#valgrace headcanon
a-headcanon-a-day · 3 days
hc that even when Leo has mostly healed from jasons death, its been years since he died, hes gotten new friendships and relationships, sometimes he just lies down and cries and cries about jason. like its not like a constant sadness about jason but on like important dates related to jason or when he sees something he knew jason would like he just bawls for like 20 minutes because of what their relationship could have been.
same with nico about bianca and like every character about someone they lost
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cresent-solace · 3 days
Justice to Percy Jackson in COTG
Hi peeps, I'm already way past this chapter but I need to ask a very inportant question, what would have happened to Jason Grace.
If Jason had survived long enough to go to college, what would he have had to do to get in, cause Percy almost had to get 25 recommendation letters, and I'm qouting here, so let me know what you guys think, cause this has been rotting my concience all day and now it can rot yours
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poppitron360 · 2 months
We need more Valgrace to do with the fact that it’s literally mechanic x guy who controls electricity.
Jason helping Leo with projects by acting as a spark plug.
Leo using his machines and gadgets as a conduit for Jason’s powers.
Jason being able to control the wires inside the Argo II telepathically.
Leo being slightly more immune to electric shocks because of his way with machines.
Jason partially understanding machine language a little bit.
My personal favourite: Leo being able to hear the electricity beneath Jason’s skin, knowing when he’s exited by listening to it jump, finding comfort in it’s constant hum, being able to sense Jason’s presence three rooms away by the sheer amount of raw, uncontained voltage inside of him.
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lavenderfairiez · 3 months
Headcanon that Leo and Jason argue about what fireflies are called.
Jason insists that they're fireflies and Leo insists that they're lightning bugs
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ace-writer-lani · 3 months
Valgrace Headcanon where Jason likes to help Leo out with whatever he's working on
Leo [holding out his hand]: Wrench?
Jason [handing it over]: Here
Leo: Screwdriver?
Jason: Here
Leo: Hand?
Jason: Like...my hand?
Leo: Duh
Jason: What do you need it for?
Leo [intertwining their fingers together]: Emotional support in case this thing blows up
(Wrote a fic)
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whimsiboy · 3 months
jason calling leo firefly and leo calling jason lightning bug. it's canon, trust me.
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ginnyluna · 2 months
i've seen "valgrace with werewolf!Jason", and i've seen the "Leo with mechanical prosthetic arms/legs" headcanons
but what if... what if we did both
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josendlessmonolouge · 2 months
Valgrace fic I'II never write bc I suck at writing fics so l'm putting it on here 
Jason coming into the kitchen area of the Argo to find Leo in tears choking down a bowl of chicken he’s like hey man why are you up this late- wait why are you crying
Leo gives the worlds most sniffly “I’m bulking.” The poor scrawny guy has got it in his head he’s got to put on weight after a few arguments and not so well thought out insults from frank. that he oughta workout and put in some weight.* Jason immediately is like you can’t be doing this shit to urself man.. come on it’s fine if you don’t reach your calorie goal today. both emotional and physical hurt/comfort ensues. Physical Bc Eating over half a pound of chicken definitely doesn’t make you feel good and definitely makes curling up against ur bf sounds like an amazing option for the night. Jason is also worried terribly because what if he’s accidentally said or done things to trigger this. Maybe offhand comments about protein got under his skin? Gods he hopes he’s not part of the reason is boyfriend and also best friend is choking down a large bowl of grilled chicken. frank gets a serious talking to in the morning I actually might write this idk
*(Inspired by he fact towards the beginning of moa frank tells Leo he ought to lift weights) (why would Leo listen to him? Bc jo headcanons that from archery (takes some serious upper body strength sometimes and lifting frank had like a really nice upper body and obviously who’s feelings wouldn’t be hurt by a man with nice pecs calling you scrawny and pointing out ur visible ribs) I take pride in being very skinny bc it’s physically proof I run and my feelings would still be hurt!
somebody please write this 🙏
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losergender · 4 months
just thought of leo calling jason "cielito" ("little sky" / "little heaven") because he flies and all of that im gonna throw myself off a cliff
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reinedeslys-central · 30 days
please please please I know this will never be canon BUT LISTEN -
what's that marvelousspider post about the tragedy of how leo found a way to beat the prophecy (and in some stories, that kind of thing works, reinterpreting the lines into a potential that comes true like how the act of observing forces the electron to 'choose' a path) but in doing so doomed jason? Yeah that's what I'm talking about. obviously jason's in elysium but. BUT.
what if he isn't? (or what if he is)
what if leo doesn't tell anyone what he's doing/planning on doing? (obviously someone finds out anyway, my bet is piper or nico or reyna)
what if that theme of glory repeated comes back here too? (hades is tired after millenia dealing with mortals. hades has a sort of hope. these two facts are not mutually irreconcilable.)
