#the nut job 2 movie
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I made new fanart of Marty, Chuck, Darwin, Foxy, Buddy and Odie! I had a lot of fun doing it and I added some details that you may or may not recognize 🤭🤭. I hope you like them.
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"The movie messes up the TV lore" 🥺🥺🥺
Bro the TV lore messes itself up. Master fu destroyed the most important temple ever cause he wasn't allowed to eat for a day.
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fictosphere · 1 year
Lord Mýk Reviews All His Dang Movies
I’m going to review every single movie I own, even the 50-pack of poorly transferred science fiction movies. So here’s how I intend to work things: I’m breaking it up into ten movie chunks, and each time I start a chunk I’ll list the ten movies within that chunk. Most of the time it’ll be alphabetical, but sometimes it’ll be… not alphabetical. This is because of things like the stated 50-movie…
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mishthefish · 2 years
Actually I'm not done venting
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mschimdt · 10 months
hello, lovely! 💕
can I get nsfw oneshot with mike and f!reader who is the dominant one in their relationship most of the time, but one day she no longer has the strength for staying dominant and Mike now has everything under his control?
sending love and have a good day! (⁠ʘ⁠ᴗ⁠ʘ⁠✿⁠)💕
that one afternoon
im actually loving the requests im getting so far,
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mike schmidt x f!reader
disclaimer: i have no knowledge about jobs so im writing what i know from tv shows and movies💀 + mike is well off now, hes not struggling with money, english isnt my first language and THIS IS NOT PROOF READ
-----------------18+ MINORS DNI------------------
you were at work, you work a simple office job at a fast fashion conpany, but your manager is a literal bitch and she makes you work overtime, or she has you cover for her 'boyfriend' who works a similar job while they fuck in her office
"y/n, come here" you heard your boss say from behind you in her stupid british accent that just made her sound the more bossier, you rolled your eyes, turning around to face her
"i need you to cover for tom, and i need you to send these files to the board" you stared at her, with a dull expression
"no" you mutteted, staring at her, it took her a few seconds to process what you just said, a unknown expression slips onto her face "no? youre acting asif you make the rules around here, i suggest you shut up and go back to work or im making you work saturdays"
"why cant tom do his job? hes litteraly in great fucking health? oh wait, hes too busy fucking you in your office!!"
she looked at you, everyone in the office had their faces turned towards you
you continued speaking "dont acr all shocked now, we all hear your moans alllll the way from over here, maybe you should quiet down a bit huh? i can report what your doing to me and what youre doing with your boyfriend to the CEO!!!"
"fuck this stupid job, tom can do my shifts too now! because i QUIT" you said, grabbing your little tag, shoving it in your managers face before walking out of the building
you turned on your car, shoving the keys in the keyhole, whilw you waited for the car to start, your head was against the steering wheel, once the car finally warmed up you drove the car back to your house, a decent sized 2 story house you got with your boyfriend, mike, and his sister
you parked your car outside, you got out of the car opening the houses door with the key nwxt to your car key, you walked in, as you tried to pull the key out of the door, it wouldnt come out and that was it you went fucking nuts
"STUPID FUCKING KEY" you screamed, as you pulled at it as hard as you could, you didnt even notice mike standing a few meters away from you
as you continued to try to pull the key out, you felt mikes hand on your shoulder, soon followed by him saying something
"hey, hey, calm down whats up?" you froze, forgetting that mike was home, afterall it was his day off
he pulled your hand away from the key, "if you were more gentle it would've come out" he said, pulling it out gently.
he put his hands behind your back, closing the door behind the both of you and leafing you towards the living room
"sorry mike-" you said
"dont be sorry, whyre you so worked up though?"he said, you hesitated for a second and told him what happened
"glad you finally quit, that little bitch was getting on my nerves"
"yeah- i guess so but ive gotta find a new job now, it was hard enough finding that one" you said, staring down into your lap
mike looked at you, "look, you dont need to get a job my jobs good enough, were not struggling anymore you dont need to work if you dont feel like it" he said with a soft voice, looking at you with his big brown eyes
you kissed him slowly, a needy kiss, you needed this.
that inoccent kiss slosly escelated into a heated makeout session, you on his lap, hand on his neck, while his hands were under your shirt slightly groping your tits
when he squeezed your nipple, you let out a soft moan into his mouth, you felt him smirk against your lips before he detached his lips from yours, moving onto your neck, attacking it with his mouth
teeth biting into your neck, he seperated his lips from your neck, to take your shirt off, you lifted your hands up, allowing him to remove it, before he went back to assaulting your body with his mouth
his hands reaching behind you, unbuckling your bra and pulling it off your shoulders
he pulled away again, lifting his shirt up above his head, taking it off
he layed you down, trailing kisses and bites all the way from your neck, to your stomache, when he reached your lower abdomen he tugged at your waist band, he was in control this time and he wasnt gonna go easy on you
he slipped your jeans off, leaving you in panties, he then broight his fingers to your covered cunt, rubbing circles against your covered clit "oh god mike- more please!" you screamed, abby wasnt home so you could be as loud as you wanted
mike slipped your panties off, restint his face right infront of your clothed cunt, his hot breaths hitting it "please mike-"
he then got up, staring at you, he wasnt gonna give you what you wanted, no, its too early
"one second" he said, getting up off the couch, heading into your room, "fuck you mike!" you shouted, he replied with a soft chuckle, "youre gonna regret that" he went inside, coming out a few seconds later with something in his hand
you lifted yourself onto your elbows "whats that?" you asked, your eyes widening when you realized what it was, a vibrator
"when did you get that? and why dont i know about this" you asked
"ive been hiding it for a while, looking for a good time to use it on you, and nows the right time" he said walking over to you
"open your legs for me" he said, you obeyed, opening your legs, he slowly put the vibrator between your folds, you gasped at the cold feeling of it, he then switched it on
the moment you felt it start vibrating against yoy, you threw your head back, letting out a semi-loud moan
mike held the vibrator against your clit, you jerked your hips up, you didnt mean to do it but you did it out of reflex a few times causing mike to reach his hand out to your stomache, pinning you down. preventing you from moving
after a few minutes, of moaning and whimpering you tried to make out a word, letting mike know you were about to come, "mike- mikey- im about to come"
you were almosy there, when you felt the vibrator stop, you looked at mike, he had a shit eating grin on his face "w-why'd you stop" you said, disappointed
"youre not cumming on this vibrator baby, the only place youre going to cum is on my cock alright?" he said, as he unbuckled his belt, unzipping his jeans and taking them off along with his boxers
his cock slapping against his stomache as he positioned himself between your legs, he slipped the tip in, his head inbetween your neck, muttering soft nothings and praises
you felt the stretch, it burned, it wasnt your first time taking him but every time, he split you open, hes really big
as he continued sliding his cock inside your cunt, you could feel every vein, and when he finally bottomed out, he didnt give you time to adjust
he started thrusting in and out with no warning, moans leaving your mouth, mike lifted himself off you, holding into your hips
the sounds of skin slapping and moans filled the room as mike fucked you into oblivion, "open your mouth" you didnt hesitate, opening your mouth, hair messy, sweat running down your forehead
mike spit into your mouth, he then used his hand to shut your jaw shut "swallow" he waited for you to swallow, whimpers being let out while you swallowed his spit
you were about to cum "m-mike oh god!" you said, he knew you were close and so was he, he kept thrusting in and out, quickning up the pace a little bit
a loud moan left your mouth as you squirted all over mikes lower abdomen, once he knew you were done, hr slipped out, jerking himself off until he came, thick ropes of cum covering your tits and stomache
mike fell against you, panting
" you were so good" he said against your cheeck, kissing it
you layed there for a few minutes, before mike got up "come on lets washup abbys gonna be home anytime now"
you let out an annoyed groan, before getting up.
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vitaminseetarot · 8 months
PAC (Pick-A-Candy): February's Message For You ❄🕯
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Hey y'all, welcome back! Thank you so much for playing in my first tarot game. I'm so glad to have the chance to reach out to everyone for inquiries. Thank you so much for your feedback as well! I'm still reading through your responses and feel grateful for all the positivity. There have been a lot of delays throughout this month and I haven't had as much time as I'd like to be on here in January, but I'm itching to pick up the pace in February. I'm planning another game in early March, topic to be announced, so stay tuned.
I wanted to start this month with a short and sweet pick a card reading to give you advice. For anyone celebrating this time of year, may you enjoy this time of peace and recovery and maybe some really tasty snacks with hot cocoa too. Pick whatever chocolate below looks most appealing to you. ❄🕯
Pile 1: Bronze Toffee Nut Pile 2: Silver Milk Chocolate Pile 3: Gold Dark Almond
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Pile 1: Bronze Toffee Nut
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Land:Tree:Sun, King of Mechanisms: Heliacal Chronograph, 26 Duality, King of Swords, XII Hanged Man, XV Devil, 7 of Swords, 7 of Wands
Hey, you! Did you recently complete something big or reach a major milestone in your life? If so, congratulations! Your efforts are paying off, if not now then over time they will show. But first, before doing or planning anything else, you need to sit down for a little while and just… breathe. Breathe deep. Replenish your mind from harrying so much over all that you have had to, have to, or will have to do (that was a mouthful, so I can't imagine how much clutter that is in the brain! Also I channeled the word "harrying" which I never use and had to look it up lol, but the word definitely still fits). Now is not the time to push, but a time to breathe and reflect.
You're in a time of transition, and this could mean many things. It could be a move or a job transfer, or you're thinking of how to change your way of living. I'm feeling that many in this pile are still actively working towards their New Years resolutions. Some in this pile may have had a very busy year, while others here wish to shift gears and become focused on doing more, a lot more than last year. Are you trying to make up for lost time? It's only February, pile one, so you have way more time than it seems to get things straightened out or set into motion. You're not creating a time debt by using your break or time off to actually self soothe, like most people do. Your tenacity is admirable, but in terms of self development, too much push to get things done might set you back.
You must balance between resting and recovery, all while strategically planning for your next course of action. Some of you may be struggling to get organized, but making schedules and lists could help immensely, so you're not spending as much energy trying to remember everything. There are also apps that are designed to help you stay on track, giving you more time to just hang out and be. There is nothing wrong with spending this entire month on decompressing from everything you've had to do. It's not going to happen when you're working on something else. That's a distraction, not progress, to work as a way of avoiding healing. However you decide to relax, make sure it actually involves relaxation. If that means laying in bed and watching TV for the day, then that's what it means. If you relax more by doing a chore, then make it something simple to complete like folding clothes.
