#Oscar Piastri fic
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Wait, What?!
Oscar Piastri managed to keep his wife a secret on accident for nearly half a decade…
Come to think off, that was not the only one he kept a secret.
Part 2 of The mysterious Mrs. Piastri verse...
(divider thanks to @saradika-graphics )
Text Messages: Lando Norris & Max Fewtrell
Max: Oh my god, what now?
Max: …Yeah, that tracks.
Max: I mean, I didn’t know, but also… not surprised.
Max: Because, mate, I knew Oscar back in the Renault Eurocup days. And he was in love. Properly, stupidly, pathetically in love. You think Oscar’s all calm and unbothered? You should’ve seen teenage Oscar.
Max: Bro, this man used to sit in the paddock and stare at his phone, smiling at texts from her. Like, full-on grinning. It was disturbing.
Lando: NO.
Max: Oh yeah. Proper gobsmacked-in-love type of obsessed. We used to rip into him for it, and he didn’t even care.
Max: I mean, you know how Oscar is. He’d just shrug and go “Yeah, and?” Like we were the crazy ones.
Max: Mate, he was obsessed with her. Like, actual teenage boy, head-over-heels, no-thoughts-just-Felicity obsessed.
Lando: OSCAR???
Max: YES. You have no idea. We’d finish a race, and he’d be on his phone before he even got his helmet off. Always texting.
Lando: To her???
Max: Always. If he wasn’t texting, he was on FaceTime. If he wasn’t on FaceTime, he was watching her ballet videos like they were onboard footage.
Lando: …Ballet videos???
Max: She’s a ballerina. He tried to do ballet once. It went horribly.
Max: No, but I will never forget the look of pure pain on his face when he came back from one of her classes. “Max, this is the worst thing I’ve ever done. My calves don’t work anymore.”
Max: And don’t even get me started on the food.
Lando: What food???
Max: Oscar always had the best snacks, and they were always things she made him. Like pandan cakes, curry puffs, some kind of egg tarts. Man was eating good.
Max: Not even kidding. He always had food, and it was always from her. One time, I asked if I could have some, and he was like, “No, Felicity made this for me.”
Max: Precisely. Man has been gone for her since day one.
Lando: Selfish.
Max: To be fair, if someone made me homemade food with that much love, I wouldn’t share either.
Lando: …Fair.
Max: Also, she’s tiny. Like, I swear, I thought Oscar was going to break her just by hugging her. It was actually terrifying.
Lando: Who even is she???
Max: Felicity Lee? Leong? Something like that. She went to school with him. Tiny, startlingly pretty. I’m talking, ‘you do a double take and forget how to speak’ kind of pretty. That girl had Oscar so whipped before they even finished school, it was ridiculous.
George: I’m sorry, I need someone to confirm because I think I hallucinated.
Oscar: …Yes?
Charles: OH SURE, JUST CASUALLY. "Yes." Like you didn’t just drop the biggest bombshell on live TV.
Lewis: This is the most shocking news of the year, I need a moment.
Alex: You have a wife?
Fernando: The quiet ones always have secrets.
Max: Why do I feel like Daniel just screamed somewhere?
Oscar: Five years.
Pierre: FIVE YEARS????
Oscar: Yeah.
Logan: You guys didn’t know?
Charles: YOU KNEW?!
Logan: Yeah, met her ages ago.
Lando: HOW. WHY. WHEN.
Logan: Prema? Arthur knows too, I am pretty sure.
Oscar: I didn’t think it was that big of a deal?
Charles: NOT A BIG DEAL?!
Carlos: You could have at least mentioned it.
Lewis: Does she exist? Are you lying? Do we need proof?
Oscar: …Yes, Lewis, she exists.
Max: How did you manage this? You are… you.
Oscar: ???
Oscar: You guys are being dramatic.
Pierre: You hid a whole wife from us. We are allowed to be dramatic.
Oscar: You never asked?
Oscar: I don’t really talk about my personal life.
Pierre: But why doesn’t she come to races?
Oscar: She doesn’t like the circus.
Oscar: It gives her anxiety.
Oscar: And she’s already given up enough for me.
George: Bro, are you hearing yourself?? That sounds serious.
Carlos: That sounds like something from a movie.
Oscar: I don’t know why you’re all freaking out.
Lando: Yeah, and now we’re finding out your mysterious wife has sacrificed things for you??? OSCAR.
Oscar: Her family didn’t approve of us getting married so young.
Lando: Okay, fair, that’s kind of understandable—
Oscar: So they cut her off.
Lando: WHAT.
Pierre: WHAT.
Carlos: EXCUSE ME???
Oscar: Pretty much.
Lewis: …That’s awful.
Oscar: It is what it is.
Oscar: Because it’s not my story to tell.
Carlos: That’s… actually fair.
Max: Her parents are stupid.
Oscar: Yeah, well. Nothing I can do about that.
Lewis: That must have been really hard for her.
Oscar: It was. It still is, sometimes. But she doesn’t regret it.
Oscar: Yeah.
Pierre: Oh my god.
Daniel: I’m emotional.
George: Okay but we don’t even know her name.
Oscar: Felicity.
Lando: FELICITY????
Pierre: That’s so cute, I can’t even be mad.
Oscar: Yeah.
Oscar: We live near the McLaren HQ.
Carlos: I feel like I need to lie down.
Daniel: You and me both.
Lewis: Alright, so when do we get to meet her?
Oscar: I’ll ask if she wants to come to Silverstone?
TEXT MESSAGES: Charles & Arthur Leclerc
Charles: ARTHUR.
Arthur: yes brother dearest
Arthur: uhhh yeah??
Arthur: why would i tell you? i thought you knew?
Arthur: yeah, he’s private about it, but like… he’s been married for years. i thought it was just one of those things everyone knew??
Arthur: ok but be honest. if i told you “oh yeah oscar got married at 18,” would you have believed me?
Charles: …fair point.
Arthur: i know. we were all out here at prema still figuring out how to flirt and oscar was out here being A HUSBAND.
Arthur: like, we were panicking over texting girls back and he was making plans for dinner with his wife.
Arthur: idk, he’s not the type to bring it up randomly.
Arthur: but if you do ask, it’s game over. bro is OBSESSED with her.
Charles: ???
Arthur: like, i’ve seen him sit through a full engineering debrief completely unfazed, no reaction, zero emotions.
Arthur: but then his wife texts him “good luck” and suddenly he looks like he just won the lottery.
Arthur: prema days were just a bunch of kids losing their minds over instagram likes while oscar was married.
Arthur: like, we’d be debating if texting a girl twice in a row was too desperate, and oscar was over there planning his life with his wife.
Arthur: her family basically disowned her when she married him.
Charles: …what?
Arthur: yeah. they thought she was ruining her life by marrying some kid in motorsport.
Arthur: they told her she was throwing everything away for him. that he’d never make it, that she’d regret it.
Arthur: and when she didn’t back down, they cut her off completely. oscar doesn’t talk about it because he knows.
Arthur: he knows what she gave up for him.
Arthur: and he takes that personally.
Arthur: like, have you ever seen oscar get actually angry?
Charles: …no?
Arthur: i have. once.
Arthur: i walked in on him on the phone with her father.
Arthur: it was the scariest moment of my life.
Charles: OSCAR???
Arthur: YES.
Arthur: he was so calm but also terrifying.
Arthur: like, i swear to god, he said something like, “i don’t care what you think of me, but you don’t get to make her feel like she’s not worth loving.”
Arthur: And then he told the guy that if he ever so much as thought about talking to her like that again, oscar would personally fly across the world and put him in the ground.
Arthur: and the worst part? her dad believed him.
Arthur: like. i could hear it. the silence. the fear.
Arthur: and then oscar just hung up like it was nothing.
Arthur: meanwhile, i’m standing there losing my mind, trying to comprehend that my quiet, nice, mild-mannered teammate had just casually promised to commit murder.
Charles: holy shit.
Arthur: yeah. so next time you see him, just know: that man would burn the world down for his wife and daughter
Arthur: explain what?
Arthur: ohhh yeah. oscar has a kid. her name’s Bee. cutest little girl ever.
Arthur: i mean oscar. has a kid.
Charles: SINCE WHEN.
Arthur: since like. three years ago.
Arthur: yeah, man. wild, right?
Arthur: idk. you never asked.
Arthur: fair point.
Arthur: oh my god. wait.
Arthur: it kinda does.
Arthur: papy charles.
Arthur: relax, grandpa.
Arthur: okay, old man.
Charles: FOCUS.
Arthur: because oscar’s private? plus, it’s not like it changes anything. he’s still the same oscar. just, y’know. a dad.
Arthur: bro, when i first found out, i thought he was crazy.
Arthur: like. imagine being twenty and deciding “yeah, i’m gonna be a dad now.” insane behavior.
Arthur: but honestly? he’s so good at it.
Arthur: like. weirdly good.
Charles: HOW.
Arthur: idk man. some people are just meant to be parents.
Arthur: he’s just so patient with her. like, you know how nothing ever rattles him? that times a hundred.
Arthur: she threw a toy car at his head once and he just smiled and said “nice aim, Bee.”
Charles: ???
Arthur: i’m telling you. completely obsessed with that kid.
Arthur: also she calls him “Papa” and it’s the cutest thing ever.
Arthur: is it because you’re old now.
Grid Group Chat
Charles: OSCAR.
Oscar: …About?
Lando: What did you do now.
Carlos: This feels serious.
Pierre: Excuse me?????
George: What.
Alex: No way.
Lando: WHAT?!?!
Fernando: Interesting.
Lewis: Oscar?
Oscar: Yeah.
Carlos: Wait, what.
Daniel: Oh my god.
Pierre: BACK UP.
Oscar: He met her.
Lando: HE MET HER???
George: OSCAR.
Max: Is everyone going to keep screaming?
Oscar: No one asked.
Alex: Three years, mate. You’ve had a kid for three years and never said a word?
Oscar: Yeah.
Pierre: I am STUNNED.
George: STUNNED.
Oscar: Yes, Lando.
Lando: I need to sit down.
Oscar: Because I promised my wife I wouldn’t buy her a kart until she’s five, and if I bring her to a race, that’s all she’ll want for her birthday.
Carlos: …She’s already obsessed, isn’t she.
Oscar: Oh, completely.
Oscar: She watches onboards for fun.
Pierre: Onboards.
Oscar: Mine.
Logan: Bee is kinda obsessed lol
Lando: BEE?!?! HER NAME IS BEE?!?
Oscar: Beatrice. But we call her Bee.
Oscar: She also gives commentary.
George: Commentary.
Oscar: Yeah. She said George is a bit too careful, but she respects it.
George: …Tell her I appreciate that.
Oscar: She thinks Alex is underrated.
Alex: Smart girl.
Oscar: She says Max and Charles are the fastest.
Charles: Oh, she has taste.
Max: A future World Champion.
Oscar: She says you talk too much.
Oscar: And she also doesn’t understand why you always “let” Max pass you.
Max: I like her.
Charles: I need to meet this child.
Max: Me too.
Fernando: Same.
Lewis: When’s she coming to the paddock?
Oscar: She’s not, because if she meets Max and Charles in person, I will not hear the end of it.
Charles: Oh, we have to meet her.
Oscar: She’s three, Lando.
Oscar: She says she supports “everyone.”
Max: That’s diplomatic.
Charles: No, that’s suspicious.
Charles: Who does she really support?
Oscar: …She says she supports whoever wins.
Alex: A ruthless fan. I respect it.
Oscar: She does like McLaren. She just thinks Ferrari is “prettier.”
Charles: YES.
Carlos: This child has taste.
Oscar: Sounds like it.
George: This is all well and good, but I need to know—what does she think about you, Oscar?
Oscar: …
Lando: OH MY GOD.
Oscar: She says I’m her favorite after Max and Charles.
Charles: YES.
Max: Acceptable.
Oscar: But she also says I have the best helmet.
Fernando: That’s a win.
Oscar: She doesn’t bully you.
Oscar: She just doesn’t understand why you let Max pass you all the time.
Max: A wise child.
Charles: I demand a meeting.
Max: Me too.
Pierre: We’re all uncles now.
Oscar: Good luck with that. She also says you sound funny when you yell.
Max: She sounds very intelligent.
Charles: Yes. Clearly, she has excellent judgment.
Carlos: So what does she think about the other drivers?
Oscar: Do you really want to know?
Pierre: Oh absolutely.
Fernando: I am prepared.
Oscar: Okay.
Oscar: She thinks George sounds like Peppa Pig.
George: …
Lewis: Oh my god.
Oscar: She heard you on the TV and asked why Peppa was driving a car.
Pierre: No, you ARE a cartoon pig.
Alex: This is the best day of my life.
George: I hate all of you.
Oscar: Moving on…
Oscar: She thinks Fernando is the “oldest driver ever.”
Charles: At least she knows the history of the sport.
Fernando: I’m taking that as a compliment.
Oscar: She also says Yuki is small and should be allowed to stand on the seat so he can see better.
Oscar: Oh, and she likes Lewis because she likes his earrings.
Lewis: That is the only valid reason to like me.
Oscar: She also thinks you’re the boss of everyone.
Lewis: That is also true.
Oscar: She thinks Charles crashes too much but is “really, really fast.”
Max: Accurate.
Oscar: And she says Max is “really good, but scary.”
Max: I am scary.
Charles: No, you just race like a maniac.
Oscar: She also thinks you and Carlos are best friends because you wear the same color.
Carlos: I am okay with this.
Oscar: Get better PR.
Oscar: She likes Daniel because she says his voice sounds happy.
Charles: So she wants to race??
Oscar: Oh yeah. She watches all the onboards. She says the Red Bull looks "like a rocket ship," and McLaren is "super fast now," but Ferrari is "a little bit broken."
Carlos: You HAVE to bring her to a race.
Lando: Okay but actually. Do you think she’ll do karting?
Oscar: Yeah. Probably.
Oscar: She already yells “Lights out and away we go” when she runs down the hallway.
Fernando: Oh, she’s one of us.
Lando: She’s already got the spirit.
George: Unlike Lando.
Max: No, because you’ll lose.
Oscar: Yeah, she told me my race suit is “not very pretty.”
Charles: What does she think of Max’s?
Oscar: “It’s blue. That’s okay.” She likes yours more, because Red is good.
Charles: She has excellent taste.
Oscar: She also said, “You should win more too.”
Lando: Has she ever said that to Max?
Oscar: No, because she thinks he already wins enough.
Max: Wise.
George: What does she think about Mercedes?
Oscar: She likes the silver one better than the black one because “it’s shinier.”
Lewis: Fair.
Oscar: But she said, “It’s not as pretty as red.”
Oscar: She also thinks all our helmets should have “more animals and less boring stuff.”
Oscar: Then she told me, “You need a koala on yours.”
Alex: That’s fair.
Oscar: Of course.
Charles: Please share.
Oscar: The other day, I was watching a race replay, and she climbed onto the couch next to me, stared at the screen, and went, “Why are you still on those tires?”
Carlos: HAHAHA.
Oscar: And I said, “Because we haven’t pitted yet,” and she just shook her head and went, “That’s silly. You should get new ones now.”
Pierre: Does she understand tire compounds?
Oscar: She knows soft tires are fast, medium tires are okay, and hard tires are “boring and ugly.”
Charles: Honestly, she gets it.
Oscar: Oh, yeah. She calls it the “flappy thing.”
Pierre: I love her.
Oscar: She saw an onboard where I opened it, and she just went, “Oooooh, flappy thing makes you go fast.”
Max: I mean, she’s right.
Alex: Does she like overtakes?
Oscar: Yeah, but she only gets really excited when I do them. Otherwise, she just watches quietly and then claps if it looks cool.
Charles: Does she cheer for anyone else?
Oscar: One time, she saw you make a double overtake and went, “Ohhhhh, I like him.”
Carlos: Betrayal.
Oscar: She likes you too, don’t worry. But I think she just thought that move was cool.
Carlos: I suppose I will allow it.
George: Oscar, have you explained to her why Lando hasn’t won yet?
Oscar: Not really. I just told her, “It’s really hard to win in F1,” and she thought about it for a second and went, “Not for Max.”
Charles: She is actually too smart.
Oscar: She does know her last name, actually.
Carlos: Has she asked why you haven’t won a race either, Oscar?
Oscar: No.
Pierre: WHY NOT??
Oscar: I think she assumes I’m too busy taking care of her.
George: Honestly, fair.
Oscar: Believe it.
Oscar: She didn’t say you were bad. Just that you haven’t won yet.
Oscar: It’s okay, Lando. I’ll tell her you’re trying your best.
Oscar: What do you mean?
Oscar: Well, she’s got a lot of opinions.
Charles: What kind of opinions?
Oscar: She has told me she doesn’t like safety cars because they’re “boring,” and that red flags are annoying because she has to wait.
Max: I respect it.
Oscar: But she does like when there’s a big crash because she gets to say, “Uh oh!”
Max: I would retire.
Oscar: She also said if I ever win a race, she wants to do the shoey with me.
Oscar: Felicity already said no.
Lando: Good. I’m still recovering from the fact that you have a whole wife and a daughter.
Oscar: You’ll be fine.
Lando: WILL I.
Oscar: No.
Lando: GREAT.
Carlos: We know.
Oscar: I do.
Oscar: That is usually how it works.
Oscar: You never asked.
Charles: I might start.
Oscar: It’s not that big of a deal.
Oscar: She’s just a tiny person.
Oscar: Correct.
Pierre: Bro, breathe.
Lando: NO.
#formula 1#f1 fanfiction#formula 1 fanfiction#f1 smau#f1 x reader#formula 1 x reader#f1 grid x reader#f1 grid fanfiction#oscar piastri fanfic#oscar piastri#Oscar Piastri smau#Oscar Piastri fic#oscar piastri x reader#oscar piastri imagine#op81 fic#op81 imagine
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♡ PAIRING: oscar piastri x reader | ♡ WC: 3.0K ♡ GENRE: tooth-aching fluff♡ INCOMING RADIO: OSCAR PIASTRI MAIDEN POLE TO THIRD WIN YOU ARE MY GOAT!!!!!!!! THE PERFECT WEEKEND, A PERFECT DRIVER! ♡ RECOMMENDED LISTENING: only exception, paramore ● you are in love, taylor swift ● tsunami, niki ● lover, taylor swift ● fallingforyou, the 1975 ● slow dancing in a burning room, john mayer Read my co-driver's (@tsunodaradio) companion fic HERE <3
♡ SUMMARY: Oscar likes following the rules. But all rules have an exception.
Oscar Piastri doesn’t wear jewelry. Never has, never will. It’s a rule, unwritten but absolute, like the geometry of a perfect racing line, like the way his hands find the wheel before anything else. Rings, bracelets, watches—he’s never liked the feeling of something clinging to him, something that isn’t his fireproofs or the familiar weight of a steering wheel in his hands. Metal is for the car, not for him.
But tonight, in a hotel room in Baku still thick with the scent of champagne and victory, he watches a thin silver ring glint between your fingers, and suddenly, he isn’t so sure.
"You got this where?" His voice is edged with amusement, but his eyes don’t leave the ring.
"Some shop in an alley in the Old City," you say, grinning. "Bit sketchy, but I think it suits you."
It doesn’t, not really. The silver is slightly tarnished, the engraving uneven, a whisper of a pattern he can’t quite decipher in the low light. It’s not the kind of thing a man like him wears—not polished, not pristine. And yet, when you hold it out to him, something tugs at his ribs, an instinct deeper than logic.
"You won," you remind him, quieter now. "Thought you deserved something to remember it by."
As if he could forget. As if the day’s triumph wasn’t still humming through his bones, a quiet, electric thing. He should laugh it off, tell you it’s too much, too sentimental. Instead, he picks it up carefully, rolling it between his fingers. The metal is cool, lighter than he expected.
He tries it on for you, because he knows you’re waiting for it—knows it’ll make you smile. It slips over his knuckle easily enough, but when he flexes his fingers, it spins too loosely, like it doesn’t quite belong.
"Too big," he murmurs. A strange relief unfurls in his chest, something he doesn’t examine too closely.
You watch him, eyes unreadable, and then, without a word, you pull at the thin chain around your neck. The one he’s seen you wear a thousand times, barely there against your skin. You unclasp it, thread the ring onto it, and press it into his palm.
"Problem solved," you say, simple as anything.
Oscar stares.
The chain pools like liquid silver in his hand, the ring now nestled in its center. His first instinct is to refuse—he doesn’t do things like this. He doesn’t wear reminders of things, doesn’t hold onto symbols when the feeling itself is already enough.
And yet.
The clasp is small, fiddly between his fingers, but he gets it, slipping the chain over his head, letting it settle against his collarbones. The weight is barely there, but he feels it all the same. He catches your expression—soft, almost knowing—and something inside him tightens.
"You’re ridiculous," he says, voice lighter than he means it to be.
"You like it," you counter, the corner of your mouth twitching.
He doesn’t answer. He doesn’t need to. The ring is warm now, pressed against his skin, right over his heart.
Oscar doesn’t like public displays of affection. Cameras, prying eyes, the weight of expectation—he’s always been careful. Calculated. A hand stayed firmly by his side, a step measured just so, never giving more than necessary. Affection, in his world, is something to be rationed, held close, not paraded for the world to see.
But then there’s you.
You, tugging him close with a laugh, fingers curling around the fabric of his race suit like you have every right to hold him there. You, leaning in without a second thought, pressing a fleeting kiss to his cheek when you think no one’s looking. The touch barely lingers, a whisper of warmth against his skin, but it stays with him longer than it should.
At first, his body resists, muscles tensing out of habit. A lifetime of discipline, of knowing exactly when and where to let himself feel, doesn’t just fade overnight. But then he catches the way you glance up at him after, like you’re testing the waters, waiting for his reaction. Your eyes, bright and teasing, searching for the line he’ll draw between what is allowed and what isn’t.
And maybe, just maybe, he leans into it.
Not much. Just a fraction of a second longer when your lips brush his skin, the way his hand lingers at the small of your back in a crowd. The way his fingers twitch at his side before finally—hesitantly—finding yours. It’s subtle, barely there, but he knows you notice. Knows it in the way your grip tightens, in the way your body slots just a little closer to his like it was always meant to be there.
The cameras still flash. People still look. He still tells himself he’s careful. But later, much later, when the noise has faded and it’s just the two of you in the quiet of his hotel room, your head resting against his shoulder, he breathes you in and wonders why he ever thought love was something to keep hidden.
Because here, in the soft glow of the bedside lamp, with the ring on its chain warm against his chest and your fingers tracing absent-minded patterns along his forearm, it feels so easy. Natural. Like maybe, after all this time, he’s allowed to have something for himself.
Oscar doesn’t dance. His body is made for precision, for the sharp control of a steering wheel, for knowing exactly when to push and when to hold back. Dancing—real dancing, the kind that isn’t just nodding along at a team party—is messy. Unpracticed. A loss of control he’s never been entirely comfortable with.
But then there’s you.
You, standing in the kitchen, with the fridge still open behind you, its soft light spilling across the tile. One sock on, one sock missing, your phone’s speaker crackling out a half-forgotten song that sounds like it’s from another time, another place. You, with that grin—bright and teasing—already reaching for him, your fingers curling around his wrist like you’ve already decided.
At first, he resists, just for a moment, because that’s what he does. It’s instinct, a reflex to keep everything in its place, to maintain a sense of control. But you don’t let go. You tug, and your smile is too wide, too persistent, and suddenly, his socked feet are sliding across the cold kitchen tile, the sound of his hesitation lost beneath the crackling beat from your phone.
"Come on," you say, already swaying. "Just one song."
It isn’t a song meant for dancing. The rhythm is too slow, the melody fraying at the edges, but none of that seems to matter to you. You step in closer, fitting yourself against him with easy warmth, guiding him side to side like you’ve already decided he’ll follow. And—God help him—he does.
At first, he moves like he’s thinking too much, like his body is trying to find the right sequence, the right formula for something that was never meant to be calculated. But then you twirl under his arm, laughing when you almost misstep, and something in his chest pulls loose.
He lets himself laugh when you trip over his foot. Lets himself steady you by the waist, thumbs pressing against soft fabric. Lets himself breathe you in, warm and close and here.
The song shifts, bleeding into another, and you don’t stop moving. Neither does he. He tells himself he’s just humoring you, just giving you this moment, but then your hand finds the nape of his neck, your fingers threading lazily through his hair, and—
Maybe, just maybe, he holds you a little closer.
Oscar doesn’t keep souvenirs.
Never has. He doesn’t see the point. His life moves too quickly, each city blurring into the next, each hotel room as impersonal as the one before. What use does he have for things that only serve as reminders of places he’s already left behind? He’s never understood people who collect scraps of the past—ticket stubs, postcards, little trinkets that gather dust in bedside drawers.
If something matters, he reasons, it should stay in your head. You shouldn’t need an object to prove it was real.
But then there’s a ring around his neck.
It started as a joke. A cheap little thing you picked up in the back-alleys of Baku, pressed into his palm with a grin. For your first win here, you’d said, like it was the easiest thing in the world. And maybe it was, the way you said it—like he was always going to win, like you had no doubt. He remembers how it felt when you watched him slide it on, laughing when you realized it was just a touch too big. He could’ve left it in his hotel room, could’ve let it sit on his nightstand and forgotten it there.
But he didn’t.
Instead, he let you loop it onto a chain (your chain), let the cool metal settle against his collarbone. Told himself it was practical—rings can fall off, after all—but that didn’t explain the way his fingers found it absentmindedly, rolling it between his fingertips when he was thinking of you.
Then there’s the polaroid.
The edges are soft now, frayed at the corners from being handled too many times. He doesn’t remember when exactly it was taken—only that Lando had slipped it to him with that sly, knowing smile a few nights after you’d gone home. He’s seen it enough times to know every detail: you, on his lap, laughing with the kind of brightness that makes everything feel lighter, and him, arms looped around your waist, looking at you like you hung the moon in the sky.
He catches glimpses of it whenever he opens his wallet. A flash of you, so full of life, the image almost too real for a photo, like he could reach out and hear your laughter again, feel the warmth of your presence just beyond the edges of the frame. He should take it out—he tells himself this every time he sees it. It’s just a photo, just a slip of paper, already starting to fade with time. But then he thinks about what it would feel like to throw it away, and somehow, inexplicably, that feels worse.
So he leaves it there, pressed between the folds of the leather, a small piece of you he keeps close.
And then there’s the hoodie.
It isn’t his. The sleeves are too long, the fabric too soft, smelling faintly of you—of home. He doesn’t know how it ended up in his suitcase. Maybe you left it there by accident, or maybe you knew, in that way you always seem to, that there would be nights when he’d need it. He tells himself he’ll give it back the next time he sees you, but then it’s the middle of the night in some hotel halfway across the world, and the air conditioning is too cold, and he’s pulling it over his head before he can even think about it.
So, no. Oscar doesn’t keep souvenirs.
But then there’s you, slipping into his life in ways he never saw coming. In rings and photographs and sweaters that smell like home. In moments he can hold onto, in pieces of you he carries with him without even realizing.
And suddenly—maybe he does.
Oscar doesn’t do gifts.
He never has. He doesn’t see the point. Things are just things—objects with no real weight beyond what people choose to give them. He’s never been the type to care about unwrapping presents or fussing over sentimental trinkets. He’d rather give you his time, his presence, the weight of his hand in yours. A quiet dinner over some half-forgotten movie, a lazy afternoon drive with no real destination, the simple certainty of being there. That, to him, has always meant more than anything that could be bought or wrapped in a ribbon.
But then there’s you.
You, with your eyes bright with mischief, pressing a poorly wrapped box into his hands like it’s the easiest thing in the world. The paper is creased at the edges, tape barely holding it together, and you’re grinning like you already know he’s going to protest.
"I don’t need—" he starts, but you cut him off with a look, one eyebrow raised in challenge.
"Just open it, Piastri."
And because it’s you, because he can never quite find it in himself to say no, he does.
The gift is small, unassuming. Nothing extravagant, nothing flashy. Maybe it’s a keychain from a city you visited without him, something to keep in his pocket when you’re apart. Maybe it’s a notebook filled with little notes, inside jokes scribbled in the margins, your handwriting familiar and warm. Maybe it’s a shirt you swear would look good on him, one you know he’d never buy for himself.
It’s simple. Thoughtful. Undeniably you.
And maybe, against all logic, he feels something lodge itself in his chest—something warm, something soft, something dangerously close to forever.
He’s never been good at receiving things. Compliments, gifts, affection—he’s always been wary of taking too much, of letting himself rely on things he can’t control. But when he looks up at you, waiting expectantly, he realizes that this isn’t about the gift itself. It’s about the way you give it, the way you always give—without hesitation, without expecting anything in return.
So maybe, for the first time, he doesn’t argue.
Maybe he just shakes his head, a small smile tugging at his lips, and mutters, "You’re impossible," even as he tucks the gift away somewhere safe.
And suddenly, gifts aren’t just things.
They’re memories. A tangible piece of you, something to hold onto when you’re miles apart. A reminder that someone, somewhere, is always thinking of him.
Now, Oscar finds himself standing in an airport souvenir shop, staring at the rows of tacky trinkets that all look the same.
It’s early morning, the kind of grey light that seeps through terminal windows, and Oscar’s tired from the flight, his mind already on the next race. But something about the soft hum of the airport, the chaotic lull of travelers rushing by, makes him pause. He catches sight of a little shop in the corner, tucked between a coffee stand and a news kiosk, and for reasons he doesn’t quite understand, he steps inside.
The shelves are cluttered with the usual assortment of useless things—fridge magnets, postcards, poorly made scarves in neon colors. But then, nestled in the corner, he spots something that pulls at him.
It’s a small, delicate necklace, the pendant a faded shade of turquoise, shaped like a star. Nothing special in the grand scheme of things, but something about it catches the light in a way that makes it glow.
He knows it’s not your usual taste, not the kind of jewelry you’d ever ask for. But he also knows you—knows how your eyes light up when you see something small and beautiful, how you always see things that others might overlook. And somehow, despite himself, he reaches for it.
He buys it without hesitation, not because it’s expensive or because it’s some grand gesture. But because he knows that when you see it, when your fingers graze the smooth surface of the pendant, you’ll smile. He’ll see it in the curve of your lips, in the light in your eyes, and he’ll know that, for just a moment, he’s given you something that makes your world a little brighter.
When he hands it to you a few weeks later, your reaction is everything he expected. Your hands flutter to your chest, your eyes wide with surprise and something softer, something warm. And for once, it’s not the gift itself that matters, but the simple fact that he thought of you, in the middle of a busy airport, surrounded by a thousand distractions.
Oscar doesn’t do gifts.
But maybe, for you, he does.
Oscar doesn’t make promises he can’t keep.
He’s learned, over the years, that words can be fragile things. Promises—those quiet, heavy assurances that hang between people—are often broken, twisted, or misunderstood. He’s been careful, always careful, not to say what he can’t follow through on. In his world, where nothing is ever certain and everything is fleeting, he’s made it a habit to remain grounded, to offer only what he’s certain he can give.
But then there’s you.
You, with your voice low and sleepy, the sound of it curling around the edges of the quiet room, the kind of voice that feels like comfort and calm all at once.
"You’ll always come back to me, right?"
It’s a soft question, one that you barely say out loud, as if the weight of it is more than you’re willing to admit. Your face is pressed into the pillow, your eyes closed in that delicate, half-dreaming state. There’s a vulnerability in your tone that makes his chest tighten, a crack in the armor he’s built around himself.
And before he can stop it, his lips find yours. A lazy, soft press that speaks of something far more permanent than he’s ever said aloud. Your lips are warm, gentle, and for a moment, time feels like it slows. He can taste you—something sweet, something real—and, somewhere in the quiet space between breaths, he’s pretty sure he tastes forever against your smile.
"Always," he whispers, the word slipping effortlessly from him.
It’s simple, easy, almost too easy. But it feels real in a way that’s new, something deeper than the usual assurances he’s offered, the ones that come with a hesitation in his voice, the ones that come with the understanding that promises are temporary things. This one, though—it’s a certainty that settles into his bones, a truth he knows he will carry with him.
And maybe, for the first time, he believes it.
Maybe, for the first time, he can give something that feels as unshakable as the way you trust him, the way you lean into him without hesitation. Because in your eyes, there’s no doubt—just faith, just the unspoken certainty that he will always be there, always find his way back to you, no matter where the road takes him.
And in that quiet, half-lit space between wakefulness and sleep, he knows something has shifted.
Oscar doesn’t make promises lightly.
But this one—this one he gives you without fear, without reservation, because somehow, in the silence of your room and in the rhythm of your breaths, he knows it’s the truest thing he can say.
#formula 1#f1#oscar piastri x reader#oscar piastri#oscar piastri fanfiction#oscar piastri x you#oscar piastri fanfic#oscar piastri fluff#oscar piastri fic#oscar piastri x yn#f1 x reader#f1 fanfic#formula 1 x reader#oscar piastri writing#⚡︎ race day#series -> only exception
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Can you do Oscar dad to a toddler where she clings on to him so he takes her to do media with him and gets shy with all the attention
Too Much Media
Summary— Media becomes too much for Little Mila Piastri.
Warnings— overwhelmed toddler ; annoying paparazzi and interviewers
A/N— I already had something like this written but I tweaked it a bit
Dad Oscar List

