#he was the only video message i got………….
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cressidagrey · 2 days ago
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Wait, What?!
Oscar Piastri managed to keep his wife a secret on accident for nearly half a decade…
Come to think off, that was not the only one he kept a secret. 
Part 2 of The mysterious Mrs. Piastri verse...
(divider thanks to @saradika-graphics )
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Text Messages: Lando Norris & Max Fewtrell
Max: Oh my god, what now?
Max: …Yeah, that tracks.
Max: I mean, I didn’t know, but also… not surprised.
Max: Because, mate, I knew Oscar back in the Renault Eurocup days. And he was in love.  Properly, stupidly, pathetically in love. You think Oscar’s all calm and unbothered? You should’ve seen teenage Oscar.
Max: Bro, this man used to sit in the  paddock and stare at his phone, smiling at texts from her. Like, full-on grinning. It was disturbing.
Lando: NO.
Max: Oh yeah. Proper gobsmacked-in-love type of obsessed. We used to rip into him for it, and he didn’t even care.
Max: I mean, you know how Oscar is. He’d just shrug and go “Yeah, and?” Like we were the crazy ones.
Max: Mate, he was obsessed with her. Like, actual teenage boy, head-over-heels, no-thoughts-just-Felicity obsessed.
Lando: OSCAR???
Max: YES. You have no idea. We’d finish a race, and he’d be on his phone before he even got his helmet off. Always texting.
Lando: To her???
Max: Always. If he wasn’t texting, he was on FaceTime. If he wasn’t on FaceTime, he was watching her ballet videos like they were onboard footage.
Lando: …Ballet videos???
Max: She’s a ballerina. He tried to do ballet once. It went horribly.
Max: No, but I will never forget the look of pure pain on his face when he came back from one of her classes. “Max, this is the worst thing I’ve ever done. My calves don’t work anymore.”
Max: And don’t even get me started on the food.
Lando: What food???
Max: Oscar always had the best snacks, and they were always things she made him. Like pandan cakes, curry puffs, some kind of egg tarts. Man was eating good.
Max: Not even kidding. He always had food, and it was always from her. One time, I asked if I could have some, and he was like, “No, Felicity made this for me.”
Max: Precisely. Man has been gone for her since day one.
Lando: Selfish.
Max: To be fair, if someone made me homemade food with that much love, I wouldn’t share either.
Lando: …Fair.
Max: Also, she’s tiny. Like, I swear, I thought Oscar was going to break her just by hugging her. It was actually terrifying.
Lando: Who even is she???
Max: Felicity Lee? Leong? Something like that. She went to school with him. Tiny, startlingly pretty. I’m talking, ‘you do a double take and forget how to speak’ kind of pretty. That girl had Oscar so whipped before they even finished school, it was ridiculous.
George: I’m sorry, I need someone to confirm because I think I hallucinated.
Oscar: …Yes?
Charles: OH SURE, JUST CASUALLY. "Yes." Like you didn’t just drop the biggest bombshell on live TV.
Lewis: This is the most shocking news of the year, I need a moment.
Alex: You have a wife?
Fernando: The quiet ones always have secrets.
Max: Why do I feel like Daniel just screamed somewhere?
Oscar: Five years.
Pierre: FIVE YEARS????
Oscar: Yeah.
Logan: You guys didn’t know?
Charles: YOU KNEW?!
Logan: Yeah, met her ages ago.
Lando: HOW. WHY. WHEN.
Logan: Prema? Arthur knows too, I am pretty sure. 
Oscar: I didn’t think it was that big of a deal?
Charles: NOT A BIG DEAL?!
Carlos: You could have at least mentioned it.
Lewis: Does she exist? Are you lying? Do we need proof?
Oscar: …Yes, Lewis, she exists.
Max: How did you manage this? You are… you.
Oscar: ???
Oscar: You guys are being dramatic.
Pierre: You hid a whole wife from us. We are allowed to be dramatic.
Oscar: You never asked?
Oscar: I don’t really talk about my personal life.
Pierre: But why doesn’t she come to races?
Oscar: She doesn’t like the circus.
Oscar: It gives her anxiety.
Oscar: And she’s already given up enough for me.
George: Bro, are you hearing yourself?? That sounds serious.
Carlos: That sounds like something from a movie.
Oscar: I don’t know why you’re all freaking out.
Lando: Yeah, and now we’re finding out your mysterious wife has sacrificed things for you??? OSCAR.
Oscar: Her family didn’t approve of us getting married so young.
Lando: Okay, fair, that’s kind of understandable—
Oscar: So they cut her off.
Lando: WHAT.
Pierre: WHAT.
Carlos: EXCUSE ME???
Oscar: Pretty much.
Lewis: …That’s awful.
Oscar: It is what it is.
Oscar: Because it’s not my story to tell.
Carlos: That’s… actually fair.
Max: Her parents are stupid.
Oscar: Yeah, well. Nothing I can do about that.
Lewis: That must have been really hard for her.
Oscar: It was. It still is, sometimes. But she doesn’t regret it.
Oscar: Yeah.
Pierre: Oh my god.
Daniel: I’m emotional.
George: Okay but we don’t even know her name.
Oscar: Felicity.
Lando: FELICITY????
Pierre: That’s so cute, I can’t even be mad.
Oscar: Yeah.
Oscar: We live near the McLaren HQ.
Carlos: I feel like I need to lie down.
Daniel: You and me both.
Lewis: Alright, so when do we get to meet her?
Oscar: I’ll ask if she wants to come to Silverstone?
TEXT MESSAGES: Charles & Arthur Leclerc
Charles: ARTHUR.
Arthur: yes brother dearest
Arthur: uhhh yeah??
Arthur: why would i tell you? i thought you knew?
Arthur: yeah, he’s private about it, but like… he’s been married for years. i thought it was just one of those things everyone knew??
Arthur: ok but be honest. if i told you “oh yeah oscar got married at 18,” would you have believed me?
Charles: …fair point.
Arthur: i know. we were all out here at prema still figuring out how to flirt and oscar was out here being A HUSBAND.
Arthur: like, we were panicking over texting girls back and he was making plans for dinner with his wife.
Arthur: idk, he’s not the type to bring it up randomly.
Arthur: but if you do ask, it’s game over. bro is OBSESSED with her.
Charles: ???
Arthur: like, i’ve seen him sit through a full engineering debrief completely unfazed, no reaction, zero emotions.
Arthur: but then his wife texts him “good luck” and suddenly he looks like he just won the lottery.
Arthur: prema days were just a bunch of kids losing their minds over instagram likes while oscar was married.
Arthur: like, we’d be debating if texting a girl twice in a row was too desperate, and oscar was over there planning his life with his wife.
Arthur: her family basically disowned her when she married him.
Charles: …what?
Arthur: yeah. they thought she was ruining her life by marrying some kid in motorsport.
Arthur: they told her she was throwing everything away for him. that he’d never make it, that she’d regret it.
Arthur: and when she didn’t back down, they cut her off completely. oscar doesn’t talk about it because he knows.
Arthur: he knows what she gave up for him.
Arthur: and he takes that personally.
Arthur: like, have you ever seen oscar get actually angry?
Charles: …no?
Arthur: i have. once.
Arthur: i walked in on him on the phone with her father.
Arthur: it was the scariest moment of my life.
Charles: OSCAR???
Arthur: YES.
Arthur: he was so calm but also terrifying.
Arthur: like, i swear to god, he said something like, “i don’t care what you think of me, but you don’t get to make her feel like she’s not worth loving.”
Arthur: And then he told the guy that if he ever so much as thought about talking to her like that again, oscar would personally fly across the world and put him in the ground.
Arthur: and the worst part? her dad believed him.
Arthur: like. i could hear it. the silence. the fear.
Arthur: and then oscar just hung up like it was nothing.
Arthur: meanwhile, i’m standing there losing my mind, trying to comprehend that my quiet, nice, mild-mannered teammate had just casually promised to commit murder.
Charles: holy shit.
Arthur: yeah. so next time you see him, just know: that man would burn the world down for his wife and daughter
Arthur: explain what?
Arthur: ohhh yeah. oscar has a kid. her name’s Bee. cutest little girl ever.
Arthur: i mean oscar. has a kid.
Charles: SINCE WHEN.
Arthur: since like. three years ago.
Arthur: yeah, man. wild, right?
Arthur: idk. you never asked.
Arthur: fair point.
Arthur: oh my god. wait.
Arthur: it kinda does.
Arthur: papy charles.
Arthur: relax, grandpa.
Arthur: okay, old man.
Charles: FOCUS.
Arthur: because oscar’s private? plus, it’s not like it changes anything. he’s still the same oscar. just, y’know. a dad.
Arthur: bro, when i first found out, i thought he was crazy.
Arthur: like. imagine being twenty and deciding “yeah, i’m gonna be a dad now.” insane behavior.
Arthur: but honestly? he’s so good at it.
Arthur: like. weirdly good.
Charles: HOW.
Arthur: idk man. some people are just meant to be parents.
Arthur: he’s just so patient with her. like, you know how nothing ever rattles him? that times a hundred.
Arthur: she threw a toy car at his head once and he just smiled and said “nice aim, Bee.”
Charles: ???
Arthur: i’m telling you. completely obsessed with that kid.
Arthur: also she calls him “Papa” and it’s the cutest thing ever.
Arthur: is it because you’re old now.
Grid Group Chat
Charles: OSCAR.
Oscar: …About?
Lando: What did you do now.
Carlos: This feels serious.
Pierre: Excuse me?????
George: What.
Alex: No way.
Lando: WHAT?!?!
Fernando: Interesting.
Lewis: Oscar?
Oscar: Yeah.
Carlos: Wait, what.
Daniel: Oh my god.
Pierre: BACK UP.
Oscar: He met her.
Lando: HE MET HER???
George: OSCAR.
Max: Is everyone going to keep screaming?
Oscar: No one asked.
Alex: Three years, mate. You’ve had a kid for three years and never said a word?
Oscar: Yeah.
Pierre: I am STUNNED.
George: STUNNED.
Oscar: Yes, Lando.
Lando: I need to sit down.
Oscar: Because I promised my wife I wouldn’t buy her a kart until she’s five, and if I bring her to a race, that’s all she’ll want for her birthday.
Carlos: …She’s already obsessed, isn’t she.
Oscar: Oh, completely.
Oscar: She watches onboards for fun.
Pierre: Onboards.
Oscar: Mine.
Logan:  Bee is kinda obsessed lol
Lando: BEE?!?! HER NAME IS BEE?!?
Oscar: Beatrice. But we call her Bee. 
Oscar: She also gives commentary.
George: Commentary.
Oscar: Yeah. She said George is a bit too careful, but she respects it.
George: …Tell her I appreciate that.
Oscar: She thinks Alex is underrated.
Alex: Smart girl.
Oscar: She says Max and Charles are the fastest.
Charles: Oh, she has taste.
Max: A future World Champion.
Oscar: She says you talk too much.
Oscar: And she also doesn’t understand why you always “let” Max pass you.
Max: I like her.
Charles: I need to meet this child.
Max: Me too.
Fernando: Same.
Lewis: When’s she coming to the paddock?
Oscar: She’s not, because if she meets Max and Charles in person, I will not hear the end of it.
Charles: Oh, we have to meet her.
Oscar: She’s three, Lando.
Oscar: She says she supports “everyone.”
Max: That’s diplomatic.
Charles: No, that’s suspicious.
Charles: Who does she really support?
Oscar: …She says she supports whoever wins.
Alex: A ruthless fan. I respect it.
Oscar: She does like McLaren. She just thinks Ferrari is “prettier.”
Charles: YES.
Carlos: This child has taste.
Oscar: Sounds like it.
George: This is all well and good, but I need to know—what does she think about you, Oscar?
Oscar: …
Lando: OH MY GOD.
Oscar: She says I’m her favorite after Max and Charles.
Charles: YES.
Max: Acceptable.
Oscar: But she also says I have the best helmet.
Fernando: That’s a win.
Oscar: She doesn’t bully you.
Oscar: She just doesn’t understand why you let Max pass you all the time.
Max: A wise child.
Charles: I demand a meeting.
Max: Me too.
Pierre: We’re all uncles now.
Oscar: Good luck with that. She also says you sound funny when you yell.
Max: She sounds very intelligent.
Charles: Yes. Clearly, she has excellent judgment.
Carlos: So what does she think about the other drivers?
Oscar: Do you really want to know?
Pierre: Oh absolutely.
Fernando: I am prepared.
Oscar: Okay.
Oscar: She thinks George sounds like Peppa Pig.
George: …
Lewis: Oh my god.
Oscar: She heard you on the TV and asked why Peppa was driving a car.
Pierre: No, you ARE a cartoon pig.
Alex: This is the best day of my life.
George: I hate all of you.
Oscar: Moving on…
Oscar: She thinks Fernando is the “oldest driver ever.”
Charles: At least she knows the history of the sport.
Fernando: I’m taking that as a compliment.
Oscar: She also says Yuki is small and should be allowed to stand on the seat so he can see better.
Oscar: Oh, and she likes Lewis because she likes his earrings.
Lewis: That is the only valid reason to like me.
Oscar: She also thinks you’re the boss of everyone.
Lewis: That is also true.
Oscar: She thinks Charles crashes too much but is “really, really fast.”
Max: Accurate.
Oscar: And she says Max is “really good, but scary.”
Max: I am scary.
Charles: No, you just race like a maniac.
Oscar: She also thinks you and Carlos are best friends because you wear the same color.
Carlos: I am okay with this.
Oscar: Get better PR.
Oscar: She likes Daniel because she says his voice sounds happy.
Charles: So she wants to race??
Oscar: Oh yeah. She watches all the onboards. She says the Red Bull looks "like a rocket ship," and McLaren is "super fast now," but Ferrari is "a little bit broken."
Carlos: You HAVE to bring her to a race.
Lando: Okay but actually. Do you think she’ll do karting?
Oscar: Yeah. Probably.
Oscar: She already yells “Lights out and away we go” when she runs down the hallway.
Fernando: Oh, she’s one of us.
Lando: She’s already got the spirit.
George: Unlike Lando.
Max: No, because you’ll lose.
Oscar: Yeah, she told me my race suit is “not very pretty.”
Charles: What does she think of Max’s?
Oscar: “It’s blue. That’s okay.” She likes yours more, because Red is good. 
Charles: She has excellent taste.
Oscar: She also said, “You should win more too.”
Lando: Has she ever said that to Max?
Oscar: No, because she thinks he already wins enough.
Max: Wise.
George: What does she think about Mercedes?
Oscar: She likes the silver one better than the black one because “it’s shinier.”
Lewis: Fair.
Oscar: But she said, “It’s not as pretty as red.”
Oscar: She also thinks all our helmets should have “more animals and less boring stuff.”
Oscar: Then she told me, “You need a koala on yours.”
Alex: That’s fair.
Oscar: Of course.
Charles: Please share.
Oscar: The other day, I was watching a race replay, and she climbed onto the couch next to me, stared at the screen, and went, “Why are you still on those tires?”
Carlos: HAHAHA.
Oscar: And I said, “Because we haven’t pitted yet,” and she just shook her head and went, “That’s silly. You should get new ones now.”
Pierre: Does she understand tire compounds?
Oscar: She knows soft tires are fast, medium tires are okay, and hard tires are ���boring and ugly.”
Charles: Honestly, she gets it.
Oscar: Oh, yeah. She calls it the “flappy thing.”
Pierre: I love her.
Oscar: She saw an onboard where I opened it, and she just went, “Oooooh, flappy thing makes you go fast.”
Max: I mean, she’s right.
Alex: Does she like overtakes?
Oscar: Yeah, but she only gets really excited when I do them. Otherwise, she just watches quietly and then claps if it looks cool.
Charles: Does she cheer for anyone else?
Oscar: One time, she saw you make a double overtake and went, “Ohhhhh, I like him.”
Carlos: Betrayal.
Oscar: She likes you too, don’t worry. But I think she just thought that move was cool.
Carlos: I suppose I will allow it.
George: Oscar, have you explained to her why Lando hasn’t won yet?
Oscar: Not really. I just told her, “It’s really hard to win in F1,” and she thought about it for a second and went, “Not for Max.”
Charles: She is actually too smart.
Oscar: She does know her last name, actually.
Carlos: Has she asked why you haven’t won a race either, Oscar?
Oscar: No.
Pierre: WHY NOT??
Oscar: I think she assumes I’m too busy taking care of her.
George: Honestly, fair.
Oscar: Believe it.
Oscar: She didn’t say you were bad. Just that you haven’t won yet.