Don't feel guilty for taking time off, but don't let the time slip by either. Schedule "Don't-Do-Much" days and see what kind of difference it makes to your productivity and routine over time. Think of this transition as an intermission of sorts. This is your chance to get up, use the restroom, order more popcorn, text a friend, etc. before getting back to your movie. You can choose not to get up, but once the intermission has passed, the movie will not pause for you. So use this opportunity to rest with intention, knowing that when change comes to thrust you into the next phase of life, it may do so unexpectedly fast and you'll be more ready for it.
Keep your ambitions lit up, because even as you rest, those dreams are still at work. Don't think that time off means abandoning any plans or being lazy. It's a matter of decluttering your mind space so you can actually focus on the next thing better, and you can't drain the brain of all your pain if you replace worry with more worry. Life is more than a series of boxes to tick off, saying "what's next? what's next? huh? what's next? HUH??" right after each one is done. If life worked that way, sleep wouldn't be a thing, and likely neither would we, because how can anything sustain that gogogo fever forever? Protect your right to self care, and don't let anyone tell you it's wrong to take time out just for you.
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Pile 2: Silver Milk Chocolate
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Spiritual, 7 of Prisms: Flux Tempest, 19 Unlimited Possibilities, King of Cups Rx, 2 of Pentacles, I Magician, 9 of Cups, Page of Wands
You may feel overwhelmed right now, like a lot of changes are happening at once, or could happen imminently. Things may feel topsy-turvy, and it's a struggle just to get through the day to day with all this weighing on your mind. There could be different options to choose from or a lot of emotionally heavy decisions that could be leaving you feeling a bit straggled. It could be a decision to undergo a kind of treatment, or many job offers suddenly come to you, and rather than feeling elated for the opportunities, you're feeling anxious about what to do more than anything.
Many opportunities and risks abound, and although it isn't easy, it's important to spend some time to figure out what you wish to do. We all want to make the best choices in life, but sometimes life involves a good deal of trial and error and retrial no matter how logical and sensible we try to make things behave. A lot of important details can get swept away in the rush to resolve a conflict as quickly and easily as possible. Even when the best choice is made, things can still happen. Life can be pretty random and chaotic at times, in ways not even shuffled cards can keep up with. It's not so much the choosing, but staying committed to the choice, that can be most difficult.
It's time to go within and listen to spirit for guidance. You need some time and space in order to feel this out, not just think it through. Our mind can work all day scoping out each and every pro and con, and that's where meditation comes in. Let the answers flow towards you naturally. When you can embrace the change to come from this choice, rather than fearing it, the way will light up for you and it'll be smoother sailing from here. The seasons will change no matter how long this time out will take for you, but one spring passed means another spring will eventually come again. If it doesn't work out the first time, there will always come another.
You have a heightened ability to manifest your desired outcome this month, and you may find that some things will naturally fall into place as soon as your mind is made up and you let go. Yes, anything can happen, but that also includes good things, it even includes things you have deeply wished for. Envision the best possible outcome first and don't get caught in too many details about how it should play out. We can trick ourselves into thinking that by assuming the worst, we can prepare for the worst. Instead, prepare for the best case scenario for you and you'll be surprised at how much easier it gets to sift out and manage challenges when they do show up.
Keep your mind steady and heart focused on what you want. Remain in a space of enthusiasm for what you'd like to happen. The page of wands is very eager, it's like they have the energy of a little kid pointing to a famous performer on stage and going, "that'll be ME someday!" Not "that could be me" or "ah, if only that could be me," but "that WILL be me." Think of your motivation as a fire that must be tended to on a regular basis. No matter how small or large the flame in your heart is, it will be the light that guides you into making the best decision for yourself. Take good care of it.
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Pile 3: Gold Dark Almond
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Land:Animal:Moon, Macroscoria, 10 Burden, King of Cups, VIII Strength, King of Pentacles, Knight of Cups, II High Priestess
Your sensitivity and overall empathic ability is high right now. There may be an inclination to feel a heightened sense of compassion for others, particularly animals (you have a lot of animals present in your spread, and Animal:Moon talks about those kind of connections in particular). Animal companions want to help you out this month, whether on the physical or astral plane, so turn to them for healing just as they would turn to you.
Create solid psychic boundaries to protect your mind. A lot of intense psychic energy could be purged through with the Macroscoria card. I'm almost reminded of what's it like to delve through Akashic records (or as I call it the Hall of All Knowledge), but this is a more universal, primal energy coming through? The card reminds me of Earth in its early stages when it was all still molten and predominated by immense fiery tectonic activity, fundamental forces bursting from beneath. Instincts can seem basic, but they're powerful. This energy could be coming from within you most likely, but you could be picking up on others' chaotic moods as well. This isn't a force to fight, but to work in your favor. Anger for example isn't wrong, but there's a right and a wrong way of expressing anger. It's a matter of channeling it into a proper medium.
If you were drawn to pile 2, there may be a message for you there as well, as the King of Cups is in the same position. There's an emphasis on being able to stay present with others with deep compassion while staying emotionally detached. Detachment is not the same as not caring, it's a state that allows you to embody what another is feeling and give them space to feel without losing yourself in it. Try to adopt an observational approach. When you are in a state of experiencing intense emotions, we can also practice the art of "stepping aside" to observe ourselves and learn from these feelings instead of pushing them away.
You and others must remain resilient, as you could be undergoing a challenging time. Don't push the limit though. Lend a helping hand when needed, but remember that you too deserve that same compassion in return. Whatever this challenge is, there is a potential for growth to come from this. This month could bring in a special reward for you, what that is isn't clear but your good efforts won't go unnoticed. It may feel difficult now, but when things start to improve, you'll innately know, and the payoff could be rather big, or more than what you expected. You may feel that many could be leaning on you now for support, but trust that whatever support you provide will in turn be granted back to you.
Observation doesn't mean apathy or overanalysis. It's about sitting and being present with what's happening around you and within you. Mindfulness exercises could help you out a lot this February, along with writing down your nightly dreams or even making a vent journal to scribble out frustrations. Make sure your emotions don't stay bottled or contained or they could burst. Instead, check in every day and find one thing that will help vent out those emotions. Your intuition is your best friend now.
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2024, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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Some head canons
Teen hanma
also can see him being the type of guy who picks video games over studies
He watched tv once (horror movie)
with kisaki and it ended up with kisaki wacking him in the nuts
He has a thing for saying "fuck it" alot after risking something stupid
Hanma has a thing for clinging up your window and knocking on it at 4am
timeskip hanma
Hanma has a whole collection of watchsHe probably kisses his s/forehead while softly speaking to them about the, plans for the day every morning
homeless hanma befriended a lot of street cats and when he finds money he buys the cats food instead of buying himself food
Hi Kat, thanks for another ask (I'm absolutely lovin' this)!
C/W ::: Mmm, nothing really. More sweet Shuji.
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︽ I can definitely feel the whole play before studying. If he studies that night at all. Shuji isn't stupid. He's not necessarily book smart, either. But he figures he's made it this far. What more does the world want from him?
︽ I feel like Kisaki gets really impatient with Hanma (especially) sometimes and feels like there's no other option but to whack him on the balls. But to be fair, Kisaki feels like that about a lot of people.
︽ He DOES say fuck it. I think before doing stupid shit, too. Sometimes, that's the last little push he needs from himself to get the (crazy) job done.
︽ Hanma totally goes to your window at 4am. On nights when he just can't stop thinking about you and how nice you keep being to him. You're one of the first people that doesn't treat him like an absolute asshole (that he secretly feels like??? Is that so much of a stretch?)
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︽ He is so vain sometimes! But he would argue there's "nothing wrong with taking pride in your outer appearance." Whether it be with clothing, jewelry, watches, hair ... the man probably has a regular place he gets his brows done, gets facials, and has regular full-body massages. I just see him as someone who likes to be papmered. So what if he has to do it for himself. He's earned it (lowkey not really, though, but he has that mentality that he "deserves it").
︽ When you and Hanma spend the night together, it's usually at his place. He likes the added security of his boys being nearby if anything happens. He can send you off with them or have them stay with you there (he might not even have to wake you up if there's anything eventful happening in the middle of the night), and he won't need to worry about you getting hurt over some stupid shit he started with Toman or Black Dragon. But he totally wakes you up with sweet, soft, minty kisses all over your face in the morning because he's already been up for 2 hours, drinking his coffee and catching up on shit. He brings you a French pressed coffee (a latte, with your favorite flavor or syrup. I think he drinks it black usually, but you've gotten him to sway/experiment with his tastes a little here and there.) And he'll sit down on the bed next to where you're laying and discuss what each of you will be doing that day and how you're coming back to his place again tonight - because he said so.
︽ HANMA. IS. A. CAT. PERSON. I'll say it again. HANMA. IS. A. CAT. PERSON. His landlord/lease doesn't allow pets, so he has to do without. But! But! But! There's a dumpster out back that the complex throws their trash away in, and it's become home to about 15 strays. He saves his table scraps for the "little beggars" when he has something tasty to eat (and by save his table scraps, I mean he saves his food for them to nibble on). He only recently told you about how he helps these kitties out. You think it's the sweetest thing for such a tough guy like him to do, and you know better than to make a big deal about it because he'd get embarrassed and then he and the cats would suffer. And there's enough suffering in the world. You also slip about 6,000 ¥ into his wallet and coats once every couple of weeks or so when he's not looking so you can help feed him AND the cats. You're a big softy for general wellbeing. He's always so surprised to find the money, "Oh what? Look what I found, hana! Shit, I'm lucky. The happy look on his face is so worth it for you because you know deep in your heart of hearts that he's thinking first of the cats and then he'll get whatever he can with anything left over.