Mila was quite used to the cameras and flashes, but that doesn’t stop the little girl from freaking out when there’s too much. Oscar also was not phased, but when his little girl is clearly not having a good day and the flashes don’t stop; he’s pissed.
“Back up! She clearly doesn’t like the lights.” He shouted at them. Mila buried her head in his chest, the fear controlling her. She didn’t feel good and the lights made it worse. The lights stopped and so did the constant clicks.
Oscar made it to his driver room and held her. He knew she didn’t feel good. He rocked her while she lay limp in his arms. He hushed her and she fell asleep on him. He sighed. He decided it was safe to exit and do his media pen interviews.
Mid way through she stirs and he shushes her, apologizing to the interviewer and rocking her back to sleep. Soon enough she was awake, when he tried letting her down she clutched her fist into his shirt.
The interviewers loved Mila and asked her questions to which she shied away and tucks her head into Oscar’s chest and he responds with, “She’s not feeling the best today.” And a nod.
It soon got old and she kept her head turned away from them, resting her chin on his shoulder, looking around to the other drivers and interviewers in the pen. She spotted Lando and he made faces to make her giggle.
He made his way over and cooed at her. “Is daddy boring you munchkin?” He asked. He was holding his water bottle that looked similar to Oscar’s and she reached for it. “Are you thirsty?” He asked raising his brows. Oscar finished his question and turned to look at Lando now. The cameras being a catch all.
“Water daddy.” Mila said, pointing to Lando’s bottle. Oscar would let her take sips from his when he was out of the car. She reached harder, expecting Lando to hold the straw up for her to drink from.
“Yes angel, but that’s LaLa’s water.” He explained. He left the pen to get her water and she was content for the rest of the day. Shying away from questions and cameras as Oscar fended them off.
Lando spotted her again and noticed she wasn’t as interactive as earlier when he made silly faces. He put a hand to her head and caressed her cheek. “You don’t feel well huh?” He asked with a pout.
She shook her head at him and he left her alone. Charles and Max did the same, making funny face but she gave them weak smiles before Lando or Oscar explained she just didn’t feel good.
The next week she came down with a cold and Oscar took care of his sick girl during the two week break he was on.
Sick Mila :/
#formula 1#f1#formula one#f1 fanfic#f1 fic#f1 imagine#f1 fluff#formula 1 fanfic#formula 1 fic#dad oscar piastri#oscar piastri fic#oscar piastri fanfic#oscar piastri f1#oscar piastri#oscar piastri fluff#op81 fluff#op81 fic#op81 imagine#op81#Mila Piastri#little piastri#baby piastri#81pastrys dad!fic
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Fireproofs and Mini Dresses
Summary: So many drivers admire her, but she might already have fallen in love with one
Warnings: Swearing, not proofread
Word count: 1,191
This was it.
Fresh out of university, Marlene stood at the paddock, the SkySports pass providing a grounding weight to the surreal environment. She took a deep breath through her nose, tightening her grip around her purse as her heels clicked against the ground of the paddock.
She smiled sweetly at anyone who glanced at her, eluding pure confidence despite her nerves that seemed present in every centimeter of her body. She stood next to another journalist that she had become fast friends with during her internship, a quiet Australian girl named Charlotte, talking her ear off about her latest hyperfixation.
As the pair continued walking, Charlotte gently nudged Marlene, nodding towards a group of easily recognizable drivers, all staring and whispering at Marlene. Her cheeks tinted with a gentle pink that matched her bracelet, smiling at the group, watching as they all turned hot pink and quickly looked away.
She gently chuckled to herself, leaning over to Charlotte, “Who would’ve thought, world famous drivers fawning over little old me?” Charlotte chuckled, shaking her head at her best friend’s antics. “You should go interview them, see the tough drivers fall over themselves to win you over.” Charlotte replied, gently nudging Marlene.
Marlene nodded, strutting over to the group with her microphone clutched in her hand as she nudged past the rest of the journalists. “So, boys. Do you have any nerves, with the first Grand Prix of the season coming up, here in Melbourne?” She watched with a smirk as they quickly stumbled over their words, Carlos managing to get a word in first. “Well, the weather does seem quite drizzly, so I think we’re all hoping that clears up before the race.” The rest of the drivers nodded, seemingly beginning to awaken from their dazed state. “Yeah, yeah. It’ll be a good race, Max has driven well in the past on wet tracks.” Lando said, shifting his weight to his left foot.” She nodded, watching as their eyes mindlessly flicked over your body.
“Well, it was a pleasure to meet you all, good luck today.” Marlene smiled, walking back over to a giggling Charlotte. “They were so red!” Marlene managed to gasp out between giggles, the two girls holding each other up. “Wait, look! Max is eyeing you up!” Charlotte gasped, pointing to the McLaren garage, where the Australian stood, leaning against the wall as his eyes repeatedly glanced at Marlene as he talked to Zak about… whatever Zak Brown talked about. “He’s pretty cute.” Charlotte muttered in your ear.
“Charlotte!” Marlene squealed, shoving her friend’s shoulder. “I’m gonna go introduce myself.” She murmured, walking over to the McLaren garage, a smile on her face. “Hi! I’m Marlene, I’m a new journalist with SkySports. Let’s start with some simple questions. Oscar, what’s your favorite color? I know it isn’t orange, so don’t say orange. You practically live in an orange world, you have to get tired of it. I mean, I live with my best friend and I still get tired of her sometimes. Don’t tell her I said that, she’ll put crumbs in my bed again.”
Both Oscar and Zak chuckled, which she considered a small victory. “Uh, probably orange. Like, not papaya orange, but sunset orange.” Marlene laughed, adjusting her position. “Oh, thank god it’s sunset orange. You almost fueled my concrete belief that Australians are not human.” Oscar laughed, shaking his head. “I can assure you, we are very human.” He replied, “That’s what they all say!” She grinned, her green eyes sparkling.
“Well, I think I’m supposed to be asking you about racing. How are we feeling about today’s race? You qualified fifth, so you’re in a pretty good position if we’re going off previous races.” Oscar nodded, his face turning serious. “Well, I could have qualified better, but I’m content with what I got. It’ll certainly be an interesting race, looking at the forecast and the damp track.” She nodded, smiling sweetly at the pair. “Well, it was nice meeting you. Good luck today!”
Marlene walked off, coming to stand next to Charlotte and interlocking hands with the girl. “He’s so nice!” She whispered, grinning like a lovestruck teen. Charlotte laughed, swinging their interlocked hands. “Are you already in love?” Marlene dramatically gasped, pressing her free hand to her chest. “Me? In love? With a boy I just met? Have you never even met me?” Charlotte laughed, folding over. “I have a list of multiple times that it’s happened, would you like to see it?” She chuckled, nudging her best friend. “No, but thank you for the oh-so-gracious offer.”
Marlene and Charlotte continued chattering like teenagers, before being cut off by a tall man in a Mercedes suit. Her eyebrows raised, adjusting her bag across her shoulder. “Hi, I’m George. I couldn’t help but overhear the boys over there talking about you.” Marlene hummed, shaking his hand as he held it out. “Well, I’m Marlene, and this is my Australian friend Charlotte. I don’t know if she’s human.” Charlotte gasped, sputtering out, “Hey!” Marlene and George both chuckling, Marlene waving a hand to dismiss her. “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you Marlene and not-so-human Charlotte.” She shook her head, adjusting her grip on her microphone. “Well, I’m supposed to ask you about the whole driving-really-fast-cars thing. So, you qualified fourth in the first Grand Prix of the season, and I think we’re all wondering how you’re feeling about that. Compared to last season’s average qualifying position of five or six, I think, don’t hold me to that, how are you feeling?” George chuckled, crossing his arms. “Well, I’m pretty excited to see how we’re gonna start the year, and I’m hoping to start the year with a podium.”
Marlene nodded, “I wish you luck today, though I’m kind of contractually required to tell you good luck. I’m pretty sure it’s in the fine print, even if I didn’t read it.” George chuckled, waving and walking off.”
Charlotte looked at her, raising an eyebrow. “So, on a scale from one to ten, rank the date-ability of that man.” Marlene chuckled, rolling her eyes at her best friend’s antics as she reapplied her bubblegum pink lip gloss. “I’m gonna say a solid six. He seems nice, but I don’t get the same nice-puppy vibes from him that I get from Oscar.”
“Well, because I’m an amazing friend, I shall give it my most valiant effort in order to get you that man.” Charlotte replied in a bad impression of a Viking accent, Marlene doubling over in giggles. “Please do.” She gasped out, leaning against her friend.
When Marlene finally looked up from her giggles, she saw Oscar walking over, which dusted her cheeks in a faint shade of pink. “Hey, Oscar. Are you already that infatuated with me that you must come and talk to me when I’m with my non-human Aussie friend?” She grinned as Charlotte shouted an indignant, “I swear to god Marlene, stop telling people that!”
Oscar chuckled, his eyes flashing with amusement. “Well, I actually came to ask for something, after a bit of consideration. How does dinner tonight sound?”
(divider by @bernardsbendystraws)
#oscar piastri#oscar piastri x reader#f1 x oc#oc series#F1 series#george russell x reader#f1 fluff#F1#Formula one#Formula 1#Formula one series#F1 oc series#lando norris x reader#Oscar piastri fic#Op81#op81 x reader#op81 fic#max verstappen x reader#max verstappen#carlos sainz x reader#Carlos sainz#Charles leclerc#Charles leclerc x reader
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almost home.
pairings: oscar piastri + female character.
summary: for oscar, it’s racing; for grace, it’s home. but maybe, for once, they’re ready to take the same road.
genre: fluff.⠀word count: 3.2k.⠀ warning: none.
notes: i loved writing time jumps, one of my favourites to date. named female character. first oscar win this season!!!! had to post this one that’s been on my drafts for a couple of weeks. couldn’t be happier tbh.

─────⠀ melbourne, 2007.
grace remembers everything about the first time she met oscar. she had just turned six, in her first year of primary school, bouncing with that endless childhood energy as she introduced yourself, with full name and everything, although she knew that no one would ever call her that, especially him, who quickly started to call her ‘gracie’, without even noticing. she hardly noticed his reserved nature as she launched into one of her usual monologues about her latest fascination—words and images tumbling out in a way that felt like nonsense to him. but he stayed, listening, his quiet smile an anchor that she’d come to rely on without realising it. when you're so young, it's easier to be lucky enough to make a friend in the simplest way possible, but it's rare to find your soulmate before you're ten, and having them in the form of your best friend is a very different and precious thing.
grace climbed into the car, her backpack slipping off one shoulder as she turned to wave one last time. “mum!” she exclaimed, her voice full of excitement. “i made a new best friend today!”
her mum glanced at her through the rear-view mirror, smiling. “oh? what’s their name?”
“oscar! he’s really quiet, but he doesn’t mind when i talk a lot. and guess what? he called me gracie! no one calls me that.”
from where he stood at the school gate, oscar gave a small wave. grace grinned, leaning out the car window. “bye, oscar! see you tomorrow!” she called.
oscar hesitated, then raised his voice just enough for her to hear. “bye, gracie.”
her mum chuckled as they drove off. “you seem pretty sure about this friendship.”
“i am,” grace said confidently, clutching her backpack. “he’s gonna be my best friend forever. i can tell.”
─────⠀ melbourne, 2013.
at twelve, their friendship had solidified into something unshakable. grace and oscar were a fixture in each other’s lives—a quiet certainty in the chaos of growing up. they still spent most weekends together, whether at grace’s house, oscar’s, or somewhere in between. even at school, they gravitated towards each other, though they’d never admit to their classmates just how much time they really spent together.
that saturday, they’d wandered to the park, the familiar playground now a little too small for them, but they stayed anyway.
grace sat cross-legged on top of the monkey bars, her face tilted towards the cloudy sky. “you think we’ll still hang out when we’re old?”
oscar stood on the ground below, leaning against one of the bars, his hands in his hoodie pockets. “define ‘old.’”
“like… twenty,” she said dramatically. “ancient.”
he smirked, glancing up at her. “that’s not old.”
“it is! and you didn’t answer my question,” she said, squinting down at him.
he looked away, his shoulders lifting in a small shrug. “yeah. i reckon we will.”
“you reckon?” she leaned forward, nearly slipping. “what kind of answer is that? you’re supposed to say, ‘of course, gracie, you’re the best mate i’ll ever have!’”
oscar’s ears turned red, but his voice stayed quiet. “you are my best friend. i just didn’t think i had to say it out loud.”
she grinned, her playful tone softening. “good. ‘cause you’re stuck with me, oscar. forever.”
─────⠀ melbourne, 2015.
at fourteen, they were inseparable. years had passed, and oscar became her constant presence. they saw each other everyday sometimes only briefly as they passed each other between classes, but on weekends, they’d find an excuse to meet up, if neither of them had plans with family or friends they didn't had in common. that was until oscar left, his ambition pulling him to england in pursuit of a racing career. a day before he left, they sat on her porch, the silence stretched between them as heavy as the goodbye itself.
he glanced down, shuffling his feet as if the gravel could somehow ground the mess of emotions swirling inside him. “i'll text you every day,” he said, his voice wavering almost enough to betray him.
grace's smile didn’t reach her eyes, but she tried to keep it steady, the kind of smile that begged him to believe it was easy for her to say goodbye. "you better. or else i’ll think you’ve become too famous to remember someone like me.”
he let out a laugh, but it came out shaky, filled with a bittersweet edge. "never," he said, looking up at her with a softness that hurt to hold back. "gracie... you know that could never happen, right?"
she nodded slowly, her own voice almost a whisper. "i know." but she wondered if he'd ever truly understand how much she wanted him to stay.
─────⠀ east england & melbourne, 2017.
oscar had been in england for two years. grace was proud of him, of course, but when he returned for a brief holiday at sixteen, something felt different. she tried to fill him in on her life, the normalcy of it all—a sense of routine that felt both grounding and dull, especially compared to his new adventures. and as he listened, she felt a strange ache; their lives were diverging. both of them were experiencing the first sparks of teenage romance (or at least that was what they both believed, mistakenly) in different places. grace updated him on her latest crush, laughing as she told him about the awkward date that had ended in spilled soda and nervous laughter.
as she nudged him with her shoulder, her smile softened, and she felt a warmth that was almost unfamiliar. “you’re not missing much by not being here,” she teased, hoping her tone sounded as carefree as she wanted it to.
he raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “i don’t know… sounds like my kind of excitement,” he replied, letting his gaze linger on her.
she laughed, but as she did, she caught herself staring at him a moment too long, noticing the way his world now seemed broader, more vibrant than it had been. there was a sudden tug in her chest, something bittersweet, as if he’d become part of something she couldn’t quite reach, his life seemed to be unfolding in a world that felt lightyears away from hers. and it stung a little, more than she wanted to admit.
“do you ever feel like…” she hesitated, gathering the courage to ask, “we’re different now?” her not quite meeting his eyes.
oscar’s smile softened, fading just enough to reveal something unspoken beneath. “maybe. but not when i’m here. not with you,” he murmured, his voice steady. his eyes held a quiet promise, as if to assure her that no matter how different their worlds became, she would always be part of his.
─────⠀ melbourne, 2019.
at eighteen, their lives were becoming increasingly different now. oscar was back for the summer, but by now, grace was in college, her days crowded with plans and responsibilities, busy with lectures and internships. they managed to see each other only three times in four weeks, each meeting feeling like both a gift and a reminder of slipping back into the comfort of their friendship, but with an underlying tension.
“three times in four weeks, oscar. that’s a record,” she joked, though her tone held a touch of sadness, her eyes dropping to the floor before lifting to meet his.
oscar chuckled, but there was a hint of softness in his eyes. “maybe next time i’ll come back for good.”
she swallowed, masking her racing heart with a casual shrug. “yeah, right. you’d go mad staying in one place,” she teased, but her voice was barely steady.
he took a step closer, his gaze unwavering. “maybe... but i’d stay if you asked.”
grace felt a lump form in her throat, and she forced out a laugh. “don’t say things you don’t mean, oscar.” she said, looking away.
he didn’t argue, but something lingered in his gaze that she tried not to think about. but she couldn’t ignore the weight of his words, making her wonder if, just maybe, he was serious.
─────⠀ east england & tokyo, 2021.
by twenty, their calls and texts grew fewer, though they always checked in during big moments, but that was all they had. at summer, they were in different places entirely, in separate parts of the world, the distance was beginning to weigh on them both.
one night, as they facetimed, oscar sat at his desk, the soft glow of his laptop illuminating his face in the dim room. he leaned back in his chair, fingers idly tracing the edge of his glass. outside, the skyline was dark, flecked with scattered city lights against the night. he glanced back at the screen, where grace’s familiar face was framed by her bedroom's warm, golden light.
“so you think it’s weird that we still talk like this?” she asked, her voice soft, vulnerable.
oscar’s lips curved into a gentle smile. “it’s not weird. it’s… the best part of my day.” he felt the words settle between them, heavier than he’d anticipated, a weight that made his heart beat a little faster.
she felt a warmth spread across her cheeks, her thumb unconsciously brushing against her chin as she held the phone. a flicker of doubt crossed her mind—maybe he was just being nice, or maybe she was reading too much into it. “you’re not just saying that?”
oscar’s expression softened, his eyes never leaving hers. “i wouldn’t lie to you, gracie.” he paused, his gaze intent, almost as if he was waiting for her to understand what he meant, to see the feelings he kept tucked just behind the easy smiles and late-night calls.
she wanted to say something, to acknowledge the quiet hope that seemed to bloom between them, but her mind drew a blank. instead, she nodded, her lips curving in a small, knowing smile. her mind was a whirl of memories—the shared laughs, the countless facetime calls, the way he had become a part of her life so effortlessly. but the weight of her own feelings felt overwhelming, like something she hadn’t quite been ready to admit, even to herself.
clearing her throat, she forced a playful tone. “so… how’s england this summer?” she gestured at the screen, her fingers brushing a loose strand of hair back behind her ear. “as rainy as ever?”
he glanced out his window at the drizzle tapping against the glass, then back to her, his eyes softer now. "yeah, a little. but it reminds me of when you came, complaining about the rain every other day."
she laughed, rolling her eyes. “it’s because it’s miserable, and you know i’m right. london could use a bit more sun.”
his laughter melted into a quiet smile as he shook his head. “you were, but… you made it bearable.” he tilted his head, a playful gleam in his eye. “or maybe it’s just missing you.”
grace’s heart skipped, her grip on the phone tightening slightly as she felt the truth of what he’d said sink in. she wanted to brush it off, to make a joke, but her voice came out softer, more hesitant. "maybe... i miss london too. or parts of it, at least."
oscar swallowed, his gaze steady, but a hint of something vulnerable flickered in his eyes.
“gracie, if you ever wanted to come back, you know you’d have a place here.” his voice was low, carrying a sincerity that made her feel as though he was offering more than just a couch to crash on.
she bit her lip, fingers absently tracing circles on her sweater, letting his words settle in. "i’d like that," she murmured, almost to herself, her eyes meeting his through the screen. she saw him shift, his face lighting up just slightly, as if he’d been hoping she’d say those words all along.
─────⠀ florence, 2023.
now, at twenty-two, he’d invited her to holiday in italy with his family, to celebrate that he was living his dream, finally able to share real time together instead of words on a screen. the days flew by, filled with inside jokes, long conversations, and what both of them seemed to not be ready to acknowledge. there were nights where they stayed up until dawn, laughter echoing through the streets, and moments where silence spoke volumes.
grace felt the familiar bittersweet weight of another goodbye pressing down on her chest. he’s heading back to england; she’s returning to australia. the reality of it lingers in the spaces between, the weight of another goodbye.
but now, standing together at the airport, oscar felt the familiar ache of leaving her again settle in his chest. she was standing there in her jeans and that oversized sweater she always traveled in, her hair slightly messy from the rush to get to the airport. for a moment, all he could think was how beautiful she looked—not in the way you think someone looks in passing, but in a way that made something in his chest tighten painfully, like it had for years.
he shifted his backpack on his shoulder, trying to focus on anything other than the look in her eyes. “so, this is goodbye again, i guess,” he said, his voice quieter than he intended.
her voice was soft, hesitant in a way that was unlike her. “i don’t want it to be. we see each other less and less as time passes.”
he swallowed, glancing down at the scuffed tile beneath their feet. that ache in his chest grew sharper, cutting into him in a way he couldn’t quite explain. it was something he felt every time he left her, something he didn’t have the courage to name.
“i know,” he murmured, lifting his gaze back to hers. “having a friend on the other side of the world… it’s hard.”
but as he said the words, the weight of them settled in his chest. “friend.” that wasn’t what she was to him—not for years now. he couldn’t remember the exact moment it changed, but somewhere along the way, grace had stopped being just his best friend and had become… everything.
his gaze holds hers, a quiet intensity in his eyes. she nods, heart pounding a little faster. “you’ve always been more than a friend to me,” she admits, with the feel of grabbing her heart in her hands.
oscar froze, the words hitting him like a gust of wind. for a second, he couldn’t speak, his mind racing to process what she’d just said. she was standing there, looking at him with those wide, honest eyes, and he felt as though the ground beneath him had shifted.
“i didn’t know you felt that way,” he managed to say, his voice barely audible. his calm demeanour faltered, and he rubbed the back of his neck—a nervous habit he thought he’d outgrown. his brows knit together in a way she hadn’t seen before—an openness, a vulnerability slipping through the cracks of his normally composed face. for once, it was as if she was seeing past the careful restraint he’d always kept around his heart.
she tried to smile, though her throat tightened. “i didn’t know either. not until you kept leaving, and it felt… wrong, like you were taking a part of me with you every time.”
her words made something inside him crack, the careful walls he’d built to keep his feelings in check. he’d spent years convincing himself that what he felt for her wasn’t something he could act on. she deserved someone who didn’t live halfway across the world, someone who didn’t spend half his life chasing dreams on a racetrack. but now, hearing her say those words, all of those excuses felt flimsy and hollow.
he reached for her hand, his fingers brushing hers in a tentative, almost shy motion. when their hands finally met, he felt the steady thrum of her pulse against his own, grounding him in a way nothing else ever had.
there’s a pause, and something shifts in his expression—surprise, maybe even a hint of regret. “why are you telling me this now?” he asks, voice low, almost aching. “just when i’m leaving?”
she takes a steadying breath, feeling the words pour out despite the hesitation in her chest. “maybe because if i told you, you’d have a reason to come back home.”
there she was, the girl he’d grown up with, the one who’d been his anchor through everything. and she was looking at him with a kind of openness he wasn’t sure he deserved, but he couldn’t deny how much he wanted it—how much he wanted her.
he stepped closer, his grip on her hand tightening as he made a decision in that moment, a decision he’d spent years avoiding. “and if i come back for you?” he asked, his voice steady now, resolve bleeding into every word.
“then don’t let this be goodbye,” she whispered.
the air between them shifted, heavy with everything they hadn’t said before. for the first time, oscar let himself feel the full weight of what she meant to him—the years of laughter, arguments, shared secrets, and quiet moments that had shaped him. she wasn’t just his best friend; she was the person who made him feel like he could be more than the sum of his ambitions.
he nodded, his jaw set with the weight of a promise. “i won’t. not this time.”
the grip on her hand was firm now, as if he were afraid to let go, afraid that she’d slip through his fingers again. for his whole life, he had been the calm one, the one who kept his feet on the ground while she dreamed with abandon. but here he was, saying the words she’d longed to hear, and his usually controlled voice held an edge, a tremor that hinted at just how much he meant it.
“the moment you graduate,” he said, voice low and steady, yet laced with a quiet urgency, “i’m taking you to england with me.”
she stared at him, breath caught in her throat as the weight of his words settled. he wasn’t just making a promise—he was laying out a future, one he wanted her to be a part of. the thought of leaving behind everything she’d known, crossing oceans to build something new with him, sent a rush of excitement through her. but there was also a hint of fear, the uncertainty of stepping into a life so different from her own.
his hand moved to her cheek, his thumb brushing her skin in a tender, grounding motion. he felt the hesitation in her breath, saw the uncertainty flicker in her eyes, and he leaned closer, his voice soft but certain. “you’ve been a part of my life since we were kids. i don’t want to keep leaving you behind.”
she let out a shaky breath, her fingers curling around his. “oscar, that sounds… it sounds like everything. but are you sure? your life, your career—everything’s already there. i don’t want to be just some… addition.”
he shook his head, a rare intensity sparking in his eyes. “you’re not ‘just’ anything to me. you never have been.” his words hung heavy, filling the small space between them with a certainty that felt grounding, like a promise he’d spent years building silently within himself. “you’re everything.”
for a long moment, grace stood there, surrounded by the noise and rush of travellers coming and going. but it felt as if the rest of the world had faded away, leaving only the two of them and the quiet realisation of what they’d been holding back for so many years.
she leaned into his touch, smiling softly. “then the moment i’m done,” she whispered, “i’m yours.”

©⠀piastrisun original work. please don’t translate, claim or repost any of my writing, 25’.
#piastrisun: work#piastrisun: one shot#f1 x reader#f1 fic#f1 fanfic#f1 imagine#f1 x you#oscar piastri x fem!reader#oscar piastri fanfic#oscar piastri imagine#oscar piastri fic#oscar piastri x female oc#oscar piastri x oc
39 notes
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in my dreams, i too am part of the button-adjacent club
track 005: rumor has it
A/N: i am back? hopefully at least. welcome to the 5th part of the story! track 006 is very closely related to this one and it's almost ready to post too. also, i definitely didn't forget to give paola friends and i'm not trying to fix it right now, absolutely not what do you meannn
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paola_sainz posted new instagram stories!
caption 1: looks like someone needed some Lady Fuzzypaws hugs logansargeant
⟶ maxverstappen1 replied to your story!
maxverstappen1 I'm not surprised, she looks like she gives amazing hugs!
paola_sainz oh she does, that's for sure
caption 2: this has been going on for over 4 hours, someone save me
⟶ tae_james replied to your story!
tae_james quit whining, you're just salty you went bankrupt
paola_sainz I am so not!
tae_james well, you weren't complaining while you were winning
caption 3: I fear bloodshed is rapidly approaching
⟶ jensonbutton replied to your story!
jensonbutton So that's why we can hear all of you screaming?
paola_sainz mario kart is a serious business
jensonbutton Obviously
liked by oscarpiastri, jensonbutton and others
paola_sainz evenings in with your friends are the best medicine I swear (as long as the friends aren't annoying you though 🙄)
ps. as always thank you Jense for hosting our chaotic band
tagged: oscarpiastri, logansargeant, arthur_leclerc, tae_james, sierrapaints, juliandrews, jensonbutton
see all comments...
shithappens oh the whole group is finally back!!
↳ prplsector who are they?
↳ shithappens they're Paola's friends from uni! i think they haven't seen each other for ages! Tae was doing an interior design apprenticeship in Japan and Julia is doing another degree in art in France I think
jensonbutton I'd like to point out that I was only aware about 3 of these people coming over beforehand. The rest was not included in the negotiations.
↳ paola_sainz yes, because you oh so hate it when Logan, Oscar and Arthur come over to hang out 🙄
↳ jensonbutton I'd still like to know in advance
↳ paola_sainz you guys sat and watched top gear together for half the afternoon!
↳ quickstappen oh my god jenson's just an exasperated father, just surrender to your fate my guy
oui_lyanne the way they all feel so safe at Jenson's house 🥺 it's like they can be the teenagers they never got to be there
logansargeant I still maintain that Max is the real main character of the movie
↳ paola_sainz And you should say it louder 🙂↕️ Max supremacy
ilpredestinatox the sunset looks so good oh my god
papalonso i NEED to know who won monopoly
↳ 4ND1 who won?? i need to know who cheated and who screamed the loudest
↳ logansargeant Arthur almost flipped the table
↳ arthur_leclerc I DID NOT!!
↳ 4ND1 i think i've died
tae_james if that's the treatment i get in the UK i'm never going back to Japan, are you kidding me
↳ paola_sainz good. you should never leave again
↳ sierrapaints i agree, i need my roommate back permanently
cuddlyxricc and people are wondering why he lost his seat 🙄 maybe if he spent more time on the simulator rather than at "sleepovers" he'd still have a drive
lightning_enjyr what organ do i have to sell to be a part of this friendship group
dutchlion i bet jenson secretly loves it when they all visit
juliandrews came back from france just to get absolutely destroyed in mario kart, guess that's what i get for thinking you could beat actual drivers
↳ logansargeant You weren't THAT bad, still better than Arthur
DXLEC oh i'm so glad that Logan wasn't alone after the shit that williams pulled
predestined55 once again siding with the enemy, we see how it is snake 🐍
charles_leclerc How do I keep getting excluded from this hang outs
↳ arthur_leclerc You can have a sleepover with your friends, leave mine alone
↳ charles_leclerc Oscar and Logan are also my friends! So is Paola!
↳ paola_sainz don't worry Charlie, I'm sure Max would be more than happy to have a sleepover with you
elmatadorf1 seriously, when is she just gonna disappear 💀
L3CH41R i live for arthur and paola just absolutely destroying charles in the comments every time, poor guy just wants to be involved
oscarpiastri Good company = good time 🫡
↳ paola_sainz you have such a way with words...
↳ N3CKSTRI oh god why is he so embarrassing
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paola's messages:

ITALY 2024
liked by oscarpiastri, charles_leclerc and others
paola_sainz and the marks you leave will forever be cherished in my memories ;)
(we had a blast in Monza, forza ferrari sempre charles_leclerc you really pulled that win out of nowhere, incredibly proud of you mate)
tagged: tae_james, sierrapaints, juliandrews
see all comments...
charles_leclerc Oh yes, forza ferrari sempre ❤️
quickstappen ma'am 🫣 i feel like i'm imposing on something
DXLEC oh god Italy looks so good this time of year 😭
maxshvershmappen why is she so hotttt 😳
tae_james i think i get the hype you know
↳ paola_sainz finally!! I've been trying to get you to go to a race for years
shithappens this race was soooo good, i can't believe that ferrari strategy gamble paid off
logansargeant my eyes woman 😫
↳ paola_sainz oh grow up Logan, people have sex
↳ logansargeant yeah but up until now I didn't have to imagine YOU doing it
juliandrews you look so good in yellow mama 🤤 hot damn
↳ paola_sainz girl come over 🫣
arthur_leclerc I can't believe you didn't let me spray the bubbles with you
↳ sierrapaints hot girl activities only I'm afraid 😌
cuddlyxricc who are those randos at a grand prix wtf, and who do they think they are, staying in the vip section when they don't even like f1
chat_withmani aww im so jealousss, i missed out on the tickets
oscarpiastri What about my congratulations? 😔
↳ paola_sainz Don't you worry, you big baby, you'll get your congratulations
lightning_enjyr umm guys? this is a public comment section
papalonso oscar is bold, I'll give you that
oui_lyanne so.... are we confirming it already or what?
↳ 4ND1 they can still write it off as a friends thing 😔
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paola's messages:

liked by landonorris, carlossainzoficial and others
carlossainz55 Love is strong tonight, had the best time at family dinner ❤️
tagged: landonorris, paola_sainz, carlossainzoficial
see all comments...
elmatadorf1 what??
cuddlyxricc im sorry that is going on
jaylaf1 he looks soo goooood 🤤🤤
reyesvdec Mis hermosos hijos ❤️
↳ carlossainz55 ❤️
shithappens oh no, that's not -
hamilteaa is he for real??
landonorris Always good to spend time with your family brother 🙏
↳ carlossainz55 You're a part of this family muppet
S4INZLVR that's.... interesting
l4ndop1 who is that hugging Lando???
↳ papayacar looks a lot like Paola, Carlos' sister
↳ F4ST_C4R no wayy, they never really interacted and besides, she has a boyfriend
↳ maiberides okay hear me out,, maybe.... he's the boyfriend??
↳ wlcm2tesstalk absolutely not.
sainzlvr keep your head high Carlos!!
paola_sainz Great dinner, good to see everyone
↳ lewibear this is sooo dry djsjsjjs i live for this woman
isawthesainz what a great race mate! congratulations ❤️
landowinss i swear it looks like paola is hugging lando 🥺
↳ carlando333 they'd make such a cute couple 😭😭
view more...
paola's messages:

paola_sainz posted new instagram stories!
caption 1: a two time winner yet he still almost falls of the car lol great work Ozzie! I'm so happy I got to be here for your second one, we're celebrating big today!
⟶ logansargeant replied to your story!
logansargeant ew don't publicly announce you're gonna fuck my best friend??
paola_sainz deal with it
paola_sainz besides, it's not really public if only a chosen group of people is in on it
caption 2: some late sightseeing
caption 3: someone needs fuel
paola's messages:

paola_sainz posted new instagram stories!
caption 1: that's some good shit, very refreshing to see maxverstappen1
caption 2: unfortunately I can't be there to cheer live, but I'm sending good vibes and luck to this man
⟶ landonorris replied to your story!
landonorris what is this favouritism? don't I get a good luck too? 🤭
paola_sainz sure
paola_sainz good luck Norris
landonorris why thank you Lola 😉 I'll make sure to make the most of it
⟶ oscarpiastri replied to your story!
oscarpiastri Did you really have to use that photo?
paola_sainz it could've been a lot worse
oscarpiastri Okay true. Thank you though ❤️ Love you
paola_sainz love you too babe, you'll smash it ❤️

click here to be added to hiding in the seams taglist!
taglist: @blushmimi @Ale-522 @joalslibrary @jaydaaasworld @Fall-bambi @vroomvroommuppett @sugarhoneylemons @formulaonebuff @clove0 @rockyhayzkid @glitzyditzy @coriyaps @irishmanwhore @gr3yhues @kikiki04 @nichmeddar @sunfairyy @formulaal @marauders-wife @theseus-jpg @heavy-vettel @anxxiousaries @linaversion @gloriousmoneyrascalbiscuit @d3kstar @camelliaflow3r @delululeclerc @lesliiieeeee
xxx - couldn't tag you
DISCLAIMER: i do not know anything about this people, this is not real life, this is just something for fun, i do not know anythings about their life or personalities!
#f1#f1 smau#f1 au#f1 series#f1 fic#f1 x oc#f1 grid#oscar piastri#oscar piastri fic#oscar piastri x oc#oscar piastri smau#carlos sainz#logan sargeant#charles leclerc#arthur leclerc#jenson button#lando norris
108 notes
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matchmaker - op81
summary: oscar finds a puppy wandering around the streets of monaco that leads him to meet his lucky charm
folkie radio: AN OSCAR FIC FINALLY OMG!!!! i have to say thank you to @cambrayficsrecs for sending this idea !! i LOVED IT and i hope you like this

liked by alexandrasaintmleux, yourbff and 209 others
yourinstagram meet the newest monaco resident: arlo 🤍 swipe to see the goodest boy helping me settle in my new home 🐾
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yourbff HE'S PERFECT!! miss you already but so happy for you 😭
username1 the cutest addition to monaco!!
username2 remember when you said you'd never get a dog? 😂
alexandrasaintmleux my new favorite neighbor!!! can't wait for our puppy playdates 🤍
↳ yourinstagram arlo and leo are going to be bffs 🥹🥹
username3 told you moving to monaco was the best decision
username4 i'm visiting asap just to meet this angel
yourbff2 can't believe my best friend lives in monaco now
username5 you're living the dream with the goodest boy!
username6 look at that face!! when can i visit?
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texts between alex and yn