Oscar: It’s okay, Lando. I’ll tell her you’re trying your best.
Oscar: What do you mean?
Oscar: Well, she’s got a lot of opinions.
Charles: What kind of opinions?
Oscar: She has told me she doesn’t like safety cars because they’re “boring,” and that red flags are annoying because she has to wait.
Max: I respect it.
Oscar: But she does like when there’s a big crash because she gets to say, “Uh oh!”
Max: I would retire.
Oscar: She also said if I ever win a race, she wants to do the shoey with me.
Oscar: Felicity already said no.
Lando: Good. I’m still recovering from the fact that you have a whole wife and a daughter.
Oscar: You’ll be fine.
Lando: WILL I.
Oscar: No.
Lando: GREAT.
Carlos: We know.
Oscar: I do.
Oscar: That is usually how it works.
Oscar: You never asked.
Charles: I might start.
Oscar: It’s not that big of a deal.
Oscar: She’s just a tiny person.
Oscar: Correct.
Pierre: Bro, breathe.
Lando: NO.
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cheol-e-kat · 14 hours ago
𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒃𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕, 𝒕𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆𝒓
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pairing: kim mingyu  / f!reader / choi seungcheol
summary:  y/n thought she was in a normal, healthy relationship with another human until mingyu was forced to turn y/n into a vampire to save her life. 
but when y/n is still upset about all of mingyu's lies, she leaves to find her own way and stumbles into vampire seungcheol along the way. 
y/n is left to chose between a new love and maybe her true love. 
teaser word count: 2.4k [full fic approx. 30k]
genre: vampire au, soulmate au, crack - when soonyoung pretends to be a doctor! (i said crack), smut, kind of found family
rating: 18+, mdni, explicit
warnings below cut
warnings: grief, depression, anxiety, gentle kidnapping, blood, gore, fake death, real death (mc has to die to be turned - sorry - just vampire things), sex, drugs, alcohol, blood consumption (vampires, hello)
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Y/n was depressed. Which everyone kept saying was natural because who wouldn’t be after they had watched their boyfriend be buried - so they were understanding. 
But the problem was Mingyu was (had been) so much more than just Y/n’s boyfriend. They had been dating for two years - they had plans to run away together and live together and make their own life TOGETHER. No one understood what Mingyu had actually meant to Y/n. 
No one understood that her inner grief was tenfold compared to what she let them see. 
She stayed cooped up inside her apartment wearing Mingyu’s hoodies, hoping that his scent would linger until she died - which, according to Jeonghan, wouldn’t be that long if she didn’t stop isolating herself so thoroughly.
And maybe Jeonghan had a point, since she only shifted from her computer to her couch when she was practically falling asleep at her keyboard. She hadn’t gone to class since it happened, or left her apartment for that matter, excluding the funeral. 
Y/n refused to accept what had happened. She didn’t like talking about Mingyu in the past tense. She didn’t think about Mingyu in the past tense. To her, it seemed like maybe Mingyu was just somewhere that, if she tried hard enough, she could reach, and they could be together again.
She had only gone to the funeral because her friends (their friends, she supposed) had dragged her there. She had stared straight ahead - her head swimming with thoughts of how she could fix all of what was happening. She had only paid her respects because she felt forced to, but to her, there had to be a solution - she was determined that Mingyu didn’t have to stay this way.
She did not mention this to anyone else. 
She did not explain that she had been digging into odd-looking message boards - ones where people claimed to have successfully reunited with their loved ones. Mostly because all of these seemed to center around things like Ouija boards and ghosts. Y/n had higher hopes than some knocking on a table. She wanted Mingyu back.
And that was how she found Dr. Kwon Soonyoung - founder of Tiger Life © 
According to one OP’s review, Dr. Kwon had been able to bring life back to the OP’s brother-in-law in under two sessions. 
Another one read, “Dr. Kwon has medical expertise beyond any ‘regular’ doctor - he truly views his patients holistically.” 
And one enthusiastic reviewer reported that “Dr. Kwon saved my life - everyone else was resigned to my quote-unquote ‘death’ but not Dr. Kwon - he never gave up and here I am typing this review!”
It wasn’t so much the reviews that got Y/n’s attention - for all she knew those were from bots - it was the videos showing the actual process. She had looped it trying to figure out if it was fake. 
But everything she saw, from digging up the body to injecting it with something pink from a beaker that caused the person to rouse like they had woken up from a nice, long nap, seemed to check out in her exhausted mind.
And somehow it only cost $499.99 plus gas and snacks, with a preference for gummy candies and chips. 
Y/n watched the other videos as well - there was an interview where Dr. Kwon explained that the ‘life-challenged’ were just in need of a hard ‘reboot’ of their systems and that all were just waiting to be reunited with their lives. 
Dr. Kwon did note that in some cases his patients may have elected to move on fully, but that in 98% of cases, the patients were now restored with their normal energy levels and “everything.”
Y/n watched the videos with tired eyes while she slurped noodles, barely tasting them as they wiggled down her throat and satisfied her grumbling stomach. The more she saw Dr. Kwon, with his glasses and white coat, the more confident she was that it was worth the money. So after a week of not sleeping and watching videos, she finally sent a message to the instagram account provided and waited for a response. 
Waiting really meant that she passed out on her couch - it wasn’t necessarily the most comfortable slumber, but Y/n was no longer in a position to argue with her body and its needs, she yielded to sheer exhaustion. 
But apparently during the week that she had been researching Dr. Kwon and his methods, she had ignored Jeonghan a bit too much. Since she was suddenly being woken up from a very restful faceplant by a loud knocking on her door.
She slowly rolled off the couch, landing with a small thud and groaning, swearing that Jeonghan knew her door’s passcode. She stayed on the floor for a bit longer, her eyes not wanting to fully open, her thick eyelashes feeling almost tangled together, but Jeonghan was insistent and LOUD. Y/n roused herself forcefully and went to fling the door open.
Jeonghan, pale and slender and dressed to kill in his all-black ensemble, lifted his oversized sunglasses to stare daggers at Y/n, “You look terrible,” he deadpanned with a smile that tugged the corners of his lips, “Can I come in already or do I have to stand on the doorstep like some sad person delivering food?” he demanded softly.
Y/n sighed, “Yeah, come in, I guess,” and let Jeonghan pass.
She wasn’t exactly thrilled to have Jeonghan there. Because with Jeonghan there, she was suddenly very aware that she hadn’t showered in a few days and was unquestionably gross. 
She was also uncomfortably aware of every single greasy hair on her head because she was sure that Jeonghan was examining them as well. She felt like a child who had been left to their own devices compared to Jeonghan whom she had never seen with a hair out of place.
Jeonghan poked around Y/n’s desk, examining the haphazardly stacked dirty dishes with a slender finger that seemed to be declaring everything as ‘ick,’ “How have you been?” his voice was kinder than she expected.
She blushed, “Fine,” she didn’t want to say that she had definitely spent $500 on something that was maybe a grift.
Jeonghan nodded, “You seem like you’re still missing him,” Jeonghan seemed to be talking to himself more than to Y/n.
She shrugged, “No, I – uhh, I’m fine now,” she stammered - even if Dr. Kwon was a grifter, she would give it a chance.
 What was the worst case anyway - she dug up a dead body, she wondered to herself if that was the worst part. She had no idea what a body would look like after being buried for a week or so, actually she wasn’t sure how long it had been anymore, but not so long, she was fairly certain. But maybe it was more like a month, but only if she actually gave it some thought and counted the days.
She barely noticed that Jeonghan was suddenly in front of her until Jeonghan touched her cheek, “Who is Dr. Kwon?” he asked gently.
She shrugged, certain she hadn’t mentioned the name aloud, or at all, and avoided eye contact when she responded, “I don’t know,” she sounded almost confident.
And Jeonghan pinched her cheek lightly and sighed, “It’s funny when you lie to me and think I don’t know,” he sighed again, this time it was more pronounced and dramatic, “Oh well, I guess we will just have to meet the doctor together,” he announced and flopped onto the sofa. He gazed at her, daring her to contradict what he had just declared.
She bit her lip gently and shrugged, “If you say so,” she wasn’t in the mood for Jeonghan’s games, “I’m going to shower,” she muttered. She could have sworn she heard a small ‘thank you’ from Jeonghan but wasn’t sure and wasn’t going to check either.
Y/n was happy to shower - she hadn’t realized how grimy she had felt until she wasn’t. And now she could lie in her bed and bury her face in the pillow Mingyu had once used while she stared at her dms waiting for a response. 
She could hear low sounds from the tv - she had just assumed that Jeonghan was staying by the way he had parked himself on the sofa. There was something comforting about it though. She really had been very alone the last however many days or weeks. She nuzzled into the pillow that still held Mingyu’s balsamy scent and was quickly asleep. 
── .✦
Y/n had been used to her weird dreams since she was young - they were usually pleasant, maybe a bit too real, but since she had met Mingyu whenever she woke up from one there was someone there to cuddle her and assure her that she was okay. 
Now she sat up, rubbing her face, and remembered she was alone again - there was no one to tell her that the weird dream about Mingyu floating in the air above her with hungry red eyes was fake. 
She could have cried, but then Jeonghan would have probably heard her and had some snarky comment to make. She fell back onto the bed and chewed her lip. She stayed motionless, letting the sadness wash over her and then recede like the tide. She hated that even in her dreams Mingyu had become something macabre. 
Even as her feelings ebbed, she felt her phone vibrate with some new notification. She blinked and checked to see that it was an instagram notification. She was quick to unlock her phone and read the message from Dr. Kwon replying that he thought Y/n’s case was one that warranted review and suggested that they meet that night. 
She responded without hesitation, wanting to be sure that she met Dr. Kwon as soon as possible. She waited excitedly for confirmation. And she grinned stupidly when it came through - a message providing an address for a small tea shop and a request for payment only once she was satisfied with the results of the procedure. Y/n chewed her lower lip softly - if this were a grift, at least it wasn’t an obvious one, she supposed.
She got up and dressed in something she didn’t mind going out in. And walking out of her room, she was feeling a bit excited for once since everything had changed - she had almost forgotten Jeonghan completely until he piped up, “Heading out, Y/n?” 
Y/n’s head spun to look at Jeonghan, who was lounging on the sofa with some baking show playing in the background – his eyes were closed, giving the impression he was napping. 
She stared for a moment, her blood feeling a bit icy in her veins because it reminded her of the way Mingyu always seemed to know when she got out of bed (or into it) - he would seem fast asleep, but he was also keenly attuned to any little movement from Y/n. She wasn’t sure why it would make her uncomfortable now - probably because it was coming from Jeonghan and not Mingyu, she guessed. She knew Mingyu cared, at least.
Jeonghan sighed and stood up, stretching nonchalantly, “I assume we are going to see the mysterious Dr. Kwon?” he almost sounded chipper, which was a strange development.
Y/n shrugged off the feeling, “Uh, I’m just going out,” she tried.
Jeonghan tutted, “You aren’t getting rid of me so easily, Y/n, I’m an old hand at all of this - you just need to accept that certain things come along with dating Kim Mingyu,” he had already rounded the sofa and was next to Y/n, looping his arm through hers and steering them towards the door.
It was a strange turn of phrase that Y/n played over in her mind as they sat in the back of a taxi ‘certain things come along with dating Kim Mingyu,’ but what did that mean, she wondered, and more to the point why would Jeonghan say it to her - it was another of those annoying things that somehow reminded her of Mingyu’s mannerisms but was also starkly different. 
Mingyu was good at anticipating certain things - things that Y/n generally had to blatantly ask for from past partners, Mingyu always seemed to just understand. But that understanding felt natural between them, innate even. 
From Jeonghan, it made Y/n’s skin crawl and she attempted to sit as far away from the other as she could in a cramped taxi. Especially since Jeonghan’s comment had to do with her very dead boyfriend. 
Y/n stared out the cab’s window, watching the slow drizzle of rain and fog commingle as they wound their way to the ancient tea shop. It was in an older part of the city. To her, it certainly had the vibes of a place you would meet someone who was capable of reanimating the dead. 
Jeonghan took care of the cab while she went into the shop. There was only one table that was occupied. Y/n immediately recognized the man from Youtube - it was really him, Dr. Kwon Soonyoung.
He glanced up and smiled warmly, “You must be Y/n,” his voice was welcoming, as he stood from his seat and gestured for her to join him. 
She sat and, again, found herself being startled by Jeonghan’s sudden appearance at her side. It was a bit annoying to feel like she had a chaperone. Still, she wanted to know what Dr. Kwon had to say. 
She accepted tea from the pot - which, in hind sight, was maybe her worst decision. Because before they could really even talk, she had started to feel groggy. Her vision swam a bit, and her head began to ache horribly. 
Her vision blurred at the edges. And soon, she realized she was being taken by Jeonghan and Dr. Kwon, who Jeonghan seemed to know fairly well, since he kept calling him ‘Soonie’, out the back of the shop.
She tried to cry for help but there was no sound, nor did there seem to be anyone to even hear her. She noticed as they carried her out how decrepit the building looked - it looked on the verge of being condemned more than anything. How had it seemed so warm and inviting at first, she wondered in her haze.
She had no idea where they were taking her, but they put her in the back of a large black car. The last thing she saw was Jeonghan, leaning over her to buckle her in and pat her head, “Don’t worry, we won’t hurt you, even if Soonyoung has crackpot ideas,” he smiled in a way that only made Y/n whimper. 
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this should be fun and messy ^^ also don't come at me about tags - this is a teaser for a fic that meets fluff, smut, and angst - but the beginning is def crack
@gyupappi - just a teaser, but vampire mingyu needs more than a one shot (and vampire cheol...and hosh as a grift doc on insta hehehe) kissesss
♡ kat
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arafilez · 1 day ago
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MAYBE putting you two on the same project ㅤ,ㅤ isn't so bad !
ㅤㅤ ᶻzㅤ( lee know x f!reader ) 𓂃 ㅤ photography major au, forced proximity ㅤ oneshotㅤ warnings n.a. ���⋆ ( 1.5k ) ㅤ❟❟ㅤ library ㅤ skz shelfㅤ navi ㅤ.ㅤ 500 follower event ㅤ-ㅤ req
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“This is crazy, I am not doing this,” you sigh dramatically as your friend judges you with the straw in her mouth. You look up and glare at her, how dare she not give it any importance?
She silently stirs her drink before saying, “You knew this was coming, he is just two ahead of you in the list.” You groan softly knowing how right she is but you still refute, “Well he is two before, I am supposed to partner with the one before me.”
“How convenient he dropped out right before,” she grins obviously enjoying this situation more than you can imagine. “Can you stop smiling? It isn’t funny,” you roll your eyes as she shrugs.
“All you talk about is him being cute, him staring at you and him looking hot so I think this is a great opportunity,” she giggles as you slap her arm and shush her. “You have to remember he rejected me,” you whisper as if the other people in the café are very interested about you and Minho.
“Uh correction, he said and I quote, ‘Not into those right now’, and that screams to me that he is interested but is just shy,” she winks as you make a ‘barf’ face before saying, “That is worse, technically.” Your friend scoffs at you and makes a hand gesture which you figure out- stop overthinking.
Maybe she is right, maybe you do need to do that.
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She was not right. You tap your feet nervously as you wait for Minho to fix his camera for the outdoor shoot you have been given project on. You two have reached here separately and there has been nothing but silence since the past thirty minutes. The time has given you to wonder why you couldn’t have kept your mouth or rather your fingers shut a week ago when you boldly typed out the message that you like him.
You quietly arrange your equipment making up your mind that you got to suck it up and work with him. Moments later he walks in and you force yourself to not look up. You need to play this non-chalant because he promised you two would stay friends but it is easier said than done.
“Shall we start?” you jolt and then curse quietly before nodding at him and get up avoiding all possible eye contacts with him. Minho blinks before shrugging and pushing the document print out towards you. You take it as fast as you can, skimming through the details and nodding.
You breathe in and realise you can do this fast or slow and it all depends on you two so you finally say, “You can film the people while I film the nature and then we can contrast my video with your everyday life video for the final video.”
“That’s a good idea, we should start right now?” he asks and you give him a look saying, “You spent fifteen minutes fixing your camera and so did I, of course we are starting now!” Minho snickers a little and you swear you see his lip corners lift up a little but he brings the camera to his face and you focus on your work.
A few hours pass by and you are kind of relieved that the awkward atmosphere has soothed a little. You are glad that both of you are sticking to the work and that he hasn’t brought up the last week event. The only thing that is worrying you right now is the cloud forming in the sky that is telling you it is going to rain.