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Taglist ::: @sjsjkkalatjejejskal @arlerts-angel @viburnt @darkstarlight82 @kazutora-kurokawa
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I love your HC's, Kat! (And welcome! We're always happy to have more of us join the ranks! ONE OF US, ONE OF US! ;))
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we-are-inevitable · 3 months
Infodump about the frat au. Literally everything I’ve never come across you before. Pretty please and than you <3
i feel like i’ve shared so so much about this world but here are some fun things that aren’t important to the actual story but that i love!!:
technically davey is the middle sibling. he was born 12 minutes after sarah and she never lets him forget it! (oddly enough, the number 12 shows up a lot in his life. he thinks it’s a fun little reminder. he considers it his lucky number because it always makes him think of sarah, and sarah always makes him feel better.)
jack speaks fluent spanish because he’s half mexican, and davey speaks fluent spanish because it’s one of the 5 languages he knows outside of english! (he’s only fluent in 2 of the 5, but he’s passable in the other 3 and can have conversations with minimal struggle)
charlie is a HUGE sports nut. he’s really into hockey and plays sled hockey recreationally! he’s really competitive and brutal about it. in the fic, he has multiple sclerosis and primarily uses forearm crutches, but he has a black and green wheelchair kitted out in stickers, patches, and pins that he uses at least three times a weak.
charlie, albert, and jack all watch hockey games together and try to go to at least two games a season once they get closer.
davey loves live music but it can be a lot for him sometimes— he tends to stay in the back and uses noise canceling earbuds, but loves people watching and loves the atmosphere. gay bars don’t bother him as much because the noise level- albeit loud- is less so, but he always carries his ear buds on him. he keeps them on a carabiner clipped to his belt or crossbody like the fag he is.
(jack doesn’t think he’s allowed to say “fag.” davey assures him he is. jack has issues and he’s working through them.)
davey works at a public library close to campus, and spends most of his time with youth and teen programming. (he loves his job.) jack works in the fraternity and sorority affairs office as a student leader; he talks to current high schoolers about joining greek life. (he hates his job.)
davey likes horror movies and jack doesn’t like horror movies but he likes being able to hold davey’s hand through it.
jack drives an jeep cherokee from the early 2000s. medda helped him get it when he decided to go to college outside of the city, bc public transportation isn’t as easily accessible. jack got his license at 18 and thinks it’s stupid that he has to drive places now but he really likes his shitty little car. her name is Rory like the gilmore girls character but he swears there’s no relation
on campus, jack usually skateboards, and davey rides his bike everywhere. davey’s car is a little 2014 corolla named Miss Priss and she’s decked out in bumper stickers and trinkets inside.
race and albert have been together since high school. they SHOULD never have time for each other but they somehow never leave each other’s side. it’s kind of disgusting actually.
race starts learning how to do drag about a month before he meets jack!
katherine and spot work as waitresses at the same restaurant. they should not get along. they are best friends.
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subaquatic0mess · 5 months
izzy headcanons
go white boy
Finally answering this ask!! Izzy hc let's goo!!! (Hope these make any sense it's so late from where I'm from)
Izzy clings/climbs onto the people she trustes most for fun. But she also carries them if needed. Like we saw her do with Noah in WT This means that sometimes Izzy basically jumps onto Team Escope to greet them.
Oh and Eva and Izzy sometimes fight together to train. Noah doesn't understand why.
Izzy isn't as crazy as she seems. Yes she's crazy but that doesn't mean she's not self-aware or stupid.
She's actually incredibly smart she just chooses to embrace her more ballistic side and let the others figure things out by themselves.
Izzy knows sign language and can communicate flawlessly in sign language aswell. The reason why is unknown.
Her and Chef fought a lot off camera during the show and when she discovered Noah was Chris's PA (because ofcourse she did) she used it as an excuse to torment the Chef even more.
Izzy cannot cook. At all. She once burned Eva's kitchen during a sleepover trying to boil pasta.
During total drama she actually increased her crazy persona as she used it alot for her advantage.
She's canonicaly smarter than Noah so sometimes when they hang out Izzy shares a bunch of conspiracy theories with him but somehow makes convincing arguments?
When she's bored or the mood is awkward she would just drop the most random facts ever. "Did you know a jellyfish's mouth is also its anus?" It completely baffles Owen every time.
Izzy definitely had a creepypasta phase.
Both Noah and Eva have bailed Izzy out of jail.
She knows the whole fnaf lore by heart. And she info dumps it on her friends.
She knows Spanish. And she knew about Alejandro but didn't say anything to see all the drama happening.
She made bracelets for all of team Escope with magnets inside so when they touch hands or high five (four??) they're bracelets connect. The problem with that is she used some oddly strong magnets so sometimes it becomes more of an inconvenience.
Her hair is naturally curly but she can't be bothered to to maintain it and that's why is mostly straight at the tip while the end is still curly. (Not projecting or anything oops)
Izzy loves Scary movies! (She loves the saw franchise but in all honesty she prefers psychological horror more)
She cried watching legs batman.
She dropped out of college and she almost went to MIT but chose a college closer to Canada instead. And also because she didn't want to follow specifically any of the paths they offered.
She's an expert at breaking in into things. Locks, houses, cars, etc... To a point Noah and Eva don't even bother lending Izzy a house key as they know she will always find a way in.
She is incredibly overprotective of the people she truly cares about. Which aren't any as she may like some people but perhaps not trust them.
She has trust issues. She only trusts people who can view her beyond just a crazy psychotic girl. Who actually care enough to truly know her. Which again aren't many.
She has incredible reflexes and is incredibly agile.
She adores circuses and clowns despite what others tell her. It (1 and 2) just fueled her love for them even more.
She gives Noah books to read. Except they aren't normal books.
She has incredibly sharp teeth. And she likes to bite people alot. It's basically her love language.
She can always predict the plot of the movie they are about to watch. So now she's not allowed to comment on new movies team escope watches during movie night.
Sometimes she has random urges to commit violence which make her jolt up. (Who doesn't?)
She followed an acting career and did eventually write the book she said she was in WT.
She lobes the original story of Frankenstein and even dressed up as his monster for half once. Oddly enough she relates to it. Which made Noah hug her since he found it concerning. She almost cried because of that. "Noah do you know how it feels to only be seen as the nut job? As the crazy one with no feelings? It fucking sucks."
She isn't the best at expressing sorrow or sadness but Noah and Eva help.
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I might make a part 2 of Izzy hc idk. But this is it for now!!!
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somereaderinblue · 5 months
Today is day 2 of Trigun Fanfiction Appreciation Week & with it, another rec list.
Gen AUs
Geranium Dreams by the_13th_battalion, rated T
Tangled AU where Vash is Rapunzel, WW is Flint & Conrad is Mother Gothel. Oh! And we can't forget the MVP: Kuroneko as Pascal!
promise of an ending by Altered_Karma, rated T
Although it does take elements from Tangled (re: locked in the tower!) it doesn't follow the movie's storyline. Instead, the author adds magical elements that don't involve long hair & another form of conflict. There's even fanart for this on twt.
Daylight (You Got Me Cursing The Daylight) by Sblurg, rated E
A Violet Evergarden AU we never asked for but absolutely needed. Full of angst & hurt/comfort that gives its inspo a run for its money.
Otherworldly by WarriorNun, rated M
Pacific Rim AU with its own dashes of worldbuilding & despite the apocalyptic setting it implies, has its share of comedic & slice-of-life moments.
The Courtship of Nicholas D Wolfwood by @screamingshark, rated M
Another fic I want to absolutely devour. A Modern AU where Plants are Mers. The author does a wonderful job of writing their courting rituals & culture in gen as well as plot twists & cliffhangers that drive you nuts. You can find fanart for it on their acc & some @poibeansart.
And Still Have Wings (with which to fly) by @alpha-hydra, rated E
Shape of Water AU where WW goes from fugitive/con-artist/former assassin to janitor & upon meeting Vash, is willing to go back to being a fugitive again if it means freedom. There's also fanart.
Show the symbol on your chest by @somereaderinblue, rated G
For a tiny bit of self-promotion a Superhero AU, more specifically a Teen Titans AU where Meryl is Robin, Milly is Starfire, WW is Beast Boy, Livio/Razlo is Cyborg & Vash is Raven. No knowledge of TT is necessary.
Tesla fics
cross my heart and hope to die by beelzebby666 & Lightning Rod by @needle-noggins, rated M
Both these fics explore the fact that Tristamp Elendira has Tesla's eye. They were done during Trigun Body Horror Week so heed the tags.
Happy by Plumerias_of_BlueMaroon, rated M
A heartbreaking Tesla POV. We know how this story goes, we know how it ends. We're simply seeing this story through her eyes & it's no less tragic. As someone who's studied child development, having to read this child look at how so many treat her & wonder 'What did I do wrong?' brings another level of hurt.
There Are Differences Between Our Hearts by Marley_Millions, rated T
Another Tesla POV fic where she expresses her frustrations to her sisters, the only ones who always listen to her through it all.
Run Red River (Run Home and Back Again) by PSIDontKnow, rated T
Tesla tears reality asunder for one simple reason: to find a universe where she is loved instead of martyred.
chrysanthemum by schrodingers__cat, rated T
The humans took many things from Tesla. Her autonomy, her body, her freedom, the concept of love, happiness & acceptance that didn't come with hurting. The only thing she wants back is her chance to be an older sister.
the half-extinguished light by reclamation, rated T
I accidentally discovered this fic while checking out their pfp & became intrigued by the Frankenstein concept. After reading it, I can't help but wonder who the true monster is. Is it Tesla/Vash? Is it Nai, who will soon become Millions Knives? Or maybe even Rem & Conrad, who were accomplices.
trouble comes in threes by @corgiss, rated T
TIME FOR SOME TESLA LIVES AUS! Here, we have them being NML's weird desert cryptids disaster siblings. There's also this fanart.
Sun, Moon, and Stars by @wendywhite13, rated T
Another Tesla Lives AU where Rem puts her foot down on day 1, causing a domino effect. This world is kinder, but it's still full of social & political challenges the family has to navigate through together.
Purple Hyacinth AU by @somereaderinblue, rated T & G
My own Age-Reversal + Role Swap AU where Tesla lives because in this world, she was born last while Vash was born first.
VW fics
sex shop/mortician by @sascake, rated E & M
As the title implies, Vash owns a sex shop, WW is a mortician & they have kids. It's always interesting to see Vash with jobs other than a baker or florist in a modern AU.
Eye to Eye by severalspoons, rated T
Reminder that for all his goofiness, Vash is the most perceptive character in-universe. Despite this, he chooses to love someone with a mask just as ironclad as his own.
Tomas Fried Rice by InkedEntropy, rated G
VW cook fried rice together, and then Vash cooks it alone.
