#the rewatch brain worm got me okay OKAY?
gayemoji · 2 months
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youve gotta be fucking kidding me RSL didnt know
[House M.D. S2 E7 - Hunting]
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samsrowena · 2 years
me going from watching one episode a day in my rewatch to watching an entire season in one weekend. i blame november 5th
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tiny-sassy-aggressive · 8 months
I am living blogging my reaction to the second watch through of WDAPTEO 4 bc the first run through was so much
00:00- I screamed when I saw the notif. I was alone in the car. Just pulled up to my apt looked at my phone and screamed “ no way “ I still can’t believe we got it
00:01- hi, they are SO BEAUTIFUL I’m squealing. I cannot stop staring it’s embarassing
00:27 what’s going on here? “Nothing” my heart. The smiles
00:50 oh I am LOVING the feature wall. And fish tank reveal project??
01:00 how dare they throw THAT japhan photo up there like it’s just some example. Who the hell do they think they are- also I want that doomed hoodie :( he is snug as a bug in a rug
01:50 terror not even 2 minute in and crack
02:03 I’m sorry Dan asking Phil about TikTok stuff is precious
02:13(What is cba)
02:39 I CACKLED. Phil’s sarcastic ass omg
02:44 dans little pat
02:58 phivorce
03:05 I know the ft, they are friends of course. But seeing the messages really warms my heart. Like it’s so normal why am I emotional
03:52 of course Phil sends millions of memes
04:10 how in the fuck did Phil catch his phone what??? Ft dans face during the whole interaction.
Ad time —— 04:25. Im sorry Dan looks fucking amazing, his hair is so curled and pretty? And he looks so comfy cozy and soft??? My Dannie side is really coming out rn
04:59 handsome devil, damn straight. Love this man he’s too precious for this world
05:23 🍑
05:55 are the Brits okay??? Bone daddies?? I’m too American for this
06:30 perfectly encapsulated Dan and Phil energy
06:35 Dan saying dude scratches a weird itch in my brain
06:55 again! Totally normal to call a friend in a taxi. But this moment makes them so real in my mind like yes. Call that friend. In that taxi. Make it less awkward. Why did I like this moment so much
07:05 A PRETEND CONVO OF COURSE HE WOULD. He’s so real for that
07:34 “these are very dan and Phil”
07:42 I’m in pain. Koala content and ouch I can’t even put into words
08:44 three days without a text sounds exaggerated. Or lie. Like cmon. All those messages and convos and yall went 3 days without a word?? Sounds fake
08:58 asking what he should do for his nails!!? Again totally normal but UGH I love their friendship
09:01 also Phil coming in with a STELLAR idea, hope to see it happen
09:11 Phil’s a little shit OMG he hated the nails Dan got.
09:38: dans precious little selfies
09:44 also who tf is that that does not look like Dan
09:52 wtf do you mean that they had the same weird Swedish bakery???? 10 years apart???? WHAT THE HELL??????
10:35 fuckin nerds ft cute ft selfie
10:52 Dan in Phil’s glasses hi what the fuck? Precious. Phil loves to take photos of Dan sleeping.
11:02 jump. Scare.
12:11 Dan stalking the ring doorbell is not something I expected?
12:20 glad to know Phil and I share that we can’t hear someone saw our name bc it’s too intimate
13:16 ordering a roast dinner is so cute idk why
13:35 jump. Scare.
14:26 I hate them :( i so long for what they have
15:04 they didn’t see death note the musical!! Haters!!!!
15:20 HOT
16:00 Phil papping Dan>>>>>>
16:20 I rewatched this part so many times. Thsi entire sequence. This whole. Dare i say SCENE. Disgustingly familiar. Disgustingly cute. I- karaoke game???? What??? It was for them
17:06 omatone :(
18:22 hot? Worrying? Hmm???
18:45 Phil is so dramatic I love him
19:01 genre to dinner? I don’t get them
19:20 SCRIPTS AH???????3@2/9/@/9@22929 more writer Dan
20:17 this is so familiar
20:50 this has “would you still love me if I was a worm” energy? Can’t explain
22:53 “we dan and phil-ed it” we have to steal that! Asap’
23:24 when Dan sits up he is soooo much taller than Phil but he constantly slumps down and looks up to Phil. It’s very cute to watch.
24:30 oh they are fully embracing the joint channel and slowly moving away from gaming and honestly. I’m alright with it. They look so happy
Guys this was too much. So I just started reading fanfic and these conversations were right out of what I’ve been reading which is very odd tbh? But we were fed. This was amazing content and I can’t wait to see what the writers do with this. Cheers
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shallowseeker · 21 days
shal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a headcanon for you but I'm embarrassed because it might be stupid. Maybe God took over Chuck the prophet after Sam and Dean killed Chronos. Like, okay hear me out. Kevin Tran shows up in season 7 as the "new prophet" after they kill Chronos, god of time, and Chuck in season 15 says he controls "all of time and space." I know it was ret-conned that "God created all the Gods," but it could be a lie. Maybe Chuck-God is doing a power grab!
I am not so good at remembering the timeline of season 7, and to be honest, I'm a shallow girl: I mostly paid attention to the Chronos episode for Eliot Ness and his awesome sass.
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(I didn't even notice the "Leviathan/black goo" irony with regards to The Empty until it was pointed out to me...) But uh, now you've got me wanting to rewatch just for the brain worms...
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un-deserts-your-bluffs · 11 months
hiya!! this is my first year doing any sort of gift exchange, so @moonslamp i hope you like it!! happy @mcyt-halloween creepy level is a 3, and i chose to do LDShadowlady from season 1 of empires (i recently rewatched it and got inspired when i got your list of characters!) story's below the cut! mind the tags
This was certainly a turn of events. 
Late at night, Lizzie had heard a splashing outside her base. Now, seeing as her base was on the water, that was sort of to be expected. However, something felt off about it.
It didn’t sound like a fish, or a turtle, or.. even a dolphin.
No, it sounded like a person swimming towards her base- the unwieldy splashing and struggling was far too human to be anything else.
She stepped out of her bedroom, looking down from the edge of her palace and squinting at the shape she saw in the water below. Was that…
“Jimmy?” She called down- but as it got closer, it didn’t seem like Jimmy. The swimming was too ungainly, looking as if the person was struggling to push themself through the water- Jimmy normally swam gracefully (he was the Codfather, after all), so… who was this? Lizzie took a few steps down her staircase, glancing back at her axolotl guards- “You two stay here, okay? Come get me if I scream.” They didn’t respond, being axolotls. (She loved them anyway, even if they did just sit there and look pretty most of the time.)
Heading down the steps, she paused about halfway down, peering over the edge. She could see the person a bit clearer now, and- yeah, that was Jimmy. But… what was wrong with him?
He looked paler than usual, even from the distance she was seeing him from, and he seemed scared- stars, what was wrong? She hurried down the steps quicker, her nightgown swishing around her legs- maybe she should’ve put her armor on before this, but Jimmy’s practically her brother, he wouldn’t hurt her.
“Jimmy, what’s going on?” She called down to him as she reached the bottom of the stairs, looking out into the sea to see him. “..Jimmy?” She called again as he didn’t respond. He simply swum closer to her base, looking almost sickly- his skin was a sickly green and purple color, sallow and shining like wax. It was… wrong.
