#the hole in the roof
raccoonomicon · 2 months
Religious iconography is definitely influencing my art. There's just something in halos, in saviors and saints that is slowly turning my brain into glue.
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Posting this right away before I start hating it.
It's a fanart of my fanfiction - specifically of chapter 10 which I rewrote for perhaps the third time today (im an indecisive bitch) . It's pretty ironic how the fanfic itself is something so unserious and fundamentally ironic, while the fanarts feel like an omen of death.
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hyunpic · 4 months
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ryllen · 9 months
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OH NO CRINGEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Tim was four days into a sleep deficit so he felt that to say that this predicament was his fault was a bit of a reach.
For it to be his fault he would have had to cognizant of the last 16 hours.
All he wanted to do was take a power nap in the nearest closest durring the Waynetech gala but nooo Bruce had to be taken hostage by the Joker.
So he did what he thought would work best and shoved uncle Clark into the nearest emergency bat storage and told him to suit up.
Maybe he looked a bit more confused than normal but they didn’t need a reporter they needed Batman!
That being said wasn’t uncle Clark supposed to be off-world?
Oh no.
Jack honestly had no clue what was happening for the last six months so when he was told to be Batman he merely just shrugged as the frankly exhausted teen left him to his own.
With his son turning out to be part ghost to the government hunting down his said son and having to move shop halfway across the continent.
This might as well happen.
Grinning like a kid on Christmas, Jack plopped on the finishing touch.
“Oh Danno is not going to believe this!”
Raising a cloaked arm with a flourish Jack struck a pose.
“Alrighty Jack enough messing around! Time to save the party, Fenton style!
Shifting his feet, Jack took a deep breath before smoothing his face the best he could. After all, couldn’t have a smiling Batman! Before walking out the room and taking running leap through the wall to the streets of Gotham before grappling to the nearest building.
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skeletoninthemelonland · 10 months
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I am NOT sleeping tonight. Not like this.
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an-internet-introvert · 6 months
I have a feeling the phouse will never get done
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soapbubbles511 · 9 months
Ed coming up to Stede and being all "remember when we went to that fancy French party and you put flowers in my hair? maybe you could do that again 🥺". And then Stede does put more flowers in Ed's hair.
And then a few days later Stede finds Ed sitting on the floor, deep in concentration weaving some flowers into a little flower crown. Watches as Ed holds it up triumphantly as he gets it looped all the way around. Does a little happy wiggle when he puts it on his head.
Basically what I'm saying is Ed should put flowers in his hair again.
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tastytofusoup · 6 months
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Vanilla WoW (2004) ↠ Stormwind Canals
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t00thpasteface · 4 months
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love and happiness something that can make you do wrong make you do right
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holyghost-x · 9 months
richard sleeping in the warehouse during the coldest winter of vermont:
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cattimeswithjellie · 3 months
So I don't catch many of Gem's livestreams but I am doing a stream recap on her POV of the server tour from last week and I have to ask: Does she always spend so much time punching people? I mean, not that there's anything wrong with that, punching is clearly a love language for her, but I feel like I'm writing "Gem punches (whoever) off the roof/balcony/bridge" every two or three minutes of footage. Was she in a very punchy mood, or is this just Gem Behavior?
(For reference, I am 53 minutes into the two and a half hour stream and Gem has punched another hermit on 11 separate occasions. Most of the Hermits are just letting her, but Joel has set her on fire twice so far.)
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arsuns-ramblings · 30 days
Idk if it’s just because i’m not wearing my glasses and its late but i think that the humidity stain on my ceiling kinda looks like jerma
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truetealtears · 20 days
Okay so the companions rooms in the lighthouse dropped on twitter and looking at them I have to ask; is the lighthouse like shaping itself to fit the companions? cuz of the veil connections?? like those rooms are so intricately detailed and personalized already that it feels suspicious. Maybe those are the rooms final looks and we see them gradually settle in and add to them over the course of the game? cuz like the alternative is Varric commissioning some dwarves like 'yeah can we get a giant skeleton statue carved into the wall over there for the old guy, also a little pool in the middle of the room for Harding' and that's hilarious. He really took all the combined experience of watching Hawke/Inquisitor and said 'I'm gonna take such good care of my squad, they're getting fully decked out rooms for starters'
The major exception to my prior theory is ofc what is thought to be Lucanis' cellar room filled w kitchen stuff like idk why the lighthouse would do him dirty like that unless he really is that much of a mess lmao
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lukasdoodles · 2 months
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So life has been kinda hectic! My job is only able to give me hours starting August and my savings r drained on account of me moving soon and having to deal with some personal issues, so until I'm no longer in the red, my commissions will be 20% off! On top of that, the first three commission slots i receive will also get a little doodle of their choice as a thank you!
My commission prices can be found here ! You can also reach out to me via dms, my insta is lukasdoodles24, and my email is [email protected]
Thank you all so much!
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raayllum · 1 year
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He turns and reaches for her first and I'll never be over it
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Remember when we all watched the trailer and went "if this handhold is them thinking they won't make it out and they're saying their last words to each other" and then it happened and we all cried? Yeah, me too.
To love is simply to Know this..
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ianthedebonair · 4 days
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I wish I could share something exciting but I only use one brush 90% of the time lol.
It's a modified pencil tool in sai 2. I just fiddle with the edge hardness, density/opacity, and intensity of the noise effect whether I'm sketching, doing lineart, or rendering
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When I need to blend a lot more smoothly I use this airbrush tool and play with the same settings above
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Then sometimes, as a little razzle-dazzle, I also put a noise filter on a finished drawing lol
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