kisses will make it better

summary - you think you’ve made aaron upset so decide not to tell him when you’ve been in a car accident
pairing - aaron hotchner x gf!reader
word count - 3k
Today was shit.
Like really terrible.
It was one of those days where nothing had gone right and you felt like the universe was caving in on you. From missing a meeting due to traffic to getting harassed by your boss again, there was nothing that had technically gone right.
Which is why you were calling Aaron on your drive home, because you knew he would make it better.
It was dangerous to rely on someone to make you feel better, but he was your person and there was no one you would rather speak to than him.
You smiled as he always answered the phone the same way.
He said that people wasted time by looking at the caller ID rather than just answering the phone, so you were used to him never answering the phone any other way.
“Hi love.”
“Y/N?” He questioned and you had to chuckle.
“Who else would be calling you ‘love’?” You laughed.
“Do you know what time it is?”
“Um,” You looked at the clock on your car dashboard, “Nearly 11PM.”
“Yeah, it is. Look, you know we’ve got a really busy case right now?” He sounded pissed off and it made your heart drop.
“Yeah, I just thought…” You gulped to swallow back the oncoming threat of tears.
You didn’t want to cry over something so trivial as making your boyfriend upset, but when you had had a day as bad as yours anything was a possible trigger. Especially when Aaron was supposed to be the person to listen and comfort you.
“So I need to sleep and I need this phone line to be open for the police detectives.”
You could hear what he wasn’t saying; ‘Don’t call me’.
“Alright, bye.” And he hung up.
It felt kind of pathetic to cry, but the tears kept falling.
You sniffled as you let out a few shaky breaths. Your eyes tried concentrating on the roads but your tears were sort of blinding your sight.
Your bad day had just gotten even worse.
The one person you knew would have cheered you up had to go and let you down. It wasn’t really his fault. He did have a really big case at the moment that was really stressful, so any sleep he could get was important, but it would’ve been nice to just speak to him for a few minutes.
You pulled down the sleeve of your jumper over your hand so you could wipe away the tears from your eyes.
You were thankful to be stopped at a red light.
Leaning over into your glove compartment you picked out a packet of tissues and took one out so you could blow your nose. Crying always led to a runny nose.
Maybe you’d done something really terrible and that was why the world was taking it out on you. But what had you done?
Except for this morning, you were always on time for work. You put up with endless sexist and gross comments from your boss. You worked really long nights and early mornings just to get the work done. Working as an assistant for a CEO wasn’t as glamorous as it sounded, but it paid the bills.
So why did you deserve to have such a shit day?
That’s what you were hoping Aaron could have answered.
Now you had only gone and upset him too.
The light turned green and you gripped onto the tissue as you took a hold of the steering wheel to turn left.
There were bright lights.
A car horn sounded.
Your feet slammed hard on the breaks.
There was an almighty crash.
And then it all went black.
“Miss. Miss, can you hear me?”
Your head felt so heavy and your chest felt tight.
Your eyes were slow to open, but when they finally did they felt so heavy - as if they were being weighed down.
Then you noticed the blue and red flashing lights against the pitch black of night and the paramedic that was leaning into your car to talk to you.
She had a stethoscope pressed against your chest and kept calling out to you for a response.
Slowly it was all coming back to you.
“Miss, answer if you can hear me.”
You nodded your head slowly.
“Okay good.” She said, “You were in a car accident. Do you remember what happened?”
Instead of responding you let the tears fall. Now you were coming back around and things were coming into focus you started to feel how much pain you were in. The seat belt must have stopped you from flying through the front window, but it had definitely bruised your entire chest and rib area in the process. That’s why it was probably painful to breathe.
The lady ducked back out of the car then.
“She’s pretty shaken.”
“We need to get her to a hospital. She could have internal bleeding.”
“Okay let’s cut her out and slowly transport her to an ambulance.”
“Have you asked who we should call?”
Their voices were all a blur as your eyes grew heavier again. The tears in your eyes were making your focus blurry again. It hurt to even cry.
Aaron was going to be so mad.
He was on such a busy case and the last thing he needed was to hear his girlfriend had been in a car accident - a bad one at that. You promised yourself then that you would tell the emergency response people that you didn’t have any emergency contacts. You didn’t need Aaron coming down here.
Not that you didn’t want him, because God you did, but more that you didn’t want to add any extra stress for him.
He had a hard enough job as it was without looking after you too.
He needed his rest, so you would do this alone.
Garcia was hurried as she approached Hotch’s office.
“Baby girl, what’s wrong?” Morgan asked from his desk as he watched his friend rush past.
“It’s Y/N.” She said and that’s when Morgan noticed the tears in her eyes.
Morgan shot up from his desk, as did Emily and Reid who had overheard the conversation. They didn’t ask questions, but did follow Garcia to Hotch’s office to listen in. It was clearly serious if Garcia was upset.
Garcia didn’t even knock before entering.
Hotch looked up from his desk, clearly unimpressed with the lack of knocking until he saw the looks on his team’s faces - especially Garcia’s.
“What is it, Garcia?” Hotch asked, clicking the lid on his pen.
“Sir, you know how you asked me to set up that system where if any immediate family relatives of ours were admitted to hospital then they’d flag on my system so we’d know?” She asked.
Hotch stood up immediately.
“Is Jack okay?” His heart sank.
“Yes, Sir, he is.” Garcia looked distressed still, “But Y/N was in a major car accident last night. Drunk driver hit her side of the car. Caused her car to be sent spinning across the road where it was then hit at the rear by a lorry.”
Hotch went pale. He felt like his heart had stopped beating.
“When?” Hotch picked up his phone.
No new messages.
Why had no one contacted him about this?
He was your emergency contact. He should have been notified about this.
“Accident happened last night at about 11:15. I only got the notification when I came in this morning, Sir.”
“She’s been in the hospital since 11:15 last night?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Where is she now?”
“I had a look and… seems like she’s been in surgery for most of the night.”
Hotch had heard enough. He was ready to go now.
“Prentiss and Morgan. Go to the police station and find out what you can about the accident. I want that drunk driver ID’d.” Hotch ordered and they both left the room immediately.
“Call us if anything changes, Hotch.” Morgan added and Hotch nodded.
Reid…” Hotch said.
“I’m coming to the hospital with you.” Reid said for his boss.
“I need you here to work the case with Dave.”
“Hotch, this will probably be the only time I say this… but no. I’m coming with you and no doubt Rossi will too. Y/N is our friend too.” Reid argued back and Hotch didn’t have to say anything else for everyone to know that he was grateful for it.
Hotch needed the support and he knew you would need it to.
Screw this case.
Family was more important.
“I have my computers scanning security footage as we speak, Sir.”
“Go get our girl, Sir.” Garcia said and Hotch wasted no more time before exiting his office.
“You can’t blame yourself, Aaron.” Dave said as he drove the car to the hospital.
Aaron had wanted to drive but Dave had disagreed. It would’ve been dangerous for him to drive at a time like this.
“I spoke to her 15 minutes before the accident, Dave.” Aaron said, his composure slowly breaking.
Dave didn’t add anything to the conversation because he knew this was Aaron’s way of opening up as to why he felt so guilty.
“I told her not to call because my phone needed to be open for the police detectives to call me.”
“You were sleep deprived Aaron.” Dave argued.
“That’s not an excuse.”
“Maybe not, but it was the truth.”
Aaron kept his gaze on the road in front of them.
This car journey had felt like the longest twenty minutes of his life. Then he thought about how long you must have been alone in your crumpled car until someone arrived - how long that must have felt. How scary that must have been.
“I can’t lose her too.” Aaron said.
“You won’t. She’s got a strength in her that not everyone does.”
Aaron wanted to smile at that because he knew it was true, but it was hard to smile when he didn’t have a clue what state he was about to find you in.
Aaron stormed into the ER.
He did a quick sweep of the room and walked to the front desk. His hands gripped the front desk like it was the only thing keeping him standing up.
“Y/N L/N.”
“I’m sorry, Sir?” The nurse questioned.
“I’m here to see Y/N L/N. She was brought in late last night from a car accident.” Hotch explained.
“Let me see.” The nurse typed away on her computer.
Rossi and Reid came up behind Aaron as they also waited to hear what the nurse had to say.
Aaron’s team was like a family to him, which meant they were also a family to you. The team had taken a liking to you ever since they had seen how much you had positively impacted Aaron’s life. They had never seen him smile so much as when he was around you. You brought out the best in him and the thought of losing you meant losing their boss too.
“Are you Aaron Hotchner, Sir?” The nurse questioned.
The nurse smiled sympathetically, “Miss L/N specifically told the doctors last night that we weren’t to contact you.”
“W-what?” Aaron furrowed his brows in confusion. “I’m her emergency contact.”
“We’re aware, Mr Hotchner.”
“S-so what?” Aaron tried to calm himself down because he knew it wasn’t the nurses fault, “That’s it?...”
“Miss L/N told us not to contact you, Mr Hotchner, so we didn’t. However, now you are here I don’t see any reason to hold you back any further. Just sign this ‘sign in’ sheet, please.”
“Thank you.” Aaron said honestly, feeling both a wave of relief and anxiety.
Why had you told them not to call him?
Well, he knew why…
It was starting to feel like this was his fault. Doubts creeping into his mind as to whether he was the right person for you. It felt like no matter what he did, no matter how happy he became, he would always be tested in some way.
Reid and Rossi had gone to buy you flowers, leaving Aaron in the room alone with you.
It had been a shock to see you at first.
He hadn’t really prepared himself for how you might look, but he definitely hadn’t expected this.
You were bandaged like a mummy. Your head had a thick bandage wrapped around. Your hands were littered with plasters and gauze from where tiny bits of shattered glass had cut into your skin. He couldn’t see your chest but he had no doubts that the entire area would be black and bruised.
It made Aaron feel sick seeing you like this.
When you finally came around you felt lighter than you had before.
There was no seat belt cutting into your skin and you could breathe a little easier too. The bed you were laid in was really comfortable and someone had clearly dimmed the lights in preparation for you waking up.
Your eyes opened to find yourself in a hospital room.
The small window to the right told you it was a new day because it had been nighttime the last time you had seen the sky. Whether it was the next day or a couple of days was difficult to guess.
You looked down from the window to the small table.
There were six bunches of flowers of all different varieties. All of them had cards underneath them and you were eager to know who they were from.
The one that had a mathematical joke on had to be from Reid. The one that was covered in pink glitter was definitely from Garcia. The one that was clearly handmade had to be the work of Jack Hotchner. That one made you smile.
Your eyes went to the other side of the room where there was a chair facing your bed.
It was empty.
You knew who had been there, though, thanks to the blazer and red tie draped over the back of it.
Just as you started thinking about Aaron, you could hear your two favourite boys approaching.
“But I want to give the giraffe to her now, dad.”
“Ssh, ssh. We have to be quiet now bud, okay? Y/Ns sleeping.”
“But she’s been sleeping all day.”
“That’s because she’s poorly.”
“Oh, okay.”
Aaron and Jack entered the room a moment later, leaving the door open.
“Y/N!” Jack screamed in excitement when he saw that you were awake. He shuffled himself out of his dad’s hold until he was on the floor and running over to your bedside.
Aaron was ready to tell Jack off until he saw that you were in fact awake.
“Jack, careful.” Aaron said when his son started climbing on the bed.
“He’s okay.” You assured them both.
“Dad said you’re poorly.” Jack said.
“I guess I am.” You smiled at him.
“Does this hurt?” He pointed to the bandage on your forehead.
“A little.”
“Dad can kiss it better.” Jack explained like he was the certified doctor working in this hospital. It made you and Aaron laugh, which was probably the best form of medicine anyways. “Won’t you dad?”
Instead of giving a yes or a no response, Aaron came over to you and placed a kiss on top of the bandage. You couldn’t feel his lips, but his presence was enough to make you a little bit emotional.
He smelt like home and his closeness was so warm that you felt comforted.
Aaron kept his face close to yours as pulled away. He looked at you and noticed your teary eyes. His thumb reached your cheek to softly pad over the skin there - no doubt to check that you were really here and okay.
“Hey Jack, why don’t we go and get a chocolate bar for Y/N, hmm?” You heard Rossi’s voice behind Aaron.
Neither you or Aaron made a move from each other to check. Rossi must have taken Jack from the room because it went so quiet then.
Aaron kept his gaze on your eyes and you could see the sadness lost within them.
You hated to see him so sad. It was your weakness.
“If you say you’re sorry I’m going to be really upset.” Aaron said quickly to cut you off.
You nodded, crying a bit more now.
“Thank you for coming.” You said instead.
“Don’t need to thank me, sweetheart. I’ll always be here.” Aaron moved to perch on the bed beside you, careful not to bump into any sore part of you.
“How did you even know?”
“Of course” You smiled. Aaron smiled because you smiled.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry for being an asshole last night.”
“Aaron, love, I can see that you’re beating yourself up over this but it wasn’t your fault. Yes, you were kind of an asshole. I did need you last night, but you definitely didn’t cause this and I know you know that.”
“You’re too lovely.” He responded.
“I just won’t have you blame yourself for something you had no control over.”
Aaron nodded, “I’ll never not answer the phone again.”
“But you have to promise to never block me as an emergency contact again. You hear me?” He said sternly.
“I do. It was kind of stupid of me.” You rolled your eyes thinking back now.
“Yeah it was.” Aaron gave you a small smirk, glad to hear you were okay enough to make a joke or two.
“I just didn’t want you to worry.”
“Honey. I’m going to worry whether or not you are actually okay.”
“When I told the nurse to not call you she asked whether you were a crazy ex of mine.” You chuckled.
“You’re an absolute menace.”
“A menace that’s going to need lots of kisses to nurse me back to health.”
“Oh yeah?”
“That’s what Dr Jack said.” You shrugged.
“I better get started then.”
820 notes
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do we agree that the franco fics need to stay even if he’s not in the grid anymore
34 notes
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Hi babes how are you?? can you write something with jade thirlwall as your face claim please? Thanks❤❤
the great escape - cl16
summary: the final race of the f1 calendar and yn's final show of her world tour are happening the same day. will charles make it on time?
folkie radio: I CAN'T BELIEVE THE SEASON IS OVER. WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO UNTIL MARCH??? anyway, this is 100% inspired by the final race and the final eras tour show happening during the same day and i hope you like it!

