#the other nym art
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theothernym · 3 months ago
Shtopor >:3
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I want to sit on his lap so bad...ma big russian boy..
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thydonutart · 2 months ago
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t'es la meilleure chose qui m'est arrivée // mais aussi la pire chose qui m'est arrivée // la pire des bénédictions // la plus belle des malédictions
starting off the 2025 art year with a personal piece of me and @sleepingmire ’s DND characters, Nymrith & Lorell, in a metaphorical what-if scene in their campaign 💙💛
Bonus edition including @koalakayak ’s Seraphina, Nymrell’s No. 1 Theory Captain, under cut:
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rapunziedameron · 1 month ago
*gently takes your hands* Tumblr is no better than Twitter. There is a swath of negativity, holier than thou, stuck up attitude on this website just like there is on Twitter. At least on Twitter, people like that are called what they are: trolls. Do not feed the trolls. There is literally no reason to log onto this website to feed the machine of doomerism and negativity, then pretend we're better than other sites because "we touch grass." I assure you, majority of the blogs in every tag you can imagine, are not touching grass.
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bigangrybutch · 4 months ago
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Cecco (left) by my friend @swampymiasma and my character Nym (right). Best friend realness
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micechicken · 2 years ago
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Come sit, we're making bracelets!
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theothernym · 3 months ago
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this bro and my desire to draw him made me create an alternative account lol
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thydonutart · 20 days ago
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crawlin' back to you, ever thought of callin' when you’ve had a few? cause i always do // maybe i’m too busy bein' yours to fall for somebody new, now i’ve thought it through
Another DND OCs piece with an attempt at symbolism and decorative frames 🤷🏻‍♀️
[beautiful Lorell belongs to @sleepingmire]
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artpepkin · 11 months ago
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AHHH!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! ITS MY BOY!! ITS MY LAD!!! LITTLE NYM!!!!! oh my god he looks so precious in your style I CANT 😭😭😭
Thank you so so so much 😭😭🧡🧡🧡🧡
Sorry it took AGES for me to respond, I didnt wanna reply until I drew ur boy Moss in return!!! >:]]
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ANYWAY! I'm killing you with affection and slamming this art into my fanart folder at the speed of light (pretend I have a stimming emoji kshdnd) 🧡🧡🧡🧡
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i was practicing and playing around again and Nym sprung into my mind…. SO. here you go :]
Nym belongs to @artpepkin
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surrogate-fawn · 7 months ago
(Phen and Nym lore!)
Fairies are unisex creatures. Any of them can get pregnant, or get someone pregnant. So, because of Nym's contact sports career:
[Art by @nightecho50]
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Resulting in the (rather eventful) birth of their only child: Ersa [art by @nightecho50]
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Baby fairies are called "fairlings". They tend to look like caterpillars, covered in fuzz and fluff -- but other times they're smooth and velvety, it depends on their parents. They are born without antennae or wings -- those grow in after their fuzz falls off.
Since fairies are free to choose whichever gender presentation they please, parents tend to refer to their fairlings as different pronouns interchangeably until their child is old enough to express what they prefer to be called. This cycling helps the child to "try on" various pronouns to see which feels best. It's also why parents tend to give their offspring names that sound "gender neutral".
In their daughter's case, Ersa knew immediately that she wanted to be a lady, like her moms. <3
(Nym is owned by @mittysins)
Accepting asks about them! <3
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gatheredfates · 3 months ago
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Hi everyone! It's been a hot minute since I did a Compendium update, but I promise I'm not dead. For those who don't know, I got a new job! That meant pretty much the entirety of October was spent wrapping up my old job, going to my new site and trying to learn the new one. I'm on break in approximately two weeks, yay! ☃️
These updates will take on a wintery/Starlight theme to celebrate the season, much like All Saints. I hope you enjoy.
Additionally, myself and the lovely folks at SEAFLOOR are having a Catch up (for) Starlight Challenge! You should join us if you're interested. ❄️
However, without further the following communities have been added to Sea's Community Compendium for XIV Creatives.
The Help Lines—We are a community-based discord to be used to play the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV. We host almost all content including DRS and BA, Raiding, Deep Dungeons, Blue Mage and more. Our mission is to create a welcoming space for any individual in need of assistance to reach out and accomplish their FFXIV goals in a toxicity-free environment.
The Aether Entertainer—Founded in 2021 on Aether, The Aether Entertainer is player-made virtual magazine covering music, theatre, art, current events, and Eorzean popular culture.
Final Flowery XIV—Compiled by ann0yance(bsky)/@sa8oteur, this guide explores the various flowers in XIV, comparing them to their real-world equivalents and meanings.
On Elementals, Accountability and Criticism—An essay written by @morgana96 that explores the lore of elementals and their place in Gridania (and beyond)!