My Body's Moving Into Retrograde by Sacramental_Wine, rated E.
Vash never hesitates to give his love & body, WW makes him receive it for once.
The Wall by Dezace, rated T
Canon-divergence wherein Knives captures Vash the Stampede decades before canon, allowing him to meet WW before he became the Punisher.
upon broken wings by maxxstrom, rated E
If I had a nickel for everytime I found a VW fic where they met as EoM captives, I'd have two nickels. Not a lot, but it's happened twice. Unlike the prev fic, this is a world where Vash stayed with Knives, never becoming the Stampede. However, this means he meets a WW who's yet to hit cynicism rock-bottom. Vash becomes WW's saint & he in turn becomes Vash's salvation.
And that's all I have for day 2. Hope you enjoy the fics & leave a kudo/comment for the respective author, have it be on AO3 or Tumblr. I wish all my fellow Trigun fans/artists/writers a good time!
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nctinkverse · 6 months
Promissa Redux - Chapter 3
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Synopsis: A life-altering phone call from Jaehyun prompts reflection on your personal life and career choices. Despite initial confusion and concern, he surprises you with a movie script offer. Memories intertwine with present decisions, revealing a longing for closeness. Accepting the script becomes a opportunity to have your best fried back, you miss the banter and tender moments you had with him more than you thought you did.
Warnings: minors do not interact!, for this chapter we've got a little angst, smut and crude words.
Pairing: jaehyun x f. reader
Word count: 1.760
Autor note: This chapter takes us back to Jaehyun call we saw in the preview of Promissa Redux, some parts are a little more detailed and at the end, there's a flashback were we get a glimpse of what their relationship as a married couple looked like. Sorry for taking so much time to update and enjoy!
Unauthorized copying or translation of this work is strictly prohibited.
-------- Preview with all the warnings and Chapter 2 -------------------
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Chapter 3 - One call away is not close enough
A call two years later changed everything.
Your career…
Your personal life as well.
You were fast asleep when the phone rang. Jaehyun’s name on the screen made you alert, is he alright? Did something happen?
Laying your back on the headboard you answered the call.
“Hi” he said using a normal tone. That made you a little less worried.
“Jaehyun, is something wrong?”
“Oh, no… I’m sorry… I didn’t check the time difference. I should have called another-
“Jae…spill, what’s the gossip, huh?”
He let out a little laugh since the gossip thing that a old joke between you two.
“No gossip, but I do have something.”
“Clearly, it’s something good or you wouldn’t be calling on impulse, spill, Jaehyun.”
“Yeah right…” He hesitated a bit coughing a bit, his telltale sign that he was nervous.
“I got sent this script for a movie, they want me as the main character…” He hesitated again which made you ask.
“Jeong Jaehyun, what did you do?”
“I sent a copy of the script to your mailbox.”
You could feel your sleepiness vanishing as you started to scold him.
“Jaehyun, are you nuts? You can’t ship stuff like this in the mail! What if gets – “
"It got delivered today." He interrupted, making you stop your thinking.
Scrambling for a thought since he didn’t elaborate, you asked.
"What the hell am I supposed to do with it?! I’m not a male actor, Jung."
"Read, dummy, read."
"And do what?"
"Tell me if you want it."
You opened your mouth to be obnoxious, pointing out the obvious, but Jaehyun must have listened to your 'I’m about to give you an earful' breath and went first.
"Listen, it’s an amazing script, just like the ones you used to want to work on. There’s an opening for a cinematographer, and I know you’re a hell of a good one, so if you want, it’s yours." He said in one breath, probably afraid you would interrupt again.
But from all he said, this part really got you confused.
"What do you mean it’s mine?"
"I showed the director your profile and portfolio, and he said yes."
"Fuck, Jaehyun." You didn’t know what to say since he was never one to interfere in your personal life since the D word.
"You’re sleepy, and I know how grumpy you can be at this hour, so… I still must tell you two more things, the job is in the states, probably 3-4 months of filming, and I am supposed to give an answer on the male character in 48 hours. We would have to work together, and we would probably have to strike a deal with my parents since we can’t pull Junnie out of school, so…"
You understood what he said, but you needed at least a cup of coffee to process it. But before you could say anything, he went off again.
"I can give it up if you want." He said almost like a whisper.
"Give what up?"
"The character."
"You didn’t like it?"
"No, but –
You interrupted again.
"So, if you do like it, why would you give it up?" It made no sense to you.
"For you –"
It still didn’t make sense why he would give it up.
"Give it up for ME?"
"I like it, Y/N, but this script has you written all over it… and I don’t want to make you uncomfortable by being there."
Now you got him, yet he was about the last person in this world who could make you uncomfortable.
"Yuno…" You said in a softer tone.
You heard his breath and a soft "yeah?"
"I don’t hate you." You stated in your most soft yet firm tone, it was one of the things he must not forget about you two.
"I know, Y/N, I know."
"I am going to read it and think about what you said, ok? Don’t do anything hasty."
"Ok, I will let you go back to sleep."
"I’m not sleeping after all this, you know right?" You said, letting out a small huff.
"I know."
"What I am about to do is getting up, making some coffee and grabbing the script out of my mailbox, does it sound good to you?" You were being just a bit playful.
"It does, love."
That word made you warm like butter melting on a frying pan. Still, that wasn’t something out of the ordinary for him to call you. So, you let it slide.
"Well, for sure it’s better than staying in bed tossing and turning."
He let out a small giggle, he knew you were one of those to fight a lot with your bed at night.
"Good morning, love."
"Good afternoon to you?" You didn’t know what time zone he was on, so you tried.
"Try again." He said with a smiling voice.
"Good night!" You said like you had guessed the lottery numbers.
He let out a giggle sound and said, "Give little Nari 1000 kisses from me, will you?”
"Why just a thousand?" You said with a little pout as if he could see.
You could hear his playful tone in reply.
"Don’t you know our daughter? She might ask for in real life a thousand kisses; since you are the closest parent, you might fall victim to it, so I think that’s a great number for kisses."
You both giggled, Jung Nari, the lily to our garden, was at that phase where hyperbole would be a tough concept for her to grasp.
"Ok, fine." You agreed still giggling.
"I will call… stay safe."
"You too, Jaehyun."
With that you decided to get up put some warm clothes, while the coffee maker did her job, you went downstairs to get the script from your mailbox.
When the coffee was ready you got back to your room and pulled the curtains up letting a little of the city lights get into your room. Turning on your lamp you seated yourself on your favorite chair.
The script was big, over 200 pages, there was no way you would finish it before Nari would wake up, but when you reached page 50 you decided it was okay to close it.
Jaehyun was right, it was exactly the type of script you wanted to work with. You were deeply touched he even remembered you talking about it…
“I believe in you.”
“You do?” You asked raising your head from Jaehyun’s chest so you could look at his eyes. “I don’t think I can do it, I think it’s too late”.
He was already shaking his head even before you could finish.
“It’s not late, if you want to change careers you know what to do, I don’t doubt for a second, you’ll get there.”
You were deeply touched by his words. It’s not like you thought he wouldn’t be supportive, you just never imagined needing to hear his genuine tone, the way he looked into your eyes ensuring you could perceive every feeling he conveyed.
Raising your head a little, you gave him a kiss. It was a sweet ‘thank you’ one.
When you disconnected and snuggled even more close to him on the couch, using your leg over his hips to feel every part of you against his comfortable warm body.
“So, I’m curious, if you could pick a type of movie to work on, what it would be like?”
“An 80’s movie for sure.”
“Why baby?”
“Well, you know they are my favorites, the whole boombox thing outside a girls window it's a classic, I also like Ten Reasons Why I Hate You, I love the whole enemies to lovers it’s an amazing plot if done right.”
“I don’t think you can work on movies like enemies to lovers, you might get a crush on Heath Ledger and I could lose my wife.”
You smacked the upper part of his butt for the almost funny insult.
“I do not have a crush on Heath Ledger!”
“Oh yeah babe, you do, you have all his movies.”
“Yes! Because he was an amazing actor!”
“Are you sure he’s not handsome?”
“You literally drool when he is on screen baby…”
“Fine! That’s just because he has dimples!”
“Oh, I knew it!”
“You have dimples too, so shut it, Jae.”
“Oh, you’re soo nervous, you’re-
You stopped his sentence with a kiss. A warm one this time, you were trying to make a point so he would forget about stupid cute Heath Ledger and just kiss you dumb.
It took only a few seconds to feel his tongue invade your mouth, playing with yours, his hand that was on your lower back traveled to your butt check and he pressed your body even closer to his.
You moaned, his cock pressing very close to where you needed him, he lowered his lips to your neck. Using your hand, you guided his head to the spot you needed him, your fingers right over one of the dimples you loved so much.
“Yuno…I don’t like other man’s dimples, I just like yours…” You said between breaths.
Against your neck he let out a small laugh.
“Yeah baby, how much?”
“I like it so fucking much I want you to pass it on to our kids.”
“Oh, kids.”
“Yes, kids.” You also replied with your body undulating against his, all tingly with excitement.
He left your neck to tease your lips with his.
“Plural. Interesting.”
You just nodded pleading with your eyes for him to kiss you fully.
“So, you like the idea of babies…
“Not really the point.”
“So, what is the point?” He kissed you a little harder for a few seconds but pulled away again.
“I like trying to make babies with you so much, I know one day I’m going to go insane and tell you to forget the condoms.”
“Or maybe one day I will fuck you so hard and soo good the condom would break.” He completed.
“That’s exactly my point. Now stop being a tease.”
He laughed but finally went back to kissing you.
You shook your head so the memory would go away, Jaehyun was the love of your life, your already happy ending was Nari.
But you missed your best friend.
He had a strange sense of humor, was calm and knew what to say every time you needed him.
You missed him so much, so that’s how you convinced yourself to accept the script. Maybe it was a way you could also be close to your best friend again.
@dulyrana @clblnz 💚
@electric-hearts @hyuukah @baeseungcheolie @girlinbangtan @johnbanana @fashion-addictedd @peachfulnight @angel63715 @daegalismybiasinnct @chloemargaret @phattyboo90 @oyasueme @peachfulnight 💚💚
@lijennoow @crazywittysassy @matchaforyanna @ihrtsolana @the-universe-in-you-jjh @iarayara @mrsuhnshine @dilfjohnnyaf @xuyiyang @monstanctiny21 @jccv @peachytokki @jaescafe 💚💚💚
The ones in bold are the ones I wasn't able to tag and will be sending the update in priv.