liked by charles_leclerc, arianagrande and 2,820,604 others
yourinstagram seattle you were UNREAL tonight! the energy was everything and more! this lifetimes world tour has been the journey of my dreams 🌟 thank you for making every single show so special!
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username1 BEST GIRL EVER
charles_leclerc You were incredible mon amour ❤️ The way you light up that stage... Proud doesn't even begin to cover it
↳ username1 CHARLIEEE
↳ username2 he’s such a simp
↳ username3 i need my man to hype me up like this
lewishamilton Killed it as always 🔥
username5 anyone else notice he's been liking her posts exactly 1 minute after they're uploaded? 👀
username6 missing the days when they tried to hide their relationship now they're just being cute everywhere
bellahadid mother 😍😍
username9 charles watching from Monaco at 4am again we see
liked by maxverstappen1, yourinstagram and 1,765,499 others
charles_leclerc A Sunday I’ll forever remember 🇮🇹❤️
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username2 and that's how you do it
arthur_leclerc ❤️
username4 SO DESERVED
username5 uughh sucks that yn couldn't be there
landonorris Well done mate!
username6 just missing his girl i'm crying
username7 did anyone else catch him grabbing his phone as soon as he stepped off the podium? probably calling yn
yourinstagram YES YES YES ! so proud of you babyyyy 🥺
username9 someone reunite yn and charles asap i can't do this
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liked by username1, username2 and 41,927 others
Man really flew straight from Austin → Mexico→ Brazil and then to Nashville all in 15 days just to see YN perform! Talk about a supportive boyfriend
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username1 I LOVE HIM SM
username2 Bro finished P3 in Mexico, P1 in Austin and instead of resting he's here... that's love
username3 ferrari's physio is having a breakdown watching this
username4 the way he's been to 13 shows this tour despite racing... abu dhabi to vegas doesn't seem impossible anymore 👀
username5 he really said "sleep is for the weak"
username6 HES SO IN LOVE
username7 using his days off to fly across the world to see her... meanwhile I can't get a text back
username8 such a fanboy
username9 they need to get married idc
username10 im going to be devastated if he doesn’t make it to the final show

liked by username1, username2 and 39,605 others
ynupdates "So, um, funny story about this next song... I wrote it after watching someone very special to me race in Monaco last year. He crashed his Ferrari, which was absolutely terrifying by the way. But afterward, he just looked at me and said 'At least I looked cool doing it, no?' And somehow that turned into 'Reckless Driving'... which, Charles, I know you're back there trying to hide under your hoodie, but you're still not forgiven for that crash." -YN in Nashville tonight
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username1 his face was SO RED
username2 ot Charles trying to sink into his seat when she mentioned Monaco 💀
username4 the way he still gets shy every time she mentions him on stage even though they've been together for 2 years 🥺
username5 charles collecting tour moments like infinity stones... Abu Dhabi to Vegas IS happening guys
username6 "you're still not forgiven" MA'AM YOU WROTE A WHOLE SONG ABOUT IT
username8 he's been to so many shows and still blushes every time she mentions him I can't 😭
username9 the fact that one of her biggest hits came from him crashing a Ferrari... iconic

liked by yourinstagram, lewishamilton and 2,033,765 others
charles_leclerc Ready for the final push. Been an incredible season so far... but the best moments have been watching you shine @/yourinstagram❤️
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username1 CHARLIEEEE
username2 this is so cute
yourinstagram the best cheerleader in the paddock ❤️ (even when you're half asleep from jet lag)
↳ username1 AWEEEE
↳ username2 i love them so bad
carlossainz55 Focus on the championship... then we plan the great escape 🏃♂️
scuderiaferrari Eyes on the prize🏆
username4 anyone else tracking flights from abu dhabi to vegas just in case? no? just me?
username5 man's about to break the sound barrier trying to get to that show
landonorris Better start practicing those quick pit stop exits mate
username6 not me already emotional thinking about if he makes it 😭
username7 the way he hasn't confirmed or denied if he's going to make it... the STRESS
username8 time zones are just a social construct anyway
username10 this duo is the best thing that happened

liked by charles_leclerc, dualipa and 2,509,578 others
yourinstagram 161 shows. 89 cities and somehow it still feels like yesterday when we opened in tokyo. to every single person who's been part of this lifetimes world journey - my heart is so full. these last few shows are going to be extra special ✨🌟
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username1 IM CRYING
charles_leclerc Still remember when you were so nervous before that first show in Tokyo... now look at you. La mia stella ⭐️
↳ yourinstagram i love you
taylorswift The most magical tour! So proud of you 🥺✨
pierregalsy @/charles_leclerc remember when you made us watch the Tokyo livestream in the simulator room? 😂
username5 still can't believe she changed her entire tour schedule to avoid clashing with race weekends... except the last show 😭
scuderiaferrari Looking forward to getting our garage singer back after tour ends
username6 the most supportive F1 boyfriend despite the insane schedules... we love to see it
sabrinacarpenter most perfect girl ever 💘
username8 that last show is going to make us all weep
username10 if charles doesn’t make it to her last show istg

liked by username1, username2 and 43,758 others
f1gossip SPOTTED: YN in the Vegas paddock supporting Charles before tonight's race! Sources say she's been here since Thursday's practice sessions 👀
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username1 POWER COUPLE
username2 they’re so hot
username3 she's been to every practice session... meanwhile charles calculating flight times to her final show 👀
username4 ferrari PR trying to handle both of them being extra cute in the paddock 😂
username6 taking a break from tour rehearsals to support her man... we love to see it
username7 the way she knows all the Ferrari crew by name now 🥺
username8 both of their face cards create a face economy
username10 i love yn at the paddock

liked by username1, username2 and 42,038 others
charlesupdates “I mean... if I have to sprint from the car in Abu Dhabi still in my race suit, that's what I'll do. Some things are more important than post-race protocols, no? Fred might kill me but... I've watched her grow so much during this tour, and I'm not missing that final show. I'll figure it out.” -Charles about the final race taking place the same day of his girlfriend’s final show!
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username1 AHHHH
username2 this is so cute
username3 translation: I already have 3 different backup plans and a private jet on standby
username5 "Some things are more important than post-race protocols" STOP IM CRYING
username6 Charles "I'll break every FIA rule for my girl" Leclerc
username7 man's really about to set a new record for fastest post-race exit
username8 remember when they tried to be subtle about their relationship? now he's planning a great escape on live tv😭
username10 best couple ever fr

liked by charles_leclerc, arianagrande and 2,879,044 others
yourinstagram vegas race weekend dump 🏎️❤️ from trying (and failing) to understand strategy meetings to @/pierregasly teaching me proper radio etiquette... might have to come to more races if the view is this good 😌 now off to the final shows ! see you tomorrow night philly 🌟
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username1 ICONICCCC
username2 queen of the paddock actually
scuderiaferrari Our favorite honorary team member ❤️
username3 we need her at every race actually
username4 from selling out arenas to falling asleep in F1 strategy meetings... we love a versatile queen
username5 the way the whole team has adopted her though 😭
adele Gorgeous ✨✨
carlossainz55 Those strategy ideas weren't bad actually... 🤔
username6 living for boyfriend charles content
username7 pierre and yn’s friendship tho
francisca.cgomes miss youuuu🤍
username9 i’ve died dead
charles_leclerc Love you mon amour ❤️
username11 "might have to come to more races" PLEASE DO 😭
username12 that helmet pic is giving "take your girlfriend to work day" energy
username13 he fact that she changed her final show time to match the potential race end time... we see you 👀
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liked by charles_leclerc, yourinstagram and 1,027,847 others
pierregasly Practicing the escape route for Abu Dhabi -> Vegas next week. Current time to beat: plane to venue in 2 hours 37 minutes.
The things my boy does for love @/charles_leclerc 🏃♂️✈️
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username2 bffs i love them
charles_leclerc You're the best getaway driver a man could ask for 🫡
yourinstagram not you two literally timing his sprints through the plane... i can't with you both 😭❤️
lewishamilton Helicopter already fueled up boys
username4 pierre really said "professional racer AND escape route planner"
username5 this friendship>>>
username6 bestie behavior is planning your friend's cross-continental love sprint
landonorris you both are mental 😂😂
username7 pierre "i will get this man to his girl" gasly strikes again
scuderiaferrari Preparing the great escape as we speak
username8 friendship is when your bro times your airport sprints
username9 pierre taking "wing man" to new heights fr fr
francisca.cgomes Partners in crime 😭
username12 long live piarles

liked by yourinstagram, carlossainz55 and 2,038,368 others
charles_leclerc One more race. Then Vegas calling 👀✈️
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username1 IM SEATED
username2 i can’t believe this season is coming to an end
pierregasly Your bag is already in Vegas btw. Yes I packed the good cologne 😌
↳ username1 pierre is the best wingman ever
carlossainz55 My media training about to come in clutch tomorrow covering for you 🏃♂️
↳ username2 the way the entire paddock is just helping out
maxverstappen1 Plane's fueled up mate. Just say when
username5 the way this man bout to break the land speed record getting to that airport HELP
username7 the whole paddock helping him escape is giving romance movie of the year idc idc
username9 the way he planned his whole race weekend around making this show... boyfriend of the year???
username10 imagine being so whipped you plan an intercontinental sprint... we love to see it 😭
yourinstagram break a leg baby ❤️ (but like... not literally bc you need to run fast tomorrow)

liked by charles_leclerc, madisonbeer and 3,674,033 others
yourinstagram 24 hours until the final lifetimes show. still can't believe we're here. to everyone who's been part of this journey - my heart is so full it might burst. vegas, let's make this one special ✨
(yes i'm wearing his jacket for good luck don't @ me)
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username2 man im going to cry
charles_leclerc that jacket's never looked better mon coeur. see you soon 🏃♂️✈️
carlossainz55 Don't worry i'll handle the press so he can SPRINT
↳ username2 SHES SO LOVED
dualipa PROUD OF YOU ❤️🔥❤️🔥
troyesivan tour of the century
username5 half of us watching the race, half tracking flights, half crying about the tour ending... math who???
mercedesamgf1 Our helicopter offer still stands @/charles_leclerc just saying
username6 NOT THE WHOLE F1 PADDOCK HELPING THIS MAN MAKE IT IN TIME... netflix been real quiet since this dropped fr
username8 planning my own wedding but somehow more invested in this man making it to vegas help 💀
username9 NO YN DONT GOOO
username10 this show is going to be legendary

liked by username1, username2 and 59,726 others
- Race finished 9:47pm Abu Dhabi time
- Fastest cooldown lap in F1 history
- Shortest post-race interview ever ("Yes car good thanks bye")
- Carlos creating chaos as distraction
- Pierre with the getaway bag
- Entire grid covering for him
- Multiple transport options ready
YN's show starts in 11 hours. IT'S HAPPENING.
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username1 everyone say thank you ferrari mechanics for that 0.5 second car shutdown
username2 never seen this man move so fast in his LIFE
username3 "how was the race carlos?" "LOOK OVER THERE A DISTRACTION"
username5 charles really said post race protocol who??? don't know her???
username6 never seen someone get out of race suit that fast tbh
username7 someone tell sky sports to stop looking for him he's GONE gone
username9 charles doing his interview WHILE WALKING is sending me
username10 the whole paddock moving like secret service agents i can't 💀
username11 live footage of charles breaking land speed records to the airport
username12 netflix punching air rn that they missed filming this
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liked by username1, username2 and 67,864 others
- Arrived during 6th song
- Still in race weekend stubble
- Pierre waiting with water bottle
- Security running interference
- Straight from plane to venue
- VIP entrance at 10:47pm
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username1 IM CRYING
username4 not me crying in section 103 watching him sprint to his seat 😭
username5 charles 🤝 cinderella = racing against midnight
username7 everyone who helped track his flight, we did it joe 😭
username8 security guard: sir you need to wal-
username9 yn’s smile when she saw him... brb sobbing
username11 him mouthing "i made it" to her... i'm going to pass away
username12 section 201 reporting: his hair is still sweaty from racing and he's BEAMING at her like she hung the stars i'm literally deceased
username13 the way she kept giggling during the ballad bc he was still panting from running... HELP THIS IS SO CUTE???
username14 pierre handing him water and fixing his collar while yn's trying not to cry on stage... the CHAOS of it all
username15 THE WAY HE HASNT STOPPED SMILING AT HER SINCE HE SAT DOWN... boy ran across the world just to see her shine 🥺
username16 not the backup dancers crying bc he made it... WE'RE ALL EMOTIONAL OK
username17 THE WAY SHE KEEPS GETTING DISTRACTED BC HE'S FINALLY THERE... girl same i can't focus either
username18 everyone in the arena watching him catch his breath in that seat like we all just completed a mission together... WE DID IT YALL 😭

liked by username1, username2 and 59,068 others
yntourupdates TRANSCRIPT OF YN TALKING ABOUT CHARLES (while trying not to cry):
"So um... *laughs* someone just flew literally across the world to be here... *wipes tear* ran straight from his race... didn't even change... *crowd screams* ...and made it just in time for this next song. Which is funny because... I actually wrote this one about someone who would cross oceans just to make me smile... *voice breaks* ...and well... *looks at charles* ...guess I manifested that huh?"
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username3 she really said "wrote a song about someone crossing oceans for me" and he said BET WATCH ME DO IT IRL
username4 section 304 reporting: grown men crying. me crying. everyone crying.
username6 NOT HER VOICE CRACKING WHEN SHE LOOKED AT HIM... netflix been real quiet since this dropped fr
username7 someone tell charles to stop looking at her like that i'm fighting for my life in row 23 😭
username8 the backup dancers wiping their eyes while doing choreo... we're all emotional messes tonight
username9 she really manifested a whole man flying across continents... her power??????
username10 yn crying, charles crying, dancers crying, crowd crying, me crying, everyone crying
username10 THE WAY HE MOUTHED "I LOVE YOU" WHEN SHE STARTED CRYING... I'm going to need medical attention