The splashing was unwieldy as he got closer- she should’ve known something was wrong as soon as she saw he wasn’t in a boat, it was far enough away that any normal human would be tired, but she hadn’t been thinking- and she took a few steps back on the stairs, nearly stumbling on the slick prismarine surface. “Jimmy, what’s wrong?” She called again, not expecting an answer- was this even Jimmy? He looked so… wrong- even for a man who normally looked like a giant cod. He didn’t answer, just pulling himself onto the stairs as well, and- well, there was nowhere for her to go but up. 
So she ran.
She nearly slipped a few times, which would be a really awful way to go, she thought to herself, falling down the stairs of the base that took me so long to build, but not-Jimmy seemed to be moving slowly, as if he wasn’t fully there. It was like those weird gross worms fWhip had told her about once, the ones that mind controlled people. 
Ew. She probably shouldn’t have gotten distracted, because she missed a step on the stairs, yelping in surprise and stumbling down several steps- nearly bumping into the not-Jimmy. When had it caught up to her? She’d thought it was further behind than that- It was reaching for her, a wet, slimy hand getting closer and closer and- 
She kicked it.
More out of reflex than anything, some long forgotten self defense class kicking in, but she kicked it, and it stumbled away, sliding down the same stairs that she had only a moment ago.
Panic now clouding her brain, she just stared for a minute as it picked itself up, further back but not by much, before her survival instinct finally kicked in, prompting a much faster ascent. 
(She held closer to the handrail this time too. She really didn’t want to find out what that hand would feel like.)
As she reached the top tower of her palace, she realized that… she hadn’t really thought about what she should do after arriving here.
She glanced around, looking for something, anything that could help, but- nothing. Stars, she was so dead.
She could hear the footsteps creeping up the stairs, her heart hammering against her ribcage as she tried to think of what to do- 
And there it was, staring at her from several steps away. It was worse as it got closer- its eyes sunken in, dull and bloodshot- stars, how had she ever thought this was Jimmy?? It lumbered towards her as she stood, frozen- what could she do?? There were no weapons nearby, her armory far on the other side of the tower, and despite her luck earlier, she didn’t know if she could take this thing in a one on one fight. She glanced around frantically, her hands raised in what she hoped would work as a shield should the thing decide to attack while she was trying to figure out what to do, and her gaze landed on her throne- 
And the axolotls beside it.
She locked eyes with Sir Strawberry, trying to psychically convey the thought I need help right now- and praying that he picked up on it.
Oh, stars-
She could hear the thing getting closer and closer, its awful, dead looking eyes boring holes into her as she grabbed the only thing in her inventory- a stick. (Why did she have a stick in there?? What was she even going to do with that-?? Nevertheless, she was grateful for its presence. At least she wasn’t facing this thing unarmed.) Her hands shook as she gripped the stick, holding it like a baseball bat- if this were a different situation, she would’ve laughed- what was she going to do, hit a home run with this thing??
“Come and get me, then.” She said, trying to keep the shake out of her voice and failing. And it did. As if it had understood her words- which she honestly wasn’t sure if it had or not- it lunged at her, its nails dirty and slimy as it tried to scratch at her face- but she whacked it with the stick, stumbling a few feet backwards- oh stars, she was gonna die. She was so dead.
The floor was slick- why had she never fixed the leaky roof??- and she nearly fell due to the force of her swing, barely catching herself. The creature seemed more affected, though, as it slid back several feet, nearly falling as well.
Okay. Okay! This was good! Maybe if she just- kept doing that she could survive until the morning (she hoped that was as long as this thing would last, but knowing her luck…) It lunged again, catching her off guard- she shouldn’t have been thinking in the middle of a fight, stupid, stupid, she should’ve been paying attention-
And she fell, going sprawling on the floor.
Her stick broke at the impact, and she struggled to get up due to the fact that she was now covered in water.
Oh, stars.
It approached, reaching out towards her. 
She squeezed her eyes closed- there was nothing she could do now She was… there wasn’t a way out of this that she could see. She hoped someone apologized to everyone for her, told them that she was sorry she hadn’t helped with Xornoth more, than she still felt bad about the Cod War, that she was-
She heard a squeak, a splash sound, and opened her eyes- to see Lady Marceline and Sir Strawberry attacking.
They’d seen their Queen fall and lunged for the creature, pushing it backwards with the unexpected force-
And sending it careening off the edge of the tower.
Lizzie looked over the edge, not seeing it resurface.
Her hands were shaking, her heart pounding- her axolotls jumped on her (much gentler than they had the intruder, of course), trying to make sure she was okay. 
“..you guys.. You saved me.” She said softly, petting their little heads and trying to get her breathing to return to normal. They squeaked, butting their heads against her affectionately.
“...thank you. You- you did it. We made it.” She shook her head in shock and disbelief.
“We made it.”
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ceterisparibus116 · 3 years
have you watched the batman? i feel like coming out after binging 3 seasons of daredevil kind of waters down the experience but it was great though! i enjoyed it but not cRaZy gOoD because i kept nitpicking like 'ooh daredevil had this too!' but idk 🥲
Dear Anon, are you me?
Daredevil and Batman already have a lot in common. Street-level dudes, not really powered, regular human guys who get beat up, dress as their own worst fear in order to scare others, etc.
But this movie also landed hard on some of Daredevil’s themes. We’ve got:
Corruption (okay that’s not super unique, but still)
Corruption in the DA’s office specifically
That One Good Cop who’s actually awesome (…and Black…)
A hero who is depressed
Explicit discussion of the hero’s abandonment issues
The hero’s belief in the city and refusal to see it only for the crime
The sexy and slightly-more-morally-ambiguous-but-secretly-sort-of-a-good-person romantic interest who says something along the lines of “Your mission will kill you,” to which the hero responds, “I can’t stop until the city is saved,” to which she responds, “Which is never” and reiterates that the city will kill him
So yeah, those were the things that stood out to me. The problem is: with literally every single one, Daredevil did it BETTER.
Between Fisk manipulating people’s weaknesses and dirty laundry and Reyes’ politically-inspired ruthlessness and Tower’s politically-inspired cowardice, we got to see THREE different causes of corruption (instead of just greed and dirty laundry)
Gordon is awesome and him letting Batman wander around crime scenes was hilarious, but I find it more realistic and admirable that Brett keeps a professional distance from vigilantes
Depression. Um...Bruce's depression (if he has it? I think he does?) is a lot more like a caricature. Depression isn't just locking yourself in your room and wearing black and not really talking to people. Daredevil delves deeper into how depression actually worms its way into your thought process, turns your own brain against you. To be fair, this is an advantage to telling a story via 13-hour episodes rather than one 3-hour movie.
Sure, Daredevil had some explicit discussion of Matt’s abandonment issues, but those issues were “shown” long before we were “told.” Again, that's an advantage to telling a story as a show rather than as a movie.
I’ve gotta expand on this abandonment issue bit. Personally, I think the Batman would’ve been stronger if it had refrained from having Bruce explicitly talk about his fear that everyone will leave him. Although he was talking to Alfred, with whom he can be more himself and so it was believable that he would be honest about that, what I found unbelievable was that Bruce would be honest with HIMSELF about it (which is a prerequisite to having the words to be honest with someone else.) Bruce is too busy chasing crime and rewatching footage from his contact lenses to have time for introspection, and that’s assuming he would have any desire to do it in the first place, which I don’t see at all? Like, this is a man who wants to turn himself into a crime-fighting machine; he has zero interest in dealing with something so petty and human as personal trauma.