Leo's guilt. Leo's guilt. (To storm or fire the world must fall. Gaea burned.)
The surrounding characters (I don't think calypso and leo would stay together in the canon percabeth golden-couple, partners-in-life-and-crime way. I think they'd grow together and eventually grow into people that weren't partners anymore and be okay with that. would calypso feel guilty? She's a titan, eons old. maybe not. maybe the weight of fate is the same to her as sand on her beaches. Maybe seeing leo break down over it does make her feel guilty.)
Nico's resentment. (over jason's and leo's prophecy debacle, over bianca not getting the same chance, over not being able to reach for her hand, charging into the underworld like leo is, so many more things)
Percy. because percy will have all kinds of mixed feelings over the demigods in elysium, some of them he would say he put there. in the end, though.. percy will understand. (I wonder if he and grover and annabeth would fight about it.) he's understood since he was twelve and more willing to save his mother than any god-given quest.
Quests are in threes. (would this be a quest with a prophecy? or does leo just charge in? is the prophecy given after the events have been set in motion?)
Leo goes alone. (An oath to keep with a final breath.)
One more time. One more oath to put everything into question. One more twist to the prophecy.
--although technically, the prophecy should be done and dusted. Jason's, like, actually dead and in the underworld in this story. it's not like he didn't breathe his final breath or something. it's not like he didn't keep that oath.
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a-headcanon-a-day · 7 days
imagine valgrace first date is leo taking jason to his favourite mexican restaurant to see like if he liked the food from leos childhood and he loved it
imagine that
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poppitron360 · 27 days
Everybody share their Feral Street Kid Leo hcs pls I need more.
I’ll start- Leo fighting a monster at some point by making himself look bigger and hissing at it. Surprisingly, it works. His friends look at him like “wtf” and he just shrugs and says, “I grew up on the streets, and monsters aren’t that different from racoons.”
He also definitely fought some weird-ass racoons that looking back he realised were monsters.
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yonemurishiroku · 8 months
jason is the mom friend/bf and Nico is the friend/bf that does things that could get him killed every five minutes.
My conclusion: Jason is probably worrying abt Nico 24/7 bc of this
(This could also work with valgrace)
This is accurate and I believe nothing else. Get you a boyfriend like Jason Grace.
Also? In Valgrace's case, as one fanfic has stated, Leo would be the dad friend because he has all the dad jokes. And tbh I don't want to argue.
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ace-writer-lani · 3 months
Valgrace Headcanon where their more casual dates are just them building Legos together
Leo would create like, actually functioning things out of Legos (like a small moving train or a working radio or something) while Jason would enjoy building the Lego flowers or cute little houses.
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ravenexy · 1 year
leo valdez is that one kid that says shit like “stretching isn’t enough, i want to disassemble my body” and percy is the one that goes “oh my gods like legos”
and honestly i think that says enough about their friendship
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cryoverlife · 1 month
The Seven’s sexualities are as followed:
Leo: hot people (pretty much everyone), he definitely had a crush on everyone on Argo 2 like once even if it was for five seconds
Piper: Who Knows At This Point, anyone can be pretty as long as they aren’t jerks
Jason: thought he was straight and is now suffering cause he’s friends with Leo and Piper (not cause he has crushes on them but because they enjoy shattering his world view by asking him if he thinks *insert random person* is hot)
Bonus for Jason: might have a crush on Leo
Percy: Annabeth, not actually but he has her so he doesn’t actually care about finding out.
Annabeth: suffering (refers to the entire paragraph in MOA where Annabeth thinks about her entire love life and the only thing good about it was like three months), but also Percy cause no way he’s ever leaving her
Hazel: a poor oppressed child who didn’t even know Not Being Straight is a thing until now, has a type for the precious ones.
Frank: honestly the straightest one of the group but at this point nobody actually knows
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