#the guy with the hands is his father cuz. you know
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junesprince · 1 year ago
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bitter choco decoration
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mikeluciraphgabe · 2 months ago
The Batkids have the same twenty dollar bill that has been going around for like 16 years straight or something - beginning with Jason and Dick
The story goes:
Jason, 12: I bet you $20 that I can make Bruce cry without saying a word
Dick: Deal.
Jason: *walks up to Bruce and hugs with love in his eyes*
Bruce: *violently sobbing and picking Jason up*
Dick: *angrily walks by and slyly hands Jason a 20*
A few weeks later it’s
Dick, on a skyscraper looking down at a different one: I bet $20 that I can make this landing
(Info: this genuinely should not be possible for Plot Reasons)
Jason: okay but if you die I get to keep it
Dick: *jumps and lands it*
Jason: *sadly climbs back down to the street and hands a proud Dick the SAME $20 he earned not too long ago*
This goes on between them for years - up until you know what
Dick, out of habit: I bet you $20 you can’t do six front flips in a row
Tim, new and eager to please: watch me bitch
Tim: *does it perfectly - maybe with a tad bit of a waver but still*
Dick, crying hysterically for many reasons: *hands the faithful $20 over*
(For plot reasons Tim never spends it for X reason)
Steph: I bet you $20 I can make that guy over there ask for my number
Tim: okay
Steph: *comes back over after successfully getting him to ask*
Tim: *handing over the 20*
Steph: oh you’re fucking on
Steph: DAMNIT *hands $20 over*
Damian: -tt- yes obviously I can. I shall take on the bet
Damian: *wins*
Cass: >:(
Damian: Thomas, I will give you a 20 dollar if you can scare Father
Duke: Hell yeah
Duke: *goes on a quest for a few days before he genuinely scares the crap out of Bruce*
By now, it’s a very big inside joke between the bats
It’s Dicks turn with the $20 when it happens like the first day
Jason: hey I bet I can make Bruce cry
Dick: oh please he hasn’t since 2013
Jason: Watch me
Jason: *walks up to Bruce, says a few words, hugs him tightly, walks back over to Dick*
Jason: Wait for it…
Bruce: *wonders off and a few moments later - you hear crying*
Dick: *passes a very wrinkly and used $20*
Jason: what the hell is this? The routing number has been out of rotation for years
Dick: oh it’s the same one that we used back when we made stupid bets - it’s been around the family
Jason: *definitely not crying*
Anyway; the reason I made this post was cuz of this headcanon
The bat siblings might have a $20 bill but there’s a 75% chance they won’t give it to you because “oh it’s not spending money”
“I know but this one is special-“
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angelyuji · 9 days ago
yandere mark grayson
might be a little ooc lowkey... sorry.
tw // stalking, nolan is an enabler, yandere behavior, emotional manipulation, honestly nothing too crazy compared to what ive written in the past
mark grayson x reader
im gonna talk mostly about story mark and not the variants but ill add a couple cutesy little remarks at the end
markie poo is very intense as a yandere, not in the kidnapping sort of sense but like emotionally
you’d probably meet him in college and start off as friends
he’s def the type to fall in love at first sight tho like he sees you and its like some angelic light bathed you
he was in awe
he def uses his powers to stalk you and figure out everything about you
william lowkey encourages it too cause…. he seems like the type to stalk his crushes (he’s a normal person so its like kinda a normal amount)
anyway he doesn’t really realize how he’s following you or watching you until someone points it out (eve) and he’s like “omg im so evil im so bad and evil and i should die”
and he confesses it to his parents cuz who knows better than him? mama y papa!!
“im so sorry, i know i shouldn’t use my powers to stalk (y/n). i know what im doing is wrong. i just like them… so so much.” mark buries his head in his hands, too ashamed to look at his parents.
he hears his mom sigh, “mark what you’ve been doing is-” she stops. mark looks up to see his dad whisper into her ear. she bites her lip before nodding. debbie pulls him into a hug before leaving the room to go upstairs. mark feels tears well up in his eyes, seeing the disappointment in his mom’s eyes.
“mark.” he looks over at his dad. “come here, son.” nolan pats the space next to him on the couch. mark hesitantly, moves to sit next to his father. “i sent your mother away because i needed to explain something to you. something she would never understand.” his father’s voice was low. mark swallows, trepidation building. “when i first met your mother, she had rejected me.” he sits back, “and i loved her more for it. everyday i would watch her, where she worked, where she lived, who she spent time with, everything, mark. i needed to know more about her, i wanted for her to be mine… i was-” nolan barks out a laugh, “i was willing to take her away from everything if she would’ve rejected me again.” he looks over at mark, “fortunately for all of us, your mom agreed for a date and now… here we are.” nolan smiles, wistfully. mark stays silent, processing everything. nolan pats his son on the knee, “what i’m trying to say, son, is that what you’re doing is normal. you are my son, of course you could love like i do.” nolan ruffles mark’s hair before standing up.
“but mom-”
“what your mother doesn’t know won’t hurt her, mark. and what (y/n) doesn’t know won’t hurt them.”
i made up that nolan did all that, but like…. who would be surprised if he actually did lol
anyway, nolan highkey made mark worse becuz why would u say all that, man… (i made him say it but that’s beside the point)
mark doesn’t even have his own place yet, so kidnapping is off the table and with papa nolan in space, he knows debbie won’t be down for him bringing back a gagged you lol
if ur single, he’ll just push and push and push until you’re like omg fine ill go on a date with you
he’ll do everything right just so you won’t think about not dating him
he doesn’t want to tell you that he’s invincible but if it means you’ll trust him to protect you, he’ll do tell u
he’s very very very overprotective
if you’re in danger… everybodys dying he does not gaf
if ur in a relationship, ur partner’s going missing… sorry to them but mark will swoop in while you’re grieving and then bam somehow you guys are dating
he would never hurt you, but he would hurt other people to get to you/make you realize you’ll never escape him
like father like son as they say
anyway some quickie thoughts about invincible war before we move on
the moment those unhinged freaks stepped foot into this universe, they’re gonna find you
similar to that moment in the show where the burned looking mark when home to fake-cry to kill debbie, smth like that except they show up and take you with them
anyway i have similar thoughts but mostly about omni-mark and the other freaked up mark #needthatbad
they’re sooo obsessed with u but its hard to give a generalized behavior headcanon cuz each of my freaks are so different
also before i go, i wanna go back to when i said he’s very emotionally intense
he’ll twist your words and make you feel bad for rejecting him/not listening to him
mark would def use his fears to make you do what he wants
“mark, i need to get to class.” you try to pull yourself out of his grasp, but his hands go back around your waist. the two of you lay naked next to each other in your dorm after he had come back from patrol, you can see his suit peeking out from under the bed as you try to pull yourself away once more.
“(y/n), please don’t go.” you turn to look at your boyfriend, he pouts as he pulls you closer. he buries his head into your chest and you feel your face get hot.
“mark, i have to go to class. i’ve already missed 3 lectures because of you.” you push yourself away and off the bed. you feel his hand clasp onto yours. “mark.” you frown and look back, annoyed, when you see his tears. “oh my god, mark,” you immediately fold, holding him close.
“i just… i’m sorry i know you have to go to class, but i was so worried with everything that’s happening. i had- i had a nightmare i lost you.” his voice was thick as he held back his tears. he presses his lips against yours, rough and needy. you let him; your heart heavy as you feel the weight on his shoulders. “i can’t lose you, (y/n). you’re my… you’re my everything, i can’t survive without you.” you let him kiss you once more, letting him pour his love into you. soon, you find yourself wrapped up in his touch. his lips against every part of you, his hands caressing your skin, his voice whispering sweetly into your ears. you missed your classes once more as mark held you tight. “i won’t survive without you, (y/n)…” his voice lulls you back to sleep, “and i won’t let you leave me.”
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svtiddiess · 1 month ago
I'm gonna stay as an anon cuz idk why I'm embarrassed 😫
2. “jealous? who, me? impossible” *is actually seething with rage & jealousy*
(Seungcheol is prolly 2secs away from beating tf outta the guy afabreader was laughing, giggling, and playfully shoving around with)
A bit of argument with cheol's jealousy between them
23. “and who are you to tell me who i can and can't be with?” “i'm your future husband, and probably, father of your future children.”
Flustered ass afabreader, as she storms away (I was hoping the scene could take place in the university cafeteria in front of a sh ton of students, please 🫶🏻)
Cheol follows her behind, to her dorm, and (rest idk cuz I don't wanna oversplain it which I'm afraid I already did idk I'm gonna pray that you accept this one) 🫂🎀✨️🫶🏻🫂🎀✨️🫶🏻🫂🎀✨️🫶🏻🫂🎀✨️🫶🏻🫂🎀✨️🫶🏻🫂🫶🏻✨️🎀🫂
"Jealous? Who, Me? Impossible" + "And Who Are You To Tell Me Who I Can And Can't Be With?"
Pairing: Seungcheol x afab!reader
Genre: angst, fluff, non-idol! au, drabble
Rating: sfw
Word count: 0.6k
Note: There's no need to be embarrased anonie! This is a safe space where you're allowed to be as unhinged as you want!
Request a drabble from me using these prompts!
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Jeonghan could feel the heat of Seungcheol's anger radiating off him like a furnace. He was practically seething, his jaw clenched tight as his gaze burned into you—specifically, at the way you were flirting with your classmate. Seungcheol had always had a crush on you, though he was terrible at hiding it. Yet, you seemed completely oblivious, brushing off every hint he threw your way.
What was supposed to be a normal lunch break at the university café had turned into a disaster. If Jeonghan had known he’d have to deal with Seungcheol's simmering rage, he would’ve stayed in his dorm. Letting out a soft sigh, he shook his head and muttered, "You seem jealous."
"Jealous? Who, me? Impossible," Seungcheol scoffed, his voice thick with sarcasm.
"You know she's not yours, right? She's allowed to flirt with whoever she wants," Jeonghan pointed out, his tone calm but firm.
Seungcheol only grumbled in response, rolling his eyes. Deep down, he knew Jeonghan was right, but that didn't stop the anger churning in his stomach or the ache in his chest. His frustration only grew when he saw you lean in and kiss your classmate's cheek. That was it—the final straw. Without a second thought, Seungcheol shot up from his seat and marched over to you, ignoring Jeonghan's protests.
You looked up at him, startled. "Seungcheol? What are you doing here?" you asked, clearly caught off guard.
Without a word, he grabbed your arm and pulled you toward him. "We're leaving," he growled.
"What the—Seungcheol! What are you doing?!" you exclaimed, trying to wrench your arm free from his iron grip.
"I said we're leaving," he repeated, his voice low and firm. "I don't want you flirting with him," he added, glaring at your classmate.
You scoffed, completely bewildered. "And who are you to tell me who I can and can’t be with?"
Without hesitation, he shot back, "I'm your future husband, and probably, father of your future children."
His words hit you like a shockwave. You froze, your eyes widening and your lips parting in surprise. A blush crept across your cheeks as you stammered, too flustered to respond. Seungcheol took your silence as an opportunity to tug you toward the door, but you dug in your heels.
"N-No! You can't just barge in here, cause a scene, and expect me to go along with it!" you yelled, finally managing to pull your hand free.
Seungcheol glanced around and realised the entire café was staring at them. Maybe he had gone a bit overboard. Before he could say anything else, you stormed off, clearly embarrassed. He scrambled after you, determined to make things right.
He followed you all the way to your dorm, catching the door just before you could slam it in his face. Stepping inside, he watched as you backed away, your expression a mix of anger and confusion.
"Go away, Seungcheol!" you shouted, trying to push him out, but his size and strength made it impossible.
Instead, he grabbed your hands and held them against his chest. "Y/N, please, just give me a chance to explain," he pleaded, his voice softer now.
"What is there to explain?!" you snapped, still struggling. "You embarrassed me in front of everyone, ruined my chances with Wonwoo, and—"
"I'm in love with you, Y/N!" he blurted out, cutting you off.
You froze, your eyes locking onto his. "W-What?" you whispered, your voice barely audible.
"I'm in love with you," he repeated, his gaze steady despite the vulnerability in his voice. "I always have been. Ever since we met, I've fallen for you—deeply." He took a deep breath, his eyes searching yours. "Let me make this right. Please. Let me take you out on a proper date and show you how much you mean to me."
For a moment, the room was silent. You stared at him, your mind racing as you processed his words. Finally, you took a deep breath and gave him your answer.
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Taglist: @tinyelfperson @gyuguys @stay-tiny-things @unlikelysublimekryptonite @miyx-amour @iamawkwardandshy @codeinebelle @brownbunnyb @do-you-remember-summer-127 @sclovreina @theidontknowmehn @toplinehyunjin @gyuhao365 @mysticfairies @cherrylovescheol @cookiearmy @4shypotato @lxnnrobin @sashaaahh @xueisaaa17 @aeriyell @eshia16 @dreamingofpcy @archivistworld @kyeomiis @iwannakisspoutycheol @foxiesgf24 @livelaughloveseventeen @aliiikareed @jennwonwoo @brownsugarbaybee
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byunpum · 1 year ago
Mama's Boy | Part 3
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Pair: Jake x neytiri x human reader (trio couple) x sully children's
Warning: Kinda sad, cozy moments, conflict.
Note:I've had so many ideas for this mini-series. Cuz yeah, now I've turned it into a mini-series xD. I think it's going to have two more parts or who knows. But thank you so much for the support, by the way I recently opened a KO-Fi…. if you want to leave any tips or support I would appreciate it (it would help me to buy real coffee xD). But still we are very close to reach my followers goal, you guys are amazing.
AVATAR MASTERLIST | Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6(final)
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You still couldn't believe you were with your family. Neteyam, kiri and tuk were helping neytiri prepare breakfast. Jake was next to you, while lo'ak had his head in your lap. The boy may have been twice your size, but he was always looking for a way to snuggle with his mother. He had his eyes closed, while you gently stroked his hair. "Looks like someone around here is falling asleep," jake says, watching as lo'ak settles more into your lap. You smile, bending a little to place a soft kiss on lo'ak's cheek. "He missed me so much, huh?" you speak, jake moves closer to you. For now he wraps his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to him. "yeah…he was hopeless" jake looks at lo'ak, he had definitely fallen asleep. "My poor beautiful baby" you speak. "You know he's all grown up" jake teases a little, but he does it with tenderness. You've always been that way with all the kids in the family. You were the mother who spoiled them.
On the other hand, you felt a little bad for lo'ak. You knew that these last few months must have been difficult for him. Of course, being away from you. The whole mess with the RDA. But the little problem between him and his father. Jake could be a little strong with lo'ak, always comparing him to neteyam. This situation had been the beginning of a few arguments between Jake and you. They never became serious and always looked for a solution. But you knew that if you were present things had to get a little out of control.
"Come here…the food is ready" says neytiri. You carefully lift lo'ak up, watching as the boy stands up and sits down. Everyone settles in together, neteyam runs as fast as he can settling in next to you. "Hey…move!!!" lo'ak pushes neteyam a little. "skxawng let me…I want to be next to mom too" neteyam and lo'ak start to fight. In a quick move you pull lo'ak's tail, dragging him hard so that he sits on your left side. "By eywa… Here's an empty space" you scold them both. Neytiri couldn't contain her laughter, they looked so cute. It had been a long time since the whole family had been together.
Breakfast was served very quickly, everyone was happy. Telling the anectodes they had lived, catching up with each other. The room was so bright and happy. It seemed as if nothing bad was happening. "mom I have to show you my ilu" says tuk excitedly. "ilu? What is that?" you ask because everything she was telling you was new to you. You had arrived in the early morning. And you hadn't left the marui at all, even jake sneaked you from the ikran to the marui. "They are a type of ikran…but aquatic" neytiri explains to you, this makes you more curious. "yessss mom you will love them, and the beaches…ahhh" kiri was so excited, planning everything she was going to do with you. But jake interrupts them for a moment, "kids…I know you are excited about your mother's arrival, but remember I still have to talk to the clan leaders" jake speaks, watching as all the family's faces changed to one of concern.