(For reference, Matt doesn't start talking about his abandonment issues until other people tell him he has abandonment issues. After all, he's simply too busy with cases and crime and emotional repression to stop and evaluate himself. So...does this movie expect me to believe that this Bruce Wayne is more introspective than Matt Murdock? I am absolutely not buying it.)
What about Gotham was actually…worth saving? It’s evil from its corrupt leaders all the way down to your average criminals. The opening sequence showed us two people who are arguably worth saving: the young man who clearly was in over his head with his gang and the victim of the gang. But after that scene was over…did we see anyone in the city who is actually a good person?
I guess there was the politician lady. I liked her. But she was a politician, not, like, an average citizen. What inspired her to stay in Gotham and try to make it better, instead of washing her hands and going somewhere else, to a place with worthier citizens?
I’m sorry I’m so hung up on this ordinary citizen thing. But Daredevil did that so well by both: A) establishing why Matt believes anyone and everyone is worth saving; and B) also showing us sympathetic average citizens. Like the kid in S1E2 and Elena. Even someone like Jasper Evans who at least desires to be a better person for his son (or so he says). Even other Important Characters like Karen and Claire start as average citizens, vs the Important Characters in the Batman who are...Gordon, the politician lady, Selina, and Alfred: aka people who are very much not average.
Or maybe the philosophy is that the city is worth saving because even bad people are worth saving. Personally, I tend to agree with that philosophy. But I don’t believe that randomly; I, like Matt, believe that because of my faith. Not that someone needs religion to think that way, but they need SOMETHING. Especially if they continually confront evil. Otherwise, they risk coming off as naïve. Which…Bruce sort of came across that way in that he was a very young Batman, but I don’t think the movie meant to imply that his belief that the city really could be “renewed” was born of naiveté. So…where did that belief come from?
Okay, so I didn’t ACTUALLY mind the conversation between Bruce and Selina about whether the city would kill him. I’m not quite sure why she liked him enough to bother having that conversation with him, though? But that’s standard for me with romances; I usually don’t know why the characters like each other because they never know each other enough for me, if I were in that situation, to like the other one. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That said, I absolutely love Bruce and Selina on motorcycles and trying to race each other. Adorable.
Other miscellaneous Opinions:
Another thing Daredevil did WAY better was the fight scenes. I know we make fun of Daredevil’s lighting, but at least the fight scenes are lit enough (ha) that you can actually see what’s happening. Between the cape and the editing and the darkness, I didn’t get a sense of Bruce’s fighting style at all.
Also, I was hit in the face with how used I am to a hero being able to sense what’s around him that I kept waiting for Bruce to block something without looking. Since he couldn’t do that, we ended up with some of those awkward moments where bad guys are hanging around and waiting their turn. *sigh*
ALSO, THE MUSIC. Ugh. The music killed me. It was so…boring? It felt like there were only three tracks, max. Daredevil’s music is AMAZING. So yeah.
I also noticed the slow pacing, although tbh I’m not sure I’d say the pacing in The Batman is much worse than Daredevil, since Daredevil also has slow pacing.
The whump. What the heck. Where was the whump? Why have a non-super-powered vigilante if you’re not going to give us whump? Not even a teeny tiny bit? WHERE IS THE WHUMP
Speaking of that. His suit is bullet-proof? Except when it’s a shotgun at close range? Except even then it just kinda winds him a little? ??? I don’t understand? And it was hard to feel real stakes in the fight scenes because not even guns could hurt him, apparently. *sigh*
You know who was awesome, though? Alfred. Alfred is awesome. But the closest analogy to Alfred is Father Lantom…and Father Lantom is 10,000x better than Alfred.
Ooh, something that’s not necessarily better or worse, imo, is the villain. I loved what they did with the Riddler. He was creepy, he was understandable, and he felt like a real threat. So often comics-inspired stories lose my interest because the villain isn’t credible, but the Riddler was. He accomplished so much. Also, the Riddler felt like something that could happen in the real life. So that was freaky. I would’ve liked more time with the Riddler, honestly.
Something else that’s not better or worse, it’s just different and very interesting to me, is Bruce’s…utter ignorance (even innocence?) about women. Selina is flirting with him, and he’s just focused on the mission. The bit where he tenderly lifts her chin and tells her to look at him—but it’s just so he can see if the contact lenses are fitted right? Amazing. The bit where he tells her in the bar to look at people longer so he can do facial recognition, and he seems to have NO CLUE what a beautiful young woman in a bar like that looking at men like that will lead to? I love it. The guy just doesn’t get it.
Obviously, that’s, like, the polar opposite of Matt, but I don’t think one is better than the other. It’s just different.
Similarly, his arc is very different. He comes to realize that he can’t ONLY be vengeance. I think Matt has already learned this lesson (if he ever had to learn it) (that’s why Matt isn’t just Daredevil; he’s Matt Murdock—defense attorney—too), but it was nice to see Bruce make that journey.
And it makes me wanna write a crossover where Matt mentors Bruce on how to be more than just vengeance. Cue Matt’s shock at Bruce’s sheer amount of wealth. Cue Matt’s horror and disdain at the fact that Bruce can’t be bothered to use his wealth. Cue Bruce scrambling to put the wealth to good use.
At the end of all of this, one thing I LOVE about the Batman—and maybe it was too on-the-nose but I DON’T CARE, it was beautiful—is how it starts with his broody narration (in his diary, no less), saying something along the lines of, “They think I live in the shadows, but I AM the shadows” and tbh initially I was kinda “meh” (like, that’s so melodramatic, is it supposed to be funny?) BUT THEN! But then the end of the climax is him literally holding a flare and leading desperate and scared people to safety. HE BECAME THE LIGHT. Gosh. I cry.
Everyone else, what did you think? And can anyone point me to some good crossovers with Matt and this specific Bruce, or do I need to write it myself?