liked by carlossainz55, yourinstagram and 3,022,836 others
charles_leclerc Made it with 4 songs to spare. Thank you to:
- Every F1 driver who covered for me
- Pierre for the getaway bag
- Carlos for the media chaos
- Lewis for the helicopter
- Air traffic control
- That uber driver who broke speed limits
- Security who let me run
- Vegas traffic for finally clearing
Worth every second of that sprint 🏃♂️❤️ I love you more than anything @/yourinstagram
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username1 SOBBING
username3 doing post race interviews WHILE WALKING was iconic behavior
yourinstagram still can't believe you ran through vegas in race stubble just to see me cry on stage 🥺❤️ love you beyond words
pierregasly Anytime, brother, anytime
username4 you fixing your hair in your phone camera before sitting down... we saw that 👀
lorenzotl 🤍🤍
scuderiaferarri Next time we’ll have TWO helicopters ready
username6 this will go down as one of the most iconic moments in pop culture idc
username8 this entire thing is straight out of a romcom plot i can't
username10 the great escape, 2024

liked by chappelroan, charles_leclerc and 3,099,578 others
yourinstagram and just like that, the lifetimes tour is over. 189 shows, countless memories, and one very special last night. to everyone who made this journey possible - my heart is yours forever.
special thank you to @/charles_leclerc who really said "watch me turn an f1 race to concert speedrun into a romantic gesture" 😭❤️ setting records on and off track baby, i love you so much
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username2 i can't believe this tour is over
charles_leclerc Still worth every mile mon coeur ❤️ I'm yours forever
username3 this man really turned "if he wanted to he would" into an olympic sport
pierregasly This was amazing. Let's not do it again
carlossainz55 Bext time we'll arrange TWO getaway cars
sabrinacarpenter happy for you my girl ���
username4 from writing songs about crossing oceans to him actually doing it... manifestation is real
username5 "setting records on and off track" GIRL WE SAW HIM SPRINTING 😭
username6 the greatest love story since romeo and juliet except with private jets
scuderiaferrari Our transport team is already planning routes for next year 😉
username10 this is the standard
1K notes
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So cute!
nepo boyfriend - fc43
summary: franco colapinto is dating leo messi's daughter, which makes him a "nepo boyfriend"
folkie radio: GUYSSS HERE IT IS! took me a minute to do this requests but there you have it. i had to educate myself on messi lore for this and omg he has the cutest love story with his wife, im obsessed lol. anyway, i hope you like this!

liked by francolapinto, olliebearman and 202,826 others
yn.messi home 🤍🇦🇷
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username1 IT GIRLLL
username2 coolest nepo baby
username3 ESPERA is that franco colapinto??
└ username1 she's been dating franco for years now 👀
└ username4 our boy stealing messi's daughter's heart purrrr
username5 little messi has a boyfriend???
└ username1 yeah he's literally argentina's next f1 star
francolapinto mi hogar está dondequiera que estés ♥️ [home is wherever you are]
└ yn.messi 🫂🤍
username6 imagine your dad being the most famous sportsman ever and dating a cute guy and wearing cute outfits. she has the dream life
username7 i can’t wait for franco to make it to f1 so they become the paddock it couple
liked by francolapinto, yn.messi and 509,268 others
williamsracing BREAKING: Franco Colapinto joins Williams Racing for the rest of the 2024 season. Welcome to the family, @/francolapinto!
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username1 OMFGGGGG
username2 poor logan but franco is really talented he deserves this chance !!
username3 HES SO CUTE HELLO??
yn.messi mi campeón 🫶✨ [my champion]
└ francolapinto ❤️🔥❤️🔥
└ username1 LEO MESSI’S DAUGHTER??
alex_albon Welcome to the team mate!
└ francolapinto gracias Alex! Ready to learn 💪
leomessi 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
└ username2 LEO COMMENTING ON F1 POST??? history
└ username3 argentina’s pride and joy already
username6 new fans you better learn the franco lore bc there’s plenty of it

liked by francolapinto, lilymhe and 389,766 others
yn.messi first of many. orgullosa de vos siempre 🤍 [proud of you always]
view all comments
username1 awe 🥹🥹🥹🥹
username2 MY BABIES
username3 THEY’RE TOGETHER ???
francolapinto gracias por todo mi amor ❤️ [thank you for everything my love]
└ username1 someone check if i'm breathing
└ yourinstagram i love you!
└ username1 that's real love right there
└ username2 watching them grow together >>>>>>
williamsracing Our favorite supporter 💙
└ yn.messi 🫶🫶
lilymhe welcome! 🥹💗💗
username5 my girl really said forget football i'm going racing
└ username1 leo watching his princess date a racer instead of a footballer: 🧍♂️
└ username2 the crossover we didn't know we needed
username6 remember when we thought those pics in buenos aires were edited??
username8 first we got leo bringing us the world cup now franco in f1 🇦🇷
└ username2 and yn connecting both worlds, iconic behavior
username9 the way he looks at her in the first pic >>>>>

liked by username1, username2 and 56,827 others
f1gossip 🚨 Williams driver Franco Colapinto spotted with YN Messi (yes, THAT Messi's daughter) at dinner in Monaco
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└ username2 they've literally been together for like four years 😭
└ username3 where have you been living?? under a rock??
username4 messi's daughter dating an f1 driver?? didn't see this coming
└ username2 she's been at every race supporting him!
username5 they're literally the cutest couple in f1 rn
username6 probably just wants messi's connections for sponsors tbh
└ username2 he literally got the williams seat on merit stfu
└ username3 tell me you know nothing about franco without telling me
username7 she could do better than a pay driver
└ username2 clearly you haven't watched a single f2 race
└ username3 worry about your own life challenge
└ username4 he's literally argentina's biggest racing talent in years
username8 why isn't she dating a footballer instead??
└ username2 because she can date whoever she wants??
username9 they've been together for ages, internet using internet internet explorer fr
└ username3 real ones remember their first spotting in buenos aires
username10 the amount of sponsorship money williams must be getting
username11 this is actually so cute. from f2 to f1 together

liked by username1, username2 and 5,028 others
francoupdates here are some pics of franco and yn messi through the years since some of you are new to this
view all comments
username2 power couple since day ONE
username3 that pic of her at the pitwall watching him race >>>>>
└ username1 the way she still does this at every race 🥺
username5 they were so tiny i can’t
username6 LOS AMO
username7 young yn watching franco race vs now analyzing his data
username8 here to spread the colapinto x messi agenda
username9 argentina’s it couple since forever
───────── ౨ৎ ─────────

───────── ౨ৎ ─────────

liked by landonorris, yourinstagram and 1,023,477 others
francolapinto Points ✅ BZRP cap ✅ Nepo boyfriend things ✅
Gracias por el apoyo! [thank you for the support]
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username1 FRANCOOOO 😩😩
username2 he’s never letting the nepo boyfriend thing go i love him
username3 this divaaaa
yn.messi and they said dating messi's daughter got you the seat... weird way to spell pure talent
└ francolapinto clearly i'm the worst nepo boyfriend ever
└ francolapinto te amo hermosa ❤️
williamsracing More of this please! 💙
username4 worst nepo boyfriend ever actually delivers results
username5 embarrassing nepotism attempt tbh
username6 not him actually being talented and making us all proud
leomessi 🙌🙌 Vamos!
└ username1 JUST ICONIC
└ yn.messi the payment for his permanent seat is due next week don’t forget!
└ username2 IM SCREAMING
username8 the way they're both trolling the haters i love them sm

liked by francolapinto, alexandrasaintmleux and 402,277 others
yn.messi mi lugar favorito [my favorite place] 🤍 pit stop before mexico city
view all comments
username1 AWEEEEE
username2 how can anyone hate this couple
francolapinto perdiste en fifa mi amor [you lost in fifa]
└ yn.messi te dejo ganar 😌 [i let you win]
└ landonorris exposed by your own girlfriend mate
└ username1 I LOVE THEM SO BAD
leomessi ❤️
username4 this is what we mean by relationship goals
username6 football royalty 🤝 f1
username7 this is such a great crossover i can’t
username8 LOS AMO [i love them]
lilyhme 💗💗
username9 taking franco to her dad’s matches 🥹🥹
username10 i’m so parasocial about them

liked by username1, yn.messi and 12,043 others
francoupdates Franco opens up about his relationship with YN Messi in recent interview:
"I met her at an event in Argentina back in 2019. She didn't even know what DRS was back then and now she corrects my racing lines in the sim. We grew up together through all this - F3, F2, now F1. She's been there through the tough times, sleeping in paddocks, the uncertain seasons. The nepotism jokes are funny because if you knew how many nights we spent budgeting for the next race... Being Leo Messi's daughter was never part of our story. It was just YN and Franco, trying to make it work while chasing a dream and loving each other very much”
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└ yn.messi someone has to 🤷🏻♀️
└ username1 HI YN I LOVE YOU 😭
username3 "just YN and Franco" 🥺
└ username2 this is actually so wholesome
username4 "budgeting for the next race" but they said nepotism 🙄
username6 MY CORAZON [my heart]
username7 haters don’t know a single thing about their story, they have been soulmates for years now
username8 cute but we do need messi connections for that seat 😩
username10 real ones have been here since that buenos aires spotting
───────── ౨ৎ ─────────

───────── ౨ৎ ─────────
francolapinto added to their stories

[the prettiest is ready for vegas]
───────── ౨ৎ ─────────

liked by yn.messi, williamsracing and 678,923 others
francolapinto 3 more races let's gooo! ready to prove nepotism requires talent sometimes 😌✌🏼 (yn stop rolling your eyes at my jokes mi amor)
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username1 I LOVE HIM SO BAD
username2 he’s never letting the nepo boyfriend jokes go
yn.messi i'll stop rolling my eyes when you stop missing apex points honey 😘
└ alex_albon she's got data to back this up mate
└ williamsracing YN: 1, Franco: 0
└ username1 I LOVE THEM SM
username5 no one can convince me they aren’t the best couple ever
username6 bro got called a nepo boyfriend once and now that’s his brand
landonorris 😂😂😂
username7 okay but when is messi going to get franco a seat fr
username8 worst nepo kid ever he doesn’t even have a seat yeat

liked by username1, username2 and 43,022 others
f1gossip Franco Colapinto and YN Messi spotted getting cozy at XS Nightclub in Vegas after qualifying 🎰 Apparently someone forgot Papa Messi might see these 👀
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└ username2 man's risking it all before his first full season
username2 breaking: franco colapinto will not race tomorrow due to mysterious disappearance
└ username3 leo messi spotted buying a plane ticket to vegas
username4 it was nice knowing you franco 😭
username6 someone check on franco pls
username7 pov: you forgot your girlfriend's dad is literally lionel messi
username8 leo messi about to show up at williams garage

liked by francolapinto, lilymhe and 401,827 others
yn.messi vegas was fun ‼️ papi please don’t check your phone
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username1 HEEEEEELPP
alex_albon Kids these days.. they don’t know how you behave
└ username1 imagine alex just babysitting them at the club 😭
username4 just in: leonel messi spotted planning vehicular manslaughter
francolapinto i’m scared..
└ username1 WE ALL ARE
└ username2 THIS IS TOO FUNNY
francolapinto hermosa 😍😍
└ username3 he said yup my gf’s dad could kill me but i’m still thirsting over her
landonorris 😂😂😂😂 never a dull day with y’all
username7 franco consider witness protection
alexandrasaintmleux been there donde that…
username9 there goes your possible seat franco leo messi is not paying for it anymore
username10 MENACES

liked by username1, username2 and 29,726 others
francoupdates Franco with one of YN’s little brothers in Qatar! The Messi’s are there to watch him race 🥹
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username1 OH MY LORDDDDD
username3 her dad is there to have a chat with franco about those pictures in las vegas
username5 this is so adorable and the fact that yn’s brothers know him since they were born lrettt much 🥹🥹
username7 leo be like: hello franco i just want to talk
username9 yn tried to hide her dad’s phone and he just showed up at the paddock with the whole fam
username10 I LIVE FOR THIS

liked by username1, username2 and 43,098 others
f1gossip"Yeah, no pressure right? But honestly, they're like my second family now. Leo's probably more nervous than me - he keeps sending me good luck messages. Thiago and Mateo have been explaining F1 to Ciro all week. And YN... well, she's in bossy mode so she's more focused on telling me where I'm losing time than giving good luck kisses. But having them here means everything." - Franco talking about his girlfriend's family watching him race in Qatar!
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username2 leo sending good luck texts is killing me
username4 imagine getting good luck texts from messi 😭
username6 messi family taking over qatar paddock we love to see it
username8 yn's dad is there to buy franco a set soooo trueee
username9 GOOD LUCK KISSES 🥺
username10 the way he lights up mentioning yn though └ username1 even if she's roasting his racing lines 😭

liked by yn.messi, landonorris and 1,026,287 others
francolapinto Special helmet for Qatar 🇶🇦Celebrando la copa del mundo [celebrating the world cup] ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Had to honor the greatest of all time and well... my future father in law 😅 Gracias Leo por todo [thank you for everything], specially for not killing me for dating your daughter
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username1 FRANCO OMFG
yn.messi "future father in law" someone's feeling brave today
└ francolapinto had to shoot my shot mi amor
└ leomessi 👀
username5 bro using a helmet reveal to ask for blessing, respect
landonorris At least the man’s got game 😂
└ username1 leo reading that caption: 🔪
username7 future father in law... franco woke up fearless
williamsracing Lovely helmet design! Also, security has been increased around the garage
alex_albon might need witness protection after this one mate
└ yn.messi don't worry guys papa already knew about the helmet
username10 never beating the nepo boyfriend allegations
username11 buttering messi up so he can buy him a seat we know