You look at Minho once who is still engrossed in filming so you shrug the feeling off as you resume your own work. Soon enough a ‘plop’ sound makes way to your ear and almost instantly you hear Minho curse under his breath as he taps you urgently. Without looking at him you start packing up as you hear his frantic breath trying to find a good shade.
The rain drops start becoming more frequent and you panic at the thought of saving the equipment. Suddenly a hand grabs your wrist and someone is pulling you fast as you look up to see Minho with your equipment in his other hand. The rain comes harder and he pulls you harder as you see the faint shadow of his car standing at the distance.
You watch him getting soaked as he holds an umbrella over your head but something takes over you as you snatch it from him even while running and hold it over his head.
He gets no time to argue as you two run and as soon as you reach the car you pack the equipment in the back. You push him off towards the driver’s seat as you sit down on the passenger seat. You internally cringe at the very large wet sound your clothes make as you sit down.
Minho sits down and shuts the door, the tapping of the rain against the car the only sound filling your void right now. You hear a very soft indie music playing in the radio as you two sit silently until he breaks the silence, “Are you an idiot?”
Your head whips towards him at comical speed mouth agape to argue back but suddenly your face is covered with a towel as you feel him running it over your hair. That very effectively shuts you up as you feel him slowly bring the towel down to wipe your face slowly. As soon as you feel your face dry a bit he takes the towel off you and awkwardly throws it at you mumbling, “You can do it on your own now!”
You quietly take it and before he can say anything else you reply, “For the record, I am not an idiot.” “You definitely are considering how you pushed the umbrella towards me,” he retorts and you scoff saying, “Because the camera needs more saving than I do and may I remind you that you were holding my stuff.”
He shuts up knowing he can’t give a proper reply to that argument and you quietly return to drying yourself up. Now that you two were are quiet and alone you hope he will not bring up last week at all. You hear him turn on the seat warmers and quietly murmur a ‘thank you’.
Minho looks at you worriedly and before he can stop himself he says, “Don’t catch a cold.” As soon as those words reach your ear you reply before you can stop yourself too, “Sure, now you care!”
Your eyes widen at your uncontrolled mouth as you splutter out a ‘sorry’ but he replies, “I have always cared about you.” “Yeah whatever,” you reply and he replies, “I know you saw my lingering gazes in class.”
“Yeah why? Because this girl asked you out and you said you are not interested right now,” you chuckle sarcastically at him and he looks away knowing he really has no excuse to that. He stays quiet for a while as the clatter of the heavy rain takes over again before he speaks, “If I didn’t care, I wouldn’t ask you about your semester break plans, if I didn’t care I wouldn’t ask your birthday seconds after you said you really wanted a gift on your birthday and if I didn’t care I wouldn’t be asking you out again right now.”
Your eyes widen as you try to make sense of his talk but he continues, “And I know no apology could ever be enough for this but I freaked out so hard when you asked me out because I could never imagine a girl like you liking me at all. And maybe the irrational part told me I would ruin it all by dating you so I hung onto the last thread and told you I still want to be friends. And I know it’s stupid, and it doesn’t make sense-“
“It doesn’t,” you shut him up as you speak over his rambling, “but I’m willing to take your nonsense over anyone else’s perfectly crafted world any day.” His eyes widen as he asks, “Wait, for real?”
“I mean what kind of loser keeps stealing glances in class even after rejecting the girl he likes over texts, find her right after you enter the class, and if you freak out for her getting wet it just adds icing to the cake,” you giggle as you keep looking at his poker face.
“Does this mean, you are saying yes? You will go out with me?” he asks impatiently and you tap your fingers against the dashboard saying, “Hmm, I don’t know, let me think for about sixteen hours and then reply.”
He groans but nods his head saying, “Fair enough.”
“Should I then say ‘we should be friends’ then steal glances and then ask you out a week later?” you smile, mischief gleaming in your eyes and he slams against the seat replying, “You are never letting this go are you?”
“Never,” you giggle as he narrows his eyes but a small smile plays on his lips nevertheless. You look out the window where the rain is still making patterns from the heavy downfall. Maybe rainy days aren’t so gloomy after all!
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ARA'S NOTES ㅤ,ㅤ i missed writing a fcking hell lot and this is how bad my comeback is?? tsk tsk, anyways i will try to be more online (meet you in 2 months) @weird-bookworm ik okay not my best 😭
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ㅤㅤ ᶻzㅤ( TAGLIST ) ㅤ𓂃ㅤ fill this or comment or ask to be added.
@haneagerr @aaa-sia @yeosayang @hursheys
@gong-fourz @weird-bookworm @seomisaho @peterm4rker
@sxmmerberries for the awesome divider as gift
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ㅤㅤ (ㅤㅤ© arafilez on tumblrㅤㅤ)
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fanbasetwo · 1 day ago
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NOTE FROM SENA , (this is a fic in a headcanon manner) my blog was filled with nsfw stuff so here's something fluffy fluffy headcanon fic , MASTERLIST!!
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You met Eunseok during your early trainee days at SM Ent. He was kind, soft-spoken, and always the first to help you with choreography or vocal practice.
While most trainees were focused on their own progress, Eunseok went out of his way to make you feel comfortable, offering tips and encouragement when you felt overwhelmed.
It was during those late-night practices when he realized he liked you—watching how hard you worked, how determined you were despite the pressures. But he kept it to himself, Thinking it was just a passing crush.
After Eunseok debuted with Riize, his feelings for you only grew stronger. The distance created by his busy schedule and rising fame made him realize just how much he missed having you around.
He’d text you between schedules, always pretending to be casual: “How’s practice? Don’t overwork yourself.” Or “Did you eat today? I hope you’re taking care of yourself.”
In truth, he checked his phone way too often, waiting for your replies, which he’d always read with a small, secret smile.
Eunseok prided himself on being discreet, but his friends (and fans) weren’t buying it.
During interviews, his members teased him about how he’d “light up” whenever your name or group was mentioned. He’d stammer and try to play it cool, but the pink tint on his cheeks always gave him away.
“We’re just friends!” he’d insist, but the other members knew better. “Sure, Eunseok. Friends don’t stay up late voting for their ‘friend’s’ group on music shows.”
When your group debuted, Eunseok couldn’t contain his excitement. He was the first to shout out your group during a live, praising your song and performance.
“Their choreography? Amazing. Their vocals? Insane. The visuals? Don’t even get me started.”
Fans noticed how animated he became whenever your group was mentioned, dubbing him your unofficial “biggest fan.”
His members teased him relentlessly. “You bought five lightsticks for her group, bro. Are you okay?”
In private, Eunseok took his support to the next level. During video calls, he’d wave your group’s lightstick enthusiastically, grinning like a proud fanboy.
“See? I told you I’m your biggest fan,” he’d joke, but the sincerity in his eyes made your heart flutter.
On tougher days, he’d send you encouraging messages: “You’re doing amazing. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”
When he got the chance to meet your family, Eunseok’s good manners and respectful attitude won them over instantly.
Your mom adored him, calling him “such a sweet boy,” and your siblings (if you had any) teased you endlessly about how “perfect” he was.
Eunseok would blush at the compliments but secretly feel proud knowing your family liked him.
During lives, fans would spam him with questions about you. “Eunseok, do you like y/n?”
He’d try to laugh it off, responding vaguely: “What? No! We’re just friends!” But his ears would turn red, giving him away.
If a member teased him during a live, saying something like, “Eunseok, isn’t y/n your ideal type?” he’d go silent, flustered but smiling.
Despite SM’s no-dating rule, Eunseok couldn’t help but pursue a relationship with you. It started subtly—late-night texts turning into secret coffee dates, quiet moments shared in practice rooms, and whispered promises to keep things under wraps.
He was incredibly protective, always acting like just a friend in public. He’d avoid any unnecessary interactions that might spark rumors but made sure you knew how much he cared behind the scenes.
“I’ll always be here for you,” he’d say softly during your late-night calls. “Even if we have to keep this quiet, I’ll make sure you never feel alone.”
Eunseok couldn’t hide his feelings completely. Whenever someone directly mentioned his crush (especially during lives or interviews), he’d freeze, his face turning bright red.
“Eunseok, are you dating y/n?”
“W-What?! No! I—uh… next question?”
Fans thought his reactions were adorable, flooding social media with clips of him blushing.
Eunseok handled the challenges of a secret relationship with surprising maturity. He never let his feelings for you interfere with his career but always found ways to show you, you were his priority.
Whether it was sneaking into your fan signs to cheer you on or secretly slipping you handwritten notes during events, Eunseok made sure you felt loved, even if the world couldn’t know.
“I don’t care how long we have to keep this a secret,” he once told you. “As long as we’re together, that’s all that matters.”
To the fans who shipped him with other idols, Eunseok remained calm and polite, never giving them more than a friendly smile. But deep down, he hated seeing you feel insecure because of it.
“Don’t listen to them,” he’d reassure you. “You’re the only one I care about.”
He’d go out of his way to subtly support you, wearing your group’s merch or mentioning your group’s achievements in interviews—anything to remind the world how proud he was of you.
Though your relationship stayed under wraps, those who knew about it admired how deeply Eunseok cared for you. His love was quiet but unwavering, a constant source of strength in your hectic idol lives.
And whenever the pressure became too much, Eunseok was always there—your biggest fan, your secret boyfriend, And your greatest support.
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jumioxox · 1 year ago
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congratulations to bocchi for being my 1# artist on spotify. btw
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ourladyoftheflytrap · 8 days ago
Nooooo don't think about all the ways your momma has betrayed you just go to bed
#yesterday we got into a stupid argument bc i was like. ''i played majora's mask on the wii as a kid''#and she was like ''no you didnt. thats impossible. we never owned it on the wii''#and when i was like no i definitely remember playing it she accused me of gaslighting her!! straight up ''im so tired of you gaslighting me#the only logical explanation as to why you remember playing majora's mask and i dont is that you are remembering wrong''#so naturally i messaged my dad like ''hey did we ever own majora's mask on the wii'' and he was like yeah#!!!#this is such a profoundly stupid topic to argue about i know but we spent like half the day arguing about it#and i know its because my mom has absolutely 0 trust in my ability to remember shit#ever since we had that fight a few months ago where i brought up the times she got mad at me and tried to drag me#out of the room by my hair + the time she took down my bedroom door and literally beat my ass at 16 because i didnt want to talk to her abt#her bf after we had already been talking for an hour and i was crying and upset#she's just been like. ''anything i dont remember that you say happened is made up because youre a liar and youre crazy''#like she genuinely said i was a liar during that big fight and then tried to backtrack with#''im so concerned for your health... youve never acted like this or said these crazy things before''#and ever since then its just. nothing about my childhood is too small or benign for her to just trust me on#everything must have happened exactly as she remembers it up to and including that i never played any video games on the wii#if she wasnt home 🤔 but yes. /I'm/ the crazy one and also the gaslighter
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true-blue-sonic · 1 year ago
The thought of Eggman Nega having a hand in Silver’s “creation” is hilarious. The Robotnik bloodline just cannot escape the curse of at least one of their best creations turning against them in some way.
…Actually, right after I sent that last ask, I happened to remember something. I know it’s been mentioned before that Silver likely isn’t an artificial creation because he mentions having been born, but isn’t it possible in the Sonic universe to implant fake memories? I always thought that that was the way Gerald got Shadow to believe he had to destroy the world. And that was 250 years before Silver’s time, so imagine what the tech from his time could be capable of
I think it would also fit with the fact Eggman Nega is just so bad at being a credible villain that he never managed to get Silver back under his control again. Eggman reprogrammed Metal after the events of Heroes to have unwavering loyalty to him once more, and Gerald was long dead by the time Amy managed to make Shadow remember his true wish (and in ShTH Gerald's video message furthermore inspires Shadow into a second wind that allows him to beat Black Doom, so he managed to undo the destruction of the world after all like his sane self would have wanted).
But indeed, on the topic of Gerald and Shadow, in Gerald's speech in SA2 in the Last Story he says: "I designed its mind to be perfect, pure…", implying to me that he meddled with Shadow's mind somehow (because the Shadow we see in earlier flashbacks is quite kind with Maria, while pondering over his purpose and why he was created). We also see that Shadow at first does not recall Maria's actual wish ("Give them a chance to be happy. Let them live for their dreams."), and instead only remembers bits and pieces. Here it is interesting to note that in those, Maria never says the word revenge or anything urging for it. She just says "Shadow… I beg of you… please," and "Do it for me… for all the people… on that planet…", which Shadow fills in with her desiring revenge. I'm not certain if this is indeed what happened, but I figure Gerald actively repressed the parts where Maria asked Shadow to protect the world and put the idea of revenge in Shadow's head instead, while still leaving enough pieces of Maria's presence and words for Shadow to recall she had a wish for him to fulfil. So from that, I figure tampering with memories is absolutely not impossible in the world of Sonic.
In canon, I doubt Silver is indeed an artificial creation because there is nothing pointing towards it, but I quite like the idea of a story where Nega created him to be the ultimate fighter in his army or something like that... and somehow managed to make a hoglet with such a strong sense of justice and desire to help others that it all backfired on him immediately. I can imagine Nega pulling a Starline-esque move wherein he kept erasing Silver's memories in attempts to this time get him to be loyal, except Silver somehow managed to escape and be free from his control between memory wipes. He'd remember enough about Nega to know he's very dangerous and wants to destroy the world, and he also knows enough about himself that he doesn't want that to pass, and thus them being archnemeses is settled for life. And Nega is never going to be able to defeat him, haha! I think it'd be even more interesting if he made Silver with just some base powers (some telekinesis, maybe being able to teleport), but Silver keeps developing himself further. And now he can fly at the speed of sound! And make knives from pure psychic energy! Some precognition and telepathic abilities, why not? Lifting literal tons of weight at once, sure! Eggman Nega can't even be proud of the fact his creation is able to do all this, because it's only ever used to wreck his plans. He'll be beyond bitter about it!
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selfinflictedgunshotwound · 2 years ago
when i was 14 i had a crush on the same guy as my best friend, whom we were both very good friends with, and i never made my crush known (despite the fact that it was obvious) because she was more charismatic and better at getting him to agree to things than i was. anyways, one day after school we went on like a three-way date (we said it was a friend thing but we both obviously wanted to date him) to a mini golf course and then back to my house where she did makeup on him and i recorded the whole thing and put it on youtube (the videos are private) and everytime i watch them i just feel this aching nostalgia where i wish i had just spoken up and said i liked him too.
i guess it doesn't really matter bc in the end, we had a weird falling out and he ended up with neither of us and we don't talk to him anymore but i still always wonder how he's doing!! he was a weird fucking kid but he was a good friend and i liked him a lot 🤷‍♀️
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girlivealwaysbean · 20 days ago
#such a weird new thing happened to me today#so like bear in mind that i am used to having doting sisters and bestfriends but never strangers and casual acquaintances#i actually feel like most of them hate me until i find out like years later that oh they thought i was their friend#so like today we had to prepare a skit and the sir divided us into random groups#and it's the second day so i don't really know anyone and we were just laughing and wasting time#(which is also weird and new to me like wow who's this girl talking to 3 boys on her own and holding their attention??)#and the sir had told us to make it on a social issue like dowry or something#so i jokingly suggested that alia bhatt scene from 2 states when she totally hilariously humiliates this idiot guy#who was mad at the wedding day because he got a smaller car than he wanted#and i remember even bachpan mein when she asked him tum mahine ka kitna kamate ho? the guy said#25. and she was like immediately main 50 kamati hu#it was so cool and awesome to me but anyway so i showed them that jokingly#but they weren't really paying attention for more than 5 secs bc nobody wanted to be serious and prepare#but this guy actually took my phone in his hand and increased the volume himself and put the phone to his ear to listen to the whole thing#and he was like yeah this is awesome#and then abhi raat ko he texted me all formally in english ki hey sorry i cant come tomorrow but here's my contribution#if u really wanna do the dowry thing he sent me a funny video about it and it was like 8 messages#like. i know this isn't a big deal and he probably sent it to everyone else too#but 1. i am not used to people even noticing me and im fine with that bc new ppl are exhausting literally my only friend is the girl i met#in 6th std and my sister. so the fact that he noticed and looked up this stupid thing at HOME when he'll gain#nothing from it bc he'll be absent is crazyyyy. also 2. he sent like 8 texts wow that's so much from a guy#like the guys who were trying to make me sleep with them sent less texts than that lol🙄🙄#i guess future isn't that bleak then if nice guys exist
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fifteensjukebox · 3 months ago
11, 20, 23 <3
hiii tysm dani im sorry it took me so long to answer iI wrote my answers in the order of hat I thought of and i think they make the most sense in the order i wrote then:
20. If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be?
it wouldn't have meant as much at the beginning of he year iirc but i think my current mental health journey became very real for me the day of some unrelated appointments on april 18th in that people were touching me and my stuff (actually feb 15th appts definitely apply to
anyway new paragraph now that im actually getting to the point which is that i wish i had seriously considered an ssri earlier, im only couple weeks in so idk if it'll work but i have so much hope and i wish i'd gotten here sooner but new year new me will have to do! it's mostly taken so long bc i keep thinking i want to see if fixing my sleep schedule fixes my brain but. my brain the ay it is i can't seem to fix my sleep schedule so.