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dothediscokim · 3 years
in season 2 of house now. still need to watch further in this rewatch of house. comparisons are small and limited, but enough that give me au brain worms for doctor harrier du bois and i'm gonna bullet point out some ideas for a hospital/medical au for disco elysium inspired by house so please wait with abate breathe while i figure it out how this would work for an au
i'd say join me in watching house, warning about plenty of angst and good old 2000s queerbaiting except this show they really start to hand it to you in s4 and s6 and then crush your soul in s8... anyways some spoilers as i explain some logistics of this idea; this definitely wouldn't be a 1:1 kind of au; but the key concepts. some warnings of spoilers for house under the cut but not too major
admittedly some of this will fall apart just given this is a US show and DE is very european and i'm a us citizen and fan, so i've got a hardwired american-centric framing of mind Buuuuuutt adjustments can be made the comparisons are more the key concept and not the detail comparison
key concepts
asshole addict doctor (house) - translate to pre-amnesia harrier
said doctor is an absolute brilliant genius in his field (diagnostician) - translation here being we are given the idea that harry was a genius detective; so again why we'd translate house to harry
patients come in as cases that are sudden and the diagnosis is hard to find at first
house can be mischievous around the hospital and to his co-workers; wants interesting cases, works in odd ways -> see again harry
the 41st definitely not 1:1 translating onto the rest of the cast; but the general idea of the tight-ish knit / somewhate special unit that is hired/picked out by house -> again literally harry created the unit, and house has his ducklings
reminder that the hospital that house works out; is a very specific kind of house, and that is it is a teaching hospital, so it has med students and the doctors and heads of departments do have lectures at the local university/college to the med students, and med students come to work or take residence at the teaching hospital ( house with his ducklings as its called in the fandom -> house picked them out to be on his "team" for solving and brainstorming possible diagnosis and treatments ) anyways that's where you can see that 41st' mcu woudl translate into that and dynamics aren't specifically needed as a 1:1
okay so 41st in a hospital
the people in house's "unit" and house's co-workers and "friends" are usually the ones that have to cover for house, or defend house when he does something that risk the hosptial reputation or funding (there's a whoel plot) and Cuddy & Wilson specifically get on House's case about his ethics but are also the biggest two that will fight for house as a doctor
so that's why I'd read Jean here as sort of both; since it's obvious Jean did that A LOT for Harry
and then for a small, not 1:1 comparsion ; but we meet house when he is still pining for his ex after 5 years ( it's a whole plot line in s1 ), and just interesting cause dora and harry were 6 years and that wrecked harry.. andi mean house was wrecked by it, but there was an additional layer of house's leg ( which is a big thing for the house and about house; it's why he is addicted to pain killers, because he suffered an <cant' think of word> related to his leg, and now suffers chronic pain and uses a cane and gets addicted to pain killers and i am not explaining this too well at all )
anywyas somewhat lining up is harry and house get stuck on exs and love very much; but harry definitely in a worse way since he has the whole goddess religious elevation; but house and this ex ( who comes a character and appears as a plotline for a few episodes ) just I DONT KNOW my brain is hyperfixated on Disco Elysium so the brian worms are gonna find everything they can to link everyhting bakc to disco elysium hence this whole post about house au for disco elysium
but also another reason for comparison is the kind of nihilism that house and harry exhibit and the addiction and the slight suicidal idealation
also just very surface comparison; but house has his limp in one leg, and then by the end of disco elysium harry takes the bullet to the leg, and has the limp in the leg and just IDK leg thing
it'd probably work best-ish as harry/jean-ish, though again the main relationship in the show is the friendship (that feels very queerbaity) with hilson; but i wouldnt say wilson and jean line up too well, like i said this au and coverting house core concepts to disco elysium as an idea or using house md as a sort of ground work, but the comparsions are very minimal, but anyways this would probably start with pre-apocalyptic amnesia harry, because house is a manipulative asshole and addict and that's what we can infer from the former harrier, and then s5 (spoilers) is when house's addiction starts to cause hallucinations and this could be the place for apocalyptical amnesia for good old harry to be inserted in the idea, and just i don't the basis of hilson/house is a long term friendship; and you'd see with jean/harry more so over all... compared to say kim/jean. but kim could special feature.
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calamitys-child · 4 years
prompt: black sails in space?
Okay so I need to assure you I was not ignoring this I was both struggling to do the prompt justice and also Brain Got Worms In so kept forgetting 😅
I was trying to put it into a star trek universe, building on Romulan Vane and that concept, but I just couldn't wrangle it into shape and then I remembered Firefly
And NOW I want Black Sails in That universe immediately because God what a good concept
We have Flint, on the run from the colonialist, imperialist Alliance who destroyed his life after his relationship with one of their prominent respected but dissenting figures was discovered. Miranda stays on Nassau, a small planetoid, with a well established colony and a thriving smuggler's market - she doesn't like it, but at least there they are safe and mostly shielded from the Alliance's reach. Flint isn't always there but he always comes back to it. Mostly he's flying the Walrus, a battered but stubbornly functional spaceship, stealing from Alliance ships, scavenging wrecks, hunting for treasure, and generally, yaknow, pirating
The situation on Nassau is very similar to in the show - the kinda key premise of Firefly is that these are basic settler towns, they have space travel technology and some futuristic stuff but they haven't got, like, advanced building polymers or replicators. They're building using the same techniques as 1600s western colonial settlers, if not earlier. So we Absolutely get to keep the fancy dresses and pirate shirts which is good because those are Sexy
Silver can still be the "cook" because again, they're living out of cans and preserved meat and god please someone make it taste good
Max as one of the Companions - there's like Lore about sex work in the firefly universe and it's been too long since I've watched it for me to confidently expand on this but that's the basic idea
And on GOD I will go feral right here and now for Reaver Vane because. That's sexy idk what else I can say like. It's not an entirely Reaver crew necessarily but I definitely can see Vane kinda veering that way at times and I think that's good and cool actually
Essentially, the premise of Firefly is "space cowboy" and I want to just yeet that to another set of Cool Historical Outlaws and do Space Pirates like if you haven't seen firefly google it just for an image of the Aesthetic I'm talking about here
Man I wanna rewatch Firefly now fuck
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kirbymybeloved · 4 years
Got tagged by the amazingly wondeful friend @purrfectgf ILYSM!!!❤️💕
List 5 tv shows that make you feel better and tag 10 people
1. Star Trek: Deep Space 9. Now I would list all of star trek if I could but this show,,,,, this show is The Best. The crew feels like home and the plot gets me every time. Not to mention Rejoined?? The episode with my favorite worm's lesbian encounter?? Yeah it's amazing.
2. Anne with an E. I have watched maybe three episodes and not touched it in ages for reasons, but watching this show I immediately fell in love with it!! I really need to start watching it again!!
3. Avatar: the last Airbender. Okay now hear me out. I have not seen this show as a kid. I started watching it at 16, didn't watch more than a few episodes before my ADHD brain moved on ( even though it was already fun!!) And now... I HAVE SEEN IT ALL BITCHES!!! And I love it so much!!! I might not have the nostalgia attached to it, but dang if I don't love this show to death.
4. Orphan Black. I have not seen this show since I finished it in 2017 but damn if I don't think about it at least every month. I should rewatch it.
5. Gilmore Girls. The ways this show has reflected my life (even tho I'm a Poor Bitch lol) while I was watching it was probably one of the main reasons it stuck so well. My mom dated one of my teachers at the exact same time I got to that part in the show, so :')
I have no clue who to tag bc I feel luna tagged all of them for me but I'll just do it again😂 also some of my studyblr mutuals :D
@10-dutchies-12-bicycles @space-luna @gothshroom @erde-und-wasser @athenastudying @rivkahstudies @dungeonstudy @ravenclawhard
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agl03 · 4 years
I’ve been rewatching the whole show before the final season starts and I’ve noticed so many details for example the music cue that is heard when anything to do with TAHITI, GH325 or the monoliths are mentioned or appear is actually Izel’s song!! Like they really do connect everything! Another thing I noticed was in s6 finale FitzSimmons stressed how dangerous it would be if the Chronicoms got Coulson’s brain scans...I mean foreshadowing or what?
Hi Anon,
Way back when I joined Tumblr and started doing the theory thing in Season 3 my very first theory that hit was “The Cult is Hydra” and I knew because the creepy music box tune kept playing  we also heard it when Fitz was taking pics of the city before we “learned” Will was Hive.  
Sorry as a band geek you have opened a can of worms here.
I absolutely adore how the team uses those Music cues, sometimes across seasons in order to tie things together and even drop hints.  Also I love me Fitzsimmons Wedding theme and their theme overall.  Yeap, they have had a theme of their own since Season 1 (endgame OTP clue there).  But in the elevator with Coulson, Deke, and Fitz.  The second that first piano note played, just that one note, I freaking went through the roof.  Screaming “it’s happening” while falling off the couch and my child went to find confetti.
