#obey me crack
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squeakyducky · 5 months ago
Favouritism is real
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tsukii0002 · 3 months ago
Mc: Hum... Where will Beel be? I should go look for him.
The game:
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I'm still laughing in the floor for this.
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devildomangel · 11 months ago
MC who was sad that they didn't get to see the Solar Eclipse so Beel and Belphie decided to recreate it for them.
-MC, wearing sunglasses and sitting outside the HOL-
Lucifer: MC! What in the nine circles are you doing out here?
MC: I'm watching the eclipse.
Lucifer: We don't even have a sun in the devildom
MC: Shhh! It's starting!
Beel, Wearing a cardboard cut out of the sun: *Standing still*
Belphie: *Wearing a cardboard cut out of the moon, passes by Beel*
MC: Hell yeah
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comfortcharacterprompts · 9 months ago
Lucifer: It’s dark in here Mc: Don’t worry, I got this. Mc: *Stomps their feet* Mc: *Skechers light up*
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sphireath-wisp · 9 months ago
One day, out of nowhere, the RAD Newspaper Club announces the start of a new account on Devilgram, dubbed a RAD confessions page. Promising anonymity with every post, they wish to seek out honest, unfiltered opinions and serve as a safe space.
It started off pretty light, of course.
"I think the future demon lord's butler and the Avatar of Pride are a weirdly coherent pair"
"The new curses class teacher that just joined RAD is unbelievably boring, skip his classes because they don't help. At all."
"The major blood spill that happened in 4th period in the girls' bathroom was me oops"
These little, usually harmless confessions didn't shock anyone. It barely served as anything interesting and you had overheard a group of their members complaining during lunch. Amused after hearing the RAD Newspaper Club's dispirited attitudes as the popularity of the account didn't rise as they originally anticipated, you decided to help them out a little by stirring the pot.
You stand up, excusing yourself from Satan, Beel, Belphie, and Mammon. "I'll be back," you promise with a cheeky grin. You make a beeline straight for Solomon, sitting beside him without a word with your shoulders touching his.
"Need something from me?" he chuckles, enjoying the sudden proximity.
You lean closer with your hands covering the sides of your face so no one could guess what you were mouthing out. Instinctively, Solomon tilts his head to you before... "mwah!" and that's all you say to him before scurrying off back to Satan, Mammon, and the twins.
Later that evening, a new post on the confession page pops up.
"oh my diavolo, you can't tell me yall didn't see the two transfer humans kissing!"
and devilgram goes wild.
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blacksheepoftheclass · 2 months ago
This is what I think will happen if you tell Beel to eat you out.
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aydien677 · 3 months ago
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Bro is not beating the autism allegations.
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astaroth1357 · 1 year ago
For your consideration:
Lucifer and Mammon display nesting behaviors.
If MC takes a nap around the House, they'll wake up surrounded by a mound of blankets, pillows, and various random shirts and jackets from their closest.
They think, "Oh MC might get cold, I'll go get them a blanket." ... then another, and another, and another, and...
Then their bird-brains forget even doing it until MC wakes up or they need their clothes to go out somewhere.
Belphie has woken up in similar fabric piles before and it weirds him out that they keep doing that
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slutifer · 11 months ago
Lucifer: mc, you can’t just say “spit in my mouth” when one of us does something you deem attractive
mc: but why not??
Mammon: yeah it’s just saliva, what’s the problem??
Satan: did you know that saliva is almost entirely water? only 0.5 percent of it is anything else, but that tiny portion is full of useful enzymes-proteins that speed up chemical reactions-
Lucifer: stop-
Satan: among these are amylase and ptyalin, which begin to break down sugars in carbohydrates while they are still in our mouths. if we chew a starchy food like bread or potato for a bit longer than normal, we will soon notice a sweetness. unfortunately, bacteria in our mouths like that sweetness, too-
Lucifer: STOP-
Satan: they devour the liberated sugars and excrete acids, which drill through human teeth and give them cavities. other enzymes, notably lysozyme-which was discovered by human scientist alexander fleming before he stumbled onto penicillin-attack many invading pathogens, but not the ones that cause tooth decay, alas.