11. Something you want to do again next year?
oh i definitely said this when this ask game went around last year but travel!! we'd started planning this year's trip by the time i last answered this and while it was hard bc i was trying to stay soooo clean physically which is impossible while travelling, im learning to let go and get clean when get home (will get to apply this plan on our tropical trip in. holy shit 9 days single digits i have to pack ??)
anw it was so much fun portugal and spain (aka spordugal per my brother's typo when he made a folder for my photos) are soooooooooo beautiful and we were hoping to go back to italy next year but we may not have n opportunity in good weather bc my brother's going to catch up from part time uni so he can go full time next year and be on pace w his new gf
(have i mentioned hannah on here? wore a v cool burgundy velvet dress w combat boots to a school formal (which i did not expect in uni??) and she and matt organically started something at the dance anw i just met her bc they're doing a studying sleepover at our house and i already love them (hannah they/she im sure i will mention her plenty more oh one more thing i followed them on ig and they follow zac oyama and ally beardsley but interestingly no one else i follo interestingly.... must discuss tomorrow... they went down to matt'sroom to play video games w his projector oh actually i hear pool table activity v fun)
20. Whats something you learned this year?
im answering this one last and both of my other answers relate to learning about my mental health and cleaning stuff so i desperately want this answer to be unrelated... oh in an indirect way this is related but isn't everything : i learned that my way of over preparing and making packing lists for travel is super worthwhile bc i did not have time for europe bc i as too busy cleaning stuff i didn't end up using and ended up packing my suitcase the day we left and forgetting so many important things (really just everything related to my period including pain meds)
i really wanted to think of a fun new skill orsth but i don't think i have any from this year so this'll have to do! still rly enjoyed answering even thought there's like 0.5 fun answers in here thanks again dani for asking!
#les messages#elizabeth-mitchells#qs#vie#2024#i keep thinking i hit post only to find this tab still here fjdkdkskksk pi hope u enjoyed the tangential lore drop about my brother's new g#i think it's a new feature but my smartwatch just for the very first time said it automatically logged an aerobic workout while i was#writing this i have been sitting in the same chair for hours i just have anxiety ...... idk if it was thinking about the stressful times#mentioned in the post or more likely interacting with my brother's new girlfriend at the same time because i think she's so cool.....#i need to stop being intimidated by 19 year old children who seem cooler than me...... i really do think we clicked tho in a moment when#matt went off to get a rubik's cube to teach her she asked about my photography prompting us to become ig mutuals and when he came back we#were chatting and he was like like i knew it#&i agree with him it makes sense that we get along so well but the fact that she follows zac n ally makes me feel a little insane because i#was thinking last night 'wouldn't it be wild if unbeknownst to matt she was also into d20 and/or naddpod' and following just a&z doesn't#necessarily imply interest in the dnd shows specifically but they are possible my favorite people in this whole thing so however she got#to them im thrilled....#update i asked and she loves the old ch videos and game changer/msn and has not started the dnd shows n doesn't seem to intend to. still#loving a&z is 2 points for i love her#other points include their adorable bob hairstyle and overall style so fsr ive een combat boots w a velvet dress for a formal (wild that th#y had a formal for uni ??) and v fun paint splattered overalls and the coolest maxi skirt w a hoodie
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aideshou · 6 months ago
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Istanbul 🇹🇷 🌙
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leafyeyes417 · 2 months ago
Summoning fix it
Danny accepted being Ghost King when he was 20. Why 20? Because at that point his human half was looking more fae than human. At least he got that growth spurt and reached 6 foot 5. But the pointed ears, catlike eyes that glowed, fangs, and glowing freckles along with his height made him stand out.
Sam and Tucker, the two most liminal humans up till that point, were only better in that their eyes only glowed when emotional and that they didn’t have freckles. The trio had decided that they were more infinite realm denizens than living and they moved in to Danny’s new castle.
Accepting the throne was chaos. Especially with the observants constantly trying to butt in after he cut their power. They tried many things to keep him busy, including trying to bury him in centuries of old paperwork. Unfortunately for them Danny was not going to put up with that.
He sent out a message looking for any ghosts whose obsession was being a secretary. And there were more than he expected. After screening he chose a few and let the rejected ones know that he would set something up to help them later, but first he needed to straighten things out.
During all this Danny ended up summoned. He was annoyed that any regular old joe could just summon him. He was the Ghost King! He had more important things to do (even if it was just playing video games) than answer every summon request at other people’s whims. There were a multitude of dimensions out there, who knew how often he could be summoned?!
The trio quickly got to work and created a summon circle that first, allowed him to send someone in his stead, and second, prevented forced summoning if he declined answering.
Calling on more ghosts, he found one that grants wishes, and unlike Desiree, has no horrible consequences as long as a price of equal payment is made. He then wished all summoning circles to summon the ghost king from the point in time of his ascension be switched with his new one.
After that, he assigned one of the secretaries to be the one to answer the summons. He made a list of things to outright decline, and if they were unsure they were to call him and ask.
That’s how the Justice League ended up finding out that there was a new Ghost King. Constantine was particularly annoyed when he realized the switch with the summoning instructions. Luckily they weren’t on such a time crunch that they didn’t have the time to get the new materials needed.
Upon completion of the summoning, a female humanoid in a professional suit floated, and spoke “I am Penny, secretary of Ghost King Phantom. What is the subject of your summons?”
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tonycries · 10 months ago
Freak On The Cam! - C.K.
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Synopsis. Choso always loved watching you - his pretty lil’ camgírl - from behind the screen. Who knew he’d love being on-screen with you even more?
Pairing. Choso Kamo x Reader
Content. MDNI, fem! reader, camgírl! reader, spítting, Choso has rings and piercings, first times + loss of vírginity (Choso’s), oral (fem receiving), exhíbitionism, DOWN BAD Choso, cúmplay, use of “ma’am”, Sukuna is a menace, víbrators, light jealousy (Choso’s), some HEINOUS things, pet names, swearing.
Word count. 6.5k
A/N. Meant to post this last week but hehe here we are. Also I’ve GOT to stop using Unc-kuna so much lmao.
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“Wanna see a movie or do you wanna make one?”
Choso was screwed. Completely and utterly screwed. So badly, in fact, that he might as well just wipe off every trace of himself online and go into hiding - preferably forever.
All because he had been so stupidly careless as to leave his phone unattended for exactly 1 minute and 47 seconds around Sukuna. 
In the time it took Choso to raid the kitchen for his favorite brand of cereal, his uncle had managed to open his Twitter (because “that’s where all the juicy stuff is”), stalk your pretty page at the very top of his last searched, and send a god-awful pick-up line that would probably get him blocked. Or worse.
Damnit, he knew he shouldn’t have made his password Yuji’s birthday.
“Ya should be thankful I didn’t DM her myself, brat.” Sukuna chuckles, not even a shred of regret in his tone, way too amused with how Choso was frantically trying to tackle the phone out of his hands. “What’s the harm in asking? Such a pretty camgirl, n’ you look like you need some good pu-”
“She’s also my classmate.”
“Kinky. Even better.” 
No, not “even better”. God, this must be some kind of cosmic joke, and Choso just wished the Earth would swallow him up whole right now - and maybe his phone along with it too. 
It had taken him almost a whole semester to work up the courage to just sit next to you during your shared lecture. All gorgeous with your bright smiles, and your smart mouth. And Choso was very much content to admire you from afar - and from behind his phone screen, of course.
Never following, never liking. Never tipping you off as one of your hundreds of thousands of fans.
And now, not only had Sukuna revealed that he’d found your secret Twitter account - the one with those sinful little clips of yourself that had Choso opening the app way too much - he’d also propositioned you. Like some creep.  
“Ugh. This is why women hate you.” Still desperately grappling, he spits out more to himself than Sukuna at this point. “B-besides, she’s never even gonna respond any-”
And the Itadori household had never been quieter. Never, on a random Saturday during spring break. Never, as the two men crowd the phone, jaws dropped and staring wordlessly at the singular message on screen. You. 
“Let’s make one ;)”
“So s’not a stream this time, jus’ a video. Is that okay?”  You hum from your desk, glancing at the man seated on your bed as he hastily nods along with whatever you said. Looking like he’d rather be anywhere but here. 
It had only been a few days of back and forth since you’d gotten that first text - the one that you’d honestly thought about blocking like the thousands of others. But there was just something about it that made you stop, something that had you clicking on the profile to delve a little deeper.
It hit you like a semi-truck back then - five of them, in fact - that this was someone in your class. Someone you knew. How the hell did he even find this account? 
You knew Choso as that sweet - albeit slightly gloomy - kid that sat next to you, always quick with his answers and even quicker to look away from your gaze, no matter how hard you tried to spark a conversation. You’d just guessed he was afraid of you or something.
So nothing could’ve prepared you for how ridiculously attractive he looked in that profile picture, all smug grins and dark locks falling effortlessly around his slightly smudged eyeliner. Shirtless, giving just a peak of- oh god, were those nipple piercings?  
Could you really be blamed? You just had to have him.
But, here - it was like he was just itching to run away at the first chance he got. 
“You’re not held at gunpoint, y’know.” you giggle at how he startles at the mere sound of your voice. The mattress dips as you stop fiddling with the camera to sit next to him, thighs flush against his muscled ones. “Are you sure you want-”
It seems that both of you were surprised by the abrupt response. Too quick. Choso clears his throat, cheeks flaring as he tries to dredge up some semblance of dignity, he drawls lightly. “I mean- Yes.”
You study him for a moment under the dim lighting, noting the way his hands clench and unclench in his lap, the way his chest rises and falls rapidly as he struggles to control his breathing. He was nervous. Nervous and horny - nothing quite like the suave impression his pick-up line gave off. 
But so irresistible just the same.
“Well…Cho.” you bat your lashes, voice dropping to a seductive whisper - not too heavy, for now at least. “Then why won’t you even look at me?”
Alas, Choso was not a strong man. 
Maybe at your words, maybe at that playful little nickname you gave him, he’s finally raising those dark eyes to look at you. Twinkling with- fear? anticipation? A flicker of something so dangerous as his gaze sweeps greedily over that tight dress you put on just for this occasion. 
Choso tries to ignore how sinfully it hugs all your curves. Or the way it would look a million times better on the floor. 
This was absolute torture. 
And God he thinks he could pass out right then and there as you lean in closer. Too close. The temperature in the room suddenly increasing by about 10 degrees as you purr, tone careful and balanced. “Much better. And now…” 
His breathing becomes heavier, eyes flickering downwards. Once. Twice. 
And you know you’ve got him in the palm of your hand. 
“...all you gotta do is touch me.”
Yeah, if Choso thought he was going to pass out before then he definitely wasn’t ready for those dangerous little words. Ones that have him shaken right to the core - fighting that urge to just take you how he’s imagined all those lonely nights.
“You- huh?” he lets out a shaky laugh, the sound strained as he crosses his legs with the subtlety of a sledgehammer, desperately trying to will away the blood rushing straight to his throbbing cock right now. 
But how could he? Not when you only shift closer, barely even a hair’s breadth between you two - relishing in his strangled gasp as your tits press so enticingly against his arm. Such an adorable pout playing on your lips as you mutter, “Do you not want to?”
And he did. Oh, how he did - has been imagining it for the past five months, in fact. And Choso lets you know, a little twenty times, actually, as the words spill panickedly from his lips. 
“-idiot trying to set me up and I’ve been dreaming of fucking you for so long but I’m just-” Heat rushes to Choso’s cheeks, as he abruptly shuts the fuck up. But it’s too late - the damage has been done.
You give him a wry smile, lips mere inches from his ear. “Just what?”
His breath hitches, muscles rippling so deliciously as he shudders beneath your touch. “I’m a-” Choking out - as if it physically hurts to  admit - “-virgin.”
Now, you might’ve expected many things - but certainly not this. Though, looking at the cute flush on the tips of his ears, all the way down to those big, needy eyes, you don’t mind. Not one bit.
With one, quick glance at the rolling camera - your mouth is moving before your mind. “Do you want me to…do something about it?”
And then it’s like something snapped. 
You don’t know who leans in first, just that Choso’s kissing you. And you’re kissing him - how could you not? 
Because goddammit it was always those pretty lips that you were staring at whenever he was spouting off answers in class. You just never expected he’d be kissing you back with such an infectious desperation. 
No sooner are you thinking about how sweet his lips are before he’s pulling away with a soft sigh, pressing hot open-mouthed kisses down your jaw. Your neck. Back to your lips like he wanted everything and anything.
You gasp licks a long, languid stripe up your neck - maybe at how utterly obscene it felt, maybe at that sharp cold feeling that makes you flinch. Fuck - a tongue piercing? The noise makes Choso’s mouth drop into a quick oh! surging forward to claim your lips again. Addicted. 
Only to be stopped by your hands cupping his face, letting out a pained grunt at how he was so close. Just a hair’s breadth away from your lips.
“Cho~ Open your mouth, baby.” you whisper, hotly. 
And he looked so pretty - dark hair askew, lower lip swollen and quivering with need, brows furrowing because he wanted more of your taste. But he obeys, of course he does, Choso thinks he’ll do anything you asked. And lo and behold, sitting right there in the middle of his tongue was a pretty silver piercing.
You just can’t help but thumb open his mouth further, looking him right in the eyes as you spit in his mouth. Once. Twice. 
“Bet no one else has done this before, huh?” Grinning at how sinfully Choso’s eyes roll to the back of his head at your taste, “Kiss me proper now.”
God, you were so good at throwing away whatever was left of his poor sanity. And it’s all that’s said before his kiss-bitten lips are crashing into yours again. 
“No. No one’s hah- done that before. Only you.” he’s panting into your open mouth, swirling his tongue with yours. “F-fuck only you. Only you only you-”
You barely even realize the way you’re on his lap now, sitting so prettily there that Choso half-deliriously wonders whether he should take a picture. Mind spinning too much with his throbbing erection under your drenched panties, a damp little patch at his fat tip. So hot and heavy already.
“Cho, do you want me to-”
“Yes, ma’am.”
You certainly don’t have to be told twice - especially with that little nickname. Fiddling with his belt, you’re so hazy with want - the need to taste Choso, to see if the rest of him was as sweet as his lips - that you almost miss the look of confusion that flashes across his face.
You bat your lashes at him almost-innocently, “You alright?” And Choso thinks he could cum right there and right now at the sight. If he wasn’t currently battling for his life, that is. 
“Yeah, s’jus’- what I wanted hah- was to…” His hands sneak down, cupping your heated pussy through your drenched panties. “-taste her. ”
“Are y’gonna teach me how?”
Oh. Fuck.
You know you’re fucked. Completely and utterly fucked.
Only moments later, Choso’s wrestling you back onto the mattress, face-to-face with your sloppy pussy. So mean with the way he was pinning your hips down with one hand, all but ripping your panties off with the other. 
You feel his piercing before his tongue. Both the hot and cold so maddening on your cunt as Choso licks long, lazy stripes up your puffy folds - dragging his hot tongue all the way from your base. Just grazing your swollen clit. 
“Teach me- fuck fuck-” words muffled and slurring together, vibrations going straight to your pussy. “Use me. Use me how you want.”
You’re threading your fingers through his dark locks before you even realize it, grinding your sloppy cunt all over his waiting mouth. “Quirk your tongue like- ngh-” Angling him close enough so he bullies his soft tongue into your tight pussy. Piercing massaging all the right places. “Fuck-”
“Like this?”
“Sh-shit,” you gasp, nodding deliriously. “S’too ngh- good.”
And by God, did you mean it. 
“Yeah? Y’like this?” he’s groaning, wrapping his lips around your swollen clit. “Can feel you clenching around me. Shit shit shit, you love this, huh? So slutty on camera for it?” 
Getting wetter and wetter by the second as his tongue roams for that one-
“Oh! F-fuck, Cho. Right hngh- there. Deeper-”
Ah, found it.