"Are they that bad?" you look at neytiri with concern. "They're not bad…tonowari is friendly and I'm sure she'll understand. But ronal…she's the problem" jake gets a little nervous, knowing he'll have to talk to them soon. "She's very problematic" neytiri says rolling her eyes back. "but mom isn't going to leave…is she?" lo'ak holds your hand tightly. "I'm going to stay?" you look at Jake, waiting for his answer. Jake caresses your face. "Of course you are…it's definite. Y/N is staying with us" jake speaks. Lo'ak moves closer to you, curling his hand between your arm. He looked like a larva next to you, and on your other side was neteyam imitating lo'ak. You squeeze their hands tighter, hoping they know you're not going anywhere.
After breakfast, neytiri insisted that you take a nap. The journey through the night and into the early morning had been a long one. So she adjusted the hammock she and Jake shared. "Here the three of us will sleep…it's very comfortable. You should get some rest," says neytiri, she was so excited about your arrival. She felt complete again. Jake completed a part of her soul, but you were her soul mate. You did everything together, the connection you two had was very special. "well you're right…I'm a little tired" you stretch out, climbing into the hammock to rest. As you were settling in, neytiri was talking to you. Until lo'ak approaches from the other side. "Mama!!!" lo'ak yells. Neytiri taps him on the head. "Be quiet…mama is going to sleep" neytiri scolds him, but you touch lo'ak's face. "What's wrong my darling?" you see lo'ak's little ears pull back.
"Then…are we going to make the bracelets we always make for my birthday?" lo'ak looks at you with wide eyes. Neytiri opens her eyes, and you look at her with concern. By your arrival they had both forgotten about the boy's birthday. "Of course we did…but mom needs to rest" you reassure the boy. Lo'ak smiles excitedly, walking away to go get everything ready for when you get up. "this day has been crazy and it's only just started" neytiri says, watching you laugh. She takes your hand and gives it a gentle kiss. "Rest" neytiri pulls away, leaving you to rest. You had to process everything that was going on, you settle a little in the hammock and close your eyes.
On the other hand, Jake had left the Marui after finishing breakfast. He was determined to do whatever it took to get you to stay with them. Jake arrived at tonowari and ronal's marui. The pair got up from the floor when they saw jake approaching. "hello…good morning" jake speaks, greeting both bosses. He felt like he was about to throw up, the matkayina clan had been so kind to them. He had recently accepted them into the clan, and now he was about to drop some big news. "How can we help you?" asks Ronal, inviting Jake to sit down. Jake sits down, placing his hands on his thigh nervously. "I came to ask you for a favor," jake says. Ronal looks quickly at his partner, tonowari signals jake to continue. "I know I haven't expressed myself honestly…but my family is bigger than you think" says jake. Tonowari now looks confused. What was this man talking about.
"I had to leave one of my children's mothers in the jungle, because it was dangerous for her to come with us. But recently I brought her here…to the clan," Jake says, swallowing hard. Jake was looking both leaders in the eye. "Another mother? How were you able to leave one of your mates? What was the reason?" asks tonowari. Jake settles back on his ankles, he was sweating a little. "The reason I couldn't bring her is that she's…she's a person from the Sky" jake speaks, there was a rather long silence for jake's liking." You're saying there's a demon living among us!!!" shouts ronal, the woman gets up from the ground. She looked upset. "No wait!!! She's harmless…I can" jake tries to explain everything, trying to make eye contact with tonowari. "Jake sully…what have you done?" tonowari looked annoyed, but calm at the same time. For some reason over the past few months the two men had become good friends. "She's the mother of my children too…I" jake is interrupted by ronal. Which was now in front of him. "How is it possible!!!?" ronal is hysterical, a demon in her clan. She couldn't allow something like that.
"Y/n…she is the mother of my third child, lo'ak. She carries, raises and is the mother of my son. I know it's crazy, but you must believe me. She won't do any harm, tonowari listen" jake tries to approach his friend. "She is part of the omaticaya clan, she is someone who has earned the trust of our clan. She is a na'vi" jake tries to speak as slowly as he can. " A na'vi…you're crazy!!!" ronal sits down next to his partner, taking his hand. "Jake…I don't think…everything you're telling me is a lot" tonowari is at a loss for words. "I know it's hard to understand and hard to believe. But I'm asking you to please let her stay. She is part of our family, if you want I can bring her here…and" jake is again interrupted by ronal.
"No…she won't stay here. It is impossible for a human to give birth to a na'vi child. Second she is dangerous, she is a demon!!!" ronal shouts, but that word awakens something in jake that he was trying to control. "SHE IS NOT A FUCKING DEMON…AND I ASK FOR A LITTLE RESPECT, BECAUSE YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT MY PARTNER AND THE MOTHER OF MY CHILDREN" jake yells, getting up from the ground. This action causes tonowari to become defensive. Imitating jake, getting up. "Jake you don't need to yell at my partner like that" tonowari confronts him. "And she shouldn't talk about my family like that" jake takes a deep breath. Preparing to exit the marui. "I appreciate everything you have done for me and my family….but if you don't accept her. I think it would be best if we left" jake speaks, exiting the marui in annoyance.
He knew he shouldn't have yelled like that, much less at Ronal. But he could let them talk bad about you. If there was one person who had never hurt anyone, it was you. Even in the great war with the RDA you never… had blood on your hands. Jake arrived at the marui, finding only you and neytiri. You were still lying in the hammock, while Neytiri was weaving a basket. You both looked so happy and carefree. Jake remains silent, watching as both women looked at him with concern. "Is something wrong?" neytiri asks watching as jake sits down next to you. "Jake?" you knew that face something had happened. Jake is silent for a good while, trying to calm down and get the news out that he was going to say. "I think we'll be leaving this place tomorrow…all of us" Jake says, Neytiri adjusts in her seat. And you quickly get out of the hammock, confused. "What are you talking about honey?" you speak. Jake reaches over and strokes your cheek, your partner's eyes reflecting frustration. "I tried to talk to them…but all they did was offend you" jake swallows hard, dragging the back of his neck. "I crossed the line…and yelled at ronal. I couldn't stand them talking bad about you" jake speaks, you hold his hand. Sitting next to him. "my eywa…what did you do?" neytiri was upset, she was tired of moving from one side to the other.
"If I have to go back to the jungle I'll do it…" you speak, but you see how neytiri and jake look at you with wide eyes answering you with a big 'No'. Jake was not going to let you go back to camp. The family had already decided that you would stay with them, no matter what. Now the problem was telling the kids the news, but they had to. That same day you broke the news to the children. While neteyam, tuk and kiri looked a little upset because they had to leave the place, as they were getting used to it. Lo'ak didn't really care, after his mother was with him. On the other hand you felt very guilty, this wouldn't be happening if you weren't here. You were the problem and it was killing you. Your people were already the problem that Pandora had, but now you were also the problem that your family had.
You were sitting in a corner of the marui, everyone had started to pack everything. According to Jake, they were leaving the next morning. Neytiri looks at you, you were wrapped up like a little ball in a corner. She knew you…she knew you were feeling guilty. Neytiri didn't care for humans, the only human she ever allowed in her life was you. You are the only human she trusts and loves. Neytiri knew that none of what was happening was your fault, she never blamed you or held you responsible for the cruelties your species did, she never would. Because for her you were another creature, as if you were a being apart from your own race. Neytiri approaches you, kneeling down to now be at your level. You look up, meeting Neytiri's gaze. She had a warm smile plastered on her lips. "You know I hate it when you feel guilty," says neytiri.
"But it is… and you know how true. I shouldn't be around you guys, I'm one of the biggest problems you have and I" you are interrupted, when neytiri in one swift movement grabs your wrist and lifts you off the ground. Dragging you into her arms, hugging you tightly. From the emotion and stress you have been carrying all these months you collapse in her arms. And you begin to cry, this attracts the attention of the whole family. Kiri quickly approaches, and accompanies neytiri in the hug and tuk also joins in. "You are not a problem for this family…You are not like them, you will never be like your species. I know…I bet everything on you" says neytiri, pulling away a little from the hug, to fix several pieces of your hair. "I get sad when you cry," says tuk, and you try to calm down, caressing the little girl's face.
Jake is packing things, with neteyam's help. They are both looking at the scene, Jake looks at Neteyam. He looked a little upset, "everything okay?" asks Jake, watching as Neteyam lets go of what he was doing. "I don't understand why they don't accept mom…she's our mother and…I don't understand" neteyam is frustrated. He wishes everyone could see you like they see you here. "teyam not all people think like us and have the same understanding. That's why we'll find another place…we'll be fine" jake taps his son on the arm. Jake turns all around, looking for lo'ak. "Hey where's your brother?" jake asks, neteyam lifts his shoulders. "Mmmm I don't know, he said something like 'I want to take one last walk'" neteyam speaks. Jake sighs loudly, he hopes lo'ak doesn't do anything stupid before he leaves, otherwise he was going to kill him.
On the other hand… lo'ak was determined to behave like a man, like a warrior. He looked for tsireya, the girl was talking to roxto when he saw lo'ak approaching her. "Hello!!!" the girl got excited when she saw him, lo'ak had been missing for a long time. "Hi…hey can I ask you a favor?" the boy asks. Roxto and tsireya gave each other a look. "I need to talk to your father" says lo'ak, he looked determined and confident. "Ahh I don't think so… dad talked about something like he had an argument with your father and I don't think it's the right thing to do" says tsireya.
"I know…but that's why I want to talk to him. I'm sure he'll understand me" says lo'ak. The girl thought for a moment, she didn't think it was the right thing to do. But something told her she had to let him talk to her father. "Ok…come with me" says tsireya, starting to lead lo'ak towards the familiar marui. Ronal was not in the marui, and to lo'ak's luck there was only tonowari. The man sees who is accompanying his daughter, and sighs aloud. "What brings you here?" says tonowari. Lo'ak greets him respectfully. " Dad… lo'ak wants to talk to you" says tsireya.
"But I don't want to talk to him," says tonowari, going on about his business. The girl looks worriedly at lo'ak. But he steps forward. "Sir…please, I need you to listen to me" says lo'ak, making eye contact with the man. Tonowari thinks for a moment, but agrees. Tsireya steps away and leaves them alone. "Why don't you sit down boy" says tonowari. Lo'ak sits down, in comparison to his father. Lo'ak had a serious and determined posture.
"Go ahead…I'm listening" says tonowari. Lo'ak clears his throat and takes a deep breath. "I know you and my father had an argument this morning, and it was about my mother. I know it's hard to understand, that a human is the mother of a na'vi. But look at me…I am proof of that" lo'ak points to himself, raising his hands to show you. "Take a good look at me…I am a hybrid…a mixture of my father and mother. And I'm still a na'vi. You people may think I'm a monster," lo'ak says.
"I don't think that…boy, she is a sky person, they have destroyed everything they touch" says tonowori. "But my mother hasn't destroyed anything and anyone. She is the best person that can exist. She has been through so much… I just want her to be with us. For her to be safe, because she is in danger too." Lo'ak moves closer to the man. "Please give her a chance…a time of trial. And if she does not convince you, we will leave. But I swear to you my mother is not dangerous" Lo'ak is practically begging to accept his mother into the clan. Lo'ak had never been one to beg for help, but for you. He would give the world, he needed you to be here. And he also knew that the whole family needed you.
Lo'ak gets up from the floor, tonowari said and spoke nothing. He just looks seriously at the boy. Lo'ak thanks him for taking care of him and starts his way to the marui. When he arrives he sees how the whole family was packing. "Where were are you?" asks neytiri. "I was saying goodbye to my friends" says lo'ak, walking towards you. Neytiri gives you a look and you signal that you were in charge. Lo'ak sitting down next to you, laying his head on your shoulder. "Mom?" lo'ak speaks softly, just for you to hear. "Yes?" you speak, as you go about your own business. "You're awesome, you know that?" lo'ak says. Feeling you stop, you turn to look at him. You press a kiss to his hair, and he swears he sees your eyes fill with tears. "I know honey…I know" you joke. Lo'ak is just waiting for tonowari to think about what he told him. he needs eywa to help him.
P.s. This part was going to be longer, but I think I got carried away. XD So I split it so there would be another part, I hope you like it. Wait for the next part <3
Tag: @baybaybear1 @hoodiepandaninja16 @teyyyteyyy @anika-rose-walker @victoria2054 @raviolisblog @jessi-dan @neteyams-wh0re @jimfiqs @bitchykittenconnoisseur @chershire23 @holynightnacho @danilezilla
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lunarfied · 3 months ago
OKAY. this has been on my mind for a while but i saw a few people saying smth like “oh i think dae ho is lying about being in the marines” and bro whatttttt the hell what show are Y’ALL watching to think that?
like yeah when he dropped the walkie talkie i was like “?? oh ur a traitor????” but then we immediately see why he did that. bc he has fucking ptsd bro!!
daeho literally drops so many clues that he has severe trauma from
1) his time on the field and
2) his father
that’s why he acted the way he did in the last ep ?? i feel like,, media literacy IS so dead cuz like whatttttt ????? like yes of course you can have your theories but please ?? watch the show LMFAO ??
he talks about how he was in the marines, and then when jungbae brings up his father, his response is to immediately shut down and change the subject (a trauma response)
he hears rapid gun shots, holds a gun (again, i assume), sees his allies drop dead one by one around him and then goes back to get the mags which all caused him to have a ptsd episode. like. please guys do research before dropping theories ooohhhhwah,, this is so common for veterans ??
i don’t think he would lie about any of that and also it’s mandatory for korean men to do military service anyway ? so no matter what he was in there 😭 although being in the actual marines is different of course
anyways fast forward to the end when hyunju comes back and daeho is in the corner, knees against his chest, hands covering his ears, visibly he is not mentally there — he was having a ptsd episode. he flinched when hyunju reaches for the mags obviously implying he has faced some kind of abuse and assumed she was going to hit him for failing to bring back the mags? you think he would fake that kind of response 😭😭 y’all would hate the way people with ptsd act irl if y’all assume he’s faking his reaction..
i don’t know why this theory is circulating LMFAO he is NAWT a liar he is just traumatized!!
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suzukiblu · 4 months ago
WIP excerpt for inkwell behind the cut; “Billy and Damian and the whole soulmate thing”. (( chrono || non-chrono ))
Like–except Robin, obviously. Robin doesn’t deserve him being spiteful. Robin deserves, like, a nice wedding with Nightwing as his best man and Red Robin, like, definitely invited but maybe seated at a table off to the side behind a tactically-placed floral arrangement or twelve and also whatever Robin likes to eat on the menu, which Billy admittedly doesn’t actually know yet and probably needs to figure out. Though then again, if he’s running away from the Justice League and/or Batman’s weird seventeen-bedroomed house until he’s eighteen, Robin’s tastes are probably gonna change a bit, so maybe he should just wait on that so he can be sure he’s getting it right and all? 
Ugh. Billy really doesn’t wanna have to run away from the Justice League until he’s eighteen. Especially not Batman. Batman’s really good at finding people, so he’s basically just gonna have to hide out at the Rock of Eternity for like the whole time, and that is so long and is gonna get so boring so quick. 
Ugh. Ughhh. Ugh. 
“Where was that? Laws about supplying alcohol to a minor vary significantly from state to state,” Batman says as Flash slithers to the floor with an actual moan. Billy glowers at him. He is still not forgiving him just ‘cuz he’s funny. “And felony charges can apply to repeat offenders."
. . . alright, Batman’s really funny. But still, dammit! 
“Bats, I really don’t think accidentally buying a drink for a magically-disguised minor three years ago is the relevant concern here,” Green Lantern says in exasperation. 
“You said you took him to multiple bars,” Batman says, just barely tilting his head. “Was that the only time any of you bought him a drink?” 