liked by lilymhe, francolapinto and 402,389 others
yn.messi my nepo boyfriend who couldn't even get a point in his first race just finished his first formula 1 season 🥹 so proud of you mi amor, from watching you race karts to F1... i'd say dating the goat’s daughter worked out pretty well 😌❤️ @/francolapinto
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username1 THIS IS SO CUTE
username2 the second pic i’m SOBBING
francolapinto from being the worst nepo boyfriend to getting points... all thanks to you mi amor ❤️
└ yn.mesi you're still the worst nepo boyfriend but i love you
└ alex_albon get a room you two
williamsracing Nepo strategy successful ✅
username3 living the nepo dream fr
username5 from karting girlfriend to f1 wag upgrade
username6 they keep bringing up the nepo boyfriend thing 😭
└ username1 she'll never let him live it down
username8 the nepo jokes never get old
alexandrasaintmleux 🥹🥹🥹🥹
leomessi Estamos muy orgullosos ❤️
└ username2 franco you’re so loved
└ username2 the way she never stops teasing him though

liked by yn.messi, landonorris and 1,011,965 others
francolapinto What a year... Couldn't have done this without my biggest supporter since karting days @/yn.messi ❤️ Thank you for believing in me even when I was "the worst nepo boyfriend" 😅
And to the entire Messi family - gracias por hacerme sentir parte de la familia desde el primer día. Leo, gracias por confiarme lo más precioso que tienen (y por no matarme todavía).
[thank you for making me feel part of the family since day one. Leo, thank you for trusting me with your most precious treasure (and for not killing me yet).]
Time to work harder for 2025 💪🏼
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username2 this is so CUTE
yn.messi still the worst nepo boyfriend but i guess you're MY worst nepo boyfriend ❤️
└ francolapinto te amo mi amor
└ username1 THEY’RE THE CUTEST
username3 “trusting me with your most precious treasure” IM DEADDDD
username4 man wrote a whole love letter to the messis
└ username1 AS HE SHOULD
leomessi You’re family 🤍 [eres familia]
└ username2 from fearing leo to being adopted by him
williamsracing Family ✅ Points ✅ 2025 loading...
└ username3 GIVE HIM A SEAT
└ username1 securing that messi blessing
4K notes
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It feels like I’ve read the last chapter of a book and know how it’s going to end so what’s the point of reading? lol
Hi! Sorry you feel that way?…
This is definitely not the ending of the story, as there is soooo much more to address like; harry and reader’s relationship and all the doubts, questions and in a good story there is always so many twist and turns!
Also, this could always be read as a one shot - stand alone if you will!
And well no one is demanding you read the whole series when posted, if it’s not in your interest as you "know the ending" anymore I can’t really do anything…
I was always gonna post that part first, regardless if I feel it’s spoiling “the ending”, sorry!
Hope you have a good day.
-Lots of love, Em.
0 notes
wait i’m confused is this the first part or the last part ??
Hi! Totally understand the confusion, this is the first part I POST. Originally this was supposed to be a oneshot buuuut after finishing it my brain tickled to write more parts and I ended up creating a whole world (au) and storyline for this cute little family! but as this was the OG idea I had to post this first! during the week I will be posting the storyline (a longer fic) and will continue to write for this little family!
(the "masterlist" for this series/au will always be in chronological order)
hope this clears up the confusion. If you have more questions please feel free to ask and also feel free to request any scenario you'd like to read.
-Lots of love, Em!
0 notes
Pieces of us- Harry Styles
Harry Styles x mom-fem!reader
a/n’s: This is part of a new AU masterlist, I won’t be posting this story chronologically but will be listing them here chronologically!

When Harry chose his career over family, you were left to raise your son, Théo, alone. Years later, a tragedy forces Harry to confront what truly matters, and he returns, determined to be the father Théo deserves.
As Harry works to rebuild trust and mend the bond with his son—and you—your family slowly begins to heal. This is a story of forgiveness, second chances, and finding love in the cracks of a fractured past.
Fluff=🤍 Angst=🖤 Hurt/confort=❤️🩹
The promise behind the word 🤍
Hope you enjoy this AU!
-Lots of love, Em!
#tlhharrystyles#harry fan fiction#dad harry styles#harry styles fluff#harry styles angst#harry styles imagine#harry styles oneshot#harry styles one shot#harry styles fanfics#harry styles fanfic#harry styles fanfiction#harry fic rec#dadrry#tlhpiecesofus
184 notes
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The promise behind the word
Pieces of us - masterlist
Harry Styles x mom-fem!reader
-1k words
a/n’s: This is part of a new AU, hope you like it!
warnings: just Dadrry because I love me some fluff. son's name is Théo and he is almost 3.
Summary: being a Daddy isn’t just a title, it’s a connection, a promise.

It had been a few months since Harry had truly stepped into the role of being a father to Théo. He’d put in the work—showing up for every moment he could, learning Théo’s likes and dislikes, and trying his best to be the steady figure that the boy needed. But even after all that, even with how much progress they’d made, there was still a gap—a quiet, unspoken distance between them.
Théo was still reluctant, still unsure about the man who had only recently come into his life in this way, and Harry had accepted that. He knew it would take time for Théo to trust him completely, to let him in. But Harry was patient, so patient, letting Théo take the lead in their relationship, following his cues, never pushing.
It was a lazy Saturday afternoon, and you and Harry had been playing with Théo in his playroom. The sun was filtering in through the windows, casting a soft glow over the scene. Théo was sitting on the floor, building a tower with his blocks, his little face scrunched in concentration. You and Harry were lounging on the little couch, chatting softly as you watched him, your hearts full of love for the boy between you.
“You’re doing a great job, Théo,” Harry said, smiling at the boy. “Keep going, bubba. You’re gonna make the biggest tower ever.”
Théo looked up at him, his small face lighting up with pride, but his gaze quickly flickered away. It was a fleeting moment, but it was enough for Harry to notice. He’d seen that look before—the one where Théo wasn’t quite sure how to respond to him yet, how to let his guard down.
Harry’s heart ached a little, but he didn’t push. Instead, he just leaned back, allowing the little boy to be the one to close the gap, whenever he was ready.
Suddenly, the stack of blocks wobbled, and Théo’s tower began to topple over. The blocks tumbled to the floor with a loud clatter, and the little boy let out a surprised giggle, his little hands still hovering over the fallen blocks. He looked over at Harry, a mischievous grin tugging at his lips.
“Uh-oh,” Théo said, his voice a little breathless from laughing.
Harry chuckled, leaning forward, his eyes sparkling with warmth. “That was one wobbly tower, wasn’t it? Want some help fixing it?”
Théo shook his head, determined. “No, I do it.” His tiny hands scrambled to start rebuilding, but as he did, his eyes darted back to Harry. His face was still bright with that smile, but there was something more now—something softer, a spark of trust beginning to show.
After a moment Théo tilted his head at the toppled block tower, his brows furrowed in concentration. “Daddy, you help me fix it?” he asked, his voice small but sure.
The word hung in the air, so natural, yet so monumental. Your heart skipped a beat, your breath catching in your chest as you realized what he’d just said. Daddy. The word neither of you had forced on Théo, letting him decide when—if—he was ready to use it. And now, here it was, spoken so casually, as though it had always been part of his vocabulary.
Harry froze for a moment, his hands halfway to the blocks, his expression softening into something so vulnerable it made your throat tighten. But he didn’t question it. He didn’t ask Théo to repeat himself or make a big deal out of it. Instead, he leaned in closer, his voice gentle and steady. “Sure, bubba,” he said, his lips curving into a soft, breathless smile. “Let’s fix it together.”
Théo looked up at Harry, his smile shy but proud, before his gaze flickered back down to the blocks. “don’t want it fall again,” he said, his little hands fidgeting with a few pieces.
“We’ll make it really strong, yeah?” Harry replied, his hand brushing lightly over Théo’s hair as he sat beside him. Together, they began rebuilding the tower, the little boy leaning into Harry’s side as though it was the most natural thing in the world.
You sat on the little couch, watching the scene unfold with tears stinging your eyes. Your chest felt so full it might burst. This was it—the moment you’d been hoping for, the one you weren’t sure Théo would ever feel ready to give. It wasn’t just the word “Daddy”; it was the trust, the love, the acceptance behind it. You pressed a hand to your mouth, trying to keep your emotions in check as you smiled through the tears.
Harry glanced up at you then, his eyes shining with emotion, and the two of you shared a look that spoke volumes. You could see the gratitude in his expression, the sheer awe of what Théo had just given him. Your smile widened, encouraging him silently, as if to say, He’s yours now too.
As Théo carefully added another block to the tower, he paused, glancing up at Harry again. “Daddy, hold this one?” he asked, his voice a little quieter this time, as though testing the word again.
Harry’s breath hitched, but he didn’t falter. “Of course, Théo,” he said, his tone steady and full of warmth. He took the block from Théo’s hand, holding it steady while Théo placed the next piece.
And that was it. Just quiet acceptance of a monumental moment. From that point on, “Daddy” wasn’t just a title—it was a connection. A promise. A bond that had taken time to build but was now as strong as the tower they were creating together.
You wiped at your eyes, your heart swelling as you watched them. Théo leaned against Harry’s shoulder as the tower reached its final block, a smile spreading across his little face. And Harry, his hand still resting protectively on Théo’s back, looked more at peace than you’d ever seen him.
This was the start of something beautiful. And as you watched them together, you knew it would only grow stronger with time.
———The End———
This will be a very cute AU hope you enjoy it!
-Lots of love, Em.
#tlhharrystyles#harry fan fiction#dad harry styles#harry styles fluff#harry styles angst#harry styles imagine#harry styles oneshot#harry styles one shot#harry styles fanfics#harry styles fanfic#harry styles fanfiction#harry fic rec#harry styels x reader#harry styles blurb#harry styles fan fic#one direction fanfic#one direction#harry styles x reader#harry styles#tlhpiecesofus
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The Art of Us
oscar piastri x reader
— Part 9
Previous Part | Next Part
Summary : Another drama after their vacation.
Note: sorry for the late update, hope you enjoy this one ;)
t. @maplesyrupsainz @coriyaps @hwalllllllelujah @sssib007 @delululeclerc @ririyulife @agmoon03 @bachsite @sarx164 @lucktales @imcinnamoons @eloriis
@tinyhrry @fruticake @formulaal @merchelsea @nitiii @hashmiya @landorris @loloekie @unknownmystery22 @chaoswithus @that-one-little-soybean
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You’re the Only One I See
Niall Horan x fem|curvy!reader
From this request
a/n’s: In this blog we ENCOURAGE BODY POSITIVITY!!!
Warnings: this fic does describe the reader's body as someone a bit bigger than the socially “accepted” body type, if that makes you uncomfortable please skip this fic (and maybe reflect about that)!
Summary: you can always count on your lovey to make you feel like you again.

The night was buzzing with laughter and clinking glasses as Niall and you sat at a cosy booth in the back of a dimly lit bar. It was one of those spontaneous nights out with friends, where the mood was relaxed, and everyone seemed carefree. Except you.
You had started off feeling good—your makeup was flawless, your outfit was carefully chosen, and Niall had looked at you like you were the most beautiful woman in the world when you were leaving the house. But now, sitting around a table filled with gorgeous women in sleek, tight dresses, you could feel the knot of insecurity growing in your stomach. It was the way their dresses hugged their bodies effortlessly, the way their legs seemed to go on forever in heels you couldn’t imagine wearing for more than five minutes. They were laughing and chatting confidently, completely comfortable in their own skin, while you sat there, fidgeting your shirt, feeling more self-conscious by the minute.
Niall’s hand was resting on your thigh under the table, his thumb occasionally stroking your skin in a soothing rhythm, but it wasn’t enough to chase away the sinking feeling. You pulled her cardigan tighter around herself, trying to shrink into the booth, hoping no one noticed how out of place you felt.
As if sensing the shift in your mood, Niall leaned over and murmured into your ear, “You okay, love?”
You forced a smile, but it didn’t quite reach your eyes. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
But Niall knew better. He always did. He excused himself from the conversation at the table and gently tugged you hand, pulling you out of the booth and towards the quiet hallway leading to the bathrooms. Away from the noise, away from prying eyes, he turned to face you, concern etched into his features.
“Talk to me,” he said softly, his blue eyes scanning your face.
You hesitated for a moment before letting out a sigh, your shoulders slumping. “I just… I don’t feel like I belong here,” you admitted,voice barely a whisper. “Look at them, Niall. They’re all so… perfect. And I’m just… not.”
Niall frowned, stepping closer until his hands were on your waist, his touch grounding you. “What do you mean? You’re more than perfect, baby.”
You shook her head, looking down at the floor. “They’re all skinny and gorgeous, and I just feel like I stick out in the worst way. Like I don’t fit in, and everyone’s probably wondering why you’re even with me.”
His grip on your waist tightened slightly as he pulled you closer, tilting your chin up so you would meet his gaze. “Hey, stop that,” he said firmly, but his tone was filled with love. “You know I don’t care about any of that. You’re stunning, and I’m not just talking about looks. But since you’re so worried about that, let me remind you—your body? I love every single part of it.”
You blushed, glancing around as if someone might overhear, but Niall wasn’t done. “You’ve got these beautiful curves that I adore, and I don’t care what anyone else thinks. I’m with you because you’re everything I’ve ever wanted. And I don’t want to hear you comparing yourself to anyone else, especially not to people who don’t matter.”
Your eyes softened, but the insecurity was still lingering. “I just—sometimes it’s hard, you know? I see how people look at me, and I feel like I’ll never be enough.”
Niall’s expression softened, and he gently cupped your face in his hands. “You’re more than enough, love. You’re the only one I see in that room, the only one I want. And I’m gonna keep telling you that until you believe it.” He leaned down, pressing his forehead against yours. “I love you, exactly the way you are. And if anyone’s looking at you, it’s because they’re probably wondering how I got so lucky.”
Your heart swelled at his words, and you could feel the tension slowly leaving her body. He always knew what to say, always knew how to make you feel like you are the most important person in the world. You smiled, a genuine one this time, and Niall grinned in return, kissing you softly.
“Better?” he asked, his thumb brushing over your cheek.
“Better,” you whispered, feeling the warmth of his love wrapping around you like a safety net.
“Good. Now come on, let’s get back out there, and you can show everyone how incredible you are. But only if you want to. If you’re not feeling it, we can leave right now. Whatever makes you happy.”
You shook your head, feeling a new wave of confidence wash over you. “No, I’m good. As long as I’ve got you, I’m good.”
Niall smiled and took your hand, leading you back to the table. But this time, as they sat down, feeling lighter, more sure of yourself. And with Niall’s hand still on your thigh, you knew you had nothing to worry about.
Because to him, you were everything.
--- The End ---
would love to write more about curvy!reader if anyones interested? maybe make it a series??
hope you like this!
-Lots of love, Em.
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Worth the Fight: A Harry Styles Series
Summary: A one night stand turns into more than you bargain for when you find yourself pregnant after drunkenly hooking up with Harry Styles after a few too many rounds at a karaoke bar. You don't really know him and he doesn't know a lot about you minus the fact your cat really just doesn't like him, but the one thing you quickly learn is boy can you two argue. This series is all about how you and Harry navigate going from strangers to soon to be parents all while trying not to kill each other in the process and maybe see what these weird feelings that develop along the way are all about.✨
Pairing: Harry Styles x pregnant!reader
Trope: Enemies to lovers (with a twist because it's like lovers to enemies back to lovers?), slow burn baby so buckle up.
CW: Mentions of a lot pregnancy/baby things, language, Harry's a bit of a dick, possessive behavior, jealous behavior, angst.
Tag List: Open just let me know if you'd like on it.
Story Type: This series is a mixture of texts and one shots, I think it'll be fun to see a a good mix!
Extras: Here