Vanilla Gpose Tips by Winterdeepelegy—A how-to guide on effectively utilising the vanilla gpose tools to create visually stunning screenshots, written by @winterdeepelegy.
WoL Reference Sheet—Created by @coldshrugs, a handy WoL reference sheet you can build in Canva!
NA GPOSE Studio/Themed Housing Directory—A player-made repository of North American Gpose studios and themed houses!
The Scholar's of Nym—The link has been modified at the request of the owner.
Skystone Co.—Has been removed at the request of its owner.
UI Macro Menus—The link has been modified to accurately reflect the bookmark.
Have you thought about joining our Tumblr Community? You can find it here!
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Want to submit? You can either fill out the google form here or send me an ask with the relevant information!
Is my space suitable for the Compendium? Most of the time, yes! Below the read more is some more information/stipulations. This is all publicly available on the document. 🦌
Below are the following things I do not accept on the Compendium:
Personal/Single-Character LFC ads. (Though these get posted to the SEAFLOOR Tumblr Community when I find them!)
Content intended for or can be used for bullying, harassment and OOC gossip. E.g. ‘Secrets’ blogs, receipts, callout posts, etc. This does not include IC tabloid blogs or other ventures used to generate roleplay.
Communities that do not have an RP/writing element (large-scale exempt).
Anything I find personally distasteful or goes against the spirit of this project.
Common-sense rule applies.
I want to put my community on the Compendium but we have an application process. Is this okay?
Yes! Just note somewhere in your application that's a requirement. The only thing that is mandatory for the Compendium is that you must be open to new members or have a public-facing/accessible facet. There's no point advertising a community if no one can join it in some way!
I want to put my Community on the compendium but I only have x number of members —
Also totally okay! People don't start with large communities. Activity is a must but, whether your server has two or two thousand members, if you're looking for new people to join, I'd love to help you find people.
I want to put my community/resource on the Compendium but I worry its too niche?
Okay, and? If your Eorzean Fishing Alliance has four members but you roleplay every second weekend, I still want to know about it. The same goes for resources; if it's relevant to the game, it'll be useful to someone.
How active does a community need to be?
If you find a community has not been active in about two/three months, send me a message and I'll take a look at it. Communities have ebbs and flows, especially event spaces that may take hiatuses depending on member interest/life events. I'm not strict in my implementation provided a space isn't dead. If a link or anything is broken, contact me asap!
I have [insert a question not stated here]?
No drama! Send me an ask or use the #Compendium channel in my Discord!
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tba-bah · 4 months ago
name: lucid , lucy . prns: shy/hyr , she/her , they/them , nym/nymph , dream/dreams , glow/glows . gender: transfemme , girlby , enby , enbyflux , bigender , fingender , ningender . orientation: neptunic , finsexual .
species: protogen . fur: dark gray , gray , teal . visor: black ( screen ) , white ( eyes ) . metal: black , very dark gray . symbols: squarish heart . other unique features: fluffy shark tail .
roles: outernaut , fixkeeper . source: n / a .
age: 18 . birthday: july 14 .
personality: shy , kind , passionate . likes: sharks , butterflies . loves: the ocean, learning . dislikes: fire , red . hates: violence , destruction , death .
art creds 1 art creds 2 art creds 3
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artpepkin · 10 months ago
Omg I somehow missed this??? I'm literally so honored I can't believe Nym stood out to you alongside DIE SANS 😭😭😭🧡🧡🧡
I literally adore this so much omg thank you 😭😭🧡🧡🥺🥺🥺
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Oh my Undertale phase from 2015 is back. I watched Underverse for my first time ever and skimmed Tumblr and went,"Whoa look at all these new Sanses."
Die and Nym stood out to me the most
Nym by @artpepkin
Die by @augustminner
And everyone else by their respective creators :3
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pheoblitz · 9 days ago
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NYM WAS UPGRADED TO OREN/NYM. He has wings now and lost the moth theme in favour for his old Oriole theme he had as a kid. Here is his updated design with his new Oriole themed wings! I tried to make them roughly twice his height per wing. So you can see me trying to figure out how he would fold them up or move with them without hitting things or looking awkward. He was actually updated to this in mid January, but I wasn't posting then and had other things I wanted to post before this. I have some more art of him like this coming soon though.
Now he is becoming a bit more Artificery rather then druid as to reflect his plot in his design. Though he is still mainly a druid... He is just very conflicted internally with his memories coming back and making everything feel new and wrong all at the same time.
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lostplotbunniesbg3 · 10 months ago
Welcome to the BG3 Plot Bunny Rehoming Centre!
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Got a plot idea that you don't have time to write? Looking for new ideas for fics and one shots? You've come to the right place!
How It Works
I Have a Plot Bunny
Use the ask box to submit your plot bunny ideas - anonymously if you prefer! - and they will be added to the blog!