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liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc and 583,827 others
oscarpiastri Enjoyed being a temporary dog dad today 🐾 glad this good boy made it back home safe! might have to get one of my own now...
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username1 MY HEARTTT
maxverstappen1 Don't let lando see this
↳ landonorris too late. getting a dog.
mclaren Best teammate and dog sitter 🧡
username4 the wholesome content we needed today
alexandrasaintmleux arlo already misses his rescuer! thanks again oscar 🤍
username5 get this man a dog asap
username6 the way he took care of a stranger's dog 🥺
username7 okay but imagine oscar with his own puppy
username8 JUST GET A DOG
───────── ౨ৎ ─────────
yourinstagram has added to their stories

yourbff ARLO OMG 🥺🥺 what happened to him?
↳ yourinstagram sneaky little minx disappeared from the balcony.. he’s safe tho
username1 omg poor you! good thing you found him
username2 is this knight in shinning armor who saved arlo cute?
↳ yourinstagram STOP 😭
username3 i need to visit so i can meet arlo
alexandrasaintmleux I could give you his insta… or his number 👀
↳ yourinstagram STOP IT ALEX
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texts between alex and yn

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liked by alexandrasaintmleux, oscarpiastri and 28,724 others
yourinstagram turns out the nice guy who found arlo last week also happens to be pretty good at driving cars 🏎️ congrats on p2! @/oscarpiastri
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username2 you move to monaco and suddenly you're in f1 garages???
alexandrasaintmleux told you you'd love f1 🤍
↳ yourinstagram love you !
username3 OMG OSCAR
username5 this plot twist though 👀
mclaren 🧡
username6 the way this all started because arlo escaped
charles_leclerc I won you know? 🤔
↳ yourinstagram congrats charles !
username8 the best meet cute ever??
oscarpiastri Couldn't have done it without my good luck charm 🐾
↳ yourinstagram arlo says you’re welcome!
username9 IS THIS THE OWNER??
username10 the cutest storyline of the season
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oscarpiastri sent you a direct message

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liked by username1, username2 and 14,826 others
f1gossip Oscar Piastri spotted having coffee with the owner of the now-famous beagle puppy in Monaco this morning 👀
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username2 from rescuing her dog to coffee dates we love this journey
username3 this is better than drive to survive
username5 this is the cutest thing ever help
username6 the fact that the dog is there too 😭
username7 someone check on lando he's losing his bachelor buddy
username8 the good luck charm strikes again
username9 living a wattpad story fr
username10 HE LOOKS SO HAPPY

liked by oscarpiastri, alexandrasaintmleux and 47,935 others
yourinstagram turns out there's more to monaco than just fancy cars 🤍
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username2 OSCAR?????
username3 arlo the ultimate wingman
username4 this storyline keeps getting better
alexandrasaintmleux told you he was cute 😌
↳ username1 OMFG ALEX
↳ username2 i love her
↳ charles_leclerc 😂😂😂
username6 need full story time asap
username7 the way this all started because she lost her dog 😭
username8 living for this plot development
oscarpiastri arlo approved ✅
↳ username1 OSCAR STOPPPPP
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yourinstagram has added to their stories

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texts between oscar and yn

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liked by yourinstagram, landonorris and 986,033
oscarpiastri Great weekend with the team 🧡 Ready to head back home to Monaco though... missing my favorite good luck charm 🐾"
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username1 OSCCCC
username2 is he talking about the dog? 😭
landonorris which one? 👀
↳ oscarpiastri 🤫
↳ username1 HELLO???
↳ username3 DECODE THIS
alexandrasaintmleux someone's eager to get back 😌
↳ charles_leclerc Your matchmaking services working well
↳ username1 LET ME INNNN
georgerussell63 The power of puppy love
username4 the way he said "home" to monaco 🥺
username5 did anyone else catch him waving to someone on facetime after the race??
username6 some of this comments saying “the dog” his name is ARLO and he’s an icon
username7 i’m going to call it right now oscar is dating the dog owner
username8 OSC 😩
yourinstagram 🤍

liked by username1, username2 and 8,739 others
f1gossipinsider Straight from Barcelona to dinner in Monaco... Oscar Piastri spotted at Le Grill with a certain someone 👀
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username2 man flew straight from barcelona to take her to dinner i'm crying
username3 not me zooming in to confirm it's her
username5 fastest post-race exit we've ever seen
username6 Le Grill?? Man's not playing around
username7 our favorite story continues...
username8 this man SPRINTED from the circuit
username9 the commitment >>>
username10 our boy's got his priorities straight
───────── ౨ৎ ─────────
texts between oscar and yn

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liked by lilymhe, oscarpiastri and 45,099 others
yourinstagram turns out watching someone drive in circles for 2 hours isn't so bad after all 🏎️ proud of you @/oscarpiastri 🧡
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username1 OMGGGG
username2 look at little arloooo
francisca.cgomes So lovely meeting you! Welcome to the family ❤️
yourbff we have soooo much catching up to do
carmenmmundt You're a natural! Can't wait for Hungary
alexandrasaintmleux look who's becoming an f1 expert
↳ charles_leclerc Stop taking credit for this
↳ alexandrasaintmleux never 😌
↳ username1 HELLO??
username3 the WAGs adopting her immediately >>
username4 ARE THEY DATING??
username5 oh what a plot twist
username7 so the key go getting an f1 driver to date you is getting a dog i see
username8 ARLO IS SO CUTE
oscarpiastri Best good luck charms ever 🤍
↳ username1 OSCAR STOP
↳ username2 i simply cannot do this
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texts between alex and yn

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oscarpiastri has added to their stories

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liked by carlossainz55, yourinstagram and 1,099,832 others
oscarpiastri First Grand Prix Win. Incredible 🧡 Thank you to the two lucky charms who changed everything
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username1 IM CRYING
landonorris GET IN THERE MATE!! Proud of you 🧡
alex_albon THATS MY BOY
username4 im actually sobbing
username5 man won his first race and chose to be THIS cute about it
georgerussell63 CONGRATS OSCO 🙌🙌
username7 from monaco meet cute to whatever this is im crying
username9 not to be parasocial but he's so in love
yourinstagram we're incredibly proud of you 🤍
liked by username1, username2 and 10,877 others
f1gossip From first F1 win to celebration dinner - Oscar Piastri living his best life in Budapest tonight! Sources say he couldn't stop smiling and kept calling her "my girlfriend" to everyone 👀
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username1 OH MY LORD
username2 is this oscar "i don't like pda" piastri??
username4 the way this all started bc she lost her dog...
username6 this is how we find out oscar is not single anymore
username8 lord i've seen what you've done for others
username9 the best meet cute in history
username10 THAT SHOULD BE ME

liked by alexandrasaintmleux, oscarpiastri and 60,826 others
yourinstagram home sweet home with my favorite race winner (and his trophy that he definitely didn't make me pack extra carefully) 🏆✨ still pinching myself about this weekend 🧡
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username1 CRYING
username2 the way we all watched this love story unfold
username3 most precious f1 couple no debate
landonorris Mans giving away his caps now?? love's changed him
lilymhe cutest neighbors ever! dinner tomorrow? 🤍
↳ yourinstagram count on it!
username5 i can’t believe oscar has a gf now
francisca.cgomes you two are goals honestly
mclaren Our lucky charm is back home! 🧡
username6 remember when she didn't know what DRS was 😭
username7 she's literally living the dream
username8 how to go from dog mom to f1 wag: a novel
alexandrasaintmleux my biggest masterpiece 🥹
↳ charles_leclerc STOP TAKING CREDIT
↳ alexandrasaintmleux NEVER
↳ yourinstagram arlo was the real matchmaker
username10 they’re so in love i can’t
oscarpiastri My two favorite things in monaco ❤️
↳ yourinstagram three* don't forget the trophy
↳ oscarpiastri Trophy’s just a bonus 😘

liked by yourinstagram, landonorris and 1,549,022 others
oscarpiastri To the best wingman and matchmaker in F1 - thanks for running away that day in Monaco. Changed my whole life 🐾❤️ (YN says I need to stop spoiling him but look at that face)
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username2 ARLOOOOO🥹🥹🥹
alex_albon most successful matchmaker in monaco
mclaren Our honorary team member 🧡
username3 i love one fairytale love story
alexandrasaintmleux YOU’RE ALL WELCOME
↳ username1 alex 😭😭
↳ charles_leclerc you're still not getting credit for this
↳ oscarpiastri It was all Arlo
username5 from runaway dog to f1 power couple
username6 netflix writing this down rn
username7 cupid who? we only know arlo
nicolepiastri ❤️
username8 most iconic f1 meet cute ever
username9 the real mvp of the season
username10 OSCAR DOG DAD
yourinstagram our matchmaker 🤍
#oscar piastri fanfiction#oscar piastri imagine#oscar piastri smau#oscar piastri x reader#oscar piastri fic#oscar piastri fluff#oscar piastri blurb#f1 x reader#f1 fic#f1 imagine#f1 fanfiction#formula 1 x reader#formula 1 fic#formula 1 fanfiction#formula 1 imagine#harrysfolklore#op81 x reader#op81 fic#f1 grid x reader#f1 smau
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cold coffee ⛐ 𝐎𝐏𝟖𝟏
“best thing about your hometown?” “apparently it’s the coffee. i don’t drink coffee so i don’t know. for me, it’s just that it’s home.”
ꔮ starring: oscar piastri x café owner!reader. ꔮ word count: 4.8k. ꔮ includes: romance, friendship, fluff. mentions of food. set in melbourne, spans a couple of years (alleged slowburn), oscar pines!!! so much!!!, cameos from oscar's sisters. ꔮ commentary box: lots of love all around i.e. contract renewal + home race. had to do it to 'em. inspired by this video, where two of my friends immediately demanded to see a barista!reader. did a bit of a spin on it, but the concept is intact! ☕ 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
♫ cold coffee, ed sheeran. something, somehow, someday, role model. i'd have to think about it, leith ross. time, angelo de augustine. keep the rain, searows. the view between villages, noah kahan.
It starts with Hattie.
Oscar’s younger sister had spent the morning badgering him, pleading in the way only a sibling with endless energy and zero regard for his sanity could. She’d tugged on his sleeve, whining about the new café down the street, her eyes wide with manufactured innocence.
“We’ve been home for two weeks, and you haven’t done anything fun,” she’d accused, arms crossed as she blocked his way to the fridge. “Come with me. Pleeease?”
Which is why, against his better judgment, Oscar is now standing in line at a café that smells overwhelmingly like roasted coffee beans and vanilla. He eyes the display of pastries, hands stuffed in the pockets of his hoodie, and tries to ignore the way his hair sticks to his forehead from the walk over.
“You should get something,” Hattie says, nudging his side.
“I don’t drink coffee.”
She rolls her eyes, as if this is a personal insult. “They have other stuff. You could try tea. Or a hot chocolate. Or—”
Oscar looks up, and that’s when he sees you.
You’re behind the counter, all smiles and easy confidence, a pencil tucked behind your ear. The apron you wear is a little big on you, the straps tied in a messy bow at the back. There’s a small streak of flour on your cheek and you lean onto the counter like you’re genuinely excited to take their order.
“What can I get for you guys?”
Hattie launches into her order with the determination of a girl on a mission, listing out her exact specifications for an iced mocha with extra whipped cream. You write everything down with a nod, your fingers deftly clicking buttons on the register.
“And for you?” you ask, turning to Oscar with the kind of warmth that makes his skin prickle.
“I, uh—” he clears his throat, resisting the urge to look away. “I don’t drink coffee.”
“That’s okay,” you say, like it actually is. “We’ve got some pretty good non-coffee options. Do you like chocolate? Or maybe something fruity?”
Your kindness is standard Melbourne hospitality, he tells himself. It’s not personal.
But there’s a lightness to the way you speak to him, patient and unbothered, that makes something unfamiliar stir in his chest. “Fruit tea’s fine,” he says, trying not to sound as awkward as he feels.
You smile, really smile, like he’s made the best choice in the world. “One fruit tea, coming up.”
And just like that, it’s done.
Hattie drags him to a table by the window, her enthusiasm buzzing loud enough to fill the entire space. Oscar watches as you move behind the counter, steaming milk and melting chocolate, and thinks that maybe, just maybe, he’ll let Hattie convince him to come back tomorrow.
You carry their drinks to the table with practiced ease, setting them down carefully to avoid any spills. Hattie beams as you place her elaborate drink in front of her. Oscar watches quietly as you slide his drink toward him— a peach iced tea, condensation already gathering on the glass.
“Enjoy,” you say with that same warm smile.
Oscar mutters a thanks, wrapping his hands around the cold glass. He takes a sip, the sweetness clinging to his tongue, and casts a glance at the door.
He could leave. They’ve got their drinks, Hattie’s satisfied, and his obligation is technically fulfilled.
But he doesn’t move.
Instead, he sits back in his chair, sipping at his tea like he’s got all the time in the world. Hattie chatters about her netball games and how she’s trying to convince their parents to get a puppy, but Oscar only half-listens, eyes flicking up every now and then to watch you.
Maybe he should buy something else.
A snack, maybe.
For Hattie, obviously.
Or he could offer to take Hattie’s cup back to the counter when she’s done. (Except the café has self-service return trays, and he’d already clocked that the second they sat down.)
He hates how obvious he’s being. And he hates even more how he doesn’t seem to care.
Eventually, you circle back to their table, wiping your hands on a dish towel.
“Hey,” you say, leaning slightly against the chair next to Hattie’s. “Everything alright? Drinks okay?”
Oscar nods wordlessly, swallowing his drink. It tastes a bit too sugary now.
“It’s so good,” Hattie gushes, kicking her legs under the table. “I’m gonna make mum bring me back next weekend!”
Your eyes brighten. “That’s great. We’ve only been open a few weeks, so we’re still figuring stuff out. The owner’s a nice guy, but he’s old school. Doesn’t know how to use the cash register half the time.”
Oscar finally speaks, his voice scratchy as if he’s forgotten how to use it. “You work here by yourself?”
“Most days,” you admit, shrugging. “He’s got grandkids, so sometimes he dips out early to see them. But I don’t mind. It’s just part-time, and I live nearby.”
Oscar processes this slowly, like if he takes long enough, the conversation won’t end.
“How old are you?” Hattie asks, her bluntness making Oscar cringe.
You don’t seem to mind, though. You laugh, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. “Fifteen. I’m starting Year 10 next term.”
Oscar blinks. The fact that you’re the same age as him shouldn’t feel as significant as it does, but it lands like a surprise punch to the gut.
“I’m fourteen,” Hattie announces proudly.
"That’s a fun age," you tell her kindly; she looks at you like you’re the coolest person in the world, and Oscar is half-inclined to agree.
Then you glance at Oscar, head tilting. “What about you? You go to school around here?”
He shifts in his seat, rubbing at the condensation ring his glass left on the table. “Boarding school,” he says curtly. “Just home for the summer.”
“Ah,” you say, like that explains something.
Hattie pipes up again, because of course she does. “He races cars,” she declares. “He’s, like, really good.”
Oscar feels his face heat. He glares at Hattie, who just grins, already licking melted whipped cream off her finger.
Your eyebrows shoot up. “Seriously? That’s awesome,” you say, and you don’t sound condescending or anything. You sound genuinely awed, and Oscar fears he’s going to replay it in his head the entire night.
“We should go,” he says abruptly, pushing back from the table.
“What?” Hattie pouts. “But I want a pastry!”
“We can get one,” Oscar promises through gritted teeth, standing and grabbing her empty cup so fast the ceramic clinks loudly against the saucer. He forces himself to slow down, his fingers a little shaky. “Next time.”
Hattie hops out of her seat, already skipping toward the door. Oscar follows, grateful for the escape, but you call out before he makes it too far.
“I hope you do come back,” you say, smiling again. This time, it feels like it’s just for him. The words, the smile, the look.
Oscar nods stiffly, tugging at the sleeves of his hoodie.
He doesn’t know if he will. But, as he lingers on the way out, he wonders how many summers he has left— and how many excuses he can make before you start to notice.
Inevitably, his appearances at the café become almost routine.
It starts small: once a week, maybe twice, a stop by for a drink he doesn’t actually want. But Hattie catches on fast, and soon she’s dragging Edie and Mae along too, the three of them whispering and snickering at a volume they absolutely think is subtle.
“I like the pastries,” he claims when Edie wiggles her eyebrows at him.
“Sure,” Mae chirps, swinging her feet as she dangles them off her chair. “Totally the pastries. Not the barista who always makes your drink herself even when there’s someone else on shift.”
Oscar gives her a withering look, but she remains undeterred, biting into her muffin with the smugness of someone who knows she’s right.
He denies it. Again and again. Because he doesn’t know what to do with the idea of having a crush, let alone on you. He’s already awkward enough on his own, and he refuses to fuel his sisters’ relentless teasing.
But then he comes in one day— alone, this time— and you’re not there.
Oscar knows he shouldn’t care. It’s not like you promised to be here. And yet, disappointment settles heavy in his chest.
The barista on shift is nice enough, but Oscar barely listens as he orders. He can’t even remember what he picked when he sits down, staring at the drink like it personally offended him.
The café feels quieter without you buzzing around, chatting with regulars and teasing old Mr. Callahan about his crossword puzzles. The emptiness gnaws at him, and he knows he looks so obvious, sulking into his untouched drink.
He tells himself he’ll leave after finishing it. He lingers for an hour.
Oscar doesn’t look back at the café as he leaves, but he feels its absence like a dull ache. His hands are shoved deep into his pockets, chin tucked to his chest as he stalks down the street.
He tells himself it’t stupid to feel this way. He doesn’t even know you. He definitely shouldn’t care if you’re there or not.
And yet.
It’s over. He’ll get over it.
He’ll spend the school term back at boarding school, surrounded by motorsport and homework and people who don’t know how to steam milk into a heart shape.
It’ll be better this way.
At least that’s the plan.
He’s halfway home when he nearly collides with you on the footpath.
“Oh! Oscar, right?” you say, blinking up at him like he’s an unexpected surprise.
He freezes. “Um.”
“You left in a hurry. Not a fan of the other barista?” You tilt your head, a teasing smile tugging at your mouth.
Oscar feels like he might short-circuit. “I— I just noticed you weren’t there,” he blurts out, horrified as the words tumble out without permission.
Your smile grows. “Noticed, huh?”
“I mean—” He’s desperate to backtrack, but it’s useless. The damage is done. You’re grinning, and he can already imagine the relentless teasing he’d get if his sisters caught wind of this.
“You’re heading home?” you ask, mercifully letting him off the hook.
“Yeah,” he mutters, already planning to walk faster. Maybe he’ll get away with half-jogging the entire way.
“Big plans for your last day of summer?”
He squints at you. “How’d you know it’s my last day?”
You tap your temple. “I’m observant.”
“Or you got it out of Hattie.”
“Maybe,” you say, shameless. Then, as if it’s the most natural thing in the world: “Wanna grab a bite at Albert Park?”
Oscar blinks. “What?”
“There’s a food truck that sells the best fish and chips,” you explain. “It’s not too far. C’mon, it’s your last day home.”
“I—” He should say no. He was just lecturing himself on the walk back.
But you’re looking at him like it’s not a big deal, like you’re not aware of the internal war waging in his head, and Oscar’s resolve crumples like paper.
“Okay,” he hears himself say, voice tight.
You beam. “Cool.”
Oscar follows you to Albert Park, his heart thudding with every step. He wonders if he’ll ever forgive himself for agreeing to this. Or if, maybe, it’ll turn out to be the best mistake he’s ever made.
The fish and chips are at least good. Better than good, actually, and Oscar begrudgingly tells you so between bites, like the admission costs him something.
He tries to be subtle about how much he likes it, chewing carefully, but you notice anyway, your grin bright and uncontainable.
“Told you,” you say smugly, elbow propped on the table as you pick at your fries. “You doubted me, didn’t you?”
“I don’t usually trust people who enjoy serving coffee for a living,” he deadpans.
You laugh, and the sound rattles through him like a loose bolt. “Fair,” you concede. “But I’m right about most things, so you should get used to it.”
Oscar snorts but doesn’t argue. He’s happy enough to let you fill the gaps in conversation, listening as you ramble about everything from the café’s horrible playlist to how the Albert Park sunset is always a little better in the summer.
He only nods and hums, content to let your words fill the space between bites.
But then you flip the script.
“So,” you start, resting your chin on your hand. “When do you start boarding school again?”
You make a face. “Brutal.”
Oscar shrugs. “It’s not that bad.”
“Sure,” you say, dubious. “And racing? How’s that going?”
His fingers pause around a chip. “You remember I race?”
“I’m not some ditzy barista, you know.” You tilt your head, like you’re studying him. “I know you kart. Or, karted?”
“Yeah,” he says slowly. “I moved up to junior formulae this year.”
Your eyes widen. “That’s huge, right?”
“I guess.”
You nudge his foot under the table. “Don’t be modest. It’s cool.”
He looks away, that telltale heat prickling at his collar again. “It’s not, like, F1 or anything.”
“Yet,” you point out.
Oscar smiles, small and self-conscious. “That’s the goal, I guess.”
“You guess?” You feign offense, sitting up straighter. “You guess? Come on. Say it with your chest.”
He laughs, shaking his head. Then, a little louder, a little firmer, “I want to drive in F1.”
“See?” you say, satisfied. “Not so hard, was it?”
Oscar’s throat tightens around the next bite. It is hard— saying it out loud. It makes the dream sound ridiculous, even when he knows exactly how much he’s giving up to chase it.
It makes it sound real.
But you don’t tease him. You only smile, eyes crinkling at the corners.
“That’s awesome,” you say. “Can I have your number?”
Oscar nearly chokes. “What?”
“Your number,” you repeat, leaning back with an easy grin. “Would be cool to have a future F1 driver on speed dial.”
He huffs out a laugh, assuming you’re joking. You must be joking. People don’t ask for his number.
Oscar doesn’t give it to you, brushing it off like it’s nothing, and you don’t press. The two of you linger at Albert Park until the sky blushes purple, talking until Oscar’s curfew has him bidding you goodbye.
It’s only when he’s halfway home, kicking at loose gravel on the footpath, that it hits him like a freight train.
You might’ve actually been serious.
Oscar groans, dragging a hand down his face.
He never does figure out if you’d meant it.
He reconciles with the fact that he’ll only see you in the summers and during off-seasons. It becomes a rhythm he slips into with practiced ease, like shifting gears without thinking.
His sisters’ teasing remains relentless, but he endures it because they’re right— he can’t seem to stay away from the café.
It’s a quiet sort of comfort, walking in and hearing your voice floating through the space, catching snippets of your conversations with regulars before you inevitably drift his way.
He contemplates asking for your number or your socials more times than he can count, always catching himself at the last second. The thought lingers like an engine idling, never quite stalling out but never revving forward either.
He tells himself it’s fine. The café is your domain, a fixed point in the chaos of his ever-moving life.
It’s fine. It’s enough. It has to be.
In the break before he transitions into Formula Two, you place his usual non-coffee drink on the counter with a different sort of grin.
“You’re looking at the new owner of this place,” you announce, voice light with amusement. “The old man decided to go on a lifelong cruise. Said he wants to see the world while he still can.”
Oscar blinks. “He gave you the café?”
“Left it in my name. He figured I’d been running it anyway, might as well make it official.” You tilt your head. “What about you? I saw the news — Formula Two, huh? That’s huge.”
“Yeah,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck. “It’s... a step closer.”
You lean against the counter, eyes warm. “Congrats, Piastri. Guess we both got what we wanted.”
He smiles and mumbles a quiet “Congrats to you too,” but as he takes his drink and watches you serve other customers, he’s not sure how true that statement is.
Because he thinks about how your name is tied to this café now, how you belong to this little pocket of Melbourne while he chases circuits around the world.
And he wonders— for the first time, with startling clarity— if what he wants might not be as far from this place as he thought.
Oscar doesn’t have time to dwell on it.
That’s what he tells himself, anyway. He’s too busy. Too preoccupied with the whirlwind of signing with McLaren, of finally reaching the dream he’s been chasing since he first wrapped his fingers around a steering wheel.
He celebrates with his family, his sisters loudly teasing him, his parents beaming with pride. It should be enough.
But then he finds himself at the café, hovering by the entrance, fingers curled around the door handle.
The bell jingles when he steps inside, sharp against the hum of the espresso machine. You glance up from wiping down the counter, eyebrows raising in surprise.
“We’re closed in ten,” you call out, drying your hands on a dish towel.
Oscar nods, shutting the door behind him. The sleeves of his hoodie are shoved up to his elbows, hair mussed like he’s been running his fingers through it. His heart is pounding, and he tells himself it’s just leftover adrenaline from the day’s excitement.
“I know. I just—” He falters, mouth opening and closing before he finally blurts out, “I got signed. With McLaren.”
You blink, then toss the dish towel onto the counter.
“Wait, what?”
He barely gets a nod in before you’re circling out from behind the counter, barreling into him with enough force to make him stumble back a step. Oscar stiffens at first, arms hovering awkwardly around you— then he exhales, tension seeping from his shoulders as he wraps his arms around you in return.
“Holy crap,” you say, squeezing him tight. “You did it. Oscar Piastri, you’re a Formula One driver.”
“Yeah,” he breathes, like he’s still trying to believe it himself. His voice is quieter when he adds, “I wanted to tell you in person.”
You pull back, beaming up at him. “I’m so proud of you. Seriously. I can’t wait to see you race.”
His heart thuds against his ribs, too loud, too fast. He drops his arms when you do, shoving his hands into the pocket of his hoodie.
His face feels hot, but you don’t seem to notice, already launching into a ramble about how you’re going to make the café play the races on the TV in the corner.
Oscar watches you talk, nodding along, though he can’t really process your words. All he can think about is the way your smile had split your face, how easily you’d hugged him, how your arms had fit around him like you belonged there.
He leaves that night more certain than ever.
This crush isn’t going anywhere.
Oscar privately decides he’ll use the feelings to his advantage. A secret, unspoken fuel source. It becomes most obvious at his first-ever home race.
The roar of the crowd fades into static beneath the hum of his engine, but he knows they’re there. Knows the grandstands are packed with fans waving papaya flags, knows somewhere among them are his parents and sisters— and maybe you.
He pretends you are. Imagines you leaning forward in your seat, hands cupped around your mouth as you cheer. He thinks about how you’d probably tease him later if he botched his first home race, how you might promise him a pity pastry from the café if he placed last.
That thought alone keeps his foot steady on the throttle.
He crosses the finish line in eighth, his first points in Formula One. The team is ecstatic, patting his back and ruffling his hair until he can barely breathe through the congratulations.
Later, at the house, the celebration is in full swing. His family is buzzing with excitement, and the living room is littered with leftover food and streamers. Still, Oscar keeps glancing at the door, brow furrowed.
He tells himself the weight in his chest is only exhaustion, not the ridiculous, misplaced disappointment that you aren’t at the post-race party.
“What’s your problem?” Edie asks, plopping onto the couch next to him.
He shrugs, pretending to focus on the race replay flashing on the TV. “Nothing. Just tired.”
Edie snorts. “Yeah, sure. You’ve been looking at the door like a lost puppy. Thought you’d finally get your act together and invite your favorite barista?”
Oscar flushes. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Uh-huh.” Edie smirks, then gestures toward the kitchen. “They sent stuff, by the way. Practically wiped out their stock.”
He blinks, heart thudding as he follows hsi sister into the kitchen. The counter is packed with pastries and drinks, each one carefully labeled. A small, folded note sits on top of the pile, your handwriting unmistakable.
For future world champion OP81. I’ll save a spot on the TV for your podium finish.
Oscar stares at the note for a beat too long, then flips it shut, like that’ll stop the embarrassing warmth spreading through him.
He’s suddenly, overwhelmingly glad you’re not there, because he might’ve done something incredibly stupid. Like kissed you.
Or worse— asked you to keep a spot open forever.
Oscar’s schedule is relentless, though. An endless cycle of races, travel, media obligations. He still makes it back home when he can, even if it’s just for a few days. The café becomes a pit stop as routine as visiting his parents.
He never stays long, though. He catches glimpses of you between customers, exchanges pleasantries, hears about you secondhand through his sisters’ chatter.
Edie mentions you started taking a business course. Hattie swears you went on a date (Oscar pretends he doesn't care). Mae tells him you got a new coffee machine.
But it’s never from you.
Until one evening, when he swings by the café, and you ask him to stay until closing.
His heart lodges itself in his throat.
The café empties out, and Oscar helps you stack chairs and wipe tables. His fingers jitter against the rag, adrenaline buzzing under his skin like he’s on the starting grid. He wonders how he’ll respond when you confess, how to let you down gently when he inevitably leaves for another race weekend.
(He also can’t stop imagining what it would be like to kiss you.)
When you finally sit him down, your words knock the air out of his lungs.
“The café might close,” you say, tone steadier than your hands wringing your apron in your lap. “Rent’s gone up, and I just... I don’t know if I can keep up."
Oscar stares, words dissolving before they can form. He thinks about the old man who first owned the place, about you proudly taking over. He thinks about all the hours he’s spent lingering here, all the drinks you’ve made him, all the moments he’s stolen just to see you.
The idea of it all disappearing feels like a punch to the chest.
“I just thought you should know,” you continue, voice quieter now. “You've been coming here for years, and— I don’t know, I guess I wanted to thank you for that. For being a loyal customer.”
Oscar frowns. “I’m not just— I mean, yeah, I like the café, but…”
You smile, but it’s small, tired. “I know. But still. It means a lot. And hey, we had a good run, right?”
He hates the way you talk like it's already over.
Without thinking, he reaches across the table and covers your hand with his own. You flinch, just barely, before curling your fingers around his.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, like it’s something you should apologize for.
“Don’t be,” he says back.
He doesn’t know what else to offer. And so he holds your hand, and the two of you sit in relative silence.
Oscar tries not to think of this being the last time he’ll get to do this. He resists the urge to study the weight of your hand, because then that would be admitting to a certain kind of preemptive loss.
You close up shop, the two of you lingering outside the café under the glow of the streetlights, hands still linked. The night air is cool, the streets quiet, and it feels like you’re waiting for something.
Oscar doesn’t know what.
He racks his brain for words, for solutions, for something that might make you stay, but all he comes up with is static. The same helplessness he feels when a car failure knocks him out of a race.
You give his hand a gentle squeeze. “Good night, Oscar.”
“Good night,” he says, his fingers tightening around yours for a fraction of a second before he’s letting you go.
He watches you walk away, the distance stretching between you like a rubber band about to snap. And— as usual— he doesn’t realize what to do or say until much, much later.
But he knows you’ll forgive him for this one.
It takes some convincing, some pulling of strings. In the end, he doesn’t know if he even manages it. Not until he’s back in Melbourne for the prix, and Lando is bringing him closer to the spot he’s tried to avoid all morning.
“New caterer this year,” Lando says, peering at his phone. “Some local place. Looks sick.”
Oscar feigns interest, even as dread pools in his stomach.
He lasts all of twenty minutes before Lando physically drags him to the hospitality area. Oscar immediately clocks the familiar pastries, the neat line of carefully curated drinks— but it’s the sight of you, grinning behind the counter, that sends his pulse into overdrive.
“Oh, this is dangerous,” Lando jokes. “I might never leave.”
Oscar, meanwhile, contemplates leaving immediately.
You spot him mid-pour, your smile faltering. And Oscar knows he’s screwed.
The confrontation comes after Lando flits away, croissant in hand, leaving Oscar cornered by the espresso machine.
“You.” You jab a finger at his chest. “You did this.”
Oscar glances around him. The Netflix boom microphone is gracefully not around. No one from his team is, either.
He allows himself this small joy of bickering with you. “Technically, McLaren did this,” he says dryly.
“Bullshit.” Your eyes narrow, but there’s no real venom. “You got me this gig so I could afford to keep the café, didn’t you?”
A corner of his lip twitches upward. “You’ve got no proof.”
You stare at him for a beat, then you let out an exasperated sigh. That smile of yours— the one that has ruined Oscar for everyone else— threatens to break on your face. “I could kiss you, you know,” you say, and he privately wishes you’d run him over with a car instead.
You’re kidding. You sound like you’re kidding. But Oscar isn’t fifteen and stupid anymore. The only thing that hasn’t changed from back then is the way he feels for you, and it’s what has him finally giving in.
“How about I give you my number first?” he says.
It takes you a moment. A full thirty seconds to realize what he’s getting at.
When it does hit you, though, you laugh. “A couple years late, Piastri,” you jab.
Oscar dares to meet your eyes. He hopes it doesn’t show on his face— the way his heart is clenching in his chest.
His voice is quieter when he says, “Please tell me you still want it.”
Your smile softens.
He braces himself for a gentle denial, a spiel about friendship. Instead, he holds his breath as you fish for your phone.
“Put it in before I change my mind,” you say, sliding it across the counter. Your coolness is betrayed by just the hint of giddiness in your tone, because you’ve wanted this for as long as he has, haven’t you? You hadn’t been kidding back then, and you still want this.
Still want him.
Oscar fumbles to type his number, adrenaline roaring louder than any engine. When he hands the phone back, your fingers brush his, lingering just a second too long.
“Good luck out there,” you tell him.
Oscar doesn’t feel like he needs any luck.
Not when he finally, finally got the win that mattered most. ⛐
#oscar piastri x reader#oscar piastri x you#oscar piastri fluff#oscar piastri fic#oscar piastri imagine#f1 x reader#formula 1 x reader#formula 1 imagine#formula 1 fic#f1 imagine#f1 fic#⛐ op81#⛐ kae prix#this was supposed to be a fun little 1k fic but i GUESS we have 4k.... (nearly FIVE...)#one long fic [experimenting w/no dividers] which i think i will never do again tbh LOL#oscar the man that u are.
1K notes
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never met - op81 smau
summary: people start making up rumors about oscar and yn. problem is they never actually met
face claim: random girls from pinterest
a/n: this is chaos but it was fun to write hope you like it
જ ♡ જ