Update Schedule: Every Thursday✨
Part 1: Late for What?
Part 2: City of Love
Part 3: Reviews
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The fact he came out and confirmed that George actually moved the chair 💀💀
These men and their pettiness is at levels that I never expected to be taken public 🤣
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I need someome to tell me how to react to Max’s news 🧍♀️
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In which Harry bets on Y/N and she finds out.
SMUT AND ANGST INCLUDED! (also listen to no time to die while reading!!!) FEEDBACK WELCOME AS ALWAYS!! :-) HAPPY READING!
✧ ✧ ✧
It started out as a small joke.
Harry never meant to let it go on for this long, it was meant to be for one date, he’d get his money and forget all about Y/N. But he’s two months in and he does not want to stop falling.
The bet was to ask Y/N the nerd out for a date, if he got all the way through the date and a kiss at the end of the night he’d get a chunk of money, plus Adam said he’d do his laundry for a week.
“There she is, good luck Haz!” Mitch laughed and Harry chuckled.
“Look at her! I won’t need it.” Harry said fixing his coat and walking over to Y/N. He had to admit, she was pretty beautiful. But never his type and being with her could pretty much taint his reputation forever. She sat with her head in her phone, braids sitting on her shoulders, glasses way too big for face and denim dungarees that did not suit her at all.
“Hey, Y/N right?” Harry asked pulling out a seat, not waiting for her permission and sitting right in front of her. Y/N’s eyes widened and put down her phone. Harry Styles, the most popular and attractive boy on campus was sitting in front of me? He must need tutoring she thought. So Y/N welcomed him with a warm - yet hesitant - smile.
“Yeah, Harry i’m surprised you’re sitting with me.” Y/N said and Harry acted shocked.
Y/N giggled at the look on his face, “Well, couldn’t leave a beautiful girl sitting all alone, could I?” Harry asked leaning forward. Y/N blushed and bit her lip. She felt super special right now, like all the bullying was just insecurity. If Harry Styles thought she was beautiful, maybe she actually was?
“I was wondering, if you’re not busy, you’d like to go out to eat with me? A date?”
Y/N opened her mouth and closed it again. “This is not some impractical joke right?” She laughed and Harry kind of felt the guilt creep in, but he kept his facade and smiled.
“Never. I like you. I want to treat you to dinner, can I?” He asked and Y/N giggled and slapped a hand over her mouth blushing furiously. Harry genuinely laughed at her, she quickly recovered and nodded.
“I’d like that, Harry.”
“Text me your address. I’ll pick you up.”
The rest was history. Harry picked Y/N up and never looked back, he fell for her. Hard. And Y/N fell even harder — He was like lemonade on a warm day, picking flowers in a field, finally letting your hair down after a long down. Harry felt like home to her, she had never had that before. Y/N felt safe with him, ultimately the bullying stopped when they announced their relationship. Not that she was with him for that reason, but Y/N was protected. She had finally found a guy who accepted her, who loved her for her.
“I can’t believe you’re still going. I’m gonna have to pay you like a thousand dollars, man.” Mitch laughed and Harry grunted.
“Yeah, I’m not interested in the money anymore.” Harry said and the boys frowned. Adam cackled, “Don’t tell me you’ve actually fallen for the nerd.” Adam asked, Harry looked around and the boys sighed.
“You’re a wanker.” Mitch said and placed down his card.
“But at least he’s committed right?”
“You can’t let Y/N find out about this. I was her first everything, it would break her.” Harry said and Mitch shrugged. Adam took a sip from his drink, “What’s in it for me?” He asked and Harry took out his wallet. “Five hundred dollars to keep your fucking mouth shut.” Harry growled, putting the money on the table. Adams eyes widened as he picked up the money and counted it.
“You’re really in love with her, aren’t you?” Mitch asked and Harry nodded.
“I can’t lose her. She’s the best thing to ever happen to me.”
Harry left shortly after and headed back to his apartment where Y/N was staying for the weekend. He was excited to see her, to kiss her. But he couldn’t help but feel the guilt creeping in and taking over. Harry drove home with a lot on his mind. Should he tell her? Never tell her? God, what the fuck had he done?
“Baby? That you?” Y/N called out as she messed around in the kitchen. Harry sighed and leaned his head against the front door. “I made your favourite! Well, I had to face time your mum for the recipe but I think i’ve mastered it!” Y/N said wiping her hands on her apron as Harry walked in the kitchen. Y/N smiled and walked around to Harry placing a kiss on his cheek.
“Rough day” She pouted and Harry nodded.
“You could say that.”
Y/N pouted again, “Want me to fix that for you?” She asked pulling against his belt and wiggling her eyebrows. Harry laughed and pulled her against him.
“Get down on your knees then.”
And so she did, happily. Taking him out of his boxers, kissing along his length and tip before taking his whole cock in her mouth. Harry leaned his head back and thrusted into her mouth, Y/N moaned and looked up at her boy.
Harry’s eyes rolled to the back of his head as she fondled with his balls.
“My day is already so much better.” Harry moaned, pulling her up against him again.
“Now let me taste you puppy.”
The dinner was forgotten and the night was long, sensational and everything Y/N had ever dreamed about.
That was until she got a message off of Adam.
She furrowed her brows and leaned over to get a closer look at her phone, Harry groaned against her but just snuggled closer as Y/N played the message.
Adam (Harry’s friend) ❤️: thought you might want to see this. i won’t lie, i was involved, but it’s gone on for far too long. Always here if you need me.
Y/N pressed play and held her phone to her ear, She heard Mitch first.
“There she is, good luck Haz!”
“Look at her! I won’t need it.”
She instantly recognised Harry’s voice. Who was he referring to?
“I can’t believe you’re still going. I’m gonna have to pay you like a thousand dollars, man.”
Why were they talking about money? What the fuck was going on.
“Baby, you ok?” Harry asked and Y/N put her hand up to stop him talking.
“Don’t tell me you’ve actually fallen for the nerd.”
She let out a sob, “You can’t let Y/N find out about this. I was her first everything, it would break her.”
“Y/N? What’s going on?” Harry asked as he watched her get out of bed.
“Fuck you! I was just a fucking bet all this time? I let you take my virginity, you fucking fuck face.” Y/N screamed and through the phone at him.
“Baby, I was going to tell you! And I didn’t take any of the money.” Harry said trying to reason with her. “I love you!” He said and Y/N shook her head grabbing her hoodie from the bottom of the bed.
“No! Fuck you. I am not some nerd you can mess around with. I am smart, I am not stupid. I may be naive, but i’m not an idiot. Don’t ever contact me again.” Y/N snarled.
Harry’s eyes watered, “Please… Baby….”
“You’ll regret it if you ever come near me again.”
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matchmaker - op81
summary: oscar finds a puppy wandering around the streets of monaco that leads him to meet his lucky charm
folkie radio: AN OSCAR FIC FINALLY OMG!!!! i have to say thank you to @cambrayficsrecs for sending this idea !! i LOVED IT and i hope you like this

liked by alexandrasaintmleux, yourbff and 209 others
yourinstagram meet the newest monaco resident: arlo 🤍 swipe to see the goodest boy helping me settle in my new home 🐾
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yourbff HE'S PERFECT!! miss you already but so happy for you 😭
username1 the cutest addition to monaco!!
username2 remember when you said you'd never get a dog? 😂
alexandrasaintmleux my new favorite neighbor!!! can't wait for our puppy playdates 🤍
↳ yourinstagram arlo and leo are going to be bffs 🥹🥹
username3 told you moving to monaco was the best decision
username4 i'm visiting asap just to meet this angel
yourbff2 can't believe my best friend lives in monaco now
username5 you're living the dream with the goodest boy!
username6 look at that face!! when can i visit?
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texts between alex and yn

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liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc and 583,827 others
oscarpiastri Enjoyed being a temporary dog dad today 🐾 glad this good boy made it back home safe! might have to get one of my own now...
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username1 MY HEARTTT
maxverstappen1 Don't let lando see this
↳ landonorris too late. getting a dog.
mclaren Best teammate and dog sitter 🧡
username4 the wholesome content we needed today
alexandrasaintmleux arlo already misses his rescuer! thanks again oscar 🤍
username5 get this man a dog asap
username6 the way he took care of a stranger's dog 🥺
username7 okay but imagine oscar with his own puppy
username8 JUST GET A DOG
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yourinstagram has added to their stories

yourbff ARLO OMG 🥺🥺 what happened to him?
↳ yourinstagram sneaky little minx disappeared from the balcony.. he’s safe tho
username1 omg poor you! good thing you found him
username2 is this knight in shinning armor who saved arlo cute?
↳ yourinstagram STOP 😭
username3 i need to visit so i can meet arlo
alexandrasaintmleux I could give you his insta… or his number 👀
↳ yourinstagram STOP IT ALEX
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texts between alex and yn

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liked by alexandrasaintmleux, oscarpiastri and 28,724 others
yourinstagram turns out the nice guy who found arlo last week also happens to be pretty good at driving cars 🏎️ congrats on p2! @/oscarpiastri
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username2 you move to monaco and suddenly you're in f1 garages???
alexandrasaintmleux told you you'd love f1 🤍
↳ yourinstagram love you !
username3 OMG OSCAR
username5 this plot twist though 👀
mclaren 🧡
username6 the way this all started because arlo escaped
charles_leclerc I won you know? 🤔
↳ yourinstagram congrats charles !
username8 the best meet cute ever??
oscarpiastri Couldn't have done it without my good luck charm 🐾
↳ yourinstagram arlo says you’re welcome!
username9 IS THIS THE OWNER??
username10 the cutest storyline of the season
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oscarpiastri sent you a direct message

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liked by username1, username2 and 14,826 others
f1gossip Oscar Piastri spotted having coffee with the owner of the now-famous beagle puppy in Monaco this morning 👀
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username2 from rescuing her dog to coffee dates we love this journey
username3 this is better than drive to survive
username5 this is the cutest thing ever help
username6 the fact that the dog is there too 😭
username7 someone check on lando he's losing his bachelor buddy
username8 the good luck charm strikes again
username9 living a wattpad story fr
username10 HE LOOKS SO HAPPY

liked by oscarpiastri, alexandrasaintmleux and 47,935 others
yourinstagram turns out there's more to monaco than just fancy cars 🤍
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username2 OSCAR?????
username3 arlo the ultimate wingman
username4 this storyline keeps getting better
alexandrasaintmleux told you he was cute 😌
↳ username1 OMFG ALEX
↳ username2 i love her
↳ charles_leclerc 😂😂😂
username6 need full story time asap
username7 the way this all started because she lost her dog 😭
username8 living for this plot development
oscarpiastri arlo approved ✅
↳ username1 OSCAR STOPPPPP
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yourinstagram has added to their stories

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texts between oscar and yn

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liked by yourinstagram, landonorris and 986,033
oscarpiastri Great weekend with the team 🧡 Ready to head back home to Monaco though... missing my favorite good luck charm 🐾"
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username1 OSCCCC
username2 is he talking about the dog? 😭
landonorris which one? 👀
↳ oscarpiastri 🤫
↳ username1 HELLO???
↳ username3 DECODE THIS
alexandrasaintmleux someone's eager to get back 😌
↳ charles_leclerc Your matchmaking services working well
↳ username1 LET ME INNNN
georgerussell63 The power of puppy love
username4 the way he said "home" to monaco 🥺
username5 did anyone else catch him waving to someone on facetime after the race??
username6 some of this comments saying “the dog” his name is ARLO and he’s an icon
username7 i’m going to call it right now oscar is dating the dog owner
username8 OSC 😩
yourinstagram 🤍

liked by username1, username2 and 8,739 others
f1gossipinsider Straight from Barcelona to dinner in Monaco... Oscar Piastri spotted at Le Grill with a certain someone 👀
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username2 man flew straight from barcelona to take her to dinner i'm crying
username3 not me zooming in to confirm it's her
username5 fastest post-race exit we've ever seen
username6 Le Grill?? Man's not playing around
username7 our favorite story continues...
username8 this man SPRINTED from the circuit
username9 the commitment >>>
username10 our boy's got his priorities straight
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texts between oscar and yn

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liked by lilymhe, oscarpiastri and 45,099 others
yourinstagram turns out watching someone drive in circles for 2 hours isn't so bad after all 🏎️ proud of you @/oscarpiastri 🧡
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username1 OMGGGG
username2 look at little arloooo
francisca.cgomes So lovely meeting you! Welcome to the family ❤️
yourbff we have soooo much catching up to do
carmenmmundt You're a natural! Can't wait for Hungary
alexandrasaintmleux look who's becoming an f1 expert
↳ charles_leclerc Stop taking credit for this
↳ alexandrasaintmleux never 😌
↳ username1 HELLO??
username3 the WAGs adopting her immediately >>
username4 ARE THEY DATING??
username5 oh what a plot twist
username7 so the key go getting an f1 driver to date you is getting a dog i see
username8 ARLO IS SO CUTE
oscarpiastri Best good luck charms ever 🤍
↳ username1 OSCAR STOP
↳ username2 i simply cannot do this
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texts between alex and yn