  And the music swell at the end of this piece with the reveal of Deke being their grandson, showing that Fitzsimmons not only got married but they had a child and a future, ugh LOOOOVVEEEE.
Or this piece from Maveth, Crossing into Darkness.  Where Coulson officially crossed the line in killing Ward, setting off his arc for the second half of the season...and Hives.   The music builds and builds in the final moments on Maveth, Mack makes the Call, and then...we wait.  The castle going up, pod coming in,  we know at least Mack has made it but who else.  Mack, Daisy, Coulson all come out leaving Jemma looking into an empty pod, the music softens, they reunite, Coulson and FItz share that significant look, fade to black.  CHILLS.
Okay so moral of the rant is absolutely pay attention to the music cues in AOS.  For me it helps a lot with theorizing.  AIDA, Darkhold, Mace/The Patriot, Hive, the Chronicoms, Graviton, and Hydra are all just a few who have had their own themes quietly lurking in the background through an entire season.
Here is The Patriot’s Sacrifice theme beautifully intertwined with bits of the AOS theme then AIDA’s theme at the end as she observes her actions in and out of the Framework..
And yes AOS loves them some foreshadowing, even if it literally takes seasons to pay off in some cases.  
The last red flag I’ve seen as big as the its really bad if the Cronicoms get Coulson’s brain is how dangerous it would be if Fitz was evil and we had all sorts of no fun with that in the Framework.  We are also getting a taste of how dangerous the Chronicoms are with the wrong knowledge in what they are doing with FItzsimmons scans and technically they got a 2 for 1 there.  They have Fitzsimmons and The Doctor (who in addition to the tech has how Hydra worked in the Framwork) and All the Bad Things Jemma.
Since we have a Red Flag waving this big its pretty much a given that its only a matter of time before it happens in the Season.
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go off on bnha i'd love to hear
Oh boy this'll either be...very fun or I'm gonna screw myself over. Either way, thanks for giving me this opportunity
For me, bnha is very interesting because it's a show I probably have more problems with than things I like....but I can't help but keep wanting to read the manga. It's a series that doesn't have the same rewatchability value to me as it probably does to many people.
I'm gonna talk about all of this more in a Jump video I'm making now that I have time, but basically it's a series where I'm interested enough to keep up with it, but once I know what happens, I've never felt the need to revisit it.
What my hero academia does poorly in my opinion, is that while I love the messages it's attempting to convey, Deku's character kinda innately counters all of them.
Take the idea about who you are not being determined by your birth (in this case, your quirk). I love that. I think Shinsou is a great character and I love how he's set on being a hero, not just to prove to everyone he can be, but also because he genuinely wants it.
But then there's Deku, who basically proves the complete opposite. He was only able to achieve what he wanted after being granted the ideal ability. I'm on the side that it'd have been a lot better to keep Deku as his prototype, someone who builds gadgets and uses his brains to get through, but the way he's actually written confuses the entire narrative of the story. We are constantly told that your birth and quirk doesn't dictate anything, we had that with Shinsou, with Kirishima, with Mirio even, then there's the villains (I'm not that keen on the villains honestly but that's a whole other can of worms) who are meant to show that society is who shapes them to be villains, not their quirks. But then why do we get the exact opposite message with our protagonist, that his birth really did dictate his options and only once he was granted an ability could he do anything? It would have been so much more interesting if the theme of "nurture is what matters, not natural ability" would have been carried through, with giving him teachers and a loving family, like the show did, but not grant him the greatest quirk in the world. This is the least controversial opinion about him I have, though.
But one thing I rarely see talked about is the lack of understanding of the differences in types of hard work. See, there's a MASSIVE difference between "I'll work hard because I want to achieve something, even if it might not work out in the end" and "I'll work hard because there's a guaranteed prize at the end if only I do that." Is Deku hard working? Yeah. However the entire start of his journey, what people often point to when trying to show that, is based on flawed logic.
Take a character like Emma from The Promised Neverland. The entire time she's trying to do something, even she herself doubts how it could be done, as well as constantly being told it can't and that it's stupid. Or Asta from Black Clover. Everyone basically guaranteed he WON'T manage what he desired.
Both of those characters either had negative or neutral reassurances, no promise of success no matter how hard they worked. But they still pushed. They still didn't give up and tried because of how much that goal meant to them. Emma desperately wanted to save everyone, no matter how hard that seemed, and Asta fought for his dream even with almost everyone saying it was literally not possible.
Deku worked hard to clean the beach, sure. But he was already promised a quirk if he just did that. It's a hell of a lot easier to motivate yourself KNOWING there's something great waiting for you, than it is with it being a mystery. There's a big difference between "working hard is the only way to achieve this, even though it's not a sure thing even then" and "it's a fact that if I do this I'll get what I want".
Other than that, what really, really bothers me about MHA, is the fact that pretty much everything, not even in the narrative but in the actual universe, seems to somehow relate back to Midoriya.
Look at Bakugo's rescue, for example. The group that went to save him contained his best friend. The best friend who the entire plan ended up hinging on. There was such a big deal made out of the fact that it could only be Kirishima to reach out, that Bakugo would only respond to him.
Why the hell did it have to be Deku to actually point that out? I understand he's smart and he knew Katsuki the longest. But the entire point of that scene was how important Kirishima was to him! And though Eijirou isn't the smartest academically, he's not emotionally dense like that. It wouldn't have been incredibly out of character for him to suggest that maybe he should try calling out to him. He wanted to save him so bad, he probably would have if the story flowed logically.
But the series simply could not allow a character not called Midoriya to have development not caused by Midoriya. It was literally a scene to prove how strong the bond between Kirishima and Bakugo was, and yet for some reason, it wasn't the person whose development it was meant to be who realised that.
But it's not just him. Momo is canonically the smartest in 1A, and Iida the second. I know academics is different to strategy, but both of them have proved that they definitely can think strategically.
That is, until Deku is involved. Because as soon as he is, he overtakes every role on the team. Fighter? Yep, of course. Thinker? Who cares if that's THE ENTIRE POINT OF ANOTHER CHARACTER, if Deku is there, he's taking that role too. Planner? Of course.
I mean, it happened again with the overhaul arc. For the first time, the spotlight was on Kirishima and Mirio, and it actually seemed possible that it would be THEIR arc, their growth without Deku.
Only to have all of that climax 100% on Deku's fight. A fight we saw so much more of than Mirio's. Even though we're told how long he lasted without his quirk, the only one's fight we actually see is once again Deku's. We are told of Mirio's fight, we are shown Deku's. Because if we had seen Mirio's properly, it'd have overshadowed Deku's by a mile, and we couldn't have that.
I understand he's the protagonist and needs to be the main focus. But that doesn't mean treat the other characters as stepping stones to hype him up even more, or to say stuff about them but not dare show it in case it ends up being more awesome than Deku.
We recently got the first arc where this wasn't an issue, with the villains. I won't give manga spoilers, but all I'll say is if we needed an arc where he doesn't appear, just to have some decent growth for other people without it relating back to him, there's a problem.
This....ran so much longer than I expected. Wow. Okay I went off. Sorry.
And this isn't even everything I wanted to say.
Anyway, it's funny because this was all focused on Deku, and yet I actually am speaking as someone who enjoys him as a character. But I can't argue with the fact there are some fundamental problems.
So....um....let me know if this made sense I suppose?
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c-is-for-circinate · 6 years
Okay, this week’s goal: rewatch Farscape for the first time in like a decade/finally finish the series, once and for all.  I think we can manage that.