gossipf1 singer yn and oscar piastri are reported to be dating according to inside sources
view all comments
user5 please let this be true
lando rue, when did this happen?
user14 helppp what is lando doing here
user3 my two worlds colliding
user7 she's not good enough for him
user8 ?? he's not good enough for her
yn inside sources who??? i never saw this man in my life😭😭
user10 he's a formula 1 driver
yn oh i only know lewis hamilton aka the goat aka the loml
user10 fair
yn he looks cute tho👀
sabrinacarpenter no yn!
yn 😊😊
જ ♡ જ
yn posted a story

caption: this is the man yall think i pulled? Damn thank u
↪sabrinacarpenter you are insane😭
↪lando +61 12345678 text him
જ ♡ જ

yn jazzy nights are my favorite
♡liked by sabrinacarpenter, oscarpiastri and others
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user6 best night of my life
sabrinacarpenter i'm in love with you😍
yn me when i see you
user1 oscar liked...
user4 don't start
user1 i just stated a fact
user9 obsessed with your voice, i want you to sing me to sleep every night
જ ♡ જ

gossipf1 yn and oscar spotted hanging out after her concert
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user8 i fear this couple would be too iconic
user4 just... no
user5 i dont know this man my ass
yn in my defense i really haven't met him then!
lando it's true i can confirm
lando i can also confirm yn was oscar's most listened artist last year
oscarpiastri why are you here?
lando gossip is my bat signal
જ ♡ જ

yn trip made it out of the groupchat
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lando groupchat and it's only two people
yn get off my comments
lando i got you his number and this is how you repay me?
user9 lando tell us who it is🙏🏼
user3 if lando set them up it has to be oscar
user7 i'm in love with her aesthetic
user5 white shirt=oscar
user14 stop we don't know
sabrinacarpenter did my invite get lost in the mail?🤨
yn babe i'm sorry he means nothing you are the love of my life
જ ♡ જ
oscarpiastri posted a story

caption good company yn
↪user4 gossipf1 ended up setting you two up huh
↪sabrinacarpenter i remember when i was the one taking her pictures...💔
જ ♡ જ

yn sorry osc i go where lewis goes🏎️
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oscarpiastri 😐
user4 osc🥺🥺
scuderiaferrari everyone is a ferrari fan ♡liked by author
francocolapinto hamilton fan first, a girlfriend second. i respect that
user5 did he just confirm that they are girlfriend and boyfriend?
mclaren 💔
yn sorry😔
charles_leclerc i approve son oscarpiastri
yn forza ferrari!
user26 we lost her to a sports guy...
જ ♡ જ
oscarpiastri posted a story

caption prettiest girl is in fact my girlfriend
↪yn giggling blushing throwing up kicking my feet🥺🫶🏼
જ ♡ જ
yn posted a story

caption he's still mad i did not wear orange
↪lando it's papaya not orange😡
yn same fucking thing
lando it's not !!
yn ok but the word papaya is so ugly
જ ♡ જ

yn the rumors are now true, i'm his favorite artist and he's my (second) favorite driver
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user18 she's gorgeous😍 he's just there😐
francocolapinto yes yes you might kiss but did he ever say he wanted to learn your language just to understand your jokes? i don't think so
yn call me when you are his top artist on spotify loser
user12 don't mind me i'm just patiently waiting for the love songs this will inspire
oscarpiastri you are never going to let me live this down, right?
yn you are stuck with me and my bad jokes sorry bro
sabrinacarpenter just remember she was mine first papaya boy
oscarpiastri noted🫡
જ ♡ જ

oscarpiastri she finally wore papaya
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user2 she's so hot🥵
yn not that word again😭
lando i will block you if you keep hating on the papaya
yn do it i dare you
yn i look so good tho
oscarpiastri you always look amazing
yn i love me a boy who can sweet talk
lando god stop being cheesy on main🤢
yn weren't you going to block me??
lando i should have
yn just do it you coward
user23 yes yn put the car guy in his place!
lando why are you supporting her when your page is dedicated to me??? are you a fan or a hater?
user23 i'm your biggest fan! but i support women's rights and women's wrongs so i'm with yn
yn HA even your fans like me better😛
lando you stole my teammate and now my fans what else do you want from me😭😭
જ ♡ જ
lando posted a story

caption disgusting
↪yn disgustingly cute yes
lando whatever helps you sleep at night
જ ♡ જ
oscarpiastri posted a story

caption dont let their online banter fool you, they are friends
↪yn babe don't expose us like that😔
જ ♡ જ

oscarpiastri 🧡
view all comments
yn DELETE what if lewis sees this?
user21 she's so real
lewishamilton i feel betrayed
yn nooo💔😔 you will always be n1 in my heart
oscarpiastri 😐
yn deal with it
yn i am so incredibly proud of you and i love supporting you🥺🧡
oscarpiastri thank you for being here<3
જ ♡ જ
yn posted a story