This chapter was a pain in the &&& to post coz tumblr keeps NOT letting me post anything so it's missing spaces and format so so sorry about that.
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theonetruegnome · 2 months
The sixth course
After literally seven hours writing and brainstorming and no sleep, it is supper time my children. Gather round! We now have the shift of everybody's favourite good boy, Dogday! Introducing
MunchyPup is the group foodie, and it isn't hard to deduce for yourself! The candyfloss dog always has something in his mouth, be it a light snack, second breakfast, a ball or just gum. His appetite and metabolism are frankly startling, being able to eat a full seven hobbit meals on a good day and only feel the teensiest bit overstuffed. Some people may think him greedy or that he's putting on an act, and yes, he does sometimes feel he eats too much, but he can't really help how fast his digestion is, so it doesn't bother him too often.
You may think that he ends up as a sort of side character in most of the gang's adventures, feeling more like someone's younger brother tagged along because mum said so, like so many of the pink critters, but Munch actually ends up being one of the focal ones in the group's activities. He, of course, brings the food for the group picnics and camping trips, as well as packed lunches for when some of the others go off on their own separate adventures from the main group, even with little notes saying 'We all love you' or 'I'll still be here, no matter what'. He also sometimes ends up helping Picky's shift (no spoilers!) plan the group's activities and, when necessary, discipline them for misbehaving, acting as her #2 in command.
He has also created diet plans for each of them to help with specific goals or issues. For instance, Conk has been ordered to consume more nuts and chamomile, as well as taking fish oil to help regulate his sleeping schedule. It doesn't help much, but Conk tries to keep it up because it's better than nothing. Leah has spinach, eggs and raw salmon on her plan, both to help with her anxiety and to try to get her to grow more, as she's very short due to years of malnutrition from being bullied. Callum is given chicken to keep his fur silky and smooth. MunchyPup tried to get him into mousing, also for his fur, but Callum couldn't bring himself to finish them off once he'd caught them. Munch then tired just serving the mice, but Callum still felt bad for the mice and didn't like the taste, so just sat there looking sadly and guiltily at his full plate.
All in all, Munch's home life is quite good! He has two younger brothers, one who is two-and-a-half and the other who is now six. His parents used to alternate staying home when they had only to raise him, but when his brother was born they both had to work almost all week to keep the family afloat, leaving MunchyPup at a very young age to care for the house and raise his brother, Darner, feeding, bathing and playing with him. When their third son was born, the family thought things could only get worse. However, Munch yet again took up the mantle and cared for yet another brother, this time with help from Darner. The split workload allowed Munch to get some odd jobs around town and, with three of the family working together and some days with everyone going hungry, they managed to keep the roof over their heads until his mother could find a better job. Sometimes, the two parents regret taking Munch's childhood from him by having Darner and Harper, but to MunchyPup they were some of the best years of his life, and the three brothers have grown only closer because of it.
and now, an after dinner trivia mint:
He can stand on his head for over forty-five minutes without vomiting and once did so for a bet with Eli. Eli conked out at 7 minutes 33 and when he woke up Munch was still upside down.
Once when the gang went to the movie theatre, everyone bought regular snacks except Munch, who brought a large punchbowl of sliced melons. He finished it before the climax of the film as well as at least half a pound of popcorn.
Despite encouraging the others to eat healthily and responsibly, his favourite meal is a tomato and French-fry sandwich with extra mustard.
As a joke, Conk and Dandy got he and Picky's shift (no spoilers) matching mugs for fathers' and mothers' day. They say 'no.1 Mom' and 'the best Dad ever'.
The first words Darner ever said were 'Buvver!' Munch still thinks about it sometimes and feels as warm inside as if he's drunk a bowl of home-cooked soup.
Finally, his charm is a sack lunch with picky's charm on the front (see below) and his scent is fresh mango.
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wanderersrest · 4 months
Some Idle Musings on Patlabor
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I've talked about Patlabor twice in some capacity, so I figured why not go for the hat trick, no? (EDIT: The hat trick was ruined because I got tilted by a certain bad take involving Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans)
Patlabor is probably one of my favorite anime series of all time, especially when it comes to mecha anime. Granted, a big part of that is due to me recently coming into ownership of pretty much the entire series on blu-ray, but still. And seeing as how the second post on here was about how people should check it out (among other mecha shows), I figured I'd dive a little bit deeper into at least Patlabor. Who knows, I might touch on all of the other series at some point. I'll definitely cover G Gundam at some point, that much is assured.
Anyways. Patlabor. This isn't going to be a super deep dive, but there are three things I want to highlight with this series that I really like.
The World is Carefully Crafted to Justify Its Giant Robots
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A common point of praise for Patlabor is due to how the worldbuilding is set up to accommodate the giant robots. A quick synopsis of Patlabor: giant robots known as Labors were created to help with construction projects. Following the creation of Labors came Labor-related created crimes. To combat these crimes, a special type of Labor was created to stop these types of criminal activity: the Patrol Labor, or Patlabor for short.
And it's not just there that the series fleshes out the Labors. The titular Patlabors (specifically the Model 98-AV Ingrams employed by the main characters) require a whole team outside of the pilots who operate the Labors, including spotters, transport platform operators, and mechanics. The television series also makes it a point of highlighting that the important part of the Labor is not the Labor itself, but the pilot data stored in the machine's computer. The world is so thought out, that the television series even touches on Labor insurance (yes really, and it's probably one of my favorite episodes of the TV series, maybe out of every anime series I've ever watched). This is, if I understand things correctly, why a lot of people love the OVA timeline (which consists of the Early Days OVA as well as the movies).
Great Characters Part 1: Noa Izumi
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If the OVA timeline has more of a focus on the worldbuilding and the politics at hand, then the TV timeline (consisting of the TV anime and the New Files OVA) hones in on the character interactions. It's a real shame too, because the main cast are a pretty likeable group. Our main character in particular, Ingram Unit 1 Pilot Noa Izumi, is a delight to watch in pretty much every scene she's in, especially in the TV series. To it's credit, the OVA timeline does keep a lot of the appeal behind the characters. If anything, I'd argue that the change in tone of the OVA timeline is both natural and an extension of the pessimism following the bursting of the Japanese Economic Bubble.
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But back to Noa, part of what I like about her as a character is her resilience. There are moments throughout the various entries in the franchise where she gets knocked down, but due to the nature of her work, she gets back up to finish the job. That kind of attitude helps to round out her more usual cheery and kind of naive attitude to most things. Also, she's very hot-blooded. Which is great for any mecha series, regardless of the style of mecha show you're watching. Speaking of hot blood, I think I'd be remiss to not mention my other favorite character in the series (that's not Division 2 chief Kichii Gotoh, because that's cheating)...
Great Characters 2: Isao Ota
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I think the YouTuber Argonbolt described Ingram Unit 2 pilot Isao Ota best: "...he's 50% gun nut, 50% [ego]." It's almost impossible for me to talk about how great Noa is as a character without bringing up Ota. I could just say that he works great as a foil to Noa, but I think I'd be selling our red-blooded gun nut short. Part of what makes Ota such a great character to me is the fact that, whereas a lot of Noa's growth pertains to her as a person, Ota's growth is essentially tied to how he handles his Labor.
This is because Ota is a hothead.
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No, seriously. Ota's hotheadedness is a large part of what makes him such a great character, and that's just going off of the sheer entertainment value of it all. It also helps that Ota being an American-styled cowboy cop (even moreso than the American Kanuka Clancy, and she's already a bit of a cowboy cop) oftentimes has consequences. Heck, a lot of Division 2's notoriety stems largely from Ota's hotheadedness. But Ota's hotheadedness often hides aspects that betray the manly image he's crafted throughout the series. It's little things like how he frets over Noa like an older brother when she runs off on her own to chase down a bank robber, or the change in his demeanor when Kanuka and her replacement, Takeo Kumagami, start getting into an argument with each other. This depth of character is better explored in the episodes that focus squarely on Ota, with my favorite of the bunch being the aforementioned insurance episode (TV Anime Epsiode 37, "I'm Selling Peace of Mind/Safety on Sales"). Without getting into spoilers, part of what makes it great is how the episode highlights how hard it is to avoid a lot of property damage when it comes to piloting giant robots. But I'm now rambling a bit too much, so let me jump ahead to the last bit about what I like about Patlabor.
This Series Loves Giant Robots
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More than anything else, Patlabor loves its giant robots. My first time learning about this series was seeing some random user on Reddit go "See, unlike Gundam, Patlabor is cool." And if there are two things that make me, as an ardent fan of mecha anime, really upset, it's one of at least three things:
Bashing series X in order to prop up series Y (Bonus points if its Gundam)
Saying X is unlike other mecha shows because X focuses on the characters (No 86/Evangelion/Code Geass/Gurren Lagann fans, 86/Eva/CG/TTGL is not special, especially when Fang of the Sun Dougram/Space Runaway Ideon/Mobile Suit Gundam/Getter Robo exist.)
Denigrating a series because it's not super realistic (Basically the whole "Real vs Super" debate. I'll touch on it when I talk about G Gundam.)
But after watching Patlabor on my own, I realized that this series really loves its giant robots. It's often shown through both the worldbuilding, which is really just an excuse to justify having giant robots in the setting to begin with, and also the fact that it's main character is, for all intents and purposes, a mecha otaku.
Final Thoughts
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Off the top of my head, I don't really have much else to say about Patlabor for now. Granted, there were a lot of things I didn't get to talk about in depth like how the computer systems the Labors employ are, in my opinion, a great example of a seemingly realistic take on AI (not the generative kind, just AI in general), or how one of my favorite character interactions in the series is the pseudo parent-child bond between Chief Engineer Sakaki and Noa and how their relationship reminds me of my relationship with my dad. Most importantly, while I do have an overall preference of the TV timeline over the OVA timeline, I don't think it's necessarily better. The two timelines have their own strengths, but both timelines benefit from the other existing. It also doesn't cut down on the fact that there are still people out there who enjoy Patlabor, and that's really all that matters.
Anyways, I'm going to go crawl back into a hole and wait for any morsel of news involving Patlabor EZY.