Today’s progress: first twelve episodes of S1
Today’s observations: okay, the show doesn’t just get trippy, it starts that way.  And Crichton doesn’t just go a little crazy along the way.  He breaks real, real early.  There is a lot of mindfucking going on even in just these first episodes.  Solidly half of the first twelve episodes involve somebody straight-up delirious, hallucinating, drugged, or otherwise brain-jacked.  The others are packed to the brim with identity issues and all sorts of themes related to self and place and belonging.
Which could all be pretty terrible, but I’m actually really into it so far, and I don’t think it’s just nostalgia.  There’s something really interesting, and...relatable? realistic? honest? about the way John Crichton starts fracturing from day one.  His whole world upended itself, and it’s the double-whammy of, all of his science and philosophy and beliefs of the universe are broken, and the way people work is broken.  Nobody’s reactions to anything make sense.  He’s got this constant air of frustrated bafflement that almost reminds me of somebody being gaslighted--he knows how the world is supposed to work, he can see the cause and effect, and then people just keep not reacting! the way they should react! in ways so fundamental it makes him question his own perceptions and comprehension of the universe.  Except that nobody’s gaslighting him on purpose, nobody’s trying to mess with his head (except for when somebody is, and by the time the psychic sorcerer dude mentally kidnaps him he’s so fucking resigned, he’s used to this).
--it also says a lot about John as character, I think, because so many of the ways Moya’s crew react to things--the violence and anger, the buttoned-down refusal to acknowledge certain emotions, even Pilot’s passivity--are absolutely human reactions and human experiences.  A very different person from John might find the Moya crew entirely comprehensible.  And John definitely keeps having moments of, ‘no, I recognize this attitude, this behavior, you’re think you’re so special but there’s a million other people just like you’.  It’s just constantly interspersed with his disbelief and confusion, on a very personal level, as to why somebody would act like that.  Because John’s so not that guy.  (At least, not to begin with.)
I really like down-the-rabbit-hole stories, and I’m really intrigued by the idea of Farscape as an exploration of just how much the sheer foreign-ness of the topsy-turvy world on the other side of the (worm)hole can mess with your head.  And looking back on the few episodes I remember (two separate instances of John-thinks-he’s-back-on-Earth-but-he’s-not, the whole Scorpius chip thing, the entire debacle of Crackers Don’t Matter), the theme keeps up through into the future.  The world is crazy and keeps going crazy and nobody makes sense, and John Crichton just keeps going crazier along with it.  I’m actually super interested to see the rest of the first season and get a handle on what comes next.
(Will I keep making reaction posts?  will there be more meta? will I end up finally watching seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 after all? answers to these questions and more as the ADHD allows!)
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icharchivist · 5 years
I was rewatching DGM hallow and I remembered that Lavi and Bookman occasionally engage in telepathic conversations. How come I've never seen this talked about more in all the years I've been in this fandom? This is really weird. Even most of the Noahs think it's weird/creepy when someone reads their thoughts/talks in their head. The more I think about the Bookman the creepier they get. I'm not implying they're evil. Just really weird. 1) Telepathic w/each other. 2) Not only against attachments-
2 but against having a heart (not even the past Jedi at their most radical taught padawans to not feel anything). 3) If Bookman and Lavi are the standard then they either think they're above humanity or hate humans or or just indifferent. 4) they have SO many secrets that they keep to themselves no matter what. 5) they will never feel loyalty for anyone/thing that doesn't further their own ambition and even then they can easily drop you like you mean nothing to them. 5) They routinely erase-
3 each other's minds and none of them remember their birth names. 6) they swap identities so many times their own growth as individuals is trivial. 7) Ever single (possible) bookman we have met has either exhibited creepy or hostile behaviour. 8) they take to neutrality so strongly you can question if they even think to care what will happen to them if the Earl's plans succeed. 9) Are they even self aware? I'm not expecting a complete disaster. But I am expecting the bookman to weird me out.
Okay so for the telepathy i will have to come back to it when i will re-read it bc i don’t really remember it in Hallow and I think the scene I think should be that one??? Is the fact that ii’m almost certain i remember it being confirmed that Lavi and Bookman talk a whole other language. Apparently the Bookmen would have had their own language and I think i remember that in the manga it was translated by having weird bubbles to specify they were talking in that language (and it is possible that, due to the fact the anime couldn’t just pull a new language that was a work around to still have one of their Bookmen conversation being visible using telepathy).
But i really don’t remember the scene in question in details so i will have to check that out again but I THINK it is Bookman Language related more than telepathy and that the telepathy was a way for the anime to translate it
THAT SAID if the idea of Telepathy is a thing (which tbh could still be??? Bookmen already messes with minds a lot with the whole deleting memories thing who knows the hell they can do) it could explain also a lot of much more silent looks that we kinda justified so far by “they know something we don’t”. It might have been conversations we missed. 
Still unsure though i’ll get back to that when i will properly have re-read those parts bc this is really intruiguing me now
I know the fandom had talked about the Bookman’s language though but i’ve never heard of telepathy before now?? Idk 
And yeah like you say this is very weird bc putting them on the same level as Wisely is... very weird. Besides considering how much Lavi still struggles to get people around him i am fairly certain that if telepathy there are it i between the Bookmen only, not all knowing as Wisely.
But yeah aside from that, mood. The Bookmen are seriously a creepy brunch. Not in a bad way, but in a “this is extremely shady and I get you’re doing that to be neutral but i’m not sure those means are actually legally or morally applicable”
I agree with all your points. 
and i’ll elaborate under cut bc i might have gone carried away,
well 1) i just discussed it there, either Telepathy which would be a whole new can of worm, or a whole other language that would still applies that they have a special language to keep secrets in. And tbh it would also make sense that they would write down records in a secret language since they don’t actually let people Read their reccordings: Bookman specify that it comes with the part to “chat a lot”, they won’t share the written reccords (which they MUST HAVE for the the survival of the clan), so “Secret Language no one else in the world know” rings as shady to me.
4) NOT TO MENTION we know that Bookman also keeps secrets from Lavi (when meeting Cross’s altered akuma, Bookman specifies it was only something he (and Cross) knew about.). And it’s not to mention secrets that the Bookman in charge keeps from the rest of the Clan (see again, how Lavi’s eye is only known by Bookman Sr, not anyone else in the clan seems aware of that)
6) Apparently about their switching identities, something very creepy that came out of the latest Komui corner too is that the name they have during a war is the name that the recording will officially get. Meaning it’s not even that “Lavi” calls himself like that for the people around him, it’s that even after Jr would have moved on or died or anything, the Records of the Holy War would still be called “Lavi”. And we know that the names picked seems to have meaning that applies to each wars (as Wisely smugly smile realizing Lavi’s name’s meaning, but doesn’t tell people). So even more of a disconnect with their sense of humanity since they have to be distanced from their own names, as their names become history as it goes. Which makes Jr’s identity crisis over how “Lavi” is “him” even more creepy tbh, bc it extends that “Lavi” isn’t just a reccord name anymore, it is not just the Holy War anymore, it is part of Jr as a BEING. And to me that’s even creepier that it’s even something Lavi has to worry about.