caption i'm going to tell my kids this is their dad
જ ♡ જ
yn posted a story

caption just kidding, i love you oscar
↪ oscarpiastri i love you more❤️
#f1 smau#oscar piastri smau#formula 1 smau#f1 fic#oscar piastri fic#formula 1 fic#f1 au#oscar piastri au#formula 1 au#f1 x reader#f1 x you#f1 fanfic#oscar piastri fanfic#oscar piastri x you#oscar piastri x reader#formula 1 fanfiction#formula 1 x reader#formula 1 x you#formula 1 fanfic#op81 smau#op81 au#op81 x you#op81 x reader#op81 fic#oscar piastri fluff
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main masterlist \\ oscar masterlist
𝐦𝐢𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐢𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐥...
✩ : apparently, the f1 75 live new liveries reveal won't be the biggest surprise of your night...
𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐭. : oscar piastri
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 : fluffiest fluff that ever fluffed
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 : 1,1k
✍︎ : lando's version next???
lando’s version here!
You and Oscar stood in comfortable silence as you got ready for the F1 75 Live launch event in your shared hotel room in London. You were struggling with the necklace clasp when your eyes met his in the mirror for what felt like the hundredth time that night.
“What?” you asked without turning around, giving him a half-smile.
“Mh?” He blinked and raised his eyebrows, almost as if your question had just snapped him back to reality.
“You’re staring.”
The way he immediately averted his gaze and focused back on the buttons he still hadn’t fastened, his cheeks flushed, made it seem like you’d caught him red-handed. Your smirk widened at the thought.
“Sorry, I–you just… you’re beautiful.”
Your heart swelled at his words as your own face turned a light shade of pink. It wasn’t unusual for Oscar to compliment you, quite the contrary; more often than not, he wouldn’t shut up about you—which usually ended up with Lando whining about how sickening it was to be around him. But this time, something in your boyfriend’s tone sounded different… more meaningful.
“I wasn’t complaining,” you said over your shoulder, both reassuringly and teasingly, a curse leaving your mouth right after as your fingers fumbled again with the pendant around your neck.
Oscar let out a breathy chuckle and crossed the room until he was standing just behind you, his head towering over yours.
“Let me,” he murmured, his hands grazing your bare skin when he took the delicate chain between them. A shiver ran down your spine at the warmth of his touch.
“There,” he said softly as he finally managed to work the tiny hook into place, his fingertips lingering a little longer than necessary over your back.
You could feel his eyes boring into the back of your head, only that this time you didn’t have the courage to hold his gaze. Which made no sense.
It’s just Oscar. Why are you so nervous?
Without thinking, you reached for the top drawer of the dresser to keep your hands busy, hoping it would prevent them from fidgeting too much.
Apparently, that was a big mistake.
The moment your fingers brushed against a small—and smooth?—object, Oscar’s were already wrapping around your wrist to stop you, an almost panicked ‘Wait–’ slipping past his lips.
Too late.
As soon as you lifted the little velvet box from its hiding place, your heart picked up the pace and started beating so loud you were sure the boy himself could hear it. He, for his part, was frozen like a deer in the headlights when you finally turned around and glanced up at him, wide-eyed.
He swallowed hard before releasing your arm slowly, almost as if he was afraid you’d run away once he let go. His voice was laced with guilt when he spoke again.
“I–this isn’t how it was supposed to go. I had a whole plan in my head and…”
“And it involved flowers, music–maybe champagne? God,” he ran a hand over his face, “I spent months making sure everything was perfect, and I still messed it up.”
“So much for a surprise–”
“Oscar Jack Piastri, are you going to propose to me, or are you just going to keep crying about it?”
Maybe it was the way your voice had cracked at the end of the sentence or the tears welling up in your eyes, but your boyfriend finally stopped rambling and looked at you—really looked at you.
A faint smile ghosted over his lips, his own gaze shining under the dim light of the room as he took a step forward and grabbed your trembling hands in his, giving them a soft squeeze.
Then, just as the silky case was about to slip through your fingers, he caught it, his eyes searching yours one last time, looking for a silent confirmation that this was what you truly wanted. You simply nodded, unable to talk.
“Alright then,” he whispered, “I guess we’re doing this now.”
The mere sight of Oscar—your Oscar—getting down on one knee with something that resembled reverence was enough to push you over the edge, tears now rolling freely down your cheeks.
“Okay, so… I’d prepared the perfect speech for this moment, but, uh, I forgot half of it–”
You pressed your fingertips against his mouth, interrupting his train of thought once more. “This is perfect,” you choked out, barely above a whisper.
Relief flooded his face as he carefully lifted the box’s lid, revealing the most breathtaking ring you’d ever seen. The cut was simple, the gemstone not too big or shiny, but it was undeniably you.
“Then…” he pecked you gently on the knuckles, “… will you do me the honor of marrying me?”
The dam broke, loud sobs escaping your throat as you nodded again and watched him—or at least tried to, with how much you were crying—put the elegant band on your ring finger.
While he got back to his feet, you saw your reflection in the mirror from the corner of your eye, and the view made you gasp in horror.
“Oh my god, I look like a raccoon,” you sniffled, unsuccessfully trying to wipe off the dark circles of mascara that surrounded your bottom lashes.
“A very sexy raccoon, if you ask me,” was Oscar’s unusually flirty comment as he slid his arms around your waist and started peppering kisses all over your wet face.
“Wow, so romantic,” you giggled. “My fiancé, ladies and gentlemen.”
The boy stiffened behind you, his breath hitching.
“Say that again.”
You tilted your head to the side and found him already staring at you, his gaze visibly darker than before.
“What, fiancé–?”
He barely gave you the time to answer properly before he cupped your jaw, his lips crashing against yours, holding you so close it felt like you were actually melting into each other.
A thrill of excitement shook you from head to toe. Sure, you’d shared moments like this before, but the way your mouths moved together, almost as if tasting each other’s flavor for the first time, the rush, the urgency of it all… that was new.
Even when you pulled back, breathless and grinning like two idiots, you couldn’t loosen the grip on your bodies just yet, probably needing something to cling on to as an anchor in reality.
There was a beat of silence—then Oscar sighed.
“Lando’s going to kill me.”
“Why? Was he expecting a proposal, too?”
“No. But he did help me organize yours, so…”
“Oh no.”
“Mhm,” he confirmed, already resigned to his fate. “How offended do you think he’ll be?”
“I’m afraid there’s only one way to find out,” you shrugged, pecking his lips with a knowing smile. “So, shall we?”
“After you, Mrs. Piastri.”
©italiangirlcoresblog // do not copy, rewrite, or translate any of my work on any platforms
#✩ : my writings#f1#formula 1#formula one#f1 fanfic#f1 fic#f1 one shot#f1 x reader#f1 x y/n#f1 x you#formula 1 fanfic#formula 1 fic#formula 1 one shot#formula 1 x reader#formula 1 x y/n#formula 1 x you#oscar piastri#op81#oscar piastri fanfic#oscar piastri fic#oscar piastri one shot#oscar piastri x reader#oscar piastri x y/n#oscar piastri x you#op81 fanfic#op81 fic#op81 x reader#op81 x y/n#op81 x you#oscar piastri fluff
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The mysterious Mrs. Piastri
We are interrupting our regularly scheduled programming for a Valentine's Day Treat. Remember that video where Oscar was asked "Get married or get a tattoo?" Well, it showed up on my FYP and I was like..:WAIT
Oscar Piastri had always been a calm, collected kind of guy. Unshakeable, even. Lando Norris, on the other hand? Not so much.
And today? Today was the day Lando fully lost it.
(divider thanks to @saradika-graphics )
Oscar Piastri had always been a calm, collected kind of guy. Unshakeable, even.
Lando Norris, on the other hand? Not so much.
And today? Today was the day Lando fully lost it.
It had started innocently enough, just another fan stage, just another round of questions.
“Oscar, would you rather get married or get a tattoo?”
Easy. Straightforward. Oscar barely had to think before responding, “Well, I already did one of those things.”
That was, apparently, the wrong thing to say.
Because one second later, Lando spat out his drink.
Oscar turned, confused. “What? No.”
Lando, looking equal parts betrayed and horrified, pointed an accusing finger. “Mate, I’ve seen you in swim trunks. There’s no way you have a tattoo. Where is it?”
Oscar frowned. “I don’t have a tattoo.”
Lando’s face twisted in confusion. “But you just said—” He stopped. His eyes widened. Oscar could see the moment his brain caught up.
“WAIT. WAIT.” Lando practically jumped out of his seat. “YOU’RE MARRIED?!” Lando looked genuinely stunned, his mouth hanging open in shock.
Oscar nodded, calm as ever. “Yeah.”
Lando’s reaction was not calm. Lando let out a strangled, guttural noise, kind of sounding like an indignant cat.
The interviewer, who had been mostly observing up until now, leaned forward, eyes shining with the excitement of a woman who had just stumbled upon the biggest scoop of the season. “Okay, hold on. You mean married married? Like, legally?”
Oscar frowned. “Is there another kind?”
Lando’s hands were now on his head, his entire world seemingly crumbling around him. “SINCE WHEN?!”
Oscar shrugged. “A while now.”
The crowd lost it. The interviewer looked like Christmas had come early. The McLaren PR team, wherever they were, was probably having a collective heart attack.
Oscar frowned. “You know that," he told Lando pointedly.
Oh well. Oscar just shrugged. “Well. I do. She’s amazing. 10/10. Would always marry her again.”
Lando let out a hysterical laugh. “Wait, wait, wait. No, no. You’re telling me you have a freaking WIFE?!”
The interviewer seized the moment. “Okay, no, we need details. How long have you been together?”
Oscar raised an eyebrow. "Since we were 15."
Lando made a strangled noise. “15?! YOU’VE BEEN WITH HER SINCE YOU WERE 15?!”
Oscar nodded. “Yeah.”
The interviewer looked delighted. “How did you meet?”
Oscar tilted his head. “School?”
Lando groaned and turned to the audience. “Look at this guy. Look at him. Of course he’s been secretly married this whole time. Of course.”
The interviewer pressed on. “When did you get married?”
Oscar shrugged. “When I was 18.”
The entire crowd erupted. Fans were screaming, phones were recording, and McLaren PR was definitely hyperventilating somewhere.
Lando, meanwhile, looked like his whole world had just collapsed in real-time.
“You—you got MARRIED at EIGHTEEN?!” he wheezed. “WHY?!”
Oscar looked at him like he was stupid. “Because I wanted to? Because I love her?”
The interviewer cooed over the answer. Lando physically recoiled. “What, like straight out of high school?!”
Oscar frowned. “Not straight out of high school. We waited a bit.”
“HOW LONG IS A BIT?!” Lando demanded.
Oscar thought about it. “Like… three weeks after graduation?”
Lando let out a strangled noise. “THAT’S NOT A BIT, OSCAR. THAT’S BASICALLY IMMEDIATELY.”
Lando dramatically fell back in his chair. The interviewer, meanwhile, was nearly vibrating with excitement. “Okay, okay, follow-up question—how did you propose?”
Oscar thought about it. “I asked her to marry me.”
The interviewer stared. “…That’s it?”
Oscar nodded. “Yeah.”
Lando threw his hands in the air. “UNBELIEVABLE.”
The interviewer, trying desperately to salvage something remotely romantic, asked, “Where did you propose?”
Oscar, as if this were a perfectly reasonable answer, said, “Uh. At home?”
The interviewer looked at him. "...At home?"
"On the bed," Oscar added.
Lando looked like he was going to have an aneurysm.
The crowd groaned. The interviewer looked physically pained. Lando just laughed in disbelief. “I knew you’d be the most unromantic bastard alive.”
Oscar rolled his eyes. “She said yes.”
Lando wiped imaginary tears from his eyes. “That poor woman.”
The interviewer shook her head in awe. “Oscar, mate, I have to ask—how did you manage to keep this a secret for so long?”
Oscar blinked. “No one asked?”
Lando just screamed.
The interviewer, who had completely abandoned all pretense of professionalism, leaned forward. “Okay, wait, wait, who is she?”
Oscar blinked. “My wife?”
Lando threw up his hands. “YES, OBVIOUSLY, but who is she? What’s her name? Where’s she from? What does she do?”
Oscar's forehead creased. "Is that... relevant?"
The interviewer just about had a stroke. Lando looked like he was going to spontaneously combust.
The fans were losing their freaking minds.
Lando nearly fell out of his chair. “YOU’VE BEEN MARRIED FOR YEARS AND I’VE NEVER MET HER.”
“I mean, I thought it was obvious?”
Oscar just shrugged.
Lando groaned. “Mate, I DIDN’T KNOW SHE EXISTED!”
Lando looked like he was seconds from grabbing Oscar and shaking him until some kind of information fell out. "Okay, I can't believe I have to ask this, but why the hell didn't you tell me?”
"I thought you knew," Oscar answered simply.
Lando just gaped. "How on earth would I have known?"
Oscar shrugged. The interviewer, meanwhile, was leaning closer, clearly invested in the whole thing now.
Lando, apparently having had enough, decided on a different tactic. Lando pointed at him, eyes narrowing. “You’re not getting away with this. You are going to introduce me to your wife.”
Oscar sighed, clearly knowing a losing battle when he saw one. “Fine,” he said after a moment.
Lando sat back, satisfied. “Good.” Then he paused. “Wait—does anyone else know? Like, do the team know?”
Oscar shrugged. “I think Zak does.”
Lando made a strangled noise. “Why does Zak get to know?!”
Oscar pointed out, “Because he’s my boss?”
The interviewer, clearly having thrown all professionalism out the window, was just enjoying the chaos. Lando looked like he wanted to scream. “But I’m your friend!”
Somewhere in the background, McLaren PR was probably losing their minds, trying to figure out how to handle the fact that Oscar Piastri, their quiet, low-maintenance driver, had accidentally revealed he’d been married since he was 18.
Not Oscar’s problem, though...After he escaped Lando Norris' clutches.
He had a wife to call after all.
Oscar Piastri was a man of routine.
He liked predictability. Consistency. A life largely free of unnecessary chaos.
Which was exactly why, after the complete meltdown that was today’s fan stage, he had retreated to his driver’s room, shut the door, and pulled out his phone. If there was one thing in his life that wasn’t chaotic, it was his wife.
The call rang twice before she picked up.
“Hey, love,” she greeted, her face appearing on screen. She was sitting in their apartment, hair tied up, wearing one of his hoodies.
Oscar felt himself relax immediately. “Hey.”
She smiled at him. “So, how was your day?”
Oscar sighed. “Lando found out we’re married.”
Her eyes widened slightly. “Oh.” A pause. “He… didn’t know?”
Oscar shook his head. "I thought he did."
She let out a small laugh at that. "How the hell did you think he knew?"
Oscar shrugged. "I dunno. We've been married for, what, five years now? How could he not know?"
Her smile widened. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe because you're about as romantic as a cactus?"
Oscar let out a huff. "I can be romantic."
Before she could respond, there was a loud banging on the door, followed by—
Oscar sighed through his nose. “Oh, for fuck’s sake.”
His wife bit her lip, clearly seconds away from laughing. “Is that…?”
Oscar hung his head. “Yes.”
She was laughing now, and he couldn’t even bring himself to be mad because it was an adorable sound.
His wife bit her lip, clearly trying not to laugh. “You should probably let him in before he tries to break the door down.”
Oscar debated not letting him in, but realistically, Lando would either A) find a way in, or B) make this everyone else’s problem.
So, with a long-suffering sigh, he got up and opened the door.
Lando barreled in immediately, eyes wild.
Oscar sighed, holding up the phone. “She’s on FaceTime, you absolute lunatic.”
Lando’s head whipped around, and he nearly tripped over his own feet trying to get to the couch. He pushed past Oscar with a huff, then stared, wide-eyed, at the phone.
Lando was silent. For once.
His wife was, bless her soul, doing her best to fight her laughter at the look on Lando’s face. “Hi,” she said. “You must be Lando.”
Lando just continued to gape.
Then, slowly, he pointed an accusatory finger at the screen. “You’re real.”
She laughed. “I hope so.”
Lando turned to Oscar, looking personally betrayed. “SHE’S REAL.”
Oscar sighed. “I know.”
Lando turned back to the phone. “And you married him? At eighteen?!?”
She smiled. “Yep.”
Lando reeled. “WHY?!”
She tilted her head. “Because I love him?”
Lando looked like his entire world had been completely shaken. “You love him,” he repeated, staring incredulously down at her.
Oscar rolled his eyes. “Oi, mate, why’s that so hard to believe?”
Lando just groaned in exasperation. “You do not understand how hard it is, being friends with a guy for literal years, and never knowing he had a girlfriend—let alone a WIFE.”
“Mate, I’m pretty sure that says more about you than me,” Oscar told him bluntly.
Lando shot him a glare. “Oh, and you’re what? Mister Emotional Intelligence? You’ve been hiding this for years!”
Oscar shrugged. “Never came up in conversation.”
Lando looked horrified. “Don’t put this on me!”
Oscar shrugged. “You never asked.”
Lando flopped onto the couch, rubbing his face. “Unbelievable.”
His wife stifled a laugh, the corners of her mouth tugging upward as she watched Lando in his current state.
Lando, meanwhile, had moved to the “trying to wrap his head around this situation” portion of his breakdown.
“Okay, no. We’re fixing this. Immediately.”
Oscar sighed. “Lando—”
Lando pointed at the phone. “I need to meet her.”
Oscar sighed. “Fine. Silverstone.”
Lando gasped. “Really?!?”
Oscar deadpanned. “No, I just said it for fun.”
Lando turned back to the phone. “Mrs. Piastri, I will see you at Silverstone.”
She laughed. “Looking forward to it.”
Lando nodded firmly, then turned back to Oscar. “I will be grilling you for details later.”
Oscar sighed. “Of course you will.”
Lando stood dramatically. “Good. Carry on.” And then he walked out like he had just personally fixed the situation.
Oscar turned back to his wife, who was fully laughing.
“I love Lando,” she said. “This is the best thing that’s ever happened.”
Oscar sighed. “I regret everything.”
She smirked. “Love you.”
Oscar huffed. “Yeah, yeah. Love you too.”
And somewhere, in the distance, Lando was plotting.
@/oscarpiastri ✅
Posted: 1 day ago
So, the internet (and, more importantly, Lando) just found out I’m married.
To be honest, I didn’t think it was a secret. I’ve been married for years. I assumed people knew. Turns out, I was very, very wrong.
Yes, I’m married. Have been for five years this summer.
So, meet my wife—my best friend, my favorite person in the world, and the only one who has somehow put up with me for this long.
We met when we were 15. Two kids at boarding school, thrown together by pure chance. The only open seat in class was next to me, so she took it. I stole a pen from her once—completely by accident—but she still let me borrow her pens after that. Eventually, she started carrying a second one just for me. I told myself that meant something.
She always knew when I was having a bad day, even when I hadn’t said a word. She made school bearable, made exams feel less stressful, made me laugh even when all I wanted to do was complain. Somewhere between stolen lunch breaks and long walks back to the dorms, between late-night study sessions and whispered conversations about the future, I fell in love with her. Quietly, all at once and over time. I knew by the time we were 15—maybe even before then.
She was my best friend first. The person I trusted most. The one who understood the parts of my life that didn’t always make sense to everyone else. By the time I worked up the nerve to tell her how I felt, she just smiled and said, ‘I was wondering when you’d figure that out.’ Like she had known all along.
When I left school to chase this ridiculous dream, she didn’t ask me to stay. She just told me she’d be there, no matter how far I went. And she was. Through every win, every loss, every moment of self-doubt.
So when we turned 18, we didn’t wait. Three weeks after graduation, we walked into a registry office in London, signed a piece of paper, and walked out married. No grand ceremony, no expensive dress. Just us, two rings we picked out in under twenty minutes, and a promise we already knew we’d keep.
We told our families afterward. Some took it better than others.
I know getting married at 18 sounds a little mad. People told us we were too young, that we should wait, that we were being reckless. But why? I had no doubt in my mind then, and I have none now.
She’s still the first person I call after every race, no matter the result. She’s the one who tells me to go to bed when I’m up too late on the sim, who reminds me to eat when I forget, who talks me down when I start overthinking. She’s been with me through everything. Through junior categories to F1, through every high and every low, through the moments I wanted to quit and the ones where I felt like I was on top of the world.
She’s my best friend, my greatest love, the only person who can call me out on my nonsense and get away with it.
So, no, I don’t have a tattoo. But I do have a wife. The person who still looks at me like I’m just that 15-year-old kid stealing a pen and falling in love before he even realizes it’s happening.
I have no idea how I convinced her to marry me, but I’d do it all over again in a heartbeat.
10/10, would always marry her again. ❤️
↪️ @/oscarpiastri: I assumed you knew. ↪️ @/landonorris: WHEN HAVE YOU EVER MENTIONED HAVING A WIFE???
↪️ @/mrspiastri: He does this thing where he forgets people don’t just know things.
@/danielricciardo: High school sweethearts. Eloped at 18. Best plot twist of the season.
@/mclaren: We have so many questions.↪️ @mrspiastri: Submit them in an organized document, I’ll answer the best ones.
@/f1updates: Today in ‘Oscar Piastri casually drops life-changing information’—he has a whole wife. Lando learned this at the same time as the rest of us.
@/lanoscult: Not Lando finding out with the fans and having a full existential crisis on stage 💀💀💀
@/thef1editz: POV: You just found out your best friend has been MARRIED FOR YEARS and never told you (attached video of Lando’s reaction with dramatic music)
@/f1tea: No thoughts, just Lando yelling ‘WHO GETS MARRIED AT 18’ like he was personally betrayed.
@/padlockthegrid: We’ve been watching this man for YEARS and never once suspected a wife??
@/georgerussell63: I feel like this is something you announce at a dinner, not in front of an audience.
↪️ @/oscarpiastri: I thought I had mentioned it. ↪️ @/landonorris: YOU DID NOT.
@/charles_leclerc: This is the greatest plot twist in F1 history.
@/fernandoalo_oficial: I respect this level of secrecy.
@/chaoticneutralf1: Oscar Piastri is terrifying. He just DOES things and assumes people KNOW.
@/mclaren: Oscar, any other life-altering facts you’ve forgotten to mention? ↪️ @/oscarpiastri: Not that I can think of. ↪️ @/landonorris: I REFUSE TO BELIEVE THAT.
@/mrspiastri: 10/10, would marry him again. (Even if he forgets to tell people.) ↪️ @/oscarpiastri: Love you too. ❤️
@/danielricciardo: Oscar, mate, do you have any other shocking secrets? ↪️ @/oscarpiastri: Not really. ↪️ @/landonorris: I AM NOT CONVINCED.
@/chaoticgrid: I will think about this every day for the rest of my life.
Posted: 2h ago
"So. Yesterday happened.
Since Oscar apparently forgot that telling people you’re married is something you actually have to do, I’ve spent the last 24 hours watching the internet lose its collective mind. You guys have questions. Lots of them. So, let’s go:
1. Wait… Oscar is MARRIED?!
Yes. Since we were 18. I know, I know. We should have made a big announcement. Or at the very least told his teammate. Oops.
2. When did you get married?!Right after we graduated. We were 18, ran off to London, signed a piece of paper, and then told our families. In hindsight, we probably should have done that last part beforehand, but hey, we were young and in love (and slightly impulsive).
3. Why so young?Because we were sure. It wasn’t impulsive—it was inevitable. People told us we were crazy, that we should wait, that we’d change. But we didn’t. We grew up together, and we only ever grew toward each other. If I had to choose again, I’d do it exactly the same way.
3. How did you two meet?We were 15, stuck at boarding school, and Oscar stole my pen. He swears it was an accident. I maintain that it was the moment he decided to make me fall in love with him.
5. Did you really not tell Lando?I thought he knew! Everyone close to us does! I assumed Oscar had mentioned it at some point, but, well… you all saw what happened. Apparently, Oscar’s ‘private life’ policy extended to his teammate of three years. Which is why we all got to witness his public breakdown in real-time.
5. Does this mean you’re an F1 WAG?Technically? Yes. Do I have the outfit coordination and expensive handbag collection to back it up? No. I do steal Oscar’s team hoodies, so that counts, right?
6. What’s your favorite thing about Oscar?The way he loves—quietly, steadily, with his whole heart. He still waits up for me if I’m out late, still kisses my forehead when he thinks I’m asleep, still tucks handwritten notes into his race gloves like he did back when he was karting. I’ve loved him for so long that I can’t imagine my life any other way.
7. And since Oscar said ‘10/10 would always marry her again,’ what’s your answer? 10/10. No regrets, no hesitation, no doubt. I’d marry him a thousand times over.
@/landonorris: I’M STILL NOT OVER THIS. ↪️@/oscarpiastri: I’m never going to live this down, am I? ↪️@/mrspiastri: Nope. But I love you anyway.
@/danielricciardo: This is the kind of romance novel material I expect from an F1 WAG.
@/mclaren: We demand a Netflix special on this.
@/wagsf1: This is the cutest thing we’ve ever seen. Please post more.
@/f1updates: The way she said ‘10/10’ like it was the easiest question ever 😭💖
@/wagsf1: He still tucks handwritten notes into his race gloves??? I’M GONNA CRY.
@/f1updates: This woman just broke the internet by being casually, devastatingly in love.
@/f1fangirl92: The way this man has been secretly in love since he was FIFTEEN is actually lethal.”
@/fanaccountoscarpiastri: So what I’m getting is that Oscar is out here winning races and marriage. I respect it.
@/paddockinsider: Be so honest. What did people say when they found out you guys eloped? @/mrspiastri: Oh, everyone thought we were insane. Random people who barely knew us were convinced we’d crash and burn. Now we get a lot of, ‘Wow, you guys really made it work.’ ↪️@/oscarpiastri: Wasn’t hard.
@/f1obsessed: Did you guys ever break up? ↪️@/mrspiastri: Nope. Not once. Not even a ‘we were on a break’ situation. We’ve been together since we were 15, which is wild when I think about it.
@/fanofeverything: Why did Oscar keep it a secret??? ↪️@/mrspiastri: It wasn’t a secret so much as… he never felt the need to bring it up? It’s not like he was hiding me in a basement somewhere lol. He just doesn’t talk about personal stuff unless someone asks directly. Which, apparently, no one did.
@/gridgossip: So who knew? ↪️@/mrspiastri: Mark. Andrea. Probably Zak? Our families, obviously. And, um. That might be it?
@/paddockinsider: Did Oscar just assume that everyone knew you guys were married? ↪️@/mrspiastri: Yes. 100%. This man did not think to mention it because he thought it was ‘obvious. ↪️@/mclarenmemes: “OBVIOUS TO WHO??” ↪️@/mrspiastri: To him. He just figured if someone asked if he was married, he’d say yes. But since no one did, he saw no need to bring it up. ↪️@/landonorris: HOW IS THAT YOUR LOGIC. ↪️@/oscarpiastri: No one asked. ↪️@/landonorris: I’M GOING TO LOSE MY MIND.
@/f1insider: We need more details about Mark Webber finding out. ↪️@/mrspiastri: I swear I saw his soul leave his body. ↪️@/mclarenmemes: OSCAR, EXPLAIN YOURSELF. ↪️@/oscarpiastri: Didn’t seem necessary to tell him at the time ↪️@/landonorris: “HOW IS MARRIAGE NOT NECESSARY INFORMATION???” ↪️@/mrspiastri: Mark Webber sat Oscar down like a disappointed dad and was like, ‘Mate. How do you just… forget to mention you’re married? ↪️@/mclarenupdates: “And what did Oscar say??? ↪️@/mrspiastri: “He just shrugged and went, ‘Not really relevant to racing. ↪️@/landonorris: “I NEED TO LIE DOWN.”
@/paddockdrama: People always joke that Oscar is a robot. Does that ever bother him? ↪️@/mrspiastri: Not really. I once asked him and he just shrugged and went ‘Doesn’t bother me. I don’t need to prove anything to anyone as long as you know how much I love you.’ ↪️@/landonorris: NO BECAUSE WHERE WAS THIS ENERGY WHEN I TOLD HIM I GOT P2 AND HE JUST WENT ‘NICE’??? ↪️@/oscarpiastri: It was nice.
@/paddockgossip: “Did ANY other drivers know???” ↪️@/mrspiastri: Oscar’s Prema teammates figured it out. The rest of the grid? Oblivious. ↪️@/landonorris: How did Oscar never accidentally spill?? ↪️@/mrspiastri: He doesn’t overshare. Meanwhile, I am still in awe that he just assumed people knew.
@/foreverf1: Wait, I need to know—who said ‘I love you’ first? ↪️@/mrspiastri: Oscar did. Completely out of nowhere, too. We were 16, lying on the floor doing homework, and he just looked over and went, ‘Oh. I love you.’ Like he just realized it in real time.
@/f1teaqueen: Okay but like… NO COLD FEET?? Not even a little?? ↪️@/mrspiastri: Nope. We were 100% sure.
@/wildforwags: Who actually officiated your wedding?? ↪️@/mrspiastri: Some very lovely lady at a London registry office. She called us ‘sweethearts’ and I think she knew we were completely insane, but she was very supportive about it.
@/racewifematerial: What did you wear?? ↪️@/mrspiastri: A white sundress I bought the week before. Oscar wore a suit that was slightly too big because he borrowed it last-minute. We looked like two teenagers who ran away from home, which, to be fair… we kinda did.
@/formula1fangirl: Who took the wedding photos? ↪️@/mrspiastri: We handed a disposable camera to two very confused tourists outside the registry office. They did a great job.
@/landoandchaos: Oscar, babe, how did you manage to keep this from your friend for FIVE YEARS? ↪️@/mrspiastri: Listen, Oscar is elite at two things: racing and not offering information unless directly asked.
@/mclarenfanatic: Did he really think Lando knew? ↪️@/mrspiastri: 100%. I asked him and he was like, ‘Well, I didn’t HIDE it?’ And I was like, ‘Oscar. That is not the same thing as telling people.’
@/fastandflawless: Be honest, did you ever have a moment of ‘Oh my god, I married an 18-year-old racing driver, what have I done’?” ↪️@/mrspiastri: Not really? I mean, other people definitely thought we were nuts, but we knew exactly what we were doing. The real crisis moment was a few months later when I realized I’d have to file taxes as a married person.
@/waggossip: “Did Oscar have a big, romantic proposal, or was it just like, ‘Wanna get married?’ ↪️@/mrspiastri: Oscar woke up one morning, looked at me, and said, ‘We should get married. Logically, it makes sense.’ ↪️@/f1softies: YOU’RE JOKING. ↪️@/mrspiastri: I was like, ‘Okay?’ And he said, ‘Great, I’ll book an appointment.’ ↪️@/mclarenmemes: So let me get this straight. No knee. No ring. Just ‘We should get married.’ ↪️@/mrspiastri: Correct. ↪️@/f1wifeguys: And you weren’t even a little mad?? ↪️@/mrspiastri: Nah, I thought it was funny. If he’d done some big, dramatic proposal, I’d have thought he was concussed. ↪️@/mclarenupdates: Please tell me he at least got a ring after that. ↪️@/mrspiastri: He did! We picked one out together. It has both our birthstones.
@/paddocktea: Okay, but does he ever get super romantic out of nowhere?” ↪️@/mrspiastri: Oh, absolutely. Once, when I was really stressed out, he just looked at me and said, ‘You don’t have to do everything alone. I’m always going to be here.’ ↪️@/f1wifeguys: STOP THAT’S SO SWEET.
@/paddockinsider: What’s the most uncharacteristically romantic thing he’s ever said? ↪️@/mrspiastri: We were lying in bed once, just scrolling on our phones, and out of nowhere he goes, ‘You know, no matter how my life turned out, I think I would’ve found you in every version of it.’ And then he just went back to reading about Formula 2 tire degradation like he hadn’t just ruined me.
@/backmarkerbrigade: “So, like, what did you do after you got married? Fancy dinner? Celebratory champagne?” ↪️@/mrspiastri: ...Sandwichs at Pret-a-manger
@/gridlove: What’s the most Oscar Piastri way he’s ever told you he loves you? ↪️@/mrspiastri: One time he texted me ‘You’re my favorite human’ completely out of the blue. No context. No follow-up. Just that. It was adorable.
@/pitlaneprincess: Who cried more at the wedding? ↪️@/mrspiastri: Me. Oscar was annoyingly composed. He did squeeze my hand really tight when we said our vows, though.
@/drsforlove: “This man has been giving post-race interviews like ‘Yeah, good race, car felt good’ and then just casually drops a wife like it’s a tire strategy.
@/wildforwags: What’s something you wish you had done for the wedding? ↪️@/mrspiastri: Honestly, nothing. It was chaotic, but it was ours.
@/pitstopqueen: What was your first impression of Oscar? ↪️@/mrspiastri: Honestly? I thought he was too quiet. Then he made some dry, sarcastic comment under his breath in class, and I immediately knew we’d get along.
@/tracksidegossip: How long did you actually plan the wedding? ↪️@/mrspiastri: A week. And ‘plan’ is a generous term. We just Googled how to get married in London, booked the appointment, and that was that.
@/f1chaos: Oscar, be so honest, did you really think people would just ‘figure it out’ without you ever saying anything?? ↪️@/mrspiastri: Yes. Yes, he did.
@/paddockprincess: Wait, so how did Oscar’s family react to you guys getting married so young? ↪️@/mrspiastri: Honestly? They were really supportive. His mum just went, ‘That makes sense,’ and his dad laughed. Oscar’s family has always been the ‘if you’re happy, we’re happy’ type. ↪️@/oscarpiastriupdates: “So no dramatic reactions from the Piastris??” ↪️@/mrspiastri: “The most dramatic reaction was his mum sighing and saying, ‘You two are hopeless.’ But she meant it fondly.”
@/chaosinthepaddock: What about your family? 👀 ↪️@/mrspiastri: Ah. Well. See, they did not get over it in five minutes. ↪️@/f1tea: Omg. HOW mad were they??” ↪️@/mrspiastri: Very. Like, ‘multiple angry phone calls’ mad. Like, ‘we refuse to speak to you for years’ mad.” ↪️@/landonorris: Did they actually say you were ruining your life? ↪️@/mrspiastri: Oh, yes. There was a lot of dramatic ‘you’re throwing your future away’ speeches. Which was funny, because my future was literally the same, just with more love and an Australian husband. ↪️@/piastrination: Did Oscar ever try to talk to them about it? ↪️@/mrspiastri: Oh, he tried. But Oscar is Oscar, so he just very calmly said, ‘I love her, we’re married, and that’s not changing.’ Which, surprisingly, did not make them less angry. ↪️@/f1gossip: Have they come around since then? ↪️@/mrspiastri: No.
@/landonorris: Lando’s reaction when he found out vs. your family’s reaction when they found out—who had the bigger meltdown?” ↪️@/mrspiastri: Oh, my family by far. Lando was just confused—my relatives were furious.
@/gridgirlgossip: Oscar Piastri, the man who quietly eloped at 18, dealt with family drama, and then just went racing like nothing happened.
@/drsdiva: “This is the wildest reveal in F1 history. Netflix, do your job.”
@/f1softies: “The fact that Oscar has been in wife guy mode for YEARS and we had no idea.”
@/lando4lyf: Lando: ‘YOU GOT A TATTOO?!’ Oscar: ‘No, I’m married.’ Lando: internal system crash
@/piastriupdates: “Lando Norris finding out live on stage that his teammate has been MARRIED FOR FIVE YEARS is the funniest thing to ever happen in F1.
@/f1memesdaily: “Oscar Piastri eloped at 18, never told anyone, and assumed people would figure it out while Lando was out here thinking he was a single man. I respect the commitment to quiet chaos.”
@/danielricciardo: Mate. You were MARRIED this whole time?? I thought you were just too focused on racing to date anyone, and instead you were out here with a whole WIFE???
@/charles_leclerc: You were married at 18? And Oscar thought that was a normal thing to do?? ↪️@/mrspiastri: Yes. Yes, he did.
@/alex_albon: Tbh, I respect it. Absolute power move. Eloping at 18, casually keeping it a secret, and then just dropping it on Lando like that?? Unreal. ↪️@/mrspiastri: See? Alex gets it.
@/robertschwartzman: Oh, now everyone suddenly cares. Meanwhile, WE KNEW THE WHOLE TIME. ↪️@/mrspiastri: To be fair, you two were basically forced to know. ↪️@/robertschwartzman: Yeah, because he wouldn’t shut up about you. ‘Oh, I can’t come to dinner, I have to call my wife.’ ‘Oh, I’m flying to London to see my wife.’ Mate, we were 19, and you were out here married like a 40-year-old. ↪️@/mrspiastri: He still does that, btw. ↪️@/robertschwartzman: Not surprised. The man has been whipped since day one.
@/jehannadaruvala: “The funniest part was watching Oscar just assume we all knew. Like we’d be talking about normal 19-year-old things, and he’d casually drop, ‘Yeah, my wife said the same thing.’ ↪️@/mrspiastri: And did any of you ever ask for clarification? ↪️@/jehannadaruvala: Oh, we asked. His response? ‘What about it?’ LIKE SIR. ↪️@/robertschwartzman: “One time, I straight-up said, ‘Mate, do you realize you’re married?’ and he just blinked at me and said, ‘Yeah.’ As if that was a totally normal thing for a teenage racing driver. ↪️@/mrspiastri: Sounds about right. ↪️@/ollicaldwell: “Honestly, we stopped questioning it after a while. He was just so chill about it. ↪️@/arthur_leclerc: Yeah, it was like, ‘Oh, Oscar’s in a committed marriage while we’re all just trying to survive? Cool, cool.’
@/f1softies: Okay but does he ever have romantic moments?? ↪️@/mrspiastri: Oh, absolutely. They just happen out of nowhere and leave me emotionally ruined. ↪️@/mclarenupdates: Example, please. ↪️@/mrspiastri: One time, I was having a bad day, and he just looked at me and said, ‘You know, the best part of my life is that I get to love you.’ ↪️@/mclarenmemes: EXCUSE ME SIR??? ↪️@/landonorris: “WHAT THE HELL.”
@/f1updates: So you eloped… but do you think you’ll ever have a big wedding? ↪️@/mrspiastri: Not really. Oscar and I don’t love being the center of attention, so a big wedding never appealed to us. ↪️@/landonorris: THEN CAN I HAVE A BIG PARTY ON YOUR BEHALF??? ↪️@/mrspiastri: We literally just had a wedding reveal by accident and you want to throw an even bigger event??? ↪️@/landonorris: YES.
@/f1insider: So how did Mark find out?? ↪️@/mrspiastri: We didn’t tell him. He found out when Oscar referred to me as his wife in conversation. ↪️@/mrspiastri: We were in a meeting. Mark stopped mid-sentence and went, ‘Your WHAT?’ ↪️@/landonorris: HIS WORLDVIEW SHATTERED. @/mrspiastri: Oscar, completely unbothered, said, ‘Oh. Yeah. We got married a while ago.’ ↪️@/mclarenmemes: I CAN HEAR MARK WEBBER’S EXASPERATION. ↪️@/mrspiastri: Mark didn’t speak for a full minute. Then he sighed, rubbed his temples, and went, ‘Mate. You can’t just drop that into conversation like it’s nothing.’ ↪️@/oscarpiastri: I didn’t see the problem. ↪️@/landonorris: YOU WOULDN’T. ↪️@/f1updates: Does Mark ever bring it up now? ↪️@/mrspiastri: Every single time we see him. ↪️@/oscarpiastri: It’s been years. He should let it go. ↪️@/mrspiastri: Finally he just said, ‘Yeah, I should have figured.’ ↪️@/mclarenmemes: EXCUSE ME???” ↪️@/mrspiastri: Apparently, Oscar was too relaxed for someone hiding a major life decision. Mark said he’d seen too many drivers try to balance racing and relationships, and he knew Oscar had already locked it down. ‘Kid’s too stable for anything else.’ ↪️@/mclarenmemes: That’s actually terrifying. ↪️@/mrspiastri: Immediately after he went ‘Alright. Suppose we better make sure this doesn’t derail your career then.’ ↪️@/mclarenmemes: Classic Webber. ↪️@/mclarenupdates: Did he at least congratulate you? ↪️@mrspiastri: Yes. Eventually. But only after making sure we’d thought it through. ↪️@/f1softies: Did he give you a lecture?” ↪️@/mrspiastri: Not really. More like a ‘If you’re doing this, do it properly’ talk.
@/drsfordays: The fact that her family was furious while Mark Webber just sighed is sending me.
@/oscarpiastri_fanclub: So Mark Webber has known this whole time??” ↪️@/mrspiastri: Yes. And I think he’s still mildly offended that Oscar didn’t ask for any advice beforehand.
@/f1updates: Why doesn’t Oscar wear a wedding ring? ↪️@/mrspiastri: He does! He just doesn’t wear it when driving. ↪️@/mclarenmemes: Okay but I have never seen this man wear a ring in my life. ↪️@/mrspiastri: He wears it in the off-season. Also, fun fact: he has a silicone one for training that he keeps losing.
@/f1updates: Oscar is so calm and logical on track. Is he the same at home? ↪️@/mrspiastri: Mostly, yeah. But sometimes, out of nowhere, he’ll just say the most devastatingly romantic thing. ↪️@/f1softies: EXAMPLES PLEASE. ↪️@/mrspiastri: One time, I joked, ‘You’re stuck with me forever,’ and he just looked at me, completely serious, and said, ‘That was the goal.’
@/f1updates: Do you ever wish you dated other people before settling down? ↪️@/mrspiastri: Nope. ↪️@/mclarenmemes: Not even a little? ↪️@/mrspiastri: Why would I? I already found my person.
@/f1updates: Serious question—why don’t you ever go to races?? ↪️@/mrspiastri: Anxiety. And I like my privacy. Nobody needs to see my terrified facial expressions. ↪️@/f1memes: You really married a professional racing driver and said no thanks to the circus.” ↪️@/mrspiastri: Yep. ↪️@/mclarenmemes: And Oscar’s fine with that??? ↪️@/mrspiastri: He knew what he was signing up for.
@/landonorris: So I still haven’t met you because??? ↪️@/mrspiastri: Because you are chaos incarnate and I am scared. ↪️@/landonorris: I AM DELIGHTFUL. ↪️@/mrspiastri: Oscar tells me otherwise. ↪️@/mclarenmemes: OSCAR, SAY IT AIN’T SO. ↪️@/oscarpiastri: No comment.
@/mclarenmemes: So you just send him off to work and watch from home like it’s the Super Bowl? ↪️@/mrspiastri: Yes. ↪️@/f1memes: AND HE’S FINE WITH THAT??? ↪️@/mrspiastri: He comes home, I feed him, we watch race replays together, and he tells me all the paddock gossip. We have an excellent system. ↪️@/f1updates: Oscar, confirm or deny? ↪️@/oscarpiastri: Confirmed.
@/f1updates: So, will we ever see you at a race? ↪️@/mrspiastri: Maybe. One day. ↪️@/mclarenmemes: OSCAR, MAKE HER COME TO ONE. ↪️@/oscarpiastri: She does whatever she wants. I learned that a long time ago.
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Changing the Game
platonic!Fernando Alonso x mentee!Reader
Oscar Piastri x Reader
Summary: motorsport can be cruel, especially for young women aspiring to make it to Formula 1, but when Fernando notices a driver who deserves more than the unjust cards fate handed her, he decides to do something about it … and your life will never be the same
The roar of engines fills the air, blending with the faint scent of gasoline that clings to the paddock like a memory. Fernando walks through the chaos of the Formula 3 circuit, hands in his pockets, sunglasses firmly in place.
His presence is a subtle disruption, not loud, but noticeable. Drivers and engineers glance his way, some nodding in respect, others too focused on their tasks to do more than acknowledge him with a brief flicker of recognition.
He’s been watching the race, the sun high overhead, a burning reminder that summer has a way of dragging things out. Yet, time has felt elastic today, stretched out by the tension of the track and the surprising twist that caught his attention.
A young driver — no, more than just young — barely seventeen, the only female on the grid, had sliced through the competition with precision and ferocity. Her car, marked by the number on the side, had danced on the edge of control, flirting with danger at every turn but never losing its rhythm. When the chequered flag waved, she’d crossed the line in a solid third, inches from second, and not far from the top spot.
He’d seen talent before, of course. It’s part of his world, spotting it, nurturing it, sometimes crushing it under the weight of competition. But something about you caught his eye. There’s a sharpness in your driving, a clarity of purpose that’s rare. He wonders where you’ve been hiding.
As the cars pull into the pit lane, the usual bustle takes over. Engineers swarm around their drivers, debriefs start, and helmets are tugged off with a mix of relief and frustration. Fernando watches from a distance, scanning the crowd until he finds you. You’re standing by your car, tugging at your gloves with a sharp motion, frustration etched in the tightness of your jaw. There’s a fleeting moment where you pull off your helmet, shaking out your hair, and Fernando notices the absence of something.
Your race suit is practically bare. The car too, minimal branding, the kind that signals a driver struggling to make ends meet rather than one who’s just claimed a podium finish. He frowns, tilting his head slightly as he watches you. It doesn’t make sense. A driver that good should be swimming in offers, drowning in endorsements.
He catches the eye of a paddock official nearby, someone he’s vaguely familiar with — one of those types who always seem to know more than they let on. Fernando strides over, casual but direct. The official straightens up, clearly surprised to have Fernando Alonso approaching.
“Who’s the girl?” Fernando asks, nodding in your direction, though he doesn’t really need to. You’re the only one who fits the description.
The official glances your way, then back at Fernando. “Y/N Y/L/N. She’s been turning heads all season.”
“Not enough, apparently.” Fernando gestures vaguely at your race suit, his tone making it clear he’s talking about the lack of sponsorship. “What’s going on there?”
The official hesitates, glancing around as if to make sure no one’s listening. He lowers his voice slightly, a conspiratorial tone creeping in. “She’s good, real good. But, you know … she’s a girl.”
Fernando’s eyebrows shoot up, a sharp flash of irritation sparking in his eyes. “So?”
“So,” the official continues, shifting his weight uncomfortably, “sponsors and academies, they’re … cautious. Not sure if she’s got the staying power. And you know how it is, they’re more willing to take a risk on a kid who fits the mold.”
“The mold,” Fernando repeats, his voice flat, incredulous. He lets out a breath, shaking his head slightly. It’s 2019, and this is still happening. It shouldn’t surprise him, but somehow, it does.
His gaze returns to you, still standing by your car, now deep in conversation with your race engineer. There’s a fierceness in the way you talk, the way you move your hands as if trying to will the universe to bend to your will. Fernando recognizes that fire — it’s the same one he’s carried in himself for years.
But there’s more than just frustration in your eyes. There’s something else — determination, maybe, but tinged with something darker, something that’s been carved out of too many disappointments. He knows that look too. It’s the one you get when you’re tired of proving yourself over and over, and yet, you keep doing it because there’s no other choice.
Fernando’s decision is made in an instant. He doesn’t overthink it; he never has. That’s not his style. He approaches you with the same casual confidence that’s defined his career, weaving through the bustle of the paddock until he’s close enough to catch the tail end of your conversation.
“... could’ve pushed harder into turn four,” you’re saying to your engineer, frustration coloring your voice. “But the grip just wasn’t there.”
Your engineer nods, making a note on his tablet, but before he can respond, Fernando steps into the space between you.
“Grip’s one thing,” he says, his voice cutting through the noise around you, “but timing’s everything.”
You turn, eyes widening just a fraction as you realize who’s standing there. Fernando catches the flicker of surprise that you quickly mask with a polite, if guarded, smile.
“Fernando Alonso,” you say, your voice a careful mix of respect and curiosity.
“In the flesh,” he replies, a hint of a grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. He glances at your car, then back at you. “Nice drive today.”
“Thanks.” The word comes out clipped, like you’re not entirely sure what to make of him yet. He can tell you’re used to being judged, sized up and dismissed by those who think they know better. But Fernando’s not here to judge.
“Third place,” he continues, as if he’s thinking out loud. “But you had the pace for second.”
Your eyebrows lift slightly, and for the first time, a hint of a real smile breaks through. “Yeah, I did. But things don’t always go as planned.”
“No,” he agrees, “they don’t. But you’ve got talent. Real talent.”
You study him for a moment, your expression shifting from guarded to something more open, more curious. “Thanks,” you say again, but this time it’s softer, more genuine.
There’s a pause, the noise of the paddock fading slightly as you both stand there, sizing each other up. Fernando knows this is the moment where most people would make some kind of offer — advice, mentorship, maybe even a contract. But he’s never been one to do things by the book.
Instead, he tilts his head slightly, a playful glint in his eyes. “Do you like ice cream?”
You blink, caught off guard by the sudden change in topic. “What?”
“Ice cream,” he repeats, his tone light, almost teasing. “Do you like it?”
“Uh … yeah?” You sound more confused than anything, but there’s a hint of amusement creeping into your voice.
“Great,” Fernando says, as if that settles everything. He steps back, gesturing for you to follow him. “Let’s go get some. My treat.”
You stare at him for a moment, clearly trying to figure out if he’s serious. But when you see that he is, a slow smile spreads across your face, and you can’t help but laugh, shaking your head in disbelief.
“Okay,” you say, still laughing a little as you start to walk beside him. “Why not?”
And just like that, the tension that had been hanging over the paddock seems to dissipate, replaced by something lighter, something that feels almost like hope.
The ice cream shop is a short walk from the circuit, tucked into a corner of the small town that’s hosting the weekend’s race. It’s the kind of place Fernando imagines has been around for decades, unchanged except for maybe a new coat of paint every few years. The neon sign in the window buzzes faintly, its pink light reflecting off the glass as he pushes the door open, holding it for you as you follow him inside.
The cool air is a welcome relief from the heat outside, carrying with it the sweet, unmistakable scent of sugar and cream. The shop is quiet, just a couple of kids sitting by the window, licking at cones that seem far too big for them. Behind the counter, a bored-looking teenager perks up as the door chimes, her gaze sharpening as she recognizes Fernando.
“Can I help you?” She asks, her voice brightening as she tries to act casual, though it’s clear she’s a little starstruck.
Fernando nods toward you, a small smile tugging at his lips. ��Ladies first.”
You hesitate for a moment, then step up to the counter, glancing at the array of ice cream flavors displayed behind the glass. The choices are written in chalk on a board above, but your eyes are immediately drawn to the rich, golden brown of the dulce de leche. You point to it, giving the girl behind the counter a quick smile.
“Two scoops of that, please,” you say, and then, after a beat, “with as many toppings as will fit.”
Fernando raises an eyebrow, amused as he watches you. The girl behind the counter doesn’t question it, scooping generous portions of the creamy ice cream into a cup before moving over to the toppings bar. You lean over the counter slightly, studying the options with a critical eye before making your selections — caramel drizzle, chocolate chips, a handful of crushed cookies, a sprinkle of nuts, and a final flourish of whipped cream on top.
When the girl hands you the cup, it’s practically overflowing, a masterpiece of indulgence that’s almost as impressive as your driving. You turn to Fernando, already reaching for your wallet.
“I can pay for mine,” you say quickly, but Fernando waves you off, already pulling out his own wallet.
“It’s on me,” he insists, his tone making it clear there’s no room for argument.
You open your mouth to protest, but the look he gives you stops you in your tracks. There’s something gentle in his eyes, an unexpected warmth that makes you pause. You let out a small sigh, putting your wallet away as you give in.
“Fine,” you mutter, though there’s no real annoyance in your voice. “But I’m getting you back for this.”
Fernando chuckles as he orders a simple vanilla cone for himself. “We’ll see about that.”
Once he’s paid, the two of you find a small table near the back of the shop, away from the kids and the counter. It’s quiet, almost private, with the hum of the freezers and the distant chatter of the other customers filling the silence. You sit across from him, carefully balancing your cup of ice cream as you take your first bite.
The first taste of dulce de leche is heavenly, the caramel sweetness melting on your tongue as the toppings add layers of texture and flavor. For a moment, it’s easy to forget about everything else — the race, the frustration, the uncertainty of it all. There’s just the ice cream, the coolness of it on your tongue, and the rare sensation of simply enjoying something without a care.
Fernando watches you with a faint smile, his own ice cream barely touched as he leans back in his chair. He doesn’t rush to fill the silence, letting you savor the moment before he finally speaks.
“So,” he says, breaking the quiet, “tell me about your situation.”
You glance up at him, the spoon pausing halfway to your mouth. There’s something in his tone, something gentle but probing, that tells you this isn’t just small talk. You lower the spoon, setting the cup down on the table as you consider how to respond.
“It’s … complicated,” you begin, though that word hardly covers it. You let out a small sigh, your shoulders slumping slightly as you lean back in your chair. “I mean, I’m doing everything I can on the track. My results speak for themselves, right? But it’s like … it’s like none of that matters.”
Fernando nods, encouraging you to continue. There’s no judgment in his eyes, just a quiet understanding, and that makes it easier to keep talking.
“Every race, I’m out there giving it everything I’ve got,” you say, your voice growing more animated as you go on. “I’m right up there with the best of them — sometimes even better. But then I look around, and I see these other drivers, guys who are barely scraping into the points, and they’ve got major sponsors backing them. They’re signed to F1 teams’ academies, they’ve got a clear path to the top. And me? I’ve got nothing. No sponsors, no academy, no security.”
You pick up your spoon again, stirring your ice cream absentmindedly as your frustration bubbles to the surface. “It’s not like I haven’t tried. My team’s tried too, but no one wants to take the risk on me. They all say the same thing — ‘You’re good, but we’re just not sure if you’re what we’re looking for.’ Which is just code for ‘You’re a girl, and we’re not willing to bet on you.’”
Fernando doesn’t interrupt, letting you vent. He’s heard stories like this before, but it never gets any easier to listen to. The sport has its issues, and while things have improved over the years, the barriers you’re facing are still all too real.
You sigh, running a hand through your hair as you shake your head. “It’s so frustrating, you know? I’m out there proving myself every single weekend, but it’s like I have to work twice as hard just to get noticed, and even then, it’s not enough. My parents — they believe in me, but they’re practically killing themselves to keep me racing. They had to take a second mortgage on the house just to get me into F3 this season. And every time I don’t get a sponsor, every time another academy passes on me, it’s like … it’s like I’m letting them down.”
Your voice cracks slightly at the end, and you quickly take another bite of ice cream, as if that can somehow keep your emotions in check. But Fernando sees the way your hand trembles just a little, the way your eyes have lost some of their fire, replaced by a weary resignation.
“It shouldn’t be this hard,” you say softly, almost to yourself. “I know the sport is tough, but it feels like I’m fighting a battle that’s rigged from the start.”
Fernando takes a deep breath, choosing his words carefully. “It’s not fair,” he says, his voice steady, grounding. “You’re right, it shouldn’t be this hard. But sometimes, the fight isn’t just about winning on the track. It’s about changing the game entirely.”
You look at him, your eyes narrowing slightly as you try to gauge what he means by that. There’s something in his tone, something determined and unyielding, that makes you believe he understands more than he’s letting on.
“Changing the game?” You repeat, the words feeling heavy in your mouth.
Fernando nods, leaning forward slightly. “Yeah. Look, I’m not saying it’s going to be easy. But if anyone can do it, it’s you. You’ve got the talent, you’ve got the drive, and you’ve got something most people don’t — resilience. You’re still here, still fighting, even when the odds are against you. That says a lot.”
You bite your lip, absorbing his words. There’s a part of you that wants to believe him, that wants to hold on to that hope, but there’s also a part that’s tired — so tired of fighting an uphill battle, of always having to prove yourself over and over again.
“I just don’t know how much longer I can keep doing this,” you admit, your voice barely above a whisper. “What if it’s not enough? What if I’m not enough?”
Fernando’s gaze softens, and for a moment, he sees a reflection of his younger self in you, back when he was first starting out, hungry and determined but unsure of how far he could really go. The difference is, he had the backing, the opportunities that you’ve been denied.
“You are enough,” he says, his tone firm, leaving no room for doubt. “The problem isn’t with you. It’s with the system, with the people who are too scared to see things differently. But that doesn’t mean you stop. You keep pushing, keep showing them what they’re missing. And if they can’t see it, then we’ll make them see it.”
You blink, surprised by the intensity in his voice. There’s a conviction there that’s hard to ignore, a belief in you that you’ve been struggling to find in yourself.
“We?” You ask, your voice tinged with cautious hope.
Fernando smiles, a small, determined curve of his lips. “We. You’re not alone in this. I’ve been where you are, in a different way, but I know what it’s like to have to fight for everything. And I know what it’s like to have someone in your corner who believes in you.”
You stare at him, processing his words, the implications of what he’s offering. There’s a warmth in your chest, a spark of something that feels dangerously close to hope.
“So what now?” You ask, your voice steadier.
Fernando leans back in his chair, his gaze never leaving yours as he takes a thoughtful bite of his ice cream. There's a moment of silence, the weight of everything unspoken hanging between you, before he finally speaks, his voice calm but resolute.
"Now?" He sets his cone down on the table, his expression sharpening with purpose. "I make some calls."
It’s been a few weeks since that day at the ice cream shop, and Fernando hasn’t been able to shake the conversation from his mind. He’s been in the sport long enough to know how things work, but hearing it from you, seeing how the system has worn you down despite your undeniable talent, it struck a nerve. It’s been a whirlwind of phone calls, favors cashed in, and quiet meetings behind closed doors. But now, standing at the arrivals gate at Heathrow Airport, Fernando knows it’s all been worth it.
You come into view, wheeling your carry-on behind you, your eyes scanning the crowd until they land on him. A look of surprise crosses your face, quickly replaced by a hesitant smile as you make your way over.
“Hey,” you greet him, a mix of confusion and curiosity in your voice as you pull your suitcase to a stop beside him. “So … what’s this all about?”
Fernando just grins, taking the handle of your suitcase from you with a casualness that leaves no room for argument. “You’ll see,” he says, cryptic as ever. “Come on, the car’s this way.”
You follow him out to the parking garage, throwing him sideways glances, clearly trying to piece together what he’s up to. Fernando’s only response is an amused smile as he opens the door for you, waiting until you’re settled in the passenger seat before loading your luggage in the trunk.
As he pulls out of the airport and merges onto the highway, the silence between you is comfortable but charged with anticipation. You keep glancing over at him, your curiosity growing with every mile.
“You’re not going to tell me where we’re going, are you?” You finally ask, your tone hovering between teasing and exasperation.
Fernando chuckles, shaking his head. “Nope.”
You sigh, leaning back in your seat, but there’s a glimmer of excitement in your eyes that wasn’t there before. “I’m trusting you, you know,” you say, half-joking, half-serious.
“And you won’t regret it,” he promises, the confidence in his voice almost contagious.
The drive is longer than you expected, taking you out of London and into the countryside. The scenery shifts from the urban sprawl to green fields and quaint villages, the roads becoming narrower and winding as they head deeper into the heart of England. It’s not until Fernando takes a turn down a private road, leading to a sleek, modern complex surrounded by high fences, that you begin to piece it together.
“This can’t be …” you start, your voice trailing off as the full realization hits you. “Is this-”
“Mercedes HQ,” Fernando confirms with a grin as he pulls up to the security gate. He rolls down the window, exchanging a few words with the guard, who quickly waves them through.
You’re silent as he drives into the parking lot, your eyes wide as you take in the sight of the Mercedes-AMG F1 Factory. It’s one thing to see it on TV or in photos, but to be here, in person, is something else entirely. Fernando parks the car and turns to you, catching the look on your face.
“Nervous?” He asks, though he already knows the answer.
“A little,” you admit, swallowing hard as you unbuckle your seatbelt. “Okay, a lot.”
He chuckles, getting out of the car and coming around to your side to open the door for you. “Don’t be. You belong here.”
You hesitate, still processing everything, before nodding and stepping out of the car. Fernando grabs your suitcase from the trunk, but you barely notice, too busy taking in your surroundings as he leads you toward the entrance.
The interior of the building is just as impressive as the outside — modern, sleek, and buzzing with energy. Everywhere you look, there are people in team gear, some hurrying between offices, others deep in conversation. And then, as if the situation couldn’t get more surreal, Lewis Hamilton appears in the lobby, flanked by Toto Wolff.
Your breath catches in your throat, and you stop dead in your tracks. Fernando pauses beside you, a knowing smile on his face as he watches your reaction.
“Fernando,” Lewis greets, his smile widening when he sees you standing next to him. “And you must be the young driver I’ve been hearing so much about.”
You manage a nod, but words seem to have escaped you entirely. It’s not every day that you come face-to-face with a five-time world champion and the team principal of the most successful F1 team of the modern era.
Lewis chuckles at your speechlessness, his demeanor as relaxed and approachable as ever. “Don’t worry, we don’t bite,” he says, extending his hand. “It’s good to finally meet you.”
You shake his hand, your own grip slightly shaky. “I … It’s an honor,” you stammer, your voice finally finding its way back to you.
Toto steps forward next, offering his hand as well. “Welcome to Brackley,” he says, his tone warm but with the same underlying intensity that’s made him such a formidable figure in the sport. “Fernando’s told us a lot about you.”
You glance over at Fernando, a mix of gratitude and disbelief in your eyes. This is so far beyond anything you could have imagined when you first got his call.
Lewis gestures for you to follow him down a hallway, with Toto and Fernando close behind. “When Fernando reached out to me,” Lewis begins, his tone casual but sincere, “and told me about your situation, I knew we had to do something. Talent like yours shouldn’t be held back by anything, least of all by something as ridiculous as a lack of sponsorship.”
You’re still reeling from the fact that Lewis Hamilton knows who you are, let alone that he’s gone out of his way to help you. “I … I don’t even know what to say,” you admit, your voice soft with emotion.
“Don’t worry about that just yet,” Toto says from behind you, his tone light. “Let’s get you settled in first.”
You follow them through the labyrinth of hallways, trying to absorb everything at once. Fernando stays close, a steady presence as you make your way deeper into the facility. There’s a sense of purpose in the air, a kind of quiet determination that’s palpable even as people move around with the calm efficiency of a well-oiled machine.
Eventually, Lewis stops outside a conference room, holding the door open for you to enter first. You step inside, the space cool and sleek, with floor-to-ceiling windows offering a view of the meticulously kept grounds outside. A large table dominates the center of the room, and as you approach, you notice a folder sitting at one end, the Mercedes logo embossed on the cover.
You hover near the table, not daring to sit until someone tells you to. Fernando catches your hesitation, nudging you gently in the direction of a chair. “Go on,” he says softly. “This is for you.”
You sink into the chair, your heart pounding as you look at the folder in front of you. Lewis and Toto take seats across from you, with Fernando settling in beside you. The atmosphere in the room shifts slightly, becoming more formal but no less supportive.
Toto reaches for the folder, sliding it across the table to you. “This,” he begins, his voice calm and measured, “is an offer to join the Mercedes Junior Team.”
You blink, sure you must have misheard him. “The … Mercedes Junior Team?”
Lewis smiles, nodding. “We believe in your potential,” he says simply. “And we want to give you the opportunity to develop that potential to the fullest.”
Your hands tremble slightly as you reach for the folder, your mind racing. This is it. This is the chance you’ve been fighting for, the one you never thought would come, at least not like this. You open the folder, your eyes scanning the first few lines of the contract inside. It’s all real — your name, the terms, everything.
“We know it’s a big decision,” Toto continues, his gaze steady on you. “Take your time to go through everything, ask any questions you have. But know that we’re serious about this. We want you on our team.”
You’re overwhelmed, the weight of the moment pressing down on you, but it’s a good kind of pressure, the kind that comes from knowing you’re on the verge of something life-changing. You look up at Fernando, who’s been watching you quietly, and there’s a look of pride in his eyes that makes your chest tighten.
“I don’t … I don’t even know where to start,” you admit, your voice barely above a whisper.
Lewis leans forward slightly, his expression gentle but serious. “Start by believing that you deserve this,” he says. “Because you do. And we’re here to help you every step of the way.”
There’s a long silence as you let his words sink in, your fingers tracing the edge of the folder. This is everything you’ve been working toward, everything you’ve sacrificed for, and now that it’s here in front of you, it feels almost too good to be true.
But as you look around the table — at Lewis, Toto, and Fernando — you realize that this isn’t just a dream. It’s real. They’re offering you a future, a chance to prove yourself at the highest level, and they believe in you enough to make it happen.
You take a deep breath, steadying yourself before meeting their gazes again. “I … I don’t know how to thank you,” you say, your voice thick with emotion.
“There’s no need for thanks,” Toto says with a small smile. “Just show us what you can do.”
Fernando places a reassuring hand on your shoulder, his voice low and encouraging. “You’ve already done the hard part. Now, it’s just time to make it official.”
You nod, the weight of the contract in your hands feeling lighter now. “I’m ready,” you say, your voice steadying with newfound resolve.
Lewis grins. “Welcome to the team.”
The months following your signing with Mercedes have been a whirlwind. Every day brings something new — testing, meetings, media obligations, training sessions — but through it all, Fernando remains a constant presence. He’s there for every debrief, every important conversation, and when he’s not by your side, he’s only a phone call away. The mentorship he offers is invaluable, not just because of his experience but because of his belief in you.
Today, though, feels different. The season is winding down, and you’ve been expecting a bit of a lull, maybe even some time to catch your breath. But when Fernando calls you to meet him at a quiet café on the outskirts of town, there’s a certain energy in his voice that you can’t quite place.
You arrive at the café to find Fernando already seated at a table near the window, his sunglasses pushed up onto his head and a cup of coffee in front of him. He looks up as you approach, a small, almost secretive smile playing on his lips.
“Morning,” you greet him, sliding into the seat opposite. “You’re up to something, I can tell.”
Fernando chuckles, taking a sip of his coffee before setting the cup down. “Maybe I am,” he says, his tone teasing but warm. “How are you feeling about next season?”
The question catches you off guard. “Next season? I mean, I haven’t really thought that far ahead yet. There’s still so much to do now.”
He nods, leaning back in his chair as he studies you, a hint of something more serious in his gaze. “Well, it’s time to start thinking about it,” he says, pulling an envelope from his jacket pocket and sliding it across the table to you.
You raise an eyebrow, your curiosity piqued as you reach for the envelope. “What’s this?”
“Open it,” Fernando encourages, his eyes never leaving yours.
You do as he says, your fingers careful as you tear open the envelope. Inside is a single sheet of paper, neatly folded. You unfold it slowly, your eyes scanning the top of the page.
Carlin Motorsport — Formula 2 Contract Offer.
Your breath catches, and you look up at Fernando, disbelief written all over your face. “Is this … real?”
“Very real,” he confirms, his smile widening. “They want you for next season. Full-time seat, competitive car, the whole package.”
You’re speechless for a moment, the weight of the offer sinking in. Carlin is one of the top teams in Formula 2, a proven stepping stone to Formula 1, and they want you. It’s everything you’ve been working toward, but the reality of it is almost overwhelming.
“This is …” you start, your voice trailing off as you try to find the right words. “I don’t even know what to say.”
He reaches across the table, placing his hand over yours, his expression softening. “You’ve earned this,” he says, his voice gentle but firm. “You’ve worked hard, proven yourself, and now it’s time to take the next step.”
You nod, still trying to wrap your head around it all. “But how? I mean, why would they choose me over anyone else? There are so many talented drivers out there …”
Fernando squeezes your hand, drawing your attention back to him. “Because you’re one of the best,” he says simply. “They see it, just like I do. And they know you’re going places.”
You take a deep breath, the reality of it finally starting to settle in. “Carlin … Formula 2 … It’s really happening.”
“It is,” Fernando confirms with a smile. “And you’re ready for it.”
There’s a long pause as you sit there, the contract still in your hands. Fernando watches you carefully, his gaze thoughtful. Then, as if sensing that there’s something more to discuss, he leans in slightly, lowering his voice.
“There’s something else I need to tell you,” he says, his tone shifting to something more serious.
You look up, your heart skipping a beat at the sudden change in his demeanor. “What is it?”
He hesitates for a moment, choosing his words carefully. “I’m planning to return to Formula 1 in 2021.”
The news hits you like a bolt of lightning, your eyes widening in shock. “You’re … coming back? To F1?”
Fernando nods, his expression unreadable. “Yes. I’ve been in talks with a few teams, and it looks like everything is lining up for a comeback.”
You’re stunned, your mind racing to catch up with what he’s just said. Fernando Alonso, returning to Formula 1 … it’s huge, and the implications of it start to sink in. “That’s incredible,” you say, a mix of excitement and apprehension in your voice. “But what does that mean for … us? For everything we’ve been working on?”
He’s silent for a moment, his gaze intense as he considers your question. “It means that while I’ll still be around to support you, I won’t be able to be as hands-on as I’ve been. I won’t be able to be your full-time manager anymore.”
The words hit you hard, and you feel a pang of anxiety start to creep in. Fernando’s been your rock, the one who’s guided you through every step of this journey, and the thought of losing that constant presence is unsettling.
“But,” he continues, his tone reassuring, “I’m not leaving you in the lurch. I’ve already started talking to some people, and I’m going to make sure you get a manager who’s the best of the best. Someone who knows the sport inside and out, who can give you everything you need to succeed.”
You nod slowly, trying to process everything he’s telling you. It’s a lot to take in— the offer from Carlin, Fernando’s return to F1, the changes that will come with it — but there’s a part of you that understands. This is the nature of the sport, constantly evolving, constantly moving forward.
“I’m happy for you,” you finally say, your voice sincere. “Really, I am. You deserve to be back in F1, where you belong.”
Fernando smiles, a genuine warmth in his eyes. “Thank you. And you deserve to be in F2, racing at the front, showing everyone what you’re capable of.”
There’s a pause, the weight of the moment settling over both of you. Then, Fernando’s smile turns a bit more mischievous as he leans back in his chair.
“But don’t think this means I’m going to go easy on you,” he says, a teasing glint in his eyes. “I’ll still be watching, making sure you’re giving it your all.”
You laugh, the tension breaking slightly at his words. “I wouldn’t expect anything less.”
He nods, satisfied, before finishing off his coffee. “Good. Because the hard work isn’t over yet. If anything, it’s just beginning.”
You take a deep breath, feeling a renewed sense of determination settling over you. Fernando’s right — this is just the beginning. The road ahead will be challenging, but you’re ready for it. And with his support, even if it’s from a distance, you know you can handle whatever comes your way.
“Thank you,” you say again, your voice full of gratitude. “For everything.”
Fernando just smiles, standing up from the table and offering you his hand. “Come on,” he says. “Let’s get out of here. We’ve got a lot to prepare for.”
