
they shuffled forward, and gave her a cupcake.
"happy birthday y/n!" they said in unison.
jason's face fell to the floor.
"aw, thank you guys." she smiled, giving the kids a big hug. "real sweethearts, aren't you guys?"
after a few minutes of further talking, y/n walked the kids back to their cabins, and returned to the principia.
"oh my god. y/n, i'm so sorry-" jason started once again.
she chuckled. "y'know, in the ten years i've know you, and in eight and a half you were my best friend, i never thought you'd be one to forget."
"i'm so sorry. i can't believe i forgot-"
"i can." she said. "you seem to forget just about everything relating to this camp."
"that's not fair. that's not fair, i didn't want to forget." he said.
"i'm not talking about your amnesia. i'm talking about now. i'm talking about the missed senate meetings, and missed deadlines, and missed expectations." she said. "you've forgotten everything about this place and everyone in it. it's been this way since you came back. and you say sorry, but you don't change."
"camp half-blood is my home just as much as camp jupiter is." he defended.
"i waited a long time for you, grace." she started. "i waited for eight months. i waited for you while everyone else thought you were gone. i thought you were dead, but i still waited."
"i came back."
"you did." she agreed, feeling her voice break. "but, sometimes, i really wish you didn't."
they were standing face to face, but her gaze was to the side, while he looked at her.
"because i would rather spend the rest of my life wondering what happened to you than you coming back and not recognizing my face." a tear fell from her cheek.
"i would rather have lost you forever than knowing a ghost of you." she paused. "i would have rather lived in misery than grief ."
"you came back. you sure as hell did." she smiled. "but your body came back, not your character." her voice broke.
she could see the hurt in his eyes. they were both grieving.
jason grieved over what he had done.
y/n grieved over who she had known.
there is not enough jason grace content on tumblr
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myfanficideas · 2 months ago
Praetor, Soldier, Champion of Juno. The perfect golden boy. That's what people saw when they looked at him.
Jason Grace may not have been raised by his mother, but following her footsteps, he had perfected the art of playing a character.
If she saw him, maybe she would be proud.
Beryl Grace was not the only accomplished actor in the family. She's just the only one that did it on the big screen.
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