Choso grins as you tug on his soft strands, you can feel it on your throbbing pussy. Pushing your legs all the way till they’re at your tits to hit that little spot each and every time. Again and again. Eyes glassy, torn between devouring that slutty expression on your face and how fucking drenched you were. 
“Shit, baby,” his words are so strained now, like his sanity was dancing away at each flick of his tongue. “You’re drooling everywhere. See? Show the camera now.”
You don’t have to look. Because you can feel it.
Can feel how wet his mouth is, just glistening with slick and saliva. Trailing all the way down his chin - to his wrist - only second to how sloppy your dripping cunt was. It was like he was getting messy on purpose, like a little reminder to himself that shit this was you and he was eating out your pretty cunt to insanity-
“Oh my god, think m’hooked.” Tongue dragging all over your swollen folds, catching on his piercing. “Think your pretty lil’ pussy’s hah- driving me crazy. Ruined me, Fuck-”
And it’s so embarrassing how he’s talking you through it, grinning at every lil’ whine and whimper that leaves your mouth. You were acting all shy right now in a way that makes Choso’s cock twitch so painfully. He barely even notices, though, with the way he was so drunk off your pussy. 
So messy - unable to decide between rolling his tongue over your ravaged clit and dipping into your sloppy hole. Too much. In and out in and-
He goes faster. 
He goes harder.
Anything and everything for you - to keep those pretty moans falling from your lips, walls getting tighter and tighter around his tongue. And Choso might just consider himself a man addicted.
“Can you ngh- cum f’me, baby?” You flinch as he spits out the words into your cunt. Harsh. Fucked-out. Sounding just as delirious and breathless as you. “Cum f’me please. Wan’ to taste y’on my tongue. Please. Fuck- need it so bad. So bad.”
You’re so caught up in Choso’s pussydrunk little babbles that you barely even realize when you’re cumming. Just that you’re letting out a strangled scream of his name, dragging your sloppy pussy all over his mouth. 
And he has never seemed more blissed out. Long gone is that nervous little expression usually on his face around you, Choso looked like he could be suffocated in-between your legs right now and love it. Hope for it, even.
He tells you that, of course. As soon as you’re blinking back your vision, blood still roaring in your ears. Delicate strings of slick snapping where he parts from your quivering cunt, lips swollen and glossed so prettily with your sweet sweet juices. 
“Baby, y’think the video of lesson one came out good?”
Oh. Shit, what have you done?
That certainly wasn’t the last time you saw Choso - or the last time you had him in front of a camera, either.
A few weeks later, you found yourself with an entire album for the man - a hidden treasure trove under the simple name of “Cho <3”. Most of the videos favorited, all sorted so tediously in a way that showed you spent an obscene amount of time looking at all the ways he ruined you. 
So filthy on camera that you always wondered whether it was the same person in the sheets and in class, texting Choso for later. Just to confirm. 
But embarrassingly, only some of these videos made their way onto your Twitter account - with Choso’s pretty face largely out of the frame. The two of you hadn’t ventured into streams yet either, opting to hide him away. Because, okay, maybe you were slightly jealous of other people seeing him - but it was really hard not to be when he looked like that.
In spite of all that, you’d still gained a casual hundred thousand more followers since his appearance - ones who always commented on your solo streams asking where your “hot emo bf” was.
Comments you’d pointedly ignore, because, hell, you wished he was here on-stream helping you get off, too. Yet despite the endless flirting and videos, Choso actually hadn’t made it further than actually holding a full conversation with you. And you wanted more. 
For all you know, you might just be one of his many trysts - and it was just for the videos, right? You get the content, he gets the experience? A win-win situation, so why have you never felt more like such a loser?
Such a loser the way you’ve already lost count of the “lessons” but still haven’t gotten to feel him - to fuck him the way you wanted just yet. 
“S’alright if I take this, right, ma’am?” He smirks during one such session, knuckle-deep in your dripping cunt. Dangling your drenched panties like a badge of honor, flimsy and soaked with your sweet sweet juices. “S’alright if I-” And he can’t even finish the sentence. Your jaw drops as Choso raises the thin fabric to his face, breathing in your essence like a man possessed. 
“You’re so filthy, Cho-” you manage to choke out once you find your voice. Squirming on his bed like such a slut for him. “Was the innocent thing just an act?”
“Nope.” he pops the p, licking lewd little circles on your neck, thumbing open your puffy folds to watch in amazement at the way you glisten and clamp around his fingers. Eyes flickering briefly to the recording phone in his hand. “But we gotta give ‘em a good show, huh?”
Right, you’d forgotten about the camera. But none of that matters anyway because-
Intensity setting 2.
“You’re so mean, too.”
“Am I?” he grins, teeth grazing along your racing pulse. “I think you taught that to me, baby. Shit, lesson 8 it was?”
God, he was addictive.
Choso’s having way too much fun playing around with the intensity setting of the bullet vibrator shoved inside your ravaged cunt. Sending quick, methodical vibrations all along your pulsing clit. In time with the breathless moans leaving your kiss-bitten lips, and it’s all you can to call out for- more? Mercy? Both? 
“God, you’re so perfect. Shit, so messy f’me.” he groans, and you could tell that the video wasn’t going to be uploaded anyway. Too shaky, focusing in and out of Choso’s fingers. Knuckle-deep and pumping in and out of your filthy hole. Relentless. “Almost makes me wanna show off to an actual audience.”
“Maybe I want to, too.” you muse, shifting at his heated gaze. Dangerously pressing your thumb over those nipple piercings you’ve gotten to know so well lately - as if to support your point. God you wish he’d take off that snug shirt.
Intensity setting 3.
“That so?”
And no matter how many times Choso’s ruined you on camera - and watched the videos over and over afterwards - he always thought they weren’t enough to capture your perfection. 
“Such a slut f’me, baby.” To capture the exact moment in which your wet lips fall into a soft little oh! when he massages your walls in time with the pulsing vibrator. To capture that absolutely sinfully excited little glint in your eyes as he ruts his clothed erection against your pussy. “Y’always this dirty?” Quickly turning into a look of slight panic at the sudden jingle of keys from the front door. 
“Yo, brat. Where the fuck are ya?”
Ah, there he was, the reason that Choso usually locked his bedroom door whenever you were over, even if he was home alone. 
Intensity setting 4.
As the silence continues, so does Choso’s abuse on your cunt. In fact, he only gets more erratic - like he wanted you to cum. Needed you to cum right now, right here in front of Sukuna, footsteps only growing louder. Nearer.
“Cho-” you fight to get out the words. “He’s hah-.”
“Can’t speak? That’s cute.” he coos, voice way too relaxed for someone whose mind was reeling with the realization that he couldn’t remember if he locked the door this time, and how adorable you sounded. Enough so that it made some raw, primal part of him wanna pull down his pants and fuck you right here right now. Cockblocks and his own virginity be damned. “C’mon now, use your words like a good girl. Tell the camera.”
Cocky bastard.
“Close!” you yelp, unsure of whether you were talking about yourself or the looming Sukuna. Jaw slack, tears springing into your ears as you look up at Choso. “So close.”
God, you were addictive. And this video was definitely going in both your favorites.
“Mhm,” he hums, movements getting hastier. More desperate. “I know, ma’am.”
Intensity setting 5.
That’s all that it takes for you to cum, letting out a loud strangled moan of Choso’s name. Or, you would’ve - if it hadn’t been for the way he’s shoving two, thick fingers into your mouth.
Silencing you - and in your hazy brain you think that if this was his way of shutting you up, then you really didn’t mind. Because all you could taste was you and the cold, cold metal of his rings. Somewhat intoxicating.
“Shhhhhh.” he’s breathing out, still mindlessly grinding his hips into yours. Though, you realize with a pang that today won’t be the day you get to feel that achingly hard erection straining his pants. “These pretty moans aren’t for him, hm?”
Pressing on the back of your tongue, smirking at the way you nod tearily up at him, moans still muffled. Hell, do you even know how sexy you’re being right now.
“Mhm, all f’me. All for fuckin’ me.”
Knock! Knock! Knock! 
“Why the fuck are you locked up in here on a Saturday night?” Sukuna sounds impatient, but not surprised. Probably imagining all sorts of dorky things his nephew was doing to hole himself up in his room. “Come out n’ get this takeout- what’s left of it anyways.”
And with that, it’s like the magic is over.
Your high only just bating before Choso’s hurriedly ending the recording on a hazy still of your disappointed pout, cursing Sukuna for his impeccable timing. 
Slightly concerned about the door being broken down and someone else seeing you in all your fucked-out glory, he hastily moves to grab the spare cloth by his bedside. Cleaning you up with hushed promises of “sending the recording later”, and “s’alright, he’ll be gone soon.”
Close. You were so close.
A win-win situation - but you’ve never felt like more of a loser.
“By God, I never thought he’d get the balls to do it.”
You yelp in surprise at the deep voice from behind you, whirling with a defiant brandish of Choso’s (your?) keys. He’d given them to you a few lessons ago, saying it would make it easier for you to come and go from his apartment as you pleased. Which - to you - felt dangerously like something a boyfriend would say-
But that wasn’t important right now.
What was important was the older man suddenly towering over you right outside Choso’s front door. Big arms crossed over his chest, that leering smirk clashing with his pink hair. “I knew it was odd that brat had a pair of heels by the door.”
Shit. Sukuna.
Ryomen awfully-wingman-his-nephew Sukuna.
“Spill.” At your confused head tilt, he plows on. “Spill the tea. I need new blackmail on my lil’ nephew. How badly did he have to beg you to go out with him?”
You don’t know what was more bizarre - what he was saying or the way he actually pulls out his Notes app as if hanging on to your every word. 
“I-It’s because of you.” you manage to choke out, unsure of what Choso has told his family about you.  Eyes flitting between him and the door right behind you, sounding your very best not to sound just as guilty as you felt. “You’re the reason we have this weird…thing.”
A beat of silence passes. One. Two. 
And just as you’re beginning to wonder whether you’ve broken Choso’s infamous uncle, he throws his head back and laughs. Laughs, right in your face, sounding like he’d just heard the funniest punchline in the world. 
“Oh that’s hilarious.” he exclaims, wiping a mock tear. Cackles dying down as if he was suddenly aware that maybe Choso would hear and walk in on this impromptu interrogation. “Damn, that awful pick-up line is why you started fuckin’? I thought it’d get that sap blocked so he’d stop stalking your account so much.”
“No, we…” you hesitate, mind reeling with what Sukuna just admitted, and how bad it would really be that you’re divulging your sex life to a relative of the guy you’re fucking. Before thinking fuck it, might as well confide in someone. “...we’re just doing stuff for-” putting up air quotes. “-content.”
“Just content?”
“Just content.”
“And you like that fool?”
Your face burns at how glaringly obvious it apparently was, “...Yes.”
This seemingly sets Sukuna off on another wave of uncontrollable laughter. “Ohh, thanks for the blackmail on that emotionally-constipated brat.” Typing away on what you assume to be his Notes, he promptly turns to walk away, “See ya around, doll.”
“Wait!” you call after in confusion, making him stop and raise a brow. “Aren’t you supposed to like- I don’t know, give me advice for your nephew or something - like a good uncle?”
Scoffing, “Who said I was a good uncle?” He leans in ever-so-slightly, “Jus’ rock his world on camera or somethin’ n’ ask him out right in the middle.” Satisfied with being enough of a decent samaritan for today, he walks back with a half-wave, “He’d listen to whatever you say anyway.”
Oh. Is that so?
And Sukuna probably meant it as some joke. Something to tease the both of you with - but it’s something that sets the gears going off inside your head. Something that had you ignoring Sukuna’s slightly panicked, “Jus’ not too soon, I needa bully him with this first.”
You didn’t listen to Sukuna’s little plea, of course. Because only a few days later you’d steeled yourself to finally send that one text you knew would change your relationship with Choso. For the good, hopefully. 
You: 9pm my place. Get ready, cuz this time we’re gonna be live ;)
Cho <3: :0 
And with that, you’d thrown your phone on the bed, jittery about later tonight. Browsing through your wardrobe for that one set of barely-there lingerie in his favorite shade of pink. Hey, you could never be too prepared, right?
Nothing could’ve prepared Choso for this moment - absolutely nothing at all. 
He might’ve just died and gone to heaven the very moment he read that dangerous text - finally inviting him to join one of your streams. The ones that he’d always watch in the safety of his bedroom, lights dimmed, pants bunched around his ankles. 
Cock just achingly hard in his fist while he wished he was with you behind the camera. Getting you off so much better than any sextoy would. Just forcing those pretty moans from your lips - and everyone else could see that. Wish it was them ruining you instead. 
Alas, it was only a dirty little fantasy. 
Until now, that is.
slvt4u: Holy shit boyfriend reveal, about time.
uniwhore: THIS is the hottie from Twitter????? 
itsgenslut: idfc just fuck
“Nervous?” you smirk, looking down at the man sprawled so prettily on your bed. “You look just as close to an aneurysm as you were the first time. Though-” snaking your hand down, “-this is still the same as ever.”
You chuckle at the way Choso catches your lips with his, more to shut up those pathetic little moans threatening to escape him than anything. Because every glance at you in that sinful little pink bra gave Choso a mini heart attack. 
“B-baby-” he gasps, grinding his clothed erection against your palms. “I wan- hah-”
And God how you’ve ruined Choso - run him so utterly dry of his sanity.
Because he’s angling your head down, piercing cold against your tongue. “Spit.”
It was like that first time had gotten him addicted. So you do - right into his waiting mouth. Jaw dropping at the way he tips his head back, back, back to let it slide so obscenely down his throat. Moaning at just a taste of you, “God, I need to f-fucking ruin you.”
And if there’s anything you’ve learned after all these months with Choso, it’s that anything he says - he does.
The words have barely left his mouth before he’s pulling your bra off, ripping your panties easily off your hips. Each and every little regret about what a shame it was thrown out the window at the first sight of your pretty pussy. 
It never gets old - and Choso could never get enough of the sinful sight - your cunt so sloppy and ready for him already. 
“Cho-” you whine as ringed fingertips coming up to circle your sloppy entrance. Cold. Stretching you to insanity. “S-stop teasing.”
“Yes, ma’am. But first-” shifting you around ever-so-slightly on top of him. “Gotta show off how wet y’are f’me.”
uniwhore: did he just call her “ma’am”?? Me when??
roses101: idk who i wanna be they’re both so fucking hot ugh
“Fuck, y’look so sexy from this angle. Wonder if the camera thinks so too?”
Your face slightly burns at how he was seemingly taking over your own stream. Smug bastard, you think, glancing down at Choso, red-faced, hair untied, wearing a sly grin as his eyes slide over the flurry of comments. But two can play that game. 
“Cho~” fumbling with the hem of his underwear, “You’ve been holding out on me.”
A gasp leaves you involuntarily as you tug down Choso’s boxers just enough for his throbbing cock to spring free, hitting his sculpted abdomen. Blushed your favorite shade of pink - to match your bra - so so angry and soaked in precum. 
He was so intimidatingly long - longer than any of those toys you usually brought on camera. Thick enough that it had you wondering, shit, would you even be able to take it?
“S’this a-alright?” and for all his previous confidence, Choso sounded self-conscious. Peeking at you through his long lashes.
You grin, pumping a hand up and down his swollen cock, letting his precum drip down your wrist. “S’perfect.”
“God- fuck, baby. Oh-” Choso lets out breathless little profanities as you straddle his waist, dragging his weeping tip down your swollen folds. So fucking filthy as you sink down in by fucking in. Slowly. “Too- much-”
Apparently too slow because no sooner have you just taken in his fat tip, squeezing and clenching around him, that Choso’s flipping the both of you over. 
“M’sorry.” he breathes into your mouth as your back hits the mattress. “M’sorry m’sorry, fuck- just can’t-” fingers immediately drawing frenzied little circles on your pulsing clit to take your mind off the dizzying stretch as he bullies his massive cock into your snug cunt. “Can’t wait can’t wait- waited too fucking long. Want this so badly-”
You felt too good. Too perfect around him. 
“Ah! Hngh- Cho, oh my god. Too- ngh-” you moan, as he starts grinding in shallow, mindless little movements just to fit himself inside. Pushing and pushing, you wondered if he even realized what he was doing.
Sounding like his sanity was dwindling away with each little thrust, “S’too big? You can take it. Fuck fuck fuck please. Need this.” Pressing all the way into your lungs. “How do you wan’ it- how do you wan’ me?”
Honestly, Choso didn’t even need to ask, because he just bottoms out - heavy balls smacking against your ass, cock swollen and throbbing inside you - that you think that you just wanted him to ruin you. 
