#february message
hyunpic · 7 months
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february 2024 with hyunjin
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esoteriamaya · 8 months
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Hey, so this is my pile reading for the month of february 2024. If you see this after this could still resonate however my focus was purely for feb. Anyways, I hope you all get the insight you need and enjoy this overall. Have fun!
PILE 1 - 'To give or to receive, that is the question'
Okay so for this group, you have to remember that to receive you also have to give something, but to give you also need to be reciprocated. Most people can only do one, but this causes imbalances over time. You must prepare for acts of service, keep up good boundaries to not be leeched off of, and to be open to receiving from which february is a good time to get what you need/want from others. Don't be afraid to receive because whats for you is for you, got it? Some of you may have to learn how to put in more effort by gift giving and just doing something for somebody you love. For others, your empress energy is kicking in and you can be fed all you desire if you just allow. Hope this helps!
PILE 2 - 'The Union of a Lifetime; Soulmate connections coming thru'
So for this group a very special encounter is coming in for you. Might be before valentines day or could be in the middle, after, etc. But one thing is for certain that the connection between you and them is special. Romance is in the air for some of you so I like that this came up in the reading, with this connection however they'll will be something you will learn from all of this : True Love. To be in love is one thing, to grow into is another. Each moment will be filled with love that grows like a plant. Each seed that was planted will show so much more than what met the eye many moments ago. You will learn to fall into love but in a way where you guys can bounce back up and remember why you guys came together in the first place. It's an energy where your love for one another means something deeper than what the world could describe it. Its something much more than what books you've read could be, it's honest, its raw and its full of power.
PILE 3 - 'Love is a Drug, but it's one worth keeping'
So for this group, Love is significant for you guys. Not just romantic like pile 2 (we'll get into that) but for you guys the idea of self love and community will be big on you too. You have to believe that love can be found anywhere. Not just in romantic partners. This could be something connected to a galentines event, or just simply hanging out with friends, partying and just getting to know new people. It's all about perspective. But for this group love can be around the corner, you just have to let go and believe you deserve it. It can all be yours if you just believe for it to be. Dont pressure yourself to get into a relationship at this time as the focus is mainly about you and not just other people. You have to know how to be a great friend and a lover at the same time, so try to find balance in that.
PILE 4 - 'Seeing is believing, but just make it worthwhile.'
So for this group you guys are connected to the cosmos, love it! What I mean is, you guys have an infinite amount of control of the reality around you. And you are very sensitive to the people and the world at large. For some of you, empathic abilities could be intensified during this time, and you could look to the moon for answers if you just let go and allow your intuition to give you the insight it is that you are seeking. Your mindset is going through transformation, and you are being called to be more open to dreams that can lead you to messages from your spirit guides, angels, the universe etc. This group should focus on practicing meditation and leaning towards cleansing tools for their aura. Doing egg cleanses, saging, sea salt baths, anything that will help cleanse their aura and their space is beneficial at this time. I'd get into that if I we're you ;)
Be more open to what messages you get, be it numbers, be it intuitive, be it from someone talking on television or through conversation.. Just listen out for the signs, you got this.
PILE 5 - ' I'm ready when you are, just let me out of these gates.'
So for this group, you guys are feeling a bit mad here. Could be going through a lot of stress, feeling tired, confused on what to do etc.. But wait, you have to listen out for divine messages (similar to group 4) and a lot of ideas you've had in the past are coming up to be noticed during this time. It's time to decide where all of this might lead, so do the work to figuring out what it is that you want for the rest of 2024 because this isnt the year to be playing any games. Planning and redirection is another theme for this group, because it's time to pick yourself up and put yourself where you've always wanted to be. Got it? Go slow, take your time, and remember you have the abilities to bring in your dreamed reality into fruition. Let go and break a leg! A Support group is coming in and you need to let people in so that you can grow in whatever it is that you're doing. Hope this helps!
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ivesambrose · 2 years
✿ 𝓕𝓮𝓫𝓻𝓾𝓪𝓻𝔂 𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓲 𝓶𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓪𝓰𝓮𝓼 ✿
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1. 2. 3.