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hoe4wesanderson · 13 days
hi, it’s me again. just wanted to say that i love your blog almost as much as i love wes movies; you make such insightful comments on each of the characters i can’t even believe it.
anyway, please could you write something for jack whitman? maybe something where him and reader meet on the train in india and have a cute little love affair? thanks!! <3
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Elk Cracker—Jack Whitman x reader
summary: Jack finds you crying on the train, all alone. Love pursues.
a/n:..um brother I am SO sorry this took me like 7 months to write, I got logged out of this account and I couldn’t be assed logging back in. forgive me pookie. anywayyyy I hope the 10 people this will please love it!
warnings: his gf doesn’t exist or Rita( SORRRYYYYY), it’s pretty soft, talk about jacking off, crying, love, making out, Jack is as accurate as I could get him without being a creep, just flufff (for now), they get freaky at the end presumably, they just just met so it’s a tad awkward.
word count: 1.5k
The night was cold and the train was even colder, Jack was contemplating the meaning of his stupid life while looking out the window. Peter was munching on a cracker like a hungry elk, and Francis was.. jack hadn’t actually seen him for a while now he thought of it. Not that he cared, he was honestly itching for a release. A sweet, American-..
“I’m getting some air, alone.” Peters soft, slightly pissed off, voice mumbled as he stood up to leave. Jack nodded and hid a smile, this was perfect. He had the carriage to himself, perfect time to jack off a bit and free some stress.
The man reached down to unzip his fly, he didn’t even bother glancing around to see if anybody was watching. He figured the absolute nut job tourists around here could use a good show, might do them some good. Jack wasn’t even hard yet, it was pathetic and he knew it, but he was a man after all. So he pulled down his boxers.
But before jack could get to helping himself out he heard something that caught his mind, a soft sobbing. He cocked his head back in surprise, who the hell was crying at 2 in the morning? He swallowed his lust and zipped up his pants. This would have to wait.—
Jack made his was towards the soft cries, rubbing his groggy eyes as he passed shirtless old tourists. Why was nobody else concerned about this? He sighed as he walked, silently hoping he didn’t run into Francis or Peter. Jack made his way to the very end of the carriage. He was confused, where the hell were these sobs coming from?
He turned his head and that’s when he saw the suspect, you. You were leaning against the wall, crying your eyes out as you held yourself in a ball. Jack stared for a few seconds as he bit back the urge to take a photo.
This was poetic gold. He pretended to bump into something, sighing and reaching down to grab what he had dropped. You had only noticed him just then, like he had planned. Your eyes widened and you were quick to wipe away your tears, looking the exact opposite way. Jack stared awkwardly before clearing his throat.
“You uh..you’re crying.” He pointed out bluntly, looking at you.
You stared up at Jack, your cheeks flushing slightly from the embarrassment of being caught. “Oh, um, I didn’t mean for anyone to see…” Your voice trailed off as you fumbled with your sleeves, trying to hide the redness in your eyes.
Jack shuffled his feet awkwardly, clearly unsure of how to proceed. “I didn’t mean to intrude,” he said, his voice a bit hesitant. “I just heard, um, crying and thought maybe… I don’t know, maybe you needed someone to talk to?”
You looked at him, surprised by his offer. “I didn’t expect anyone to notice,” you admitted quietly, avoiding eye contact.
Jack gave a small, reassuring smile, trying to be comforting despite his own awkwardness. “Well, if you, um, want to talk or something, I’m here. I mean, you don’t have to, but…”
You took a deep breath, finding some comfort in his presence. “It’s just been one of those nights where everything feels too much. I thought getting away for a bit would help, but…”
Jack’s gaze softened as he listened. “Sometimes trips don’t turn out the way we expect. If you want to, um, talk about it, I’m here. Or if you just need some quiet..I’ll just go.”
“Thanks..” you mumbled.
Jack smiled faintly, relieved to see you opening up a bit. “Alright, I’ll be here. And, uh, if you want to hear somethin’ silly or distracting, just let me know. I’m, um, pretty good at that too.”
You managed a small, shy smile.
Jack gave a light nod and settled into a nearby seat, giving you the space you needed while remaining close enough to be supportive. The two of you sat in quiet companionship, and the train’s rhythmic hum seemed to make the night a bit more bearable.
A few beats passed where nothing was said, just silence. Until eventually in the silence came your voice.
“I’m y/n..” you declared softly and shrugged, looking over at him.
Jack perked up a bit and tilted his head at your words, he mulled over your words before he finally smiled to himself and nodded.
“Jack.” He replied softly, you smiled at his name and moved so you could sit near him. He stared you down and smiled right back. He missed sweet moments like this, he was a tad touch starved to be fair. He moved to boldly wipe a tear away from your face.
“Pretty faces like yours look beautiful with tears on them, but I bet you look cute without them too, hm?” He whispered and you felt a soft blush cover your cheeks. You giggled bashfully and shrugged your shoulders. He was a little cheesy but you couldn’t be bothered to care.
Jack felt bold in the moonlight, maybe if was the aura of the air, but he felt like kissing you. Slowly he moved a strand away from your face and you blushed some more.
“A kiss might help..” You whispered and averted your gaze, he smiled and nodded his head. He leaned forward and that was that.
your lips met his and you both sunk into a soft kiss, the sound of smooches filled the air and if hearts could fly like those cartoons—they most definitely would. Jack pulled you closer and put you onto of him, leaning himself into the edge of the seat and the wall so you were draped on him. A weird position but it was comfortable and it was honestly calming you down.
You and him stayed like that for a a while until the telltale sign of a man clearing his throat jump scared you and Jack. Jack looked past you to see Peter, who looked like he’d seen a ghost. Although he wasn’t all surprised.
Jack swallowed and gave him and wave, and then in the heat of it all moved to kiss you again.
Peter sighed and moved to walk off again, leaving you and Jack to your thing. Jack smiled against the kiss and pulled back to stare at you.
“I’m going to take you like an elk eating a cracker.” He drawled out, and you furrowed your brows. A giggle escaped you.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You asked and he started to laugh as well, shrugging his shoulders.
“I dunno, just wanted to make you laugh.” He admitted.
And at that, that single joke, was the start of everything and nothing. Some may say causal holiday hookup, but the postcards you and him sent each-other after the trip proved otherwise.
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sparklyeyedhimbo · 1 year
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To honor that we are getting puentalay as dads in the next our skyy 2 episode.
Many of you guys not knowing what is going on in this series and getting confused with the whole different universes and body swapping thing.
✨I am here yet again to try to explain and spoil the series a bit.✨
get yourself something to snack on, a drink and make yourself cozy because here i go again.
btw read my last kali tries to explain my gear your gown here 😜
first of all a few trigger warnings: major charcater death (the accidents they had), minor character death, singing
...this time i spare myself the trouble going to IMBD to find the summary. And i go to the source with a slight editing from MDL
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Sounds pretty darn cool and easy plot to follow right? right? It kinda is. Two dudes have an accident and find themself in a new body and have to work together to get back to their universe. While also keeping the bodies they switched save and not feck up their lives.
I think the most confusing part of this series, ist the bodyswaps and all the characters. Which is much in the first few episodes, and p' nut did an good job trying to via visuals cutbetweens the characters in the same scene.
Lets go over the mainroles and some of the many guestroles we were being feed in this series.
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like this list also goes on and on
Lets start with the two characters that we are going to follow through this series.
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We first meet talay while he is on a job interview for BFB the firm he really wants to work as a colorist for. While he still is in this universe he meets puen twice one time when he waits with his friend gyo on the airport and the other time is when he helps out his other friend joe on a movie set (he plays a corpse).
After his accident while going swimming while drunk he travels universes and wakes up in a hospital in tess's body.
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Now we have puen, we first meet him on said airport where is getting of the plane. We gonna see the most cutest but also awkwardest meet-cute to ever meet-cute in a airport bathroom. (Don't look at me like that YOU WILL SEE if you watch IT okay?) He is a famous series actor, that still helps out on smaller movies. thats where he meets talay for the second time and gives him some little acting tips.
After his accident while driving drunk (are we seeing a pattern here?) he wakes up in tun/parkorns body while parkon was on a trip with his two best buddies and scriptwriting team.
Now let me show you the other two characters, puen and talay swap places with in the other universe
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This is tess, we don't really get to know know tess maybe in the last episodes and from what talay hears from tess's friends and family.
The things we know is that he is a spoiled rich kid, that loves to go drink with his two best friends kita and fuse (also two spoiled rich kidz) and has a very colorful wardrobe.
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This is parkorn, a screenwriter that works a million jobs to keep himself afloat. Because he and his two best friends aou and up are trying to write a script together, so they can show the the firm 26 pictures tess's dad owns, that they can write a good one. Had/has a crush on tess (don't look at me we all know love makes blind)
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These two are his best buddies. Up is the one that is good with writing comedy and aou is the one that is good at writing everythingelse
And let us not forget the guest stars in oder of appearance in the show (usually, between one or more per episode. But there are some without any)
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and the ones that appeared in more then 3 episodes
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Oh we also have a color for each episode it was a wild ride everywekk which color would be the next one. There were so many post trying fo figure it out but now since it's ou and everyting we know them all.
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and they delivered with the colors, and put talay in all of these, it was *chefskiss*
And don't let me forget about the fucktons of sponsors this show had. At the time this aired together with the eclipse and to keep the eclipse as free without silly add scenes as possible. Took vice versa the the most of them and BOY where they wonderful, cheesy, cringey but good.
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It has a reason i am tagging vice versa post always with lays vice versa.
...this time i'm really going to try to keep the plot short and easy to understand
the series starts with talay in a job interview with BFB where he talks about colors and what color he would associate with the interviewers (he associate one of them with brown like horse shit and well it works he gets the job but still hahah)
talay is kinda bumbed out because of that when he haning out with his friends. Gyo, one of his friends asked talay if he made the gift she needs the next day for her favorite series star.
the next day gyo and talay are at the airport and wait on a gate for said star to arrive. But they are at the wrong gate and have to hurry over to the right one.