“R-ruin?” his voice breaks as he repeats - more to himself than you. Oh, shit had you said that out loud? You’re speechless as Choso throws your legs over his shoulder, dragging his swollen lips lazily across your ankle. “Yes ma’am.”
Oh. You might as well have just signed off your will. 
Because then he’s fucking into your sloppy cunt. Unforgiving. A man starved because he was. Jagged, quick thrusts, splitting you apart deeper and deeper on his rock-hard cock. 
“Fuck- fuck fuck fuck-” he pants into your open mouth, finding it so fucking difficult to find any rhythm when your tight cunt was milking him so good. “You feel so good. So messy. Ya love it like this, huh? Being hngh- watched?”
“Hngh-” you buck wildly into his body, reaching up to play coyly with his nipple piercings. Tugging and pulling lightly. “Feels too good- are- ah- are ya sure this is your first time?”
Honestly, it was a wonder Choso didn’t cum right then and there. 
Tojisslvt: need someone to fuck me like this the first time
22sabi: Typing with one hand is so hard.
DaStrongest: i could fuck her so much better than than inexperienced loser
Choso throws his head back in a cruel little laugh at that last comment, something that makes you tingle all the way from your burning cheeks to your stuffed cunt. Clamping down deliciously on Choso’s unforgiving cock in a way that makes his hips and fingers stutter. 
“Ya think you could fuck her better?” it takes you a second to realize he was talking to the camera and not you. Thrusts getting sloppier, getting familiar. “I’m the one that got her so messy like this.” Purposeful. Calculated. Like he was aiming for that one-
“Fuck!” you scream as he hits that magic spot. Once. And then over and over like a man possessed. Just so utterly ruining you the way you knew he could. “Cho oh my god- I can’t hah- ngh-”
The cold metal of Choso’s rings dig into your cheek softly as he turns you head to face him. God, this was the stuff of his wildest dreams.
You - teary eyed and looking up at him like such a slut. Pussy getting wetter - tighter - as he teases you in front of the camera. Torn between running away from his relentless cock and bucking up for more more more-
 “Fuck no no no- Keep your legs open, baby. Don’t hah- run away from me.” his fingers dig into your hips, pulling you impossibly closer. “Don’t- need this. Need this so ba- shit.” 
And he sounded so genuinely worried he’d lose the feeling of your heady cunt. Fingers bruising on your hips as he pulls you closer. Like he was trying to fuck out any and every shred of shyness out of your body. 
slvt4u: Always the quiet ones.
DaStrongest: heh, fuck off. i’d make her cum so much harder.
Now, Choso was fucking you like he had a point to prove, and it was probably the only reason he hadn’t passed out from how good your pussy felt wrapped around him. 
Both of you were barely-lucid at this point - and he was out of control now.
Pussy drunk thoughts unfiltered, “No one’s ever d-done this- got me hah- feeling like this.” And you had the distinct feeling he just beat you to your original goal, letting out sweet little babbles into your open mouth - though his hips were anything but. 
So hard that you were sure the creases of your sheets would leave marks for tomorrow - along with his balls on your ass, your ankles on his shoulders, lips searing against yours. It was like he wanted to prove something - to prove he was good enough to- the viewers? To you? 
Knowing your body well enough to hit that one spot over and over until you were sobbing. Fingers erratic on your clit. 
“Cho-” you squeal, tears springing to your eyes as he only gets sloppier. “I-I’m gonna-”
“Cum?” he breathes, as if he couldn’t believe it. And fuck if you weren’t the gates of heaven spread wide open for him then he didn’t know what was. “Fucking cum. Please please- hah- f’me. Cum on m’cock n’ make them jealous. F’me- Like you’re mine.”
You barely even realize when you are. Jaw slack, eyes rolling to the back of your head as you see stars behind your eyes, blood roaring in your ears. God, he was gonna have to go home and rewatch this stream all over again. 
“Ngh- m’cumming m’cumming oh-”
Not even realizing the way you’re dragging your nails down Choso’s sculpted back. Marking up his milky skin - and he lets you. 
Loved it in fact- the way he loved you. 
Your eyes go wide, and Choso knows he’s fucked up. Realizing with a jolt that words were tumbling out of his mouth before he could stop them. But it’s the way you squeeze him tighter- giving him such a gorgeous little fucked-out smile that sends him over the edge.
Sharp canines digging into the crook of your neck like he wanted to break skin, holding himself back from breaking you while he cums and cums so hard it hurt. Over and over-
“Love you- love you love you love you-” he’s muttering into the skin, unbarred. “Since I first saw hah- you. Wanted this more than fuck fuck- air that I breathe.”
His seed was oozing out of you now, painting your ravaged pussy white, dribbling down your legs.  So fucking full and debauched. Thick, hot globs that were sure to stain those overpriced new sheets. But did Choso care for the mess? Not at all. 
Because you were holding him so impossibly tight, pushing away the strands of hair sticking to his forehead. Whispering little praises as he fucks you through his first time. Close. Warm. Everything he ever dreamed of.
“S’everything I ever dreamed of, too, Cho.”
And he knows he’s won. 
urfavslvt: Proudest nut. Want more.
uniwhore: does this mean couples content??? Pls say yes plsplspls
DaStrongest: invite me next time <3
“Thought you were embarrassed.” he licks soothingly over the bite. Voice shot, piercing smooth against his tongue. Embarrassing little confessions leaving him with each spark of electricity running through his veins. “Thought you didn’t stream w’me cuz of that- but shit. Dreamed of this f’so long. So long-”
“Hey, Cho.” your voice rings through his hazy mind. Just enough for Choso to raise his head and meet your intoxicating, sultry gaze. Giving a sly, sidelong glance at the still-blinking camera. 
“Wanna film a week’s worth of ‘movies’ in advance?”
Sukuna (do not answer): Oi shitty nephew, where r u Jin made me come over with (half) leftovers.
You: Sorry, not home. At the movies rn.
Sukuna (do not answer): When tf do u go to movies?? 
You: Since now, on a date. You probably can’t relate.
Sukuna (do not answer): Stfu n’ stop lying, a date with who? Ur body pillow?? Not like u had the balls to ask out that pretty lil’ camgirl anyway.
You: *girlfriend
Sukuna (do not answer): Huh?
You: Girlfriend.
Sukuna (do not answer): THE FUCKIN’ PICK-UP LINE WORKED??
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A/N. This came out a LOT longer than expected. 
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shawtuzi · 1 month ago
a/n: i’ve been getting a lot of requests for more musician!eren and his fav fan girl and this is also ur reminder to go read the reverb series bc we would not be here without her
cw include: black fem!reader, sexting, exchange of nudes, mention of drug usage (eren was high per usual), sloppy kissing, oral f&m!receiving, unprotected sex, mating press & prone bone position, see from the side, multiple orgasms, eren nuts in and on her lmao, lots of dirty talk, an ‘i love you’ confession bc they’re so obsessed with each other, eren has a god complex andddd i think that’s it lmao/// wc: 5.2k
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new message from renny ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹
i’m in the city. i wanna see u.
the cursor of your laptop circled around his message, a giddy smile spreading across your lips. you clicked on the message, your manicured fingers typing messages upon messages of how much you missed him, and couldn’t wait to see him.
it had been almost a month since you last saw eren. after your sexcapdes on his tour bus eren had invited you to join him on his pj to the next city, and you had no other choice but to say yes! that dick was entirely too good to pass up.
you can happily say you’ve now joined the mile high club, because the second you got on the jet eren demanded privacy so he could indulge in you once more. you were sure jean and his security team could hear your screams of pleasure, the way you begged for eren to fuck you harder, deeper, but you didn’t care in the slightest.
after turning his bones into mush from your ridiculous riding skills, eren returned the favor by fucking you in mating press until your eyes crossed, and drool was slipping past your puffy lips.
your night in his hotel went the exact same way. eren folded you into every position he could while you chanted his name like a prayer, soaking the hotel sheets with your essence. he liked you. he liked the way you had just as much stamina as him. he liked that you were just as nasty as him, like how you stuck your tongue out for him to spit on, or how you begged him to put you in a chokehold while he hit it from the back.
what he really liked about you though, was the way you looked at him. eren already a sort of god complex, and you definitely didn’t help the way you looked at him as if he created the moon and stars.
after a very tearful goodbye on your end you headed back to your city, but that didn’t stop you from texting everyday. sometimes he replied, sometimes he didn’t because of his busy schedule. he always did call you though, usually it’d be past midnight but that didn’t matter to you—especially when he’d always say bye to you by tapping his tip against the screen, muttering a sultry ‘we miss you.’
new message from renny ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹
i miss u too mama.
send your addy, i’m coming to you.
you squealed into the soft cotton of your sheets, your sock covered feet kicking wildly against your mattress. thee eren yeager was about to come to your lil ol’ apartment, like this couldn’t be real.
you carefully typed out your address, your toes wiggling in excitement. you shut your laptop and rolled out of bed, quickly shuffling your feet to your closet.
you figured he’d have you out of your clothes minutes after he got here, so you settled on ditching your pajamas, and wearing just your pink robe.
message sent to renny ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹
are u gonna do all that stuff you said in your messages?
you pupils dilated when the gray bubble popped up, your teeth clamping onto your bottom lip. eren texted you a lot of dirty promises, making you squirt on his dick in the prone bone position being the one you were most excited for.
whenever you were bored at work, or before you fell asleep at night, you’d imagine him having you in a tight chokehold while he fucked into your sore pussy from behind. that usually led to you sending eren explicit videos of your rubbing your pulsing pussy desperately, whining n’ babbling about how you wish it were him making you cum instead.
eren would only make it worse by feeding into it. while he recorded himself stroking his cock, he’d be growling out filthy praises about your cute cunt and how good she’d feel wrapped around him.
new message from renny ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹
you’ll see
[attachment: 1 imagine]
just know i’m ready, been thinking about your pretty pussy all day.
a whine bubbled in your chest as you zoomed in on live photo of his very prominent print. his tatted hand was gripping onto it, and if you clicked on it, the live photo would show him squeezing it softly. the cuban chain on his wrist glistened obnoxiously from the flash—you couldn’t wait to the feel the cold metal against your neck when he choked you.
you loosened the knot on your robe, exposing your breasts more than they already were. your nipples were peeking out, giving eren just the perfect peek to what is to come.
message sent to renny ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹
hurry up :((
[attachment: 1 image]
while you were giggling to yourself, eren was gripping his phone in frustration. he needed you, now. ever since he last saw you all he could think about was you. your face, your scent, your voice, your pretty moans. he was totally smitten.
“we’ll be arriving shortly,” the driver said in a monotone voice. eren hummed, unlocking his phone to tell you he was almost there.
he was thankful you didn’t leave in the city, the last thing he would want are fans or paparazzi invading your privacy. but it was california after all, and unfortunately there were rumors he was seen at a hotel with a mystery girl, but he made sure his team squashed those rumors from circulating any further. fame can be intense, he’d be crushed if his lifestyle scared you away.
“m’not sure how long i’ll be here so, uh, just tell jean i said don’t wait up,” eren’s tone was cool as he spoke, but inside he was actually excited to see you. he pulled his hoodie up, scoping the scene before stepping out of the car. as eren walked towards your apartment building he heard—
‘psst! up here!’
he slowly looked up and there you were, standing on your balcony, wearing nothing but a robe and a pair of slippers. your hair gently moved with the light breeze, and you had the giddiest smile on your lips—this shit felt like it was a scene out of movie.
you bounced on the balls of your feet as you waited for eren to make it to your door, and finally you heard three knocks. you couldn’t deny that you were nervous—he was a celebrity after all. someone who was known globally and loved by many, he was just a very intimidating guy.
the second you opened the door, you were yanking him in by his hoodie, your chests clashing together. “damn girl, miss me?” eren grinned, wrapping his arms around your waist. you bit your lip, looking at him with nothing but swirls of love and lust in your eyes. “yeah, i did.” eren nudged his nose against yours, blindly kicking the door shut behind him and locking it.
when he heard the click! his lips were on yours, a strong scent of vanilla and jasmine hitting his nose. “w-was the flight here okay? you look tired,” your hands cupped his jaw as you examined the under his eyes. you way you looked at him and touched with such care, as if it were natural, had eren feeling things. weird things. he always told others he’d probably never fall for a fan yet here he was, leaning into your touch like a lovesick puppy.
“yeah it was fine. just been a busy week is all, but don’t worry about that. it’s good to see you. you look good. i look this robe on you.”
when he smiled you saw flashes on gold on his teeth, and that had a gush of wetness dripping from your pussy. “thanks . . . i like your grills. like a lot.” eren breathed heavily through his nose when your thumb ran over his bottom lip, getting a closer look at the grills.
you whined when his lips smushed into yours again, his tongue swiping across your bottom lip. you parted your lips, and he wasted no time slithering his tongue into your mouth, groaning when your tongue swiped across his grills. “take this shit off,” eren’s fingers fumbled with the strings on your robe, slowly pushing it off your shoulders when the knot was undone.
you puffed your naked chest out, giggling because you had left eren utterly speechless. he stepped closer to you, and then closer, and closer until you were backed up against the wall. “i’d try to keep my legs steady if i were you,” his breath was hot on your neck, sending shivers up your spine.
your hands pushed against his hard chest when his hand pushed between your thighs, his ring and middle finger dipping between your folds. “y’know i had to postpone so much shit because i just couldn’t go another day without seein’ you? doesn’t that sound insane? we barely know each other, yet i just can’t get you or this pretty pussy outta my head.”
your lips trembled, eyes fluttering shut as his fingers rolled around you swollen clit. “g-good. i did what i was supposed to do when we fucked then,” your words had eren groaning, his head dipping into your neck to kiss and suck at the sweet smelling skin. he kissed his way down your neck, and eventually your chest, taking his time as he rolled his tongue around each nipple.
he kissed the skin above your naval, smirking at the hello kitty jewelry pierced into the skin. “such a pretty girl, knew you were special the second i saw you in the crowd,” and it was true! out of all the fans that were in the audience, you caught his attention the most. the cheered the loudest, knew the words to every song, and you looked damn good sharing a blunt with your friends as you sung along to his songs.
your back slumped against the wall when you felt his hot tongue circle your clit, his hands snaking behind you to grab at your ass cheeks. every slurp and suck had your legs shaking, so much so that eren just said fuck it and threw your knees over his shoulders.
he was a sloppy eater. his tongue switched from french kissing your clit, to fucking into your clenching hole, all while moaning drunkenly against your pussy. you weren’t scared to rough him up either, your hands tangling themselves in his hair and fucking his mouth. “m’so close renny.”
that only encouraged eren to increase his assault on your clit, flicking the bud back and forth until your thighs were clamping around his head. wave after wave of your cum coated his tongue, and eren happily lapped up all of it. god, you were fucking sweet.
you gasped when eren lifted you off his shoulders, “w-wait stay close to me.” eren nearly lost his balance when you jumped into his arms, your legs wrapping around his slim waist. out of instinct eren cupped your behind, holding you closely to him. “i wasn’t goin’ nowhere mama, now where’s yours bedroom?”
you gave eren directions to your bedroom, all while you were kissing his neck and jaw. “it’s cute in here. it’s really . . . pink,” eren chuckled as he looked around your room. what caught his attention the most was the mountain of plushies on your bed, all varying from sanrio characters to anime characters.
he laid you down gently on your bed, smirking at the pout on your glossy lips. “thank you. now drop your pants m’hungry,” your pink, freshly pedicured foot pressed down on the bulge in his sweats, then pushed against his abdomen. eren lifted your foot up and kissed your ankle, “whatever you want baby.”
eren shed his hoodie and sweats, leaving him in a white wife beater and briefs. you eyed the small, wet patch stained into his briefs, your mouth watering at what was hiding underneath. you sat up, your arm hooking around his thick thigh to pull him closer. eren’s head tilted back when you mouthed at the print in his briefs, your tongue lolling out to lick at the wet patch.
your teeth clamped onto the waistband of his briefs, tugging them down until they were mid thigh. eren’s jaw dropped the tiniest bit when you nuzzled your face into his cock, your tongue peeking out to lick at the base. “c’mon. open that pretty mouth,” his tongue ran over the gold on his teeth as he watched you like a predator stalking its prey.
your mouth parted once more, sucking the tip of his cock in your mouth. you hummed around the muscle, your mouth watering at the salty, yet very sweet taste of him.
