#the loud siblings
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yaboirezzy · 1 year ago
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We need a better filter for the search engine basically...
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The sillies (non-meme post version)
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sweetnekoheart · 2 months ago
The Loud Siblings Are Exicited For Nintendo Switch 2
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This Is Going To Be Awesome!
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cheerleadingbook11 · 2 years ago
The Loud House headcannons
Lori and Bobby met because of a school project in middle school and then started dating
Leni sometimes will say something smart and suprises everyone
Luna got a tat at a concert of the first four notes to her favorite mic swagger song
Luan needed braces for so long because she kept falling while on her unicycle
Lynn tried to teach her sisters how to defend themselves incase of emergencies
Lincoln carries a small makeup kit to help his sisters
Lucy wrote poems for all her siblings to read if they were sad
Lana was afraid of Animals as a baby
Lola is the only one who knows how to ice skate
Lisa loves when her siblings help her with stuff
Now for the Angst
Multiple times Loris younger siblings have called her mom because she pays more attention to them then their parents do
Leni was scared of Lori leaving because she thought her siblings would hate her
Luna did not tell her parents she was in a relationship for 2 months scared of what they would think
Luan uses her humor as a way to cope and Mr. Coconuts says what she is to scared to say
Lynn hates how she looks
Lincoln once got into a fight and did not tell his sisters and he ended up passing out from the pain
Lucy has abandonment issues from being forgotten and Daddy issues because Lynn sr thought his wife cheated on him
Lana is only scared of one animal because it attacked her
Because Lola grew up in pagents she heard some pretty aweful things so she matured to fast
One time Lisa got knocked out by an experiment of hers
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coconuttyglittersmurf · 2 years ago
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submastrain · 4 months ago
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Emmet is just trying to learn a new instrument~ 🎵
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vebokki · 1 year ago
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go go demon gang
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monakisu · 1 year ago
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light gets it from his mom… “it” as in ���two-faced backstabbing snakery” ˘ᗜ˘🐍
(late) gift 3/3 for my secret santa @llawlieta !!! for ur prompt of yagami family Fucked Up goodness ( ͒•·̫|💚🍭🎀 hope u enjoy!! HAPPY HOLS! * ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊
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leniisreallycool · 7 days ago
The Silent Game
MC gets sick of the brothers' constant bullshit and demands that they play the silent game
They challenge the brothers to see who can last the longest without speaking
The rules: speaking, no burping, passing gas, scraping chairs or any other furniture, chewing too loud, breathing too loud, clapping, punching/slapping/any other form of hitting that causes noise, grunting, etc
Coughing or sneezing is fine, as long as it's involuntary
Texting is only acceptable in situations where they would already use text or if they have to talk to Diavolo or Barbatos
Satan and Belphie immediately tries to piss Lucifer off enough to break and scold him but it doesn't work
Beel doesn't even have to put effort into it except to keep his chewing noises to a minimum
And he can't go on a rampage when Mammon takes advantage of the situation to steal his yogurt
Belphie would have just slept through the challenge but MC said sleep talking or communication through dream walking is also forbidden
Lucifer is pissed off when Diavolo talks to him and he has to text him in response
Diavolo finds the situation delightful and bugs Lucifer to try to break him
Barbatos does too but more subtly
*insert brief joke about making Solomon play too*
Asmo is in tears when he realizes he can't speak to his fans or make videos or go on quote unquote dates
Levi just sits in his room the whole time except for meals
No one knows if he's following the challenge or not but they can't hear anything from his room so it's safe to assume he is
The challenge has been going for three days and it's starting to creep MC out
They've never had a round of the silent game go on this long
It's eerily silent and they almost want to call off the challenge
But it's so nice to not have to worry about anyone slamming doors and screaming at each other
So they let it go on
Mammon steals Lucifer's credit card and gets strung up
To his credit he doesn't yell for help
Belphie is the first to break 5 days in
He's half asleep when he demands MC cuddle him, forgetting that he's not supposed to speak
He acts like he doesn't care but he wishes he wasn't the first to break
He takes advantage of the fact that because he lost, he can be as loud as he wants
MC is so done immediately
Asmo and Levi are next, 2 days later, a1 week in
He had a livestream scheduled with someone cool and awesome and he just can't miss it
It makes him cry to lose but he gets over it pretty quick
It means he can whisper sweet nothings to MC while the others watch in jealousy
Levi tells him to fuck off and stops, realizing his mistake too late
Beel is next 2 days later
Mammon took too many of his desserts and absolutely lost it
He was ashamed afterwards but he lost
That leaves Mammon, Satan, and Lucifer
Another whole week goes by without anyone dropping out
Surprisingly it's Satan next
He's bugging Lucifer again as he has been for the last 2 & 1/2 weeks with no result
He drops a chair on Lucifer in the hopes that he'll noisily crack it in half
But Lucifer sidesteps and the chair smacks the floor
Satan loses
Now it's only the oldest two left and the rest have started taking bets
Barbatos already knows who's going to win so they make him monitor the bets so no one cheats
No one expected Mammon to last this long because he's normally so obnoxiously loud (I love him anyway hush)
Then one day
Three weeks into the challenge
Lucifer walks up behind Mammon to tell him something
Mammon didn't know he was there
And squawked
Lucifer didn't even intend to startle him
It was a complete accident
Everyone is disappointed with the anticlimactic ending
But hey! MC got a few weeks of relatively less chaos
And for a while afterwards the brothers automatically stay silent when they walk into a room with MC before remembering that the game is over
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tinfoil-jones · 29 days ago
Jerk Ford may not be a massive jerk to his Stan, but he must still push his buttons a little from time to time like healthy siblings do, right? So what does he do to annoy him?