I Want to Adopt a Plot Bunny
Choose any plot bunnies that appeal to you from the blog and comment on them to let people know you're working on them, then once your fic is written reblog the original post with your fic or the link to it!
Is that it?
It really is that simple! If you have ideas you don't have the time to write you can send them here to find a home, or if you're looking for a new and fun idea to work on this can be a fun place to find which one calls to you!
More Details Below! Rules, Submission Guidelines, and Submission Format
Submission Guidelines and Rules
What is Not Allowed Here?
I draw the line at NSFW content containing minors or characters who only appear in the source material as minors. Pairings must also pass the Harkness Test - creatures must be able to communicate in a way all participants can understand clear consent, they must have enough intelligence and sentience to understand clear consent, and they must be at or over the minimum age of consent for their species. No sexual pairings are to contain characters who are blood related, with the exception of Sorn/Nym Orlith who may be in a situation with multiple other partners but as they state in game they will not interact with each other, nor will they be with only one other partner.
All Participants must be 18+ - Minors DNI with this blog! The game is rated 18+ and so is a lot of the fan content, please respect this and wait until you are old enough to safely interact with 18+ fandom creativity (for your own safety and that of the creators)
Controversial Content, Tagging, and CWs
Controversial characters, Dead Dove topics, and triggering content is permitted here on the understanding that you will appropriately tag all submissions and fics with the CWs and Tags that apply to it, so readers and writers have the choice of what they engage with.
You can find a comprehensive guide to tagging and CWs here along with a list of topics that require a tag!
As long as you have clearly marked your content, it's fine to post. Stories have all kinds of themes to them and have done since we first sat around the fires talking to each other about dreams and ideas - so let's keep it positive here too! If you don't like an idea or story, just let it pass by and move on to something you do like instead. We are all so much better when we support one another~
How Should I Submit My Plot Bunny?
You should try to give as much detail as you're able to, but we can try and help out a bit too! Try to have as many of these points as you can:
Character Names
Basic idea (a couple of sentences)
Are there any tropes/kinks you do want to see included?
Are there any tropes/kinks you do NOT want to see included?
Is this a one shot idea or a long fic?
Should the idea be treated seriously or like a comedy?
Do you have an idea of an outline for the story (eg, beginning, middle, and end)
Would you like the Rehoming Centre to expand on your idea? (eg, you have a rare pairing idea but can't work out how to put them together)
Do you have any other inspirations for the plot bunny to go with it in the rehoming package? (eg, a song, a piece of art, a game screenshot)
How Should I Adopt A Plot Bunny?
If you'd like to adopt a plot bunny and write something with it, scroll, search, or pick whichever bunny appeals to you! If possible, drop a comment on the post so we know you're working on it, then those looking to claim a bunny that has no home yet can look further for more. You can claim a bunny that already has a claim if you'd like to, of course! Bunnies need lots of love.
Once you've written your fic, reblog the plot bunny post so the blog, readers, and the person who submitted the post can find your work! We want to see our lovely plot bunnies hopping happily in their new homes after all~
Is that it?
I think so! If you have any questions, pop them in the comments to this post or in the ask box. I look forward to seeing all your plot bunnies and finding them some good homes soon!
Plot Bunnies Successfully Rehomed!
Our first successfully rehomed plot bunny and the attached fic~ We hope the bunny's former owner enjoys the result!
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artpepkin · 1 year ago
He looks so freaking adorable in your style my god, and I think they would absolutely be friends oh my gosh 😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🧡🧡 I'm literally just sjbfjd thank you so much 😭😭😭
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A little gift for Artpepkin!
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I think Nym is the cutest little thing ever! <3 And I couldn't help but imagine him and Ail being good friends! (if- that's okay with you- ;v;)
Pop-up!Sans belongs to me
Nym belongs to @artpepkin
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rapunziedameron · 3 months ago
sorry you had to see that poll nym 😭 people are so weird about the sequels still
Ten years (nearly) after they started and five after they ended, and people are less normal about them still than I, resident "very not normal about the sequels" nerd.
A lot of the reasonings I saw for "why it hates women", too, just have me even more bewildered and frustrated. I feel like so much of this fandom's misogyny has completely clouded its perception of what the films actually were. And that's not to say the sequels are entirely flawless, though I feel this is an obvious statement that needn't be stated because no piece of media is without flaw, but this is the piss on the poor website, but I feel like a lot of the fandom's sexism just winds up skewering what the sequels really are- and it's a three movie narrative centered around Leia and Rey.