You take his hand, rising from your seat, and together you leave the café, the future stretching out before you, full of possibilities.
The hum of the F2 paddock is a mix of nerves and excitement, a constant undercurrent of energy that seems to electrify the air. It’s the first race of the season, and you can feel it. The mechanics are moving with purpose, checking and double-checking every detail of the car. Engineers are glued to their screens, analyzing data with furrowed brows. And you, in the midst of it all, are the picture of focus — calm on the outside but with a fire in your eyes that tells Fernando you’re ready for this.
He stands a few feet away, leaning casually against the garage wall, but his eyes are on you. Always on you. He’s seen you grow over these past months, watched as you’ve taken every challenge head-on, and now, as you prepare for your first F2 race, he can’t help but feel a surge of pride.
Yuki Tsunoda, your teammate, walks over, helmet in hand. He’s grinning, but there’s a trace of awe in his expression as he glances between you and Fernando. “I still can’t believe it,” Yuki says, shaking his head slightly. “Fernando Alonso, here in our garage, supporting you. It’s surreal.”
You chuckle, giving Yuki a playful nudge with your elbow. “Believe it. He’s stuck with me now.”
Fernando smirks, pushing off the wall and walking over to the two of you. “Yuki, how are you feeling about today?” He asks, his tone friendly but professional.
Yuki straightens up, clearly wanting to impress. “I’m ready. I’ve been looking forward to this all off-season. Just want to get out there and race.”
“Good,” Fernando nods, his eyes sharp as he assesses Yuki. “Remember, the first race sets the tone. Keep your head down, focus on your own performance, and the results will come.”
Yuki nods, absorbing the advice. “And you?” He asks, turning back to you. “First F2 race … How are you feeling?”
You shrug, but there’s a determined glint in your eyes. “Excited. Nervous. Ready. All of it.”
Fernando can’t help but smile at that. He’s seen that look in countless drivers — right before they go on to do something special. “You’ve got this,” he says, his voice low but full of conviction. “Just do what you do best.”
You give him a small, appreciative smile before turning back to the car, where the final preparations are being made. Fernando watches you for a moment longer, feeling the weight of the day. This is a big moment, not just for you, but for him too. He’s invested so much in you, not just as a driver but as a person, and now he’s about to see the fruits of that labor on one of the biggest stages.
Yuki eventually heads back to his side of the garage, leaving you and Fernando in a comfortable silence. He steps closer to you, lowering his voice so only you can hear. “Remember, it’s just another race. Don’t let the pressure get to you. You’ve done this a hundred times before.”
You nod, your expression set with determination. “I know. I just need to stay focused.”
“Exactly,” Fernando agrees, his hand resting briefly on your shoulder. “And remember, I’m here. You’re not doing this alone.”
There’s a brief moment of silence between you, the noise of the paddock fading slightly as you take in his words. It’s a reassurance, a reminder that no matter what happens out there, you have someone in your corner who believes in you completely.
The minutes tick by, and soon it’s time for the drivers to head to the grid. The mechanics push your car out of the garage, and you follow, helmet in hand, Fernando right by your side. As you walk, he gives you last-minute reminders, his tone calm but firm, designed to keep you centered.
“Trust your instincts,” he says. “You know the car, you know the track. Let the race come to you.”
You nod, absorbing every word as you approach your car on the grid. The other teams and drivers are milling about, final checks being made before the start. Fernando stands with you by the car, watching as you put on your helmet and climb into the cockpit. There’s a buzz of activity all around, but for a moment, it feels like it’s just the two of you.
He leans in close, his voice carrying over the sound of the grid. “Remember why you’re here. Show them what you’re made of.”
You glance up at him, your visor reflecting the intense determination in your eyes. “I will.”
And with that, the crew steps back, and it’s just you in the car, the engine roaring to life around you. Fernando takes a few steps back, watching as you complete the formation lap. His heart pounds in his chest, a mix of nerves and anticipation. He’s been in this position countless times, but it’s different when it’s someone you’ve invested so much in.
As the cars line up on the grid, the tension mounts. Fernando’s eyes never leave your car, his mind running through every possible scenario. He knows how unpredictable these races can be, how one small mistake can change everything. But he also knows that you’re ready. He’s seen it in your training, in your focus, in the way you’ve handled every challenge thrown at you.
The lights go out, and the roar of engines fills the air. The race is on, and Fernando’s eyes are locked on the screen, watching as you navigate the chaos of the first few corners. It’s a tight pack, cars jostling for position, but you hold your ground, staying calm and composed even as the pressure builds.
Fernando barely breathes as the laps tick by, his focus entirely on you. There are moments where his heart leaps into his throat — close calls, tight overtakes — but you handle them all with the skill and precision of a seasoned driver. You’re pushing, but not too hard, balancing aggression with caution in a way that impresses even him.
Midway through the race, you find yourself in a battle for position with one of the more experienced drivers. Fernando can see the tension in your driving, the way you’re pushing the car to its limits. But he also sees the intelligence in your approach, the way you’re sizing up your opponent, waiting for the right moment.
“Come on,” he mutters under his breath, his eyes glued to the screen as you make your move. It’s a daring pass, squeezing through a gap that’s barely there, but you make it stick. Fernando lets out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding, a small smile tugging at his lips.
“You’re doing it,” he whispers to himself, pride swelling in his chest.
The race continues, the intensity never letting up. There are moments of sheer brilliance, and moments where Fernando’s nerves are stretched to their limits, but through it all, you remain unshaken. Every lap, every corner, you’re proving exactly why you belong here, why Carlin chose you, and why Fernando believes in you so much.
As the race nears its end, you find yourself in a strong position, battling for a spot on the podium. Fernando’s heart pounds in his chest, his hands clenched into fists as he watches the final laps unfold. It’s a nail-biter, the cars ahead of you just within reach, and he can see you pushing, giving it everything you’ve got.
“Come on, come on,” he murmurs, his eyes never leaving the screen. “You’ve got this.”
The final lap is a blur of speed and adrenaline, but you’re right there, closing in on the car ahead. Fernando can feel the tension in the air, the entire Carlin garage on edge as they watch you make your move. It’s a daring overtake, one that requires absolute precision, but you nail it, sliding into third place just before the final corner.
Fernando’s heart leaps as you cross the finish line, securing a podium in your very first F2 race. The garage erupts in cheers, but he’s already moving, heading out to meet you as you bring the car back to the pits.
When you climb out of the car, the smile on your face is all he needs to see. You did it. You proved yourself, and in a big way. Fernando is the first to reach you, pulling you into a tight hug, his voice full of pride.
“You were incredible out there,” he says, his words muffled slightly by the cheers around you. “Absolutely incredible.”
You pull back, your eyes shining with excitement. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”
He shakes his head, his smile wide. “You did this. You took everything you’ve learned and you made it happen. This is just the beginning.”
Yuki comes over, grinning from ear to ear as he claps you on the back. “Third place in your first race? You’re making the rest of us look bad!”
You laugh, the tension of the race finally melting away as you share the moment with your teammate and mentor. But even as you celebrate, Fernando’s mind is already thinking ahead, planning for the future. This is just the first step, and he knows there are many more to come. But for now, he’s content to stand here with you, knowing that you’ve just taken a huge leap forward in your career.
As the celebrations continue around you, Fernando steps back, watching you with a mixture of pride and anticipation. He’s seen something special in you from the start, and today, you proved him right. But he knows this is just the beginning, and he can’t wait to see where this journey takes you
Fernando sits at the head of a sleek conference table in a high-rise office overlooking a bustling cityscape. The room is all glass and steel, exuding an air of professionalism and success. It’s the kind of setting where big decisions are made, the kind of setting where lives are changed. He glances at his watch — just a few minutes before you’re supposed to arrive.
To his left is a man in his late forties, dressed in a sharp suit that screams old money and prestige. This is Carlos Mendes, a veteran in the world of motorsport management. Carlos has a reputation for being ruthless when it comes to getting his clients the best deals.
He’s represented world champions, negotiated multimillion-dollar contracts, and navigated the treacherous waters of sponsorships with the skill of a seasoned general. Fernando had carefully chosen Carlos, knowing that you would need someone who could not only protect your interests but also push for the best opportunities.
On Fernando’s right is Sophie Duclair, a high-powered talent agent whose client list reads like a who’s who of global sports and entertainment icons. Sophie, with her sleek bob and impeccably tailored outfit, is known for her ability to secure top-tier endorsement deals that go beyond the traditional boundaries of sports.
Luxury brands, fashion houses, and even Hollywood producers trust her judgment implicitly. She’s the one who can take your rising star and catapult it into a whole different stratosphere.
The door to the conference room opens, and you walk in, dressed casually but with an unmistakable air of confidence. It’s clear you’ve grown more comfortable in these kinds of environments, but there’s still a trace of curiosity in your eyes as you take in the room and the people seated at the table.
“Good to see you,” Fernando says, rising to greet you with a warm smile. He motions to the empty chair next to him. “Take a seat. We’ve got a lot to discuss.”
You sit down, glancing at Carlos and Sophie with polite curiosity. Fernando leans back in his chair, folding his hands on the table. “Let me introduce you to Carlos Mendes,” he says, gesturing to the man on his left. “Carlos is one of the top managers in the business. He’s going to help guide your career from here on out, making sure you get the best opportunities on and off the track.”
Carlos nods, his expression serious but welcoming. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he says in a deep, authoritative voice. “Fernando has told me a lot about you, and I’ve been following your progress. You’ve got a bright future ahead, and I’m here to make sure you reach your full potential.”
You smile, a mix of gratitude and anticipation in your eyes. “Thank you. I’m looking forward to working with you.”
Fernando continues, turning to Sophie. “And this is Sophie Duclair, one of the best talent agents in the industry. Sophie has a knack for securing deals that align perfectly with her clients’ personal brands. She’s here to help you navigate the world of endorsements and partnerships.”
Sophie smiles, her demeanor warm yet professional. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” she says, her voice smooth and confident. “I’ve been keeping an eye on your rise in F2, and I have to say, the opportunities are endless. There are brands out there who are going to want to associate themselves with your story, your talent, and your image.”
You nod, clearly intrigued but still processing the magnitude of what’s happening. Fernando notices the slight furrow in your brow and steps in to guide the conversation.
“Here’s the thing,” Fernando begins, his tone serious but encouraging. “You’ve been fighting against the odds, and that’s what’s made your story so compelling. A lot of people might have seen your gender as an obstacle, but we’re turning it into an asset. You’ve already proven you belong in F2, and with the right guidance, we’re going to show the world that you’re not just a great driver — you’re a game-changer.”
Carlos leans forward slightly, his eyes focused on you. “Exactly. The motorsport world is evolving, and brands want to be associated with that evolution. They want to be seen as forward-thinking, inclusive, and ahead of the curve. You’re in a unique position to offer them that opportunity.”
Sophie picks up the thread seamlessly. “But it’s not just about slapping a logo on your car or your race suit. It’s about aligning with brands that resonate with who you are and where you want to go. That’s where I come in. I’ve been in talks with several companies that are very interested in working with you.”
You look at Fernando, and he gives you an encouraging nod, urging you to speak your mind. “It sounds … amazing,” you begin, your voice steady but thoughtful. “But I want to make sure that whatever deals we make, they’re the right ones. I don’t want to just be a face on an ad — I want to represent something real.”
Carlos smiles, clearly impressed by your maturity. “That’s the right approach. And that’s exactly why we’re here — to make sure that every move we make is strategic and meaningful. You’ve got the talent and the story, and now it’s about building the brand that reflects that.”
Sophie leans back in her chair, crossing her legs as she regards you with a calculating but friendly gaze. “We’ve already secured two deals that I think you’re going to be very happy with,” she says, a hint of excitement in her voice. “The first is with Cartier. They’re looking to expand their presence in the sports world, and they see you as the perfect ambassador for their brand — strong, elegant, and determined.”
Your eyes widen slightly, clearly surprised. “Cartier?” You echo, the name alone carrying a weight of prestige and luxury.
Sophie nods, smiling at your reaction. “That’s right. They want to work with you on a campaign that’s going to be centered around breaking barriers and redefining what it means to be successful. It’s not just about jewelry — it’s about the story you tell when you wear it.”
Fernando watches as you process this, seeing the mix of excitement and caution in your expression. He knows how big this is, and he also knows how important it is for you to feel comfortable with every step of this journey.
“And the second deal?” You ask, your voice steady but tinged with curiosity.
Sophie’s smile widens. “That would be with Chanel. They’re launching a new line of sportswear, and they want you to be the face of it. It’s a bold move for them, branching out into a market that’s traditionally been dominated by other brands. But they believe in you, and they believe that you can help them make a statement.”
You lean back in your chair, clearly taking a moment to absorb the magnitude of what’s being offered. Fernando can see the wheels turning in your mind, the careful consideration you’re giving to each opportunity.
“I … I didn’t expect anything like this,” you admit, looking around the table. “It’s incredible, but it’s also a lot to take in.”
Carlos nods, his expression understanding. “It is. But you’re not in this alone. We’re here to guide you, to make sure that every decision you make is the right one for you and your career.”
Fernando leans forward slightly, his voice low and reassuring. “You’ve worked hard to get here. You deserve these opportunities. But like Carlos said, we’re going to make sure that every step you take is the right one. We’re not rushing into anything. We’re building something that’s going to last.”
You look at him, and he can see the trust in your eyes. It’s a trust he’s earned over the months, through every piece of advice, every word of encouragement, every push to make you better. And now, as you sit here on the brink of something huge, he feels a deep sense of pride.
“These are just the first steps,” Sophie says, her tone confident and poised. “There’s so much more we can do. But it’s all going to be on your terms. You’re in control of your image, your brand. We’re just here to help you shape it.”
You take a deep breath, your gaze sweeping over the table, taking in the faces of the people who are now part of your team. “I want to do this right,” you say finally, your voice strong. “I want to be someone people can look up to, someone who represents more than just winning races.”
Fernando smiles, feeling a swell of pride at your words. “And that’s exactly what you’re going to do. We’re just getting started.”
The meeting continues, the conversation shifting to the details of the contracts, the timelines for the campaigns, and the strategies for maximizing your visibility. Throughout it all, Fernando watches you closely, noting the way you handle the discussions with a mix of humility and confidence. It’s clear you��re taking everything in, asking the right questions, making sure you understand every aspect of what’s being presented.
By the time the meeting wraps up, there’s a palpable sense of excitement in the room. The deals with Cartier and Chanel are just the beginning, and everyone knows it. There are more opportunities on the horizon, more doors that are about to open. But for now, it’s about taking the first steps, setting the foundation for what’s to come.
As you rise to leave, Fernando walks you to the door, Carlos and Sophie following close behind. “We’ll be in touch with the final details,” Sophie says, her tone professional but warm. “I’m excited to see where this journey takes us.”
Carlos nods in agreement. “You’ve got a bright future ahead. Let’s make the most of it.”
You thank them both, turning to Fernando with a smile that holds a mix of gratitude and determination. "I couldn’t have done this without you," you say softly.
Fernando shakes his head, his smile reflecting the pride he feels. "You’ve earned every bit of this. Now, let's show the world what you’re capable of."
The sun dips low over the suburban skyline, casting a warm golden hue over the backyard where laughter mingles with the clinking of glasses and the low hum of conversation. String lights hang from the trees, swaying gently in the evening breeze, and the faint scent of barbecue lingers in the air. You’re surrounded by familiar faces — family, childhood friends, and the newer ones you’ve made in F2. The mix of old and new feels right, like the pieces of your life are finally coming together.
Fernando stands near the edge of the crowd, leaning casually against a tree as he watches you. He’s been here for hours, blending in with the celebration, though he’s always slightly apart, his presence comforting but never overbearing. He’s wearing one of those half-smiles, the kind that makes it hard to tell if he’s deep in thought or just quietly enjoying the moment.
You catch his eye, and he raises his glass — a silent toast that you return with a small grin before getting pulled back into a conversation with one of your childhood friends. They’re reminiscing about old times, laughing about things that seem so far removed from the high-speed world you now inhabit. It’s nice, grounding even, to remember that you had a life before all of this — a simpler one where the biggest concern was which video game to play after school.
As the night wears on, the crowd begins to thin. Your parents are still mingling, clearly proud of the party they’ve thrown. Your mom’s voice carries across the yard as she gushes to someone about how happy she is that you’ve managed to pay off the second mortgage. It was a weight that they never let you see, but you knew it was there, and being able to lift it was one of the proudest moments you’ve had since stepping into a race car.
Fernando, ever observant, notices the moment your shoulders relax as you hear your mom’s words. He takes a small step forward, knowing that the night is winding down, and he’s been waiting for just the right moment.
Eventually, as the last of your friends hug you goodbye and head out, you find yourself standing near the fire pit, the glow from the dying embers illuminating your face. Fernando approaches, his hands casually tucked into his pockets.
“Enjoying your birthday?” He asks, his voice low and warm, like the crackling fire beside you.
You nod, a content smile tugging at the corners of your lips. “Yeah, it’s been really great. I didn’t expect so many people to show up.”
“People care about you,” Fernando says simply. “You’ve made quite an impact.”
You shrug, clearly a little shy about the praise. “I’m just glad to have a night to relax with everyone. It’s been a whirlwind.”
Fernando’s smile deepens. He knows how hard you’ve worked, how much you’ve sacrificed, and how rare these moments of peace are for you. “You deserve it. You’ve earned it.”
There’s a beat of silence, comfortable and familiar, before Fernando clears his throat. “I, uh, have something for you.”
You turn to look at him, your brow furrowing slightly. “Fernando, you didn’t have to get me anything. You’ve already done so much.”
“I know,” he says, his tone a little softer now, as if he’s stepping into more vulnerable territory. “But I wanted to.”
He reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a small box, wrapped in simple but elegant paper. You hesitate for a moment, then take it from his hands, the weight of it feeling heavier than it should.
Curiosity piques as you carefully unwrap the paper and open the box. Inside is a delicate necklace, the pendant a tiny, intricate race helmet studded with a single diamond where the visor would be. It’s not overly flashy, but it’s beautiful and unmistakably meaningful.
You stare at it, speechless, before looking up at Fernando, your eyes wide with surprise and something deeper — something like awe. “Fernando … this is …”
He cuts you off with a gentle shake of his head. “You don’t have to say anything. I just … wanted you to have something that reminds you of where you’re headed. You’ve got a bright future, and I wanted to give you something to keep close as you chase it.”
Tears prick at the corners of your eyes, but you blink them away, focusing on the necklace instead. You’re not sure what to say — how do you thank someone for something that goes beyond just a gift?
Fernando steps closer, his voice lowering as he continues, “I’ve come to see you as … well, like a daughter, I suppose. Watching you grow, seeing how far you’ve come, it’s been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I just wanted to show you how much you mean to me.”
Your heart swells with emotion, and before you can stop yourself, you step forward and wrap your arms around him, pressing your face into his chest. The necklace is still clutched in your hand, but all you can focus on is the steady beat of Fernando’s heart against your ear.
“Thank you,” you whisper, your voice muffled but sincere. “For everything.”
Fernando’s arms come around you, holding you close in a way that’s both protective and comforting. “You don’t have to thank me,” he murmurs. “Just keep doing what you’re doing. That’s all the thanks I need.”
You stay like that for a moment longer, taking in the warmth and security of the embrace, before finally pulling back. You look up at Fernando, and there’s a connection between you now that goes beyond mentor and protégé — it’s something familial, something lasting.
He gestures to the necklace, a small smile playing on his lips. “Do you want some help putting that on?”
You nod, unable to find the words, and hand it to him. He carefully fastens it around your neck, his fingers steady and sure, and when he’s done, you reach up to touch the pendant, feeling its cool metal against your skin.
“Perfect,” Fernando says, stepping back to admire it. “Just like you.”
You laugh softly, shaking your head. “You’re too kind.”
“No,” he replies, his voice firm but gentle. “Just honest.”
As the fire continues to crackle beside you, the night wrapping around you both like a blanket, you realize that this birthday, this moment, will be one you remember for the rest of your life. Not because of the party or the people, but because of the man standing beside you — the one who believed in you when no one else did, who gave you the push you needed to keep going.
And as you walk back towards the house, the pendant resting against your chest, you know that no matter what happens in the future, you’ll always have this — this connection, this bond, this family you’ve found in the most unexpected place.
The noise is deafening as you cross the finish line, but it’s the silence that follows in your mind that makes it real. The world blurs around you; the roar of the engine fades, the cheers from the grandstands become a distant echo. It’s just you and the knowledge that you’ve done it. The chequered flag waves in the distance, a confirmation that you’ve won the F2 championship.
In your rookie season.
The last lap plays on a loop in your mind: the battle with your teammate, the wheel-to-wheel tension that stretched until the final corner, the moment you finally saw a gap and took it. The entire year has been leading up to this, every race, every struggle, every doubt. And now, you’re here. A champion.
The car slows as you pull into the pit lane, your hands shaking on the steering wheel. The radio crackles with voices — your engineer shouting congratulations, the team cheering, but there’s only one voice you really want to hear.
“You did it,” Fernando comes through, calm but with a hint of emotion that he rarely shows. “I knew you could do it.”
A smile breaks across your face, one that you couldn’t suppress even if you tried. “We did it,” you correct him, because it’s true. You’ve always been a team, even when he wasn’t on the track with you.
As you roll into the Carlin garage, the world around you explodes into celebration. Mechanics, engineers, and team members swarm the car, cheering and clapping as they pull you out of the cockpit. You’re immediately wrapped in a dozen hugs, people shouting your name, lifting you off the ground in their excitement.
But even in the chaos, you’re searching for him. And when you finally spot Fernando standing just outside the crowd, his expression is one of pure pride. He doesn’t rush in to join the others, instead, he stays back, letting you have your moment. That’s Fernando, always understanding, always knowing exactly what you need.
You finally push through the throng of well-wishers and make your way over to him. For a moment, the two of you just look at each other, and in that look, there’s a thousand words unspoken.
“Not bad for a rookie,” he finally says, his smile widening.
You laugh, still breathless from the race. “Not bad at all.”
He pulls you into a hug, and this time, you don’t hold back. You cling to him, letting the emotion of the moment wash over you. “Thank you,” you whisper, and you know he understands. This victory is as much his as it is yours.
When you pull back, you see someone else approaching from the corner of your eye. It’s Toto Wolff, towering and imposing as always, but there’s a warmth in his expression that’s almost fatherly. Next to him, Williams Racing team principal Jost Capito, stands with a smile that’s equally as proud.
“Toto?” You ask, surprised. It’s not every day he shows up in the F2 paddock, let alone after a race.
He steps forward, offering his hand. “Congratulations,” he says, his voice steady. “That was an incredible race.”
You shake his hand, still trying to process the fact that he’s here. “Thank you,” you reply, trying to keep your voice steady.
Jost steps forward, nodding in agreement. “You’ve had an outstanding season. You’ve shown everyone what you’re capable of.”
There’s something in their tone, something that makes your heart race with more than just post-race adrenaline. Fernando catches your eye, giving you a slight nod, as if to say, this is it.
Toto exchanges a look with Jost before continuing, “We’ve been following your progress closely, and we believe you’re ready for the next step.”
Your breath catches in your throat. The next step. It’s what every F2 driver dreams of, but it’s never guaranteed, not even with a championship under your belt. “The next step?” You echo, almost afraid to hope.
Jost steps in, his smile widening. “We want you to race for Williams in Formula 1 next season.”
For a moment, the world stops. You blink, trying to process the words, to make sure you heard him right. Formula 1. They want you to race in F1.
“Next season?” You manage to say, your voice barely above a whisper.
Toto nods, his expression serious but encouraging. “Yes. We’ve been in discussions with Williams, and we believe you’re the perfect fit for their team. You’ve proven that you can handle the pressure, and now it’s time to see what you can do on the biggest stage.”
You feel like you’re floating, like this is a dream that you might wake up from at any moment. You turn to Fernando, searching his face for confirmation that this is real. He’s smiling, but there’s a look in his eyes that tells you he’s known about this for a while. He’s always known.
“You’ll be racing in F1,” Fernando says, his voice steady. “You deserve it.”
It’s then that the full weight of what’s happening hits you. F1. The pinnacle of motorsport. And not just racing in F1, but racing alongside the very best in the world. You’ll be on the grid with drivers you’ve looked up to your entire life. Drivers like Lewis Hamilton. And …
Your eyes widen as the realization dawns. Fernando is making his comeback next year. He’s going to be on that grid, too.
“I’ll be racing … with you,” you say, the words barely escaping your lips.
Fernando’s smile is knowing, almost amused. “Yes, you will.”
The thought is almost overwhelming. Not only will you be in F1, but you’ll be competing alongside Fernando, the man who has been your mentor, your guide, your biggest supporter. The man who helped you get to this very moment.
You shake your head, still trying to process it all. “I don’t know what to say.”
Toto places a hand on your shoulder, his grip reassuring. “You don’t need to say anything. Just be ready to show the world what you’re capable of. We’ll handle the rest.”
Jost nods in agreement. “We believe in you. You’ve already proven that you can handle anything that comes your way.”
You glance back at Fernando, and the pride in his eyes is unmistakable. This has been his goal all along — to get you to the top, to see you succeed where so many doubted you could. And now, here you are, about to step into the world of F1.
“I’ll be ready,” you say, your voice stronger now, filled with the determination that’s carried you this far.
Fernando nods, satisfied. “I know you will.”
As Toto and Jost step away to discuss the finer details with the Carlin team, you stand there with Fernando, the enormity of what just happened settling in.
“You knew this was coming, didn’t you?” You ask, giving him a sideways glance.
Fernando shrugs, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips. “I had a feeling. But it was always up to you to make it happen.”
You laugh, shaking your head. “You’re unbelievable.”
He grins. “And you’re an F1 driver now. Better get used to it.”
The two of you stand there for a moment longer, taking in the victory, the announcement, the future that’s unfolding right before your eyes. It’s been a long road, full of challenges and doubts, but you’ve made it. And now, you’re about to step onto the biggest stage in motorsport, with Fernando right there alongside you.
As you look out at the garage, the Carlin team still buzzing with excitement, you can’t help but feel a deep sense of gratitude. For the team, for the journey, and most of all, for Fernando — the man who believed in you when no one else did, and who continues to believe in you now.
“Thank you, Fernando,” you say quietly, but with all the sincerity you can muster. “For everything.”
He simply nods, his expression softening. “You’ve earned it.”
And as you stand there, the future stretching out before you, one thing is certain: this is just the beginning.
The winter sun hangs low in the sky as you walk along the rocky path that leads to Fernando’s private track in northern Spain. The air is crisp, carrying the scent of pine trees and the distant murmur of the sea. It’s a world away from the chaos of the paddock, a place where the outside noise fades, leaving only the hum of your thoughts and the weight of what’s to come. The off-season is supposed to be a time to rest, to recharge, but this year, it’s different. There’s no time to lose — not with your first Formula 1 season looming on the horizon.
Fernando walks beside you, his stride as confident and unhurried as ever. His presence is steadying, a reminder that you’re not alone on this journey. He’s been here before, countless times, and now he’s passing on everything he knows to you. This winter isn’t just about physical training; it’s about mastering the mental side of the sport — the side that can make or break a career in F1.
He stops at the edge of the track, the silence between you stretching out as you both take in the view. The asphalt is cold and unyielding, winding through the landscape like a dark ribbon, a challenge waiting to be conquered.
“You know the driving part,” Fernando says, breaking the silence. His voice is calm, measured, but there’s an intensity to it that commands attention. “You’ve proven that you can handle the car, the speed, the competition. But F1 is more than just driving. It’s a mental game. It’s about being the predator, not the prey.”
You nod, knowing he’s right. The physical demands of F1 are immense, but the mental demands are even greater. The pressure, the mind games, the need to be perfect in a sport where perfection is almost impossible — it’s all part of what makes F1 the pinnacle of motorsport.
“Today, we start with the basics,” Fernando continues, his gaze fixed on the track. “How to be a track terror.”
A track terror. The words hang in the air, heavy with meaning. To be feared on the track, to have your competitors second-guessing themselves before they even line up on the grid — that’s what Fernando is talking about. It’s not just about being fast; it’s about being relentless, unyielding, the kind of driver who forces others into mistakes.
“You don’t have to be the fastest in every session,” Fernando explains, his voice low, almost conspiratorial. “You just have to make them think you are. Get in their heads. Make them question their own pace, their own decisions.”
He starts to walk along the edge of the track, and you follow, listening closely. “Every driver has a breaking point,” he says. “You need to learn how to find it. Sometimes it’s in their driving — how they react under pressure, how they handle wheel-to-wheel combat. Sometimes it’s off the track — in how they deal with the media, how they cope with setbacks. Your job is to figure out what that breaking point is and use it.”
You absorb his words, understanding that this is the difference between good drivers and great ones. It’s not just about talent; it’s about psychology, about knowing how to manipulate a situation to your advantage.
“And once you find that breaking point?” You ask, wanting to hear it from him.
Fernando stops and turns to face you, his eyes sharp, calculating. “You exploit it,” he says simply. “You push them until they crack. But you have to be smart about it. There’s a fine line between pushing them to the edge and pushing yourself over it.”
His words are blunt, but you know there’s truth in them. F1 isn’t just a sport, it’s a battle, a war of wills as much as it is a test of speed.
“Take the first corner,” Fernando says, pointing to the sharp turn at the end of the straight. “It’s where a lot of races are won or lost. You need to establish yourself early. Show them that you’re not afraid to fight for position, but also that you’re in control. That’s key — being aggressive, but controlled.”
You nod, envisioning the scenarios he’s describing. You’ve raced at high levels before, but F1 is different. The stakes are higher, the margins narrower. There’s no room for error, but there’s also no room for hesitation.
“How do you know when to cross the line?” You ask, thinking back to the times when Fernando has pushed the limits, often to the point where others questioned his tactics.
He gives a small smile, one that doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “You learn,” he says. “Sometimes by making mistakes. But the key is to learn from them quickly. You have to know when to back off and when to push harder. It’s about balance, about knowing your own limits as much as theirs.”
He pauses, his gaze locking with yours. “And sometimes, you have to cross the line. But when you do, you do it with intent, and you don’t get caught. You make sure it looks like a mistake, something that just happened in the heat of the moment. And you never apologize for it.”
There’s a chill in the air, but you barely notice it, your mind focused on every word. This is what you’ve needed, what you’ve been missing. The edge that will set you apart in a field of the best drivers in the world.
“What about mind games?” You ask, curious to know more about how to handle the psychological warfare that comes with F1.
Fernando chuckles, a sound that’s both amused and knowing. “Mind games are everything,” he says. “They start long before you even get in the car. It’s about how you carry yourself, how you interact with the other drivers, with the media. You have to control the narrative, make them think what you want them to think.”
He starts walking again, this time towards the small building at the edge of the track where the team usually sets up. “The media is a powerful tool,” he continues. “You can use them to your advantage, but you have to be careful. Give them just enough to create doubt in your competitors’ minds, but not enough to give anything away.”
You think back to the countless press conferences you’ve watched, where drivers like Fernando have used their words as weapons, creating stories that unsettle their rivals. It’s a game within a game, and you’re starting to see how deep it goes.
“Never let them see you sweat,” Fernando adds, his tone more serious now. “Even when things aren’t going your way, you have to project confidence. Make them think you have everything under control, even when you don’t. And when they stumble, when they show weakness, you pounce.”
The building looms ahead, the door slightly ajar. Fernando pushes it open, revealing a small, sparsely furnished room with a table, a few chairs, and a whiteboard covered in notes and diagrams. It’s a war room, a place where strategies are formed, where victories are planned.
Fernando gestures for you to sit, and you do, feeling the weight of what’s to come. He takes a seat across from you, his expression now all business.
“Let’s talk about racecraft,” he says, leaning forward. “You need to understand that F1 isn’t just about speed. It’s about strategy, about thinking two, three steps ahead of everyone else. You need to know when to attack and when to hold back, when to take risks and when to play it safe.”
He starts sketching out scenarios on the whiteboard, explaining different race strategies, how to read your competitors, how to manage your tires, your fuel, your energy. It’s a crash course in F1 tactics, and you absorb every detail, knowing that this knowledge could be the difference between winning and losing.
“You’ll have a team behind you,” Fernando says, his eyes never leaving the board as he continues to write. “But you’re the one in the car. You’re the one who has to make the decisions in real-time. Trust your instincts, but also trust your preparation. The more you know, the better equipped you’ll be to handle whatever comes your way.”
He turns back to you, his expression serious. “And remember, F1 is a long game. It’s not just about one race, or even one season. It’s about building a career, about consistently performing at a high level. You have to pace yourself, know when to push and when to hold back. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.”
You nod, the enormity of what he’s saying sinking in. This isn’t just about your rookie season; it’s about laying the foundation for a long and successful career. And with Fernando guiding you, you know you’re in the best possible hands.
The session goes on, the hours slipping away as you discuss everything from race strategies to media tactics, from how to handle pressure to how to deal with setbacks. Fernando doesn’t sugarcoat anything; he tells you the harsh realities of the sport, the challenges you’ll face, the sacrifices you’ll have to make. But he also gives you the tools to overcome them, to not just survive in F1, but to thrive.
By the time the sun starts to set, casting long shadows across the track, you feel a mixture of exhaustion and exhilaration. It’s been an intense day, but you know it’s exactly what you needed. Fernando has pushed you, challenged you, but he’s also given you the confidence to believe that you belong in this world, that you can succeed.
As you walk back towards the main house, the sky now a deep orange, Fernando falls into step beside you. There’s a comfortable silence between you, the kind that comes from a shared understanding, a mutual respect that has grown over time.
After a while, Fernando breaks the silence with a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. “You know,” he begins, his tone light but with a glint of mischief in his eyes, “I’ve been called many things in my career. Champion, legend … war criminal.”
You look at him, caught between a laugh and a raised eyebrow. “War criminal?”
He chuckles, shrugging casually. “Not literally, of course. But some of my tactics, let’s say, weren’t always appreciated by everyone. I was willing to do whatever it took to win — sometimes crossing lines that others wouldn’t dare touch.”
You smile, catching on to his meaning. “And you think I’m ready to follow in your footsteps?”
Fernando’s smirk widens. “I’d be disappointed if you didn’t. F1 isn’t a game for the faint-hearted. It’s for those who aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty when it counts. Just remember … there’s no shame in doing what it takes to survive. And thrive.”
His words hang in the cool evening air, and as you both continue walking, you feel a sense of resolve settle within you. Fernando must notice it too because he gives you a sideways glance, the glint still in his eyes. “Just don’t forget who taught you all this when they start throwing accusations your way.”
The Bahrain night sky looms overhead, blanketing the circuit in a velvety darkness punctuated by the glaring lights of the paddock. The roar of engines rumbles through the air as teams buzz with last-minute preparations. Mechanics scramble, engineers analyze data, and drivers slip into their zones. The first race of the season carries a unique kind of tension, a palpable energy that’s almost electric. But amidst all the chaos, Fernando moves with calm confidence as he weaves through the pit lane, eyes scanning for one person.
He finds you standing by the Williams garage, helmet in hand, gaze fixed on the distant horizon as if trying to absorb the magnitude of the moment. It’s your first F1 race, and the weight of it all is evident in the slight furrow of your brow, the focused set of your jaw.
Fernando walks up to you, placing a hand on your shoulder, drawing you out of your thoughts. “Hey,” he says, his voice cutting through the noise like a sharp blade. “Nervous?”
You turn to face him, a mix of emotions swirling in your eyes — excitement, determination, and yes, a hint of nerves. “A little,” you admit. “It’s different from F2. Bigger.”
Fernando nods, understanding all too well. “It is bigger. The stakes are higher, the pressure’s heavier. But you’ve got this.”
You nod, though your grip on the helmet tightens. “I know. I just need to keep my head in the right place.”
Fernando’s eyes narrow, the glint of the night’s floodlights reflecting in them as he leans in slightly, lowering his voice. “Remember what we talked about in Spain. You’re not here to play nice. You’re here to win. You’re here to make them regret ever doubting you.”
A smile tugs at the corner of your lips as his words sink in. This is the Fernando you’ve come to know so well — the ruthless competitor who sees racing as a battlefield, where only the most cunning and unrelenting survive. He’s drilled that mentality into you, reminding you time and time again that the track is no place for mercy.
“You’re not just a driver,” he continues, his tone growing more intense. “You’re a track terror. Make them fear you. Take every opportunity, even if it means forcing them into a mistake. Be aggressive. Be relentless. And if they try to intimidate you-”
“I intimidate them back,” you finish for him, the determination in your voice now matching his.
Fernando’s lips curl into a smirk, clearly pleased. “Exactly. Make them question if they even belong out there with you.”
As he speaks, Nicholas Latifi, your teammate, walks by on his way to his side of the garage. His steps falter when he overhears the tail end of Fernando’s words.
“… If you see an opening, take it. Don’t give them a second to breathe. Push them out of their comfort zone, and when they’re scrambling, that’s when you strike. Hard.”
Latifi’s eyes widen in alarm as he processes what Fernando is saying. He hesitates, clearly debating whether he should approach or back away slowly. Ultimately, he chooses the latter, retreating with a hurried, nervous glance over his shoulder.
You notice Latifi’s reaction and can’t help but laugh. “I think you might’ve scared him off.”
Fernando chuckles, a low, almost devious sound. “Good. Less competition for you.” Then, with a more serious edge, he adds, “He’s not your concern. You’re here for the big players. And don’t forget, every race is an opportunity to show them what you’re made of. Especially the ones who think you don’t deserve to be here.”
You nod, the nerves from earlier replaced by a rising sense of purpose. Fernando’s words have a way of lighting a fire inside you, a fire that burns hotter with every passing second. The crowd noise, the hum of engines, the flashing lights — all of it fades away until there’s only the track and the promise of what lies ahead.
Fernando steps back, giving you space but keeping his gaze locked on yours. “Tonight, you’re going to prove that you’re not just another rookie. You’re a force to be reckoned with. And you’re going to do it with style.”
You smirk, the corners of your mouth curving upward as confidence surges through you. “With style?”
“Absolutely,” Fernando replies, his own smirk widening. “Remember, there’s a fine line between genius and insanity on the track. And you’re going to walk it like it’s a tightrope.”
You slip your helmet on, the visor clicking into place as Fernando’s words echo in your mind. The world outside may be chaotic, but inside your helmet, it’s a sanctuary — a place where you can focus, where every piece of advice, every lesson Fernando has drilled into you, comes together.
He watches you for a moment, pride evident in his eyes. He’s seen your growth, your transformation from a talented driver into something much more formidable. He knows you’re ready for this.
“Now go out there,” he says, voice clear and commanding, “and make them remember your name.”
With a final nod, you turn towards your car, the sleek Williams machine waiting for you. The pit crew is already in position, and the clock is ticking down. But before you step in, Fernando adds one last thing.
“Oh, and one more thing,” he says, catching your attention. You look back at him, and there’s a mischievous twinkle in his eye. “Terrorize everyone out there … except me.”
You laugh, the sound muffled by your helmet, but the sentiment is clear. “No promises.”
Fernando grins, crossing his arms as he watches you settle into the cockpit. The familiar sounds of the car coming to life fill the air, and the anticipation builds. The lights above the pit lane begin their countdown, and you take a deep breath, centering yourself for what’s to come.
As you drive out onto the track for the formation lap, Fernando steps back, his eyes following your car as it weaves between the other machines, each one a potential target, each one a stepping stone towards the top. He knows you’re ready, knows that tonight is just the beginning of what promises to be an incredible journey.
He’s proud of you, not just as a driver, but as the competitor you’ve become under his guidance. And as you line up on the grid, the lights glowing red above, Fernando’s final words echo in your mind.
Make them remember your name.
The lights go out, and the race begins.
The Bahrain circuit is still buzzing with energy even after the race has ended. The floodlights cast a bright, artificial glow over the paddock as drivers, engineers, and media personnel move about, some celebrating, others reflecting on the night’s events. The humid night air is thick with the scent of burning rubber and engine exhaust, a familiar and oddly comforting smell to those who live and breathe motorsport.
Fernando stands in the media pen, his eyes fixed on you as you field questions from a group of eager reporters. He’s barely listening to the reporter in front of him, who’s rattling off questions about his own race. He finished just outside the points, but it doesn’t bother him much. Tonight, his focus isn’t on his own performance but on yours.
You’re animated, your eyes bright, still riding the adrenaline high from the race. You finished ninth — an impressive debut for any rookie, especially in a Williams. Fernando watches as you handle the questions with ease, a slight smile playing on his lips. The way you stand, the way you speak, there’s a confidence there that wasn’t present when he first met you. He sees in you a reflection of his younger self, and it fills him with a quiet pride.
“Fernando,” the reporter in front of him says, trying to regain his attention. “Can you tell us about your strategy today?”
Fernando barely hears the question, his attention still on you. You’re laughing at something a reporter just asked, and he catches a glimpse of that mischievous glint in your eyes — the same one he’s seen countless times in his own reflection. He can tell you’re about to say something memorable, and he doesn’t want to miss it.
“Fernando?” the reporter prompts again, sounding slightly annoyed now.
“Hmm?” Fernando finally acknowledges the reporter, but his gaze doesn’t leave you. “What was that?”
“Your strategy today — what was the thinking behind it?”
“Strategy? Oh, yes, the strategy,” Fernando replies absentmindedly, waving his hand dismissively. “You know, just the usual. Push when you can, hold back when you must.” His answers are automatic, but his mind is elsewhere.
The reporter blinks, clearly unimpressed with the vague response, but before he can ask a follow-up question, Fernando’s attention is fully captured by what you’re saying.
A journalist standing in front of you, wearing a press lanyard and holding a recorder close to your face, asks, “Can you walk us through that incredible overtake on Sebastian Vettel? It looked like you had no fear going up against a four-time world champion.”
You smile, a knowing look in your eyes, and then you glance over at Fernando.
“I knew he would hit the brakes,” you say, loud enough for him to hear. You pause for dramatic effect, and then with a wink in Fernando’s direction, you continue, “Because he has a wife and three kids waiting for him at home.”
The words hang in the air for a moment before the reporters around you burst into laughter. The reference to Fernando’s famous quip about Michael Schumacher years ago is unmistakable, and it’s clear that the media eats it up. But more importantly, Fernando hears it, and his chest swells with pride.
The reporter in front of Fernando raises an eyebrow, curious now about what’s just been said. “Looks like she’s learned a thing or two from you,” he comments.
Fernando finally turns to the reporter, a wide grin spreading across his face. “Yes, she has. More than she knows.”
He watches as you continue the interview, your demeanor composed, yet playful. The way you handle the press is impressive — calm, confident, but with just the right amount of charm to keep them on your side. You’re not just a racer; you’re a showman, someone who understands that Formula 1 is as much about performance off the track as it is on it.
Fernando catches snippets of your conversation, listening as you describe the overtake in more detail. “Seb’s a great driver, no doubt about it. But in that moment, I knew I had him. I could see it in his body language. He was playing it safe, so I took my chance.”
“And what was going through your mind when you made the move?” Another journalist asks.
You pause for a moment, considering the question. Then, with a smirk, you say, “I was thinking, ‘What would Fernando do?’ And then I went for it.”
Fernando chuckles to himself, shaking his head slightly. He can’t help but feel a surge of pride. Not because you’ve imitated him, but because you’ve made the decision to be bold, to take risks, and to trust your instincts. That’s what separates the good drivers from the great ones — the willingness to seize the moment, to act decisively.
You finish up your interview, the reporters gradually dispersing to chase down other drivers. Fernando finally gives his full attention to the reporter in front of him, who’s still trying to get something meaningful out of him.
“Fernando, about your race …” the reporter begins again.
But Fernando is already moving, stepping around the man with a polite but firm nod. “Excuse me,” he says, cutting the interview short. There’s someone far more important he needs to talk to right now.
He strides over to you, your helmet now tucked under your arm as you chat casually with one of the team engineers. You spot him approaching and flash him a smile.
“Hey,” you say as he reaches you. “Did you hear what I said?”
“I did,” Fernando replies, unable to keep the pride out of his voice. “You’ve got quite the sense of humor.”
“Learned from the best,” you quip, giving him a playful nudge.
Fernando laughs, shaking his head. “I wasn’t sure you’d actually use that line, but I’m glad you did. The media loves a good story, and you just gave them one.”
You shrug, your smile widening. “Figured I’d give them something to talk about. Plus, it’s not every day you get to pass a guy like Seb.”
“And you did it with style,” Fernando adds, his voice filled with admiration. “You handled yourself perfectly out there, both on track and with the press. You’re making your mark.”
The engineer standing next to you clears his throat, clearly not wanting to interrupt but feeling the need to acknowledge Fernando’s presence. “Great job out there today,” he says, offering a handshake.
“Thanks,” Fernando replies, shaking the man’s hand. “But today’s all about her,” he adds, nodding in your direction.
The engineer nods in agreement before excusing himself, leaving you and Fernando alone in the now quieter part of the paddock. The sounds of celebration and interviews still echo in the background, but here, in this moment, it feels like it’s just the two of you.
“You know,” Fernando says after a beat, “I’ve never been prouder.”
You look at him, surprised by the raw emotion in his voice. “Really?”
“Really,” he confirms. “Seeing you out there today … it reminded me why I fell in love with racing in the first place. The passion, the drive, the thrill of the fight. You have all of that, and more.”
Your smile softens, touched by his words. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”
“You did it because you’re a damn good driver,” Fernando corrects, though there’s a warmth in his tone. “But I’m glad I could be a part of your journey.”
You both stand there for a moment, the enormity of what you’ve achieved settling in. Ninth place in your first race is no small feat, especially in a car that everyone had written off as uncompetitive. But you’ve proven them wrong, and you’ve done it in a way that’s uniquely your own.
“Next time, though,” Fernando says, a teasing lilt in his voice, “let’s aim for top five.”
You laugh, shaking your head. “No pressure, right?”
“Never,” he replies with a grin. “Just a challenge.”
Fernando leans casually against the side of the Alpine motorhome, arms crossed, eyes scanning the paddock. The next season’s first race is in a few days, and the energy around the circuit is electric, buzzing with the anticipation of new beginnings. He’s just finished an interview, the usual media rounds, when he spots you approaching, your new Mercedes gear a stark contrast to the sea of blues and pinks around you.
“Ah, there you are,” Fernando greets with a grin as you draw closer. “I’ve got someone I want you to meet.”
You tilt your head slightly, curious. “Who?”
Fernando pushes off the motorhome, beckoning you to follow as he leads you around to the back, where a young reserve driver is checking his phone, leaning casually against the wall. The kid looks up as you approach, his expression polite, maybe a touch reserved, but there’s an unmistakable spark of intelligence in his eyes.
“Oscar,” Fernando calls out, “this is her.”
Oscar Piastri straightens up, tucking his phone into his pocket. “Nice to meet you,” he says, extending a hand with a shy but confident smile. He’s calm, almost too calm for someone his age, but there’s a warmth there, something genuine. You can’t help but notice how composed he is, how his eyes seem to study you without making you feel scrutinized.
You shake his hand, offering a cool smile in return. “Likewise. I’ve heard good things.”
Oscar chuckles softly, scratching the back of his head. “Hopefully, I can live up to them.”
The three of you chat for a while, exchanging pleasantries about the upcoming season, racing, the usual stuff. Oscar is polite, measured in his responses, but there’s a softness to him that you hadn’t expected. It’s like he’s quietly confident, but without the brashness that usually comes with it. Fernando watches the interaction closely, a faint smirk playing on his lips as he notes the way your demeanor shifts ever so slightly around Oscar — more guarded, maybe, but intrigued.
Eventually, Oscar glances at his watch and excuses himself, mentioning something about a debrief he needs to attend. You nod, maintaining your composed exterior, and watch him walk back towards the Alpine motorhome before turning to Fernando.
“Polite cat vibes,” you murmur almost to yourself, a hint of amusement in your voice. Fernando raises an eyebrow, clearly intrigued.
“What was that?” He asks, although there’s a knowing look in his eyes. He’s been around long enough to pick up on these things.
You roll your eyes playfully, but there’s a lightness in your expression that wasn’t there before. “I said, polite cat vibes. You know, like when a cat is super well-behaved, but you just know there’s something more going on behind those eyes?”
Fernando laughs, a genuine, hearty sound that makes a few heads turn in your direction. “So, you think Oscar is a cat?”
“Well, not literally,” you reply, grinning. “It’s just … he’s got this thing, you know? Like he’s really nice, but you can tell he’s got claws if he needs them. And he’s so … calm. I just want to pinch his cheeks and cuddle him.”
Fernando’s laugh turns into a full-blown chuckle, shaking his head in disbelief. “You’re smitten, aren’t you?”
“Maybe,” you say, feigning nonchalance as you fold your arms across your chest. “But it’s just … he’s different. Not in a bad way, just-”
“Different,” Fernando finishes for you, nodding thoughtfully. “Yeah, I get it. But don’t let that cloud your judgment on track.”
You shoot him a look. “Please. I’m not a rookie, and besides, I’m at Mercedes now. I’ve got bigger things to focus on than cute cats.”
Fernando smiles, but there’s a serious undertone to his next words. “Just remember, this is Formula 1. There’s no room for distractions, no matter how polite or cute they might be.”
You nod, understanding the weight behind his words, but there’s still a twinkle in your eye as you glance back in the direction Oscar disappeared. “Don’t worry, I’ve got this.”
“Good,” Fernando replies, clapping you on the back. “Because I’m not going to let you slack off, not even for a second.”
“Wouldn’t expect anything less from you,” you retort, smirking. There’s a comfortable silence that falls between the two of you, the kind that only comes from mutual respect and understanding.
But Fernando can’t resist one last jab. “Don’t go soft on him, okay? I’ve got my eye on you.”
You roll your eyes again but with a fond smile. “You’re impossible, you know that?”
“Of course,” Fernando grins. “It’s part of my charm.”
You laugh, the sound bright and clear in the busy paddock, and Fernando can’t help but feel a swell of pride. You’ve come so far, and he’s been there every step of the way, watching you grow not just as a driver but as a person. There’s a part of him that’s protective, sure, but there’s also a part that’s thrilled to see you standing on your own two feet, ready to take on whatever comes your wa— even if it’s an Australian polite cat.
“Let’s get out of here,” Fernando says finally, leading the way back to the Mercedes motorhome. “We’ve got a race to win this weekend, and I don’t want any distractions.”
You follow him, but there’s a spring in your step that wasn’t there before, and Fernando notices. He doesn’t say anything, though, just smiles to himself. You’re going to be just fine, he thinks, more than fine.
As you walk together, side by side, you can’t help but glance back once more, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips. Maybe, just maybe, this season is going to be full of surprises. And Fernando? Well, he’s ready for whatever comes next, as long as you are too.
The sun hangs low in the sky, casting a warm, golden glow over the vineyard where the ceremony is taking place. Rows of chairs are lined up neatly on the manicured lawn, all facing a simple yet elegant archway draped in white fabric and adorned with soft blush roses. The air is filled with the quiet murmur of guests settling in, the occasional laugh breaking through the serene atmosphere.
Fernando adjusts his tie, glancing around with a mixture of pride and disbelief. How did they get here? It seems like only yesterday he was meeting you for the first time, a determined young driver who refused to be underestimated. Now, here you are, standing at the altar, poised to marry the man you’ve chosen to spend your life with.
Fernando is seated in the front row, just to the left of the aisle, with Mark Webber by his side. The two exchange knowing smiles as the ceremony begins, each lost in their own thoughts. Mark has watched Oscar grow from a promising young talent into a man of integrity and strength, much like Fernando has done with you. There’s a quiet understanding between them, a mutual respect that goes beyond words.
As the officiant begins to speak, Fernando leans over slightly, catching Mark’s eye. “I guess this makes us in-laws,” he whispers, a hint of amusement in his voice.
Mark chuckles softly, nodding. “Seems like it. Didn’t see this coming back when we were racing, did we?”
“Not at all,” Fernando replies with a smile, glancing back at the altar where you and Oscar stand, hand-in-hand. “But I’m glad it did.”
The vows are simple, heartfelt, and deeply personal. Oscar goes first, his voice steady but filled with emotion.
“From the moment I met you,” Oscar begins, his eyes locked on yours, “I knew you were different. You challenged me, inspired me, and made me want to be a better person. In a world that often felt overwhelming, you were my calm, my constant. Today, I promise to stand by your side, through every victory and every defeat. I promise to support your dreams as if they were my own, to lift you up when you’re down, and to love you unconditionally, now and forever.”
There’s a brief pause, the weight of his words hanging in the air. You squeeze his hand, your heart swelling with the depth of his sincerity. When it’s your turn, you take a deep breath, steadying yourself.
“Oscar,” you begin, your voice clear and strong, “You were the unexpected surprise in my life, the calm in my storm. From the moment we met, I knew you were special. You’ve been my partner on and off the track, my biggest supporter, and my best friend. Today, I promise to cherish every moment we have together, to grow with you, and to always be there for you, no matter what. I promise to love you with all that I am, and all that I will ever be. You are my heart, my soul, and my everything.”
Fernando feels a lump in his throat as you finish. He’s never been one to get emotional, but today, sitting here, listening to you pour your heart out, he can’t help but feel a surge of pride and love. He remembers the teenage girl who had to fight for every opportunity, the young woman who never gave up, and now, the bride standing before him, ready to take on the next chapter of her life.
The officiant speaks again, guiding you and Oscar through the final steps of the ceremony. When it’s time for the rings, Mark reaches into his pocket, retrieving Oscar’s band with a small, proud smile. Fernando does the same for you, his hands steady as he hands over the ring you will soon place on Oscar’s finger.
“With this ring, I thee wed,” you both say, sliding the rings onto each other’s fingers. The moment is profound, sealing your commitment not just in words, but in action.
“You may kiss the bride,” the officiant finally announces, and there’s a collective sigh of happiness from the gathered crowd as Oscar leans in, capturing your lips in a kiss that’s both tender and full of promise.
Applause erupts, and as you and Oscar turn to face your family and friends, hands still entwined, Fernando catches your eye. There’s something unspoken between you, a bond that goes beyond blood, beyond words. You smile at him, and he nods in return, his chest swelling with emotion.
The ceremony concludes, and guests begin to make their way to the reception area, where a beautifully decorated marquee awaits. The air is filled with laughter and the clinking of glasses as everyone mingles, basking in the joy of the occasion.
The second dance is a traditional one with your father. You sway gently in his arms as he whispers words of wisdom, of pride, and of love. The moment is touching, a reminder of the family that has always stood behind you, even when the road was hard.
When the song ends, you hug your father tightly, thanking him for everything. But as the music transitions into something new, you catch Fernando’s eye across the room. There’s a moment of hesitation, but then you make your way towards him, your heart pounding in your chest.
“Nando,” you say softly as you reach him, “would you join me for a dance?”
For a brief moment, Fernando is taken aback. He’s always seen you as a strong, independent force — someone who has always forged their own path. But in this moment, he realizes just how much you’ve come to mean to him, how deeply intertwined your lives have become.
“Are you sure?” He asks, his voice uncharacteristically gentle.
You nod, your eyes shining with emotion. “You’ve been like a father to me. I couldn’t imagine today without sharing this moment with you.”
Fernando swallows hard, nodding as he takes your hand. The two of you move to the center of the dance floor, the music soft and slow. As you begin to dance, there’s a sense of calm that settles over you both, a quiet understanding that needs no words.
“I’ve watched you grow,” Fernando says after a few moments, his voice low so only you can hear, “into one of the best drivers I’ve ever known, but more than that … into an incredible person. I’m so proud of you, more than I can ever say.”
Tears prick at your eyes, but you blink them back, smiling up at him. “Thank you. For everything. I wouldn’t be here without you.”
“You would’ve found your way,” he replies, his tone firm. “You always had it in you. I just gave you a little push.”
“A little?” You tease, and he laughs, the sound filled with warmth.
As the song comes to an end, Fernando pulls you into a tight hug, his hand resting protectively on the back of your head. “Remember, I’ll always be here for you, no matter what.”
“I know,” you whisper, your voice choked with emotion. “And I’ll always be here for you too.”
The antiseptic scent of the hospital hits Fernando the moment he steps into the delivery wing, mingling with the distant beeps of monitors and the hushed whispers of medical staff. It’s a familiar environment, yet so foreign to him. He’s used to the adrenaline rush of the pit lane, the roar of engines, the calculated chaos of racing — but this, this is something entirely different. He’s been in countless high-pressure situations, but none have ever felt like this.
As he makes his way down the hallway, his heart beats just a little faster than usual, his mind racing with thoughts of you, of Oscar, and of the tiny new life that’s just come into the world. When he reaches the door of your room, he hesitates for the briefest of moments, his hand hovering over the door handle.
It’s not that he’s nervous — Fernando Alonso doesn’t get nervous — but there’s something about this moment that feels monumental, like the start of a new chapter in a book he didn’t even realize he was writing.
He pushes the door open slowly, stepping into the room with a soft smile. The room is bathed in a warm, gentle light, far removed from the harsh brightness of the hallway. It’s quiet, peaceful, with only the faint hum of machinery and the soft breaths of the newborn breaking the silence.
You’re lying in the bed, looking tired but radiant, with a tiny bundle cradled in your arms. Oscar is beside you, his hand resting protectively on your shoulder, his eyes filled with awe and love. When you see Fernando, your face lights up, and despite the exhaustion etched into your features, there’s a warmth in your smile that makes his heart swell.
“Fernando,” you say softly, your voice hoarse but filled with joy. “Come meet him.”
He steps closer, his eyes drawn to the small figure in your arms. The baby is tiny, impossibly so, wrapped in a soft blue blanket, with a tuft of dark hair peeking out. Fernando’s breath catches in his throat as he looks down at the baby, his heart pounding in a way that’s both unfamiliar and entirely overwhelming.
“He’s perfect,” Fernando murmurs, his voice barely above a whisper.
Oscar grins, nodding in agreement. “We think so too.”
You shift slightly, holding the baby out toward Fernando. “Would you like to hold him?”
For a moment, Fernando hesitates. He’s held championship trophies, gripped the steering wheel at speeds that would make others blanch, but this? This is different. This is fragile, delicate, something that requires a gentleness he’s not sure he possesses. But when he sees the trust in your eyes, he nods, carefully taking the baby into his arms.
The weight is nothing — featherlight, almost — but it’s enough to make his hands tremble just the slightest bit. He cradles the baby close, his eyes wide as he studies the tiny features: the small nose, the delicate eyelids, the impossibly small fingers curled into little fists. The baby stirs slightly, his mouth opening in a silent yawn before settling back into a peaceful sleep.
“What’s his name?” Fernando asks, his voice thick with emotion.
You exchange a glance with Oscar before looking back at Fernando, your smile widening. “His name is Theodore,” you say softly, “Theodore Fernando Piastri.”
Fernando’s breath catches, his eyes snapping up to meet yours. For a moment, he’s speechless, his mind struggling to process what he’s just heard.
“Fernando?” He repeats, his voice barely audible.
You nod, your eyes shining with unshed tears. “We wanted to honor you. You’ve been like a father to me, and now … now you’re going to be a part of his life too. It just felt right.”
Fernando stares at you, his heart swelling with a mixture of pride, love, and something else — something deeper, something he’s never quite felt before. He looks down at Theodore, his namesake, and for the first time in a long while, he feels his eyes prick with tears.
“You … you didn’t have to do that,” he says, his voice choked with emotion.
“But we wanted to,” Oscar says, his voice firm but kind. “You’ve done so much for us, for Y/N. It’s our way of saying thank you.”
Fernando swallows hard, nodding as he blinks back the tears threatening to spill over. He’s always prided himself on his control, on his ability to keep his emotions in check, but this — this is something else entirely. This is a depth of feeling he wasn’t prepared for.
“Thank you,” he finally says, his voice thick. “It means … it means more to me than you can ever know.”
He looks back down at Theodore, his heart full to bursting. The baby stirs again, his tiny fingers twitching, and Fernando smiles, the tears finally spilling over as he lets out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding.
“Grandpa Nando,” you say suddenly, your voice filled with affection. “That’s what we’re going to call you. How do you feel about that?”
Fernando lets out a laugh, the sound watery and full of joy. “I think I can get used to that,” he says, his voice trembling with emotion. “Grandpa Nando. I like it.”
You smile at him, your eyes soft with affection. “I’m glad. You’ve been a father figure to me, and now … now you get to be a grandfather to him.”
The room falls into a comfortable silence, the weight of the moment settling over all of you. Fernando can’t stop staring at Theodore, can’t stop marveling at the tiny life in his arms. He’s held many titles in his life — champion, driver, mentor — but this, this feels different. This feels like the most important role he’s ever played.
As he stands there, cradling the tiny life in his arms, he feels a sense of peace settle over him. This is where he’s meant to be, here with you, with Oscar, with Theodore. He’s not just a mentor anymore; he’s family. And that, more than anything, is the greatest victory he’s ever achieved.
Finally, after what feels like both an eternity and no time at all, Fernando carefully hands Theodore back to you, his heart heavy with emotion. You take your son into your arms, holding him close as you smile up at Fernando, your eyes filled with gratitude.
“Thank you,” you say softly. “For everything. For being there for me, for guiding me, for … for being a part of our lives.”
Fernando shakes his head, a small, tearful smile on his lips. “No, thank you. You’ve given me more than I ever could have imagined. You — you and Oscar, and now Theodore — you’re my family. And there’s nothing more important to me than that.”
You reach out, taking his hand in yours, and for a moment, the two of you just stand there, connected by something deeper than words, deeper than racing, deeper than anything Fernando has ever known.
This is what it means to be family, he realizes. This is what it means to love, to care, to be there for each other, no matter what. And as he stands there, his heart full to bursting, he knows that this, more than any championship, more than any victory on the track, is what truly matters.
This is his greatest achievement.
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↳ oscar piastri + gf!reader
⌗ :: masterlist
⌗ :: a/n: osc being protectiveeee . also he is so fine in that pic. warnings for offhanded comments abt weight and shit like that (if anyone irl is like this towards you i'll personally fight them). idk if this is gonna be super good bc i think my brain stopped working near the end lol but other wise enjoyyy