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Mabel: Great Uncle Ford?
Jerk Ford: What is it, runt?
Mabel: Grandpa asked me and Dipper once if we could feel what the other one was feeling! Did he ask because you and Grunkle Stan can do that?
Jerk Ford: Ah, yes. Sherman called it a 'Twinstinct'. Before I was in the Nightmare Realm, yes, we could feel each others pain.
Mabel: Really?
Jerk Ford: It did not seem to function while I was outside of this dimension.
Mabel: ...Does it work now that you're back?
Jerk Ford: Hm, I suppose the only way to find out is to approach this with the scientific method. First, I need to gather data.
Jerk Ford: *punches himself in the stomach hard*
*Surprised, angry shout from the kitchen*
Stan: SONUVA-!
Jerk Ford: The data is pointing to a yes.
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thatshadowcomic · 3 months ago
Thinking about Shadow and Maria again
Sometimes I wonder if she ever felt indebted to Shadow and her grandfather, given how hard they worked.
She was a genius too, but half the time she was unable to provide anything to the ARK or anyone... without warning, despite it all, no one expected anything of her. She saw how much they expected things of Shadow and Gerald, and she couldnt help them.
I can imagine people reassuring her that she didnt have to do anything and pushing her to just relax, don't stress your fragile body. I wonder if Shadow would have been able to see it, or if she hid that feeling, refusing to let Shadow learn about guilt and sadness. She probably hated that he was made to serve anyone else... She wanted him to be happy.
Not happy for her, not happy for Gerald or GUN. Happy for himself.
They were all meant for great things and couldn't achieved them, because of things outside of their control.
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Do you think she questioned if he was happy? Was he happy to do something, or did he only do it because it made someone else happy? Was is because he was told to do it, or because he wanted to accomplish the end goal, too? Maybe that scared GUN...
This theme sits deep with me in regards to shadow... even with Doom, even with Gerald... I think he struggles deeply understanding and allowing himself to do things for, well, himself.
"Why do you run, sonic?"
"Huh? Because I like it."
"You enjoy exploring? Releasing extra energy? Scanning for eggman?"
"I just like the feeling. Doesn't need to be anything else. Do you think Amy wears red for a reason, or because she just likes the color?"
"...red has a lot of relevance to cultures and to Amy's personality. She seems to value it's ties to love and many cultures believed it held spiritual powers, something she also seems interested in. Life is more complicated than that, sonic--"
"You gotta lot to learn, Shadow... Sometimes stuff loses meaning the more you break it down. see ya."
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yaboirezzy · 1 year ago
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me participating in a “be completely normal when creating content for a new/recent fandom (impossible 90% fail)” challenge
extra radiation:
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brownnbears · 3 months ago
“Isha did not see jinx as her mom in canon” good thing I really don’t care
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lilly-of-the-vale · 3 days ago
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Suguru petting your head gently while you lick your cum off his fingers and listen to his sickening sweet coos of "awww my baby...my sweet baby.." 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 I NEED A MINUTE
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epickiya722 · 7 days ago
With the latest chapters, I know people will be like "Desscaras is so mom to Ichi" and this is the one time I'll disagree on that.
She's more like the older/eldest sister, to me at least.
Makes the younger sibling do everything, a little lazy, will tease and joke around. But still is caring, has the younger sibling's back.
That's who she is to Ichi.
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mushroominaforest · 7 months ago
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More things from the au!
like I said, this au is cantered around three sets of siblings.
first, we have Saint and Inv. They aren’t biologically related, but they were both made by the same Iterator, which is close enough.
Monk and Survivor are Gourmand’s two kids in this au, and are the only semi normal people in this group.
Hunter and Artificer are twin messengers made by NSH, and are biologically related to each other.
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jamandjazz · 4 months ago
My personal headcanon is that Pony got his love for reading from Darry. When Darry was in high school he’d read the books he got in class out loud to Ponyboy and straight up just handed him some of the easier ones so they could talk about it later. In my brain the reason Ponyboy clings onto it so much is because it’s one of the things he and Darry REALLY bonded over when he was a kid and it just brings back good memories of when they got along better.
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