Short & sweet, make the best of this month 💝
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Thanks for the tip ✨
Gif 1
You'll be finding more comfort in yourself by finally honouring your feelings, whatever they are. You had been running on logic and rigidity for the previous month but now you can feel at ease.
You may be feeling more sentimental as well a little more nocturnal than usual. If you feel like crying, please cry. It's okay.
Intuition will be very high as well.
You may cook or buy comfort foods or clothing that make you feel more comfortable. You might be into soft pastel or muted shades a little more. You'd like to make your surroundings more cozy as well.
You'll have a rather romantic month as well so stay open to this.
If you've been having health issues or were harsh or overtly critical of your body you'll recover and overcome it. There is a lot of emphasis on skin care rituals, spa days or a nice long bath or shower with some aroma therapy that will help you rejuvenate. Please look after yourself and stop skipping breakfast.
Gif 2
It may not seem like it at first but this is going to be a very significant and dare I say, a big month for you. Almost like a bridge that leads to something bigger.
You'll be feeling lucky and more enthusiastic to learn, to travel, to experiment etc you may even get a new tattoo or some of you might get their visa for studies/work or travel.
If you've been the quiet type previous year or month I sense you'll start putting yourself out there more. Maybe indulge in photography and show off your artistic skills or you yourself. Maybe documenting or progress in something too.
You're manifesting something big, more structure, more success in your business or work and stability. You're seeing every little thing as something that adds to what you want. There will be a big ending like you're finally taking off a band aid or simply throwing expired food out. Better boundaries as well.
Your determination and persistence will get you the recognition you seek. I also see you attracting someone because of this but they may be slow to approach simply out of nervousness.
Gif 3
I think some of you felt drawn to the 2nd gif as well. Y'all are my ambitious folk as you should be. I heard "ka ching!" While chanelling for this group so expect some (a lot) of money. You're focused on your reputation, fame, long term goals this month. You might be super busy since things finally start picking up for you.
Some of you working out or joining the gym, you'll start seeing the good results in 6 weeks. Don't rush this.
Something you've always loved as a child or teen is going to end up being the big thing for you. How is none of your business, you have an inner knowing, that's enough.
You'll be quiet about your moves but your work will start speaking for itself. I see some of you practicing something in front of the mirror or saying your affirmations to yourself.
I see new, playful exciting romances as well gifts for you. I also see you getting a lot of your vision board or wish list manifestions all at once.
Visualise your desires before you sleep and most importantly, fix your sleeping schedule and get a good 7 - 8 hours of shut eye.
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jumioxox · 10 months
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congratulations to bocchi for being my 1# artist on spotify. btw
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which-qsmp-egg-would · 7 months
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atamh · 7 months
I have been unfortunate to receive several cryptic messages this morning, all referring to a disastrous event that is about to happen this very day. Perhaps you could spare a moment to reflect on them, @consult-sherlockholmes. Someone other than you is plotting my demise.
“Today is the day forward”
“My words bare the intent for foreverness”
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friday-answers · 5 months
february finally answers, but how can you be sure it's not just an echo? the voice responds, copying and mocking your own words and pleads. if you're shouting back, february, you have to be louder than that.
the definition of love is so old-fashioned. in every language, i'll shout from the mountain tops how much i am in love with you, truly. if only people would know what i really meant by it. if only you really knew what i meant by it.
if you're shouting back, february, don't let it be dismissive. i am being clearer than i ever have been. you have to understand that i'm serious. i need you to understand.