“let me fuck your mouth, pretty girl. open up,” you whimpered around eren’s dick as he pushed more into your mouth, strings of saliva dripping from your lips and onto your thighs. your tongue rubbed over the protruding veins on the underside, this earned you a pat on the head, followed by eren cradling your jaw. his thumb ran over the bulge in your cheek, “you’re so pretty.”
you took more of his cock into your mouth until your nose nudged against soft tufts of hair. suddenly you felt a hand squeeze at your throat, the action had you choking around his cock, fat tears now running down your cheeks. “ooou shit, that was tight. do it again for me, baby.” he squeezed at your throat ever so softly as he fucked it, his head tilting back out of pure pleasure. seriously, where have you been all his life.
your cheeks hollowed around his dick, sucking harshly until he had to pull you away by your hair, a thin line of spit still connected to your lips. “mmph, hang your head off the bed. you know what to do.”
indeed you did. after a night of dirty texting you found out that eren was quite fond of throat fucking—especially if a girls head was hanging off the side while he did it. there was something about hearing those violent gags and chokes that had his balls tightening every time he thought about it.
you wiped your mouth with the back of your hand, even though you’ll just get messy literally all over again, and laid down on your back, your head hanging slightly off the side. eren took this opportunity to grasp at your tits, flicking your pretty brown nipples with his thumbs. the cool metal from his rings had them hardening in seconds.
“mm so pretty, now open up gorgeous,” eren tapped his tip against your lips, chuckling when you stuck your tongue out to get the exact same treatment. he rubbed the tip of his cock over the curves of your lips, before running it over your tongue. you greedily swallowed the pre that dribbled onto your tongue.
without warning, eren thrust his hips forward, sheathing more than half his cock down your tight throat. hot tears already began to brim at your lash line as he began a steady pace, the obnoxious noise of you gagging echoing throughout your room. “mmph, good lil fuckin’ throat. you’re fuckin’ perfect y/n ‪‪❤︎‬” eren’s head tilted back in a moan, his adams apple bobbing.
he preferred his head very sloppy, and you were perfect for that. you didn’t mind the spit bubbles that foamed up at the corners of your lips, or the snot that trickled from your nose. you were fine with all of it. all just to please him. his hips stuttered when your hand reached up to toy with his balls. “fu-ck yeah, play wit’ ‘em while you suck it. that’s a good fuckin’ girl.”
his praise had your heart fluttering, and your pussy drooling with need. you were perfect for him. that’s all you could’ve asked for.
your nails dug into eren’s muscly thighs when his hips pushed forward, forcing the entirety of his cock down your throat. you suddenly felt something warm in the back of your throat, and hummed. it wasn’t until you were choking pretty hard that eren pulled out, his half had cock resting on your face. your thighs clenched together when the musky scent that was him wafted into your nose.
“heh, cute. you ready for me to fuck you now mama?”
your tongue ran along his cock, savoring the taste of him, “i love your dick ren, could stay here forever.” eren’s head tilted back as you sloppily kissed all over the base of his cock. he was fully hard once again in no time, the veins on the underside thrumming against your puffy lips.
he backed up to give you some room to get up, only for you to yank him back again. you propped your chin on his hard stomach, batting your freshly done lashes up at him. “what position you want me in renny, m’all yours please tell me what to do.”
there was that look again. that fucking look. that look where you stared at him like he was reason for your very existence. “i’ll do anything you want,” you murmured, pressing little kisses all across his abdomen. you whimpered when eren used both hands to grip your jaw, forcing your gaze at him.
“i think i might love you.”
he didn’t know what kinda fucked up shit this was but he didn’t even care, he loved it. he loved . . . you ❤︎
his pretty lil fan girl. his number one fan. someone that would kiss the ground he walked on if he asked. you were perfect.
“that’s really sweet renny, but i think you’re just high and tired,” you giggled, teeth clamping onto your bottom lip. “you sayin’ you don’t love me back baby?” eren grinned, moving one of his hands to your throat, squeezing rather roughly. he needed to hear you say it, even if you didn’t mean it.
“of course i love you ren. loved you since you first debuted, i knew i had to get my hands on you. now look at you; in my very pink room, telling me you love me because im the best you’ve ever had.”
he couldn’t even object or give snarky remark back because unfortunately you were right.
his hands moved to your shoulders, gently pushing you back.
“i may be high, and i may be a little tired, but i do know that i really like you.” his teeth nibbled on his bottom lip as his hands wandered across your naked body.
“well good. i don’t ever wanna see anything about you and other girls in the blogs again or i’ll block you ‘kay?” eren was laughing until you interrupted him saying a monotone ‘i mean it.’
he leant over you, his chain dangling over your face. his thick brows were pulled together, and if you looked close enough you could see the pout on his lips. of course he’d only see you, but the thought of getting blocked by you had his heart tightening. “i only want you to myself from now on, can you handle that superstar?”
eren gasped when your legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer to you. his dick sat right between your sopping folds, the tip nudging deliciously against your clit.
“fuck, yes. yes i can handle it, i can’t handle being blocked by you though. best fuckin’ pussy i’ve ever had y/n ❤︎. don’t break my heart like that,” he rocked his hips slowly, coating his cock in your essence. you had him right in the palm of your hand and god, it felt so good. “don’t make me write some corny love songs about you, because i will.”
“would that really be so bad? i wouldn’t mind having a song written about me.”
“i’ll write one for you anyway, i’ll write ten fucking songs about you and this pussy, shit,” eren’s nostrils flared the tip of his cock accidentally slid into your pussy. he couldn’t help but just bottom out completely, his balls sitting snuggly against your ass.
your mouth parted, a breathy moan slipping past your lips. “mm, do it. i dare you renny.” eren just moaned in response, his eyes fluttering shut. heaven. this was heaven.
“i will baby, i will. i pr-promise.”
each time he pulled out a loud squelch followed. you sucked the cross attached to his chain in your mouth, whimpering around the cool metal. eren settled for fast, deep thrusts, the angry tip of his cock bumping harshly into that spongy spot deep inside you. “so fuckin’ hot. you’re so fuckin’ hot,” eren was damn near panting like a dog, his tongue dangerously close to dangling out of his mouth.
your body moved up slightly with each hard thrust, your breasts bouncing wildly in his face. the sharp canine part of eren’s grill grazed your nipple, his hot tongue coming out a second later to soothe the sting. “you smell so good, y-you’re so good.” embarrassingly enough eren’s thrusts were already getting sloppy. he was close.
“are you about to cum? hm? gonna nut in my pussy ren?” all eren could do would moan, his face nuzzling itself into the crook of your neck. you sobbed out eren’s name when he pushed your knees up, the angle of his thrusts reaching deeper inside you. he licked his thumb, bringing the digit to your swollen clit.
“c’mon baby, make that pussy cum. wanna feel that shit.” your legs shook violently as you second orgasm of the night hit you. eren fucked you through it, growling out curses each time a steam of your cum hit his lower stomach. his cock slipped out ad second later ribbons of cum were painting your tummy in thick, white strands.
eren’s head fell forwards, wispy strands from his disheveled half up, half down bun tickling his forehead. “shit, m’still hard girl. you’re gonna kill me,” eren’s hands cupped your face, smushing his lips against yours in a clash of tongue and teeth.
he pulled out briefly to turn you around on your tummy. “i’m gonna borrow one of those real quick,” he murmured, tatted hand reaching above you to grab one of your many plushies. he arched your back, placing the plushie underneath the pudge of your stomach. “comfortable mama?” his nose nudged against your cheek, his lashes tickling you.
“yeah . . . put it in.” eren tapped the tip of his cock against your clit before slipping in, groaning at the warmth that welcomed him. he yanked your hair back, exposing your neck. “o-ohhh fuck,” your eyes rolled into the back of your skull when eren’s bicep hooked around your neck, putting you in the perfect chokehold. not too tight, but not too lose either. his strokes were slow, but deep, allowing you to feel every vein and ridge on his dick against your sensitive walls.
“this what you wanted the most right? always talkin’ about my muscles, you satisfied now baby?” all you could do was moan pathetically, nodding your head rapidly. “you’re g’nna make me cum again renny, y-you’re gonna make me cum!” your feet kicked wildly against the bed, tears free falling from your cheeks and onto your sheets.
eren grunted, tightening his hold on your neck, “do it.” your body thrashed beneath him, shaking violently as your orgasm hit you in intense waves. the soft cotton of your sheets was basically rubbing your clit raw, adding way more overstimulation than you needed.
eren’s thrusts were relentless, his pace never once faltering as you came. he pressed his hips snuggly against your ass, rolling his hips until you were clawing at the sheets. “keep fucking me l-like that, god yes!” eren groaned, pulling his hips all the way back before slamming back in.
“thas’ right baby, m’your god. your everything,” his teeth nibbled at your ear, licking over the shell of. ugh yes he was your everything :(( you loved him, you adored him, you were his biggest fan. you’d do anything for him if it meant you got fucked like this on a regular.
“hah! ah! ah! o-oh shittt,” you sobbed out, tears soaking your chubby cheeks. eren cursed under his breath when his dick slipped out, a stream of your cum following seconds after. you clawed at the sheets, trying to get out of his grip, but eren kept you steady, shushing your whines with kisses.
“no more renny,” you whimpered, your face nuzzling into the crook of his bicep. “ngh, you don’t mean that baby,” he cooed at you, pressing a kiss to the side of your face.
eren laid on his side, pulling you close to his chest. his heart was beating so fast, it felt like he was high. this must be what people call being ‘pussydrunk’ because he swears if he was asked to speak a full sentence he’d fail.
he lifted your thigh up, slipping his cock between your folds. your body quivered, arching against his chest. “you wanna be my girlfriend? c’mon i know you wanna say yes, just say it,” you didn’t even have time to process his words before his tip was slowly sliding in. the question must’ve been good right? you’ll just say yes.
you squeaked out a yes! when he bottomed out, your backside pushing against his pelvis. he couldn’t believe you actually said yes, he couldn’t believe he actually even asked you that. what were you doing to this poor man?
eren hiked your thigh up, starting up a fallow n’ shallow pace. his lips crashed into yours, moaning into your mouth with a scrunched up face. “we’ll figure somethin’ out, you just—just gotta be mine.”
“i will renny—hah! all i’ve ever wanted is to be yours.” your thighs clamped around eren’s wrist when you felt his fingers strum against your clit. most people would look at you like you were nuts for even accepting such an offer, but they wouldn’t understand. you’ve loved eren and his craft since he first debuted six years ago. his music got through some of the hardest times of your life and for that you were eternally grateful to him—so yes, you’ll worship the ground he walks on and love him like no other.
his free hand shimmied underneath your back, wrapping around your waist. god he was so fucking close. he needed you as close as possible.
“cum with me mama. i’m about to nut, c’mon take it, take it, take ittt,” his hips pushed up against your backside one last time, emptying his balls inside you for what won’t be the last time tonight. he just needed a breather.
your body thrashed against his as you came with a scream. eren covered your mouth, whispering filthy praises in your ear as you rode our your high. he stayed snugly inside you, caressing your stomach with light touches.
it was silent for ten minutes as you both caught your breath, eren not once loosening his grip on you, he didn’t even pull out when you turned around to face him.
“you meant what you said right? about me being your girlfriend?” eren cracked an eye open and was met with your brown ones staring right back at him. was he sure about this? i mean the man didn’t even really know you like that but . . . fuck it, why not. he shrugged, brushing his hair out of his face. “yeah, as long as we keep it on the dl for now. i got a lot—”
“that won’t work.”
eren’s brows furrowed, “what do you mean that won’t work? you’re not in charge here at the end of the day.”
two days later . . .
‘breaking news! well known musician eren yeager was recently seen out shopping in beverly hills with what looks like a new boo! my, my look at all those shopping bags, seems like this girl has got our boy whipped! we believe this is the same girl he was seen with, about a month ago, heading into a hotel in chicago. fans are buzzing like crazy trying to find out who this mystery girl is! it seems to be she has no social media, but never fear my sources are working day and night to find out who she is! until then this is . . .’
jean shut off the tv, pure anger radiating off of him. “you wanna tell me what that’s all about? who the fuck even is this girl—”
“i’m his girlfriend,” you came from around the corner, wearing nothing but one of eren’s shirts. you approached eren from behind, where he was sitting on the couch, a bored look on his face as usual. he visibly relaxed when he felt your hands massage his shoulders. “yeah, she’s right. as of two days ago we’re official.” eren turned his head to press a kiss to the top of your hand.
“eren, you still have the international leg of your tour to do! there’s no way you can focus on that with a distraction—” eren let out a long sigh, his head flopping against the back of the couch. “jean, you’re really not talking about shit i wanna hear right now.” he just wanted to spend time with you, granted you both had been holed up in his hotel room for two days, besides the random shopping trip you just had to go on.
you weren’t a fan of keep your relationship a secret, hence why you made him take your ass the most expensive strip mall you could find. you’d never shopped in a luxury store that was completely empty until eren made his security clear the area so you two could shop in peace. he had so much power over people, it turned you on a lot.
“she’s not gonna be a distraction. she’s gonna come on tour with me, and keep me company. i’d ask if was a problem, but i really don’t give a shit. i pay you entirely too much for you to be bitching at me like that.”
jean’s mouth parted, but no words came out. it wasn’t uncommon for eren to talk to him like that, but it was certainly new to have an audience watching.
you combed your fingers through eren’s hair, frowning at the annoyed look on his face. “is there anything else you wanna discuss?” eren’s ring clad finger tapped against the couch impatiently. jean looked at eren, then you, then back to eren, and back to you. “ah, no. i guess that’ll be all eren.”
“i need you to schedule me a session at the studio, m’workin’ on a new song,” eren called out just as jean was about to shut the door. “dumbass better have heard me.”
he looked up at you through his lashes, “i know i sound a little harsh, but if you’re not an asshole to that guy he’ll run you over. only reason he still has a job is because he’s damn good at it.”
you shrugged, making your way around the couch to sit on eren’s lap. you wrapped your arms around his neck, “i don’t care about none of that. now tell me about this song you’re writing! what’s it about?”
“i think you know what it’s about, mama.”
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whorelaud · 3 months ago
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bf!rafe making it up to his stubborn girlfriend a/n a lil smthin based on this post eheh!!
A weary sigh escaped your throat, as you boredly scrolled through tiktok, with your boyfriend mere inches away, too busy conversing with Topper on the phone to direct his attention to you. 
You knew how important business was for Rafe, but sometimes it got out of hand, with him forgetting himself on the phone, taking one call after another, completely abandoning you on his bed (like you’re one of his night stands; in your words). 
Your lips tugged into a smile when you stumbled upon a funny video, chuckling as you sent it to Rafe, though you could’ve easily moved across the bed and shoved it in his face. That wasn’t a choice right now, as you were mad at him, too upset to humor him with silly cats whom you referred to as ‘us’ when you sent it to him. 
The ping ringed through Rafe’s ear, earning a puzzled look out of the latter when he checked the notification, and noticed it was a video from you. He turned in your direction, eyebrows quirking with confusion, almost as if he was seeking an explanation for his silent question. 
You scoffed, rolling your eyes as you shuffled around in bed, until you were no longer facing your boyfriend, giving him your back instead. You got back to scrolling through tiktok, hoping Rafe would get the hint and finally call it off for the night. 
And he did, coming up with a random excuse to get rid of Topper, not giving him a chance to question Rafe before the boy already hung up, immediately checking the video you sent. You suppressed the smile forming on your lips as the sound of his giggles erupted through your ears, spiraling a fit of excitement through your chest. 
“What is this?!” He asked, leaning against the bed frame, lips pursing into a pout when he didn't receive a response in return. “Hello? Baby?” Rafe paused for a moment, gaze fully fixed on you, in hopes of earning your attention. He scoffed, finally understanding what you were doing. “Are you ignoring me?” 
His attention shifted back to the screen when his phone pinged with another notification from you, your said message causing him to grin from ear to ear. 
‘shut up.’ and another, ‘dont speak 2 me.’ 
“Are you mad at me?” He cooed, tossing his phone to the side, before he eventually joined your side, nuzzling around to get comfortable now that your back pressed firmly over his chest. “C’mon, speak to me, why are you giving me the silent treatment?” 
You remained silent, choking back a giggle when his face found the crook of your neck, planting soft kisses to your skin as his breath fanned over the flesh, the sensation like feather to your skin. 
“Is this about Topper?” He questioned between kisses, voice slightly muffled. Rafe then wrapped an arm around your waist, pressing you closer to his chest, even more close than earlier, if that was even possible. “I’m sorry, you know I get busy sometimes, I don't mean to purposely ignore you.” 
“Yeah, yeah.” Rafe perked up when you spoke, smiling as he took in the side of your face, your frown instantly replaced with a sheepish smile. “Might as well jus’ break up with me, since you’re so busy n’ all that stuff.” 