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oscarpiastri has added to their stories

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liked by carlossainz55, yourinstagram and 1,099,832 others
oscarpiastri First Grand Prix Win. Incredible 🧡 Thank you to the two lucky charms who changed everything
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username1 IM CRYING
landonorris GET IN THERE MATE!! Proud of you 🧡
alex_albon THATS MY BOY
username4 im actually sobbing
username5 man won his first race and chose to be THIS cute about it
georgerussell63 CONGRATS OSCO 🙌🙌
username7 from monaco meet cute to whatever this is im crying
username9 not to be parasocial but he's so in love
yourinstagram we're incredibly proud of you 🤍
liked by username1, username2 and 10,877 others
f1gossip From first F1 win to celebration dinner - Oscar Piastri living his best life in Budapest tonight! Sources say he couldn't stop smiling and kept calling her "my girlfriend" to everyone 👀
view all comments
username1 OH MY LORD
username2 is this oscar "i don't like pda" piastri??
username4 the way this all started bc she lost her dog...
username6 this is how we find out oscar is not single anymore
username8 lord i've seen what you've done for others
username9 the best meet cute in history
username10 THAT SHOULD BE ME

liked by alexandrasaintmleux, oscarpiastri and 60,826 others
yourinstagram home sweet home with my favorite race winner (and his trophy that he definitely didn't make me pack extra carefully) 🏆✨ still pinching myself about this weekend 🧡
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username1 CRYING
username2 the way we all watched this love story unfold
username3 most precious f1 couple no debate
landonorris Mans giving away his caps now?? love's changed him
lilymhe cutest neighbors ever! dinner tomorrow? 🤍
↳ yourinstagram count on it!
username5 i can’t believe oscar has a gf now
francisca.cgomes you two are goals honestly
mclaren Our lucky charm is back home! 🧡
username6 remember when she didn't know what DRS was 😭
username7 she's literally living the dream
username8 how to go from dog mom to f1 wag: a novel
alexandrasaintmleux my biggest masterpiece 🥹
↳ charles_leclerc STOP TAKING CREDIT
↳ alexandrasaintmleux NEVER
↳ yourinstagram arlo was the real matchmaker
username10 they’re so in love i can’t
oscarpiastri My two favorite things in monaco ❤️
↳ yourinstagram three* don't forget the trophy
↳ oscarpiastri Trophy’s just a bonus 😘

liked by yourinstagram, landonorris and 1,549,022 others
oscarpiastri To the best wingman and matchmaker in F1 - thanks for running away that day in Monaco. Changed my whole life 🐾❤️ (YN says I need to stop spoiling him but look at that face)
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username2 ARLOOOOO🥹🥹🥹
alex_albon most successful matchmaker in monaco
mclaren Our honorary team member 🧡
username3 i love one fairytale love story
alexandrasaintmleux YOU’RE ALL WELCOME
↳ username1 alex 😭😭
↳ charles_leclerc you're still not getting credit for this
↳ oscarpiastri It was all Arlo
username5 from runaway dog to f1 power couple
username6 netflix writing this down rn
username7 cupid who? we only know arlo
nicolepiastri ❤️
username8 most iconic f1 meet cute ever
username9 the real mvp of the season
username10 OSCAR DOG DAD
yourinstagram our matchmaker 🤍
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m4x- m.verstappen

summary: max wins, and finally, he's done.
pairing: max verstappen x pregnant!fem!wife! reader
“Max Verstappen, you are World Champion for the 4th time in a row, congratulations mate,” GP’s voice ringing in his ears made him smile.
“What a year, what a year,” he shook his head, enjoying the moment. “Thank you guys for everything this year, I know it wasn’t easy, but we gave it our all. Thank you.”
He thought he’d be sad about it being his last year in F1, but he wasn’t. He was excited to start something new, something for himself. His family. He wouldn’t be away all the time, he could be with you any day of the week, take care of your future children, all of it. He couldn’t be more ecstatic. He loved racing, and he’d continue to do other series but he wanted to be the dad he never had. He wanted to wake up next to you every single day. He didn’t want to have to think about whether or not the car was good enough every day, he didn’t want to deal with the media, the constant photos, everything.
“How do you feel?” GP asked him as they sat in the back of the car.
Max smiled. “Content.”
When he got back to the garage, he smiled when he saw you. His perfect, pregnant wife, though the media didn’t need to know the last part. He wrapped his arms around you and kissed your lips. He could taste the salt on your lips, knowing you had been crying when he won. He pulled back, wiping your cheeks.
“You did it,” you grinned, beaming with pride.
“I did it,” he nodded. “And never again.”
Your face dropped, knowing what he meant. “W-what? You mean-”
“I’m not coming back next season, no,” he smiled. “And I couldn’t be happier about it.”
“If this is just over the baby and you don’t think you’ll have any time with them-”
“It’s about me,” he assured you. “It’s about the fact that I love you, and I want to give you all of me all the time, I want to be there all the time, I want to wake up next to you every morning. I don’t want to be the dad that is just racing. I want to be the stay-at-home dad who walks them to school and packs their lunches in the morning. I want that much more than I want a 5th title.”
You were crying again, and you wrapped your arms around his neck, holding him tight. “I love you so much,” you sniffled. “You’re going to be such a great dad.”
And that’s all he needed to hear to know he made the right decision.
navigation for my blog :) (masterlist)
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Love this!