“I–you–he looks like forty!” Green Lantern protests. Flash just stays on the floor. 
Batman raises an eyebrow behind his mask, then looks over at Billy and looks him over; then looks back to Green Lantern with a very telling expression. Green Lantern sputters indignantly. 
“Stop being funny, asshole, I’m still gonna be mad even if you are,” Billy grumbles at Batman, who just makes the same little “hm” noise he always does when he’s feeling particularly smug about a joke he’s made. Billy scowls at him on principle. 
Asshole. Geez, like Billy’s new here or something. 
“Father, this is hardly professional behavior,” Robin says, giving Batman a withering look. 
“God, I will never understand what kids even think Bats is saying,” Green Arrow mutters under his breath, half-covering his face with a hand and eyeing Robin through his fingers. “Listen, Cap–Billy–” 
“Excuse you?” Billy asks, scowling at him instead. “You think we’re on a first-name basis while you guys are threatening me?” 
“Listen, brat, I am also a licensed foster parent, and Star is closer to Fawcett than Gotham is, so I in fact am threatening you,” Green Arrow retorts, narrowing his eyes at him. “And there’s eight bedrooms in my house.” 
“That is not a house!” Billy says. “That’s literally not a house, that’s like a hotel! Why do none of you just have houses?!” 
“A motel, perhaps,” Robin drawls, eyeing Green Arrow disdainfully. 
“I am not living with anyone, I’m fine,” Billy emphasizes with a glower. “I’ve been fine all this time, haven’t I?”
“. . . Billy,” Superman says, looking stressed. “How long have you been homeless, exactly?” 
“Since I was like seven,” Billy says, since he doesn’t count any of the in-and-out foster care nonsense as not being homeless, considering. That’d just been a bunch of shitty places he’d had to sneak out of or run away from, not actually anywhere he’d ever really lived. Mostly he’d slept in abandoned buildings or alleys or parks, ‘cuz it’d been safer. “So I’m fine, obviously.” 
“Since you were seven,” Superman repeats, looking stressed. 
“That’s what I said,” Billy says in exasperation, folding his arms again and glowering at him. “And I didn’t even have superpowers then and still took care of myself fine, so I’m double-fine now, actually.” 
Superman puts his face in his hands, for some reason. Black Canary pats his back sympathetically.
Billy does not think Superman deserves sympathy right now.
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carlplsrailme · 2 years ago
𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 | 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐥 𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬 ᵈʳᵃᵇᵇˡᵉ
summary: the morning after your first time with Carl, you make some jokes only he knows the context to.
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carl grimes x fem!reader
cw: suggestive talk, reference to past sex, teasing and fluff!
request: could you like make something like the morning after their first time reader is like super flirty and won't stop teasing him and shit in front of everyone and carl is so flustered like 'shut up :0'. I've had this idea for days but im a shit writer so....
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the porcelain cup rims your lips as the coffee threatens to spill out any moment, dizzy as you stare at him with such adoration while images of last night flash in your mind
you finally sealed the deal. and it was perfect.
he held your hand the entire time, whispered such sweet things, and now you're staring for way too long.
your throat aches a side cough and is soothed by the hot coffee your pour down it as he leans onto the counter, thank goodness your gawking didn't interrupt the conversation between him and his father, or else you might have died from embarrassment.
"why don't we go today?" carl perks up, and his father lets out an airy laugh
"We can't just go, we need to plan out spots first..see which ones 'been used already" he gruffs, dismissing his son as he moves to grab coffee
you move over to him, placing your cup down as he silently mopes about the lack of plans for the run he wanted to go on so badly.
you reach up and twirl one of your fingers with his locks, much like you did last night as you purse your lips together in thought
"why do you want to go out so badly? shouldn't you rest?" the question having obvious undertones but Rick doesn't pay any mind to it
"i-i..because we're running low on stuff..." he stutters out, your flirting catching him off guard
"mm.." "sure it isn't 'cuz you wanna drive the car into a ditch?" you joke, spinning around in time to catch Rick choking on his coffee, but you aren't referencing his horrible driving, you're talking about the time you guys almost had sex on a run.
"I-i..shut up..." you see his face deepen as the memory comes back in full force
"don't say 'shut up'" Rick scolds but you know you deserve it with how you're teasing him, picking up your coffee you wink at the boy before walking back up to your room.
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an: <333
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batfam-my-beloved · 5 months ago
AU where Batman has a "no killing" rule but that only applies to Batman
Bruce understands that people have their own form of morality and justice. He's not going to fault a soldier for doing what they have to do to protect people. It's just that he personally would probably never go that far. Not that he can't, mind you, he's fucking Batman! Just that the mental and emotional toll would fuck him up so bad he'd be a danger to himself and society.
So when it comes to his murder happy children his rule for them is: "Wait until you're 18."
Bruce: "Dickie, I know Tony Zucco killed your parents and he deserves WAY worse than a punctured lung, two broken legs, a fractured skull, and a dislocated shoulder. But you're also 10 yrs old and the parenting books say that murder at such a young age is not good for a child's emotional development. So how bout we keep him locked up in jail, good and tight, and if you're still mad about it when you turn 18 then you can have at it. Sound good chum?"
Dick, pouting and kicking rocks: "I guess."
Tim "forever 17" Drake is just counting down the days until his 18th birthday because that mother fucker has a list. He doesn't mind waiting because he god damn knows there are worse things than death one can do to someone.
Damien has been killing since he could walk and hold up a sword, so when he comes to live with his father under the "no killing until 18" rule he is NOT happy about it. Until his brothers start poking fun at him.
Damien, pouting: "It isn't fair! Todd gets to go out and kill people!"
Bruce: "Jason is over 18 yrs."
Jason: "Yeah! And besides, its not my fault you're just uncreative in how you beat up bad guys!"
Damien: "What is that supposed to mean!"
Tim: "It means that there are worse things than death but you're just too dumb to know it."
Damien, furious: "Am not!"
Jason and Tim, teasing: "Are too!"
Damien: "AM NOT!"
Jason and Tim: "Are tooooo!"
Dick, tired: "Guys, stop making fun of him. He's just gunna take it as a challenge."
Damien, determined: "Well I accept this challenge! I'll provide my superiority as a vigilantly by taking out the enemy in non-lethal yet appropriately brutal ways of punishment! Just you watch!"
Bruce, weary yet appeased: "Well at least he's not gunna attempt murder for a while."
Jason didn't come with an automatic kill switch so Bruce didn't really have to worry about it. But then Jason died and Dick got to see first hand as to why Bruce had a no killing rule for himself. The insurmountable destruction, the overall apathy for the harm to others around him, the deep seated rage ready to just destroy everything he comes in contact with. Alfred tells Dick that they need to stop him because Bruce won't just stop at the Joker, he'll go after Jason's mother (in this au I'm making Sheila live for the extra angst factor)and whoever else he deems even remotely responsible for the death of his son. Bruce won't care if it starts wars and conflict across nations, he will NOT stop until he gets his revenge.
So they stop him, practically have to sedated Bruce with enough tranquilizers to put down an elephant 10x over. And then they lock the Joker up in the deepest underground pits of Arkham with a broken spine and enough security measures that it's very much impossible to brake him out least you're the Batman himself. Bruce isn't happy about it at first but Alfred and Dick are there with him through it all and it helps a lot.
When Jason comes back he still doesn't know about the "no killing until your 18" rule, nor does he know the reason WHY Batman doesn't kill. So he's still angry and does his whole thing as Red Hood but when he reveals himself to Batman as Jason Todd Bruce is just so happy to see him again. And Jason is confused cuz like: "I just killed a bunch of people, aren't you disappointed?"
And Bruce is like: "I am a bit mad that you hurt Tim but other than that you are technically over 18 yrs old now so I'm going to assume you understand the weight and responsibility that is put upon you when killing someone."
Jason, softly: "What...the fuck?"
Then Jason quickly snaps back into gear with his plan, demands Bruce to choose between killing the Joker or him and Bruce hits back with: "Oh, I'd like nothing more than to kill Joker but I promised Dick and Alfred I wouldn't after almost starting an international war that one time."
Jason, extremely frustrated that his plan isn't going how he wanted to: "What. The. Fuck!"
So Jason dips and tracks down Dick so he could explain what the hell was going on. And Dick does explain. He explains the absolute monster Bruce almost turned into when Jason was murdered and how Bruce would most definitely not stop at the Joker if given the chance.
Dick: "You don't understand Jay, it was bad! Like really, really bad! He was going to kill your mom!"
Jason, shocked: "The fuck?!"
Dick: "He still has her on a tracker! We found him just before he killed Joker, but he still managed to paralyze him from the neck down!"
Jason, slightly disturbed: "That was him!"
Dick: "He was beating Joker's ass with a crowbar! And even after we managed to sedated Bruce and pull him off the clown we still had to make sure that Joker was locked up good and tight underground because if Bruce even caught a glimpse of him in a photo he'd go into another spiral!"
Jason, horrified: "What....the fuuuuuck???"
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adhdduckie · 5 months ago
cuz he's my best friend's brother!
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my masterlist
pairing : choso kamo (my beloved) x reader.
on the radio : lunch by billie eilish.
word count : 11.1k
synopsis; he's your best friend's older brother- that's all he is to you. nothing more, nothing less. so why do you feel this way about him? and why are you so interested in the things that he does? he seems to have no interest in you at all. (no curses AU) turns out he's just as whipped as you. yuji being done with u n choso forever
years of gradual buildup to a romantic relationship between your best friend's brother; choso kamo.
guys im so sorry this has been marinating in my drafts for months.
t.w; swearing, some angst? eventual fluff. reader is described as having a period and wears dresses. lmk if i forget anything else
AGE 5 and AGE 7
You met Yuji at your day care. you'd been sitting on the grass field in the backyard of sunny smiles daycare, tears welling up in your eyes as you glared angrily at the ground. you didn't want to be here! you wanted to be at home with your mom and dad!
it was your first time being away from your parents for so long, and you'd stormed away from the sunny smiles worker as soon as your parents left.
so that brought you to where you were, sitting under a shady tree all alone, stabbing angrily at the ground with a stick. it's not that anyone was actively avoiding you, as a couple of other kids had approached you but you hissed at them like a feral cat, not particularly enjoying your emergence into society.
it all changed very quickly though, because just when you found a little stick bug, a little boy with bright pink hair and a bright smile came bounding up to you.
“Whatcha lookin at?” he asks, and you look up at him.
“Bug.” you respond shortly, and his smile brightens even further, if that was even possible. (you learn to know that his smile is blinding, and something he doesn’t reserve. He gives them to everyone as if it's as easy as breathing to him.)
That’s how you become best friends with Yuji, over some fascination over a stick bug, in the corner of a playing field.
You end up finding out that he lives on your street, a couple of houses down, with his big brother and his  dad.
Throughout the years, you spend countless hours over at the itadori/kamo household, and it becomes a second home to you quite easily, their father being kind and outgoing helps you become seamlessly integrated into their family of 3.
The first time you went over, you were sooo excited the night before, you couldn’t sleep! You’d known yuji for an entire 2 weeks, and could not wait to meet his older brother, and his parents.
The day of, you were so hyperactive, bouncing around while you whined to your mother when she took an entire 10 minutes to get ready to walk you to his house, running ahead of her on the pavement on the way there.
You race up the stairs to his door, pounding your little fists on the door, somewhat rudely and rather impatiently, but you get a pass for being a literal child.
Your mother pulls you by the hand away from the door and scolds you for being impolite and so impatient, but you’re too excited to care.
You can hear the door being unlocked on the other side of the door, and then next thing you know, there’s an angel opening the door and staring down at you with the prettiest purple eyes.
…record scratch.
The boy standing in front of you is not an angel, but he might as well be. Longish black hair thrown up in to two twin ponytails, with deep set eyes and a thousand yard stare, he’s gorgeous. He smiles at you, greeting you formally as if he’s an adult, and not just a 7 year old boy.
Your mom coos, ‘such an adorable little boy,’ and already responsible enough to be answering the door.
“Look at him, y/n. He’s so well behaved. You can learn from him.” your mother says, looking down at you with an affectionate smile.
You can’t even reply, you’re so taken with this boy. This must be choso, Yuuji's older brother by two years.
You look him up and down, and he smiles at you. You decide immediately that you love this boy, and he will be yours. (you’re 5, and he’s 7. He’s not going to be yours anytime soon.)
So obviously you do what any 5 year old would when presented with a cute guy. You grab onto him, and refuse to let go even when your mom is pulling you off him.
“Sorry, I don't know what’s gotten into her.” your mom apologises to the boy, trying to hold in her laughter.
“It’s alright.” choso replies with a smile.
At that time, Yuji seems to hear the commotion at the door, and comes bounding over, yelling your name excitedly.
“Yuuji!” You yell in response, letting go of his brother momentarily to hug him.
“Why didn’t cha tell me bout your brother?” you ask him, before immediately reverting back to choso’s side.
Your mother sighs, before bids you goodbye and heads to work, thinking to herself that the years to come will be interesting indeed.
“Whaddya mean?” yuji asks you, as he pries you off from his brother and pulls you into the house to give you a tour.
“.um, duh….he’s going to be my husband. You will be my brother in law!” you tell yuuji confidently, sure that you will win the heart and the affections of his older brother.
Yuuji stares at you with a concerned and open mouthed look, before he breaks into a smile.
“Will we be related?” he asks cheerfully.
“Yes! You can be my brother in law!” you tell him, already planning out your future, just considering the names of your children.
You forget that choso is behind you, trailing, and he lets out a soft chuckle, before he rubs the top of your head. He’s pretty tall for a 7 year old, but then again, he’s always been the tallest kid in his class.
“I’ll wait.” he tells you and you brighten, smile radiating like a thousand suns.
choso thinks it’s funny, and considers it just another childhood promise that is made by kids that aren’t kept.
But you’re convinced that he’s the one for you, and the one you will love forever. You’re convinced that this is who you’re meant to spend the rest of your life loving, and that he was made for you.
You and Yuji spend the day in the garden, playing with the sandpit they installed, frisking around in the pool, and on the set of the swings, all under the watchful eye of choso.
choso seems to be built for the role of protective older brother, because yuji and you aren’t allowed to be out of his watchful eyes for more than a minute.
He plays with you guys with a level of maturity you’ve never seen in a kid before, but he still is patient as he plays with you in the sandbox. In later years, you’ll look upon moments like these to realise just how serious he’s been, even as a child.
When you and yuuji had an argument over who should get the neon green shovel, he sighs, before telling you that you should take turns, an hour with you and an hour with yuuji. By the time yuuji’s hour is up, you’ve already forgotten about wanting it.
That would never stop him from being sweet and considerate to you, though. Time at the itadori household passes by quickly, and soon, hours have passed and it’s lunch.
You follow behind choso and yuji as they walk into the kitchen, to be greeted by jin, itadori’s father.
You smile at him, introducing yourself a little to him, while he talks to you as he cooks.
Yuji and choso jump onto the seats surrounding the island with some difficulty, but they’re still able to reach. Being 5 years old, you can’t reach, and struggle to clamber on, so choso gets off his chair to help you up to sit on it.
He’s so caring, it’s almost ridiculous.
Hours later, when you leave the itadori’s house only after the promise of many more visits to come, you’re still giddy from the high of the day, kicking your feet as your mom walks you back to your home. You wave to yuuji and choso, who are both staring out the window to see you leave.
AGE 7 and AGE 9
Two years after you meet yuji, you’re still spending so much time over at yuji and choso’s house.
it's safe to say that you enjoy their house more than your own, considering how you’re there almost every single waking moment. Your mother worries about intruding, but it’s not something that really crosses a 5 year old’s mind.
Jin laughs anytime your mother frets, and says there’s nothing to be worried about, and he doesn’t mind that you’re there a lot, as “both of the boys seem to love [you]”.