Oh yeah, bells and whistles of the tragedies of Han and Luke and Ben, but ultimately it comes down to Leia and Rey; it's a story of finding Leia's brother to bring him back to her. It's a story of trying (and failing, but trying again) to bring her son back to her. It's about people fighting in Leia's name. The Last Jedi novelization has D'Acy speaking her name with reverence, and Leia striding through the hanger is enough to immediately cease the division that rose up between the Resistance and Holdo's crew. It is in Leia's name that the galaxy pulls together to overthrow tyranny; it is Leia's legacy that Poe and Rey find themselves trying to carry, respectively. It's closure Leia deserved, with Vader, that Rey finds for herself by defeating Palpatine and rejecting his bloodline to choose her own family.
No, Leia doesn't have a big presence in the sequels; but she does drive them. She inspires everyone in the films, and it's a desire to do her and her legacy right that motivates nearly every other character. Leia is the symbol of the Resistance, of the Light, of hope in the films, and she can't even see it herself! But everyone else does.
So, quite. Leia is in a coma for most of The Last Jedi (oh no! The horror! She's now disabled! how completely sexist, as we know disabled women don't exist!), but she drives so much of it narratively.
And this concept that "some of the women antagonists are cruel, so it hates women" is absolutely mind-boggling to me? Of course Phasma is horrible, she's a fascist. And I don't take Holdo as a girlboss we're supposed to 100% believe is a perfect angel who does no wrong, when she represents so much of the elitism that the movie is so critical towards (she stands regally above the rest of the Resistance in fancy clothes that, if not in color, then certainly in trim lines more with the rich quality we see on Canto Bight; she immediately reduces Poe to a hotshot flyboy and nothing more, Finn to an ex-stormtrooper, and can't be bothered to even remember who Rose is, despite the fact that Rose is from Holdo's ship, and her focus is on bringing the New Republic back, which is a return to the status quo, which the film also pretty explicitly goes "no!" to). I don't think her self-sacrifice, or Leia using it as a teaching moment for Poe, negates those traits in the slightest. Holdo is - narratively - an antagonist:
a person who actively opposes or is hostile to someone or something; an adversary.
She was designed, specifically, to be a hardass that Poe and, we the audience, would not trust (according to the Art of the Last Jedi). The fact that two female antagonists (and one outright villain) is used as some sort of "gotcha!" that the films are somehow sexist doesn't sit right with me - it veers entirely too closely to the concept that women are somehow inherently pure creatures, and the thought that they might be anything but is sexist. Two white women antagonists embody prejudice? It's the end of feminism, cos white racist (and ableist, looking at you "bedpan duty" comment of Amilyn's from the novelization!) women is completely a myth right?
And people put so much more importance on Kylo than the films even do. They're so quick to write Rey off as nothing more than a mere victim, or like her arc is completely sullied by her having compassion for the villainous character - and the double standard is so completely obvious when Luke is praised for the same thing. But Rey dares to do the selfish, complicated thing - she develops feelings for the man she's supposed to hate! Who has hurt her friends! That's too much nuance, and the idea that Rey might have all the power here is too much for this fandom to comprehend, so we have to reduce her to a hapless little victim. So niave, and helpless but to exist as a mere prop for the white man.....
When in actuality, Ren serves as a prop for Rey's development. He makes her worse, highlights her flaws, and pushes her out of her comfort zone. The throne room is entirely the cause of (most) of Rey's insecurities in The Rise of Skywalker, and why she thinks she needs to earn her place in this story. She doesn't put up with any man's shit - she knocks Luke fucking Skywalker on his ass for lying to her, and when Ren makes it clear he isn't going to change, she kicks him out of her life. Rey has all the agency and uses it repeatedly, but it makes her a complicated character with nuance (an extremely traumatized mercurial one at that!) and that's unacceptable. So it's easier to pretend that she was done dirty, and existed solely for Ren's redemption (which is BULLSHIT because it was a last minute addition to the Rise of Skywalker).
There certainly are some complaints you could make (Rose's reduced screentime), but so much of what I see criticism about "sexism in the sequels" is simply at odds with what is actually present in the films themselves. Tell me again how the trilogy with more women than the first six films combined, which featured our first woman X-Wing pilot (because they'd been cut out of the original trilogy!) and had our Yoda figure be a dazzling, charming and flirtatious pirate queen, and so many other fantastic fucking background/recurring ladies (blows a kiss to Tallie, to Paige, to Kaydel, to all the other Resistance ladies my brain is blanking on atm!), for having ex-stormtrooper Jannah join Finn in helping topple the system that stole their childhoods from them, for letting a woman be covered head to toe and outwardly cold hearted but having a soft heart still as this trilogy's resident love interest scoundrel (Zorii).
The sequel trilogy loves women. It just loves messy, complicated women. Women that are sometimes wrong, who make mistakes, or are sometimes just outright pieces of shit.
So if you think women shouldn't be any of those things then, yeah. I guess it hates the idea that women should be perfect angels. But if you think that means it hates women outright, then I think you need to sit back and wonder what that says about you.
But I doubt the fandom is capable of that, when you had people claiming it was sexist that Leia trains Rey back in 2019.
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