8) this is honestly one of my biggest questions. If the Earl’s plans work, all humanity will die. Or at least there had been no mention so far of any “saved people that would go through the Ark”. (there had been speculations about the real purpose of the Akuma and how its evolution process would be perhaps a part in creating supperior beings to salvage during the Flood like the original Ark did, and i’ll need to get back to the chapters tha thints that there are more secrets to the Dark Matter than it just reversing the innocence, BUT personally I have issues with this theory because of how easily the Noah do torture and kill the Akuma at times and seem to look down on them. But I would agree there seems to be a bigger purpose to the Akuma and the Dark Matter that we cannot even imagine.)Regardless, I don’t see anyway for the Bookmen Clan to survive, else the Noah would have found way to keep them on their sides and not torture them like they do now and exclude them. Yet we know at some points the Bookmen were “on the Noah’s side”. So what the hell do the Bookmen expect to happen with the Flood? Is their neutrality so important that they are ready to litteraly go down with this ship when the end of the world come? Yet we know they have some self preservating instinct it seems, so why? It just enerves me so much!
9) Yeah same, basically.
One last thing i will add: How the HELL did Bookman manage to find himself and Lavi innocences he knew they would be accomodator to when they decided to join the Order? Bc the Corner mentions that Bookman decided to set them into the Order to watch BEFORE they even got in contact with the innocences, and Lavi mentions that “Gramps just knew we’ll find innocences we would be compatible with” and how????? How the hell??? You can’t just make it that easy for the two of them to randomly connect with two random innocences (and we know they’re the one who have shown the least actual connection with the innocence) after arcs and arcs proving that the innocence is picky and sentient, that its own personality affects who they end up picking, that even the synch can change depending of how the innocence feel to their acomodator, and Especially, that the Order had DECADES of experimentations that were basic human rights violation due to how desperate they were to not be able to have enough people synchronizing with the innocence.
You  cannot have a full arc of telling us the Order did an entiere experiment about bringing fallen exorcists’s brains back in new bodies in hope the innocence would synch with said bodies, while letting those bodies decay under the pain of the innocence, for the sLIGHT CHANCE an innocence could be compatible again, only to then tell us “oh yeah we wanted to join the order so we ended up finding two innocences that we could connect to.”
For exemple: Take the Crows. it’s obvious the Crows want to help the holy war, as the Third Exorcist project proved a whole brunch of people were ready to put Dark Matter in their body to fight back the Akuma. And from all those Crows, from all the experiments we know the Order have carried on, somehow, as long as we don’t know of a “Former Crow Exorcist”, it means it’s not that easy. Not when you have a whole military branch who would be willing to be God’s apostles. And it’s not even counting how others Orders’s soldiers like the Finders would or not jump on the occasion.
So how the hell did they do that? How the hell did Bookman find those? bc even if they don’t connect to their innocence on an emotional level, they seem like proper innocence. Else Allen would have commented about how the souls don’t disappear like planned, like when he saw how the Third Exorcists killed the Akuma. Besides, we also know Bookman fears Lavi’s innocence could turn into a crystal type, so it confirms this is legit innocence, and that Bookman doesn’t have full controle over it.
How could Bookman be so sure they will become accomodator BEFORE finding any innocences? It raises seriously worrying implications considering all we know about the innocence and how hard it is to find accomodators for it this far in the saga. 
*take s a deep breath* anyway that said,
tbh part of me understand the feeling of “wanting to disconnect your feelings” when you watch history happens, because history is goddamn overwhelming. For having studied history for a few years i’ve personally had a few breakdown just over thinking about the amounts of horrors you read about one year after the other, so to have to remember all those horrors AND reccord current horrors, I understand in principle the thought that shutting those emotions down is the easiest way to record it. 
In principle.
Because in practice this is (a lot like you compared) nearly impossible witout losing their humanity and even losing perhaps an important part of how to understand and translate human experiences through emotional lenses. That’s the major issue with this logic.
had they done that for so long they don’t even question it? Or are they perfectly aware that it’s exactly why they cannot afford emotions? what are their view on the world and it coming to an end? How far are they willing to go in order to keep their own secrecy and status squo? Do they even realize the possible irony of them “not meedling with history” while the only fact that they are meddling by taking the dispositions they do to remain hidden/uninvolved? Not to mention that wanting it or not, Bookman and Lavi had meddled in the Holy War. Would they remain fully neutral, Bookman wouldn’t have had to tell everything he knew about the Noah to Komui in his first appearance for exemple. 
Lately it seems like they seem more interested in the Noah losing (self preservation kicking in) but that does raise the question of how far they are willing to share the secret history and how much is considered “medding with history”? Because this “secret knowledge no one should have” IS changing the course of history by being shared.
Do they even realize or do they really see themselves as walking books who can deliver information if pressed a the condition it doesn’t require to dig in their secrets? Where do they draw the lines?
I have HUNDREDS of questions about the Bookmen and it drives me insane. I won’t exclude that i might be overthinking it bc man, gotta wait between chapters huh, and that perhaps it won’t be that complicated or deep, but the more you get to see how shady the Bookmen are the more you wonder how and why?
Anyway that fascinates me. Bookmen pls unlock your secrets,,
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ya know... i GoT thoughts
This post is my summarized thoughts and feelings on episodes 4, 5 and 6 in season 8. I’m putting it in a read more because... long
In short: -Missandei in e4, why it’s stupid and what should have been done differently -Varys discourse -Cersei -Daenerys -morals? in MY game of thrones? -”magic who” said everyone at HBO -opinions on the end
Me @ game of thrones: Don't ever talk to me or my son ever again
At the end of episode 4 I was having serious flashbacks to Katniss' expression at the end of Catching Fire, and I was violently reminded that even though I did not like some of the things she did I am with Daenerys. And if she burns the entire world, I am with her.
So... episode 4. What a disaster.
I've been thinking of Missandei's death and that it could easily have been something better, something that impacts the last two episodes more than just another emotional blow at Daenerys. (Like Rhaegal was bad enough? Her son died? Why double the pain and take her best friend?) (Rhaegal owns my life and That Scene killed me and I’m not okay)
The plot could have easily been changed so that either Jaime or Brienne or both of them were on that ship with Tyrion, Grey Worm and Missandei. Really, they ended up going to King’s Landing anyway. And then, instead of Missandei, either Tyrion, or Jaime, or Brienne could have been captured and then killed at the end of the episode. Don’t look at me, it’s not like any of them did anything for the plot or the story later. And Tyrion telling Jon to kill Daenerys doesn’t count because it was stupid.
If it were Tyrion, standing chained on the city wall, we'd have Jaime standing next to Daenerys and in front of his sister. We’d have an emotional show down between them, the physical distance and the different sides they’re on can be a metaphor for their love life. OR if it were Jaime who was captured, we'd have a Jaime and Euron confrontation an episode earlier, and a Jaime and Cersei confrrontation, before Jaime dies in front of Tyrion by their sister's hand. Cruel, but hey, so was Missandei’s death. OR if it were Brienne, captured and chained, then Jaime and Cersei would stare into each others eyes all emotionally, and Brienne would die for love, and when Jaime and Cersei would meet in private an episode later, maybe it would be different.
Game of Thrones would have: a very emotional audience, very emotional characters AND an actual reason for Sansa and Arya to leave Winterfell (vengeance).
Game of Thrones would not have: killed off the only major black character, and given the white men another reason to think Daenerys is being "emotional" and therefore somehow unfit for the throne.
Now... Varys. What an idiot.