In later years, your mother will often comment on how you seemed to be so taken with choso, and yuuji, but both in different ways.
For yuji’s 8th birthday, he got a small house. Not literally, but one of those children houses that you would find in a walmart, for at most a hundred dollars. It was plasticy and shiny, with red (plastic) bricks, and a purple roof. It was just big enough to fit the three of you at one time, and suprisingly, at the age of 9, choso was still perfectly content to spend time with an 8 year old and a 7 year old.
You remember the day yuuji got that house. You were at sunny smiles daycare, playing on the seesaw set when he came bounding up to you with a big toothy smile.
“Guess wa i got for ma birthday!!'' Yuuji all but demands, looking somewhat smug despite having a massive gap in his teeth, where he’s missing his two front teeth. (all i want for christmas is my two front teeth, my two front teeth!)
“What?” you ask him, getting excited already. His energy is infectious, which makes you wonder why choso looks so tired all the time. The bags under his eyes are prominent, even though you know his schedule well enough to know that he sleeps about 10 hours, and somehow he still has them.
Genetics, you guess.
“No silly, you need to guess.” yuuji tells you, climbing up onto the opposite end of the seesaw, and you fly upwards.
You let out a giggle, and think for a second, before loudly exclaiming; “hmm, a parrot?”
“Nope! Try again.” yuuji responds.
“A new bike?” you try again, and he shakes his head. His face splits into a large grin, and he shakes his head.
“Wrong!” he exclaims, before sighing and yelling out loud; “a plastic house”
“Noo way! You’re so lucky, i’m so jealous.” you whine, your legs pumping the seesaw up and down as you move.
“You can come over after school, you know?” he tells you. Suddenly getting off the seesaw, which causes you to fall off and hit the floor.
That is what brings you to here, now. Playing in his kitchen when he decides he wants to take you outside to see the little house.
Choso follows behind the two of you quietly, making sure you both don’t injure yourself by tripping or some other funny way.
As yuuji opens the backyard door, you see it.
A plastic house, just big enough to fit three or four kids, with red plastic ‘bricks’ and a purple roof.
The purple is a shade you’ve seen before, and you realise almost immediately that it reminds you of choso’s eyes, so you voice that.
You turn behind just in time to see the pink on his face, and you let out a giggle, while yuuji pretends to be deaf.
That little house becomes a very important figure in the games you would play back in those days .
Like many 7 year olds,  you wanted to play house, and as a somewhat bossy 7 year old, you decided that you were gonna be the wife and choso was gonna be the husband.
Yuuji, forever the afterthought, was gonna be your dog.
And that was a game that was played for many years, until choso and yuuji both decided that they were too old to be playing house but that didn’t mean that your friendship had changed in the slightest.
AGE 12 and AGE 14
Just before choso left middle school to go to high school, he was widely well known in your shared middle school as Yuuji's cute older brother, and you agreed, of course, but he was choso. You may have been in love with him the first time you met him, but he was your best friend’s brother!
A massive figure in your life, something you had grown up with. Choso was the one who would patch your knee up if you fell, and sat up with you if you ever had trouble with your homework while yuuji waited by playing video games. All of this meant that choso was someone you worshipped, for the way he treated you and for the person he was.
It was one of your typical mall visits with choso and yuuji on a weekend, where jin had dropped the three of you off at the mall to have some fun and catch a movie.
Yuuji and you had decided to go with some horror movie, and had taken choso to pretend to be over 16 so you could see a slightly age inappropriate movie, since at that age, choso was almost taller than jin, towering over just about everyone you knew, so he was your master plan in catching that movie.
Jin, believing that you just went to hang out at the mall, drove you there. Choso in the front seat, and yuuji and you in the back. You were leaning with your back against the door, with your legs thrown over yuuji’s lap as you scrolled through your phones, sending videos to each other.
Jin stops as he pulls up to the mall, turning back to look at you in the back of the car as he smiles and tells you to be safe and have fun on this trip to the mall, and that he expects a call and update on everything that you do, so he knows when to come pick you up.
As you step out of the car, there’s a large cramp in your stomach which causes you to double over. It’s  nothing you’ve ever experienced before, in terms of pain, but it doesn’t last for long, so you play it off.
Yuuji gives you a strange look, but doesn’t say anything, as he knows that if it was serious enough you wouldn’t stop whining about it, so he turns to the front as he eagerly leads the way into the airconed mall.
It’s rather empty, seeing how it’s late afternoon on a Sunday when people would rather be at home spending time with their families.
The cramps are back, and they are slightly worse, making your eye twitch. It mostly goes unnoticed, but you do get a slightly concerned look from choso, who mouths the words; “are you alright?” at you, and you just nod, eyebrows furrowed, wondering what is making you so uncomfortable.
You pay for your popcorn and drinks at the cinema, opting to share two large popcorn buckets between you two, as yuuji always seems to finish the first one before you’ve even managed to get one.
The three of you sit in a row together, with yuuji on your left side, and choso on your right. You’re given the task of holding the popcorn, and the darkness of the theatre does well to mask the flush on your face from being so close to choso.
While the theatre is a bit cold, you feel nice and toasty, not just from the heat on your face, but from having choso’s warm body heat so close to you.
Human earthworm 2 begins to play, and yuuji eagerly dives into the popcorn, watching intently. The cramps suddenly come back again, and something feels really wrong. You try to play it off, but after a while, you completely give up, whispering a hush “i’ll be back.” as you climb over yuuji’s legs while you try to get to the bathroom.
As you walk out of the theatre, you’re stuck with an even larger feeling of dread, the pit of your stomach seems to burn, and you’re afraid of what you’re going to find in the bathroom.
In the privacy of the stall, you realise what’s wrong. Your period. You’ve gotten it for the first time. The timing could not be worse.
You sigh, thinking about how there might be some pads in the bathroom for any emergencies, and when you check, there isn't.You panic, a bit (not a bit, a lot), and check the clothes you’re wearing. There’s a bit of a blood stain on the bottoms, and you’re about to cry.
Not when you’re out! This is so mortifying, literally the worst thing that could happen to you.
You realise you won’t be able to cover up the stains, as you left your jacket in the cinema hall.
‘Fuck.’ you whisper out and slump down in defeat, not exactly knowing what you should do here.
Time passes really slowly, and a quick glance at the time tells you you’ve been here for over 20 minutes already. At that thought, your cheeks heat up, as you’re afraid what the boys will think you’re doing in here.
You sigh, before realising you have no choice but to ask them to help you, but the idea of texting and mentioning your…predicament is enough to make you tear up a little in embarrassment.
At that moment, you hear a ping from your phone, so you pick it up to check, and what you see makes you stop crying immediately.
Choso; are u ok?? We’re a little worried abt u
y/n; …
Choso; ???
y/n: i need ur help pls
Choso : ofc what do u need?
Ten minutes later, you hear a call of your name from the entrance of the bathroom, and you unlock the door, walking to the entrance of the bathroom to come face to face with choso, who has a new pair of shorts slung over his arm, and a bag of period products for you.
He gives you a worried smile, before he asks if you’re okay.
You nod in response, too embarrassed to actually look at him in the eyes, and you whisper out a rushed thank you before you grab the stuff and use them.
He returns back to the movie, sitting next to a confused yuuji, who asks where he went.
“The bathroom.” he whispers in response, before turning back to the movie. Yuuji looks at him funny but doesn’t say anything, and just turns back to it too.
Later on, when you sit down next to them again, you whisper out another hushed thanks to choso, before wrapping the hoodie around your waist, just in case, and paying attention to the movie.
This incident isn’t ever spoken about again, but you always remember how he was eager to help you, while you know yuuji would have been so freaked out.
AGE 16 AND AGE 18.
School’s let out, and it’s summer time. You know what that means, right? Pool days at the itadori household!
Last summer, jin itadori arranged a surprise for the boys- a pool, and for the last three weeks, you’ve been there almost every day, with yuuji.
You’d play in the water together, or sit by the side of the pool with a cold drink in your hand, reading, playing games (in yuuji’s case) or by napping.
But most of all, you’d talk.
Yuuji and your friendship was centred around there being no secrets, and how you’d trust each other with your life.
So, he basically knew everything about your life, except for one tiny…miniscule and unimportant detail.
The crush you had on his brother.
Somehow you had managed to be less obvious with it than the ones you had had in school for some ungodly reason, but your luck with boys had never been that great, considering that none of those other crushes could even hold a flame to the one you had on choso.
But you couldn’t, because of this.
“Oh, how’s choso doing at uni?” you asked yuuji at the beginning of summer break,  with a fake air of uninterest to seem suave (you’re just fooling yourself and yuuji, everyone else knows)
He blinked at you, wondering why you seemed so uninterested.  shouldn’t you care? Choso  is your friend after all.
“Don’t you talk to him?” he asked, and you shrugged
“A bit, but not a lot.” you responded, pushing up your shades and reclining in the chair. you usually just get messages from him asking how it’s going and if you’re doing alright, but nothing really deep, since he’s so busy with school.
“Oh. Well, he said he’s got a new girlfriend, and his studies are going well.” yuuji responds, splaying out on the pool chair, turning his face up to the blinding sun.
Your heart drops down to your stomach, and it stings much more than it actually should.
“Oh. really?” you ask, trying to keep a steady voice.
“Mhm.” He hums, completely oblivious to the internal strife you are so very obviously facing. “You know, I actually spoke to her over the phone. She’s really sweet. Her name’s yuki.” he continues, eating chips out of the bowl so casually as if he hasn’t just torn out your heart.
You know yuuji means it when he says that choso’s new girlfriend is sweet. Yuuji is an exceptional judge of character, and was always, even from a young age. He may have been oblivious sometimes, but he really did know how to make excellent friends.
An example is the friends you made in freshman year, nobara kugisaki and megumi fushiguro. You were close with both of them, but you hadn’t known them as long as you had known yuuji, so you would always be closer to him than them, but that didn’t mean you didn’t love them.
And because you trust yuuji’s sense of her, you decide that maybe it isn’t worth getting upset over, since he sounds happy with a girl that is sweet. And all in all, you have no right to be getting upset, he’s not yours and he never will be. (haha. Haha. hahahhahahaha.)
You realise you’ve been quiet for too long, and social formalities deem that you respond now, or yuuji will actually start to get suspicious, which is not what you want.
“Oh, that’s great! Do you have any pictures of her?” you ask, before realising you really really shouldn’t have asked, because you don’t want to know.
Luckily, yuuji shakes his head. “Nah. but she will visit in a couple weeks to meet dad.”
Your finger twitches slightly, and you groan internally. Oh well.
So that brings you to the predicament you are currently in. three weeks later after you find out that choso actually has a girlfriend.
It’s about 3 in the afternoon, and as usual, you’re parked next to the pool with Yuuji and megumi, but not with nobara, since she’s away shopping in france (she’s living the life, is she not?)
But the thing that’s actually bothering you, is right in front of you. In its hot, muscly glory.
He’s been back from university for over a week now. When he came back, he had greeted you with a big hug, and a ruffle of your hair, telling you that you had grown up a lot since he had last seen you.
Oh, how the turn tables.
He’s changed, too.
Because, when he was in highschool, he had been a tall and skinny guy, but now, he’s not so skinny anymore.
He seems to have put on loads of muscle in the months  he’s been away, and it almost changes the way you completely perceive him.
But god, does he look good.
Especially with the way he’s pulling himself out of the water, muscles tensing in his back, straining in his arms.
Thank you for this view. You pray to whatever kind god has presented this view to you.
And then you remember. He’s got a girl.
You practically growl in annoyance, and megumi sends you the weirdest look you’ve ever seen.
He knows too much to live.
You practically drag your eyes away from him, feeling wrong and unfair to be ogling someone else’s boyfriend, even if you have known him for much longer.
As choso walks past you to walk back into their kitchen to grab a drink, he flicks some water at you, which makes you flinch and drop the book you’ve been pretending to read.
Yuuji’s preoccupied with his phone and megumi snickers, which causes you to drag your eyes away from his back (when did you even start looking at it, my god?)
“You know, you’ve been on that page for the last twenty minutes” megumi oh so helpfully supplies, whispering just low enough that yuuji can’t hear. He leans forward towards you with a leer on his face that makes you want to slap it off his face
“I dunno what you’re talking about” you respond, picking up your book again, bringing it up to hide the flush that’s taking over your face from megumi.
You can hear him laughing.
When choso comes back from the kitchen, he’s got two glasses of iced tea in his hands. He walks back past you and you fight to keep your eyes trained on his face. Which allows you to catch the easy going smile he gives you as he passes you a glass, before settling into  his pool chair which is right next to yours.
“Where’s mine?” Yuuji whines, forgetting about his game for a moment to complain.
“Yeah, what about us?” megumi chimes in with a snort.
“If you wanna drink some, get it yourself.” choso replies
This becomes a game for you and megumi. You, who tries to look at choso and admire him without anyone noticing, and megumi catching you and teasing you about it like you’re both 11.
When you do meet yuki, a couple weeks later, you realise that you can’t even hate her. She’s sweet, although she is a bit strange.
You’re all gathered around the dinner table, in the yuuji household.
Yuuji to your side, as always. Jin at the head of the table, and choso and yuki sitting opposite.
You’re directly opposite yuki, and you immediately grow to like her. She’s sweet and funny, and has a strange sense of humour.
“So, how did you guys meet?” you ask them, watching the way they seem to lean into each other. Your heart squeezes, but you hold your love for choso above your romantic interest, and if he’s truly happy, that’s all that matters to you.
She smiles, and turns to her side to look at him. There’s so much love in her eyes for a relationship that is relatively new.
“I actually met yuki in the cafe that I work in.” choso responds, smiling at you as he picks up the plate of chicken.
You smile while taking a sip of your drink, swallowing hard before you speak; “that’s cute. You write your number on her cup?” you tease, which is a lot easier than you think, because even if you love choso, his happiness means more.
“Yes, actually. She seemed so sweet and she was gorgeous and I knew I had to know her, and the next thing I know, I'm in love.” He responds with a happy smile.
Suddenly, you’re 5 again, walking down the itadori household for the first time, with your arm wrapped around choso’s as you refuse to leave him. He smiles at you and promises to wait for you.
You’re 11 and he’s sitting out of spending time with his friends to help you with your homework.
You’re 12 and he’s helping you conceal your period. You’re 12 and a half and you’re sitting on their couch, playing games with him.
You’re 16 and he’s bringing out cups of a drink for you and only you. You’re 16, and when you’ve gotten wasted from a party he asked you not to go to, he sits up with you in the bathroom, holding your hair back as you throw up, because he promised that he’ll always wait for you, and that means that he’ll always take care of you.
You’re 16, and you’re helping him get ready for his senior prom, with a girl that doesn’t deserve him, but it’s not like you think you deserve him either. You’re standing in his room, watching him throw on his black jacket, and you look at the sorry excuse of a tie he has on, and you slap his hands away as you try to fix it. He sits down for you, without you having to say something, and you walk closer to him. With his legs pressed together, it’s hard for you to reach his tie, and he realises, so he lets you step in between them. You’re focusing as hard as you can on his tie, just so your heart doesn’t speed up too much and he can hear it. He watches you intently with a smile on his face, and you feel your cheek heat up. When you finish straightening the tie up, you pat him on the shoulder, and he lets you go. You don’t want to see him walk out with the girl on his arm, so you go home early, but not before you wish him to have fun.
And you realise that as you think this, none of this will actually matter to him, because he loves her.
And that kills you, but there’s nothing you can do.
You spend the rest of dinner rather quiet, not really talking much, but also subtle enough that nobody asks you what’s wrong.
choso’s 7 and he’s opening the door to see you, in your little pigtails and your yellow dress. He’s seven and he’s promising to wait for you.
He’s 9 and he’s playing house with you even though he hates that little house that his father bought him. He’s 9 and he’s your husband in that little plastic kitchen, watching you cook with a smile on his face.