Satan: …
Lucifer: …
mc: …
mc: spit in my mouth
Lucifer: MC
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cafe-smut · 5 months ago
One of my favorite things about Obey Me is that if you put anything on Mammon that forces him to speak the truth, he immediately wants it gone/off and for one singular reason.
Levi: *puts truth bracelet on Mammon*
Mammon, turning to Lucifer: I would do anything for you. I love you. You're my big brother and I'd fall into hell all over again for you. GET THIS THING OFF OF MEEEE
And it always ends with Lucifer staring at Mammon like he's seeing a small little angel all over again and falls in love (PLATONIC YOU BITCHES) with his brother all over again and then lets Mammon get away with shit for a week because that's his precious baby brother. If I were Mammon I would use that shit all the time.
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helshollowhalls · 5 months ago
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squeakyducky · 8 months ago
If MC wants someone to do a favour for them, all they have to do is go hug the character's arm, catch them off guard. Muster up the sweetest expression they can make and bat their pretty eyelashes at his questioning gaze and whisper out their wishes to him. And they're putty in your arms despite how smug they look. It works against even the difficult ones like Barbatos, Lucifer or Belphie. They WILL give into it. I guarantee it 100%. The easiest ones are, you guessed it Mammon, Levi and Beelzebub.
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tsukii0002 · 10 months ago
Mc: Remember when I told you about my period?
The brothers: ...
Mc: And how it was recommended that for those days there should always be chocolate and hot water bags because it helped me and gave me comfort?
Satan: Yes, we remember it...
Mc: And remember that I told you so you would not be caught off guard?
Belphie: Yeah...
Mc: Well *taking a breath*, it's time for us to talk about YOUR periods.
Mammon: We do not have periods!!!
Mc: *slamming the table* Periods, heats, mating time…. Call it what you want but it's time to talk about it!!!!
Levi: *very flushed* But...
Mc: But nothing!! I'm tired of waking up in nests in random places in the house time to time!!!! It's not nice to wake up with feathers in my mouth!!!!!
Mc: I would also like to be prepared in case I find any animal corpses at the foot of the bed!!! I appreciate the thought but I am human!!!! I don't need you to show me that you can get resources!!!! That's what supermarkets are for!!
Satan: *dodging the gaze*
Mc: And it would really be nice to know when you produce pheromones, that would have avoided me a lot of problems in RAD.
Asmo: Ha, ha *nervous laughter*
Mc: Or to know when to prepare myself to wake up in a cave dug in the garden or underwater.
Beel: ...
Levi: ...
Mc: And it would not be bad to know that during your period you are showing your demonic forms, I almost had four heart attacks the first time I saw your eyes glowing in the dark Mammon!!!
Mammon: That was an accident...
Mc: *enumerating with their fingers* Or that your sleep schedule changes, or that you don't sleep at all, or that your temperature changes, or that some of you become non-verbal, or that your wings produce a specific sound as a call…
Lucifer: Enough *massaging his temples while blushing* It has become clear.
Mc: You didn't think that, as a human living with seven demons, I should know these things???
Mammon: We didn't think you would notice...
Mc: *looking at him exceptionally* Mammon, my dear, last time you brought me a cocatrix egg because it glowed.
The brothers: ...
Mc: This is my last warning! Either we talk and set schedules or I take Solomon and Luke and go live somewhere else.
The brothers: !!!!
Satan: *whispering* Why only Solomon and Luke?
Asmo: *also whispering* Mc has given this same talk to Lord Diavolo, Barbatos and Simeon….
Mc: *taking out a notebook* So stop behaving like a pubescent teenager and tell me how your periods are going and if I can help you in any way.
Lucifer: Okay, you win…but this is not like your period.