We get the most cutest yet also very awkward meet-cute to ever meet-cute. The first meeting of puen and talay and the lama/alpaca bucket hat. (Pls everybody wash your hands after you go to the toilet don't be like talay it only works because puen was struck already)
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after this gyo tells talay that joe his other friend needs and extra for his movie, and because he still is waiting for an answer from his job interview, he says yes.
at the movie set, he has to play a corpse "..just be a corpse and lie down" this is also the place where talay meets puen for the SECOND time.
while filming his scenes (and fucking up many times that puen had to give him some tips) with puen talay gets a call from the firm he had a job interview with. AND THEY HIRED HIM 🥳
Cut to talay sitting at a bar with his pc and working on projects he needs to finish before he goes to work, while also getting very drunk
his friends pull him away from his work and drag him to the beach and the sea.
talay swims out a bit to far out and he gets a cramp in his legs and has his accident (i just love how there the screen flips upside down and you are like OKAY its happening)
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talay wakes up in a hospital bed and gets greeted by tess's parents the mom is worried and the dad is scolding talay about being very reckless.(oh yeah thats what tess also is very reckless and stupid)
Our dear beloved talay is very confused about all of this and tells these people that he has no idea who they are. Tess's father is not having any of this. The mom cuts in and makes talay fake cry so the father stop scolding him. (it works and is very hilarious)
after this he goes to the bathroom and sees that he no longer is in his body, and that the face that is looking back at him, is no longer his own but a guy named tess. (the cut between talays and tess is soo *chefskiss*)
the first thing he does after he realizes that, is that he tries to run away from the hospital, which he fails.
We meet kita and fuse for the first time, the bring "tess" some alcohol and tell him to drop the amnesia act. We get some info about the three of them, they are all no golden sons and that they "don't finish university soon" "because they would have to take over the family businesses, damn boring"
talay asked why there is no google and why he can't find the firm he is he as talay was hired for. Fuse tells him that there is only qooqle and that the only movie company that there is, is 26 pictures that tess's dad owns.
we meet a nurse that knows what happend to talay, because they whent through the same thing. This nurse was a male nurse in their universe and their name is dol. Dol promises talay to bring him to a place were he will get answers to all of his questions.
2 weeks later talay gets picked up by dol and they drive to the place dol was talking about. They encounter two men in a car that have a sign on their car that says "JUST MARRIED"(AkkTheo are married now) forcebooks guest-apperance.
They talk about what changed and what is still the same in their universe.
They enter a building where the association of thai citizens in the alternate world is located. You can only enter the association when you know the password. The password is some kind of line from a bl drama (the girlies love 2gether and are sarawat stans and most of them are from him)
We meet joob the head of the associaction, she will explain to talay how to get back to their universe
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find the person that matches you (your portkey) >> do the thing you need to do here >> dream >> go to that place >> get back to you universe
talay tries to find his match/portkey with zero success (he tried once standing in some kind of cafe with a shirt that said IF YOU KNOW ME SAY HI)
talay decides to look for his match in tess's surroundings, he finds a yearbook with a few pictures in it. One picture catches his attention, it's tess with another boy named pakorn, he reads the name of the person and tries to call him on the spot (talay you can't just call people you might not be that close to anymore)
fuse and kita beg talay to go out drinking, the bring him back to the club where tess got beaten up. Talay gets more infomation on what happend to tess that night, that someone nice called an ambulance for him.
talay wants to know who it was and kita and fuse try to bribe the barworker to let them look over the security cameras.
It was pakorn that called the ambulance for tess, talay is getting surer that pakorn is going to be the person thats going to be his match.
talay meets up with a friend from tess's highschool that knows pakorn. This friend looks like talays friend joe from his universe but his name here is parmote.
parmote explains to talay why he calls pakorn tun and after talays asks him where he could find pakorn/tun and parmote gives him a stack of business cards. And that today he is playing at a friends bar
talay heads over to said bar and learns three things:
counting starts at the thumb with one, if you hold up your pointer finger it means two.
that pakorn can't sing.
and beer is more expensive as wine.
talay tries to talk to pakorn, but he keeps running away from him, sad and exhausted he goes back home, where tess's big brother is waiting for him. The brother begs him to just atleast show up for work at the filmmaking company. Talay jumps at this opportunity.
because he meets pakorn here again, who is trying to sell a script he is writing with his friends. They argue and pakorn leaves again
..off to episode 2 (yeah all this was episode one..but you need this i think)
talay is really bummed that pakorn is still avoiding him and tries to get help from the dol and joob. Dol tells him that it it's like when you are hitting on someone, that you need to keep pushing
thats what talays does, he shows up anywhere pakorn is and tries to talk to him. At one of these events he meets parmote again and he tells talay that tess once hit on and dated someone pakorn liked and that this maybe the reason is why he avoids him.
talay still tries to figure out if pakorn also is a universe travler but he is walking against a wall.
he follows pakorn to a bar were he meets up with up and aou and is about to tell them that he didn't sell their script. Talay jumps in and tells up and aou that pakorrn is wrong and that he did sell the script to the firm.
we learn how the three of them became a script writing team, all three went there separately and got told off from tess's dads firm because their scripts were lacking things. The meet there and decided to show them that they can write a good script together.
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talay talks to dol that he is very sure parkorn is the one that matches him and also is a universe traveler. Dol reminds him that he has to test if parkorn is one of them and if not that talay has to move on.
but pakorn and his friends go on a month long trip to finish the script. The left their phones with the their barowner friend.
there are a few timeskips in here the story continues after this month, we see talay with tess's friends kita and fuse in a club, they tease him because he acts as if he got dumped.
talay meets the girl that he "stole from" pakorn, turns out he got dumped by her because she found out that pakorn liked tess and not her.
talay goes back to the bar and he tries to drink his sorrow away, the barowner tires to cheer him up that he could request a song. And he writes a whole ass letter on that little piece of paper on how he lost all hope of getting back.
as he gives the letter back to the owner, up and aou enter the bar with pakorn in in tow. But it is no longer the pakorn we meet because it's puen now.
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puen plays a the song miracle, that talay and him only recognize because it's from their universe.
we learn that pakorn had a car crash and thats how puen entered the universe. (trust me when i saw this for the first time i was HUUh)
puen and talay get to talk and both are very relived when they find out that they are both universe travelers. Talay promises puen to tell him all about this univerese and how to get back later.
talay asked puen what hes done for a living in the other universe, puen tells him that he was an actor but that he is not telling him his real name and that he should call him tun. And when referring to the body he is they should say pakorn so they won't get confused. (again when you watch it the first time your head goes why what okay? ?)
puen asked talay, if he ever runs into problemswhere he should go and talay (yeah he drunk) tells him that he can come to him. (at this point puen is already GONE, SIGNED SET DELIVERED HE IS TALAYS)
the next morning talay wakes up and finds an half nacked puen in his bed (don't worry nothing happend yet the only thing that happend was a whittle kith) he is only half naked because the room is to hot
talay was so drunk the last night, that he even tried to kiss puen and hoped thats how they could go back to their universe (puen.exe reall stopped working there)
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they eat breakfast and have a little conversation, where talay still tries to get puen to tell him his name. But he fails miserably
we get this legendary scene the "to be my wife, you mus endure"
and also we get the "You know what the first thing i going to say to you in our universe? Dang!"
they go to the association and fill out a little form to find they match faster. Talay is not happy about that because he thought what when i finds Tun he is done and done. Because he believes puen is his portkey.
They fill out the form and puen jokes around with his answers to cheer up talay a bit. After that they part ways for a bit to live their "new" lifes.
Talay gets a call from dol, telling him the matching is done and gives him a location where he should go. Puen also shows up ath the same location as he (trust me we all went omg yeeeeeeeeeees they haaaave to beeeeeeeee its faaaate seeeeeee)
We get the first romantic ad scene sponsored by the sugarfree icetea brand.
because both of them thought their are their matches they run away from the meeting point and their real matches can't find them (enter milk and loves guest apperance)
both puen and talay are not feeling it with their "matches" and ask dol for another test if they are the right one. They find a little maze. Dol tells they all have to go through the maze at the same time. And if you and your match find eachother at the same exit. They are your match/portkey.
milks and loves characters find eachother and the same exit. And so do Puen and Talay (the whole time when they are all in the maze you go like pls pls pls)
we find out that milks (som) and loves (pear) character clicked and are eachothers match.
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the two boys agree go scouting for locations for the maincharacter to hang out. We get the famous talay draws puens face scene. (that up later uses as their logo for their team)
they meet up with aou and up to discuss the ending of the movie they are writing, they decide on an open ending. Puen has to write the synopsis and the tagline for the movie, but he has no clue how to do that. Talay offers him help but puen declines, he can figure it out
5 days later and they have to present the script to tess's dad, but puen is missing and he has all the files. The boys try to reach him but no one can. Right before the meeting is chancled someone calls up, it's the police station udn guess who is there? A very drunk puen.
aou, up and puen have an argument about the promise they made with eachother when 26 picture first dind't buy their scripts.
talay asked puen what wrong with him and puen just answers, "i'm living my life the best that i can, as you suggested!" So he did what he never could do when he was an actor. Talay interrupts puen to correct his scentens " that he should live the best life of the body owner. Not spoiling himself."
Puen tries to apologize to his friends but he gets no reaction from them. He finds some notes that tells him more about the promise they made.
after a talk with talay, puen tries one more time to apologize to aou and up via a window. AND IT WORKS (i am still asking WH IS GONNA CLEAN THAT UP Heeee?)
talay and puen go on another scouting "date", where they follow a couple on their date, where puen and talay are trying to figure out if these two are for real are on a date. (these two totally are on a date.. i mean both couples were) We also get a little KFC ad scene.
they finish off their presentation at tess's condo and we get a another ad scene this time it's our favorite queen niveau acne care and it's in a bathtub. We get the cute " ..this can be used to wipe away dust, i should use it on your heart" line
they boys get to the new meeting for the script at 26 pictures, and they sell the script to tess's dad.