He’s 13, and while he’d rather be playing football with his friends, but he’s sitting at their dinner table helping you understand your homework, since you’re scared of getting it wrong at school.
He’s 14 and he’s worried when you spend too much time in the bathroom, texting you to ask if you’re alright. He’s 14 and he’s buying pads and new clothes for you to change into to make sure you’re comfortable.
. He’s 18 and he’s letting you fix his tie for him, even though he knows how to tie his tie, but he lets you fix it anyway. He’s got a smile on his face and he’s aware that he probably looks like an idiot, but he likes how concentrated you are on this meagre task. Once you’re done, you pat him on the shoulder and he’s confused. He wants you to see how dapper he looks with the corsage pinned to his chest, him with his tie, the way his hair is done and his suit, but when he asks yuuji where you are, yuuji tells him with a confused look on his face that you’ve already gone home. He’s 18 and he’s unable to stop watching you with a smile on his face as you yell at his brother for eating your dessert, even though he’s got a girlfriend, and that you’ve always just been his little brother’s best friend
AGE 20 and 22
You’re finally at uni, somewhere you’ve always waited for. You haven’t deliberately chosen the same place that choso is going to, but you’ve been joined by nobara and megumi and yuuji together, so that you are always together.
( a year or so ago) When you found out that you had gotten in, you had raced out of your house, to yuuji’s during the summer holidays, rushing through their door with the envelope.
You run past the kitchen where choso’s standing as he sips a cup of coffee, and you yell a good morning to him. All he does is laugh, a twinkle in his eye as he sips again.
You don’t pay too much attention to him because right now, something else is much more important. You stampede your way into yuuji’s room, where yuuji is on his bed, still sleeping.
You jump onto the bed, slapping yuuji awake.
“Yuuji, yuuji, yuuji yuuji” you yell loudly from excitement.
“WHAT” he groans, throwing his pillow at you, which you duck, due to your epic skills.
“I got in!” you scream happily, throwing the big fat envelope in his face.
It smacks him in the face with a loud thump and he groans in pain, looking at the envelope, before he says “congrats” and promptly turns back onto his side and goes back to sleep.
You kick him on the side, lightly, not enough to hurt, and huff angrily as you jump up from his bed, and pick up your big envelope again, tucking it into the waistband of your sweats, having not bothered to change out of your pyjamas, and walk down the stairs to the kitchen.
As you walk into the kitchen, choso looks up from his cup of coffee, and he gives you a bright smile.
“I heard from a little birdy that you got in?” he asks you, and you grin.
“Yes! I did, i’m so excited.” you tell him. “And hopefully yuuji, megumi, and nobara did too.” you continue, happy that you might be with them.
Just then, you get a message on your phone, and you pull it out.
You let out a squeal of excitement as you shove your phone under choso’s nose, showing him megumi’s text that he too, got accepted into this university.
“I take it you’re excited?” he asks you, feeling a slight pang of uneasiness when he sees how excited you are that megumi had also gotten in, but he doesn’t really know why.
“Yeah! Hopefully yuuji and nobara can also join so we won’t be without them, and then We’d also be able to see you more, as well!” you say, trying to play it off as you’re not the one who’d probably be the most excited that you could see him more.
Despite yuuji and choso being siblings, and choso caring a lot for him, they are pretty nonchalant when they haven’t seen each other for a while, but you guess that’s just sibling dynamics.
Choso feels his heart speed up in his chest, and he smiles.
“That’d be nice, for sure.” he responds, humming as he sips his coffee again.
Just then you really look at him. This is his second cup of coffee and it’s barely 9 am.
“How long have you been awake? And are you even sleeping?” you ask him, because you’re worried. Your brows furrow, and he leans in to show you, and you notice that the dark purple circles under his eyes that have always been there, are a bit darker than normal.
He sighs, and rubs his forehead before he explains; “i’ve got a paper due soon, so i’ve been working pretty hard on that.”
You frown, worried about his lack of sleep, and you push him towards getting more, because he looks tired.
Just like he promised to always look after you, you promise the same.
Just then, yuuji comes bouncing down the stairs, and he runs out to the mailbox. You realise what he’s going for so you follow, excited to see the results.
He rips open the mailbox, and sees a big envelope and he grins. You’re bouncing on your feet beside him, eager for him to open it.
But yuuji wants to open it with his big brother, so you go back in. When inside, he tears up the envelope cover and pulls out his acceptance letter, and you all celebrate.
That was over a year ago now, and you’re in your second year of college.
2 months after you joined choso’s university with megumi, nobara and yuuji, you met Ander.
He was sweet at first, and he provided a good distraction from a love you had for choso that seemed to fade the more you spent time with ander. It was really useful, because choso and yuki were everywhere you looked.
But after awhile, you were desensitised to it, so whenever you would see choso, your heart wouldn’t fill up with so much excitement anymore, but more of a, i used to like this guy.
Present tense became past tense when you thought you just didn’t love him like that anymore (lol as if), so you started treating choso a little differently, you started treating him more like you should have from the beginning, your best friend’s brother.
I mean, he noticed, but like he never ended up saying anything to you, in case of hurting your feelings or disrupting the peace he sometimes was able to make with yuki.
They were still together, but it was getting difficult. They were constantly arguing over the littlest things, and he just grew to realise he didn’t love her as much as he thought he did. But you didn’t know this for a while.
But that’s not important just now.
Ander, who you had met in your psych 101 class, had sat down next to you during the first lesson on your 3rd day at college.
You didn’t talk much for the first couple of lessons, but after a while, he was easy and simple, just what you needed at that time.
Someone that was attainable, and totally not your best friend’s brother.
Slowly, you began to get to know each other better, and in the last class of your first week, he came into class with a cup of coffee that he gave to you with his name and his number, asking for a date.
Your relationship was simple, at first. Dates were enjoyable, and you got along well enough. He was an alright kisser compared to your previous experiences.
obviously, that stuff didn’t last.
or else, this wouldn’t be about you and choso.
conflict started occuring during your fourth month together.
not physical, thankfully, you wouldn’t have stayed with him, but arguments were very common.
he wanted to go a party, but you had an exam the next day, or you weren’t feeling like it.
he never forced you to do things you didn’t want to, but he did get annoyed, and also got petty.
you don’t want to go to a party with him? he’ll talk about it none stop, and about the amount of people that came up to him asking where you were.
you can’t go out cuz you have to study? he’ll tell you about the number of girls that hit on him, before he’d say, ‘obviously, i told them i was taken’. and you’d stare at him, like, do you want a reward for remaining loyal?
but you thought you loved him, and that was what was important to you.
nobara hated him, and she told you multiple times that he was a pig.
and megumi got into arguments with him all the time, about the dumbest thing. for example, ander would want you to wear flashier, nicer and more revealing, but megumi would cut in, telling him that you could dress how you pleased, and there was nothing. he could do about it.
and yuuji? yuuji couldn’t even bear to stay in the same room as him, which was why you didn’t end up spending a lot of time with yuuji. it was some of the worst time of your life.
choso, who had met him, thought he seemed alright, but he had heard about what yuuji said about him, so he was wary.
the first time they met, you noticed how opposite they were. choso was taller, more attractive to you, and he just made ander pale in comparison.
you worried about the way it may have seemed like you were using ander, but you really didn’t have any feelings for choso, and ander was who you liked. When they first met, choso shook his hand hard, smacking his hand down on ander’s shoulder like a father would do to his daughter’s boyfriend, and he stared him right in the eye.
ander, slightly intimated, leaned backwards as choso whispered, just loud enough for all of you to hear; “you better take care of her.”
you roll your eyes, having seen this protective older brother routine before, and you step in, pushing choso’s hand off his shoulder and breaking his grip on ander’s hand, pushing him away from ander.
“that’s enough.” you’d said, pushing ander into the next room before you turned back to choso, who shakes his head at you.
“i don’t like him.” he tells you, and you get annoyed at him, for the first time.
“you don’t have to like him.” you snap back, “it doesn’t matter.”
choso and you never talk about his distate for ander again.
You’ve ended up at some frat party that nobara’s dragged all of you to.
you were originally supposed to go with ander, but considering how he had a last minute study group meeting, you told him that you didn’t mind, and he could go ahead to his study group while you would stay home.
nobara somehow caught wind of this, burst into your room while you were sititng at your desk with a frown on her face.
“thought you had date night with ander?” she asks, throwing herself onto your bed.
“something wtih his study group came up”. You respond, pushing away from your desk to turn and look at her on your bed.
“…at 9 pm on a friday?” she asks, her frown etching deeper into her face.
“i guess so.” you respond, knowing how weird that might sound to her, but you don’t want to bring it up.
“well,” she slaps her knees like an old grandma, pushing herself up to her feet. “I’ll be right back. we’re going to that party anyway.”
you sigh, knowing better than try to convince nobara to change her mind once she’s gotten her mind hooked onto something.
you watched, bemused as nobara sprints out the room, laughing to yourself when you hear her footsteps sprint down the hall of the dorms.
soon enough, nobara’s back. Dressed in a short red dress, she throws a gold fabric at your face, which, because you don’t expect it, smacks you right in the face with it. you pull it away from your face to have a proper look at it.
standing up, you push past to go change into it, giving her an annoyed look.
it’s a gold dress with spaghetti straps that stops right below the middle of your thigh. it’s a pretty little dress, and you sigh when you see yourself in the mirror. because this will forever be your favourite look.
nobara is dragging you through the crowds of a party in a frat house, towards the center, where you can easily spot megumi’s glowery face and yuuji’s beam from the opposite side of the room. the contrast between the two really stands out, with people avoiding megumi, keeping a circle of space around him, while they crowd around yuuji.
nobara goes to yuuji, while you stand next to megumi.
“he drag you here?” you ask megumi, taking the drink he passes you. you take a sniff. no alcohol, just how you wanted it.
“yea. Is that nobara’s dress?” megs asks you, gesturing vaguely to the gold fabric on your skin.
you nod in response as you scan the room, to see who’s there. you see friends from classes that you take, and previous classmates from old lessons.
and then you notice him.
there’s the sound of a plastic cup crunching, and it’s only when you feel a cold substance running down your hand, you realise it’s yours.
ander has his hand on a girl’s waist, and they’re walking up the stairs to someone’s bedroom. They’re close enough to not look innocent, and your suspicions are confirmed when he leans in to kiss her with a familiarity that tells you that this is not the first time.
you don’t even say anything, and you just stare.
megumi trails off in the middle of something he was saying and he turns to look at you, his eyes following your line of sight.
it takes him a second, but he gets there. “..what the fuck.” he growls, throwing his drink to the side as he marches forward.
your arm shoots out to stop him, and he pauses, looking at you with confusion.
you shake your head, just turning around to sit down.
megumi follows you, and yuuji and nobara finally seem to notice something is wrong.
they crowd around you, nobara taking the drink out of your hand as she follows your line of sight, just in time to see the back of ander’s head and a girl as they walk into the bedroom.
“oh that bitch.” nobara all but grumbles, miming pushing up her sleeves before she sets off on his direction.
“no.” you say, rather quietly, before you seem to crumble, tears coming to your eyes as you rest your head in your hands, curled up on the sofa.
there’s a dip in the couch as yuji sits next to you, bringing you close to him, and resting your head on his shoulder.
they all crowd around you, telling you how much of an asshole he is , and nobara tells you she can fuck up his car if you wanted.
that gets a laugh out of you, and you manage to smile at them, while still shaking your head. he’s not worth it, you think, and it makes you feel better already.
the rest of the night is a big blur, as you struggle to make sense of things. Ander, cheating?
it makes sense, in some way, but at the same time it doesn’t. what had gone wrong? (Arguments, disagreements)
you don’t even want to think about him anymore, so with a quick text of “don’t ever talk to me again, we’re done”, and you were a free lady.
you wake up the next day with a pounding headache, not from alcohol but from tears and a stressful evening, to a knock on your door.
you groan, throwing your blankets off of your body as you stumble to the door with a grimace on your face.
forgetting that you’re still wearing last night’s clothes, save for your makeup, you open the door to see choso.
it’s been a while since you last saw him, the two year school difference has made him so busy in preparation for his graduation, he’s been working so hard with his part time job and his studying.
he looks..different, in some way. Tired but happy. You’ve seen him around on campus, and you have texted him a lot, just messaging about school and work and life.
“yuuji told me.” he says in form of a greeting, shaking his head while you step back to let him in. he looks you up and down in your tight gold dress and he averts his eyes, which is what makes you realise that you’re still wearing the same thing from yesterday night.
“he moves fast.” you say in response, as a way to stop yourself from worrying too much about how you look. there’s not much that you can do now.
“I should have known.” he says. you look up at him, confused, before he sighs and continues; “about ander, i mean. I didn’t like him when I first met him.”
“well, you weren’t the only one.” you say, pulling out an oversized shirt out from your drawer, putting it over the gold dress.
he steps over to your desk, setting something down you haven’t noticed before, a pack of food. the scent wafts over to your nose, and you let out a happy squeal when you realise it’s your favourite food.
he smiles, glad to see that you’re not too upset, but it quickly drops off his face as soon as he remembers why you should be upset in the first place.
“thanks.” you mumble out through a mouthful of food. he waves you off, telling you not to worry about it.
“are you sure you’re alright? I can have a word with him if you need.” He raises his eyebrows when he mentions having ‘a word’ with ander, and you get what he means.
“no, it’s alright. he’s not worth it.” you say, swallowing the food.
“thanks for being here.” you say.
“anytime. I’m always here if you need me.” he says, ruffling the hair on your head in endearment.
sitting down at your desk, he takes a bite from a bowl he’s bought for himself.
“is there anything that you need from me?” choso asks, still looking really worried for you.
“i promise, I’ll be alright.” you respond.
there’s a silence, but it’s not uncomfortable, but rather it’s quite enjoyable, and feels right.
Leaning back in your chair when you're done, you turn to look at CHOSO, surprised to notice that he'd already been staring at you before hand
He gives you a tentative smile that looks like he's relieved that you're alright.
"Thanks for checking up on me." You say again, standing up to throw away the trash of the food he'd brought for you, and when you're about to reach for his plate, your arm reaching past him, he grabs ahold of you softly, standing up as he does so while he hugs you.
Your arms immediately wrap around his waist, and his chin rests upon your head. He's got a firm hold of you, but you feel content to be there.
You let out a sigh, and you can feel the tears beginning to prick at the corner of your eyes. You needed this. Not from choso specifically, but you just needed this.
after awhile, he lets go, his hands gripping your forearms as he stares at you, realising that you've almost cried again. One hand cupping your jaw, and the other hand reaches up, and he uses a thumb wipes away a stray tear that you didn't realise had escaped.
"Don't cry" he tells you, brushing back some of your hair. "He's not good enough for you." He tells you again, echoing the words that he had told you the first time he met ander.
You let out a wet chuckle, glad to have his support.
you step back from his embrace, and the hand that was cupping your jaw falls limply to his side.
you end up just staring at each other, his deep set, purple eyes meeting your eyes.
unable to stop yourself, you frown at the familiar twinge in your chest.
‘no, no no no’ you think, this isn’t good at all. you can’t do this again, and not so quickly, either.
but the heart wants what the heart wants. at least it’s building up slowly and not all at once.
Suddenly, you’re 5 again, walking down the itadori household for the first time, with your arm wrapped around choso’s as you refuse to leave him. He smiles at you and promises to wait for you.
You’re 11 and he’s sitting out of spending time with his friends to help you with your homework.
You’re 12 and he’s helping you conceal your period. You’re 12 and a half and you’re sitting on their couch, playing games with him.
You’re 16 and he’s bringing out cups of a drink for you and only you. You’re 16, and when you’ve gotten wasted from a party he asked you not to go to, he sits up with you in the bathroom, holding your hair back as you throw up, because he promised that he’ll always wait for you, and that means that he’ll always take care of you.