summary: harry needs to learn how to use his mouth better, so he goes to see someone who can help him with just that words: 7.9K warnings: sex work, oral (giving and receiving) a/n: not proofread I the song candy by cameo inspired this, def recommend listening because it's so good I if you like what you read here, please consider joining my patreon for access to exclusive fics not posted on tumblr I i haven't posted fic on here in a while. Please, please, please reblog, leave notes in the tags, and/or send me asks!!
Harry was…embarrassed, to say the least. But he supposes places and services like these exist for a reason, so he shouldn’t be ashamed for going. Plus, if he boiled it down, he’s going for purely academic purposes. He needs help with something, and he’s going straight to the source to become a pro.
Taking a deep breath, Harry opens the door to the lobby of the building and goes straight to the elevator to the eighteenth floor. He takes his phone out to look at the code he was instructed to punch into the keypad on the door, and then he’s buzzed in, able to check in at reception.
“Um, hi.” He says just above a whisper to the woman behind the semi-circle desk.
“Good afternoon, sir.” She smiled warmly. “How may I help you?”
“I have an appointment at 4PM with, uh,” he looks down at his phone, “is her name really Candy?”
“No.” She chuckles. “But all of the girls have stage names, so to speak. It’s for extra security. Please, have a seat, and I’ll let her know you’re here.” She gestures to the waiting area where a few other men are waiting. God, this is mortifying, he thinks.
Harry sits down and keeps his eyes locked on his lap, not wanting to make eye-contact with any of the other guys there.
“Mr. S.?” He hears the woman from behind the desk say. “You can head down to room ten.” She gestures to the hallway and Harry gets up to go, grateful just his initial was used and not his actual name. He needs privacy just the same as these women.
When he finds room ten, he punches in the same code into the keypad and goes inside. The room is dimly lit. It looks like a large bedroom, a master suite. There’s a king-sized bed, but also a loveseat, three-seater couch, and a bureau. He also spies what looks like a bathroom. Wow, nothing’s even happened yet, and Harry’s already realizing that this is going to be worth every penny.
“Hey, baby.” Candy comes out of the bathroom dressed in a black, silk teddy dress and heels. She’s wearing thigh-high stockings as well. “Can I take your jacket for you?” Harry nods at that and unbuttons his suit jacket, shimmying it off and handing it to Candy. She makes a show of walking over to the small closet and hangs it up on a hanger before coming back to him. “This is your first time here, isn’t it.” It’s not a question, but Harry still nods. “You don’t need to be nervous, baby. You booked me for three hours, so we have all the time in the world to get comfortable. Do you want something to drink?” She gestures to the bar cart on the other side of the room.
“No, thank you.”
“And I don’t want you to have one either.”
“Then I won’t.” She smiles. “Do you want to sit on the bed, the couch…?”
“The couch.” He decides, and they both go sit on it. Candy tucks her feet under her bum and props her head on her fist, resting her elbow on the back of the couch. “You’re very,” his eyes drift down to her cleavage, then back up to her face, “pretty.”
“Well, thank you, baby.” She gives him a beaming smile. “You’re a sight for sore eyes yourself.” She laughs. “I have to do this with a lot of guys I’m not particularly attracted to. I got a little excited when I saw you were assigned to me today.”
“That’s kind of you.” He blushes. “They make you have sex with guys you normally wouldn’t say yes to?”
“I mean, no one makes me do anything. There’s about a dozen different secret buttons around this room for me to press to call for security. No one gives us any trouble here, but you should know, there’s no funny business.”
“I wouldn’t dream of doing anything without your permission.”
“So, why don’t you tell me what you want, baby? How can I make you feel good? I can suck you off, let you bend me over the bed, or-“
“I want to go down on you.” He blurts out, and it takes her off guard.
“Come again?”
“I want to go down on you.” He repeats, a little slower this time. “That’s all.”
“Are you serious?”
“Do guys not normally go down on you?”
“No, some do, but most guys are here to take care of their own needs, mine don’t usually matter. Not that I mind. I have to use so much lube to get even remotely wet for some of these guys. I’m thankful that a lot of them don’t even ask to go down on me.”
“Oh.” He looks away for a moment, then back to her. “So, this is weird…”
“Nah, everyone has their kinks and fetishes. If you like going down on women, then-“
“I need practice at it.” His cheeks heat for the millionth time that day. “I’m not very good at it, not confident, and I can tell when I’m with a woman, or someone with a vagina, that…well, I get the tap a lot.”
“The tap?”
“You know,” he taps the top of one of his shoulders, “when someone gives you the tap to cut it out and get on with it. I’m confident with my cock, lots of orgasms have been had on my cock, but I know that’s not always what a woman wants, and I care so much about getting a woman off, but it’s so awkward to have to keep asking, ‘do you like that’, or, ‘is that good’. So, I just need someone to practice on so I can get better at it, and then feel more confident when I’m having relations with someone.”
“You’re telling me you’ve tried to go down on women, and they haven’t told you how to do it?”
“Some try, and then they just get frustrated, and then I get frustrated. And…I’m not all that confident with my fingers either. Sometimes I can make it happen, and other times I can’t. I feel like making a woman come during foreplay is really important. It helps them relax, gets them more into it, and then I feel better, which means I can perform better.”
“So, you booked me for three hours so I can help you get better at eating someone out, and that’s all you want to do?”
“Yes.” He nods. “I’ll probably come in my pants from doing it. I get off knowing I’m getting someone else off. So, if it’s okay with you, I’ll probably just strip down to my underthings, so I don’t ruin my pants.”
“Baby, I see people naked every day, of course it’s okay with me.”
“Do you call every guy baby?”
“I don’t want to be called what you call everyone else. It feels impersonal. How am I your baby already? We just met.”
“Well, are you a precious thing.” She smooths his hair back from his forehead. “What would you like to be called? A lot of guys don’t use their real names, same as me.”
“I’d rather be called by my name. Is that okay?”
“Yes, and don’t worry, you have my discretion. We all sign NDA’s when we take on new clients.”
“That’s good to know.” Harry sighs with relief. “My job…I’m one of the faces of my company.”
“Can I ask you something?”
“Sure.” He shrugs.
“Did you ask any of your friends how they approach things? Or, like, have you watched lesbian porn? It’s still exaggerated, but no one knows how to go down on a woman more than another woman, in my opinion.”
“I was too embarrassed to ask my friends. We don’t talk about things like this. They only brag about the good stuff, no one talks about their weaknesses. And I have watched…all kinds of porn, and as helpful as the visuals are, I learn much better by doing.”
“Okay.” Candy stands and claps her hands together. “Let’s get comfortable on the bed. I think we should act out what you usually do when you’re getting ready to sleep with someone. Kiss me, touch me, do whatever you usually do with a woman.”
Harry nods and stands up. “My name’s Harry.”
“Hi, Harry.” She smooths her hands up his chest. “Can I loosen your tie for you?”
“Yes.” He watches her nimble fingers work the knot and slides it off his collar. She takes the material between her thumb and index finger.
“This is quality material.”
“I don’t fuck around with my clothes.” He smirks, letting some personality shine through, and she makes an impressed face. He takes the tie from her and gently places it to hang on the back of the couch. He brings his hand up and tucks some hair behind Candy’s ear, a little unsure of how to start. “So, we can kiss? You want to do this really?”
“Yes, Harry, I do.”
Hearing his name on her lips sends a zip of electricity through his body. He leans in and brushes his Cupid’s bow against hers, then takes her top lip between his own. He gives it a gentle suck, and revels in the way she kisses him back. She keeps it slow, going at his pace. His hands cup her jaw as he licks into her mouth. Candy moans lowly, melting into him.
They stand there like that for a while, just the sounds of their lips smacking, their breaths huffing, and the spit being swapped between them filling the room. Harry presses his pelvis against Candy’s, and she squeaks, immediately putting a hand over his erection to palm it. He snatches her wrist and shakes his head no.
“But, you’re hard.”
“That’s not what I want from you.” He brings her knuckles up to his lips, kissing on them, and then up her arm and to her neck.
“Oh, fuck.” She moans breathlessly, clutching at the hair on the back of his head to keep him where he is. “I love being bitten.”
Harry whimpers into her, nipping at her tender skin a little harder. Her other hand flies to his back, clutching at the material of his dress shirt. Her knees nearly buckle when his teeth nip at her earlobe. He walks her back towards the bed, and they topple on top of it. Harry wedges his thigh between Candy’s and grinds it in hard.
Candy is absolutely perplexed. Surely this Harry guy is joking because from kissing alone, she can’t imagine him not knowing what to do with her other set of lips. He’s insanely good at this part of things.
His teeth drag along her collarbones, and his hand hovers over one of her breasts. “Can I touch you here?” He asks.
“Yes.” She presses her hand over his, squeezing. “Kiss me here too.”
Harry nods and sucks on her nipple through the silk material of her teddy. She lets out a loud moan, and Harry moves to sit up. Unbuckling his belt, he shimmies out of his pants, leaving his boxer-briefs on, and undoes his dress shirt, taking that, along with his white t-shirt, off, then gets his mouth back on Candy’s.
“Jesus, you’re ripped.” She says, smoothing her hands over every hard ridge of his abdomen. “And your tattoos…so sexy.”
“Has everything been okay so far?”
“Better than okay. You’re a really good kisser.”
“I’m gonna work my way down now.” He tells her, kissing down her silk covered body. He pushes the material up to bunch around her hips. “You’re not wearing any underwear.”
“I’m aware.”
“Don’t women like being teased over them?”
“Some do, and some don’t. I personally don’t like it, so I don’t usually wear any panties under my teddies.
“Right, I need to remember not everyone is the same.” He says more to himself. “Okay, walk me through it.”
“Just do what you normally do, and I’ll correct you if need be.”
Harry nods and spreads Candy’s lips apart. She’s glistening, and it goes right to his cock because she literally just told him she needs lube for most of her clients, and she clearly doesn’t need any for him. He leans in and-
“I’m gonna stop you right there. This is where you should be teasing me.” She props herself up on her elbows. “Kiss on my inner thighs, blow cool air over me. I should be quivering and pulsing for you.”
Harry kisses from Candy’s inner left knee, and down, down, down, blows cool air over her sex, and then kisses up her other inner thigh. He sucks bruise after bruise into her, and she puts one of her legs over his shoulder, pulling him in by digging her heel into his back.
“I’m ready now, want it.”
“And should I be quick to give it to you, or should I keep teasing?”
“Keep teasing but give me your fingers first.” He raises a hand to her, and she takes two fingers into her mouth. She takes them down deep until she’s spitting up, soaking them. “Slide them through my folds.”
Harry almost blew his load right then and there. He brings his fingers down and slides them up through Candy’s folds. She spreads her legs wider and uses her own fingers to pull her outer lips up and apart so he can see her clit.
“I know where the clitoris is.” He rolls his eyes.
“Apparently you don’t if you’re getting the tap, as you called it.” She smirks. “Just take a second to look at it. It’s throbbing for you, Harry, all swollen and full of blood. It wants your tongue, your hot mouth, so badly.”
“Fuck.” He leans in and licks over it with the flat of his tongue.
“Good, do that again.” And he does, he gives it long licks over and over again. “Now, spit on it, watch it slide down my slit.” She watches him do it. “Okay, now do what you usually do.”
It felt good, at first. Candy liked the way Harry’s tongue swirled around her clit, but before she could sink into it, he licked into her cunt and curled his tongue, which also felt good, but again, by the time it was really starting to do something for her, he dragged his tongue back up to her clit. Normally, this would be edging, but this isn’t fun edging. She thinks that Harry is unaware of what he’s doing.
“Stop.” She tells him, and he does. “I see the problem.”
“How bad was it?”
“It wasn’t terrible, but you keep changing it up too quickly. It’s not a race.”
“I know that.”
“Then why do you keep moving from my clit to my hole every two seconds? You’re not giving me enough time to enjoy it while it’s happening. You gotta pick one and stick with it. What do you feel more confident with, tonguing my clit or my hole?”
“I…” He sits back and blushes. “I guess this is the part where I’m a little selfish and greedy. I feel more confident working the clit with my mouth, but I really like to taste and suck on the pussy.”
“Harry,” she chuckles, “you’re allowed to be selfish and greedy. All of that is going towards pleasuring your partner. And that doesn’t mean you can’t still do both, you just need to listen to your partner a little. See what they like, get them off, then go be gluttonous and have your feast.”
“Okay.” He nods. “How do you like it, then?”
“Don’t worry about that-“
“Candy, I really want to make you come.”
“Alright.” She nods and lays back. “I need constant stimulation to my clit, and I need fingers inside me. Get me off that way, and then you can suck on my pussy.” Harry smiles softly and dives back in, wrapping his lips around Candy’s clit. “That’s good, while you suck with your mouth, use your tongue to swirl around my clit…oh, fuck, yeah, just like that.” She reaches to brush a few stray curls back off his forehead. “And look up at me, watch me go through the motions.” His eyes flit up to hers, and her hips buck towards his mouth. “Such pretty green eyes, Harry.”
He moans and slides his middle finger inside of her. She’s so wet, and it’s driving him crazy. He ruts into the mattress, so desperate to taste everything she’s giving him. But he wants to do this right, so he focuses on her clit.
“I need two.” Harry slips a second finger inside her. “Good, pump them in and out slowly, let’s build up to things. And it’s also okay to give your mouth a break, it’s all part of the teasing.” He pops off her and watches his fingers go in and out of her tight hole. “Spit on it, keep it messy.” Harry spits onto her clit. “Now suck it back into your mouth and flick that tongue against my clit.”
He’s a good listener, open to constructive feedback, so he does as told. He’s rewarded when he feels Candy tighten around her fingers. Harry thrusts them deep inside, keeping them there as he curls them to pet against that spongey bump. Candy gasps and props herself up on her elbows as she watches Harry. Her mouth falls open and she starts rocking against him, moving her hips along with his fingers. A man hasn’t found her g-spot in ages, if ever.
“Like that, j-just like that, Harry.” She bites into her bottom lip, and he looks up at her as his tongue licks her clit in tight circles. The sound of her wetness is driving Harry crazy, but he pushes his urge to taste her down. This is about Candy right now. “Oh, wow. Wow, wow, wow, wow.” Her head falls back, and her hips raise. Her back arches, and she starts moaning out loudly, uncontrollably. “Don’t stop, Harry. Fuck, please, please, please, please! Ah, ah, ah!”
When Candy comes, she snaps her legs closed around Harry’s wrist, and nearly snaps it from the way she twitches and moves. She grabs the base of his wrist and moves it so he’ll keep fucking his fingers into her through the aftershocks. She moans gutturally one more time before falling limply against the bed.
Harry slowly pulls his fingers out of her and sucks on them. He looks down at Candy’s drenched core and lifts her thighs over his shoulders before licking inside.
“Oh!” She gasps and tugs on his hair, not to get him to stop, though. Harry moans as he drinks her in. “S-spread my cheeks and lick my other hole too.” His eyes light up, like he’s just been given a golden ticket. In a matter of seconds, he’s flipping Candy onto her stomach and pulling her up by her hips so he can spread her ass and lick her puckered hole properly. “Fuck, Harry, that’s so good. You can smack my ass too, if you want.” She jolts forward when his large hand comes down hard on her cheek. “Fuck me with your fingers from behind, really beat them into me.”
This time, Harry fucks her with three fingers, and he does it rapidly as he continues eating her peach.
“Harry, I…I think I’m gonna…” she doesn’t get to finish her sentence. The wave of relief crashes over her and she gushes. Harry’s fingers slide out, and slap against her clit quickly, keeping the mess flowing. “Fucking hell.” Her chest heaves as she moves to lay on her back. Harry lays down next to her.
“So, all of that was good?”
“It was very good.” She pats at his chest. “I can’t remember the last time I’ve come so hard.” She turns her head to look at him. “Did you end up blowing in your underwear?”
“Yeah.” He smiles sheepishly. “It was hard not to.”
“Damn, I would have gladly sucked you off after all that.”
“I’ll get hard again.” He waves her off. “We’re not done yet.”
“Right, you still have me for a couple more hours. Did you want to fuck now?” She turns on her side to face him fully, and he mirrors her, resting his hand on her hip, rubbing her skin affectionately with his thumb.
“No, I want you to sit on my face so I can practice that way. One time with you facing me, and another with you facing away.”
“Okay, just…I need a minute.”
“Sure, take your time.” He smiles softly, keeping his hand on her hip. “You probably hear this all the time, but you have a beautiful body.”
“I do hear that a lot, but it feels more genuine coming from a nice guy like you.” She chews on her bottom lip for a moment. “Whoever you’re practicing all this for is going to be a lucky girl.”
The air in the room feels tense for a beat.
“Okay, we’ll start off with me facing you.” Candy says. “This way is all about the woman. Then, we’ll do it with me facing away from you and I’ll suck you off at the same time. It’s good to practice staying focused on your girl’s pleasure while she’s pleasuring you.”
“That sounds good.” He lays back, a little nervous. “There’re so many different ways to do this. Like, should I just stick my tongue out flat and let you grind against it? Should I just suck on your clit? Should I have you rub against my nose while you ride my tongue?”
“You’re over thinking it, Harry. It’s up to the girl you’re fucking to set how she wants it. Personally, I’d love it if you put your tongue up inside me. I’ll rub my own clit.”
“What should I do with my hands?”
“You can squeeze and smack my ass, rub my rim.”
“Fuck.” He murmurs. “Get on me, now.”
Candy swings her leg over Harry’s face and hovers over him for a moment. She squeaks when he pulls her down. He licks up inside her slowly, letting her adjust to the muscle, then he pulls her down even more until she’s fully seated on top of him. She spits onto her fingers and lazily rubs her clit as she grinds down on his tongue. Harry curls it and flicks it inside her, moaning at the taste. His large hands squeeze her ass, giving her a few swats before spreading her apart and rubbing the pad of his thumb around her rom.
“Ah, fuck.” Her head tips back and free hand buries in his hair. “You can put your thumb in, if you want.” Harry doesn’t need to be told twice. He gently works his thumb into her tight hole. “Yeah, just like that.” She moves her hips in slow circles, reveling in the way Harry’s moaning and groaning underneath her. She’s soaked and he’s slurping on her. “I…I think I’m getting close already, wow.” This never happens. It usually takes her a while to start feeling that familiar tingle at the base of her spine, but she’s rubbing her clit faster and moving on Harry’s tongue faster, and then she’s screaming. “Shit, Harry!” She yanks roughly on his hair as she comes, and she comes hard. She goes to move off him, but he keeps her seated, mumbling something against her. “What?” She asks breathlessly.