“All that stuff?” He repeated, fully straightening in his position. He poked your cheek with his finger, giggling when you smacked his hand, feigning oblivion to your amused expression despite how annoyed you seemed. “Didn’t you just compare us to cats? You do that with everyone you break up with?” 
“Hmm,” you hummed, giving in when Rafe tugged your chin, forcing your face in his direction. You pretended to think, grabbing his hand and kissing it, the gesture slightly catching Rafe off guard, well aware of how stubborn you are when you're upset. “Only with the handsome ones.” 
“You think I’m handsome?” He muttered, voice dropping barely above a whisper. He leaned down, brushing his thumb over your lip. He pecked your forehead, the press of his plush lips tickling your flesh. “I’m sorry, I love you.” 
“It’s okay,” you reassured, levelling yourself with Rafe as you straightened up, now face to face with him. “I jus’ missed you s’all, you know I require a lot of attention.” 
“And I’m willing to give it to you,” he mumbled, “Missed,” a kiss, “my pretty,” and another, “girl.” You giggled, throwing your head back in an attempt to playfully dodge his kisses, merely for Rafe to chase after your lips, now fully pinning you to the bed. “Let’s watch more cat videos,” he said, grabbing your phone from the night stand. “Stop sulking with me, yeah?” 
You rolled your eyes, maintaining a blank expression as Rafe set your phone in front of your face, waiting for face ID to work. “You’re so annoying.” 
“And you love me,” he replied, face twisting into a frown as his fingers hovered over the screen. “Where the fuck is tiktok?” 
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simpforboys · 3 months ago
Surprise! (3)
Drew Starkey x fem!singer!reader
Summary: reader and Drew celebrate the release of the ‘Perfume’ music video!
Warnings: fluff, smut, oral (f receiving), praise, swearing, male masturbation, dirty talk, missionary position, sex on couch, daddy kink, protective piv sex, boob worship (?), drinking wine, fangirling
Part one, part two, part four
taglist is full :(
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Two weeks had went by.
Two long, busy weeks of you not hearing much from Drew, other than the promotions and photo stills you would send him.
It was finally the release day, and within 18 hours, the video had already reached 200 million views.
You were currently sitting on your light grey couch, flicking through Netflix movies when your phone buzzed with a notification.
Drew Starkey: Hey, congrats on the success of the video. I’m still very honored you wanted me to he apart of it. You still down to celebrate?
In all honesty you were expecting Drew to stop talking to you after the shoot.
But within those two weeks, you were both extremely busy, so reaching out was hard.
That didn’t mean you two didn’t text at all, it was just two or three messages a day.
Drew was notorious for being a bad texter, not to mention how filled up his schedule was.
So you never took it to heart. Or, at least tried.
But seeing the notification that he actually still wanted to hang out, wanted to celebrate with you…
Your User: hi, thank you so much! i’m still so happy and grateful you said yes <33
Your User: and yes i’m still down to celebrate!! when are you free?
Maybe the double texting was too much, but you were already a glass of wine in, and texting your celebrity crush.
To your surprise, he replied pretty quickly.
Drew Starkey: I’m actually free rn surprisingly, are you?
You were in fact free, but ready was the better question.
No, you were not ready to see Drew fucking Starkey, especially looking like how you were currently dressed.
Only wearing sweatpants, a shirt that is three sizes too big, fuzzy socks, and no bra was not exactly presentable to meet the love of your life.
Your User: yes, but i look absolutely horrible rn
Again, another quick response.
Drew Starkey: I doubt that. Can I come see you?
You typed out a message.
That was what you really wanted to reply with, but instead went for something more nonchalant.
Your User: yeah, you want my address?
It was never good to share your address to anyone online, especially after only meeting in person twice.
But it was Drew Starkey. You would send anything to that man, no questions asked.
Drew Starkey: Yes please
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You had spent the last 30 minutes frantically cleaning your apartment. Not that it was a complete mess, but you did want it to be cleaner than what it was.
A soft knock on your door was heard, heart pounding in your chest, hands shaking with nervousness.
Peeking through the peephole, seeing his familiar face was enough to make you almost back out.
Why did you have to be so fucking nervous? He was just a man.
Your fingers unlocked the door, opening it gently.
“Hey, Y/n.” Drew smiled warmly at you, holding a bouquet of flowers.
“Hi… come on in.” You grinned back, trying to hide the feeling in your chest.
Drew’s long legs guide him inside the apartment and he takes a second to look around.
It was cozy, and definitely you.
“I got these f’you.” He hums, holding out the flowers.
“Oh, these are my favorite flowers, Drew… you didn’t have to do that.” You awed, taking the bouquet as he practically handed it to you.
He knew they were your favorite flowers. He might have looked up y/n l/n’s favorite flower onto Google. Not that he would ever admit that, though.
“Really? Damn, lucky pick, I guess.” He chuckled, scratching the side of his neck a little sheepishly.
Putting the flowers in a vase, you realized that he was wearing sweats and a hoodie. It was 10:23pm on a Friday, and clearly you two were appreciating a night off.
It made you feel better about your outfit.
“Do you want anything to eat or drink? I have white or red wine, beer, vodka, soda, water…” You trailed off your options.
“What’re you drinking?” He hummed.
You nodded over to the coffee table, an open bottle of wine with a half filled glass on it.
“I’ll just have some of that, then.” Drew murmurs.
You grabbed another wine glass and walked over to the couch, hearing his feet behind you.
Sitting down on the couch, you got all comfortable underneath the blanket again, then reached over to pour him a glass of wine.
“Cheers, to the success of ‘Perfume’, and to you.” Drew says softly, holding his glass out for you to clink.
Feeling your face grow a bit warm, you tapped your glass with his.
“Cheers to you being amazing.” You took a sip of the wine, your eyes locked onto his blue ones.
“You have a nice apartment, by the way. Forgot to say that.” He hums.
“Thank you, I wanted to make it as cozy as possible for those rare times I am at home.” You explain.
"Yeah, I get that. Life nowadays is just so hectic." He agrees, blue eyes trailing over your face, as if committing each feature to memory.
"Well, yeah. You're all big and famous now," you tease.
He chuckles sheepishly, his large hand running along the back of his head.
"You have any big plans coming up?" He asked you.
"Yeah, actually. I'm supposed to be preforming at the iHeartRadio Jingle Ball festival in a week," you nod.
"Really? Damn. That beats me, then." He joked.
"What do you have coming up?" You questioned.
"Variety is going to have Harris Dickinson and I do that Actors on Actors interview thing."
"Yeah? That sounds fun," you hummed.
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The two of you spent an hour and a half talking about life, success, and just got to know each other.
You both finished the bottle of wine and were now onto your second bottle, the two of you tipsy as you giggled on the couch.
Your body felt warm and you weren't completely sure if it was from the alcohol or the fact that a beautiful man was sitting a foot away from you on your own couch.
Drew felt the same, and one specific joke you made had him laughing a little too hard. His eyes creased in the corner as he smiled, those pretty dimples on display.
But when his large hand went to rest on your knee, the wine in your system completely fought off your anxiety, making you more relaxed.
You found yourself leaning into his touch, your hand resting atop of his.
"Your laugh is so cute, Drew," you murmured.
"Yeah? You're cute," he responded.
You bit your lip, eyes locked onto his. "Is that the alcohol talking or you?"
He grinned, shaking his head.
"That's me talking."
"You're sweet..." you trailed off, trying to ignore how butterflies filled your belly.
He just hummed, a comfortable, tension-filled silence falling between you two.
"So, you really had a crush on me for four years?" He teased, squeezing your knee a little.
"Oh, god. We're back at this now, huh?" You grumbled in embarrassment, although there was no real malice behind your tone.
He smirked, licking his lips. "We never left it."
"I certainly did."
"Yeah? You don't have a crush on me anymore?" He murmured, the playful tone in his voice making your stomach turn more.
"I didn't say that...." you trailed off, picking at the extra skin near your nails.
His eyes trail over your form again, taking in every inch of you he can see that's not hidden by the blanket on your lap.
"Hm? Sorry, I didn't hear you."
You rolled your eyes, face hot. "I'm sure you didn't."
He laughed, scooting a little closer to you so your legs were touching.
"'m just fucking with you," he said softly.
"I know..." you glanced over at him, eyes instinctively falling down to his pretty lips.
It had been too long since you felt them on you.
Maybe it was the wine, maybe it was the boost of confidence Drew had gotten, but he slowly leaned in, his free hand going to run his index finger and thumb on your chin.
"Is this okay?" He asked quietly.
"Yeah... yes..." you breathed out shakily, heart racing.
He hummed, gently connecting your lips to his own.
Feeling that familiar, addictive spark when his skin touched yours. You immediately kissed back, your left hand going to cup his jaw.
Kissing. You were kissing Drew fucking Starkey. And it wasn't for work, wasn't for cameras. He kissed you first.
Within moments, he was laying you back on the light grey couch, the fluffy blanket being left abandoned on the floor.
His tongue was in your mouth, sculpted body hovering over yours. Your thighs were spread for him to nestle in between, left hand still cupping his strong jaw, right hand in that soft brown hair.
On instinct you pulled a little on the strands, making him grunt into your mouth. He disconnected your lips, trailing sloppy, needy kisses down your jaw and neck.
Chests pressed together, it was as if you two couldn't get any closer.
"Mhmm... Drew..." you whimpered softly when he nipped at the skin of your pulse point.
"Yeah? That feel nice, sweet girl?" He murmured, voice muffled from his attention on your neck.
You nodded, legs squeezing him in between your body.
"Can I take your shirt off, baby?" He asked, not wanting to do anything you weren't desiring.
"Please.." you breathed out, heart racing, stomach flipping.
His large hand slipped the oversized fabric off and over your head, a small whine leaving him when he saw your pretty tits.
"Fuck, Y/n... you been hiding these from me?" He mumbled teasingly, continuing his line of kisses and nibbles down your collarbone, in between the valley of your breasts.
"All you needed to do was ask," you panted. Your back instinctively arched up, your chest needing some attention from his warm mouth.
He groaned at your answer, moving slightly down your body until he was eye level with your hard nipples. He swirled his tongue around the bud, blue eyes locked on your face when he sucked your nipple into his mouth.
Your body jolted a little, making him hold your side with his left hand, his right hand massaging the other stiffened bud.
He switched sides after a few moments, relishing in the sounds of your pretty moans and pants.
But something else was throbbing and aching, desperately needing his attention.
"Drew," you whined.
"Hmm?" He hummed, still worshipping your boobs.
"Need you."
"Yeah?" He cooed, reluctantly disconnecting his mouth from your right nipple as he continued to kiss down your stomach.
You nod, breathing short and needy. He got to the waistband of your sweatpants, looking back up at you.
"You can take those off too." You gave permission, already knowing what the man was going to ask.
He wasted no time in slipping the fabric down your legs, readjusting so his face was in between your spread thighs.
"Look how you ruined these panties, pretty girl... you're so needy f'me, huh?" He murmured softly.
All you could do was whine when he pressed a tender kiss to your clothed clit, the fabric absolutely soaked. It had been way too long since you'd had sex.
His large hand slid the fabric down your thighs, leaving you completely bare for him.
"So beautiful, baby. So beautiful..." he muttered, talking more to himself than you.
Your legs twitched when he flicked his tongue against your clit, hands digging in his hair.
"I know, baby. Let daddy eat this pretty pussy, yeah? Just sit back and relax."
A needy whimper left your mouth, but you didn't respond. Not that you could, as he licked a stripe from your pulsating hole to the top of your clit.
He hoisted your thighs over his broad shoulders, moaning a little at your taste. His movements became more eager, beginning to lap at your cunt like a starved man.
Right hand in his hair, left hand gripping the couch. Your eyes rolled back, hips bucking up towards his face.
He made a grunt directly into your clit, another jolt of pleasure going into your body.
"Daddy... fuck..."
His piercing blue eyes were feeding off of your facial expressions, his cock throbbing in his own sweats.
He slipped two fingers into your cunt, focusing his mouth on your clit. His left hand slid down his own pants, beginning to palm his cock through his boxers.
"Yeah? Is daddy making you feel good, sweet girl?" He coos, whining a little as his own hips buck on the couch, desperate for more friction.
His noise and hips bucking made your cunt clench around his fingers, as if trying to pull him in deeper.
The knot in your stomach was already forming, almost embarrassing how quickly he turned you into a mess.
Legs trembling over his shoulders, hips rocking against his face and chin. You couldn't even announce you were coming, mind fuzzy from the pleasure.
He hummed when he noticed you releasing, continuing to lap up all your juices as he came in his pants.
When your body calmed down, he pulled away from your pussy and kneeled in between your legs.
He peeled his own hoodie off, revealing that perfect, toned body of his again. Your eyes drank in the sight, licking your lips.
“You’re so hot, Drew…” you murmured.
His ears were ringing, need coursing through his veins as he slipped off his sweats and boxers.
You had to physically hold back a gasp when you saw his cock for the first time.
People had always written it differently in all those guilty pleasure Rafe Cameron fanfics you would read when you couldn’t sleep.
But seeing it in person was just a whole new experience.
It was long and thick, which was to be expected. The man radiated big dick energy.
Pretty mushroom tip that was still leaking, his pubic hair slightly fuzzy as if he hadn’t shaved it in a week.
“Holy shit…”
“Mhm? Better than you imagined?” He asked teasingly, a smirk on his face as he grabbed a condom from his wallet.
You couldn’t help but playfully roll your eyes, a small snicker leaving you.
He rolled the condom onto his shaft, moving to hover over you again.
“Are you sure you want this, Y/n?” He asked softly, eyes gazing intently into yours.
“Yes… please fuck me, daddy.”
He let out a small groan, nestling himself in between your thighs. He used a long, strong arm to grab a couch pillow and tuck it under your hips.
You watched as he teasingly slid his head up and down your slit, tapping it against your throbbing bundle of nerves.
“Don’t tease me, please,” you beg.
Your pretty begging weakened his resolve as he slowly slid into you.
Whimpers and noises of pleasure left the both of you at the feeling, a course of energy being shared within your two bodies.
He kept pushing until he was all the way inside, giving you a moment to adjust as he captured your lips in his.
Your hands roamed over his biceps and back, loving the way the muscles flex against your palms. His skin was burning, adding to the electric feel.
When he felt you stop tensing around him, he began to slowly pull back, before pushing in, creating a delicious rhythm.
“Fuck… you feel so fuckin’ good, baby.” He moaned.
Your legs tightened around his hips, a noise leaving you as he rubbed right against that spongy spot.
“So deep, Drew… can feel you so deep,” you whined in between breaths.
“Yeah? You take this dick so good, pretty girl.”
His movements were getting a little rougher with every minute passing, both of you needing this.
Your crush on him for four years, the sexual tension you shared in the music video, the chemistry when you first met him on The Tonight Show.
It was all so surreal and felt like you were living straight out of a fanfic or dream.
His head dropped down to your chest, clearly having a thing for your hardened nipples as he nibbled gently.
Maybe one day Drew would fuck you without the condom and be able to feel your warm, velvety walls squeezing him without the protection.
He could dream.
“Shit, shit, shit.” You swore, the pillow under your hips allowing for his tip to kiss your cervix with every thrust.
“Mhm, yeah. Good girl.” He praised breathlessly, feeling a little lightheaded from everything.
The couch creaked a little beneath you two, your nails digging into his back.
He was already close, eyes fluttered shut as he lifted his head to press a kiss to your forehead.
His calloused thumb went to rub your clit, making your legs twitch around his sculpted hips.
Your cunt squeezed around his cock, your belly on fire with your building orgasm.
“You gonna cum f’me, sweet girl?” He choked out, hips snapping against yours.
“Y-yes!” You squeak, mind hazy, body trembling.
“Yeah… that’s it… let me feel you…”
His breathy words, deep penetration, and touch on your clit sent you over the edge again.
You moaned loudly, clinging onto his body as he talked you through your orgasm.
He was also talking himself through it, feeling his cock twitch as he spilled his seed into the condom.
His body was still against yours, both of you catching your breaths from the intensity.
He pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead again, his chest rising and falling.
“You okay?” He asked you softly.
“Mhm… ‘m good…”
You kissed his lips again, more gently this time. His nose brushed against yours when he pulled away, lips connecting to your cheek.
He reluctantly slid out of you, kneeling between your legs again as his blue eyes gazed down at your cunt.
“Did you bring any more condoms?” You ask after a few moments.
He looks at your face, then reaches over to grab his wallet. He pulls out two more condom wrappers.
You grinned, licking your lips.
“So are we going two more rounds or what?”
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