You’re 16, and you’re helping him get ready for his senior prom, with a girl that doesn’t deserve him, but it’s not like you think you deserve him either. You’re standing in his room, watching him throw on his black jacket, and you look at the sorry excuse of a tie he has on, and you slap his hands away as you try to fix it. He sits down for you, without you having to say something, and you walk closer to him. With his legs pressed together, it’s hard for you to reach his tie, and he realises, so he lets you step in between them. You’re focusing as hard as you can on his tie, just so your heart doesn’t speed up too much and he can hear it. He watches you intently with a smile on his face, and you feel your cheek heat up. When you finish straightening the tie up, you pat him on the shoulder, and he lets you go. You don’t want to see him walk out with the girl on his arm, so you go home early, but not before you wish him to have fun.
you’re 20, crying over a stupid ex boyfriend that cheated on you, when choso is the one there to support you. at the word of a friend, he’s ready to be there for you, and knows how to make sure you’re feeling better and understanding your worth. he’s there for physical comfort, and for anything that you may possibly need. it’s the most calm you’ve felt in months, in his arms. He makes sure that you’re as alright as you can possibly be.
choso’s at a party he doesn’t want to be at.
some of his friends had dragged him out of his room, after he had apparently spent too much time studying for his finals soon.
in the middle of a conversation with a girl that’s come up to him to try to hit on him. he’s pretty absentmindly talking to her, as he doesn’t want to be mean, because he knows her well enough that she’s super sweet, he’s just not interested in her.
for some reason, he looks away from the girl for a moment, to the door. the sight that greets him makes him freeze in the middle of his sentence.
it’s you.
he feels like there’s no more breath in his lungs, because you look absolutely gorgeous. he hasn’t felt like this looking at any girl since he broke up with yuki.
you’re wearing a gold dress that compliments you so well, he might just cry. it’s not like he hasn’t seen you for awhile, but something’s just more obviously different now.
he’s standing there with his mouth gaped wide open, long enough for the girl he’s talking to to notice what’s going on.
she lets out a little laugh, a little disappointed, pats him on the shoulder, and walks away.
he only jolts out of his reverie when he feels her pat his shoulder, and he manages to straighten up.
he’s just about to come and talk to you when he sees you crumble, and he’s filled with confusion. he sees your friends support you and take you away. he stands in the middle of the party for ages, torn between wanting to go support you and wanting to give you space.
he understands soon though, why you’re so upset.
ander’s just come out of a bedroom upstairs by himself, with his hair messed up, and a dopey look on his face.
choso knows immediately what he’s been doing, so he marches through the throng of the party to go confront him.
ander’s up against the wall before he can even realise what’s happening.
“what-what-” ander splutters pathetically.
choso’s mad. he’s mad, mad.
“what the fuck have you done?” choso snarls, all up in ander’s personal space. the party quiets down as all eyes are on choso and ander.
“wha are you talking about??” ander tears up, scared for his own safety.
“you know what.”
“she- she doesn’t give me what i want” ander answers. choso slams his hand above ander’s head, which causes ander to flinch.
“you don’t deserve her. you never did. If i ever hear you go near her again, you’re going to regret it.” choso says, before he pushes away from the wall, not even waiting to hear ander’s response.
that is what brings him be standing outside your room the next morning, before he knocks carefully.
he’s got your favourite food in a way to make you feel better, and he’s ready to give you as much support as you may need.
he hears a groan, and the rustling of bed covers, and then the sound of steps on carpet, before he hears the door unlocking, and he’s greeted with you.
you look gorgeous, having just woken up. he notices that you’re still in your golden dress from last night.
“yuuji told me” he says in a form of greeting, in a way to pretend that he didn’t see everything that happened last night.
he sees your initial confusion, but then he sees how you seem to shrink in on yourself.
he walks in and you both talk, and he asks multiple times if you’re sure that you’re okay.
after you finish eating, you reach over him to get his bowl to throw away, but before he even knows it, he’s standing and he’s got you in his arms, and everything feels so unbelievably right.
there’s nowhere else he wants to be now, because he has you in his arms, with his chin on your head, he can smell the perfume you were wearing from last night.
and it makes him think back;
choso’s 7 and he’s opening the door to see you, in your little pigtails and your yellow dress. you shine so bright, he’s reminded of the sun. He’s seven and he’s promising to wait for you.
He’s 9 and he’s playing house with you even though he hates that little house that his father bought him. He’s 9 and he’s your husband in that little plastic kitchen, watching you cook with a smile on his face.
He’s 13, and while he’d rather be playing football with his friends, but he’s sitting at their dinner table helping you understand your homework, since you’re scared of getting it wrong at school.
He’s 14 and he’s worried when you spend too much time in the bathroom, texting you to ask if you’re alright. He’s 14 and he’s buying pads and new clothes for you to change into to make sure you’re comfortable.
. He’s 18 and he’s letting you fix his tie for him, even though he knows how to tie his tie, but he lets you fix it anyway. He’s got a smile on his face and he’s aware that he probably looks like an idiot, but he likes how concentrated you are on this meagre task. Once you’re done, you pat him on the shoulder and he’s confused. He wants you to see how dapper he looks with the corsage pinned to his chest, him with his tie, the way his hair is done and his suit, but when he asks yuuji where you are, yuuji tells him with a confused look on his face that you’ve already gone home. He’s 18 and he’s unable to stop watching you with a smile on his face as you yell at his brother for eating your dessert, even though he’s got a girlfriend, and that you’ve always just been his little brother’s best friend.
but now, choso’s 22. and you’re 20. and he is finally starting to realise that he’s always seen you differently than to how he’s seen, say nobara. as yuuji’s best friend, and younger than him by two years, he understands that there will be more of a difficulty to be having the two of you together, as a couple. Not because of the age gap, which isn’t too much, but because of yuuji’s reaction, and the history that you’ve had between the two of you already. but he’s willing to try.
months later, you’re finally over the betrayal of ander.
with the support of your friends, and choso, you’ve managed to be better than you ever were.
choso has been great, recently.
he’s been spending loads of time with you, whether just hanging out and watching some of your favourite childhood movies again together, or studying together.
and you’ve finally realised, that you love choso again. well, to be more accurate, you never stopped, and it was more of a hiatus, but you are getting better in accepting it.
sometimes, when you’re a little bored, you dream of the idea of choso loving you too. you read too much into actions, and you blush when he does something sweet. and suddenly, the idea of him loving you back, doesn’t seem so farfetched. (THATS BECAUSE IT ISNT????)
it’s during a holiday of your second year of university, when it happens.
you’d woken up that morning with a strong desire to go lie by the pool, and by deciding to do so, you decide to go over to the itadori/kamo household to go enjoy the sun with yuuji.
you’re dressed up in your swimwear, and you’ve decided to put on a yellow dress, before you’re ready to go over to yuuji’s.
for once, the door’s locked for some reason, so you result to knocking and ringing the door bell. you stand there, waiting for someone to come open the door, when you hear choso yell out “hold on!” as there is a sound of someone sliding over to the door.
the door unlocks with a click, and he opens it to see you, and you can see the immediate change in his face.
at first he had an easygoing smile, the one he usually looks at you with, but for some reason, this time it dropped away to a dumbfounded look, where he seemed to be a little out of breath.
after a minute of him just staring at you, and looking you up and down, you ask him; “…choso…are you okay?” you ask him, a little worried. do you look weird? does whatever you’re wearing not suit you?
he seems to be having some sort of internal struggle, you just stand there awkwardly, a little worried, when he reaches for you and pulls you into his embrace, closing the door behind you. you stand in his arms, hands resting on his chest as he just stares at you.
“you’re beautiful, you know?” he tells you, pushing back a strand of your hair behind your ear.
the words make you freeze, and your heart is thumping in your chest like the rhythm of the tango.
"what?" you say, which is super suave and sooo slick and it makes him laugh a little, which makes you feel like you're glowing, just because you managed to make him laugh. it's always been like this. making him laugh or smile was a little victory in itself, and you could feel good for an entire day alone just from making him laugh.
his hand moves to rest on your waist, and he lets out a little sigh.
"this yellow dress." he sighs, with happiness , you think. he is toying with the fabric, rolling it over and over in between his fingers.
you look at him in confusion, trying to ignore the hammering in your chest. something similar is going on in choso's heart, but you don't know that.
"it's the same color as the one you wore on the first day we met." he finishes, letting out a small smile as he reminisces.
you try to think back to when you were 5, but you're unable to remember much, just remembering that you just basically pounced on choso. you can trace your admiration for him all the way back to then, and it makes you cringe. you should have been more nonchalant, but maybe being nonchalant really isn't your strong suit.
"oh. you remember?" you breathe out, rather raggedly as he stares into your eyes.
"i remember everything." he says, and you notice his eyes flicker to your lips, and then back up to your eyes. almost subconsciously, you lick your lips, wetting them, and his eyes flicker back down again. "i remember everything that you do." he continues, his voice low.
The house is quiet all around you, but if a bomb went off nearby, you probably wouldn't even notice, because all that matters right now, is choso. he is what is surrounding you, and he is what matters.
you feel some sort of dopamine rush that only ever appears when you're with choso, because he always just knows what you need, and that means right now, that he knows that you really, really need him to kiss you.
and so he does, because he's always ready to give you anything you need. the kiss is hot and heavy, and breathing isn't even on your mind right now, because choso completely occupies all your thoughts. he crushes you to his chest, his hand resting on the dip of your back, and your hands are clutching onto his shirt, scrunching it tightly.
his fingers grip on your jaw, not painfully, but enough to keep you firmly in place where he wants you. You're feeling like everything that has happened in all the years that you've known him has lead to this moment, because god, this is more than anything you've imagined before, because it's so much better.
his lips are soft, but they are still firm on your own, and you're kissing back with so much vigour, and your hands are in his hair and he's supporting you while you melt.
somewhere in the distance, you hear a door open and close, and some part of your brain is telling you that maybe you should break apart so you can breathe, but he's just pushed you up against the wall, and it feels way too good.
which is a bad decision, because the next thing you know you're hearing a loud "WHAT THE FUCK." from yuuji.
oh well. what better way to tell him?
a/n: guys wtf this took so long im so sorry. i said i would have it out ages ago. help me. anyway here it is sorry it took so long! likes, reblogs and comments are always appreciated!!! hope you enjoyed.
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sthavoc · 1 year ago
Hi bestieeee, can I request something cute ? It could be short if you like.
You never call Enzo by his name he is used to hearing “mi amor” or whatever you like but when you say his name for something he’s like the confused pikachu meme like what did I do wrong? Who you talking to cuz that ain’t me I’m the love of your life future father of your children EXCUSE YOUUU TREAT ME WITH SOME RESPECT.
Thank you !! 💖
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·˚ ༘ pairing: enzo x fem!reader
·˚ ༘ summary: you decide to pull a little prank on your boyfriend, wanting to see his reaction to you calling him by his name.
·˚ ༘ warnings: I believe it’s only fluff (if not i’m sorry)
·˚ ༘ note: guys i’m finally on spring break!! I can write more fics now! this one is a small blurb <3 i’m sorry if there’s any grammar mistakes.
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The times you’ve called Enzo by his name could be counted. Those few moments could be times when the two of you would either fight or be on serious topics. Apart from that, his name wouldn't be a part of your daily vocabulary around him, or on the list of names you were used on calling him.
But today, you decided to see and test the waters. What would his reaction be to you randomly calling him by his name? Right now both of you found yourselves in the kitchen after you guys had gotten back home from doing your grocery shopping.
You thought this was perfect timing for you to ask him for something.
“¿Enzo, me pasas las manzanas por favor?” And there was his reaction. You tried to ignore it, but the facial expressions he had were difficult to dismiss. Your lips quivered from trying your best not to break character, you even had to seal them completely.
“¿Cómo me llamaste?” He spoke with confusion and astonishment in his tone. You never looked up from what you were doing and continued to put the groceries away.
“¿De qué hablas?” You followed along. The smallest of smiles broke from your lips when your back faced him and he wasn’t able to see any sign of facial expressions on your face.
“Me llamaste Enzo.” He sets both palms on the cold stone of the kitchen counter, his knuckles bending with the action. By this moment you had turned towards him again but continued to move.
“Pero si así te llamas amor.” You played dumb.
“No, no—” He points with his index before making his lips damped with his tongue. “Para vos yo soy tu “mi amor”, futuro marido, el padre de tus futuros hijos, el amor de tu vida.” You were trying your very best not to laugh right now. He appeared offended from hearing his name coming out of your lips.
You couldn't hide the smile on your lips, and he realized it. The crease that formed between his brows hadn't missed the way your cheeks grew for the smile. Which was when he asked—
“¿Por que sonreís?” he continued to look annoyed as you continued to smile.
You shook your head trying to cover your smile, but you were failing to. “Era una bromita amor.”
A smirk appeared on his lips, where he stuck his tongue inside his lower lip with a small shake of the head. “Ah ¿una bromita eh?” He copies. He had walked closer to you, his hands had found its way to your waist. “Pues tus bromitas me van a dar algo chiquita. Pero todo lo que dije es verdad eh.” He points.
“Lo se, y lo siento.” you whisper genuinely. Your eyes looked up at him while you continued to share your smile.
His index finger and thumb rested on your chin while the lack of space stayed between the two before he leaned in to share a gentle kiss. A kiss from which you were able to hear the smooch after you both pulled away.
“respeto, nena.” He said.
And you knew that the man meant for you to have respect for him, on knowing how to call him. It was mostly banter, but he did prefer for you to call him any cute pet name than his name. A million times.
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megu-meow · 11 months ago
family ties - gojo satoru
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gojo x fem. reader
Summary: Satoru takes you to meet the in-laws.
The Gojo family members mentioned are named after the Zoldyk family, cuz Satoru is the grown-up version Killua. Argue with a wall on that one. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy this one!
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"Please, sweetheart! I've been begging you for four years, it's time..." Gojo implores, running after you in the hallways of Jujutsu Tech like a lost puppy.
"I told you already, Satoru, I don't want to do it. You said it was ok if I didn't because you don't care what they think anyway."
"I know, but now that I proposed to you, my family wants to see you. Especially Ojiisan, he wants to meet the woman who charmed his favorite grandson." he whines as the two of you stop in front of your classroom.
"Toru, you said it yourself, all of your clan members are obsessed with you marrying someone from the big clans. We both know they will not accept a nobody like me." you explain as you rub your forehead. It wasn't that you didn't want to meet Satoru's family, but he was the one to refuse to introduce you to them in the first place. He didn't like the way they treated outsiders and he didn't want you to experience how old-fashioned and downright disgusting their beliefs and traditions were. You were better off without ever crossing paths with them, you were sure of that. However, as soon as he proposed to you, his clan members started pushing the matter, because being Satoru's wife would mean that you would get your own responsibilities in the clan, like attending meetings representing Satoru, when he was away, you would get your own vote in different matters, and lastly, the one you refused to take into consideration, you would become clan head if Satoru would ever be unable to fulfill his duties as such. It was normal for them to wish to meet you, but that didn't make it any easier.
"You will only have to meet my mom, my dad, and my grandparents. They don't care about how you are or what powers you hold as long as you love me. They will not make you feel miserable, I promise." he looks at you with those cerulean orbs that shine like rhinestones, ones you cannot say no to.
"You pinky-promise?"
"Of course, sweetheart." he says and he shows you his pinky, waiting for you to link it with yours. And you do.
The day finally arrives, a sunny Friday in April, as the Sakura blossoms. Ijichi picked up the two of you from your shared apartment early in the morning to begin your hour-long drive to the Gojo estate in suburban Tokyo.
"So your father's name is Silva?" you ask your fiance as you observe the landscape around you.
"Yes. He's kinda scary at first glance, but he would do anything to make me happy."
"Your mom's name is Kykio, right?"
"Yes, good job sweetheart! She's a kind-hearted woman, she's gonna love you for sure."