To understand my point, watch this video where Varys and Littlefinger discuss chaos. Littlefinger claims chaos to be a ladder, and the higher you climb the greater your power, while Varys calls chaos a gaping pit. Varys claims to acting “for the realm,” which is what he says in season 8 when justifying his betrayal. I think he’s afraid. I think that Varys only just noticed that he can’t influence Daenerys like he could all the kings he served before, and he sees chaos in Daenerys’s power, a gaping pit that he thinks will swallow his precious realm. Varys hasn’t realised that his idea of a realm is the wheel Dany wishes to break.
Like, Varys wasn't there when she went through flames, he wasn't there when she freed the slaves or united the khals. He wasn’t there when she locked her dragons underground when they killed a child, he wasn’t with her during her desperate attempts to bring peace.
And when did we forget that not only Unsollied and Dothraki followed Daenerys? She promised a home to those who followed her, warrior or not. She had many families following her ever since her dragons were born, and from all the cities she went through there were people who followed her. For a better world. Where are they when Daenerys goes to Westeros?
Moving on to the major bullshit in episode 5.
Or wait, first some sibling bonding. Jaime and Cersei. I suppose lots of people liked Jaime breaking up with Cersei, but I quite liked the fact that in the end he was at her side (I kinda expected him to stab Cersei the same way Jon stabs Daenerys later, but now I think they probably attempted to not be repetitive). I like that Tyrion helped him be there. Families are important to Westerosi culture. It’s sad that the Lannisers got more heartfelt sibling bonding than the Starks though (Alexa, play the Rains of Castamere).
Things get soupier. Both Cersei and Daenerys have three children that lived, and they’d do anything for them. Then throughout the season, we see Cersei standing around, looking badass, plotting the death of her enemies, all that. But that’s all she does, She’s painted as a villain, when she is only a woman who wants to rule.
Now the bullshit: Cersei is the villain in episodes 4 and 5, and then there’s a seamless change to Daenerys as the villain in episodes 5 and 6. And that’s fucked up. Other posts talk about the sexism (and racism, with Missandei killed for... shock value? tears? fuck knows) in this season better than I could.
The to Cersei’s disappointment nonexistent elephants in the room when discussing my favourite dragon lady is the moral question. The entirety of tumblr fandom likes to have their characters and storytelling labeled neatly as “good” or “irredeemably bad.” It’s one of those things and never both. But Game of Thrones doesn’t work like that, and if you think it does, please, please read the books, or rewatch everything.
Despite that, if you had one (1) functional brain cell, you’d know that Daenerys wouldn’t burn the entire city. She’s never kiiled innocent people on purpose. Why would she start now? But okay, she did that. About half of the other major players would have done the same. Maybe Robert Baratheon wouldn’t, but only because he was the rebel and he needed public opinion of him to be somehwat positive. Renly idk, but Stannis would have. To Margaery it probably wouldn’t occur, but both Littlefinger and Cersei wouldn’t hesitate, just as Cersei didn’t hesitate when blowing up the sept.
Game of Thrones has never been so much about good and evil, it has been about a bunch of people who want things. All of them did morally black things, but suddenly we have Jon, a character who wants to do the “right” thing? Ned Stark died for this kinda mindset. (Not to mention it’s out of character. Jon has always been Ned Stark’s son, but even Jon broke his oaths.)
And hell, that’s why the story works so well. There’s no moral initiative, no “good” or “bad,” and while yeah, the Night King and the Lord of Light drama is pretty dark/light storytelling (not to mention all the comparisons to the real world and climate change), that’s in the background. A subplot.
Because what we care about are the characters, the very real motivations they have, how they deal with life, how they get what they want, the fucking game of thrones. And there’s no good and evil people, there’s people, and you disagree with some of them. Just like Captain America and Ironman disagreed in Civil War, maybe a bit like T’Challa and Killmonger disagreed in Black Panther, and definitely like some people like cats and others like dogs.
(Vanilla vs. Chocolate discourse, anyone?)
Moving on to episode 6.
I cried a lot, and to be honest, I wanted both Jon and Tyrion to be dragon food. But okay, they’re both nice guys, I can deal with them being alive, and after all Jon’s ending with the wildlings is good for him. But.
Jon killing Daenerys is the stupidest thing ever. I get that it’s somehow like some Shakespearean Drama, and Daenerys is the tragic hero, but like??
Sometimes show writers have no idea who they’re writing and it shows. Because Jon loved Ygritte, and he wasn’t able to kill her when they were on opposite sides of a battlefield. And Jon loved Daenerys. ???????
Additionally, I’m not saying I hate all of what they did with the magic and the Lord of Light and the Night King, the Children of the Forest and Azor Ahai lore. But they didn’t do enough of it. There are so many lose threads on the magic in this series, I can’t. And it hurts, because it could have been so beautiful. Those scenes where Daenerys walks through fire and doesn’t die, those scenes beyond the wall with the three eyed raven, and the beautiful, majestetic, perfect dragons? They are what I love about A Song of Ice and Fire.
Last but not least, the end. Like, I have many opinions, and I’m not going to attempt to list all of them. Game of Thrones has many strong women characters, and I’d like to give another thought to Yara of House Greyjoy. Both she and Sansa deserved more. I love that Sansa became Queen in the North, but I hate that apparently she planned Daenerys’s downfall by telling Tyrion about Jon’s parents. Why can’t strong ladies be friends?
The end to such a successful story can’t please everyone, so if you feel like it you can join me and my son, Drogon, in a pile of blankets where we pretend GoT ended with episode 3 and it was simply too dark to see what exactly happened. Did Melisandre bring Viserion back from the dead? Did Bran do some cool magic? Did Missandei marry Grey Worm and sail home to Naath? Guess we’ll never know...
But seriously, the thing with the book was so cheesy and stupid what the fuck?? Can we rename the series to “The Rise and Fall of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen”?
You know what I missed in season 8? The Stark siblings. They interacted like,, 2 times in 6 episodes. They were all finally united again, well, those who didn’t die, and then they part ways? Um? No?
@ game of thrones: don’t talk to me or my son, Drogon, ever again. You know what you did.
And I'm salty that Daenerys and Sansa aren't best friends. Like, enemies to lovers is fine but what about enemies to friends to lovers -
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my thoughts on voltron bc i have no one to talk about it with
okay i need to talk about season 4 and none of my friends watch it
Pidge was my FAVORITE part of this season, I’ve always loved her but this season was a different level.  Her and Matt are so great and I can’t wait to see them interact more. Y’all when I thought he was dead.... I full on ugly cried. That episode was so so so good I kinda want to watch it again I loved Matt but he kinda got forgotten about near the end :\ But the scenes that he was there, I lived for him.  
There was a ton of filler and I was living for it but I wish Keith had been there too... bring back my boy.  But seriously the episode where Coran had a brain worm... brilliant. Loved it. Give me more of that goofy shit. I’m talking Sailor Moon level filler, I’m here for that. I would watch the shit out of the paladins just having a good time and getting no actual work done. Who needs plots amiright ladies? I guess Shiro is Shiro which like cool but I was really invested in the clone Shiro theory  Lance also had barely any screen time???? Maybe I’m crazy but I don’t really remember much of Lance in this season. Also he felt very... season 1-ish? It’s like all his development in season 3 didn’t happen.  Keith... when will my son return from the war? No but really, it sucked not having Keith and the paladins together. All that being said, I really enjoyed this season (maybe more than I enjoyed season 3?? Maybe. I need to just rewatch everything.)
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