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the next time we see the boys all together again is when they meet up at a restaurant. And they try to figure out a name for their team. They all come to an agreement to call their team "FRIEND CREDIT" up even rented a "studio" for them (it's uptop of the very restaurant they were just eating at)
another timeskip it's 2 weeks later now, they boys are looking over the script and try to figure out something that the mainlead says to his love interest. Puen as the true sarawat stan he is quotes " you don't have to like me very much, just keep your heart open" line and everyone except talay are thrilled with this and they wanna use it in their film (well..puen is right, 2gether does not excist in this univerese..so there is no copyright stuff going on there)
we get a puen tries to make talay blush scene, but in the end talay makes puen blush
while driving talay home after a suprise test he had to take, the two of them find the perfect location for their film ending scene and also for their own love story.
they talk and joke for a bit, and then puen lets out the "..maybe the key to finding your portkey is love?" and "if you have to fall in love to get back" and "what if it's me" and "HOW ABOUT WE FALL IN LOVE WITH EACHOTHER???" (boy is already lost god save him)
Up and aou show up at the the location and up presents them their new folders with the drawing talay did of puen.
after that puen meets kita and fuse for the first time, fuse tries to bribe him for an acting job and kita and fuse try to make puen drunk, but talay is taking all of the drink for him and is in the end the one being drunk.
they end up at pakorns/puens flat, and its time for talay to tease puen for some mangas and a pair of pink shorts.
we get a cute little chocopie ad scene
puen has to be a photographer at a wedding of friends from pakorn. He invites talay along with him, when it's time to catch the flowers it's puen that catches them.
puen admits to the mc that he is infact hitting on someone, but that this person plays very hard to get while looking with the biggest hearteyes at talay.
puens hitting on talays era beings,but he always says after doing anything IT IS FOR THE SCRIPT which makes talay sad and confused. They have a huge argument and puen runs away and hides
talay after a talk with dol finds puen at ther special location we get another kiss
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FRIEND CREDIT finally start filming their first movie
puen meets an actor friend from their universe named pang (played by namtam) at the association. For a few episodes talay thinks that pang is puens portkey.
They promise eachother if any of them find their portkey they would still go back together. (we get the cute puen runs away like a little girl scene)
at the set of their film puen and talay see snow in thailand for the first time.
The film the boys wrote premieres and everyone is full of hope and excitement, just to get just negative comments and critics. (gun appears as third here but he is the only nice one everyone is missing khai)
the group is devastated after this and they disband for a while.
puen has a very livid daydream of him and talay living together (because he can't keep the flat he eh pakorn lives in)
talay visits puen at pakorns parents home (we see puen with an shavingcream beard it's hilarious) to play him some music and to tell him that he misses him (we get the "do you have any idea how long 12,960 minutes i wated for you felt like?" these boys and their times i am still yelling)
aou and up also sho up at pakorns home and they decide to try it one more time as a screenwriting team. (because they disbanded up sold the old studio they had, but to our boys LUCK there is an old RV in pakrons parents garden, that they just fix up and use as a studio then. Very convenient)
talay starts to fall for puen
joob and dol ask talay and puen if they could film a guide video for the accsociation. After a cute kfc scene we get informed that joob passed away, because the other person in their universe died.
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the boys meet at the new studio to discuss, what the new script should be about. Talay invited peng along to help them (And also because talay decided that puen should go back faster so he invited peng along so puen and her get to know eachother better and that puen can dream. Which is so hecking stupid but it's talay and he only wants puen to be happy and not to die)
they are going with a romantic NOT comedy (seriously i really would want to watch that movie okay?)
talay drops the "if we were eachothers portkeys we would be already back by now" (..yeah but you both haven't done the falling in love thing yet so you are very wrong boy)
talay is feeling really down when puen ditches him to do other things.
he visits puen again and we get the infamous carbo-narak scene ( i tell you tinn from msp watched this and made this his whole thing i bet he has a puen picture somewhere where he is like " we are really in it huh puen-poster?")
FRIEND CREDIT presents tess's father the new script and he is very happy. To celebrate this they boys go on a little trip
each of the writes down three wishes to hang it on the tree they want to achieve.
we get an amlost kiss between talay and puen, but it gets ruined by puen by asking if he can kiss him. (i am still to this day confused by this)
after a night of sulking talay visits puen again and tells him that he is going to withdraw from FRIEND CREDIT (this hecking felt like a brutal break up EVEN THO THEY WEREN YET TOGETHER)
talay gives tess's dad finished scrip of the movie, only to get told that there is not enough money to make the movie.
he find out that puen and peng are not eachothers portkeys
talay goes looking for puen and finds him infront of 26 studios yelling at the security guard. They hug and make up (the security guard behind the door must be like ohhhh 👀 🏳‍🌈!!)
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they boys need to figure out on how to make money for their new movie, talay tries selling tess's clothes on an headbook live (because i doesn't want aou,up or puen to sell things) kita and fuse are worried about talay because of this live. They say the are going to invest in their movie, if they can act in it ofc.
fuse tries to bribe aou to rewrite the role fuse is playing, but aou is not having it. (fuseaou my beloved)
they find a new director, when they meet him it turns out it is an old highschool.."friend" named mek (played by perth) of tess and pakorn. But said director is not on good terms with tess
mek tries to ruin the movie the boys tries to film out of revenge (just because tess ditched one role in a movie)
talay confesses to puen that mek looks like someone he liked in highschool. But puen is like i don't fear that he will take you away from him (talay and mhok almost held hands okay?? haha but also there will be jealousy)
Mek is making talays job as a producer really hard, makes him get an specific cameraman, tells him that they should edit the script again etc BUT he makes it work somehow. What makes mork real happy
fuse tries to get talay fo force aou to rewrite his character dr wayu (HA enchante called the soccer boy now is a doctor), but talay explains to fuse why that is not happening, because aou but alot of work into it.
while figuring out which cat to cast for the main lady, the encounter a delivery guy that totally looks like tay tawan and cast him for a role their movie.
mek confesses to puen that he secretly liked tess in highschool, and that "these feelings are coming back" (sad jealousy era puen)
mek wants to scout an art gallery with tess alone for a certain scenes of the movie. Puen also shows up to this scouting and soon feels like the third wheel. he goes moping in a dark galleryroom but gets found by tess all is good we get their BIG DAMN KISS AND LOVE YOUS IN THE END (hey boyfiends now)
mek sees them kiss and confesses that he already knew that pakorn aka puen had feelings for tess, but that he is suprised that tess aka talay also feels the same
they go out with aou and up to watch a movie and after that we get the pillow scene
fuse asked aou if could take him to the vet clinic so he can study his role better. Richboy works for a day shannanigans happen (mix plays the vet in question)
they celebrate pakorns birthday
talay and puen talk about going back to their universe, but puen let it slip that he wants to stay in this universe as long as he can (sad backstory time...but we won't get it from puen but peng is gonna tell talay)
they get in a fight about it, them being angry at eachother is also making aou and up tense and makes them also fight. (but don't worry they all make up in the end)
time for puens sad backstory time
time for fuse and aou to have a fight and a hurt animal bring them back together to work together to save the dogs live. (and yes the removing of a shirt was necessary)
talay is searching for puen to apologize and make up with him, but he can't find him. Up tells him were to find him.
puen is hiding on a island surrounded by water, talay is having a slight panic attack while putting his feet in the water because of the accident that got him here. but puen finds him and helps him to said island and they make up there.
back at their studio they celebrate their first anniversary of FRIEND CREDIT they give eachothers gift. Talay gifts them all buckethats..and well puen now realizes who his talay is (but talay still is in the dark on who he is loving, great riiight?)
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time for some adopting a pet together with fuse and aou (they call the dog lucky and it's soo cuteee) and we get this gem of a scene
their second movie premieres and this time the critics and the fans love the movie (puen and talay read them whil being snugled up in a bathtub like WHAT?)
talays world gets more and more pinker each day (as we know he HATES pink)
IT'S THE COLOR PINK THAT CONNECTS THEM THEY ARE EACHOTHERS PORTKEYS (sorry i am watching the scene right now and i just ahh the music the clips i am crying)
they say goodbye to dol in advance (is very emotional okay..bring tissues)
their new movie is gonna be shown not only at one film festival but two!
they go on a trip to the film festival, the night before they leave puen says goodbye to pakorns parents (next round of tissues)
after the festival is done, thegroup all read out all the wishes they had written down before puen ofc only lets talay read his
puen and talay say their goodbyes to their friends aou, up, fuse and kita
talay and puen sit together at an lake and talk, right before puen can tell talay his name, the later falls asleep.
talay DREAMS and is hyper to tell puen..but it's no longer puen its pakorn again
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to conclude the last two episodes of vice versa in a short form:
puen wakes up in an ambulance and is hellbend to find talay, he finds him but it is still tess in his body.
talay finds out about puens name and is hellbend to get to the place he dreamed off but the tide his making him wait over a month to get to the place he dreamed off.
puen visits tess just so he can look at his talays face (ohm in glasses is always a treat)
talay finally makes it back and finds out how tess fecked up his life. He is no longer a colorist for BFB, he was puens assistant but tess fucked it up also (what do we learn tess sucks..as talay and 90% as himself too)
talay begs BFB to take him back as a colorist and finds out that his boss is also a universe traveler. (they take him back ofc but on probation) He also has apologizes to his friends for whatever tess did to them.
talay gets some tickets for a movie premiere where puen also is. But he leaves before he gets a chance to talk to him. While getting some tim hortons he catches some of the livestream from the premiere he was on and hears puen talk about him and that he hopes to find him again.
talay goes to their speical location the greenhouse cafe and we get the dang scene
you can guess what they did next okay (even tho puen tried to pull and ..ohh i am not puen move but yeah they banged can't insert any more pictures BUT IMAGINE THE FISH GIF RIGHT HERE)
they eat breakfast and talay tries to make the conebread out of normal bread (I WANT TO SEE THE REAL THING TOMORROW ON TALAY FIGURING OUT HOW TO MAKE THEM HIMSELF)
puen is so in love with talay that he for e day forgets that he is a celebrity and that there a paparazzis he gets in a little drama of "puen kissing his old assistant?? puen LIKE MEN???"
to save puens career talay denies that they are together, but puen ain't having it and with the help of a video of a drunk talay explaining why he did it. THEY ARE FINALLY TOGETHER AND HAPPY
we get some "what is maybe happening over in the other universe" montage.
and talay finds their up and aou in their universe and befriends them.
I think thats it thats the PLOT of vice versa..okay with a few little things missing so you HAVE to watch it.
I hope this masterpiece of a series makes now a little bit more sense to any of you. Or if you are now even more confused. (if so then i would recommend to have this open while watching it)
i love vice versa and i am still very glad it was my first real real BL i watched (i am not counting kinnporsche) and if i every get the chance to recommend a show it will be definitely be this show (@petrichoraline yes i will say this show and not futs as you would have thought! ha ❤😘)
still i have no idea on how to end these things..so ehh
taging people
@respectthepetty @isvisomewhere @benkaaoi
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