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chainsawl · 3 months
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ID: A tweet by @/salivasisters, reading: "if i Had a wife in My arms id be So happy and kicking My feet every morning but i Dont so instead i Hit my head reallyHard against the wall and Scream WHY until My neighbor call Police". Below it there is a screenshot from the adventure time episode "Bmo Lost", showing bmo on his knees ripping out grass with her bare hands while Finn and Jake watch unbothered and entretained. End ID
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lqastro · 7 months
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ast_jinjin: 8th anniversary💜🌙
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miralines · 2 months
So One Thousand and Three has over 100,000 words now, which is. wild. have some low-effort humblebrag memes about it
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rafaelsilvasource · 2 years
RAFAEL SILVA via IG Stories - February 26, 2023
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harrywelsh · 7 months
if the masters of the air cast reading real love letters from the second world war has affected my valentine's day at all No it didn't because yes it did. no <3
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shoutsindwarvish · 1 year
two different rabbis directly to me + multiple places online: jewish imposter syndrome is real and is (to varying degrees) almost a universal experience in one way or another
me, who has been actively practicing for over nine months and taken multiple classes while also being halachically jewish by birth: i am the exception and am an imposter in jewish spaces and should feel bad about it. no i will not elaborate on why i believe this is true of me and no one else.
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roukabi · 10 months
Look at my Wrapped boy
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books i read this january:
1. 'station eleven' by emily st. john mandel
5/5 stars — literally so good, such a great start to the year. i loved the writing style and the story and the characters and i am forever grateful to the friend of a friend who kept telling me i should read this because he was totally right and it's so good. definitely recommend this if you like apocalyptic stuff that's more an exploration of humanity than action/thriller
2. 'ghosts: the button house archives' by mathew baynton, simon farnaby, martha howe-douglas, jim howick, laurence rickard and ben willbond
3/5 stars — everything i wanted from a ghosts book tbh, loved getting to hear more about the characters but i would've liked a bit more serious stuff about fanny (this isn't really a criticism just wish there had been because she's such a compelling character to me)
3. 'i am malala' by malala yousafzai
4/5 stars — really good for anyone unfamiliar with pakistani culture and politics to help explain recent history as well as being genuinely very interesting. definitely recommend
4. 'heartstopper: volume 5' by alice oseman
3/5 stars — cute and nice to read as a queer british teenager, i like alice oseman's art a lot and i liked how she approached the topics discussed in it. only 3 stars just because like it doesn't really speak to me personally not because it isn't good or anything
5. 'never let me go' by kazuo ishiguro
4/5 stars — i have a weird relationship with his writing i feel like with both the books i've read by him the endings have just been a bit lacking for me? but not for a reason i can actually define and i still really liked the rest of the book and i really like his writing style as well
6. 'yellowface' by rebecca f. kuang
4/5 stars — not my favourite work by her but i found it really interesting to read. idk it's been quite controversial and i don't think i know enough about the issues discussed in the book to have an opinion but it did make me think about a lot of things i'd never really considered before which was why i found it interesting
7. 'gideon the ninth' by tamsyn muir
5/5 stars — this book was right up my street; i absolutely love gideon and the way the book's written. gideon and harrowhark's relationship was really compelling and i love the concept. if you read this book (please do) i would recommend that you read the glossary before you start the book because i spent at least the first 50 pages with no idea what was going on but after that it was amazing
8. 'the seven husbands of evelyn hugo' by taylor jenkins reid
3/5 stars — kind of just not my thing, sorry to all my friends who love it (none of them are on tumblr lol). i thought it was interesting but it just wasn't really my taste
9. 'tsunami girl' by julian sedgwick and chie kutsuwada
4/5 stars — i definitely didn't expect to enjoy this as much as i did but i actually really liked it the whole way through. the characters were great and i found the romance subplot way more well-written and believable than i expected (this might just be me because i'm a bit weird about reading relationships as romantic in books so a lot of straight romance where they sort of just expect you to pick up on it as romantic purely because it's a boy and a girl comes across as really flat to me and i end up just deciding that they're only friends to me whereas in this book i actually did read their relationship as romantic and wanted them to go out)
10. 'nation' by terry pratchett
5/5 stars — i think this is the first terry pratchett i've read other than good omens and i really, really enjoyed it. it took me a while to get into but i liked the characters and also found the sort-of-romance in this believable which was cool. also just really interesting to be honest, i recommend this as well
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crescentfool · 2 months
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some old draws of 🍊🫐 ! forever thinking of the different activities that encompass their friendship...
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