"please don't hold my horrible family against me, oscar," you say when he pulls into the driveway of your childhood home, the warm lights blaring inside.
"baby, we've been dating for two years, and i've met your family before," oscar smiles picking you hand up and gently squeezing it.
"i know but seriously, they're going to be awful," you groan softly falling back in your seat. "i don't want to do this."
"we'll do it together okay?"
the first comment came a few moments after you walked inside: "oh its so good to see you oscar!" your mother and grandmother both come rushing out to greet you.
"and my darling daughter," your mother smiles and gives you a small hug, before pulling back and eyeing you up and down. "you chose quite the dress wow, you can see everything. you'd would almost think it was too small."
you laugh along with the "joke" and only relax slightly when you feel oscar's hand slip into your own, reminding you he's there.
you continue on through the house as your grandma gives oscar a tour, even though he was here about two months ago and literally nothing has changed.
he's polite, and nods along with whatever nonsense spiel she's giving him about a vase that apparently was her great great grandmothers - when you know for a fact she bought it a week ago because she sent your sister an incessant amount of texts about it in the family group chat.
the one you're clearly not apart of.
when you make it to the lounge room, you instantly sit down on the couch pulling oscar down with you, wanting this night to be finished with already. your grandmother enters the room with a platter of snacks, smiling as she puts it down, "now don't eat too much of this sweetie or you won't have room for dinner, or anymore room in that dress."
you don't notice is but oscars demeanour changes then.
he pulls you closer to his side and has one arm tightly wrapped around your waist as he takes a few crackers slipping every second one to you. he leans down whispers in your ear. "eat, i know you haven't today, fuck what linda says."
you smile and slightly relax more into the conversation, especially when your grandad and dad enter the room. both are overjoyed you're here, instantly stealing your boyfriends focus and talking to him about racing and the latest car that your dad bought and wants to fix up.
you were having a slightly better time, well until:
"pumpkin, leave poor oscar alone, you're practically on top of him!" you mother fusses, and you internally flinch at that dumb nickname.
"i wouldn't mind if she were on top of me," oscar mutters and you choke slapping him on the chest as he smirks. it brings a smile to your face the first one of today.
your dad clearly having heard what was said becomes all red and flustered clearing his throat and announcing dinner is ready, while struggling to hide a smile.
dinner is your least favorite moment of the night. from the comments, to the "mothers" purposely pushing plates away from you. oscar notices and instead puts food on his plate and then switches it with yours.
which leads to them tsk-ing about how he needs to eat more and let you choose what you eat.
and you do what any good daughter would do when your mother looks at you and nudges the salad in front of your plate and says, "make sure you eat your salad, pumpkin," you shove it down and paste a smile on your face.
oscar sees it.
"how is work lately, oscar?" your grandmother asks smiling at him, before nudging him in the side with her elbow, "you're doing better than, pumpkin over there i tell you."
shove it down.
oscars hand lands softly on your thigh, silent support in the only way he can right now. you smile softly at him and he winks at you a small smile appearing across his face.
"oh enough you, we don't need all this while eating dinner, well while we eat dinner, you don't really need to," your mother sniffs. you struggle to push this one down and excuse yourself from the table. "i'm sorry oscar, that she wasn't letting you breathe. she needs to learn to give you some space. so clingy that girl."
"i'm breathing perfectly fine," oscar answers entering the conversation his voice calm but strong. "and quite frankly mindy, i think you need to lay off with the comments, i'm fine, your daughters fine, we're all fine, so stop with the snarky comments and the petty bitchy notions. because quite frankly, thats how you're acting, like a bitch."
he shoots a look to your grandmother, "and you too linda, don't go around pretending you're all high and mighty with your "everyone is amazing and i love my family" act, when you can't even treat your own granddaughter right. you two should be ashamed of yourselves. do better. all of you- well except you darren and mike i like you guys."
with that he pushes his chair out and goes to find you, knocking on the bathroom door, but not hearing a response. "sweetheart? you in there?" after a few more moments of silence he enters the room - you're not in there obviously, the window is open and he can hear the car running outside.
he leaves the house without saying goodbye to anyone and just gets in the car with you puts it in reverse and leaves.
you're both quiet for a few moments before you whisper, "i'm sorry for running out."
"no," oscars voice is firm. "don't you ever apologise for that, those women are bitches in a snake skin and they do not deserve your time and attention." he pulls off on the side of the road, cars driving past the only sound that fills the space in the quiet. "don't you ever apologise for being a beautiful, perfect person. don't you ever apologise for being you. because you are perfect."
he takes your face gently in his hands and softly kisses your nose. "you are the most amazing human being ever and i'm glad my heart belongs to you, those pathetic women back there can't see your beauty or your talented-ness or your smarts - you're a race engineer for gods sake - and thats on them." he presses a kiss to both of your cheeks.
"you are my sweetheart, my gorgeous best friend, my everything. and i love you baby," he whispers kindly before pressing a soft kiss to your mouth. "we're a family me and you, we don't need those fuckers back there," he winks.
you giggle and whisper back, "i love you too."
a quiet moment falls over top of you both as you just rest your foreheads pressed against each other.
"let's go."
2025 © thepitlanepress | please do not steal, use, translate or repost any of my works
– comments and reblogs appreciated
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SÍ... ESTAMOS SALIENDO | Oscar Piastri
Oscar Piastri x Pérez!Reader
SUMMARY: Scared of everyone to find out, Y/N Pérez and Oscar Piastri decide to hide their relationship from everyone until Checo starts wondering how Piastri learnt to speak Spanish so good... and specially why he has a Mexican accent ↳ REQUESTED BY ANON: Maybe one were she is checos daughter and they hide their relationship from him. And also maybe she teaches oscar some Spanish. At the end they end up telling checo about their relationship
WARNINGS: Use of Spanish. Important to say that even Spanish is my mother tongue, I may have some mistakes because it is Mexican Spanish and I don't know much about it, so I had to do some research. Otherwise, mentions of unwanted pregnancy, unprotected sex, drugs and alcohol
TAGLIST: @hc-dutch @raavadakedavra @coffeedestroyingperson @evey-kuznetskova @bowielovesyou @chaoswithus @isotopemylove @iceman-kazansky @gwginnyweasley @formula1-motogpfan @myescapefromthislife @regalbanshee [in case you wanna be tagged just tell me so i can add you!]
VEE'S NOTES: Not writing related but I’m obsessed with a K-Drama I started watching yesterday and I just wanna write Come What May series since the main characters’ personalities are the same as Seb and Y/N (Di in case you read the OC Version) there lmao. Anyways, missed a lot writing about Oscar (I definitely will be writing about him more as he's my second fave on the current grid) and this one got me so happy with how it turned out! Hope you like it as well, and remember that I'd love to see your comments <3 ↳ MAKE YOUR REQUESTS | LET'S TALK! | JANUARY UPDATE CALENDAR