"Okay, I think I know enough about your family tree." you sigh, you really want these people to like you. You don't exactly know why, Satoru said he doesn't care what they say, he's gonna marry you anyway, but you know he loves his parents and his grandparents. Contrary to popular belief, he grew up in a loving family, he was spoiled rotten by everyone, hence his insufferable personality. However, despite how Satoru claims his family not liking you wouldn't affect him, you know it would. These people are important to him, whether he admits it or not. So you're not going to screw this up by not knowing their given names. Or by anything else.
You get dropped off in front of a massive gate that Satoru opens with ease and you're met with a pebbled road lined with Sakura trees. They are in perfect blossom, there is a sea of pink in front of you. Satoru grabs your hand in his and starts walking down the road, leading you toward where you assume the Minka is.
"Three, two, ..." you hear Satoru count back under his nose and you look at him with confusion, but as you look back to the road ahead of you a person appears, bowing in front of your fiance.
"Gojo-san, welcome back!"
"Amane, long time no see! How are you holding up?" he asks joyfully and you remember him mentioning his name before. Amane was Satoru's best friend at the estate, his cousin on his mother's side of the family.
"I'm doing good. You didn't announce your arrival, the clan is in a meeting right now."
"I know." he smirks. He timed this perfectly and you take a note to yourself to scold him for slacking off. "By the way, this is my fiance, y/n."
"Hajimemashite, y/n-san! Welcome to the Gojo Estate."
"Nice to meet you too, Amane. Please leave the honorifics, makes me feel old."
"As you wish. Please do not hesitate to call for me if you need anything. I will make sure to prepare Gojo-san's bedroom for the two of you." Amane disappears right after finishing his sentence, you couldn't even thank him for his help.
"GOJO SATORU!" you hear a deep voice shouting from afar and you feel goosebumps covering your entire body. Whoever that voice belongs to is frightening as hell. "Not only do you not show your face to a clan meeting, but you have the audacity to not announce me about my daughter-in-law coming to meet me?" you observe the tall, muscular man in front of you as he approaches with inhumane speed. He has long, wavy hair with bangs, the color identical to Satoru's, and icy blue eyes. It is Gojo Silva, Satoru's father. The cursed energy around him has a crazy strong presence, similar to Satoru's when he lets his unleash, but this one feels rougher, slightly colder.
First, he steps to his son, yanking his left ear, which results in Satoru whining like a little kid. The whole ordeal is comical, you know that his father is just messing around. After that, he looks at his son with disapproving eyes, calls him a menace and turns towards you.
"Y/n, yoroshiku! I am Gojo Silva, Satoru's father. You can call me otousan." he bows and you return the gesture with a blush on your cheeks. Satoru giggles, enjoying his father's antics. Despite being a seemingly intimidating person, Silva seems to be just as much of a goofball as Satoru. He asks you silly questions like what is your favorite dessert, how much you can eat and whether you discipline his son when he acts like an idiot. The last one causes Satoru to chirp back at his father, claiming that he called him the other night to 'change the Google logo back to the original'. As you observe the dynamic between the two you have to remind yourself that you're in the presence of the heads of the Strongest Clan in Jujutsu history.
You finally arrive in front of the house and you are greeted by a beautiful woman with dark hair and piercing blue eyes. She looks welcoming in her flowery dress and with her wide smile. Her smile resembles Satoru's, it reaches her ears and it's vibrant, like there is nothing wrong in this world. Her cursed energy is low, even lower than yours, and you're not sure if it's because she is limiting it or if she simply doesn't have much to begin with. Her aura is stronger, it is familiar and welcoming.
"Kaachan!" Satoru exclaims as he walks up to her, embracing the petite woman in a warm hug. She pats her son on the back, her eyes sparkling with the motherly love she reserves for him.
"I'm glad you're finally home, sunshine! Please don't give your father any more headaches while you're here."
"I will not, mother!" he says curtly and he suddenly snakes his arms around your hips, bringing you close to his side "By the way, this is my fiance, y/n!" he introduces you and you bow in front of his mother politely.
"I am glad to finally meet you, Kykio-san!"
"Oh, please, sweetheart, leave the honorifics. You are family, you can call me Okaasan or whatever you prefer." she says with her warm smile.
They all walk you to the family dining room, claiming that you arrived in time for supper. You're being presented with a variety of traditional Japanese dishes and you're more than excited to try everything that you like. Satoru's parents are extremely nice and calm. They ask you questions about your family, your upbringing, about Jujutsu and your time in high school. They claim they already know about every single detail of your relationship with Satoru, apparently, you're one of his favorite topics to mention when he is back home. They tell you stories about their son, how he was while growing up, what he liked and disliked, and how much of a troublemaker he was. You listen carefully to these stories, you want to remember them, to cherish them for a long time. After you finish the dishes, they are serving desserts, a whole lot of them in different assortments.
"Satoru has got a sweet tooth his whole life. His grandmother likes to prepare all kinds of deserts, even western ones so he grew up eating a copious amount of sugar." Kykio explains.
"Y/n bakes too! She makes cookies for me all the time!"
"That's not true, Toru! I've been trying to reduce his sugar intake, so now I only bake once a week." you explain and his parents look at each other knowingly, as they start laughing. You look at Satoru in confusion, but he just shakes his head, signaling that he doesn't get it either.
"Sweetheart, Satoru has been teleporting back home every week to eat desserts from his Sobo." his mother explains and you look at your fiance in disbelief. He acts like he's innocent, smiling at you widely, mouthing 'i love you'. You roll your eyes, but mouth the words back, because otherwise he would throw a fit in front of everyone.
"Where is that grandson on mine? Always causing trouble." you hear a male voice from the hallway and a pair of footsteps. The cursed energy coming from their direction is unpaired, it exceeds Silva's, maybe not Satoru's, but it still makes you uncomfortable.
"Have some decorum, Zeno. That boy has done nothing wrong in his life." a woman's voice is heard and the male grunts in disbelief.
"Typical Sobo Gojo, she always thinks Satoru is perfect." Silva explains and he lets out an obnoxious laugh, very similar to Satoru's. Now you understand where he got it from.
The doors open and you observe the cute elderly woman and the man with hair pointing toward the ceiling on her side. What is it with Gojo men and their gravity-resistant hair?!
"Satoru, do you have any idea how long it took me to convince the clan geezers to let your lady off the hook this time?" Zeno questions and looks at his grandson with an authoritative gaze.
"I'm sorry you had to do that, Ojiisan. I promise that next time, y/n will meet them as well."
"Good! Now come here, my child. I wanna see if my grandson was telling the truth about you being the most gorgeous woman to walk on this earth." he says as he gestures for you to walk up to him. You oblige as he takes your hands into his, analyzing them carefully. "Huh, truly beautiful. Your cursed energy flows nicely and you have a lot of it. You are strong, I like that." he says, drops your hands, and walks towards the table. After that, you are greeted by his grandmother, who scolds you for trying to limit her beloved grandson's insane sugar intake. However, she compliments you on your looks and politeness.
You sit back down at the table afterward, enjoying the moment of being surrounded by the Gojo family. Despite their reputation, they are all nice people. The three generations of men keep teasing each other, grandpa Zeno is a savage, making fun of both his son and grandson, he has absolutely no mercy. They keep telling you stories about Satoru like the time his grandfather shot him in the eye with a Nerf gun despite aiming at his butt. Or the time he was playing hockey inside while his parents were out and he broke the glass on his mother's favorite painting. Luckily for him, Sobo was home and she had the glass fixed before his parents even got home.
You tell them about the time he encountered a cleaning curse and how he smelled like detergent for two weeks. Or the time he wanted to pick you flowers from the forest near Jujutsu Tech, but fell into poison ivy.
The night goes by like that, filled with laughter and family stories. Despite having your doubts about meeting Satoru's family, he observes how you fit right in. How everyone loves you and they accept you for who you are because the love you have for him is evident. As it should be. And he swears that his love for you skyrockets even more that night, despite him knowing that it's nearly impossible.
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luxthestrange · 3 months ago
WHB Incorrect quotes#70 Greatest's Dad in all the realms-
What I truly want to happen...It's a Batlle Royale Between Solomon...Vs Mr.Kim...On the one hand, we got our...Ances-terror who is really into the idea of Mc/You having a Father-Daughter relationship...and then there is Mr.Kim who took care of Mc/You since day one of the orphanage...and totally doesn't already consider Mc his daughter, cuz he ships it M&M(McXMinhyeok)...Wow, Mc you got two dads-
Mc*Is in need of help...from dealing with demons,Angels and needs guidence*...
Looks like you could use some help From the big king of kings himself Check out daddy's glowing reviews on Yelp~ (Five stars! Flawless! Greater than great!) Oh, with the punch of a pentagram I wap-bam-boom, alakazam Usually, I charge a sacrificial lamb But you get the family rate (thanks dad!)
Mc*Smiles awkwardly and nods*Thanks Solomon!...
Who needs a busboy, now that you've got the chef? (wow) Michelin-tasting menu, free à la carte I'll rig the game for you because I'm the ref Champagne fountains, caviar mountains, that's just a start!-
Mr.Kim*Pushes Solomon away and twirls You around in a silly dance*
Who's been here since day one? Who's been faithful as a nun? Who makes you chuckle with an old-timey pun? Your responible guardian?
Mc*Smiles wider and nods*That's true!
I'm your guy, your day-to-day Your chum, your steadfast Guardian Remember when I fixed that clog today?
Ppyong*Sniffles and hugs Mr.Kim*I was stuck, thank you sir!
Mc*Looks at him with chuckle*Oh you!
I'm truly honored that we've built such a bond~
Mc: aww
You're like the daughter that I wish that I had~
Solomon*Looking at the two, sweat dropping*...uh, what?
Mr.Kim*Brings you in for a hug and pats your head fatherly like,smirking at Solomon*
I care for you, just like a daughter I spawned~
Solo:hold on now!
It's a little funny, you could almost call me dad!~
The two face one another with different facts they know about you: your first tooth lost,your favorite food, baby pictures. The Demon Kings just stare back and forth to the madness as you stand between the two men.
They say, when you're looking for assistance It's smart to pick the path of least resistance
Solomon: Others say, that in your needy hour There's no substitute for pure summoner power! Who just happens to also be your blood!
Mr.Kim Sadly, there are times a birth family member is a dud They say the family you choose is better~
Solo: what a bunch of losers...
Mr.Kim: Can you butt out of my song?
Solo: Your song? I started this!
Mr.Kim: I'm singing it, I'll finish it!
Solo*Veins popping and grabs the man by his collar* Oh, you tacky piece of–
Before the two men can get into a fistfight, the door opens, and...a strange man with a bird mask, top hat, and a cane appears
It's me, yes, it's me I know you were all waiting for me I'm here, what a gas Took a while, but I'm present at last It's me, it's me CROWLEEEEEEEEEEY!
Crowley*Looks around,back away out the door*...Whoopsie wrong fandom and wrong mc~...pardon me~
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in-som-niyah · 1 year ago
No thoughts just jason todd obsessed with the idea of his girl being pregnant with his baby
Like this man would def be so soft and doting and protective.
Also imaginning how soft sex would be between them at that point cuz he wouldn't want to disturb the baby too much
Like if Jason ever felt secure enough to be a father given his ahem... ✨lifestyle✨ he would be sooooo protective of reader like
You were reaching for a jar up in the cupboard of your shared home (Jason waited until you were both settled into a proper home instead of the shitty apartment in Gotham before even thinking of getting you pregnant) before you felt a pair of heavy feet approach you. Before you could finish reaching, a strong hand planted itself at the side of your bump and gently moved you aside, stopping your movements. Annoyed, you look up at the owner of said hand, who had broken his promise of letting you do small things for yourself around the house again. "Jay, I can do it" you pout as you place your chin on his toned chest. Jason smiles down at you and chuckles lightly before using both his hands to rub at your bump. "I know you can princess, I just wanna help" He says back with an equally-adorable pout in his face. "But I told you, I can do things! I'm pregnant, not paralyzed." You chuckled. "It makes me feel useless to be honest" His brows proudly display their displeasure at your statement and his pout vanished. His hands make their way around to rub at your back now, where he knows you've been sore. "No baby, you're never useless. Hell, you could sit in bed all day and make me bring you all your cravings and you still wouldn't be useless." He says matter-of-factly. At this, he plants a kiss on the top of your hairline and rests his chin at the top of your head. "Yeah, but-" You tried to reply, but a cheeky kiss behind your ear stopped you. A gruff 'mmm-mmm' of disproval reverberates from Jason's chest, followed by another kiss on your cheek, then neck, then collar then...
I totally agree he would be into sex during pregnancy (you're so sexy carrying his child but he would be so scared to hurt you since you're so precious to him) especially if its soft and loving!!! Y'all he's a loverboy softie at heart and he just loves you so much and is so thankful that you trust him with raising a kid and caring for you in the process!!!!
I feel like he would avoid sex or sexual contact just to be safe and make sure you're not feeling pressured into being with him since your body is changing in ways truly neither of you really fully understand.
Pregnancy hormones be damned, every flex of his bicep or stretch of his back made you want to climb. him. like. a. fucking. tree.
It was late one night, Jason didn't have patrol (thank the fucking heavens) but he was out running some errands. You were in bed, snuggled in your (his) t-shirt, catching up on some tiktok drama (iykyk) and scrolling through your fyp. Until you came across a gym video of a guy attempting to lift 230lbs. You vaguely remember Jason teasing Dick about how much they both could lift, and it was well over 230lbs, thats for sure. Oh, but Jason's much more muscular, and plus, he's tall. Very, very tall. He's built like an actual brick wall now that you think about it. A tall, muscular, strong, handsome, brick wall. Wetness began to pool at your core thinking about how strong and huge Jason was, and you thought of having a quick session before Jason got home. You knew you should wait for him, but he's been so occupied and distant and careful with you that you didn't have much confidence in his answer if you did in fact ask him to fuck you the way you wanted to be. Out of the locked section of the bottom drawer of your nightstand came a small, yet mighty wand vibrator. Lucky for you, Jason remembered to charge it the last time y'all had some fun. Which was sadly, a while ago. Too horny to dwell in the negative, you press and hold the power button and go to town. The task soon proved difficult since you had a large island of tummy in the way, but you managed to almost get there. Just a bit more pressure and- Thud. The sound of a large bag unceremoniously dropping to the floor ripped you out of your blissful activities. Eyes wide and frantic, you scan the room for anything that looked out of place. 'Maybe something fell?' you thought, but that was quickly put to bed when your gaze meets Jason's clenched jaw and disappointedly folded hands. You flinched when he swiftly crossed the room, forgetting whatever was in the bag at the door. There were more, very important things to attend to. Before you could open your mouth to even try and explain yourself he interjects in an eerily calm way. "Did you cum?" He asks, softly, but his authority is very clear in his tone. "N-no" You answer sheepishly. You were in no mood to try an explain why you felt the need to turn to the mediocre satisfaction of a toy when you had a whole ass sex machine as your husband if he so chose to question you. "hmm thats what I thought, querida." He finished with a nurturing yet pitiful tone. Jason climbs into bed, and crawls on top of you to where you're face to face and his chain is dangling just above your neck. "Just one question" He begins. "Why didn't you tell me you were feeling this way?" You chew your lip. He's been such an amazing husband to you before you got pregnant, and after he found out he upped his game some more. You didn't even know it was possible to be loved like that and you felt bad that you couldn't even control yourself long enough to just appreciate what he's already doing for you. A tear fell down your cheek, which Jason kissed away, and you told him how you felt guilty for asking him for sex, since the reason why he wasn't driving you into the bed was a sincere and honest fear he had. You knew he couldn't stand to hurt you, so he would much rather stop completely than take a chance. "my poor girl, I haven't been doing my part have I?" He murmurs just before capturing your lips in his. You melt into him, your hands flying up to touch him, hold him, feel him in places you haven't in so long. In between the marks on your neck and upper chest, Jason pauses briefly to apologize, as if your skin was cross with the lack of contact. "p-please" you whimper in a small voice when his hands begin to grip your hips firmly. "I know, I know amorcita. Let daddy make it up to u hm? I'll take care of you this time. Promise it'll be worth it."
a/n: GODDDDD i wanna climb him like a tree holy shit this is so sexy
like the way hes so soft and gentle just makes me explode
best fucking ask bro tysm <333333
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ssparksflyy · 1 year ago
percy x zeus!gf hcs pls!!! and could i request it to be more on the funny side and how percy and zeus have beef but also get along cuz of gf
ask and thou shall receive ༉‧₊˚.