Mammon: It's not fair!!! It's not like we can avoid it
Levi: *covering his face* This is going to be worse than a public exhibition…
Asmo: Well, at least this way we won't have to hide it….
Satan: *sighing* Will it really do any good?
Beel: *worried* It won't be a problem for Mc?
Belphie: … Well, I do want them to spoil me on my period.
The brothers: Belphie!!!!
Mc: *holding back laughter* That's the spirit.
I would like to write more extensive headcanons about it in the future 😊
Part 1 Part 2
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absolutepokemontrash · 8 months ago
I’m just imagining MC trying to curb the brothers’ more dangerous sinful urges, both for their own good and the good of the people around them, but it doesn’t always work out, and MC needs to settle for small victories.
Mammon: Gah! Human! It’s in my DNA! I’m hardwired to want things! I’m the demon of greed dammit! I want to steal!
MC: No! No theft!
Mammon: Not even one bit of grand larceny? ONE jewellery store???
Mammon: MC-
MC: OH FOR THE LOVE OF- go rob that fucking vending machine to get the urges out! Shoo! Shoo!
Mammon: *grumbles on the way to shake the shit out of a vending machine*
MC: So this is called Chess Boxing, you can stimulate your brain in between giving it blunt force trauma, and inflicting it on your opponent!
Satan: I don’t know, MC… I’m not sure if I’ll like i-
*elapsed time: 3 minutes*
Satan, covered in blood, both his own, and otherwise: WOOOOO! CHECKMATE, YOU DUMB MOTHERFUCKER!
Random wrath demon, on the floor: *shaky thumbs up*
MC: This is called competetive eating, Beel.
Beelzebub: So I need to eat all of these humans eating those tacos before the timer runs out. I don’t know, MC, that sounds easy.
MC: Beel- no- you’re eating the tacos. It’s a competition to see who can eat more food, not people.
Beelzebub: Ohhhhh, that sounds much better! :3
MC: So instead of being such a dick-
Lucifer: You love it.
MC: Shut up. Anyway, instead of being such a dick, you can channel your pride into other things, like putting your brothers’ report cards up on the fridge!
Lucifer: MC, I would do that if they got anything worth being proud of.
MC: Maybe you can be proud of yourself for investing in a fucking tutor then, Ms Trunchbull.
MC: Belphie- Belphie wake up, we need to find something more sustainable to channel your sloth into.
Belphie: *snore*
MC: …you are a drain on my mental energy.
*MC is immediately swatted by Belphie’s tail*
MC: Hey Asmo, you know those incredibly detailed dirty roleplay stories you text me on a regular basis?
Asmo: How could I forget~?
MC: Yeah yeah yeah, so do you want to stop traumatizing me with those and go write a dark romance novel that’ll make some booktok girlie scream over?
Asmo: Oooooo… tempting~!
MC: Hey Levi, why don’t we envy something attainable so you have something to work towards? Like showering more!
Leviathan: What..? What’s this all about??
MC: I’m just trying to help you grow beyond constantly feeling envy to everyone around you, because you’re pretty great, Levi!
MC: And you can start showing the world you’re great by showering more!
Leviathan: MC, I don’t know…
MC: Watch, you can envy how much I don’t stink! Levi, please, you smell like moldy Monster Energy…
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zziridian · 7 months ago
Mephistopheles: as an exchange student I'd expect better
Mc: my apologies mitochondria
Mephistopheles: WHAT
Mephistopheles: say my name
Mc: mesopotamia
Mephistopheles: nope
Mc: Metropolis
Mephistopheles: try again
Mc: Mumbojumbo? Malarkey?Magazine?Microwave oven?
Mephistopheles: I am leaving
For the life of me I can't pronounce Mephistopheles
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l3viat8an · 10 months ago
MC: Careful now. If you keep being sweet, I'll start thinking you're in love with me.
Solomon: What could I have possibly done to make you think I'm not??
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