© VETTELSVEE (2025). please, do not steal, copy or translate my works. thanks for reading!

“What if you taught me some Spanish?”
“Sorry, what did you just say?”
“That's it, Y/N. Teach me some Spanish.”
You, completely absorbed in looking at the pictures you had taken during the date you had with your boyfriend that same day, lifted your gaze from your phone and raised an eyebrow, fully taken aback by Oscar's proposal.
“Spanish? You? You already speak English! English is the only language that matters to you all…”
Oscar shrugged, nervously playing with the steering wheel. At that moment, he reconsidered what he had said, unsure now, and realized that maybe it had been a somewhat strange proposal on his part.
“I just want to understand you when you talk to your dad or your family. I know no one knows we’re together yet, but sometimes when you do video calls with them, I feel a bit lost. I also feel like sometimes you talk about me, and I’d like to know if I should worry,” he confessed, glancing at you from the corner of his eye.
“And why do you assume we talk about you, huh?”
“Well, because you always look at me out of the corner of your eye when you do.”
You couldn’t help but smile at how cute he looked with that unnecessary concern.
“Why do you have to be so chismoso?” You said, making Oscar give you a little tap on the shoulder. That just made you laugh more. “Alright, alright, fine! But I warn you in advance: if you laugh at me speaking Spanish or don’t take me seriously, I’ll break up with you.”
What started as a completely random proposal, with little prospect of a future or sense at first, eventually became one of your favorite routines. You took advantage of every moment together to practice, always hiding it from Checo or any member of the Pérez family when you were in the paddock. Moreover, whenever you were in your respective countries, you would watch Mexican movies and TV shows, and also some in their original version with English subtitles. You even started sending each other the occasional message in Spanish, thanks to the Australian’s initiative.
Oscar seemed to have, in your eyes, a natural talent for languages. Not only did he manage to learn greetings and basic words in less than a week, but after a month, he was already making the effort to use your Mexican accent and even incorporating words that seemed exclusive to your family’s vocabulary.
And that was exactly what, a few months later, turned into a real nightmare for the secrecy with which you kept your relationship.
While no one knew you were together as a couple, Oscar and you pretended to be just friends when you were in public. That’s why it was completely normal for Checo Pérez to see his daughter with the Australian, having coffee and chatting animatedly after a press conference.
“¡Buenos días, Checo!” Oscar said in almost perfect Spanish. “¿Cómo va, papá?”
You, hearing that last word, spat out the little coffee you had left in your mouth and opened your eyes, completely surprised. Checo, however, made a face and a frown, questioning his daughter’s friend.
“What did you say?” You asked, though you knew perfectly well that what your boyfriend had just said was something you hadn’t taught him, and he’d probably heard it from you.
“Well… ¿Cómo va, papá?” the guy repeated innocently. “Did I say it right?”
“Papá?” repeated the Red Bull driver, even more shocked. “Do you even know what that means, kid?”
“It’s an expression, right? Isn’t it like saying buddy?”
Checo stared at him for a few seconds that felt like an eternity to Oscar. Then, he turned his gaze to you, who was pretending to fiddle with your phone to avoid having to face an awkward conversation about why your secret boyfriend had just said that.
“¿Te importaría decirme por qué Oscar habla como tú?” Pérez asked quickly in Spanish, clearly aiming for Oscar not to understand.
“He doesn’t talk like me!” You quickly replied in English. “Oscar has been practicing Spanish, and well… he wants to fit in better so he’s trying. Duolingo isn’t the best app for learning, so he’s been watching YouTube videos... Right, Osc?”
The guy nodded, but that didn’t convince Checo. Still, he didn’t say anything else and, instead, coldly said goodbye to you both.
As soon as he was far enough away not to hear you, you turned to Oscar and started shaking him:
“Of all the things you could say, you call him papá?!”
“I didn’t do it on purpose, babe!” He rushed to reply, feeling bad for you. “I’ve heard it so many times that, well… I just said it without thinking. I honestly didn’t think it was anything bad.”
You huffed, knowing that it wasn’t Oscar’s fault or his curiosity and interest in learning your mother tongue, but yours for not setting boundaries or explaining the meaning of each word, as well as the context in which it should be used or who it was addressed to.
From that moment on, your father started paying more attention. He was an expert in discretion, but you knew him well enough to realize that, since the incident with Oscar, he had become much more alert and interested in you both, especially looking for clear signs that would confirm his suspicions that his daughter was dating one of the newest additions to the grid.
Unfortunately for you and Oscar, the Mexican didn’t need to investigate much, and he only did so for a month to confirm his theories.
During one of the briefings with all the drivers, Checo heard Oscar mumbling an “Órale, wey” followed by some insults in Spanish that you had made up when it had gotten pretty late and everyone was eager to return to their hotel. Also, instead of saying “sorry,” he let out a “¿mande?” which wouldn’t have been strange if he hadn’t continued speaking in English, as if nothing had happened.
You and Oscar seemed unaware of all your slip-ups; on the contrary, feeling like you weren’t arousing anyone’s suspicion, you lowered your guard. Displays of affection in public, though still cautious, became more frequent, especially when Checo wasn’t near you. Or at least, that’s what you thought.
The back of the McLaren garage, just a few meters away from Red Bull’s, as expected, wasn’t the most suitable place.
“We should go somewhere else,” you said softly while nervously fiddling with the collar of your boyfriend's shirt, who had his arm around your waist.
“Why? This place is perfect,” Oscar replied, unconcerned.
“Yeah, sure, perfect for my dad to catch us,” you muttered. “If he already suspects and looks like that doll from the red light, green light game on Squid Game, analyzing us so much to jump on us as soon as he catches us… imagine if he finds us. He’ll kill us, I swear.”
“Come on, Y/N, just try to relax. We’ve got it all under control. Seriously, there’s nothing to worry about, mi amor.”
You blushed at the compliment he had given you in Spanish, and couldn’t help but plant a chaste kiss on his lips, even though everything inside you felt chaotic.
“If you’re trying to convince me that everything’s fine by speaking to me in Spanish, just know that you’re doing it perfectly,” you declared. “But don’t forget, that doesn’t mean I don’t feel a tremendous anxiety and keep thinking that we’re literally one step away from getting caught. Do you know what he could do if he finds out that you and I… that?” You asked hesitantly.
“Is he going to give us a lecture on how we have to stay professional whenever we’re in public? Or is he going to tell me he’ll kill me if I even think about getting you pregnant?”
“He’ll probably make you come home to have lunch with my family and only speak Spanish,” you tried not to laugh but couldn’t help yourself. “And trust me, you don’t want to be in that position because you’ll have all my aunts, and there are quite a few of them, right next to you, asking you some very uncomfortable questions.”
“Then we’ll have to tell him as soon as possible so he can prepare. How about I tell him that I’m absolutely and completely in love with his daughter?”
You shot him a glare, panic flooding your insides at the thought of that happening.
“No, don’t you dare do that, Osc, and especially not here. You have no idea how my dad would react if…”
“Why not?” He interrupted. Then, he stopped, and after a few seconds that felt like an eternity to you, he seemed to finally find the courage to speak: “I could tell him something like… ¡Señor Pérez, estoy saliendo con su hija porque además de ser la mejor mujer de este mundo, me hace la persona más feliz del mundo!”
You couldn’t help but laugh, filled with emotion inside at Oscar’s sweet yet innocent declaration of love aloud.
However, a cough behind you made you snap back to reality.
“Can I know what you’re doing with my daughter, Piastri?”
You both slowly turned around. There, standing before you, was Checo, arms crossed, with a very unfriendly look on his face. You swore that if Oscar walked out of there alive and without a reprimand from your overprotective father, he could do whatever he wanted for the rest of the year.
“Well…” Oscar began, his confidence suddenly disappearing.
“Esto no es lo que parece, te lo juro,” you said in Spanish, trying to calm your father, even though you knew your attempts would be in vain.
“Oh, really?” Checo asked, raising an eyebrow, knowing you were both lying. “Then, what explanation do you have for this kid shouting to the four winds in almost perfect Spanish that he’s in love with you? At least that’s what I understood, if my Spanish doesn’t fail me.”
You were about to reply, but instead, Oscar gently took you by the wrist and stepped forward, surprisingly confident.
“Checo, I’m not playing around. Okay, I was joking about that, but not about what it means… like…” Piastri explained slowly, nerves eating at him as he couldn’t bring himself to look Checo in the face. “Your daughter matters to me, well, like… you know, like a boyfriend cares for his girlfriend.”
Checo tried not to laugh at the declaration of love from the man who had just confirmed he was his son-in-law and did his best to maintain the protective fatherly composure, thinking no guy would ever be good enough for his daughter.
“So you care about my daughter… You, one of my coworkers, a twenty-three-year-old kid, care about my eldest daughter enough to believe you can have a relationship with her…”
“It’s not that I believe it, it’s that I know I do.”
Not only you and Checo were surprised by the boy’s words, but Oscar himself too. He regretted it immediately, but before he could apologize to Checo, the man stepped forward, raising a hand and staring at him:
“So… are you two dating or not?”
“Yes, for almost six months now,” you answered, feeling a knot in your stomach, but much less pressure now that your father knew the truth.
Checo sighed, running a hand over his face as he tried to process the news his daughter, his little girl, had just told him. The girl he knew ever since she was born and now he had to imagine her spending, if not the rest of her life, at least part of it, with another man.
“And why didn’t you tell me before?” Checo asked, his voice tinged with disappointment but also some understanding. “Don’t you trust me?”
“It’s not that I don’t trust you, it’s that I knew you would react badly,” you answered, frustrated. “I trust you, and I know you want to protect me from any guy who could make me feel bad, but you have to understand that I’m twenty years old, and whether you like it or not, I’m not a little girl anymore.”
Checo looked at you and then turned his gaze to Oscar, who had his head down. Besides his nerves being pretty evident, so was his willingness to face any kind of dispute or reprimand from him just to stay with you.
That made Checo feel a bit bad, though it also gave him some relief seeing that the Australian was truly concerned and, why not say it, in love, willing to do anything for his little Y/N.
Finally, he let out a small sigh, trying to calm himself. He repeated your words over and over in his mind before saying anything else because if you had never disappointed him in your life, then he didn’t want to disappoint you just because you were in love.
I’m not a little girl anymore.
“Checo…” Piastri spoke, but Checo raised a finger, silencing him instantly.
“I’m only going to say this once: you better not hurt my daughter, or I’ll hurt you when I kick you off the track or crash into you accidentally. Is that clear?”
Oscar swallowed hard, feeling that Checo wasn’t joking.
“And as for you,” Checo now spoke to you, completely stunned, “don’t think this is over. Your mother, you, and I will have a conversation about this and several other topics when we get home.”
Unprotected wild sex, alcohol, and drugs, for sure, you thought, forcing a smile to try to hide your worry.
“Now go on and keep loving each other, but be careful where and how you do it. I don’t want to be a grandfather just yet.”
With those words, Checo left, leaving you both.
“Well… now he knows. Finally,” Oscar said, letting out a sigh of relief.
“I told you he was intense. Do you believe me now?”
“Of course, mi amor,” the Australian replied, taking your hand and heading to your room in the McLaren motorhome, so, as Checo had said, you wouldn’t become grandparents just yet. “Your dad scared me, but I’m not going to lie to you, he gave me enough motivation to beat him in every race from now on.”
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secretly yours | oscar piastri
summary: oscar and his childhood best friend secretly dated for years, but an accidental reveal Lando sends fans into a frenzy. request: yes! sorry took me too long :((
liked by lando norris and 182,763 others
oscarpiastri: it's just me and my best friend
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user2: i see you’re trying to pretend nothing’s going on, but we’re not fooled!!!
user3: just? J U S T? Please. we all know there’s more going on here than 'just' best friends 👀
user4: yeah, it’s just you two. And the ENTIRE WORLD watching you two 👀
user5: just? are we watching the same race? bc i see a love story unfolding and I’m LIVING for it 😭😭
user6: do you mean 'just' best friends? because that’s DEFINITELY not how we see it 👀
user7: she’s literally the only person on earth who gets to be with you like this, and we’re all just over here screaming
user8: just 'best friends’... okay, Oscar. keep telling yourself that while we all make wedding plans 🫠
user9: osc, you don’t have to pretend. We’re all just waiting for the 'I’m in love with my best friend' post 😭😭
user10: he´s trying to pretend it's just him and his best friend while we all know they're this close to being the hottest couple in F1 💀
yourusername posted stories

liked by lewishamilton and 967,863 others
oscarpiastri: What a year. Memories I’ll never forget. Here’s to 2024. 🖤
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user1: NOT YOU SNEAKING HER INTO THE DUMP. We see you, Oscar 👀❤️
user2: Photos 4 and 7??? Sir, care to explain why you’re casually dropping your soulmate into the mix like it’s no big deal? 😭
user3: everyone’s talking about the podiums, but I’m here for y/n and Oscar are clearly in love' subplot. 🫠
user4: We all know who made this year unforgettable for you, and it’s not the trophy, Oscar. Just admit it 😏
user5: photo 7 is giving: 'the love of my life, but I’m still too cool to say it'
user6: Oscar out here winning races AND soft-launching his girlfriend again
user7: the subtlety is killing me. Like, we get it, you’re in love
user8: this isn’t even a photo dump; it’s a declaration of love disguised as one
user9: Y/N making two appearances? Yeah..
user10: the way he’s just casually smiling in those photos with her... Yeah, I’m unwell. 🫠😭
landonorris: Two pics of Y/N? Are we sure this is a 'year' dump, or are you just casually announcing something, Oscar? 🤔
↪user11: LANDO WE SEE YOU! 😂 The REAL tea is in the comments section, right here
↪user12: bro, Lando is practically the third wheel in Oscar’s relationship at this point. Why is he always dropping hints? 😭😭
↪user13: lol Lando’s comment is the funniest thing I’ve seen all year. Just admit it, we all know what’s going on. 🫠
↪user14: tt this point, I’m just waiting for Lando to show up at the wedding like ‘I told you so’ 💀
liked by landonorris and 273,973 others
yourusername: Dinner my favourite person 🖤 (and no, Lando, that doesn’t include you)
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user1: Not Lando catching strays in the caption 💀
user2: You and Oscar are literally the blueprint for 'childhood best friends to soulmates. I’m sobbing 😭❤️
user3: Okay but… can we talk about how you guys look SO perfect together?
user4: Lando reading this post like 👁️👄👁️
user5: Imagine being this photogenic AND dating Oscar Piastri
user6: Just me and my single, lonely heart, staring at these pictures like 🥲
user7: If this isn’t the softest thing I’ve ever seen. You guys are the real-life definition of couple goals 🥹💞
user8: Oscar when he’s with you >>> everything else in this world
user9: y’all just admitted you’re dating without saying it, and honestly, I’m here for this soft launch 👀
user10: do you guys just wake up every day and decide to be the cutest people alive, or does it happen naturally?
landonorris: Excuse me, I’m right here, and I thought I was your favourite person 🤔💔
↪user11: Lando out here acting like he didn’t just make the biggest hint about them being a thing in the last interview 😂

liked by oscarpiastri and 1,929,651 others
lando norris: Just some wholesome moments from the weekend. ❤️🤪
1️⃣ Me getting my 5th victory.
2️⃣ Pastry getting a ice bath.
3️⃣ Oh, and this accidental gem… whoops
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user2: Couple goals??? EXCUSE ME??? EXPLAIN RIGHT NOW
user3: Lando casually dropping the biggest bombshell of 2025 like it’s no big deal 💀
user4: So… you’re telling me Oscar’s in love and didn’t even TELL US?!? 😭❤️
user5: This isn’t even subtle. LANDO, YOU HAD ONE JOB
user6: i don’t know if I want to scream at Lando or thank him
user7: not me zooming in like a detective ans yep, they’re definitely together
user8: lando, you better start running because Oscar is coming for you
user9: the way Oscar’s entire personality SCREAMED 'taken,' and now we finally know why
user10: accidental??? sure lando. this was 100% intentional and we love you for it
liked by yourusername and 3,981,519 others
oscarpiastri: Well, I guess the secret’s out… 😅. No more pretending we’re just ‘best friends’—we’re way past that. ❤️
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user3: I KNEW IT. I was starting to think I was imagining all the tension between them. THEY’RE SO CUTE!!!
user5: Oscar confirmed it and suddenly my heart is doing 200 mph. This is EVERYTHING 🤧🤧
user6: this is the confirmation we didn’t know we needed, but now that we have it, everything makes sense
user7: from 'best friends' to ‘officially us’? I’m dead. They’re too perfect
liked by landonorris and 1,428, 823 others
yourusername: Okay, okay… So maybe the ‘best friends’ thing wasn’t fooling anyone. We’re officially more than that (and yes, we’ve been laughing about this whole ‘secret relationship’ thing for a long time)
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user1: I KNEW IT. ‘best friends’ my foot. this was the 'softest' launch ever 😂
user2: okay, but are we gonna talk about how Oscar looks SO much more relaxed now? The man’s freeeeee!!!!
user3: guess it was obvious? babes, it’s been obvious since DAY ONE. We just needed you to admit it
user4: so, are we gonna pretend like we didn’t see the way you two look at each other like no one else exists??
user5: Oscar and you basically saying ‘yeah, I’ve been OBVIOUS about it, but I needed to make it official’
user6: i am literally sobbing at how cute this is and i'm HERE for it
user 7: i knew it! THE SMILES. THE ENERGY. y’all were never fooling anyone. 💀
landonorris: guess i’ve been replaced as your partner in crime, huh? 🤔
↪ oscarpiastri: so much for keeping secrets, mate. Appreciate the unintentional PR move though 🙄
↪yourusername: landonorris Haha, it’s okay, you can still be my partner in crime. Just… don’t share too many ‘accidental’ pics, okay?
danielricciardo: wow, Lando’s getting everyone in trouble these days. what’s next, is he revealing mine and max ‘bromance’?? 😂"
↪landonorris: only if you and max finally admit were the real power couple of the paddock 🫣💁♂️
maxverstappen1: About time, guys 👏🏻
↪yourusername: haha, well, Lando’s definitely claiming the credit for all of this. Can’t say we didn’t try to keep it lowkey

#f1 x reader#f1 smau#f1 fanfic#formula 1 smau#lando norris x reader#lando norris smau#oscar piastri x reader#oscar piastri smau#smau#f1 imagine#formula 1#f1#formula one#formula 1 x reader#formula 1 fanfic#formula 1 fic#f1 fanfiction#f1 x you#f1 x y/n#formula 1 one shot#oscar piastri#op81 x reader#oscar piastri fanfic#oscar piastri fic#oscar piastri x you#oscar piastri fanfiction#lando norris#f1 imagines
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Till the day that I die | OP81 x Reader
pairing . . . oscar piastri x dyslexic!youtuber!reader
summary . . . Being dyslexic on social media may be hard, but your knight in shining armour is always there to defend you
request . . . yes!! based on this request
word count . . . N/A
warnings . . . none!
faceclaim . . . blanca soler MY WIFE and lily zneimer for couple posts!
alexavia yaps . . . havent written a smau in a while im afraid ive forgotten how </3 ANYHOW im saur happy ydek bc i dont have to edit this?? i dont have to read it 75 times for mistakes?? MY DYSLEXIC ASS CAN BE FREE!!!!! ps this is LITTERED with refrences! also ignore how i kind off didnt follow the request I DIDNT KNOW HOW TO DO IT. dechipher the captions yallselves im too lazy to do it
y/n l/n posted a new video !

comments !

liked by oscarpiastri, yourbsf, lando_norris and 2.2M others
yourusername grmw vlog is out!!! had so fun filsming it and we had an ella feaure included!!! (ella is y/n's dog!)
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y/nfan5 WOOHOO!!!!!
oscarpiastri Can't wait to have you in my arms
yourusername aww osc youre too sweet <3
oscarpiastri Only for you <3
f1_girly are those typos in the caption or am i tweaking
y/nswifeyy. They are! Y/n is dyslexic so every once in a while we get a typo or two
username1 im looking DISRESPECTFULLY
username2 how did she misspell two very easy words? girl go back to school
oscarpiastri She's dyslexic, you're not, so go fuck yourself
username3 OSCAR???
y/nsno1fan guys IGNORE OSCAR AND LOOK AT Y/N

liked by yourusername, lando_norris, nicole.piastri and 2.9M others
oscarpiastri With the love of my life once again tagged: yourusername
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charlesleclerc Don't bully my daughter-in-law
yourusername CHARLS ILYSM
charlesleclerc I'm the only one you have?
yourusername doesn't mayyer
oscarpiastri Thank you Charles
lando_norris photo credits?
yourusername up mya ss
lando_norris wow y/n i thouht we were frinds
yourusername i ony like you because we're both dyslexic don't flatter yourslef mr norris
hater2 How do you mess up the word 'yourself' so bad?
yourusername magic
oscarpiastri Do you not have a life? Or is it hating on my girlfriend?
yourusername ate
oscarpiastri Thank you 😊
username6 who ISNT
username5 good point
plmvia Y/n i love you pls don't die
f1_3112 y/n ate, left no crumbs, wiped the plate clean and oscar is meh ig
yourusername i love you
oscarpiastri me more
yourusername till the day that i die i love you more
oscarpiastri MY HEART
y/n l/n posted a new video !

comments !

liked by oscarpiastri, lando_norris, nicole.piastri and 3.7M others
yourusername small phtotdup since my boyafriend is away at war ad is begging for pcitures </3 also a new vlog is out!
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username7 OH. MY. GOD. how hard is it for you to spell properly?
oscarpiastri As hard as it is for you to get a life and stop hating
yourusername gnawing at the bars of my enclisure that was hit
oscarpiastri Hit?
lando_norris she meant hot, oscar. hot
yourusername H-O-T-T-O-G-O you cna tae me hot to go!!!!!!!!!
oscarpiastri Stunning as always
oscarpiastri Zak better strap me down to the car because I am so close to booking a flight back home
oscarpiastri I've watched all your vlogs thrice
username8 my wife guys back off
oscarpiastri Uhm no?
oscarpiastri Text me please
yourusername will do
lando_norris this would've been a normal post if oscar wasn't a sappy muppet
yourusername oi leave my boyfriend alone
oscarpiastri When she defends you from haters <3
lando_norris you bring out a side in him that no one wants to see
yourusername sorry?
lando_norris you better be
y/nplsmarryme gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous omg
verchstappan we're so back
oscah.pastry SHES MY IDOL

liked by oscarpiastri, lando_norris, yourbsf and 3.2M others
yourusername finally reunited with my beuatufil biyfriend and the love of my life <33 love you till the die that iday tagged: oscarpiastri
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oscarpiastri I swear to god if someone comments about the typos in the caption I will personally run you over with my F1 car
yourusername so romantic 😍
oscarpiastri All for you ❤
lando_norris till the die that i day?
yourusername FUCK
oscarpiastri It's alright I got the meaning
yourusername i hare this dysexia
yourusername LANDO I SWEAR TO GOD
yourusername you were about to
lando_norris sigh
superyuki22 i need this in my life
username10 mother y/n feed us some ynoscar crumbs
username11 if i was oscar id have a meltdown everyday out of stress of losing this goddess
username12 this is the best love story in the history of love stories
username13 im calling it theyre romeo and juliet
ynshoee_ this is so goals what
lawsons.lawyer parasocial relationship
charlesleclerc You two are very cute
yourusername so are you and alex!!
charlesleclerc You have my permission to propose
yourusername who said i alrwady didn?
charlesleclerc Okay.....

liked by yourusername, nicole.piastri, charlesleclerc and 3M others
oscarpiastri Happy anniversary, my love. From sneaking glances in the school hallways to cheering me on from the paddock, you’ve been my constant through it all. No matter how fast life moves, you’ll always be my greatest win. I love you forever, always. tagged: yourusername
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redbullb1tch max can keep his championships this is the REAL win
ynfann18 PREACH.
nicole.piastri The greatest prize Osc has ever won! Here's to many more!!
yourusername thank you mama piastri 🥹 🫶
oscarpiastri Thank you mum <3
lando_norris nothing more iconic than this relationship
yourusername not even your win?
lando_norris let's not get ahead of ourselves
oscarpiastri You said it yourself?
lando_norris well don't take it so seriously
h4m1lt0ns44 if racing is all i need to pull someone like y/n i'd be a world champion
yourbsf from delievering your notes to each other in high school to seeing you celebrate half a decade of this relationship, you two have the best relationship ever 🫶
yourusername thank you sm ml <33 hope to see you in the paddock with your f1 bf!
oscarpiastri Thank you, bsf/name!! I'll try my best to matchmake you with a driver so N/n can see you in the paddock more often
yourusername OSC
oscarpiastri Anything to make you happy ❤
lando_norris hey yourbsf
oscarpiastri Oh?
username15 i'm so sick i want this RIGHT NOW
username16 my fav thing about them is oscar defending y/n's dyslexia
username17 If your man isn't like Oscar then dump him
yourusername you always make me feel like the most special girl in the world, even when your life is driving 300 kilometres per hour 🥹 im so proud of you, not just for what you’ve acheived on the track but for who you are off it too 🫶 ill love you till the day that I die, my favorit boy forever 🥰
oscarpiastri You’ll always be my greatest achievement, on or off the track. I love you more than words, forever and always. ❤️
yourusername till the day that i die
taglist . . . @barcapix ,, @f1lover55 ,, @ilovebarcaaa ,, @httpsdana ,, @paucubarsisimp ,, @justaf1girl (lmk if you want to join the taglist!)
#alexavia writes 🍒#alexavia yaps 🍒#f1#formula 1#formula one#f1 x reader#f1 x y/n#f1 x you#x reader#oscar piastri#op81#oscar piastri fic#smau#fic#fanfic#f1 smau#oscar piastri x reader#oscar piastri smau#f1 social media#f1 fanfic#racing driver#racing#f1 racing#oscar piastri x y/n#social media#social media fic#dyslexia#dyslexic#blanca soler#youtube
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