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percy jackson dating hcs ! ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
pairing: percy jackson x daughter of zeus!reader warning(s): little bit of swearing an: hi! ty for requesting <3 im literally not even funny but i hope u enjoy thissss! also theres a lotta taylor in this one 🤭
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it doesnt matter if youre a social butterfly or antisocial, everybody knew you and percy before you even started dating
so best believe when you actually got together, everybody ( literally ) cheered
but your flirting era had to be on of the most painful things to watch
seriously doesnt matter if you got game or not, percy is literally oblivious and a LOSERRRRR
im so sorry but somebody had to say it
bro had THE BIGGEST crush on you and whenever he'd try to like compliment you itd usually sound a little weird
tell me why he'd probably say something like
"i like your outfit today! that shirt for sure looks better with those jeans than it did with the shorts you wore 2 weeks ago :)"
lil creep
cue silena crying in the corner because she made a bet with beckendorf and it is NOT looking good for her right now
you guys are iconic
like well-known power couple
I'D be scared to train with you guys cause like what do you MEAN i gotta go against the best swordsmen at camp and the daughter of the king of the gods??
no thank you, i choose life ♡
when people are asked to think of a couple, they immediately think of you guys
everybody loves you guys for real
if you ever broke up ( which you wont, percy would probably just say "no" ) itd probably leave everybody super torn
if you havent watched gilmore girls, that basically sums the situation up. lorelai is literally like the town's sweetheart and luke is the owner of the most popular diner in their small town ♡ very cutesy
so sorry for the spoiler
she's literally so sweet and treats you as if you were her own child
she'd definitely bake cookies when you first meet and if you liked them, you best believe you are being sent back to camp with a baggie full of cookies
cant love you as much as percy does though !!
youre literally his queen
( sorry i say literally a lot )
he treats you like royaltyyyyy
always opening doors for you, walks you everywhere, follows the sidewalk rule, everything ♡
when its raining, he picks you up bridal style and takes you wherever you need to go, so you dont get your shoes wet ♡♡
yall literally live in the rain tho
neither of you leave your cabin with an umbrella, the rain just gives you life
one time, you went out for a fancy dinner, got dressed up all nice very fancy very fancy
BUT you BOTH forgot to check the weather
and it ended up POURING rain by the time you got out of the restaurant
and i kid you not
percy just grabs you by the hand, leads you out into the rain, and begins to dance with you.
no coverage, no music, no fucks given. just him and his girl.
he treasures that moment forever and ever
all the gods looked down at you from olympus and melted
neither of you care if you're disrespecting your fathers, you spend almost every night together ♡
percy is absolutely a big cuddler
literally just adores the feeling of you close to him
oh lord save him his drug is his baby he'll be using for the rest of his life
falling asleep together is so easy, you just melt into each other's touch
waking up is what's harder
neither of you want to leave the bed, and neither of you want the other person to leave the bed either.
percy's the typa guy to just have a sweet little conversation with you before he gets up for the day
you always get a good morning ( and a good night! ), then percy asks you what's on your schedule for the day ( as if he hasn't memorized it by now ), and what you wanted for breakfast that morning
he simply cannot get up without it
he's also the type of guy to just whisper sweet nothings into your ear if he wakes up before you ♡
he just goes on a little ramble about how pretty you look when your sleeping, even though you are sleeping while he's 'talking' to you
sorry where was i?
the bastrard HATES percy and percy HATES the bastard
theyve literally been beefing since he was 12 years old
so best believe when zeus found out his daughter was dating this son of poseidon??? oo he was PISSEDDD.
poseidon is literally so chill with you. like he just cares that percy is happy. seriously doesn't care about who your dad is. if anything, he already sees you as family
zeus holds back everything in him to not kill percy on the spot every time you make out
he doesn't do it because he knows you'd probably walk to the underworld to get him back and hades would go feral if he got another orpheus & eurydice
percy gives zero fucks. he flips off the sky every time he walks outside
percy is so sweet and caring and kind and shows your father such respect like hes literally an angel 😇😇
i wouldn't say that he starts like actually respecting him, but he tries not to offend him as often as usual, just for you ♡
in the scenario that you'd have to make a trip to olympus, percy and zeus put on their big boy pants and try to tolerate each other
hera dont like you or percy bro she's literally just there
its okay though, you both despise her for kidnapping percy and wiping his memory ♡♡♡
thalia would definitely be the dramatic dad that zeus cant be (in person, at least)
whenever she and the hunters stay at camp she ( jokingly ) tells percy
"jackson, i want her home by NINE PEE EM. no later. i expect you won't be drinking, and you will be TAKING CARE OF HER. in the instance that i hear you DONT, i think you'll be taking a second trip across the river styx, you hear me?"
in like an sergeant voice and everything
percy plays along with it and salutes her going "yes ma'am!"
jason thinks you are so cute together
since you were at camp when the whole switcheroo thing happened, jason knew you first, and you were instantly best buddies
you told him about percy, and once he met him, he was happy to find out he was exactly like you described him
jason and thalia are ur #1 supporters ♡
in summary, alexa play that should be me
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xan-izme · 2 years ago
Dubble Life (ACTSV x Reader x Batfam) 3
A/n: I forgot to mention that the universe reader is in is earth-42. So, the Prowler is Miles, but he switches with Aaron here and there. and reader has the same last name as Miles.
Part 2, Part 4
Summary: Life with the Waynes so far was pretty good. Damian is still being a brat, so reader decides to be a good big sister. Someone from the past shows their face. In the need of readers help, for Spider-woman.
"I win!" Tim couldn't help but smirk in triumph. You stare at the 'Game over' on your screen. "Nah, nah. You gotta be cheating! Bro what is this!" This was the third time you have lost street fight with Tim.
"You two are acting like children." Damian spoke, watching two play video games for almost 2 hours. You rolled your eyes and gave Damian a look. "Cuz we are. You're like what, 9?" Tim chuckled as he packed his things.
"I am 12!" Damian argued. "Boy, like that makes any difference." Damian began to argue with you, you just stared down at him an announced you were getting a drink from the kitchen. You poured yourself a drink. Suddenly, your Spidey senses were warning you. You quickly turn around, just to see Damian. You scoffed.
It was funny how your Spidey senses always acted up when it came to Damian. You wondered if he wanted to hurt you so you couldn't take the Wayne throne. You turned back and continued to take a gulp from your cup. you paused for a moment before glancing to Damian you was eating a snack that Alfred made.
You thought that maybe the reason that you two haven't fully gotten along was due to both of you not even trying. So why not be the bigger person and try to be nice.
You slide yourself to the table Damian was at and set yourself in front of him. The boy frowns as he sees the smirk you had.
"What do you want, you bug."
You couldn't help but chuckle at that. If only he really knew.
"Look, demon. I think we haven't really gotten the chance to bond as siblings." You leaned in with a smile. Damian looked at you with distaste. "Did father put you up to this? What are you planning Davies?"
"No, I ain't planning nothing. What's wrong with wanning to hang out with you?" You arched your brow and leaned back into your chair. Damian sighed "I don't have time for you. I have work to do. So, if you'll excuse me." Damian stood from his chair and walked away.
"Alright, if you change your mind my door is open!" Literally, you leave your door open sometimes. You just forget to close it. A habit to try and get rid of.
After a few days. Damian did come to your room.
"Oh, look who's here. Is there something my little demon needs? hugs, kisses? whatever sisterly love can provide?" You smirked as you watched him give you a look of disgust.
"I don't want your useless affection. Father wants us to go with him to a meeting. Please wear something that doesn't look like a Hippe made it." With that, Damian walked out. He paused and took a glance of a picture you had hung on the wall; it was of a woman. Your mother no doubt.
You sighed and got yourself ready. Wondering why the hell Bruce wanted you to come along.
"Hey Alfred. Do you know why Bruce needs me at the meeting today?" you asked. Alfred handed you a drink you requested for
"It is a meeting at the Wayne enterprise. You will mistily be there to observe the working environment and understand what the Wayne family is about." Alfred escorted you down and helped you fix your dress up, so it was perfect.
Bruce couldn't help but smile as he watched you come down those stairs in one of the dresses Dick picked for you.
Once you reached the bottom, Bruce took your hand into his "You look beautiful."
Your smiled. Your smile faltered.
Remembering the time, your mother had a date with some man you didn't approve of.
It was cold out. Your mother was going to be with a man named Jim Bolton. You were happy she was happy. But you didn't trust this Jim guy. You asked, practically begged your uncle Jeff to do a background run on the man.
Jim was married at the age of 22, awfully young. He got divorced and has two daughters 3-4 years younger than you. he also had 3 DUI's. Your mother has told you he doesn't drink anymore. But you still didn't like him.
You watched your mother walk down the stairs, with a red dress on, her hair fixed up. Shinny jewels on. She looked amazing. You already saw her as a goddess, this just added onto the beauty you already saw in her. You couldn't help but look at her fondly.
"Okay, remember to lock all the doors. Your uncle Aarons going to be here in an hour to watch you and- . . . what?" Your mother noticed that small smile on your face. You were being silent. Just staring at her.
You chuckled and held her hands to yours "Nothing. . . you just look beautiful."
You missed her. You've been trying to not think too much of her. Not think of the time you two spent. Not think of her hugs. Her smile, her voice.
You have night terrors of what happened that day. At times you stay awake, too scared to close your eyes. Afraid to see every wrong thing you've done as a daughter. You make it worse for yourself by calling her number, only to hear no answer.
The Wayne building was big. Many people in uniforms rushing too somewhere. Rushing to get work done, rushing to get home.
You walked beside Damian. He has been quite this whole time. You wonder what was making your dear little weirdo so silent.
You sat in one meeting with Bruce and Damian. It was rather boring. But you did think Bruce was cool with the way he took over. Bruce had two other meetings that suddenly came up. He was going to take the two of you downtown to look around, get something to eat. Go to the movies even.
"It's alright. Me and De- Damian can go and hang around with Alfred. Can get a little Sibling bonding out of it." You held yourself back from calling the boy, demon. Almost let it slip for a second there.
Bruce liked the sound of that. When he agreed, you gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Bruce isn't the best with affection, but you have been doing these little gestures, hugging, the kisses on the cheek. You would even do the occasional 'I love you's Bruce is starting to think that you might just be getting closer to him. So, he buys you more things.
Sometimes you decline so he just gives you money.
Damian rolled his eyes as you dragged him to the car. Alfred Started the car and you two were now going to be closer than ever. Well, you hope.
"So, little brother, you have anyone that has cached your interest?"
Damian frowns "That is none of your business."
"I see, you must really her then. Or him, I don't discriminate on who you love." You felt a smirk creep up when you catch a glimpse of the look on the young boy's face. It just felt so fun toying with him like this.
"I don't have time for something like dating. Stop talking, you're giving me a migraine." Damian did visibly look tired of you, which made it even more enjoyable for you.
The first few weeks that you came to the manor. This boy has been activating the need for violence. You can't just cuss him out and flip him off like you did with Miguel.
You can tell Damian ain't stupid. He's sharp and very aware of his surroundings. One slip up and your done for. So, you decide to do what you did best.
Be annoying.
Damian ignores you more when you act like that. On top of that, you loved the reactions you got out of him.
You and Damian went to a music shop where they had those old timey records that you liked.
"Why do you need these things. You know you can listen to music like this on your phone, right?" Damian watched as you picked up a record and held it like it was precious. The most fragile thing in the world.
". . .The neighborhood I used to live in. Was loud. I could hear screaming, gun shots. And other things I wasn't supposed to hear." You gently put the record down and continued to walk down the aisle. Damian and Alfred followed behind.
"One night, there was a gang fight right outside. I got so scared. I ran into her room crying. She played a song. . ." You found a song you haven't seen in a while and grabbed it.
"She held me. . . and said, 'son solo sondios, mi amor.' and told me to listen to the music. Let that be the only thing you hear." You let yourself laugh, remembering at how much you cried.
"So, that's what I do. Instead of listening to sounds that give me fear. I listen to these."
Damian watched you happily go through the records.
Damian scoffed to himself. It was the first time he saw a real smile from you. Of course, you smile a lot. But everything was fake. You were putting on a facade. He didn't like fake people.
Lying all the time. People who lie, can't be trusted. And you lie a lot. he knows. You just haven't been caught yet.
But that, what you just did. You were actually being real. You don't seem too bad. For a bug.
"What's this?" Damian spoke up when he picked up a record that had big words on it with a blue background.
"Oh, Boney M. I love these guys." You know Uncle Aaron had full blown collocations of the band.
You looked down to see the look of confusion on Damians face. "Oh, my Go- Come on man. You really don't know these guys?"
"No, should I? . . . My mother wasn't like yours." Damian mumbled. He sets down the record. You stared at him, then glanced to Alfred. You don't know much about Damian's mother. Just that she left him with Bruce.
Due to the boy's uptight attitude, you assume his mother was strict. And based on Alfreds expression, she probably wasn't the best.
You put your hand on his shoulder. "Let's go watch a movie. Yeah?"
The movie was a comedy, it was funny to you. Even more funny that Damian couldn't understand the jokes in the movie. Just watching you laugh so much just because he wasn't understanding the jokes, Damian couldn't help but laugh himself.
"I liked the ending." Damian spoke as you two exited out the theater. "What? for real? . . . why? The ending was kind of butt." You say, Wanting to know why Damian actually liked the ending.
"Well, the main character, Lisa. She found out she was being played by that Moses guy. Even if he caught feelings for her at one point, he didn't have those feelings when he went with that dare. When he kissed her at the prom as some stupid form of an apology, she just slapped him. She knew her worth."
You just stared in utter disbelief. You couldn't help but giggle, then burst out laughing.
"What? Why are you always laughing!'' Damian was scolding you as you continued to laugh and try to explain why you were laughing.
Suddenly you felt your Spidey senses go crazy. Thats when an explosion was heard.
"Oh shi-"
people started running in panic. "It's joker. . ." You heard Damian mumble. You quickly grab Damians hand and try to get to the car where Alfred was parked. Damian let you drag him. So many people were crowding up in a panic.
Damian looked up at you, then to the multiple explosions Joker was dropping. Hearing his damn laugh echo. He was putting his Job as Robin first. And let your hand go. You felt him let go. You quickly turn around. Panic sets in you. You called out his name as you tried to shove people away so you could get through.
"DAMIAN!" You tried to help a few people who got hurt by the falling rubble around them. But all you could think of was Damian. You kept calling the boy's phone. But it would go straight to voicemail. You cussed multiple times.
You went back into the theaters, calling out for Damian, asking anyone if they had seen a little boy come back in.
You didn't know he had left to fulfill his role as Robin.
You were currently in an alleyway. Trying to get to Damian on the phone, no answer. You try to contact Bruce, you lost service. You got frustrated and decided to just run around like an idiot to try and look for the boy.
But you accidentally ran into someone and knock them down.
"Oh no. I'm so sorry Ma'am. Are you alright?" You were quick to help the girl up.
"Thanks. . . you look good, Y/n."
You paused. Who was this? how did she know your name. Your look of confusion started to fade as you recognized the voice. You began to step back.
The girl fully showed her face. Starring you right in the eyes.
tag list: @lockofspades @redsakura101 @ruby-izo
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