#and attempted to punch joel into lava and into a honey lake and doc off a catwalk
cattimeswithjellie · 3 months
So I don't catch many of Gem's livestreams but I am doing a stream recap on her POV of the server tour from last week and I have to ask: Does she always spend so much time punching people? I mean, not that there's anything wrong with that, punching is clearly a love language for her, but I feel like I'm writing "Gem punches (whoever) off the roof/balcony/bridge" every two or three minutes of footage. Was she in a very punchy mood, or is this just Gem Behavior?
(For reference, I am 53 minutes into the two and a half hour stream and Gem has punched another hermit on 11 separate occasions. Most of the Hermits are just letting her, but Joel has set her on fire twice so far.)
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