“M'not done yet.” He says, briefly coming up for air before diving back in. He sucks her clit with one last pop, then pets her ass. “Okay, you can turn around now.”
Candy swivels around and leans forward, pressing her hands into the mattress between Harry’s legs.
“There’s a few ways to do this, but I can’t stress this enough, everyone is different, so I’m going to tell you how I like it.”
“Okay.” He presses a kiss to one of her cheeks, and it makes her face sizzle. Why did he have to be so cute. ��Tell me how you like it.”
“Fuck me from behind with your fingers, bury your face in my ass, and use your free hand to rub my clit.” She slips her hand into his briefs to pull his cock out. “How do you like your blow jobs?”
“Sloppy, don’t…don’t be pretty about it.”
Candy responds by spitting on the tip and taking it into her mouth. Harry’s mouth falls open, loving the way her hot mouth feels on him. But he has a mission to accomplish. He’s working on building a tolerance. He runs his fingers between her wet folds before slipping them inside. From there, he does exactly how she told him: his mouth works her ass, his fingers pound into her g-spot, and his free hand rubs her clit.
“Ohhhh, shit, Harry.” She gasps around his cock, choking a little. She pulls all the way off and jerks him.
“Candy.” He moans. “Did I find it, sweetheart?”
“Yes, you did, yes, yes, yes!” She moves back against him to meet his thrusts, then gets her mouth back on him. She takes him down her throat, gagging around him, and using that spit to jerk him a little faster.
Their bodies are so in sync. They’re both wet and drippy for the other, both spurring the other on. The second Harry feels Candy spasming around his fingers, he lets himself come, and Candy swallows all of it, sucking him dry before rolling off onto her back.
“Holy shit.” She breathes.
“Yeah.” He gives her ankle a fond squeeze as his chest heaves. “You’re something else.”
“You’re unreal.”
“You taste really good.”
“So do you.” She turns her head to look at the clock on the wall. “You have me for hour and a half. What do you feel like doing?”
“We just did all of that in thirty minutes?” He sits up. “That was really fast.”
“Yes, it was.” She giggles. “But it was good.”
“Come here, come sit in my lap.” Candy does so, wrapping her legs around his waist. “You’re so beautiful.” He runs his thumb over her bottom lip.
“And you’re sweet.” She hugs him, resting her face in the crook of his neck. “How come you booked me up for the rest of my shift?”
“Because I could.”
“Oooh, well, aren’t you special.” She pulls back and smirks at him. “You know, most of the people that come here are wealthy, so that doesn’t impress me.”
“I wasn’t trying to. You asked me a question, and I gave you an honest answer. I don’t like doing these types of things with people and then leaving immediately after. I needed extra time for this.” He lets himself fall back, keeping her to lay mostly on top of him.
“Oh.” She snuggles into him. “Well, I rarely get to cuddle, so this is fine by me.”
“Do you like this line of work? I’ve always admired sex workers. This isn’t an easy job at all. It takes a lot of courage and bravery.”
“Thank you for saying that. I’m one of the luckier ones. I’m not on drugs, can’t be because they do regular blood tests. I have a salary, a retirement account, and other benefits. It could be a lot worse.”
“Do you also provide escort services?”
“No. Some girls do, but I don’t. I like to keep everything related to this job in this room.”
“Is this all you do for work, or is this a side hustle?”
“Nope, full time, hence being a salaried worker.
“Oh, duh.” He chuckles, then reaches for one of the throw blankets to drape over them. “So, how’d you end up here?”
“Most of us are all a thin line away from being homeless. My job let me go when COVID first happened. You can only stay on unemployment for so long. All these companies say no one wants to work, but no one wants to hire either. And, I’m sorry, but I’m not settling. I should be paid enough that I shouldn’t need a side hustle. One of my friends who ended up having a sugar daddy told me about this place. I started out part-time, just to pay some bills, but they told me some people wanted repeat appointments, then I was getting regulars, then I was getting paid more. It all sort of just fell into place, and I didn’t look back.”
“What were you doing for work beforehand?”
“I was a backend coder for a major financial firm. They got rid of the entire department and contracted out their cyber needs from a company that specialized in that because it made more sense fiscally.” She rolls her eyes. “It was for the best, I hated it.”
“And you love this?”
“Honestly, I like it a lot better than sitting behind three monitors all day, five days a week. I’ve actually gotten in better shape from having sex full time. Do I have to fake it for most guys, yeah, but none of them are mean to me. They just want someone to make them feel special for a little while, and I’ve found that I like having the power and ability to do that.”
“You have more control over your own life.”
“Exactly.” She looks up at him. “What about you? What do you do?”
“I…sort of own an airline company.”
“How do you sort of own an airline?”
“I’m a nepo baby.” He smiles sheepishly. “My father stepped down a few years ago so I could move up while he was still around. I’m lucky and fortunate, so I try not to complain about things too much. So many people have it far worse than I do.”
“Wait a second…Harry S…” She sits up and scrambles away from him. “You’re Harry Styles!”
“Is that a bad thing?” He sits up. “Shit, please don’t tell me you’ve fucked my dad.”
“No, it’s nothing like that. But you have fucked one of my friends. You used to date Jennifer Harris, right?”
“Yeah, years ago.”
“Fuck! And now I have to keep this insane secret from her. She’d be so pissed off, Harry, like, you have no idea.”
“If you’re such good friends with her, then hoe come we’ve never met prior to this?”
“I didn’t become friends with her until after you two parted ways. She told me so much about your relationship. She never mentioned anything about you being bad in bed, though.”
“I never said I was bad in bed either, I just needed some help getting better at one aspect of it.” He gets off the bed and starts pulling his clothes back on. “How, uh, how is she? I know she got married a year or so ago.”
“She’s doing well. Her and her husband are a great couple. They’re trying for a baby.”
“I’m glad she found someone that could give her the attention she deserves. I wasn’t very good at that. I also wasn’t ready to settle down, and she was. How did you two become friends?”
“She owns the lingerie store I buy stuff from.”
“Ohhhh, right.” He nods, zipping his pants and buttoning his shirt. “That makes sense. I don’t think you have anything to worry about. You clearly didn’t know it was me. You didn’t look at any pictures from when she and I were together?”
“Your hair was longer! And you weren’t as, I don’t know, beefy.”
“Thank you?” He questions with a smirk. “Is this going to be a problem? Because I’d like to be able to come back and see you again.” He makes his way over to her and tilts her head up by curling his finger under her chin.
“But…why? You did so well today.”
“I wanna see if it’s just as good for a repeat performance. And then I’d need to come back again after that to test out some of the other things I do during sex so I can get an honest review.” He leans down and brings his lips to the shell of her ear, “And I just know you’re dying to know what it’ll feel like to have my cock deep inside you.”
“Jesus Christ.” She clutches at his shoulders. “You’re going to put me in a very difficult situation.”
“You can say no to my appointment requests, but I’d be very disappointed if you did.” He pecks her lips. “I know you want to see me again.” He pecks her lops again, a little longer this time. “Hm? Wanna see me again, Candy?” He takes her bottom lip between his and he cups her jaw, licking into her mouth. She moans against him. Before she has a chance to really kiss him back, he pulls away. “God, I’d love to spit right into this pretty mouth.”
“You can.”
“Next time, I will.” He presses a kiss to her forehead. “Enjoy the rest of your evening. I’ll come back soon.”
Harry leaves the room, walks down the hall, and out of the suite. The second he’s back down on the street, he sucks in a breath and turns into the alley to try and calm himself down. He’s never that confident and forward with women. But she brought something out of him. When she mentioned Jennifer…it made something snap. He fucking hates Jennifer. So, if he inadvertently makes her suffer by having sex with her good friend, then so be it. Because Candy isn’t someone that Harry is going to be able to stay away from. Not after they shared something so wonderfully intimate.
Harry thought he’d be able to book another appointment to see Candy again way sooner, but his jaw hangs open as he looks at her availability on the app. Since he’s come in once, he’s been invited into the company’s app so he can book meetings on his own.
Two weeks. Candy doesn’t have another opening for two entire weeks. He grumbled to himself and books her entire evening on the first day he sees she’s free. And for good measure, he books out a couple other appointments so he’s not left scrambling. And for each one, he maxes out the five hour limit.
One time with this woman and he’s already pussy whipped!
The two weeks are torture. He’s jittery and agitated at work. Running it off in the gym does very little for him.
But finally, the day has come to see her again. Harry goes after work and follows the sale procedures, only this time, he’s not at all embarrassed. When his name is called, he all but sprints to Candy’s door and punches in the code. He doesn’t see her right away, but then, there she is, coming out of the bathroom in a red, silk teddy. She gives him a soft, almost shy, smile.
Harry closes the distance between them, cups her jaw, and kisses her deeply. It takes her by surprise, but it’s a welcomed one.
“Mm.” He pulls away and looks down at her before kissing her again. “Missed these lips.”
“I’m sorry I was so busy.” She circles around him to take his suit jacket off, sauntering to the closet to hang it up. “I have a few snowbirds, and they all decided to basically come see me at once before they all go back to Florida or whatever.”
“You fuck guys that much older than you?”
“Mhmm.” She loosens his tie and gives it a tug to slip it off, placing it on the back of one of the chairs. “It’s no so bad.” Her eyes find his. “Let’s talk about you. How have you been?” She leads him to the couch so they can sit and chat.
“Work’s been stressful, but it sort of always is. I had to hire a couple of corporate level people, that’s never fun.”
“What’d they do to deserve being fired?”
“They were sexually harassing a few interns, thinking they could get away with it.” He scoffs. “They thought wrong, let me tell you. I survey just about all of the security footage daily, and I saw the same two idiots bothering these young women who could be their daughters, and so I had HR get involved, and I fired them both without severance pay. Which means they’ll probably try to sue for wrongful termination, thinking it’s all hearsay, but they don’t know about the footage, so joke’s on them.”
“And the interns, how are they?”
“I think they’ll be alright. I spoke with all of them and apologized profusely. I told them that behavior like that didn’t trickle down from me, and that I take it all very seriously. They’re all continuing with their internships, which is good. I would have felt terrible if they couldn’t get credit for this.”
“Wow, I think you’re the first ethical CEO in corporate history.”
“There’s nothing ethical about capitalism.” He says lowly, shaking his head. Candy’s hand gripped his knee and she moaned.
“Don’t stop, I’m close.” She pops an eye open, and they both burst into a fit of giggles. “Handsome, kind, and self aware? Damn, you’re the whole package.”
“I’ve thought about you a lot over these last two weeks.”
“Yeah, and I made sure to book out some other appointments in advance.”
“I saw that.”
“Does it bother you that I book the longest blocks I can?”
“Nah, I get paid the same amount no matter how many appointments I have a week.” She chews on her bottom lip. “Last time, you mentioned that you wanted to show me how you do other things…”
“I want your honest feedback. Can we go lay on the bed for a bit?”
“Of course.” They both climb onto the bed and Harry pulls Candy to rest her head on his chest. “I like your cologne.” She mutters.
“Thank you.” He murmurs, his eyes fluttering closed. “Would it be weird if we took a quick catnap?”
“Not weird at all. I’ll set a timer for thirty minutes. Take your clothes off, we can get under the covers.”
When all is said and done, Harry turns Candy onto her side so he can spoon her. He wedges a leg between hers and sighs contently. A nap after a long day with a beautiful woman in his arms feels almost as good as when he had his tongue inside her pussy. Almost.
“Oh, God! You’re so good at this, fuck!” Candy moans out as Harry eats her from behind. She reaches behind herself to grip his hair and keep him close. “I’m almost there, don’t stop!” It’s not often Candy gets to have a genuine orgasm while being with her clients, so she’s taking full advantage. “Fuck!” She collapses to the bed after coming, and Harry trails kisses up her spine and along her shoulders. “You seriously have nothing to worry about. No notes.” She says as she catches her breath once Harry lets her roll onto her back.
“Good.” He smiles. “There’s something else I want to do today.” He tugs the front of her teddy down, exposing her breasts. He licks over one of her nipples, and Candy gasps. “Does this actually feel good?” He gives the sides of her breast to further pucker her nipple for him to flick his tongue over.
“Yes.” She threads her fingers into his hair as he takes more into his mouth, sucking roughly. A long moan escapes her. He travels to the other and does the same thing. “Can I please have your cock inside me?”
“No.” He sits up and pulls the teddy completely off her body, leaving her bare. “I want to eat you again.” He gets on his belly between her legs, wraps his arms around her thighs, and off he goes.
“You’re killing me.” She whines, throwing her forearm over her eyes. Harry slips two of his fingers inside of her, and she sighs with relief.
“Want your cock.” She sits up on her elbows. “Why won’t you give it to me?”
“Because I don’t have to.”
“You’re a sadist, you know that? You come off all timid and shy, but all of that hides a devious side to you.”
“A sadist wouldn’t let you come at all.” He kitten licks her clit before sucking it between his lips. “Is that how you want it to be?”
“No.” She shakes her head. “I just need…more.” He slips a third finger inside of her. “More.”
“I don’t think your little pussy could handle it.” He lets her legs go and crawls up her body, slotting his mouth over hers. His fingers are still inside her. He starts pumping them shallowly and lets the heel of palm beat into her clit. “God, listen to you. So fucking wet for me. Do you get this wet for your other clients?”
“No, never!” She whimpers. “I usually need to use lube.”
“Poor thing.” He pouts down at her. “Can feel you squeezing around me, are you getting close?”
“Are you gonna come? Gonna come for me, sweet girl?”
“Oh, fuck!” Her hips move upward and then she’s coming. She twitches around his wrist a few times before he pulls his fingers out. He sucks them into his mouth and moans.
“Do you call yourself Candy because you know you taste like it?”
“Stop.” She chuckles. “Pussy does not taste sweet.”
“Yours does.” He presses a kiss to her forehead, then looks down at the painful bulge in his briefs. “Would you mind, uh, sucking me off?” A blush creeps over his cheeks.
Candy smiles and grabs a pillow to kneel on before getting off the bed. She spreads Harry’s legs and pulls his briefs down. He leans back on his hands and lets her get to work how she wants. His head rolls back the first time she swallows around him. He’s in absolute heaven, and from the sounds of her moans, it’s safe to say she is too.
Every meeting started the same. Candy would take Harry’s suit jacket and loosen his tie. Then, they’d sit on the couch, and slowly move to the bed as they talked. Sometimes Harry wanted a quick nap, and other times he was ready to start right away. He still hadn’t properly fucked her, but he’s fucked her with several dildos and vibrators. He wanted to work on those skills just the same. He even fucked a plug in and out of her ass.
They’d been going at it for at least two months at this point. He still didn’t know her real name, but he knew a ton of other things. He enjoyed talking with her, probably more than he should. Because when Harry goes out on a few different blind dates, he finds himself comparing every woman to Candy. The hollow look in their eyes while they smiled and nodded did nothing for him.
On this particular evening, Harry showed up with a bouquet of flowers for his girl.
“Harry, this was so thoughtful, thank you.”
“Can we talk for a minute?” He takes her hand, and they go to the couch. “I’ve tried going out with other women, and none of them are you. I know I don’t even know your real name, but…”
“Harry, I know where you’re going with this, and the answer is no. I’ve never accepted any sugar baby offers for a reason. At some point, you’ll get bored, kick me out, and then I’ll be shit out of luck. I don’t want a man directly paying my way. It would make me feel powerless and trapped.”
“That’s not what I was going to ask you, like, at all.” He rubs the back of his neck. “I wanted to know if I could take you out on a real date sometime, when you’re not on the clock as Candy.”
“I can’t do that either, Harry.” She puts her hand on his knee, giving it a squeeze. “I keep these worlds separate. Men can’t handle that I fuck other men, they always ask me to quit, and-“
“I would never ask you to do something like that. If you ever end up leaving this place, it should be because you want to.”
“Jennifer is my best friend.”
“She and I broke up ages ago. Pretend like she’s not a factor in this. Would you go out on a date with me?”
“I…” she bites into her bottom lip.
“If no really is your answer, I’ll respect it, and we can keep things as they are, but…I have to be honest with you…every time I’m around you, I get this feeling. And it’s only with you. I wanna know if you feel it too.”
“I feel very strongly for you, more so than I have for any other client.”
“I’m so taken with you, sweetheart.” He cups her cheek and runs the pad of his thumb along her skin. “I think about you all the time, from the second I wake up in the morning. Just the thought of you has me tossing and turning and has my eyes rolling back. You have this affect on me, and you fascinate me, and I want to know everything about you. You’re so sweet, you’ve completely stolen my appetite.”
“Fuck, Harry.” She moves to straddle his lap, and she wraps her arms around him. “I’m so wet right now.” She says lowly into his ear.
“Don’t.” He grips her chin. “Don’t try to distract me.”
“I was just being honest the same way you just were. You…you’d really be okay with me continuing to work here if we started up?”
“Yeah.” He shrugs. “You don’t get this turned on by any of your other clients, do you?”
“Nope, only by you.”
“Then I think I could learn to compartmentalize things. This is work, not play.”
“Would I still be able to come see you here?”
“Yes, but don’t go taking up all my open slots. That kind of possessiveness doesn’t turn me on.”
“Noted.” He smiles softly. “So, I was thinking, for our first date, I could bring you home with me some night, and I could cook for you.”
“You cook?”
“It relaxes me. I can make whatever you like.”
“I can’t remember the last time someone cooked for me. That sounds nice.” She bites into her bottom up. “Say things go well, and we start dating regularly…what will you tell me people about me?”
“Whatever you’d want me to tell them. I can be as open or as private as you like. I’ll admit, I was embarrassed the first time I came here, but I’m finding that these types of places are way more common than I thought.”
“You could say we met at work. Not a total lie. When I’ve dated in the past, I usually tell the guy to tell others that I’m a masseuse.”
“Are you comfortable with that?”
“Yeah. It feels like the most accurate thing to say. I provide pleasure and relaxation.”
“You sure do.” He smirks. She rolls her eyes playfully at him. “Are you free tomorrow night for a date?”
“Yes.” She smiles.
“Great.” He trails kisses along her jaw line and nips at her earlobe. “Bring an overnight bag. I’m gonna give my cock tomorrow night, and if I do my job right, you won’t be able to walk afterwards.”
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